#rqg draal
esperanzagalaxy · 2 years
The kobold crew ? I just love all those funky little dragon gender guys
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 RQG requests #11, FUNKY LITTLE DRAGON GENDER GUYS!!!! thank you so much for your prompt!! i’d never sat to think about their individual designs before this, and as much as i prefer to plan beforehand, it felt great to just doodle and build them as i went! this is pretty much exactly the result and vibe i wanted, so i’m very happy with this one. it’s really cute! they’re all so cute!!!!! character design is great!!
 going from top to bottom we have meerk, draal and driaak, natun and tadyka, sassraa at the center, and our guy skraak on the front. what absolute lads.
 mechanical pencil on cream paper, with digital colors.
 ID under the cut!
[ID: an illustration of all the kobolds. it's drawn with mechanical pencil on yellow paper, and is colored digitally with flat, warm colors. the style is simplistic and shows everyone in profile. they're all shown in full body, and are bunched together each posing and doing their own thing. skraak is on the front, crouched down, and sassraa is just behind them, standing up straight, at the center of the composition. natun and draal are standing out to the left from behind her, while tadyka and driaak are doing the same, but opposite them, towards the right. meerk is directly above sassraa, at the cusp of the pyramid. they are all variations of red with yellow fins, horns and eyes.
  skraak is crouching and leaning towards the right, resting his left arm on his knee, and keeping balance with their right hand on the ground. he's the biggest of all the kobolds, bright red, with a longer tail and spikier, fan-like ear-fins. he's frowning and has his eyes narrowed, with his head turned to the left but looking right. he has tight black armor on his torso and long gray cloves.
  sassraa is wearing a white lab coat and goggles. her fins are spiky and pointing diagonally upwards, making them look like cel. she's facing left and is looking right, with her left arm behind her back, and her right holding a test tube up to her face. she's smiling softly.
  behind her and stepping towards the left is natun. they're small and reach to about sassraa's chest. they're leaning forwards and have syringe spear on their right hand, and are wearing plain leather armor on their torso. they have a shorter, snubby snout, small horns that curl like a ram's, and two sets of ear fins, which give them a more aquatic look. they have an attentive, eager face and look younger than the rest.
   above them is draal. they're wearing a fur-lined, dark brown coat and are holding a fang on their right hand, holding it in front of their face with a big grin. their horns and fins are sharp and short, pointing backwards in spikes.
   opposite natun is tadyka. she's a slim, lanky kobold, standing with a bit of a stoop. they're holding a syringe spear in both claws, in front of them. she has a long, less angular snout, and her fins are split into two horizontally. they have plain leather armor. her horns are short and slightly curved forwards.
   above her and opposite draal is driaak. they're as tall as draal, and are also wearing a fur-lined coat for the cold. theirs is white with light brown fur, anf they're a dark maroon rather than red. their horns are very small, and their fins are wider towards the top. they're stepping forwards and have a left claw up to their eyes, looking into the distance with a cheery smile.
   behind them all is meerk. his body is facing right but he is yelling upwards, sticking his tongue with a grin out and holding drumsticks on each claw. they have a black headband around their heard, spiky bracelets on their right arm, dark gray gloves, and a shiny leather vest. they're bright red, their fins are short and spiky, and their horns are shaped like lightning bolts. his tail pokes out from behind draal in a curl, and the tip of it is a small spiky ball, like a morning star. end ID]
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
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shy-magpie · 1 year
RQG 168
live blog under the cut
"stellar" "no Rusty Quill Gaming" Ah a Benterval for them redoing the intros sleepy
Bryn just asked us to cut Alex some slack, so I guess all that last episode was probably just him trying to (eta: sentence cuts off here not sure what I thought he was trying)
Poor Cel, even Sigguf dropped off on them. Oh honey they aren't dead.
Sigguf fell asleep as he tried to wake up Draal (one of the cohort); so he considered the cohort as equally worth waking.
Will Save for Zolf, 19. The ship is fighting him when he does those mis-steering power plays; but he can still over rule it.
Oh curse? Oh just wants to have more details on the magic the ship is under.
Detect Magic? Is this going to be like when Sasha got knocked out trying to appraise that thing or when Hamid got knocked out trying to get a look at the spell in Rome, or when... Yes apparently, Bryn tried to warn him. Stunned him, but confirmed its just Wild unschooled magic, not good or evil or necro or enchantment etc. Only stunned for a round.
