#ruler of the 12h in the 1h
d4rkpluto · 1 month
ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ
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and i wanted to be kind and leave one more spot for someone for a chart reading, £30 for a natal chart reading and i'll be closing it!
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♇ what is a ruler in astrology?
♇ a ruler in astrology is a planetary ruler, a planet that rules over the sign that takes over a house, for example, someone with capricorn in their second house, will have saturn as their second house ruler.
♇ my second house is ruled by saturn, and saturn is placed in my seventh house in astrology.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 1H ⟶ important people, could be very self-centred or thinks about their path a lot. attractive people, might think of themselves too much. popular and likeable. fiery people, handsome faces, fast, bold and an important life-path.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 2H ⟶ money, security and beauty oriented. a beautiful person, distinct, calming or nice voice. financially driven, loud voices, vocal person, could be good singers, protective people, possessive and are family-oriented. might prioritise their weight and body too much.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 3H ⟶ siblings/cousins or relatives in general are important to them. fast and charismatic, observant people and can be talkative, could be guides for other people. writers and dreamers. creative, could have a passion for cards and keeping up with trends.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 4H ⟶ finds family important, making a foundation and legacy for themselves. therapy is important, might find themselves having to be the therapist for other people in their lives. might've had their bodies sexualised when they were younger. can be overly-nurturing, other people might depend on them too much vice versa. could feel close to children, could dream of becoming a leader, beauty, looking like their mother.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 5H ⟶ fun people and dramatic. finds importance in expressing themselves, romance and fame, tending to the inner-child. romantic, could be a player, artistic. could be selfish and flamboyant. broadway fame, can be show-offs and like to dance.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 6H ⟶ hard workers, keen and mean. though can be helpful to other people. funny and health-oriented, might think of their weight too much. owning a business, home-business and obsessed with perfection. naggers and can be stalkers, they like to win, competitive people but can be self-destructive. schedule and organisation means a lot to them.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 7H ⟶ finds importance in connections, and romance. can be a very flaky person, unsure and indecisive about everything. popular person and can be obsessed with aesthetics, can be someone who has different types of friendship groups for different circumstances. cute person.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 8H ⟶ finds importance in secrecy, money and being a better version of themselves. can obsess over perfection. sexual person, and very sexually appealing person. strong aura can be off-putting to other people. cold/sharp eyes and can look into things too much. stalkers and obsessive people.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 9H ⟶ big personality, intelligent and big smiles. intoxicating laugh, laugh makes other people laugh. great at teaching and has a vast presence. can take in stuff easily and can be someone who is also on the go, much admirers. "the girl who's always gonna be alright".
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 10H ⟶ popular people, stoic and ambitious. and can be people who are stoic and handsome. very nice and commanding voices. can be people who are leaders, admired, much pressure on their shoulders. gets along with superiors, easily attracts attention from everyone. stands out, dark academia aesthetic.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 11H ⟶ friendship means a lot to them, but also being independency. belonging somewhere is important to them. standing out, internet famous, can be people who are geniuses and secretive. moralistic and can have high standards. these people are rebels and unorthodox, psychic and social climbers, money-oriented too.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 12H ⟶ escapists and dreamers. fame. self-victimisers, too sympathetic especially for the wrong people. avoiding problems and being people who are intuitive, emotional people and addicts. runners and maladaptive day-dreamers. artistic people and people might project onto them vice versa, distaste of being perceived everywhere, hermit people and self-sacrifices themselves for a better future.
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harmoonix · 4 months
🪼⨍ꫀׁׅܻ᥎꫶ׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ ժׁׅ݊ꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻɑׁׅ֮ ꩇׁׅ🪼
🕊 By Harmoonix 🕊
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~ my heart goes la di da ~
🪼 - Scorpio Risings/Scorpio Mars/Scoprio Sun are more possessive than the rest of Scoprio placements in my opinion,Scoprio Moon or Scoprio Venus will act more obsessed than posseisve
🪼 - Taurus Placements can focus on lot of finances and wealth, some things with gaining and getting from others (money)
🪼 - Where Neptune sits in your chart can indicate where you get addicted:
In the 7H, to your relationships
In your 10H, to your status, public image
In the 1H, becoming addicted to your appearance/the way you look
In the 2H, becoming addicted to money and finances
In the 3rd H, becoming addicted to communicating more, expressing yourself, addicted to creativity
In the 12H, becoming addicted to isolating yourself, hiding yourself from the world
🪼 - Mars in Virgo/6H or at 6° or 18° their charm is insane. Their body can stand out to these natives, beautiful mind and body is the definition for them
🪼 - Mars in Pisces and Sagittarius natives have irresistible charms since Jupiter rules both of these signs, the person is very liked with Mars in this position
🪼 - 12H Sun can have lots of Neptunian energy, therefore the Sun will act in "shadow", not seen so easy by others
🪼 - Lilith h12 in the 4H/9H and 12H have deep ancestral wounds, it can be generational pain as well
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🪼- When you have Neptune/Venus or Sun/Jupiter in the 2H, you can become addicted to buying things that light up your mood and make you happy instead of simply buying them because you want them
🪼- Taurus/Libra or Pisces Risings/Moons are like a piece of art, ready to be set up in a museum
🪼- Capricorns can be night owls. If you don't know, the meaning of night owl is when a person is more productive at night instead of being productive during the day
🪼- When you have Neptune in the 1H/Neptune aspecting the ascendant, you can have doubts about yourself, like you can think youre not beautiful or that youre not liked because soemtimes Neptune makes illuions and fake scenarios about things that may actually not be real. You are very beautiful and sometimes you cannot see it
🪼- Uranus in the 7H can bring an awkward situation when you'll meet with your partner/spouse
🪼- Lilith in the 4H/10H can actually indicate being judged by the family or feeling like the black sheep. Especially from the father side of the family (Mother side can be too)
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🪼 - Mars in the 8H i think is one of the most sensual houses to have Mars in. Everything is so sexual right there
🪼 - Taurus/Venus in the 3rd house gives you a very harmonious relationship with your siblings (in case you have)
🪼 - Lilith in Aquarius is the place where Lilith doesn't want to be like others and it can sound corny but she is just feeling different than the rest of the world
🪼 - Venus in Capricorn may actually need a lot patience in their relationship, you're waiting but for a reaosn, to find something better
🪼 - Sun in the 9H can be the person to change their spiritual or belief system a lot in their lives, they wanna try and experience different things
🪼 - Asteroid Ishtar (7088) is said to be equivalent to Asteroid Aphrodite so aspecting the ASC/MC can indicate surrounding yourself with beauty
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🪼 - Having the ruler/lord of the 6H in the 12H can indicate that the pets you have in this life time can be family members from a past life
🪼 - Pluto aspecting the Asc/Sun or Moon gives you the "detective" aura, you can find yourself being interested in crime series or crime novels
🪼 - Cancer Guys especially Cancer Sun/Rising Guys can be momma boys,so when you date them make sure their momma won't come between u 2
🪼 - Venus in Cancer/Venus in the 4H are the best placements to have if you want to raise a family or an entire generation
🪼 - Asteroid Bless [92891] and what you were blessed with:
In the 3rd - with great siblings/brotherhood comfort
In the 10H - with a good career or job/public image
In the 11H - blessed with finding the community you belong to
In the 2H - finances/money/security
In the 9H - with a great background/ancestral background/with a good learning skill
In the 1H - blessed with your appearance/the way you look
🪼 - Asteroid Aura 1488 aspecting Sun gives the aura of a young soul, someone very kind and light hearted
🪼 - Aura 1488 aspecting Mars gives the aura of an ambitious/brave/bold person, influential aura
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🪼- Aura 1488 aspecting Jupiter gives the aura of a four-leaf clover, very wise, spiritual, intuitive is giving shaman/wizard vibes
🪼 - The rising you have in your D9 chart (vedic astrology) is the energy you'll embody a lot in this life, for example I have Cancer Rising in my D9 chart and I have to focus on things that make me more comfortable and secure just like a Cancer 👁👄👁
🪼 - Virgo + Aquarius combo in your chart can tell about a very intelligent native, clear mind, good personality and charming
🪼 - Gemini + Leo combo in your chart can tell about a person who is always thinking at others more than anything, caring, generous, and social/popular
🪼 - Jupiter in your 4H/9H can indicate leaving your home country and flying to another maybe for a better life or whatever reasons, it indicates some moving when you were a kid
🪼 - Taurus Saturn/Saturn in the 2H are rarely talked about, I think Saturn here wants to teach the native to spend their money carefully on things so they can be 100% fulfilled of their purchases
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🪼 - Saturn in the 6th/12th Saturn at 6° 18°,12°,24° degrees, this is a very healing placement, but one tool to use to heal yourself is literally the sleep, trustttttt me, if you feel sad try to sleep, if you had a bad day try to sleep it will make you feel much better! The sleep can actually heal you.
