#rqg sassraa
ziggstheenby-2 · 1 year
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Rusty quill gaming sketchies :)))
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
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miscreantahead · 9 months
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When I was drawing my favorite RQG relationships, I forgot this one. They see somethin'.
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esperanzagalaxy · 2 years
The kobold crew ? I just love all those funky little dragon gender guys
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 RQG requests #11, FUNKY LITTLE DRAGON GENDER GUYS!!!! thank you so much for your prompt!! i’d never sat to think about their individual designs before this, and as much as i prefer to plan beforehand, it felt great to just doodle and build them as i went! this is pretty much exactly the result and vibe i wanted, so i’m very happy with this one. it’s really cute! they’re all so cute!!!!! character design is great!!
 going from top to bottom we have meerk, draal and driaak, natun and tadyka, sassraa at the center, and our guy skraak on the front. what absolute lads.
 mechanical pencil on cream paper, with digital colors.
 ID under the cut!
[ID: an illustration of all the kobolds. it's drawn with mechanical pencil on yellow paper, and is colored digitally with flat, warm colors. the style is simplistic and shows everyone in profile. they're all shown in full body, and are bunched together each posing and doing their own thing. skraak is on the front, crouched down, and sassraa is just behind them, standing up straight, at the center of the composition. natun and draal are standing out to the left from behind her, while tadyka and driaak are doing the same, but opposite them, towards the right. meerk is directly above sassraa, at the cusp of the pyramid. they are all variations of red with yellow fins, horns and eyes.
  skraak is crouching and leaning towards the right, resting his left arm on his knee, and keeping balance with their right hand on the ground. he's the biggest of all the kobolds, bright red, with a longer tail and spikier, fan-like ear-fins. he's frowning and has his eyes narrowed, with his head turned to the left but looking right. he has tight black armor on his torso and long gray cloves.
  sassraa is wearing a white lab coat and goggles. her fins are spiky and pointing diagonally upwards, making them look like cel. she's facing left and is looking right, with her left arm behind her back, and her right holding a test tube up to her face. she's smiling softly.
  behind her and stepping towards the left is natun. they're small and reach to about sassraa's chest. they're leaning forwards and have syringe spear on their right hand, and are wearing plain leather armor on their torso. they have a shorter, snubby snout, small horns that curl like a ram's, and two sets of ear fins, which give them a more aquatic look. they have an attentive, eager face and look younger than the rest.
   above them is draal. they're wearing a fur-lined, dark brown coat and are holding a fang on their right hand, holding it in front of their face with a big grin. their horns and fins are sharp and short, pointing backwards in spikes.
   opposite natun is tadyka. she's a slim, lanky kobold, standing with a bit of a stoop. they're holding a syringe spear in both claws, in front of them. she has a long, less angular snout, and her fins are split into two horizontally. they have plain leather armor. her horns are short and slightly curved forwards.
   above her and opposite draal is driaak. they're as tall as draal, and are also wearing a fur-lined coat for the cold. theirs is white with light brown fur, anf they're a dark maroon rather than red. their horns are very small, and their fins are wider towards the top. they're stepping forwards and have a left claw up to their eyes, looking into the distance with a cheery smile.
   behind them all is meerk. his body is facing right but he is yelling upwards, sticking his tongue with a grin out and holding drumsticks on each claw. they have a black headband around their heard, spiky bracelets on their right arm, dark gray gloves, and a shiny leather vest. they're bright red, their fins are short and spiky, and their horns are shaped like lightning bolts. his tail pokes out from behind draal in a curl, and the tip of it is a small spiky ball, like a morning star. end ID]
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wolf 359 🤝 rqg
podcasts that have made me cry uncontrollably
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raspberryhell · 3 years
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[ID: 3 digital drawings of characters from Rusty Quill Gaming in scenes imitating gameplay screenshots from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. 
