#ruben loftus-cheek oneshot
emwritesfootball · 3 years
Family Day | Ruben Loftus-Cheek
Being at RLC’s place as him and his brothers/cousin play playstation, you helping his mum and sister cook only to later join and sit in between his arms as he plays, his family gushing over you two just something fluffy
Warnings: none
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Spending time with Ruben’s family was one of your favourite things, and something you looked forward to whenever he told you he was going to visit his mum. It was a once-monthly occurrence, the whole family getting together for a family dinner that rivaled all your expectations.
Everyone was already there when you and Ruben arrived, the house noisy and filled with life. His brothers were running around the house when they weren’t fighting his cousin for control of the PlayStation, his mum occasionally shouting at them to be quieter.
“Oh, thank god you’re here!” His mum exclaimed when she saw the two of you. Ruben immediately hugged her and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Can you take those crazy boys out of my living room and into the back garden for some football or something?”
“Of course, mum,” Ruben replied, flashing her a smile before turning back around and shouting to his siblings and cousin to join him outside.
“Would you like some help in the kitchen?” You asked, smiling at his mum’s relieved sigh as she gave you a look and nodded.
The two of you caught up as you chopped the veg and she prepared the meat, talking and laughing over meal preparation. When his sister walked in and joined the two of you, it got even better, the laughter getting a little louder as she joined in.
You kept an eye on the back garden, watching proudly as Ruben played football with his younger brother and cousin, their giggles and screams emanating through to the kitchen.
Dinner was great, everyone enjoying each other’s company as you all caught each other up on life, Joe’s attention rapt as Ruben recounted the last few Chelsea matches and the training the last few weeks.
When dessert was finished everyone made their way into the living room to hang out and spend time together. Ruben persuaded you to play with him, which ended up just being you sitting in his lap as he held the PlayStation controller in his hands with his arms around you.
“The two of you are so cute!” His sister gushed, watching as you kissed Ruben’s cheeks comfortingly as he lost the latest round of Mario Kart to his cousin.
“Thanks,” you said, ducking your head to hide your embarrassment in Ruben’s neck.
“She’s the cute one - I’m just lucky I managed to get her to date me.”
“Oh, stop!” You chastised, swatting at his shoulder. “You’re cute sometimes.”
The comment made everyone break out in laughter and Ruben pulled you close. You spent the rest of the night snuggled into his side, enjoying his family’s company as you only got to see them once a month. When the two of you left, you all promised to see each other the following month, already looking forward to the next one.
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charlottemount · 2 years
( polaroid feed if i date ruben loftus-cheek )
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football-rambles · 3 years
I got 43 responses from the poll I asked for people to take part in! It is hard to choose, for because its basically Mason and Ben that has been voted for, and honestly, I want to make it fair when it comes to other players so I have decided to put the names that have been voted with the number so if its mason mount (12) its how many he was voted for etc.
It’s just easier to collect the data, here is a new poll
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penguintransporter · 3 years
Daisies (a short “anyone you want it to be” story) Part IV
part I | part II | part III | my masterlist
Hello my dear people of Tumblr and anyone who reads this story. And just heads up, there is one more chapter left, and I promise, it won’t end up like Winning The Game Called Love - which you can read here - and which started as a short story and ended up as being my longest project so far. Anyway, this is fourth part, make sure to read the previous three, and tell me what you think. Anon option exist and if you don’t want me to publish it, just make a note of it, and I won’t. Chapter is dedicated to @avenirdelight​ (I am working on that promise, just letting you know), and @footballerimaginess​ just because I feel like it (obviously, other tags will follow at the bottom, and if you want to be tagged, just let me know)
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Unknown, incomprehensible, undefinable.
Many of us have tried, and many of us have failed to give a unique meaning to it, but no amount of vowels and consonants, no matter how tightly-tied together, cannot describe what is truly hiding behind something that is both pain and relief, suffering and pleasure; poison and remedy. Shy and eccentric, confusing and self-explanatory, love can be a complicated aria or a simple melody, all at once – embodied in four individual tones, intertwined together.
Love—four letters; a word.
He’s leaning against the small area of the wall between the doors and a teak shelf packed with random knick-knacks, plants and old-fashioned figurines – a vintage clock, hanging above his head ticking quietly. Familiar faces are surrounding him, their loud chatter filling the small, unfamiliar kitchen, but oddly enough, he feels like a surplus among them – almost as if he doesn’t belong there.
Just a trespasser with a strange feeling that he is not used to.
Small; insignificant.
Invisible. Locked inside his own tormented mind, guarded by his own thoughts.
He can feel his emotions are getting all over the place – stretching and pulling on his heart as if it was some kind of a rubber band containing his feelings, and not even hours later since they arrived at the place she called her home for the past few months, he doesn’t know what to do or what to say.
If he should say anything at all?
Are there words that would make a difference?
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Foolishly, he had hoped that it would be easier – being in the same room with her again, hearing her voice and her laughter; watching her move gracefully around the room, but it is not. If anything, it is more difficult than he ever imagined; more everything.
And what pains him the most is that the whole ordeal feels strained – the way they interacted with one another since they stepped into the small, and oddly decorated house, the way she spoke to him, the way she moved around him – almost like a ghost; afraid to say too much, afraid to make a wrong step.
He looks at his knuckles – dry skin slightly chipped from the wind.
The ring on his index finger is staring back at him, feeling a bit too tight; a bit too heavy, so with a twist, he takes it off and stashes it in the pocket of his jeans before rubbing at the swollen skin that now throbs in pain.
Looking up, he glances back at her – eyes taking in all the tiniest details of her silhouette.
How was he able to miss it when he had it in front of his eyes all this time?
So close, yet so far away.
The look in her eyes is a surprised one as she turns around and gasps at whatever one of their friends had been telling her before she shakes her head in a childish manner. Finally, a simple laughter escapes her lips and she throws her head back in amusement, and he can see the happy tears glistening in the corners of her eyes. A sudden wave of sadness washes over him, and he can feel the knots in his stomach tangling and twisting.
Will he ever be able to hold her, to make her laugh; make her happy?
Will he ever be able to utter the words that float on the tip of his tongue – light as a feather and heavy as the stone at the same time?
I need you.
With a heavy breath he pushes himself away from the wall and makes his way towards the patio doors that are ajar – small breeze taking the thin curtains out for a dance. No one in the small kitchen, not even her, flinches or says something when he walks out, all of them heavily invested in the conversations about this and that – filling up the blank pages of the colourful storybooks with memories and happenings.
Pots and pans; pinch of this and pinch of that – the smell of food filling up the space.
A loud laughter, espresso machine noises; a sound of yet another wine bottle being open – the cork rolling underneath the dining table.
The intense smell of the rain is still in the air, and the breeze that hits his face is crisp and cold, miserable and melancholic at the same time. For a moment, he closes his eyes as he leans over, resting his elbows on top of the wooden railing before letting his mind wander – eyes focusing on a row of cypress trees swaying in the distance.
