Used to be
Part two here
Darkling x royalwife!reader
Summary: Reader tends to leave after Aleksander grows distant but it gets angsty lol idk how I explain this 😭
Warning: ANGST
Word count: 2k
Aleksandar and y/n had been married for about two years now. Y/n was human and she was raised to a lady like a proper respected house, a known family name. She always knew she was going to be married off like her mother did from one noble house to another just like her mother before her and on and on. What she didn’t knew was it would be a political marriage and she would be married into the grisha’s general to be precise.
Their marriage didn’t turn out to be an exact contactless political marriage. Both of them found each other congenial in no time. It was in a long time Aleksandar felt that way for anyone but it was true. He didn’t knew himself how much he began to cherish being around her. They became inseparable and Y/n had found her everything in her husband likewise for him. They learned and laughed and lived and loved. It was shocking how with everything there is to accomplish one person’s well being is all you care for Alecksandar would think in silence admiring her wife’s beauty, not just beauty the connection he grew with her was more than romantic feelings. He would feel whole around her something he wasn’t familiar with.
Everything seemed to be great…for a while. The “sun summoner” was enrolled, taken moreover to little palace and everything changed. Y/n got along with Alina at start but thing started become more and more obscure and heavy with Aleksandar. At first it was a few lesser glances with her husband but then he seemed to have disappeared from her life staying in the same palace. He wouldn’t sleep in their shared chambers, barely even met her let alone conversing, everyday started to feel like being on the battleground against a whole army. Y/n was raised to become a “lady” she wasn’t going to confront Aleksandar. That was all she hoped to do now that the past few months everything felt like crumbling to pieces. Everything went to hell with a blink of an eye and y/n didn’t even realise how?
Everything she used to find comfort in felt exhausting, knowing she was doing the things she enjoys to fill the void and the constant pressure to do so would just result in failure of that happening.
It didn’t get any better even with fortnights passing. Aleksander was the same with everyone else as he had been before but just her. Only her he’d ignore like an unnoticeable nuisance of some sort each time y/n would try to get close with him the way they used to be. Y/n didn’t have anything against Alina, not even once. But it just gave her this colossal pain in her heart watching her husband laugh the way he used to with her, how they’d both go on rides and stay up late. It was all coming back in heart shattering memories because he wasn’t doing all that with her anymore.
Y/n got along with Alina with no other intention but of making a friend. Both of them seemed to be in a position of needing one but Aleksandar refrained her from talking to Alina. He explained that Alina should rather prefer “grisha” company if she was to settle amongst them. Each day there would be a new low. How much till one breaks? Y/n sure was close. Aleksander “asked” her to not join the dinners because he had pressing war discussions going on with everyone-everyone as in everyone who’s a grisha. Another stab into the heart.
That’s when y/n seemed to have reached the bottom. She didn’t knew why he was behaving like this firstly.
Frustrated of everything y/n wrote a letter back home not being distinct of details she simply stated in the letter to her family about how she wants to return. Concerned for the only daughter of their noble house her family sent back men to Little palace from their army to get her back. Things took an ugly turn after that. The troop of human army her family sent had to conspire go get into the little palace since they weren’t grishas. However they were caught and it didn’t turn out as great for either of them. Y/n was unaware of anyone even coming for her in the first place. What Aleksander was reported about was that a few men invaded little place to which he had them sentenced to death considering he had a sun summoner on his hands, he couldn’t be foolish enough to spare them. If he had known the Royal troop was sent from his in-laws his decision would’ve differed—but he didn’t.
Finding out what had happened y/n was shattered. She couldn’t believe she lured men from her own army, men she would’ve known into slaughter. She felt huge grief, regret, rage, shock but most of all fear. She feared what Aleksander was going to do with her now. He wasn’t the same Aleksander now anyways and she feared what he might do out of anger, to her.
