#roy koopa went to college
The Koopalings Are Not Bowser's Children
So I realize I have not made a post addressing the Koopalings and their status, only ever referring to it in passing. So as we know the Koopalings in the manuals were called Bowser's Kids, and that this led to external media such as the Super Mario Adventures comic and Super Mario Bros. 3 show depicting him as his kids.
While this was the original intention this was retconned and the Koopalings went from being Bowser's kids to his commanders. Note: There might have never been a retcon to begin with, however they still aren't his kids. I made another post going into detail on why this is. In a Gameinfomer titled Mario's Creators Answer Burning Questions About The Series interview when asked "In Super Mario Bros. 3, the Koopalings were supposed to be Bowser's children. But there's also Bowser Jr. Are they all his kids, and are they all from different mothers? Is Bowser Jr. a Koopaling?" Miyamoto responded with the following "Our current story is that the seven Koopalings are not Bowser's children. Bowser's only child is Bowser Jr., and we do not know who the mother is."
While many people have come to the conclusion that they are still his kids and they are just adopted, this isn't accurate. First off the intent is that they aren't his kids anymore, and you are still someone's kid if you are adopted.
The next part is the simple fact that they are never called his kids in any newer media. On the official website for NSMBWD they are only referred to as "leaders of Bowser's Troops." In cards they aren't called his children either.
The Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia outside of lifted text from old manuals which the Encyclopedia even notes, the Koopalings are never called his kids.
There is also the fact in game they are never called his kids, nor any implication they are adopted.
There is also the fact that they are too old to be his kids, and could even be as old as Bowser if not close to his age. In Color Splash Roy talks about attending night school or in other words he's in college. "I guess I'll just have to hope Lord Bowser can defeat you…" "Yeah, I know what irony is. BOOM. Knowledge is power, so I started going to night school."
There is the fact that the Koopalings only ever refer to Bowser by titles such as Lord Bowser and never father or stepdad, and they do the same for BJ calling him Lord Junior. They never talk about Jr being their brother, they talk about how he will be their boss one day, and they are even called his friends. "That punk will eventually be our boss!" "All right, Lord Junior.. We'll be facing off against Shy Guys in this next battle." "Well, he is Bowser's kid. There were bound to be some speed bumps." "They say that helicopter parenting doesn't work anyway. Just let 'em run wild!"
When Bowser asks them to watch over Junior they don't watch over him like older siblings, and even refer to it as being a form of parenting. They even directly refer to him as Bowser's Kid. There is also the fact Bowser beat up Iggy after making fun of Junior in front of Bowser. With all that being said, the Koopalings are not Bowser's kids but rather his underlings.
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skratchytheclown · 1 month
So, what is Wendy studying to be in college? Also, I think it was previously said that Iggy or someone else goes to the same college? So, same question to them!
And, what about the other koopalings? Why did/didn't they go to college? Do they plan to? What do they want to become?
Roy: I remember Wendy telling me that she was majoring in "dance", and I was confused, to say the least. I asked her about it, of course, and she said something like "I'm already guaranteed a job at the castle, so why not?" To be fair, from what I've heard, that class also teaches students fighting techniques just in case they want to be a part of the Koopa army. The castle isn't too far from the university, after all. I think she is also working toward a minor in apparel design, but I'm not sure. I don't ask her about that stuff too much. As for me, I already finished college. Originally, I wanted to become a cop like my mother, but I found that directly working for the Koopa army was more interesting to me, not to mention it was something I couldn't refuse doing. I chose to attend some of the specialized classes in the college around here. I didn't bother with a minor though.
Ludwig: I focused all my attention on the study of magic. Fortunately, the college I went to offered a major dedicated to it. It was a bit more complicated than I expected.. I struggled at first, but I was soon able to catch up to my peers. Even now, after I graduated, there's more things I need to learn.
Iggy: I'm going for a degree in robotics! With a minor in animal sciences! HAH. I'm not even planning on owning a farm in the future, but what the heck? I might as well do it, right?
Lemmy: I didn't go to college. Acrobatics are my passion! I don't need a bachelor's degree in "clowning". I don't even think that's a real thing...
Larry: Morton and I haven't even finished high school! We don't have to worry about that stuff yet.
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bowserphobia · 26 days
I would like to order some of your finest Koopalings hcs please
coming right up!!
all of them are adopted except for Ludwig and Junior
Ludwig thinks he's smarter than his siblings and is sort of a self-imposed black sheep growing up. he grows out of it for the most part. writes the worst music you've ever heard in your life.
