#rovins thoughts
safetyrat · 1 year
misspell prev tags as prey tags to establish a savage, premordial relationship with your mutuals in which either of you can be ambushed, attacked and maimed for your flesh at any moment
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roviniko · 1 year
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she is the moment
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governmentissuedclone · 7 months
The novelization of Re-Animator states that Herbert grew up in Canada and as a Canadian I have a physical need for this fact to be known and acknowledged by the fandom I will simply perish away if it is not
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rafa-jaja · 4 months
Asking for your help...
Bruce Wayne x Gn reader
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It was a normal day in Gotham, you were in the corner of your house when you felt a presence behind you, it was Superman.
- Can I help you with something?
- It's Batman...he needs your help.
Batman...the bastard who abandoned me years ago wants my help...what a joke, you thought.
- And what does he need my help for?
- He wants you to get inside Talia's mind to see what he's up to.
- Talia? The bitch he slept with, cheated on me and now has a kid of his own?
- Uh... yeah, her.
The rage you had built up was coming to the surface, how dare Batman ask you this, and he didn't even come to ask you, he sent the great and powerful Superman to ask you.
- No, tell him I'm not going to help him...I'm not going to risk the new lifestyle I have for him.
Superman seemed surprised by your answer, but he understood why you refused.
- I understand, but keep in mind that we are dealing with a greater danger, Talia has thugs who managed to take down an entire building with just their fists. We don't know what she's capable of.
- I am no longer in the League, I retired to avoid having this kind of situation.
With nothing more to say you asked him nicely to leave, all this ruined your day. You thought this would be the only time you would be bothered, but the opposite happened, a couple of days later someone knocked on your door, it was Dick.
You let him in, you knew he wasn't here to check on you, but you were intrigued to see what he wanted.
- So...how have you been?
- Dick, I've known you since you were a rovin, I know you're not here to check on me.
- Ok... Bruce sent me to ask you to help him, please.
- Dick, I'm going to give you the same answer I gave Superman, I'm not going to help Bruce.
- But Talia could...
- I know what she's capable of, believe me...I know, after being her prisoner for a year you get to know her pretty well.
- What do you mean, prisoner?
- You don't know? It seems Bruce is still keeping secrets from you.
- When did this happen? How come this never showed up in the reports?
- It was when Bruce released his biological son, I got so frustrated by Bruce's infidelity, I made up my mind to confront Talia. I went to her hideout to confront her, but I couldn't even get through the door when her goons caught me, locked me in a cell and sent a video to Bruce to come to my rescue...but he never came. Talia tortured me every day, until one day she overexed herself and I was on the verge of death. She took pity on my soul and threw me into the Lazarus pit, after that she freed me.
Dick couldn't process everything you were telling him, all this time he thought you just abandoned them. He felt so guilty that he didn't seek you out, you were his family.
- I...no, I can't believe this.
You just hugged him, he had a right to know the truth.
- Calm down, it's all in the past...- you said as the two of you got deeper into the embrace.
Dick stayed by your side for a long time, but he had to go on patrol.
The next morning you woke up with a knock on the window, you went to see what it was and saw Constantin, he just smiled at you and disappeared, he had left you a note, it said "Go to Wayne mansion". You thought it was a bad joke on his part, but something told you to go.
...part two?
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Seems we only get a part of a rainbow today ^^' After Jack collapsed and they'd put him to bed, Saiwa had a second breakdown because it's all his fault (in his opinion...) and it seems Ji Ho is next in line. Vlad tried to reach him over the Bond to calm him down but Ji Ho' thoughts are too blurry to get through since he (Vlad) is too upset too. But they gotta do something. Damn, the therapy was their last hope. Vlad: "Look after Jack, I'm going to talk to Sai." (Better distract Ji Ho for the time being before he freaks out too...) Ji Ho: "Hm? Oh, ok."
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That was the second time Ji Ho had to witness Jack almost die because he couldn't breathe from fear after being locked up. It breaks him to see his friend like this. Usually Jack is the one to drag them out of their misery with his puppy strategy and silly antics.
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Vlad: "Sai, it wasn't your fault. A lot of games start where you have to break out of a prison, hm? It was just a coincidence and we are going to add some filters to avoid things that trigger us. This is the game we created together, let's not give up yet."
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Ji Ho sat beside Jack's bed: "Jack, please wake up. You won't have to go through this again. You are safe now. Please."
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But Jack doesn't budge. Ji Ho: "Sai will destroy the AI and we'll... Jack: "What? No! It wasn't Tiny Can's fault! This is how exposure therapy works. Say, you are afraid of spiders. You meet them in a save environment and you see how cute they really are and loose your fears. Tiny Can just wanted to help me. The game is such a save environment. I just went a bit overboard because I was caught off guard. But now I'm prepared and ready to try again, really." Ji Ho: "I don't know..."
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Jack: "Ji Ho, if I don't get over this it will kill me one day for real, so it's better I overcome my fears in the Therapy Game, don't you think? And don't you forget: I'm the Supersoldier - after all!" Ji Ho: "..."
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Vlad: "Look Sai, I have to go back to Kiyoshi and Jeb. I neglected them for too long now. How about I take Tiny Can with me and Kiyoshi, Jeb and I test the AI after you made a few safety adjustments. They'll be happy for a little distraction and you are going to recover here, hm? We make a few tests and I come back to charge the Bond and bring you the results and you can modify the game." Sai hates it - but he also knows that they need Tiny Can and the therapy... At least Jack is out of the line of fire... And Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad are a bit more stable than Sai, Jack and Ji Ho.