🪼 - Saturn in Gemini/Saturn in the 3rd house will give you "freedom of speech", your voice is very powerful and you can help people with it
🪼 - Pluto/Lilith in the 11th house can talk about being different from your group of friends, you can have something not everyone will accept in their friend group
🪼 - When you have Jupiter harshly aspecting your Sun you can often think of bad luck happening to you
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🪼 - When you have Saturn in Sagittarius or in the 9H school can sometimes drain you the most, especially some teachers as well
🪼 - Mars in the 9H can actually tell of tense situations with teachers and in school generally (Mars in Sag and Mars in 9° and 21° can as well)
🪼 - Chiron in the 1st/2nd houses can not always the best relation with their bodies, is a slow journey but with good results, if you want that of course
🪼 - Venus in the 10th/Capricorn can sometimes put work before relationships, especially after a breakup omg, they gonna focus much more on work than ever
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🦋 Connecting Yourselves to the source 🦋
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stellarsagittarius · 5 months
⏳️🪐 12th House and How Your Mental Anguish Affects You 🪐⏳️
Exchange readings: Open: You (Tarot) x Me (Astrology)
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12H ruler in 1H
Imma give you a hug first, okay. What you have gone through, like the experiences that you have had with the world at large, all that you have seen in your life, you internalized it all. You have sort of taken it upon you to be the witness of the suffering around you. Because you feel it all so personally. The person you have become, the thoughts and beliefs you carry are the way they are because of the absurdity of life that you have felt so deeply. It has shaped you, a lot. Next time, try to detach. It is not about you, it was never about you, it about them. You are observing, not absorbing.
12H ruler in 2H
When you are at that lowest point, second guessing everything, it really does affect your ability to manage your resources. And more often than not it can make you feel like you are not worth-it, or that you simply do not deserve to be happy. Especially if you have Chiron in the 2H too, it can feel suffocating because you keep on doing thing, trying to make it work, but you never feel like you did enough. Affirm to yourself about your successes, keep a gratitude journal and remind yourself that your need/wants are all valid.
12H ruler in 3H
You can completely obsess over finding out the reasoning behind why certain things happen the way it did. It's like you want to understand, you want to make actual sense out of it, why your problems are causing you the things that are happening. This can lead to a detachment from actually allowing yourself to feel things out and like emotionally get in a better shape first. You can get stressed out about the facts, a lot of the times. Perhpas communication is something you truly struggle with. Talk it out with someone, understand your feelings first and then a lot of the facts will start to make sense too.
12H ruler in 4H
A lot of your turbulent thoughts and experiences affect you very deeply, like the depth which can make you question your entire existence. Now, I gotta be honest with this one, you are clearing up a lot of karma from your family lineage. You are going to the very root of the issues. Because these mental anguishes aren't surface level for you, they are seated very deeply within your psyche. You have to face these deep seated demons, otherwise you can keep them shoving them down, till it becomes completely unbearable to face yourself. On the positive note, learn to be vulnerable with yourself, learn to be more accepting of what you are going through.
12H ruler in 5H
When you are at the low point in your life, you start to put a great distance between enjoying yourself and becoming completely oblivious to your childlike nature. You need to embrace your inner child. Do what you want, but do not do it because you feel like you can't do anything else with your life. There needs to be like a balance here, between enjoying yourself and knowing when it can get destructive. Too much of anything never did good. You can struggle with finding that simplistic joy in life. So try and spend time alone for a while, maybe get a coloring book or just try and bake cookies. You don't have to be good at something to enjoy it. Even if it's loving yourself.
12H ruler in 6H
You can neglect your health like nobody's business. These thoughts, stress and anguish can manifest directly in your body. That's what it is. When you are not in a good energy, you know you need to reconnect with your body. This may come initially as a bit challenging to truly get yourself to do, but, once you build that habit over time, you will realise how much you have mastered yourself. Focus on your physical well-being. This placement is very simple. You don't need to spend time spaced out and in another world. Get down and strengthen your body, you will notice that you will start to feel much more better in your mind.
12H ruler in 7H
When you get to a low point in life, the point where you are confronted with your old habits, fears and challenging emotions, it highly reflects in your relationships (more so the romantic kind). You can easily slip into unhealthy patterns with your partners, like seeing them with rose colored glasses or not having a proper sense of boundary with them. And you may even fear that true vulnerability with them. So when that happens, seek to be honest by being polite. You are not for everyone, and the ones that are for you will always understand this. Relationship can either make you or break you, choose the people wisely.
12H ruler in 8H
At the lowest points in your life, the people who aren't by your side intentionally, remember them because they are not supposed to be a part of your life. A healthy bond is where both people are there for each other, and that's exactly what life keeps teaching you over and over again. Your biggest anguishes are be caused because of the way certain people treat you and use you for their own benefit. When that happens, remember your biggest enemy is what you do not choose to see within those who take advantage of your kind nature. Yes, we can witness everybody's suffering, but at the end of the day everybody is responsible for themselves.
12H ruler in 9H
When you are at that low point in your life, you can question your faith a lot. There is a feeling where trusting your morals can become really hard. It's like when you know you truly love something, but the mere beliefs that everybody has instilled within you from birth hold you back. And you may even be the type who rebels often because of this thing. Create your own beliefs. That will require you to question what you have always been taught, don't be afraid to question it. You need let yourself see thing. At your lowest you can really see in black and white. Take a step back and observe. Read and learn.
12H ruler in 10H
Many of your mental anguishes come from you struggling with what kind of image you want to uphold between other people. You may struggle a lot with showing up between people or excessively thinking of what other people may think of you when you are at the low points in your life. You can often feel like other people look so deep within you, within the things you want to hide from everybody. When that happens, remember that what others think of you is absolutely none of your business. As long as you know that you are on the right track, you don't need anyone to tell you otherwise.
12H ruler in 11H
You are learning to trust in your dream and not hold yourself back from achievement. You know when you are at those low points in your life, there could be a deep seated fear of missing out on opportunities. You can start to second guess your own hopes, uncertain if you even deserve to have what you want or not. There could also be this sense of feeling like there is no hope left for you, like there is nothing anymore you want to have. When that happens, try to remain grateful, look at all the cool things you have achieved till now, appriciate yourself, open yourself up to something new.
12H ruler in 12H
When you hit rock bottom, it's like plunging into the deepest recesses of your mind, where you confront your fears and doubts about existence. It's a heavy burden, carrying the weight of your own struggles and the suffering of the world within you. At times, it feels suffocating, like you're lost in a maze of your own thoughts, trying to make sense of it all. But amidst the darkness, there is also potential for a lot of spiritual growth. Your journey through the depths of your psyche can lead to a greater understanding of yourself and the universe. Meditate often, and write your thoughts, talk to someone like-minded. Do not isolate yourself either.
That's all! Thanks for reading!
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uyuforu · 24 days
Groom & Briede Persona Chart Observations III
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Groom (5129), Briede (19029) are asteroids that are romance kind of asteroids. Groom represents the husband, and Briede represents the wife. If you are into men, look at your Groom Persona Chart, and if you are into women, look at Briede PC. Despite it is starting to be well known and recognized as asteroids, those two are still new, and we don't actually know that much in the end about those asteroids. Some say it will say the signs and placements of your FS, some say it will explain who is your FS. I have decided to make observations about it, and make a conclusion about those asteroids. Observations were made on married couple, still together or divorced, that I know.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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╰┈➤ Get your own Groom/ Briede Persona Chart, from 20€ to 60€ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter in a Groom or Briede PC can represent where you'll meet, how you will meet first (sign & house).
⋆˚✿˖° Discovery made on those Observations. A false idea that goes around in the astro community is that the Groom/ Briede PC is supposed to tell you your FS' placements. It's not true! Actually, this is pretty rare and it happened in 10% of the cases I studied. Don't count on this, Groom and Briede PC are supposed to tell you who they are, it's describing your FS, and not revealing their NC.
