#rqg kiko
vampyreblogger · 2 years
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More than three weeks have passed since the crash and since Hamid's world has been turned upside-down. Having finally recognised that the feelings he has for Azu go beyond friendship, he is now forced to watch her be with someone else. And Kiko makes Azu happy. That should be enough for him, right? If only things were that easy.
Whilst the Vengeance is detained to the Ursan docks for repairs, Hamid struggles to come to terms with his feelings and Azu's new relationship.
Written for my beloved @evieebun125 who won my @fandomtrumpshate auction this year. Thank you for being so patient with me 💖
Almost 11k of deliciously painful pining Hamid for everyone’s enjoyment.
I meant to save this as a draft until my beta reader got around to it but I fully missed the button. And if you got an email telling you I also posted chapter 3 already, no you didn’t.
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miscreantahead · 4 months
Spin the wheel and pick fuck, marry, pat head, or kill for whatever rusty quill gaming character you get.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 6 days
RQG Characthers and If They Comit Tax Evasion
Hamid -> he thinks he doesn't but he actually does (he trusts his family to do his taxes for him and they just don't cause they are Al Tahains and don't need to)
Sasha -> does not know what taxes are/ still doesn't pay them after learning
Zolf -> people that are part of the cults don't need to pay taxes, that being said after he lefts the Poseidon lot he still does not pay his taxes
Bertie -> hajahahahahahahahaha wait are you serius? Yes! He totally comits tax evasion, he also thinks poor people should pay HIM taxes actually, if pressed will defend feudalism
Grizzop -> No. He doesn't pay taxes but is because the sweet paladin fiscal benefits and still pays a fee to the Artemis lot.
Azu -> No. She doesn't need to pay taxes as a paladin but she comits tax fraud so she can keep paying them.
Cel -> No. They did it for a long time but they don't feel the need to in Japan.
*Some NPCs*
Harlequinns -> Since the taxes are for the Meritocracy no Harlequinn pays them. The Prague ones are in a more complicated spot where they do pay some taxes to keep their position and mostly just commit tax fraud. Einstein likes finding fun ways to do it.
Wilde -> No. He really can't when working that close to the Meritocracy. He also does his coworkers taxes part of it is his workaholic will accept any work tendendices but mostly is so he can spy on people's financial information and collect favors. He did more than once used his position to make someone comitt tax fraud and than gets them in trouble for it (an ex, an enemy, someone he wanted out of the office).
Carter -> Absolutly. 100%
Barnes -> No. He is a good boi.
The Al Tahans -> yup, they also have a lot of financial benefits both because they are bank owners and just for Apophis nepotism style of things.
Kiko -> Yes but not always she sees not getting caught by "dragon IDF" a challenge and Earhart fully incentivizes it.
The Kobolds -> They are all together here because I don't think Kobold society belives in money at all. When they stabelish a goverment they share a part of their inventions and all their resources but it's not really taxes.
Barret -> Yes. Not only that but is very likely that Barret was in fact being paid with people's tax money because of Meritocratic corruption.
Eddie -> also doesn't know what taxes are but for a very different reason, would pay them if he learned. Is tecnically not a crime cause he has paladin imunity and his parents pay his Apollo's fee.
Tjelvar -> No. He is always in his best behavior so he can gather the most financial support for his research and most of meritocratic programs say you have to have a clean criminal record.
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shy-magpie · 1 year
RQG 167
So storm time? With Zolf in peril and everyone else trapped in a cell together because when we asked for them to be forced to actually talk a finger curled on Alex's monkey paw.
Bryn just advised them to go into full rebellion if Alex tries to slam cut them past bits they want to do but he had a definite laugh in his voice. Alex responded by implying he'd bribe them with swords and cool jackets. So I think this is run of the mill guy stuff rather than actual power games like the bowling alley ads. I mean if Alex was serious he has to know that slam cut to cyberpunk/anime future is nothing compared to slam cut to wings right?
Movie advert voices from the boys as they add on to Alex's "last time on RQG".
Will save, hm just general principle or is it to resist having their heads messed with by the storm?
Will Save, hm just general principle or is it to resist having their heads messed with by the storm?
