#rosegarden week 2020
WIP Challenge
Tagged by: no-one. I just wanted to do this
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. You can make your own post or reblog this one! This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Sailor Moon
Ninja Tourists
Some Cupid Kills with Arrows
The Hitchcock Quartet
The Sandwich Quartet
The Wayfarer
Tactile & Tantric: a Sen/Shi Sin collection
A Silver Light on the City
Voltron: Legendary Defenders
Voltron Defenders
The Jangle-Verse
As Endymion Sleeps
The Dragon Prince
Rayllum Birthday Bash 2020
Old Sins cast Long Shadows
Rosegarden Week 2019
Spy x Family
From Ostania with Love
Damianya Agent Age Swap
DC Comics
The Legendary Wonder Woman
JL Secret Chat Room Files
Twelve people I would tag would be @firstdove15 @rainbeauwritten @artimas @shadowsphere21 @nothingmorethanageminiboar @water-your-plance @shiroscosmicass @delicate-dragons @celestialsmessy1 @shoottomiss @pepsi-meth @meli-reads-all and anyone who wants to do this.
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rueleaf-art · 4 years
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RG Week Day 6: Royalty AU 
 Royalty but awkward and shy! Though, I guess you can come up with your own interpretations :D
My friend Reci came up with an idea based on my drawing that I want to include!
Well, my idea for a story that was inspired by your picture is that there was a major war between Oscar's and Ruby's countries. They're constitutional monarchs, and it's the civilian government that runs the country.
Because of the massive war severely weakening their country, their respective governments tied them together in marriage to form a personal union between the countries to become one bigger country.
And thus Ruby and Oscar live out their days in a post-war society in a newly constructed palace, married to keep the peace. They learn and befriend one another, and amid it all, their blooming romance becomes an inspiration of hope for their people.
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I also wanted to include my WIP for the Marriage prompt because I started it on that day but haven’t been able to work on it since (I’m prioritizing other drawings and studying). But hopefully I’ll finish it sometime soon! :D
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jeizet · 4 years
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Rosegarden Week 2020
Day 2: wedding
I'm getting used to this uwu and this is looking goood
I'm proud uwu but I kinda wish I did more
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rubyinasnuggie · 4 years
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Rosegarden Week Day 2 — Wedding
Something old
“Ohhh, Ruby! You look beautiful!” Yang rushed up to her sister, but was suddenly stopped. She glanced down to see a glyph under her feet, gluing her to the spot. She looked up to see Weiss staring her down with ice-cold eyes.
“Don’t you dare, Yang Xio Long,” Weiss said. “Do you know how long I’ve spent doing her hair?”
“It’s been hours, Yang. Please help me!” Ruby whispered, a mischievous smile on her face.
Weiss rolled her eyes. “Oh shut up. It’s not my fault your hair refuses to curl.”
Blake rolled her eyes with a smile.
Ruby’s eyes drifted to the small box in Yang’s hand. “Did you bring it?” she asked, voice uncharacteristically small.
Yang smiled and held out the box for her.
With shaking hands, Ruby opened the box. Inside, resting on a red velvet cushion, there was a tarnished silver hair pin, with an intricate rose inlaid with rubies and diamonds. The very same pin Summer Rose had worn at her wedding.
“Oh, Ruby,” Weiss whispered, seeing the pin. “It’s lovely.”
“Will it work?” Ruby asked. Her silver eyes were extra sparkly with tears.
“Absolutely.” Weiss carefully took the pin from the box and began to pull hair back to place the pin.
Something new
“Fortunately, this makeup is cry-proof,” Blake said, setting up her deskspace.
Ruby laughed and wiped her eyes. “That’s good.”
As Blake began to brush on makeup, Weiss and Yang worked together to attach the veil. The beautiful thing had been sewn by Kali and Willow. The two mothers had bonded over mutual love of embroidery.
Ruby thought the embellishments were a tad excessive, but she couldn’t deny the end result was gorgeous.
