#rufus jr firefly
charleslee-valentine · 4 months
Firefly family name etymology:
It’s no secret their names are chosen from stories, a coverup of sorts, but the family does have real names as well, at least for the most part, with the exception of Otis. That’s because he chose his own name, giving it at least some significance still.
We’ll start with him, since he’s the oldest of the Firefly children. The name Otis means ‘leisure.’ He’s a man who doesn’t feel threatened by much. Even when shit starts to hit the fan in the second two films, he remains joking, cocky, and proud. Leisure is in his relaxed bones, even when he’s furious and scolding and violent. Even in the way he stands, with his shoulders sagged and his crotch forward, is a leisurely poster.
The second child is RJ. Full name Rufus Junior. More complicated because of its simplicity, the meaning of his name is ‘reddened.’ While there’s no personality connections there, it can possibly offer insight on his killings. Blood is red and the Firefly family home is deeply soaked in blood. It’s assumed they’ve been killing for the entirety of the children’s lives, though that’s somewhat unclear. However if Rufus got his hands ‘reddened’ when he was young (accounting for the secondary meaning of junior) then it does imply that the family allows their small children to kill as well. A minor detail, but considering the shared insight on the whole family, shows RJ being dedicated to them first and foremost.
Next is Baby. Of course this, along with Angel Baby, are her nicknames. Her true name is Vera Ellen. Together, the double name has the meanings ‘true’ and ‘brilliant.’ She was her parents pride and joy and was named ‘truly brilliant’ after the way she shined to them. However I see it as a signal that she isn’t just a pretty, happy face too. She's also as intelligent as others in the family, despite her mental health and delusions. Thus it serves as a warning not to underestimate her. She’s every bit as cunning as her brothers, in on all the plans, with twice the protection because she’s her Mama and Daddy’s little star.
As for the Firefly parents themselves, there’s Mama. Her real name is Gloria, which means ‘honor.’ Befitting of the common matriarch in the family, everything they do is to her liking. Even Otis comes down to supper and brings Wolf because he knows that would make her happy. After her death, they raise hell and fight to survive and honor her. They made a promise to her, and to the other family they lost, to not go down without a fight. All those bullets they took was to honor her. Her name represents the symbol she presents to the rest of her family.
Except Earl, who we don’t see her interact with. Because of what he did he’s been exiled from the Firefly family, but it’s worth noting that his name can mean ‘lion.’ It would seem the man had a bad temperament to do what he did, and likely without much warning. He pounced and struck and Tiny was hurt, so Earl was no longer part of the family. In that sense, it reflects his nature as a dangerous animal, a monster to them.
His replacement as consistent patriarch and father to Baby is Spaulding. While his nicknames include Captain Spaulding and Cutter, his government name is Johnny Lee Johns. Combining the meanings of Johnny ‘graced by god’ and Lee ‘poet,’ he’s symbolically been gifted his ability to wax poetic and monologue. Spaulding spends his very last moments of life ranting and monologuing in that disturbing and cruel way the Firefly family does. To us, it doesn’t seem like poetry, but his wisdom to the family is important. His poeticism isn’t his word choice, it’s the way he can use words to crush a victim’s spirit, or to scare and unsettle them right into the arms of his waiting family members down the road to be hunted.
The final member of the family, at least in order of introduction, is Foxy. He’s Otis’ half-brother, so he has his own surname that he doesn’t share with anybody else. His name obviously is not a Marx character like the rest of the family’s nicknames as well. Foxy is just the shorthand of his middle name, Foxworth, full name Winslow Foxworth Coltrane. Winslow means ‘grave’ or ‘burial.’ His rescue of his brother, and thus his entrance into the story, is necessary because of death. Cutter is dead, Mama is dead, RJ and Tiny are dead, and Otis and Baby likely aren’t long behind. Foxy is a figure of the family, who is only essential in the loss of life, so his name is significant in marking him with that death. Foxworth can mean ‘homestead’ which only adds to the tragic meaning there. His family is dead, his home gone and burnt to the ground, and he wasn’t there to see it or defend them too. The death of all those family members and the loss of his home is the reason for his determination to save his remaining two siblings, and be included in the family. Baby and Otis don’t consider him part of that fight, but he’s just as wounded by it. Coltrane is symbolic of ‘wild energy.’ The result of the above trauma for him is his manic attitude. Even as calm and flat affected as he can seem, he turns cruel and sadistic when push comes to shove. All of the Firefly family can fit into that trope, of completely unhinged assholes, but Foxy wears the specific name that says it’s a part of him. Showing that he is a memeber of the family regardless of his prison stint that had him separated from the rest.