Aleksander stormed into their room with loud footsteps y/n heard even before he entered. It made her stomach twist with the uneasy feeling of knowing what was coming wasn’t going to be pleasant.
Aleksander slammed the door open entering, he looked at her weary face and Y/e/c eyes staring back him in fear most likely. He calmed himself avoiding any outbursts from his side and began with a flat voice “Did you know?”
“I did.” Y/n said in even softer voice not looking back at him. She knew lying wouldn’t help partially aware not to provoke him.
“Did you plan on letting me know you were inviting armies to invade little palace?” he asked her sharply.
“I didn’t intend to have them invade little pal—“
“You called them to have a play date then?” He remarked jumping down her throat.
Y/n stood silent unable to response, unable to think of a response.
“We have far more pressing matters going on, with miss starkov-the war and now is when you pick to play a little charade?” He said gritting his teeth.
“I wasn’t-it’s—they’re not alive anymore thanks to you then how does it matter?” Y/n responded fiercely, knowing it took everything in her to talk back to him.
“How does it matter?” Aleksander stepped forward and confined with a high pitched voice “Someone else could've gotten killed, gotten hurt!”
“Nobody else hurt-killed? Nobody but the men from the human army. Men who were just following orders” y/n said putting emphasis on human refereeing to everything Aleksander suggested her to be attained from because of. “Tell me did you even bother to know their names before you butchered them?”
“Careful there, none of it would’ve happened if you informed me about it.” He replied with a smug tone.
“They were just coming to take me back home not to start a battle!” She said as a single ball of tear started to form in her eyes.
“Take you home? What for?” That came to Aleksander as a surprise he wasn’t aware at the slightest the reason the army came called upon by y/n and why?
“Because I want to—I wrote to *insert your castle/palace name* informing that I want to.”
“I don’t want to stay here. That’s why”
“Is this about your complains with Alina again? I have the country at war, the sun summoner and the shadow fold and you want to go home at an inconvenience?!” He said raising he voice which made y/n flinch.
“It’s not an inconvenience-I don’t want to stay around here anymore just how you don’t want to stay around me.” This time tears were brimming down her eyes but y/n showed no sign of acknowledging that.
“What are you talking about?” Aleksander asked raising a brow.
“Oh don’t you know? How you don’t sleep in our chambers anymore—how I’m not allowed to talk to Alina or join dinner at the hall. F-for months now!” she said brushing off the tears from her cheeks with new ones flowing without her knowing.
“We’ve been married for two years and you want to go back running back home for that?” Aleksander shot back slyly.
“It’s not just that—you would know how it feels if you were in my place!”
“—I would very much so choose to react maturely.”
“You abandoned me! Y-you’re the general the entire day you forgot to be Aleksander!” Y/n spat strolling towards him unafraid to reply with him on any and the quality of words she chose.
“I never abandoned you—I chose to prioritise a better future for the both of us and you couldn’t make out that difference!” He yelled banging his fist to the side on the table loosing the patience he had.
“For us?!” Y/n chuckled ironically and continued with glossy eyes with more tears that were forming “I—I never wanted this marriage-but I was a damned fool to have started to want it, want you-and I loved you but yo—“
“It doesn’t look like you do-not right now it isn’t let alone if you ever did.” He scoffed undermining what she’d say helplessly in between sobs.
“I have loved you!” Unknown of how to be heard she gave his chest a push from her hands though he stood unmoved,”You don’t get to say that—I have loved you. I can’t keep trying and trying anymore knowing you never loved me and you never would-you’re not capable of that. You’re not capable to love anyone but yourself!”
Aleksander felt felt something shift in him with what y/n said, he grabbed her by her biceps tightly pushing her against the nearest wall breathing sharply against her skin. He tightened his grip by his fingers making her wince “You’re hurting me-“ she said softly not looking up at him but constantly trying to get away from his hold.