Lemmy's the second oldest and the smallest. i think he's a slightly different species of koopa than his siblings - like a bearded dragon/rankin's dragon type situation. i think he ends up being some kind of teacher.
Roy and Iggy used to fight a lot as kids, but grew up to be bffs. Roy calls himself a car guy, but he always has to ask Iggy for help with anything beyond a paint job. But he can totally airbrush your van with a cool magikoopa
Iggy is a real nerd's nerd. Lemmy taught him how to use a computer at age 5 and he knew how to code by the time he turned 6. can get tunnel vision on projects. did not wear his retainer, so the braces were for nothing.
Wendy actually is a car guy (well, motorcycle girl). she was the type of kid to have a new hobby/obsession from week to week. she's super loud and contrarian for the sake of it. she and morton are the same age, and as kids he basically did whatever she told him to do.
Morton is a quiet guy. he always seems like he's in a good mood. i see him being some kind of nonfiction writer, maybe a journalist for some prestigious paper. he's got a face you can trust, i think
Larry is a very talented botanist and dresses exclusively in whatever the Mushroom Kingdom equivalent of hemp is. He was the one who grew Petey Piranha.
i've said this one before, but Bowser Jr. is the empty-nester baby Bowser and Luigi had after Larry went off to college and is significantly younger than the rest. most difficult baby, didn't stop biting until age 5. mellowed out as a teenager. kinda spoiled, but a super talented artist.
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latenitewaffles · 2 years
If you want to talk about them I'd love to hear more about your version of the Koopalings they sounds really cool :]
Ok this is ridiculously long and I apologize, but hanks again for the ask! I've been waiting to talk about them and yet I still don't have many coherent thoughts, but I'll try my best to put them together! I don't mention it in the mini bios, but Bowser has a big soft spot for kids which is one of the reasons why he adopted 7 of them. The second reason is that they all have incredible magic talent that made some of them easy to track down.
We'll start with Ludwig, the oldest! He's 25, and was adopted by Bowser 15 years ago. He's incredibly intelligent and can play the Violin and the Piano, and composes in his free time. He's a bit of an entitled prick and acts like he's the smartest of his siblings, despite Iggy, Morton and Wendy all being a lot smarter than he is (and he knows it). He comes from a noble family of the Koopa Kingdom, but a lesser known fact is that he’s the bastard son of his mother and the person who he thought was his uncle. Needless to say, his “Father” was very pissed when he found out that his brother and his wife had a thing going on behind his back for over a decade, and Ludwig was disowned as a result. Things turned out well for him though, since he was adopted by the fucking king.
Lemmy is 24 and was adopted 13 years ago. He’s trans, and has a partner named Bailey, an Ice Bro! They specialize in illusion magic and like to put on street performances, much to Kamek’s dismay. He’s also an incredibly skilled acrobat. He’s a massive goofball and his siblings think he’s the least mature out of all of them. Surprisingly, Lemmy is actually friends with the Mario Bros. and has no ambition to become more than a prince. Often, Lemmy would help take care of Junior when they were younger, and he passed his artistic knowledge down to Junior. He and his (biological) older siblings unfortunately had a very abusive upbringing, and they did their best to shield them from the brunt of it. But when both of his siblings turned 18, they were kicked out. Luckily for him, his older sister finally worked up the guts to report their parents to the cops, and Bowser himself showed up to take in a very shaken and scared 11 year old.
Next up is Roy! He’s 23, and was adopted by Bowz 12 years ago with his sister Wendy. He puts on an act of being loud, rude and flirtatious, but is deep down surprisingly protective of the people he loves and is easily flustered when his boyfriend, an Inkling named Shizui, flirts with him. He plays soccer for his college team and is a pilot for the Koopa Troop. He learned how to cook because Wendy was very picky when they were younger. His and Wendy’s parents sadly died in a car crash, and since their relatives were unable to care for them for one reason or another, they were put in foster care. The two siblings went from family to family and eventually they ended up with a seemingly nice couple in their 30’s. It turns out the couple was only in it for tax benefits, and Roy and Wendy took off after that, spending 2 years wandering around the Kingdom, pick-pocketing people and stealing food. Eventually they made it to the Capital of the Kingdom, where Roy tried to pickpocket the wrong person, resulting in them getting caught by a guardsman. Bowz of course, found out about the two kids sitting in jail and took them in.