Firefly, of course, is a name chosen from characters and likely not their legal name, but it’s the one they use. The little insect fireflies symbolize ‘hope.’ The family reminds each other to be hopeful, because they see themselves as untouchable. Nobody can stop them, it seems at least, and Baby has to be reminded of that when she’s in Mexico grieving her Mama and Daddy. The love they have and the hope they share exists despite their evil and destructive nature, showing that they are a family unit deep down. Afterall, the point of these three films was to show what happens when the killers have support and love and family behind them for once, and how less likely their victims are in such a case to survive.
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These men are just...*drool*
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
Rufus 'RJ' Junior Firefly x Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: You try in vein to persuade your boyfriend to stay in with you Halloween morning.
Warnings: 😏 Thirst? No actual smut though.
*@marinerainbow !! I had to write this in responce to your asks XDD Turns out I'm too tired tonight to come up with my own thoughts?? ☠ So I built on one of yours 😅 I hope you like it! ^^ Consider this a late Christmas present? XD 😅
When you wake up, drool under your face damp on the pillow from last night getting fucked into it til you were just braindead, eyes fluttering open to see an empty bed beside you, you immediately fly up into a sitting position. Through sleepy, blurry eyes, you peer around the room, and find Rufus at the end of the bed lacing up his boots. "Oh no no- " You start, mouth tasting like sleep and limbs beyond tired, but pushing yourself forward anyway; crawling over to him and resting your forehead against his bare back. "no, no- where are you going??" This early?? Why is he leaving you this earlyyyyy...
"Gotta tow the car." He just says, straightening up. Cracking your eyes open, your lashes brushing against his skin, you carefully trace a soft, nasty-looking scar cut into his back. When he doesn't move immediately to get up and just leave you, you take the opportunity to wrap your arms around his thick chest and nose over his shoulder blade until you find where you fit curled up against him; your nose settling now on his shoulder and your lips on his skin this time.
"... stay... I'll make it worth your while!~ "
... He doesn't say anything, to this. Thats okay, you know he knows your word is good. And your man isn't a huge talker, anyway.
Sighing, you turn your head and rest your cheek against his back, closing your eyes again. He's warrrm. You feel like falling right back to sleep.
...-but you cant!! You think, jolting yourself awake again. You know, as soon as you fall back to sleep, he's just going to leave and help his stupid siblings. And- why should they always get first dibs?? He's your boyfriend!
Like a cat, you crawl around him and settle yourself carefully in his lap; resting your tired arms over his broad shoulders and leaning your head back in order to see his eyes. His dark, calculated eyes you're obsessed with- you feel like he just knows everything about everyone. About everything. You wanna worship him.
And you have. And you will, again.
"Come on... what do I have to do to keep you here in bed with me today? Not all day, I know this is a Big Day for y'all, but just... a couple more hours. Just a sleep in." Incapable of helping yourself, you lean in and initiate a slow, dirty kiss; just the way he likes it. Just the way you like it, too. Heated and indecent. Amid the kiss, or mini make-out, Rufus manages to not pull you in closer. Not get hard. Not give in to your wiles. He kisses you back, and you know he likes it by the way he kisses you back just as heated and indecent, but you're not changing his mind. So when you pull back, you pout at him. "-Really??"
"Really." He grunts, then picks you up effortlessly and dumps you back on your shared bed; getting up and grabbing a random old shirt off the back of a chair.
"Oh- then- I'll come with you!" You finally give in, fumbling off the bed and looking around with still-blurry eyes, head heavy. And- oh, getting up was a mistake, your body doesn't like it at all. Brain is leaving you on your own and going back to sleep. "Gotta just- " Yawn. "Gotta- um- brush my shoes. Put on my teeth. Where's the, uh- the bathroom?"
Rufus looks at you levelly, his eyes dark and his expression unreadable- but stern. Strong. Intense. God, you love how he looks at you. "Get back in bed."
"No, I- hey!" Before you can even take a step towards where you think the bathroom must be, Rufus picks you right up off of the floor; throwing you over his broad shoulder and, with his big hand on your ass, takes you right back to bed. When you're dropped back onto the mattress, on your back, you immediately try to get up and go again- pushing yourself up onto your elbows, but Rufus is giving you a look that makes you stop dead in your tracks. Makes you breathless. "... okay fine I'll go back to bed, then."
