#ruin you alternatives
darkmulti · 10 months
Hi, I was wondering if you are up to writing ruin you alternative ending where y/n went back in the time on the day when her parents kicked her out and Jungkook ask her to move in with him but this time she agrees for positive future. That will be very interesting if it turned out time travelling ff.
Or if you don't like this one then how about y/n died while giving birth to thier 2nd child because her body was so weak by getting raped countless times and her body finally gave up on life during her second labor but the child was born or it died too. I wonder what will be Jungkook's reaction what will he do. Will he regret and kill himself since he don't want to live without her or move on to another woman so the kids have mother.
What do you think?
1st scenario: you and Jungkook would live happily ever after. Like literally the perfect most dream life and would have like 5 or 6 kids, (my boy wants a big family). He’d spoil you rotten, some arguments here n there but it’s usually resolved by the end of the day. Very close and cute family you guys have. Live in a big mansion, kids are spoiled (to an extent) but also very respectful n smart. He takes you on all his business trips. Still looks at you with so much love and admiration. You guys live a soulmate life.
2nd scenario: Jungkook goes bat shit crazy. If you die, he’ll be in disbelief before it turns into a fit of anger. Punches the doctors, throws shit around, shakes you like crazy like it’s going to wake you up or something. I think he’d leave for a little bit to gather himself after losing you. Because your kids are too young to understand what’s happened to you, but Jungkook feels like he lost a half of his heart. After he’s collected himself, he’d become a better person for your kids. He would not remarry, hell he wouldn’t even sleep w anyone. His first and main priority is being a dad. (Imagine your 2nd child is a girl and she resembles you sm. Jungkook would be so protective of her. She’d be spoiled to her core and cherished and loved sooooo soooo much! And your first born son too.)
But on another note, he might actually commit suicide after his kids move out and start their own life. Either that or he smokes too much that he eventually gets lung cancer or smth.
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j0celynh0rr0r · 2 months
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starheirxero · 5 months
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His dubious morals and completely self-assured swag has enraptured me beyond belief
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distort-opia · 3 months
You know. It truly is one hell of a choice to have this as a cover for Death in the Family: Robin Lives:
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'Cause you know. Bruce holding Jason's body to show his loss has been used incessantly. It's a huge trope in general, character A holding character B's dead body, and it rarely signifies 'oh character A hates character B's guts'. Needless to say, this also isn't the face of a guy happy that Joker's dead:
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I mean it's pretty obvious Jason shot Joker, right? It better be him, it'll make for some really interesting story-telling. I'm genuinely excited for Bruce's reaction and some proper exploration of his conflicted feelings. There better be parallels with Under the Red Hood... 'cause the thing is, DeMatteis is a good writer. He's the guy who did Going Sane, Disordered Minds and JLA #35, so clearly he's got a nuanced understanding of the Batman & Joker dynamic... but the first issue of Robin Lives comes out next week, so we'll see.
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beskarfrog · 9 months
For the artwork post: I think anything ancient greek would be so awesome (I'm a classics major) with dinluke, but if you want a specific reccomendation, I would say the vase painting of Achilles and Patroclus, where Patroclus is bandaging Achilles' wounds. I'm pretty sure I've seen someone draw it with dinluke before, but there can never be too much art!
my friend, that is absolutely galaxy brain!! here you go
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Oh hey 👋
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heartisbrave · 11 months
bottoms doesn’t need a sequel but I need another movie with the exact same cast and crew. time for gay people to have their own brat pack
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rainecreatesstuff · 3 months
funniest conclusion to this arc: Stolas goes through his gay slut era with mostly people he meets through Verosika. This results in Stolas and Blitz having a LOT of the same exes/hook-ups.
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prohaloplayer · 5 months
the cheating problem in cs2 is actually making me go crazy dog its like an estimated 10% of people over 20k elo are cheating which just genuinely means every game on average has one cheater minimum if you mainly solo q
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skadren · 1 year
my chosen explanation for why vincent's room and coffin are all fancy and spruced up now in the new trailer is that genesis has been camping out with him and strong-armed him into letting himself have Nice Things
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kiobeeoooo · 7 months
So, um. I made something - an au, where JD pretty much finds a whole village of trolls that escaped the Troll Tree and other hermits just chilling there
He ruins their supply storage and is made to work off his debt, so it's kinda like Cars? I dunno
Some concept sketches + a mini comic!!
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j0celynh0rr0r · 2 months
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You ruin everything
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desultory-novice · 2 years
“A Beautiful Sunset”
CW: body horror, mind break
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I know-kirby-saved-me-he-wouldn’t-just-leave-me-like-this-not-when-it-hurts-so-much-please-make-it-stop-where-are-you-Kirby-
My original sketch/idea had the two of them actually alright and safe in Dream Land, just plagued by memories, they being the lone “survivors” of having their Souls weaponized...
...Then cursed True Arena lore kicked in and now they’re not okay but since the Master Crown stole his eyes, Magolor can’t even see and he’s driven to hallucinating out of desperation and pain
Edit: I turned this into a whole mini series...