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Eventually they convinced Jack to let Tiny Can go with Vlad and they pondered about if it really was a coincidence that Jack's therapy started by being locked up. But if not, how did Tiny Can know? They never mentioned this to Arturo (who gave them the board with the AI) or talked about it since Tiny Can was with them so he could have overheard it. Ji Ho: "Do you think the AI has access to our memories? ö.Ö" Sai: "I went through the code thoroughly and did not find anything that would be able to do this..."
They went to the Therapy Room but Tiny Can wasn't there. Eventually they found him in the garden chatting with the goats! So the Goats told Tiny Can anything about them! They even stole Vlad's notebooks where he writes down everything about the Boys! These little rascals! At least Ji Ho's Little Goat looks a bit ashamed...
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And then it's time for Vlad and Tiny Can to leave. Jeb and Kiyoshi had been alone with their gloomy thoughts for too long now. Vlad: "Let's go, Tiny Can." Tiny Can beeps excitedly.
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They quickly charge the Bond. Vlad: "I will be careful." But Ji Ho just hugs him a bit tighter.
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Little Goat: 'They could at least kiss!' Yang Mal: 'Ikr! They both want it, why holding back?' Little Goat in the front who read all of Vlad's notebooks - twice: 'Their time will come.'
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'And the only thing that I could see Was a pair of brown eyes that was looking at me But when we got back, labeled parts one to three There was no pair of brown eyes waiting for me
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes
I looked at him he looked at me All I could do was hate him'
A Pair of Brown Eyes - The Pogues Link above leads to the MV on youtube. (TMI: The pogues are my favourite Irish Band ☘️)
TMI: Oh, and this is post #3.500! (in over ten years, though ^^')
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And post # 1.403 of our current story! (in 20 months ö.ö) And if had I posted a bit more a bit earlier it would have even matched the date ^^' At least here where I live. We put the day before the month. So today is the 16.03.2024 here.)
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And when I scrolled out to take the rainbow photos, I cought Kiyoshi and Jeb in Koh Sahpa near the Beach House! Even though they live in the other household over in Morensong. (And why is Kiyoshi wearing nothing but his swimming trunks? ö.Ö)
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Look how sad they are! I hope Tiny Can can fix this...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5613
Jalsa, Mumbai                 June 30/July 1,  2023                 Fri/Sat 11:56 AM
🪔 .. July 01 .. birthday love and greetings to Ef Alla Ukhina from Russia 🇷🇺 .. Ef Pralhad Mukundrao Thorwate from Nanded .. and .. Ef Vidya Advitiya .. ❤️🙏🏻🚩
.. and .. wishes to Ef Lakshmi Akka .. for her Wedding Anniversary on July 01st .. 
And .. July 01 .. is National Doctors' Day .. 🩺
.. the rain it raineth every day .. and brings succour to the parched land after all these months of the warm weather and the cause for heat strokes that was suffered by several .. prayers .. 🙏 ..
and the Ashadi Ekadashi pooja and aarti conducted in Sion, at the home temple of RoVin my dear friends and music aficionados  .. a blessing ever .. and the humble surroundings .. and the love and care by them that visit .. 
It is the simple things in life that remain .. and this shall ever remain ..
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.. for hours they that live around in the vicinity waited for the ‘aarti’ to be done .. and such a privilege and an honour to have been given this opportunity .. truly blessed .. 
and late into the night to meet all and to spend time with some of the future world genius minds .. who educate me on AI and what lies in store for us all .. and how gradually our minds shall be overtaken , if it isn’t already, by AI and the technology of the future .. such innovative ideas .. exciting but frightening at the same time .. 
Where exactly are we going .. 
My parents were bewildered by the mobile .. I am stunned by AI .. what will the grandchildren face and be amazed by .. !!!??
The rain it raineth .. every day .. and the World it changeth every day .. and ne’er shall there be a change of course  !!
And as you drive away it all simulates ..
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.. the rain .. the car .. the thoughts and the music on the Bluetooth  ..
My love 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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xmalereader · 2 years
— HeartMoor — || TWO ||
Lord Morpheus X Dark Fey! Male Reader
|| Masterlist || ONE ||
Summary: Reader is a Dark Fey who has been captured and trapped by Rodrick Burgess before Dreams arrival. The two are locked away and only have each other until readers torture changes Dreams perspective and feelings towards the Dark Fey.
Warnings: Angst, Dream of the endless, torture, Dark Theme, mentions of death, death threats, language, Rodrick burgess can suck ass, Dark Fey lore, semi AU, Possessive dream, slight kissing , mentions of ravens, glimpse of death, slight fluff, courting, mentions of hell, trauma, PTSD, blood, memories.
Word count: 3.7k
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The Dreaming is a beautiful place, full of mystery and joy. The first time he stepped out of the palace he felt safe for the first time in years, he was free from his cage and free to roam without having fear of someone coming after him. Morpheus had told him about his realm, allowing him to do as he pleased as long as he didn’t cause trouble. His first few days were spent along side Morpheus’ new companion, Matthew. A raven who was new to the dreaming and new to being a raven, the gentle bird reminded him so much of his own raven before she died.