The Cohort are rolled as one, but they do better than Skraak.
Ok the magic levels vary so they won't be stuck in the cell the whole time.
Azu sits next to Kiko, her little finger is on Kiko's in "an unspoken pinky swear everything is going to be okay". Alex really does know when to indulge us. The players take this as proof Alex is going to take Kiko away from Helen/Azu. Well yes after a fashion, we've known from the beginning she is probably going to side with Earhardt in the near inevitable mutany. Have to let Azu & Kiko properly bond for it to hurt properly when that doesn't change.
Aw Hamid checks in with Azu because he remembers her claustrophobia.
The sense motive isn't on Azu, but with only an 8 Alex doesn't tell us what it was.
Cel wants to improve the box, but can't find anything but busy work. Cel is mostly just going over it with a fine tooth comb for minor improvements.
Bryn wasn't entirely joking about them just taking control of the camera at the beginning of the episode apparently and circles back around to his check on Azu when Alex makes moving on noises. Azu appreciates it.
Zolf time. Big broad question from Alex: survival check or profession sailor for what style Zolf is steering the ship. Ben doesn't let him finish the question before saying he will stick with Sailor since it has the higher stat. He then gets 28 on his first roll and Alex accuses him of sounding smug; which the rest of the table protests. Yeah it was more pleased/satisfied than lets say "she can't one shot me I'll take the hit".
Weird energy from Alex & the players, not sure if its they are in a weird mood to face the storm or having the storm scene put them in a weird mood. Either way hope its not the podcast part pressuring them to go forward on a session they would have rescheduled in a regular game. A lot of Alex's suggestions from the sensitivity special were things like snack breaks that don't work in remote sessions. Whatever, I'm just a listener, I need to trust them to know when to call it and keep my analysis on the characters not the players.
Zolf has to sail straight through it. Not seeing any metaphors in "the best way out is through" (my phrasing not a quote) nope.
Huh the Ursa Major seem to have left their bodies on peaks to be as high as possible. Smart enough to be magic worshipers maybe?
Borealis makes light wobbly like a cartoon heat haze. The lines of color are tangible bits the ship can touch.
Zolf is nervous whistling and casts Resistance which lasts for a minute right as the ship touches it. Bryn reminds him that Hamid cast Heroism last session.
Zolf ties himself to the wheel as the Borealis effect of the world smearing like a water color and going back to normal only to do it again approaches.
The box makes a pleasant bell sound as the effect reaches them.
The effect happens to Zolf's body. The chiming sound can be heard coming from the
Hamid proposes "two truths & a lie" to pass time. He has to explain it to them.
Carter goes first
Hamid points out there are plenty of Egyptologists in Egypt when he tries to claim he is the best in the world.
Zolf feels powerful urge to sleep.
Wilde is back on form and when Hamid suggests he or Miek (I think, one of the Cohort?) go next he asks who defines the truth. Hard to tell the degree to which he actually doesn't get it vs is focusing on Hamid's actual goal by drawing attention and distracting everyone. This is painfully in old!Oscar's wheelhouse, but after that Earhardt sex joke I am not sure if he can keep up a line of patter without it blowing up somehow. People like him often mistake being able to smooth things over after they've crossed the line with a knack for not crossing it in the first place.
Yeah this is going to go well/sarcasm: his first statement is that he had genuine feelings for Bertie. Because we really need the party to process tonight that, even only knowing of him second hand, everyone has seen through him except Hamid. Alex better not bring Aziza into this.
Second point: Oscar was shy as a child to the point of wearing disguises.
Third point: He loves Harrison Campbell novels.
Well now I don't know which I want to be the lie: the second one is painful for a truth to trust them with; Hamid having his feelings about his friend being seduced and embarrassed in the paper being brought up might clear the air either way; if even Oscar likes the books Hamid might let go of his attitude about them but it might be better if he has someone who isn't an active fan. Just as there is nothing wrong in liking them, there is nothing wrong in not liking them as long as you aren't judgy about it and Hamid is pretty good about keeping his opinion of them to himself.
Alex has them roll a perception check. The Kobolds are asleep, if the storm encourages them to sleep through it rather than stress that is a gift horse I am looking right in the mouth.