"... but you have to gimmie a kiss goodbye."
For a moment a flicker of a grin ghosts over his face at your antics, but it goes away as quickly as it appeared. You don't mind so much, though, you call it one for the win column; grinning back before he offers you his hand to help pull you up for that deep half-naked goodbye kiss.
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im-his-druidess · 2 months
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arentthemeasures · 2 months
Random small headcanons:
Charlie Grimille: Despite being a spirit, Charlie is able to interact with people and his environment far more than people often realize. He isn't trapped to the school, though there are certainly ways to invoke his presence there far more easily than elsewhere. When he isn't on a killing spree, he spends time observing people. He has interacted with his daughter a few times. He realizes that while there is a lot that he has missed, there is a bunch that he is happy to have missed. His tolerance for those he considers foolish or idiots is far lower than what it was when he was alive and tends to just decrease as time continues to move on. After all, an internet challenge for invoking him? Are people that stupid?
Charlie Grimille: Few people ever really see what's under the hood. Who could he possibly trust besides his daughter and former girlfriend? No one has bothered into looking into what really happened, how he ended up where he is. It would take a lot of trust for him to pull off the hood and reveal his face.
Ethan Landry: Family always comes first. No matter what the situation is and no matter who is involved. The Kirsch family is extremely tight knit and would do anything for one another, no matter what that is. Ethan and his father have a good relationship, though Wayne and Richie were closer. Ethan does look for his father's outright approval, but also knows that his father cares deeply for him.
Ethan Landry: He originally had the desire to follow in his father's footsteps, wanting to become an officer and detective. Though his brother did try to convince him to go into film and Ethan was nearly swayed. His plans all changed once Richie died and his death needed to be avenged.
Rufus Jr Firefly: Being the one who is the most "normal" passing, it's often up to RJ to bring money into the family. Especially when they don't have any victims at the household. He picks up work as a mechanic and occasionally works some private towing jobs. Everyone knows who his family is but know better than to say anything. Especially when RJ can fix just about any car that is set in front of him. If the situation were different, he could successfully run his own garage.
Caleb Quinn: Modern au- Give the chance, Caleb would have gone to school for engineering. It wouldn't have changed the course of his future. He would still become killer that he is. It simply would have refined his abilities and given his further skills to be able to develop and create various weapons. The schooling however, would have given him the capability of making patents and earning money for the designs and things created that were of the less unsavory variety.
Adam "Frank" Barrett: While all contact has been cut off from his former (not technically ex) wife and child, he does keep tabs on them every now and then. He doesn't want any ties to his previous life but this is the one little thing that he cannot let go. It's done as an assurance that they are doing well without him. He wouldn't ever reach out to either or give any indication to them that he was alive. They were better off thinking that he was dead. It's the last little good act that he did before he completely gave over to the criminal lifestyle.
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dogjak · 3 months
never in my life have i met anyone who loves rufus jr firefly as much as i do ik you guys are out there but we are an endangered species
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ash-fudo · 2 years
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messy-gemini1 · 2 years
Devils Rejects Otis Driftwood x reader Pt. 1
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"Grab what you can, mostly guns. Baby and Otis are waiting for us at the Kahiki Palms" Spaulding had said, Barging into your house unannounced.
It had been months since you'd seen any of the firefly family yet here one of them was, warning you of the Grimsley crimes you committed with the family.
"fuck fuck" you said, grabbing what you thought you'd need. pulling your pistols from the closet and shoving everything into a duffle bag Spaulding had already started up his truck once again and didn't wait for you to shut the door before he was speeding off down the road.
"What about mama and Rufus?" You asked. Spaulding shook his head, staring at the road ahead. "Baby didn't say but I'm assuming their either shot or taken" he said.
Your hand gripped the strap of your Duffel bag, the last time you saw Otis was your breakup.
"Will you get off my fucking back! goddamn I can take care of my damn self" Otis had been struck in the head by a visitor and you refused to let him take care of it himself, but he continued to act like a little baby. "I'm doing this because I care fo ryou asshole" you had growled at him'
"Well, I never asked you to! I don't need a nagging bitch when I can have all the women I want, cold and dead and at my disposal not to mention fuckin quiet now piss off!" he growled stepping up to your face.