Something borrowed
The moment Nora walked through the door, she had to turn back around to cry. When she finally composed herself, she walked back in, followed by Ren. “I can’t believe little Ruby is getting married! And to cute boy Oz!”
“You look lovely, Ruby,” Ren said. His smile wasn’t wide, but his eyes were sparkling.
“Thank you.”
The constant compliments were starting to make Ruby feel a little anxious. Sensing this, Nora skipped over to her, holding out the red sash. “We tried to repair it as much as we could, it’s still pretty beaten up though.”
“That’s okay,” Ruby replied. “Thank you so much for letting me wear it.”
“It’s the least we could do,” Ren assured her.
“I’m sure Pyrrha would love that you’re wearing it,” Nora said. “Do you want me to help you tie it? Or is that reserved only for the ice queen of honor?”
“If you think you can do it without ruining her dress, be my guest,” Weiss replied. “I’ll fix it afterwards.” There was a slight twinkle in her eye as she said it, and Ruby giggled.
“I’m going to go back to Oscar, if that’s all right,” Ren said.
“Gonna use your semblance on him?” Nora joked.
Ren shook his head. “He’s surprisingly relaxed. I can tell he’s very excited though.”
“Bye Ren!” Blake said, waving.
“See you soon!” Yang called.
Something blue
“What’s that?” Ruby asked, glancing at the small jewels in Weiss’s hands.
Weiss held them out to her, showing a small sapphire, amethyst, and topaz. “The final touches.”
“For Team RWBY?”
“Obviously,” Weiss answered with a smile. “Is that okay?”
“I love it,” Ruby said, beaming.
After placing the three gems in her hair, Weiss stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Well, Miss Ruby Rose, I think you might actually look presentable.”
“You look so perfect!” Yang cried. She just barely shifted her weight before Weiss shot her another glare. “I can’t wait to hug you after the ceremony.”
Oscar rocked back and forth on his heels, stomach full of butterflies as he waited for his beloved.
Ren and Nora began to walk down the aisle, scattering flowers on either side. Nora beamed at Oscar and winked, acting charismatic as if she hadn’t been sobbing most of the morning. Ren’s expression wasn’t much different than usual, but Oscar could tell he was tearing up.
Next, Penny skipped down the aisle, her eyes literally glowing with excitement. She carried the rings; a golden band set with an emerald for Ruby, and a silver band set with rubies for Oscar. They each had vines engraved in the metal.
Yang and Blake followed, arm in arm. He noticed how Yang had painted her arm red for the occasion, and he held back a laugh.
Following the bees, Weiss and Jaune emerged. Despite her ridiculous heels, she barely reached his shoulder. Still, they held hands as they walked towards the altar. Weiss and Jaune were maid of honor and best man respectively, which meant the next person to walk would be...
Finally, Ruby emerged, with Tai and Qrow on either side.
Oscar felt his breath whoosh away, just like it had the very first time he saw her. Her hair had been curled and pinned back with a silver rose pin, and loose strands framed her face. Her beautiful eyes shimmered. She was already tearing up. It was only when she suddenly blurred away that he realized he was crying. He let out a breathless laugh. It felt both like the briefest moment and the longest eternity as she walked down the aisle. The rest of the crowd faded away as she drew closer.
The moment their hands intertwined, he could think of nothing else. He was sure he said all the right things, and at some point he successfully put the ring on her finger. But he didn’t really snap back into awareness until he heard the words, “You may now kiss.”
Ruby bounced on her toes and threw her arms around his neck. He looked his arms around her waist and pulled her close, hoping he could communicate the deep well of love he had for her through this kiss. Even if he couldn’t do it with this one, his chest fluttered at the realization he had the rest of their lives to show her how much she meant to him.
“I bet if we slip off no one will notice,” Oscar whispered. Their reception had been going on for about an hour, and the socializing was clearly taking a toll on his bride.
“I think they might, actually,” Ruby replied with a giggle.
“I mean, it’s our party,” he countered. “We can do whatever we want.”
After considering it for a long moment, Ruby relented and let him lead her outside to the gardens.
