#rpwt imagine
Random q: am I imagining this, or did Lauren and Joey realize they both had a pet named Kramer on a livestream? I feel like I can remember the moment but I definitely could’ve made it up
Please I gotta stop writing fic I’m influencing canon too much 😭 They both on separate livestreams talked about having a pet named Kramer so *I* wrote them discovering it in RPWT
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harrytpotter · 4 years
Right Place, Wrong Time — Masterlist
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Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mild cursing, slight sexual content.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
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harrytpotter · 4 years
Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,2K.
Right Place, Wrong Time Masterlist.
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update RPWT, I was kinda stuck with this as I had a few ideas as where to go with this story so I was debating which one to choose. Hope you guys like this chapter, it was my favorite to write so far! :)
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You were climbing the stairs of the Astronomy Tower at late night, a piece of parchment kneaded into your hand. You felt an unsettling tension in the air as you approached the door and closed your fingers around the handle. Something wasn’t right. A voice in the back of your head screamed desperately at you, commanding you to leave immediately and return to the safety of your dorm. You brushed the feeling and the voice off as you thought about the message you’ve got.
Y/N, please, meet me on the top of the Astronomy Tower. I’m in trouble. You’re the only one who can help me. Please. Come alone.
Peter was your friend and he needed you. You could feel the urge arising from the letters as you read the letter. It felt like a crying for help, a suffocated scream. You could never turn your back on the fourth Marauder, you knew he’d always be there for you and everyone. Even if he was acting all sketchy and gloomy lately.
A lump starts to form in your throat as you start to rotate the black knob, a chilly stream of air making your hair stand on end. Sighing, you opened the door at once, finding Peter staring at the school grounds in the other end of the room.
“Wormy?” You called softly, gazing at his back.
Peter sighed heavily, almost in disappointment, as he heard your voice. The short boy slowly lowered his head and faced the floor hesitantly.
“Wormy?” You repeated, a little firmly than before. “What’s going on?”
“Y/N...” he muttered with a shaky voice before turning to face you.
Peter had tears rolling down his face and pointed his wand at you with a trembling hand. He looked like a complete mess.
“Peter what are you doing?” You widened your eyes as you rose your arms, trying to make a sense out of this situation.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry...” he mumbled amidst a sob. “I didn’t wanna do this... I didn’t... I didn’t want to... please, believe me.”
“You don’t have to do this, Pete. Whatever this is that you think you have to, you don’t,” you furrowed your brows as you tried to reason with him, cursing yourself mentally for having left your wand back at your dorm.
“I have to!” He screamed in despair suddenly. “I have to! If I don’t to this, he’ll kill you. The Dark Lord will kill you and I both!”
“The Dark Lord? Peter what have you done?” Your nostrils inflated out of shock and fear. “Are you working for him?”
“I... I am, I’m sorry,” he cried harder. “Mulciber recruited me, they... they made me feel powerful... they made me feel special.”
“Peter you can’t trust them. This isn’t you! You’re my friend!” You started to shout as you felt the tears rolling furiously down your face.
“I am! I am your friend! You have been nothing but kind to me ever since we met!” He sobbed. “That’s why I am here. He wants me to kill you, Y/N! Kill you!”
“Wormy... please don’t do this...” you whispered terrified.
“I’m sorry, Y/N...” he said before raising his wand and cast a spell.
Your vision was blurred from the tears, you couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t hear anything. You didn’t even hear the spell he used. The only thing you could see were the faces of James, Sirius, Remus, Lily and Marlene. And then you saw nothing but darkness. A deafening but peaceful darkness.
You are awakened by a sudden nudge as Lily worriedly lifted your torso and hugged you.
“Shh, you’re okay, it was just a bad dream,” she whispered into your ear as you hugged her back as tightly as you could, gasping for air as the tears streamed down your eyes.
“I- I...” you mumbled, unable to form a coherent sentence.
Lily just hugged you in silence until you were feeling calmer. The redhead caressed your hair as she guided you through a breathing exercise.
“I need to speak to Dumbledore,” you said firmly as your breathing normalized.
“Y/N, it’s three in the morning. The Headmaster is probably asleep by now. We can go talk to him first thing in the morning.”
“No, Lils. It’s urgent, I have to speak to him now,” you got out of her embrace and hopped out of bed, putting on your shoes.
“Y/N! Wait!” Lily exclaimed behind you as she followed you out of the room to the stairs of the boys’ dormitory. “Where are you going?”
“I need the map and James’ invisibility cloak,” you answered her without even turning around, climbing the stairs to the door of their room.
Opening the door carefully, you entered the Marauders room and went straight to James’ bed, bending on the floor and pulling his trunk from underneath it.
“Are you just gonna raid his stuff?” Lily hissed at you from the door.
“Yes! Come help me, please!” You hissed back, opening his trunk as quietly as you could.
Lily helped you to go through James’ stuff as you searched his trunk for the enchanted piece of parchment and his invisibility cloak.
“Eww!” Lily exclaimed as she lifted disgustingly a piece of underwear you had thrown in the air and ended up landing on her shoulder.
“Sorry!” You widened your eyes apologetically as you grabbed the underwear and tossed it back inside his trunk.
“Y/N? Lily? What the bloody hell are you two doing?” James’ sleepy voice startled you. 
The messy-haired boy sit on his bed as he picked his glasses up from his nightstand and put them on. He then stared confused to the two of you.
“I’m just helping her!” Lily shrugged quickly.
“She is. I just need to borrow the map and your invisibility cloak, please,” you sighed, closing your eyes thoughtfully for a brief moment.
“Sure, you-“ he trailed off as he took a good look on your face, stained from the tears. “What happened love? Were you crying?”
As tears suddenly began to float once again down your eyes and you failed to answer, Lily said, “she had a nasty nightmare. I woke her up when I saw her shaking and mumbling.”
James kneeled down on the floor in front of you and took you in his arms, hugging you tightly. You rested your forehead in the crook of his neck as you returned his hug with equal force.
“You’re okay, I’m here love,” he whispered into your ear, caressing your hair and planting a kiss on the top of your head.
James had an unmatched calming effect on you so it didn’t take long for you to feel at ease and able to process your thoughts once again.
“Thank you, Jamie,” you kissed his shoulder and took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar smell of his shampoo and his musky cologne.
“I can always leave if you two need some privacy,” Lily teased and you could sense her smirk by the tone of her voice.
“That would be nice actually, thank you Evans,” James laughed.
“Aren’t the two of you delightfully funny?” You said sarcastically as you let go of James and stood on your feet. “The map and the cloak please?”
Winking at you, James stood up as well and quickly grabbed them from a drawer and handed them to you.
“Why do you need them anyway?” He asked with a brow furrowed.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!” You exclaimed at the map, touching it with your wand. “I need to speak to Dumbledore,” you added, unfolding the parchment and placing it in James’ bed.
“You do realize it’s three in the morning, right?” James asked casually as he fished his trunk for clean clothes.
“Yes,” you stared at the map looking for Dumbledore’s footprints but studied James with your peripheral vision. “What are you doing?”
“Putting some clothes to go with you, of course,” he shrugged as he guided himself to the bathroom.
“I’m coming too!” Lily said quickly.
“Neither of you are!” You quirked a brow at her.
“Oh but I am! Don’t know about Evans, but I come with the cloak, sorry love,” James shouted from inside the bathroom.
“Would you keep it down? You’re going to awake Remus and Sirius!” You hissed at him, getting closer to the bathroom door.
James opened the door suddenly and you had to dodge it in order to avoid being hit, falling straight into his arms. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you against him to help you not to lose your balance.
“Thank you,” you whispered after a while, lost in his hazel eyes. You could feel his warm breath on your face, engulfing you, and your thoughts involuntarily travelled back to the passionate kiss you had shared a few weeks back.
“Love?” James sighed heavily after a while.
“Y- yeah?!” You mumbled back.
“I know you’re dating Diggory, so if you don’t want me to kiss you right now, you need to get away from me,” he said as he rested his forehead in yours, his eyes closed and his breathing unsteady. One of his hands were now cupping your right cheek and you realized you had pinned him against the wall.
“Oh, Godric!” You panicked as you let go of him, your cheeks heating up furiously. “James I’m so sorry!”
“You have nothing to apologize for love,” he reassured you. “And L/N... you look even cuter when you blush,” he added, winking at you and approaching the bed to pick up the cloak you had left alongside the map.
Your cheeks were burning and you were sure you looked as red as Lily’s hair.
“Oh. My. God!” Lily muttered soundless as you looked at her. She had a satisfied grin on and was buzzing at the scene she had just witnessed.
“Shut up!” You muttered back and rolled your eyes, joining James afterwards.
“So, Dumbledore is pacing inside his office... Merlin, does he ever sleep?” James furrowed his eyebrows in the most adorable way.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the comment he had made, staring sweetly at him.
“What?” He smiled.
“Well, let’s just say I’m glad you exist, Potter,” you said, noticing he blushed at your words.
“Right back at you, L/N,” he smiled at you with adoration stamped on his face.
After staring sweetly at you for a while, James took the invisibility cloak in his hands and got closer to you — your faces almost touching for the second time that night — straightening his arms behind you to stretch it out.
“What are you doing?” You asked with a dumbfounded look as you felt his arms brush the sides of your waist when you rested your hands on his chest to keep a minimal distance between the two of you. Your body tensed up just at his slightest touch.
“Don’t worry, love. Even though I really want to, I’m not gonna do anything to you,” he whispered, his eyes piercing yours with a burning longing. James then lifted the cloak above you and him without breaking eye contact when a sudden clear of a throat snapped the two of you out of your own little world.
“Oh, Evans! Right! Let’s go,” he addressed Lily and held the cloak high for her to join you two.
“You know what? I’m feeling a little sleepy, you two go,” she said with a teasing grin, not waiting for an answer to leave.
“Guess it’s just you and me then, love,” James shrugged with a smile before letting the cloak fall and wrap the both of you.
 The journey to Dumbledore’s office had been a tense one. James had to walk extremely close behind you to avoid your feet from being seen in case you stumbled upon someone. This way, his hands were clutched on your waist and you could feel his breath on your neck, causing a heat wave to spread across your body.
