#rose of noonvale
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Well, it's been a few months since I've drawn anything, trying to get back into it, I don't know, it's rough.
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Just a completely inconsequential mousemaid who nothing bad ever happens to, and who lives a long happy life.
In other words, I’ve decided that Martin the Warrior will be the next book I read. Because I hate myself.
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son-of-drogo · 2 months
Rose of Noonvale finding out that Luke the Warrior passed his sword onto Martin when he was like 9 and fucked off to go on a revenge quest:
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lostmidnightwriter · 11 months
Martin and Gonff: *do illegal/stupid shit*
Rose and Columbine:
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stearleart · 19 days
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Laterose of Noonvale
Depiction of Laterose of Noonvale from Brian Jaque's classic, Martin the Warrior!
In the book, rose had the ability to influence a swarm of bees with her singing voice.
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partywithponies · 4 months
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oldfashionedbooklove · 5 months
Thoughts after reading Martin the Warrior for the second time ♥️
- I haven’t read many books that can transport you into a “too beautiful to be true” setting like Noonvale. Anne of Green Gables is the only equivalent. I don’t know how he does it because the descriptions are so cliché or basic, yet somehow you FEEL the peace and love and perfection…
- Felldoh. Oh my heart, Felldoh. He breaks me every time 😭 I want so much more for him, yet somehow he feels destined to his story. He’s such a great guy, really, when he isn’t consumed with justice and protection. I love him in juxtaposition to Martin. Both are warriors, both hate Badrang and intend to free the world from him, yet Martin has a larger nature that allows him to let go briefly, while Felldoh is obsessed. Even if Felldoh went with Martin & Rose to Noonvale he’d still be obsessed. I love Brome’s wise words about paths of vengeance, but also Felldoh’s & Martin’s wisdom in insisting we can’t just ignore evil and run from it but destroy it or not only will it hurt others as it hurt us, it will spread like a cancer.
- Martin, by the way, is something else. I don’t know why I love him so much but he’s amazing. Really. Such a fascinating, admirable character. I see why he’s the guardian of Redwall.
- I love the talk about bravery between Felldoh & Brome, about how not everyone can kill, and it’s good to be innocent, and being a healer is just as important and brave.
- Also…. poor little Juniper who gave his life… 💔 And I love Ballaw. He’s not as amusing as most hares but he’s good and noble and his words about stages and curtains fit things so WELL. And I have to mention Keyla, who’s absolutely amazing himself!!
- The last few pages are terribly beautiful. I still don’t understand why SHE had to die… really. I know the plot demands it in a way, but… why? She can’t really be… she’s too vibrant to just cease. But oh, Martin, my heart hurts for you so much. And his words about memories… ♥️
- There’s things and parts in the Redwall books that are silly and cliché and poorly written, and remind me he wrote these for kids. Then there’s some supremely awful and beautiful bits that remind me why I adore these books and why Martin is my favourite of them all…
- and the Treehouse TV show is so good for this book ♥️
*edited 23.1.24
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
Get to Know Me
tagged by @paleolithicarcher (ty!!)
List 3 ships I like: timkon, clois, qp konbart!
First ship ever: oh man. maybe martin the warrior/rose of noonvale from redwall? or zelink?
Last Song I heard: "i belong in your arms" by chairlift!
Favorite Childhood Book: the silmarillion by j.r.r. tolkien. i first read it when i was 11. yes, something is wrong with me to this day bc of it.
Currently Reading Now: between books but in theory about to pick up "persephone station" by stina leicht! also in theory about to start reading the dungeon meshi manga. i'm just awful at starting things.
Currently Watching: dungeon meshi anime with my friends :)
Currently Consuming: nothing but i ate some adai for dinner earlier? oh unless beverages count in which case i'm having some chai.
Currently Craving: a body that doesnt hurty :/
Tagging: @mysterycitrus @ectonurites and @lemontongues <3
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moonybadger · 1 year
You can (magically) make two more seasons of Nelvana Redwall cartoon. What two books you would choose to adapt? What change would you make to the plot, if any?
