#rp: doppleganger
ry-ichi1 · 5 months
I made another one
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A dopple singer
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firestorm09890 · 8 months
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i see them in your desperation, i hear them in your voice, i know them in your circumstances
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hotelsrexford · 3 months
who's gonna bite the bullet? who is going to write the door woman for my francis moses?
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doormens-job · 2 months
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The Doppleganger 'Punk or Long Neck' and the D.D.D. Securety Lukas got both kidnaped. Both get pulled into the foggy dark and wake up at an unexpacted place!
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The Dopple ends up at a sandy beach of a gigant lake. The waves calmly glimmer in the light. He looks around in confusion and stress. HOW WHERE WHAT!? He screams inside but keeps quiet to not alert anyone.
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Lukas ends up at a diffrent part of the beach direcly near the waters. "Wow~ thats better then doom. ...what was that anyway?" He looks around and desite to go exploring.
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javaaddiction · 1 year
I was complimented once on my storytelling and now I'm crying send help
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ghostlygravekeeper · 8 months
I chucked my mini spook out the window and now he's flying off.
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Jsjsj wie woops Enkel Ei Ruffin snwmkwkwo fjciie. Also so mdjfivie. Eii
Is that a kitty walking across a keyboard?
Hewwo kittttyyyyyyy
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itsaninfestation · 4 months
Kylee looks up at Zora with an annoyed expression. Her lime-green acrylic nails were splattered with droplets of dark crimson.
Thankfully, she hadn't gotten any blood on her new mink coat.
"I wasn't trying to kill him... well, I was, but not right away and not so disgustingly." Kylee sighed. " It turns out that telepathic brains are exponentially more affected by centipedes crawling around in their gray matter."
She huffs and wipes her hands with a dark red handkerchief.
"Now be a dear and help me get this cleaned up, will you?"
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2uburb14-0v3rture · 5 months
Hello! This is an rp blog for my. I guess take on a few of her dopplegangers from TNMN! They are known as the colony and they have taken over an abandoned building. The two dopples I will be roleplaying as the most are Hoon Man and Stitchface.
Hoon Man talks like this
Stichface talks like this
There are dopplegangers of. All 19 neighbours + a doorman dopple living here though! So yeah! You can ask questions, and I will also do like. Thread roleplays :3
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icyxmischief · 6 months
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Excerpt from an rp with my friend Hephaiston: enjoy, friends! I wish we could hope to see this in a future Marvel film
It's difficult to understand, much less explain, how it is to be both everywhere and nowhere. It's even more difficult to put into words how one can--must--balance that paradoxical existence continuously. Loki feels trillions of life forms at his fingertips, hairtips, in all his extremities, a bit like pins and needles on a foot that's fallen asleep, a bit like minnows kissing your toes, a bit like a tickle in your innards--a tickle, a cough you can't expel. A bit like bubbles in a hot spring. A bit like falling through space and passing phosphorescent debris and far-off planets and mistaking their light for the same thing.
That's how it is to hold the branches of the Nine Realms in your palms, to tremor a strand in your web and follow its vibrations to one, or twelve, or six billion, entities on which you choose to focus.
Maybe those who "never wanted a throne" are burdened to become kings and gods; maybe ultimately they are the only ones who truly know how to Mother a Universe, once they realize some kinds of power are far from enviable. Loki's mind certainly turns to his mother, to Frigga more often than it does to anyone else he knew when he was an ordinary Jotun. Asgardian. Both. Another of his impossible dual states of being. Except for his brother. Except for Thor.....
A familiar rivulet of electrical light keeps tugging at a string of Yggdrasil, so Loki turns jade eyes to his timeline. Of course it's Thor. It's always been Thor, that irritating, wonderful being molded from gold and petrichor and big, loud laughter. Make it rain, Loki used to demand of his brother, when they were children, and it would always soothe the unwitting foundling.
Loki chuckles, wanly, in his isolated sanctum. Will this break some new cosmic paradigm, reaching out to family? Oh, what the Hel. How else would the Odinsons have it? "Thor, godssakes. Stop preening at the newspapers to cure your depression."
This is the first time he's spoken to a quasi-mortal since he absorbed the Time Forge and splintered the Sacred Timeline into multitudinous branches. He's pleased that his brother and foil seems to respond, or at least, that his consciousness seems to brighten. "Ah. Right. Forgive me. I'm going to try something else rather new. And then, I'm going to try to explain....well. Everything." A bit of concentrating and he sheds a skin of mirage as he once did, the trick of dopplegangers Frigga taught him, only it's easier now: no incantations, only intent and thought. And he appears, in slender black garments, neck lined in a gray wolf pelt, hair braided back like the spine of a raven. How strange, that anything is easy. "I hope...." His throat tightens. Ah. There it is, the familiarity of struggle. "I hope...that you will come to think of me as the sibling you lost. I am they, but diverged from the original path that tyrants bid me walk." Hesitantly he opens slim arms and braces for impact.
"I'm here."
Requests for Thor's response? Let me know and I'll ask the mun if they're cool with it!
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years
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name : ησνємвєя
nickname/s : Nova / Novi /Miss Katherine / puppy
pronouns : she / her /
preference of communication : simply do not ♥️ jk Discord bc I fucking hate Tumblr ims but I actually don't talk a lot unless we're close. Elusive Katherine Pierce and all.
most active muse : Katherine and Elena
experience / how many years : been writing on various platforms since I was far too young to be on the internet writing but like 14is years?
platforms you use : Tumblr and discord, though mostly Tumblr, lately I've been slacking on discord hard.
best experience : a lot? I guess having an rp idea evolve into what I've started building as the world and story for my book.