He titled her chin forcing he to face him and began. “You are the one who doesn’t get to say that-I have loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you and I tend to do till my last! My only weakness that has ever been is loosing you and I will not have it done by my own hands. You can cry and hate me, be petty for a few days but you’re not going away from my sight little dove.” Y/n pushed him away proceeding to stand away from him and looked at him in disbelief shaking her head.
“No—I want to go home.” She said firmly wiping her tears again.
“You can’t and you won’t.” Aleksander scowled back.
“But I do not wish to—“
“I’ve had about enough of this y/n you’re not leaving little palace and so aren’t your letters.” Aleksander said stiffly walking out of the door not waiting to hear her response.
Y/n stood there again crying in the huge chamber alone yet again, unsure to make sense of one more thing she was restricted of.
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Might (so badly want to) do a part 2 if this doesn’t flop 😩
An: AAAAAAAAAA I missed writing angst please let me know what you think :)
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@lazycherri @edithsvoice @aleksanderwh0r3 @padfootswife24 @mygardenmentality
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egyptologylessons · 4 years
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The White Statue of Meritamun Meritamun (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇌𓏏𓁐) born in the 19th dynasty in Thebes and was the daughter of Ramesses II (𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓) “re-msi-sw” ‘King, Born of Re’ OR Meryamun-Ramess (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌺𓁛𓄟𓋴) ‘Born of Ra, Beloved of Amun’ and his favourite wife Nefertari (𓏏𓅐𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭𓈘𓏏) “nfr-ti-ri-mer.t-mwt” ‘Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut’.𓏤 She appears as the fourth 𓏽 daughter 𓅭𓏏𓁐 “sA.t” in the list of daughters in Abu Simbel and had at least four brothers: Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryre and Meryatum, as well as a sister named Henuttawy. Meritamen may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five 𓏾 are known from the facade of Queen Nefertari's temple in Abu Simbel. Her eldest brother - Amun-her-khepeshef - was the crown prince until at least year 25 of the reign of their father 𓇋𓏏𓆑𓀀 “ı͗t”. Prince Prehirwenemef is known to have served in the army and is depicted in the battle scenes from Kadesh. The youngest sibling known to us - Prince Meryatum - would later become High Priest 𓍛𓊹 “ḥm-nṯr” Re in Heliopolis 𓉺𓏌𓏏𓊖 “iwnw”.𓏤 Around the time her mother 𓅑𓏏 “mt” died (around the 24th or 25th regnal year), Meritamen became Great Royal Wife 𓇓𓈞𓏏𓅩𓂋 “wr nsw-ḥm.t”, along with her half-sister Bintanath. The final photos shows the statue of Meritamen in front of the colossal statue 𓂙𓏏𓏭𓀾 “hnty” of her father, Ramesses II. Photos by @elshamy4 #egypt #egyptian #ancient #ancientegypt #hieroglyphics #pharaoh #middleeast #northafrica #worldtourismday #thisisegypt #egyptologist #temple #myegypt #egyptianhistory #egyptology #archeology #hieroglyphs #madeinegypt #egypte #egyptians #egyptshots #loveegypt #discoveregypt #ruins #statue #royalconsort #royalwife #meritamun #meritamen https://www.instagram.com/p/CMxGTgCr8sw/?igshid=7q0roxo8co7g
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ir-egipto-travel · 5 years
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The White Statue of Meritamun
Meritamun (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇌𓏏𓁐) born in the 19th dynasty in Thebes and was the daughter of Ramesses II (𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓) “re-msi-sw” ‘King, Born of Re’ OR Meryamun-Ramess (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌺𓁛𓄟𓋴) ‘Born of Ra, Beloved of Amun’ and his favourite wife Nefertari (𓏏𓅐𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭𓈘𓏏) “nfr-ti-ri-mer.t-mwt” ‘Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut’.𓏤
She appears as the fourth 𓏽 daughter 𓅭𓏏𓁐 “sA.t” in the list of daughters in Abu Simbel and had at least four brothers: Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryre and Meryatum, as well as a sister named Henuttawy.
