mauannacreates · 2 months
Writing share/ out of context!
Hey @wyked-ao3 thanks for the tag game[x]! Here's my part of the story share that I am currently writing. It's from Conjured Secrets, and I hope you enjoy this little out of context snippet!
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I'll go and gently tag @arowanaprincess and @rinatthemin!
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braedonofficial · 5 months
Hello, This account will be dedicated to telling the story of Braedon, a small, fictional, Midwestern state I made up in my delusional head. These stories are NOT for the faint of heart and will sometimes be intensely disturbing, if you don't like it, don't interact. This account will also be here to answer its audiences asks about Braedon and the people who live in it. The first chapter will be posted later tonight, unless you're reading this from the future. Sometimes information in the story might not be factual, as I don't fact check myself, I'm sorry if that is the case. This is all for now, if you have any questions or concerns don't be afraid to ask.
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redemptivexheroics · 5 months
“ i know it’s late, but i just needed someone and. i guess you always answer when i call. ” junie @ anyone
Shippy Memes For You Hoes
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Ben was just getting back to his dorm room with his coffee from the campus cafe, ready for a study session for a test he had a week from now, and he was just sitting down when his phone rang, and he saw it was Junie. He answered and put his phone on speaker. "Hey Junie, everything okay?" Ben asked with a bit of concern in his voice.
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fireflysparks · 8 months
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Alison Indie becomes a child.
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Braedon Grunt practices pool.
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Group gardening! 🌿
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Alison and Kammie are becoming besties!
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the-ultimate-squish · 11 months
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arrthurpendragon · 11 months
⌨️ + dealer's choice for which one you wanna do!
“Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to see that Braedon is . . . “ Julienna began, standing up from her spot at the table.
“Alicent will see to that,” Otto announced. “Won’t you? Perhaps take him out for a bit of fresh air.”
Alicent, who was mid bite, looked between her father and her sister.  She opened her mouth as if to say something, but then thought better of it.  As the dutiful daughter, Alicent nodded her head.  She wiped her hands on her napkin before standing up and reaching over for young Braedon.
“What’s my name?” Alicent cheerfully asked her nephew.
“Al-a-fint!” Braedon shouted with a toothy grin. “Al-a-fint! Al-a-fint! Al-a-fint!”
Alicent sighed as she placed Braedon on the ground and took hold of his hand. “Perhaps we should practice more.  Now, repeat after me . . . “
The two descended the stairs and their chatter grew fainter.  Julienna’s heart raced as her father motioned for her to be seated once more.  Also the dutiful daughter, Julienna sat down, but refused to meet her father’s gaze.
“Alicent will make an excellent mother someday,” Otto mused.
Julienna knew she should have bitten her tongue, but she coudln’t.  With her mother passed-on, it was her duty to also look out for her sister. “Not anytime soon, I hope,” Julienna retorted.
Otto’s brow furrowed. “Surely you’re not wanting to deny your sister a secure future.”
“Of course not, Father. But Alicent is young yet. Let her enjoy her youth while she can.  It’s what Mother would have wanted.”
He sighed. 
Julienna knew the exact card to play against him - her mother.  But would it be enough to save Alicent from her fate so soon? She said a quick silent prayer to the gods that it would.
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Send me ⌨ + title to one of my fics and I’ll write a sentence for that fic! (if you want one back - add "tag you're it" to your ask)
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lassair-crackle · 1 year
Fucked up, again. As always.
What… what if I am done? 
I already did the one big thing. Going to the past, making sure we get magic back, making sure we get the Ziegler box so we can potentially figure out if we can save our universe.
I saved Tio’s kids, they are in good hands. I brought some hope to our dying people.
Lately, I havent really helped that much. I still try my hardest, but its either futile or actively makes things worse. Maybe all of my usefulness has been spent, and anything else I do will only detriment everyone else. 
I am not that powerful, and the power I thought I had has been useless when it mattered the most.
I know I deserve agony. I dont want to continue spreading it to my friends.
My life has always been borrowed, it would make sense for me to finally have run out of luck.
Maybe my soul will be put in constant torture, for all of the hells to see what happens to the biggest idiot of all of the planes. It would be a fitting end. To stay like that until entropy ends us all.
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galofmanyinterests · 2 years
Asked Cindy Sampson (Lisa) a question about the fan theory of Ben becoming a hunter (which she knows about and loves) and how she thinks Lisa would play into that theory which led to her saying "I don't think Dean could settle down with a woman" and there was a pause before the hall erupted into chaos 😅😅
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bubbleonice · 1 year
Braedon Lemasters:
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To be honest I know nothing about this person Braedon Lemasters. Peronally I have never heard of him. And this request did not come with any spesific questions, so I was fumbling a little bit in the dark. However when I did my spread these cards came clwar through with some messages.
Angel of Psychic Ability: not interpreting it as him having psychic abilities, maybe he does maybe he doesn’t. But what I get from this card is that this young man has the ability to see through lies and deceptions. He has a very colourful aura, his mood is very light and he is well liked by others, and because of that sometimes people take him for being an easy target. They think he is naive when he is anything but.