⋆˚✿˖° Placements that usual happens to describe placements of your FS (NOT ALWAYS):
- Rising sign can usually say what elements FS' Rising is. And I have noticed that your Spouse Rising sign trines the Rising on Groom/ Briede PC. EX: If you have Cancer Rising on your Groom/ Briede PC, your FS can be Scorpio Rising, because Cancer trines Scorpio.
- Moon Sign or house can indeed tell more about your FS' Moon sign. Sign can represent their house or element their moon is in.
- Rising degree can also sometimes say more about their Rising, and sometimes their degree too.
- Ruler of the Rising can also say what is in their 1H or FS Rising can have the same ruler, tho be careful with that, not always. It worked 5% in all the natives I have studied.
⋆˚✿˖° Libra Rising can mean your Spouse is very pretty, very good looking and know how to present herself well. Charismatic spouse.
⋆˚✿˖° Rising 5°/ 17°/ 29° means popular spouse, spouse can wear a lot of expensive clothing.
⋆˚✿˖° Cancer Rising can mean your Spouse can already be a parent when you meet. Spouse can also look quite nice, innocent, good looking. Spouse can have a difficult relationships with food too, and it can impact their appearance.
⋆˚✿˖° Virgo Rising can mean FS can look cold, away, or just very hardworking. You can see FS as being this way and just very serious most of the times.
⋆˚✿˖° Capricorn Rising means you may respect your FS a lot, and see them as very serious, hardworking. You could see them as the leader, and the person in charge.
⋆˚✿˖° Sun 11H means FS can be very popular, everyone can appreciate them. FS can party a lot and have a lot of friends.
⋆˚✿˖° Sun 12H could mean Spouse could have felt lonely their whole life, and they could have felt like no one truly understood them. Spouse can also have a mental illness. Spouse is very private too.
⋆˚✿˖° Moon 7H can mean FS can be your first love.
⋆˚✿˖° Moon 6H means FS can struggle to have fun and let it go most of the times, FS can also be quite perfectionist and hardworking.
⋆˚✿˖° Moon 8H can mean Spouse can be secretive and never show how they truly feel. They can often fake their emotions in front of people for the sake of not being rude or annoying.
⋆˚✿˖° Gemini Mercury means FS can look like someone who is smart, they can look quite funny. They can just be someone who gives the impression everything is good in their life.
⋆˚✿˖° Mercury 1H can mean FS is very smart, has a lot of knowledge, FS has a strong voice too. FS can be just known for how smart they are, people respect that a lot.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus 7H means Spouse will be very much in love with Native. It's a sign of a love marriage.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus 8H can mean Native and Spouse will have a secret romance, cheating can be involved. Spouse can also be pretty secretive about their romance.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus 2H is a sign your Spouse knows how to present themselves well, they could like beautiful things. Spouse could have been in a family that has money and they never lacked anything. Spouse could have had easily what they always wanted, materially speaking.
⋆˚✿˖° Mars 8H means a lot of sexual activities, and just be very sexually attracted to spouse. Spouse can also be quite violent, or just has a lot of anger issues.
⋆˚✿˖° Mars 9H can mean your Spouse could have traveled a lot before, could have lived abroad.
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter 5H means you will have children with Spouse, Spouse has a strong desire for children. Spouse is very creative, and spouse could have a lot of hobbies, mostly creative hobbies. Spouse could be very lucky in general in their life.
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter 1H means your Spouse can be very attractive, good looking, or you could find them to be very good looking.
⋆˚✿˖° Saturn 9H can mean Spouse will have hard time completing a diploma or with high studies in general.
⋆˚✿˖° Saturn 10H means Spouse can have daddy issues.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 4H means Native will have a step family from their spouse.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 12H can also indicate Spouse will divorce for you to be together.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 12H means Spouse's money status will transform and have a sudden change at some point and this can be because of the marriage.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 7H means you could meet Spouse when they are in a relationship or while you are in a relationship. This could also indicate meeting for a contract.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 5H means Spouse can have children at the most unexpected time, or will change their mind suddenly about children.
⋆˚✿˖° Neptune 8H can also be an indicator FS is very sensitive, and FS can feel like everyone hate them but it's not the case. FS can be a loner too, and be extra sensitive.
⋆˚✿˖° Neptune 3H means Spouse can lie very well, Spouse know how to use words to seduce. But can also mean Spouse isn't good at communication. It can also mean your Spouse is very secretive about their ideas and opinions. They don't necessarily lie but they are very secretive.
⋆˚✿˖° Neptune 5H means your Spouse is very creative, and has a lot of imagination. Spouse can also be very much in love with native that they forget reality. Can also mean Spouse has a child, that is hidden or forgotten. It can also mean your Spouse can have some illusions about children.
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╰┈➤ Get your own Groom/ Briede Persona Chart, from 20€ to 60€ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
⋆˚✿˖° Pluto 1H means your Spouse is possessive and very intense. Spouse is very sexy and attracts a lot of people who desire them.
⋆˚✿˖° Pluto 4H can mean your Spouse can have a broken family, or have to step away from their family to be with Native.
⋆˚✿˖° Chiron 7H can mean your marriage will be difficult, a toxic marriage. Spouse had a lot of toxic relationships.
⋆˚✿˖° Chiron 4H means Spouse's wound is def related to their family, and spouse could have had a difficult relationship with their parents.
⋆˚✿˖° Chiron 7H can also mean a difficult marriage. It can indicate a marriage where there are a lot of obstacles.
⋆˚✿˖° Union (1585) in Virgo 11H can mean you can meet each other as colleagues and bond over a friendship first. This could indicate them working for you or they are helping you at work.
⋆˚✿˖° Union 6H Capricorn is an indicator to meet at work. In this case, they can be your boss.
⋆˚✿˖° 10H Stellium means your Spouse can be very hardworking, and spouse can love their job. Spouse can be the one providing in the relationship.
⋆˚✿˖° 5H Stellium can mean Spouse will already have a child when you meet them, or love children, will want children.
⋆˚✿˖° Stellium 6H means work can be very important in the native and spouse's story.
⋆˚✿˖° Stellium in 4H could be a soulmate sign. You could feel like your FS is your Soulmate, you feel very linked to them.
⋆˚✿˖° 2H Ruler in 8H means Native and their Spouse will share their money or gain money together.
⋆˚✿˖° 2H Ruler in 10H means your Spouse can make a lot of money at work.
⋆˚✿˖° 3H Ruler in 8H can mean Native and their Spouse will have a secret flirt going on, or they can flirt together in a very subtile way.
⋆˚✿˖° 4H Ruled by Saturn can mean Spouse had a rough childhood, daddy Issues perhaps
⋆˚✿˖° 5H Ruler in 7H can mean Spouse and Native will flirt a lot.
⋆˚✿˖° 7H Ruler in 8H means Marriage/ relationship comes from cheating.
⋆˚✿˖° 7H Ruler in 11H means Spouse will need to divorce or stop a serious commitment to be with the Native.
⋆˚✿˖° 10H Ruler in 12H means the Native and their spouse will work and gain money together. Perhaps creating a company together for example.
⋆˚✿˖° 12H Ruler in 7H means you can be your spouse's second marriage, but not first. Spouse can be divorced or you'll end their first marriage.
⋆˚✿˖° Sun conjunct Juno means Spouse is your Soulmate, destined partner.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus conjunct Groom/ Briede means Native will fall in love very hard for Spouse.
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter conjunct Saturn can mean you won't feel attracted to your FS when you meet them, you might not even be interested in them at first.
⋆˚✿˖° Saturn opposite Sun means Spouse has daddy issues.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus conjunct Neptune 5H means Native can change Spouse's opinion about children. Spouse can have illusions about it and Native can cause a transformation on their desires.
⋆˚✿˖° Groom/ Briede conjunct Venus 1H means FS can have love at first sight and be the one chasing/ being interested first.
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cupidlovesastro · 7 days
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉₊˚ෆˎˊ˗
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disclaimer: this is all my personal opinion while also being astrologically correct !