Hamid asks Cel's help to draw a curtain around them out of respect for their taboo on people knowing where they sleep. Cel points out it would be safer to be able to see everyone. I am pleased Hamid suggested it, but have to side with Cel, its a good thought but they did fall asleep in plain view which was either a decision or proof we need to keep an eye out for things making decisions for them. Hamid yields quickly. Poor Cel sounds scared something will go wrong with the box.
Hamid goes back to the game. Wilde frowns and says they've been spending to much time together when Hamid says the lie was Oscar being shy as a child and that his genuine feelings for Bertie were negative. Which I believe means he loves Harrison Campbell novels.
Zolf is still having more problems with pressure to sleep and has a spell (owl's wisdom) to deal with it. Engines seem to be off but the ship is still moving: elementals asleep?
Barnes, Carter, and Earhardt fall asleep. Everyone else starts to notice they are feeling tired, Alex leaves it to the players if they notice its supernatural.
Ah Hamid "I guess people weren't enjoying the game very much". Ok if it wasn't supernatural then it would be a sign he kept stress down enough for them to fall asleep surrounded by people in a strange situation, that's a pretty good sign for morale.
Azu asks for his 2 truths and lie, only for Bryn to call the break. Alex sounds impressed and Bryn is laughing so yeah this is bonding rather than a proper rank fight. Hm could just be a "delegate damn it" thing since Alex does have a lot on his plate... No I'm doing it again, all I need to know is that it doesn't sound like an actual problem.
Hamid's statements:
Are interupted by Wilde pointing out he knows Hamid well, which hints at reciprocation for Hamid knowing him well enough to call his truths. Whether he means that friendly or is trying to get his own back after being seen through is hard to say. Hamid points out he did research before hiring the team and he volunteers to sit out if he knows.
1)never lived in Mainland Europe
2) Never visited Sub Saharan Africa
3)Never won an academic prize
Wilde sits out in favor of a nap. Hamid starts feeling very weary as Azu asks about his statements.
Ouch Azu thinks he was quite good at school & academic achievements. Hamid falls asleep as she speaks, dodging that discussion. I wonder if it would be better or worse if he got a prize after he made an effort in Prague before the incident. I don't think Azu would get weird on him about not being good in school itself but I can't remember how much she followed of his running with bullys.
Back to Zolf: Zolf realizes the ship is moving before he tells it too. Zolf tries to fight it mentally, and is able to over rule the ship by making minor changes to the course while it tries to keep to the true course.
In the box everyone except for Cel and Siggif are asleep. Azu and Kiko fell asleep in eachother's arms.
Cel is so distracted "fixing things" they didn't notice until now; Sigguf is muttering to himself and when Cel checks on him he says he has bad dreams. He has a heart breaking crossword he clearly keeps redoing.
Cel has figured out its unnatural and tries to wake them up, Sigguf follows their lead. No luck.
The ship has started to tack itself, and started to maintain itself. Which could go either way especially since half the reason he keeps most of the NPCs alive is that they are needed to run the ship.
A good ep, even if Alex did duck developing the Kobolds again.
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raspberryhell · 3 years
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[ID: The first image is of three headshots of Azu as she appears in the first epilogue episode of RQG. She is a black orc woman with pointy ears, a single tusk, a single split eyebrow, small heart shaped earrings, and a long magenta bandana tied around her forehead holding back a small afro. On the left she is smiling softly, head turned to the side. In the middle she is smiling widely, looking up to the side. A seashell shaped necklace is also visible on her in the middle. On the right she is turned slightly, smiling widely, looking down to the side. The background is a light pink with several faint hearts. 
