rizahawkeye1380 · 5 years
Roy:I can't find the lieutenant anywhere...
Riza:*slams the door behind him with a gun in hand* WHAT WAS THAT?!
Roy: found her
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oniric-multimuse-rp · 8 years
Hello guys, you probably thought you've seen the last of me didn't you? Well... tes aaand nope. Recently a lot lf stuff happened in my life, and it all was rubbish. One of the people I loved the most died. He was my mentor, my family, and I honestly got throught a lot of shit since then. So... after a couple of years of inactiveness I decided to put this blog into a - probably definitive - hiatus. It was a great adventure and I'm thankful I've known you all, but my roleplay time is finished, at least for now. So... if anyone of you still likes me as a person I'd suggest you to follow me on my personal @finnmadotsuki I'd be more than happy to chat a bit with my old pals! For anyone else... thanks for playing with me, I will always remember you. I will spam this message for a while so that everyone can read. Thanks and sorry
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experimentalfma · 9 years
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Russell does not approve.
Gift for @roy-mustang-flamealchemist (There will be a better version up later if I remember)
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sentimentalscientia · 10 years
Closing time. The wolf sighed gratefully, spending so much of the evening thinking it would never come. Her job kept her pretty occupied, but the day had just been too long. Now she was looking forward to getting out of her costume and heading home. Gazing into the mirror, she barely registered the green lace that barely adorned her body. Thoughts already drifting to the soft bed waiting at her apartment. Her usual wig was carefully discarded. A moment later she was ripped out of her pleasant musings. Even with the wall between them, her ears picked up the scuffle happening behind the club. The bouncer was already inside helping with closing. Meaning no one was around to break it up.
With a sigh she moved out of the dressing room, slipping out of the back door. Feint lights flickered in the alleyway. Amble enough for her eyes to reveal a slightly lean man being worked over by three bulky males. Well that was unfair. "Ok break it up gentlemen.  We don't allow fighting anywhere on the premise." Four sets of eyed focused on her. One glazed over and blank, the other three flickering with amusement and lust. Disturbing smiles painted their faces as the eyes raked down her scantily clad form. A wolf whistle and disgusting comment reached her ears.
They did not seem in the mood to cooperate, so she approached. Her wolf strength making quick work of the idiots. Not even a minute and they ran with their tails tucked between their legs. She smiled a moment as she watched them flee. It faltered when she heard a slight groan. Her attention turned to the victim. Slumped against the wall. Bloody nose and nasty gash across his forehead. Not to mention a plethora of bruises decorating the skin revealed by torn clothing. He reeked of alcohol. With a sigh she picked him up. Carried him back inside and to her private room.
She tossed away the ragged coat and shirt before settling him on the bed. Tending his wounds expertly, silence only punctured by the occasional groan. When finished, she pulled up a chair. He looked horrible and there was no way she could leave him in such a state. Looked like she wasn't getting to go home after all. 
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rizahawkeye1380 · 5 years
Riza:*is sitting on the desk doing work*
Roy: *smiles*
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musemenagerie · 10 years
Crossing Worlds in Dreams
A life of isolation was lonely, small, and terrifying. Elsa knew very little outside of the mansion, and most of her life consisted of one room, her room, where she couldn't look out the window without fearing freezing the glass.
Elsa sighed as wandered over the her bed. Her nightgown fluttered around her as she lay on the bed, and pulled the sheets over her legs. Life had become so much more dull, and so much more terrifying, since her parents' death. How would she learn to control her powers without them? What would she do if someone got hurt again.
Elsa stopped wringing her hands to run them through her hair, which was down from it's usual braid. It was time for bed, not for worrying. Sleep was the only escape she got from her cage; there was no point in putting it off for worries that would still be there tomorrow, and the next day, and every day after that.
Elsa lay her head down, closed her eyes, and slowly fell into a fitful sleep, where she found herself in the darkened, empty ballroom of the mansion.
Taking a step back, she looked around the room. This is where it happened, where she hurt Anna. Looking down, Elsa realized she was dressed the same as that day: blue nightgown, braided hair, and headband. What was going on? Where was everyone?
She left the room only to find a desolate hallway. The mansion wasn't crowded after her parents reduced the staff, but usually there was a maid or Anna to avoid when she left her room. It was too quiet.
"Hello?" She called out as she wandered around. Had they left her? Had Anna moved, and everyone abandoned her to true isolation? Maybe it was for the best since it would mean that they were safe from her, but Elsa didn't want to be alone. "Please, isn't anyone there?"
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rizahawkeye1380 · 5 years
Reasons for Royai
- They have always watched each others back and will support each other through the darkest of times. (ex. When Riza helps Roy when he's blind)
Tags: @royal-mustang , @flamegodess, @waddiwasiwitch, @roymustangflamealchemist , @ruikosakuragi , @ladywolfz-no-hawkeye , and @fullmetalscullyy
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cormetallix · 10 years
His eyes narrowed. "I don't believe you."
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" So it’s true, mhm? You’re actually ticklish… this is such a good information, thank you Ed. " Roy snickered 
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rizahawkeye1380 · 5 years
Roy: I love you
Riza: I love you more Roy
Roy: What? That's impossible.
Riza: What is...?
Roy: There's no way you love me more than I love you.
Riza: >///<
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