#rowan is so awkward
rowany · 2 years
Rowan Laslow x GN!Reader :)
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Thursday afternoons seemed to last for decades upon decades. Mrs. Thornhill was dragging through a one sided discussion about River Needle. Laying your head in your arms you looked around the room to find something to entertain yourself. You glance over to the boy sat next to you, Rowan Laslow. Rowan’s brown eyes moving from Mrs. Thornhill to the River Needle. He seemed so captivated by Mrs. Thornhill’s discussion he almost seemed angelic. The way his glasses were barely resting on his nose from shifting often in his seat made a slight smirk grace your lips. Rowans hair lay gently with soft curls; you noticed a small white spot in his hair just behind his ear. You began thinking wether it was a birthmark or maybe he got burne—
“Y/L/N!” Spoke Mrs. Thornhill with such a stern tone you already knew she had that disapproving stare plastered on her face.
“Yes?” You responded ruefully, you wished you pretend to be asleep.
“Tell me what you would do incase you were pricked by a River Needle.”
“You, uh,” Your attention being pulled from Rowan’s graceful side profile as he turned towards you. You spun your head towards Mrs. Thornhill, taking a quick yet strong breath.
“You would remove the needles using silver tweezers and then place them in a glass dish. Then you would wash the affected with warm water.” A heavy sigh passed your lips after you finished your explanation. Ghosting your eyes toward Rowan he had a downward smile barely evident on his face.
“Exactly! Bravo Y/N.” Spoke Mrs. Thornhill joyfully while slightly clapping her hands. A proud smile evident on her face.
Mrs. Thornhill continued with her discussion sometimes alluding back to your explanation. You slumped back down into your arms and tried to steal a quick glance at Rowan just to be met with brown eyes looking right back at you. Rowan looked away in what seemed like a millisecond as did you. A hue of rose began to grow on Rowan’s features especially his ears. To his surprise you looked at him. You. Rowan was always stealing small glances at you; due to your obliviousness you never caught on.
You looked back towards Mrs. Thornhill just to listen in to her final statement.
“Have a good day everyone and be prepared for tomorrow!” At the end of her sentence she gave the class a wink. What the hell does she have in store for us now you thought. Last time she tried to be a “cool” teacher the greenhouse almost burned down from Ajax dropping a crimson fig. (basically a flower on fire as Enid explained)
Briskly grabbing your bag from underneath your stool you began heading to the exit of this hellish class. Suddenly a hand brushed your side and you nearly jumped out of your skin. You whipped towards the owner of said hand to only be met with same brown eyes from earlier.
“I’m so sorry I-I didn’t mean to scare you.” Explained Rowan while rubbing the back of his neck. Rowan’s face still dusted with pink hues which now began to grow seemingly darker.
“You’re alright Rowan.” You replied with a slight laugh at the end of your sentence to try to relieve some of the awkwardness. You fully turned towards Rowan now looking straight into those beautiful brown orbs you were beginning to love. Rowan looked down at his shoes, the laces seemingly mesmerizing.
“Did you need something?” You asked while slightly tipping your head sideways.
“Yes actually I was wondering if you could maybe help me with the reading from yesterday. Botany doesn’t make much sense to me and you’re amazing at it.” Complimented Rowan while using his hands to explain his request further.
“Sure!” You beamed at the brown haired boy. Rowan’s face lit up much to your surprise. Did he expect me to say no you wondered. Who could say no to those eyes.
“Are you busy after school say 7:30?” You inquired not having a clue about the boys schedule.
“I-I have fencing at 6 but I could leave early!” Stated Rowan with a small smile at the end of his sentence.
“You don’t need to do that, I can just meet you in the practice room and we can study whenever you finish?” You questioned while your eyes glanced over Rowan’s slim figure. You hadn’t realized until now just how tall he was, you could guess maybe 6 ft or so.
“Okay, that’s a good idea actually.” Answered Rowan while looking away shyly that you’d wait for him just for something he asked for. Rowan didn’t understand why you were so kind to him; the outcast of outcasts.
“Then it’s settled!” You confirmed with a slight smile. Looking into Rowan’s eyes for a confirming to know he was okay with it. He awkward yet happily gave you just what you were looking for in his brown eyes.
“See you later alligator.” Rowan grimaced at his awkward dad joke to only be met with your amused chuckles. He felt good knowing HE made you laugh no body else. Maybe he wasn’t so painfully awkward after all.
“You’re so silly Rowan.” You amusedly spoke while waving goodbye and exiting the greenhouse. You never knew Rowan was so what’s the word. Just so.
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rowan-ashtree · 1 month
you ever meet a person who's obviously trying very very hard not to be awkward and actively failing
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full-moon-ships · 1 year
Radar: "Gee, you sure are young to be a psychologist."
Nico: "Im actually immortal haha."
[Long moment of awkward silence]
N: "I'm so sorry that. Really wasnt funny."
R: "I was laughing silently."
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lonehearts-a · 2 years
❛  i can’t wait to go home.  ❜ ( Belle to Rowan )
from: six-word sentence starters./ @svnandmccn
he glances up, an awkward half-smile on his face. he can relate, having been counting the minutes 'til he can go home, hug his dog, and collapse on the floor for a while to decompress. however, they, unfortunately, have work to do for a while yet.
"sorry," he offers, scratching the back of his neck. "my guest canceled last minute so i'm trying to rearrange some stuff -- once we're done, you should be able to get goin'." since belle is, to some extent, not quite used to the work they do as far as he can tell, he does feel bad for keeping her a little longer than planned.
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sonder-simming · 11 months
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oh no!! bailey came home before rowan's surprise birthday party was done!! thankfully, rowan manages to distract her with video games so that it can hastily make a cake while she's not looking....
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cringebureaucracy · 1 year
I envy the folks who can do OC playthroughs of Pokémon games, my first 2 instincts when making a trainer OC are "grown adult with an established day job" or "teenager but with a partner/ace pokemon who's like. A bug but not an early enough bug to get all the gyms with them instead of the required starter choice" and I'm too stubborn to budge on either front tbh
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whimsiwitchy · 3 days
we broke up (one shot)
hugh jackman x f!reader
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summary: you get dragged to a work event by your boyfriend of three years when Hugh comes to flirt with you. after you reluctantly tell him you’re taken, he backs off for the most part. a few months later, Hugh tells the story during an interview but little does he know you’re single now. 
warnings: implied age gap (not mentioned), flirting while in a relationship (kinda)
authors note: here's a little oneshot I wrote tonight. enjoy <33
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You’d been with your boyfriend, Rowan, for a few years now. He earned a degree in marketing and immediately got a job for a studio. While he enjoys his job and it brings in good money, the events he dragged you to were unbelievably boring. The company he worked for always had big parties after a success on a project. At first they were interesting, often running into celebrities here and there given that it was the success of their movie, but lately you found yourself sitting at the bar more often than not. It was routine at this point. Rowan would show you off for the first hour, then he would toss you aside to fend for yourself. You weren’t the biggest social butterfly, hence why you liked to sit alone, drinking. 
Tonight wasn’t any different. You were at another party for the successful marketing for Deadpool and Wolverine. You’d heard a few whispers that the stars of the movie themselves were somewhere wandering around but you hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing them. Rowan dumped you at the bar a little over thirty minutes ago and you’ve been sipping on some fruity little drink ever since, completely in your own world. You made small talk with the bartender every once and a while but you were mainly people watching. 
“Mind if I join?” A deep Australian accent asks. You look up and see a gorgeous older man. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a pair of black expensive looking glasses. He was deliciously tall and had a thich salt and pepper beard. “Uh no, go ahead.” He sits in the bar stool next to you. He orders a drink from the bartender before returning his attention back to you. “Pardon me if this is too forward but you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” The comment takes you aback. “Oh um, thank you. That’s really sweet of you to say.” He looks down to your glass that’s nothing but melted ice at this point. “Can I buy you another drink?” He asks. “You probably shouldn’t. I’m taken…sadly.” You whisper the last part, unsure if he heard it or not. “Oh! I apologize for coming on to you. You’ve been sitting here by yourself for so long, I thought you might have come alone.” You huff out a laugh. “My boyfriend works for the company. He’s out there socializing or whatever.” You shrug and signal to the bartender, asking for another drink. “That’s a shame. If you were mine, you’d be on my arm all night.” He smirks. “Is that right?” You smile at him. Before he can answer, you feel your phone vibrate with a text from Rowan that reads ‘where are you babe? Time to leave.’ 
“Well, the boyfriends calling, I gotta go.” You carefully climb out of the chair and grab your jacket and purse off of the back. As you start to walk away, the man speaks again. “Wait! What’s your name?” You turn back to face him. “Y/n.” He smiles and repeats it. “I’m Hugh.” His answer surprises you. “Oh! Congrats on the movie. I didn’t even recognize you at first with the beard and all.” He laughs. “Bye Hugh.” You wave before walking off.
It’s been a few months since that night in July, it being September now. You and Rowan had broken up mid-August, both of you agreeing that the relationship wasn’t going anywhere. It hurt for a little bit but you knew it was for the best. Living with him had been awkward as you searched for a new place, deciding that he can keep the current apartment. You wanted a fresh start, which is where you are now. Tonight was your first night in your new apartment. You didn’t have any furniture yet but you were happy. You bought an air mattress to make do until you could afford an actual bed. 
It was around midnight and you were doing your nightly youtube watch. You were scrolling through your recommended videos when you saw Hugh’s face pop up. It was an interview posted a few minutes ago from him on some late night show you’d never heard of. You clicked on it, wanting to hear what the man was up to these days. The interview was a standard one, mostly questions on his upcoming movie about some sheep. You weren’t really paying attention, close to dozing off when a question peaked your interest. 
“So Hugh, it’s almost been a year since the announcement of your divorce and the fans wanna know…How’s your dating life doing? Are you seeing anyone?” The woman asks, wiggling her eyebrows. Hugh lets out a big laugh. “I’m actually not seeing anyone. It’s funny you ask because the last time I even attempted to flirt with a woman she turned me down.” The interviewer's eyebrows shoot up in shock. She gasps before asking, “How could anyone turn you down? We need to know the full story here.” 
“Ryan and I were at this party for the marketing team that worked on Deadpool and Wolverine and I saw this absolutely gorgeous girl sitting at the bar all alone.” The interviewer is nodding her head, engaging with every word Hugh says. “I eyed her for a while to see if anyone was with her but she sat there alone for a good thirty minutes before Ryan hyped me up to go over there. When I finally did, I ordered a drink and tried to play it cool but I felt the urge to tell this girl how stunning she was, so I did.” You giggle to yourself and you hear him tell the story from his point of view. “She thanked me and I offered to buy her another drink. I kid you not, in the prettiest voice I’ve ever heard she says ‘you probably shouldn’t, i’m taken.’” His hands go up to his chest, gripping right above his heart. “My heart broke mate. I flirted a little more in true Hugh fashion but she had to go. I haven’t been able to get her out of my head since.” 
