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@ruruie is such a sweet person and valuable part of the fandom, from lore knowledge to her cute V, I’m glad she’s a part of the fandom!!!!
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kyousukebei · 2 years
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rurui (@rkrmz0n)
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eaglefairy · 3 months
We started xenoblade 2 last night! The liveblog tag will change to "roommate chronicles part 2" now. My thoughts on 2 are...complicated. (You can see #alrestposting for more on that.) But I'm looking forward to experiencing it with my roommate and seeing it through new eyes! (Quick note: anytime there's a quote without a tag, it's from my roommate. I figured this was just easier than trying to summarize what she was saying.)
(during the opening cutscene) "Space whale!!" Me: Dead space whale...
"Enough of that existential crisis stuff, we need to make money!"
"Bana?? Chairman Bana?? Is that our Bana?!" Me: "It's Bana if he got what he wanted." Roommate: ... Me: "It's Bana if he owned this whole airship."
Roommate: "Jabba?? Is he Jabba the Hutt???"
"Rex you idiot. You don't even know what the job is."
(While Jin is talking) "What is happening here..."
"Why is this dialogue so unreal. Like why is it so strange."
Rurui appeared on screen and I just started laughing Me: "He looks like an among us..." Roommate: "...Oh, he does."
So far she's pretty annoyed by every character except for Dromarch.
We finally got a good look at Nia and: Roommate: "There are catgirls now?"
"Rex, you didn't even ask what they're trying to find! What if they're trying to unearth a demon or a monster or a god?!"
"Jin, can I ask about the mask? I'm an impertinent 15-year-old, can I ask why you're wearing a mask?"
"Whoa, Sever looks cool. Is that one of the new alien species, what're they called?" Me: "They're called Blades." Me: "Dromarch is also a Blade." Roommate: "Huh???"
"It's a demon! I knew it! We're hauling up a doomsday device!"
She said she'd be willing to believe that the salvagers are evil and the Monoceros ("black ship from the harbor") are secret good guys which is like. ha.
"It's a god. It's chthulu. We're pulling up a god."
(I mean the fun "fun" part is that Mythra and Pyra would absolutely agree with the description of doomsday device. And in fact are just as against this right now as my roommate is.)
"I'm not gonna lie. The white guy [Jin]? He's hot. I don't trust him. I haven't even seen his face. But he's hot."
This is Dickson all over again. This is amazing I love it.
[activating the control panel] "We're about to meet god." [sees the Aligo boss in the next room] "What the hell is that." Me: "Not the god you were expecting?" "What is this...man-shark?"
Game: "That's...the Aegis." Roommate: "Nope, that's the Monado. Easy mistake to make."
"Oh, we're not dead. We're in heaven? Are we going to meet god now?" [sees Pyra in the distance] "Jesus? Mother?"
I forgot how much this game doesn't explain things at the beginning. So far she's asked me "what's a Blade?", "what's a Driver?", and "what's the Aegis?", which are all very fair questions considering how many fantasy proper nouns the game throws at you with no explanation
"Yay Nia! I knew you were good!"
"If you hurt my grandpa I'm killing you."
We agreed that xc2 really needs its own Sword Valley prologue. Xc1 starts strong with the opening lore cutscene from the Titans' antiquity going straight into the battle, and only then cutting to the slice-of-life stuff with Shulk. My roommate admitted that so far she's bored by the game because it starts so slow, which is exactly the problem I had with it 7 years ago!
Oh yeah, she really hates the tutorial narrator. She's calling it Navi and giving it a high annoying voice.
The roommate was touched by Gramp's death scene (until he was revealed to be alive)
Me: "Ever have your mentor figure turn into a mascot?" "...They turned my dragon into a mouse."
"Did that boob just jiggle?" Me: "Oh, you'd better believe it."
The squeal of delight I just heard when I showed her how to play as Nia riding on Dromarch made the past 2 hours completely worth it. "I'm never playing as Rex again, he's LAME!"
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reverendclown · 8 months
If Murc got an anime but it had to be a spinoff based on someone other than Kuroko who would you pick for it? I'm voting Rinko because a slice of life set in Ruruie would just be funny.
