mazerunnersecretsanta · 9 months
Merry Christmas @runthemaze
Title: intangible home
Rating: General Audiences
Wordcount: 12227
Summary: The sun flares scorched the earth. WCKD built cities for only the most desirable of the population. Everyone else was left to fend for themselves. 
Thomas and Teresa leave their home after their parents’ death, they end up finding more than they could have ever imagined.
Message to giftee: Merry Christmas!!! You wished for a ‘Soulmates AU, perhaps still in a dystopian setting’ with newtmas, sonyarriet, and minresa! Tried my best to do them all justice, hope you enjoy! ❤️❤️
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itsthemxze · 6 months
omg just found out that you were my tmrss secret santa this year!! thank you so so much for the beautiful fic, it's wonderfully written. it was such a joy to read, i really appreciate all the thought and effort that went into it. i hope that 2024 brings you nothing but wonderful things!! here's to another great year of tmr writing!! - runthemaze
Aaaaa catching up on messages and I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! I had so much fun writing it ❤️❤️
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Thominewt Secret Santa Fics 🎄💙
a compilation of the thominewt fics this year's secret santa yielded @mazerunnersecretsanta . enjoy!
My Little Pinky
gift for RuntheMaze
by @hunterbow04
They bumped into the boy as everyone was running and mid-freeze the boys felt a sting in both of their pinky fingers. They all looked. The boy had a pink ring on his left pinky and on his right was a purple one. Minho and Newt had the same markings. They all gasped as they looked at each other. The chocolate eyes looked back and forth between the two clutching his hands tightly together.
Word count: 2737
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Universe: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates
Tags: Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Long-Term Relationship(s), snapchat is used, Everyone Is Gay
Major Arcana
gift for Thomasnewtminho2
by lena, @nachoupala
No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn. And so it will be for the young warlock arriving at the gates of Camelot. A boy that will, in time, father the legend. His name: Thomas.
Word Count: 32'682
Universe: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Magic
Tags: BBC Merlin AU, Yes you read that right, minho is arthur, obviously, thomas is merlin, newt is gwen, mary is gaius and she is fantastic, Magic,, Fire, Thunderstorms, some slight, depictions of violence but i set the warning just in case, Kidnapping, Romantic Banter, newt knows about thomas' magic, but minho doesn't, honestly this is a merlin au but i took some liberties because...merlin really isn't the best show, but I love it so much anyway, swords!!, and daggers, newt being the sweetest person on earth and a badass all the same, there's no dragon because it's always been useless anyway, all the canon typical merthur/thominho banter, Piningon all three sides, pretentious tarot card references, Minor Character Death, near death experiences as a bonding exerciset, hings are dramatic, but also really fun sometimes
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comebacknow · 4 years
hi are you still active in the tmr fandom? i’m kinda new to it and idk if it’s still an active one. idk i just feel nostalgic and sad. can you maybe rec some blogs i can follow (tmr contents and maybe newtmas?) i hope you are safe and well xx
Hey!! Thanks for reaching out. The TMR fandom is still pretty big around here. I’ve recc’d a few blogs below, and if you have discord, I actually run a maze runner server that you’re more than welcome to join! Feel free to send me a message and I can pass along an invite (:
For now, here are some blogs that still focus on tmr. Keep in mind some are multi-fandom, but they do post about tmr frequently!:
@taste0fdreams @newtedison @runthemaze @singt0me @harveylovesmike @bbadlandd @subjecta5newtella @minhomas-tmr @gladersqueen @00250 @newtparadise @isthisenoughorcanwegohigher @medjackjeff @sobloodyinspired
I’m definitely forgetting a ton of blogs I’m sure, but maybe those I’ve tagged will be happy to add more!
And I def recommend following @mazerunnersecretsanta !! This is the 3rd year running for it and while it’s too late to sign up, all the content is going to be posted through that tumblr starting on Christmas Day! And it has a toooonnnn of content from the previous three years.
Hope this helps!! I’m always happy to talk tmr if you ever wanna drop theories and headcanons and recs in my askbox!! <3
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mazescorched · 6 years
tag game
i was tagged by @runthemaze thanks 💓
Rules: Bold the statements that are true and tag at least five people!
APPEARANCE: I am over 5′5″ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
HOBBIES AND TALENTS: I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic/ I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have had my first time / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
RELATIONSHIPS: I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / my parents are together / I have a brother / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / my crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
AESTHETICS: I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside /the sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms/ I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / autumn is my favorite season
MISCALLANEOUS: I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities/ I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBT (im asexual)
tagging @adistressedgirl @gladertasha @seriestrash, only if they're interested ❤️
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Merry Christmas @runthemaze
Title: My Little Pinky
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Light Violence
Wordcount: 2737
Summary: Nothing is better than finding your soulmate. What’s even more: you have two? Unfortunately… long distance is a bitch.
Message to giftee: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
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