The ship is now actively unsetting one control to get him away from another so it can keep them on its chosen course without directly ignoring his commands.
Cast remove curse on the ship, Ben doesn't seem to think it will work. The Borealis thickens around him. He has a nice clear connection to his god* but other than the Borealis pressing against him it didn't do anything. Which is good because for someone who is only theoretically a person/character I like the ship but Zolf losing his connection to Hope right now would break my heart.
The cargo is reorganizing itself in sight of the cage.
Cel is starting to feel the pressure to fall asleep increase. Lydia wants to channel vigor but can't find where it would help a Will Save. Oh Ben coming in with Pathfinder insight. Can be cast directly on Spirit for Will Save, rather than a body part persay.
They really are a good table: the way they are coming in with the extra reminders after Bryn said Alex was having trouble at the top of the ep but using clear "this isn't a 'you should know this already' this is a 'I have reason to have this knowledge handy' manners" goes very nicely with what I have commented on before about how Ben & Bryn esp are good at giving help with Pathfinder to Lydia & Helen without hitting gender baggage or geek rank stuff.
Cel now feels like they are being "dosing me with something" and casts the Channel Vigor on their spirit just in time for the will save.
Cel is still muttering to themselves.
They try slapping Hamid & Azu awake, no sign they even noticed. Switches Vigor to mind and does a Knowledge Arcana, +4 see what I mean about Ben's manner? Lydia put a question mark on the end of the sentence and he still used the "I have this info handy if it would help" tone not a "I am correcting you in front of people because I am better at Geeking than you" tone. Plus a little joke about shooting people at the end to diffuse any tension.
It doesn't fit intentional spells. Cel is debating going to Zolf but leaving the room would put them at risk and they are the only one left to watch over the sleepers.
Oh Cel! They are now checking that everyone is breathing, it didn't occur to me that would be a concern.
Alex is nicer than he gets credit for and accelerates past Cel anxiously watching over everyone before Lydia completely breaks my heart.
Cel feels a knock in the ship after about 90 minutes and it sets off the internal arguement. They decide to stick with the decision to stay.
"turn into a monster and hurt anyone" Cel backstory please, why was that in the list of possibilities?
The ship finishes organizing itself and a rag is now scrubbing at a stain.
Cel talks to the rag and calls it "little buddy" the rag stops when addressed and responds to Cel's questions. Cel is a delight.
Scrapping noise coming nearer, Cel is treating the rag as a separate entity rather than part of the ship.
A tankard of grog just offered itself to Cel. Cel just asked the tankard if the grog was sentient and it shrugged.
Huh are they separate beings Awakened by the storm? I assumed it was all the ship as one being.
The tankard is continuing to offer itself.
When Cel reaches out to pat the tankard they experience the stretching Zolf felt.
When Cel says they would prefer to continue this through the bars of the cage rather than leave its safety the tankard pulls away and sulks off to a corner.
Cel apologizes as the tankard leaves.
"how can I be alone and still messing this stuff up". The entire table speaks for me in how heart rending.
Something is coming back its bigger, its the tankard followed by a keg with a straw in it so Cel can drink through the bars. Cel takes a sip, it tastes like normal grog. Cel points out they need to stay sober now but offers to do this later, which perks up the tankard. Cel offers to polish its wood to return the favor and a can of polish offers itself. Cel asks the objects about themselves and apologizes if they just didn't notice they were sentient before now. Because Cel is the absolute best. Alex accelerates to avoid breaking Lydia.
Bryn asks after Zolf, and Alex starts to keep the camera on Cel but Lydia backs him by having Cel ask their ship friends to check on Zolf. We follow the Ship bits to Zolf.
"to anyone trying to keep a timeline, I'm sorry"
Zolf nearly lost his will save but used Liberties Blessing to boost himself. Then The Rag flops in.
Zolf asks if it is alright then asks if anyone can hear him and if they are being killed by a Rag. Cel tries to yell then passes a note for the ship to give to Zolf. I love Zolf.
The Aurora is thining.
Oh Zolf thinks the elementals may have fused with the ship.
Oh the ship is going back to normal. Cel says goodbye as Azu awakens.