They found a huge hammock and curled up in it, letting the wind rock it back and forth.
The shattered moon looked full, and Ruby's eyes reflected the dazzling light.
“Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have you?” Oscar asked.
“No, never. Wait, do you like me or something?”
“Or something.” He leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. “You know, after the whole… Ozpin thing, I was worried this may never happen. I thought it’d be too weird to ever marry, considering I was sharing my body with an ancient man.”
“I know,” she whispered. “Do you ever miss him?”
“Sometimes,” he admitted. “Part of me wishes he could have been here to see this. He was always rooting for me. He… obviously knew I liked you from day one.” He nudged her playfully. “And I bet he would’ve been impressed with how much better a dancer you are.”
“I think he’s proud of both of us,” she said, looking up at the constellations. As if to confirm it, the alpha star of the Ozma constellation twinkled. She smiled.
Oscar nestled his head into her shoulder. “We’re married.”
“We are,” she agreed.
Just as they were leaning in to kiss, voices caught their attention.
“I knew she was going to sneak off!” Yang declared, marching over to the hammock.
“And after all the work I put into planning this party,” Weiss huffed.
Ruby winced.
Her expression softened. “I’m just teasing, you dolt.”
“Mind if we join you?” Jaune asked, grinning.
Ruby and Oscar exchanged a look before smiling.
The groups settled down together in a semi-circle, leaving the married couple in the hammock to keep Ruby’s dress from staining. They talked for a little while, but mostly gazed at the stars. When a group of fireflies danced by, Penny impressed everyone by communicating with them via Morse code.
As Ruby looked around the group, at her family, she felt love well up in her chest all over again. She didn’t think she was going to live to see this day, to have a future of any kind. But she had made it. Oscar squeezes her hand as he laughed at something Nora had said, and her heart fluttered. She looked at her new husband, and she felt certain that her future was bright.
//ring idea credits to @littlemisssquiggles
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relost-art · 4 years
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“Lights out, lying in your arms and these feelings, start to change. Wonder into your eyes, and I'm floating far away.
I've never been here before. I don't know the score, but I never wanted you more than I do tonight. Escape with me, will you escape with me? And we'll start brand new.”
Rosegarden Week Day 7: Free Day
I just need them to cuddle and be soft beans.
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maripr · 4 years
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I’ve heard it’s both rosegarden and snowpine week!
I’m not following any prompt in particular, just wanted to combine the two ships!
@rwbyrosegardenweek @snowpinesweek
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a-neon-rainbow · 4 years
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rosegarden week day 7: free day - kingdom hearts au! 🌹
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
With today marking the second day of RWBY Rosegarden with a wedding theme, it makes this squiggle meister think back to my old Rosegarden headcanon where if Ruby and Oscar were to become engaged, I more pictured Ruby being the one to ask Oscar to be with her forever.
Like I’m imagining a scenario where a nervous Ruby jumps the gun and proposes to Oscar first, asking him to be, not just her husband but her everything—-her best friend, her closest, most trusted confidant, her partner in life, the future father of their children and whatever titles the future might bring for them. I love the thought of Ruby basically telling Oscar that she wants to experience all that life has in store next for her with him always remaining to be at her side; supporting her and loving her as he always had and she hopes he always will since she loved him just as much.
I think Ruby beating Oscar to proposing first works since…y’know, her semblance is a speed type of semblance. Ruby has always been quicker than Oscar so I can definitely see her being the first to propose, despite how untraditional it may seem.
Besides, I think it would be super cute if she beats Oscar to asking him to marry her just as Oscar whips out a pair of wedding rings he had custom made since he was planning on proposing as well.
Even now, I still adore the concept of Ruby and Oscar wearing complementary wedding rings—-y’know Ruby’s wedding ring is gold with a jade gemstone as a symbol of Oscar giving his heart to her for the rest of their lives together while Oscar’s ring is silver with a ruby gemstone as a symbol of Ruby giving her heart to him forever.
Yep. Even after all these time, I still love that idea.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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ruberryunicorn · 4 years
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Rwby rosegarden week
Day 6: Royalty AU
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rwbyrosegardenweek · 3 years
So, I have a confession to make.
