Sexy Santa
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illmother · 2 months
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(if ur comfy w it ofc <333 no pressure if not uwu)
yes my liege 🙏
— deren wakes up at around 10am, give or take. at that point, the kids are already at school, you at work. but somehow—when she wakes up there’s always always a lipstick stain on her cheek, some smeared around her lips. ah- you must have been in a rush, she wonders if you noticed you also smudged your lipstick a bit giving her this kiss. oh, well…she can always ask tease you about it later. still, she couldn’t help but run her fingers over her lips. she’ll make a mental note to repay you when you get home.
— MOVIE. NIGHTS. at least twice every week. the kids would always ask to see “mama’s movies” (since i imagine it’s kinda hard to keep it a secret, when your girlfriend is a legendary director and is all over the news once every few months, you’d tell them anyways against your better judgment) and you and deren would comply, an amused smile on her face as she watched the look of amazement on the kids’ faces. in the end, you’d always be the one to tell them to go to bed. and as your kids groaned and whined about wanting to finish deren’s movie, all deren would say is “listen to your mother, kids.” she waited a long time to say that.
— if i had to describe a parenting dynamic between you and deren, it would be…good cop, bad cop. deren, being the more laid back parent obviously being the good cop. you, being the stricter parent is the bad cop.
— you take deren on dates very often. yes, you are the one who suggests going out on dates. i imagine the first time you asked her out after the whole thing blows over, she’s just a bit stunned, staring at you for a moment to make sure if she heard it right, might space out a bit. it’s only when your daughter lightly tapped her cheek that she finally snapped back to reality.
— obviously, deren could never say no to you, so every Friday night you both indulge in each other’s company. your kids are left with a babysitter (maybe a trusted sinner from MBCC i can imagine how chaotic it’d be LOL) you’d either go to high end restaurants or a cheap fast food court and get ice cream right after.
— speaking of MBCC i can imagine every time deren visits for any reason at all, she often brings you and the kids along. i can imagine luvia ray, and OwO will absolutely adore your kids! i feel like luvia would often show them some acting tricks if they even ONCE mentioned the word ‘acting’ OwO is like a big sister to them, they admire her dance and ambition. (OwO and the kids often have playdates together)
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minglana · 1 year
Vocabulari nord-occidental
Al ser el día internacional de la llengua materna, he pensat que podría publicar aquest post que porta a les drafts des de fa.... mesos??? És una mini-recopilació de paraules que diem en català nord-occidental (o fins i tot sols en lleidatà!). Algunes paraules poden, obviament, estar compartides amb el valencià o altres dialectes occidentals.
Since it's international mother language day, I thought it would be nice to publish this post I've had in my drafts for probably months. It's a short list of words we say in the northwestern Catalan dialect (or even a sub-dialect of it). Some words might be shared with other western dialects such as Valencian.
nord-occidental -> català normatiu
acotxar-se -> ajupir-se
bolitcec/bulitcec (aproximació a la pronunciació) -> ratpenat
botifarra -> botifarra bullida (normalment negra)
corder -> xai
empegar -> enganxar
entrepussar -> ensopegar
esbalç -> precipici, cingle
escatxigar -> esquitxar
esquinça-robes/esquitxa-robes -> dragó
fer la gartxina -> fer l'ullet
keds -> bambes
llangonissa/llanguanissa -> botifarra
marturi -> martiri
mixó -> ocell
padrí/padrina -> avi/àvia
panís -> blat de moro
popar -> mamar
popes -> pits
ruella -> rosella
sangartilla -> sargantana
timó -> farigola
trossar(-se) -> cordar(-se)
xiquet(a) -> noi(a)/nen(a)
xut -> mussol
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skye-huntress · 3 months
MagiRevo Volume 6 Thoughts
Back again with everyone’s favourite royal couple. This time we learn about Lainie’s mother and meet more vampire. There’s also a lot more action compared to previous volumes. And we finally address the inconvenient fact that Euphie and Lainie are effectively immortal, and their lovers are not.
You know the drill, spoilers are below.
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Okay, so Ruella, from the prologue, total tsundere. I’m making my prediction now that she is actually into this Tiris girl.