The idea of finding a new raven was painful for him and would rather not. Rovin was his first and his last, she was a kind women who saved him from the loneliness he faced, using his own magic to grant her the ability to shift into a raven. The two stuck together through everything until her last dying breath, he didn’t even get the time to mourn properly or perhaps bury her in a place that she would love. Matthew couldn’t replace the love and care he had for Rovin but that didn’t mean that he could create a bond with the raven.
Watching him fly filled him with sadness, he missed his wings and wished to have them back. Morpheus had kept himself busy, searching everywhere for any sign of his wings. He’s been tempted to summon the fates but Lucienne had convinced him not too. Y/n didn’t know a thing about these ‘fates’ and allowed Morpheus to work in different way in finding his wings. He didn’t know how long he’s been in the Dreaming but it’s felt like an eternity.
“Doing alright there?”
Y/n has zoned out while Matthew guided him through Fiddlers Green, a beautiful area for him to relax and enjoy the nature. He was the Fey of Nature and children and he missed his own duties and knew that he wouldn’t be able to get back to them anytime soon. The human world had changed and it was becoming harder for him to hide, Morpheus welcomed him into the Dreaming but their were times where he felt like a burden and didn’t know if he should leave the place.
“Sorry, just lost in thought.” He responds back with a small smile.
Matthew stands near the bridge, wings to his sides as he tilts his head. “I get it, Lord Morpheus told me that you just woke up a few days back. Maybe you should take things slow? Perhaps visit Luciennes library or check on the boss?” He suggest, knowing how tired the Fey must be.
Y/n thinks about his options, altering a new one. “Could I head to my room instead? I’m just tired today.” Mathew caws, “Sure!” He takes off into the sky, guiding him back to the palace and over the bridge. The Fey follows the raven inside and heads up the palace stairs, following the raven who took him back to his room and let him know that he would be with the others in case he needed them. Y/n was grateful for Matthew's guidance and company, bidding the raven a soft goodbye before closing the door behind him.
He’s been spending his last few days locked away in his chambers. Even though he’s been imprisoned for years he still needed to cope to the idea of being free. Locking himself in the room was enough to let him know that no one was coming after him and that he was allowed to do as he pleases. Y/n was still hesitant around the dreaming sometimes and flinched every once an awhile whenever something or someone tried to touch him. The trauma he spent locked away was eating him alive and he was trying to cope in his own ways.
He didn’t know how Morpheus did it but yet again, the dream lord himself didn’t face an additional twenty years and was faced with torture and torment every day. Morpheus was much more powerful than him that keeping him locked in a cage with a binding circle was enough to keep him at bay. Even Rodrick Burgess feared of the binding circle breaking. Y/n wanted to give himself time, but he’s already lost so much time locked away that he couldn’t waste it anymore. He needs his wings back, they were his freedom. The freedom to fly and to soar the skies, how he missed it.
Morpheus promised to find his wings, but the Dream Lord was also busy with his realm and getting things back together along with some adjustments. He was missing two nightmares and a dream and had to get them back before any further chaos is caused. He wanted to help Morpheus but became afraid of asking, not knowing if Dream of the Endless would accept his help, until he decided to try.
On the sixth day he enters Morpheus’ Throne room. He sat at the bottom of the steps, books on both left and right side as he had one open in his lap. He was focused reading the pages that he doesn’t notice the Fey entering the room. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that he gets his attention, head snapping up to see the Fey standing before him. Morpheus closed the book in his lap and set it aside, standing from his spot on the stairs. “Y/n, is something wrong?” Morpheus had grown protective of the Fey, after all the torture and hatred that he went through—he was still able to find a small hint of energy inside of him when he first spoke to Morpheus. Creating their strange bond and friendship.
“Nothing is wrong—I actually came ask you something.”
This gets the Lords attention. “Ask and I shall answer.”
Y/n nervously puts his hands behind his back as he started to speak. “First, I’d like to thank you again for saving me and for welcoming me into your realm. It’s a very wonderful place and full of joy and dreams.” He chuckles to himself. “Matthew told me that you’ve been having trouble locating missing Dreams and Nightmares and well, due to my absence I wish to help.”
Morpheus sighs deeply. “I appreciate your help, but these nightmares and dreams are something I do not want you facing, nor do I need you returning to the waking world after everything you’ve faced. I can’t allow you to go—“ Y/n’s hesitant smile falters.
“I know what I went through in the waking world, I lived through it and survived and I can do it again. Your already doing so much for me, please allow me to do this one thing.” He pleads, eyes soft and full of determination. He’s wants to help either it’s easy or hard he’s willing to do it. Morphues wants to reject his idea of help and make him stay in the Dreaming, he couldn’t bare to see him amongst humans again after everything they’ve done to him.
But he remember his promise. His promise of finding his wings and his promise of freedom, . Y/n had the free will to decided on staying in the Dreaming or leaving. He couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to, the man was stubborn and wouldn’t budge easily. Dream closed his eyes, relaxing before he opens them again and nods. “Very well, I’ll allow it. Under one condition.”
Y/n frowns a little more upon the condition. “What condition is that?” He asks as Morpheus gives a slight tilt of his head. “Matthew is to join you in the Waking. He will watch over you and I’ll watch through his eyes too. I want you to be safe in the Waking.”
Y/n wishes to argue but knew that it wasn’t best too. “I’ll accept the terms and conditions.” He didn’t mind Matthew or getting some company along the Waking world, he’d rather have someone next to him then he alone in such a cruel world. The king of Dreams calls out to Matthew, summoning his raven as he flies down from his post, landing next to Morpheus. “Uh, no offense but if we are to go to the human world. What do we do about the horns?”