The second image is of Azu sitting holding a small baby orc with Kiko standing next to her. Azu looks as described above. Kiko is a Japanese human woman with long hair held in a high ponytail. The baby in Azu's arms is held in a large bundle of blankets, smiling sweetly with its eyes closed. Azu's eyes are watery, her lip quivering, as she looks up pleadingly at Kiko with a gaze labeled as "Communicating ‘can we have one, too?’ with eye contact alone". Kiko looks back at her, face mostly turned away from view, sweating and flustered, with a single thought bubble of her thinking "fuck!". End ID]
AZU MY DEARLY BELOVED.......... <3<3<3
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cerulean-devil · 3 years
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to celebrate the last epilogue, i did my best to figure out how the ageing working in rqg!
 this was made by referencing info from the show and pathfinder rules and a lot of me just guessing the characters ages 😅
the formulas i used:
Human: 100
Orc: 50 | x 2
Halfling: 125 | x 0.8 
Half Elf: 227 | x 0.44
Dwarf: 143 | x 0.7
Kobold: 50 | x 2
Goblin: 30 | x 3.3
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evieebun125 · 2 years
Hey Eviee, hope you're well
If the pride thing is still open, could I get a lesbian Kiko? Thank you!
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088 | Lesbian Kiko
Hi! I've been doing great thank you! i hope you're having a great night! 🥰
[ID: A digital drawing of Kiko from Rusty Quill Gaming. Kiko is standing in front of the 5 stripe lesbian flag smiling and holding onto one of her suspenders, it consists of orange, pale orange, white, light pink, and hot pink stripes. Kiko is a Japanese women with black eyes and hair done up in a braided bun. She is wearing a sunset pink to white button up shirt with lesbian flag suspenders, her pants are orange help up with a hot pink belt. /End ID]
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moofbat · 3 years
179 aka ‘the sailor dating sim episode’ art
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[IDs: three images of scenes from rusty quill gaming episode 179.
the first is of zolf, stood wringing his hands nervously looking off to the right, he’s frowning slightly and wearing a dark green jumper, dark blue coat and teal trousers. He has small pink hearts drawn around his head, and there is a dating sim style text box that says “You said that the reason you came back was because i needed you.” and has three reply style options, the first is “Of course i did” the second says “Yeah... that makes sense” and the last says “say nothing.” the second one is selected in a thin pink box with a heart cursor indenting it. The background is blurred but depicts a sunrise behind a mountain, and there is a wooden building with a fence, and a plant pot hanging behind his head.
the second is of kiko, sat at a wooden table with a chessboard. she is resting her head in one hand with a steaming mug in the other. She is a Japanese woman with black hair loosely tied back, wearing thick brown gloves and a brown leather coat with fur hood and trim. she is smiling with her mouth open and small hearts around her head. there is another game box, this one has the text “Play another game?” with Yes and No options. The yes one is selected, again with a thin pink box and heart cursor. In the background there are wooden buildings with supporting ropes and ladders and a tree, again it is blurred.
the last is of barnes, stood with a hand behind an ear looking bashful. he is a tanned and lean man with thick brown curly hair down past his shoulders, wearing an unbuttoned pale blue shirt and maroon trousers. he has three gold earrings, a thick silver bracelet, a pendant, and a thin sword. he is backlit orange from the fire. behind him there is a blurry table with food, a fireplace with a large flame and a dark red armchair with a wooden wall. end ID]
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
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miscreantahead · 6 months
currently convincing my friend who doesn't rqg to name her snakes Azu and Kiko
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just-an-enby-lemon · 29 days
Carter: *out of nowhere* Azu, why does Kiko calls you babygirl?
Azu: *blushing hard* SHE DOES?! ♡ᵕ♡
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shy-magpie · 1 year
RQG 166
Where in there is shipping, talk of strange magics, and preparations are made
"Smooth Sailing" is not quite up there with "everything is fine" but its ominous.
So is this strictly to annoy Alex or did they notice fandom commenting on how fast they spoke?
No sexy Jesus then it can't be Grant
I love Hamid made them all cold weather gear
Tension for long periods sucks. Azu is going to find Kiko!
Cel points out that Azu asking if Kiko wants "take a break together"!
Hamid is also a shipper on deck!
Kiko sees Hamid & Cel sharing thumbs up A love nest?
Azu is nervous!
Azu refuses because she doesn't want to risk it while they are in danger; Kiko doesn't want to die sober
Kiko hangs out in the nest because it beats throttling Carter.
Kiko takes control of the conversation, since Azu is jumping quite a bit ahead; asks what Azu is doing in Japan on her way to Svalbard. Azu starts to say "save the world" when Ben points out infosec, panics and says "nothing".
