#roulette md
shinxeysartgallery · 6 months
Thinking about this screenshot set again...
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I noticed that my boy Roulette ends up sharing an ID number with one of the canon Drones. Whoops!
However, I've also just realized that Alice and Giam share a number too (017). This list seems to imply that all these Drones are dead except for Nori and Yeva, (especially considering ""Tessa"" found one of the dead Drones in a locker) so maybe they recycled the numbers of the dead Drones for new experimentees?
Like, in this example, maybe Giam was first, they fucking died, and then Alice showed up. Then the scientists were like "Huh, we need to assign Alice an ID number. Hey, Giam just died so #017 is open now!" and then gave her that number?
Same situation could be applied to my boy Roulette. Maybe Neda was first and died. Then when he arrived they just said "well, you get #004 'cause the last guy died. lmao" But Roulette is still the type of guy to steal his ID number or make Neda lose it in a bet.
It's possible that they were grabbing regular Drones to experiment on, considering the likes of the colony Drones existing and never being in the Cabin Fever Labs. So, when one of them died, they could've just gone out and grabbed a regular Worker Drone to replace them with. It's not out of the question, considering the mistreatment of the Drones we've seen JCJenson do. (And not to mention how they were chaining Drones up in lockers in the labs. They obviously don't care about ethics. lmao)
Another theory could be that there were two sets of ID numbers. One set for the Drones in the cathedral area, which all were infected with the Solver, and another set for the Drones up in the actual labs, which were not infected with the Solver. And if that theory is correct, then both Alice and Giam are #017 - Giam was #017 of Solver Drones, and Alice was #017 for non-Solver Drones. (Although if that theory ends up being true, RIP to my boye 'cause he's a Solver Drone, so it wouldn't work with him. lmao)
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andro-king · 8 months
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Dealer Doll
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dreamii-krybaby · 11 months
So uh @bloodywolfwings gave me the idea to call Yeva and her parter’s ship name “Russian Duet” which is great but then I thought of calling them “Russian roulette”, bc not only its a silly pun, we could also connect it to how they died; a bullet to the head :D
Anyways, imma call these 2 “Russian Duet” and “Russian Roulette”
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They have unironically become one of my fav ships and comfort ships.
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glossglamour · 6 months
idea. a fancam of chase with a red velvet song
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cofa · 8 months
I just thought of a buckshot roulette mod idea where Tricky replaces the dealer and he makes the game more crazy and risky and stuff, like making items explode on the user which takes away heath and you would have tell which one is which (all items are retextured so you have find out what looks suspicious), there is also a rare chance to get a special explosive item that hurts both parties. Maybe more health on both parties and more bullet damage so that items don't overshadow the gun.
Also maybe a new item called the hotdog which idk what I would want it to do, maybe see the bullet after the bullet in the chamber, resistance to double bullet damage, or knock off one of the items from the opponent at random. As you can see, I would not be good at game design.
Also stuff being replaced with madness for madness sake. To add on, if the name you entered was Hank it would activate a hard mode
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I'll never go a day without Madness I guess
Ending spoils if you care
In the ending maybe instead of a suitcase full of cash, maybe it's full of hotdogs or a coupon to Burger Gil's.
Also in the game over for round three, the afterlife we see will be replace with Madness Combat hell
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reading-is-an-escape · 9 months
I haven't cried a single episode since starting My Demon and here I am with tears on both of my eyes goddammit episode 10 is like walking on eggshells 😭😭😭
We can breathe a little now. Even tho for the duration of this episode I cannot feel happy at all. No sugar sweet, no marshmallow, no nothing. Just sad stare, heavy body language, frown, sad face. Mad, obviously, at those 2 troublemakers who thinks they did something good. Tsk tsk tsk.
We've got (some) answers, we've also got another questions:
Can Jin Gayoung just go back to Europe tour and disappear? Her lies, oh girl, your lies I can't take it anymore.
Guwon's dream returns. If she's really Dohee from the past, how would the roulette go this time? What's the story?
The truth about Madam Ju and Dohee parents' death.
What's Noh Seokmin next move? His son obv dead in that explosion, he got no chess piece left to do his bidding, so...
WTF is that, Jun Seokhoon? Siding with the real devil, NSM? Two possibilities: 1) he really switch sides because he wants to "free" Dohee from Guwon's "enchantment" or 2) he did that to gain information from him because they finally knew he is the mastermind behind everything.