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indicators of being a light feminine
dark astrology observations #2
lilith observations
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1h- physical appearance, first impressions
8h- mystery, dark side/ shadow side
10h- public image, reputation
11h- groups, friends, community
12h- hidden parts of yourself/ your life, the unknown
saturn- struggles, hard work, fear
uranus- chaos, unpredictable, community
neptune- illusions, dreams, delusions
pluto- changing, dark energy, mystery
lilith- shadow self, taboo natures and aspects of yourself, rejection
scorpio- mystery, distrust, secretive
aquarius- unpredictable, coldness, independent
pisces- delusional, dreamer, mixing reality with fantasy
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scorpio stellium
aquarius stellium
pisces stellium
scorpio in 1h, 8h, 10h, 11h or 12h stellium
aquarius in 1h, 8h, 10h, 11h or 12h stellium
pisces in 1h, 8h, 10h, 11h or 12h stellium
8h stelliums in general
12h stelliums in general
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𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔰
scorpio, aquarius, or pisces in the 1h
scorpio, aquarius, or pisces in the 8h
scorpio, aquarius, or pisces in the 10h
scorpio, aquarius, or pisces in the 11h
scorpio, aquarius, or pisces in the 12h
saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, or lilith in the 1h
saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, or lilith in the 8h
saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, or lilith in the 10h
saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, or lilith in the 11h
saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, or lilith in the 12h
1h ruler in the 8h
1h ruler in the 12h
8h ruler the 10h
8h ruler in the 11h
8h ruler in the 12h
10h ruler in the 8h
10h ruler in the 12h
11h ruler in the 8h
11h ruler in the 12h
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asc aspecting saturn
asc aspecting uranus
asc aspecting neptune
asc aspecting pluto
asc aspecting lilith
sun aspecting saturn
sun aspecting uranus
sun aspecting neptune
sun aspecting pluto
sun aspecting lilith
moon aspecting saturn
moon aspecting uranus
moon aspecting neptune
moon aspecting pluto
moon aspecting lilith
mercury aspecting saturn
mercury aspecting uranus
mercury aspecting neptune
mercury aspecting pluto
mercury aspecting lilith
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trapastrology · 3 months
~Astro Notes From Aris~
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~11H Virgo tends to be the "mom" friend of the group. They make the schedules. Make sure everyone gets home on time & in one piece. The one who's always prepared. Make sure everyone is fed & okay. Usually, the friend ur parents will always let you go out with because they know you'll be okay.
~Sag & Pisces Mercuries (sometimes aqua) sound more attractive in their native tongue/accent to ppl. So instead of hiding ur accent, embrace it! These are usually ppl who don't ever lose their accent even if they've tried to. It will also feel more natural/comfortable as well.
~Ppl tend to be very jealous & don't believe that 2H pluto ppl deserve the good things they get/have which in return, overtime, will cause the 2H pluto person to feel this way as well.
~Aries NN usually keep the peace & avoid conflict when they should be doing the complete opposite. They will only find true peace when they learn to stand up and stop letting ppl trample them.
~7H Uranus in Solar Return doesn't always mean a breakup for a romantic breakup; it can be an ending of any relationship where you deem the person to be ur other half or y'all are just very close to one another.
~North Node in Pisces must learn forgiveness towards SELF
~For my fellow steven universe lovers, moon sq pluto synastry is equivalent to the relationship & situation between Spinel & Rose Quartz. Spinel would be the Moon person.
~12H ruler in the 3H-keep a lot of things to urself becuz more often than not ppl don't want the best for you & things will go array after you speak about it. If your 12H is in libra with the ruler in the 3H, things pertaining to relationships esp should be kept under wraps. As well as ur gifts, talents & things that bring you peace
~Air sign/house Chiron & Lilith's, were you ever bullied for being a "nerd" or having an interests that weren't the norm then but is now?
~Venus (trine/sextile) NN synastry is the way the Venus person shows love is what the NN person needs. For example, A Cap Venus's love is steady, stable, longlasting, devoted & gives true old romance which is something that a Taurus NN needs but would also be foreign to them due to their Scorpio SN. The Venus persons way of loving will bring the NN person closer towards where they need to be.
~2H/Taurus plmts are usually big cookers/bakers. Or at least they should, it's one of the many things that'll bring them peace.
~12H Libra/5H Pisces love romance/fantasy/magic/supernatural shows & movies!
~11H Cancer are the "emotional support" friend. The one you can go and talk to about your feelings, emotions and family issues. The one that is the more emotional person of the friend group & sees their friends as their family.
~Sag stells/nep-asc/1H Jup- Do people easily guess ur ethnicity or suspect ur from somewhere else? You may not know what gives it away, but someone will ask "oh are you from ____?"
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novy2sirius · 4 months
Hey babe,
What placements, aspects or degrees in your natal chart can indicate getting fame from your beauty?
The main indications of fame from your beauty
— personally from what i’ve seen it’s mostly venusian, martian, and neptunian energy which also makes sense astrologically speaking
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the most common ones i’ve seen
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces sun
• | sun in 1h/7h
• | aries/taurus/leo/libra/pisces ascendant
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces midheaven
• | black moon lilith in 1h
• | lots of 1°/5°/9°/25° in chart (especially if it’s the sun/venus/neptune)
• | sun in 1h/2h/7h/12h
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces midheaven
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces ascendant
• | venus/mars/neptune in the 1h/5h/10h
• | aries/leo/pisces venus
• | chart ruler in aries/taurus/libra/pisces
• | chart ruler in 1h/10h/11h
• | mars/venus/neptune to sun
• | mars/venus/neptune to midheaven
• | mars/venus/neptune to ascendant
• | venus to neptune
• | venus to mars
— in my personal opinion i think the numerology degrees are more accurate but it’s up to personal interpretation
• | aries degrees (1°/13°/25°)
• | taurus degrees (2°/14°/26°)
• | libra degrees (7°/19°)
• | pisces degrees (12°/24°)
• | 1°/10° - according to numerology
• | 5°/14°/23° - according to numerology
• | 9°/18°/27° - according to numerology
• | black moon lilith in 1h/7h/10h
• | venus/mars/neptune dominant
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces dominant
• | born under the goat/tiger/dragon vietnamese zodiac
• | born on a tuesday or friday
astrology behind this
• | sun = how we can gain fame
• | venus = beauty/attractiveness
• | mars = sex appeal (which most models have)
• | neptune = higher octave of venus/ethereal beauty
• | ascendant = what we’re known for in general
• | 2h = face (some astrologers disagree)
• | 7h = attractiveness
• | 10h = fame/what we’re known by the public for
• | 12h = ethereal beauty
• | lilith = related to sex appeal
honorable mentions
• | moon/pluto in the 1h/10h
• | sun/moon/uranus dominance
• | aphrodite asteroid in 10h/12h - code: 1388
• | poseidon asteroid in 10h/12h - code: 4341
• | leo/pisces aphrodite asteroid
• | leo/pisces poseidon asteroid
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- novy2sirius - plz don’t copy me word for word
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opalblade · 4 months
06 JUNE 24.
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day charts: sun is in 7h-12h -> sun is better, jupiter is the stronger benefic, saturn is not as malefic.
night charts: sun from 1h-6h -> moon is better, venus is the stronger benefic, mars is not as malefic.
my source? analysing birth charts and mc persona charts
wherever the 11H ruler is and planets inside the 11H denote what you will make money from in your career
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:: saw this on twitter and just... sigh
saturn does WORSE in aries for those reasons. being all hotheaded and quick to move and start something vs taking it slow, planning, putting in the work and laying all the appropriate foundations
saturn does better in libra since it's a cardinal air venusian sign and so yes it sits and ponders, creates all the necessary structures, considers both sides (pros and cons etc)
if we think abt saturn as a judge, would u rather want the hot-headed judge or the diplomatic, fair judge? the one who makes a decision quickly or the one who may take too long, but delivers a fairer decision?
just because saturn likes a sign doesn't make the sign bad!!! it means it does BETTER in the sign.
while this is seemingly incompatible and contradictory, venus historically ruled over war (aries) and the underworld (scorpio) in several ancient mythologies.
as it's fixed fire, leo rules over both fame and obsession. we see famous people dealing with obsessed fans and haters all the time. think of a flame that just keeps on burning and burning.