Fresh Air / Turn on the light: I think he might have been through some sad moments, maybe isolating himself for a while. Closing the curtains and been staying indoors. The cards say he needs to go get out, get some fresh air, turn on the lights again, it’s time to put the past behind him.
Wheel of fortune reversed: yes indeed he has had some bad luck recently. Bad luck, upheaval, disorder, external forces, lack of control, disruption, unwelcome change, delays, set backs. The reversed Wheel of Fortune is a strong indicator that there is a challenging time ahead and that the change coming may be difficult to adjust to. It can represent that things had been going well and have suddenly and quite unexpectedly fallen apart. This sudden deterioration can leave you feeling powerless, out of control and as if external forces are working against you. These ups and downs are part of life and often we learn more from hardship than we do from good fortune. I don’t know but I sense he might have had a bad breakup with someone? Someone cheated on him? It could be the other way round, but I feel it is him being cheated on. Or maybe it is about him throwing away an opportunity.
The devil: yeah, here we go again. Obsession, adultery, secrecy. It can also mean that you or your partner is experiencing relationship problems due to mental health problems. The Devil Tarot card can represent a variety of negative emotions, including dominance, deceit, and jealousy. It might as well represent lust and temptation.
And as I say, the cards never lie as the next card I pulled says Deception. It says someone is wearing a false mask in this relationship. I don’t know if he is in a relationship or has been in a relationship currently, but there has been deception issues. Next card however says Give your relationship a chance. It indicates that he should worl on his partnership. People make mistakes and maybe this issue is fixable, but it will need eork and dedication.
I pulled an additional card, and it says: you have the courage to express the unique loving colors of your soul.
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I hope you enjoy this reading. And please keep in mind that this is done for entertainment purposes only. I use tarotcards and oracle cards actively in my readings, as well as my intuition. Energies come and go, what is relevant for today’s reading might change in a few weeks time. But some aspects will always remain constant and the same. Thank you.❤️
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mibodaencartagena · 2 years
Shall We Walk? Shall We Dance?
the girls are ready !!!    the boys are ready !!! everybody is ready !!! so happy you got married in Cartagena guys! what do you say,  Shall We Walk?  Shall We Dance? … we Shall Walk And Dance !!! … and now we are here! the first stop! time to go!  pssst, we shall do it again guys!  Dale!!! …and now let’s… ” We had a great time and the guests were truly astounded not only by the wedding,…
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mauannacreates · 1 year
Flufftober Day 13: Wrong place
Hi guys, thank you for staying tuned to my flufftober stories, with the prompts created by @flufftober. So this is something that I just wrote up for the past hour, but it is also written in Lucie's perspective, which I haven't really shown her in perspective or character, so I thought that I'd throw her into the mix with another character that I usually like to write a lot and just explore my characters relationship a bit. Anyways, I hope you enjoy today's story.
I take slow and steady steps towards the houses that bustles around in front of me. The city bustles about with people, all either chattering or going about their days on the stone filled road. The city itself is made out of stone. The houses look old. Or is there another word… Antique. And I slowly go through the streets. Mum and dad are busy talking to other people. I tried calling out to them a number of times without an answer. It is unusual and strange to say the least. My parents would never not answer me. Well, maybe my mum, at times, she’s a bit… Rough. But my dad… Seriously, what is happening…? And then I glimpse up. There’s a big castle. Like, the biggest one I’ve ever seen. Big brownish gray stones cobbled onto each other, and raising up forever higher and higher. I swear, it is so high that it’s making me hurt my neck, and then there’s a loud voice that starts to laugh. And just when I twist my head up,  
“Hey, stop right there!” And I froze onto place. The voice is harsh. Oh gosh… Is that mum…? And I glance up, and there’s a big gray elephant wearing steel armor with a red uniform… Oh, god… Did I just stumble into trouble…!? Especially since–  
“Harlow, relax.” And, oh, gosh…! From the neat clothes the orange bear has to the deep voice that soothes throughout his voice, I couldn’t help but stare at the neat appearance that he has. He has a golden badge of a flame emblem on his chest, to the smile that stretches across his face. “Let me escort her myself.” And the brown rabbit that’s next to him, wearing as neat of an attire as the bear has their mouth opening slightly. 
“Brae Brae, are you sure you don’t want me to–” 
“Val…” And with his blue eyes stares sharp towards the brown rabbit, as their fur starts to prickle up slowly, before their gaze meets mine… But then… Why is the rabbit staring at me, as if they… Know me? Do I even know them…? And it’s not just Val, this Brae Brae person too. And his blue eyes flickers towards me back towards the rabbit. “I am sure.” And he goes and twists around, “Now follow me, we don’t want to cause any more complications than we need to.” And he goes and walks ahead of me… Now what is with him? I couldn’t help but glance up at him, he’s so tall, I could only reach to his shoulders. And his eyes frequently takes a glimpse at me… But why does he feel…?
“Have we…” I say, and, oh gosh…! His brow arches up. Am I going to sound too weird if I do ask…? I glimpse away. “Don’t worry.” but he is still staring at me… That is, until his mouth twitches. 