I haven’t watched a single episode of RWBY since S6Ch4. The emotional toll of that episode was too high for me. But I’ve continued to follow blogs dedicated to RWBY even up to now, and I’ve kept loose tabs on what the characters are doing and how they’re evolving.
The show was getting me down with how they were treating certain characters (Oscar not least among them) and with 2020 the year it’s been, I just didn’t have the emotional energy to do a second Rosegarden Week this October/November. 
And now, by Season 8, RoosterTeeth has managed to completely mangle the character of one half of this pairing? I don’t see myself running this event again if one half of this pairing now annoys me so much I’d rather not see them together.
So, this is my one, official, announcement. I will no longer be running Rosegarden Week, and this blog will no longer be used to host the event. From now on it will merely act as an archive.
I feel that this is for the best, in consideration to those of you who still love Rosegarden, or RWBY, or both - because my heart is no longer in it.
Now, some of you lovely people from the Rosebuds server have reached out to me to ask what was going on, and I told them the situation. So, it is my pleasure to announce that those lovely people will now be running Rosegarden Week in my stead!
Go give them a follow @rosegardenweek  For future event updates, since that’s where it will be hosted from now on!!
Finally, thank you all so much for your love, enthusiasm, and support for this pairing and event. It’s been a fun three years, especially seeing this community grow so much. 
All my best.
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chaoslordjoe · 4 years
Iceberg Week 2020, Day 1-Double Date: What a Wonderful Wintery Day (feat. Rosegarden)
[Ah, Winter. Not the military sibling, but the season. It’s been ages ever since Ruby and her friends could enjoy a nice break in the Winter from all the chaos of Grimm, and the whole war they had the pleasure of being unintentionally drafted for.
Certainly, it was no problem for Weiss Schnee, and her boyfriend, Neptune Vasilias. She and Ruby/Oscar had gathered for a Winter double date that was on the books for a while. But due to schedule conflicts with their respective missions couldn’t be done right away.
But they were here now, and they in fact, did have all day. Ruby and Weiss sat at a bench having coffee while waiting on their boyfriends. On the other side of the park they were in had been Neptune and Oscar walking back to their lovers with coffee and sweets.
Oscar wore a bulkier overcoat that had been the same color as his coat from the war. This time, he wore thermal gloves and a red ushanka baring Ruby's rose emblem. And he wore spiked boots for good measure like he would back on the farm for harsh weather at this season.
Neptune, meanwhile, wore a red parka and hoodie, with thicker jeans and baring the SDC snowflake insignia on the back to symbolize his relationship with Weiss. Instead of his goggles, Neptune wore orange-tinted sunglasses while they trudged their way back.]
Oscar: And then Sherry realized that it was the Prime Minister's son whose drink she spilled. She was so freaked out that she had to ask his guards not to tackle the beer tap!
Neptune: Geez! Mistral seems a lot more stringent nowadays, huh?
Oscar: Try littering near the Parliament building.
Neptune: Think I'd rather stick with not having my goggle lens cracked into my eyes.
Oscar: Probably better that you avoid it. So Neptune, how long have you and Weiss been dating?
Neptune: About 10 months now. How about you and Ruby?
Oscar: Close to a year.
Neptune: Outmatched. Well then.
Oscar: Something like that. You guys met at Beacon, right?
Neptune: Yeah, in Semester 2 of Year 1. We went to the dance together, but I didn’t wanna make things weird in case Jaune wanted to go out with her instead.
Oscar: So you guys shared her?
Neptune: Nah, Jaune was originally gonna go for Weiss, but Pyrrha was feeling pretty lonely and he went out with her instead.
Oscar: Sounds to me like the War didn’t give you two much room to talk back in Vacuo.
Neptune: Well, with the Crown kidnapping folks for their Semblances, we really had our hands tied while you guys were Relic hunting.
Oscar: Yeah, fair enough. Where do you wanna get with Weiss now?