“You alright there, love?” He asked as you shifted uncomfortably. You didn’t have to look at him to know he was grinning.
“Peachy!” You retorted ironically.
“I figured, since you seem to be enjoying all this proximity,” he teased with a laugh.
“Are you seriously flirting with me right now, James?” You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see it.
“Have been for the entire night actually.”
You didn’t answer him nor opened your mouth until you were facing the big gargoyle that led to the Headmaster’s office.
“Bugger me,” you murmured at yourself as you got a glimpse of the secluded stairwell, getting off the invisibility cloak.
“What’s wrong, love?” James asked as he took off the cloak from himself, his right arm sliding upwards to wrap your shoulders. 
“Do you happen to know the current password so we can go up there?” You turned your head to James, a wry smile on your lips.
Before James could answer, Dumbledore’s voice waved from behind the both of you, “it would be Fawkes.”
You and James turned quickly to face him, being welcomed with a warm smile by the Headmaster.
“Professor!” James exclaimed. “We know it’s late but Y/N here needs to speak to you. It’s quite urgent, if you could please hear her out…”
“Follow me,” Dumbledore answered, sending a knowing smile your way before approaching the gargoyle stairwell. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was quite amused to see James fighting for your needs. The bare thought set your cheeks on fire.
The statue started to spin at the mere presence of the Headmaster, revealing the hidden stairs. Dumbledore went up the steps and, with a shrug at each other, you and James followed him. Nobody had said a word during the short way, until the door of Dumbledore’s office came in view.
“I believe it’s best if you wait out here, Mr Potter,” Dumbledore told James, pointing to a bench laying against the wall.
James looked at you hesitantly before nodding at Dumbledore and plopping himself down in the said bench. “I’m here if you need anything,” he told you before you followed the Headmaster into his office.
When Dumbledore closed the door behind him, you let out a sigh you didn’t even realise you were holding back and gazed to the ground.
“What’s on your mind this fine night, Miss L/N?” Dumbledore asked you kindly whilst resting his hand on your shoulder and guiding you to his desk.
Allowing the Headmaster to lead you, you started walking beside him. “I had a dream.”
“A dream?” He repeated questioningly, lifting a brow in the process.
“Well, not exactly a dream, it was more of a nightmare…” you started to explain as you finally reached the chair destined to guests placed across his desk.
“Go on,” he encouraged you as he took his own seat.
“I dreamed about Wormtail,” you said bluntly. “Peter Pettigrew,” you added at the confused look Dumbledore gave you.
Dumbledore pondered for a few seconds and, as if something had clicked inside him, his eyes widened. “I need you to tell me exactly what happened in this dream. You can’t leave anything out, Y/N.”
Nodding, you started to guide Dumbledore through your nasty nightmare. You told him everything, from the unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach as you found yourself nearing the Astronomy Tower to the sobbing mess you were once Lily woke you up. The Headmaster absorbed your every word, an unreadable expression expanding on his face as the story went on.
“This… this changes everything,” he muttered at himself, nodding whilst staring into space.
“What do you mean, Professor?” You frowned.
“Do any of the boys seem to remember about Mr Pettigrew?” He asked, blatantly ignoring your previous question.
“No, I- I don’t think so,” you shook your head. “I didn’t even remember him myself before this night, it’s like…”
“He never even existed,” he completed your sentence. “I don’t think this was a nightmare, Miss L/N.”
“Then what the bloody hell was it?” You asked him, eyes widening.
“A memory,” he whispered, staring intensely into your eyes. “Tell me something, Y/N… Do you remember about James’ and Lily’s faith?”
“Yeah, I remember they died to protect Harry,” you shrugged, not sure where he was going with all those questions.
“Do you know why they had to protect him?”
“Because… because…” you started to go through your memories furiously. You knew the answer, you know you knew. And yet, your mind was a blank void.
“You can’t remember, can you?” He asked calmly.
“Professor, what’s going on?” You inflated your nostrils, the same unsettling feeling you felt in your dream getting a hold of you. “I thought you had said this is an alternative version of the past or something like that,” you almost yelled in desperation.
“It is. This is what life would be if...” He trailed off, seemingly wrapped in his own memories.
“If?” You asked, driving his attention back to the present.
“If Peter hadn’t done what he did to you,” he said in a whisper.
“If he hadn’t kill me, you mean,” you shrugged ironically.
“He didn’t kill you. He couldn’t drive himself to do so.”
“There’s more to it than what you’re telling me, isn’t it? About Peter, about my past - or should I say present?”
Dumbledore smiled proudly at you. “You always were one of the most insightful witches I’ve ever met.”
“I suppose you’re not telling me the whole story just yet, so I’ll just skip to my next question," you shrugged. “Who is this Dark Lord Peter and I had talked about? It’s like I know the answer is buried deep down inside my own head but I… just can’t find it. It’s like the more time I spend here…”
“The foggier your future memories become,” Dumbledore completed your sentence for you once again. “Just be glad you don’t remember him for now.”
You pursed your lips together at the vague answer he gave you, but you knew there was no point in arguing with him. Dumbledore has always done things his own way, so you just figured you’d save your energy.
“Can I ask you something else?” You look into his eyes.
He just nodded, his blue eyes twinkling from behind this half-moon spectacles as he eyed you curiously.
“Why aren’t Lily and James in love with each other yet? By the timeline of their relationship, they should be together by now.”
“Like I said, this is what life would’ve been if you… had been here,” he answered you mysteriously, a smirk on his lips.
“And you just left me with even more questions, Professor,” you lowered your head and massaged the bridge of your nose with your fingers.
“It’s late, Miss L/N, you should get some sleep,” Dumbledore said and you knew this was your cue to leave.
Your head was spinning when you left Dumbledore’s office to meet a very anxious James Potter waiting for you outside.
“Are you okay, love?” He asked, rushing to you. “Somehow you look even more distraught than you looked before.”
You stared into space, unable to put your thoughts together. The quick conversation you had had with the Headmaster had left you a thousand times more confused and somehow frightened than before.
“Do you want me to go get Diggory?” He frowned worriedly. “I don’t know their password, but I’ll put that Hufflepuff Basement down if I have to.”
You chuckled wholeheartedly at James before wrapping him into a hug. “That’s okay, you’re all I need.”
James smiled as his heart stubbornly raised its beating rhythm.
Taglist: @treestarrrrrrrr @fanfic-enthusiast-collector @jgtfvhsg @jullianerey @silver-winter-wolf​ @ladylizziesficsaves 
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harrytpotter · 4 years
So, I just had this idea and intended this to be a one shot but it turned out bigger and has now became a few-parts story. Sort of. Anyway, English isn’t my mother language so please excuse my grammar! :)
Gif isn’t mine (took it from google, so please, if it belongs to you let me know so I can credit) and suggestions are always welcome.
Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along. (Sorry i suck at summarizing things).
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
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You’re waken up by the sunshine glowing trough the tower window right into your face. You stretch out but don’t open your eyes just yet, enjoying the warmth spreading all over your body. The feeling was quite nice until you felt a pillow landing with a harsh smash into your face, which forced you to open your eyes. You’re greeted by a redheaded that you had never really seen before, but was sort of familiar to you.
“Can I... help you?” You raise a brow at her, still unable to shake the feeling that you knew her somehow. She definitely did ring a bell, but despite your best efforts to remember someone with her features, you couldn’t succeed.
“Yeah, dumbass! We’re gonna be late for class! Get your butt outta bed right now!” She throws another pillow at you, but this time you dodge it.
“I’m sorry... Do I know you?” You ask her, confused and a little shocked by the level of intimacy you seemed to share with the stranger.
“What did you and that bastard Potter drank last night for Merlin’s sake?” She grimaces.
“Did Harry and I went out for a drink last night? That’s odd, I don’t remember,” you frown.
“Who the bloody hell is this Harry guy now? You went out for drinks with James, Sirius and Remus last night, you mental!” The redheaded looked like you were delusional. You were about to protest when it hit you. James were Sirius’ and Remus’ best friend and also your best friend’s father. Harry’s father.
“Lily?” You ask with a weak voice, your eyes almost tearing up looking into her emerald green eyes, so bright like your best friend’s. “Lily Potter?”
“POTTER?!” She shouts, rather furiously. “You know you‘re supposed to be my best friend, hence you shouldn’t hex me like that, right?!”
You were growing more and more confused each second that went by. “Relax, would ya? I was obviously just bantering!” You say after seeing how exasperatedly she was at your audacity of calling her by the Potter last name.
“That arse put you up to this, didn’t he?! I know he’s your best friend but so am I and I thought I was clear enough when I told you I’m not even slightest interested in him and asked you to stop trying to set me up with that.. that... bugger!” She stormed off the dorm, clearly pissed at you. Something told you that James would suffer the consequences of your oblivious actions somehow.
The door is opened once again and a girl who wasn’t Lily and whom you had no clue to be popped her head into the dorm. “Hey, Y/N! Are you coming? We’re heading to the great hall for breakfast.”
“Sure! I’ll... get dressed. You girls go, I’ll catch up with you all in a minute,” you smile politely at her.
“All right! Nice piece of jewelry, by the way!” She exclaims right before closing the door.
Once you lowered your head and saw something pending down your neck, you realized what she meant. The time-turner Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore had given you when the previous school year had started so you could attend more advanced classes was shining brightly, reflecting the sunlight. That was perfectly normal to you. The problem is that you never wear it to sleep or in public for that matter, keeping it tossed inside your trunk whenever you weren’t using it, hidden even from your best friends. And you were sure you had locked it in your trunk the night before. Suddenly, you remember Dumbledore’s words the day he gave you the device: “If it ever gets you in trouble, come to me. Wherever you are. No matter time or place.”
You were almost approaching the stairwell gargoyle that led to the headmaster’s office when you stopped, suddenly remembering you’d be needing the current password, assuming it was bloody different than the one you remembered. About to head on your heels, you’re startled by a clearing of a throat.
