#rumlow × oc
cloudsss-alice · 2 years
This is a short cut of a love story about Brock Romlow and my original character(or I’ll say,my SI,idk). I have written much about them before,but those articles were not written in English, so they were not posted here,and this may lead to the lack of story background. Sorry. 🥺And as a non-native English speaker, I may make some mistakes,please don't mind it. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ps:Change from third person narration to first person narration. :D
『 The rose is putting out new shoots. 』
He blew out a smoke ring and soon it lifted to nothing.Shed by the warm glow,his face went out of the dark shadow that their curtain cast down.The end of his cigarette shimmered.
She rolled her eyes and threw her sight out of the window,to see beams of faint moonlight gleaming on the lake.Crystal, she thought.
Lights fated. The lamp turned on. She made a swift glance at his colar, where stuck her ostentatious red stain of lipstick.And it was the last thing she could get a little comfort from-to ease all the anxieties and worries Hydra put on her.
The blades of the knife glinted in the deep darkness.Abruptly she felt a shot current quiver from the inner, and for no reason.To be frank,she felt a glimpse on herself.
He noticed the frown on her face. He stubbed out his cigarette with his fingertips and asked her what was wrong.
But how could she explain that eerie feeling to him?
"No,darling."She murmured,"Nothing yet."
What could she see?
Red.Totally red.The scene in front of her view was all turning red,as the bomb continues, throwing endless cracks to her;as blood blurs her eyes that she could see nothing else;as the pain tore her into pieces from her fingertips to tops like a cyclones.The hound of death barked.The devil of hell was whispering aside.She wanted to cry yet,even failed to squeeze out a single drop from her naked Eyes-'cause they were dryer than all those desolate deserts,as well as her broken throat,filled with thick saulty liquids.
Everthing was frantic.Everything was vague.
All in red.
Seeya,annoying tasks.Seeya,damn enemies.Seeya,Brock.Hail Hydra.Fuck you all.
Then she coughed,pessimisticly,voices flowing around her ears which she used to shoot at someone else:"Loser deserves it."And finally came the day,when it was her turn to face failure.People always say that "gods easily change to dogs".She failed and that was a cruel fact.
It was the reality.
Closing eyes at such a time obviously meant heading for death.She remembered once he told her to "keep breathing".And also "keep the eyes open". Yet her eyelids were much heavier than she could carry-they dropped with all her fear and lifted with her remaining will. Then she started to recall the best days she had ever spend with him,as if the flashbacks were the final straw she could clutch,to escape from her approaching fate.
She thought about him.His arms.His lips.His smiles.His hugs.His kisses.Bed and sheets.
She had almost sunk to dreams when his voice ran into her brain.Constantly repeated.Nearer now.She heard her own name called.
"Alice!""You here?Alice...""Ali..."
She felt like to respond but dragged back by the pain.She was lying there like a body.She heard the sound of boots.A man gasping.That was...
"Poor Kid."Rumlow knelt down with his trembling murmur,"Alice.I'm here,Alice."
She reached out a finger.She was then gripped tightly-by him and unconsciousnes.
『Different souls,same cuts.』
I struggled like a moribund fish on the shore,dying for return to the sea.And Brock was the last drip of blessing rain in my boundless desert.With a palm of water,he pulled me back from the brink of death.He led me out of the cold long night ,the endless abyss.
When I woke up again I found myself on bed.I saw him beside,clear dark circles under his eyes.
At that moment I remembered that Brock said once before,"damn things can't go all the time".He was the one leading me to the dawn,the one telling me to embrace the rebirth.
Out of love.
"Hey,Kid."Rumlow beamed.And,to be honest,I prefer his smirk.But who cares now?
I smiled but wanted to cry.
And thank u for reading.🥺🥺🥺
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tikus-library · 6 months
"On the Edge"
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Avengers AU - Chapter 3
Characters: Brock Rumlow x reader, oc!daughter Addy
Posted: March 28th
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
**Please Do Not Repost or 'Fix' My Work**
Read on Ao3
“You're not very smooth ya know?”
You squeaked and skipped a step, coming to a teetering stop at the edge of the staircase. You could feel yourself begin to teeter more forwards than back onto your heels when a large warm hand wrapped around your midsection and you were directed back to safety. You looked over your shoulder and glared at him before childishly turning away and stepping down once and then twice, more confident in your steps than necessary.
“I'm sorry.”
You paused, keeping your lips sealed but not turning back around. You wouldn't be nice to him, he didn't deserve it. He didn't want to be friends after all. Of course you knew that was childish thinking but, but your feelings were hurt.
“I–” Brock swallowed, you hadn't kept going, so that was something, right? “I'm not good with people. Addy is all I got.”
“You work don't you?”
Brock grinned, even if you sounded a little short at least you had waited and now talked back to him. “The people I work with aren't the friendliest. I don't know how to be nice.”
You bit your lip. Fidgeted with your purse, you wouldn't give in… but it was polite to accept an apology right? “Well an apology is a start.”
“Addy said so,” he nodded even though you hadn't turned to look at him. He hadn't been able to get your face out of his mind, angry and tearful all at once as you shouted at him before slamming the door in his face. He realized it must have taken everything in you to do it. Brock thought it was cute. Somehow he figured you were not the kind to do something like that, and after thinking about it all night, he knew you weren't the kind to bring men like that asshole home. Hell, he hadn't even been sure he'd had a neighbor before that night you were so quiet.
You looked over your shoulder at him with a small smile. “She sure is smart, where she gets it from I'm not too sure.”
Brock flashed his teeth, shrugging as he moved to lean against the railing just above you, “not so sure myself, but she does go to school so, I'm thinking her teacher is nice.” He didn't miss the way your eyes were rimmed in red and you hadn't put on make-up. No way that was because of him? “Look,” he started, rubbing the back of his neck, “I'm making dinner tonight. You should come over.” He waited, a little nervous, there was no way you were still crying cause of him? That would be too egotistical even for him.
You hesitated, he was rough looking but he leaned against the railing of the stairs and looked… soft. As soft as a man with those arms could look. “Only if I can bring dessert?”
Brock grinned, “Addy likes strawberry everything”
You smiled, “what about you?”
Brock blinked, straightening and drawing a blank, “honestly? I just eat whatever Addy likes…”
You snorted and covered your face, looking away, “you're such a dad!” You turned and held out your hand, “phone?”
Brock pulled it out of his back pocket confused but opened it and handed it to you.
“Last name?”
He scowled, “Rumlow”
You poked around it and smiled when there was a chime before handing his phone back, pulling your own from your purse and he stared down at the text he received, a response to the one above it that was simply his name. He realized it was your name.
“If you think of something you like that's sweet, just text me. Pretty sure I can pick something up in the next four hours if I can't make it.”
Brock nodded jerkily and watched as you hurried down the steps. He was pretty sure he had succeeded in whatever this was. He dragged a hand down his face, slightly exhausted and then realized– he had to cook dinner.
You had errands to get done and a few bills to pay, and your last stop was for a few groceries. Your favorite bakery was next door a few stops down and you had just asked for the petit strawberry cake that fed four when your phone chimed.
Neighbor Brock Rumlow: blackberry, if it's not too late?
Why did that make you smile? “Do you have anything with blackberries?”
“Oh! We have a great selection!”
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jackiequick · 6 months
Behind The Layers / Marvel OC
A/N: Was this an small excuse to make another OC using the Once Upon A Time cast, like I did with Jennifer Morrison as an Top Gun OC? Yes. Yes, it is. Might use Lana Parrilla next.
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Name: Adrian Clayton Everhart Richards
Nicknames: Rian, Clay, A.C.
Age: 28-33
Birthday: February 15th
Height: 5'10"
Relationship Status: Single
Charming and charismatic.
Striking ocean blue eyes.
Messy dark brown hair.
One pierced earlobe with a stud earring.
Has a tendency to wear a lot of black clothes
Job: Businessman, SHIELD Agent
Personality: He is a rich tapestry of creativity, independence, and principled honor. Stemming from his literary upbringing, Adrian's creative mindset and unique style mark him as an individual with a distinct flair. Preferring solitude and autonomy, he thrives when working on his own terms, reflecting a self-reliant and determined nature.
His unquenchable curiosity fuels a constant quest for understanding the world. Despite his persistent nature, Adrian grapples with moments of weariness and occasional irritation, especially when confronted with arrogance. His quiet demeanor and selective information-sharing contribute to an enigmatic persona, allowing him to navigate life on his own terms, staying in his own lane.
Born out of an affair between his mother, a young assistant, and his father, a wealthy businessman.
Raised in the Reed Richards family alongside his half-brother Reed, a scientist with a high IQ.
Father cared for his sons but imposed numerous expectations and rules on them.
Father was a wealthy businessman who slept around and made poor financial decisions.
Adrian's dating life was manipulated by his father for public relations, leading to less-than-pleasant experiences. Resulting in him not caring to date at all, not having any actual interest in anyone. But he is open to grabbing a friendly cup of coffee with a friend or two.
Emphasis on education: Reed excelled, while Adrian struggled with certain subjects but excelled in others.
After their father's death, Reed and Adrian had to navigate financial challenges and pick up the pieces.
Adrian tends to be one of the agents who scouts locations before striking, contributing to SHIELD's tactical approach.
Presents himself as a down-to-earth SHIELD agent who occasionally heads out to missions and parties to collect intelligence information. Even if he tends to very silent and stay within his own lane most of the time, resulting in people respecting him but curious onto what's going on in his mind.
But in reality, all Adrian wants to do get work done by the end of the day and head home to grab a bite. And possibly a nice bottle of beer afterwards.
Relationship with Reed was decent, despite their differences and Reed's ego. Their half-sibling dynamic involved comedic yet harsh fights over the years, resulting in the occasional broken lamp in moments of anger.
Despite their conflicts, they got along well in planning, with Adrian assisting Reed in matters like helping him win over his girlfriend Sue Storm.
Over the years, the brothers lost touch, going their separate ways to pursue their own paths.
Motivations and Conflicts:
Strives to prove his worth to his family and himself.
Balances corporate expectations with his secret life as a member of SHIELD's STRIKE team.
Deals with identity struggles being the result of an affair and the black sheep of the family.
Hobbies and Interests:
Music Enthusiast: Developed a love for music at a young age and played the guitar during his younger years. But stopped once he got a bit older.
Literary Pursuits: A avid reader and occasional writer, contributing to his creative mindset and unique sense of style.
Diverse Skill Set: Adrian's mother enrolled him in various classes, including waltz and photography, providing him with a diverse skill set that extends beyond his professional life.
Fitness Enthusiast: An advocate for a healthy lifestyle, Adrian is known to start his days with a morning jog in the park. During high school, he showcased his athletic side by participating in sports like soccer and baseball during gym class.
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Key Moments:
Sibling Rivalry and Self-Discovery: Growing up alongside his brilliant half-brother Reed, Adrian faced moments of self-doubt and comparison. It became apparent that he would never match Reed's level of intellect or quick-wittedness.
Realization of Differences: As Reed exhibited a self-centered and correction-prone demeanor, Adrian began to notice the limitations of his own capabilities. He observed how Reed often overlooked the obvious and failed to appreciate what was right in front of him.
Confrontation with Reed: Frustration built up within Adrian, leading to a pivotal moment of confrontation. During a heated exchange, Adrian pointed out Reed's tendency to overthink and correct others, uttering the words, "Use your head, Reed!" This marked a turning point for Adrian as he acknowledged his own strengths and value, distinct from his brother's.
Embracing Individuality: Following this confrontation, Adrian embarked on a journey of self-discovery, realizing that while he might not possess Reed's genius, he had his own stretches of positive thinking and unique contributions. This realization allowed Adrian to embrace his individuality and break free from the constant comparison to his brother.
Strategic Operations Specialist:
Location Scouting: Adrian excels in scouting and analyzing locations before SHIELD missions. He assesses the terrain, identifies potential threats, and provides valuable intelligence to enhance the team's preparedness.
Intelligence Gathering: Beyond physical locations, Adrian is skilled in gathering intelligence from various sources. Whether it's monitoring communications, analyzing data, or infiltrating enemy networks, he contributes to SHIELD's information-gathering efforts.
Covert Operations: Adrian is adept at handling covert operations, ensuring that the STRIKE team can approach missions with discretion and precision. His strategic planning minimizes risks and maximizes the team's chances of success.
STRIKE Team Member:
Sniper Expertise: Adrian serves as the team's sniper, utilizing his sharpshooting skills to eliminate threats from a distance. His marksmanship is crucial in situations that require precision and stealth.
Financial Support: Beyond field operations, Adrian leverages his background in marketing and investments to provide financial support to SHIELD. He channels funds from his family's company and other sources to contribute to the organization's resources.
Adaptive Team Player: Adrian's ability to work both as a lone operative and as an integral part of the STRIKE team makes him an adaptive team player. He contributes not only through combat skills but also with strategic insights and financial backing.
Mission Planning: Collaborating with other team members, Adrian actively participates in mission planning. Despite being silent for most of the time. His knack for planning and coordination, honed from his relationship with Reed and their shared experiences, contributes to the team's overall success.
Key Event - 2014 HYDRA Takeover: In 2014, during the shocking HYDRA takeover of SHIELD, Adrian Clayton Everhart Richards faced a profound and unsettling revelation. Discovering that his STRIKE team, led by Rumlow, was covertly aligned with HYDRA, Adrian experienced a wave of betrayal and shame.
The very organization he had committed to fighting against had infiltrated his team, casting a shadow over his trust in those he worked alongside. In a moment of clarity and loyalty to SHIELD's true mission, Adrian took back his position as a member of the team and aligned himself with agents who remained loyal to the organization's original ideals.
Fueled by a determination to right the wrongs and protect his fellow agents, Adrian joined forces with Agent 13 and other supporters of Captain America's fight against HYDRA. In a proactive role, he engaged in shutting down financial support and investments that HYDRA exploited, aiming to sever their funding sources and hinder their nefarious activities. This pivotal event showcased Adrian's unwavering commitment to justice and his resilience in the face of betrayal.
Post-SHIELD Takeover: Following the dismantling of SHIELD due to his knowledge (thanks to Nick Fury's contingency plans), Adrian Clayton Everhart Richards retreated to his home, contemplating the uncertain path ahead. Determined to continue the fight against threats to humanity, Adrian redirected his efforts to support the remaining loyal members of SHIELD who adhered to the organization's original ideals.