“What a lucky woman, I’m sure she regrets it.” 
“Hey, I tried my best.” He shrugs before looking at the camera. “Y/n, if you ever break up with him. I’m all yours baby.” 
Your jaw drops, the sound of cheers blasting from your phone.  
‘we broke up. I’m all yours. @/RealHughJackman’ 
You hit send on the tweet and hoped it would be enough to bring him back to you.
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thank you for reading <3
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demcgorgons · 2 years
something about you
pairing(s): xavier thorpe x fem!reader
wc: 1.6k 
summary: xavier has been missing all day and reader is worried. she finds him and he realizes that even when he wants to be alone, he doesn’t want her to leave.
warnings: reader is shorter than xavier. other than that, none! slightly unedited
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something’s wrong. xavier has never gone this long without speaking to you. to be fair, it was only the second class of the day, and the two of you had texted the night before, but he usually sent a good morning text and walked you to your first two periods, as those were the only classes you didn’t share. it was the first time since your little tradition started, and you hadn’t realized how much you relied on his presence in the morning. you checked your phone for the thousandth time, hoping he had texted you, and you somehow didn’t see it. 
time ticked by slowly, and you couldn’t control your leg as it bounced up and down. when your teacher dismissed you, you flew to your third period, anxiously awaiting the tall boy who sat next to you. your worry grew when xavier was a no show. you didn’t see him at lunch. normally, you sat with xavier, who liked to be alone, if he wasn’t with you. today, you sat with enid, yoko, bianca, and her siren crew. 
“hey, guys,” you smiled as you sat down. everyone politely greeted you, and enid scooched over so you’d have a bit more elbow room. “have any of you seen xavier?” you asked, looking around the table.
“he’s your best friend,” bianca pointed out. “shouldn’t you be the one to know that?” you squirmed a little at her words, worry bubbling in your stomach.
“he hasn’t texted me all day, and he wasn’t in class either,” you confessed. “i haven't had time to check his dorm since it’s on the other side of campus.” 
enid squeezed your hand, and gave you a comforting smile. “i’m sure he’s fine. maybe he’s just not feeling well.” you nodded, and tried to focus on your lunch. in botany, thornhill scolded you multiple times for not paying attention and being on your phone in class. you were texting xavier, asking if he was okay and if you did anything wrong. no response. 
the second that you were dismissed from your last class, you took off running to xavier’s dorm. you pushed past many people, subjecting yourself to dirty looks and shouted curses behind your back. reaching his room, you banged on the door loudly. no answer. you hesitantly twisted the doorknob, and to your surprise, it was unlocked. “that’s not safe at all, xav,” you muttered to yourself as you let yourself in. the room was empty, with half of the room being devoid of any sign that someone was there. that was rowan’s die, before he left. xavier’s bed was cold, as if he hadn’t been there all day. that left just one option: he was in his shed. he had to be.
you left your best friend’s dorm in a rush, slamming the door behind you. you winced at the noise, and gave an awkward smile to two werewolves who shot you nasty glares. as you walked into the woods, you prayed that xavier wasn’t mad at you, and your mind raced as you recalled the conversations you’d had over the past few days, trying to remember if you had somehow upset him and not realized it. after about ten minutes of walking, you came upon xavier’s shed. you’d only been in it a few times, as you respected his space. you saw the lights through the windows on the door. you knocked on the door.
xavier opened the door, and your heart leaped. you hadn’t seen him all day, and you missed him so much. “hey,” you smiled softly. you knew something was wrong. his eyes didn’t have his usual shine, and he looked so exhausted. he smiled back at you, but it didn’t reach his eyes. xavier opened the door wider and wordlessly let you in. with one glance around the shed, you knew he’d been in here all day. crumpled balls of paper were strewn around the floor, his paintbrushes scattered around the table, along with half finished paintings leaning against the walls. xaviers face and hands were flecked with paint, and he just looked so melancholy. xavier had closed the shed door and come to stand beside you as you took in the messy state of the shed. you heard the soft voices of the neighborhood playing through his phone’s speakers. you gathered him up in a tight hug, which he returned, to your delight. the minute that his arms wrapped around you, you let out a small sigh and pulled him closer to you.
“you okay?” he asks, his voice raspy from not using it all day.
you huffed in amusement, finally letting go and looking into his eyes. “you’re asking me if i’m okay?” xav shrugged, the ghost of a real smile lingering on his lips. “xav, what’s going on? you’ve been MIA all day. did i do something to upset you, or…?”
he shook his head, taking a seat in his chair. “no, y/n, it’s not you. it’s just… the nightmares started again. last night, it was so bad i just–” he cut himself off and you hugged him again, slotting yourself in between his legs and pulling him close to you. “i took today off because i wasn’t sure if i could keep this one in. sorry for not texting you, i turned my phone off for most of the day. turned it back on like twenty minutes ago because i couldn’t stand the silence anymore.”
“wanna tell me what it was about?” you asked softly. “if not, that’s okay, but it’s better to not keep things bottled up inside of you.” he pulled himself out of your clutch, then pulled you onto his lap, burying his face in your neck. you told yourself that he was just seeking comfort from his best friend, but you couldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach and the way your hands became a little shaky.
“it was the monster again,” he began. “i keep seeing it, and it’s always the same dream. the monster gets one person. he tears them apart, and there’s nothing i can do to save them. i keep seeing the light fade from their eyes right in front of me, and every time, i wake up nearly screaming.” he lets out a shaky breath.
“who is the person you’re dreaming about?” you ask.
there’s a few moments of silence before he whispers the word “you”. your heart nearly breaks in two for him. you knew how much he loved you, probably about the same that you loved him. you couldn’t imagine having these horrible, recurring dreams about xavier.
“i’m so sorry,” you said. “want me to help you try and get your mind off of it?” he nods, and you jump up, immediately missing the feeling of his hands on your waist. xavier returned to his place in front of a canvas that was turned away from you. you grabbed an easel propped up in a corner and a blank canvas. xavier pushed some paint and paintbrushes towards you. you leaned over to grab his phone and turn the music up all the way. a chase atlantic song was playing. xavier seemed to be in another world, eyebrows knit tightly as he used deliberate strokes of his brush. every now and then, he’d look up at you in concentration and go back to his painting. you wondered what he was drawing. 
you, on the other hand, were more focused on the music being played. you had a few strokes on your canvas of what kind of looked like a mountain range landscape. as the music switched, the song ‘something about you’ by eyedress came on. “i love this song!” you cheered. xavier looked up and grinned at you.
you began to theatrically sing along to the song, using your paintbrush as a microphone, and dancing along to the music. “she looks just like a dream,” you sang. “the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen..” 
xavier laughed at your dancing, and you beamed, happy to see him happy again. “i love you,” he said, then looked startled at what just came out of his mouth.
“i love you too, xav,” you said, slightly out of breath from singing and dancing. you moved to return to your mountain range, but his voice stopped you.
“no, i-i love you.” he paused, looking nervous. your heart leaped in your chest as you dared to hope that meant what you wanted it to. you could feel it begin to beat faster as xavier put his brush down and moved to stand in front of you. “no one’s ever cared about me this much to check in on me and stay until i feel better. you mean so much to me and i love every second i spend with you. i’m sorry if this ruins everything we have, but…” his voices drops to almost a whisper, and he reaches up to cup your face in his hands. “i love you.”
instead of answering, you stand on your toes to press your lips to his, and he kisses you back immediately. your mouths moved in sync as your hands weave into his hair, and he pulls you impossibly closer to him. after what felt like a million years, you pulled away, trying to catch your breath. “you should’ve done that a long time ago,” you said, and xavier rolled his eyes, smiling.
“whatever,” he said, kissing you again. “so, can we be more than best friends?”
you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. “thought you’d never ask.”
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snzhrchy · 2 years
Hi hru 👋🏾
I have a request for Wednesday on Netflix maybe you could write xavier and the reader having a fight and then he suddenly kisses the reader. Only if you want
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xavier thorpe x fem!reader
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synopsis; you’re just concerned about your boyfriend’s issues but it leads to a terrible argument between you two yet you both still long for eachother.
warnings; none :)
taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it !
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Ever since the arrival of Wednesday Addams in Nevermore and the unfortunate expulsion of Rowan, your boyfriend, Xavier Thorpe had been acting rather, unusual, to say the least.
Yes, he did lose his roommate and he was being tormented by frequent nightmares of a creature — it was enough to make one lose their sanity. Yet today, in particular, he was acting odd.
You noticed that today, he was feeling uncomfortable, bothered by the slightest conversation, as if he were scared. He also was making an attempt to cover his neck either with his collar or hands. You observed that the reason as to why he was hiding his neck was due to the large red scars that were planted on it — worst of all, they were fresh. They looked as if a creature had attacked his neck as it appeared that maybe claws were the cause of it.
You overheard him informing Wednesday that the scars were due to fencing class yet you knew him better than anyone — he wasn’t that careless to get injured so terribly in fencing. It was probably due to another cause.
Eventhough, deep down you knew you shouldn't inquire him about his latest injury something had urged you to question him about it. You wanted to know why he looked and felt so terrified. After all, you were his girlfriend, shouldn't you have a right to know?
Reluctantly, you made your way to his art studio which was an old shed he had cleaned out. You knew he was in it due to the slow hum of the music you could hear from the outside and the small light rays that penetrated out of the shed's windows.
Xavier would visit the shed whenever he was in distress. Lately, he'd been visiting it quite often as he was tortured by all his horrifying dreams and the events occurring in Jericho. The rumours of the creature in the woods weren't helping either.
One, two, three. You knocked thrice onto the door, patiently waiting for the man inside to let you in. After a few moments on waiting, the door finally opened to reveal an anger-stricken Xavier, who leaned against the doorway of the shed.
His palms were coloured in different shades of blue and red, indicating that he was painting. Whereas his eyes were both avoidant of your gaze. He kept glancing at his shoes, not even bothering to greet you — other times, he'd let you in, showing off anything new he had painted.
You broke off the awkward silence with a small cough, 'can I come in?' you lightly asked as you attempted to smile at him. Still not meeting your eyes, he replied with a simple 'sure,' and moved out of the way so that you could enter.
You looked around and were horrified at the sight of the inside of the shed. Nearly every corner was filled with sketches, drawings and paintings of the creature - some scribbled messily while others were decorated in detail. You now knew that his nightmares were only getting worse even with his multiple therapy sessions, he still wasn't getting any better.
'So what do you want?' Xavier asked with no emotion. You turned to look at him after finally tearing your eyes away from the gnarly pictures he had drawn. 'I just wanted to check up on you, see how you're feeling,' you replied, 'I noticed your scars and I wanted to ask you...' you trailed off, unsure of how to continue since you noticed that his expression hardened.
