#the koopalings are adopted theory
There Might Have Been No Koopaling Retcon?
In a previous post I talked about how the Koopalings were originally meant to be Bowser's Kids, and that this was retconned. However, upon further examination it seems the Koopalings since the start might have never been intended to be Bowser's children.
Okay so in the Japanese Manual of Super Mario Bros. 3's manual they are called Kokuppa 7 Kyōdai, meaning 7 Little Bowser Siblings. Notice how that doesn't say Bowser's kids, let's move on.
In the Japanese manual they are called Kokuppa 7 Ninshū meaning Team of 7 Little Bowsers. Again, not outright saying they are his kids.
So here's the thing, kuppa is Bowser's Japanese name, but also more than likely the name of his whole species. Similar to how Goomba can be named Goomba, but it's also the name of their species. So with that being said the little of 7 little Bowser/Koopa Siblings begins to make sense. Keep in mind Koopa Troopas or Common Koopas are called Nokonoko in Japan instead of Kuppa. The Japanese said wasn't saying they were Bowser's 7 children, it was saying that's their species name. Heck if the English side didn't give them their names they would have probably all just been called Bowsers.
So what's going on here? It's probably a localization problem based on misunderstanding the Japanese text and or adding to it. This is not uncommon especially back in the day. I intend to cover some examples in the future which I will link here. So if anything the the Team of 7 Little Bowsers were not intended to be his children, but the localization team added it in.
This naming is even seen in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga with them being called Kokuppa-gundan, aka Little Bowser Corps.
This naming could also explain Koopa Kid or his proper name Minikuppa, he is a species of Mini Bowsers, or if we were to say it in English Boss Koopas. Also showing this hypothesis to be wrong, and a hypothesis in this post to be correct. But..... In the manual it Morton and Larry call Bowser oyaji, which apparently means father. However, it can also mean boss, or old man. But Bowser does say ore-sama no musuko-tachi meaning my sons or my children.
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sop-soap · 5 months
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me and my girlfriend were talking about this specific frame of the game theory intro and how it looks like bowser is going to kidnap isaac and
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anyway, in my mind isaac has been adopted by bowser and is being raised amongst the koopalings
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marinerainbow · 3 months
Ok, listen. I know that there is so much potential for angst in the royal koopa family, and I love what people have done with them! Bowser favoring his only blood son and spurring resentment within the Koopalings. Ludwig and Junior having a rivalry- especially in regards to the throne. All the kids feel neglected because of their dad's emotional blockage and him focusing on taking over the world instead of family, etc. I truly love what people can do with all this royal drama and angst potential!! I want to write novelizations of some of your guys' adaptations of the koopalings + Junior and Bowser!!!
(Long post that's a positive rant incoming/my headcannons of the Koopa Royal Family incoming)
Don't get me wrong, he definitely has anger issues, and I believe in MatPats Bowser's backstory theory. I'm certain there have been plenty of instances he messed up as a dad. And having a bunch of kids, sometimes some of them slip his attention- at least the first year or so when he first had them and was learning how to Dad. But I'm telling ya'll, if my Bowser ever heard any one of his kids, from his eldest Ludwig or his only darling daughter Wendy or his baby son Junior, were feeling any sort of bad, he'd be like "Oh Hell no!" And take that child out one-on-one and give them lots of love, lots of assurance, and set fire to any fool who tried to tell him that they aren't really his kid.
One time, Bowser got so mad and roared within Lemmy's presence and made the baby boy cry. To this day, after he's long made up for it, Bowser still feels so guilty and heartbroken that he did that and has vowed himself to never let himself get that angry around his kids again... Unless when it came to Mario because they know in that instance, his fury isn't directed at them.