Neptune: Right now, we’re mostly just living close together due to our duties. The rest of the Schnees are still debating on how fit Weiss is for being head of SDC. Whitley is trying to screw things up with getting a bunch of their dad’s loyalists to lobby against her. And the military is having a hard time believing Weiss could be fit to cooperate with them since she and the others defected from General Ironwood’s task force during the Crisis.
Oscar: *frowns* You’d think that the General’s honorable discharge would’ve cut us all some slack.
Neptune: I hear ya. Honestly, it makes me wish I’d rather be living in Argus with her. But Vale is her home now, so I don’t wanna judge or force her into it. I just want things to be right after the war is all.
[The boys eventually arrived at their destination to see Ruby and Weiss sitting at the bench.]
Weiss: *looks up* Neptune! *skips over to Neptune and hugging him* Ruby and I were just about to come get you.
Neptune: *kisses Weiss’ head* Hi, honey. We just got wrapped up taking the scenic route.
Ruby: *hugs Oscar* You’re not giving Neptune too much trouble, are you, Oscar?
Oscar: *hugs Ruby back* Hey, he started it. I just wanted to finish it before meeting up with you.
Ruby: *looks at Oscar* What’d you get this time?
Oscar: One strawberry fudge chunk brownie for you, cookie. *hands to Ruby*
Neptune: And, some toasted spinach and provolone biscuits for you and me, Snow Angel. *hands to Weiss*
Weiss: *takes bag* Wow. I thought these were out of stock today. Thank you, Neptune.
Ruby: Thanks, Oscar. I don’t really know how to thank you for some of your gifts, but- -
Oscar: *cups Ruby’s face in hands* You don’t have to say anything.
[Oscar gave Ruby a kiss on the nose, which made her utter a surprised squeak as she pocketed her brownie. She held her coffee in her left hand as she took Oscar’s while Weiss and Neptune finished their coffee. Weiss leaped on top of Neptune’s back, prompting him to carry her in a piggyback manner as they looked into the snowy horizon of the park.]
Weiss: *rests head on Neptune's shoulder* It looks utterly beautiful today.
Oscar: It really does. Where should we start?
Neptune: Mmm…I kinda wanted to hang by the lake for a bit.
Ruby: Hey, yeah. Dad and I used to walk Zwei here, and that was our usual resting spot.
Weiss: Off we go then, Sea King. Giddyup!
Neptune: As you wish, Snow Angel.
@lewdnepvasilias666 @darksaiyangoku @haldidoodh @laserdog10 @iceberg-week @rozanime @rueleaf-art @the-blue-quetzalcoatl @razorblade180 @canonseeker @prokitty101 @phoenixfeather-ms @animefan299110 @ezroar So it begins...
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goldenart0 · 4 years
RoseGarden Week 2020: Day One here we go!
March 29: Modern AU
This is actually a condensed version of an AU that I’ve been planning for a bit.
The bell above the door jingled as Ruby walked into the book store. Em noticed that the girl was one of the new college students and decided to call her nephew down.
“Oscar, come on down to help”
Oscar put down the book he was reading and walked over to where his aunt was.
“I’m a bit busy here, could you help the young lady that just walked in?” She asked.
“Sure, the one with the black hair?”
“Yes. Thank you dear.”
Oscar walked over to where Ruby was standing, looking at some books.
“Excuse me miss, do you need any help?”
Ruby looked up. “Um yes, I was trying to find fantasy and adventure books.”
“Oh, there right over here.”
Oscar led Ruby over to a corner of the store. Ruby quickly glanced over the bookshelf.
“I guess it’s not here.”
“Were you looking for something in particular,” Oscar asked.
“Kind of, but, actually, do you have any recommendations?”
Oscar was taken aback due a moment. It wasn’t often that people asked for recommendations from him. Normally people either browsed around or had a book in mind.
“Well, I liked this series.” Oscar took a hardback book with a brown cover and a red strip from the bottom left corner to the middle of the spine down and showed it to Ruby.
“I’ll think about it,” Ruby says, smiling.