Simultaneously, he strategically maneuvered within the corporate world, utilizing his financial acumen to bolster market shares for Stark Industries, where he heard Maria Hill had found a new home working for Tony Stark. This move not only served as a means of support for the genuine defenders but also facilitated his introduction to The Avengers and Young Avengers.
In his discreet endeavors, Adrian channeled both time and financial resources into the development and enhancement of necessary equipment for these burgeoning hero teams. His contributions played a vital role in fortifying their capabilities and ensuring their effectiveness in safeguarding the world. Despite his significant role in this realm, Adrian maintained his characteristic low profile, shying away from the limelight and avoiding unnecessary attention. Attending events with a subtle presence, he operated in the shadows, a silent force ensuring that the heroes had the tools they needed to face the challenges ahead.
Anyways here is a new low-key oc! I might add more to his story later on, who know haha. What do you think of him? Any ideas for new OCs?
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @sofia-falcon @savemewattpad and et
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
May Sneak Peak
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What happened? (Michael Morbius & Reader) Secrets chapter 11 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) Jealous (Steve Rogers X Reader) Accidental view (Steve Rogers X Reader) Secrets chapter 12 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) Huge mistake (Steve Rogers X Reader) Breakfast (Steve Rogers X Reader) Secrets chapter 13 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) She (Brock Rumlow X Reader (platonic, one-way), Jack Rollins X Reader) Light (Steve Rogers X Reader) Secrets chapter 14 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) Not my world part II (Steve Rogers X OC) Slow (Steve Rogers X Reader) ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵
@saiyanprincessswanie @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @caplanbuckybarnes @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose​ @hallecarey1​ @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry​ @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch​   @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted​ @chemtrails-club​ @marigoldreamer​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @mylifeispainandiloveit​   @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @jtargaryen18​
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bolontiku · 1 year
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Avengers AU - Chapter 1
Characters: Brock Rumlow, OC!Reaper, Jack Rollins, others mentioned
Posted: July 12th
WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, cursing, guns, knives, aliens, tagged per chapter
A/N: yup a new one. I might be a little obsessed with him. Anyhow, couldn't stop thinking of "Save Her" and this was born. No idea where it's gonna go but...
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
**Please Do Not Repost or 'Fix' My Work**
Read On Ao3
They had worked with other teams before.
More often than not they had been the ones to clean up after them and drag them out of alien infested FUBAR situations.
Brock's strike team was made up of five.
Jack: second in command, communications, reliable
Elliott: jack of all trades, the guy was the second MacGyver.
Kevin: medic and their personal miracle
Joshua: demolition and explosives expert
Ben: sniper
What else did he need?
They didn't need anyone else, they worked perfectly together.
It was the millionth op out, two teams had gone into the HYDRA facility, the Avengers would be in next but his team had been closer. Jack had nodded agreeing they should go in.
How else could they collect a paycheck?
They were four floors down when they found themselves backed into a corner. "These things stink-"
"Sulfur," Brock bit out.
"Great, fucking demons?" Ben's voice rasped.
"Too many coming in–"
"Just a hit to the head, good thing he was wearing his helmet," Kevin supplied, still kneeling next to the larger man.
"This isn't gonna be pretty," Ben said.
"How far out are those damn Avengers?" Brock asked, gun up at the ready.
"Fifteen minutes," Jack supplied.
"Shhhh," Brock hushed and the group went silent. He sucked in slow precise breaths, watching as the enemy came around the corner, the same way they had come only to find this dead end.
Ben had been right, Brock noted as the ugly creatures entered, claws clanking against the flooring and wings fluttering out behind them. They snapped at each other, chattering, and glancing around. Brock itched, body tense, he knew the fight was gonna be hard, he would be surprised if they survived fifteen minutes.
He signaled to those behind him, Jack inches from him, that their enemy was making their way closer.
As the group closed in on their position he was ready to move– but Brock saw a body come flying from above them, he briefly remembered why they were here- two previous teams had entered the HYDRA base as he watched the fully masked agent slam into the body of one demon, knives sinking into the back of its neck with satisfying squelch.
"REAPER!! REAPER GET THE FUCK BcACK HERE!!" came a booming voice.
"Get out of here–" the agent cried, the demon they crouched on blindly reached back as its legs buckled under it, the agent dug their knees in before managing to straighten and kick off as another swiped where they had been, the demon under them slamming into the ground, the fully geared agent slamming into another body and stabbed blindly.
"FUBAR," Brock breathed as he watched this rogue agent wreak havoc, ugly demons scattering from the grouping as the small body ducked under a swipe of claws. Jack chuckled beside him. "Jack on me, Joshua keep an eye out," he felt the men nod before he stepped out gun raised, shots firing off and echoing through the room. He kept an eye on their new friend and made his way out, Jack came up beside him, both of them dropping their guns and switching to hand to hand when in close range, Brock came to a halt staring down at the young man that had so recklessly come flying out. Vibrant green eyes stared up at him in bewilderment. Did he even know they had been there?
"The fuck did y'all come from?" came the distorted voice from behind the mask, they shook their head suddenly, "doesn't matter– time to go!"
"STRIKE TEAM MOVE IT!" He shouted out.
Green eyes widened as they watched his team come barreling out. "A team of five?"
"Avengers inbound," Jack bit out.
There were two teams, just not the full roster.
Brock met the lead for the second, keeping an eye on the short guy that hurried to where the squad was grouped.
"Pollaki," he said by way of introduction.
"Rumlow, quite a handful you got there." Brock nodded at the kid, Jack snorted behind him, knowing for Brock to say such a thing meant he had been somewhat impressed.
Pollaki nodded, "that's Reaper," he paused, eyes flicking over Brock's team, "they're gonna need a new home. Just two of my team made it out– I'm headed out for retirement," he added with a bone weary sigh.
Brock squared his shoulders.
Jack leaned into him, "could use a good fighter. He handled himself well enough."
"He's insane," Brock bit out.
Pollaki shrugged, "Just an offer, the kid will likely end up with Fredericksburg."
Brock growled at the name, he knew that idiot and glanced at the kid that had literally given them an opening to get out. Shock of green hair looked out from over the top of their gaiter mask, helmet having been pulled off. He watched the kid follow a teammate into the safe zone the medics had set up. "I'll put in for the kid, what's his name?" Fredericksburg would get the kid killed and replace him in days, Brock could at least look into it.
Pollaki looked surprised but grinned, "call 'em Reaper, I'll get the paperwork started once we get back to base, have it done in a few days."
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braveclementine · 21 days
Warnings: 18+readersonly, mentions of rape/sexual harassment/sexual assault, lots of angst both past and present
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Sorry the memories are so long, but most of this is the real background I had set up for my character when I was writing the Frozaline comic- with some obvious differences for this particular book. 
👨‍🔬🪖 Ŝ丅๏𝔯Ⓨ ☁️❄️
Clint ran from the room then and Natasha rose, almost as though she was going to go after him. Heimdall however said, "He'll be right back." 
Elizabeth's memories showed nothing super exciting after that. Mostly school and getting ready to go back to Siberia. There were also some memories with her dad, in the suburb that they lived in now. Playing baseball and stuff like that. Her father looked older once again, this time in his late forties or so. His black hair was almost all gone, turning gray. 
Clint came back, holding something tightly in his hand as he sat back down. Penny looked over and saw that it was the sling ring and he was smiling slightly. 
Then, it turned where Elizabeth was thirteen or fourteen-ish and she was in a cage full of others. Bucky was fighting them and two of them took him down, punching his face in. Elizabeth was trying to fight off one of the others as well, but the man had her held up by her throat against the cage bars. 
Bucky growled, kicking them off and grabbing the other soldier away from Elizabeth, slamming him into the ground. 
"Enough!" Pierce called out and they stopped fighting. The doctors came to analyze them. And that was when the fight broke out, them killing the doctor. 
"Get me out of here." Pierce ordered Bucky and Bucky grabbed his shoulder, marching him to the door. Until Elizabeth let out a cry, two of the soldiers taking her down. Bucky shoved Pierce through the door, running back, fighting his way through them to get to her. 
"Sebastian!" Elizabeth shouted, reaching out as the man punched her across the face. Bucky grabbed her arm, yanking her into him and running for the exit. The door slammed shut behind them and he marched away with her, Elizabeth shaking as he did so. 
And now she was sitting in a room, with Rumlow and Pierce standing in it as well. Bucky was restrained in his chair and Elizabeth was trying to read from a piece of paper in a shaking voice. " Желание.  Ржавый.  Семнадцать.  Р-Pассвет-" 
As Elizabeth stuttered over the fourth word in Bucky's trigger words, Rumlow slapped her across the face and she fell out of her chair onto the floor. 
"It's ' Рассвет'." Rumlow snarled. "How can you be so stupid?" 
Elizabeth pushed herself off the floor, shaking. "I- I'm sorry sir." 
"Rumlow." Pierce said, sternly. "Please." He walked over and knelt in front of Elizabeth. "It's alright honey. He was wrong to hit you. You have been doing well with the words." 
"She can't even get through all of them." Rumlow threw his hands up. "And you want her to replace me as the handler for the asset?" 
"She will get there." Pierce said. "And her and the asset have a special connection that the asset hasn't formed with anyone else here. Nor will he kill her, like the past couple of handlers. We have time. Try again E." 
"I- I can't." Elizabeth said, shaking her head. "It hurts him." 
" Желание, Ржавый, Семнадцать, Рассвет, Печь, Девять, Добросердечный, Возвращение на Родину, Один, Товарный вагон" Rumlow rattled off and Bucky started screaming half way through them. Elizabeth pushed her hands over her ears, squeezing her eyes shut again. 
Bucky stopped screaming and said, " Я жду приказов" 
Rumlow and Piece exchanged a look. Pierce looked disappointed, "Brock, this is not conducive. The whole point of their symbiotic relationship is they protect each other." 
"Then let's prove it." Rumlow smirked. "Soldat, punish her." 
"NO!" Bucky shouted, leaping up from the couch. Steve and Sam each pulled him down gently, holding him in their arms. 
Bucky stalked towards Elizabeth who didn't move, only staring up at him in sadness. His fist came down and hit her across the face. Once, twice, three times. Finally, Elizabeth cried out, "Sebastian!" 
Bucky's fist froze in the air, his entire body still. He breathed in heavily, his blue eyes on her brown ones. "Sebastian come back." Elizabeth whispered. 
"Soldat, punish her." Rumlow growled. 
Bucky's fist came down again, but this time punching into the stone. Then he stood up, turning on Rumlow with angry eyes. Rumlow took a few steps back as Bucky stormed towards him, "Soldat, it was just a test-" 
Bucky slammed Rumlow up against the wall, "Test me any way you want. But you never, ever put her in harms way, ever again." Bucky snarled and then dropped Rumlow on the ground. He turned, coming back to Elizabeth and lifting her into his arms like she weighed nothing, storming from the room. 
"Sebastian?" Elizabeth questioned, putting a hand against his cheek. 
He didn't answer, carrying her into another room that they hadn't seen before. It seemed to be a med center of some sort and he grabbed something from a freezer. He cracked it, putting it against her face. "I'm sorry." 
Elizabeth shook her head, "It wasn't you. It was them. And those words. I won't use them against you Seb, I just won't. I can't." 
Bucky kissed the top of her head. "I know." 
It shifted again. Elizabeth was still in HYDRA, but Bucky was nowhere to be seen. Lucinda was talking to Pierce and was saying, "-part Asgardian. A race of Gods and Goddesses. They live for thousands of years." 
"And she has this gene?" Pierce was questioning. Elizabeth was reading a book, a stuffed dog in her lap now. 
"Apparently from her mothers' side." Lucinda agreed. 
"So it's genetic?" Pierce nodded. "Mating her with the asset would create a potential super race." 
"Of super soldiers." Lucinda nodded. "I'm suspecting that her period of having children is longer than most women as well, considering they live longer." 
"How old is she then?" Pierce asked. 
"She ages slowly." Lucinda said. "I would say based on my soulmates age and stories he says, she would technically be around thirty." 
Pierce whistled lowly. "And she only looks fourteen. The asset is near immortal too with the serum we created. And of course, added to with Stark's formula. They may end up being the last race on Earth after their children come around." 
"We must wait though." Lucinda said sharply. "My daughter still acts younger in some ways. She is not ready." 
"No." Pierce agreed. "But we should start her towards being so. She dresses like a little kid still. It is not attractive towards the asset." 
"I will see what we can do." Lucinda nodded. 
The next memory showed a very stark contrast of Elizabeth. Her long brown hair was now curled in a fashion that wouldn't have stood out in Steve and Bucky's time. She was wearing a dark blue dress that matched Bucky's eyes, along with a neckerchief. It was complete with black polished shoes and white stockings as well. 
"Sebastian!" Elizabeth sang as she came into the room. Bucky was laying on his bed, tossing something into the air and catching it. He looked over at her as she came in and the object in the air crashed down on his face as he missed it. 
"Seb!" Elizabeth yelped, "Are you okay?" 
Bucky had sat up, rubbing his cheek, his eyes scanning her up and down. "Y-Yeah fine, doll." 
Elizabeth tilted her head to the side, "Doll?" 
"I- it slipped." Bucky said, standing up quickly. "Sorry." 
"I like it." Elizabeth said happily, "Anyways, Seb, let's go!" 
"Where?" Bucky let her drag him along, unable to take his eyes off of her. 
"Outside! We're allowed outside!" Her eyes glowed with excitement. "But only for a little while." 
Bucky went with her and the guards opened the doors. The forest was snowy and so was the path. Elizabeth smiled, lifting a hand up to catch the snowflakes while Bucky blinked at the glaring sun. 
"C'mon doll." Bucky suddenly said, rearranging his hold on her hand. The two of them walked through the forest. Elizabeth looking at everything, smiling brightly. But Bucky only had eyes for her and soon enough, he was even smiling softly too. 
Elizabeth started to sing some song in Russian. Penny couldn't keep up with it as the girl skipped through the forest, Bucky running after her. She lost herself in the melody, the song lifting her spirits. As they reached the end, which was at a cliff, Bucky suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and picked up the lines. 