THIS IS THE SAME GUY WHO, EVEN THOUGH BOWSER JUNIOR DISOBEYED THE SCREEN TIME ALERT IN THAT NINTENDO SWITCH PARENTAL CONTROLS VIDEO, HE HESITATED TO SHUT OFF THE CONSOLE BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT HIS SON DEVASTATED!!! And- And we see in Bowsers head, he imagined Junior to be sad and heartbroken! Junior is still a baby, and he's a little spoiled, so more than likely, he would have thrown a tantrum if Bowser had switched the console off. But BOWSER DIDN'T HESITATE NOT BECAUSE OF THE HEADACHE A TANTRUM WOULD CAUSE, BUT BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO BREAK HIS SONS HEART! I CAN'T EVEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'll take it this far; you guys wanna know what my headcannon on who is Bowsers' successor? Well, in my headcannon, when he adopted the koopalings and had Junior, he knew it was going to be an issue. And he loved ALL of his kids so much, he didn't want to have to choose between any of them! The rest would hate him and the chosen one! All of his babies would start fighting! So what is a koopa king to do? 🤔🤔🤔 well, as we see in Super Mario Wii and in Super Mario Bros 3, he lets his kids run the world's he takes over! They all have their individual world/kingdom to rule!!! He makes sure that A L L of his kids get to be kings and a queen! Until Mario ruins it all saves the day. If Bowser had his way, the whole world would really be family run instead of just Bowser run.
Again, I must emphasize how much I absolutely ADORE everyone else's depictions of the royal koopa family. One of my favorites is Tyrranux's dark Mario AU that I found on Deviantart years ago, and one of my favorite blogs for the koopalings asktehkoopz shows a much-more-wholesome-but-still-angsty depiction of the family. This post is not AT ALL intended to bring you guys down! This post is to show you guys how weak I am compared to you. I love angst and dark themes, but... I CAN'T do it with the koopa family! They are wholesome and loving while attempting to take over the world in my headcannon 🥺🥺🥺🥺
So, tldr; in my headcannon, outside of invading kingdoms and kidnapping princesses every other week, Bowser is a loving, emotional, a bit goofy, not so great at disciplining his kids unless it's really bad like when Bowser Jr. Turned him into a monster in Bowsers Fury, dad who would blow up his whole kingdom if any of his kids got hurt.
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
July 21: National Be Someone Day
Luigi knew only a little bit of the Koopaling’s past.
It’s not that he didn’t make an effort to learn, but even mentioning their time before Bowser adopted them often led to these looks- expressions Luigi never wanted to see on their faces.
So, Luigi concentrated on learning everything about them- their likes, dislikes, plans for future occupations…
And sometimes this included spending time with them, including activities like shopping with Wendy, painting with Junior, knitting with Roy, and other things that can be done one on one.
The latest excursion was a day out with Ludwig, attending a tour through a museum of Koopa Kingdom instruments before spending the rest of their time in antique shops for possible records or sheet music.
It was great actually, and Ludwig seemed to appreciate the comradely over their shared knowledge of music theory.
And then they heard the sound of breaking glass.
For once, Luigi was only mildly alarmed- long since used to sudden sounds thanks to Iggy.
It was Ludwig’s reaction that scared him.
Because his confidant, put-together son was rapidly gasping for air yet utterly still even as a random patron provided background noise with apologies and whatever else that wasn’t important-
He reaches out to the Koopaling-
His bambino bolts into a nearby shelf blindly-
And Luigi’s fear starts to edge to panic.
Ludwig wasn’t responding to him, and he only tries to burrow into the wall behind him whenever he tries to reach out to comfort him.
Luigi felt lost, and the far look in the Koopaling’s eyes and sheer quietness gives him nothing to work with-
He hates how his hands are uselessly reaching for his bambino, and despises himself for giving into his nervous habit of humming.
After the first incident with King Boo, he’d thought he’d broken the habit- but apparently not since it’s not-
It took a minute, but Luigi could see Ludwig relax- just a little, but enough to tilt his head like he was listening-
Luigi continues to hum, just more steadily and to a tune he hoped was familiar enough to cling to.
Fives minutes pass, and Luigi is sure that Ludwig is not pressing against the wall, and is quick to give a patented glare to anyone who wandered too close.
