#vera ellen firefly
charleslee-valentine · 4 months
Firefly family name etymology:
It’s no secret their names are chosen from stories, a coverup of sorts, but the family does have real names as well, at least for the most part, with the exception of Otis. That’s because he chose his own name, giving it at least some significance still.
We’ll start with him, since he’s the oldest of the Firefly children. The name Otis means ‘leisure.’ He’s a man who doesn’t feel threatened by much. Even when shit starts to hit the fan in the second two films, he remains joking, cocky, and proud. Leisure is in his relaxed bones, even when he’s furious and scolding and violent. Even in the way he stands, with his shoulders sagged and his crotch forward, is a leisurely poster.
The second child is RJ. Full name Rufus Junior. More complicated because of its simplicity, the meaning of his name is ‘reddened.’ While there’s no personality connections there, it can possibly offer insight on his killings. Blood is red and the Firefly family home is deeply soaked in blood. It’s assumed they’ve been killing for the entirety of the children’s lives, though that’s somewhat unclear. However if Rufus got his hands ‘reddened’ when he was young (accounting for the secondary meaning of junior) then it does imply that the family allows their small children to kill as well. A minor detail, but considering the shared insight on the whole family, shows RJ being dedicated to them first and foremost.
Next is Baby. Of course this, along with Angel Baby, are her nicknames. Her true name is Vera Ellen. Together, the double name has the meanings ‘true’ and ‘brilliant.’ She was her parents pride and joy and was named ‘truly brilliant’ after the way she shined to them. However I see it as a signal that she isn’t just a pretty, happy face too. She's also as intelligent as others in the family, despite her mental health and delusions. Thus it serves as a warning not to underestimate her. She’s every bit as cunning as her brothers, in on all the plans, with twice the protection because she’s her Mama and Daddy’s little star.
As for the Firefly parents themselves, there’s Mama. Her real name is Gloria, which means ‘honor.’ Befitting of the common matriarch in the family, everything they do is to her liking. Even Otis comes down to supper and brings Wolf because he knows that would make her happy. After her death, they raise hell and fight to survive and honor her. They made a promise to her, and to the other family they lost, to not go down without a fight. All those bullets they took was to honor her. Her name represents the symbol she presents to the rest of her family.
Except Earl, who we don’t see her interact with. Because of what he did he’s been exiled from the Firefly family, but it’s worth noting that his name can mean ‘lion.’ It would seem the man had a bad temperament to do what he did, and likely without much warning. He pounced and struck and Tiny was hurt, so Earl was no longer part of the family. In that sense, it reflects his nature as a dangerous animal, a monster to them.
His replacement as consistent patriarch and father to Baby is Spaulding. While his nicknames include Captain Spaulding and Cutter, his government name is Johnny Lee Johns. Combining the meanings of Johnny ‘graced by god’ and Lee ‘poet,’ he’s symbolically been gifted his ability to wax poetic and monologue. Spaulding spends his very last moments of life ranting and monologuing in that disturbing and cruel way the Firefly family does. To us, it doesn’t seem like poetry, but his wisdom to the family is important. His poeticism isn’t his word choice, it’s the way he can use words to crush a victim’s spirit, or to scare and unsettle them right into the arms of his waiting family members down the road to be hunted.
The final member of the family, at least in order of introduction, is Foxy. He’s Otis’ half-brother, so he has his own surname that he doesn’t share with anybody else. His name obviously is not a Marx character like the rest of the family’s nicknames as well. Foxy is just the shorthand of his middle name, Foxworth, full name Winslow Foxworth Coltrane. Winslow means ‘grave’ or ‘burial.’ His rescue of his brother, and thus his entrance into the story, is necessary because of death. Cutter is dead, Mama is dead, RJ and Tiny are dead, and Otis and Baby likely aren’t long behind. Foxy is a figure of the family, who is only essential in the loss of life, so his name is significant in marking him with that death. Foxworth can mean ‘homestead’ which only adds to the tragic meaning there. His family is dead, his home gone and burnt to the ground, and he wasn’t there to see it or defend them too. The death of all those family members and the loss of his home is the reason for his determination to save his remaining two siblings, and be included in the family. Baby and Otis don’t consider him part of that fight, but he’s just as wounded by it. Coltrane is symbolic of ‘wild energy.’ The result of the above trauma for him is his manic attitude. Even as calm and flat affected as he can seem, he turns cruel and sadistic when push comes to shove. All of the Firefly family can fit into that trope, of completely unhinged assholes, but Foxy wears the specific name that says it’s a part of him. Showing that he is a memeber of the family regardless of his prison stint that had him separated from the rest.
Firefly, of course, is a name chosen from characters and likely not their legal name, but it’s the one they use. The little insect fireflies symbolize ‘hope.’ The family reminds each other to be hopeful, because they see themselves as untouchable. Nobody can stop them, it seems at least, and Baby has to be reminded of that when she’s in Mexico grieving her Mama and Daddy. The love they have and the hope they share exists despite their evil and destructive nature, showing that they are a family unit deep down. Afterall, the point of these three films was to show what happens when the killers have support and love and family behind them for once, and how less likely their victims are in such a case to survive.