Matthew had a point, he couldn’t enter the Waning world without being notice by his horns. He could see the change of mind in Morpheus as he opened his mouth to change the conditions until Y/n used his magic to make his horns disappear, hiding them from human eyes. “I can hide them easily.” He murmured to the two, the horns now gone along with his pointed ears, giving him a normal human look that’ll help him blend in with the others.
The raven caws in surprise. “Whoa! That’s a neat trick.” He tilts his head to the side to look at Morpheus. The king of dreams sighs to himself, “Be careful and if anything happens you report back to me.”
“Yes, your highness.” Y/n gives a sarcastic bow, bringing a small smile to the lords lips. “Again, careful in the waking. I’ll be watching.” He gives the two a final nod before Matthew flies up to his shoulder. “Ready?” The raven asks Y/n who gives a small nod. “Yeah.” His voice was hesitant, he was never one to back out but after everything he didn’t know how he’d feel being back in the waking world. He felt anxious but also excited for some reason. He didn’t know if it was because he was returning back to a familiar place or perhaps he was pushing himself to get rid of the fear of being around humans again.
The raven caws, flying off his shoulder and leading him back to the waking where they appear in a nice neighborhood. He’s standing on the opposite side of the house Matthew is perched on, looking down at a pair as they greet each other. Y/n slips his hands in the pockets of his jacket, looking up and down the street before crossing it.
He didn’t know why he was in this area, is this where he was suppose to find the nightmares and dreams that have left the Dreaming? He lifts his head up to see Matthew jumping down the roof, swooping down to a tree branch as he watched the small group of friends closely. Y/n looks over, cautiously walking down the sidewalk as he listens.
“I hope these flyers help with finding my brother.”
“I’m sure they will.”
He hears one feminine voice that sticks out to him the most, looking up to see a young girl with a handful of flyers in her hands as her companion helps her put them up. He stays behind and watched from a distance before Matthew flies down to him, landing on his shoulder. “That’s Rose Walker.”
“I thought we were looking for nightmares.” Y/n questions. “Yeah well—lord Morpheus thinks that Rose will guide us to them. She claims to be a vortex and I’ve gotta keep an eye on her.” The Fey hums to himself, giving the young girl another glance. “Then we must follow her.” He snatched one of the flyers that stuck to a tree, looking down at the picture of Rose and what suppose is her brother standing together with smiles on their faces.
‘Have you seen my brother?’ Read the flyer as he sighs to himself, his heart tugged at the thought of these two being separated. His car for children striking him again, it’s been years since he’s last taken care of children. All of the young fledglings were under his care, he’d teach them how to fly and to adapt to their roles. He also watched them grow and find their own mates, but after years his existence was wiped out by hunters who took pleasure in taking their wings and fangs along with their horns. They were hunted like animals and not many of the fledglings made it out alive, he ran away from the danger only for him to come back to massacre and genocide. His family, his people were gone.
He was the last of his kind and to be caught by Burgess who only wanted a wish to bring his own son back. Y/n refused to give the man what he wanted, even if meant losing his wings and good friend. He stares at the piece of paper, folding it up and putting it inside his pocket. “Come, Matthew. We have work to do.” The raven flaps his wings, taking off as they follow after Rose, watching as she spoke to various people about her missing brother and handing out the flyers in case anyone was to see him.
Both Matthew and Y/n remain hidden in the shadows until Rose appears in the daylight, bending down to speak to a crow while Matthew calls out to her. “No, that’s a crow.” He tells the confused vortex as she nervously chuckled, approaching the raven and then frozen in spot once she spots Y/n.
“He’s a friend, Rose meet Y/n.” Matthew is the first to introduce them. “Hello.” Rose nervously speaks out as Y/n gives her a friendly smile. “It’s nice to meet you rose, Matthew told me about you. It looks like you are important to Morpheus and wanted us to look after you.”
“You know Lord Morpheus?”
Y/n chuckled. “Something like that, we go way back.” That’s all he provides her, not really telling her the real story behind their meeting.
“Can Morpheus see me?” Roses question is targeted at Matthew as the raven squirms in his body, feathers puffing up as he answers. “Yeah—I can feel him in the back of my head—it’s weird.” Y/n didn’t know much about Morpheus’ power, all he knew was that he was an Endless who ruled the Dreaming. King of both dreams and nightmares, he knew about everything about anyone.
Y/n tilts his head in questioning, asking himself if perhaps Morpheus had ever looked into his dreams. But then again, it’s been years since he’s last had a dream. Being locked away in a basement took away a lot from him, he didn’t even have the chance to stretch out his wings before they were taken from him. His hand reached behind his back, fingers tracing over the area where his wings were suppose to be only to find nothing.
What if he never found them and they were lost forever?
The sudden thought makes him panic, eyes widening in realization as he stumbled backwards, startling Rose and Matthew. The raven flapping his wings anxiously as he calls out to him with concern in his voice. It felt like the world around him was fading out and all he could hear is the sound of his heart beating. He felt the place closing in on him and it was becoming difficult to breath.
He could hear the sound of iron chains and the sound of laughter from many people. He’s falling and couldn’t get back up, he didn’t know if he could ever get back up. He could hear Rodricks voice in his head.
“He’s worth a fortune.”