A passerby walking along the cobbled path – yellow raincoat standing out in a sea of green.
A dog on a leash.
He wonders if there is a field of daisies nearby.
He shivers.
Upon arrival, as they stood outside the small airport – drizzle of rain brushing against their faces, she had hugged him; arms wrapping gently around him as if it was a scarf made out of the finest silk. He had missed her so much, that in that exact moment, nothing else mattered and all he could think about was the fact that she was there, in his arms, and for a second, it felt as if everything was okay; as if everything was like before.
As if he deserved her.
He never wanted to let go.
She didn’t flinch as he held her, and instead, she tightened her own hold around him, and let him take a deep inhale of her scent, filling every fibre in his body with it.
‘I am glad you’re here…’
‘I am glad you wanted me here...’
He hears the doors slide open, and without looking, he knows that it’s her because for some reason, he feels it, and when he glances over her shoulder, she’s standing behind him – dressed almost identically as when they first met.
“Rubbish weather, eh?” she jokes lightly as she looks up at the grey sky before stepping beside him. “I thought you might want this.”
He looks down at her dainty hand that hold the familiar dark blue flannel shirt.
The same shirt he borrowed her many, many months ago as they sat outside his house, chatting away their summer evening.
The same shirt she never bothered to return.
Not that he minded or wanted it back anyway.
“Thanks,” he musters up, clearing both his throat and his thoughts before taking the garment from her hands, but instead of putting it on, he looks at her for a short second, meeting her eye. 
She is looking at him – a timid smile on her lips, but he can only see the shadow of sadness glazing over her orbs and it makes his stomach twist in pain, so he turns away and leans against the fence.
She does the same while he nervously wrings the shirt in his hands as they both stare at the ground in front of them.
A watering can and some empty flowering pots scattered around the patio. A chair and a plaid blanket resting on top of it; pair of Birkenstock slippers in the corner.
He had imagined this moment way too many times – but now that they were finally alone, the script that he wrote carefully seemed to be lost, cut into bits; rearranged and scattered around his brain.
He cannot help but wonder why and when did it become so difficult to just be honest with himself; honest with her? 
When did it become so difficult to say what he wants?
“It used to be different, no?” she states, looking at her hands. “And it makes me wonder...Did I say something? Done something wrong? It’s really bothering me.”
His words although unspoken, have a sour taste in his mouth and he feels defeated. He doesn’t want her to think that it was her fault; that it was her who has to carry the cross of his behaviour.
She doesn’t deserve that burden.
“No, it’s just, I—,” he stops himself from speaking because he doesn’t know how to say it. “I know about…” he runs a hand over his face, taking a deep breath, “I know how you feel about me? Or at least, how you felt about me.”
His last words are barely above the whisper, but he knows that they were loud enough, and that she has heard them because she’s suddenly quiet; too quiet. 
And it feels like forever, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself, with his aching heart; with the realisation of what he just said.
“I was aiming high when it was quite obvious that I will fall flat on my face, no?”
“I am one to blame,” he manages to utter, but it’s not what he is supposed to say. It is not what he needs to say; what he desires. “and I want to say that I—“
“No one is to blame,” she interrupts reassuringly, looking up at him with a sad smile. “You shouldn’t beat yourself up for not feeling the same for me.”
But I do.
Even more than you think.
Part V
tagging these lovely people: @rosie7703, @emwritesfootball, @alexajanecollins, @afootballimagines, @footballcloud , @englishfairylights @footballerimaginess , @footballxwrites, @just-imagines, @emwritesfootball, @macybeckham7, @hnrfc @nuestraluzdelaluna​
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80slingard-blog · 5 years
dating ruben includes
protective ruben is your favourite: him always having a hand on you as you’re both out together whilst shopping. or him making sure nobody get’s too close when you’re out clubbing, always asking if you’re feeling okay because he knows you get nervous when drunk people try to hit on you
spa-days with him when he’s not at training. he’s treating you to the full package: massages, sauna, hot tub. everything you want he sorts out, the whole day being tranquil where you both just bask in the feeling of being in each others company for once
wearing half of his wardrobe when you’re having a lazy day around the house, his shirt hanging loosely off your body as you slouch on the sofa with a book, waiting for him to get back from training
“baby come here and lemme’ love you”
preferring to spend nights in rather than out with a large bowl of popcorn, a horror movie and lots of blankets. and you’d be petrified as jump-scares echoed through the living room, his hand covering your eyes as a shield at the very scary bits
showering together to ‘save water’ but really it’s because he wants to take you from behind underneath the water, your moans bouncing off the tiles as he cums inside of you
slow dancing in the kitchen light as a soft love song plays from the radio, giggling at each other as you stumble over his feet
supporting him at games in the crowds, singing along with all the chants and screaming your head off as he scores and he can see you from the pitch - his heart bursting at the thought of having such a supportive girlfriend
both of you always saying “i love you” all the time, no matter where you were or who you were with
begging him to get another dog every single day but he always manages to persuade you otherwise. and then one day he’s late back from seeing the lads and you start to get worried until he bursts through the door with a new born puppy he’s adopted from a shelter
stroking your hair whilst you cuddle against his chest, complaining about cramps in your lower stomach and he’s trying his best to soothe them as he makes you a hot water bottle and tucks you in bed
“you know i can see you gush over eden when you talk to him right?”
him cooking for you when you have a bad day and he’s lighting candles and switching some calm music on as you tuck in, his eyes watching you as you chat about the day
hot, passionate sex all the time because he wants you to know how much he loves you but also he needs to remind you that you’re his, his hand choking you slightly as he drives his cock deeper and deeper into you
date nights at small restaurants in town, sharing a bottle of wine as you blush about how much you still fancy him even after all these months of dating
karaoke at an england event when you’re both slightly tipsy and you manage to pull him onto the stage as you do a duet of dilemma
him eating you out early in the morning before he goes to training because he’s been thinking of how you taste all night
“hi just thought i’d call to let you know i’m thinkin’ ‘bout you right now”
giving him a massage when he’s injured and it’s just really quiet and sensual as you knead away at his back with some sort of nice smelling oil
using terms of affection all the time: baby, babe, sweetheart, love, darling, princess, my girl
him having a very lowkey daddy kink and you find it out after accidentally letting it slip when he’s knuckle deep inside of you in the back of his car and he kind of just speeds up, turned on by the new name you’ve given him
mini breaks abroad when the season finishes and he’s booking the night before, surprising you with tickets as he tells you to pack a bag. and it’s just walking around in the sun, holding hands and enjoying each others company
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worldlywriting12 · 4 years
A Third Try: Chapter 1
Again. You had managed to find yourself making the same routine of knocking an already full and definitely started seminar. The knock didn’t last long as Eddie, the ginger haired boy closest to the door flung it wide open for you to make your famed entrance. Everyone’s eyes hawking your way as if you just declared that you’re naked.