'Why? So you could blame me for all the murders?' he snapped. You had no idea what Xavier could possibly mean by that statement. Did someone blame him? Was that he was feeling so sour?
'No, I don't blame you at all and you know that. I was just here to check up on you and-' before you could finish, you were cut off by Xavier: 'well, I don't need you checking up on me, I'm perfectly fine. Stop pretending like you ever actually cared,' he shouted.
All the worry you had about him left you immediately, you yelled back at him as he yelled at you. You both were shouting back and forth, throwing cruel words at eachother. Until, you had had enough. Your eyes and cheeks were now stained with tears, your lips were bleeding due to you biting them aggressively and you wanted nothing more than to leave.
His harsh words were enough for you to finally leave his shed, filled with rage and sadness. Clearly, he was not feeling alright and took out his anger on you. You were just trying to check up on him, what could've caused him to feel like this?
To be honest, you were angry at him, terribly angry. You stormed into your room, trying to block off any thoughts you had about him. Yet you couldn't since no matter how foolish he acted, you still liked him.
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Rave'N was suppose to be a fun and eventful night for any outcast. Well, any outcast except for you. Ever since your argument with Xavier, you didn't bother talking to him, even when he attempted to apologise to you.
You went with your friend and roommate, Yoko and instead of moping over Xavier, you decided to actually enjoy yourself. It was a party after all, you were suppose to enjoy yourself here. The drinks and loud music were finally making you forget all about Xavier.
After a couple of drinks and a few dances with Yoko, you were finally exhausting yourself. Tearing away from Yoko and the dance floor, you finally sat down on a table you presumed to be empty to rest a bit before going back.
'I see you're enjoying yourself here,' a familiar yet unexpecting voice called — the last voice you wanted to hear right now. Sighing, you turned to look at the unwelcomed face of Xavier. You raised your brow, 'So? It's a party,' you replied, not even bothering to pay attention to him.
'Hey listen...' he began as he sat himself next to you. You knew what to expect, for the past few days, Xavier had been attempting to apologise to you for his harsh words yet you didn't bother listening to any of his apologies; most of the time, Yoko would just tell him to leave.
You sighed and turned to look at him, 'you've told me that same apology multiple times but you have to realise that I was really hurt by your words... I was just worried.' This was probably the longest conversation you both had this entire week.
'Xavier, I understand you were hurting back then but I just kinda wished you ta—‘ before you could finish your statement, you got interrupted by a pair of lips on yours.
It was a surprised gesture but you reciprocated it almost immediately; you missed this so much. You’d never admit it but you really did miss Xavier loads. Just by kissing him, all the events of the past few days were lost; you just wanted to be with him.
Once you two pulled apart, Xavier looked at his shoes, avoiding your gaze again — it looked as if he was embarrassed of his actions.
‘I’m really sorry about that, y/n. I shouldn’t have done that,’ he stated apologetically. Deep down, Xavier longed for things to go back to the way they were. He felt upset and he missed you so much.
‘Hey, it’s alright. I’m kinda over it besides, you were just on edge back then; we both said things that we regretted. I understand,’ you gently spoke. Xavier looked at you with hopeful eyes yet he didn’t utter a single word.
The last thing Xavier expected you to do was stand up and offer your hand to his, inviting him onto the dance floor.
‘Come on,’ you said as you happily dragged him to the dance floor.
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rowretro · 2 months
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♡taglist: @firstclassjaylee @laurradoesloveu
♡Warnings: slapping, idk what else.
Saturday morning, 11am. Rowan was still deep asleep lost in her strange dreamland. She never wasted her mornings waking up early like a positive healthy person who studies at 6am and gets on her parents good side. She simply can't. Why waste the only 2 days you get to sleep and take a peaceful break on being productive?
Compared to the 5 days she wakes up early, zooming around to freshen up, doing her makeup and going to school, especially these recent days as exams are nearing, and the stress starts taking a toll on her feeble state. 
That's right, exam season, the season I must say all students dread it's insane how a paper of useless questions that won't even be helpful in the future, can cause her to cry, lash out at her laptop every time it takes a while to load, and cause her to lose weight at an unhealthy cost. 
She wasn't going to wake herself up the one time she was sleeping soundly when all these nights she spent cramming and revising, highlighting notes, and trying to solve confuzzling formulas. She preferred her zombie apocalypse dream, where she was eating marshmallows in a rundown building's attic.
"Row! it's 11:47 get your ass up!" Jungwon yelled, no answer "Rowan. You'll have plenty of time to sleep later- we need to go to the mall" Jungwon reasoned as he softly opened the door, peeking in, hoping he's not walking in on anything awkward. To his luck she was buried under her thick duvet, snuggled up against another pillow, and sound asleep.
There's only one way to get her to wake up and come downstairs, all dressed and ready to go outside. "Row- get your fucking ass up now! Heeseung is waking up!"Jungwon finally said as he shut the door of her room, grinning mischievously as he heard her get up, rushing about here and there.
. . .
"I'm ready let's go-" Rowan froze mid sentence as she saw Heeseung sitting on the sofa, Newspaper at hand, Steaming hot tea, in the delicate, expensive teacup on the table before him. He eyed her up and down, eyebrows scrunched at the centre, s if scrutinizing her look.
Hee tended to be pretty protective, of course he was all for her style and love for fashion, but sometimes, all he could see was his little baby sister. Row bit her lip, nervous, hoping she didn't have to change. she was wearing a pretty tight pink top, flounce sleeves with a nice white ribbon in the centre, a rather ballet core top, with a short white skirt to match.
"Where are you off to?" he asked coldly, eyes piercing into her as he studied her makeup, not too natural, heavy on the eyes, visible manga lashes, so definitely not a date. "Jungwon, and I have to buy a few things at the mall-" she said as she turned to Jungwon who just grabbed his car keys. 
Heeseung nodded as he turned to Jungwon "Alright. take care, be back by 6 Won, we have a meeting at 6:30." Heeseung simply said as Jungwon smiled saying ok as he led Rowan out the door.
. . .
Sunghoon hummed to himself as he dried his hair, white t shirt somewhat sticking to his abs, and a nice dark denim pair of jeans that suited his stature very well, practically everything suits him. He smiled to himself as he sprayed a crazy amount of deodorant around himself. 
"ma im heading out with the boys ill be back very late don't know when so don't worry about me ok?" he said as he was about to walk out the building "Why would I worry about you?! im more worried about your sister." she said as Sunghoon playfully pouted "Favouritism much.... "
"No it's not like that... Sunghoon your sister's been getting bullied the past week... since she's joined high school, it's one of those things I was worried about... can't you go ask her what's wrong? like I don't know solve her little issue?" She asked as Sunghoon groaned.
He didn't defy. He couldn't, he'd feel guilty anytime he didn't do something his mother wanted, she wasn't strict or anything, just... she's his mom after all.  "Oi. tell me who he or she or they is." Sunghoon said as he sat beside his sister. Siyeon frowned, taking off her ear piece, as she folded the page.
"Why do you suddenly care?" she asked as Sunghoon shrugged "You're my sister- and I have the power to scare people so just tell me-" he said as the girl rolled her eyes "Fine... her name's Leiko, she's in a few classes above me and she thinks im going after her man- whoever he is... she often wears pink and hangs out at the Hera mall on Saturdays-" She added, waving around some cash as Sunghoon narrowed his eyes.
"give me a description and your problem will be solved within seconds. That girl won't even look in your direction my dear sister~" Sunghoon said with a smile as Siyeon smirked "Black hair, around 5'2 or something, she's probably wearing pink, and she'll most definitely stand out in a crowd." she said as Sunghoon rushed off.
. . .
"You wait here- I'm going to head to the men's room quickly kay?" Jungwon said as Rowan nodded. She stood by a bench, smiling as she admired her newly done nails. The school wasn't too keen on makeup and nails, but her brother's Heeseung so the teachers don't care. Row softly flicked the dangling heart charm on her nail as she could see a dark-haired, charming male heading her way.
She's seen plenty pretty boys before, never one this pretty. Dark, perfect eyes, perfect jawline, plump pink lips, and a very pretty nose, a few moles here and there. Then she realized he was actually heading in her direction. Stopping right before her, his glare piercing, as she froze in her spot.
Just like that. One hard, stinging slap around her face, his big watch making it all the more painful. Sunghoon didn't even have the slap planned when he was going to threaten the said girl... he just felt so... mad. The girl stumbled back, her heels not having mercy on her balance. 
"Come near my sister again and I swear you'll never see the end of this." Sunghoon said as Rowan gasped, annoyed, mad, confused. Before she could even ask, the male had already walked off. Who's sister? why? what did she do? What the fuck? "Fuck Row- your face... who the fuck did this to you?" Jungwon asked, noticing the reddened mark on her face "Let's just go home..." she said, exhausted.
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infamous-if · 1 year
As won by the poll, the MC x Seven first kiss drabble is first! A few things: 1) this drabble is fucking long sorry and 2) though this is what I imagine their first kiss to be like, I don't want to go as far as saying it's completely canon, mostly because I'm sure it can go many different ways with different types of MC's. And 3rd) I tried really hard to make this fluffy and not so serious and I'm sure you can see the shift where I thought 'oh crap' but...I am not a fluff writer and I will be working on that lmao 4th) as always, I do not edit my drabbles and I really only do one draft of them so excuse the wordy/awkward sentences or typos or any of that sort and finally, sorry about that last line lmfao
“Have any of you seen Seven?”
That’s the question you’ve been asking all night since your band left The Golden Spoon, a bar in the crux of the city. It had one of your best audiences in recent memory; there were no lulls in engagement, no dull moments that made you question yourself. People loved the songs and danced their hearts out, some even asked for pictures once the set was over. Fame, however small, feels pretty fucking good. 
That holds the most truth in Seven. After the set was over, they were on a high, laughing and talking to anyone who offered them even a sliver of their time. That’s usually how it goes with a successful set--Seven becomes a magnet for all sorts of attention. Unreachable, untouchable. No wonder you barely had a chance to talk to them after leaving.
It didn’t bother you, considering you were all heading to the bar owner’s apartment for a small after-party. You just assumed you’d talk to Seven there, considering it’s an apartment. Eight-hundred square feet at most. Small enough that you could spot Seven’s familiar red bandana in any crowd. 
Or not. 
The group you just asked share equally confused looks and answer with varying shrugs. 
You huff, pushing through the slightly sparse but growing crowd. You maneuver through the kitchen and ask a haggle of women who claim they didn’t even see Seven arrive. The man standing alone in the hall? Saw Seven once and never again.
You’re growing frustrated.
With every answer, your impatient grows. Where the hell could Seven be? You came with them but were quickly swept away by the hordes of people throwing various questions and praise your way. Seven hasn’t responded to any of your texts either, which sprouts up a small seed of worry in you. 