He shakes his head, wanting to get rid of the voice in his head. He couldn’t allow the old man to come back after him, no, not again. He was free, he was free…right? He feels a pair of hands on his arms, gripping him tight. Fear strikes him as he struggled in the grip, thrashing around as he screams out.
“Let go! Don’t touch me!”
He couldn’t focus, his mind was playing tricks on him. He sees the iron chains as he’s pinned down, wrapping them around his wings as they squeezed and pulled, the pain coursing through his veins and up his back. He can feel the pain again, the burn as his wings are taken from him. He can hear the mens laughter as they took the only thing that made him free.
“Stop it…” he whispers, voice hoarse.
“Y/n.” A hand touched his shoulder.
His fear comes back to him as he hissed, striking his hand at the man’s touch. “No!” His claws strike the man’s face, stumbling back as he pants heavily. His gaze moves down to his hand, claws covered in blood as he looks up to see Morpheus standing away from him, his left cheek is scratched, blood dripping down his pale face.
Y/n comes to realization at what he’s done, his eyes widen in fear. He’s back in the throne room with Matthew and Lucienne who are frozen in shock as they watch their King bleed. The Fey clenched his hand in a fist, stepping away in fear of Morpheus’ anger, in fear of himself.
“I—I didn’t—“ His voice breaks, fighting back the fear as Morpheus touched his own cheek, pulling his hand away to see the blood on his fingers, a frown on his lips as he looks up to him. He doesn’t say anything which frightens Y/n even more.
He hurt Morpheus, dream of the endless, his only friend who watched his torture and saved him from everything. He struck against someone higher than him. Y/n doesn’t know what to say anymore and in panic he runs, fleeing the palace and far away from everything and everyone. He couldn’t stay here, the dreaming wasn’t his home and never will be after what he’s done. Using his own magic he finds himself back into the Waking, standing in the middle of a random neighborhood.
He doesn’t know where his magic took him, but as long as it was far away from the Dreaming. His hand is still covered in blood, causing him to panic, shoving his hands into his pockets and running off to find something to wash it off. It doesn’t take him long to find a pond nearby, bending down to quickly wash away the blood from his finger tips, whimpering as he frantically washed his hands.
None of this was suppose to happen. He wasn’t a feral Fey who wild attack anyone without given a good reason too and ended up attacking Morpheus. He’s never done that to anyone before until now, all because of his memories and trauma. Once his hands are clean he uses his own clothes to dry them off, sniffling he holds back tears, feeling like a child again.
“My little Fey, why do you cry?” His mothers voice is soft as she cradled his face, kissing away his tears as he cries against his mother. “I didn’t mean to hurt them.” He sobbed out, curled up in a ball as he used his wings to cover himself. His mother hums softly, fingers stroking his hair back. “Nothing is ever your fault, my little phoenix. It was an accident and they know that—you could never hurt anyone.” Her whisper is soft against his temple as she holds him close.
He’s staring at his reflection by a stream that was hidden in away in the woods that he found himself on. His magic had led him here after washing away the blood from his hands, the nature scent curling around him as he feels himself relax. He hadn’t thought about his mother in years after she was claimed dead. It was only them two before he was left alone, he never had any siblings nor did he know his own father. They only had each other and now, he was alone.
Sighing deeply, he forces himself to stand and walks deeper into the woods. Far away from anyones prying eyes as he used his magic to create a barrier around him, so that no one could reach him. He creates a nest big enough for him, tiredness reaches him as he sheds the coat he wore and sets it aside, climbing into his nest and curling up into a ball. He reflex he tried to curl his wings around himself only to remember that he no longer had them. Once realization hit him he grabs the coat and wrapped it around himself, waving his hand as the tree branches covered him from human eyes. He wanted to sleep for the rest of the day, perhaps sleep for eternity if he could. His eyes grow heavy on him as they finally close, the day grows dark and he continues to rest.
Not knowing that a dark figure looks over him, standing near his nest in the dark as his blue eyes trace over his curled up body. “Rest well, little Phoenix.” Dream whispers, blowing sand at the Fey and giving him dreams for the first time in years.
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kvetchlandia · 6 months
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Andrew Catlin Shane MacGowan 1986
One summer evening drunk to hell I stood there nearly lifeless An old man in the corner sang Where the water lilies grow And on the jukebox johnny sang About a thing called love And its how are you kid and whats your name And how would you bloody know? In blood and death neath a screaming sky I lay down on the ground And the arms and legs of other men Were scattered all around Some cursed, some prayed, some prayed then cursed Then prayed and bled some more And the only thing that I could see Was a pair of brown eyes that was looking at me But when we got back, labeled parts one to three There was no pair of brown eyes waiting for me
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes
I looked at him he looked at me All I could do was hate him While Ray and Philomena sang Of my elusive dream I saw the streams, the rolling hills Where his brown eyes were waiting And I thought about a pair of brown eyes That waited once for me So drunk to hell I left the place Sometimes crawling sometimes walking A hungry sound came across the breeze So I gave the walls a talking And I heard the sounds of long ago From the old canal And the birds were whistling in the trees Where the wind was gently laughing
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go A rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes For a pair of brown eyes
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes For a pair of brown eyes
Shane MacGowan - 1957-2023 - Ave atque Vale
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focsle · 1 year
A little ditty. One of the older shanties in Shanty History, tho I wrote most of my own stanzas for this one. It still is in the spirit of it all! Lyrics under the readmore
In New York there lived a maid, Mark well what I do say In New York Town there lived a maid, And she was mistress of her trade, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid.