‘’As I was saying, your 3rd year placement is very important in order to finally cement the direction you would like to take your career. Throughout this course, you know you have to take part in three different placements: hospital physio, a stint in occupational health and sport physio.’’ you slowly sit down next to Eddie as professor Edward continues with the presentation.
‘’Has he given a list of placements yet?’’, you whisper to Eddie.
‘’No, not yet’’ Eddie began.
‘‘Apparently, there’s an England post this year’’. His face changed to excitement, hinting that he might be hoping to be placed there.
He turned around facing you this time, with a slight confusion displayed.
‘’Hey, what happened last night?’’, He questioned.
‘’Right, last night’’, You begin, giving the illusion you were going to talk about something you definitely did not want to talk about. You begin to look towards professor Edward who started to hand out sheets in which you knew would contain the placements for the academic year.
‘’I think he’s giving it out now’’, You confirm with Eddie as a distraction from the question he eagerly wanted answered.
Professor Edward made his way to your row and gave you a bunch of papers to pass around to the students closest to you. After giving it out, you finally give one to Eddie before you begin to look for your name on your own sheet.
‘’’Assistant Physiotherapist to England Men’s Football.’’ You say to yourself, as if you have to reassure yourself that he’ll probably not even remember who you are. You sigh, knowing that you would have to do sports physio, your least favourite in your course.
You look at a really smiley Eddie. ‘’Looks like we’ll be working together this year’’he says with a wink. The wink does something to your stomach, painfully addictive as he looks at you with his undivided attention. The room suddenly becoming smaller than you last remember and your body failing to do what it does best; look uninterested.
You start to pack away to distract yourself from the intensity. Your laptop being the last thing you pack before you head out of the door, knowing your attitude of not needing anyone, spiralled into you never needing to wait for friends after lectures and seminars. You quickly ran to the nearly closing lifts and it was only after you entered that you heard Eddie by your side again. This time with his friends.
This boy is not going to let me live in peace is he? You thought to yourself.
The lift came to an end, exposing you to the front door of the building with what looked liked a monsoon of a weather ready to greet you.
You begin to walk out and start to look for an umbrella in your bag.
‘‘Well, looks horrible’’, Eddie begins to say, putting his hands in his front jeans. ‘’You can hang out with us until it calms down if you’d like?’’, he offers pointing to the rest of his mates.
You smile back at him,
‘‘I don’t know’’, you hesitate to answer
“Come on, I don’t bite and plus, I’m driving to check the route to the training centre for tomorrow”, he states, holding the car keys as a peace offering.
“Okay”, you say, “but can we go now? I’ve got work later”.
He smiles at you and looks back at his mates.
“That would mean I’m ditching my friends, I’d promised we’d go for a few”, he begins
“Well not me”, he says holding the keys up again
You give him puppy eyes,biting your tongue in anticipation.
“Well, have fun with your friends”, you say with a fake disappointment.
You begin to get your umbrella out and start making your way into the rain.
You begin taking a right turn from the uni building when you hear a shout from the other side.
“This way”, he gestures to the right, grinning like he had just won the lottery.
You turn and catch up with him. Eddie puts his hand to his heart and pretends to fake fall “you’ll be the end of me”, he declares. “You could tell me to jump off a cliff and I’d probably do that”, he jokes.
You laugh at that statement, waiting for him to open the car doors.
It’s only when he begins to drive that he turns to you and asks you that ignored question from earlier.
“Okay, now that I’ve got you in a place you can’t escape from, what happened last night?”, He questions, not really sure that he wants to hear an answer.
“You know I was waiting for you until God knows what time”, he continues, trying to fill the emptiness you have created by not answering. “You could’ve at least given me a heads up if you went to go fuck some other guy”. The bitterness of the words makes you flinch.
“That’s not what happened”, you quickly interrupt. Knowing fully well that’s exactly what happened.
“Please”, he smirks
“no need to spare my feelings, you were literally all over him”, he smiles, feeling proud at finally catching you up on your lies.
You sign, resting your head on the seat, eyes closed.
“He was just there Ed, just doing all the right things, and I don’t know...I just lost all control”, you say facing the window, so low it’s a surprise he heard you.
He breaths in, surprised at the abruptness of your words. “Right”, he begins with a sure smile, “and it definitely wasn’t because he is a loaded footballer”, he finishes. You look confused, facing him this time.
“No it wasn’t, I felt alone and he was there. Just saying all the right things. Things I needed to hear”. You say, nearly tearing at the accusation of sleeping with him because he was a footballer.
He begins to stop the engine as you got to your destination. He turned, full attention on you. “were those words I’ve told you before Claire?”, He questioned “how beautiful you are, how my heart was stolen from the moment you walked into the room the very first day of uni?”, he finished, his green eyes piercing your soul.
“I don’t deserve you Ed, you need a good girl”, you say as if you’re reading a script you have rehearsed for the last three years. “And I’m just not her”.
You begin to take your coat and exit the car to inspect your new work place. The building was huge, newly designed with a huge pitch attached to it. The entrance to it having a huge ‘welcome’ sign, which you assumed was in preparation for tomorrow.
You turn to look at Eddie again.
“Listen”, you begin, clutching your coat closer to yourself. “I’m desperate for a cup of coffee, let’s go and look for one and pretend this never happened. I just really need a friend right now”, you admit, feeling exposed at expressing your vulnerability.
“I can be that for you”, he admits, nudging your shoulder as he began to walk by your side.
It didn’t take you two long to find a starbucks, down the street of your new workplace. You practically jumped at the sight “yes!”, You screeched, exposing your dimpled face.
You started warming your hands as you entered, not realising how cold it’d been outside.
“Get us a seat and I’ll get us the drinks. Flat white?”, You questioned, feeling proud of yourself for remembering.
“Nice one”, he smiled moving away to find a seat, letting you know your were correct.
You began to order when a figure stood next to felt dangerously close. “Whatever she’s getting is on me”, the figure said, talking directly across to the barista. You turned around to see who it was. You eyes diluting twice it’s size when you realised who it was.
You shook your head, “thank you, but that’s really not necessary’”, you said, turning to the barista.
“How can I let a pretty girl like you ever pay for something when I’m in the room?”, he questioned, with a smirk.
“Because that said girl has money of her own which she would like to use to pay for her coffee”, you shoot back, not really knowing why you got so defensive.
He breaths heavily, turning you towards him again.
“Look I’m sorry, he begins, let me start again”, he begins
“I’m Marcus, I think you’re really hot and I would like get to know you”, he finishes, eyes dangerously low but hands out for you to shake.
You meet him half way, “hi marcus, I’m sorry I’m not interested but thanks for the coffee”, you say as you grab both of the coffee mugs, ready to make way to your seat.