“Good luck with your searching,” Oscar said, giving her a small wave and walking back to the front desk.
Ruby put the book back on the shelf, deciding to head back to her dorm fit now. Many she could go back to get a book at a different time.
The next time Ruby saw the boy was more of a glance than actually seeing him. It was the first official day of classes and Ruby was in the cafeteria talking with friends before they all had to actually start going to school. Weiss, Ruby’s friend from high school and dorm mate, Yang, Ruby’s sister, Blake, Yang’s girlfriend and dorm mate, Jaune, Ruby and Weiss’s friend from high school, Pyrrha, Jaune’s girlfriend, Ren and Nora, their dorm mates respectively. These eight had been hanging out for the past weeks before the semester started. It was in a conversation about what Blake had done over the summer when she looked around the room and saw him. The boy was sitting apart from most other people and seemed to be reading a book. She didn’t give it much thought as the conversation drew her back in.
The third time Ruby saw the boy was in her History class. It also was when she finally found out his name. The class itself was okay, Ruby did enjoy history and the teacher wasn’t that bad. Nothing much happened there though.
Ruby had some free time before lunch, so she decided to go to the Library to work.
I could try to find that book while I’m here too, She thought, Given that I haven’t been about to go check the bookstore again.
Ruby found the section of the library where the fantasy books were.
“Dang it.” It wasn’t there. She didn’t think it would be that popular. Or maybe that was the issue, it wasn’t popular so no one had it.
Ruby was turning to leave when a shiny cover caught her eye. The book had a brown hardback cover with a yellow stripe on the front.
Isn’t this the book the bookstore boy recommended? She wondered, No, that one has red. Maybe they’re in a series?
She looked and found the red-covered book, as well as what seemed to be the next one, a book with a green stripe. She took it off of the shelf and went over to the librarian.
“Hi, I’d like to check these two out please,” She asked.
The librarian took the books from her.
“Ahh, nice choice. I remember reading these”
The librarian handed the books back to Ruby.
“Thanks!” Ruby gave a small wave before walking away. She looked around for a place to sit and work, but most places already had people there. She found a medium sized table by the windows that only had one person sitting there. She chose a seat at the other end of the table. Ruby put on her headphones and took out a notebook and a pencil to start working on a new writing piece for class. Taking out a sheet of prompts from her teachers, she looked over the list and chose “Friends”
Ruby tapped her pencil, a start of an idea coming to her.
There once were four friends. Growing up together, they all fought for the world. They worked as a small group, knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
The leader was a woman called Summer, who had a eyes of the moon and a heart of the sun...
Ruby got absorbed into her writing and music that she didn’t notice that everyone was leaving. She did feel a tap on her shoulder though, and look up to see the boy, Oscar was his name she believed, standing next to her.
“It’s time for the next class if you have one, I just thought you should know so you don’t end up late or something.”
“Oh, thanks.” Ruby picked up all her stuff and stood up. “Do you have a class now?” She asked.
“Uh, no. Why?”
“Well I was wondering if you’d want to join my friends for lunch. I noticed you were alone this morning. And don’t worry, it’s only a few of the quieter ones.” Ruby gave a small giggle.
“That’d be nice, if I’m not interrupting,” Oscar replied.
“Of course not! Come on.”
The two of them started heading out of the library.
“So what were you writing?”
“Just a small piece for class.”
“So you’re studying writing?“
“Yeah, what about you?“
I think I’m going to start to actually write it out in full. There’s so much that happens after and I WASN'T ABLE TO GET PENNY'S INTRODUCTION and I’m sad about having to miss all that.
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katgoesnewzealand · 4 years
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long time no post.. been pretty busy lately with taking care of the kids and spending time with Cameron, plus nothing really special happened either.
this weekend Jack picked me up and we went down to Auckland to see Lara-Marie to celebrate her birthday. on friday we passed out early and had a rough night (didn't even make it to the club bc we were so drunk) slept in the car somewhere in a park near the museum and spent saturday on mission beach. went out for dinner with Lara-Marie, met Jacks' friend Pj with who we went to grand hotels gym together and at least made it to the bar (bar 101) on saturday night. wee danced from 11pm - 3:30am and had a really fun night out. went back to Lara-Maries place where we slept until 2pm next day. walked around a rosegarden and a beach and came back home to Whangarei at night and ready for another week of working before our 2-day-hike this weekend.