Oh man... while there's a ton of other books I'd love to see adapted (Taggerung, Lord Brocktree, and the two Mariel books come to mind) I think the boring answer is that I'd have to go with Mossflower and Legend of Luke.
They'd just tie so naturally into the Martin the Warrior season, and it'd be REALLY great to see Mossflower with the context of Martin grieving the death of Rose. I'm not sure BJ had that aspect of Martin's backstory written in stone since Mossflower was written first. I'm also just really desperate to see Martin's friends actually get better insight to his trauma, since in the canon of the books he never tells them about Rose and Marshank. Legend of Luke ALSO gives Mossflower more context, because we find out that Windred and Sayna were actually natives of Saint Ninian's before being driven out by Verduga Greeneyes.
I just finished reading Legend of Luke recently, and while the Luke segments were very good, I found the Martin parts frustrating because it never felt like the narrative was willing to give Martin time to process anything. The pacing was SO fast and he very adamantly refuses to talk about anything with anyone besides a few brief words with Vurg once he's finished telling Luke's story. AND AGAIN Rose and Marshank are never brought up! I know Martin swore himself to secrecy regarding the location of Noonvale, but Gnoff is his best friend. I wanted to see them talk about it! And likewise I know that Martin's memory loss from how badly hurt he was fighting Tsarmania is more of a plot device then anything, that's also something I'd like to see discussed. Is this something that will get worse? Does it affect his daily life? That kind of thing!
I also thought the narrative was very kind to Luke's decision to go after Vilu Daskar; yes he ended up freeing all the oar slaves on the Goreleech and slew a very dangerous pirate crew before dying himself, but almost all of Luke's crew died in the process. Not only that, because he left what was left of his tribe practically undefended to go hunt down Daskar (basically just older mice, very young children, and a few teenagers with swords) Martin is captured and made a slave, Windred dies on the journey to Marshank, and the rest of the tribe just ends up captured or killed by DIFFERENT pirates. But Martin is very at peace with his father's decision, even though it resulted in him living as a slave for some time at Marshank (though can you imagine if Luke HAD stayed and Martin had been taken to Marshank? Dude would have just burst through the wall of the fortress and ripped Badrang's head off)
ANYWAY point being! I think there's a ton of potential to connect these three books, especially since Martin the Warrior was already adapted so they can lean on that! Martin is such an integral aspect of the series that he really deserves to have his fully story animated.
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the-wolfbats · 12 days
thoughts about Martin the Warrior (the book)
this is a bit of realism and cruelty that has been missing from a lot of the other books that I appreciate. Martin's behavior unintentionally gets his grandmother killed, he never sees Luke again, which is its own book.
why did we never see Noonvale again???? Again! Like that would be a wonderful parallel of "Abbeydwellers have free will" and maybe Noonvalers have less of it bc they live secluded.
This is maybe the only book that takes the romance more seriously than 'oh the satellite female character shows up to give support once and then leaves to get pregnant with the new Recorder years later' (that's like the only thing I remember about Rakkety Tam)
Which makes Rose dying all the worse.
It takes them so long to reach Noonvale at one point I just expected Rose and Grumm to just like...keep walking forever and end up at like a random forest and have hallucinated the entire thing. Would have been cool.
The entire world is much more interesting than the three locations dictated in the later books.
is the mountain where Boldred lives the same one in Outcast?
Pollikeen the Mole Seer is a great concept.
"After Clogg's group pledged loyalty to Badrang and signed articles" lmao at there being like .... legally binding congrats in the Redwall universe.
Noonvale reminds me of the village in Midsommar, which is uh probably not the intention. The flowers, a - banquet hall?
I also don't think any non-hare, non-Songbreeze, or non-Tansy female character has been as good as Rose.
and it's not even on a 'badass female character' narrative because I like the Sister mice of Redwall because Tansy herself never fought.
Man I even knew what happened and somehow I'm still sad about it. She was so cool.
I would have loved if she lived for one more book, something between MTW --> Mossflower. Like kill her in Mossflower, sure, or put a book between the two.