“Oh I get it”he says with a smirk, making eye contact with the guy you’re walking towards. He hands a piece of note to you.
“You’ve a boyfriend, no worries. Just call me when your done with your plaything and you need a man”.
And with that he grabs his coffee and heads out of the shop with a glance back.
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starlightseb · 6 years
I Couldn't Be More In Love • Ruben Loftus-Cheek
A/N: Requested by the lovely @fuxkingzzle!  This is very loosely based on the song I Couldn’t Be More In Love by The 1975
Words: 2143 Warnings: none apart from the fact that this is EXTREME FLUFF!
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You are meant to hate your ex boyfriends, right? You are meant to blast IDGAF by Dua Lipa, Irreplaceable by Beyoncé and such songs until you are 100 percent over him and never want to see him again.
So why am I sitting next to my ex, in my favourite dress with candles littered across the table and my favourite meal in front of me?
Earlier that day
"Are you sure I look alright?" I asked Ruben for reassurance as I did a quick twirl, showing off my dress.
"Yeah, you look great." Ruben looked me over, causing me to clear my throat and divert his attention back to my face. It looked like he had been hit by a tonne of bricks. "When are you meeting him?"
I had a date night arranged with a friend of a friend, set up by one of my closest friends who claimed that this guy was "the perfect guy" for me. I wasn't too sure about the whole situation, but considering the fact that Ruben and I had broken up over a year ago and I hadn't been on a date since, I had decided there would be no harm in meeting new guys now.
Plus, Ruben and I had basically secured our relationship as friends these past months. With him back at Chelsea and me now graduated from University, we were now able to spend time with each other again. Time for the feelings once hidden away to resurface yet again. I had basically accepted that we were never get back to what we were before: two lovesick teenagers, joint at the hip and in a stable relationship.
"10 minutes or so." I answered casually, quickly checking my make up in the pocket mirror.
"Do you want me to drive you there?" He offered, twirling his car keys around his index finger.
"Yeah, that would be useful actually. If you don't mind?"
"You know I'm always here to help."
His words and his smile caused my stomach to twist and turn, that fuzzy feeling rising up. I try to ignore it as I tuck a piece of stray hair behind my ear and break the eye contact between us, my voice light and airy as I speak.
I said 10 minutes, but it ended up being nearer 20 minutes until I was making my way out of the house with a new colour of lipstick covering my lips. I decided that red was too bold for a casual first date. I ensured that the front door was locked before stuffing my house keys into my handbag and made my way to Ruben's car, parked in the drive.
As I opened the passenger door, Ruben's head shot up and the small smile that he had etched on his face remained as he looked up at me as I took my seat in his car.
"What instagram model are you DMing now?" I sarcastically asked, turning around to reach for my seatbelt.
"You have such low standards of me." I heard him laugh as he put his phone down and started the ignition.
"Well if you are smiling like an idiot at your phone like that, it can only mean one thing." -
"Excuse me," I raised my voice to get the attention of the waiter as he passed. "Did anyone show up for this reservation before I arrived?"
It had been half an hour since I arrived at the restaurant, expecting my date to already be there considering the fact that I was fashionably late already. However, I was met with a vacant table, which has been my only company for the past 30 minutes.
a) I had been stood up, which is just the most embarrassing thing as I sat amongst all the other couples who kept staring oddly at me.
or b) He thought I stood him up and only waited 5 minutes over the time we said to meet before rushing off again.
For the state of my self-confidence and self-esteem, I hoped it was option b. However, deep down I knew it would be option a.
"No, I don't think so. Sorry." The waiter said in a rush, but did not fail to give me a sympathetic look before rushing to a table across the restaurant. With that, I had enough of waiting and decided to get a taxi back home.
I was hardly through the door when my phone began to buzz and a familiar name popped up on my screen: Ruben. Hesitantly, I answered the call.
"Hey, how did it go? It seemed really quick?"
"How did you know that I'm back??"
"Snapchat maps, babe."
"Because that isn't creepy..."
"I was just making sure you weren't going to get kidnapped or something. You know, stranger danger?"
"Well you don't need to worry about that. He didn't even show up."
"He didn't??"
"Nope. No one."
"Yeah, but whatever. I'm just going to get changed into my pyjamas and watch some Netflix, I prefer that anyway."
"I mean no, don't ruin all the hard work you put into yourself tonight because of a dickhead. Come over to mine, we can watch some films."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, of course. You'll be over in 30?"
"See you then."
As soon as I stepped into the lounge of Ruben's house, my heart felt like sinking to the bottom of my chest. The lights were turned off and there was nothing giving light apart from the candles and the TV screen, already open on Netflix. Blankets covered the sofa and there was a strong, endearing smell coming from the kitchen. I placed my jacket over the sofa before strolling slowly into the kitchen to find Ruben dressed slightly smarter than before and fussing over a pan, stirring it with a wooden spoon.
"Ruben?" I raised my voice to get his attention, causing him to jump and turn around to face me.
"You're here!" he exclaimed before awkwardly smiling and turning back to the pan.
"What you making?" I asked, curious as I approached him, peeking over his shoulder.
"Pasta. That is your favourite, right?" He turned his head slightly to look at me. I nodded in response and bit my lip in an attempt to hide the smile threatening to make its way onto my face.
I picked up the fork and plunged it into the pan of pasta to pick out a piece to test it. Ruben watched carefully as I blew gently on it and took a bite.
"Mmm perfect." I mumbled before repeating the process but this time offering the piece to Ruben who hesitantly leaned forward and ate the pasta off of the fork I still held in my hand.
"Yeah, that is quite nice." he nodded in agreement, turning the hob off and getting out the plates. I stood back and watched him serve up the pasta with care, my heart fluttering at the sight. Do friends do this for each other?
"Parmesan?" he offered, holding up the tube of parmesan with a smile.
"Duh, of course." I laughed, watching as he was overly generous with the amount of parmesan he put on my pasta, knowing my love for the cheese.
"You can go and sit down in the lounge, I will be through with the pasta in a second." Ruben gestured towards the direction of the lounge. I nodded and slowly walked through to the lounge, taking my shoes off and making myself comfortable on the sofa. When I brought the blankets up to my face, I was overwhelmed with a familiar smell, indicating that these blankets were from his bed.
"For my lady." He finally walked through, a smile on his face as he presented me with the plate full of pasta. I smiled generously at him before he walked away again to get his plate. For the short time he was in the kitchen again, my hand went crazy over his words 'my lady' and that tingling, fuzzy feeling returned in my stomach.
I waited until he was back with his plate and sitting down comfortably beside me before I started to eat away at the pasta. He passed me the remote for the TV and nodded for me to choose whatever I wanted, which he instantly regretted with a groan as I pressed play on 'Pride and Prejudice', a favourite of mine and an annoyance to Ruben.
