egypt-museum · 2 years
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Statue of Queen Meritamen
Queen Meritamen was both the daughter, and sometimes after the death of Nefertari, her mother, became the Great Royal Wife of her father, Ramesses II.
The painted decorations of this statue fragment is still well preserved. Her smile, in particular, is similar to that on a number of statues of Ramesses II. On top of her head, she wears a circular diadem, its base adorned all the way around with a frieze of uraei with solar disks.
It was discovered in Thebes , in what she called the “Chapel of the White Queen” of the Ramesseum by the British archaeologist Flinders Petrie in 1896. Now in the Hurghada Museum. JE 31413 Read more
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thehereticpharaoh · 5 years
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Statue of Meritamun, Open Air Museum of Akhmim, Sohag Governorate, Egypt.
Meritamen (or  Meritamun) was a daughter of Ramesses and his favourite wife Nefertari. She appears as the fourth daughter in the list of daughters in Abu Simbel and had at least four brothers: Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryre and Meryatum, as well as a sister named Henuttawy. Meritamen may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five are known from the facade of Queen Nefertari's temple in Abu Simbel. Her eldest brother - Amun-her-khepeshef - was the crown prince until at least year 25 of the reign of their father. Prince Prehirwenemef is known to have served in the army and is depicted in the battle scenes from Kadesh. The youngest sibling known to us - Prince Meryatum - would later become High Priest of Re in Heliopolis. Around the time her mother died (around the 24th or 25th regnal year), Meritamen became Great Royal Wife, along with her half-sister Bintanath.
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tripidaysegytours · 3 years
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Why search for a wife when you can just marry your daughter?
Ramses II is one of the greatest Kings of ancient Egypt, he had many wives and concubines around 200 to be specific, he only married royalty and who is more royal than the daughters of the King, his daughters! 
Ramses the great married four of his daughters, the most famous one is Meritamen, the daughter of his beloved wife Queen Nefertari.
After her mother's death, she took her title and became the Great Royal Wife of Ramses II along with her half-sister Bintanath.
Meritamen was a singer of Amun, priestess of Hathor, sistrum-player of Mut, and a dancer of Horus.
Meritamen held other titles are great royal wife, lady of the two lands, mistress of upper and lower Egypt, king's daughter, and his beloved. 
Stay tuned for more interesting stories about ancient Egypt
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ideal-girl · 7 years
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M e r i t a m e n by  Seif El Din Ali
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skmn-m · 7 years
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Nefertari, Meritamen
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aloulou-travel · 7 years
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Statue of Ramses II with his daughter Meritamen. by paraklet
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ancientegyptdaily · 3 years
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ABU SIMBEL: The single entrance is flanked by four colossal, 20 m (66 ft) statues, each representing Ramesses II seated on a throne and wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The statue to the immediate left of the entrance was damaged in an earthquake, causing the head and torso to fall away; these fallen pieces were not restored to the statue during the relocation but placed at the statue's feet in the positions originally found. Next to Ramesses's legs are a number of other, smaller statues, none higher than the knees of the pharaoh, depicting: his chief wife, Nefertari Meritmut; his queen mother Mut-Tuy; his first two sons, Amun-her-khepeshef and Ramesses B; and his first six daughters: Bintanath, Baketmut, Nefertari, Meritamen, Nebettawy and Isetnofret. [X]
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mismageus · 5 years
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a couple more moodboards bc immortal egyptian assassin twins are v hot
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egyptologylessons · 4 years