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left: swati asc + mrigashira moon / right: mrigashira sun + swati asc
the vastttt majority of people in an astrology discord i am apart of have mars darakaraka (including myself)
jupiter individuals have large eyelid space, which makes sense given jupiter's expansive quality. below are some celeb examples, but i have also seen this with people irl.
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kehlani - punarvasu asc, kali uchis - punarvasu sun, ice spice - vishakha moon
ashlesha is represented by the coiled serpent and means 'embrace' / 'entwine' + alexa demie's fairytales photoshoot incorporated a lot of bondage imagery
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alexa demie - ashlesha ascendant
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© 2024 opalblade. do not copy, repost, or translate my works to any other platforms.
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sxorpiomooon · 3 months
Astrology observations
paid readings 💐
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- your sun sign might be where people look up to you for example people with a Libra sun might have people asking them for relationship or connection advices or might look upto them in that aspect
- your 12th sign can also show what kind of birth your mother might have had while having you for example with scorpio it might have been very traumatic and possibly alot of things might have changed with your birth
- i always say this but if you want to know the environment of someone's home look at their 4th house but to know how THEY are treated in that environment you have to look at their sun and moon even saturn at times that will tell you more accurately about their relations. Bc I've seen in alot of charts and home's that the environment is generally pleasant but not for that person
- if there's an artist that you feel most connected to or with their music it's possible that you are share your big three placements with them lmao I've checked so many charts with my friends and all the artist he liked had placements in common with him
- people with a prominent venus might always have people taking advantage of them look at where exactly the venus is placed to see in which aspect someone with 1h venus might feel used bc of their looks it always reminds me of the lyric "but you don't feel pretty, you just feel used"
- people with jupiter in their 12h are straight up delusional and overconfident but guess what this also ends up making up excellent at manifestation lmao
- people with saturn in 5h might either get into relationships too late and if the ruler is in 11h or something they will be in frequent online relationships
- if you have a stellium in 5h and your partner has a good 5h house too you will see them being the artist and you being their muse(my boyf and I have this lmao)
- while determining your career make sure to check your 2h as well as it deals with finances for example I have my 2h ruler in 8h and I sure do earn from my paid astrology/tarot readings on tumblr (check them out btw)
- you can think of your 4th and 10th house as cause and effect like nature vs nurture or what happened and what you got out of it. for example you have taurus in your 4th house and scorpio in your 10th house this can show you coming from a extremely traditional and fixed value families which has made you yearn for change and it will directly manifest in your career
- tw// sa
I've seen alot of people with mars in their 8h being sexually assaulted by people in public? Especially men by men
- tw// death?
Mars in the 8h people tend to have this feeling that they're going to die an extreme violent death, I've never quite seen other people know this?
- if you know someone with moon conjunct saturn in their 12h, you need to know that all you can do is TRY to help them you cannot save them no matter how hard you try. Alot of things mostly everything honestly is hidden from them by their own subconscious you can tell it to them 1000 times and they still will be on the level one
thankyou so much<3
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d4rkpluto · 3 months
ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴏʙꜱᴇʀᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ
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paid chart readings
these are observations i've made due to people i've been around and celebrity charts i have looked at x
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♇ scorpio placements like to be praised for everything they've done.
♇ online personalities who have really loud personas usually have a sag placements, ex berleezy, trap celeb, oli london, ekane etc...
♇ during a solar return chart having a stellium or more than 4+ planets in your 1h means you will REALLY be in your head, might face a lot of mental challenges.
♇ people with beneficial planets in their 9h ex jupiter or venus, specifically, usually do okay within in education, like no matter how back they are, they always pass
♇ pisces placements can RAMBLE and talk for a long time without actually saying anything.
♇ pisces mars men, the worst. the ones i've come across usually don't know what they want. but pisces mars women >>>
♇ aries degrees, specifically the 13th degree could insinuate you could be the first person to do something. janice dickson has the 25th degree and she is known as the first supermodel, beverly johnson has the 1st degree and is known as the first black supermodel, eva is the first black woman to win america's next top model and she has the 13th degree.
♇ sagittarius placements... laughing and smiling for no reason...
♇ leo moons and having hair that grows fast. for example, my brother and my nephew are both leo moons and they can cut their hair and a month later it grows back to their shoulders. i believe this could apply to 5H moons.
♇ those who have their 12h ruler conj or positively aspect their moon do become famous, [moon rules over audience] ariana grande has moon conj venus and megan has moon conj mars. if there's a negative aspect, it is still a fame indicator, but they would like get their fame after, for example chapelle roan who has moon square mercury.
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♇ a lot of cancer asc men are insecure. the ones i know pity themselves so much too.
♇ much sag sun women like to dance, could be sag in big 6 + jupiter as well
♇ a fixed sign specifically scorpio in the 11h is a strong indicator of having a big online platform. but the one that is stronger than that is having moon in the 11h, most people that have this placement or even cancer in the 11h told me that they have a big platform.
♇ people with saturn or lilith in the 7h might be put into uncomfortable situations with their friend and their friends s/o, like their s/o might always likes them.
♇ uranus in 3h people might like to make up languages? or learn new ones
♇ your jupiter persona chart can talk to you about your future spouse as jupiter is the main planet to look at when it comes to your wife/husband.
♇ nara smith has jupiter in cancer and her spouse is very domestic and traditional, he even helped her give birth to their newest child, whimsy lou.
♇ dove cameron has a gemini ascendant with the 12th degree [pisces degree] probably why people say she has so many faces, she also has a heavy 8h which points to she got many procedures, khloe kardashian has a gemini moon and is also said to have many faces, also have pluto in the 8h.
♇ scorpio placements really dont like it when you enter their room all the time.
♇ a lot of dhanistha moon women have upturned eyes, or like to wear eyelashes that give them that look.
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♇ people who have moon in the 11h do friend-crush a lot.
♇ aries venuses are the type to hate the people they crush on, their feelings can be quick changing but it is still intense!
♇ the reason some virgo and cancer ascendants are normally confused with each other is because they both have cat faces.
♇ its funny that when jupiter in taurus was at its peak which is the 29th degree, chef-influencers became more known on social media.
♇ people with a strong sag+virgo combination could be obsessed with perfecting their future
♇ people with scorpio/aries in their chart are likely to become alcoholics.
♇ saturn in cancer natives are likely to be less submissive to men.
♇ people with moon in the 11h or have cancer in their 11h tend to have big followers online [can work if the ruler of your 11h is in cancer]
♇ the "rumours" are true, aries venuses do get disinterested pretty quickly.
♇ the 6H in astrology can tell you what kind of skills you have, for example, if you have a venusian ruled 6H [Libra, Taurus, Venus in 6H], you could be talented a makeup, fashion etc.
+ the kalogeras sisters have leo/sun influence in their chart and they're known for their curly hair, [leo rules the mane].
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paid chart readings
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harmoonix · 20 days
A l e j a n d r o Astroblog Observations
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Lady Gaga has her Venus in the 11H, which is an indicator of having lots of people loving you for your image on the internet/online. Lots of ppl, including me love Lady Gaga and her Venus placement explains it so much
People with pluto - asc aspects may like to do lots of eye contact with others, is like they look through your soul
Natives with Lilith in Aries may have a lot of issues with men, while Lilith in Cancer with women. Both Liliths are in cardinal energy, which means they tend to take the lead
Moon in Virgo natives are always paying attention to everything that happens around them, with this coming the 'analytical mind' that describes them
Chiron in the 5H/7H harshly aspected may indicate a fear of being cheated/hurt in love. In a way you just wanna share your love without being hurt
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Pisces and Cancer Moons most times tend to end up like hopeless romantic in their love life, always hoping for meeting their love
Sagittarius Suns may like to share their experiences with others. For example, if you like skiing, you may like to share it with other people
Sun in the 6H/12H can get irritated very fast if is constantly around other people,they may like to have to some time alone for themselves
Chiron in the 1H may indicate a fear of not being judged by others, which leads to anxiety or panic attacks. Hugs to all of you
Gemini or mercury in the 7h may like to talk about their partners a lot, about their relationship, marriage, etc
If you have a powerful mercury in your chart like lots of aspects/dominant Mercury. You may get in a state of 'crazyness' when Mercury is coming Retrogade, due to Mercury being more amplified
If you're born with Venus retrogade, one of your highest life lessons can be to first love yourself before everybody, your love is not coming as easy as others towards your partner
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Venus in the first decan, like between (0° to 10°) may actually act more like a child when they're in love due to the degrees representing a young energy
Lilith in Leo may struggle with self - pride, you love yourself but you also tend to be a bit narcissistic at times
Mars aspecting Saturn can indicate the native is being more 'masculine' or 'rough' in a man's chart they usually become more amplified
Uranus in your 7h is quite a funny placement to have in a matter of relationships. Everything that happens in your romantic life can be so chaotic and random, from love bombing to marriage
Jupiter aspecting Venus may indicate a beautiful relationship with your spouse, both planets being benefic
Moon in your 11H may talk about wanting to have your own community of ppl who can relate with you or with your life
Lilith in minor aspects to asc like in quincunx or semi - square, can turn up to be really important in your life because you still have to go challenges with your own reputation
This is a more recent observation, but for those with Saturn in Cancer, you can end up being more emotional when Saturn returns hits in
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Moon in the 9h is a hidden witch, literally, their love for magic/spirituality and the connection with nature never ends
Mars in your 3H can be more chaotic when arguing/having fights, Mars is not letting anything down here, makes you more competitive verbally
Aries Venus may be a stubborn lover, loving their partners but in the same time having a hard time to understand how love Is working in their life
1H ruler in your 6H can indicate being more focused on your mental health and your health overall because it will be influenced!!