“Can I help you with anything, Miss L/N?” The voice of Professor McGonagall waved from behind you.
“Yes, professor! I was wondering if I could get the current password to the headmaster’s office. I need to speak to him, please,” you turn around to face her.
McGonagall raises a brow at you. “Well, the director is expecting you and Potter after the breakfast to talk about your third transgression this week. I suggest you go and eat something first because that will be a very long talk.” Her nostrils were inflated and you knew you were in trouble, whatever the reason was that got you into it.
“No! I... I need to talk to Professor Dumbledore alone! Please! It’s quite urgent,” you beg her.
“Fine. Come with me, Miss,” she says quite reluctantly to you. You could tell she was very disappointed at you but you had no clue why.
The short walk to the stairwell gargoyle was quiet and intense. Professor McGonagall raises her both hands at the statue and shout “Lemon Drop!”
“Obviously Professor Dumbledore would be using this password often over the years,” you murmured at yourself, grinning.
“What was that?” Professor McGonagall asked you, studying your face.
“Nothing, Professor! Thank you very much,” you shout over your shoulder whilst climbing up the stairs.
“Come on in!” You hear Professor Dumbledore’s voice after you knocked on the door.
You enter the office, suddenly nervous about talking to him. You knew he was quite clear on his recommendations but you couldn’t help but think he’d probably think you went insane once you claimed to be coming from the future.
“Hello, Miss L/N,” Dumbledore’s voice snapped you from your thoughts.
“Professor... Hi! I...” you mumbled, not sure how to start approaching the topic.
“Let me see it,” he says with a kind smile, showing the palm of his hand.
Awestruck, you take the time-turner from your robe’s pocket and hand it over to him.
“Hmm...” he said whilst examining the device very carefully and closely. “I presume you did lock it into your trunk last night, perhaps?”
“Indeed. Like I’ve done every single day since you and Professor McGonagall gave it to me, sir,” you answer promptly.
“I’ll need to borrow it to take a closer look and see what’s wrong with it,” he shruggs.
“It isn’t broken, is it?” You panic over the thought. “Will I be able to come back to my time? To my friends?”
He offers you a gentle smile. “It looks fine, by all appearances. And yes, you will.”
You stare at him quietly, trying to decide wether or not to ask him what has been disturbing you since you’ve opened your eyes this morning. You were curious about so many things, but Professor Dumbledore was a very busy man and you didn’t want to bother him with your thousand questions.
“Go ahead,” he encourages you, noticing you had something to take off your chest.
“These people... I mean, Lily and James. And some other students I don’t even know the names of. They all seem to know me, even though I’ve never really met them before today.”
Dumbledore smiles again, as if you had asked the right question. “You see, time is a funny thing. And an unpredictable one too. Here, take this and press its side extremities.” He handed you the time-turner back.
Confused, you take it and do as he said. Suddenly, the room starts to spin around and memories hit you at the speed of light. You could see them right in front of you, as if you were reliving the moments. You were sitting inside a compartment at the Hogwarts Express with Lupin, Potter and Black on your first trip ever to Hogwarts. You were shaking each others hands and it was the first time you all had met. The memory faded away. Now you were giggling with Lily and the blonde girl whom you had talked to earlier. Marlene McKinnon. Your best girl friends. Once again, the memory faded. It was night and you and James were sitting at Hagrid’s cabin porch, laughing and looking at the stunningly starry night sky, his invisibility cloak tossed aside on top of the grass. Then, you saw yourself hugging both Sirius and Remus. You remembered everything. Tears began to roll down your face as you felt overwhelmed.
“How... how is that even possible?” You ask Dumbledore with a whisper.
“I’m not quite sure yet but there’s a possibility that you’ve travelled to a different pace of time, Y/N,” he answered as if it was obvious. “This is likely another version of reality as you know it. One in which you were born in a different decade,” he adds, noticing your clueless expression.
You nod slowly at him. “Will I be able to return to where I came from?” You repeat your previous question once again.
“You will, but it could take time. I’ll know more once I’ve taken a closer look at this,” he lifted the time-turner in his hand so you could see it.
“Thank you, Professor. What should I do in the meantime?”
“For now, Miss L/N, you should head to the great hall. I’ve heard the breakfast is delicious this morning,” he smiles at you.
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harrytpotter · 4 years
Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
A/N: Gif isn’t mine (took it from google, so please, if it belongs to you let me know so I can credit).
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It was Saturday night and you were laying on your canopy bed staring at its ceiling, unable to sleep. You raised your head slightly so you could take a look at Lily’s bed only to find your best friend deeply asleep. With an inaudible sigh, you get up as gentle as you can, trying not to make any noise and grabbing a piece of parchment and a quill. Then, you head down to the common room, sitting by the fireplace.
“Any of you weirdos up? X, Beastie.” You write down on the piece of parchment you took with you and wave your wand at it. The paper flies through the stairs in the direction of the boys’ dorm. A few seconds later, Remus shows up, a kind smile on his face.
“Hey, you!” You smile back at him.
“Can’t sleep?” He asks, sitting next to you and looking at the fire. You shake your head negatively. “What’s going on? I know I’m not Prongs, but you can talk to me, you know?!”
“I know, Moony. And I would if it was something important, believe me,” you rest your head on his shoulder. You hated lying to your best friends but it wasn’t like you could just say ‘hey, guys, so the weirdest thing happened, hear me out: I’ve traveled here from a future time and found out that somehow I coexist there with the same age I am today and with your older selves — well at least Sirius’ and Remus’ — and am best friends with Harry Potter. Oh, by the way, Jamie and Lils, the two of you had a lovely son together whom you never had the chance to see growing up because you’ve given your own lives to protect his.’ You couldn’t mess with time like that, not when it would bring such disastrous consequences to all of the people you love. You sigh, noticing that Remus was studying your face. The two of you stay quiet for quite some time, enjoying the warmth of the fire and each other’s company.
“I’m gonna head back to my dorm, are you heading to yours?” Remus stretches his legs carefully in order to get up.
“I’ll be staying here for a little bit longer. Good night, Remus,” you smile at him.
“Night, Y/N,” he waves at you, smiling.
When he disappeared into the stairs, you lowered your head between your knees, embracing your legs. You were gonna miss Remus once you came back to your future time. You were gonna miss Sirius. Lily. Marlene. And James. You were definitely gonna miss him the mostest. You loved your friends with all you got but James held a special place in your heart, always had. You feel a gentle touch on your shoulder. Lifting your head, you look slightly to your left in time to see James sitting right behind you, tucking you into his arms. You lean against him.
“Remus awaked you, didn’t he?” You shake your head, smiling. That was typical of him: he was worried about you and since you weren’t talking to him, he sent the one person he knew you would open up to.
“As he should, love. As he should,” James planted a kiss on the top of your head, his arms crossed in front of you and his hands caressing your arms.
“Have you ever felt torn apart? Like, you know what you’re supposed to do and that this is the right thing, but your heart wants exactly the opposite and the mere thought of not following your heart’s desire just... breaks it?! If that makes any sense,” you look up at him.
James is staring at the fire, lost inside his own thoughts. “Unfortunately, I do...” he whispers after a few seconds.
“I’m gonna miss you someday, you know,” you sigh.
“Where is this coming from, love?” He frowns, smiling.
“I don’t know... life happens,” you shrug.
“Y/N L/N, if you think you’ll ever get rid of me one day, you’re terribly wrong, Miss. Sorry but you are stuck with me,” he grins at you. If only he knew.
Getting up, you offer your hands to James, helping him to get on his feet.
“Wanna crash on my bed tonight, hot stuff?” He winks at you.
You roll your eyes in response but follow him to the boys’ dormitory, knowing that having James’ calming presence by your side would be the only way you’d be able to get some sleep that night.
When you wake up the next morning, James is still sleeping. Opening his bed’s curtains, you take a glance at the watch on the wall, yawning and getting up carefully. Sirius and Remus are nowhere to be seen so you decide to head back to your dorm, since it was pretty early and everyone else inside the tower was probably still asleep as well.
“Well, well, well...” you hear Sirius’ voice as you were tiptoeing your way down the stairs to avoid being seen by anyone.
“You know, if you had anything to say you didn’t exactly have to ambush me in the stairwell, you could’ve just waited until I was awake inside your very own dorm,” you roll your eyes at him, grinning. Both he and Remus had wide mischievous smiles plastered on their faces.
“Sharing the bed with Prongs now, are we?” He raises a brow.
“Oh you’ve been sleeping with him as well? And here was I as naive as I could get thinking i was the only one!” You take your hand to your chest in mock offense.
“Aren’t you delightfully funny?!” Your best friend grins, clearly not willing to let you slip through that one. “But in all seriousness now, is anything going on between the two of you?”
“Where is this coming from?” You frown.
“For starters, James hasn’t talked about Lily in a few months now, which is not really a surprise because we all knew this was just a crush and nothing more. But ever since that night the four of us went out for a drink, he has this stupid look on his face whenever we talk about you. I mean, it has been quite obvious to everyone that the two of you have feelings for each other for a few years now, but you stupids had never fully realized that yourselves. Apparently until now,” he says as if it was not that big of a deal.
You open your mouth to answer but you can’t seem to come up with anything. You and James? Feelings? Sirius was definitely out of his mind. You look at Remus, asking silently for backup.
“Don’t look at me. You know he’s right, and I’m with him on this one,” he shrugs, a playful grin on his lips.
You shake your head. “This is so absurd I don’t even know what to say. You’re mental, Black! And so are you, Lupin!” You raise your brows at them before storming off in the direction of your dorm.
“You know you’re gonna break the quill and make a hole in the parchment if you keep writing that furiously,” Lily tells you without dragging her attention from her assignments. Noticing you ignored her, she tosses her papers aside and holds your hand so you could stop. “What’s up with you today, woman?”
You finally look her in the eyes. “Nothing is up. I’m as good as I was yesterday and in all of the days before,” you shrug, grimacing.
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that, maybe you’ll believe it eventually,” Marlene says whilst writing her own essay.