I also really like that I give ppl random nicknames and they just keep them. Like hybrid and buffymun lmfao.
rp pet peeves : ppl who write characters ooc. Ppl who take complex characters and play them flatly. Ppl who make OCS that are over powered. God modding. Forcing ships. Ppl write 5 paragraphs and some how manage to say nothing to further the story. OCS that are just... Not.. a character. Like they're a fc and a name and nothing else. Ppl who ship just bc two characters are hot. Idk I've been around I got a lot of pet peeves but you guys do you lmfao, it's rp it's not that serious.
fluff , angst , or smut : fluff in small doses it gets boring for me fast bc I play angsty characters on purpose, love angst as long as there's a plot and characters aren't suffering for just no understandable reason. I am picky on smut bc it's so easy to write shitty, and Katherine is high maintenance 💅
long or short replies : multi para. One liners are fun sometimes but I am a heavy psychology lover, I put a lot of work into breaking my muses down to write them correctly, and one liners just don't hold enough substance to keep my attention. But they're fun for banter.
best time to write : when I have an attention span. Never lack muse, just lack attention span. It's a pain.
are you like your muse/s : for me to write a muse I need to be at least a little like them. However completely as a person psychologically I am v close to Katherine (take that as you will) but I'm also a lot like Elena depending on the day. Which makes sense bc dopplegangers, but yea. Also a LOT like Rebekah, but I don't write her as much.
Tagged by: @multi-royalty @vengefullyunhinged @little-miss-buffy
Tagging: @unbearablyindifferent @tobeblamed @ofwaywardsunshine @sonofmikael @fidelissimi @talesfromthevoiid @lilyspaintedred @literatae
♥️ @faiththesinfulslayer ♥️
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multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
Is Celeste a Rebekah Doppleganger?
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Hii anon,
No Celeste ( @la-main-de-la-reine ) is not a doppelgänger for Rebekah, she is her complete own separate entity for a book that is currently being written by @malka-lisitsa , and is nothing to do with TVD it self.
The face claims are for the writers purposes only, Novi and I write these characters on tumblr just for fun, other characters included in their world on tumblr so far are @voros-kiralyno as Nova, and @astrid-summer-child as Astrid. If you’d like to know more about each character the world info is in all of their pinned posts as well as their own about information.
That being said we are still open to other RP partners outside of their world, so if you’re interested in them as a character feel free to message us :)
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mystichillsfm · 7 months
just a quick question; in your canon changes you state that katherine is the only doppelganger so with that being said shouldn't katherine and elena have different fc's?
hey there! so what we mean is that while in the show, there were 4 total Petrova dopplegangers, in the RP we are only bringing in Katherine. So Katherine and Elena are the only doppleganger pair.
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computerpeople · 1 year
jaxi in our servers gotten wrapped up into a huge false claim. he recently ran away from the cult that his family started, and has taken solidarity with my friends oc tobias who was a part of the same cult but ran years ago. and to keep his family off his trail, jaxi destroyed their cell towers and basically made their makeshift internet rig (since its the apocalypse) go down. on top of that, someone ELSE has destroyed the power generators. so not only is the internet out, but so is the power (during the entity of summer) and tobias is physically disabled, he's been struggling the worst without power as he struggles to walk and lives in an apartment and can't climb the stairs or regulate his body tempreture well. and the person who broke the generators is essentially framing jaxi for it. that person who broke the generators? a fake clone/doppleganger of terezi, to purposefully frame jaxi.
but terezi has no idea, and thinks that jaxi is the one who broke both. he's been detained and essentially put in jail until he confesses and we're about to rp his interrogation. jaxi is a compulsive liar, due to the way he was raised, hes learned that telling the truth is NEVER safe, no matter what, so despite his innocence, he literally won't be able to prove it because he's still working under hte mentality he grew up in, that even an admittance of innocence will have him beaten and bruised. all while terezi thinks he's the one who did both, because why WOULDN'T he be.
we're planning for terezi to be switched out with fake terezi half way through the interogation due to plot reasons and it's genuinely going to be so terrible. its going to be so bad. jaxi experiences his joker moment and becomes a full on antagonist
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Alastors benefactors.
So lately i have been wanting to add some more obscure muses to my blog but was worried about giving them their own hub to never really be used.
So instead when designing my alastor overhaul i decided to make the benefactors connected to alastor to allow then more potential to rp
i will eventually give them their own hub when im up to it but for now
Heres the wiki to give u an idea of the benefactors more specifcally the brothers section. 
The void is another game made by ice-pick-lodge the same dev company that my bachelor muse comes from. 
The brothers and the void itself exist in a layer of reality somewhere below hell and are immensly powerful entities that have provided alastor with his many abilites, in return they ask for fresh souls, sinners and redeemed souls. 
In the void the most precious resource is “color” with color you can grow, you can feed, you can nourish. Howver the void or what they call “The sleeper” is dying of “aptathy” Hes sick you see.
The doppleganger or the hero you play in the game if you decide to stay past the 35th cycle becomes a new brother the mightiest and for my lore this is what occurs. {this is the bad ending of the game.} discovered how to reach above the limit of the void and in doing so connected with a living alastor making a deal, he would provide them new souls so they can convert them into color so they can the void a bit healthier and inj return he would be given the world. 
Since this is an alastor with new benefactors his abilites and skills are different reflecting the world and game universe that he is connected too.
honestly for now read the wiki if u want.
i’ll add more stuff to their bios when i made em.
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You’re cute did anyone tell you that
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