Definitely Rinko 👀
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setaflow · 1 year
Getting to know y’all
I got tagged by @beammeupbroadway and finally had a second to do this! Thank you or thinking of me, fren 🥰 ❤️
Nickname: Seta is honestly just fine. Y'all don't need to know my real name lolol. Sign: Sagittarius Last Google Search: Whether or not Bryan Adams speaks French. Don't ask me why, I'm a little too ashamed to admit it Song stuck in my head: Hearts Burst into Fire by Bullet For My Valentine. Listen y'all, I'm not a huge BFMV fan, but the guitarwork on this song slaps HARD and it makes me a little bonkers. Sleep: Usually 11:30 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. on the weekdays and whenever - whenever on the weekends, but it really depends on the time of year. I can only sleep in total darkness so if the sun rises early, I'm usually up the second it's up. Wearing: A pair of flannels and an Imagine Dragons concert t-shirt from 2014 (Smoke and Mirrors tour if you were curious). Favourite Song: God, that's such a loaded question because I genuinely have so many and I tend to categorize my love of music in two eras: 0-13 years old where I only listened to my dad's classic rock and 13-26 where I listen to my own shit. For now, I'm gonna offer Ventura Highway by America for the former and Unconsolable by X Ambassadors for the latter, if only as representatives for those two eras Favorite Instrument: Clarinet because it's what I played in middle school :D Aesthetic: Uhhhhhhhhh I don't really have an aesthetic but I guess if I had to pick one I'd go space/galaxies. I don't care if it's 2013's cringe deep purples and stars are cool y'all and I still kinda crave galaxy leggings. Favorite Authors: Professionally, I would say Tom Robbins, Stephan Graham Jones (who I'm reading currently!!!) and Fredrick Backman are pretty high rankers, but I have to also include the Erin Hunters with extreme reluctance for Warriors essentially pivoting my entire life, for better or worse. Fanfic-wise, y'all know I gotta give shoutouts to my peeps beammeupbroadway, heartofsnark, ruruie, emofthechoir, seraphfighter, and so many others for singlehandedly keeping me interested in the fandomside of CP2077, but I want to give shoutouts to my friends @holybatgirlz and @callmeguacamole, who write Bridgerton and Avatar: the Last Airbender respectively and are AMAZING and TALENTED and whose work makes me want to CHEW THROUGH THE FLOORBOARDS. Favorite Color: Sky blue and neon green Favorite animal sound: My roommate's dog whenever he makes a dumb "urp" sound. Every time he does it, my roommate and I will look at each other and just go "HE URPED???" back and forth until we lose our shit. Last Song: Carry On by CSNY Last Series: Since football and hockey seasons have picked up, I genuinely can't remember the last series I finished-- it might've been Seinfeld? But I'm currently watching The Last of Us, New Girl, and The Peripheral Random: Listen y'all I have been an ardent Daniel Jones defender since 2020 and I genuinely think the guy can do well in the league with the right build around him, but trying for a >$45 million a year contract??? Nah. Let the guy play another year out in this same system, let him get a feel for the ropes with a softer schedule and hopefully more weapons for him to throw to. I'm more than willing to sign him within the range of $35-$40 but at this rate if he and his agents are stubborn, I wouldn't be surprised if Schoen lets him walk. Idk. I don't think he deserved that fifth-year option but at the same time I acknowledge that a good chunk of the Giants offensive issues were not really his fault (looking at you, JASON). I just hope we can reach a reasonable deal, because he doesn't seem like an unreasonable guy
Too tired to tag so please feel free to fill out if you want!
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beammeupbroadway · 1 year
Getting to know y’all
Tagged by the lovely @fereldanwench , thank you!! ❤️
Nickname: Ra, Rae, Rarby
Sign: Cancer
Last Google Search: Sims 4 Secret Cave because I’m in too deep right now and sims is like crack
Song stuck in my head: K.Flay - Blood in the Cut
Sleep: 5/6 AM - 1/2 PM because I’m a gremlin that functions on EST
Wearing: Fox Pajamas for the second day in a row because im sick and perishing
Favourite Song: changes all the time, currently vibing to Franz Ferdinand - Love and Destroy, but all time favourite is Rufus Wainwright’s Hallelujah
Favourite Instrument: it’s gotta be the cello, but I’ll always have a soft spot for the violin and piano
Aesthetic: ideal aesthetic? A combination of long flowing dresses and sparkly headbands, and knee high boots and leather skirt and jacket, somewhere in the middle. Realistically? More often than not sweats and a cropped hoodie or just an oversized T-shirt, gremlin mode
Favourite Authors: I don’t read books much anymore because OCD got me in a chokehold, but Terry Pratchett is probably my all time favourite. But if we’re going off what I actually read, then I get to name drop my favourite AO3 authors because y’all work harder than most published authors. Ruruie (my beloved), Setaflow, Heartofsnark, SeraphFighter, Glitchinginthegarden, Nightcxty, Silkspectre, and a pile more I would probably never stop listing, that’s basically my fandom essentials list and I love y’all
Favourite Colour: pink, sage green, soft blues
Favourite animal sound: owls hooting, and my cat chirping at me sounding like she’s dying because she hasn’t had attention for five seconds
Last Song: Peaches - Search and Destroy (I love Iggy but this cover is the best version)
Last Series: I’m always in the middle of a series of Star Trek, currently watching the new Picard which is surprisingly really fun, before that probably House of the Dragon
Random: overhead lights are cursed and I would personally remove every single one if I could, I need multiple gentler light sources around the room, preferably with a theme (currently have a Star Trek rock that lights up, star fairy lights, and vine lights)
Tagging @skippygiraffee @setaflow @trashcatsnark @ctrl-altiera-delete @clusterfxckedbysirens and anyone else who wants to ❤️
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lindenmori · 1 year
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offloading unposted artfight 2021 before i post artfight 2022, this was for Rurui / Techagau!
