jezaxc · 8 years
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So I finally get to tell this story now that the video is out! I participated in the Hitman Immersion at RTX 2016. It was an amazing experience and I would absolutely do it again. You see the girl in these pictures? The blonde with the white headband and the blue mask? That’s me. I am the one who had “Rooster Brut” spilled all over me by a certain Michael Jones. And I want to tell what happened.
So, as an “NPC”, each of us had tasks to perform and places to go. My tasks started me on the balcony, took me to the first floor near the stage, then back up to the second floor. The directors (i.e. Blaine) informed us that we should be sure to avoid getting in front of the cameras when they were pointed towards Mike Hawk (Shannon McCormick). So, I’m taking my rounds and I notice that Mike Hawk is at the table in the middle, so I decide to go behind the column so as to avoid blocking him from camera view. However, I was walking past the table with the refreshments and right in front of me was a very suspicious looking individual. I immediately knew who it was, but if we recognized them solely by fame, we weren’t to say or do anything out of the ordinary (like report them). So I just kept walking, because I knew it would be awkward for me to turn around, and he was already walking toward me anyways. I tried to scoot past him, but there really wasn’t that much room and he spilled literally every one of those drinks on me. Fun Fact: They voiced over me! I was speechless. I had no idea what to do. Michael also did voiceover, apparently, because as he spilled the drinks on me, he actually muttered “Just keep moving like nothing happened...” then proceeded to inform Kyle that a waiter had just spilled some drinks. Clearly, he got caught. But after the fact, Blaine was talking to everyone about what was considered suspicious activity. I was in the balcony, and I yelled out, “If we get juice spilled all over us by a waiter, is that considered suspicious activity?” The whole room burst into laughter and Blaine said that, yes, that was suspicious activity. They decided to take a break and I walked down the stairs to go get as dry as possible (though I smelled like grape juice the rest of the evening). Blaine met me on the stairs and talked to me for a minute, as did Tyler, and we laughed about what had happened. Michael was also on the first floor, so I marched up to him and said “You spilled drink all over me!” and he said some smart alleck comment that I can’t remember. I asked if he would at least give me a hug and he was like “Sure, just don’t get me wet, dear God!” 
Needless to say, this was a great experience. I got to interact with so many of the Rooster Teeth employees on such a casual level, and I got paid! (They gave us $15 for dinner that night - I consider myself an official RT employee now ;] lol) Plus an amazing shirt that I wear all the time. To anyone who has an opportunity to be a part of an immersion, I would say, DO IT! Especially if it is one of a game you’re really interested in! (I love watching Hitman gameplay, so it was even better for me, IMO).
Thanks @roosterteeth for a great experience and making me smell like grape juice as I went on a fancy date with my boyfriend that night.
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sakura-fraust · 7 years
myrtenraphster replied to your photo: It’s been a Yang Xiao Long time since I first...
I saw you at RTX16 and I gotta say the picture here doesn’t do it justice, it looked so much god damn better in person… What does that mean for the newest version that looks so god damn good in the picture already omFG
YEAH lmao I was digging through my phone and I didn't have many full body shots from RTX 2016 to pick from? Which is a shame lol I'll have to make sure I get some decent full body shots this year, and I hope I can finish fixing up and adding to my cosplay again before I leave for Austin :')
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myrtenasterrose · 8 years
No, but the thing that really bothers me about M&K...
Is their refusal to take criticism, let alone politely. I was at RTX16 and went to the Saturday RWBY panel. At the end of most panels, they open the floor to questions from the attendees. One guy got up and mentioned that a lot of fans felt Pyrrha's death in the season 3 finale was a cop-out or not well done, and asked for their thoughts on the matter. M&K (and even Gray) immediately shot the kid down. Can't quote them word for word from memory, but it went something like this, "This has been planned since the beginning, and if someone doesn't like it, sorry." No consideration for the kid's question, no answer except your typical "don't like, don't watch" that RT fanatics pin us RWBY critics with here on Tumblr. 