12h ruler in the 7h may indicate attracting partners with artistic talents, finding more fulfilments in common thing you share with them
1h ruler in the 8h may indicate a deep need for your own emotions, always take care of how you truly feel deep down
Venus in your 1H may indicate attracting people who simply love you, adore you, yet sometimes being more envy of your beauty
Sagittarius in your 11H can be an indicator or having friends with different ethnic/cultural backgrounds
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Pisces Venus in your chart or Venus at 12° 24° may indicate attracting partners who may have a soft aura/personality
When hurt Cancer placements can end up manipulating you emotionally, always take care around
Saturn in the 2H can indicate a lot of lessons around money and finances, like learning how to spend them and how to use them for your own benefits
Pisces Uranus generation can be more empathic natives, they can have an inner nature that simply gives a feeling of 'kindness'
People who are born with Pluto in Libra usually tend to have more issues with relationships/love life. During that time, Pluto rules over these and can make them more powerful or not as influential
Juno in the 6h/9h can be an indictor for having an overstimulated spouse, can lead to hyper activity or a spouse who really loves to do multiple things at once
Aries Juno may show jealousy often in a romantic relationship, can have jealousy issues as well, and being controlling at times, applying if you have Juno at 1, 13, 25 degrees
Those with Jupiter in the 9h or in sag can have luck in finding a good college or school, if you want to apply for one of those you can have a good chance to get in/to be accepted
If someone has their juno in the same sign as your venus, they can be attracted into you sometimes without a reason, just attraction in between, it can also indicate one side love
Saturn in the 8h can restrict someone sexual life butttttt, this one placement can indicate lots of experience with sex and the same can happen for Capricorn in the 8h.
Uranus in the 8h may indicate multiple kinks to the native, someone who has different sex exeperiences every time they do it or try it
8h ruler in the 10h may indicate a career where you pop out of nowhere to get a job and to make money/finances
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Gaga, the woman that you are. ❤️❤️
Happy Friday, everyone! 😍 I'm literally dying because of the heat. My country has been hit by a heatwave at least 10 times this summer, and I have heat intolerance 😭 and is still hot in September 😭😭😭 I just wanna teleport to Antarctica rn..
Harmoonix ❤️❤️
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a-d-nox · 8 months
vertex persona chart observations (part 1)
these ideas are for VERTEX PERSON CHARTS ONLY and are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (this not the only chart in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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☆ sun negatively aspecting saturn people are meant to not know themselves immediately in life - they might not trust themselves either
☆ sun-pluto people are meant to experience ego death
☆ 1h sun people are on a lifetime journey to figure out who they truly are
☆ moon negatively aspecting uranus people don't have a loyal fan/follower base
☆ mercury trine saturn people can struggle with communication early in life then over come it
☆ mercury trine uranus people watch a lot of movies/documentaries that change their prospective of life
☆ venus negatively aspecting uranus people are fated to have gossipy/dramatic friends
☆ venus ruled 3h people get too caught up in selfishness and/or gossip
☆ water influenced jupiter people tend to gain a lot of spiritual and emotional knowledge
☆ saturn trine neptune people are meant to be on an intense spiritual journey this lifetime
☆ saturn negatively aspecting pluto people are meant to fear abandonment and/or change
☆ saturn negatively aspecting pluto don't get close to a lot of people because they don't trust them
☆ uranus-mc people have chaotic statuses in life - cancelled, loved, empowered, etc
☆ neptune positively aspecting mc people are known to be intuitive people
☆ 1h ruler in the 2h people tend to very confident
☆ 2h ruler in the 2h people learn important skills regarding value and possession during this life cycle
☆ 3h ruler in the 12h people heal through communication this lifetime
☆ scorpio (8°, 20°) 4h people tend to have iffy relationships with their parents
☆ 5h ruler in the 10h are meant to be parents or to be famous in some regard
☆ 7h ruler in the 11h people marry their friend and/or they profit off of their partner
☆ 9h ruler in the 5h people are meant to learn about love in this lifetime
☆ 11h ruler in the 12h people often don't have a lot of friends in this cycle
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uyuforu · 2 months
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Astro Observations: Solar Return Chart IV
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Hi!! Here is another Solar Return Chart Observations post lol. Since I am officially on the new one, I thought of doing another post to conclude and coming back on the last one, meaning the one of last year. Coming back and looking back over what happened :) Let's go! I hope you will enjoy this post ^^ This post has mature and triggering contents, so be aware and careful when reading it!
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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જ⁀➴ Solar Return Chart I
જ⁀➴ Solar Return Chart II
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꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ I was Leo Rising last year, and I was very popular around me, people were also checking me in the streets. It wasn't even sexual or anything, people were just noticing me super easily, and I was the center of attention wherever I was going.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Sun 12H indeed meant that loneliness was def going to be there. I was very lonely most of the times, and it's not even physically, it was def mentally. I wasn't seeing my friends often, and I was just feeling very alone in a corner. I felt like no one really understood me and as if I was just left alone. One of my friend passed away suddenly also this year, so I really felt alone for sure. Also the years I was more into Astrology and Tarot! Just a full year of learning more on the spiritual and esoteric side!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Venus 1H, I had a glow up, though it happened quite over night. I don't have much explanations on how it happened. Suddenly I was veryyyy pretty, I bought better make up products, and the way it was showing on my face was just insanely good?? IDK!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Mercury 1H, I was more confident when it came to talking to other people. I used to be very shy, and used to not be confident enough to talk to others, but this year I felt more confident to do it. Anxiety when calling, ordering disappeared. And I was less scared to talk back to people.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 1H Ruler in 12H, I was most of the times by myself, mostly doing things on my own, and I felt very alone.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Mars 2H, I was much into shopping some times, and I was more anxious and stressed about making money. I had a lot of motivation about it.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 2H Ruler in 1H, I was more spending money on myself.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 3H Ruler in 1H, I was talking more about myself to others, than before. And I was also writing more about myself, for example on the blog I post a lot about my experiences to support my theories.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Scorpio 4H, time at home was stressing and slightly toxic. I had this need to runaway or even live somewhere else. I wanted to escape. My idea of home changed.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 4H Ruler in 6H, staying at home was my routine, I was working from home too.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Vertex 5H, some destined events happened in my love life.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 5H Ruler in 9H, I traveled to NYC last year, and it was for holidays. I traveled to meet someone I loved (who didn't come in the end lmao). I also met another guy who had a crush on me there.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Pluto 6H, I took some weight lol, not so much. Since I moved less because of my job, I kept seating down and took some weight.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 6H Ruler in 7H, I was healing my relationships trauma last year, I went to therapy and understood a lot of traumas I had. I also made a lot of friends at work.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Aquarius DC, a lot of things changed in my relationships, I realized tons tons tons of things!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 7H Ruler in 10H, I was in a serious relationship last year, but 7H was ruled by Uranus, and it didn't end well.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Saturn 7H, didn't see my FS all year, didn't talk to him. And when I asked to meet him, he refused. Def a year I couldn't reach out or talk to him! I also couldn't be in a relationship, or anytime a guy had an interest in my, it's like the Universe worked through to not make it work out. I also broke up with my ex bf that year.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Saturn conjunct Groom, same!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Groom 7H, I realized my FS was my FS last year. I also realized I was in love with him.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Neptune 8H, I had a lot of vivid dreams last year, I dreamed of my mother in law too, and of my FS as well, both of them talking through dreams to me. I also didn't had s3x all year, refused any s3xual advanced. Though, I had a lot of s3xual dreams.
