#rowaelin snippets
writtenonreceipts · 11 months
Trick or treat! 🎃
i never finished this for rowaelin month but it was going to be super cute...
“I kidnapped a baby.”
Rowan had grown used to his wife saying nonsensical things in the last three years of marriage.  Hell in the last ten years of knowing her.  But he was pretty sure that had to be the first time she’d ever truly caught him off guard.
Looking up from his book, Rowan found his wife--love of his life and bane of his existence--closing the front door of their townhouse with a chubby toddler on her hip.
“Ro-an!” The toddler in question waved a gray stuffed elephant in one hand at him, bright green eyes happy as could be.  Declan Ashryver was a near constant staple in the house, though that was mostly because Aelin insisted on baby sitting whenever possible.  Her cousin and best friend had been the first of the friend group to have kids and sometimes everyone else got a little too enthusiastic about wanting to claim a “favorite” title.  Aelin included, but she insisted she was justified in her actions.
“Go get him!” Aelin exclaimed.  She set the almost two year old down and on unsteady legs, the little boy charged for Rowan.
Chuckling, Rowan set his book aside and swept the child up in his arms.
“Hey bud,” he said, setting the child in his lap. “Did Aunt Aelin kidnap you?”
>>trick or treat<<
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shyvioletcat · 1 month
Here I am again! Still working away, this one is going to be a fun one.
“Can we go up the elevator?” Ivy asked, pointing to the ornate BOXES moving up and down.
“Of course, then should we get some lunch?” Because that was another thing the blogs had told him to do.
Ivy nodded and then dragged her father in the direction of the elevators. “Which number, Da?”
“Whichever one you like.”
Ivy chose the next level up so it was a very quick ride. They were headed to the rear of the ship where one of the restaurants was open. Rowan thought it would be a better choice, less hectic than the buffet and less overwhelming for his daughter. He was glancing around, checking signage that they were going the right way, and didn’t realise Ivy had stopped until there was the tug on his arm.
“What is it, love?” Rowan asked, his glance sweeping down to her.
“Da, look,” she said quietly, stepping closer and holding tighter.
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highqueenofelfhame · 1 year
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a Hits Different song fic (one shot) @rowaelinscourt
due to unforeseen circumstances last week (like really terrible ones pls don’t be mad at me i have never had that much anxiety in my life) i didn’t get to finish this but here’s a snippet and eventually i’ll get around to finishing it and posting it 💚
“The wedding is off.” Aelin announced, lacing her fingers atop the table and tucking her bottom lip between her teeth to keep it from quivering. It was the first time she had said it out loud.
On the Uber ride to the bar she had considered calling to cancel the venue, but a violent wave of nausea kept her from following through. Her hands were shaking so badly she couldn’t hit any of the buttons and her screen was little more than a single, blurry, blob of light in her palm. They wouldn’t be getting the deposit back, anyway. Her friends could help her with the gritty parts she couldn’t stomach tomorrow.
“What?” Everyone blurted in unison, each of their expressions mirroring the horror she felt inside. It didn’t make sense to Aelin, either. There was no timeline or alternate reality where she didn’t end up with Rowan. Yet here she was.
“I really don’t want to talk about it,” she slurred, words tangling together as she clambered from the booth. It took all of her concentration to put one foot in front of the other and make it to the bar without tripping over her own two feet.
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mariaofdoranelle · 4 months
I miss your writing so much 🥹 please come back soon 💞
Omg Nonnie hiii!!
You might not believe me, but I’ve been thinking about my writing 24/7 this week!! But I’m kinda dealing with a conundrum.
I have a feeling that LAUN’s plot fell flat, so I let it rest and came back to work on URDAD (prompted by a Nonnie earlier this week and also Leia!! <3), so I reread the outline and I have a feeling it feels a little shallow being all smut and funsies and little plot? But now I came to terms with myself that this WAS exactly what I intended. A fic with all the funsies and no angst and mental illness to feed my two personalities.
There’s also the matter of this other fic that I’ve been thinking about for the last 2 or 3 months maybe? But the plot is still brewing and there’s no way in hell I’m starting another fic without finishing LAUN first and being halfway into URDAD in the very least LOL so that’s good motivation for me
Anyway. I have two half-written chapters that I’m hoping to post soon! I have a feeling this response was too long but I am a writer. You can’t blame me for writing too much >< (omfg where are the emojis in this keyboard). Thanks for caring!! <3 <3
<star emoji> snippet <star emoji>
“Do we really have to go see Aedion?”