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tinybookgirl · 1 year
Most Tragic Redwall Deaths Bracket
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Yes @captainmirefleck is running their villains bracket at the same time but I want to do one also so it’s time for tragic deaths. My poll results actually said heroes won but I had already started setting this one up so we’ll do that one next.
There are too many deaths to technically include every single one of them but I think I got all of the major ones. Polls will be 24 hours, and I’ll link them up here. All will be tagged ‘Redwall deaths bracket’.
Round One:
Lord Stonepaw vs. Laterose of Noonvale Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Brinty vs. Mother Mellus Winner: Mother Mellus
Rillflag vs. Flandor Winner: Rillflag
Friar Skurpul vs. Methuselah Winner: Methuselah
Bragoon & Sarobando vs. Log-a-log (Mattimeo) Winner: Log-a-log (Mattimeo)
Sanya vs. Russa Nodrey Winner: Sanya
Hillgorse vs. Abbot Mortimer Winner: Abbot Mortimer
Veil Sixclaw vs. Luke Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Windred vs. Fatch Winner: Windred
Urthstripe vs. Cregga Rose Eyes Winner: Cregga Rose Eyes
Ranguvar Foeseeker vs. Finnbar Galedeep Winner: Finnbar Galedeep
Jukka the Sling & Fleetscut vs. Skarlath Winner: Skarlath
Mask vs. Felldoh Winner: Mask
Shogg vs. Piknim Winner: Piknim
Friar Hugo vs. Romsca Winner: Romsca
Warbeak vs. Thyme, Clary, & Pakatugg Winner: Warbeak
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Round Two:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Mother Mellus Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Rillflag vs. Methuselah Winner: Methuselah
Log-a-log (Mattimeo) vs. Sanya Winner: Sanya
Abbot Mortimer vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Windred vs. Cregga Rose Eyes TIE
Finnbar Galedeep vs. Skarlath Winner: Skarlath
Mask vs. Piknim Winner: Piknim
Romsca vs. Warbeak TIE
Special Tiebreaker Round:
Windred vs. Romsca Winner: Romsca
Cregga Rose Eyes vs. Warbeak Winner: Warbeak
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Round Three:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Methuselah Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Sanya vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Warbeak vs. Skarlath Winner: Warbeak
Piknim vs. Romsca Winner: Piknim
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Semi Finals:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Warbeak vs. Piknim Winner: Warbeak
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Laterose of Noonvale vs. Warbeak
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Every time Grumm goes on about "What would yor mum and dad say if oi brought you back *so and so*" I can't help but think "Well, it'd probably be preferable than the condition she ends up being brought back in..."
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abreathofthewild · 1 year
I am begging someone to please record Rose of Noonvale and put it on Spotify.  Begging.
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happytapirstudio · 5 months
Redwall Reread #2: Martin the Warrior
2nd in chronological order, 6th in publication order (1993)
(major spoilers under the cut)
Summary: A young mouse warrior named Martin escapes from slavery at the evil fortress Marshank and journeys to the hidden valley of Noonvale to raise an army, destroy Marshank, free the slaves, and seek vengeance against the stoat tyrant, Badrang.
Framing Device: Two travelers stop by Redwall Abbey one winter night and tell this story to the creatures there.
The Goodies: Martin’s our main boy, obviously.  Felldoh the squirrel, a fellow slave-turned-warrior, is also a key player.  Then we have the critters from Noonvale: Rose (full name Laterose) and her little brother Brome, both mice, plus her friend Grumm the mole.  While Martin, Rose, and Grumm travel to Noonvale, they recruit the hedgehog Pallum.  They also encounter a variety of beasties: a tribe of savage pygmy shrews, the lovely mole wife Polleekeen, a family of stuffy rabbits, and a rowdy horde of squirrels, plus of course the denizens of Noonvale, including Rose’s mom and dad.  Back at Marshank, we’ve got a whole host of slaves, who later team up with a group of traveling performers, the Rambling Rosehip Players, whose most notable members are Ballaw the hare and Rowanoak the badger.