Penny had never heard Bucky sing before, ever. His voice was rich, deep, and in the Russian language, it was lovely. She looked over now and saw tears falling from his eyes while both Steve and Sam seemed a little awed by Bucky's singing. 
The memory faded though and when the next one came up, Elizabeth was in some sort of museum. She was clearly with her class and Penny could pick out a young Ghaida and Trang. Ghaida was by herself and Trang was chatting wildly with a Hispanic girl. Elizabeth trailed behind last. 
"The World War II exhibit. You have ten minutes to look around." The tour guide called out and the other kids dispersed. 
Elizabeth wandered around, looking at the different planes and stuff. She stopped in front of Steve Rogers and started reading. Then the screen changed, pulling up Bucky's picture. She gasped and then looked around conspicuously. She stepped forwards, pausing it and reading everything about it, before going back to Steves'. 
Her lips moved and then she was hurrying away from them, over to the brochures. She scanned them, flipping through them, before shoving one up her long sleeves. 
"No, no, no what are you doing?" Bucky moaned, putting his hands over his face. "Why Elizabeth?" 
"Sebastian." Elizabeth hissed as she crept up behind him. Bucky turned and saw her there. 
"What's up do-" 
She grabbed his arm, dragging him away. She kept glancing around, dragging him down an abandoned hallway, then through a door, and down into a restricted part of the base. 
"What are we doing?" Bucky asked. 
Elizabeth pulled out the brochure and whispered, "Your name is Bucky." 
"What?" Bucky asked, taking the brochure from her. He read through it, frowning, scanning bits and then looked up at her. "Where did you get this?" 
"My class went on a field trip." She murmured. "Bu-" 
"No." Bucky hissed, dragging her further down the tunnel. "Are you insane? Why did you bring this here?" 
"Because you needed to know-" 
"Elly," Bucky said sternly. "Listen to me. If you get caught with this-" 
"But I didn't-" 
"We have to destroy it." Bucky said, looking around wildly. "Damnit." 
"Don't." Bucky pinched her lips with his fingers. "Never, ever use this name. It's to much of a risk. If someone overheard you-" 
"Like me." 
Both of them spun around to see Rumlow standing there. Even Penny hadn't seen him and it gave her a heart attack. 
Rumlow started forwards, grabbing Elizabeth's shirt collar. "You stupid, stupid girl. You could have ruine-" 
Bucky grabbed Rumlow around the neck. "Let. Her. Go." 
"You're out of line Soldat." Rumlow snarled, but let Elizabeth go anyways. Bucky released him. 
"I told her to find it." Bucky lied. "I was already remembering." 
Rumlow chuckled, "Protective as always Soldat. Give me that." 
Bucky handed over the brochure. Rumlow flicked it open and snorted. "God. Hopeless. Let's go. You-" He yanked Elizabeth in front of him and took out his gun. "Any funny business behind me Soldat and I'll shoot her in the back." 
The memory faded and it came to Elizabeth crawling through a vent. It was dead silent wherever she was as she crawled to the edge of it. The sound of a whip suddenly cut through the air and a cry fell from Bucky's lips somewhere below her. 
"Shit." Bucky whispered. "Not this." 
"Buck?" Steve asked softly. 
Bucky sunk to the floor, putting his back against the couch and covered his face with his hands. "Not this." Penny wanted to comfort him, but Steve and Sam sunk to the floor with him and Clint hugged him from behind. 
Elizabeth peered out the vent and what was on scene made Penny's blood boil. Bucky was completely naked, his arms chained behind his back. He had a collar around his neck, which was leashed to a metal pole in the middle of the room. He was on his knees, sitting on his side. His head was hanging down, his brown hair curtained around his face. 
Pierce was in the room, only wearing jeans and a belt. He had a whip in his hand and continued to bring it down on Bucky's shoulders. 
Then, Pierce dropped the whip just as Elizabeth started to open the vent. Pierce cupped Bucky's jaw, bringing it towards him. "You're such a good boy for me James." 
Steve suddenly stood straight up, looking like he wanted to murder someone. Penny felt exactly the same way. She remembered her father always having this man over for dinner, someone her father had trusted and called friend. She glanced over and saw that her father was glaring at the memory, also looking like he wanted to kill someone. 
Penny wished they were all still alive: Pierce, Rumlow, Jackson, Sharon, just so she could kill them with her bare hands. She wished she had gotten a go at any of them.
Elizabeth climbed out of the vent, landing on the balcony above. She looked furious, glaring at the scene. She crouched down, looking through the bars as Pierce kissed Bucky on the lips and whispered. "Good boy." 
Then Pierce stood up and exited the room, leaving Bucky there. 
Elizabeth went to leap over the banister, but hands grabbed her and she crashed to the floor. Rumlow hoisted her up, slamming her against the wall. Unlike the other times though, he didn't look furious. In fact, he was grinning now. 
"It arouses you, doesn't it?" Rumlow smirked. 
Elizabeth didn't move, just glaring at him, clearly trained not to hit him or fight back. 
"Seeing him all submissive?" Rumlow asked, purring against her ear. "Want to feel it?" 
Rumlow pushed her skirt up and she glared at him, "Don't touch me." 
"You can't stop me." Rumlow chuckled, "Unless you want him to get a little punishment from me too." 
Elizabeth yelped, pushing up on her tip toes, a look of pain coming over her face, "Ow!" 
"Oh stop, it doesn't hurt that bad." Rumlow sighed. 
"No! Ow! Stop! That hurts!" Elizabeth cried out. 
Penny could feel Rhodey's muscle flexing around her, clearly wanting to murder him too. Penny was shaking and she could feel Natasha's anger. Actually, she could feel all of her soulmates anger through the bonds and the rest of the anger on the air. It was livid. 
Suddenly, Rumlow was thrown backwards and a metal arm pushed Elizabeth away as well. Bucky stood there, the leash torn in half, his eyes glaringly angry. "She. Said. Stop." 
"Soldat!" Pierces' voice called angrily from the other room. 
"Masters calling." Rumlow sneered. 
Bucky didn't answer, turning. He wrapped his metal arm around Elizabeth's waist, dropping into the other room. The metal pole was bent, but not broken, the second half of the leash still there. And the chains that had kept Bucky's arms behind his back were twisted pieces of metal. 
Pierce glared at Bucky as he set Elizabeth on her feet, "I told you to stay." 
"I- I called for him." Elizabeth lied. "Rumlow was-" 
"He was touching her." Bucky growled. "She's mine. He doesn't get to touch her." 
Elizabeth blushed darkly. 
Pierce sighed, "Then it's excusable. You're both dismissed." 
They went together and Bucky put clothes on in his room. 
"How did you know to come?" Elizabeth asked softly, taking a bandage and wrapping Bucky's wrist where he was bleeding from breaking out of the chain. 
"I heard you." Bucky whispered. "You were in pain." 
"I didn't like it. It hurt." Elizabeth whispered. 
"I know." Bucky whispered. 
Elizabeth knelt down, resting her head against his knee while he sat on the bed. "Are you okay?" 
Bucky reached down, picking her up lightly, pulling her into him as he laid down on the bed. The two of them cuddled into each other. "Yes. You're here." 
The next memory was Elizabeth walking, hesitating before opening a door. 
Like the other scene, this one made Penny's blood boil. 
Pierce was sitting in his chair at the head of the table, his legs wide apart. Bucky was sitting between them, his head resting on Pierce's left leg. His wrists and ankles were chained and he had a collar around his neck again. Pierce was stroking his long hair. 
"Ah good." Pierce said, holding out an arm and Elizabeth approached silently. Pierce wrapped the arm around her, pulling her onto his right leg. 
"Is she for sale?" One of the men immediately asked with a smirk. Bucky growled and Pierce laughed at that. 
"Careful, gentlemen, the dog is quite protective of the kitty cat." Pierce smirked. "And, vice versa. Best not to say anything unkind about one in front of the other." 
The rest of the men around the table smirked. Penny felt pity towards Elizabeth, who was clearly uncomfortable where she was. She was also wearing more revealing clothes than any of the previous times. She too, had a collar around her neck, though thinner than Bucky's. 
Penny gave a start as suddenly, Natasha started to cry. Natasha got up and threw herself into Bucky's arms. "I'm so sorry James." 
Bucky hugged her back tightly. Penny glanced over and saw her father had tears in his eyes. God that was affecting all of them. She looked and saw Elijah was pacing in the back of the room, clearly thinking. Wanda had tears streaming down her face, even as she continued to show Elizabeth's memories. 
Rhodey pulled her in tighter and she settled on his lap, hugging him back as tightly as possible. 
It faded and now Elizabeth was in a cage. It was small, barely able to hold her. She was sitting with her back against the bars and her feet pressed up against the other side, her knees bent. She was wearing the collar, the end of the leash connected to the bars above. 
The scene shifted and it was a bigger cage now, enough for her to lay down in. But she was sitting down, a muzzle over her mouth. Tears leaked from her eyes. Footsteps sounded across the dark room and she shifted until she was in the back corner near the wall. But it was just Bucky. 
He knelt by the cage as she came over to him. "Hey d oll." Bucky whispered sadly, reaching through and cupping her face. "Where's the door." 
Unable to talk, she pointed upwards. Bucky stood up, opening the door and hopping into the cage with her. He bent down, carefully undoing the muzzle. Then, laying down, pulled her on top of him. "There you go sweetheart." 
The memory shifted and it was Bucky and Pierce again. This time, Pierce actually had Bucky pressed to the floor and was raping him. Bucky kept his eyes squeezed, his teeth gritted, but no sounds of pain came from him. 
Elizabeth was stone faced this time, hiding. 
Pierce pulled away and Bucky collapsed on the floor. 
"String him up." Pierce commanded in a bored voice. The guards moved forwards, lifting Bucky up, his hands above him in chains. Bucky however, mostly slumped, only the low height of the chains keeping him from hanging completely. 
Pierce went for the whip and Elizabeth sprang, kicking him across the face. Pierce grunted, falling backwards. The guards yelled out, but Elizabeth shoved a knife through one of their necks and then snapped the neck of the second one. She continued to fight with them until one remained, which she continued to stab repeatedly, even after he was dead, screaming. 
She stood up, looking just slightly unhinged. Pierce had backed away, holding his jaw with one hand, a gun in the other. She stalked towards him, knife in her hand. 
"He's mine." Elizabeth snarled. "You hurt him."
Pierce chuckled coldly. "Yours huh? Has he ever fucked you? Shown you any pleasure? He barely even touches you E. He looks at you like a little sister he has to protect. But me? Oh no E. He's not yours and he's never been yours. He's been mine since the beginning. And he will always be mine. Just like you will be." 
Like a wild cat, Elizabeth snarled and leapt at Pierce, but he shot her dead center in the chest. It just a dart though, with sleeping solution and she out like a light. 
But the memory continued from there and she pushed herself up off the floor. Bucky was out of the chains, his eyes dead and unseeing. He picked her up, but not in the gentle way he usually did. He did it from behind, grabbing her right arm, slamming her down on the table, keeping her right arm out. 
"Seb?" Elizabeth whispered. 
"He can't hear you." Pierce said, walking in front of her and Elizabeth looked up at him. "He's wearing headphones. In which he can hear only the orders given to us." 
Elizabeth struggled and Bucky pressed down harder. 
"You've cost me a lot of good men and if it wasn't for your future value, well I'd probably just kill you right here and now." Pierce sighed. "To bad you're such a pretty little thing. And quite frankly, we'd probably lose the soldier too. So, since you've cost me men, it's going to cost you something. How about. . . an arm?" 
"NO!" Bucky gasped in horror from the floor. Penny finally felt the tears that she had been desperately trying to hold back form. But she knew Elizabeth had never had a metal arm. Maybe it was just a threat. 
Penny turned away and heard Elizabeth's screams instead as her arm was taken from her. The memory went black. 
The next memories were fuzzy, probably from no memory of them, even as they were happening. And then there was screaming, "MY DAUGHTER! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER?" 
There was a ringing noise accompanied by Pierce shouting back, "SHE KILLED MY MEN!" 
"I DON'T CARE IF SHE KILLED YOU! SHE'S DYING!" Lucinda was hysterical and the vision cleared enough to see her mom sobbing over her. "SHE'S DYING!" 
Lucinda turned around, slapping Pierce across the face. And then, she screamed the one thing that Penny never thought her mother would ever scream, "SEBASTIAN! Someone get me Sebastian!" 
A doctor ran from the room as Elizabeth gasped, looking around, trying to breathe. The bleeding from her arm had stopped, but the heart monitor was unsteady. "M-mom." 
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry." Lucinda sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I should've been here." 
"She cared." Penny whispered aloud. Rhodey squeezed her tightly. 
"She always cared." Ghaida responded softly. "She did love Elizabeth. She thought they were creating a new world. And she just wanted Elizabeth to thrive. She thought that by putting her daughter with the best chance at survival, Elizabeth would make it. That her and James would be the King and Queen of this new world. She never wanted Elizabeth hurt or tortured. She did love her. Some might say, too much." 
Bucky burst into the room, his eyes tinged red. He had clearly been crying. "Save her." Lucinda choked out. "Please." 
Bucky looked horrified as Elizabeth's searched his and then started to flutter. 
"Stay with me doll." Bucky said, ripping out the wires and needles that were connected to her and then pulled her into his arms. He raced from the room and the jolts brought sharper focus into the memory. "You have to stay with me. You have to stay with me doll. I need you to stay with me." 
"Seb. . ." Elizabeth whispered. 
Bucky burst into  a room which was full of cryo chambers. All of the super soldiers were in there, but there was an empty one down near the end. Bucky opened it up and placed Elizabeth inside. 
"Elly." Bucky whispered, cupping her face. "I'm so so sorry. I couldn't stop them. I couldn't stop me." His voice cracked. "And I'm sorry I have to put you in here. But it's the only way doll. I can't live without you." 
"Seb. . . it okay." Elizabeth whispered. Bucky kissed her forehead, hesitated, and then kissed her on the lips, before pulling away. "I love you." He whispered, and then slammed the door closed. He fell to his knees in front of the case as it started to fill with the preserving fluid and then the memory faded. 