“Hey, MC!” 
You look up to see Jazzy beckoning you over to the couch in the living room, where most people have congregated. In the center stands Rowan, gesticulating wildly as he tells a story from high school...one you’re sure you’ve heard many times before.
Jazzy waves you over again and you sigh. Half your mind still on Seven’s whereabouts, you stride through the living room and take a seat in the corner of the couch next to Iris, half your body pressed against the armrest.
“…and that’s when I had to sit down because I kid you not, I was about to fucking eat concrete…”
The group laughs as Rowan weaves a tale of failed skateboarding antics. The names of you and your friends come up a few times, and whenever Seven is mentioned you can’t help but jolt and look around in hopes that they slipped back inside at some point in the story. With every mention, your body deflates further and further.
Until your phone buzzes. 
You turn it around, only to catch Seven finally responding to your million texts asking where they are.
Seven: Roof
You quirk a brow at the message—the one word that says so much—and type something quickly in return.
You: Thought you died.
Another buzz.
Seven: Can’t get rid of me that easily.
You snort, though no one else is laughing. You lower your phone a bit to appear engaged but send back a quick text. 
You: Aw, really? I was hoping I’d finally be free of you.
Seven: Har-har. Are you coming or not? I’m feeling lonelyyyy
Your heart races and another laugh bubbles out of you when Seven sends a GIF of someone ungracefully falling on the floor. You didn’t realize how much of a relief it is to hear from them until now, seeing Seven’s text on your screen. Is your body that attuned to them? That, whenever they’re gone, you can feel their absence, so palpable it’s as if a part of you is missing? When they’re near, you feel more than complete. Drowning in so much joy that it’s almost overwhelming?
What do you call that?
You shake away the thoughts and send a reply: Coming. 
Brushing yourself off when you stand, you catch your friends looking at you. You shoot Rowan a small smile and walk out of the living room, where you quickly hear him go into another story about who-knows-what. At least the party seems interested.
Another buzz. 
Seven: Bring some bears please
You: Bears? 
Seven: Beers. Whatever. 
Shaking your head, you put your phone away and divert your path to the kitchen where you swipe two bottles of beer. You use the end of the counter to pop open the tops before making your way out of the apartment…only to soon realize you don’t actually don’t know where you’re going.
Dangling the beers between two fingers, you take out your phone. 
You: Where am I going?
Seven: Are you serious? It’s a roof. Just go up.
Seven: lol
You: I will kill you.
Seven: OMG you really are trying to get rid of me
You: Seven Lawless
Seven: Using my whole name? Just shivered. The roof entrance is down the hall to your left. Ignore the signs telling you…not to go to the roof. 
You move to the door and sure enough, there is a large sign warning of any trespassers. 
You: You mean the sign saying that ‘violators will be fined and/or arrested?’
Seven: Ignore it. It’s just a very strong suggestion
Seven: (trust me) 
Scoffing, you push it open with your shoulder and go up the single flight of stairs to the roof. Stepping outside grants you a cacophony of sounds; car horns, the sound of the wind rushing past your cheeks, music playing from Seven’s phone. 
“I’m starting to think you look at the floor plan of every place you enter just to find the roof,” you say by way of greeting as you approach them.
Seven looks behind their shoulder from their spot on the ledge, their previously blank face widening into a sly grin. 
Your heart races at the image of Seven smiling at you, though you quickly push it down. You don’t know what’s been happening but lately, everything Seven does pulls a reaction from you. A simple look makes your stomach squeeze. A brush of their hand sends goosebumps up your arms. A smile can throw your whole body out of whack. 
“I needed a break,” Seven replies, turning back around to face ahead. As you get closer, you see their legs dangling over the edge. It’s not too far below—the building is four stories—but it’s still enough to give you vertigo when you go to sit next to them. “Someone asked me to sign their divorce papers."
Your lip twitches as you hand them a bottle. “Did you?”
Seven looks over to you, gaze glittering beneath stray strands of dark hair that fall in front of their eyes. “Yes.” 
You laugh and Seven swats your following hand away in your attempt to shove them to the side. “Woah, woah!” Their brief panic from the possibility of falling is laced with humor and you let out a small, ‘sorry!’ that Seven waves off. 
"Signing divorce papers," you muse. "I wonder what we'll sign when we're global rockstars."
Their humor subsides, and their smile weakens as they toy with their bottle. You wait, silent, as Seven inhales through their nose and says, “Do you ever regret it?” They gesture vaguely around them. “Doing…all of this?”
You face ahead and think about it, stretching your legs out in front of you. “Not really. Do you?”
Seven takes a swig of their drink before setting it down next to them, lifting both shoulders in a quick shrug. “No. This is all I ever wanted to do.”
“Then why don’t you sound so convinced?”
Their eyes cut to yours and they snort a little. 
“Hey, you brought it up,” you prod.
They huff through their nose, eyes narrowing in mock annoyance. “Shut up.” Once again, their humor is brief, and you start to think that there must be something within Seven that’s torn, fighting to come out. It wouldn’t surprise you; Seven has always loved too much, hurt too much, felt too much. They call it a Fatal Flaw, how attached they get, but really, you find it endearing. It’s rare to find people like them in this world. You wish they knew that. “Ah, I don’t want to ruin the mood.”
You nudge them. “Say it.” 
They begin rocking back and forth in thought, nudging you back every time they move. “Sometimes…when I’m on stage…” They clear their throat. “Sometimes I feel so lonely.”
You expected many things, but not that. 
Lonely? Seven is lonely? Granted, Seven hasn’t had the greatest home life, but you assumed that they found an abundance of people to surround themselves with. Hell, they looked like they were having the time of their life after the gig!
Seven’s frowning now, their eyes glazing over with an emotion you can’t read. “I see all those faces and I love it. The attention. The way they sing our songs. I feel fucking alive, you know?”
You nod, hanging on to every word. You understand them; the feeling of music and standing on that stage, singing emotions and states of being that can’t be explained in any other way but through song.
“But then I look back and…” They chew on their inner cheek, brows furrowing as they evidently search for the right words. “I wonder if they see me. Like really see me.” 
Your lips part. For a moment, you’re speechless. “Sev—“
“And I know it’s unfair to think that,” Seven breaks in quickly. “They’re fans. I shouldn’t put so much responsibility on them, but it just….fuck, I don’t know what I’m saying.”
“No!” you say. Seven jolts and whips their head toward you, giving you a look of alarm. “I get what you’re saying.” You adjust to face them completely. “I feel it too, sometimes. You just want to be seen not as Seven Lawless but…” You clear your throat. “Seven Duckstein. You know?”
Seven holds your gaze. Their eyes sparkle under the fairy lights that are strung around the lattice detailing on the roof. As their eyes dart around your face, searching for something, you wonder if it was wrong to bring up their real name. It’s always been a sore topic for them, amongst other things. You just hope Sev understands what you’re trying to say. 
They crack a small smile and nod. “Yeah.”
You let out a small breath of relief, grateful Seven understands what you mean. You gaze around, looking down at the street below. Distantly, you can feel Seven’s eyes still on you. Your skin burns under their stare, but you do your best to keep looking at the tiny people running inside shops, chatting, and slipping into cars. Living entire lives that you will never know the depth of. 
You wonder if you have learned the true depth of Seven Duckstein. Even after all these years…they still seem like a mystery to you. 
And you sort of hate how exciting that feels. As if uncovering the hidden layers of your best friend is something to look forward to. 
“I’m not lonely with you, though.”
Your eyes flicker up to meet theirs. You laugh a little. “How could you be? I’m with you 24/7.”
Seven rolls their eyes and it’s their turn to shove you. “Can you be serious a sec? I’m trying to tell you I appreciate you.” They drag the syllables on the word ‘appreciate,’ trying to emphasize the severity of the moment. 
You raise your palms in mock surrender. “Keep going. I’m listening.”
They pause for a beat. “No. I’m nervous.”
“Too much attention.”
“You’re a performer?!”
They raise a finger. “That’s different.” 
“Oh, please—“
Somehow you and Seven fall in a lighthearted round of bickering, swatting each other’s hands as you playfully fight. That fighting soon turns into tickling, and Seven’s usually even voice turns into high-pitched squeals that you wish you could record to use against them later.
You don’t know how it happened, but somehow Seven ends up on their back, sighing happily at the darkened sky that hovers over you both. You lean on your side, your body pressed against Seven’s, and rest your head on your hand.
“Come onnnn,” you prod, poking their rib. They squirm. “Tell me how much you appreciate me.” Your voice softens as Seven’s humor dies. “Tell me how you really feel.”
You meant for it to come out as a joke, but the delicacy in your voice betrays the true intention that’s hiding deep within you.
Seven’s eyes slowly, hesitantly, glide away from the stars pulsing in the sky to meet your eyes. With their hair framing their face, their small smile, and the glare of the fairy lights dancing on their face, they have never looked so vulnerable.
“I don’t think I should.”
That has you stiffening. A flare of panic rises in your stomach. What does Seven mean by that? Part of you knows but…no. You’re being ridiculous. 
They turn their head away, rolling their lips. It’s silent for a moment. You convince yourself Seven won’t speak until they say, “I’m afraid. Of you.”
“What?” you blurt, eyes wide. You hardly know how to act right now. This conversation has gone a direction you’re not sure of.
They turn back to face you. “You have too much power over me. It scares me.”
You open your mouth to speak. The only thing that comes out is a pathetic noise from your throat.
Seven snorts at your reaction, frowning at the sky. “You really don’t know the effect you have on others.”
“I doubt I have any impact on others," you mutter, feeling oddly self-conscious.
“Fine then. You don’t know the effect you have on me.” They huff, throwing their bandana aside to run a hand through their hair in frustration. “It’s kind of annoying.”
You sputter out a laugh, reaching out to poke them again. “Are you seriously insulting me—“ 
Seven grabs your hand mid-way, their skin warm against yours. You look down, staring at the polish on their nails as they curl their hand around your palm. “I’m not trying to insult you.” 
“Then what are you trying to do?” you mumble, your eyes still on your joined skin. 
“I’m trying to do as you asked.” Seven inhales a shuddering breath. “I’m telling you how I really feel.”
You jerk a nod. “Okay. Sorry.” Your voice is quiet. “Go.”
Seven’s lip twitches as they look up at you. “Nervous again. Too much attention.”
“Fuck off,” you throw out, though there’s no strength behind your words. 
It’s Seven’s turn to apologize. “Sorry.” They swallow. “I just think I might mess up my words with you looking at me.” 
You debate something. Debate the logic behind whatever you’re going to say next. This moment feels too big to make decisions on feelings you don’t know are fleeting or not. This is Seven. Your best friend. Anything you do will permanently change the comfortable camaraderie you two have had since you were kids. 