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The White Statue of Meritamun Meritamun (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇌𓏏𓁐) born in the 19th dynasty in Thebes and was the daughter of Ramesses II (𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓) “re-msi-sw” ‘King, Born of Re’ OR Meryamun-Ramess (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌺𓁛𓄟𓋴) ‘Born of Ra, Beloved of Amun’ and his favourite wife Nefertari (𓏏𓅐𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭𓈘𓏏) “nfr-ti-ri-mer.t-mwt” ‘Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut’.𓏤 She appears as the fourth 𓏽 daughter 𓅭𓏏𓁐 “sA.t” in the list of daughters in Abu Simbel and had at least four brothers: Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryre and Meryatum, as well as a sister named Henuttawy. Meritamen may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five 𓏾 are known from the facade of Queen Nefertari's temple in Abu Simbel. Her eldest brother - Amun-her-khepeshef - was the crown prince until at least year 25 of the reign of their father 𓇋𓏏𓆑𓀀 “ı͗t”. Prince Prehirwenemef is known to have served in the army and is depicted in the battle scenes from Kadesh. The youngest sibling known to us - Prince Meryatum - would later become High Priest 𓍛𓊹 “ḥm-nṯr” Re in Heliopolis 𓉺𓏌𓏏𓊖 “iwnw”.𓏤 Around the time her mother 𓅑𓏏 “mt” died (around the 24th or 25th regnal year), Meritamen became Great Royal Wife 𓇓𓈞𓏏𓅩𓂋 “wr nsw-ḥm.t”, along with her half-sister Bintanath. The final photos shows the statue of Meritamen in front of the colossal statue 𓂙𓏏𓏭𓀾 “hnty” of her father, Ramesses II. Photos by @elshamy4 #egypt #egyptian #ancient #ancientegypt #hieroglyphics #pharaoh #middleeast #northafrica #worldtourismday #thisisegypt #egyptologist #temple #myegypt #egyptianhistory #egyptology #archeology #hieroglyphs #madeinegypt #egypte #egyptians #egyptshots #loveegypt #discoveregypt #ruins #statue #royalconsort #royalwife #meritamun #meritamen https://www.instagram.com/p/CMxGTgCr8sw/?igshid=7q0roxo8co7g
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ir-egipto-travel · 5 years
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The White Statue of Meritamun
Meritamun (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇌𓏏𓁐) born in the 19th dynasty in Thebes and was the daughter of Ramesses II (𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓) “re-msi-sw” ‘King, Born of Re’ OR Meryamun-Ramess (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌺𓁛𓄟𓋴) ‘Born of Ra, Beloved of Amun’ and his favourite wife Nefertari (𓏏𓅐𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭𓈘𓏏) “nfr-ti-ri-mer.t-mwt” ‘Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut’.𓏤
She appears as the fourth 𓏽 daughter 𓅭𓏏𓁐 “sA.t” in the list of daughters in Abu Simbel and had at least four brothers: Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryre and Meryatum, as well as a sister named Henuttawy.
Meritamen may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five 𓏾 are known from the facade of Queen Nefertari's temple in Abu Simbel.
Her eldest brother - Amun-her-khepeshef - was the crown prince until at least year 25 of the reign of their father 𓇋𓏏𓆑𓀀 “ı͗t”. Prince Prehirwenemef is known to have served in the army and is depicted in the battle scenes from Kadesh. The youngest sibling known to us - Prince Meryatum - would later become High Priest 𓍛𓊹 “ḥm-nṯr” Re in Heliopolis 𓉺𓏌𓏏𓊖 “iwnw”.𓏤
Around the time her mother 𓅑𓏏 “mt” died (around the 24th or 25th regnal year), Meritamen became Great Royal Wife 𓇓𓈞𓏏𓅩𓂋 “wr nsw-ḥm.t”, along with her half-sister Bintanath.
The final photos shows the statue of Meritamen in front of the colossal statue 𓂙𓏏𓏭𓀾 “hnty” of her father, Ramesses II.
#egypt #egyptian #ancient #ancientegypt #hieroglyphics #pharaoh #middleeast #northafrica #worldtourismday #thisisegypt #egyptologist #temple #myegypt #egyptianhistory #egyptology #archeology #hieroglyphs #madeinegypt #egypte #egyptians #egyptshots #loveegypt #discoveregypt #ruins #statue #royalconsort #royalwife #meritamun #iregipto
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nuwaubian-hotep · 5 years
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Meritamen (also spelled Meritamun, Merytamen, Merytamun, Meryt-Amen; Ancient Egyptian: Beloved of Amun) was a daughter and later Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Ramesses the Great. 19th #Nubian dynasty #NuwaubianHotep https://www.instagram.com/p/B-I6gzNDSYE/?igshid=xgqldpfes0o
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42soul · 7 years
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Statue of Ramses II with his daughter Meritamen. by paraklet
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tiny-librarian · 8 years
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Statue of Meritamen at Akhmim. She was the daughter of Ramesses II and Nefertari, and after her mother’s death she was married to her father and became his Great Royal Wife.