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lambf4rm · 1 year
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Guess what movie trilogy I just watched
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hellodeathly · 2 years
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ivy475 · 4 months
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This was in my fb memories today from 2012
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vampireassistant · 5 months
List of names Rob Zombie used or referenced in House of 1000 Corpses/The Devil's Rejects + where they're from:
The last name "Firefly" is from Duck Soup, 1933
Captain Spaulding -> Captain Spaulding (Animal Crackers - 1930), Ringo (Stagecoach - 1939)
Otis B. Driftwood -> Otis B. Driftwood (A Night at the Opera - 1935), Mr. Hammer (The Cocoanuts - 1929), J. Cheever (At The Circus - 1939), Quincy Wagstaff (Horse Feathers - 1932)
Baby Firefly -> Vera-Ellen (Vera-Ellen, actress/dancer known for lip syncing, who also starred in the Marx brothers film Love Happy), Baby Jane (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? - 1962), Bunny (Love Happy - 1949)
Mama Firefly -> Gloria Teasdale (Duck Soup - 1933), Eve Wilson (Marx Brothers Go West - 1940)
Rufus "RJ" Firefly -> Rufus T. Firefly (Duck Soup - 1933)
The Professor (Earl) -> The Professor (Animal Crackers - 1930)
Ravelli -> Signor Emanuel Ravelli (Animal Crackers - 1930), Ravelli (The Big Store - 1941)
Charlie Altamont -> Wolf J. Flywheel (The Big Store - 1941)
Doctor Satan/S. Quentin Quale -> S. Quentin Quale (Marx Brothers Go West - 1940)
Grandpa Hugo -> Dr. Hugo Z. Hackenbush (A Day at the Races - 1937) (Hugo's is quite interesting since he was originally intended to be Doctor Satan, I'm assuming thats why his name was derived from a character with the Doctor title)
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hellsdoll · 1 year
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「 HELL'S DOLL, SATAN'S 🇵​🇪​🇷​🇫​🇪​🇨​🇹​ LITTLE 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋. 」 [ #HELLSDOLL. ] * this is an extremely private and highly selective 🇧​🇦​🇧​🇾​ 🇫​🇮​🇷​🇪​🇫​🇱​🇾​ ( VERA-ELLEN WILSON ) of 𝑅𝒪𝐵 𝒵𝒪𝑀𝐵𝐼𝐸'𝒮 FIREFLY TRILOGY.
taking both influence from music and films. due to the nature of this blog / series i WON'T be following first unless it's another fellow horror / slasher rp blog. otherwise, you'll have to follow me first. i know horror isn't for everyone, therefore i'll keep from following first any blogs not in the horror rpc. 21+ only. [ carrd ] wip.
affiliates: @wrenchist / @mandelavictim / @inhabets * CAPT SPAULDING: @hellsclown
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TEMP RULES HERE. please read.
01. i think it's crucial that off the bat i list triggers that may / will be seen here on this blog: CLOWNS / CIRCUS THEMES, SATANIC IMAGERY / RITUALS, TORTURE, VULGAR LANGUAGE, KNIVES, GUNS, GORE, NUDITY, ALCOHOL and MURDER. everything will be tagged accordingly, always. if there is something i missed, let me know! some of these are just listed to be safe.
02. THIS BLOG IS STRICTLY 21+ ONLY. if i see someone follow me with either no age listed or it's under 21? I'm going to block immediately. this is for my own comfort, thank you.
03. as i stated above: if you're not in the horror/slasher rpc then i won't be following you first. i don't want to make anyone uncomfy as i know horror isn't everyone's cup of tea. always feel free to follow me if you're not in the horror/slasher rpc, but just know i won't be doing it first.
04. i'm extremely crossover and original character friendly! so long as you have a rules / brief about then we're golden! i love hearing people ramble about their muses btw.
05. we're here to have fun, i'm busy out of the rpc so i don't stress myself when it comes to writing AS THIS IS A SIMPLE HOBBY FOR ME. be nice to another, i've got no patience for hate of any kind.
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skold · 1 year
i have three of them so here’s the whole squad
void abigail graves (grammostola pulchra), vera ellen “baby” firefly graves (tliltocatl albopilosus), and the reverend helena james graves (brachypelma hamorii)
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behold. my children
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wildcarrdd · 3 years
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ariana-maryse · 3 years
Baby Firefly Headcanons
Cuddling with Baby
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(For anon)
Baby loves to cuddle, but she can’t stay in one position for too long. So it’d be active cuddling; moving around, her playfully pestering you, etc. 
Snuggling up to you energizes her. She gets excited and will talk a lot/joke around more while you’re all smooshed up. 
Conversely, that energizing can also mean that she’ll get up and come back a lot. She can get a little restless from time to time. 
She doesn’t care how you want to cuddle; sitting up, laying down, spooning, whatever. When she’s feeling affectionate, she’ll just koala all over you.
There are times where she’s not feeling it, though, and she’ll make it very clear that she wants you to back off. It doesn’t happen a lot; more here and there.
If you’re sitting down, Baby will just come and lay her head on your lap or drape her legs over yours. If you’re standing, she’ll wrap her arms around you or loop her arm into yours. You can cuddle standing. 
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slshrz · 3 years
Starter Call for Baby Firefly
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hellodeathly · 2 years
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ocmerunaway · 3 years
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texasthrillbilly · 5 years
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yourfavwillpay · 4 years
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Vera-Ellen"Baby” Firefly WILL pay!
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teacupfullofstars · 5 years
Baby Firefly is my WIFE
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slaughtergutz · 6 years
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this would be funnier if I could draw bill moseley consistently. 
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