"either the ship has gotten very big or you have very small"
Azu's voice sounds wrong... Because its coming from Meerk. Alex rules Helen should keep using Azu's voice. The players openly rebel and Alex concedes as long as they all do new voices or all keep normal voices. Fair be easier to keep track.
"I don't like being small" poor Azu
Azu's body is still asleep in Kiko's arms when Azu(Meerk) slaps it awake. Its Hamid, because they love us fans and want us to be happy. Keep in mind Hamid just got slapped by one of his cohort who is even smaller than usual.
I need this entire scene clipped. I want to type the whole thing.
Ew point Ben, if anyone is in Azu at least its Hamid and especially not Sigguf.
Oh Azu just asked to be picked up.
Reflex save, stats just got weird. Oh no, Hamid nearly squished Meerk because he isn't used to being big.
(sorry if there is a tone change I was interupted for a few hours)
Azu is quicker as Meerk and skitters to safety
Aw Hamid normally hugs everyone "as a tree trunk"
Azu reaches out to Aphrodite and its harder than usual; Hamid feels the necklace warm up and gives it to Azu
Who is in Hamid? Its Sigguf, who knows Meerk by name. Huh didn't know I was still worried about the cohort was being treated until the relief at the signs they are regard like anyone else. Bryn asks if his claws popped but Sigguf isn't panicked yet
Sigguf goes as full dragon as he can then passes out as he panics.
Zolf can hear the commotion. Specificly Hamid's voice in distress, there is a fic prompt.
Who is Wilde? No who is in Wilde's body? Hamid is taking charge reasonably well and tells him to look at his hands.
Cel made name tags for everyone
Wilde is still Wilde, and he is disappointed. Its gotta be the cuffs.
Can Hamid cast? Ok Detect Magic it works, so does comprehend languages which Cel tests by explaining about Rag and Tankard in Japanese. Hamid confirms he could understand but asks if that happened or was a children's story but they are interupted before they can follow that conversation line.
Wilde advises they separate people because a whole room full of people going through identity issues is a bad scene. Cel doesn't want to let people out of the box because it might be permanent if they leave.
"its not urgent" Cel ILU
"What kind of obstacles love can overcome"?! Alex, who is Kiko? Alex get back here! Who is Kiko and who is in Kiko? Alex?!
I can't believe they did a body swap episode in canon.
*hate to quibble directly against what Ben said but its Hope not himself. A Zolf who believed in himself that much would be very different. Although maybe he was just angling for recognition that Hope isn't an external Power/person.
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cerulean-devil · 4 years
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the crew of the vengeance 
Updated version: https://cerulean-devil.tumblr.com/post/646464013271728128/new-and-improved-crew-of-the-vengeance-now-with#notes 
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kaleidemaran · 4 years
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here’s a health to the company and one to my lass // let's drink and be merry all out of one glass // let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain // for we may or might never all meet here again
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notbynary · 3 years
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[ID: Digital fan art of the seven kobolds from Rusty Quill Gaming. They are red and lizard-like, with horns and spikes. There are seven portraits of their heads drawn in profile in various poses. Skraak is medium sized and an intense red color with small spikes. Natun is large and dark brownish red, with multiple scars. Sassraa is medium sized with light and dark stripes, and pure white horns and spikes. Meerk is small, dark red with dark stripes, and has numerous spikes. They are posed with their mouth open, showing small sharp teeth. Draal is small and brownish red, with a light stripe, dark spots, and stubby horns. Driaak is large and lighter red, with long horns and a scar. Tadyka is large and dark grayish red with dark spots. Each is labeled with their name. End ID]
the kobold gang’s all here!! lineart under the cut
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[ID: The same art as above, but a colorless line drawing. End ID]
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evieebun125 · 2 years
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016 | Dance
I really wanted to draw hamid dancing and then skraak came along and well party time :)
[ ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan, Skraak, Draal, Tadyka, Kiko and Azu from Rusty quill gaming. They are dancing in pairs around a large bonfire at night.