"Buck." Steve whispered softly as he had gotten up off the floor, pacing back and forth. 
"She could've died because of me." Bucky panted. "Oh God." 
"She's alive because of you." Pietro said fiercely. "The others all freaked out. You saved her." 
"You can't stop the words, bubs." Tony said softly, getting up too and touching Bucky's arm. "You saved her. They tried to kill her. There's a difference." 
Bucky buried his head into Tony's shoulder and the billionaire gently pulled him down to the floor to sit with them as well. 
The next memory fizzled until it was Elizabeth, sitting up. She had a silver metal arm on her right side now. It was complete with a red star as well. 
"How does it feel?" An African, female doctor suddenly walked through the door, making T'Challa, Shuri, and even Okoye all gasp. 
"Fine." Elizabeth whispered as her mother came into the room too. "It doesn't hurt at all." 
"Good." The doctor nodded. 
"Where's Sebastian?" Elizabeth asked quietly. 
Her mother sighed, "He's. . . he's in cryo right now sweetheart. He uh, here." 
Her mom handed her a new bunny stuffed animal, with white fur and a small flower crown. A little note was attached to it. Elizabeth took it gently, holding it tightly. 
"Now, we have features to this one. I made it as high tech as possible." The doctor continued, addressing Lucinda. "It's lightweight. She'll never be able to tell the difference between her flesh and metal arm. It will be more powerful though, she might notice if she's stronger there. And of course, indestructible, being made of Vibranium. The high tech wiring will prevent it from making any mechanical noises. It will also feel just like a flesh arm, even have the squishiness to it that a normal arm does. And-" 
The doctor stepped forwards, tapping the red star and it shimmered, becoming a normal arm. "Voila. Now, I lock it and. . . there. You'll never tell the difference." 
"Thank you." Lucinda said. "How much-" 
The doctor smiled mysteriously. "Don't worry about that Pierce is paying me in other ways." 
"Well, I will let you get back to Wakanda then." Lucinda said with a small smile. 
"Hail HYDRA." The doctor nodded. 
"Hail HYDRA." Lucinda nodded and the doctor left. "Fuck HYDRA." Lucinda growled and then sighed, pulling out a pill. "Here E." 
Elizabeth took the pill and everything went black. 
There were more memories of her just being at school and moving through the day. Always seemingly alone. Never making friends. Never searching out friends. There was also a flurry of Gymnastics memories, what seemed like hundreds and hundreds of meets and competitions. 
Finally, it settled back to Bucky and her. Bucky was kneeling in front of her, resting his head on her knees. She was stroking his hair. "Am I triggering anything?" Elizabeth asked softly, hesitantly. "I don't want to hurt you." 
"Your fingers feel good Doll." Bucky whispered. "You're perfect." 
Elizabeth smiled at that and then softened. "I try. And only for you." 
The memory shifted to them dancing. Classical music was playing in the background and the lights were out so that it was hard to make out their shapes. But they were ballroom dancing, both of them smiling as they did this one little thing. 
The memory shifted once more. Lucinda was in front of Elizabeth and Bucky and both of them were wearing faces of identical shock. 
"Sebastian is coming home with us?" Elizabeth asked. 
"For a month." Lucinda nodded. "He has a mission in Ohio and I figure he might as well stay with us." 
Elizabeth's face lit up. Bucky on the other hand, seemed rather down about the whole thing. 
"E," Her mother said, "Go ahead and get your things you want to bring back. I need to talk to The. . . Seb for a second." 
It was clear that her mother was trying to appease her with the Bucky name thing. 
The memory cleared once more and now, Elizabeth was sitting a table, eating hot dogs with the family. Two young boys, perhaps both around ten or so, were eating at one end of the table. Pierce was sitting next to the reddish-brown haired boy, talking to him kindly. Paul was at the head of the table, his hair pepper coloured in a mix of black, gray, and white. 
Lucinda sat next to Paul and Bucky sat next to Elizabeth. Bucky looked extremely nervous and so did Lucinda. 
"Nice to finally meet you, Sebastian." Paul greeted him. "Elizabeth's told me so much about you." 
Bucky and Elizabeth both looked at him in equal shock. 
"Elizabeth, ah yes." Bucky stammered. "Sorry, I call her Elly." 
"Ah another nickname of yours." Her father said fondly. "Yes, we rarely ever call her Elizabeth to begin with. Everyone just calls her E." 
"I see." Bucky murmured. Lucinda and Pierce both looked tense now. 
The boys eventually scampered off and Elizabeth finished eating too. "Can Sebastian and I go out into the backyard?" Elizabeth asked. 
"Of course." Paul said, "If that's alright with your mother and Mr. Pierce?" 
"Sure." Lucinda said lightly. 
Elizabeth got up and went into the backyard. The two of them walked in silence and once they rounded out by the playset, she seemed to have a panic attack. 
"Hey." Bucky said, catching her as she fell to her knees, gasping for air. "Hey it's okay. Elly." 
"I forgot my own name." She gasped out. "I forgot my own name." 
"It's okay." Bucky whispered, cuddling her. "Elly. Elizabeth. It's okay. You're okay. You know it now. I'll remember it for you." 
"I can't remember yours." Elizabeth suddenly sobbed. "I know I learned it and they made me forget it." 
"Hey." Bucky cupped her face, wiping away her tears. "Look at me Elly. It doesn't matter. You are the only one here who treats me like I'm actually worth something. Like I'm a person. As long as you don't call me 'Soldat' or 'the Asset', I don't care what name you call me Elly." 
The memory faded and disappeared into them sitting at the dining room table again. The atmosphere was different now. Paul was frowning, looking at Lucinda, then Pierce, then Bucky, and then his daughter. "Married?" 
"I think it would work, Paul." Lucinda said softly. "E is. . . well aging slowly and Sebastian doesn't age much either." 
Paul sat back. Elizabeth looked like she was trying not to smile, but Bucky wasn't smiling at all. "You don't look happy about it." Paul spoke directly to Bucky. 
Bucky hesitated and then said, "It's just. . . while this bonding would be optimal, I have just never loved her like that." 
Elizabeth's face fell and she looked down at her lap, hiding her face. Paul glanced at her and then at Bucky who looked at the table instead. Elizabeth slid off her chair and headed out into the backyard, leaving the scene behind. 
Bucky came and found her a few hours later behind the playset. "E-" 
She wiped her eyes. "What?" 
"Are you really that upset about what I said?" He sighed. "I thought you knew?" 
She shook her head, "I thought- I thought you loved me." 
"I'm sorry. I just. . . don't." Bucky said flatly. Penny could tell he was lying. 
Elizabeth stood up, grabbing the front of his shirt. But not angrily, more just desperately. And she spoke to his chest as she cried, "Why? What didn't I do right? What can I do?" 
Bucky closed his eyes towards the sky, looking heartbroken. But when he came back, he put on a face of anger and shoved her away- still gently. "Don't guilt me. It's not like it's a choice, E." She flinched as he called her what she hated most. "So don't guilt me like they do." 
He stalked away, shoulders tense. Elizabeth slowly lowered herself to her knees, sobbing. 
Days passed and Elizabeth spent most of them in her room, surrounded by the stuffed animals that Bucky had given her. Her father spent a lot of time with her in silence. 
But the memory shifted and she was outside with Pierce. "I'm sorry honey." Pierce said, pulling her into a hug. "I know you loved him." 
"I thought he loved me." Elizabeth sighed as he released her. She knelt down by a bush that was sprouting blueberries, picking them. 
"He does." Pierce said, a smile creeping on his face, "He just thinks that his little show will protect you. Thinks loving you will hurt you." 
"He hurt me!" Elizabeth said angrily. "I don't care about anything or anyone else. Nothing but him could've hurt me." 
"I know." Pierce sighed. "You want to test my theory?" 
Elizabeth looked confused, "How?" 
Pierce knelt, grabbing her face so her lips became pouty, pushing something between them. Elizabeth struggled in his grasp and then Pierce released her, running away. 
Elizabeth convulsed on the ground and it was only seconds later that Bucky was running and skidding in the grass to come next to her. He pulled her into his arms, performing a perfect Heimlich maneuver so that the fruit came out of her. It started fading black as Bucky performed CPR after that, Lucinda and Paul running across the grass towards them. 
As Elizabeth's vision started to clear up, Bucky's terrified face was above her. "D-doll?" 
"Seb." She coughed, rolling into him. 
"I've got you." He whispered, picking her up and carrying her towards the house. He carried her up to the bedroom, setting her on the bed. 
"You lied. Why?" Elizabeth coughed. 
Bucky hung his head. "I'm trying to protect you. If they thought I loved you, they could use you against me." 
"You said- you said. . . you said I was one of them." Elizabeth said, clenching her fists tightly. "You said-" 
"I know." Bucky whispered. "I know I said that. I'm sorry. I was trying to hurt you. Push you away. Stop you from caring about me. I would rather that you hate me and be safe than love me and be hurt." 
"I don't! I love you!" Elizabeth shouted. "You're the only thing I care about!" 
Bucky nodded, pulling her into his arms. "I know. You're the same thing for me." 
The vision faded and now Elizabeth was creeping around her house in the middle of the night. Going down into the basement. She pushed open a metal door and padded down the hallway which took her to a secret laboratory. Pushing open a door found Bucky in there, fast asleep. She closed the door behind her. 
She climbed up on the bed, curling next to him. Bucky grumbled, rolling over and slowly opening his eyes. "What ya doing doll?" 
"Couldn't sleep." Elizabeth mumbled. "Needed you." 
The memories continued, mostly them outside in the backyard. They had lots of trees in the backyard with apples, pears, peaches, and plums. Cherry trees too. It was adorable, watching Bucky lift Elizabeth up to grab apples that were high up. 
Then it changed. They were behind the playset again. Bucky had his back to the wooden structure, holding Elizabeth in his arms. She was reading a book and he was looking up at the sky. 
"Hey doll?" He asked softly. 
"I got something for you on my mission." 
"Oh?" She lowered her book and he held his hand out in a fist. He slowly opened it to reveal a silver ring with a dark blue gemstone on it. He picked up her left hand and slid it on her ring finger. He pulled her back into him. 
"I know that whatever this is they want us to do, I loved you without them. No one made me fall in love with you doll. No trigger words, no commands. It was all you. So I'm making this relationship on my terms. No one elses. They may make me propose later or not at all so I'm doing it when I want to." 
Elizabeth turned to face him, smiling. "Seb. . ." 
"Be mine?" Bucky whispered, cupping her cheek. 
"Always." Elizabeth whispered and the two of them kissed so sweetly, Penny had to look away. 
That was the love that Elizabeth had spoken so passionately about on Penny's first day here. That love that didn't exist because a soulmate bond told you to love them. That love didn't exist because it was required in someone's life. 
It was love that you made on your own terms. The love that she felt with Violetta and Rhodey and Elijah. And yes, she felt it with Steve and Bucky and Tony and Thor. But not because she was soulmated to them. Because she wanted to be in love with them. On her terms. 
She leaned up and kissed Rhodey's cheek. "I love you." 
"I love you too." Rhodey whispered against her hair. He tightened his arms around her. 
But the happy ending didn't last forever. The next memory was immediately back in the Siberia base. Elizabeth's arms were above her head, chained. Rumlow and Jackson were punching her, hitting her. Blood dripped from her nose. 
"This isn't fun." Jackson complained, wiping blood from his knuckles. "We've done this a hundred times before." 
"It's not supposed to be fun." Rumlow growled, fist flying into Elizabeth's cheek again. She made no sounds, barely flinched. She just had dull eyes. 
"She doesn't even react anymore, now that she has trigger words." Jackson groaned. 
"I like the trigger words." Brock grinned then, grabbing Elizabeth's jaw. "We can get away with more now." 
"Like what?" Jackson rolled his eyes. 
Brock tilted Elizabeth's face upwards and then leaned in and kissed her on the lips. He got no reaction from her. 
"Like that." Brock smirked. 
Jackson came forwards then, clearly not bored anymore. They were joined by a third brother, who Penny had never seen before. Didn't even know existed. 
The third one ripped off her shirt, revealing her naked chest while Jackson started to pull down her jeans. Elizabeth's eyes flickered, starting to fill with panic. 
"Well look at those peaches." The third drawled, grasping them and Elizabeth jerked just a little in the chains. "Aww look at that, she's coming back." 
He dropped to his knees, pushing her curls apart. "Might have to shave this though." 
"S-" Elizabeth whimpered then. 
"What sweetheart? If you ask nicely I might even make it enjoyable." The third brother said. 
"Sebastian." Elizabeth whispered. 
"He's not here right now, remember?" Brock grinned. "Well, physically, but he's the soldier right now. The one you just lost a fight against. Or maybe he punched you a little to hard and now your brain is addled." 
The third brother started to circle her nub with his finger and she tried jumping away, but Jackson caged her in. Her panic mounted and she squeezed her eyes shut, "SEBASTIAN!" 
"He's not magic sweetheart." Brock chuckled. "He can't just show up when you-" 
Suddenly, Brock went flying as he was hit from behind with a steel pipe. He crashed against the floor, cursing. Jackson immediately backed up, but the third brother wasn't lucky enough. Bucky caught him around the throat with his metal hand, eyes flaring. 
Penny had never once been scared of Bucky. Ever. Not even hearing all the things he'd done as the Winter Soldier or seeing him kill in Elizabeth's  memories. But now, seeing him in this memory, looking deranged, she would've ran if she had been in the room. 
"I thought." Bucky's voice was dangerously low. "I made it clear. That she's mine." 
"Okay, Soldat, put him down." Brock ordered. 
"Use his trigger words." Jackson said, looking terrified. 
"He's still in soldier mode." Rumlow said, gritting his teeth. "But he's not listening to my orders." 
Elizabeth's lips curled into a smile. 
"Tell him to put our brother down." Jackson snapped, approaching Elizabeth. 
Elizabeth looked at him coldly. "I will never. Give him an order." 
"Don't go near her." Bucky growled and Jackson stopped and then sprinted away, out of the room. 
"Put him down or I'll shoot." Rumlow said, pointing his gun at Bucky's forehead. 
Bucky raised his hand and then crushed the third brother's throat so hard his head popped off. Rumlow shot, but missed as Bucky ducked and then tackled Brock. His fists became blurs as he punched Rumlow's face in. 