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꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 8H Ruler in 8H, transformation was a keyword last year, I was also more open on the spiritual side, and I had a lot of grow that happened.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Moon 9H, I was constantly learning new things, and more on the spiritual side, and also esoteric. I discovered so many new things, and I needed that. I wanted more and more!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Chiron 9H, i traveled and felt like the travel I did was a waste of time and money lol ;-;
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 9H Ruler in 2H, I traveled to NYC and it was painful for my bank account.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Jupiter 9H, similar to Moon 9H.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Moon conjunct Chiron, my feelings were hurt often this year. I was crying A LOT in general. Perhaps the year I cried the most.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Jupiter conjunct Uranus, a lot of benefic transformation, despite it wasn't that easy sometimes or just very sudden.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Taurus MC, a year of trying to find a harmonious balance at work, and trying to find my way. Was focused on the money I made, and also trying to find a routine through work.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Uranus 10H, I changed jobs twice last year! I was fired, I just changed. And by the end of the second job, I decided to work at my own name. And so, I now work online, as an Astrologer! Uranus also rule here over uncommon jobs.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 10H Ruler in 1H, was more popular, and people noticed me in the crowd more easily. I also decided to work for myself, and started my own company.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 11H Ruler in 1H, I was positing lot more selfies and pictures of me than before online. I also had a lot of internet friends.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Union Cancer 11H, I met one of my best friend last year, she is a Cancer Sun and we met online!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Juno 12H, i was dreaming a lot of my FS this year, also didn't meet or talked to him all year.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 12H Ruler in 9H, I traveled this year, and overseas!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Sun conjunct Venus, I was and felt more pretty, a glow up that happened!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Mercury conjunct Mars, I was more aggressive sometimes when I was speaking, I was often aggressive when trying to stand up for myself, or just explaining myself, I think it was me finding the right adjustment between never standing up for myself before, and doing it now, but not knowing how.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Groom conjunct Neptune, dreamed a lot of my FS.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Sun opposite DC, didn't see or talked to my FS for the whole SRC, I also didn't want to be in a relationship.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Venus conjunct Rising, very same as Venus 1H or Sun conjunct Venus.
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
My Personal Solar Return Observations Pt I
I just got into astrology more and I’ve been suupeerrr into solar return observations lately and this is what I have observed from my own chart! My birthday was 2 months ago and the solar return is SOLAR RETURNING .
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Moon in 8h in Aquarius SR - TONS of family secrets coming to the surface. Almost concerning? . Im finding out soo much stuff about my parents . My home environment is also changing a lot, my dad used to be home a lot and now my dad has like completely abandoned me lmaooo . such a strange uranus energy since aquarius is ruled by uranus . Ive been feeling more independent lately and sometimes I dissociate and pretend im living in LA in my own studio alone and away from my unstable family 😍….. I have my chart ruler in here too haha (pray for me) 😊 so this year is definitely going to be transforming AF . Im sensing it everything feels too intense lately 👁️ ..
Cancer Rising SR - I’ve been dealing with a lot of family stuff over the years (toxic relationships that r still ongoing lmaoaoa) and im noticing that instead of digging myself deeper or being depressed, i’ve been nurturing myself more and turning my space into a cozy sanctuary and not into some bed rotting mess😹. Ive been improving my current living situation compared to the past so theres definitely nurturing myself more , saying affirmations in the mirror , working on my self care , getting offered help from my step-family.
Sun in 12H in Cancer SR - I got into astrology a lot of spiritual stuff . Also communicating with my spirit guides more often etc .. I definitely do feel more connected to my spirit guides now I feel im being guided and protected a lot this year . everything feels like its just meant to happen and i mean that in the best way . Getting vivid dreams, ive been writing them down more a lot lately and they’ve been giving me insights on my subconscious and even slight deja vu? I remember I dreamt of me and my dad in my aunts car and 2 days later she had called me and gotten upset because my dad took her car and hadnt brought it back after she let him borrow it for a few hours. Even though my sleep schedule is so bad i love dreaming more now because the universe always gifts me with something meaningful and beautiful in my dreams🙏. Also I been listening to music like A Looottttt more lately EVEN WHEN IM ASLEEP😭 im like oohhh whos playing this banger and i wake up and its just music thats been on shuffle for the past 9 hours 💀
Venus 12H in Cancer 10° SR - finding out what i want in relationships , although i do feel like its becoming hard to connect with others in that way ..? does that make sense ? ive been doing lots of self love affirmations that my dreams consist of love and harmonious energies 😹sometimes ill think about love and a boyfriend and really want it but the next day ill be like wow i love myself so much i really cannot see myself with anyone😇.. lots of creative solitude , being more open to recieve love from my family members AFTER REFUSING multiple times ( it makes me icky sometimes still ) learning compassion and forgiveness for others , im a scorpio moon in my natal so ive held grudges since 6th grade i never cared 😭😭😩.. but this venus in 12h is like reversing the effect… 👁️💧
Venus Conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - GLOW UP PLACEMENT 🙏 i was sexy before but its like my sexiness increased by like 10x . People are noticing it too!! i got told “bros evolving” on one of my posts 😭😭 I also feel like im finding my own personal style aswell! . I also see my body changing (in a good way)
Sun conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - confidence on 1000!!! feeling self assured , nobody can really tell me anything bad about me TO ME and think ILL believe it cuz i wont!! i know who i am thankqqq😛
Mercury 1h in Cancer SR - i feel like this placement helped add onto me becoming so self assured in myself and figuring out who i truly am . Ive been studying and researching about myself a lootttt too !! Ive been getting a lot of gut feelings and just proceeding with them and usually i wont and ill just go with logic but idgaf anymore because usually these gut feelings usually lead to something so worth the outcome whether it may look good or bad!
Mars 11h in Taurus 12° SR - I have lots of amazing goals and things im looking forward to for this year!! I feel so eager to just GO FOR IT but taurus is a slow and steady sign so thats just how i been moving lately .. in silence too cuz there be haters all around 🤐
Pluto 7h in Aquarius 1° SR - ive been unfriending a lot of people to make new friendships idk if thats a bad thing but all the past people i feel are secretly plotting against me… most likely that 1° because i heard that could represent enemies? take that with a grain of salt but anyway ive been more clearer about what i want in friendships aswell which is goal oriented people who just want to get rich and make something for themselves!!! Im tired of the self limiting beliefs and the envy!!!
Saturn 9h in Pisces 19° SR - I start my senior year this month and I plan on graduating early , saturn rules discipline and structure but also setbacks . i feel like this school year although i have that vision i feel like im gonna have to put a lot of work this year lmao i hate school so much i was supposed to go to summer school but i ended up not going to get my mind right before the school year started which has really helped tho imo . i wanted to drop out but at the same time my pride is too high and i feel like this is a great opportunity to build discipline, time management and responsibility for the goals that ill have after i graduate. ive already been setting the milestones and all which is the saturn and pisces influence comin thru 🙏
Neptune 9h in Pisces 29° SR - the 29° usually the “fame indicator degree” can also represent a start to completion/ending of something , since i would be focused on graduating early for my senior year i could see this as me graduating early and completing that academic journey and preparing and embracing a new journey . i feel like this would most likely be spiritual because i caaannooottt focus on school and astrology and spirituality all at the same time because 9 times out of 10 my focus is on astrology and spirituality i needa get my priorities straight😭😩😹..