A-rovin’ a-rovin’, since rovin’s been my ruin, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid.
Her lips were red her eyes were brown, Mark well what I do say Her lips were red her eyes were brown, Her hair was black and went straight down, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
I danced her all around the town Mark well what I do say I danced her all around the town And to her house, plum drunk, we found, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
She took my hand with gentle care Mark well what I do say She took my hand with gentle care And led me all the way upstairs, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
I took that maid upon my knee Mark well what I do say I took that maid upon my knee She said ‘good sir you’re rather free’, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus] I slid my hand right up her thigh Mark well what I do say I slid my hand right up her thigh She let out such a pretty sigh, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
I thought I had her to me own, Mark well what I do say I thought I had her to my own But then right there her man came home, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
He struck my jaw with quite a thud, Mark well what I do say He struck my jaw with quite a thud And kicked me out all spittin’ blood, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
And as I staggered on my way, Mark well what I do say As I staggered on my way I found that girl had pinched my pay, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus]
And now I’m on board outward bound, Mark well what I do say And now I’m on board outward bound A-cursin’ girls from New York town, I’ll go no more a-rovin’ with you fair maid. [chorus x2]
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trivia tidbits from the Reanimator novelization
‘so I’m not usually one for movie novelizations, but I heard pretty decent things about Jeff Rovin’s Re-Animator: The Novelization! and I wanted to find more Re-Animator content that doesn’t involve me actually having to watch Beyond Re-Animator. 
and it was pretty good! some of the expansions of lore in the novel were fun, especially with the side characters. it also included a few bits of trivia that made me laugh and/or feel, and thought it’d be cool to include them all in a little post! obviously these aren’t Canon Canon, but some of them are fun to play around with.
- Herbert West was raised in Canada - at least until a chemical fire (implied to be caused by him) burned down his home and killed his parents, upon which he was placed in a foster home. At some unspecified point, he made a serum that turned his foster home roommate’s semen green.
- He went to NYU before going over to work with Dr. Gruber in Switzerland.
- Speaking of Dr. Gruber, Herbert explicitly refers to him as being like a father to him. Dr. Gruber returns the sentiment. He willingly kills himself so that Herbert can test the formula on him, but the dosage is too high.
- Some fun hospital lore: it was created as an endowment by a chemical company as apologies/ass-covering for poisoning the river, it gets the overflow from a Springfield hospital, and they’re understaffed themselves.
- Dr. Hill has a Jaguar car. 
- Dan doesn’t drink milk because the first time he touched a corpse, the skin texture reminded him of a milk carton.
- Dan’s former roommate, Eddie Grimley, had a wealthy father and Eddie spent lots of money on both of them. Eddie dropped out of med school to become a dancer.
- Herbert is straight up like ‘you have a basement? cool. I’m turning it into a lab’
- Before Dan moved in, the owner died in the basement. His name was Phillips, a horror writer, and his family let Dan sign a four month lease so long as he didn’t get rid of Phillips’ junk.
- Dan and Meg have been exclusively dating for six months.
- West is 24. With 4 years in New York and 3 years in Zurich, that makes West 17 when he enrolled in NYU.
- Very odd interlude where Dan admires Dr. Hill’s hands (during the famous pencil-breaking scene). He concludes that Dr. Hill must be a doting lover with those hands.
- A test subject (a student) died in Dr. Hill’s study while he worked with Dr. Gruber. He was cleared of any wrongdoing, but had to leave because professors were not allowed to date students.
- Herbert left money for whatever he uses - a buck in the toilet paper and two bucks in the Meow Mix. 
- Both of Cain’s parents died in a car crash when he was little, leaving him to be raised by an aunt.
- Dan used to have a bat problem in the house. He poisoned some in the attic and nailed their bodies outside the house.
- Meg is 20.
- It’s heavily implied that Meg’s Dad would actually be thrilled if she and Dr. Hill started dating, and that he brings professors around as ‘suitors’ of sort for her.
- After the talk where Herbert gets kicked out and Dan gets his loans rescinded, all he wants to do is go home and smoke weed.
- They’re both questioned after the first reanimation (where Halsey died). The officer asks if they’re lovers. Dan snickers and says he’s engaged to be married, Herbert’s gaze falls to the floor.
- West used to balance encyclopedias on his head as a child to make up for the neck strain from looking through a microscope.
- There’s a funny line where Herbert remarks that Dan would make a good husband. It’s clearly meant to be ‘a good husband in general’, but, y’know. 
- Apparently, there hasn’t been a murder in Arkham in six years. 
- When West and Cain go to the hospital to stop Dr. Hill, they’re stopped by the same officer who questioned them again. Cain says he thinks he has AIDS and that he’s going to be tested.
- When Herbert is about to be lobotomized, he begs Hill to not to. ‘Leave me my brain!’
- He claims that his stated goal with Gruber was to end suffering.
- Herbert does explicitly die at the end [they find his body]. Dan and Meg (or Meg’s body, it isn’t made clear) escape, nowhere to be found.
Overall the book takes a very middle-of-the-ground road with Herbert’s characterization. They show him having a lot of heart with Gruber, thinking that he’s a father figure, but tend to phrase any bonding moments with Dan as pure manipulation. 