But…you can’t stop from thinking it might be worth it anyway. 
“Then don’t use words.” 
Seven’s lips part, mostly from surprise. And then you see it; the shift in their expression-- from uncertain to determined. Their eyes darken and slowly, they release their grip on your hand to place it on the back of your neck, pulling you toward them. 
Your heart races in your chest. Are you two really doing this? After years of casual closeness; sleepovers, handshakes, private looks across crowded rooms. Has there been an underlying attraction you just never paid attention to? Or maybe you did, and both of you were too afraid to confront it. 
Seven is slow at firs, as if they aren't quite sure they should be doing this after all. But when you don’t pull away they grow the confidence to close the remaining inches of space between you.
Kissing Seven isn't like anything you imagined. And you can't lie; you've imagined it plenty of times.
What is happening...?
Lips warm against yours, you clutch the leather of their jacket as they pull you closer. The kiss is a messy and desperate dance of teeth and tongues but you don’t mind. Not when Seven tastes like gum and alcohol and is sending goosebumps down your arms as they absently run circles on the skin of your neck. 
Messy seems about right.
Seven smells of lavender and pine and mint and so many other smells you never noticed until now, when you’re so aware of them and their existence that your brain can’t make out any words except Seven Seven Seven.
Seven kisses you like it's their own salvation; as if kissing you now is the only thing anchoring them to this moment. As if pulling away means breaking whatever dream you two have found yourselves in. So they pull you even closer, deepening the kiss and sighing happily into your mouth.
You could kiss Seven Lawless all night. Shit, you could kiss Seven Lawless forever.
They tug on your lower lip with their teeth just lightly before closing their mouth to plant a more chaste kiss before pulling away. You swallow a frustrated groan, stifling the urge to pull them back into another kiss. 
Your eyes flutter open at the loss of warmth.
"That...that was a lot better than I thought," they breathe.
"You've thought about it?" you joke, careful not to speak too loudly in fear of ruining the moment.
Their answering nod is jerky. "Yeah. An embarrassing amount of times."
You both laugh. The humor quickly dies. Then...the worst part comes: the silence.
The horrible, awkward silence.
See, no one ever talks about what comes afterward. The reality of realizing what it is you've just done. The panic that follows the post-kiss clarity.
They slowly drop their hand from your neck. 
And then they burst up, making you fall back on your ass. 
“You—“ They whirl around. “Did you just kiss me?”
“Me?!” you guffaw, standing on your feet as well. “You mean you kissed me!”
“Me?” They stand there, and then a manic, happy laugh escapes them. You watch as they put their hands on both of their cheeks, blowing out a long breath. “So I did, didn’t I?”
It’s your turn to laugh. You feel drunk. “Yeah. You did.”
“You kissed me back.” Their voice comes out almost accusatory.
“Yeah.” Your brows furrow. “…I did.”
Seven and you stand there. A rush of wind passes. Neither of you speak.
Until both of you do.
Seven physically clamps their mouth shut with their hand. Your brain is a static fuzz of nothingness. 
Songwriters at a loss for words. It’s almost funny. 
“Is…” You clear your throat. “Is that how you really feel?”
Seven meets your eyes and then quickly looks away. “Yeah.” A mumble. “For a while now.”
Your eyes widen. “I—“
“Don’t say anything!” Seven raises a hand, stopping you. 
You jolt, mostly because Seven just acted like they saw a bug or something. “What!”
“You know in the movies and TV shows where a person confesses to another person and that other person feels obligated to say something back even though they likely didn’t think it through as long as the other person?” Seven says in one breath.
You blink. “I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“—well, I always found that to be pathetic. Almost like a pity response.” They begin nervously smoothing their hands on their pants, exhaling a heavy sigh. “Just don’t…say anything, okay?”
Seven, still a bit frantic, comes over to you and puts their hands on your shoulders. “Just forget this happened. I’ll get over it. I just…I may have drank a bit and I needed to get it out of my system and I don’t want this to ruin what we have.” 
You have whiplash. Maybe it was you who drank too much. You two were just kissing—kissing—and now Seven is telling you to forget it...?
“That kiss was in the heat of the moment and I mean, I did like it but it may be weird and we’ve been best friends for so long that I know you might find it odd. And hey,“--they let out a burst of shaky laughter--"maybe we can write a song out of thi--'
You pull their face forward, stifling the rest of their words in another pathetically desperate kiss that burns you all over.
It takes Seven a few seconds to catch up, but when they do, their hands go from your shoulders to your cheeks, cupping your face.
By the time you pull away, you're both slightly breathless. You say, “Just…shut up.”
Seven simply stares at you, parted lips glistening and eyes peering at you as if you’re a painting in the Louvre. Like you're something worth their awe and wonder. 
Maybe it’s now, just like when they were laying down, that Seven is seeing you differently too.
The sound of metal squeaks in the air with the door opening. You and Seven jolt, quickly shuffling away from each other just as Rowan, Iris, Devyn, and Jazzy appear. 
“We were looking for you gu—what’s going on?” Jazzy asks, her eyes darting between you two.
“Nothing.” Seven takes a wide step away from you, swiping a hand across their lips. You swear you see the shadow of a smile on their face. “We were just...talking.”
“You were missing the party, Sev Sev.” Jazzy comes over to Seven and throws her arm around their neck in some sort of move that can’t possibly be comfortable. “Where did you go?”
“Sorry, Jazz Jazz,” Seven jokes back, exasperated. They keep one eye on you as Jazzy pulls them away back inside. They steal one glance at you before they disappear down the stairs.
You stand there, ruminating over what just happened. Your lips still sting and the phantom touch of Seven’s mouth still makes the hair on your arms rise.
“You okay?” 
Rowan’s voice has you jolting back to the present. “What?”
“You and Seven.” Rowan gestures at you. “Are you guys alright?”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah.” You wave a dismissive hand as you begin walking back inside. “Totally. We’re just peachy. What are we doing?”
“We’re heading home, actually,” Iris says, shooting you a curious look. “Party got boring.”
You snort, and you and your friends walk down the stairs to meet Seven and Jazzy in the hall. Seven looks your way and quickly averts their gaze, grazing the bottom of their teeth along their lip in evident thought.
You know, eventually, you and Seven will have to talk about…whatever that was that just happened. You’re not quite sure yet what it means. Though you do know one thing: tonight has changed something. Suddenly your friendship is something far more than precious: it’s fragile. And you can’t help but wonder what that kiss means for it.
“Should we get something to eat?” Iris asks the group as you saunter out of the building. “I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry,” Rowan snorts, weaving Iris’s jab. 
“I’m okay with anything you want.” As Seven says this, they look over to you, and you know they’re not just talking about food.
“Yeah,” you decide. “Me too.”
“Burgers it is,” Iris says. Devyn hums in agreement.
Seven smiles at you, and you can feel the shift in them. When they gaze at you, something else lies there. Something else that makes your heart quicken.
Yeah, you may not know what comes next in your friendship, but you do know one thing: you and Seven will never part.
And that thought comforts you.
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Sitting On Their Lap
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Wednesday: She would be caught off guard by the unexpected action. Depending on her trust level with her partner and your intentions, she could either push you off her lap or embrace the physical intimacy.
Enid: Enid is a very open-minded person, so she wouldn’t mind you sitting on her lap. She’ll probably laugh and call you cute for trying to be so close to her. She might even play along and kiss or snuggle you. Ultimately, she'll be happy that you feel comfortable and close to her.
Xavier: When you sit on his lap, he feels a heightened sense of excitement and intimacy. He will wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer, expressing his gratitude for the privilege of holding you in his lap. He will kiss your neck, stroke your hair, and provide other physical comfort and affection, making the experience of lap-sitting one that is both intimate and pleasurable.
Rowan: He would feel both excited and nervous. He would feel excited because he would be in close proximity to you and he would be able to feel your body heat, which would remind him of your connection. However, he would also feel nervous because it would be a new experience in your relationship and he wouldn't know how to react or what to say. He would want to make sure that he didn't do anything that could make you uncomfortable or feel awkward.
Tyler: He loves it when you sit on his lap. It's a very intimate and romantic gesture that makes him feel close to you. He usually makes direct eye contact, taking your hand in his, and strokes your hair or face. If the situation calls for him to move, he will either rise to his feet and hold you close to him or gently lift you off his lap and have you sit next to him. Either way, he makes sure to provide lots of physical affection throughout and after the interaction.
Ajax: He feels immense joy and gratitude when you sit on his lap. He is filled with a sense of wonder that someone is willing to give him that much affection and trust. He feels a surge of passion and a deep connection to you. It is a truly magical experience that he cherishes. He can't deny that he also feels a little excitement in anticipating what may come next. His heart flutters with happiness and anticipation when you sit on his lap. 
Bianca: When you sit on her lap, her heart rate usually rises in anticipation, and she has an uncontrollable urge to cuddle and kiss you. She will place her hands on your hips and pull you close, holding you in her arms with a warm embrace. Your noses will often touch and lips will touch from time to time, as you enter a realm of sensuality and adoration.
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
Hiiiii may please write rowaelin x reader where she gets injured and they get like rlly possessive over her
we know how protective Mr. "you're sleeping in my bed until you're better" is when you're hurt 😏 lmao love this
Protective Instincts
Rowaelin x Reader
Warnings: mention of battle/injury
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Head pounding, you groaned in pain, groggily blinking awake as you took in your surroundings. A warm fire roared from a hearth across the room, situated next to the chairs and couch that made up the seating area - Aelin asleep in one of the chairs, curled in an awkward position with her legs swung over the armrest so that she was facing you.
You registered that you were in a guest room of the Lochans’ castle, where you’d been staying during your meetings with Aedion, Lorcan, and Elide over barrier precautions. Memories flashed in your mind as you fell back weakly against the pillows - you recalled the sudden attack, raiders from the Frozen Wastes who had somehow crossed the mountains in an attempt to overtake Perranth. 
Recalling the injury in your side from one of the raiders, you instinctively reached for the wounded area only to release another loud groan at the pain. In the corner of your vision, Aelin stirred, eyes widening as the two of you made eye contact. “You’re awake,” she cried, voice choking on the words. You smiled softly at her, your own voice scratching as you attempted to speak to her. 
Aelin leapt from her chair as you sputtered out a cough, bringing a glass of water from the nightstand to your lips. Putting the glass back down, she stroked your hair softly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling?” You took a deep breath, still coming back to your senses. “I’m in pain, but-“
You were interrupted by Rowan opening the door, a tray with two plates of food in his hand as he noticed your wakened state, tension visibly dissipating from his shoulders as he did so. “Hi,” you whispered at him with a small smile. Rowan sat down the tray next to your water, rushing over to take your head in his hands, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. He maintained that stoic expression he usually did, but a torrent of emotions swam in his eyes, filled with concern.