Our couple will break up in episode 14. Wonder if they really break up because of certain circumstances, or they just "break up" to lure NSM to do his plan and then they will counter attack.
Will Mr. Park and Ms. Shin be our 2nd couple?
Look, if Goblin and DAYS could make it, MD could too. Have a little faith, trust, and pixie dust, y'all. We might have to cry, angst, anxious, sad, hyperventilating a little along the way, but we'll get there. They will have their happy ending.
Now, onto 2 weeks break. Stay alive, Everyone. I love you, My Demon nation.
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darkmaga-retard · 12 days
John Day MD
Sep 11, 2024
Living Despite Liars,
  We are not forgetting 9/11, as we still remember November 22, 1963, when John Kennedy was assassinated. We know we were lied to by the US government both times, but we still don't have the complete story of either state-crime.
   We may assume that the same Cabal that tasked George HW Bush to the grassy-knoll in Dallas that day launched the "global war on terror" with the Twin Tower collapses into pyroclastic dust clouds when the steel girders all disappeared in an instant, but how did they do it?
  A lot of people died-funny in late 1963 and the next couple of years, more than 50, I read, but the technology brought into play on 9/11/01 is still onion-layers of mystery.
  We had the COVID-pandemic that got about 70% of the adults of developed countries, and a lot of the children, injected with mystery Russian-roulette cocktails of death and disability, with a push for global digital "vaccine passport" IDs, with integral digital-banking features, as well as a one-world pandemic emergency government treaty, which has been interdicted, but is not yet dead, just hibernating in committees.
  Without belaboring the point, we are the herd that the elite "owners" see the need to tightly manage and seriously cull, for best profitability as times get leaner.
  There are other possible ways to manage our planetary ecosystems than the "Apex Predator" model, killing a bunch of the human herd when it seems appropriate to the Elite apex-predators. 
  Meanwhile, dodge the approaching culls. Stampede when appropriate. They are not finished yet.
From 9/11/2023:  It's Still 9/11  https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/its-still-911
From 9/11 2022: 9/11 World Of Lies  https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/911-world-of-lies
Professor Anthony Hall, The Continuing Lies and Crimes of 9/11  If You Don't Know You Are Still Being Lied To, You Must Not Be Paying Attention.
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universefrogg · 8 months
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MD in buckshot roulette?! More likely than you think
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shinxeysartgallery · 4 months
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Day 20: Imprisoned
That one time Roulette held Topaz hostage to play card games with him.
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greghatecrimes · 1 year
Analyzing House MD is like playing Russian Roulette. At any given moment, I’m one step away from having a moment of realization about MYSELF and the relationships in MY life instead of the characters and the show.
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evanostic · 5 months
the md confessions blog is a roulette of either people sharing cool nice confessions or a pit of the most jaw dropping toe curling eyes-out-of-sockets-type-shit confessions
also people destroying op in the reblogs/replies when their confession is read as slightly aggressive, my favorite part
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feralkwe · 9 months
there are a lot of things i need to do to light a fire under my author butt, like do a consistent newsletter and idk, actually crack down and finish my next book, or barring that, just write some fucking fic. but lol what would my newsletter look like right now?
"hi reader! this week i did ffxiv roulettes three times! at this rate, i should have that top tier weapon just in time for the next expac! also looked at my list of edits for my book and cried because it's so much and i feel stuck with it. again. don't ask about the final book in my series, because that will crush my spirit. that fic i want to write? can't seem to make coherent ideas into an outline, so i'll probably sulk about that while i mop the floor again. small living spaces, amirite? can't find a book to keep my attention so i have started re-watching house, md. also no one has called me back about theatre jobs, so that's wonderful for my self-esteem. anyway, see you next week with the same exact update! xoxo."