The doors slammed open, soldiers filling the room with body armor and guns. "Sebastian!" Elizabeth screamed. 
Bucky flung a knife, killing the first and started to take them down immediately, on a rampage. His fighting was flawless and he didn't get hit once. 
The chains jolted and Elizabeth struggled as she was lifted off the ground. "Seb! Help!" 
Bucky turned from killing the soldiers. He ran across the room, launching himself off of a wall, and grabbed the chains, ripping them from the machine. He landed with Elizabeth curled protectively in his arms and stood up, walking out without another word. 
"Mine." He growled. 
The memory changed again, this time Elizabeth heading into Bucky's room, looking sad. "Hey." 
"Hey doll." Bucky said gently, taking her into his arms. 
"I'm glad they didn't put you in yet." Elizabeth sighed. "I wanted to see you." 
"Me too." Bucky whispered. He smiled a little. "I have another one for you." 
Elizabeth smiled too as he handed over a Penguin Pillow pet. "I love you." 
"I love you too." He said, leaning forwards, kissing her on the lips. 
"I- I did want to share something cool with you." Elizabeth admitted, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a magazine cover. "It's just some new technology. This dude- he's an engineer or something. He created his flying robot suit. It's pretty cool. They're calling him Iron Man." 
Bucky chuckled, looking at it. "Pretty cool doll." 
"Tony Stark." Elizabeth sighed, smiling a little. "Must be smart." 
Bucky was still looking at the magazine, flipping it open. Elizabeth closed her eyes and leaned against him. Or at least, until he started seeming to have a panic attack, dropping the magazine. Elizabeth jolted. "Seb?" 
"Oh God." Bucky gasped, falling to his knees, looking distraught. "No, no no no." 
"Sebastian? Seb what's wrong? What happened?" Elizabeth asked, picking up the magazine in confusion, while also trying to calm Bucky down. 
"I killed him." Bucky gasped, tears streaming down his face. "I killed Howard Stark. No. No no no no." 
"Howard. . ." Elizabeth murmured in confusion, flipping through the magazine. Then she tossed it to the side and pulled Bucky into her arms. "Hey, it's okay. It wasn't you, it was the soldier. Seb, it's alright." 
"What is going on in here?" Lucinda's voice came into the room. "What did you do E?" 
"I- I was just showing him the technology section." Elizabeth's voice quavered in fear. "And he. . . I don't know." 
Lucinda picked up the magazine and sighed as Bucky calmed down, sinking in Elizabeth's arms. "Damnit. E, you know you're not supposed to bring things like this down here." 
"I- I just thought. . ." Elizabeth faltered under her mothers' gaze. "I'm sorry." 
Lucinda nodded. "I know. You didn't mean any harm in it. But you know better than this." 
The vision disappeared and reappeared. This time, Elizabeth was wearing a dress for a party and Bucky was wearing a tux. 
Elizabeth seemed put out about something and Bucky was in Winter Soldier mode. 
"Sebastian?" Elizabeth asked and Bucky slowed and looked at her. He frowned a little, "You never call me that after you've been triggered." 
Elizabeth hesitated and then whispered, "The words never worked Seb. I just pretended." 
Bucky looked around and then continued on this path, clearly more interested in the mission than whatever she was trying to say. Elizabeth looked over the balcony where a party was taking place. 
Bucky pushed her against a wall. "Elly, shh. We need to focus on the mission. I get it, it's your first, but you need to be quiet." 
He released her and opened the window. 
"The mission?" Elizabeth asked hotly. "Enough about the missions! Let's run away! Let's leave HYDRA Seb! Please! You're going on and on about the mission but aren't there more important things? What about- what about me?" 
Bucky turned and glared at her. "Elly, enough. The mission." Bucky climbed out the window. 
Elizabeth didn't move, staring at the window. Then she turned and walked away from it. 
"Fine." She snarled to herself. "Let's see how this mission goes then. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of killing and surviving. We could just go live a happy life, but does he want to? NO!" 
She stormed down the ballroom stairs and searched, before making a beeline for a target. "Can't kill a target if there isn't one." She muttered to herself. 
She ran at the woman in red and then pushed her out of the way as the gunshot rang out, hitting Elizabeth squarely in the chest. 
Bucky let out a strangled noise then and there. Steve had pretty much pulled Bucky into his lap to comfort him, with Sam practically laying in Bucky's lap. Clint and Natasha were still with them as well. 
The next memory was of Elizabeth laying in a hospital bed, but not one in a HYDRA facility. Lucinda sat next to the bed. She smiled sadly when she saw her daughter. Elizabeth had bandages around her chest and also around her head. 
"Hey." Lucinda whispered. "How are you feeling?" 
"It hurts to breathe." Elizabeth coughed. "What happened to my head?" 
Lucinda hesitated and then said, "They're some burns. You. . . probably aren't going to remember the accident. But that's okay." Lucinda gently unwrapped the bandages and Penny saw the burns there. 
"Those aren't burns." Bucky snarled. "They used the mind wipe on her." 
"Do you remember Sebastian at all?" Lucinda asked softly. 
Elizabeth looked confused, "Who is Sebastian?" 
"No one sweetheart, no one." Lucinda said and took a pill, putting it against Elizabeth's tongue, "You'll never remember him again." 
And everything went black.
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ex0rin · 1 year
Listening In (NSFW)
Rollins/Cole, Rumlow/Bucky (background) - 4120 words
dub-con, power imbalance, voyeurism, masturbation, dirty talk, pet names, wet & messy, no lube, spit as lube, spitting, spanking, painful sex, rough sex, anal sex, jealousy, possessiveness, hydra trash party
Everything you need to know about Agent Corbin Cole.
Cole can hear the loud shift and creak of bodies on a bed through the paper thin walls of the safe-house and mentally swears at himself for giving up the bed furthest away from the wall to Rollins without asking why the other, far taller man was fine with wedging himself onto the much smaller one.
He gets it now, of course, Rollins -that asshole- is probably already blissfully asleep in silence while Cole’s been stuck listening to the low, groaning sounds of Rumlow and the asset shifting around on the other side of the wall - which would be fine if the commander’s rough voice didn’t have a straight line right down to Cole’s cock. 
READ ON AO3 HERE: Listening In
for @sparklingbinjuice who spends most of her time bothering me for Rollins content and I've finally given in.
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roleplayfinder · 2 months
Hi, I'm 30F so please be over 21 preferably! Minors DNI
♡ I have some AUs saved but would prefer brainstorm
♡I live in Europe so there can be a time difference and my schedule is irregular
♡I respect triggers and limits and reply delays, real life comes first
♡I prefer to RP in Discord my user is disneyprincesssebby
♡I prefer a private server, it's easier for worldbuilding and ooc chatting
♡I mirror length if it's reasonable and I can. No one liners, no novellas, no counting words. I do this for fun
♡I do not want to do OCs. I just don't. I have bad experiences, I'm sure youre not the same and I'm sure your OC is lovely and very skillfully made but I'm not a fan. Please respect that.
♡Don't control my character
♡NSFW-wise my characters are bottoms and it won't change
Fandoms (my preferred characer in italic) :
Red, White, and Royal Blue: Henry x Alex
Witcher: Geralt x Jaskier / Geralt x Yennefer
Sherlock: Sherlock x John / Sherlock x Greg / John x Mycroft /Jim x Sebastian / John x Sebastian
Marvel: Steve x Tony / Steve x Bucky / Steve x Thor/ Loki x Steve/ Loki x Tony / Sam x Bucky / Sam x Steve / Bucky x Zemo / Tony x Bucky / Stephen x Tony / Venom x Eddie / Steve x Rumlow / Wanda x Steve / Steve x Zemo  / Loki x Steve /  Sam x Zemo / Bucky x Clint / Pepper x Tony / Tony x Rhodey / Tony x Bruce Wayne / Wanda x Tony / Wanda x Stephen/ Bucky x Wanda / Bruce x Natasha / Clint x Natasha / Tony x Natasha / Natasha x Steve / Natasha x Bucky / Clint x Matt / Clint x Pietro / Joaquin x Bucky / Joaquin x Sam / Bruce x Tony / Thor x Bruce/ Foggy x Matt/ Matt x Karen + MANY OTHERS
DC Diana x Bruce / Diana x Clark / Harley x Bruce / Barry x Oliver / Felicity x Oliver / Bruce x Clark
Shadowhunters Magnus x Alec / Simon x Jace
Lucifer Lucifer x Chloe
Grimm Nick x Monroe
Hawaii 5-0 Danny x Steve
Supernatural Dean x Castiel/ Sam x Lucifer /Gabriel x Sam
9-1-1 Buck x Eddie / Buck x Tommy
Star Wars Rey x Kylo / Hux x Kylo
Star Trek Jim x Spock / Bones x Spock / Uhura x Spock
Merlin Merlin x Arthur
React to this post or message me here or Discord!
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Bucky x Reader: Wakanda
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Let's face the fact that Wakanda Bucky is a dandere. He's soft and shy, and basically blushes if you talk to him
You'd be: A) This Wakandan person, whether native or adopted by SoMeOne, or B) You're this CIA agent who gets to tag along with Ross during the Wakanda-opens-up-to-the-world thing
cough cough that's the best thing to do with an OC shipped with Bucky cough cough
You're anyhow amazed at the place. It's not every day you see friendly rhinos, a black panther, a genius princess, and female warriors with Starbucks cups
I also headcanon that Okoye almost quit the Dora unless T'Challa made a Starbucks in Wakanda
And Bucky is on the list of amazing things
The first time he saw you, he was pretty sure he was hallucinating or something, you looked...different than the Wakandans he met
Shuri is the first one to catch one, you guys
"Oh! Y/n! Meet Bucky! He's this brainwashed ass-"
"Shuri!" He gets really flustered
"Y/n Y/n/l, work at CIA"
He vaguely might recall you from the area
"Pleased to meet you...Y/n"
He doesn't realize it's a crush till Steve and Natasha and Sam visit, they immediately start teasing (Nat and Sam) laughing randomly (Sam), and giving advice (Steve and Nat)
He shows up with small excuses like 'Um...Zazu the guy from the coffee shop said you missed the coffee break, and I got it for you' and 'Shuri said you have to go back to the lab...you want me to come with you?'
It's adorable
But one night you accidentally hear him while having a nightmare, you were walking outside peacefully. And you heard him, of course, you're a good person. So you went over and woke him up.
And of course, Bucky is god damned embarrassed, and he doesn't sleep with his arm and shirt on.
But you're more worried about him than the arm and the shirt, you ask him a bunch of questions
"Are you okay Bucky?"
"Yeah...I'm fine, I'm fine"
As you start to leave the blurts out if you could stay with him. Which makes you stop in your tracks. He curses himself for talking and tries to apologize.
But you accept to his surprise. Why wouldn't you?
He doesn't have to wake up all night. Best sleep ever, and you KINDA cuddle.
It would be an awesome moment to just...say you both really like each other
It slips away
But! He does come to you when he has nightmares, and you come to him with problems. Ending up spending so much time together.
He can't ask you out, not now, he's afraid of scaring you away, you're his whole world.
But you LOVE him, not like him.
Bucky and you start getting closer, hugs get a bit more common, and he actualy kisses you one time, on the forehead, a surprise for both
Shuri literally is going to die, she's gonna resort to stalking
"But Shuri, we do."
"Platonically Shuri."
Also, headcanon that Ramonda adopted Bucky
At this point, every single person in Wakanda ships you two, even the goats seem determined to push you two tougher, literally.
"Which was this ass?"
"Uh...I think it's Rumlow...?"
"You named a goat after a HYDRA agent??"
"Rumlow was the first jerk I thought of."
Finally, he asked you out. T'Challa threw a massive party in the palace, Bucky steered away and bumped into you on the top floor of the palace you looked...amazing, as you always did though
So, he manages to get himself together before talking to you
He's still shy, and he's probably gonna ramble for a bit before getting to the point.
"I really like you- Actually...I think...I love you..."
Your brain takes a minute to process it, and he's already apologizing
"I mean, you really don't have to do anything, I just had to put it out there an-"
"It's okay. Cause...I love you too."
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tikus-library · 3 months
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Avengers AU - Chapter 12
Characters: Brock Rumlow x OC!Reaper
Posted: June 15th
WARNINGS: mentions of death, a little bit of angst, violence, cursing, a little bit of fluff.
A/N: disclaimer: I cannot be held accountable for what happens. There. I can't get in trouble now. 😀😀
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
**Please Do Not Repost or 'Fix' My Work**
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
But I can't.
Can't breathe.
Can't think.
Can't fight.
Something in her broke. Literally shattering.
He was dead?