“You wanna drop Maisie off like she’s an Amazon package?”
“We could.”
Aelin crossed her arms, eyes squinted and scrutinizing him. “Why are you avoiding Aedion tonight?’
Rowan mirrored her position, trying to mimic his girlfriend’s bravado. “What makes you think I’m avoiding Aedion in the first place?”
Truth is, he absolutely was avoiding Aedion. But admitting it meant explaining the reason why, and there was only so much a man could take.
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sassyhobbits · 1 year
MB updates and maybe if you want a litte snippet?
HIIIII. chapter is coming along!! i think i have about 3k words written rn and i know exactly how its gonna go. heres a snippet to tide you over for now!!!
She glanced down at the emerald on her finger, slipping it off with a sigh and tossing it in a jewelry dish she had put on Rowan’s dresser. She wouldn’t be able to wear it tonight, and didn’t trust others to not steal it away while she worked. 
“Should I be offended?” Rowan asked, strolling out of the bathroom. His hair was still damp from his shower, a pair of gray sweats slung low around his hips. He stopped before her, putting his hands on her waist. “Are you going to pretend you’re not married to pick up other men?”
Aelin laughed, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck and kissing him. “That’s actually more accurate than you think.”
He stiffened.
“Does it make you feel any better if I’m picking them up to kill them?” Aelin fluttered her lashes innocently. “I have to go undercover at Clarisse’s tonight.”
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
modern rowaelin au where Aelin finds out Rowan is a prince/lord technically because of an old monarchy system but his family is very quiet about it and like regular people who come from old money
ooooh this is churning up a whole storm of new ideas hehehe
here, have a little snatch of something!! thank you so much for the prompt, darling!
"Ro?" Aelin's voice floated out of the office. "Babe? Hey, can you give me a hand?"
He loped into the cluttered space, placing a hand on her back to let her know he was there. "What d'you need, babe?"
She grunted. "Oof. Heavy. Here, help me get these gigantic fuckin' file boxes off the top of the cabinet so I can go through them."
"Of course." Rowan grasped the end of the box she steadily slid to the end of the file cabinet. His parents' office was incredibly crowded with junk, old overflowing cabinets and shelves of outdated records and files, and it had become his and Aelin's spring break resolution to clean out the place. "Shit, babe!" he gasped. "You weren't lying about it being heavy!"
She snorted. "Yeah, your lovely ancestors apparently didn't believe in throwing shit out, so the boxes are ridiculously stuffed. Lucky us."
"Lucky us indeed," he chuckled. "Wonder if we'll find some scandalous love letters or something." Or the inheritance documents, he thought deep in the back of his mind, part of him hoping that his parents had properly hidden that paperwork safely away in the family lockbox.
He couldn't risk his fiancée discovering that technically, he, Rowan Whitethorn, was a prince.
Aelin's brows furrowed as she combed through the boxes of old files, the pile to her left rapidly growing with each folder of decades-old tax records, letters, and business ledgers she sorted. Hours into the job, and she was honestly beginning to wonder if there was anything interesting in the seemingly endless Whitethorn family archives. Something like an account of a secret romance, or *gasp* a family member falling pregnant before getting married.
All tragedies of the past, of course, but the literary romantic in her just loved the idea.
She was on the verge of asking her fiancé to take a lunch break when she cracked open the last aging manila folder in the box, flipping through a handful of accounting columns and business telegrams before a the handwritten letter showed up. Giving it half a glance, her eye immediately fixed upon the phrases that seemed to jump out at her the more she focused.
Must leave at once...compromised...feared the outcome for many years...will not revoke title or estates...HRH--what?!
She blinked. Title or estates? Like...a royal title and estate? "Rowan?"
He popped back into the office. "Fireheart?"
"When the hell did you find out you're a prince?!"
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
"I missed you," —
"When I was in Wendlyn. I lied when I said I didn't. From the moment you left, I missed you so much I went out of my mind. I was glad for the excuse just to see you again. And tonight, I kept thinking about how you might never know that I missed you with only an ocean between us. But if it was death separating us ... I would find you. I don't care how many rules it would break. I would find you again. Always."