From what we’ve heard, vampires in this world are basically brainwashed into continuing the research of their predecessors. Doesn’t seem like Ruella has ever even questioned why she and the clan should pursue “eternity” for the sake of some dead people.
I’m with Tiris, why seek eternity, when you can make the most of the time you have to do something that is actually meaningful to yourself?
‘Tis a bit of a shame, but I suppose Anis had to grow used to Euphie’s shows of affection sooner or later. She’s even reciprocating them of her own initiative. Even so, I guarantee Euphie is still the top in this relationship.
Why is Tilty gloomier because of the rain? Pretty sure she’s so adverse to being in direct sunlight, it’d make the uninformed question who is the actual vampire of their friend group.
In conclusion, it took only three months for them to make Lainie kind of OP in both swordplay and magic. If all vampires had just as much potential in general, and a lot more than three months to hone their skills, they’d be able to give even Euphie trouble.
We had a good balance in the detached palace. 4 girls, 2 couples. Royal couple attended to by the maid couple. I’m not too eager to see that change.
Interesting to think about, Ilia chose to be as reclusive as Anis and isn’t too fond of bringing in more people.
It’s not something I’m interested in, however I will say there may be a potential ship with Garkie and Navre.
Excited we are getting more Lainie and Tilty, sad that we’re splitting up our couples.
And of course, Euphie threatens Anis with a good time when she gets back.
I see Anis is still not comfortable with PDA, even though compared to Euphie’s coronation, a small peck in front of their friends is nothing.
Lainie’s mother is Tiris from the prologue? The plot thickens.
Tilty’s guess about a disease that affects vampires might have been on the money, but it’s early still.
Wow, Lainie actually went there. The anime touched on it but the novels haven’t really done so yet. The issue of how Euphie is immortal, and Anis isn’t. She was already willing to throw away her humanity in pursuit of magic, so doing so to extend her time with Euphie isn’t a huge leap for her.
As for Lainie, not surprised she’s already thinking about Ilia’s mortality. The considerable age gap aside, Ilia’s close to 30 already, and the average life expectancy in their world is probably shorter than what we take for granted.
Must be nice to at least have the option of extending your life, even if it means throwing away your humanity. In our world without magic or monsters, we just have to make the most of the time we have.
Makes sense that Anis quit adventuring. Now that her work has official support, she no longer needs to acquire her own funding and materials. Plus, her wife would never allow her to continue going off on her own.
Well, I wasn’t expecting this level of horror, not in this series. I’d expect this from some of the other series I’m into, but wasn’t expecting MagiRevo to hit me with this kind of body horror six volumes in.
I came here expecting vampires, and got an abomination that is an amalgamation of countless lifeforms that the vampire apparently consumed. Guess we know where all the monsters and animals in the forest went.
Everything about this encounter feels so messed up. We started with flaming horned guy trying to kill Anis and Garkie, to now mourning him and all he lost. We don’t even know his name!
So Ilia is resistant to the idea of becoming a vampire because then Lainie can’t feed off her blood? Fair point, I can respect that.
I had a guess we’d see Ruella again, but this is far from what I pictured originally.
So what happens after generations of brainwashing and overzealously accumulating knowledge, the vampires inevitably made a monster that is a reflection of how twisted and mad they’ve become.
They called Tiris a heretic and traitor, but she was probably the only sane one among them. However, Ruella did say she was exceptional enough to potentially become the matriarch of the clan, so perhaps Lainie really is OP, not because she is a vampire, but because she inherited her mother’s exceptionalism.
Anis lesbian-ed so hard she made the villainess instantly fall for her. Normally I’d be for this kind of development if Lilana wasn’t all the more determined to devour Anis especially. Nobody makes a meal out of our Anis, except Euphie!
Euphie finally had a chance to show off again, and it started out totally awesome, kind of reminded me of Weiss’ Arma Gigas summon. Then it backfired and we found out this girl can just absorb magic. I call hacks!
Anis did talk about throwing her humanity away to become immortal, but I didn’t think such a change would be forced on her. Guess the dragon’s prophecy was spot on, Anis really did become a dragon, albeit still in human form, with some vampiric powers thrown in for good measure.