Meritamen may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five 𓏾 are known from the facade of Queen Nefertari's temple in Abu Simbel.
Her eldest brother - Amun-her-khepeshef - was the crown prince until at least year 25 of the reign of their father 𓇋𓏏𓆑𓀀 “ı͗t”. Prince Prehirwenemef is known to have served in the army and is depicted in the battle scenes from Kadesh. The youngest sibling known to us - Prince Meryatum - would later become High Priest 𓍛𓊹 “ḥm-nṯr” Re in Heliopolis 𓉺𓏌𓏏𓊖 “iwnw”.𓏤
Around the time her mother 𓅑𓏏 “mt” died (around the 24th or 25th regnal year), Meritamen became Great Royal Wife 𓇓𓈞𓏏𓅩𓂋 “wr nsw-ḥm.t”, along with her half-sister Bintanath.
The final photos shows the statue of Meritamen in front of the colossal statue 𓂙𓏏𓏭𓀾 “hnty” of her father, Ramesses II.
#egypt #egyptian #ancient #ancientegypt #hieroglyphics #pharaoh #middleeast #northafrica #worldtourismday #thisisegypt #egyptologist #temple #myegypt #egyptianhistory #egyptology #archeology #hieroglyphs #madeinegypt #egypte #egyptians #egyptshots #loveegypt #discoveregypt #ruins #statue #royalconsort #royalwife #meritamun #iregipto
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dioranddecor · 6 years
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MELANIN ROYAL BABY GLOW: Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle have officially kicked off their first royal tour as husband and wife! After touching down in Australia over the weekend, Meghan debuted her growing belly as she and Harry met with Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, at Admiralty House in Sydney on Tuesday. The couple were joined by representatives from Harry's Invictus Games and Meghan was positively glowing in a white dress, while Harry looked dapper in a navy suit. Meghan and Harry have a busy day ahead of them! Not only will they get to hang out with some baby koalas at the zoo, but they'll also be catching a ferry to the Opera House, where they'll watch a rehearsal by the Bangarra Dance Company. Harry and Meghan will finally end their night with a reception at the Governor-General's house. Harry and Meghan's tour comes on the heels of Kensington Palace's announcement that the pair are expecting their first child! Even though we just found out about the news, Harry and Meghan reportedly told the royal family at Princess Eugenie's wedding last week. CONGRATULATIONS  to Meghan and Harry! A little Melanin Prince or Princess is on the way!!🤴🏽👸🏽👶🏽🤰🏽👑🇬🇧🇱🇷 #royalbabywatch #royalty #herroyalhighness #hisroyalhighness #princeharry #meghanmarkle #princessmeghan #dukeofsussex #duchessofsussex #kensingtonpalace #babynews #melaninbaby #royalfamily #princess #prince #tagblender #mixedbabies #marriedlife #royalhusband #royalwife #instaroyalty #instagood #instadaily #instalove #instaprince #instaprincess https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-MBG3g9QD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nbike7j8h19p
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egyptologylessons · 4 years
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Nefertari (𓏏𓅐𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭𓈘𓏏) “nfr-ti-ri-mer.t-mwt” ‘Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut’ died 𓅓𓏏𓀐 “m(w)t” around 1255 BCE, and was buried 𓈎𓂋𓋴𓌟𓏏𓊭 “krs” by her husband in the Valley of the Queens. While excavating in Deir el Medina and the Valley of Queens, Italian Egyptologist Ernesto Schiaparelli, the director of the Museo Egizio di Torino, discovered her tomb 𓂝𓂝𓇋𓉴 “ˁˁı͗” (QV66) in 1904. Built and painted during the 19th Dynasty