"Well you let me pick." I winked at him before returning to my pasta.
Soon, the end credits appeared on screen and empty plates and glasses covered the coffee table in front of us. I found myself snuggled into Ruben's side, his arm firm around my waist as my eyes began to get increasingly heavy and watery with tiredness. I unwillingly broke free of his grip as I stretched and let out a small yawn before turning to face Ruben, who looked equally tired, his eyes looking into mine before glancing down towards my changed outfit.
Half way through the film, my dress was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of food I consumed. Ruben suggested that I help myself to his wardrobe, to find something more comfy and cozy to wear. I decided on one of his football shirts and a pair of his sweatpants which seemed to be grabbing his attention an unusual amount throughout the film, every now and then, glances at the back of his shirt on my body to see his name on my back. I decided not to confront him about it.
"Thanks a lot for tonight. Really, you have made my night 100 times better." I thanked him in a sincere tone, a genuine smile on my lips.
"It was what you deserved." Ruben simply shrugged, stretching his own arms out, showing off the muscles in his arms, causing me to bite my lip slightly.
"Well, thank you anyway. I don't know what I would do without you,"  I blurted out, my eyes meeting his as I utter the words. His eyes seemingly sparkling at my words. Scared of the intimate moment, I regretfully change the mood of the conversation. "I'm sure if you do this for the instagram model you were talking to earlier, she will fall head over heals in love with you." I joked, a false laugh escaping out of my mouth.
Ruben's look suddenly turned serious. His eyes narrowed as he reached over to grab his phone. "You want to know what I was smiling 'like an idiot' at in the car?" he didn't give me a chance to answer as he turned his phone around to my face and flicked through the several selfies that I took on his phone when he left it unattended earlier that day. They were all quite embarrassing actually, each of me pulling a different stupid face: tongue out; overdramatic pout; several chins; thumbs up. When he flicked past the one with me over enthusiastically smiling at the camera, he quickly flicked back, looking at it for a moment before showing it to me again.
"That one is my favourite." he chuckled, but by this time I was unable to speak. I could feel my cheeks turning a deep shade of red and by body heating up all over. "That smile is unmatched by any instagram model." he uttered quietly before turning the phone back off again and placing it beside him.
"Ruben... I..." I finally managed to mumble, albeit in the most quiet whisper I could. He looked back at me, our gazes locking. I opened my mouth to speak again but was interrupted as he began to speak again.
"The truth is," he started, nervously biting his lip and rubbing the back of his neck. "It's always been you. Always been you that I want to see in the crowds of my games, cheering me on. Always been you that I want to see smiling last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Always been you that I picture spending the rest of my life with. The reality is, I couldn't be more in love with you."
As his little speech ended, I could feel my heart beating frantically in my chest and my hand instinctively reach out for his, bringing his hand towards my mouth to press a kiss on it.
"You have no idea how difficult it was for me to be apart from you for a year, the only times I saw you was through the TV screen." I admitted as I mumbled into his hand.
"Then, it won't happen again. From now on, it will me you and me." He insisted, gently bringing me towards him again.
"Yeah," I smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek and then his lips. "You and me."
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hellofutbol · 6 years
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Request:  Hello how are you ? I was wondering if you can write an imagine with Ruben Loftus-Cheek cheek ? (singbcofstyle) 
The sound of fingers typing on a keyboard was the only sound that resounded throughout the whole room. You were sitting on your desk typing away on an anatomy paper that you had due the following morning. You had just started a few hours ago and you knew that you still had a while before you would be able to finish. The paper was supposed to be ten pages long and so far, you had only written three. You still had seven pages to fill up. Right now, you were seriously regretting waiting until the last minute to start this paper.
You had just had so much going on between work and managing your other classes that the anatomy paper had kept getting pushed to the back burner. As the due date came closer and closer, your anxiety rose as you scrambled to finish the paper. The only thing you were glad about was the fact that you had at least found your sources a few days before. At this point, that was your only silver lining. You were in for a long night. Like usual.
“Are you still working on that paper? It’s three in the morning. Come to bed and you can finish it up in the morning.”
The sound of your boyfriend’s voice penetrated the room, disturbing the sound of the constant typing. Turning towards the bed in the center of the room, a bed that you usually shared with your boyfriend, Ruben, you noticed that he was sitting up, a sleepy look on his face. You couldn’t deny that he looked cute with said expression.
“I can’t. It’s due in the morning. I have to finish this tonight. Did I wake you up? I can go work in the living room if it’s bothering you.”
Ruben sighed and pushed the covers off of him. Stepping down from the bed he moved so that he was sitting on the edge closest to your desk. It still wasn’t close enough to touch you, but it was definitely closer then he had been when he had been sleeping.
“You’re not bothering me. Neither did you wake me up. I rolled over and you weren’t there. Your side of the bed felt cold and it woke me up. I guess I’m used to you being there whenever I roll over. You didn’t get any sleep last night as well. Or, the night before that. Your going to get sick if you keep this up. You need to sleep Y/N.”
You knew that your boyfriend’s words made sense. You had taken twenty-minute naps throughout the day, but they were nothing in comparison to getting a full night’s sleep. You knew that you desperately needed to sleep. But you couldn’t. You got home from work at eight and afterwards you had so much to do for school that you barely had any time to sleep. You could tell that the lack of sleep was taking a toll on your body, but you pushed through. You had things to get done and you had to do them.
“I’ll sleep once I finish this paper. You should go back to sleep.”
You knew that it was probably a lie. By the time you finished this paper it would probably be six o’clock in the morning. You might have time for a twenty minute nap before you had to get up to go to work at seven thirty so you definitely wouldn’t be able to sleep. After work you would go to your classes and by the time you got home you might have time for another twenty-minute nap before you would have to get up to complete your assignments. Most days you barely felt like you had time to breathe. You were running on coffee.
“Make sure you sleep tonight.”
You nodded at your boyfriend’s command, however, you knew it was unlikely to happen. You felt bad because you knew that he was just worried about you, but you really needed to finish this paper. Going back to typing your paper, you saw from the corner of your eye your boyfriend moving back into the bed. He looked back over his shoulder at you a few times, but you were completely immersed in your paper.
Soon you heard the soft snores of your boyfriend fill up the room signaling that he had finally gone to sleep. You continued to work on your paper, the sound of his steady breathes acting as background music to all your typing. Before you realized it, it was already five o’clock and you had finished majority of the paper. You just had two more pages to go before you could submit it for your professor to grade.
Deciding to get a cup of coffee, your second for this new day, you headed in to the kitchen. You were exhausted, and you knew that you surely had dark circles under your eyes from the lack of sleep. As you stood out of your chair you felt slightly dizzy. The feeling passed, and you made your way to the coffee maker. Putting a cup on, you leaned against the counter to wait for the sign that the coffee was made.