In the first image, Zolf gives a witness testimony with Barnes and Carter to either side of him at the stand. Zolf looks forward with a serious expression, a hand over his chest, with a text box showing him saying "I was alone in the kitchen when I heard that loud bang…". To the left, Barnes is in a coughing fit, looking distressed with one fist up covering his mouth. To the right, Carter stands holding an Egyptian vase, nervously looking to the side, visibly sweating with a large thought bubble and exclamation point over his head. The background is an edited scene from the game of the first chapter’s courtroom. 
In the second image, Hamid and Azu examine Sassraa for clues. Hamid stands to the left, resting a hand on his chin and giving a questioning look to the side. Azu stands on the right, a hand slightly raised, with a text box showing her saying “Sassraa seems to be trying to hide something from us…” A close up of Sassraa in the middle shows her with her head turned to the side, frowning and eyes furrowed. A bright blue crosshair cursor hovers over the collar of her shirt, which is burnt and torn on one side, with the highlighted words “Burned Clothes” above. The background is an edited scene from the game of a room on a boat with a bookshelf and a watertight port door visible. 
In the third image, Cel interrogates Earhart in the style of the game’s Dance of Deduction scenes. Cel stands with one hand on their hip, the other raised towards the camera as if just snapped. They have their eyes closed and smirk as a text box shows them saying “There is one more mystery about you, Captain Earhart…” Earhart stands behind them, a bright spotlight flashing on her alone. She looks agitated and nervous, one hand to her side in a fist and the other over her chest. She is visibly sweating with gritted teeth and a questioning eyebrow raised. The background is an edited scene from the game of a room decorated with military paraphernalia. End ID]
I've spent the last week playing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, and the second chapter being set on a boat makes me think of when it was mentioned in a metacast that there could've been a murder mystery during RQG's airship arc...
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sandyxandy · 3 years
oooh rqg doodles? Cel with Sassraa perhaps? 🥺
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[ID: A pencil sketch of Cel and Sassraa from Rusty Quill Gaming. Cel is a half-elf with spiky hair that's tied into a ponytail. They have a bit of stubble on their chin and wear goggles on their head and a trench coat. Sassraa is a kobold who wears a jacket with lapels and a t-shirt underneath. The two are engaged in an enthusiastic conversation. /End ID]
I'm so sorry it took me this long to get around to your ask!! but here they are :) the science pals
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bramblebee · 3 years
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[ID: The first image is a digital painting of four of the kobolds from Rusty Quill Gaming. The other four images are individual drawings cropped out of the above. They are as follows: Skraak, with a knife, furred collar, a fang necklace around their neck, and frilly wings; Sassraa, with Cel-as-a-rat in the pocket of their lab coat, a glowing flask in one hand, her horns and claws bleached white; Meerk, with face patterns reminiscent of a skull, a drumstick in one hand, frozen halfway through a dance; and Natan, with drumsticks sticking out of the side of their apron, a scarf wrapped around their neck, and long spines coming from their back. All four have pale red bellies, chin whiskers, and horns. They’re all smiling. The entirety of the piece is drawn in burnt red, with occasional highlights of pale blue for the kobolds’ eyes, Skraak’s frills, and some items of clothing. End ID.]
kobold pockets!
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immortalcowboy · 3 years
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last words
id under the 'keep reading'
(click for better quality)
[ID: A digital drawing from episodes 176-177 from Rusty Quill Gaming. It is separated into 3 panels.
The first panel is set when Cel is asking Sassraa if they want to come back to life. Sassraa is a red kobold with four small horns on her head and spikes running down their back. Her horns and spikes are bright orange. They have blue eyes. She's wearing a beige shirt, a white lab coat and safety goggles. Their looking sadly at a conical flask with blue liquid in it on a table. There's also two test tubes on a wooden rack with small amounts of blue liquid. Behind Sassraa, Cel is sat at a table with a white tablecloth over it. It has a heart banner pattern around it. They are in the middle of erasing part of an equation, but are looking at Sassraa with a concerned look on their face. Cel is a white half-elf with blonde hair standing up on it's end. They have several piercings on their face and ear. They are wearing brown goggles on their head with red lenses. They are wearing a brown coat with the collar standing on its end and brown trousers. They have one green eye and one brown eye. In the background is a wooden bookshelf with various red books on the shelves. It has a heart engraved at the top of it. Above the bookshelf is a wooden clock. The time is midnight. The wallpaper is stripy red and white.