(He is glad their spot is generally isolated- he doesn’t want to think what it could’ve been like in a stifling crowd.)
Seven minutes, he’s starting to take deeper breaths.
By ten minutes, Ludwig seems to be slowly blinking into awareness, his breathing nearly normal and Luigi wants to desperately hug him but-
He needs to make sure.
“Ludwig?” The flinch is barely there, but it’s enough to make him soften his voice even more. “Ludwig, can you hear me?”
And the Koopaling opens his mouth, visibly trying to say something, but ends up silent.
He settles for a nod.
And Luigi feels the tightness in his chest ease. It’s not gone, but any response is welcome at this point.
“Can I hold your hand?” He wants to just hug him, but Luigi felt it best to start small.
Ludwig shakes his head, pauses, nearly nods, and ends up making a grasping motion. Almost like what Junior does when-
A hug it is then.
And Luigi is careful to wrap his arms around him, nearly sent stumbling backward when the Koopaling just burrows into his chest and shudders-
And Luigi realizes he’s crying.
After that, it was a bit of a blur of getting his bambino home and situated into the family nest- snagging Larry on the way to keep him company as he looks for Bowser.
(Rumors about the Koopa King’s husband ran that day from guards who happened to be around for the afternoon shift.)
(Some have passed down a warning- Luigi wasn’t known for violence, but the look in his eyes-)
(Some have kept information to themselves, especially as they overheard the intense conversation from the King’s office and swore they heard a roar that wasn’t from a Koopa-)
(Others had seen glimpses of the Royal Couple gathering their children and heading to the Family Nest Room.)
(But all of them knew that the look in the human’s eyes promised a dark violence, and they spent a week tiptoeing around before realizing it wasn’t going to be aimed at them.)
(They breathe a sigh of relief by the eventual peace that settled in after.)
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jelly-fish-wishes · 1 year
I feel like Game Bowser would be horrified of Movie Bowser. Especially if you believe in the whole "the kidnappings are set up/it's all a play" theory.
Even if you don't, killing Luigi? Physically mistreating his troops and Kamek? Sorry if I'm wrong, but I don't think GB would do some of the things MB did. GB is a loving father and actually seems to somewhat care about his troops. Kamek literally raised him.
I think Game!Bowser is more child friendly because he's just a game baddie. Nintendo gave the thumbs up for Movie!Bowser to be this cruel, so in a way, it seems like this is what Bowser is supposed to be. To raise the stakes, to start the rivalry and hatred between Mario and Bowser. That's just how I see it anyway. HOWEVER, a part of me think he is cruel at first and THEN becomes a softie later. It seems like Jr hasn't been born yet in the movie(or adopted? Correct me if I'm wrong???) and maybe being a father softened him up. After all, it seems like he also adopted all of the other koopalings as well. Like a horde of children whom he cares for. Maybe in a sequel we shall see if that's the case.
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kandenrose · 1 year
Go See the Super Mario Bros Movie!
It was fantastic. It hits all the right notes and pushes all the good buttons, especially if you're a Nintendo fan. Jack Black as Bowser was absolutely perfect. The way he code switches between ruthless sociopathic despot and loveable theatrical goof on the fly is magical.
Theory based on Spoiler below:
Like I can already picture the Koopalings and Bowser Jr. coming in for a sequel. They sneak into the Mushroom Kingdom at night to rescue him in this well choreographed, mission-impossible style, infiltration mission. They're wearing little ninja outfits, stealthily knocking out toads with their magic wands, being totally mysterious. Then they get to the cage and lift off the cover and are all like "Hi, dad!"
Bowser's all happy to see them. "Kids!"
And they do this cute little reunion thing where they all fuss over each other and everyone makes sure they're all okay, get him back to normal size and escape in Jr.'s ship.