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Weeks 141 & 142
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Welcome to Week 141 & 142
It’s been a busy two weeks. Over 50 fics for you all to enjoy.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal boosting them. Author is listed next to title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
My Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ & header by me
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Made for Me - Part 5 - (Bucky x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie​
Sundaze - (Andy x Reader) - @sunshinebuckybarnes​
Secrets Chp 6 - (Steve x OC) - @nekoannie-chan​
Choreography - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan​
Rude attitude (4) - (Steve x Reader) - @holylulusworld​
Aurora - Part 4 -  (Andy x OFC, Lloyd) - @andydrysdalerogers​
Dynamite Ball Skills - (Jake x Reader) - @writercole
Best Friends Forever - Chp 4 - (Bucky x Reader) - @talia-rumlow​
Collared part 7 - (Dean x Reader) - @spnexploration​
Highways & Heatstrokes - Part 2 - (Ari x Reader) - @oh-my-damn​
The best birthday - (Steve x Reader x Brock) - @nekoannie-chan​
Bad Moon Rising - (Ari x Reader, Lloyd) - @biteofcherry​
Mafia Bucky Oneshot - @angrythingstarlight
Down Again - (Ari x Reader) - @navybrat817​
His Inheritance - Part 13 - (Steve x Reader) - @jtargaryen18​
Lightning in a Bottle - Part 2 - (Thor x Reader) - @wizardofrozz​​
Real Life Tasks With Ransom - Day 2 - @wiypt-writes @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
What Dreams Are Made Of - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Riding On - Chp 32 - (Frank x OFC) - @wiypt-writes
Saved - Part 4 - (Steve x Reader) - @kellyn1604
Biker Ari - @angrythingstarlight
Wicked Little Games - (Steve x Reader) - @angrythingstarlight
Secrets chapter 7 - (Steve x OC, Brock x OC) - @nekoannie-chan
Bandaged with Love - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Secret Sierra - Chp 4 - @lloydsbitch
Trapped - (Tony x Reader) - @ironlady1993
Tactical - (Frank C x Reader) - @fluffyprettykitty​
Peepshow - (Ari x Reader, Lloyd x Reader) - @labella420
Temples To Build - (Bucky x Reader) - @slyyywriting​
Highways & Heatstrokes - Part 3 - (Ari x Reader) - @oh-my-damn
A Hairy Tail - (Steve x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Fever - (Tom H) - @animnerd​
A New Widow? (Nat/Bucky) - @/animnerd​
Jerk next door (4) - (Andy x Reader) @holylulusworld​
Different escape plan - (Steve x Reader) - @/nekoannie-chan​
Never-ending nightmare - (Ransom x Reader, Ari) - @late-to-the-party-81
Left for Revenge - (4) - (Andy x OC) - @hollybee8917
Left for Revenge - (5) - (Andy x OC) - @/hollybee8917
The Dalliance - (Loki x Reader) - @literatureatthebowofnails​
Give Me One More - (Ari x Reader) - @/saiyanprincessswanie​
Aurora - Part 5 -  (Andy x OFC, Lloyd) - @andydrysdalerogers
Best Friends Forever - Chp 5 - (Bucky x Reader) - @talia-rumlow
Collared part 8 - @spnexploration
Highways & Heatstrokes - Part 4 - (Ari x Reader) - @oh-my-damn
Highways & Heatstrokes - Part 5 - (Ari x Reader) - @/oh-my-damn
His Inheritance - Part 14 - (Steve x Reader) - @jtargaryen18
Lightning in a Bottle - Part 3 - (Thor x Reader) - @wizardofrozz
Real Life Tasks With Ransom - Day 4 - @wiypt-writes @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Prepping the Nursery - (Steve x Reader) - @navybrat817
Secret Sierra - Chp 5 - @lloydsbitch​​
Consciousness of Guilt - Chp 25 - (Andy x Reader) - @/wiypt-writes
Two Kings (4) - (Steve x Reader) - @/holylulusworld
The Quinjet Plan - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
July Sneak Peak
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Secrets chapter 19 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) Not public (Jack Rollins X Reader) Auction (Steve Rogers X Reader) Secrets chapter 20 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) Mess (Steve Rogers X Reader) Cake memories (Steve Rogers X Reader) Secrets chapter 21 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) All day (Steve Rogers X Reader) Dissapointed (Steve Rogers X Reader) Secrets chapter 22 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) A different celebration (Steve Rogers X Reader) Early (Steve Rogers X Reader) Suit (Steve Rogers X Reader) Secrets chapter 23 (Steve Rogers X OC, Brock Rumlow X OC) ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵
@saiyanprincessswanie @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @caplanbuckybarnes @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @sapphire-rogers​ @lizzieolseniskinda​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @hallecarey1​ @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​ @mylifeispainandiloveit​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch   @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted​ @chemtrails-club​ @marigoldreamer​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @patzammit​
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bolontiku · 11 months
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Avengers AU - Chapter 7
Posted: Nov 10th
WARNINGS: team building???
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
**Please Do Not Repost or 'Fix' My Work**
She yawned, jerked as two fingers prodded her side and scowled at Brock who sat next to her. He sat straight up and still looked like he was listening, it had been hours of going over routine training. Mission safety, calling in, how to covertly receive and send information, a quick recap on first aid, glances sent their way.
She was exhausted and bored, Jack sat to her right and she felt his boot kick her when her head bobbed.
They sat halfway in the room, surrounded by other squads, men and women she hadn't met. She had caught the eye of one from Pollaki's team, smiling brightly before Brock shifted in front of her, scowling at the man who quickly looked away.
Continue Reading
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braveclementine · 21 days
I Spy
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Warnings: None, maybe some angst?
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
The way I imagine Loki and Elizabeth sleep to keep cold if they're in hot weather. 
🤕🤑 ᔕ𝕥o尺𝕪 🌐💠
Violetta crept down to Tony's lab, slipping in easily. Everyone else was up at breakfast so there shouldn't be anyone down here for another hour or so. And by then, Violetta would be long gone. 
She quickly pulled up a chair and started typing furiously at the computer on the side. Hacking into the server easily using her knowledge of Trang, she was able to quickly pull up the information she was looking for: Sharon Carters' phone records. 
She was kicking herself mentally, knowing she had wanted Tony to look into them almost an entire year ago but had forgotten about it with other things going on. Now, it was more than likely that Sharon was the spy and Vi had fucked it up by forgetting. 
Sharon's info was locked tight, she couldn't access more than what her phone number actually was. Violetta had to run it through a software program before attempting to hack it again and after eight tries, managed it. 
Then, using ctrl + F to look up, she started to type out the phone number, starting with the Ohio zip code: 513. 
Immediately, there were four hits. Every single one of them dated back to way before, like back before Penny was even around. They were the same number though: (513)-347-1111. Lucinda Nelsons' phone number. 
Violetta immediately zipped the file and sent it off to Fury with an anonymous email. Then she looked into Rumlow's phone files. There were plenty more calls to Lucinda in Brock Rumlows' phone file. Vi was honestly surprised that Fury hadn't looked into it. 
Unless. . . 
Vi bit the nail on her thumb, thinking. If someone on the inside could hide the phone number files, then Fury wouldn't have known about them period. But it had to be someone close inside on the investigation and it had to be someone that would want to protect Rumlow. 
What if they were soulmates? 
Vi straightened up, looking up Rumlow's file but once again, it was to coded and protected for her to access it digitally. If she went to SHIELD headquarters now, she might be able to get her hands on the paper ones. 
She stood up in excitement and turned around, before shouting in fear. Natasha was standing there, eight months pregnant and with a death glare. 
"Nat! What the hell!" Vi shouted, hearting slamming in her chest. "Give a girl some warning!" 
"What are you doing Violetta?" Natasha asked and Vi knew she was in trouble, because Natasha never, ever called her Violetta. Natasha's eyes were also shimmering, like she might cry. "Tell me you aren't the spy Violetta." 
Vi's mouth dropped and her heart sank in sadness. She knew she looked suspicious so she couldn't blame Nat. She was down here, in a place she never was, while everyone else was somewhere else, searching for something on the computer. 
"No Nat." Vi whispered, sitting back down in the chair. "No, I- I think I actually found the spy." 
Nat shifted on her feet, looking hesitant. "Well, lay it on me." 
"Okay." Vi murmured and showed her what she had found with the phone numbers and how Sharon and Rumlow had been called and had called the number several times. "The only problem," Vi said now, "Is that Sharon could be completely innocent. Rumlow and her were close. He could've simply borrowed her phone to call Lucinda on it. It might also have been a way for him to dump suspicion on her." 
"And the dates that the number was called all date back to before Rumlow was dead." Nat nodded. 
"Exactly. But, Sharon told me yesterday that Fury had called her and that she's supposed to be on the hunt for the spy. But look," Vi said, pointing. "Fury hasn't called her in three days. She called him once, and that was the day before yesterday. So either she lied, or she has another phone." 
"A burner phone which wouldn't be on the records and could be calling Lucinda on." Nat nodded. 
"Right. So, I'm off to SHIELD headquarters." Vi said, standing up. "I have to get my hands on the paper copies of Rumlows' death report and also on Sharon. I need to see their tattoos. I need to see if they're soulmates. Cause Sharon might be covering for Rumlow at the very least, even if she isn't the spy." 
"I'm coming with you." Natasha said immediately as Violetta started marching out of the lab. 
"No you're not." Vi replied shortly. "You are eight months pregnant. If you think that I'm letting you get into anything dangerous-" 
"I'd like to see you stop me." Nat snarled. 
Violetta spun on her heel. "Do you trust me?" 
"That's not fair Vi." Nat murmured. 
"So you don't." Vi stated flatly. She wasn't sure why it mattered so much. Maybe because she loved this woman to death. Maybe because this woman was all that had mattered to her for years. That this woman was the one that had saved her. This woman was her role model and her admirer. 
"I- Vi-" Nat went silent and then said, "Just let me come with you." 
"Fine." Vi whispered, turning away. "What's trust anyways?" 
It wasn't like Vi knew anything about trust to begin with. She had trusted her parents. They sent her to ballet and she came out a murderer. Elizabeth had trusted her friends. They had shoved memory pills down her throat because they were to scared to face her mother. Steve had trusted Sharon. Now she looked like she was turning out to be the spy. 
"Nah." Vi shook her head. "I have more important things on my plate right now Natasha. I have a spy to find to save my family. So just leave it. I don't have time for an argument." 
The coldness lasted the entire ride until they got to SHIELD. Vi hated the way she was acting, the coldness she was treating Natasha with. Especially since she was pregnant so all Vi wanted to do was smother her with love. But Nat probably wouldn't have appreciated the help anyways. 
Vi didn't bother with the front desk, only flashing her ID when someone looked at her for identification and kept walking. Nat followed. 
Vi and her got into the elevator, taking them to the top floor where they found Fury in his office, already talking to someone on the phone. He raised an eyebrow when they walked in and said, "I'll finish this call later. Agent Moscaw, Agent Romanoff, to what do I owe the pleasure?" 
"Did Rumlow have soulmates and are they recorded?" Violetta fired off immediately. 
Fury raised an eyebrow. "No. But I have a feeling you're about to give me the name of the potential spy now." 
"Sharon." Vi said. 
It was silent in the room for a moment and Fury crossed his arms over his chest. "Even if Sharon is Rumlow's soulmate, do you really believe her to be the spy? She has fought on the side of SHIELD every single time against HYDRA." 
"That's the thing." Vi said. "Lucinda isn't HYDRA. She's private. She started HARPIE." 
"Nick." Nat said softly. "Sharon didn't fight on SHIELDs side through everything. She fought on Steve's side. And now, Steve doesn't want her. And who does he want?" 
Fury's head tilted upwards more as he came to the same train of thought. "This isn't about SHIELD or HYDRA at all. It's simply her jealousy for Rogers." 
"I need to see the reports." Vi said. "The tattoos. Not just Brock, but Jackson too." 
Fury led them out of the room and they headed down six floors to the records room. Fury put in his authorization and they found the files quickly. 
"Here." Nat murmured. "It's some sort of bird. But they both have it." 
Vi snapped a picture and sent it to Elijah with the caption. 
: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜?
"Does Sharon have her tattoos recorded?" Nat asked. 
"They're only listed." Fury said, pulling out Sharons' records. "One is an alligator, the other is a crocodile." 
"Screams brothers to me." Vi snorted. "They've got the bird in the same place too." 
Violetta's phone dinged with the sound of crackling fire and she picked it up and read Elijahs' reply. 
: 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚊 𝙲𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚘 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚍
"Elijah said it's a Cuckoo bird." Vi said. 
"I've heard of them." Natasha said. "Those are the birds that will kick out the eggs of other birds, put their eggs in the nest, and then the mother bird thinks they're her eggs and takes care of them." 
Her phone dinged again from Elijah, him spewing all of his knowledge about Cuckoo birds. His fingers must've been on fire from how fast he'd typed the huge paragraph. 
: 𝙲𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚜, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍-𝚍𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚜, 𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚊𝚎, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚏𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚜. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚔 𝚖𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚊. 𝙸𝚗 𝙹𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚗, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚘 𝚜𝚢𝚖𝚋𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚊, 𝚌𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚜 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙼𝚢 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚘 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍, 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚊 𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎.
"Jeez Elijah." But Vi could only chuckle at it. 
"What do you think Nick?" Natasha asked softly. 
"I think that we need to alert the others, immediately." Fury said, stacking up the files and putting them back in the drawer. "And I need to figure out where Carter is." 
He called her right then and there as they headed out of SHIELD headquarters. They went over to where Violetta had parked the car, but didn't get inside of it so that Sharon couldn't hear that they were in a vehicle. 
"Agent Carter, where are you?" Fury asked. "I need you to take lead in a case." 
There was silence as she answered and then he said, "I need you to take point on the spy that's hunting down Captain Nelson and the others. There's a file waiting for you in your office." 
More silence. 
"Good. And promptly Agent Carter, this is a high profile case." Fury said and hung up immediately. "Let's go." 
"Where is she?" Natasha asked, climbing into the passenger seat with a little difficulty. Vi hopped in the drivers seat, leaving Fury to get into the backseat, sulking just a tad. 
"She's already at the tower." 
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wiypt-writes · 2 years
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Chapter 13: Put On Your Red Shoes And Dance The Blues
Summay: It’s the clash of the titans as Hydra and Shield finally face off, but as Rumlow and Steve come to serious blows, you realise that the only way to end it all might be to sacrifice the thing you value the most…
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, angst, language…more angst…death…ooooh but who???
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction. I do not own any characters contained within, bar the reader and any other OCs that may be mentioned. I do not give consent for my work to be reposted/translated to any other site. Please comment, like and reblog.
W/C: 5.4k
A/N: So here it is, the penultimate chapter! Thanks to @spectre-posts for reading and adding in her thoughts...
Main Masterlist // Rawhide Masterlist Chapter 12
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Rumlow blazed around the office he was in, kicking the chair over as he went. Langley, long used to his friend and leader’s temper tantrums, merely took a deep breath as he waited. 
“I will not have your Omega sister and her weakling pack get the better of me!”
“Look, if it wasn’t for Carter…”
“How the fuck did you not spot that she was a double agent?”
“Well, technically she was kind of a triple agent.” Bryce’s nostrils flared. “I mean, if she’d been Hydra pretending to be Shield, that would have made her the double agent, wouldn’t it? But she was Shield, pretending to be Hydra pretending to be Shield I mean…” He was cut off as Rumlow gripped him round the throat. Langley automatically landed a punch to the side of Rumlow’s face, and the man dropped him, recoiling from the blow a little. “Know your place, Brock…” he hissed, massaging his neck. “My family put you at the top of Hydra, remember that.”
Rumlow snarled before he sank down into the chair. “And we have no idea where they’ve gone?”