“Where did you sleep Saturday night?” Lily asked you bluntly, raising an inquisitive brow at you. “And please don’t say the common room couch because Marlene and I have checked it.”
Marlene had finally let her papers go and was paying an intense attention to you right now. You couldn’t blame her though, gossip really is more interesting than assignments. You stare at your parchment for a little while before answering Lily.
“The boys’ dorm.”
“WHAT?!” Lily and Marlene both shouted in awe, a large grin creeping on their lips. The librarian sent a death glare on their way.
“Keep it down, would ya?!” You whisper nervously at your best friends. “I’m not interested in becoming school’s next big gossip!”
“Tell us Y/N, who did you sleep with?” Lily could barely contain her satisfaction and the mischievous smile that was taking over her face.
“Please say James!” Marlene exclaimed excitedly, making you go as red as a tomato.
“Oh my God, you are blushing! I knew it! You like him!” Lily pounds the table, sounding as excited as Marlene.
“Did the two of you go insane? James and I are best friends! Period! And I didn’t sleep with him! At least not in the way you both implied,” you roll your eyes at your best friends, clearly annoyed.
“Oh, please, Y/N! You’ve been obviously in love with each other for quite a few time now. Literally anyone knows it,” Lily rolls her eyes, amused.
“Where did you get that from, for Merlin’s sake?” You ask incredulously.
“Seriously?! Why do you think the entire school keep teasing you and James about your relationship?” Marlene laughs.
“All right, first of: there’s no relationship here. Not romantically speaking, at least. Second of: we’ve been studying here for almost seven years now and ever since day one, James has chased after Lily. Lily, who he actually is in love with! Not me!” You say rather furiously, getting your stuff together.
“Don’t you do that! Don’t you chicken out and put the blame on me, that’s not like you! You know James has never really liked me, it was the challenge that kept him going,” Lily said calmly.
“Lils... I’m not chickening out, it’s just... James and I aren’t meant to be. But the two of you are! You belong with him, you guys belong together!” You answer her, exasperated.
“No we don’t, Y/N! The fact that he likes you and that you like him back doesn’t change anything. Even if you both didn’t have feelings for each other, James and I would never be together,” she states.
“You wouldn’t know that...” you whisper bitterly at yourself.
“What?” Lily frowns.
“Look... I don’t have feelings for James and, please, stop saying he likes me because you’re the one for him, all right?!” You close your eyes with a sigh and a shrug. Grabbing your things, you leave the library without looking back.
You wandered through the castle, looking for a quiet place so you could cool yourself down and think a little bit, ending up at the astronomy tower. The night was falling and the sky had a mixed tone of light purple and medium blue, stars shining all over it. You stared at them from the balcony, your back against the exterior wall whilst you sat on the floor.
“There you are! Haven’t seen you all afternoon,” James’ voice flooded through your ears. You could tell he was smiling even though you didn’t take your eyes off the stars.
“Yeah, I got distracted by the stars,” you smile at the sky.
“They’re almost as beautiful as you, love,” he says, sitting next to you.
You tense up, straightening yourself up uncomfortably, not saying anything.
“Are you still mad at Pads and Moony?” He asks rather seriously.
“Hmm?!” You mutter in surprise, finally looking at him.
He just smiles at you. “Did they tell you? About what we talked,” you ask him.
“No, I overheard it actually, you know me,” he shrugged. “I have to say I’m surprised, though. I thought you found me amusing and charming, didn’t know it was such an offense to be romantically involved with me! Or should I say ‘absurd’?” He smirked charmingly, trying to joke, but you could see a straw of hurt in his eyes.
“Jamie, no!” You hush in. “You are charming and amusing! Being around you is... it’s like a breath of fresh air on an insanely hot day. It’s like the feeling you get when your belly hurts after an intensely good laughter. Or when you’re having a really good dream which you never wanna wake up from. It’s like a... raging sea on a stormy day, full of energy, full of life, full of adventuring promises and a strange peaceful feeling at the same time, and...” you stop suddenly, realization hitting you like a punch in the stomach. Your friends were right all along. You did have feelings for James.
“Oh, Merlin, this can’t be happening...” you thought at yourself. Truth be told, though, you think you’ve always knew. You’ve always noticed the signs: the warmth happiness that spreaded through you whenever you saw him, the please-never-let-go-of-me feeling you felt whenever he hugged you. It has always been there. But you’ve kept it hidden even from yourself as you watched him chase after Lily year after year. If only you’ve realized it before you came back from a future time. Maybe if the two of you were already together before the morning you woke up feeling completely lost and surrounded by, apparently, strangers, you wouldn’t be able to fight it. But, knowing what you knew, you could never be with him. You could never jeopardize Harry’s future like that. You and Harry were more than just best friends, you were like siblings. The bond you shared was too precious for you to do that to him. He was there for you when you didn’t have anyone, you’ve found family in each other.
“You were saying?” James whispers, snapping you from you thoughts. His face was merely inches apart from yours. Your heart started pounding violently inside your chest and you used all of your strength to fight the urge of closing the milimetre gap between the two of you and kiss him passionately.
“I was saying that Lils is very lucky for winning over that big beautiful heart of yours,” you frown anguished whilst staring back at the sky.
You could feel James withering by your side. It felt like you were choking on your emotions, every feeling that you have ever suppressed for the boy finding its way out of the vault you’ve sealed them into.
“I suppose she is...” he sighs, staring at the sky as well.
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harrytpotter · 4 years
A/N: Again, I’d like to remind you guys that English is not my mother language, so apologies in advance for any mistakes. Once again, the gif isn’t mine, I took it from google; if it’s yours or belongs to anyone you know, let me know so I can credit! :)
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You were passing through a hall full of empty classrooms on your way to the great hall. You were about to turn on your right when strong hands grabbed you by your waist and dragged you into one of the rooms. You were about to hit the stranger in the face when you realized who they were.
“Jamie, you dickhead! You startled the living hell out of me,” you bump your fist into his shoulder rather strongly.
“Ouch! Bitter much, love?” He grimaces, rubbing his shoulder.
You roll your eyes at him. “Stop being such a drama queen, would ya?! I suppose there’s a reason why you ambushed me in an empty hallway when basically the entire castle is at the great hall?!”
“Oh, about that... In how much trouble did we get ourselves into this time?” He grinned.
“Care to elaborate that, darling?” You frown.
“Moony and Pads came back earlier last night and we hadn’t return until pretty late because you kept insisting you needed to get wasted and... McGonagall seems like she wants to murder me when you’re the one she should’ve been pissed at,” he says, thoughtful.
“Sweetheart... everybody wants to murder you,” you offer him a mockery smile. “I wouldn’t know how to help you with that since I can’t recall about pretty much anything after the first shot of firewhisky I took last night.”
“You can’t remember anything? At all? Oh, woman...” he grins satisfied at you, a brow lifted.
Your sarcasm act and mockery smile dropped all of a sudden. “James... what did I do last night?” You ask him, eyes widen.
“You see, love... that was one interesting night, to say the least,” the grin on his face went wider, if that was even possible.
Before you could rip the detailed story out of him, the door is opened with a loud bang and your other two best friends enter the room, the marauder’s map in hands.
“Now that was dramatic,” James shruggs at Sirius and Remus.
“Where were you? You should’ve heard Evans’ screams at James,” Sirius says to you, trying to contain a burst of laughter.
“About that, what exactly did you tell her?! She was ready to rip off my head earlier this morning, lucky me she was so pissed she couldn’t even make sense,” James narrow his eyes.
“I might have called her Lily Potter...” you answer him with your best i’m-sorry-i-screwed-up face.
Sirius and Remus both exploded in a loud laughter whilst James stared at you, jaw-dropped. Then, he bursted into a loud laughter himself. You roll your eyes at your best friends, laughing as well.
The morning classes passed by the blink of an eye and soon you found yourself surrounded by your best friends at the great hall during lunch. You did your best to try to focus on the chit chats going on around you, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Harry, Ron and Hermione and your sudden absence from Hogwarts at their time. What would they think? Were they worried about you? Would they look for you and somehow end up here as well eventually? It could turn out to be an absolute mess.
“Y/N!” James shouts your name, dragging the attention of the entire table to you.
“Hmm?!” You snap back to reality, looking at him with a clueless expression.
“I was telling Mrs. Potter here that we should have a June wedding, what do you think?” He looked amused at Lily who was clearly beyond annoyed.
“Sure, sounds nice,” you answer him briefly, not paying much attention. You were getting back at your thoughts when you felt somebody grab your hand.
“Come here,” James leaded you out of the great hall to a quiet and desert hallway. “Talk to me, love.”
You raise your brows at him, playing dumb. You knew it was pointless because no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t seem to keep anything from James. He had always paid attention to you and knew you better than even yourself, hence he’d knew you’d be lying if you said nothing was going on.
“Lily is a little concerned about you as well. She said you were acting weird this morning and she too realized you didn’t give a damn about our classes today, which, may I add, is extremely odd for you, darling,” he grinned, grabbing your hands and interlocking your fingers in his. A habit he had whenever he was trying to make you feel better.
You look away from his gaze and before you could come up with an excuse, a few students of Ravenclaw passing by started to tease the two of you. “Glad to see you finally owned up to your feelings, Potter and L/N!” Someone shouted and the others giggled before disappearing. You and James often listened things like that over the years but both of you never really cared. Sometimes you played along with it, other times you just ignored it. You were about to pretend you didn’t listen to them and try to change the subject when you noticed something strange.
“Are you blushing, Potter?” You frown.
“Me?” He laughs. “Not my thing, darling. You know I don’t do that.”
“Yeah, maybe you should tell that to the pink shade taking over your entire face right now,” you tease him, both brows lifted.
“Full of jokes today, aren’t we?” He rolls his eyes trying to look unimpressed and contain his embarrassment.
“Always, love,” you throw you arm over his shoulders, kissing is cheek in mockery.
James grins at you and rest his left arm on your waist whilst the two of you walk to your next class together.