The Baddies: Two stoats ((two of them))!  Badrang the Tyrant, former corsair, now the cruel and calculating ruler of Marshank, and Captain Tramun Clogg, his old sea-going partner.  Each of them have their own little vermin swarm, among which the only individual really worth mentioning is Hisk the weasel, Badrang's head slavedriver and personal enemy of Felldoh.
The Freakies: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, it is time for...REDWALL HERPETOFAUNA.  This demands an entire essay but for now I will just say we’ve got a whole mess of reptiles and amphibians crawling around these here Marshwood Hills.
The Birdies: The Warden of Marshwood Hill, a grey heron.  AND.  Boldred, the map-making short-eared owl, and her husband Hortwingle (a stay-at-home dad) and daughter Emalet.  AND.  A cute little dipper who Rose befriends in Marshwood Hill.  Special shoutout to the various unnamed seabirds, particularly the one who steals that piece-of-shit baby shrew and tries feeding him to its hatchling.
Noteworthy Locations: All of this takes place in the northwestern region of the Known Redwall Universe, away from Mossflower Wood and the Western Sea.  Most of the time, we’re at or around Badrang’s Fortress, which backs up to a stretch of coastal marshes that includes Marshwood Hill up to the north.  Inland is a rich stretch of forest, including the idyllic Noonvale (which I high-key wish we’d revisit in later books), and a small mountain range/highland area.
Noteworthy Weapons: Martin the Warrior’s sword for sure.  Or, I guess, his dad’s sword.  For most of the book Martin’s using a pygmy shrew sword, which probably looks even more pathetic than I’ve been imagining.
Riddles: Just a little one...when Martin and friends ask Polleekeen for directions to Noonvale, she provides them with a short riddle.
Continuity Notes: This is a key story in the arc of Martin the Warrior (go figure, huh), and we also get some significant insight into Luke very early on.  Apart from that, the only other scraps come from the pro- and epilogue: the storytelling takes place after Mariel of Redwall, with characters from that story.  The travelers are descendants of Brome and Pallum.  One of them brings Rose’s namesake from Noonvale: the seedling of a variety of late-blooming rose, which, once planted in spring, will become a characteristic component of Redwall’s appearance.
Other Notes: I believe this is the only book where rabbits make an appearance?  I mean I straight-up forgot they ever made an appearance at all, that’s how rare they are.  Additionally, the previous book I read (Brocktree), which takes place in a coastal terrain like this one, also features a grey heron and short-eared owl on its bird roster.  The birds’ personalities are very different, though.
Tapir Takes:
(1) The B in Badger stands for Butch.
(2) I wrote down “Martin acting like the protag of an 80’s film” and I stand by it.  If these were humans, he’d be the tanned youth with blue eyes and sandy-blond hair tousled by the sea wind.  This vision came to me when he was rescuing that pygmy shrew nuisance from the seabirds.  It also re-contextualized that earlier period of time when he first meets Rose, and he’s freaking head-over-heels, stuttering over his words, goo-goo-eyed and ga-ga-faced.  Insufferable. Disney Channel Original Movie-type shit.  Thank god it goes away after a couple chapters.
(3) Similarly, Rose acts like a damsel-in-distress more often than I'd expect? Ultimately yes I'd characterize her as a warrior first and a princess second, but there are still moments where she reacts to things in a distinctly feminine way (screams, passes out, paralyzed with terror), while her male companions do not.
(4) And then Martin will jump to her defense so fast!!! He is her freaking white knight. They'll all be laughing at a joke, but the moment it turns sour against Rose, Martin will intervene. And as a whole they are sooo codependent. Like when Martin was just hurling himself at the gates of Marshank and Rose was the only one able to pull him away (which I think she knew...the calmness she approached him with suggests a confidence in her own ability to get him to see reason.) She's always talking reason to him, but she herself will also do reckless things because of him, and ultimately gets herself killed running into battle alongside him. In many ways this is a really well-crafted tragedy. To me. It's also, in other ways, really freaking obnoxious (see point 2). To me.