Props to Anis for trying to give Lilana an out. I’ve been around the internet enough to know there are indeed people who’d be down for what she’s offering.
And of course for her final move, Lilana decides to turn into a freaking dragon, too. Anis, pretty sure that one’s on you this time.
I’m fine if she and the other vampires like her devour monsters, but leave the poor animals alone!
So Lilana stole Euphie’s move and made it her own, then Anis takes that same improvised move, puts her own spin on it and uses it to finally take down Lilana. Brilliant! Anis beat her at her own game!
Of all the shocks and twists this volume, the biggest might be Anis pulling a Euphie on Euphie herself. She’s certainly gotten bolder but she still doesn’t hold a candle to Euphie. We’re talking about the girl who used her coronation speech to declare her love and made out with Anis in front of all the attendants. We know who’s the top in this relationship and Euphie will no doubt remind Anis of that fact later, and they’ll both enjoy it.
With a battle like that, it almost feels like a finale of sorts but there’s still a lot of loose ends. There’s Ruella and the other vampires. Would also love to get a follow up on if any of the demi-human clans are still around. I do not want to think about the possibility that Acryl is probably the last of her kind.
We also don’t know how Tiris died, which poses an unknown risk to Lainie, Algard, and possibly even Anis.
Also it goes without saying I want to know what’s up with the changes to Anis’ body and what the reactions will be.
Well, at least I know how long I have to wait this time. The official translation for Volume 7 is apparently dropping in late July. So see you all again in about 4 months.
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make-me-imagine · 7 months
hello :D for the spotify wrapped thingy, my third favourite number: 27 ✨
#27: 'Carry You' by Ruella ft. Fleurie
This is quite a sad song but there is an underlying comfort and uplifting tone to it! The lyrics are very nice as well.
Song Link
(Send me a number 1-100 for my Spotify Wrapped Playlist)
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darkangel1791 · 1 year
We're playing a tag game today y'all. Put the "on repeat" playlist on spotify on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up.
I was tagged by @birdisland (thank you so much!) And I tag @uozlulu , @emeraldinerosefaedragon , and @blackgirlasis
1. Faith of the Heart - Rod Stewart (I love the lyrics. Very positive.)
2. Anthem - Chess Musical (something I can really belt out, even though I can't sing)
3. Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars (will always be a bop)
4 In the Name of Love - U2 (I love U2)
5. Fruitcakes - Jimmy Buffet (a feel-good song)
6. This is America - Childish Gambino (a song and video every American should know)
7. God Only Knows - Beach Boys (my and my husband's song)
8. Fighter - Christina Aguilera (good song for a bad day)
9. We Didn’t Start the Fire - Billy Joel (got my BA in history, how could I not love this?)
10. I Get to Love You - Ruella (Malec's wedding song from Shadowhunters. I love those two!)
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Early-spring wildflowers, 2009
South-east Austin, TX.
I took these while I was recovering from nearly croaking of congestive heart failure.  I’d just lost 72 lbs, and with our old Panasonic video camera, using it as a Macro lens to take what I called “wildflower portrait” still shots, I began taking slow meanderings around our little three acre patch.  I put the twelve best into a calendar.  Sold exactly zero.  lulz.  Oh, well...I think they’re purdy. Enjoy ;-)
These first two are Baby Blue Eyes
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This is Blue Curls.
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This is Buffalo Bur
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Four o-clocks, a myriad of different shades and colors. 
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Hairy Ruella
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Indian Blanket or Gaillardia
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Indian Mallow
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Mealy Blue Sage
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No idea...but it came up every year.
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I labeled this “Not a Dandelion”, but no clue as to what it is.
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False Dayflower, or “Ol’ Fuzzy Face” (seriously, that’s what it’s called)
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Prairie Coneflower
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Prairie Verbena
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A rainy Vinca Minor
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Silver-leaf Nightshade
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Texas Thistle
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Texas Yellowstar
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White avens
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thedeerdiary · 2 days
Ruella and Her Dream
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"I'm a radio announcer and joined the radio broadcasting club at my university," said someone who made her surroundings gape. "Why?"