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faridaisblack · 6 years
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Meritamen (beloved of Amun) was a daughter and later Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Ramesses the Great. At the Egyptian museum
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bonwhynot · 6 years
Kai Parker Tag
I decided to make my own tag in favor of Malachai Parker. Have fun answering the questions :).
I got tagged by @tvddagger and @leianaberrie. 😊
1. Who is Kai Parker to you?
My favorite male character on TVD.  He renewed my interest into the show after I stopped giving a fuck around season 3 or 4.  It actually surprises me how much I liked him from the get go - let’s be honest, another white male sociopath, but luckily his background and personality made him so much richer in character.  Dare I say, even compared to the mains.  
2. What’s your favorite episode in which Kai occurred?
When Kai saved Bonnie.  Also really liked the episode about his background when he was chasing his siblings to kill them; when he slammed that armoire/dresser and screamed like a deranged psycho, man, that honestly got me shook.  I haven’t felt that on edge since season 1 on TVD.  LOL  Also special shout out to that episode in season 8 where Kai couldn’t stop talking/mentioning about Bonnie...well, might as well mention Bonnie and Kai’s last BDSM scene together too.  😏
3. Who do you ship Kai with?
Bonnie.  My blog is meta enough on the various reasons why.
4. What’s your favorite part about Kai Parker?
His background and cheeky personality and his connection to Bonnie.  A siphon is a new creature introduced to the show’s mythology when Kai was first brought on.  Not only is he a siphon, but he’s a magicless witch as well (which the show alluded was how siphons worked at first until it trashed that in later seasons so being a siphon and having magic weren’t mutually exclusive to further ruin canon and create plotholes. LOL)  ANYWAY, this is new magical territory plus add in the utter chaos of the Gemini Coven and their fucked up traditions...it’s like how can you not be intrigued?  
After how many seasons of 95% vampire BS and hardly any exploration of werewolves, witches, or any other creatures, I was thrilled to finally get something besides the boring and redundant vampire business.  Additionally, the biggest draw was Kai’s story helping to refocus witches as the main/biggest bosses in the whole mythology once again (or really finally because witches were never treated as such in the first place).  I mean this is before I knew about Plec’s racist, problematic self, but yep, I still had hope this new plot direction will realign Bonnie to be a main and not just one claimed as such yet constantly shuffled to the side.  It helps that the Geminis already have history with the Bennetts, etc. so it only logically followed that Bonnie would finally be treated as she should starting from that season onward.  That Bonnie will be fully utilized as a full-fledged character with her own wants and motivations and not just a orchestrated puppet like she was in canon.
TBH, even if Kai was largely the same, but wasn’t connected to Bonnie...not sure if I’d like him as much.  Enjoy his scenes, sure.  But I basically got into the fandom for BonKai, so IDK.
5. How did it feel for you when Kai died?
I remember when the ending title sequence came in and I was like.......this can’t seriously be it?  I mean it obviously made no sense.  None whatsoever.  The last three-ish episodes of season 6 literally made little sense.  It was such a sharp turn compared to the rest of the season.  Normally you’d see this during the midseason episode and later, but Plec couldn’t even bother to organically ruin course earlier on instead of waiting to the second to last episode to shake things up.  In short, was in disbelief and if season 7 wasn’t already out by then, I probably would have taken another extended break from the show.  LOL
6. Did you ever had a dirty dream about him?
No.  It’s like I can never have dreams about characters or celebrities. 
7. Your reaction (in an emoji) if Kai knocking on your door.
Me at first:
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But really this:
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8. Young Kai Parker or adult Kai Parker?
I....don’t know if I can answer this.  Both are very awesome.  The pedant in me just wants to say that both were adults...just one was baby-faced/young adult-looking while the other was...whoo, girl.  Nah, I’m kidding, both were whoo, girl.
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9. First impression when you saw Kai for the first time on TV.
LOL I was like....who the hell is this kid.
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Then the next second when Kai introduced himself to Damon, I was already like this...
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Then when he attacked Damon...
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Seriously liked this man from the start.  LOL
10. Chris Wood or Kai Parker?
This is sooooo hard....but...Kai Parker.  I like Chris too!  But I don’t like getting into celebrities like that (though I did a bit for Chris and Kat before, keke).
Don’t forget to tag your friends! @meritamen​ 😁
I feel like most of others I know already got tagged.  So @ anyone else who wants to fill it out! 
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