Then later Bowser tells this epic and wholesome story about how he went to the Koopa homeland one day, found an abandoned nest of eight eggs exposed just as a storm was hitting. He rescues them and they all hatch one-by-one, revealing their personalities, as he waits to see if anybody comes for them. Except the last egg doesn't hatch with the others and Bowser worries it might have died from exposure before he found them. So holds it makes a wish on a shooting star and that triggers his powers as one of the Star Children. The magic revives the last egg, which hatches, looking just like him. Thus Bowser Jr. is named and inspires Bowser to adopt the lot of them as his own.
The heroes are just in shock at how heartwarming it was.
Luigi just starts crying. "Mama-mia, that was beautiful! How in the world can somebody be the worst, but also the best person we know?!"
Bowser just looks to the wind. "I...am complicated."
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tuhbanbuv · 2 years
Mario’s Lil Sis has 120+ hits and 20+ kudos, so I’d like to give you a bit more lore behind the series or AU it belongs to. These are more random ramblings so I’ll put a READ MORE here.
Yes, Lucia is part of the new and refurbished Mario Magus AU. It’s a series more magic-oriented, kinda like the Owl House in a sense. It has a real world/“Mario” world separation like the movie and old tv shows but it’s easier to go back and forth.
In the AU, Mario and Lucia are real people and have a licensing deal with Nintendo to have “mascots” retelling their stories for younger audiences. It helps me have an excuse to cherry pick what is and isn’t canon when talking about the media; it’s like the “Mario is a stage play” theory but more comfortable for me.
Things like Lucia being brainwashed by Natasha and Dimentio are canon, Mr. L, a lot of M&L and Paper Mario content up to Sticker Star are canon. Things like the Blorbs and baby characters are vastly censored incidents and story beats by Nintendo to make it more “child friendly” or more entertaining.
Lucia has Chaos Heart scars along her chest that basically looks like if you told a drunk guy to give you a heart tattoo. She doesn’t like to talk about it at all, but she’ll be forced to confront it mentally and physically later on…
Bowser Jr is real, but at least 95% of Sunshine isn’t canon because he was just a newborn when it came out. IRL Junior is vastly different than game Junior, and the Koopalings are adopted IRL while they’re just sidekicks in the game.
Bowser is not only ftm, but not as big of a villain as the games make him out to be. It was just like the inciting incident when Mario and Lucia first came to the Mushroom Kingdom, some battles here and there until the events that led to the Superstar Saga game came to be. (Which in universe is right before Bowser has Junior)
Bowser, not only with a new baby but after teaming up with his enemy, brainwashed, amnesia’d and possessed by “Cackletta”, he has a change of heart and actually reaches out to Mario during a breakdown after many sleepless nights dealing with a newborn Junior. I might make a fic out of this but in universe this was where the animosity between Mario and Bowser ended, leading to a peace treaty and later ally-ship between him and Peach’s kingdoms. The whole rivalry initially broke out because their parents basically killed each other in a war during their babyhood and they carried it with them cuz it’s not easy to forget that kind of thing, but they at least know that it was their parents rather than each others faults.
Lucia, Peasley and Daisy are in a poly relationship. What started out as jealous feelings of each other quickly became “oh they’re actually hot tho”. Lucia developed feelings first, because she and pretty much her entire family are to type to fall for people VERY FAST. (And her type is strong men and women) Peasley second because the moment he got knocked out outta his Dragohoho form and woke up in Lucia’s arms? Yeah no he fell for her and later Daisy in a similar fashion. Daisy? What started out as a silent rivalry turned into her actually finding him attractive and then collective panic until the idea of polyamory came up. I call them the Flower Throuple.
Polterpup is named Pesto and he’s the ghost of Lucia’s childhood puppy who died after being hit by a car. Because his death was so sudden he harbors no I’ll will and only just wants to continue the game of fetch that the car so rudely interrupted. Lucia only finds this out much later after she meets him and the obvious happens. She cries and holds him because he waited so long to find her again. Because he’s happiest with her, the idea of “passing on” isn’t a thing because all he wants is to be with her, essentially making him immortal until Lucia’s luck runs out.