by the skilled workers living at the village of Deir el Medina, Nefertari's tomb is the largest in the Valley of Queens, and is certainly one of the most beautifully decorated extant ancient Egyptian tombs. TRANSLATION OF THE PTAH OFFERING Above Nefertari: (RED) Hm.t nsw.t wr.t nb.t tA.wy Hnw.t tA.w nb.w (Nfr.t-iry mr(y).t n Mw.t)| mAa(.t)-xrw xr Wsir xnty imnt.t nTr aA Great Wife of the King, Lady of the Two Lands, Mistress of all the lands, Nefertari Meritenmut (Beloved of the Goddess Mut), true of voice, in the presence of Osiris, foremost of the West, the great god. In front of Nefertari: (PURPLE) rdt mnx.t n nb maA.t m tA Dsr Giving cloth to the lord of truth on the sacred land. Above Ptah: (BLUE) PtH nb mAa.t nsw.t tA.wy nfr-Hr s.t=f wr.t Ptah, lord of truth, king of the two lands, beautiful of face, in his great place. Behind Ptah: (GREEN) sA anx Dd wAs snb Aw-ib nb HA=f nb mi rˁ Protection, Life, Stability, Dominion all Health, and all Joy are all behind him, like Re. Source: yokoiscool.com #Egypt #egyptian #ancient #ancientegypt #hieroglyphics #ägypten #thisisegypt #egyptologist #myegypt #egyptianhistory #egyptology #explore #hieroglyphs #madeinegypt #egypte #egyptians #egyptshots #loveegypt #discoveregypt #egitto #埃及 #مصر #egipto #explorepage #nefertari #egyptianqueen #egyptiantomb #royalwife #ptah #egyptiangod https://www.instagram.com/p/CLcvT5kLJ4m/?igshid=4pm0vkpg4sia
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egyptologylessons · 5 years
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The White Statue of Meritamun Meritamun (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇌𓏏𓁐) born in the 19th dynasty in Thebes and was the daughter of Ramesses II (𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓) “re-msi-sw” ‘King, Born of Re’ OR Meryamun-Ramess (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌺𓁛𓄟𓋴) ‘Born of Ra, Beloved of Amun’ and his favourite wife Nefertari (𓏏𓅐𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭𓈘𓏏) “nfr-ti-ri-mer.t-mwt” ‘Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut’.𓏤 She appears as the fourth 𓏽 daughter 𓅭𓏏𓁐 “sA.t” in the list of daughters in Abu Simbel and had at least four brothers: Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryre and Meryatum, as well as a sister named Henuttawy. Meritamen may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five 𓏾 are known from the facade of Queen Nefertari's temple in Abu Simbel. Her eldest brother - Amun-her-khepeshef - was the crown prince until at least year 25 of the reign of their father 𓇋𓏏𓆑𓀀 “ı͗t”. Prince Prehirwenemef is known to have served in the army and is depicted in the battle scenes from Kadesh. The youngest sibling known to us - Prince Meryatum - would later become High Priest 𓍛𓊹 “ḥm-nṯr” Re in Heliopolis 𓉺𓏌𓏏𓊖 “iwnw”.𓏤 Around the time her mother 𓅑𓏏 “mt” died (around the 24th or 25th regnal year), Meritamen became Great Royal Wife 𓇓𓈞𓏏𓅩𓂋 “wr nsw-ḥm.t”, along with her half-sister Bintanath. The final photos shows the statue of Meritamen in front of the colossal statue 𓂙𓏏𓏭𓀾 “hnty” of her father, Ramesses II. #egypt #egyptian #ancient #ancientegypt #hieroglyphics #pharaoh #middleeast #northafrica #worldtourismday #thisisegypt #egyptologist #temple #myegypt #egyptianhistory #egyptology #archeology #hieroglyphs #madeinegypt #egypte #egyptians #egyptshots #loveegypt #discoveregypt #ruins #statue #royalconsort #royalwife #meritamun #meritamen https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zBDQNHUOq/?igshid=1m20lne7j8tdt
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