The second panel is set when Azu is asking Carter if he wants to come back to life. Azu is lying on her stomach smiling at Carter, who is in the middle of drawing at looking at her with a timid look on his face. Azu is a black orc with dark brown hair shaved very short. She has a scar through her eyebrow and one of her tusks has been snapped off. Her eyes are brown. She has hot pink gages with a small light pink heart in the middle and a heart-shaped helix piercing. She is wearing glowing hot pink armour and a light pink turtleneck shirt underneath. She has her glowing pink axe on her back. Carter is a white human child. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a beige shirt. Carter is also lying on his stomach and has hidden underneath a stone bench. He is drawing over some maths questions with question marks at the end of his answers. They are in a room with a wooden floor and beige walls. On the wall is a painting of a grey simplified houses of parliament. The time showing on Big Ben is midnight. Underneath is a gold plate with 'LAST WORDS 176-177' engraved on it.
The third panel is set when Zolf is asking Wilde if he wants to come back to life. They are sat on a wooden boardwalk hanging in the sky. The wind is very strong. Wilde is a younger version of himself and looks like he did in Paris. He is a tall white human with brown chin-length hair. He has brown eyes. He's wearing a red suit and shoes, a white poet shirt, a royal blue waistcoat and bright yellow socks. He is hunched forward slightly and is looking down sadly. Zolf is sat next to him. Zolf is a white dwarf with short white wavy hair and a long braided beard tied with a golden circlet with an emerald in it. He has green eyes. He is wearing a blue raincoat and boots, grey trousers, green shirt and silver chest plate. He has several piercings in his left ear. He is looking at Wilde with a sad expression. He is holding Wilde's hand. End ID.]
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cerulean-devil · 4 years
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the crew of the vengeance 
Updated version: https://cerulean-devil.tumblr.com/post/646464013271728128/new-and-improved-crew-of-the-vengeance-now-with#notes 
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kellanswritingblog · 3 years
Day 8 of @the-line-is-erased: Japan - Reunions - Inventions, creations, and crossing the line.
Cel and Sassraa talk about gender
“Cel, I have a question.”
They leaned back from where they were installing part of the elemental engine that would power the airship. Cel’s draconic wasn’t great, but they were working on it constantly, so between that and Sassraa’s English they could get by easily enough.
“Sure, what is it?  If it’s about Skraak’s suggestion for the rudder, I told him already that it won’t work, and if he’s trying to get you to convince me, I’m-”
“No, no.”  Sassraa looked down sheepishly.  “It’s about your society.”
“Oh.  You mean, the society of the village I lived in just recently? Or half-elf society?  Oooh, is there an alchemist’s society you’ve heard of that I am somehow not a part of?”
“Maybe I said that wrong…”
“No, no, it’s all good.” Cel offered a supportive smile. “I got carried away.  Go ahead.”
Sassraa sat down next to Cel.  “Well, I was talking with Hamid, and I realized that much of his culture seems to revolve around two main genders.  Not that there aren’t others”- Sassraa gestured to Cel –“but they’re a rarity, and not always well regarded.  Among kobolds, we have… eight sort of ‘common’ genders, but there are way more than that and sometimes people have a mix or have multiple.  And nobody bothers you for your gender or makes you live and work in a different role because of it.  It’s just… very strange.”
“It absolutely is,” Cel replied, nodding and letting out a heavy breath.  “A lot of languages are very much not welcoming to a gender that isn’t male or female.  You have to make your own rules.  But, hey, if your gender doesn’t, I don’t know, translate across from your society, you don’t have to try and press yourself into one that people around here might know of.  Just be you.”
“It’s hard.”  Sassraa chuckled.  “I’m sure you know.”