When the coffee finally stopped pouring into the cup, you moved away from the counter to go and get the cup when once again, you were hit with a dizzy spell. This time it was worst then the first one. You felt like the world around you was spinning as you moved closer to the coffee maker. You didn’t make it, however. Before you got there, you felt like your legs gave out from under you and the last thing you remember is the feeling of falling to the ground.
The sound of a crash startled Ruben awake. Looking around he noticed that you weren’t at your desk any longer. The only thing there was your notebook and your open computer still open to the page of your paper. In fact, you weren’t in the room at all. Stepping out of bed he decided to check the kitchen because he knew that you often got up throughout the night to get coffee.
When he entered the kitchen, he felt like his heart stopped and dropped down into his stomach. He found you, but it definitely wasn’t how he had expected to find you. You were passed out on the kitchen floor. He noticed the broken coffee mug next to you, the liquid contents spilled on the floor. Rushing over he dropped himself next to you. Pulling you into him, he tried shaking you hoping for a response.
When you didn’t wake up or even move, he started freaking out. Running into the other room he quickly got his phone and called emergency services. He explained that his girlfriend had collapsed in the kitchen and that she wasn’t responding to him trying to wake her up. The person on the other side of the phone assured him that emergency services were on their way.
It took about ten minutes before they finally got there, and Ruben watched as his girlfriend was loaded into the back of the ambulance. Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion. He barely recalled someone telling him which hospital they were taking you to. Getting into his car he drove to the hospital breaking all kinds of traffic rules as he did so. It was a good thing there weren’t many cars on the road this early in the morning.
When he got to the hospital he rushed to the front desk to ask them where you were. His heart was pounding so hard and he was genuinely scared about how you were doing. When he had found you, you had looked really pale, much paler than usual. He had never seen you like that and it scared the shit out of him.
“The doctor’s seeing her right now. You can wait in the waiting room and we’ll let you know as soon as the doctor knows what’s going on.”
The words didn’t do anything to comfort him. With a quick nod of his head, he headed to the waiting area. He didn’t know how much time had passed but it felt like hours to him. The waiting was killing him. He needed to know what the hell was going on with you and he didn’t like not knowing. He was really glad that he didn’t have training the following day because he wouldn’t have been able to focus on training with you in the hospital.
When the doctor came out and called out your name he almost jumped out of his seat. The doctor smiled at him.
“She’s going to be fine. It seemed like she must have been very exhausted because that’s why she collapsed. Her body couldn’t handle the exhaustion any longer and so because it was being overworked, it caused her to collapse. She’s resting right now but you can see her when she wakes up. For now, she’s been transferred to another room, room 204. If you would like, you can go there and wait while she sleeps.”
Ruben didn’t’ know how to feel when he heard what the doctor said. He felt relief knowing that you were going to be okay, but he also felt bad. He should have been more adamant that you rest properly. He should have forced you to go to bed every night. He couldn’t help but feel like he could have done something more to prevent this from happening to you. Nodding his head, he headed towards the room that the doctor had mentioned.
When he walked in, he noticed that you were laying in the bed peacefully sleeping. You were connected to a bunch of machines and a saline drip was running into your veins. He hated seeing you like this. You always seemed to have so much life in you and seeing you in a hospital bed laying down like this, he made a vow to himself. He would never let you overwork yourself like you had been. He would force you to get rest when you needed to. You worked constantly but he would make sure that this never happened again.
He took a seat in the chair next to the bed and grabbed your hand, making sure not to disturb your sleep. He didn’t know how long the two of you remained like that, you in the bed and him next to it. The world outside turned from the dark of the night to the light of the day. Ruben felt you shift slightly in your sleep and looking over at your face, he noticed that you were beginning to wake up. Looking at the clock in the room, he noticed that it was almost twelve in the afternoon. You had slept a whole six and a half hours. It was the most you had slept in the passed three days.
“You’re finally awake.”
You felt groggy as your eyes fully opened. Looking around you realized that you weren’t in your home any longer. The white walls vastly different from the colored ones in your bedroom that you shared with Ruben.
“Where am I?” You directed the question at your boyfriend who was sitting in a chair next to your bed.
“You’re in the hospital. You passed out in the kitchen from exhaustion, you have no idea how much you scared me.”
Ruben stood and pulled you into a hug, his hand going around your waist, being careful not to pull on any of the wires that you were connected to. You could tell that he had been worried about you. Feeling bad that you had worried him so much, you buried your face in his neck.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Ruben pulled away and he could see the tears welling up in your eyes, it was obvious that you felt bad about what had happened. Trying to comfort you, he leaned down to place a small kiss on your forehead.
“No more overworking yourself. Promise me, if you feel tired, you’ll get some rest. No more staying up late into the night. Promise me, you’ll take care of yourself before everything else. Nothing is more important than that. I need to know that you’re okay. You need to make sure you’re okay.”
You could tell that everything that had happened had freaked him out. You couldn’t help but feel slightly freaked out yourself. You hadn’t expected to pass out and then wake up in a hospital room. No amount of work was worth this. You knew that this couldn’t happen again.
“I promise.”
You intended to keep this promise.
A/N: I hope you like it. I wanted to post it earlier but because I went camping this weekend I didn’t have access to wifi. 
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Can't Sleep | Ruben Loftus-Cheek
Not you nor Ruben being able to sleep so you both get out to sit in the backyard on one of the couches as you snuggle up to each other just chatting about life and having a peaceful moment. Him kissing your hand cheek head everything except your lips because you’re friends but you take the step and then apologize only for him to go all in for the next kiss. Something sweet yet passionate by the end basically.
Warnings: some innuendo, crossing lines with kisses x
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“Can’t sleep either?” You ask shyly, clutching your mug of chamomile tea as the cool night air of London hit your skin and formed goosebumps.
“Yeah,” Ruben replied, his voice a hushed whisper. It was well past midnight and everyone else at his place was already asleep, only the two of you still up. “Do you have another one of those?” He asked, gesturing to the mug in your hands.
“Take this one.” You hand it to him, your fingers brushing against his as he accepts what you’re offering and you can’t help sucking in a breath at the intimate contact. Your hands shake a little as you pour yourself another cup, trying to tell your heart to calm down and that the two of you are just friends.
“You’re back,” Ruben says, giving you a small smile when you return with a new mug in your hands.
“Of course. I couldn’t leave you out here all alone. Besides, when have the two of us had a moment like this in a while? It’s been months and I miss my friend.” You sat down next to him, reaching over and grabbing one of the blankets he always kept on hand for you, curling your legs under you as you rest your elbow on the back of the outdoor couch.
“I’ve missed you, too.”
It isn’t long after that and you’re opening up to him, recounting the last few months of your life that Ruben has missed because of football and both of your busy schedules. You finish your tea and Ruben does the same, both of you snuggling closer together as the warmth of the tea starts to wear off. You can’t help but reach over and grab his hand, running your thumb over the back of his hand.