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landoslvr · 7 months
all of the important/frequently used tags on my blog to help you navigate your way through 🤍
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[ thoughts + drabbles ]
#arthur thoughts — where you send in any thoughts you have about arthur (headcanons, ideas, scenarios, etc)
#george thoughts — where you send in any thoughts you have about george (headcanons, ideas, scenarios, etc)
#harry thoughts — where you send in any thoughts you have about harry (headcanons, ideas, scenarios, etc)
#chris thoughts — where you send in any thoughts you have about chris (headcanons, ideas, scenarios, etc)
#lando thoughts — where you send in any thoughts you have about lando (headcanons, ideas, scenarios, etc)
[ navigation-esque ]
#wip — where you will find any requests for pieces that I am working on
#potential wip — where you will find any requests for people who are not on my 'who i will write for', that could potentially come to fruition
#navigation — where you can find all of the navigation points of my blog (masterlists, tags, who I will write for, rules, etc.)
#asks — where you will find all of my asks
#mutuals — where you will find any interactions with my beautiful mutuals
[ our girls / the mrs' ]
#mrs television — all things we think arthur frederick's girl would do / say. the type of girl she is. media queen. chris md's babysitter. really over producing football videos. just wants time to cuddle her boyfriend. overworked, but incredibly sexy so it's fine. animal lover. professional listener of arthur's facts. loves a cheeky 90-day-fiance video.
#mrs chris — all things we think chris dixon's girl would do / say. the type of girl she is. professional wag since day one. media relations girly. literally never wants to look at another pair of boots again. travel girly. just along for the ride really. constantly nervous about her boyfriend's wellbeing when he's away.
#mrs harry — all things we think arthur frederick's girl would do / say. the type of girl she is. retired shy girl, full time party animal. queen of kissy faces and sticking out her tongue in photos. meme queen. pub golf talents are unmatched. can't help how she reacts when she sees pictures of bog from the charity match. unapologetically way cooler than harry.
#mrs george — all things we think arthur frederick's girl would do / say. the type of girl she is. model girl. eloquent lady. george is punching hard core. fashionista. designer. can sew a dress in a day. everyone's favourite platform roulette designated driver.
[ fic reccomendations ]
#general fic rec — where you can find fic recs for people who are apart of my core four of boys
#arthur fic rec — where you can find any fic recs for arthur
#george fic rec — where you can find any fic recs for george
#harry fic rec — where you can find any fic recs for harry
#chris fic rec — where you can find any fic recs for chris
#arthur hill fic rec — where you can find any fic recs for arthur hill
#lando fic rec — where you can find any fic recs for lando
some of my beautiful anons have chosen emojis so I know that it's them when they send in asks. feel free to choose one that isn't taken if you would like your own! you will have your own tag to keep track of our conversations 🤍
emojis taken: 🦦🪩
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
On my bingo card of what will be bougie's next fandom I did not have House, but I'm loving it as someone who went through a House fanfic phase a few years ago.
sdfgjsdgsdg it's a delight to make you fail at bingo! I keep everyone guessing, myself included. I spin the roulette wheel to see what my next hyperfixation will be, and it ricochets off the wall mount and rolls away like the boulder from Indiana Jones, crushing everything in its path
But yes, House MD is delightful and horrible and I am in lesbians with this atrocious middle-aged manchild as he limps around the hospital committing assault on 9 patients out of 10. The MD stands for Medical Dmalpractice (the D is silent)
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sheppycrazyworld · 9 months
Haha I made a MD Oc- Haha meet Pixxy, mah silly gurl.
WoW traditional art FR?!?!!?
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well I literally used a lucky roulette to see if she was a Worker Drone, a Murder Drone, but the roulette chose that she had the Absolute Solver so....
Just wait till I make my other oc Serial Designation Y-
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thecazagroup · 6 days
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9/22 Sun 2PM-4PM 🏠 in #Hagerstown MD 21740 10142 Roulette Dr 4 🛏 2.5 🛁 $565,000
✅ Prime location living in the heart of Washington County ✅ Expansive open design kitchen with oversized island ✅ Morning room with lovely backyard view ✅ Spacious family room with cozy fireplace ✅ Formal living and dining room on main level ✅ Luxurious primary bedroom suite ✅ Bathroom with soaking tub, separate shower, double vanity ✅ Large rec room with brand new carpet in walkout basement ✅ Minutes away shopping, dining, entertainment and Claggetts Mill
☎️ 703.337.3699 #TheCAZAGroup creates #RavingFans by helping our community make smarter #HomeBuying and #HomeSelling decisions with less hassle and better service. We're serious about helping you make excellent and informed decisions. #SatisfactionGuarantee #RealEstate Click for details 👉 https://www.thecazagroup.com/
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