19th of January 2020
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jeizet · 4 years
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Rosegarden Week 2020
Day 7: free day (Containment )
I asked on the rg server someone to say a random word and Ava said Containment so here we have
On these days Ruby is staying with Yang, Tai and Qrow
Oscar is alone in Ozpin's old house
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rubyinasnuggie · 4 years
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Rosegarden Week Day 1 — Modern AU
“You know, you could always try… talking to her.”
Oscar jumped and turned around to see Nora standing behind him, grinning. “What? I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’ve been staring at that girl for five minutes, Oz,” Nora replied.
The girl in question was Ruby Rose, a sophomore at Oscar’s university. Currently, she was sitting in the quad wearing adorable red and black headphones. Oscar, meanwhile, had been silently debating what kind of music she liked, and if maybe they had similar tastes. After all, his favorite band was about to have a concert—
Nora grabbed Oscar’s hood and pulled it down over his face. “You didn’t even notice my texts.”
He glanced down at his phone to see five texts from his sister: messages informing him that she was there with varying degrees of patience. He winced. “I’m sorry, Nora. I—”
“Nope. No time to apologize, let’s just goooooooo.”
Oscar scrambled to grab his backpack and swing it over his shoulders without looking too frazzled.
The motion must have caught her attention, and Ruby glanced up from her studying. She smiled and offered a small wave.
A blush spread across his cheeks as he waved back. Even though he had seen her eyes countless times, they still blew him away everytime she looked at him. They were silver, like little mirrors. And god help him when they reflected the lights, bouncing the tiniest of rainbows back at him.
Nora beamed and waved enthusiastically, earning a slightly confused laugh from Ruby. Ruby watched in amusement as Nora dragged Oscar away, recognizing an older sister when she saw one.
“You did a terrible job parking,” Oscar commented as he pulled open the passenger door.
The junky old orange truck was at a diagonal, it’s bumper clearly over the line and into another parking spot.
“I thought you’d be ready to leave and I wasn’t going to have to park,” Nora replied, hopping into the driver’s seat. “So. Who’s the girl?”
“Ruby,” Oscar admitted, knowing it was futile to hide it from her. “We have a history class together.”
“Is she a freshman too?”
“No, at the beginning of the year she said she was a sophomore. But I’ve only really seen her hang out with seniors.”
“Yeah? Like who?”
“You know the Schnees?”
Nora let out a hoot. “Ruby is friends with the Ice Queen?”
“I think so. I think they might be roommates, actually.” He frowned, trying to remember the other girls in Ruby’s group. “Then there’s this pretty girl with dark hair, Blake? And then her girlfriend, I think. Blonde girl.”
“Yang? Oh!” Nora grinned. “You know, I think Ruby might be Yang’s little sister, actually. That must be why she always hangs out with seniors. Cracked it!”
Oscar frowned. “I wasn’t… really wondering?”
“No, this is good. This means Ruby’s just as shy and awkward as you!”
“Thanks, Nora.”
“What are sisters for?”
You can do it. Just talk to her.
Mustering up all the courage he had, he strode up to Ruby Rose. She glanced up at him approaching and removed her headphones with a smile. “Hey Oscar.”
She tilted her head. “What’s up?”
Okay. This is it.
“I was… wondering. If you’d like to maybe go to a concert? With me?”
Ruby’s eyes lit up in interest. “A concert? Sure. Where is it?”
“It’s at the Beacon Lounge, this Saturday. My sister bought two tickets.” Oscar rubbed his neck and laughed. “And then she promptly made plans so I had to ask someone else to go.”
“Older sisters,” Ruby laughed. “What band is it?”
“The, uh, Mechanisms? They’re this—”
“No, wait! Don’t tell me! I want to be surprised!”