“I don’t believe we’ve met.” But, oh gosh…!? How did he know on what I was going to say…!? “Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of encounters, but this…” He pauses, glancing away towards the exit that’s getting nearer and nearer towards us. “It’s interesting.” 
“Interesting…?” I say, and he gives a nod.
“Yes, Interesting.” He says, as the plants that shows behind him is shrubs and greenery. “I know I haven’t seen a canine like you up and abouts, so you must be a tourist.” But there’s actually not people like me here…!? But with his stare, glazing away as the stony steps are the only thing that makes this feel any better. “But at the same time, I feel like in a sense… We’ve at least… Met somewhere else.” Gosh, so it’s not just me… But he goes and scratches the back of his head. “This sounds insane and maybe even wrong in a sense…” “But, I think we will see each other again someday. Perhaps in another sense or life…” And he gives a hollow chuckle as he stares at me with just the briefest smile. “No, I don’t understand why I’m going all philosophoical over a person I’ve barely met. Maybe because you haven’t even asked me for my autograph yet.” 
“A auto… graph?” I say, and he gives a laugh, one that sounds more freeing as he goes and touches on the side of my shoulders. 
“I like you.” And I jerk back to his smile flashing on his lips. “Seriously, not knowing on who I am, I have to say, I’m impressed.” Not knowing on who he is…?
“But… Who are you…?” And just when we are about to get out towards the gate, his hand drags me away from the opening and we’re at the side, where he steps closer towards me.
“I’m Braedon.” And a wide smile trickles from the side of his lips. “That is all you need to know.” And the bustles of people are the only sounds that’s there, except the sounds of familiar yelling, but I glance towards him. “Who are you?” 
“Lucie.” I say, and his eyes flickers around me as his hand grasps onto mine and I can feel his lips kissing my hand. Gosh, I can feel myself getting hot all over, as his smile… Was it the sweet edge that was there, or perhaps something more… foreboding…? 
“Nice to meet you Lucie. Here, let’s go and see what the ruckus is about, and get you out of here.”  
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chysgoda · 2 years
Okay more of a group HC but I’ve been having a lot of fun poking at it.
The tomestone smart phones are a piece of allagan tech that Nero reverse engineered. The phones have to be attuned to each other in order to be able to work. There are two test beds for this, the adventurers’ guild and Bel, her team, Art’imis and Grandpa Edmont. (Nero has a firm hold on the title of Bel’s favorite (non scion) uncle but also has no problem in making sure it stays that way through bribery)
They have settled into their group chat arch types
Edmont de fortemps: sends food pictures to the group chat
Art’imis Chysgoda : forgets the thing at home half the time and when she does pick it up she floods the chat with two days worth of responses.
Bel Aliender: attempts to communicate like a normal person.
Bianca Pelinore: has invented memes and is making it everyone’s problem
Asamar Oronir: communicates only in typed out emojis
Allie Baelsar: one word answers and surprisingly good landscape photography
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redemptivexheroics · 5 months
Remembered Everything [Closed]
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It had been years since Dean left; Ben wasn't sure what made him or his mom forget in the first place, but one day, everything about Dean flooded his mind, and he was confused about how he went from not knowing anything about Dean to suddenly remembering. It all hit him after he had spoken with his Mom; the only clear thing is Dean was there one moment and gone the next. Of course, Ben knew of Dean's career as a hunter of the supernatural, so it took a while, but eventually, he found out where he had been this entire time. The last person he spoke with said both Dean and Sam were on a hunt for a vampire. Vampires he knew more about than any other supernatural being so it didn't take long to track the brothers down. With a bow gun loaded with a silver-tipped arrow soaked in dead man's blood, Ben went looking and saw Dean wrestling with a vampire. And took a moment to fire the arrow, hitting the vampire in the back dead and center and watching Dean push them off and look around. "Hey, over here, I just saved your ass, by the way."
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fireflysparks · 5 months
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Lavie Grunt has a romance brewing with Braedon Fales.
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And it's gotten quite serious! 💍
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the-ultimate-squish · 10 months
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Please do not buy squishmallows irl unless purchased secondhand. Sources below
Squishmallow Alternatives + my current reasoning for the tournament (subject to change)
More info with sources
Official Boycott (this blog is not part of the official boycott)
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Hey, hi, hello! 👋 How do?
Behold! An attempt at some actual THSC OCs (instead of me just opting to torture the 3JTKA squad...don't get me wrong, though, they're still in this 🤣)
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So I started designing 5 different OCs (with a lot of help from @the-irken-luxray's post on making THSC OCs) and then I made bios of 3 of them. I'm still trying to work out the other two (the cyborg is terrified of heights but that's not the cause of her cybernetics, meanwhile the unfinished one is a double agent for the Toppats stationed at The Wall)
Then I got a sudden burst of inspiration to do Tangent Heroes again 🤩
Fun facts: Braedon's a similar demonic entity to Shadow (but he actually likes sunny weather), Sona only shows up at night and Grasshopper's actually nicknamed after a cocktail, not the bug.
Anyway! Hope ya like it~ 😁
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