(5) Returning to Gender for a moment. Overall, the girls in this book are a lot more finicky and shallow than they were in Brocktree. (These volumes were written nearly a decade apart, so perhaps that explains it.) I'm thinking primarily of Celandine the squirrel, secondarily of that whiny old mouse lady. For sure, there are just as many, if not more, grizzly girl warriors than there are damsels in distress, but Celandine's character still surprised me. And, like a lot of other things about this book, something about it feels a little corny, a little melodramatic, and pointedly one-dimensional in a jarring way.
(6) I can't wait to write about warriors in Redwall. This book is chock-full of characters, scenes, and quotes that illuminate the various facets of Redwall Warrior Culture. Stuff about the nature of a warrior's spirit, the inherent grief and tragedy of the warrior's destiny, the importance of nonviolence roles (while also emphasizing that such roles must coexist and cannot be substituted for one another.) Essay forthcoming, indeed.
(7) Martin definitely has some of the blandest Redwall villains.  I remember Cloggs, and the double-assassination scene is always fresh in my mind, but I think that’s mostly from watching the TV show between my initial and present read of this book.  It’s particularly upsetting to me because everyone in the book insists Badrang is pure evil, but there’s very little to demonstrate that evilness.  He’s just a slave-owner, something most Redwall villains already are.  I think the evilest thing we see him do is leave Martin out for the seabirds, but after that all he does is yell at his underlings and dish out insults.  And besides that, he has no personality, especially compared to Cloggs.
(8) The frenemy angle between Badrang and Cloggs could’ve been so much more interesting than it was!!!!  The crossed-wires assassination was cool and I wish we’d had more stuff like that!!!
(9) Druwp is a really interesting character.  Really, really interesting.  Tucking him away for later.
(10) I don’t like what Jacques does with his herpetofauna, and I don’t like how he does it two more times in this book, first with the pygmy shrews and then with the Gawtrybe.  You know what I’m talking about.  Essay forthcoming.
(11) The Marshwood Hill arc (?) did prove something important to me, though! Something I mentioned in my Brocktree post! Is it cannibalism to eat another talking animal, even if they're a different species? YES!!!!!! The denizens of Marshwood are called cannibals several times because they eat any travelers that come near their marsh. However, when the Warden eats them, it's treated differently. It's gross and perhaps excessively strict, but he is not called a cannibal, or considered to be stooping down to the frogs/lizards/snakes' level. Perhaps the definition of cannibalism excludes birds? When life closes an answer God opens a question. Wait that's not how that goes
(12) The end of this book always felt very sudden to me. I think that's equal parts an intentional choice on Jacques' part and an inevitable consequence of the tragedy genre. Still, I feel there should've somehow been more padding around Rose's death and the last few chapters.
(13) I mentioned the show earlier.  So I’ll drop my Redwall TV Show Story here: I watched the show before I found the books.  Loved the show.  They adapted three Redwall books: the original, the direct sequel (Mattimeo), and this prequel.  I actually own the original on DVD, somehow.  At any rate, I watched religiously as they aired in chronological order on PBS, but then during a playdate with my neighbor, whose mom did not let her watch this show because it was “too violent” (pffffft baby) ((we were four)), I missed an episode early on in the third season and totally fell off the wagon!  It haunts me to this day.  I tried rewatching it when it was on Netflix, but I just couldn’t get into it.  I might do so now, though.  Just found out via the Redwall Wiki that they transed Pallum’s gender.  A huge win for feminism.
OVERALL:  I think I remember being not a huge fan of this book when I first read it.  Well I hate to say it but I’m definitely not a huge fan now!  It seems it had the makings of a good story, but the delivery fell somewhat short. Still, it had its moments <3
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rae1347 · 2 years
I will not rest until every character has been claimed for the los-geebities (lgbts)
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I know I missed some so by all means feel free to invade my ask box or the reblogs with additional fuel for this venture
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captainmirefleck · 3 years
still losing my mind that just seeing Rose snapped Martin out of the Bloodwrath
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