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ao3feed-silverv · 1 year
Be Still
https://ift.tt/0259KvS ruruie
by ruruie
After a shower, V braids Johnny's hair.
Words: 860, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Johnny Silverhand, V (Cyberpunk 2077)
Relationships: Johnny Silverhand/V
Additional Tags: Intimacy, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Hair Braiding, Hair Brushing, Johnny lets V braid his hair that's all I got for you, soft shit here, and I'm sure it has that "fanfic writing style" but fuck it we ball
from AO3 works tagged 'Johnny Silverhand/V' https://ift.tt/0259KvS via IFTTT
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ruruiexmodoki · 2 months
My preference (you aren't need to read)
(This text contains a lot of English that has been converted by translation system. However, some of the sentences I have drawn in my poor English are mixed in, so they may be difficult for you to understand.)
I'm Ruruie,Japanese.Not Leluie.(Though it may easy for Non-Japanese to understand, It is easy for Japanese to make mistakes in reading.)
Suddenly,I think Terraria is very very very good game.I love it.But almost Japanese don't know it and they say,''Terraria?Is the game similar to that Minecraft?Isn't that plagiarized Minecraft?''
I'm disappointed to Japanese.Though They have never played it, They say such a thing.So,I come there.
Finally, (it's early) to those who have seen this.
I am just looking at your posts. I have no intention of hurting any of you! I will not do anything that you people would suspect! … I don't think I will be posting, but thank you for your patience.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Arte contemporanea cinese alla Biennale di Genova 2023
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Arte contemporanea cinese alla Biennale di Genova 2023. Dopo lo straordinario successo dell'edizione targata 2021, dall’8 al 22 luglio la Biennale di Genova organizzata da SATURA - centro per la promozione e diffusione delle arti, torna nella città ligure. La Biennale si snoda in diverse e prestigiose sedi espositive cittadine, più di 70, e vanta la presenza di oltre 250 artisti provenienti da 18 nazioni, numero dovuto anche all'apertura alle tante forme espressive tra cui sono state selezionate le opere. MA-EC, in collaborazione con Hearty Souls Beijing Culture Creative Industry Development Co. Ltd e con Beijing Timepiece lifestyle Brand Management Co., LTd, quest’anno presenta 21 artisti cinesi che propongono video, sculture, digital art, fotografie, dipinti a olio su tela e su tavola, acrilici, ink painting, disegni e acquerelli su carta. Gli artisti sono: Bumubutai, Qiyun Chen, Shixun Chen, Yihan Chen, Yizhu Gong, Jianyong Guo, Boyang Hu, Jiali Mai, Roywang, RuRui, Shang, Chun Sun, Mingjun Sun, Yandi Wang, Yuchen Wang, Xin Xin, Jianwei Yao, Liu Yuan, Guoshuai Zhang, Zuhang Zhang, Hong Zheng. La Biennale di Genova avrà quest’anno il contributo della Città Metropolitana di Genova e il patrocinio di Regione Liguria, Comune e Camera di Commercio di Genova che hanno sempre sostenuto la manifestazione per la sua idea progettuale - che sottolinea il tentativo della città di porsi come centro di sperimentazione - ma anche per la capillarità di un evento che contribuisce a rendere viva e attrattiva tutta Genova. La Biennale, proposta da SATURA, vuole essere anche un’occasione di confronto fra diverse esperienze individuali e i risultati di differenti indagini artistiche, mantenendo fisso l’obiettivo di garantire una proposta artistica ricca e di qualità, attraverso un approccio culturale attivo e attento alle molteplici spinte creative contemporanee. Genova, 8-22 luglio 2023 Per informazioni: [email protected]... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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zorrostep · 2 years
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Jul 26, 2022 
Make sure to grab the 7/22 issue of AZL magazine! Featuring Beltran as the cover model. Beltran is a character belonging to Rurui over on the ArtFight site
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ruruiart · 6 years
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Oyasumi Punpun sticker sheet
You can get it here!