The week had come to an end and you hadn’t hear from Dumbledore ever since you handed him the time-turner. Not that you had time to worry about that at all, since James has made his life mission to spend every waking hour he had with you until you felt better. He even dragged you to all of his quidditch practices. Like today. You were sitting on the bench observing your best friend with vivid eyes, taking mental notes of his behavior on field so you could pick on him later saying how you thought he could improve his technique, knowing very well how much it annoyed him.
“Mind if I join you?” A Hufflepuff grins at you. “My team’s supposed to use the field to practice next but apparently I’m a little earlier.”
“Not at all,” you point him the seat next to you.
“Thanks. I don’t see much of you in here on practice days,” he says whilst sitting.
“Oh, probably because I’m stuck inside the library studying. Or being lectured because of some trouble my friend up there gets me on,” you laugh.
“Yeah, James has quite the fame, hasn’t he?” He laughs too.
You engage on a conversation with the boy for the rest of the practicing, not noticing when James landed right beside you with his broom.
“Hey, love! Wanna head to the locker room so I can change?” He weirdly places a kiss on you cheek, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Sure,” you stand up and answer him before turning back to the Hufflepuff. “See you! Diggory, right?!”
The boy nods at you, smiling. “See you around, L/N.”
“Since when do you talk to Amos Diggory?” James says once you’re outside Diggory’s hearing range, frowning.
“I don’t, this was the first time actually,” you shrug. “So if you’re planning on teasing and annoy the bloody hell outta me saying that I fancy him or something, sorry but it won’t work,” you add, looking at him with both brows raised.
James laughs. “I’ll have better luck next time on annoying you then, L/N.” He then hugs you tightly, lifting you up and spinning you around. “Or will I have it now anyway?”
“James Potter, you’re the biggest arse this planet has ever seen!” You laugh.
You were already feeling a little better.
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harrytpotter · 4 years
Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slightly sexual scene with mild cursing.
A/N: Gif isn’t mine (took it from google, so please, if it belongs to you let me know so I can credit) and since my mother language isn’t English, I apologize for any mistakes in advance! :)
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As the weeks went by and you still haven’t heard back from Dumbledore, you did your best to avoid James. You hardly even saw him and when you did, you barely spoke two words with him. You knew he had asked Lily why you were shutting him down because she told you and did ask that herself. You couldn’t exactly explain the reason why it was better for everyone and why it was the right thing to do, so you started shutting her and all of your friends down as well. Not as hard and as completely as you did with James, though. You were growing more miserable and lonely every day, wishing you could just go back to the future time where life was way more gentle and kind at you. It was the fourth night in a row that you had purposely skipped dinner to avoid seeing James. You were at Hagrid’s cabin, paying a visit to your dear friend and trying to cheer yourself up a bit.
“Yeh sure yeh don’ wanna eat anythin’, uh Y/N?!” Hagrid offers you a plate full of homemade cookies.
“I’m still stuffed from lunch, but thanks Hagrid!” You politely decline his offer, a warm smile on your face. Hagrid excelled in many things, but cooking wasn’t one of them.
“Alright, then! So yeh gonna tell me why yeh look so bummed?” He shoots a concerned glare at you.
“Just stressed out with school stuff, no biggie,” you smile reassuringly at him.
“James was just here the other day an’ he didn’ look quite alright ‘imself as well,” he shrugs.
“School is particularly hard this year I suppose,” you frown, getting up. “I should probably go, it’s getting quite late. See you, Hagrid!” You hug him goodbye.
Despite clearly having more to say about the previous subject, he hugs you back, leaving you breathless for a while given the strength he put into it. “Take care, Y/N!”
On your way back to the castle, you decide to make a little detour to the kitchen so you could help yourself of some leftovers from dinner.
“You’re one hard woman to track, love,” James’ voice startled you in the middle of a pitch-dark hallway.
“Merlin’s beard, James! Do you always have to sneak up on me like that?!” You whisper, taking your hand to your pounding heart.
The moonlight suddenly flooded through the windows, as the moon came out from behind a particularly massive cloud, and you saw a piece of paper clutched on James’ hand.
“I thought you had swore you’d never use that to keep tabs on me,” you point at the marauder’s map with your head.
James sighs heavily. “I know, but that was before you shut me down completely out of your life for no good reason. You’ve been even distancing yourself from Lily, Marlene, Sirius, Remus, everyone, Y/N! I’m worried about you. We all are. What’s going on with you, babe?” He cupped your face with his free hand and stared worryingly into your eyes, frowning. You could tell his mind was racing, trying to figure out what could possibly had happened to you.
You look away from his gaze and close your eyes, trying to come up with an excuse. Despite the little moment you two had shared in the astronomy tower, none of you had exactly being vocal about your feelings.
“You know what? We should make a trip to the kitchen and steal some chocolate pudding, what do you think? I bet some sugar in your system will make everything better!” He smiled brightly at you, starting a warm wave inside your chest.
“I believe it’s worth a try,” you smile sweetly back at him, unable to turn his puppy eyes down and doing your best to ignore the annoying butterflies in your stomach. You see, that’s the problem of finally admitting your feelings to yourself after keeping them hidden for so long: despite your best efforts to brush them off and hide them again, your body keeps giving you constant and awfully vivid reminders that they’re there.
The house-elves were happy to give you some snacks and sweets as the two of you entered the kitchen. You and James sat next to each other on the big island that laid in the middle of the room, eating, joking and throwing food at each other. Just like old times. The two of you didn’t leave the kitchen until you were both feeling stuffed.
Heading back to the Gryffindor tower, you were giggling at something James had said when you both heard footsteps nearby. Realizing he had left his invisibility cloak back in his dorm, James quickly pulled you to a very dark and hidden spot in the nearest corner of the hallway, behind an armor and beside a large shelf. Amidst the rush of having to improvise, he ended up with his both hands on your waist and his face almost glued to yours, since the space was limited and neither of you could move. His breath was uneven, just like yours, as he stared at your lips with a longing look on his eyes. Without thinking, he crashed his lips into yours, beginning a fueled, passionate kiss. You were immediately sent at a state of pure euphoria, all of your senses intensely and solely focused on this moment. Every inch of your body felt ecstatic, as if it had been waiting for this to happen for your entire life. As the boy deepened the kiss with a burning roughness you were already out of your mind, intoxicated by the feeling of having him touching you, kissing you. James slid one of his hands to your thigh and squeezed it slightly whilst taking his lips to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses, light bites and soft hickeys.
“Fuck, Jamie...” you suck the air between your teeth trying to suppress a moan, for James’ amusement. You could feel the satisfied grin he gave whilst his lips still sucked the skin of your neck, this time a little harder than before.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asks you mischievously, even though he already knew your answer.
“Don’t you dare to!” You shot desperately at him and pulled him closer, tangling your hand in his hair and pulling it roughly. You heard him gasp in surprise and pleasure and you bit your lower lip satisfied.
You honestly didn’t know what would’ve happened if it wasn’t for Filch’s interruption. “I know there are students out of bed! I heard giggles! And I bet it’s Potter, Black and Lupin!” He exclaims, breaking you and James out of your desire-driven trance. You quickly took James’ hands from your body and recomposed yourself.
“Argus, please, we’ve been looking around this hallway for the past fifteen minutes and didn’t find anyone! Just go to bed for Merlin’s sake!” You heard the annoyed voice of a sleepy Minerva McGonagall.
You and James stayed behind the armor for a little while after the two of you had heard their voices fading away, just in case.
“So, I think we need to talk about what just happened,” he says with a wide smirk, scratching his head.
“Nothing happened,” you’re quickly to point out. The guilty was eating you alive as you thought about Harry and Lily.
“Oh, but it would’ve, love. It really would,” he shoots you a cocky grin.
“Look, Jamie...” you start, lowering your head as you were unable to look him in the eyes. “That can never happen again, okay? Never.”
“Come on, love...” he says, getting closer to you and holding your chin gently between two fingers, lifting it so you could look at him. “You can’t deny that something is going on between you and I. And it has been for quite some time now,” he says tenderly, leaning in slowly.
You frown sadly and turn your head away, holding back the tears of hopelessness that were starting to form in your eyes. “What’s wrong, love? Don’t be afraid,” he cups your face with both of his hands, leading your gaze back at him.
Seeing the hopeful look he had in his eyes nearly broke you for good. “I can’t do this, Jamie...” you whisper weakly, not even remotely resembling the strong and fiery girl you’re known to be.
“Why not? Look, if that’s because of Lily, you have nothing to worry about. I never really liked her and I know you know that. In the beginning I was motivated by the challenge and a bet Sirius and I had made, of course, but then... about two years ago I realized who my heart had really chosen. I did nothing because I was too much of a coward, I’m afraid,” he states.
The tears were now rolling furiously down your face, despite your best efforts to control them. “James, please stop talking.”
“I need you to hear me, love. Just listen to me, would ya? Please,” he smiles nervously at you.
“You’re not making any sense, for Merlin’s sake! You belong with Lily, that’s how it’s supposed to be! You’ll fall in love, start dating, get married and have a kid!” You frown hopelessly.
“Y/N, did you hear what I just say? I can’t be with someone I don’t love! And I know you’re not saying that for Lily’s sake because she doesn’t fancy me either!”
“You wouldn’t understand, but believe me when I tell you this, Lily is your soulmate! Besides, I’m seeing someone,” you didn’t wanna lie to him nor hurt him like that, but you had to take his mind off of this somehow.
His face dropped as he let go of you. “Oh... That makes sense. You don’t want anything to do with me because you’re already in love with somebody else. I don’t blame you, I knew you wouldn’t wait around forever for me to man up,” James shrugged. “But you could’ve just saved your best mate here the embarrassment by mentioning it earlier, couldn’t you love?” He grins sadly, putting his hands at his pockets, and turned around, leaving you alone with an aching heart in the middle of the dark.
It had been a week since your little episode with James and now he was the one avoiding you. You knew you should clear the air with him, but you thought you could use this time to get your head straight and focus on what you really needed: finding a way out of this pace of time. Despite the fact that you were making things right with Lily and Marlene, your friendship with the marauders was going downhill. Sirius and Remus barely speak to you anymore since they were always by James’ side and you did break their friend’s heart. You sigh whilst looking yourself in the mirror after getting ready for your classes: you were the perfect depiction of misery. Heading down the stairs to begin your day, your feet suddenly stop when you hear a familiar voice coming from the common room. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop but you couldn’t face them right now.