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wordsafterhours · 7 months
Author's Note: Pretty self explanatory what this is! Six months later and I am working my best to start churning out chapters again and finishing this thing up with quality content. That's the dream anyways. Also, contemplating a part 2 to "Hawk White" :)
If only to redirect her own thoughts, Aelin moved one leg up and rested her chin atop her knee, idly playing with the soft carpet beneath her right hand. If Rowan didn’t make a move soon, the anticipation of it was going to result in her saying something stupid about how this whole thing was his idea. 
The touch of his hand was contradiction personified as he splayed it across her right shoulder, thumb digging in softly and firm all at once, working it into the muscle that paralleled her spine. The calloused fingers moved with awareness of her that they should not have possessed—his touch akin to that of a lover’s who had spent long hours tracing every square inch of fair skin until it was committed to memory. 
Tangy iron filled her mouth, an unintended consequence of sinking her teeth into the soft flesh of her lip; a pitiful attempt at stifling how marvelous it all felt. Her head tipped sidewise, temple resting against her leg now, granting Rowan better access to the column of her neck. Strong fingers pressed beneath the hollow of her ear, steadfastly following muscle tract to just above her collar bone. Featherlight, he grazed the length of the delicate bone before returning to his starting point, again dragging firmly down in the same pattern, heat seeping in, washing away tension like ocean tides against sand. 
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charincharge · 2 years
IDWTW snippet? If your have one please and thank you
You've been so much more than patient, so here you go. I feel awful that I haven't been able to write and post etc etc. Here's a snippet from the next chapter of IDWTW for anyone out there who is still interested.
“I walked in on my dad and one of my dance teachers after the senior ski trip,” she blurted out.
Even in the dark, half-lit stairwell, Aelin could see Lysandra’s cheeks bloom with a deep blush as a wry smile appeared on her face. “Like, walked in walked in?
Aelin groaned. “YES.”
Lysandra choked back a laugh… poorly. It bubbled up in her nose, releasing a half-laugh, half-snort that even Aelin couldn’t help but be amused at, despite the circumstances.
“Oh my GOD.” Lys’s nose crinkled, and she fell to her knees completely as her shoulders shook with laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” Aelin said, but secretly she was pleased to see Lysandra’s face light up with such amusement. She hadn’t seen a smile like that from her friend in longer than she could remember.
“Wait, I’m sorry, I will continue [REDACTED] for you in one second, but you have to give me some details,” Lysandra said, falling from her knees to slink onto the floor. Aelin grumbled but sat across from her friend, knees almost touching as they flanked the sides of the stairwell, smiling at each other.
She told Lysandra the whole story — from her own sex high to walking into her home and crashing her dad’s sexcapades to Petrah’s awkward escape — and Lys laughed wildly at every detail until she was gasping for air, unfiltered joy and delight shaking through her shoulders. 
“I mean, we all knew Rhoe fucked,” Lys cackled, causing Aelin to smack her friend’s knee. 
“EW! That is my dad,” she said, fake heaving.
“He’s a hot, hot firefighter dad, though,” Lys said, her eyebrows wiggling. “Or should I say… daddy.” Lysandra smirked.
“Lysandra Caverre,” Aelin said succinctly. “I swear to god I will vomit straight on you,” she said.
Aelin tried to be serious, but Lysandra’s smile pushed them both over the edge into another fit of giggles. They laughed and laughed, releasing the tension that had been hovering around them like a thick blanket all night, officially removing all traces of formality until tears tracked down the girls’ cheeks.
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Happy holidays!!! 🎄🕎☃️✨🎁 I’m your Yulemas exchange secret Santa! I wish I could say this is finished but life kinda caught up with me and suddenly December is almost over lol, that’s to say - please please enjoy this snippet of your soon-to-be holiday fic ❤️
Do Not Go Quoting Elf to Me (title up for debate) snippet
Rowan stopped walking in the middle of the sidewalk and turned to face her with an arched brow. “Did you just call me cute?”
Aelin blinked as she realized what she’d just said. She saw the shock on Rowan’s face dissolve into light amusement and a small smirk play at his lips the longer she sputtered for a response. It was the damned smirk that snapped her back to life, scoffing, and hoping her face didn’t look as hot as it felt.
“I think I complained about your unfortunate singing.” She put as much bravado behind the remark as she could and made to walk around him.
Despite their often-heated bickering and petty rivalries that her other coworkers always seemed to have some sort of ‘agonizing sexual tension’ or ‘just kiss already’ comment about, neither she nor Rowan had crossed that line. The one that let them simmer in held gazes and lingering touches without worrying anything about the whys. They had an unspoken understanding that she’d just broken with one tiny, stupid, accurate word.