Your nostrils flared as you tried to keep from crying. "Fuck you, you are a fucking piece of shit" You hissed and stormed out of the Firefly farm.
You jumped out of your thoughts as the truck began to stall. "no no no fuck" Spaulding said as the truck ran out of gas. You looked around and spotted a woman and her son getting out of her car. You nudged Spaulding and nodded your head at the two, Spaulding grinned and stepping out of the car with you in suit.
"Hi, Me and my friend here are gonna have to be taking your car today" Spaulding started, putting on his nice clown facade. "See we have some top-secret clown and lady Business that supersedes any plans that you might have for this here vehicle"
The woman laughed awkwardly along with Spaulding, you let yourself grin as he stepped closer to the woman "do I stutter bitch"
The woman began to grow nervous as she forced her son into the car and told him to lock the doors while she circled the car Spaulding in tow.
"Where the hell you going. Don't you know never turn your back on a fucking clown when he's talking to you" Spaulding said grabbing the woman.
While Spaulding took care of that you managed to slip your hand into the cracked window and unlocked it, throwing your duffle bag into the back and jumping into the front seat grinning at the little boy.
"If you know better, I suggest you start fuckin running before the bad clown getcha" you said, the little boy started sobbing and raced out of the car just as Spaulding got in the driver's side laughing. "let's go girl!" he whooped and sped off leaving the two stranded.
When you both pulled into the hotel parking lot you could hear screaming. You both jumped out, Spaulding rushing off to the noise while you grabbed the bag and followed.
"Get her daddy!" Babys voice spoke as you turned the corner and saw Spaulding knock the girl down.
Baby stopped running and caught your eye smiling wide. "Y/N!!" she said, slamming into you into a large hug smiling. "Hello baby, it's been too long" you said letting her guide you into the hotel room with Spaulding carrying the girl.
A/n: i hope you guys enoyed the first part! i didn't want this to be too long so I'm gonna make a part 2!
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nightmarewritings · 3 years
I’m glad you started writing for Rj firefly, from your last pose you said he had a breeding kink😈 could you go into more detail about that?
I love writing RJ, he’s sadly not got much characterization in the movies himself, which just means more space for fans to fill in the blanks!
Not worksafe!
RJ Firefly Breeding Kink Headcanons
Wants to continue the family line, like more than anyone else does.
His mother heavily encourages it. She’s always wanted to be a grandma.
RJ will be watching you like a hawk. He trusts the other men in his family, but not enough to leave you alone with them.
Would absolutely mating press you if he was aware of that position (honestly probably discovers it accidentally). He’ll also have you bent over whenever he wants.
Pushes his semen back inside you with his fingers when it starts to leak out. You need to keep that inside as long as possible.
RJ isn’t exactly that talkative, but you’ll hear more out of him during and after sex than any other time. Talks about how you’re his, how you feel around him, how good you look filled up and fucked good. He’s not the best at dirty talk, but he tries.
Bites. Not as hard as he would if you were a victim of the family, but he wants to leave a mark. You’ll have bruises and imprints on your neck for days.
Once you’re knocked up, don’t expect him to go easy on you at first. He’ll still be just as rough until you start to show.
Very possessive, hands on you at all times, usually your stomach.
Expect a “wedding”. Not legally binding, but you’ll be part of the family now, and RJ will want to do whatever it takes to keep you tied to him. Very flashy, just like the family is.
The farther along you are, the better he treats you. Once you have that first kid though, don’t think it’ll be the last. He wants as many as the two of you can make.
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Backseat and booze. (18+!!!)
Rufus Jr "RJ" Firefly x Transmasc! Reader. (Pronouns used: he/him/they/them. I'm going to alternate.)
Warnings: the reader hasn't had bottom surgery so there will be the use of the words "cunt, pussy, clit, etc." I apologize in advance if it's a trigger..., cursing, alcohol use, SMUT, dirty talk, drinking while driving (even if it's just Rufus driving on the farm land.)
Summary: you're riding with in the cop car with Rufus on Halloween night, drinking and having fun. Things get a little spicy so he shuts the car off and you two move to the back for some fun before the second half of the ritual starts 😉
Y/N watched as Rufus replaced the lid on the coffin, sealing the fate of the two bunny suit clad people who were laid inside. Lowering the coffin back down into the hole, Otis watching with a deranged smile on his face.
The trap doors were closed, the lantern and tape player were lowered through the hole in the door, calling the ghouls that dwelled down below.