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Hi!! I was hoping you could do a agent 47/male reader/diana angst with reader getting kiddnaped and rescued by agent 47 and they're both hella worried for their bf if you're cool with it!! If you can make it extra angsty >:33 I live for angst
ON A MISSION TO SAVE MY WIFE'S BF!¿!¿!¿¿!¿! [😱😱😱GONE WRONG⁉️] (I'll rewrite this someday :::::/, hope the title made you lightly exhale out of your nose :::::D)
[A/N: HELL YESH I CAN DO THAT 🫡 I HOPE YOU ENJOY SORRY IF IT'S ABSOLUTE SHIT I HAVEN'T BEEN WRITING FOR A WHILE. ALSO, THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST FREN :::::::D also fr why is there no reader x Diana x Agent 47 fics? Again it's been a while since I've written angst so sorry if it's not really angsty I tried. Also sorry it starts off happy, you know the #1 rule start off all cheerful and then rip it away from them brutally. :::::::::::)
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47 stirs slowly, inviting the sunlight into his eyes. He sits upright as his eyes wander over towards the clock. 4:47 am, 'Perfect.' He muses to himself with a subtle quirk of his lips. He gets up and does his usual business letting the bristles glide across his pearly whites. He had an image to upkeep after all. Not that he particularly cared what others thought of him no, no. But his heartstrings would certainly ache if you or his wife were ever to make a negative comment about his appearance. He blinks brushing off the thought. You and Diana would never do that. He finishes brushing his teeth and heads downstairs. Diana is unsurprisingly already up. His eyes narrow as he recalls her saying she had an important target to research. A Rovin Terri. He lets out a quiet hum as he knocks on the wall so he doesn't accidentally scare her. Many things can happen if he were to sneak up on her the worst of them being- "Well are you just going to stand there?" She asks and 47 blinks pulling himself at what would've been his rapid thought process, "No." He responds after some hesitance. She smiles as gracefully as ever and makes her way over to the kitchen, "Coffee?" His answer is immediate, "Tea, honey lavender please." Diana's tea brewing skills were the best 47 had ever seen and he'd been to many cities and countries.
Diana let a soft sigh of concern escape her lips, "Stressed?" She asks as the tea kettle whistles. 47 hums, "You could say that." Before adding on, "How are you? Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked. She lets out a hearty laugh, "You know how this line of work is 47." His eyes narrow, "Please take a nap today then at the very least." She turns to face him with a hearty smile, "Of course, here's your tea." She hands him the warm cup of honey lavender and he sips it. Diana plants a chaste kiss on his cheek, "Now," She says beginning to walk towards where she left the laptop unattended, "I still have quite a bit of work to do." 47 hums as the sound of light footsteps draw his attention to the stairs. Then he sees, well you. 47's eyes soften at the sight of you. Sweet sweet you. You let out a cute little yawn, "Hungry darling?" Diana purrs and you nod as you take another step down and slip,
and then promptly break your neck.
47's eyes widen as he feels his heart stop. He rushes over to your unmoving body as he checks for a heartbeat. There is none. His worried eyes find his wife who is looking on at the scene with utter joy. His eyebrows scrunch up, "W..." He can't even get the words out. Diana's smile only grows wider, "Oh come on," She takes a step closer, "You didn't think I genuinely loved the two of you did you?" She asks relieved like a big weight had been taken off her chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. She then gasps and keels over laughing, "Y...you did!?" She says in-between breaths barely able to contain herself. 47 felt his heart breaking over again. This all felt real. Too real. Was it real...? No, it couldn't be...Diana would never say those things this had to be a dream...or rather, a nightmare. Wake up...he...he had to wake up. But the laughs remained persistent, "Fort...sev...?" A disembodied voice echoes catching his attention. He desperately looked around as he felt reality and fantasy merge. He fell to his knees, "FORTY-SEVEN!" 47 jolts upright breathing heavily, eyes wide, "47...?" His pupils dart to the source of noise only to relax, 'So it was a dream...' He thought to himself relieved before it is replaced with concern. Diana's eyes. They were red and sore. She'd been crying. But why? Who or what caused it? If it were a person they wouldn't last long. He would make sure of it.
His eyes narrow as his thoughts darken at the imaginary threat that he doesn't even notice his wife's outstretched arm until she tentatively places a hand on his shoulder causing him to barely suppress a flinch. His eyes flicker over to hers, "47..." Her voice is on the verge of breaking, "I have some bad news." He waits. Patient as always for her to finish, "Y/n...he...he..." His wife sharply intakes a breath, "He's..." Her eyes meet his with genuine worry. Something only the real Diana would have, "...been kidnapped." 47 blinks as the words settle in. It clicks and his breathing picks up. Surely his wife was joking? But her eyes are like steel an unmoving mountain. Ah. So she was being serious. Yet among all that was a lingering doubt. What if they had somehow sneaked into the house and replaced Diana too? What if they made a clone of her? The possibility wasn't too far out of reach. He shrugs it off immediately ignoring the way it made his skin crawl. Surely if Diana could hear his thoughts she would be offended that even for a second he thought that his loving wife. Someone he knows every inch and quirk about would be an imposter (amogus [I'm sorry]). It showed what he knew.