However, that is not answer, and their refusal to take criticism from the fans that basically fund their doings says a lot about the kind of writers and people M&K are. In fact, I'm almost willing to give a pardon to Kerry, as it is Miles we always see posting on Twitter about either RWBY or the infamous "Korra missing it by a mile" post. Still, Miles Luna needs to learn to accept criticism instead of immediately passing things off if they threaten to harm his fragile ego. 
I felt so sorry for the guy who asked the question, and perhaps it was then my disdain for Miles began. You don't just shoot down a fan like that. Several other people then got out line at the shutdown, so it was obvious they probably had other critiques and figured, "well that's not going to work." 
So I implore you, Miles, Kerry, even Gray, LISTEN to our criticisms. I can guarantee you that most of our critiques aren't meant as blatant, personal attacks. Some? Sure, but you need to learn to distinguish those from true critiques where our only interest is the betterment of this show that we all love.
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dorkfishgaming-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-HjL6rlL30)
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skeltonjunction · 8 years
@ that kid who gave away $400 at the off topic panel: i need £500 for a new phone, hmu
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soniclovesshadow · 8 years
At rtx I was sitting with some people in line for the achievement hunter panel and someone came around and handed out little bags of goldfish I turned to the people I was with and held up the bag and said "I got that RT Gold....fish"
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avengezelda-blog · 8 years
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Hey if anyone at RTX took our photo please show me!! Thanks a million!
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heyheyroosterteeth · 8 years
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You say jump, and I say “How high?” 
Request by the lovely @scrob-lord
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soniclovesshadow · 8 years
Rtx was fucking amazing. I had so much fun holy shit. I told Lindsay I loved her and she said she loved me back, I took a selfie with Ryan in the background, I said hi to kdin but he was on the way to to drop something off. I met some of the people who made castle crashers which was pretty cool even though I haven't played the game much. The most exciting thing was I had gotten in line to meet Griffon cause I finally got to an autograph line before it was capped and when I was almost there mother fuckin Geoff Lazer Ramsey came and started doing autographs instead cause she had to work on her carving. I got to talk to him and shit and get a picture with him it was so fucking exciting. I bought 7 shirts for the RT store which may as well just be my new wardrobe lmao I also managed to get a copy of million dollars but which I was fucking excited for since I'd missed the Kickstarter thing. Glad I grabbed it when I did cause someone said it was gone by Saturday night. I bought a Japanese exclusive Lapis plush and a dedede plush because I main him in smash and love dedede so much. I also found some mini little tales of series figures which I was pleasantly surprised that I found. I had camped out all Friday to make it to the achievement hunter panel and then was like first in line and really fucking close the front and was fucking amazing seeing my favorite guys in person holy shit I also went to the amiibo cockfight which I wasn't planning on going to and sat really close up to one the of screens so that I could see everything really well. Someone was trying to get his 3d printed dick amiibo in the cockfight and he offered after the panel for someone to have it and oh man did I claim that. I'm going to just place it with the rest of my amiibos like it's no big deal lmao Spent a lot of time in the arcade and actually ran into the Kroger guy from the Kroger we stopped at in Louisiana cause we mad a pit stop in New Orleans and he turned out to be really cool. I ended up signing up for the monthly pay for RT double gold so I could get the rtx exclusive box which ended up being really cool so I'm gonna pay the $35 a month for the box since it'll all be RT related and I'll always like what comes in it Played the song of the deep demo which was really awesome because I've been wanted to know what that game looks like and It was really fun and interesting so I'll deff be getting it. It's only going to be $15 which is really cool Right before leaving I went to Kdin's panel with caitlin, josh, and noah which was really cool and was a lot of fun cause kdin is pretty fuckin great I pretty much drove 22 hours straight to get home so I'm not really sure how I'm alive right now but I've gotten some sleep. I miss Texas but man am I glad to be back in Michigan in my bed right now There was a couple speed bump sized bumps during it and it sucks but you know what, I'm not letting it ruin my vacation which sounds shitty. But this is the vacation I waited for for a year and planned for 4 months and I refuse to look back 10 years from now and be like "well that was ruined"
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equestriahelljumper · 8 years
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Epic photo of my Wash armor taken by @katatstrophe at RTX 2016!
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