That's Ruella Kit, someone who dreams of proving to everyone that she's not the quiet girl they think she is. Born into a super-busy family, Ruella's parents' lack of affection and attention, and the fact that she is an only child, made her lonely and made her quiet—until now.
Ever since she was a little girl, Ruella loved listening to the radio until she fell asleep, because it was the only thing that kept her company while her parents were busy working from the time she opened her eyes until she closed them again. Her love for the radio moved Ruella's heart that she would become a radio announcer someday, because she thought it was fun.
And now, her dream has come true to become a radio announcer—and she sometimes even emcees events. With that dream comes true, Ruella is proud and she proves that she is not just a quiet, lonely girl without her parents' attention, but a woman with a million voices.
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reneleijen · 7 months
Politie maakt podcastserie over cybercrime-onderzoeken
Gek op podcasts? Dan kun je nu luisteren naar Takedown, een serie zes podcasts van het Team High Tech Crime (THTC) over cybercrime-onderzoeken. Specialisten van THTC, het OM en private partijen vertellen daarin over zes omvangrijke onderzoeken naar cybercrime. De eerste aflevering gaat over de klopjacht naar malware-bouwer Rubella. Dat blijkt een informaticastudent. Ruella voegt kwaadaardige…
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slashcrz · 8 months
🎵 and if i said midori and tian feng even though neither of them are my muses, then what?
send 🎵 and one of my muses’ names along with one of your muses’ names for a short playlist of 3-5 songs relating to them.
born to die // lana del rey {x}
walls could talk // halsey {x}
under wraps // ghost town {x}
touch // kehlani {x}
war of hearts // ruella {x}
... and so many more, but that will have to wait for my full playlist release hehehe~
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soulbrasileira · 9 months
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RUELLA, Bistrô.
Vila Olímpia, São Paulo.
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featherskies · 11 months
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Look who just woke up- is that DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s EVE CORVIN from UNDERWORLD. I heard they are 19 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, she still gives off a RIPPED JEANS WITH HIGH COMBAT BOOTS, RIPPED UP PIECES OF FABRIC BEING USED TO BACK HAIR, NAIL INDENTIONS IN PALMS, DEEP TIRED EYES THAT SEE MORE THAN THEY SHOULD, WILD UNTAMED HAIR impression. In Sydney they work as a NIGHT HEALTH AIDE. They’re known to be quite HONEST & RESOURCEFUL, but have a tendency to be RESENTFUL & TENSE on their bad days
Gender/Pronouns :
Eve's gender is cis-female and her pronouns are she/her.
How long have they been in Sydney :
Eve has been in Sydney for the past 3 years but in her fake life, she has lived there for most of her life.
Which suburb do they live in?
Personality description (in your own words) :
Eve is extremely mature for her age. She had to fight for pretty much everything when she was growing up. She had to fight for survival, fight for attention, and basically fight for her live. And if she didn't fight... odds are she would have died. She's not afraid to use violence to defend herself but she is also not malevolent. She does it for protection, and she does it to defend her own family. She also struggles with some basic social cues because in her real life she spent most of her time in isolation.
Memories of their real life :
Eve has only just remembered her real life, even if it is coming back in piece by piece. She remembers mostly being kept in captivity as a bit of a lab rat since she was born, and she also remembers meeting her mother, and just barely missing her father. Though, most of it is blurry.
What was their fake life like :
tbd after plotting
see above
'there is no exquesite beauty without some strangeness in the proportion' - edgar allen poe
castles crumbling // taylor swift // haunted house // mckenna grace // my immortal // evanscence // cinderellas dead // emeline // war of hearts // ruella
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the-bottle-tree · 1 year
Salta Perico
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Name: Mexican Petunia
Latin Name: Ruellia simplex
Type: evergreen perennial, rhizome
Plant Date: was here when we moved in
Color: Deep green long & narrow leaves with white or purple flowers.
Bloom Time: Summer & Fall
Light: full, Partial
Water: During growing season keep the soil evenly moist, watering only once soil begins to dry out. For winter months reduce watering until the soil is dry.
Fertilizer: Fertilizer is unnecessary in most situations.