Rowan put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from walking away. She lifted her chin and caught his eye, daring him to make some smart comment. She readied herself for it as the smirk on his face grew, even as she was both thrilled and annoyed at herself for being thrilled that he wasn’t going to let her brush it off.
“I heard that part,” he huffed, and a white cloud of breath floated between them. “Before that – what did you say?”
Their group had nearly rounded the corner of the block but neither paid the carolers any attention.
“I think your hearing is as bad as your singing.” Aelin tried to argue as she glanced away from him. But Rowan pulled her attention back by tugging on one of the strings hanging from the side of her hat. “I didn’t say you’re cute,” she huffed at his raised brow, “I said — I said…oh shoot!”
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@acourtofsnakes @a-frog-with-a-laptop @astra-ad-mare @autumnbabylon @backtobl4ck @bankerfrog @becarefuloflove @camerooonchiu @captain-swan-is-endgame @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @doubt-less @earthtolinds @elentiyawhitethorn @feyretales @goddess-aelin @highqueenofelfhame @jorjy-jo @julemmaes @leiawritesstories @lemonade-coolattas @llyncooljones @mariamuses @moodymelanist @morganofthewildfire @nerdperson524 @rhysiedarling @rowaelinismyotp @rowaelinrambling @rowanaelinn @shyvioletcat @stardelia @superspiritfestival @sv0430 @swankii-art-teacher @thegreyj @the-lonelybarricade @the-regal-warrior @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @rowaelinyulemasswap
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elentiyawhitethorn · 2 years
Like a Dream (preview)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS @goddess-aelin!! It’s Yulemas Swap time :) Unfortunately I’m sick right now so the time I’d set aside yesterday to finish everything up turned into resting time, so I’m giving you a preview today and a promise of the full fic within the next few days! I debated rushing the rest of it out today but I wanted to do a good job for you so hopefully this is okay. Have a lovely Yulemas ❤️
“I’m sure you’ve wondering been wondering what this is about.”
Rowan shifted uncomfortably. Lorcan, his boss, had requested his presence in his office several hours ago, and the day had passed with relatively little worry.
Even upon seeing Aelin Galathynius, someone whom he very much did not want to be in the same room as, waiting in Lorcan’s office as well, he hadn’t felt concern. It was probably just an update to policy or something similar. Hell, maybe the coffee machine had broken and Lorcan wanted them to inform their departments.
But then Lorcan had greeted them, and asked them to sit, and stated that he knew they’d been curious about the topic of this summons.
And a pit of anxiety had opened in Rowan’s stomach.
Lorcan Salvaterre was not a man to make small talk. He didn’t wait for others, he didn’t bother with light conversation, and he wasn’t friendly.
Which meant he was about to tell Rowan and Aelin something that they wouldn’t like, and not a small thing like they’d have to coordinate a client together or share the break room sometimes, because Lorcan had no trouble breaking bad news. Something worse, something bad enough to have the bluntest man Rowan knew stalling to conversation.
Rowan took a deep breath and said, “What is it?” He didn’t dare look to Aelin beside him.
Lorcan leaned forward and laced his fingers together on the desk. “You both know of Dorian Havilliard.”
Of course they did. He was one of the biggest names in romance writing in the country. Their publishing house had been trying to get him to switch over from Hamel Inc. for years, but they’d had no luck.
“Yes,” Aelin said, and Rowan jolted at the sound of her voice. He finally risked a glance and was met with startling blue eyes rimmed in gold.
Rowan looked away.
“Well, as you know, Terrasen Publishing has been working on him for years.”
Rowan’s fingers tapped against his thigh impatiently as Lorcan restated what he already knew.
“We’ve finally convinced him to discuss the possibility of switching over.”
Considering the meeting, Rowan was hardly surprised. It also made sense for the two of them to be here; Rowan was head of the editorial department and Aelin was his counterpart in publishing. Together, they represented most of the publishing house and were often paired together when it came to potential clients.
It was the easy explanation for this meeting that had Rowan on edge. This didn’t make clear Lorcan’s apprehension.
“And what do we need to do?” Rowan asked cautiously.
Lorcan sighed. “Mr. Havilliard is working on his next book. He predicts the first draft will be finished soon; he’s using his Yulemas vacation to get it completed. And he doesn’t want any delay on the editing process, which means if we haven’t convinced him to switch contracts by the end of his vacation, he’ll remain a part of Hamel Inc.”