“If we did, you think we’d be here?” Bryce scoffed, “We’ve spent the last two weeks searching. Problem is, Shield have mobilised now they know that we’re gearing up for a fight. Up until your…experiment on my sister, they had no real proof. Now they do. Blue states up and down the country are taking up arms. Even those people that maybe hovered between accepting some of our views but not all of them are swinging to their side because they don't support another war. Montana is now basically impenetrable thanks to Odinson and Stark…”
“They won’t be in Montana, that’s too easy.” Rumlow shook his head. “Locking the state down…that’ll be a diversion.”
“I know that!” Bryce snorted.
Both men looked towards the door, where Rollins stood, an excited look on his face.
“We might have a lead. One of our sources has seen two people, matching the description of Y/N and Rogers, in Bristol. Church Street Wharf to be exact.”
“Is it legit?” Rumlow demanded.
The guard nodded, “he’s a solid source, and what’s more so, he’s taken a recording on his phone so that we can verify it. He’s sending it through now.”
The more you tried to pull your arm away from Steve, the stronger his grip was. The tears were now pouring down you face.
“Steve…let me go…”
“I can’t do that Omega, I need to keep you safe.”
“You can’t!” You sobbed, “I’m sorry, I love you, I really do but…Rumlow, that stuff he shot me with…”
“Was fake…” His voice was desperate, and you shook your head, sadly.
“I wish it was, but he did something to me…there’s something going on and all I know is I can’t fight the Omega part of me anymore…it’s wants him and it disgusts me! Why do you think I ran? Huh? I can’t trust myself!”
“Please, baby…” Steve’s face broke and a piece of your soul did too, and he released his hold on your wrist. “Just please, ‘Y/N get on the ferry… Banner is working on it as we speak, we can fix this. I know we can. We’ll go back until he figures out how to reverse whatever it is that it’s done. You don’t need to leave!”
“You know he ain’t gonna be able to,” you shook our head. “This is breaking my heart and it hurts so much because I love you…I know I do, but…it burns inside…every time you kiss me it really burns because my body is telling me I’m his now, and…”
“Don’t…don’t say that…our bond…” Steve’s eyes were full of tears.
“It’s fading…” you swallowed, hand pressing at the mark on your neck as you cast your eyes down, “don’t pretend you haven’t noticed…” At that your fingers moved your collar aside to show him. Steve studied the once prominent infinity bond on your skin, and he felt his chest ache and throat as he studied it. You were right, it did look a little lighter.
He took a deep breath, his voice cracking.  “Please… just please, come back. Give it a month, or a week. Let Banner try…”
“You have Hydra to…”
“Fuck Hydra!” Steve snapped, his hand running through his hair, before both his large palms covered his face. With a groan, he dragged his fingers back down through his beard and shook his head. “I don’t care about them, not anymore. I love you, I can’t live without you…you gotta give us a chance…”
“You know what the awful thing about all this is?” You whispered, wiping the tears from your face. “You haven’t once tried to Alpha Command me to do as you say.”
“I don’t want to…why-“
“And we both know why.” You smiled sadly, “you don’t want to because you’re scared it won’t work. Scared that I won’t answer to you anymore.” From the look on Steve’s face, you were right. You looked around, your arms hugging your chest, before you took a deep breath. “Fine, I’ll…I’ll come back..but…I can’t…I can’t promise…”
“I know…” His lips brushed your forehead, “but we gotta try, huh?”
You nodded, and looked at his hand as he held it out. Tentatively, you slipped your palm into his, fingers twining together. Steve pulled you into him a little, casting what he hoped was a surreptitious look around, before he led you back towards the ferry.
Neither of you noticed the man a few yards away, with his phone out, pointing the camera in your direction…
As the video cut off, Rumlow scoffed. “Pathetic. He’s actually begging her…”
“Where does that Ferry go?” Bryce looked at Rollins.
“Prudence Island. Secluded enough for a safe house.”  He smirked.
There was a pause as Rumlow and Langley digested that news, before the latter broke the silence. “It could be a trap.”
“I don’t think so.” Rollins shook his head. “They were taking great pains to hide from the CCTV, if it hadn’t been for our guy being there, right place right time…”
“Rogers ain’t that smart.” Rumlow shook his head, “and it aint his style. He’s a soldier, like me. But he’s also persistently blinded by his need to do the right thing, the honourable thing, meaning he doesn’t always see the bigger picture.” His fingers drummed on the desk as he mused through his thoughts. “You know, I’ve been waiting for his Alpha Challenge for the past two weeks, fighting to defend his little Omega Whore’s honour, but it never came. And now we know why.” Rumlow then chuckled. “He’s had bigger issues, because the serum worked.”
“Looks that way…” Langley arched a brow.
“So there’s nothing to make us assume the Alpha one won’t.” Rollins cut in, and Rumlow pointed at him, nodding.
“Guess not.” Langley spoke again, his voice flat.
“What is the matter with you?” Rumlow looked at him.
“I don’t know, I’m just not sold…”
“More like you want to take the serum yourself, because you can’t stand the fact that soon you’ll have no chance against me in a fight.”  Rumlow rose from his seat as Bryce scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Well, neither will Rogers. I almost had him beat last time, and that was without the serum. If it hadn’t been for his guard dog… “ he trailed off and looked at Rollins. “Tell everyone to ready the lab…I want it doing this afternoon. In the meantime, get some of our troops out undercover, see if we can locate this safe house.” He moved out from behind the desk, stopping as he smirked once more. “Shouldn’t take too long, Prudence Island ain’t that big… “
“You think this plan is gonna work?” Clint asked from his vantage point in the tree that sat on the boundary of the property. 
“Not if you keep talking.” Bucky mumbled back. 
"Not for nothing, Steve's thrown it together quick and our girl in there seems a bit...."
“She’s nervous, wouldn’t you be?” Natasha spoke over the comms. “Stop talking and keep your focus. They could be anywhere.”
"Yes, ma'am, Widow ma'am." Clint snickered.
“Amateur.” She replied sardonically
Sam cut through, "knock it, we've got incoming."
Clint scanned the horizon, his sharp eyes licking up t hee movement of a vehicle. The headlights off. “I see it. Can’t tell if it’s  them…”
“Who else is it gonna be?” Bucky snarled.
“A lost civilian…” Clint replied.
“Quit stalling, light ‘em up Hawkeye.”
"With pleasure."
Clint reached for one of his arrows, clicking the small button on the side to arm it. He took aim, and let it fly. It landed perfectly, five foot or so in front of the vehicle, exploding upon impact with the ground.
The car swerved and came to an abrupt stop. Two men exited, armed and scanning the area.
“He he he,” Sam chuckled, “I love it when they do that.”
Clint selected another arrow, “let’s see if this gives them the message…”
This time, upon hitting the ground, it sent off loud crackles of gunfire. The two men were quick to duck and dive back into the car.
Bucky sent a round of ammo their way, watching as it pinged off the bonnet of the car as the driver put it hastily in reverse. It down round, and Bucky continued to shoot until it was out of sight.
“Well, that saw them off…” Sam stated.
“They’ll be back, that was just the scouting party.” Bucky sighed, “I’m gonna head up to the house. Natasha, Clint, any more trouble holler.”
"You got it," Nat replied, her comms giving a crackle as she did so.
Bucky made it back within ten minutes. Steve and yourself awaiting news. "Scouting party cracked through, I'm estimating we'll have about thirty before enforcers show."
Steve didn’t miss the spike of fear that shot through you, your hand instantly moving to your bond mark, but it stopped short of touching it.
Rather, you rested your fingers against your collarbone and tucked your other wrist under your bent elbow. "We should be ready. Rumlow will send everyone, then he'll follow. I don't doubt Bryce will be by his side. He's not the enforcement type."
"Well it's taken them longer than we anticipated." Steve looked at you then to Bucky. "How far out s Fury and the rest of back up? "
Bucky called it in, "Hill says ETA thirty."
"Steve..." You whispered.
"I know. But it's a fight we have to take."
You stood numb. You knew that Steve was right. Rumlow wouldn't stop at anything not until he had you. "Stick to the plan." Steve looked at Bucky then turned to you. “Please, stay hidden in the storm shelter. Banner will be there…”
Your breath shook as it left your lungs. "I..."
“I’ll take her.” Bucky said, “c’mon, Doll…we don’t have much time.”
Your pleading eyes looking at Steve for a final chance, but he just stared. A snarl to his features. You steeled yourself and turned away, following Bucky out the back door.
The sound of gun shots, the unmistaken yells and grunts of fighting rang out in the air in the grounds surrounding the safe house. Hydra had come, and come in numbers.
For the most, Shield held their own. Fury, Hill and Coulson directing their troops, as Steve commanded his. 
But he had one person on his mind, Rumlow. And so far, he was nowhere to be found.
Fury's team had wounded and casualties. Steve and his team, few scratches, close calls and oh there would be bruises. But it was no longer just a battle, this was an all out war. The open fields gave little cover. The tree lines smoked and burned.
Steve dispatched two agents easily, Bucky to his left as they charged through the ranks.
“Where the hell is he?” Steve yelled, “where is Rumlow?”
“I haven’t seen him…” Thor replied, swinging his arm as he took out three agents at once. Steve then raised his shield and sent it flying in an arc, the familiar whoosh and clang almost soothing to him as it flew back to his arm having ricochet off numerous soldiers.
"I'm getting a little tired of," he paused to throw his shield into the neck of a goon, "playing these games."
“Yeah, as far as games go I’ve played with better odds.” Tony’s voice cackled on the comms.
No sooner had Tony spoken, a loud rumble sounded and Steve instinctively looked up to see a large black and red helicopter approaching from the distance.
“It ain’t ours!” Fury yelled back.
"It's about time," Steve growled.
The Hydra troops seemed to pull back and part as the chopper circled. Fury and Hill yelled at their soldiers to fall in as Steve stood still, watching as it touched down in the middle of the field.
Steve's steel gaze stared as Rumlow exited the doors, fourth in line. Bryce preceded him as did two armed men. Sam's comms broke the deaf air.
"I got three more this way," he grunted as others piled out from the other side.
“I see them…” Steve muttered. His eyes then turned back to Rumlow.
There was a snide, almost prideful smirk on his face as he stared back at Steve.
“Where’s your little bitch?” His voice rang out across the battle lines.
Steve wasted zero time sending his shield in reply. He wasn't in the mood for talking.
Rumlow managed to grab one of the soldiers to his side, pushing him into the shields path. He gave a yell and a grunt as he fell to the floor, the shield bouncing back to Steve’s arm.
“Oh, okay…well, doesn’t really matter. Once I’ve killed you, she’ll be mine anyway. That is, if she isn’t already.”
At that Steve audibly scoffed. “What do you mean by that? Course she isn’t yours, she’s mine. We share a Soul Bond.”
Rumlow scoffed, “cut the shit, Rogers, we both know that’s a load of crap. Her mark is fading, I know all about it!”
Steve’s face visibly faltered, even if his stance didn’t.
“Guess that serum I injected her with worked better than I thought.” Rumlow continued to goad Steve. “But, how about we put the one I took to the rest, huh?”
Steve sent his Shield in Bucky's direction, the former soldier catching it quickly. He cracked his neck and his knuckles, "let's dance."
“He’s mine!” Rumlow yelled out, as he advanced, “kill the rest of them but leave him to me!”
The private protection spread out, leaving Rumlow alone; including Bryce.
“I’m gonna enjoy this,” Rumlow picked up the pace as the rest of the Hydra army also began to rush forward once more.
Like a clash of titans, the two came at one another. Steve made first contact, his right hook sending Rumlow a step or two back. Rumlow cracked his neck as he went in with a punch of his own. Steve was quick to duck, flying in with a left hander to Rumlow’s gut.
Rumlow bent forward and Steve's well padded knee met the Hydra head's nose. He dropped down to the decaying grass with a thud, his back finding no cushion. As Steve drew his hand back for another punch, Rumlow rolled to the side and the captains fist connected with the floor where seconds before, his opponents head had been.
It gave Brock the opportunity to get to his knees and wrap a forearm around Steve's neck. But with his fast reflexes, Steve flung Rumlow over him and onto his back again.
"I'm gonna fuckin' kill you, you son of a bitch."
Not even winded, Rumlow cackled and fixed a hooked knee over Steve and pulled his right arm through for an arm bar in defense.
With just a split-second of freedom before his arm was straightened, Steve grabbed onto his lapel with his trapped right arm. He slid his left elbow under Rumlow’s right leg and began shuffling his own legs around to the side. His hips under Rumlow’s foot, he began to twist and roll, eventually turning his entire body inwards which allows him to sneak his head out of the vice like grip. 
Rumlow lost his grip entirely on the Shield Captain and he flexed his back and popped right up. He dove at Steve's midsection but, his tackle failed and Steve was able to suplex him again to the ground.
"Serum's a fail, you fuck."
Rumlow laughed, “shows what you know.“
"I'm waiting."
Rumlow stood straight, grinning as he seemed to be weighing something up. And then, Steve saw the flash of a blade as it slid down the mans sleeve.
“So much for a fair fight…” Steve arched his brow.
“Fuck fair,” Rumlow gripped the blade in his right hand, “I came to win.”
Steve knew his hand to hand combat was already top game, but he knew how quick Hydra could train with a blade. But Steve did as Steve always did, and didn't back down. Instead, he stuck his arm out and extended his hand. He opened and closed his fist, inviting Rumlow to come at him again.
Rumlow slashed at the air in front of him, causing Steve to jump back. Again and again the blade swiped him, Steve dodging in what felt like some kind of perverse dance. Left, right, back, forward, twist…
But, a stray bullet hissing by caused Steve to dodge that ultimately setting himself up for a prick to his side from the blade. He hissed, jumped backwards, and as he did so he heard a yell to his right.
A familiar voice.
Despite himself, he turned and saw Natasha crumpled on the floor, blood pouring from a wound in her neck.
He saw a whirl as Bucky flew past, diving at Langley who had administered the blow, taking him down in a tangle of limbs. The two men began to grapple, flashes of metal arched through the air, Bucky using Steve’s shield to deflect the blows from a now rabid Langley.
Steve stood, watching his friend for a split second, but it was a split second too long. It was the distraction Rumlow had needed, and before Steve had time to realise what was happening, he felt a searing pain in the back of his thigh.