Oh Earhardt is the captain of Kiko's adopted father, a gnome named Elbert. Azu goes pretty vague, says she want to be high priestess of Aphrodite which means good works like healing people. At this point Kiko asks if she could do anything about the crick in her neck. Which seems a bit "lay your hands on me".
Alex draws a vail there beyond asking Helen if Azu kisses on the first date (yes a little one).
Hamid & Cel notice Azu coming back up alone. Azu tells them she had a kiss: Hamid claps, Cel squeals.
Oh the bears climbed to the top of real mountains to die.
Earhardt asks Zolf if he thinks something killed the bears. Zolf basically says we'd see it coming.
Earhardt is more worried about the effects of the borealis on the ship.
Zolf says to take it to a vote. Earhardt tries to tell Zolf to handle it, Zolf tells her it should be her
Zolf gathers them all, giving Azu an approving pat on the arm.
Earhardt isn't actually bad at this. Lore time!
Hamid is trying to share his magic knowledge again, but he still sounds nervous.
Cel asks if something like the antimagic cell would help, but I don't know if they can persue that? Yeah spells and material.
Zolf points out that they have magic types fairly covered.
Oh so this is explicitly not like Rome.
Hamid figures its mostly safe.
Zolf asks how the Kobolds feel!
They get that its dangerous and ask it they can kill it. They ask if they can make a lightning rod! Clever Kobolds. Cel follows up the idea.
The lightning rod would protect a room below decks but it would send the danger elsewhere.
Oh Hamid wants to transfer the magic into spells rather than just vented dangerously.
The Cohort looks to Hamid before voting. Earhardt voted nay because the detour would take them someplace useful; but takes being out voted with grace.
Wilde offers to drive or give the anklets to Zolf since they offer protection. Zolf doesn't want him taking either risk but agrees to teach him in case Zolf can't fly. The rolls for the lightning rod are so very low. Only Cel knows that its "a bit sketch" but the others think its fine. Earhardt wants to head to enemy territory and the party knows it.
Sussura is a lovely name for a Kobold. Skraak & Sussura are arguing about something. Sussura tells them that unless they can do better they should take what Cel is offering. They take Cels hand leads them inside and turns around makes a rude gesture then asks if they want inside or outside!
Cel offers Sussura the fang. Cel misses that Sussura looks at them with even more respect or adoration than they look at Hamid. Azu catches it.
Helen tells Cel they all trust them. Which makes it so much worse.
Alex doesn't tell us how well Wilde learns. The safe room is actually a modification of the living area.
Zolf makes the usual vague catch you on the flip side noises. Earhardt tells him this risk is only worth it while the borealis is near and to get them asap.
Hamid asks to cast a spell on Zolf. Its called "Heroism" and gives +2 on a bunch of things for 90 minutes.
Cel reminds them there is still an element of risk but is more cheery than they were. We fade out on the image of Zolf sailing into danger.
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raspberryhell · 3 years
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[ID: A digital drawing of a scene based off of RQG episode 216 including Azu, Kiko, and Hamid. Azu is currently over 12 feet tall, standing and holding her axe. She looks down at Kiko, who is standing to the side excitedly waving her arm up at Azu. Kiko is wearing armor and is holding a pirate's cutlass. She is blushing, smiling wide and yelling “Hey! That’s my girlfriend! Woo!". Azu is blushing too and with a fond smile says back "Kiko! Good to see you, babe!". Several cartoon hearts are popping around Azu and Kiko's heads. Hamid is flying and holding onto Azu's shoulder, looking down at Kiko with shock. The image is drawn in monochrome shades of purple. End ID]
THATS MY WIFE!!!!!! <3<3<3
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cerulean-devil · 4 years
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the crew of the vengeance 
Updated version: https://cerulean-devil.tumblr.com/post/646464013271728128/new-and-improved-crew-of-the-vengeance-now-with#notes 
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evieebun125 · 3 years
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Listen Azu you are beautiful and big and you can just pick your darlings up and go, Hamid can't refuse and Kiko would find it a hoot im sure
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