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firefly464 · 3 years
My lineart got deleted lol
I h a v e t o r e s t a r t n o w
Hhhh 2 days of work gone to waste 😔
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elf-trash · 3 years
SilverV Recommended Reading
Wanted to do a post where I share some of my all-time favorite multi-chapter SilverV fics, in no particular order. Highly recommend checking all of these out, as well these authors' other work! I stg this fandom has some crazy talented writers.
cut loose (before it gets late) - cherrykiss Literally cannot recommend this one highly enough!!!! Set post-game, Johnny has his body back, but V is still dying. It's about Johnny and V getting together and is wonderfully painful and incredibly fun. Read this one, you will NOT regret it.
Run To You - JaneOfTheChoir Also set post-game, Johnny has his body back. Featuring Ambrosia, a Nomad V. The main plot involves her being kidnapped. Still in the early chapters, but an extremely exciting start!!!
Smoke and Retribution - madelinek Another one of my absolute favorites. This one is an AU where V is a popular musician during the same years as Samurai, and she enlists Johnny's help in getting out of her record deal with Arasaka. Really really fun and spicy!
Cyberpunk 2003: Never Fade Away - bubble_bones Another AU where V is alive during Johnny's time, but in this one, she's a fan who meets him after a show (and loses her virginity to him lol). It's the first part of a series, so if you dig it, there's PLENTY more where it came from!
Phantom Touch - teeterss This one is a new one that just started posting recently, but it's such a strong, promising start and I personally am very excited to see where it goes, so I'm including it on this list! Follows the story of the game but doesn't rewrite or include scenes from the game.
Can You Feel The Sun? - heartofsnark This one follows the story of the game and features a V named Aidan, the author's deaf OC. Top tier Johnny banter and dialogue in this one, and a super unique and fleshed out OC if that's your thing!
Feedback Loop - Cantique Covers the story of the game, also heavily features a V/Takemura romance. A classic for a reason! Also, there's a sequel.
Take Me Home - KettleBlack This one focuses more on River/V than Johnny/V, but still goes on this list for being EXCELLENT. This one really stuck with me and remains one of my all-time faves.
Do You Dream of Me? - ruruie If you've read my fic you know I am a SUCKER for dream tropes. This fic is a reimagining of the Devil ending and it absolutely ruined my life in the best way. Features a corpo V. Highly recommend!
The Rebel Path - elf_trash And last but hopefully not least, this one is mine!!! Covers the events of the game and beyond, including a rewrite of the endings and a fix-it. Features Vero, my street kid goblin daughter and has a Kerry/V romance arc as well. Very angsty, you've been warned.
Do yourself a favor and click on these links you won't regret it!!!
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
May or may not have cried while reading your 505 fic :’) bittersweet feelings aside, you did such an incredible job! I’m in love with everything you come up with :>
Hey there, nonny!
You're absolutely right that 505 is an amazing piece of fic and just downright beautifully written.
But I think some wires got crossed, cause I'm not the big brained genius who crafted it. I just recommended it and got inspired by it.
The person who deserves all the praise and compliments, who you and everyone reading this should check out is @skippygiraffee also known as Ruruie on ao3, they're an absolutely phenomenal writer and a sweet bean, so please go give them the love!
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ao3feed-silverv · 2 years
One Last Cafe
https://ift.tt/WPqNazF ruruie
by ruruie
Johnny finds out that his favorite restaurant is still open, and makes V drive him to eat at the Rainforest Cafe.
  set in the One Last Gig/No Exit Universe, but can be read as a weird one shot if so desired
Words: 6005, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Afterparty
Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Johnny Silverhand, V (Cyberpunk 2077), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Johnny Silverhand/V
Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, this is literally Johnny going ape shit for the Rainforest Cafe, set in the universe for my V and OC because like I love them, it's literally Johnny at the Rainforest Cafe, i'm not sure what to tag this as, Rainforest Cafe, Johnny is probably slightly ooc but also not
from AO3 works tagged 'Johnny Silverhand/V' https://ift.tt/WPqNazF via IFTTT
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