Aelin reached up to take your hand in hers. “You were saying?” Refocusing your attention to her, you nodded. “I’m in some pain, but it’s manageable. I’m just trying to remember what happened.” A muscle ticked in Rowan’s jaw. Barely keeping a leash on his anger, he directed the question at you, “you don’t remember how you rushed into battle? How you jumped in front of a blade meant for another soldier?”
A flurry of guilt, grief, and other emotions overcame you as your lip wobbled under Rowan’s intense gaze. Aelin held up a hand, silencing him before he could lecture you further. “You were the kind, brave person that we know and love.” She glanced at Rowan pointedly before continuing, “we’ve been very worried. You were mostly unconscious for nearly a week.” Your eyes widened, jaw slack as you registered her words. A week? You must have been close to death’s door for an injury to take you out for so long. 
You held back tears, looking at Aelin and then Rowan. “I’m sorry, I know that must have been scary for the two of you,” you whispered. Rowan’s eyes softened then, and he crouched down beside where you laid as he took your hand, pressing a kiss to it. “You have nothing to apologize for, love. Here, try to eat some of this food while it’s warm.” 
He turned, picking up the tray as Aelin crawled into bed beside you, taking a plate for herself as Rowan sat on the other side of you, helping you eat the warm soup and bread. A knock on the door sounded before Aedion entered, “I just wanted to check and see how you’re do-“ 
Rowan cut him off with a growl, Aelin flashing her canines as their protective instincts took over. Aedion held up his hands in a placating position, giving you a playful smile as he retreated out of the room. “I’m glad you’re okay. They’ve been like this all week,” he teased with an eye roll as Rowan snarled once more in warning. 
The door clicked shut, the three of you alone once more as Aelin finished her food, snuggling into your side as you put an arm around her and leaned your head on Rowan, eyes drooping once more now that you were sated with food. “Uh huh,” Rowan tsked, helping you sit up. “No falling asleep yet. You’ve been asleep for days, and need a proper bath. I’ll be back for you in a moment.”
You scoffed softly under your breath, turning to Aelin as he left the room. She smirked at you, flicking your nose. “He is right, you know. You do stink.” Leaning in to press a kiss below your ear, Aelin murmured against your neck, “but I’ll help you clean up.”
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writtenonreceipts · 20 days
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Rowaelin Month Day Five: Birthdays @rowaelinscourt
Month Masterlist // AO3 // Find Part One Here (not necessary to read)
Summary: Forced to live together during covid, Rowan and Aelin have their own series of misgivings while trying to get along.
Warnings: references to covid, but really it's fluff ~1.8k words
Level of Concern (tell me we're ok)
If she hadn’t expressed it enough already: Aelin hated the pandemic.  She hated isolation.  She hated separation.  She hated the unknown.  She hated all of it.
Yes, she knew it was important and key to seeing lower number spikes and she knew this was all she could do aside from getting vaccinated and it was all very important to take seriously.  Sure.  Fine.
But why did it feel so lonely?
She sat at the kitchen table staring at her breakfast of granola and milk wishing it were a triple decked pile of Nutella pancakes.  Her groceries were running low and since money was tight, she had to wait until her paycheck cleared on Friday before she could go to the store.  It was Monday.
Aelin glanced at her phone.  Again.
No messages.
It was only eight, earlier than her family knew she would ever get up.  Especially on a day like today.  Still.  She would have expected at least one text from Aedion.
A small shuffle down the hall told her that Rowan was awake.  Of course he was.  Aelin was pretty sure he woke up by five-thirty so he could still work out in the living room.  It really pissed her off that he wasn’t getting fat.  She’d gained two pounds since quarantine began.  Not that she could really tell…honestly, she knew it didn’t mean anything and who the hell cared what her body looked like.  If she didn’t have to worry about money she’d be eating her weight in cake right now.
“Are you alright?”
Aelin looked up to see Rowan standing in the kitchen entryway.  She hadn’t noticed his entrance, only thinking he was moving from bathroom to bedroom.
“So good,” she said.  She took a bite of now soggy granola and hated her entire existence.
Rowan, dressed in his usual slacks and neat button up, went to start a pot of coffee.  His pine scented soap permeated the air and Aelin tried not to sniff too loudly.  Why did he have to smell good too?
After the entire incident with the cookie dough weeks ago, Aelin had tried to put some much needed distance between the two of them.  Well, much needed for her.  He didn’t need her being awkward and fluttery around him.  Because she wasn’t.  Obviously.  He was just attractive and she was an idiot.
Rowan took a seat at the table across from her, bowl of premade overnight oats and bowl of berries set before him.  How much did he make that he could afford fresh fruit?  In this economy?  Maybe, maybe, once a month did she indulge on some nicer foods.  But after the “great egg famine” she relied a bit too heavily on cheaper items.  She should try working out.  Maybe that would help her slump.
“You’re staring at me,” Rowan said.  He was looking at his phone with some news app opened. 
“Am not.” Another soggy bite of granola.
“Sure,” he replied, drawing the word out.
Aelin rolled her eyes and stood.  She wasn’t going to finish this food, no matter how painful it was to waste it.  Besides, she had to prepare for her day.  She’d managed to snag a few jobs for the week that would hopefully keep her busy enough to ignore the fact that this birthday was going to be the worst she’d ever had.
The rest of the day passed by uneventfully.  Which Aelin had built herself up for, really.
Elide was a travelling nurse and with Covid, she’d been busier than ever.  Aedion was still stationed overseas doing something that was uber classified.  He could just say he was training with the SEALS and be done with it.  Lysandra had launched a new clothing store right before lockdown and was doing everything in her power to keep the little shop up and running.  Aelin spent a decent chunk of her paycheck on items from the store and most of her Insta feed was just reels Lysandra created.
She couldn’t be mad at any of them, not really.  Not even her own parents.  Her father had been leveraging to retire from his company but that hope had been shot out the window and her mother was helping to care for some relatives that were also struggling.  No one was immune to the chaos the last several months had caused.
Aelin was finally able log off her personal website having finished the long list of assignments and editing jobs.  Now she just needed to hear back from her clients and their re-edits.
Out in the kitchen Rowan was already bustling around.  She could hear pots banging and already a delightful aroma was permeating the air.  It was only five-fifteen, he must have finished up his day early, a first for him.
Scrubbing a hand down her face, Aelin grabbed one of her oversized flannels and tugged it on over her graphic tee, Read Banned Books was printed over the front.  It probably needs to be washed but she couldn’t be bothered with laundry.
As she shuffles out of her room she tried to decide what she has left to eat for dinner.  A frozen dinner or maybe ramen.  Which sounded terrible if she were being honest.
“I’ll be quick—” she began to tell Rowan as she entered the kitchen.  But she came up short when she saw the table was made up with two place settings.  And the stove was full of more than enough food for one person. 
She frowned.  Rowan was adamant over the rules of social distancing, his parents were older and at a higher risk of getting infected, so he wouldn’t have anyone over—the vaccine hadn’t rolled out for their area yet anyways.
Rowan glanced up at her, kitchen towel slung over one shoulder, his sleeves were rolled up leaving his forearms on display and bits of his tattoo peeking out from the fabric.
She was definitely staring.
“Happy birthday,” he said when she didn’t finish her thought. He gestured a hand around the messy kitchen then the table. “I was expecting you to take a little longer, so it’s not quite ready.”
Aelin blinked. “I don’t understand.”
“I know it’s your birthday Aelin,” he said, “and I’m sure it’s been hell for you today.  I wanted to do something nice for you.”
“You made me dinner?” she asked, trying desperately to ignore the way her heart gave a flip in her chest.
“Yeah,” he said simply.  He glanced back at the stove. “It’s only a Tuscan chicken and bread.”
It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her in ages.  She looked over his shoulder as the chicken in its cream and sundried tomato sauce as it bubbled happily away, a pot of pasta behind it.  There were dishes scattered in the sink (she’d never seen him make such a mess before) and Rowan did have a mildly frantic look in his eyes.  It was the most disheveled she’d ever seen him.
“Thank-you,” Aelin said.  She brushed a hand through her hair unsure why she was feeling so frazzled.  “Can I help with anything.”
Rowan shook his head. “We’re almost done anyways.  Have a seat and I’ll bring it over.”
Following his direction, Aelin settled into her chair, still trying to figure out if she’d stepped into a different reality.
“How’d you know it was my birthday?” she asked as he finished getting everything together.
“Elide texted me,” Rowan told her, “told me that she didn’t know her schedule to give you a call and your family is…busy.”
“Right,” Aelin agreed.  Elide was dating one of Rowan’s friends, Lorcan, so it wasn’t completely strange that she would at least know of him.  “Where’d you learn to cook anyways?  You’re always whipping something up.”
“My ma,” Rowan said.  He dished a plate of food and returned it back before her.  Heavenly scents wafted up to her and Aelin realized she was salivating. “She always said she wanted to make sure I could take care of myself.  And I liked it, so I kept cooking after I went to college.”
It was the most she’d ever heard from him.  And now…now she wanted to hear more from him.
Rowan dished his own plate and sat in the chair opposite her. “I hope you like it.”
“It smells amazing,” she admitted.  She got a forkful of all the bits of the meal; chicken, basil, sundried tomatoes, parmesan cheese, all drenched in sauce.  Unable to wait for it to cool down she stuffed it into her mouth.  Rowan watched her with mixed bemusement (mostly concern).
“Oh,” she moaned, ignoring the look he was giving her.  “This is the best thing ever.”
“You’re going to burn your mouth to hell,” he said, slowly readying his own bite.
“Too good,” she replied.  She was only on her second bite and planning on seconds.  If he was going to cook for her, she’d eat every last bite.
Rowan muttered something under his breath that she couldn’t make out but she didn’t care.  It had been ages since she’d had a decent homecooked meal and this was more than decent.
“Was your day alright, all things considered?” he asked, passing her the garlic bread.
Aelin finally managed to slow down and take a drink of water and some of the proffered bread.  She took a moment to consider her answer.  If she told the truth he’d probably pity her more.
“It was okay,” she said.  “Same old.  I got a few new clients so it was keeping me busy.”  She wouldn’t see payout from these jobs for at least another three weeks which was why she was banking on this Friday’s payments to come through. “What about you?  No big ‘ol problems for you?”
She was teasing him, mostly.  He’d given her enough grief about her English degree in this economy that she didn’t being a little snippy right back at him.
Rowan rolled his eyes.  He took another bite to furlong his response.  “Same as always.”
Aelin quirked her brow. “So that f-bomb this morning was…what? Catharsis?”
He responded too quickly that Aelin knew she had him.
“Right,” she drawled. “It’s alright to hate your job you know, no one will judge you or your fancy degree for it.”
She shrugged, mouth quirking in a smile. “Last one, promise.”