“Are… you sure?” he asked.
She grinned and nodded. “Want me to pick you up? I can swing by on my way from work at 7.”
“Y-yeah! Sure!”
A loud engine roared across the parking lot, and the two looked up to see an orange and yellow motorcycle zooming up.
“Oh, my sister’s here, I gotta go!” Ruby pulled out a pen and grabbed Oscar’s hand, scribbling some numbers. He tried to hide his shock at her touching his hand. “Text me your address, okay? See you Saturday!”
The blonde girl on the motorcycle tossed a helmet to Ruby and gave Oscar a two-fingered salute. Oscar waved as the motorcycle zoomed off, leaving him alone in the parking lot.
“What are you gonna wear on your date?” Nora asked, waggling her eyebrows.
“Oh, I was just going to wear this,” Oscar answered, realizing immediately this was the wrong answer. He shrunk back into his shoulders like a turtle, eyes wide.
She shook her head. “I knew you were going to do this. Ren!”
Without a word, Ren strode in and tossed a bundle of clothes at him.
“Thanks for letting me borrow bumblebee!” Ruby called.
“I’m sorry, what?” Yang demanded, whirling around to see her sister holding the keys. “Ruby!”
Just when he thought he couldn’t get any more smitten, Ruby rode in on a motorcycle. She lifted the visor of her helmet so he could see it was, in fact, her. She handed him an orange helmet, one he recognized her sister wearing the other day.
“Hold on tight!” she cried over the roar of the engine.
Despite his face burning, Oscar looped his arms around her waist and held on for dear life.
They made it to the venue just in time. Ruby whipped the helmet off and beamed at the crowd. She turned to look at Oscar, eyes sparkling.
“Hey, Weiss!”
The icy-eyed girl shot daggers at Ruby, and Oscar’s heart shot into his throat. “We’re closed, you dolt.”
Oscar was about to back away and leave, but Ruby propped her face in her hands and leaned against the counter. “I know you made me something.”
Weiss rolled her eyes. “You don’t know that, actually.”
“Yes, I dooooo.” She turned back to Oscar, winking. “What do you want?”
“She said it was closed…” Oscar whispered.
Ruby leaned in close and cupped her mouth mockingly, “She’s just teasing.”
“Oh. Uh.. I guess a heath bar sundae? Is that okay?”
“Sure thing! Go sit at that picnic table, I’ll bring it over.”
Oscar smiled as he walked away, chest still thrumming from the heavy bass and the crowd singing.
She returned to the table, ice cream in hand. She handed him his heath sundae before sitting down.
“What’d you get?” he asked, peering at her sundae. It was chocolate ice cream with what looked like cookie dough mixed in, and the entire thing was absolutely covered in sprinkles.
“Clown car,” she answered with a grin.
He paused. “That’s not a real thing.”
“Sure is,” Ruby replied with a smirk. “Weiss wouldn’t stop teasing me about it for years.”
Oscar chuckled.
“So… what made you finally talk to me?” Ruby asked, looking at her clown car as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. She looked up at him, her silver eyes once again taking his breath away.
“I hope you had fun,” Oscar said, shifting back and forth on his heels. “I-I know I did.”
“I had a great time,” Ruby replied. “We should do it again sometime.”
“Well, I don’t think they’re coming back, they’re from London—“
She cut him off with a quick kiss to the cheek. “I’ll see you on Monday.” While he reeled from the kiss, she put her helmet back on and revved up the engine. With a wave, she took off.
Oscar smiled so wide his cheeks hurt as he waved goodbye.
//okay this is like,, super unpolished but oh well (: honestly my struggle w modern AUs is I just come up with a bunch of headcanons instead of any kinda plot. so this is just a bunch of moments scattered around their first date!
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relost-art · 4 years
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“Baby, it’s time to make up your mind. I think that tonight is when our stars align. Honey it’s time to leave the doubt behind, take my hand cause you and I are gonna shine.”
Rosegarden Week 2020: Day 1 Modern Au
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