Rumlow had taken advantage and plunged the blade into his leg.
Steve dropped to one knee, and then the blow to his face from Rumlow’s foot caused him to crumple backwards. “You know, that’s always been your weakness, Rogers. Your friends. Loyalty. You care too much. It’s the reason you could never be a ruler, never be as great as Hydra has made me.”
Steve spat the blood out of his mouth. He moved to get up when another blow hit him in the face. 
“You can’t see the bigger picture, can’t see that sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the greater good…” Rumlow leered over him as Steve lay, the blood from his nose trickling down his throat.
Then he saw the blade as it moved in Rumlow’s hand. And the he gasped as the man’s knee pressed into the middle of his chest.
“Imma enjoy this…almost as much as I’m going to enjoy breaking in Y/N. My only regret is you won’t be there to see it.”
Steve swallowed, attempting to buck Rumlow off, but it was no good. His eyes tracked the blade as it moved towards his neck, and then your voice filled his head.
“I got you, Alpha…”
Before he could even scan the area for you, your shout rang out loud and clear.
“Enough…Brock! Enough…”
Rumlow's head snapped in your direction, distracted and amazed.
“Call them off.” You swallowed, “let Steve go and…you can have me.”
Steve's eyes went wide. "No!" He argued.
A sadistic laugh rumbled Brock's chest, "Oh, 'Mega, I'm gonna enjoy this."
A final harsh blow to the side of Steve’s head left him seeing stars as you felt the tears prick your eyes. Your gaze then flicked to Natasha. Bruce (who you’d arrived with) was now tending to her, attempting to stop the blood flow.
Everyone seemed to have stood still, Hydra and Shield alike. Bucky and Sam took the opportunity to head over to where Steve was laid, unmoving on the floor, whilst Pete, Tony, Thor and Clint all gathered round Natasha and Bruce, shielding them from any attack which may or may not be oncoming.
“Little Bird…” Thor began but you shook your head.
“This isn’t worth it…I’m not worth it.” You whispered, your eyes flicking from him, to Natasha who was thankfully conscious, and then to Steve. Steeling yourself, you took a deep breath, and looked at Rumlow as he advanced towards you. “You got what you wanted. Just call this off. Please.“
As he stood in front of you, his hand gripped your wrist painfully and his eyes studied your neck. “Well, well…not so infinite, huh…”
The way he pronounced the word, like it was something dirty, made you choke a little as you licked your lips. “Oh, it was…until you…you injected me. It’s been fading ever since. If it wasn’t for that, you wouldn’t have stood a chance. And you’ll always know that, no matter what you do to me. That you couldn’t ever have taken me, or defeated Steve, without that Serum. Because you simply weren’t strong enough.”
A stinging blow landed to your face and you heard a roar from Steve, who was now staggering to his feet. He swayed, as Bucky and Sam held him up.
“You’ll what?” Brock laughed, “I have her, she’s here. Begging for me to take her and save you.”
Steve looked at you, and you blinked back the tears. “Steve…”
“Please don’t…” he whispered.
“Please don’t...” Rumlow mocked, “God, you really are fucking pathetic. That all you got, ‘please don’t’? You can’t even stop your Omega from sacrificing herself…” He looked down at you, then to Bryce, and finally to Steve. “I mean…one Alpha command from you would stop this but….oh, yeah, silly me…I forgot. Your bond…it’s worthless now.”
Rumlow yanked you closer towards him. Steve made a move, a snarl rippling from his chest but Bucky and Sam were quick to hold him back. They knew that they were beat, and Steve wouldn’t make it two steps towards you before being gunned down.
A hand gripped your hair and your head was yanked painfully to the side, exposing your mating gland and the faded gold infinity bond. Smirking, Rumlow’s  gaze on the defeated faction, his tongue fell from his mouth and laved up your neck.
You winced, your eyes filling with tears as they locked onto Steve’s face. His expression was sheer devastation.
“I’m sorry…” you whispered, those blue eyes you knew and loved were swimming with tears and you couldn’t look anymore.
With a sigh, you closed your own. And then, as Rumlow’s sharp teeth latched onto your neck skin, the sound of your beloved Alpha’s bellows of distress were the only thing you could focus on. You waited with your eyes screwed shut, every nerve in your body was on fire, the adrenaline coursing through your blood as you fought the instinct to scream.  You could hear nothing but your pulse thudding in your ears, Rumlow’s pants and groans of delight as he laved up the blood on your neck.
And then, you felt him pull back, a frown on his face.
“What’s the matter, Brock…” you whispered, as you opened your eyes, “don’t I taste good?”
For a moment, he merely blinked, and then he moved his hand, pulling the thin, flesh like strip from his mouth. “What the…”
“One of Erskine and Banner’s inventions.” You spoke softly, as he looked at the two puncture marks where his teeth had bitten into the curious item he now held in his palm. “Still in the prototype phase, doesn’t have a name yet but…oh, and speaking of Erskine… the serums were both fake. Shield switched them out before you raided the lab.”
You saw his gaze slide to your neck, and his features slid from puzzlement, to shock, to anger in a matter of seconds as he saw your Soul Bond was there, as bright and as vivid as it always had been.
“Gotcha,” you smirked.
24 Hours Ago…
After your little scene at the ferry port, you and Steve made your way back to the safe house. You followed your alpha to the door, where it was opened from the inside. Bucky, Sam and Clint waiting for the pair of you.
“Banner not here yet?” Steve asked as you headed in.
“No, he’s still putting the finishing touches to the, well whatever you wanna call it. As soon as he’s done then he’ll be on his way with Tony and Thor.” Sam informed.
“And he’s confident it’ll work.”
“It’s a potent neurotoxin.” Bucky nodded, “the only reason we’ve never used it before is because there’s no known antidote.”
Steve took a deep breath, “well, let’s just say I’m very glad Hydra didn’t get their hands on that…”
Client's eyes drew up, "how'd it go? Play the part?"
“Oscar worthy.” Steve smirked, and despite yourself you grinned.
“Think they’ll find this place?” Bucky asked.
“Yeah, we made sure our vehicle was noticeable.” You nodded.
"Now, we wait." Bucky nodded.
As you waited, you went through your plan, over and over again. The first part was already in play. By pretending that the serum had worked, that you were feeling its effects and as such, your bond to Steve was fading, it would give Rumlow false confirmation that the Alpha serum would make him stronger. This, you hoped, would cause his arrogance to win out, have him mobilise and break cover, and more over leave him complacent on the battlefield.
Whilst Steve was still intent on ripping Rumlow’s head off, he had acquiesced and listened when you’d pleaded with him that you needed a plan B. And, after days of deliberation and plotting, that plan was finalised. Should Rumlow get the drop on Steve, then in you’d come, acting the part of the subservient Omega, all the time having a deadly poison concealed on your body. Concealed in plain sight, a small invisible pouch right over your mating gland. You knew Rumlow wouldn’t be able to stop himself from taunting Steve, that he’d try to bond you there and then, and when he did, his teeth would pierce the pouch, unleashing a fast acting, deadly neurotoxin, that would leave him dead in a matter of minutes.
Steve wasn’t completely happy about it, and you knew that he would do his absolute utmost to not even let it get to the point of needing to use you, but you also had no intention of letting any of your friends die. No matter what, you’d be walking onto that battle field and offering yourself up. Because, for some reason, you knew it had to be that way. You knew it had to be you.
A few hours post your return, Steve’s phone went and it was Natasha.
“They’re in the area, just picked two of their goons up. Following the route your car did.”
“Alright, hang back…” Steve took a deep breath. “Inform Parker and have him call me when they pass his watch point. Then we’ll know for sure they’re following the trail.“
"You got it, Cap," she said.
Steve sensed the smirk in her voice.
With a scoff he cut the call, then looked at Bucky and Sam.
“You know the plan. The scout party needs to escape, notify Rumlow they’ve located us.”
"Got it," Sam replied. Bucky merely nodded. 
Clint picked up his bow and smirked. "'Bout time."
“Wait for my signal. As soon as Parker calls I’ll let you know.”
"Yup," Clint followed Sam and Bucky out.
You eyed Steve with a look of major worry. "I hope this works.
“Well, if Mohammed can’t go to the mountain…” he shrugged, “I know it’ll work.”
“What makes you so sure?”
Steve looked at you, before he smiled softly and pressed his lips to yours. “It’s your plan.”
“You fucking bitch…” Rumlow snarled. Those Omega skills you’d been honing with Nat kicked in as you saw the blow coming a split second before he went to make it. You ducked under his arm and twirled around, backing up quickly towards where Steve was stood. Rumlow advanced on you but only made it three or four steps before he stopped, his eyes widening, as he struggled to take in air.
He grasped at his neck, clawing at the collar of his uniform as his face was rapidly turning a puce colour.
“Pretty potent neurotoxin.” You stepped back towards him. “I estimate you’ve got about thirty seconds left.”
You watched as Brock fell to his knees, scratching at the skin on his neck, and you looked down at him, your eyes locked on his, relishing the fact that his pupils were now blown with fear.
“Wanna know the really, really funny thing about all this?” You looked at him. “When I came up with our little plan, it was Thor that had the most faith in it working. Because he’s always said that it would be Hydra’s inability to embrace things that you cannot understand, those which you simply refuse to believe that would eventually be your downfall. And here we are.” You smiled, “I bet you never in a million years would have believed that a lowly Omega could even dream of such a plan, let alone enact it like I did. And, to be honest, I probably wouldn’t have been able to had it not for those extra little abilities my Soul Bond seems to have given me. You know, such as shielding my mind and emotions from you. Had you done your research, give any sort of credence to the fact that this-“ you ran your fingers over your mark, “-might actually be what the myths and legends say, you might not be about to die.”
At that point, Rumlow began to foam at the mouth, his body convulsing as he lay back. Blood was trickling from his nose and his eyes, as he lay looking up at you, the veins in his neck and temple popping. A gurgling noise rose from his throat, before he suddenly stilled, his head lolling to one side. Unseeing eyes looked out of his head, around at the Hydra troops who stood motionless, looking down at their now dead leader.
It was as if time had stood still, no one moved, no one said a word, that was until you heard a familiar voice screeching at you. You wheeled on the spot sharply, as you saw Bryce raise his gun in your direction.
And then it all seemed to happen in slow motion, Steve’s shield arched through the air, knocking the gun from his hand, as Bucky, Sam and Tony ran forward. Whilst Fury barked orders, you watched as the three men surrounding Bryce pushed him to his knees.
“I’ve told Hill and Coulson to clean up.” Fury spoke, as you kept your eyes locked onto your brothers, eyes that were so like your fathers. “They’re beaten, they know they are. We can get the back to our camp and then contact the World Security Council. We’re going to need their help if we want to unite the states…”
“Hydra will never be beaten…” Bryce shrieked his voice almost hysterical, “cut off one head…”
“Shut up.” Sam groaned.
“He has a point.” Steve spoke, looking at Fury. “As long as Hydra have someone to rally around, someone spouting their bullshit cause, they’ll never be gone. And, as such, neither will Shield. We agreed, neither faction can survive. This blue vs red…it has to stop.”
“Then we get rid of him.” Bucky stated, “what was it Rumlow said, you have to make sacrifices for the greater good…”
“Buck, we can’t…”
“Can’t what? Kill him? I assure you, we totally can…”
A heated debate then broke out, the phrase war crime being uttered once or twice, all the time you kept your eyes locked on your brother.  In that split second, a hundred memories from your previous life flooded your mind. The cruelty you'd suffered at his hands, the pain and anguish you'd felt when he had killed your first Alpha.
As you saw Colin's face flash to the forefront of the metaphorical slide show, all you could see was the fear in his face as he told you to run, before he turned back to what he knew would be his certain death, to give you chance to escape.
With a slow movement, you reached out your right hand…
Moments later, a loud bang echoed around the field, causing the arguing party to jump. Bryce slumped to the floor, a perfect shot landed right between his eyes. You were aware of everyone staring at you as you tossed Natasha’s gun to the floor and took a deep breath, simply staring at your dead brother’s body.
“Fuck Hydra, and fuck him.”
**Chapter 14**
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ex0rin · 2 years
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Hydra Agent Corbin Cole (aka 'the kid' (affectionate) if you're Rumlow, or 'CeCe' (derogatory) if you're Rollins)
age: 24 (CA:TWS) d.o.b: January 13th, 1990 joined STRIKE: age 20
as introduced in:
Training Session: Total Control (NSFW) - 2640 words Rumlow/Winter Soldier, Agent Cole/Winter Soldier, Rollins non-con/rape, conditioning, blowjobs, deepthroating, breathplay, voyeurism
also found in:
Won't Regain Consciousness - 940 words Rumlow & Winter Soldier, Agent Cole, Rollins mild violence, possessiveness
You'll Forgive me if I Promise (NSFW) - 5750 words Rumlow/Winter Soldier, Agent Cole, Rollins non-con/rape, violence, choking, choke collar, leash, anal plug, cock cage, kenneling, cages, boot kink, boot worship, masturbation, facials, finger sucking, spanking
Table Scraps (NSFW) - 2805 words Rumlow/Winter Soldier, Rollins, Agent Cole non-con/rape, hand feeding, pet names, cock warming, deepthroating, comfort in conditioning, the author doesn’t play poker and it shows, friendship whiplash, are they friends? do they hate each other? I don’t know - it might be both tbh, this is also kind of soft, unhealthy relationship
Who Died/Relax (M) - 1930 words minor Rumlow/Winter Soldier Rumlow, Rollins, Agent Cole, Winter Soldier dealing with death, blood and violence, unhealthy relationships, hurt/comfort
Lashing Out - 580 words Rumlow, Winter Soldier, Agent Cole, Rollins confusion, jealousy, a broken nose
Smeared Cream (NSFW) - 2875 words Rumlow/Bucky - 2875 words Jack Rollins, Agent Cole non-con/rape, porn without plot, ice cream, birthday smut, finger sucking, blow jobs, anal sex, pet names, begging, wet & messy, hydra trash party
Yes I did apparently make an OC, yes it turns out he might be important now. Also yeah, there's more fic coming with him VERY SOON, like so soon that I needed to post this 😅
+bonus gif (after the soldier's put him in the hospital again)
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