Ruben brings your hands to his mouth, pressing his lips against your hand. It’s an action he’s done many times before, but somehow tonight it feels different. He lets go of your hand, pulling away for a second before putting his arm around your shoulder and bringing you into him. Your eyes close briefly as you feel his lips against your temple, brushing over your forehead and your cheeks, everywhere but your lips. It’s been a long time since he’d done this with you and you now remembered how long it had taken your heart to recover from this edge-of-something-more touches that never culminated in anything more than reset boundaries and your own broken heart.
Without thinking, you lean over and take his chin in your hands, your lips meeting his in a soft kiss that crosses all the carefully-set boundaries the two of you have had for years. “I-I’m sorry,” you stammer as you pull away, realizing what you’ve done after the moment’s worn off.
Ruben’s eyes search your face, his expression intense and unreadable. “Don’t be,” he murmurs, kissing you with a sense of assuredness that leaves you both wanting more. His hands reach for your waist and you shift so that you’re straddling him, your hands exploring his body as his do the same to you.
“What is this?” You ask in between kisses, resting your forehead against his.
“I don’t know, but I’ve wanted you for so long.”
His confession brings a smile to your face. “Me, too. Just promise me we’ll talk about it later - after you take me to bed.”
Ruben kisses you hard, standing up to let you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to bed to have his way with you.
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Domestic Fluff Prompts | 9 with Ruben Loftus-Cheek
being overly competitive at child games
Warnings: light swearing
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“Ha!” You shouted gleefully, clapping your hands together as you moved your CandyLand piece across the finish line. “I win again!”
“No fair!” Ruben pouted, scrubbing a hand over his face. “You’re cheating, I swear!”
“Nope,” you said smugly, shaking your head as you waved the cards in his face. “It’s just the luck of the draw, baby.” You leaned over, giving him a kiss as you went back to celebrating your win while Ruben cleaned up, disgruntled.
“And that is a triple word score.” Ruben smirks, counting up the points and doing the math. “Looks like I win.”
“I don’t know much about the rules of Scrabble Junior, but I’m pretty sure ‘penis’ isn’t an acceptable word to make on the children’s version of this.”
Ruben shrugged, giggling. “I’m pretty sure since it’s the children’s version, we’re supposed to use words like ‘penis’ and ‘boobs’. Mine just happened to fall on a triple word score which put me so far ahead of you, all the ‘penis’ in the world won’t help you now.”
“I actually hate you right now,” you said, unable to keep a straight face as you flipped the board and started to clean up.
“Just get your own ‘penis’ next time and I’m sure you’ll win.”
You rolled your eyes. “Pretty sure I already have one - and it’s the one in my drawer, not yours.”
“That’s a mismatch!” You shouted, pointing at the two mismatched tiles on the matching game the two of you were playing. “Drink!”
“I hate this,” Ruben grumbled, reaching for his beer bottle.
You were tipsy but you still remembered where the matches were, expertly flipping over three sets of tiles before getting the wrong one and taking a drink as Ruben cheered and started his turn.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Ruben murmured, shaking his head as you finished collecting all the tiles and flaunting your win in his face.
“Good memory.” You winked at him, putting the tiles away.
“Do you have any eights?”
“Go fish.”
Ruben sighed. “That’s the tenth time in a row you’ve told me to go fish. Surely, you must be cheating.
“Am not!” You protested, letting out an annoyed huff. “You just keep asking for the wrong cards.” You paused, perusing your cards. “Got any queens?”
Ruben cursed, handing over a card and you let out a happy squeal. “I just asked you that like four rounds ago!”
“Didn’t have any then,” you shrugged. “How about nines?”
“Go fish, bitch,” he taunted and you stuck out your tongue.
“Manners, Rubes!”
“I love you, but all manners go out the window when I’m losing - you know this. Six?”
You handed a card over. “You’re lucky the same thing happens to me, too, or else we would’ve killed each other a long time ago.”
Ruben chuckled. “You’re probably right. Ace?” You slid an ace over to him, glaring at him as he smiled gleefully. “Thanks, love.”
“Yeah, yeah. Go fuck yourself.”
“I think you mean ‘go fish yourself’. King?”
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80slingard-blog · 5 years
pamper day with the boys
dele: he’d squirm underneath you as you straddled him, swiping the face mask across his cheeks as he winced at the thick, cold paste you were painting him in. and he’d be staring at you in disbelief as you carefully carved around his eyebrows and mouth, your own face hardening as your face mask started to dry. “are you sure it’s supposed to be this tight?” he mumbles as you place yourself next to him, sitting the bowl of mixture on the side as you swat his hands away from his face. you’d nod certainly but you can see the panic settle in his eyes as his face stiffens completely
jesse: “no baby, light the candles” jesse would protest as you flickered the lights off. the bath was filled to the brim with bubbles and lavender oils, jesse sauntering around in a crisp bathrobe as he instructed you on how to set the mood properly. you’d managed to convince him to indulge in a pamper day but he’d taken it a little too seriously, turning your whole bathroom into a mini-spa. you’d sink into the water between his legs, his hands trailing around your waist as you got comfortable, the temperature of the water relaxing your aching muscles as jesse skipped through his designated playlist
marcus: pamper days with marcus were a regular occurrence, at least doing one every two weeks as you felt as though he really needed the attention sometimes. and you’d lather his back in some sort of massaging oil, kneading your hands into the curve of his spine as he whimpered underneath you. you’d dedicate the whole day to him, making sure he felt relaxed and utterly comfortable at all times because god-knows he needed it after all the intense training he’d constantly be doing. and he’d turn his head slightly with tired eyes, “can you maybe do my nails too baby?”
trent: “can you add that glossy thing as well babe?” he’d ask as you buff away at his nails. and you can’t help but giggle at him as you sit in front of him, a robe tightly tied around him as his feet bury themselves into a pair of white slippers. the sight alone is making you fall more in love with him but you nod at his question, holding two bottles of nail polish up as he points towards the salmon coloured top coat. and he’d whisper at how good you were at tending to his nails, in absolute awe as you painted the polish on making sure not to get any on his cuticles as you know he’d only whine about it later
ruben: it would always be him that proposed the idea of a pamper day, not hiding his excitement well as you went shopping in search of face masks, oils, incense sticks to burn and new fluffy towels. and he’d run you a bah, making sure to add some bubbles but not too much, helping you undress as some soft r&b played in the background, his hands helping you into the tub. and he’d start to paint your nails, taking so much time one them as he whispered about how naturally beautiful you are but his speech is slightly slurred as his face mask hardens
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80slingard-blog · 5 years
Riding Ruben’s thighs as he’s wearing shorts whilst he’s playing Fifa. He’s like “ give me five minuets baby”.
and your perching on his thigh, the feeling of his bare skin against your pussy sending shivers down your spine. his eyes flicker from the television screen to your pouted lips, “gimme’ five more minutes baby”. his voice is low and you can tell he’s trying to hold back a groan as you rock your hips back and forth, your wetness coating his thigh. your movements stay at a steady pace as you bite down on your bottom lip, stifling a moan as he grips at your waist with his hand. his vision is hazed as he tries to carry on the fifa game on the screen, not wanting to lose but the sight of you riding his thigh is making it hard to concentrate. you slip a hand between your thighs, pressing harder against his leg as you stroke at your clit, your fingers trembling as you rub figure of eights into the bundle of nerves. with your back arches you dig your nails into his shoulders desperately trying to get him to do something, anything, to help you get off. but the view of you doing it all yourself is bringing ruben to the edge as his cock hardens at the way your chest heaves under your shirt, your eyes rolling back as you feel yourself getting nearer the edge 
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80slingard-blog · 5 years
A blurb with ruben? Maybe comforting him after the injury?