Once that job was done all they had to do was wait for baby to come back with Mary. Otis and Mama didn't notice when Rufus slipped away, or when Y/N decided to head back to the house in search of more booze, wanting to get even more fucked up before the night was over.
They managed to locate the 6 pack of beer they had drunkenly stashed away a few days prior, hoping to hide it away from Hugo (who drinks like a fish). Pleased with themselves, Y/N made their way outside to see Rufus uncovering the stolen police car. "Taking the pig mobile out for a spin, sugar?" He called to his boyfriend, a playful tone in his voice. RJ looked up and nodded, flashing them a smile as he tossed the camouflage to the side. "You wanna come?" He asked, hoping they would say yes.
Of course they said yes.
Now Y/N was in the passenger seat, beer bottle in hand, laughing and urging Rufus on, enjoying the recklessness. Rufus loved it when Y/N encouraged him like this, both horrible influences on eachother.
The alcohol and the adrenaline were a wonderful combination, driving both of them out of their minds. Rufus continued the reckless driving, jerking the wheel slightly in surprise when he felt Y/N's hand slowly snake across his stomach, sliding up underneath the bloody uniform of the former Sheriff Wydell. "You know I love it when you wear your shirts open like this~" they purr, grazing their fingers up his chest before slowly lowering their hand to remove the handgun from the waistband of the already tight uniform pants. They were gentle, being sure to keep their fingers away from the trigger, though the danger was enough to drive Rufus up the wall. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, now feeling Y/N start to palm him through his pants, earning them a nice, deep, frustrated groan from the man. "Y/N..." he warned, trying to focus on his driving, but their hands made it very difficult. They didn't let up, in fact, they pressed on, this time slowly undoing his belt, stopping every few seconds just to tease him. RJ's frustration grew with every second Y/N's hands were on him, the sensation of their touch almost enough to push him over the edge.
He brought the police car to a full stop, turning off the engine.
He turned to Y/N, pulling them into a passionate kiss which quickly turned heated. Rufu's hands found their way to Y/N's thighs, digging his fingers into the soft flesh, eliciting a muffled moan from his partner.
The next thing Y/N knew they were on their back in the back seat of the cruiser, the door standing open, Rufus standing there, looking down at them with his deep brown eyes full of lust. His hands were quick to undo the button and zipper on their pants, pulling them off along with their underwear in one swift movement.
Rufus dropped to his knees in front of them, the wet grass soaking his pants legs (not that he cared, his mind was on other things anyways.) He allowed his hands to trail up their legs, enjoying the sight of his partner squirming beneath his touch.
"Spread 'em, darlin'." His voice came out like the purr of a lion, making Y/N's heart skip a beat and the butterflies in their stomach to start fluttering around. Y/N and RJ had been together for a while (and this was definitely not their first play time) but the nervous excitement Y/N felt whenever the two got down to doing the dirty was still strong.
Y/N obediently spread their legs, allowing RJ access to their sensitive areas. Without hesitation, Rufus licked a long stripe up Y/N's pussy, earning a moan from his boyfriend.
That moan caused all of RJ's self control to disappear.
He buried his face into Y/N's crotch, beginning to eat him out like a starving animal, the taste of his partner's juices driving him wild. Y/N's hands tangled themselves into Rufus's hair, their legs over his shoulders, both pulling him closer, urging him to keep going.
"Rufus! Fuuuck! Keep going baby!" They moan breathlessly, their legs tightening around him, body starting to shake with pleasure. RJ happily obliged, his tongue now targeting Y/N's clit, not one to deny his boyfriend what they want. Y/N arched their back, their moans becoming so loud they were almost screams as they felt the knot in their stomach beginning to tighten. "Fuck! Please don't stop, baby! I'm so fuckin' close!" Y/N begged, almost pleading for release.
Again, RJ obliged, continuing to attack Y/N's clit with his tongue, eating him out desperately, wanting to bring his partner to their orgasm. He kept it up for a minute or two more until he pushed Y/N over the edge, a blissful moan coming from deep within them, their body shaking and spasming from the sheer pleasure. He happily lapped up all he could before Y/N moved away, leaving him wanting more.
Now Rufus was sat in the back seat of the cruiser, the door now closed, keeping the two inside. He undid his own pants, pulling them down, allowing his dick to spring free. Y/N was going to return the favor but RJ stopped them, shaking his head slightly. "Not this time, sweetpea." He didn't want oral, not this time atleast, right now he wanted to sink his cock into their pussy.