Part 2 “The Sun Never Sets” Part 3 “Screams of Joy” Part 4 “Visitors” Part 5 “A Perfect Circle”
Relevant: “Conditional”
Prologue: “Selfish Needs”
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cemeterydolll · 28 days
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dis my eyeball ⛓️‍💥
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skellseerwriting · 24 days
Death and Rebirth Part 1
Hades x Phoenix!GN!Reader
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Word Count: 1,035
Warnings: Hades’ self confidence, Hades thinking he’s a “cool guy” (lol), Uliana is a little menacing (to me), this chapter is short but the rest won’t be, the romance in this series is more of a subplot (there is romance but there’s also another plot going on)
Summary: Hades is already bored with Merlin academy. Nothing is interesting to him anymore. Class is boring, students are boring; they’re all just a bunch of humans and faes. Then, he sees you, and he’s not quite sure what you are…
Important Note!: This story includes lore I made up for phoenixes, so it is not accurate in that regard (they’re not real anyways, so it’s not really “inaccurate”). Information on that will be revealed naturally throughout the series
It was only a few weeks into the school year and Hades was already bored.
At first, he was interested in what classes there might be. Anything with magic caught his interest. Real quickly, he learned he didn’t like any of them.
The other students weren’t any more entertaining, either. Outside of his friend group, which contained a sea creature witch, a dark and powerful fae, a quarter-fae shapeshifter, and a human pirate who’s skills and attributes more than made up for his lackluster nature- Hades found the rest of the school to be, well, boring.
As he walked through the fountain courtyard he passively took note of the people around him, sensing their nature. Being a powerful god who regularly dealt with all sorts of people in the underworld had its effects.
Human, he noted. Another human. Fae. Half fae. Human. Fairy. Human. Fa-
Hades paused, looking at you standing nigh fifteen feet away. You looked human, but he sensed something different. Something… magical, perhaps? It definitely wasn’t fae. It felt nothing like Maleficent’s dark aura, either (which was different from most fae). It felt… more powerful? But, as he looked at you, all he saw was a sickeningly sweet smile on your face as you talked to a human student.
Before he knew what he was doing, he was walking right towards you. The student saw Hades approaching and scurried away with an “eep!”, leaving the two of you in each others space.
Standing there awkwardly, he realized he didn’t even know what to say. You just looked at him expectantly with your head tilted and your lip curled; amused.
“Uh…” He was at a loss of words. He realized how uncool he looked right now. Maybe he should just walk away. No- that’d look weirder. Then you’d go telling people how the Hades just started gawking at you silently.
Opting to just ask at this point to save face, he cleared his throat.
“What are you?”
You looked at him quizzically.
“Huh?” You went, slight smile still on your face, although more perplexed. Oh great, now you were going to think he was just weird.
“I-“ he coughed. “Sorry. I just- you don’t… seem.. human?”
“That’s because I’m not!” You chirped.
“Well, what are you then?” Hades asked, not expecting a straightforward response like that.
“Hmm,” you thought for a moment before perking up. “It’s a secret!”
Well so much for asking.
“Why, though?” He questioned, scratching the back of his neck.
Blinking once after a moment of silence, you said:
“Because you want to know.”
“Seriously?” He felt a little agitated.
“Yes.” You stated, then angled your head the other way. “How could you tell I’m not human?”
Beginning to smirk, he quoted you.
“‘It’s a secret’.”
Rolling your eyes with a smile, you made a bravo motion.
“I assume it has to do with your godly nature?” You said that last part a little mockingly. Hades didn’t mind, however. You were the most interesting thing that had happened since Mali accidentally made scales grow from Uliana’s skin.
He gave you a brief nod. He was reputable around school for that. Some scared little royals had even spread a good rumor that he could kill someone with just a single touch. Most started avoiding him after that, which was fun. Of course, they were mixing up him with Thanatos, who was the god of death, but when he brought it up at one point he was met with a “who?”
“Well,” you interrupted his thoughts. “If you stick around, you might just find out.”
And with that, you spun around, and it seemed as if the earth spun with you as wind swirled leaves where you had stood. He barely noticed that your top had a gaping hole in the back, as something bright caught his attention in the middle of your spot.
Stepping forward, he crouched down on the stone tiles. It was a feather. A decent sized, fiery orange  feather.
Picking it up gently between his thumb and finger, he could feel magic coursing through it. What kind of bird did it come from? And did you just give this to him? Or was it some kind of coincidence?
Standing up, you were nowhere to be seen; leaving Hades with more questions than he started with.
“Where did you get this?” Uliana asked demandingly.
Hades had shown her the feather, questioning her about its origins. He considered telling her some student had given it to him (he thought that’s what happened, anyway). Ultimately, though, he didn’t want to risk sicking Uliana on a poor (possibly innocent) person. He wasn’t that cruel. And that had nothing to do with the fact he wanted to learn more about you.
You were interesting, and he liked interesting. There was no way he’d get to know about you more if Uliana started breathing down either of your necks. So, he told her that he found it on the courtyard grounds.
“Maybe an orange bird flew by?” Morgie posed, eager to provide suggestions to Uli.
“Or someone dropped it.” Maleficent suggested.
“No.” Uliana stated, clutching the feather. “There’s no possible way this fell from a bird. And there’s no way someone dropped this.”
Hades began to feel a little nervous, though he didn’t let it show.
“Why is that?” He asked, though he almost didn’t want to; afraid of what she might say.
“Because this,” she held up the feather, staring at it in awe. “Is a phoenix feather. They went extinct centuries ago, and you can only get one from them if they let you pluck it. If someone was carrying this, they would’ve been careful enough not to lose it. The only place you can see one now is in a museum. And the black market every decade.”
Woah. Hades took a step back. And you had just given that to him? What if he hadn’t picked it up?
“But someone must have been carrying it.” Morgie insisted. “Otherwise that would mean there’s a phoenix around here. Wouldn’t that be something.”
“Yes.” Uliana mused, making Hades feel uneasy as she twiddled the vibrant feather in front of her eye. “It would.”
Part 2
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give it to me
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