“i feel so useless” he mumbles into your chest as you lay in bed. he’s just come out of surgery and you could tell by his eye that he just wanted to sleep. so you helped him climb into some checkered pyjama bottoms before tucking him under the covers as he winces in pain. you pull him closer into your chest, his breath spraying across your skin as he digs his fingers into the small of your back. “baby you did amazing, it’s okay to be injured y’know. the rest of the team will do fine” you mumble against his hair, soothing his back as you run your hands up and down his tense muscles. and ruben’s being clingy for the rest of the night; moaning when you get up to use the toilet, complaining when you venture downstairs for water because he just wants you to hold him whilst he lies there in agony
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80slingard-blog · 5 years
RED - ruben AU
loving him is like driving a new maserati down a dead-end street,  faster than the wind, passionate as sin ending so suddenly
there was something so fresh about your’s and ruben’s relationship - it was like a new breath of air for both of your tormented lungs. the love was rich; you fell for each other so quickly. all it took was a small smile as you passed at an event and before you knew it you were meeting the next evening for a meal in a dimly lit italian. it was a whirlwind romance, almost as if you were on the honeymoon phase for months and end. but being in love with ruben was destined to end in tears because you both wanted different things - he was a footballer who wanted to travel the world but you were a naive young woman who wanted to stay at home because you knew the place like the back of your hand. the arguments came first: screaming and yelling matches in the morning followed by silence for the rest of the day. then it was the disappearing for days on end before sulking back to one another with a face full of regret and a mouth full of ‘sorry’s’. finally the moving out of the shared home came last: like the last hammer in the coffin of your relationship. you still officially called it ‘love’ but you both knew that you were travelling down a one-way street with no plans to turn around. and it was ended by a single phone-call in the middle of the night as you lay under creased covers listening to ruben come up with excuse after excuse
losing him was blue like i'd never known, missing him was dark grey all alone
the days after the call were the hardest. you weren’t sad to begin with - it was more emptiness than anything else. you resorted to staying indoors, moping around the rooms in search of something, anything, that could take your mind off him. but nothing worked. and as the waves of sadness lapped against your heart you felt the loneliest you had ever felt. the house seemed too big and silent for your liking: you missed the sound of him chuckling away on the playstation, the clatter of cutlery as he attempted to clean the kitchen, his soft snores as he napped on the sofa whilst you flipped through a dog-eared book. the days became shorter and the nights became longer - darkness stretching around you as you tossed and turned in the bed, mentally cursing yourself for not being able to sleep without him next to you. and he felt exactly the same: his mind overworking as he sat there with his fourth cup of coffee that night, flicking through photo’s of you that he still had saved to his phone because he couldn’t bare deleting them for good.
remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes, tell myself it's time now, gotta let go, but moving on from him is impossible
and you’d find yourself thumbing through the printed polaroid’s you too of each other, your heart sort of sinking as you watched the smiles slowly fade into frowns. but his eyes, fuck ruben’s eyes, always showed so much emotion no matter the situation. your mind burned with images of you two together as you lay in the darkness; the touch of his hand on your thigh forever being something you missed. and you would be going about everyday life, shopping for food in the late afternoon and it would strike you in the middle of the cereal aisle. that you needed to let go but there was no way in hell that you were prepared to that right now. and he’d think the exact same, sitting around a couple of the england lads as they chatted aimlessly about football and series to watch on netflix. and it would hit him like a tonne of bricks: that he wasn’t moving on and neither were you. and he’d grab his coat in a hurry, excuse himself from the get-together and find his feet trailing towards your old home on the outskirts of town.
and that's why he's spinning 'round in my head, comes back to me, burning red
his hands feel different as he’s pressed up against you, his voice full of something that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. and he’s whispering against the wind that wraps itself around you both, his eye searching your face for a reaction. and you feel a twinge in your chest; similar to the one you got when you first met him. and all it took was his lips pressed against yours in a dazed hurry for you to remember. you’re thrown back in the deep end and you’re not sure if you’ve quite learnt how to swim yet but you’re somewhat enjoying just floating there as he laps around you, touches sweet and innocent. and slowly you feel yourself piece together, no longer in search of the missing puzzle piece because finally you were complete.
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80slingard-blog · 5 years
Ruben ft your boobs blurb
ruben loved boobs. like don’t get me wrong, he loved every part of you endlessly but there was something so beautiful about them that he was obsessed with them. he didn’t even need a reason to touch them; his hands would always end up just cupping them, his fingers digging into the flesh every once in a while (which was more out of habit than anything). he didn’t even have to be in a horny mood to grope them: you could just be cooking and he’d come behind you, head on your shoulder as he palmed them through your shirt. but fuck, whenever you were getting intimate he would show you just how much he truly loved them. lips ghosting over your nipples as he bit down gently, your back arching as he sucked away at the sensitive skin. he’d leave hickies on them, grope them so hard as he’s fucking you that finger-tip bruises would appear the next day
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80slingard-blog · 5 years
Heyy I think you did get my ask so I'm sending it again just in case - could you write something about ruben bringing his kids onto the pitch after a win and it's just all soft and cute and everyone are so in awe with them? Love your writing btw xx
thank you babe!! love u xx
and you’re leading your two toddlers onto the pitch as the rest of the team mill in the centre, slapping each others backs and howling in excitement. you find ruben surrounded by callum and eden, laughing in pure happiness as you hurry along over to him. he notices you out of the corner of his eye, excusing himself from the lads. kneeling down with his arms outstretched he embraced the two kids in a bone-crushing hug, chuckling as they screamed over and over about the fact that daddy had won. and you’re stroking ruben’s hair as a couple teammates crowd around you, cooing at how cute the whole interaction was as camera’s snap all around you; capturing the perfect moment as you congratulate him, kneeling down next to him as you whisper lowly, “you did so well today baby, i’m so proud”. and his lips will stretch into an award winning smile as the kids clamber all over his stooped body, his eyes full of utter glee and joy
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