Just wanted to note this but while reading your SR chart its important to look at your South Node aswell because it can show you what lessons and patterns you need to review / past influences & comfort zones . 1h nn = 7h sn , 2h nn = 8h sn , 3h nn = 9h sn , 4h nn = 10h sn , 5h nn = 11h sn , and so on
North Node 10h in Aries&South Node 4h in Libra - The SN 4h Libra and NN 10H Aries could show that I have to balance my growth and comfort and moving towards new opportunities. With South Node in the 4H in Libra, I may find myself relying on familiar comforts from my past . The south node here might show that I might fall back into old family dynamics . my step family is offering for me to move in with them to help me get back up on my feet and this is such a good opportunity but they did this before though last year and I ended up moving back with my neglectful dad and I just fell depressedddddd . ill prolly release my old patterns where I would be moving away from family support because last year my mom offered to help me and support me and i ended up being manipulated and i fell depressed again then went to my step dad for help so i can get ahead and i went back with my dad and got even more depressed lmaoo but ill see how this ends up playing out. With the north node in the 10h in aries , i’ve been really focused on building my own unique self image instead of just catering to what others expected of me . Ill be looking forward to the goals I have planned out while actively working on them . With the influence of Aries too, bold and courageous, I’d most likely be taking risks to pursue my goals and stepping out my comfort zone. Probably by being SO FED UP with my controlling dad that I just take that leap 💯
this is my first observation post i was gonna go to sleep but i was dedicated to finish this tonight, i hope this was insightful to many of you and may this year bring all of us sweet blessings ⭐️
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trapastrology · 17 days
Astro Observations W/ Aris!
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12H ruler in the 3H-naturally have an interest in folklore, conspiracy theories, & sci-fi. You don't reveal much unless asked a specific question. Usually has many hidden talents or accomplishments regarding singing, dancing, writing, skill with hands, etc
2H Sag & Mercury may have a prominent accent that they aren't aware of.
3H Venus/Libra Merc- soothing/calming singing or speaking voice.
2H ruler in 1H- Your brand is you. You can truly profit off of anything where the center of the brand is you. You also benefit more financially from showing your face.
2H Pluto- other ppl feel like you often don't deserve the things you have or the treatment you get from those who love and appreciate you. It could be someone who you feel like has everything and they'll still feel like you don't deserve anything and rather see someone else with what you have.
"Strangers are just friends you haven't met" - 11H/Aqua North Nodes
Sag and Pisces (esp pisces) North Nodes GREATLY benefit from having a gratitude journal being that they always look for the holes in their life instead of seeing the bigger picture.
1H Mars & 12H Mars- need to be with a partner or around a friend who is very protective of you being that you are more susceptible to being a target whether verbally or physically. You need a person who will stand up for you since you're usually the one standing up for others but left to defend urself.
Aqua/11H Chiron- ur individuality is your greatest gift. stop trying to conform and fit in, be you!
7H Gem/Venus Gem/7H ruler in 3H- love little things like reading to their partner/getting read to, reading/watching things tg and discussing it, running errands tg, writing notes/poetry to one another, going on walks, car rides, & deep conversations. The little things mean the most here!
Cap Venus/Rising/10H- timeless beauty is the best kind. They will benefit from going towards a more retro yet simple look. Classic red lipstick will be their bestfriend.
11H/Aqua Juno- in order for them to feel like their person is truly for them, they need to feel like that person is their BEST friend, if they can't show their weird sides comfortably, the partnership will fail eventually.
2H & 4H plmts tend to see the sides of ppl that most will never see due to their presence making other ppl extremely comfortable to be their real selves. Good and bad.
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astroeleanor · 4 months
🔮✨🪄🕯Zodiac Placements of Witches & Occultists (Spellwork Abilities in Astrology)🕯🪄✨🔮
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1H Pluto, Mercury, Neptune, Lilith, or Moon
• PLUTO: Pluto rules transformation, power, and the underworld. With 1H Pluto, you possess a natural understanding of the cycles of death & rebirth, making you naturally skilled at transformative magick & rituals that involve significant inner work.
• MERCURY: Mercury's influence is linked to the ability to communicate with spirits, receive messages from the spiritual realm, decipher omens, understand the language of the stars (astrology) & manipulate energy.
• NEPTUNE: Neptune in the 1H, can symbolize highly intuitive individuals who have a strong connection to the spiritual realm. With this placement, you are likely to be drawn to practices that involve altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, divination, mediumship, astral projection, and developing your psychic abilities.
• BLACK MOON LILITH: Black Moon Lilith in the 1H represents someone who embraces their darker, more primal instincts. If you have this placement, you may be drawn to witchcraft that involves reclaiming your personal power & working with shadow aspects of yourself.
• MOON: The Moon’s in the 1H enhances your emotional sensitivity & intuition. Having this placement means that you might be deeply connected to your inner self & the cycles of nature. You are likely to be skilled in practices that involve emotional healing, nurturing & working with lunar cycles.
SCORPIO, Cancer, Pisces in the Big 3
• SCORPIO: Scorpio is one of the most witchy Zodiac Archetypes. If you have this sign in your Big 3, you may be naturally drawn to the occult & have a deep-seated need to explore the mysteries of life & death. Plus, Scorpio’s archetype of the alchemist & sorcerer embodies the ability to transform and transmute energies, which is an important skill in witchcraft.
• CANCER: Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is deeply connected to the cycles of nature & the rhythms of life. Cancer is the Moon Child & Hearth Keeper. With this sign in your Big 3, you may have a strong connection to the Moon, which enhances your ability to work with lunar cycles and perform rituals that align with the ebb & flow of nature. The Cancerian archetype is also centered around nurturing, protection & home-based magic–add onto that Cancer's natural intuitive abilities. All of these characteristics make you skilled at rituals that involve healing & protection.
• PISCES: Pisces is another sign closely associated with witchcraft. The Piscean archetype symbolizes those who are natural empaths. have a strong connection to the spiritual realms & psychic sensitivity. These gifts come in handy with practices such as divination, dream work, and spellcasting. The Piscean archetype is also that of the mystic, marked by a fluid approach to magic, often drawing upon a deep sense of compassion to heal and guide others.
8H or 12H Placements
• 8H: The eighth house governs themes of death, rebirth, and the occult. If you have personal planets in this house, it can indicate a natural interest in and aptitude for witchcraft or other esoteric practices. Having 8H placements can symbolize a deep understanding of the cycles of life, being skilled at transformative magic, shadow work and working with the energies of the unseen realms––embodying the archetype of the occultist or alchemist.
12H: If you have twelfth house placements you may be naturally attuned to the hidden aspects of life, spirituality or the esoteric. This area of the birth chart represents the unconscious mind & hidden knowledge, so if you have any personal planets here you might be skilled in practices that involve accessing spiritual insights, such as meditation, dream work, astral projection & mediumship.
Pluto/Neptune aspects to Sun, Moon or Chart Ruler
PLUTO ASPECTS: Pluto aspects to the Sun, Moon, or Chart Ruler can indicate being drawn to practices that involve significant inner work and transformation, such as shadow work, energy manipulation, and other forms of intense, transformative magic.
NEPTUNE ASPECTS: As a planet, Neptune can enhance your psychic abilities, intuition & connection to the spiritual realm. With Neptune aspects in your chart, you may be highly sensitive to the energies around you or develop a natural talent for practices that involve altered states of consciousness.
SAGITTARIUS, Virgo, Gemini or Capricorn Placements
• SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius can be defined as the Seeker and the Shaman. Ruled by Jupiter, the Sagittarius Archetype symbolizes the quest for higher knowledge or occult insights. The concept of traveling & mentors is also associated with both Jupiter & Sagittarius–in this case it can involve traveling to other realms (astral projection) and working with spirit guides.
• VIRGO: Virgo, ruled by Mercury, embodies the archetype of the herbalist and healer. Virgos’ detailed nature (Mercury) & connection to the earth element, can symbolize the ability to efficiently work with herbs, plants & natural remedies. Virgos thrive in earth-based practices, healing rituals or creating potions and elixirs.
• GEMINI: The symbol of Gemini, the Twins, represents duality & balance–which can symbolize Gemini's ability to balance the material & the spiritual, the light & the dark. This understanding of duality is beneficial in magic, where equilibrium is necessary to achieve desired outcomes. Plus, Mercury's rulership over Gemini contributes to their aptitude for spellwork/witchcraft.
• CAPRICORN: The Archetype of Capricorn can symbolize having a deep respect for tradition. This characteristic can translate as excelling in practices that involve ancient wisdom & rituals passed down through generations. The rulership of Saturn over Capricorn also suggests a profound understanding of the natural & supernatural laws (Saturn=structure) governing the universe, plus the patience & discipline necessary to master complex magical rituals and practices.
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