There are certain creatures called Mimicks, basically imperfect copies of people made out of pure magic, like the fake Bowsers or Bowser Jr’s Mario disguise. They either have to possess other beings or steal their original’s soul, but rare moments they can be their own thing, but it doesn’t last for long before they need to find a host or another body, lest they want to die.
Okay that’s all I have rn. I’m glad you like my Lucia fic so much, I had no idea it would blow up like it did and it means a lot to me. Expect more fics in the near future; now with AO3 I more motivation and more flexibility. Make sure to check out my other works if you liked my Lucia fic, too!
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samd1o1 · 4 years
The Koopalings Origins {Theory/Headcanon}
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Remember the good ol’ days when the Koopalings were Bowser’s kids? And then Bowser Jr. came along.
I swore I heard that now the Koopalings were adopted children and BJ is the only biological child of Bowser. (I think this was on Game Theory)
But I have now confirmed through very basic research that it has been officially stated that BJ is the ONLY child of Bowser and that the Koopalings are just high ranking minions in Bowser’s army.
Now a few things about this bug me:
1. The retcon just doesn’t feel smooth.
2. Why are there high ranking children in the army?
3. I honestly just don’t like it.
But I think I have found a way for people who, like me want the Koopalings to be Bowser’s family.
Now let’s go over the FULL names of each Koopaling:
Bowser Koopa Jr.
Larry Koopa
Morton Koopa Jr.
Wendy O. Koopa
Iggy Koopa
Roy Koopa
Lemmy Koopa
Ludwig von Koopa
See anything interesting?
1. BJ and the others share a last name!
2. Morton is a Jr!
Koopa being a last name is odd. It’s like being named Sam Human. Well Bowser is the King Of Koopas. It makes sense they’d have a basic “last name” since most royals don’t really have a last name.
Now second,
So that implies there’s a Morton Koopa Sr.
This shows that Bowser is in fact not the Dad.
So who is?
Well let’s go back in time a bit to:
Super Mario Bros. 2 (The Lost Levels)
In this game the main antagonist is a blue version of Bowser. In the game manual this blue imposter is actually named Bowser’s younger unnamed brother.
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Well weird how he never appears again right? But you know who does in the very next game? The Koopalings!
My theory is that either:
Mario killed Morton Koopa Sr. (The Blue Bowser, father of the Koopalings) in the ending of SMB2. So in Super Mario Bros. 3 the Koopalings take revenge and Bowser raises the Koopalings.
Morton Koopa Sr. disappeared or died and the Koopalings are now being raised by Bowser.
Take your pick based on how much angst you like in your Mario!
Now you may say blue bowser was just some random design choice we are supposed to forget about, but he has been referenced in recent years!
In both Smash 4 and Ultimate he is the last alt for Bowser and has a loading screen tip talking about him being a direct reference to SMB2.
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So I think this does make everyone happy.
Nintendo gets to say the Koopalings are not Bowser’s kids, but people who want that get to say Bowser is the Koopaling’s main father figure.
Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this Theory/Headcanon.
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smashy-headcanons · 4 years
My theory on Bowser's "ineage" is that the Koopalings are his adopted children and Bowser Jr. is his actual child in way of cloning. The Koopa Kids from the Mario Party series were unsuccessful clones and Bowser Jr. is the first and only successful full clone of Bowser. That's why Bowser Jr. looks so identical to Baby Bowser. The Koopalings are just very powerful Koopa Troopa Adjecent-born Koopas that Bowser adopted due to their strength.
Neato headcanon, though not my own headcanon.