Deadhead: To encourage flower production prune the plant after blooming. Cutting back flowering stems encourages new growth. Deadhead spent blooms to make room for new blooms.
Propagation: This plant can be easily propagated through stem cuttings and rhizome division as well as by seed.
Temp: Tolerant of heat, humidity, flooding, and droughts. They can be planted in dry and boggy areas.
Width: 1-3 ft
Height: 1-4 ft
Planting Distance: 12 inches
Edible: unknown.
Medicinal: The leaf is used to treat pains, inflammation, and diabetes. The genus has been traditionally claimed to be used for the treatment of flu, asthma, fever, bronchitis, high blood pressure, eczema and diabetes, but I can’t find info to match this specific variation.
Magical: This plant is used in traditional Barridas or sweeps. It is is a fast acting cleansing/purifying plant because of the popping seed pouches.
Symbolism: Resentment, Anger, Reconciliation
I have been struggling to determine if the plant we have is indeed a true “salta perico”. When I search by that name photos come up with different Latin names and sometimes multiple photos of what appears to be different plants. (Both the simplex and tuberosa come up) My husbands curanderismo teacher stated what we had was indeed salta perico. But I cannot find solid research telling me that for sure since so many photos and info comes up seemingly contradictory. So we came to the conclusion that salta perico was used to name this plant family as a whole. Then I found this which might be why I’m having trouble identifying…. “Mexican petunia was named after French herbalist Jean de la Ruelle. That fast-growing perennial with green leaves on purple or green stems looks like a wild bloom. One German botanist gave the name to this flower in 1879 and made a real confusion. Therefore, we can find a few Latin names of the same plant.”
Problem is there is a ruella tuberosa plant also. This plant has incredible healing properties and is called feverroot and Minnie root alongside other names. They look hella similar. Both have popping pod seeds. I found this to differentiate the two.
Mexican petunia (Ruellia simplex) is very similar to minnieroot (Ruellia tuberosa) and relatively similar to creeping ruellia (Ruellia squarrosa). These species can be distinguished by the following differences.
Mexican petunia (Ruellia simplex ) is an upright plant (growing up to 1 m tall) with long and narrow (i.e. linear) leaves that are mostly hairless (i.e. glabrous). Its tubular flowers have five small narrow sepals (5-10 mm long).
minnieroot (Ruellia tuberosa ) is an upright or creeping plant (growing up to 0.5 m tall) with relatively broad (i.e. elliptic to ovate) leaves that are mostly hairless (i.e. glabrous). Its tubular flowers have five large narrow sepals (18-30 mm long).
creeping ruellia (Ruellia squarrosa ) is a creeping plant (less than 0.5 m tall) with slightly elongated (i.e. ovate to narrowly-ovate) leaves that are hairy (i.e. pubescent). Its tubular flowers have five small narrow sepals (10-16 mm long).
But nothing to confirm which plant would be called salta perico. So…. Going back again I have to trust Tim’s teacher that what we have is salta perico.
