summerstrash · 7 months
Thinking about the fact that almost immediately before the Krakoan Era, we see Alex be prevented from seeking out justice and vengeance for Rahne (a redhead with a missing son to whom he was briefly psychically bound in the 90s, and to whom he was romantically connected in an AU Marvel put out in 2015) when she's murdered in a clear allegory for a transphobic hate crime,
And like, how that is reflected in how Alex is, in the beginning of the Krakoan Era, prevented from being the agent of Maddie's (a redheaded telepath with a missing son, who also hooked up with him again in a canon AU in 2015) resurrection due to the continued refusal of the Krakoan government to recognize Maddie's personhood — she's denied resurrection, a fundamental mutant right, because she is not, in her own words, "a real girl."
curious, very curious, especially in conjunction with the Mystique parallel I've talked about before.
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racefortheironthrone · 10 months
Bouncing off the mutant progress question, since mutant rights (/ mutant metaphor) has ofc been a big focus in the marvel universe, and there are also several prominent legal based marvel characters (like she hulk and daredevil) who’ve intersected w the x men , have we had any legal looks at the day to day legal discrimination or battles mutants have had to deal with? Ofc there are the major things like registration, “cures”, sentinels, etc. but what about marriage, workplace discrimination, “mutant panic” “defenses”, mutants in military, mutant political representation, etc. or do they usually have a degree of seperajtonb with the “mutant metaphor” with the subjects they cover vs real world issues?
Well, "mutant panic" was infamously depicted in Rosencanny X-Men and everyone fucking hated it.
But yes, there has been coverage of day-to-day mutant legal issues in New X-Men leading into District X. Most recently, the topic was covered in Rainbow Rowell's She-Hulk run, when Jenn Walters, Esq. became "outside counsel" for Krakoans dealing with legal matters in the U.S, and in Gerry Duggan's Iron Man, where Jenn acts as Tony and Rhodey's lawyer in their struggle against Feilong and ORCHIS.
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machudson · 3 years
hfgjdks i love that joshs name is in lowercase
doesn’t listen to music. ever. hhhmmmmm. Josh . nori on the other hand has headphones in like 24/7 girl your ears
has never had a pomegranate i feel like megans had exactly 1 pomegranate in her life. between coming to tje school and the quest for magik arc. after that had a hot moment of magic/fae related paranoia n by the time that was over they were on utopia and didnt really have access to fresh fruit? and she got too used to the utopia diet lol
is a tax evader josh for sure
is against legalizing marijuana im gonna be honest i cant imagine this for any of them lol
gets computer viruses the most god idk . i think nori does the most stuff that could expose her to computer viruses but also megan seems most prone to this shit
fell for an email scam and lost a lot of money post-decimation josh doesnt have a phone nori is internet smart. so megan and or sooraya. depends on the type of scam i think megan would be scammed in a consumerism way whereas sooraya would be genuinely trying to help ppl in need and not realize its fake
hooked up with someone in a gas station bathroom JOSH
has a peanut allergy i think megans fairy genes may present Problens dietwise. drywall yes peanuts no its a fair tradeoff lmfao
has an account on reddit weir/defilippis era josh absolutely. kyleyost and onwards josh no. i think the other three have accounts but rarely use them for the most part except i think nori gets into fights in the replies for literally no good reason. has negative comment karma
is sexist josh once again also i think nori a little bit in a not like other girls way. cessily moreso (esp weir/defilippis cess)
knows how cryptocurrency works Not Josh. i think as the ppl eho stayed on utopia after schism, megan &/ nori &/ sooraya either learned from david OR, post avx they all move over to jgs and the three of them plus laurie transonic and maybe a few others all become a super tight group, and laurie learns from david infodumping over text and then the rest learn from laurie infodumping during lunch or smthn. i think so much about the social culture of jgs hi actually wait. josh circa rosencanny where hes emmas black bishop knows cryptocurrency i think
seasons their food exclusively with salt and pepper megan <3 josh doesnt season his food at all
doesn’t remove the lint in the dryer before turning it on nori <3 metal hands (sometimes she gets someone else to do it, mostly she just ignores it. its probably a shared laundry room its someone elses problem )
is a cheater josh canonically unfortunately lmfao. nori also kinda. i feel like josh (king of unhealthy relationships ) is like simultaneously v promiscuous and OBSESSIVELY devoted to his main partner/interest. if we're talking academic cheating i think that by jgs nori literally doesnt have a single fuck left to give about education <3 so her. if josh pursued any form of education after xaviers shut down it was probably theology related, he has a lot to reckon with and also no reason to go to med school
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machudson · 2 years
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i love rosencanny i love how marrow has three vastly different hairstyles in the span of one issue. most insane xbook
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machudson · 4 years
one of the 500 things I wish rosencanny ended with instead of leaving everything as loose ends? the champions showing up . because for one youvegot several dozen mutants who just appeared out of thin air after being gone for multiple months and they need some sort of aid and scotts on good terms w the champs so of Course he goes to them. two soorayas on champs and Friends Reunion. and Three, fabio and miles were roommates !!!!! like IMAGINE your roommate one day leaves in the middle of class or something to go fight some maximum stakes all hands on deck battle and he just doesn’t show back up and everyone thinks hes dead and then he’s BACK!!!!!!!
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