47's reaction to you being kidnapped: Then he felt his heart stop as he was stabbed in the stomach over and over again as the chilling realization struck him once more. You'd. Been. Kidnapped. How? He was sure he'd place several security measures bribing those who lived near you to look out for you. Dammit. He knew he should've taken you home sooner. Right, where you belonged in his and his wife's arms but now? Now you were in some stranger's arms most likely fearing for your life. Oh, he couldn't even begin to imagine how scared you were. Oh. Poor poor sweet innocent you. You couldn't even harm a fly. Okay, maybe the previous statement wasn't true but he couldn't even bare to imagine you hurt. His skin crawls at the mental image of you screaming as they continue to drip hot molten candle wax onto your soft belly. You kicking desperately as you try to get away ultimately only making it worse as you beg and beg and beg your captors or more accurately torturers to let you go. How you'd do anything they wanted as they twist your arm, bending it all out of shape. His pupils shrink and his heart aches at the prospect of them cutting off to permanently prevent you from escaping. He gritted his teeth once again narrowing his eyes as anger welled up inside of him.
How could HE the world's greatest hitman let this happen to one of his precious loved ones? One of his ONLY loved ones. His father had been right there were flaws in his design maybe if he'd watched over you more carefully and eliminated any threat in the way you would've still been here. But no. He sinks to the floor words flowing into his ears but his brain fails to process them. He was an absolute and utter-, "for..." -failure, "...even...?" What had the two of you seen in him anyway, "FORTY-SEVEN TOBIAS RIEPER!" His eyes flicker to meet Diana's, "Are you alright dear?" Any doubt that Diana might not be real is washed away by the concern in her eyes. He's floored how he even considered the possibility of someone as passionate as her being replaced. A little voice laughed in the back of his head, "...What about the end of the Closing Statement?" He mentally rolled his eyes. Now was not the time. Right now he had to focus on you, sweet precious you. He directed his attention to his wife and calm and collected as he could maintain he asked her, "Do you have any leads?" Despite his tone never wavering he was unable to keep his gaze steady. Diana nodded standing up and making her way outside the spacious bedroom. 47 followed suit. Scared for the first time in his life as a hitman. Scared. For you. As the hitman and handler overlooked the note one thing was made clear.
Whoever decided to mess with you was royally fucked.
[A/N: take this I can't look at it no more. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 there was so many different paths I wanted to take with this and I chose wrong 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'M SO SORRY BTW THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LONGER BUT I JUST DIDN'T KNOW WHERE TO GO WITH IT I MEAN I DID BUT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO PUT IT YA KNOW!?!?!? Might write a part two. sorry if you had to wait long.]
Anyway Imma start doing fun facts at the end of these. ::::::)
Ducks from the city have different "accents" as opposed to ducks from the country. How do I know? Quack quack quack >:::::::::(
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safetyrat · 1 year
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something something these two and their history of being very pathetic cops
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roviniko · 1 year
the entire table losing their mind at brooke wanting to play hot bucket cold bucket: how is it a game? HOW DO YOU WIN?
brooke: well, there is no winner, but there is a loser! if the bucket is too hot, you lose!
adam: ...YOUR SKIN??
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retro-system · 2 years
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
Peter Pan (1953) Lyric Meme
Under the cut you will find 30+ lyrics from 1953 version of Peter Pan to use for your enjoyment!  
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Second Star To The Right
1.      “The second star to the right shines in the night for you.”
2.      “The dreams you plan really can come true.”
3.      “The second star to the right shines with a light so rare.”
4.      “If it’s Neverland you need, your heart will lead you there.”
5.      “Twinkle twinkle little star so we’ll know where you are.”
6.      “Lead us to the land we dream of.”
7.      “When our journey is through, each time we say goodnight, we’ll thank the little star that shines.”
  You Can Fly
8.      “Think of a wonderful thought. Any merry little thought.”
9.      “You can fly!”
10.   “Think of the happiest things! It’s the same as having wings.”
11.   “Take the path that moonbeams make if the moon is still awake.”
12.   “There’s a Neverland waiting for you, where all your happy dreams come true.”
13.   “Every dream that you dream will come true.”
14.   “When there’s a smile in your heart, there’s no better time to start.”
15.   “Think of all the joy you’ll find when you leave the world behind and bid your cares goodbye.”
  A Pirates Life
16.   “A pirates life is a wonderful life, a-rovin’ over the sea.”
17.   “Give me a career as a buccaneer.”
18.   “It’s the life of a pirate for me.”
19.   “A pirates life is a wonderful life, they never bury your bones. For when it’s all over, a jolly sea rover drops in on his friend Davey Jones.”
  Following The Leader
20.   “We’re following the leader wherever he may go.”
21.   “It’s part of the game we play.”
22.   “The words are easy to say.”
23.   “We’re one for all and all of us out for fun.”
  Your Mother and Mine
24.   “What makes mothers all that they are? Might as well ask what makes a star.”
25.   “Ask your heart to tell you her worth. Your heart will say heaven on earth.”
26.   “Another word for divine, your mother and mine.”
  The Elegant Captain Hook
27.   “Try the life of a thief. Just sample the life of a crook.”
28.   “A special offer for today, I’ll tell you what I’ll do.”
29.   “All those who sign without delay will get a free tattoo.”
30.   “Unless you do, you’ll walk the plank. The choice is up to you!”
31.   “You’ll love the life of a thief.”
32.   “You’ll relish the life of a crook.”
33.   “There’s barrels of fun for everyone and you’ll get treasures by the ton!”
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Margot Thoughts #94
Rovin Ratface on the other hand, like always, is an absolute gem to work with.
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