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pinerbrand · 2 years
Spiky purple flowers
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The plant produces a cluster of orchid-pink flowers. Purpleheart displays attractive narrow pointed purple foliage from spring through frost. Purple Heartīotanical Name: Tradescantia pallida ‘Purpurea’
This plant spreads quickly and grows up to 1-2 feet tall, under full sun or partial shade. It grows purple or violet flowers with a dark green glossy foliage from early summer till frost. Dwarf Mexican PetuniaĪlso known as a dwarf ruella, this is a low-growing, heat-tolerant perennial. It also attracts hummingbirds and butterflies! The plant prefers full sun and well-drained soil. This gorgeous plant is drought-resistant and attains a height up to 2-3 feet and offers 1-foot long dark purple flower stalks nearly all season. Henry Duelberg Salvia is native to Texas. If you’re a Texan and searching for a purple flower variety for your garden, these Best Purple Flowers in Texas are your best bet! Check out our article on the best types of green flowers here ! When it comes to gardening, the purple flower represents admiration, success, dignity, and pride. The color purple signifies creativity, grandeur, wealth, and independence. You can plant this ground cover near streams, ponds, or in ground with poor drainage.Love the color purple and looking for flowers in similar shade in Texas? Our list of Best Purple Flowers in Texas is going to offer you some stunning specimens! Due to its dense growth, this ground cover plant also holds up under foot traffic and keeps weeds at bay.Ī benefit of growing blue star creeper is that it performs well in damp or wet soil. You can grow this spreading plant for landscape edging, under shrubs, or in shade gardens. The prostrate spreading landscape plant thrives in partial shade.Īlso named Laurentia or swamp isotome, Blue star creeper stays evergreen in USDA zones 6 – 8 and prefers shade to sun. As a low-growing medium-fast creeping plant, blue star creeper grows up to 3” (7.5 cm) high and 24” (60 cm) wide. You can enjoy the light-blue star-shaped flowers in springtime. Creeping Thyme ( Thymus serpyllum )īlue star creeper is a low growing ground cover with pale blue flowers that is good for rock gardens or between paving stonesīlue star creeper is a spreading ground cover evergreen perennial with 5-petaled blue or purple flowers. Let’s look in more detail at the best purple-flowering, evergreen ground cover plants for your garden landscape. Evergreen Ground Cover Plants with Purple Flowers Some hardy varieties of low-growing plants are suitable substitutes for grass that you can walk on. The blooming carpet of foliage and flowers help reduce maintenance in gardens as the low-growing plants reduce the need for mulch. Other benefits of ground cover plants are that they lock in moisture and act as an insulating cover for the soil. What’s more, the best ground cover plants are generally low maintenance. Ground cover plants are also ideal for controlling weeds, preventing soil erosion, or covering bare soil. Usually, these mat-forming plants spread quickly, transforming landscapes into colorful scenes. Ground cover plants are types of plants that are low-growing, spreading, trailing, or creeping plants. Why Plant Ground Cover Plants with Purple Flowers Descriptions and pictures of ground cover plants with purple flowers will help you choose the best varieties for your garden landscape. This article is a complete guide to the best purple ground cover plants for sunny or shaded gardens. You can even grow full-shade purple spreading plants under shrubs or in shaded areas of your yard. Creeping purple flowers can transform pathways, grow in between stepping stones, grow along edges and borders, or in mixed beds. There are endless options to grow ground cover plants if you want to enjoy their purple, lilac, and blue flowers. Other full-sun ground cover plants continue flowering during late spring, through summer and bloom until the fall. You can choose early-flowering creeping plants to enjoy hues of purples and blues in early spring. The best ground cover plants with purple flowers are hardy, evergreen perennials that grow throughout the year. The green leafy foliage and purple flowers will keep your garden looking vibrant, healthy, and full of life in all seasons. Depending on your garden, you can plant purple-flowering ground cover plants for shade or full sun. Varieties of ground cover plants grow as perennials or evergreen spreading plants. Ground cover plants with purple flowers transform garden landscapes with colorful, low-growing, mat-forming creeping plants. Email Pinterest Facebook Twitter Linkedin
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frigownystud · 2 years
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“Ruella” 😍 my babiest baby 😍 #baby #dog #chihuahua #chihuahuas #babydog #doglove https://www.instagram.com/p/CjAIcg5t1lk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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queroviajarpaula · 2 years
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Organic Festival em Trancoso. O distrito de Trancoso, na Bahia, vai receber entre os dias 06 e 09 de outubro o Organic Festival. Um evento em que os mais renomados chefes da culinária brasileira darão aulas,palestras e almoços e inúmeras experiências multidisciplinares com práticas sustentáveis. Entre os participantes desse evento estarão: Morena Leite do restaurante Capim Santo, Roberta Sudbrack do restaurante Sud, Danielle Dahoui do restaurante Ruella,entre outros. O evento acontecerá perto da igreja São João Batista. E encerrando o evento acontecerá um luau com a cantora Alice Caymmi. #turismo #turismobrasil #instatravel #instagramdeviagem #instagramdeturismo #travelgram #trabelblogger #noticiasdeturismo #noticiasdeviagens #trancoso #trancosobahia #turismobahia #turismotrancoso #organicfestival #trancosoturismo #belezasdabahia (em Trancoso - Bahia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CinNuqEOUh6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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