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rose---child · 4 years
mario lore is so ndfakfbafbel like they are so close to having the best lore but they instead dedicate it on game play. it would be fine only usually the games are only kindof fun. like sonic still isant that story based but every game has a story of some type...most of mario games have the plot. peach is taken by bowser. or bowsers kids are kiddnapping you and some toads or something or something simple and thats fine but like ...
cant they do something instesting with this 
why is peach being like tossed around when she can easily fight on her own...like what if maybe at first she couldnt but modern peach is a bad ass... what if mario and peach are both cencentially dating peach but they are all so awkard about talking to each other that these morons probly know something is up but to just talk out what is happening would be very awkard....
also can we just go with the theory that some to all toadettes mybe even all toads can wear super crowns and that there is a real peach somewhere but the super crown just makes them LOOK like peach but doesnt make them peach. ...the implecation that peach is a toadette gets creepy when you remember that mario dates peach.
also what about bowser jr like i think i rememeber that the 7 koopalings are adopted or like neices and nephews or something but what about bowser jr like sunshine brings into question peach and says nah but like peach would make sense. like weither biological or adopted. if bowser jr left and went to peach and was like “can i call you mom” i dont see why she couldnt say yes ...besides the fact he has broken into the castle but like besides that 
also what about nabbit has looks very close to bowser jr and i have a head canon that bowser jr is nabbit and nabbit is his way of being his own person and to be able to get close to peach. 
what about daisy and her kingdom
daisy seems like it would make more sense if her skin wasent pale (to be upfront im white just her kingdom is a mix if easter island,china,india,and egypt like sarasaland seems like the capital would be based in a more indian/egyptian based area so if she was more arabian and less white in skin tone. now it seems like if shes in the mushroom kingdom for too long mybe her skin gets paler like a tan. like in older renders she does seem like she has darker skin and i feel if we had a game take place in sarasaland, dont make her have paler skin then me,like even i would get a tan if i was in the desert (actually i would probs burn)
tldr of the daisy thing, daisy is too pale to be a princess of the desert unless it is like dumb tanning logic.
on a less ‘i dont know how skin works’ note, are burdo and yoshis related species?
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Headcanon: The Koopalings’ Heritage
Before I begin, I want to say that I accept Gnoggin’s theory on the Koopalings’ relation to Bowser: namely, not only are they not biologically related to Bowser, they are not Koopas at all; they are Boom-Booms. After watching that video for the first time, I realized that this would mean that Morton Koopa Jr’s suffix actually makes sense. So with that in mind, who was Morton Koopa Sr?
I believe that Morton Koopa was a Boom-Boom who was adopted by the Koopa Royal Family. He and Bowser shared an incredible bond throughout their life (think Moses and Ramses from The Prince of Egypt). Eventually, Morton would go on to have seven children. The big music nerd that he was, he named all seven of them after artists and composers*. Eventually, the Koopa Kingdom declared war on The Dragon’s Keep, a kingdom to the west (now known as the Ruined Kingdom). The two Princes fought valiantly against the Lord of Lightning together until Morton was mortally wounded. Bowser conquered the Lord and did everything he could to help his brother, but it was of no use. As his last request, Morton asked Bowser to watch over his children as if they were his own. Bowser agreed and added that, if he had no children of his own (which he would not promise to), Ludwig would take the crown.
So for over ten years, Bowser raised his niblings to be good commanders and tacticians in their own right. As the heir apparent to King Bowser, Ludwig paid special attention. He had the future of the Koopa Kingdom on his shoulders, he felt the need to prove that he was ready to take his adoptive father’s place when the time come. He believed that he could effectively carry the burden. He believed he was ready to succeed.
Then Bowser Jr came along.
*I know that out-of-universe, Larry wasn’t named after anyone in particular, but in my headcanon he continues the trend.
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The Koopalings Are Not Bowser's Children
So I realize I have not made a post addressing the Koopalings and their status, only ever referring to it in passing. So as we know the Koopalings in the manuals were called Bowser's Kids, and that this led to external media such as the Super Mario Adventures comic and Super Mario Bros. 3 show depicting him as his kids.