“Come on, Prongs. Lighten up a bit, would you?” Sirius’ voice sounded concerned.
“I am very good Pads, can’t you see?” James answers him bitterly.
“I think you should talk to Y/N again, tell her how you really feel. You should try to work this out with her, mate,” Remus advises.
“I’ve already tried that, Moony! She didn’t care!”
“From what you’ve told us, you just reassured her that you don’t have any feelings for Lily. Have you tried telling her exactly how you feel about her?” Remus asks wisely.
“What good could it possibly make? She‘s already in love with someone that’s not me,” James sighs.
“I find it hard to believe,” Sirius states. “It’s just so obvious that she has feelings for you, I don’t know how your blind, stubborn self can’t see it! Plus, we’re her best friends and she never even once mentioned some guy she fancied to us.”
“That’s not the kind of thing a girl discusses with her male friends, Padfoot,” Remus says as if it was obvious. You imagined him rolling his eyes at your friend at the end of that sentence.
“No, but she would’ve mentioned it to Lily and Marlene...” James says with a realization tone.
“What are you waiting for? Go ask them then and find out who’s your competition!” Sirius exclaims vigorously. “That, of course, assuming that he’s real and Y/N isn’t making it up just so she can get herself rid of you.”
“I thought you said she had obvious feelings for me a while ago,” James says nervously.
“Don’t mind him, Prongs. He’s messing with you. Just go find Lily,” Remus says and you can hear the three of them exiting the room through the portrait hole.
“Bloody hell!” You curse at yourself, knowing very well that Lily would cover for you, much for her dismay, but you’d need to come up with a plan soon because James wouldn’t be fooled by that forever.
You wandered through the castle’s hallways with your mind racing, deciding to skip breakfast so you could think about your current situation. That seemed to be all you were doing lately. In fact, all you really wanted to do was scream in frustration and punch someone in the face. It was beyond unfair having to choose between a kind of an all-consuming feeling that happened once in a lifetime and the sake of your friends and their future as individuals and as a group. Being here was becoming heavier and heavier each day that went by. How much longer will you be able to resist James and deny your feelings? How much longer will you have to torture yourself? What if Dumbledore couldn’t fix whatever caused the time-turner to malfunction? What if you were bound to be trapped here for good? All of a sudden you felt sick to your stomach as a last and despairing thought crossed your mind: what if you had to witness James and Lily fall in love with each other? You felt like throwing up, so lost in your own distresses that you only noticed you had stumbled upon someone when you were both on the floor.
“Merlin’s beard, I’m so sorry!” You say whilst getting up.
“I think you forgot your head back in the tower, L/N,” Amos Diggory joked, sitting.
“I suppose I did,” you smile sheepishly at him, offering your hand to help him stand on his feet. “Again, I’m really sorry. You okay?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” he winks casually at you. “You don’t seem quite alright yourself on the other hand,” he adds, noticing the worried frown on your face.
“Oh, about that, I...” you start, stopping suddenly when you noticed James standing at the opposite end of the aisle, frowning at the sight of you and Diggory alone in an empty corridor, your hands still in the Hufflepuff’s. “Please just go with it, I’ll explain everything in a minute,” you whisper to Amos, as you grin widely whilst staring into his eyes and resting your wrists on the back of his neck, pretending you hadn’t seen the marauders glancing at your direction.
“Alright, I think I can carry on with whatever this is, but I have to say I’m genuinely intrigued,” he lifts a brow at you, grinning and leading his hands to your waist.
Before you could say anything else, James passes by the two of you like a hurricane, Sirius and Remus on his trail. You swore you could catch a disappointed look from Remus as they followed their friend.
“Potter seems to be in a bad mood today, doesn’t he?” Amos drags your attention back to him and you’re met by a suspicious look on his face. “I’m willing to bet you know why.”
“I really am sorry, I didn’t mean to suck you into my personal drama, I just... I don’t even know what to say,” you lean against the wall, sighing heavily.
“Try me, L/N. I’m a pretty good listener if you ask me,” he shrugs, leaning next to you. “Besides, you can trust me not to spill your secrets around,” he winks at you.
“I know you’re trustworthy, Diggory,” you smile at the thought of how much he reminded you of your late friend Cedric Diggory, who also happened to be his son. “You’re a Hufflepuff.”
He laughs genuinely at your joke. “Bring it on then, L/N.”
“Alright,” you sigh. “So, I don’t know if you can tell, but I kind of have feelings for James...”
“Yeah, I might have noticed that. And so did the entire school,” he bumps his shoulder into yours. “But go on.”
“I thought you had said you were a pretty good listener?” You raise your brows, crossing your arms in your chest.
“Sorry, please, continue,” he encourages you.
“Anyway, I do have feelings for him but I can’t act on them for a number of reasons that I can’t really talk about,” you close your eyes, resting your head on the cold wall. It felt good to take it off your chest for once, and opening up about this felt liberating.
Diggory stared at you confused. “Pardon me if I’m intruding, but I’d say your chances with the guy are pretty good. I mean, it’s quite clear that your feelings are reciprocated. For example, that day during quidditch practice when he saw the two of us talking... he did look pretty annoyed to me and today, well, you just saw what happened,” he shrugged.
“I know that he harbors feelings for me as well, and that’s the point. He can’t. We can’t have feelings for each other. I’m not his destiny and neither he is mine,” you tilt your head to your right a little so you could look at Amos.
“How can you possibly say that? We never know what tomorrow has in storage for us,” he states.
“Except that I do, and that’s exactly why I can’t encourage his feelings nor my own,” you sigh hopelessly.
“I suppose that’s the part you can’t discuss?” He smiles sympathetic at you.
“Exactly,” you frown sadly.
“How can I help you?” He asks suddenly. “Well I suppose that’s why you flirted with me a while ago, right?! You don’t strike me as the kind of girl who’d randomly throw her arms around a guy’s neck in empty hallways. Specially having told the guy in question that she has feelings for another one moments later,” he adds mockingly after seeing the confused expression on your face.
“Right,” you frown sheepishly. “I kinda told James a few days back that I was already seeing someone, right after he kissed me.”
“Wow, harsh,” he frowns playfully.
“Yeah, I know. I just didn’t know what else to do, I sort of panicked,” you shrug.
“You can count on me. But before I leave to class, I just need to ask you something. Is this secret motivation of yours really worth the trouble of sacrificing a potential relationship and a few friendships over? Think about it, L/N. See you in transfiguration in a few,” he says before disappearing into the castle, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Taglist: @treestarrrrrrrr @fanfic-enthusiast-collector
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harrytpotter · 4 years
Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mild cursing.
A/N: First, sorry for the delay in posting this! I had some personal things going on and didn’t have the time to stop and write. Also, this chapter is a little shorter than usual because it’s mostly a filling-in one! Thanks everyone for your thoughts about this imagine so far, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ;)
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Once you arrived for transfiguration, the class had already started. As you entered the room, McGonagall glared severely at you. You mutter a quiet apology as you start walking to your usual sit next to Lily. However, before you could approach the redhead, a paper ball hits you in the head. Turning on your heels with a fulminant look on your face, you’re met by Amos’ amused smile. As you frown confused, he pointed to the seat next to him.
“Did you really have to hit me in the head with a paper ball?” You roll your eyes at him, whispering as you sat down.
“Well, I figured that it’s only fair that we spend more time together since we’ve been seeing each other,” he grinned playfully, mimicking double quotes with his fingers.
“You’re such a delight, Diggory,” you roll your eyes at him again, this time with a grin on your face.
You diverge your attention from him when your eyes land on Lily, who looked at you quite seriously. She didn’t say anything but you could hear her ‘what the hell?!’ loud and clear inside your head. Lily then motioned in James’ direction. Once you looked at him, you felt your stomach sink. He was staring at you and Amos with a sad expression, the hurt so clear in his eyes. You lower your head, awfully aware of the disappointed glances you were getting from all of your best friends, who rightfully stood by James’ side.
“Why don’t you just tell him the truth?” Amos says after studying your face for a while.
“Amos, please, we’ve been over this already,” you bury your face into your hands.
“Have we? Seriously, Y/N, I think you’re making a terrible mistake here. You fancy each other, besides it’s clearly bloody killing you to see him hurt like that,” he frowns worriedly.
“Why are you so worried about my wellbeing or James’ for that matter? It’s not like you and I have been friends forever,” you say a little harshly, trying to change the subject. “Sorry, I’m just... so bloody frustrated.”
“That’s okay, really. But to answer your question, I’m a sucker myself for a good love story,” he grins teasingly, lifting his brows and earning a laugh from you. “And as odd as it may sound, I do care about you, L/N. You’re just... extremely likable.”
“I’m sorry, are we disturbing the two of you?” McGonagall’s voice startled you and Amos. She had a brow lifted and her nostrils were dangerously inflated.
“Oh, please! You could never bother us, Minnie!” You joke as you realize all eyes were on you and Diggory, so you had to pretend everything was fine. “You do teach the best subject in the school’s curriculum after all.”
“Then I suggest you two quit chatting and start paying attention to my class,” she shoots back. Her lips were pressed in a thin line but you could swear you saw a shadow of a smile creep in there for a split second.
“I’m afraid Miss L/N won’t be paying much attention to your class today, Professor McGonagall,” Dumbledore’s voice waved from the doorstep. He had a serene and kind smile on his face. “Can I borrow her for a second?”
“Thank Godric!” You mutter to yourself, a sudden relief washing you. You were finally going to get back home, to your easy, romantically boring and happy life alongside with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Weren’t you?
McGonagall sighed heavily and shrugged before motioning for you to go. You quickly got your stuff together and followed the Headmaster to his office.
“So, can I go home already?” You ask barely waiting until you crossed the doors, your heart beating faster and full of hope.
“Not yet, I’m afraid,” Dumbledore offers you a sympathetic smile, sitting on his chair and pointing the one in front of him for you.