It would be uncomfortable for Rufus to be on top since he was so tall (6'10"), so he sat back while Y/N climbed ontop of him, lowering themselves onto his dick. They had only managed to get a few inches in, but Rufus's size (6 inches but very thick) made it hard for Y/N to take. Tired of waiting, Rufus placed his hands on their hips, roughly bucking his hips up, ramming his cock deep into Y/N's pussy, letting out a deep growl when he did. Y/N tilted his head back, letting out a loud moan, digging their nails into RJ's shoulders to brace themselves. Y/N began to move, starting to bounce on his dick, slowly picking up the pace with a bit of urging from Rufus, his hands guiding their hips.
Rufus started getting pretty rough, much to the excitement and pleasure of Y/N, who loved it when their usually sweet and gentle boyfriend got more primal and rough. His fingers dug into Y/N's hips, pulling them down onto his dick while bucking his hips up to meet his boyfriend, getting more and more desperate for his own release. Y/N grabbed the back of Rufus's head, taking a handful of his hair, using it to pull him into a rough and passionate kiss which pushed him closer to his end.
His movements got harder and sloppier, his breathing sped up, his soft grunts and growls got louder and more desperate as he got closer to his edge. He broke the kiss for air, tightening his grip on their hips, he roughly pushed them down to the base of his cock as he came. Throwing his head back, letting out the loudest, euphoric moan that dissolved into higher pitched whimpers and moans, repeatedly thanking his boyfriend. Y/N panted softly, gently caressing Rufus's face, gazing lovingly into his eyes.
Rufus quickly wrapped his arms around their waist, pulling them into a tight hug, burying his face into their neck. "God I love you, Y/N.... I don't fuckin' deserve you.." RJ whimpered, causing them to chuckle softly. "Yes you do, Darlin'.... you deserve to be happy and loved." They kiss his shoulder. "And I love you so fuckin' much."
They managed to get cleaned up and back to the ritual without any issue, though, they were sure the whole family knew what they'd done.
Hope this was okay! I want to write some more smut so there might be another one later tonight. Also I hope everyone liked RJ's post nut clarity at the end lol.
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prettypinkguts · 5 years
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 // 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙
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Characters I write for 🔪
Baby Firefly
Billy Lenz 
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire 
Bubba Sawyer 
Charles Lee Ray 
(ALL) Dead By Daylight Killers
Freddy Kruger 
Hannibal Lecter 
Harry Warden 
Jack Torrance 
Jason Voorhees
Lestat De Lioncourt
Michael Langdon
Michael Myers 
Norman Bates 
Older! Losers Club 
Otis Driftwood
Patrick Bateman 
Pyramid Head
Strade (Boyfriend to Death)
Rufus Firefly Jr
Tate Langdon
Vincent Sinclair
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Rules 🔪
Once the ask-box is closed please do not send any more requests :) 
NSFW is welcome
Literally ANY kink goes besides scat/feet. Sorry
Only 2 slashers to a head-canon and only 1 slasher to an imagine 
Please be patient with me! 
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im-his-druidess · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet List
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex):
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically):
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?):
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying):
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.):
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.):
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect):
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon):
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks):
L = Location (favorite places to do the do):
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going):
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.):
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.):
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.):
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?):
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?):
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.):
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character):
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes):
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
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labradoritedreams · 7 years
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This scene cracks me up every time. (House of 1000 Corpses, 2003).
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magg0t-king · 2 years
oooo slasher fandom for that ask game thingy!
I love the slasher fandom :).(thank you for sending this in!)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Freddy Krueger :D!!(ANOES) He's one of my top fav slashers. Honestly, I could talk about my fav Freddy designs for hours.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Nubbins Sawyer :) (TCM 1). He makes me really happy.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Drayton Sawyer(mostly TCM2 Drayton). He's very cool.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Rufus Firefly Jr. and Earl Firefly(HO1000C)! You cannot make me choose between the two.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Not sure if RZ! Michael Myers(Halloween2007) is counted a problematic or something, but he's def my poor little meow meow.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Doom-Head(31). He kinda goofy ngl. (I still love him tho lmao)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Asa Emory(The Collection). Not the first movie Asa, but the second movie asa.
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jiggolo · 3 years
rufus firefly jr actually has a full time working job you just don't see it
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ash-fudo · 2 years
i need more of him.
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