“I don’t trust you on that,” he said.
Aelin wasn’t offended.
They finished meal companionably, which shocked Aelin more than Rowan cooking for her.  And she helped him clean the dishes, because really, she wasn’t that terrible a person.
“So, no chocolate cake?” She asked as she dried the last pan.
“I cook not bake,” he said, “you’re on your own for that, princess.”
She resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him.  As he turned to head back to his room for the night, Aelin garnered the last amount of courage she had for that day.
“Rowan,” she said, calling him back.  “Thank-you for tonight.”
He offered her one, rare smile. “You’re welcome.”
thanks for reading!! reblogs and comments appreciated. my blog @writtenonreceiptswrites is my fic only blog where i reblog all updates!
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altf4d3lete · 4 months
- “maybe it’s one of your classmates” erm or maybe it’s your fucking son and you just decided to ignore the fact that he could be a Hyde too because you didn’t want that to be true
- Weems trying so hard to protect the school. Love her even tho she’s controversial
- Bro wednesday is better than me bc if Rowan walked in smiling at me like that I would have actually lost my shit right then and there
- “Was it to gain attention” what a horrible therapist wtf
- Why does this therapy session feel like a fight omg
- EW TYLER. Sorry.
- Court ordered therapy how badly did you fuck Xavier up bro
- “I believe you” i wonder why bro you’re so manipulative
- ENID MY BBG 😭 “i will literally scratch my own eyes out” “i would pay money to see that” and enid just whips around with a huge smile THEYRE SO CUTE
- Enid not being mean about Rowan being alive unlike SOMEONE (Xavier)
- Yoko looks so done im sobbing
- The gentle rejection from Wednesday and Enid taking it with no issue
- Is the choir only sirens
- “Ever shot a bow and arrow” “only on live targets” proceeds to mansplain how to shoot a bow he’s so annoying I can’t stand Xavier im sorry
- She HATES him it’s so funny
- poor guy aw she just left him there
- There’s just casually a severed hand running through the train station
- Xavier is so awkward sitting between his ex and his crush AND they’re beefing
- Sheriff Galpin is kinda annoying
- Not her coaching wednesday on thing
- “go apologize” “yes ma’am 😐😕”
- Imagine losing your family to a pink sparkly werewolf
- Awww her opening up to thing is so cute
- COUGHS her GREATEST FEAR is being responsible for something terrible and y’all r saying she’d be okay dating someone who was going to help genocide her classmates that’s crazy.
- “I can’t let that happen”
- Y’all she was genuinely concerned abt being the reason the school is in trouble
- Her crushing Eugene about Enid is crazy
- Tyler is so manipulative holy shit
- God she trusted Laurel that sucks so much
- Sigh she can relate to Laurel and that sucks so bad
- I feel so bad for her the one adult she felt like could understand her
- Damn Xavier is so argumentative towards Bianca wtf
- Wednesday was so mad about Bianca cheating to hurt Enid
- I love how they’re always attached at the hip
- Enid just not being afraid by Wednesday’s threats
- The way nearly getting beheaded by an axe in the poe cup is just normal
- Enid trusting Wednesday to get the flag
- The way she’s way faster than Xavier and Ajax because they got there before and she’d practically caught up with them by the time they got to the crypt (she took a shortcut nvm)
- Goody my bbg 😞
- Xavier getting so mad abt losing is crazy bro literally fell off his seat
- WWWD I love you enid
- they’re so cute
- With how far wednesday went from the quad and how quick enid found her, enid probably immediately went looking for Wednesday after noticing she was missing
- The way she’s hugging Wednesdays arm is so cute
- And the way wednesday looks at enid awww
- “Ah yes. Me, my gf, and her 5 foot tall trophy”
- Why did she write everything in caps except the “i”s
- The ol’ Addams family snap
- Damn bro got kidnapped that’s crazy
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Bloodied petals - Xavier Thorpe x reader | Part.2
Summary: Denial and weird roommates aren’t helping your health to improve. During the Poe cup, Xavier starts to suspect that something is wrong. 
Warnings: angst, mention of blood, swearing. 
A/N: definitely not proof-read and English isn’t my mother tongue, but the hype for the angst™ was stronger Also, shitty timeline, I have legit no memory of how long days pass in this show. 
[Masterlist] [Part.1]
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A few days had passed since that night. The frequency of the coughs hadn’t died down, although it was always quite unpredictable. Some days were easier than others, you only sneezed a few petals here and there; but some others were filled with sharp pain in your chest, uncontrollable coughs and whole flowers throwed up at the worst moments. You even started to feel lightheaded sometimes, as the unforgiving pressure on your chest squeezed harder and harder with every cough. 
Thankfully you always managed to excuse yourself when you felt the pressure of a rough cough starting to build up in your chest. Like now, you were kneeling on one of the restroom’s floors, bent over the toilet sink and throwing up everything you could to try to free your lungs at least a little. Silently praying that no one was around to hear your choking sounds, you managed to throw out the last flower out of your throat. Wiping your mouth with the back of your trembling hand, you flushed the toilet, watching the white petals coated in blood being washed away. Sighing, you closed the toilet lid and sat on it, burying your face in your hands. Those last days had been hectic and your condition hadn’t improved the slightest. It even seemed worse than before, with some violent setbacks like now. It sometimes felt so hard to breathe for a few minutes, while you had never experienced any serious health issues before. 
Maybe it was the stress; after Rowan’s aggression at the fair, Wednesday’s allegations about his death, then him being expelled, nothing made sense these days. Xavier hadn’t mentioned anything from that evening in his dorm. The day after had been a little bit awkward, but then the both of you acted like nothing happened; still, you started to put some distance between you. Firstly because you didn’t want to make things more weird, and second because you didn’t want anyone to know about that strange condition of yours. Plus, the sensation of aching lungs seemed to be worse every time you were around him. It surely didn’t mean anything, but it was a good excuse to avoid him until your health improved. 
Checking your phone you noticed that your next class was about to start in a few minutes. So you gathered yourself, wiped the last remaining traces of tears or blood on your face, and got out of the restroom. 
You slid on your seat in literature class just in time before the teacher started their lecture. Trying to pull out your notes and pen the more discreetly you could, you didn’t notice the worried look Xavier gave you from across the room. It wasn’t like you at all to be late for class. Even less to be so clumsy, he noted internally as you dropped your pen for the third time in five minutes. Xavier frowned. Something felt off about you and he couldn’t help but feel guilty about it deep down. You had left his dorm hurriedly last time ; he didn’t know exactly why but he still had the feeling he had something to do with it. 
So when class was dismissed and all the students exited the room he rushed to catch you in the corridor. 
“Hey,” he called softly when reaching you. 
Your head whipped in his direction, eyes wide. You had been so deep in your thoughts you hadn’t heard him. 
“Hey,” you breathed back. His sudden apparition had almost startled you. 
Xavier opened his mouth, about to say something but then he noticed your wince at the loud barks and laughs of a few werewolves students passing by. The quad was full of students at this break time, and your recent lack of sleep made you irritable to the ambient noise. 
So he grabbed your hand and muttered something about the place being too loud as he gently tugged you in a corridor. The sudden contact had made your heart race despite the familiarity of it; you silently prayed that he couldn’t feel your racing pulse under his long fingers, delicately wrapped around your wrist. 
The two of you finally reached one of the corridors above the quad, much quieter than the place full of students. When it was clear that no one else was up here, Xavier let go of your wrist and turned to you. 
“Hey,” he repeated, “are you alright?”
The sudden question made your heart start to race in panic. Has he noticed something? Did he find a petal in his dorm? 
“You were late in class earlier,” he clarified at your lack of response, “you overslept or something?”
You almost sighed loudly in relief. “I- yeah I overslept this morning,” you lied with a small smile - you hoped it was reassuring enough. “Enid must’ve forgot to wake me up ah ah.”
Even if you laughed about it and brushed it away, Xavier was still not fully convinced. You were a decent liar to anyone else, but not to him, he knew you too well for that. 
“Look, about what happened last night in my room…” he started awkwardly, licking his lips nervously, “I’m sorry you left so suddenly.” 
You looked at him, eyes wide. “I- no that’s okay,” you stuttered, surprised he brought that up. “I had stuff to take care of, anyway.”
“Really?” he asked immediately, narrowing his eyes. 
Taken aback by his fast response you could only stare at him, mouth slightly agape and lost for words. He was totally not buying it. 
“Because you left in quite a hurry,” added Xavier, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You looked away, licking your lips nervously. Why couldn’t he drop it? Or at least, figure out what had been bothering you? Maybe it’ll help you understand, because you weren’t so sure of what had hurt you so much either. 
“It’s nothing, okay?” you mumbled quietly, still looking anywhere but at Xavier. “I just…I didn’t want to be too much, that's all.” 
Too much, or overstepping in your fascination for Wednesday, you thought internally. But then, a hand came to cup your cheek and turn your face back to Xavier. 
“Hey,” he said softly, and his voice made you look up at him. His warm brown eyes bore deep into yours, like a reassuring presence. “You will never be too much, okay? Not to me.” 
You lightly gasped at his words, you didn’t even realize you released a breath. The tension that had been building inside your chest, full of anxiety and stifling sorrow, suddenly disappeared. Like his words were enough to blow away the petals that were threatening to come out your mouth. 
“I know I acted as an idiot, okay?” he continued. Though his hand never left your cheek, and you were internally grateful for that. “I shouldn’t have dropped everything to start sketching while you were there.” 
This felt like a cold shower. Ah, so that was what he thought he did wrong. Maybe it was, but the memory of what happened was still painful to you. 
“I can’t stop you from drawing Xav,” you said, reluctantly pushing yourself away from his touch. “It wouldn’t be fair of me.”
Xavier frowned at you as you readjusted the strap of your bag over your shoulder, like you were ready to go. Never in all the years he had known you, you had ever fled his company. Yet, his presence seemed to make you uncomfortable now. Shit, how much of a prick had he been? 
While he was stuck in his internal debate, you sighed. Of course, this topic was over for him. So you turned and started to walk away from him. That made Xavier snap back to reality, and a sliver of lucidity suddenly hit him. 
“This is about Wednesday, isn’t it?” he called from behind. 
That made you stop dead in your tracks and snap your head to him, eyebrows raised high. 
“What?” you whispered. 
The fact that it had made you react was maybe a sign that he was somehow right. As your mind tried to understand it all, the look of surprise on your face somehow reminded Xavier of the sadness that had emanated from you when you had left his room that night. It made his heart squeeze because he knew it was because of him. 
“I- I know her. From before,” he explained, unsure about how to present things. “I met her when we were kids. She saved my life”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked perplexedly. 
He opened his mouth once, twice, searching for the right words. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. 