“But, sir, I’ve been here for weeks already,” you furrowed your brows in despair, occupying the offered seat.
“Time-turners are very temperamental and complex devices, Miss L/N. It can take some time before it gets fully functioning again; I told you that,” he interlaced his hands, lowering his head a little so he could look straight into your eyes.
“Pardon me, sir, I don’t want to sound rude, but... If you didn’t summon me here to bring me home, then why am I here at all?” You ask curiously.
Dumbledore just smiled at you whilst taking a few seconds to think. “I thought you could use the talking.”
You open your mouth but shut it immediately as you see him lifting a brow at you. You lower your eyes, thinking of what to say. You knew Dumbledore wanted to know why you had this rush to leave — given the dozen owls you sent him along the week — when you had a lot of close friends in this current timeline who you’d definitely miss and would definitely miss you as well. But how were you supposed to open up to him? How were you supposed to just open your mouth and say ‘yeah, you see, I fell in love with my best friend’s dad and ‘m actually besties with his mom as well, ha! Talk about double betrayal!”
“How is Mr. Potter? — James, I mean,” he asks bluntly, adding the latter after he noticed you were about to deflect the real question by mentioning Harry.
“He’s... alright, I guess,” you shrug, trying to look unimpressed.
“Is he? I don’t think that anyone who doesn’t have their best friend by their side can be classified as alright,” he smiled, his glare intense from behind his half-moon spectacles.
“Godric, you really do know everything that happens inside these walls, don’t ya?” You look at him in awe, genuinely impressed. “Sorry, sir, I mean no disrespect,” you add suddenly, earning an amused laugh from him.
“I like to keep myself up to date, yes. But in all seriousness Miss L/N, why do you think you’re here? Why do you think you came back to this specific time in history?”
“I... I wish I could know,” you whisper.
“What is the most powerful magic in the world?”
“Yours?!” You shrug, unsure if he meant what you thought.
Dumbledore laughs, grateful for your compliment. “Though I appreciate the compliment, the most powerful magic in the world is love, Y/N.”
You stare at him, sadness taking over your face as you were lost for words once again.
“Allow yourself to remember, Miss L/N,” Dumbledore smiled warmly at you.
Dumbledore’s words were floating on your mind as you walked aimlessly through the castle. He was known to be quite mysterious and it didn’t surprise you that he left you with an apparently senseless puzzle in hands instead of telling you exactly what you needed to do. Well, if he did, it wouldn’t be him. At first you had thought that you had to bring Lily and James together, due to the whole love-is-the-most-powerful-magic thing. But then he had told you to allow yourself to remember. Remember what, exactly?!
“Oh, fuck it!” You huffed in frustration, running both of your hands through your hair and sliding down the wall until you were sit on the floor. You shut your eyes and kept them that way in hope that once you opened them again, you’d wake up from this horrific nightmare.
You heard someone sitting beside you, but you still didn’t dare to open your eyes. It was probably Remus, Sirius or Lily, worried about you and ready to give you a lecture about the poor choices you had made in the last 24 hours. When the person slid their arm over your shoulder, you felt at ease. Your body could recognize his touch without flinching.
“You alright, love?” James asked you when you rested your head on his shoulder.
“No. Are you?” You finally opened your eyes and studied his face. His jaw was clenched and he was staring at the wall in front of him. No jokes, no warm smile. His eyes didn’t have the usual spark of eagerness. His nearly arrogant confident vibe was gone. He almost didn’t look like himself. You sighed heavily.
“Not really,” he rested his head on top of yours, reaching for your hand.
“I’m sorry. I really am,” you said sincerely, interlocking your fingers in his.
“I miss you. I just... i can’t lose you, okay? Not now, not ever,” he sighs.
“Me too. Not having you in my life every single day is the shittiest thing that could ever happen to me, Potter,” you hug him. James finally laughs and plants a kiss on top of your head.
“Same here, sweetheart. I don’t think I can be myself if I don’t have you around. You’re... part of who I am,” he smirks softly.
You rested your forehead in the crook of his neck, your thoughts fuzzy, wishing you could just kiss him right now and allow yourself to be truly happy for the first time in your life. But being the loyal friend you were, of course you suppressed this impetus you felt whenever he was around once again.
“Come on, let’s head back to the common room and let everyone breathe a sigh of relief that we’re on speaking terms again!” He joked after a while, getting on his feet and helping you to do the same.
As you made your way into the castle, James took your hand in his. You debated with yourself wether or not you should take it away, but it felt so right that you just shook the thought. Before he could say the password as you reached the Fat Lady portrait that guarded the entrance to the Gryffindor tower, you squeezed James’ hand. “Jamie...”
“Yeah?” He gave you a smile when he turned around to face you. The same smile that always turned your legs into melted jelly and caused your heart to beat like a drum.
“Promise me we’ll never loose each other again,” you say, hugging him and smashing your eyes shut.
“I couldn’t let you go if I tried,” he hugged you as tightly as he could. “You’re too bloody important to me.”
“Are we okay?”
The two of you just stood there in each other’s arms, enjoying the moment as much as you could before reality came smashing into your faces. And it didn’t take long to do so.
“Alright lovebirds, are you planning on moving any time soon or you’ll just stand there blocking the entrance forever?” A bored sixth year asked.
Blushing, both you and James let go of each other and muttered an apology, whilst the fellow Gryffindor rolled her eyes with an amused smirk.
“Just get together already, it’s getting quite embarrassing to see you painfully longing for each other year after year,” she shrugs before disappearing into the hole, leaving you and James with a dumbfounded look behind.
“Quite the crowd we have, huh love?” James asks with a laugh after seeing your pink-toned face.
“I think we just became more fascinating and eagerly awaited than the quidditch matches,” you frown playfully, bitting your lower lip whilst trying to shrug off the burning feeling in your cheeks.
James stared at you with a side smirk, his eyes lowering from yours until landing on your lips. The lips that he wanted to kiss every second of every day. The lips he wished belonged to him, but bitterly remembered it was now Diggory’s.
“What’s wrong?” You squeeze his shoulder as you noticed his smile fading and his face falling.
“Nothing, love. Let’s get inside,” he forces a smile before he too disappeared into the portrait hole. You stood there for a while, partially happy that you got your friendship with James mended, but also scared that it was only going to break your heart even more, and his own in the process.
“Are you coming in dear?” You hear the Fat Lady voice from beside you.
“Yeah! I’m just... sorry,” you shake your heard confusedly before crossing the frame yourself.
Taglist: @treestarrrrrrrr @fanfic-enthusiast-collector @jgtfvhsg @jullianerey @silver-winter-wolf
317 notes · View notes
harrytpotter · 4 years
Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,7K.
Right Place, Wrong Time Masterlist.
A/N: Each chapter i write of this story leads me to believe that’ll be at least a couple more than originally planned because i keep wanting to add things to the plot lol. Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter, i’m excited with this! :)
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“Thought I might find you here,” you smiled at James, who sat at the higher goalpost in the Quidditch pitch.
“Aren’t you just a show-off riding your broom upright?” He chuckled at the vision of you standing on your feet on top of a broom several metres above the floor. “Come here,” he patted the spot beside him.
“What the bloody hell is that?” You nodded at a squared piece of metal James held with his left hand as you seated next to him.
“Oh, this?” James asked as he turned the box to you whilst levelling it with his eyes and pressed a button. “That’s a Muggle camera. A Polaroid, if I remember its name correctly.”
You quirked your eyebrows when the camera started to make some noises and suddenly spilled a black square with a white frame. James laughed at your reaction as he took the piece of paper out and started to shake it furiously. The black square soon transitioned into a very still picture of you smiling dreamily at the photographer. James handed it over to you.
“Why isn’t it moving?” You frowned, analysing the picture. “Godric, I look terrible.”
“Muggle pictures don’t move. They just... stay still I guess,” he chuckled. “You look perfect and I’m keeping it,” he grabbed the picture from your hands with a smile.
Biting your lower lip amidst a smile, you pulled the camera from James’ hands and, without a warning, snapped a photo of him as well. As the camera tossed the paper out once again, you took it in your fingers and started to shake it exactly like James did. When his handsome features showed on the paper, you couldn’t help but smile at the adoring gaze he was giving you in it.
“And I’m definitely keeping it,” you held the picture in his direction so he could see it.
“I look like an idiot!” He protested with a laugh.
“You look cute!” You argued, smiling.
He stared at you with the same gaze the picture you held had eternalized. 
“Where did you get it anyway?” You asked after a while, handing the camera back to him.
“With me, of course!” Sirius’ voice reached your ears.
Turning your head to your right, you smiled at the sight of the raven-haired boy with stormy grey eyes. “Owning a muggle camera, Sirius Black? If only mommy dearest could see you now,” you teased, laughing.
“I’d say I’d get disowned, but bugger me, that already happened,” he shrugged with a loud laugh, flying on his broom until he was in front of you and James.
“It’s nice to see you smiling again and making jokes about your misfortunes,” you smiled dearly at your friend.
“Like you once told me, I’m much more than my twisted family,” Sirius smiled back at you. “Thank you.”
You, Sirius and James smiled warmly at each other for a few seconds before the grey-eyed boy pulled the camera from James’ hands and got ready to snap a photo of the two of you, “strike a pose, lovebirds!”
James quickly got a hold of your waist and brought you closer to him, planting a kiss on your cheek. Tangling your legs with his, you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled playfully.
“Aren’t you such a cute couple?” He winged his brows, showing the picture to you and James.
“Aren’t you such a tosser?” You rolled your eyes at him, pulling it out of his hand. “And that’s mine.”
“That I am! But you know what I’m not?” He mischievously lifted a brow at you.
“I’m positive I’m going to regret asking, but… what?” You crossed your arms defiantly.
“A bloody coward who are afraid to own up to their feelings!” He shouted amidst a hearty laugh, speeding off in his broom.
“Oh you did not just call me a coward, Sirius Black!” You cried out, hopping on your broom and flying after him.