While this was the original intention this was retconned and the Koopalings went from being Bowser's kids to his commanders. Note: There might have never been a retcon to begin with, however they still aren't his kids. I made another post going into detail on why this is. In a Gameinfomer titled Mario's Creators Answer Burning Questions About The Series interview when asked "In Super Mario Bros. 3, the Koopalings were supposed to be Bowser's children. But there's also Bowser Jr. Are they all his kids, and are they all from different mothers? Is Bowser Jr. a Koopaling?" Miyamoto responded with the following "Our current story is that the seven Koopalings are not Bowser's children. Bowser's only child is Bowser Jr., and we do not know who the mother is."
While many people have come to the conclusion that they are still his kids and they are just adopted, this isn't accurate. First off the intent is that they aren't his kids anymore, and you are still someone's kid if you are adopted.
The next part is the simple fact that they are never called his kids in any newer media. On the official website for NSMBWD they are only referred to as "leaders of Bowser's Troops." In cards they aren't called his children either.
The Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia outside of lifted text from old manuals which the Encyclopedia even notes, the Koopalings are never called his kids.
There is also the fact in game they are never called his kids, nor any implication they are adopted.
There is also the fact that they are too old to be his kids, and could even be as old as Bowser if not close to his age. In Color Splash Roy talks about attending night school or in other words he's in college. "I guess I'll just have to hope Lord Bowser can defeat you…" "Yeah, I know what irony is. BOOM. Knowledge is power, so I started going to night school."
There is the fact that the Koopalings only ever refer to Bowser by titles such as Lord Bowser and never father or stepdad, and they do the same for BJ calling him Lord Junior. They never talk about Jr being their brother, they talk about how he will be their boss one day, and they are even called his friends. "That punk will eventually be our boss!" "All right, Lord Junior.. We'll be facing off against Shy Guys in this next battle." "Well, he is Bowser's kid. There were bound to be some speed bumps." "They say that helicopter parenting doesn't work anyway. Just let 'em run wild!"
When Bowser asks them to watch over Junior they don't watch over him like older siblings, and even refer to it as being a form of parenting. They even directly refer to him as Bowser's Kid. There is also the fact Bowser beat up Iggy after making fun of Junior in front of Bowser. With all that being said, the Koopalings are not Bowser's kids but rather his underlings.
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kingcheddarxvii · 7 years
pressing Mario Lore questions
How old is Mario in canon? does he age? if he’s  25 or smth I’m gonna break my Switch over my knee. idk why the idea just makes me mad
How did Mario's breakup with Pauline go? was it amicable? was there a fight? did she tell him to get out?
where were the Koopalings between SMB3 and NSMB Wii? did they go to college?
are Wario and Waluigi their real names, or did they adopt them to make Mario and Luigi miserable? what if their real names are like, Dave and Kyle
no evidence to support this theory but I kinda get the feeling that Bowser might be the bad guy
is there any evidence that Luigi is heterosexual? at all? good lord I hope not
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meowstix · 5 years
koopaling ratings
larry- cool dude, overshadowed by lemmy and iggy though. overall a neat dude. 4/5. wendy- really i don’t like her that much but her theme in color splash fucking SLAPS. 2/5. morton- i once heard this theory that he’s adopted so i’m forever gonna associate him with that. adoption/5. lemmy: my fucking son who i would absolutely die for. 100+/10. iggy: not a massive fan but you gotta appreciate iggy friday baby!! 5/5 roy: looks like he’d make an attack helicopter joke and call me a slur when i didn’t laugh. -3/5. ludwig: what the actual fuck. 0/5.
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More Bowser-Related Headcanons
To go along with the Koopalings’ heritage, I also subscribe to Gnoggin’s theory that Koopas produce asexually. To go along with this, I have two more headcanons I’d like to put down.
First is that Koopas not only produce asexually, but biologically have no sex (unlike, say, the whiptail lizards, which are biologically female). Rather, as they mature they adopt whichever gender they choose.
Second is that Bowser (and Bowser Jr by extension) is a member of a subspecies of Koopa known as Dragon Koopa, which explains his radical differences from most of the Koopa population (the spikes, the hair, the jaws, etc).
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