Hamid is dancing with Skraak, he is a  Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and brassy scales, He has a gold and pink chain earring in his left ear. He is wearing a green suit with a puffy beige shirt, he is wearing high heels accented with gold. Skraak is facing towards the fire, he is a red kobold with a beige undertone, his is wearing brown leather armor with a skirt.On the right side Draal is dancing with Tadyka, they are both red kobolds with beige undertones, they are wearing matching leather armor. On the left side Azu and Kiko are dancing, Azu is a Kenyan half orc with a shaved head, she has gold and pink Helix to Lobe chain earring in her ear and has on a pink dress. Kiko is a Japanese women with black hair, wearing a dark shirt and pants. End ID]
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hiridraws · 4 years
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assorted kobold shenanigans!! i love those funky lil guys
[id: two sketchy digital drawings of rqg characters. in the first, cel is holding some vials and grinning, with their goggles pulled down over their eyes. sassraa is perched on their shoulder, with another kobold holding a notepad ready to take notes. in the background, three kobolds are perched on and under a table, working on things, and a fourth kobold is rapelling down from the side of the ship. in the far corner, hamid is sitting on the floor sewing something with skraak standing guard. 
in the second, there are a few drawings of kobolds, with a close-up profile and then a kobold standing upright. in the bottom is a drawing of hamid standing contemplatively with one hand on his chin and the other on his hip, and skraak standing next to him watching with an unimpressed expression. end id]
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i love them so much
[id: a watercolor drawing of the six kobolds from rusty quill gaming in a line. the first one is labelled skraak, a red kobold wearing an open dark grey coat with a hood and short dark brown pants. his dark red horns stick out of holes in the hood. his tail has spikes and he holds a knife in one claw. behind him is sassra, a kobold with white horns. they are wearing a light brown shirt and short dark brown pants. they are holding a flask with green liquid in their claws and looking at it with an excited smile. behind them is draal, a chubby kobold wearing a winter coat painted in several different shades of brown. they are hiding something behind their back and are looking upwards. behind them is driaak, a light red kobold wearing a winter coat in shades of grey. they are reaching out with one claw to grab something behind draal's back. behind driaak is tadyka, a red kobold with darker stripes. she is also wearing a winter coat in several shades of brown. she is holding the arm of the kobold behind her, natun. natun is also wearing a coat in several shades of brown, but it's unbuttoned with a light brown shirt and dark brown pants underneath it. they look sad. end id.]
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defdraws · 3 years
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okay so i never actually ended up finishing the colors for this, but i still wanted to share my Snakobolds, aka my personal design/headcanon for the kobold crew from RQG. each of them is based on a different species of snake.
from left to right: draal, tadyka, skraak, sassraa, natun, meerk, and driaak
based on a western hognose snake, a ball python, an indian cobra, a blunthead tree snike, a green vince snake, a cornsnake, and a coral snake, respectively.
[Image description: A half-colored drawing of seven kobolds from Rusty Quill gaming, with pencil and watercolor textures. All of them are based visually on snakes, but have arms and legs, and stand with an upright, digitigrade stance.
Draal is a short, stocky kobold with yellow scales and orange spots, based on the appearance of a Western hognose snake. They have a blunt, up-turned snout and forward-pointing horns. They have a nervous expression, and are wearing a loincloth or slitted skirt.
Tadyka is a tall, muscled kobold based on the appearance of a ball python. They are uncolored and have a somewhat irritated or angry expression. She short, stout, pointed horns, and is wearing a toga clasped on one shoulder.
Skraak is a medium-height kobold with dark red scales on his back and lighter, pinkish scales on his front. They are based on the appearance of an Indian cobra, and the eyespots on their hood are just visible. They have long, narrow horns pointing backward off their face. He is wearing a toga or tunic clasped at both shoulders with a belt around his waist. He has his arms crossed over his chest and an irritated expression.
Sassraa is a short, skinny kobold with an exceptionally large head, based on the appearance of a blunthead tree snake. She has pinkish scales, with darker scales on her back and lighter scales on her front. They have large, curling horns and very large eyes. She is wearing a dress or robe clasped under her armpits, with halter-style shoulder straps. She has a happy, interested expression on her face.
Natun is a tall, somewhat skinny kobold with red scales and a yellow underbelly. They are based on the appearance of a green vine snake. They have long, narrow, wavy horns and a very long, pointed snout. They are wearing a toga or wrap crossed over their front with a clasp, and a belt. They have a happy but mischievous expression, and are looking to their left towards Meerk.