You could hear James’ laugh behind as he followed your trail whilst you cut through the air in high speed, chasing your other best friend. The three of you looked like little kids, flying across the corridors of Hogwarts, laughing, cursing and teasing each other, completely ignoring the fact that neither of you should be out of bed by this time.
After a few rounds, Sirius got a little advantage on you and James and got off his broom, ditching it recklessly inside the nearest broom closet and starting to run on foot. He ran for about five minutes before stopping to catch his breath and hiding behind a statue. Sirius shut his eyes down as he tried to stead his breathing and suppress the laughter that threatened to burst from his lungs.
“Where the bloody hell is this damned dog?” You hissed at James, trying not to alert Sirius of your presence as you hopped off your broom yourself, a little further from the bloom closet.
Landing right beside you, James took his index finger to his lips and grabbed you by the hand, pointing his head to a shadow with a curly long hair standing a few meters ahead of you. Exchanging mischievous grins, both you and James started to tiptoe in its direction, ever so silently. Once the boy entered your visual field, you realised he had his eyes shut and, looking at James, you bit your lower lip devilishly. The messy-haired boy nodded at you with a lopsided grin as the two of you cautiously got even closer to Sirius, ready to startle the living hell out of him.
However, before you could scare him away, the loud sound of footsteps and an incomprehensible nagging approaching your location startled the three of you. Sirius widened his eyes and James pushed you behind the statue, before getting into hiding himself.
“You do realise this space is quite small for the three of us, don’t you?” Sirius shot you and James a glare.
“At least we’ll go down together, Pad,” you wiggled your brows sarcastically. “Unless you’re a bloody coward who’d much rather throw your own friends under the bus to save yourself.”
“Like I said, love, you’re the only coward among us,” he smirked gleefully.
“Aren’t you just asking to be hexed, Black?” You smiled wryly at him, wand in hand.
“Please, go ahead; I’d love to see that!” Remus joked as his head popped behind Sirius. “What are you three idiots doing behind this statue anyway?”
“We just heard footsteps and-,” James started to talk but suddenly stopped as he realised something. “That was you, wasn’t it?”
“Guilty,” Remus shrugged playfully. “When I woke up and didn’t find you in your beds I figured you’d be doing something stupid, so I came looking for you. Then I heard your very discreet and quiet giggles and cursing and decided to follow you idiots.”
“Did you just prank us by pretending to be Filch, Moony?” You asked, astonished.
“Indeed, my dear Beastie,” he smirked satisfied.
“That was… genius!” James frowned in awe.
“You were supposed to be the nice one, you know that right?” You winged a brow at him, a lopsided grin forming on your lips. “Come on, boys, let’s head back before the actual Filch catches us.”
Taking the lead, you started to walk up the corridor, James by your side and the other two boys right behind you. The four of you were still discussing Remus’ brilliant tactic when a distant meow erupted with the wind and made you all freeze.
“That was not funny mate,” James rolled his eyes at Remus after the initial shock. “That bloody cat creeps me out.”
“It wasn’t me,” Remus frowned. “I swear!” He added at the sceptical stares.
“Well, in that case…” Sirius rested his left hand on Remus’ shoulder. “RUN!”
You, James, Sirius and Remus held hands as you lot desperately ran in the opposite direction of Mrs Norris’ meows. You passed through the halls heading to the Gryffindor Tower like a blur, laughing and slipping, chests pounding and adrenaline cursing through your veins.
“I- I think- I’m going- to faint,” Sirius muttered breathlessly, stopping abruptly. He leaned against the rock-wall, a hand on his chest and another on the wall, steading him.
“Seriously, Padfoot?” James rested his hands on his knees, catching a breath. “We’re literally one turn away from the Fat Lady portrait.”
“Well, Prongs, ‘m sorry if not everyone here is a damn jock!” He quirked his brows with annoyance.
“You realise you’re also on the Quidditch team, right?” You chuckled.
“As a beater!” He cried out hysterically. “It’s not like I have to run in my broom through and through across the pitch for the entire match!”
“Padfoot…” Remus started, massaging the bridge of his nose to suppress a laugh. “Stop being such a drama queen, would ya?”
Before Sirius could hit back, a new meow sound alerted you of Mrs Norris’ closeness. Turning on your heels, the lot of you got ready to get back on running towards the opposite direction, but a creepy laugh coming from the hallway ahead of you, frustrated your plans.
“Fuck, it’s Filch!” James hissed, heaving a sigh.
“Now what?” Remus asked hopelessly. “If we turn around, we’ll run straight into Mrs Norris. If we go this way, we’ll run straight into Filch.”
“Well, we obviously can’t be here like sitting ducks,” you muttered, pacing around and desperately wishing a way out.
“Would you stop already?” Sirius rolled his eyes at you when you were about to complete your third round.
Before you could tell Sirius off, a sudden noise of rocks moving was heard and a large door made of bronze materialised itself on the wall out of thin air.
“What the bloody hell is that?” You asked no one in particular, approaching the door with a straightened arm, ready to touch the patterns engraved on it.
“Our way out, apparently,” James said as he took your opened hand in his and pushed the door open, dragging you inside the unknown room.
Sirius and Remus followed the two of you, closing the door behind them whilst looking around the peculiar room. It was messy and had all sorts of things scattered around it: an old enchanted harp that was playing a soothing old music by itself, a wooden cabinet with a strange shape and endless piles of old books and trinkets.
“What is this place?” You asked, gobsmacked. You had never seen it before and you were sure if anyone would know what that room was, it would be the three boys standing beside and behind you.
“I- I don’t know…” James whispered, equally awestruck. “We’ve never seen it before.”
Splitting up, each one of you followed a different direction, all eager to explore the newly-found refuge in Hogwarts. You wandered through the aisles, taking in the most strange and unique sights as your eyes spotted interesting magical objects. Turning on your left after a few meters, you went deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of junk, stopping suddenly when something odd caught your attention. On top of a blistered, small old cupboard laid a stone bust of an old warlock wearing a dusty wig. What really stood out to you, however, was an ancient discoloured tiara, sat lopsided upon the bust. It was beautiful and unique: a silver diadem in the shape of an eagle with open wings; it had a blue sapphire shaped like an oval right below the eagle’s head. Etched upon its surface was a quote: "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." You found yourself hypnotized by its beauty; it was as if you could feel an invisible force pulling you to it, wrapping you in its magnetic strength. You stretched your arms, reaching for the strange object. A cold and cruel chuckle filled the air.
“Y/N…” The voice to which the chuckles belonged to, whispered. You could feel your skin crawl, terrified, but you couldn’t break out of the trance.
Your fingers were almost touching the diadem when you felt a light pressure on your shoulder. Looking to your left, you found James staring at you with a frown.
“Are you alright, love?” He asked, narrowing his eyes. “I’ve called your name a few times but you didn’t seem to be listening.”
“Yeah- Yeah, ‘m fine,” you muttered slowly, retracting your arm and clutching your hands together on your chest.
James tilted his head as he eyed the object that had you so interested, turning his body in its direction. “What is it anyway?” He asked, walking towards the stone bust and motioning to grab the tiara.
“Don’t touch it!” You bawled as you quickly grabbed his hand. “I don’t think this is… good.”
“Do you think this is… dark magic?” James asked incredulously. “It wouldn’t be inside a room in Hogwarts if it was.”
“I just...” you started, resting your face in your hands. “Just please don’t touch it, ok? If anything ever happens to you, I-“
“Hey,” James whispered, taking your hands off your face. “I find it extremely cute that you’re worried about me, but you don’t have to, okay? I’m never leaving you.”
“Promise?” You stared pleadingly into his eyes.
“I promise,” he reassured you with a sweet smile. James cupped your cheeks with his hands and placed a kiss on your forehead, closing his eyes and letting his lips linger on your skin for a little bit longer before pressing his own forehead against yours.
You rested your hands of top of his and smiled at the messy-haired boy. The urge of kissing James felt so right in this moment, but you knew that was your hopelessly-in-love heart speaking. Unfortunately, your head knew better and the image of Lily and Harry floated in your mind, so you just stood there, staring lovingly into those piercing hazel eyes.
“They’re too quiet, Moony! I think they’re making out, we can’t barge in there!” You and James heard Sirius’ urgent whispers to Remus on the other side of the junk pile.
“They’re not making out!” Remus’ voice whispered back. “I too wish they were, but I don’t think they are. Are they?”
“No, we’re not!” You shouted with a roll of your eyes, smiling and getting away from James before your two friends could see you.
“But you should!” Sirius winged his brow as he entered your vision field.
“I agree!” James shrugged playfully, winking at you.
“Aren’t you forgetting about a little detail called Amos Diggory, mate?” Remus teased, pursing his lips together to suppress a laugh. “Too soon?” He added at the death glare James sent him.
“You can tease all you want, Moony,” James gave him a lopsided grin. “But don’t complain when you’re not chosen as best man in our wedding.”
“Excuse me? Wedding?” You looked at James, flabbergasted.
“Well, yeah,” he shrugged before wrapping his arm on your shoulders and guide you to the door. “I’m making you Mrs Potter one day.”
“You sound awfully sure for someone who doesn’t even got the girl yet, mate,” Sirius joked.
“But I will, Pads, but I will!” He patted his friend on the shoulder with his free hand.
“Aren’t you a cocky git? Godric!” you bumped your elbow against his side.
“What, love? You seriously thought I’d hand you to over to Diggory without a fight and watch him being happy with the woman I love? Not a chance!” He said bluntly with a confident smile.
You grimaced as you stared at the floor without knowing what to say. Your cheeks were warm and your stomach stubbornly fluttering at his words.
“Alright lovebirds, as your future best man that will always look out for your best interests, I advise you to head back to bed before the day rises and get some sleep,” Sirius smiled satisfied at his two smitten friends.
“And who made you best man, again? That will be me and you know it!” Remus teased, playfully wrestling the raven-haired boy.
And like that, amidst wedding chats and playful teases, the four of you headed back to the Gryffindor Tower.
Taglist: @treestarrrrrrrr @fanfic-enthusiast-collector @jgtfvhsg @jullianerey @silver-winter-wolf @ladylizziesficsaves
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