A sinking feeling formed in Rowan’s gut.
“He’s leaving for his vacation tomorrow,” Lorcan continued, “and even if we could have managed a short meeting before then, he needs more time with us to discuss logistics and a contract for him. He needs time to see everything we have to offer.”
“I’m sure he’d be open to discussing it over Zoom or even email,” Aelin suggested, and from the waver to her voice Rowan guessed she’d caught on as well.
“Mr. Havilliard is traveling to a resort in the mountains for his vacation, where there will be no cell service. He says the lack of distraction helps him concentrate. He graciously offered two fully paid tickets for any of my employees who would like to join him. You two will be traveling with Mr. Havilliard on his Yulemas trip. You leave first thing in the morning.”
Silence washed over the office as the pair of them took everything in. Rowan opened his mouth, but no words came out.
“I don’t recall expressing my desire to join him,” Aelin protested.
“Me neither,” Rowan managed.
Lorcan sighed once more. “Look, let’s face it. You two aren’t going home to your families for Yulemas and you don’t have any significant others to celebrate with. Everyone else, including myself, is not completely void of a social life and has plans for the holidays. You two are lonely as shit and I’m taking advantage of that.”
Aelin’s mouth had dropped open at some point during that little spiel but Rowan was used to Lorcan’s blunt transparency. He was honestly relieved that Lorcan had given up on trying to break it to them slowly. He liked the man, even—if he could manage to overlook the fact that he was being asked to spend his holidays on a work trip with his least favorite coworker.
Okay, maybe he didn’t like Lorcan so much after all.
“You can’t just,” Aelin spluttered, “I, my vacation, it’s my time off, you can’t…”
“I’m sorry, Ms. Galathynius, but this was his only offer and we’re in no position to deny him. If it helps, Mr. Havilliard alloted only a certain amount of time to meet with you as he wants most of the time to write his novel. And as I mentioned, he paid for the tickets and everything else that comes along with them. You’ll be spending most of your Yulemas holiday in a high-end resort doing whatever the hell you like. I’d say it’s a step up from whatever you were planning to do instead.”
Rowan leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair anxiously. “Surely not both of us need to go.”
Lorcan glared at him. “Please explain to me the publishing process that Mr. Havilliard will be subject to.”
Rowan just blinked at him.
Lorcan turned to Aelin. “And do you know anything about the editing process?”
“You just… do grammar checks and stuff.”
Rowan cringed at the crass oversimplification of his job.
Facing both of them now, Lorcan said, “He needs every specific detail of every process. Neither of you can do that on your own. Both of you are going. That’s final. Now go home. I’m giving you the rest of the day off to pack, and I’ll email you the information of where you need to go tomorrow morning and at what time. Are we clear?”
Aelin nodded mutely. Rowan was pretty sure he felt himself do the same.
He lived in hell.
First he’d been transferred to a different publishing location six months ago as part of a promotion, only to find an enemy on the very first day. He’d smiled at her and was met with uncalled for distain and malice. The months had passed torturously slowly as the woman who’d shown him so much unkindness on the first day was constantly by his side, coordinating clients, attending work parties at his side, acting as a liaison. And throughout it all she was constantly either bickering with him, or ignoring him, or silently scowling at him. He just couldn’t figure her out.
But of course that wasn’t enough. No, now Rowan was being sent on a Yulemas vacation with Aelin, just the two of them and some eccentric smut writer who would be spending most of his time locked up in a room writing, which left Rowan and Aelin. In a resort with no cell service. Alone.
Only Hellas himself could have been so cruel as to put him in this situation.
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writtenonreceipts · 2 years
I’m sure it comes as no surprise when I say that the conclusion of When Morning Comes will not be out tonight.  If it is a surprise, need I remind you that I am the worst? Here’s a snippet:
“Mom,” Aelin says.
“I thought you might be hungry.” Evalin is quick to the words, acting as though if she doesn’t get them out Aeln will immediately dismiss her. “Lysandra informed me of what you prefer, but I thought that buying mounds of pizza and wine, as therapeutic as they might be, are not what you need right now.”
Aelin isn’t sure about that.  But then again, it has been a while since she last ate something other than coffee and toast.
“You could have called,” Aelin says.  She’s still wondering about closing the door and pretending this never happened.
“I have been calling,” Evalin replies. “You haven’t answered.”