Your throat felt suddenly tight. Like something bitter was stuck. “Is that why you admire her so much?” you asked, and you hear your voice crack a little. Hopefully with the distance, Xavier wouldn’t notice. 
He didn’t. “I don’t know,” he repeated, still unsure of himself. He seemed as lost as you. “I just want to get to know her, you know?”
Deep in your chest, you felt your heart crack a little. It felt like the lightweightness you had felt only a few minutes earlier were gone, leaving your rib cage feeling like it was crushed by vines. 
And yet, you couldn’t help but swallow everything, the bitter taste, the petals that started to gather in your lungs and the burning sensation of tears, and put on a brave smile. 
“Well then, good luck Xav,” you smiled, hoping that your lips wouldn’t wobble too much. “I hope you’ll succeed in that.”
After all, you were his best friend. It wasn’t fair of you to stop him from reaching new friends, you had never had any problem with any of them before. But once again, none of his other friends had captivated him like that. 
As you walked away once again, you heard him call you again. 
“You’re still my girl, you know that right?” 
His words made you stop. Slightly glancing behind your shoulder, you could see his sad eyes plagued with guilt; but you knew better, and recognized the sparkle in them. The unmistakable sparkle that twinkled in his eyes when you were speaking in hushed tones together, sharing secrets and moments, only the two of you. When he called you his girl, like he started to years ago. The two kids whose guardians were too busy to properly take care of, who swore to have each other’s back. 
The familiarity of the nickname flooded your heart with warmth, and to Xavier’s relief it also made your lips curl into a fond smile. 
“Yeah,” you answered softly, “I know.” 
Walking to your next class, you felt lighter than before. The oppressing sensation of your lungs being squeezed was still here, always crawling behind your rib cage, but it felt like there was a little less pressure than before. Maybe there would be fewer petals today. 
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“Ah, there you are!” cheered Enid the next day, as you joined her on the yard after one of your classes. “Guess what! Wednesday agreed to substitute for Yoko’s role as co-captain for the race!”
“Really?” you asked, giving your gloomy roommate a surprised look. 
“I never turn down an occasion for a crushing revenge,” she said flatly. 
“It’ll be a roomie's bonding time!” squealed Enid, looking at the both of you excitedly. “All three of us, competing for the Poe cup!”
Wednesday raised her eyebrow at you, “I didn’t take you for the type to indulge in those childish games, Y/N. You just lost my entire respect.”
You shrugged, still unaffected by your new roommate’s brutal comments, “The school’s offering an occasion to legally try to drown other students, I’d be stupid to not have fun in that.”
“Fair enough,” she observed sharply. “You’ve regained my respect.” 
That made you chuckle. Even if the apparent infatuation of Xavier for Wednesday pained you, you genuinely enjoy your new roommate’s company. She was weird, but again, everyone kind of was at Nevermore. 
“What are you and Xavier to each other?” asked Wednesday suddenly. 
The unexpected change of subject made you choke slightly. You had definitely not seen that one coming. 
“Excuse me?” you said perplexed. 
“I asked about the nature of the relationship between you and Xavier Thorpe,” deadpanned Wednesday.
God, why was her question making you so uneasy suddenly? You had never minded to bring the subject up, after all rumors at Nevermore were frequent and you were indeed close with him. But after what had happened - or almost happened - last time in his room, you weren’t so sure of what to say. Licking your lips nervously, unsure of how to present things, you turned to your other roommate silently pleading for help. But Enid only giggled excitedly. 
“They’re best-friends to lovers' material,” she said with an amused smile. 
“I don’t understand a single word you had just said,” sneered back Wednesday. 
“We grew up together,” you finally said to interrupt Enid from spilling all of her theories about the two of you. “We’re close friends that’s all.” 
The blonde werewolf gave you a wicked smile, “Suuuure you are.”
Rolling your eyes, you refocused on Wednesday, “Why are you asking?” 
She only narrowed her eyes at you, “Gathering intel on potential suspects, that’s all.”
That brought a nervous laugh out of you, “Excuse me, what?” 
“Nothing for you to worry about,” she snapped back, “if I ever need information about him I know who I’ll need to bribe,” she finished before turning and walking away. 
You stood here dumbfounded for a moment, before coming after her. 
“Hey!” you called her as you caught up with her until you were now facing her. “I don’t know what you’re suspecting of, but Xavier’s innocent, alright? And I won’t tell you anything if you’re trying to drag dirt on him, okay?”
Wednesday stared at you before answering, “You’d make an acceptable person if you didn’t let your emotions cloud your judgment so pathetically.”
“Thank you for the advice about social skills,” you said dryly, “but also, none of your damn business.” 
She only shrugged and stepped away. “He’ll come to me anyway, considering he’s acting like a sad puppy for some reason.” 
As she walked away, her words rang in your head. The harsh squeeze on your lungs it suddenly triggered was proof enough that she was unfortunately right. 
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The day of the Poe cup came around faster than you expected. Still, you were glad for the occasion to drift your mind away from the plaguing thought of your concerning condition. Enid and Wednesday were still unaware of it; when the coughs had started to shake you awake at night, your silencing spell had come handy. Now you cast it almost every night to prevent your roommates from hearing your gruesome choking. 
“Aww we match!” clapped Enid as you and Wednesday joined the rest of the team in your cat costumes. 
“Don’t get used to it,” groaned the Addams. 
“So, are we ready?” asked the werewolf, “Everyone knows what they have to do?” At the collective nod, she cheered again and all the team members took place in the canoe. 
“I thought you’d be co-captain, Y/N” observed Wednesday while grabbing her paddle. 
“I’m much more useful at the back, trust me,” you said with a grin, “witch powers.”
That almost brought the tiniest smile to her face. At least Wednesday seemed to enjoy the competitive aspect of the race. Glancing to your right to the Joker's canoe, you caught a glimpse of Xavier at the front of the boat. You looked at his face painted in creepy clown makeup, and for a brief moment, you thought that he was actually pretty attractive like that. Shaking your head to chase the intrusive thought you mentally scowled yourself. Now was not the time! Despite that you glanced at him once again; only to feel your heart squeeze a little more at the sight of him looking to Wednesday. His words a few days prior rang in your head. You’re still my girl, you know that, right? Yes, you knew. But even if you were his girl, his oldest friend, it wasn’t you he was currently staring at like you were the only person in the world. You couldn’t hold back the cough that pushed itself out of your throat violently this time. The intensity of your coughing fit was new, shaking you so hard you ended up bent in half with your hand clutched on your mouth, trying to tune down your stifling noises. 
“Y/N, you okay back there?” called Enid from her seat. 
The wet sensation on your hand made you wince. “I’m fine,” you wheezed, “ ‘s nothing” 
As soon as the coughs calmed down, you threw whatever you had regurgitated on the canoe floor before anyone could notice. Lifting your head up to recompose yourself, you caught sight of the face of your best friend, concerned in his eyes. 
‘You alright?’ you saw Xavier mouth. 
The only thing you could do was to nod before the sound of a blown horn indicated the start of the race. Without wasting a single minute, every team started to row like their life depended on it. Your eyes briefly flickered to your feet; between them laid three whole white lilies tainted with blood. You gulped. Now was really not the time. 
After an eventful crossing of the lake, where you had your head almost chopped off by the Joker’s ax, your team finally managed to reach the island. While Wednesday ran to find the flag, you stayed to ensure nobody tried to sabotage your canoe – as Enid did to the Joker’s. 
As you saw the two other teams coming back with their flags and sail again you started to worry about Wednesday. Has something happened to her? Before you and Enid started to talk about who should check on her, she appeared again, flag in hand. 
“I got it, let’s go!”
All of your team jumped in your canoe in a hurry, and left the island in the blink of an eye. 
“We’re far behind everyone else!” shouted one of your teammates. “We’re not gonna make it!”
“Y/N!” shouted Enid, “Think you can give us a little push?” 
Immediately dropping your paddle inside the boat, you inhaled deeply, “I can! Brace yourselves ladies, hold tight!” 
Trying to slow down your breathing you concentrated hard, reaching down to your powers and started to mutter the words of incantation. The water at the back of the boat suddenly started to shiver, and the next thing your team knew, the canoe was propelled onward by a hard push. They all gripped the edges of the boat to steady themselves as you gained speed, rapidly gaining a foothold your opponents. 
“That’s amazing!” screamed Enid over her shoulder, “How long do you think can hold this?”
Deep into concentration you tried to not break the spell, “Long enough for us to reach the shore if everything goes smoothly!” 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a move in the water. One of the sirens. 
“Wednesday!” you called her, “Eight o’clock!”
She whipped her head, immediately identifying the threat and nodded sharply. Thing crawled out from under her seat, and dove into the water. Oh, you loved that hand. 
The outline of the shores were noticeable by now, so you reached deeper into your powers to try to give your boat a little more speed. The canoe accelerated again, going past Bianca’s team's flowing boat, but as you thought you could make a home run of this crossing, a violent cough startled you. The sudden stop in the push of your power shook the boat, your other team mates screaming in surprise while you tried the hardest to breathe. 
“What’s going on?!” asked Enid. 
Failing to swallow your coughs you could only hope for this fit to be a brief one, “Don’t cough stop,” you wheezed from your seat, “start cough cough paddling, we’re almost there!”
They all grabbed their paddles and started to paddle like their lives depended on it. You tried to keep up their paces, but the unforgiving coughs were weakening you too much. For a moment, you wondered if you weren’t going to pass out in the canoe. But then, as you approached the shore the euphoria of close victory on the boat gained you, and with a rush of adrenaline, you jumped out of the boat with your teammates, rushing to the finish line. 
Cheers echoed everywhere around you, congratulating the Ophelia team. Even the feeling of petals scratching in your throat couldn’t ruin your joy for once. You knew swallowing it down was coming to bite you later, and that you were going to spend the evening throwing up petals and blood, but for now you wanted to feel normal. 
Below on the shore, as the other teams reached the land Xavier’s eyes landed on a white and red spot on the ground of the black cat’s canoe. He frowned at the bloodied flowers, especially when he realized they were where you had sat. How did the flowers end up here? 
Whipping his head in the direction of the joyful cheers, his eyes landed on you, your broad smile as Enid’s arms were thrown over your shoulders. It had been a long time since he hadn’t seen you smile like that. 
But the way you turned away your face and covered your mouth with your hand to cough, just for a few seconds, didn’t escape him. Nor the slight smudge of blood dripping on the corner of your mouth just before you wiped it. 
His eyes flickered to the blood-coated flowers in the boat, then back to you and a cold feeling suddenly sank inside of him. 
Something felt off. Xavier didn’t know why yet, but something about you was very, very wrong.
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A/N: this was supposed to be a two-part one shot. Well, guess I'm writing a whole fic now Y'all are CRAZY about sad artistic blorbo Xavier and I love you for that sjgkgurgirge thank you for all the kind comments on the previous part QwQ♥
Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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