Iggy’s next! They’re 21 and was adopted 12 years ago, like Roy and Wendy. They're agender and dating a Rito girl named Rouru. He is highly eccentric and excitable. Iggy is a scientific genius who enjoys working with plants and animals, and will spend days on end working in his lab, sometimes as a detriment to his needs. Kamek is usually the person who has to drag them out of the lab, chastising him for not taking better care of himself. They are autistic, resulting in abnormal social skills and odd mannerisms, but their siblings accepted him nonetheless and will literally fight other people if they mess with Iggy. When Iggy was 8 years old, his dad died in a factory accident, resulting in them and their mother being left alone. His mother unfortunately took to alcohol which made her temporarily forget her sorrows, but it was clear when she was sober that she was not in a good headspace. The bills were piling up and up. Luckily for Iggy and his Mom, Bowser was still looking to adopt more kids, and Iggy's mother jumped at the chance to get her child into a better situation. They still write to each other and Iggy's seen here a few times since.
Wendy's also 21 (born a month after Iggy) and a Demigirl. She's super smart and both musically and academically gifted. Very confident, thoughtful and concise when it comes to planning but also hotheaded and eager-to-please. She has a friendly rivalry with Roy and the two often throw casual insults back and forth. She hates losing and will take almost any measure to ensure she doesn’t (She and Ludwig are not the kinds of people you want to bet against.). Since her backstory is the exact same as Roy’s, I won’t repeat it here.
Morton is 19 and was adopted 11 years ago with Larry. A cunning tactical mind, Morton is almost always ahead of someone, whether in competition or conversation. He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, it’s always something surprisingly wise for someone of his age and is more or less the group therapist for the Koopalings. That being said, he is EXTREMELY competitive, and will not hesitate to show off if challenged. He enjoys working on old machinery in his free time, and has reverse engineered a Steam Gardener to help it run again. Morton’s childhood wasn’t perfect, but his parents were always there for him when he needed them. One day at school, though, Morton accidentally knocked a kid out with the magic he didn’t know he had. In that part of the Koopa Kingdom, people were more superstitious of magic than in others, and Morton’s mom and dad were worried trying to figure out what to do about their son’s new abilities. That night, however, Morton decided it was a good idea to hightail it out of town, so he left a note and ran. About 6 months into his lonely solo journey, he met Larry, and things started to look up. [Continued in Larry’s Bio!]
Second-to-last is Larry! He’s 18, a demiboy and was adopted by Bowser 11 years ago with Morton. He’s always been a mischievous little brat, but usually with light-hearted intentions. Larry, being one of the youngest of his adopted family, sponged up his siblings personality traits and hobbies, until he became what I can best describe as a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. He plays tennis for his high-school team, moonlights as a DJ. He cares deeply about his appearance and is a bit of a flirt. They also enjoy playing video games, and tend to stay up to ungodly hours at night. Unfortunately, Larry’s parents, siblings, and teachers never really took to his mischievous nature, and decided that it was in his best interest to be sent to a boarding school. Larry of course, did not take to this. The rooms were cold, the food was gross, and the teachers were mean and rude. So what did Larry do about it? He ran away, of course, but not before setting up the gnarliest stink bomb trap ever in the headmaster’s office! Larry explored the countryside of the Koopa Kingdom for about a month before he met Morton, another young boy who had also ran away from home. They instantly became best friends! And so for another year, the boys traveled the Kingdom, stealing from shops, houses, farms for food. Then they came across the biggest house yet; The king’s castle. Their plan was flawless. Get it, get food and riches, get out. Well? Let’s just say they ended up staying longer than intended.
Finally, we have the crown prince himself, Bowser Jr.! He’s 14, and possibly the most spoiled kid there is. Junior lived a very sheltered life in the castle until 4 years ago. As a result, he’s very naive to how people aside from his family and the occasional castle staff act. He’s able to imitate voices and mannerisms to a very creepy degree, and enjoys pranking people and painting. One day, Bowser decided he had enough of Juniors pranks (mostly involving Splat Bombs) and enrolled the kid in the same school that the younger Koopalings were attending, and within a week, Junior practically ruled the school (from his point of view anyway. The teachers were very much still in charge.). He doesn't have many friends now, but the ones he does have are fiercely loyal to him.
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