True enough.  
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thegreyj · 2 years
A little peek into A Holiday Dream
Happy holidays @sassyhobbits! ✨❤️ It is I, your Rowaelin Yulemas Exchange Secret Santa! As it is the official day for the Yulemas Swap, I sadly have to inform you I have not finished your gift yet, thanks to me suddenly working long, tiring days.
BUT! I do have a little peek for you to get into the spirit, and I promise to finish soon. (There is a little fic and it will have an accompanying art piece too!) You wished for something sweet and romantic, and I couldn't think of anything more sweet and romantic than this little idea I started for you! I hope you enjoy this little snippet - and eventually the entire gift! ❤️
A Holiday Dream - snippet
I had the weirdest dream, Aelin thought as her brain was reaching consciousness. Her eyelids still felt heavy, so she didn’t try to open them yet. Instead, like any normal human being, she tried to feel around her bed for her phone. She was patting the bedding, the pillows, the body next to her-
There was a body next to her.
Suddenly, her brain was wide awake, and her eyelids popped open quicker than a lightning.
Then she realised her hand was still touching the warm, naked chest next to her. Swallowing loudly, she turned her head only to see the familiar silver hair glinting in the morning light. As if sensing her eyes on him, the silver-haired man sighed in his sleep and turned slightly towards her, his hand grasping hers.
Aelin couldn’t help but to stare at their hands together. It wasn’t just a dream.
Then the smile took over her face, and happiness enveloped her entirely. Rowan was home.
She didn’t know how long she simply watched her boyfriend sleeping, but at some point, she realised his beautiful pine eyes had started looking back at her. Oh, how much she had missed those eyes.
“Good morning, love,” his voice was deeper than it usually was, as was normal for him in the mornings. Aelin blinked and teared up. He really was here.
“Rowan,” she choked and reached her free hand to touch his face, her other hand still entwined with his.
“Yes, love, I am really here,” he smiled and wiped away the few escaped tears from her cheek. “Happy Yulemas.”
will update taglist eventually
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highqueenofelfhame · 1 year
since i’m several days late on my promise to deliver chapter nine on sunday, here’s a snippet to hold you over
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” Readjusting where she lay, she tucked one hand under her head and dropped her other back over his waist. Their lips were inches apart, and she caught his eyes dipping down to her mouth. Being so close was tempting the both of them, it seemed, but she knew he wouldn’t push that line unless she pushed it first. If he asked, she very well might say yes.
“I think you called me your boyfriend this morning,” he said carefully, like she might slip through his fingers at any moment.
“That’s not a question,” she pointed out, one eyebrow quirking up.
“I…” Rowan’s eyes darted over her face then up to the ceiling while he gathered his thoughts. “Does that mean I’m forgiven?”
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mariaofdoranelle · 6 months
✨another snippet✨
The tag said ‘three-piece embroidered lace garter lingerie set’, but Rowan was struggling to understand where each part went. All he saw was so many straps around the sheer lace that was the actual lingerie, and gold. Not yellow—real, metallic gold.
This. He just found the perfect, most selfish apology for those ripped panties.
Getting the bra sizing right was a struggle, though. Rowan squinted at his hand, muscle memory mimicking how it grabbed Aelin’s breast, and tested the different sizes on his palm.
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sassyhobbits · 1 year
hiii could you give us a misery business snippet if you have one please i miss them so much <3 <3
The cracking open of her eyes revealed Rowan’s sleeping face. It was always a rare occurrence that Aelin awoke before her husband with the late nights she worked, but she always cherished the moments. Rowan looked soft, unguarded, when he slept. Something about it always made her chest warm in a particularly pleasant manner. Today was no exception. His silver hair was mussed, gilded with the buttery morning sun just beginning to filter through the windows. His lips were slightly chapped and parted as he breathed steadily.
An image from the night before flashed in her mind: Aedion’s gun pointed at the back of Rowan’s head. The fear she had felt seeing that had been intense and nearly debilitating. It was as if all her training had been flushed from her head, all sense of logic and strategy gone. All she had known was that she couldn’t let Rowan get hurt. No matter what.
She had never felt anything like that before. It was terrifying as much as it was exhilarating. To know that she cared about someone enough to feel that and…
Rowan had been there for her last night. He had cleaned her filthy face, helped her dress for bed, held her as she sobbed. There was a sliver of a chance that he felt similar. And that sliver seemed nearly holy.
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