“I’ve had a lot longer to figure it out, though.  You’ve just been thrown into this.”
“You and Hamid have been trying to teach me English, but pronouns… I don’t know which ones to use for me.  There are a few that could fit, I suppose-”
“You can use more than one set!”
Sassraa’s eyes grew wide. “I can?”
“Of course!  You can use as many pronouns as you want!  Or none, as the case may be, and we’ll just use your name.  And it can change day by day, whatever you’re feeling.  Or!  Or you can make your own pronouns!  Like I said, you get to make your own rules, which is scary, but also freeing.”
“Hm.”  Sassraa thought about it a long while.  “I think I’d like to try they and she?”
Cel smiled. “Absolutely.  Is there anything else I can try and help with?  Not sure I helped at all here or if I just rambled.”
Now it was Sassraa’s turn to smile, placing a hand on Cel’s arm.  “You helped a lot.  We make our own rules.  We don’t force ourselves to play by someone else’s.”
“Alright, now I should go tell Skraak how terrible an idea that rudder design is.”
Cel chuckled.  “Good luck; he’s real set on it.”
With a fond roll of her eyes, Sassraa stood and trotted away to continue their own construction work. Meanwhile, Hamid came over to Cel with an armful of equipment they had previously requested from the scrap of Earhart’s last ship.
“Is everything alright with Sassraa?”  He asked.
“Oh, yeah, she’s all good. I was just helping them out with some cultural things.”
Sassraa wasn’t quite out of earshot yet, and Cel swore they could see her smile as they heard both sets of pronouns used.  
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pogona · 4 years
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this is the most disney thing ever uhmm hi i love drawing dragons
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
Each round will last a week.
ada lovelace VS albert einstein VS amelia earheart VS amelie rose VS apophis VS ashen VS atsuanuub VS augusta leigh VS aziza hawaa al-tahan VS azu
barret racket VS bertus VS sir bertrand "bertie" macguffingham VS bi ming gusset VS bolla smok VS brock VS bronc VS celquinthion sidebottom VS charles babbagge VS chinua
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
cicero VS draal VS driak VS edward keystone VS eldarion VS elijah wormwood VS emeka VS eren fairhands VS eva van djik VS feryn smith
WINNER: edward keystone
figgis VS francois henri VS franz kafka VS friedrich (airship) VS friedrich (cult of apollo) VS gideon marsten-langdon VS gragg coulson VS grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS guivres VS hamid saleh haroun al-tahan
WINNER: grizzop drik acht amsterdam
harrison campbell VS hawaa layla halima VS hirald smith VS howard carter VS isaac newton VS jacques piaget VS james barnes VS jasper VS jean-luc bolieau VS jeremy
WINNER: james barnes
khantu VS kiko VS kondha VS la gourmande VS lady starling VS liliana beekos VS little VS maximus VS lord byron VS marie curie VS meerk
WINNER: kiko
mr ceiling VS natun VS nikola tesla VS oscar wilde VS paulette loup VS rakefine VS richard haringay VS sagax VS saira hawaa layla al-tahan VS saleh amoun al-tahan
WINNER: oscar wilde
saleh ibrahim al-tahan VS sasha racket VS sassraa VS selene souchet VS shoshva VS siggif VS skraark VS sohra VS sumutnyerl VS tadyka
WINNER: sasha racket
thomas edison VS vesseek VS vivianne messier VS yoshida shoin VS zolf smith
WINNER: zolf smith
azu VS celquinthion sidebottom VS edward keystone
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS james barnes VS kiko
WINNER: james barnes
oscar wilde VS sasha racket VS zolf smith
WINNER: oscar wilde
celquinthion sidebottom VS james barnes VS oscar wilde
WINNER: oscar wilde
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varyathevillain · 3 years
what if part of the reason why Wilde's reaction in RQG 182 was so visceral is because he had help in his… roll/response?