Meerk is a medium-height kobold based on the appearance of a cornsnake. He is uncolored, and has one large pair of backward-curing horns and a smaller straight pair behind those. They are wearing a skirt or belted tunic, with the upper half of the tunic hanging around their waist. They are holding one hand up in a ‘why not?’ gesture.
Driaak is a medium-height, somewhat stocky kobold with black, red, and yellow stripes over their body, based on the appearance of a coral snake. They two pairs of short rounded horns and are wearing a tunic or toga clasped at both shoulders and belted at the waist. They have a long forked tongue poked out from between their lips and a somewhat worried expression.
End ID.]
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kimabutch · 4 years
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[ID: two charts illustrating who ended up in whose body during the RQG body swap. The first is a circular flowchart of names, with arrows showing the body everyone got moved to. It reads: “Hamid ➡️ Azu ➡️ Meerk ➡️  Barnes ➡️ Sassraa ➡️ Earhart ➡️ Tadyka ➡️ Skraak ➡️  Kiko ➡️  Friedrich ➡️  Driaak ➡️ Draal ➡️ Siggif ➡️ Hamid.” In the centre, Carter and Natun’s names point to each other, indicating that they swapped bodies.
The second is a spreadsheet depicting the same information; the names of the bodies are listed on the X axis while the names of the souls are listed on the Y axis; where they correspond, there’s a green square. End ID.]
Made some charts to help me make sense of the chaos that is RQG 169! If anyone wants to make nicer versions of these charts, please go for it!
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
Each round will last a week.
ada lovelace VS albert einstein VS amelia earheart VS amelie rose VS apophis VS ashen VS atsuanuub VS augusta leigh VS aziza hawaa al-tahan VS azu
barret racket VS bertus VS sir bertrand "bertie" macguffingham VS bi ming gusset VS bolla smok VS brock VS bronc VS celquinthion sidebottom VS charles babbagge VS chinua
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
cicero VS draal VS driak VS edward keystone VS eldarion VS elijah wormwood VS emeka VS eren fairhands VS eva van djik VS feryn smith
WINNER: edward keystone
figgis VS francois henri VS franz kafka VS friedrich (airship) VS friedrich (cult of apollo) VS gideon marsten-langdon VS gragg coulson VS grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS guivres VS hamid saleh haroun al-tahan
WINNER: grizzop drik acht amsterdam
harrison campbell VS hawaa layla halima VS hirald smith VS howard carter VS isaac newton VS jacques piaget VS james barnes VS jasper VS jean-luc bolieau VS jeremy
WINNER: james barnes
khantu VS kiko VS kondha VS la gourmande VS lady starling VS liliana beekos VS little VS maximus VS lord byron VS marie curie VS meerk
WINNER: kiko
mr ceiling VS natun VS nikola tesla VS oscar wilde VS paulette loup VS rakefine VS richard haringay VS sagax VS saira hawaa layla al-tahan VS saleh amoun al-tahan
WINNER: oscar wilde
saleh ibrahim al-tahan VS sasha racket VS sassraa VS selene souchet VS shoshva VS siggif VS skraark VS sohra VS sumutnyerl VS tadyka
WINNER: sasha racket
thomas edison VS vesseek VS vivianne messier VS yoshida shoin VS zolf smith
WINNER: zolf smith
azu VS celquinthion sidebottom VS edward keystone
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS james barnes VS kiko
WINNER: james barnes
oscar wilde VS sasha racket VS zolf smith
WINNER: oscar wilde
celquinthion sidebottom VS james barnes VS oscar wilde
WINNER: oscar wilde
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cerulean-devil · 3 years
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@dr-teatime  @evieebun125     
lil dragon buddies 
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cerulean-devil · 3 years
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new and improved crew of the vengeance, now with more historically accurate buttons!  /hj
(it’s just the polished version for the rq competition) 
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evieebun125 · 3 years
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did you ever as a kid have your older sibling/friend grab your hands and swing you around really fast?
yeah i don’t know why it came to me but azu swinging all of her tiny friends around fills me with so much joy
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evieebun125 · 3 years
i headcanon skraak (and all the kobolds tbh) as nb! i imagine they chose english pronouns based on whether they think they sound nice more than anything else
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yes 👏 yes 👏 yes 👏 you are absolutely right in every way and you should say it
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