"it's all your fault", hear Carter and Sassraa out of nowhere, the force of it making Sassraa fall down on their knees, utensils she had splattering across the floor, and Carter barely catching himself on the furniture; they both stare off into the distance, both shaking, and feel as if the bond itself is shaking between the three of them.
the others fret around them, Barnes incredibly uncharacteristic worried pats and the kobolds gathering together like a well oiled machine to help one of their own.
"It's your fault" is still ringing in their heads, and Howard gasps these words out to the worried Earhart and Barnes, who then exchange glances with other members of the crew. Sassraa curls up between Tadyka and Natun, hissy and angry, and as she spits a curse in draconic, the same response rises in Carter.
because yeah, big deal, everything's their fault! these are surely some big news to the people who constantly judge themselves with intense scrutiny, or feel like they should be over-responsible for everything around them /s
so, when another "it's all your fault" hits them, like a compulsion, they both snarl, enraged, and hum in perfect unison with Wilde.
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crustaceousfaggot · 3 years
Okay I know everyone's aware that Rusty Quill is super awesome and progressive and that's no big revelation, but I'm re-listening to the RQG airship arc, and I swear to god when Bryn said "I have lists of the pronouns for the kobolds, some are they/them exclusively, some kobolds use a mix of he/they, and some kobold use a mix of she/they" in RQG 171 something in me snapped and I started sobbing
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nonwal · 4 years
I have Some Thoughts about our dead NPCs and the places we find them in e177. I think they have a bit to do with fear, and coping mechanisms created to avoid addressing that fear.
(before you ask, no, I do not listen to TMA and I only vaguely know what it’s about.)
Let’s start with Wilde. After wandering through a completely empty city, we find him sitting at the dock by the Vengeance, which is in perfect shape, ready to go...also empty. None of the crew are there. He’s the last one left to carry on.
And Wilde tells himself that this is great, actually. If there aren’t any people left then he doesn’t really need to carry on, does he? This is wonderful! All those people, all that work, all those responsibilities, he gets a break from all that. Without him they’d never manage, but without them he’s just fantastic. A one-sided relationship, really. They didn’t care about him, they just liked what he could do for them. Better off this way.
(Do you ever think about the entire party going to Rome and not coming back? At some point Wilde had to accept that they were just. gone now. And he had to keep going because there was still work to do, always more work to do.)
Wilde won’t come back because people need him to fix something. But he will come back because Zolf is still there and Zolf needs him.
Or consider how we find Carter. Surrounded by people who have more authority than him, who don’t want him to be there, who don’t like him. And that’s just the problem. He can’t do anything that could make people like him.
So Carter hides somewhere he won’t be noticed, where he can entertain himself as best he can without drawing the ire of anyone nearby. It’s not exactly fun, it’s certainly not exciting, but at least if everyone is ignoring him no one will be mad at him. They won’t force him to do things and then be upset when he can’t do them right. He already knows that nothing he can do will matter, nothing he can do will change that, but what he can do is stay out of sight, out of mind.
(Remember how people literally took shifts to keep track of Carter, to make sure he never had time unsupervised? Because certainly nothing good happens when Carter is left to his own devices.)
Carter does not come back because someone tells him that he should. But he will wander out to keep talking to someone who’s interesting, someone who’s cool and thinks that he’s cool, too.
Sassraa is in a safe, cozy room--possibly very similar to the one she had on the island, at their home--containing a problem without end. A puzzle where each solution causes a new problem. Because some things can’t be fixed.
But they try anyway! Because maybe if they put enough time, or they get someone to help a little, if they’re clever enough they can get this next piece to fit, and the next, and the next, and--there has to be an end to it, right? If she can fix this then everything else will fall into place, and if she doesn’t, everything will get worse. They just need to get it right first, just fix this and then they can move on.
(How are things, back at Sassraa’s home? Complicated, probably. Probably nothing is ever going to be the same. Probably home is never going to feel the same way it did before. Not entirely safe, not entirely comfortable.)
Cel does not tell them that the problem isn’t worth fixing just because it can’t be fixed. Sassraa comes back on the promise that they will both return to figure it out, once everything else has been dealt with.
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