theminecraftbee · 2 months
come over to gems stream, joe is building etho
THERE ARE SO MANY STREAMS. i honestly hope at least one hermit edits all of these into like... supercuts that follow specific hermits or a video or something. or maybe someone who knows video editing can make a fun supercut of all of this or something. because like i've ended up sticking to iskall's stream! because i got dizzy trying to switch to follow people and this is kind of atrocious! but it's SUCH GOOD FODDER for edited video later,
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is-the-post-reliable · 8 months
what if for aprils fools day you rated posts by relatibility.
i am once again pulled between wanting to be a serious source of information that people can trust and also wanting to be a little bit silly on the internet
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zedif-y · 5 months
For the ask game, candle?
"Why're you awake?" Bdubs yawns, reaching a hand out from under the sheets. "C'mere. Go back to sleep."
Impulse complies without a word, pliant and soft between Bdubs' arms, melting back into his grasp. But something in Bdubs stirs at the silence, and in the warmth of the candlelight—
"Honey," Impulse's voice is low, rumbling in his chest. "I think we need to talk."
(Drop a word in my inbox and I’ll write three sentences paragraphs of a fic based on it)
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anti-terf-posts · 2 months
not trans but this blog is excellent, thank you for running it!
aww thank you! :D
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skizz shouldn’t be in iBuy
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suggested by @russetfoxfur
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making-mcyts-drown · 24 days
I hope you enjoy seeing them drown
Sometimes you get bored and end up asking a bunch of where-is and is-everywhere accounts to make mcyts drown and making a whole side blog of just reblogging it.
You can send an ask if you want an specific mcyt drowning, I'll make it when I have the time!
Here's my permit to drown people just in case the police arrive, careful though- It is very wet:
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[credits to: @russetfoxfur ]
Also credits for my mc skin to @flebdoodle ! Go give them some love, they are doing cute art commissions!
For the people wondering:
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Mcyt drowning -> #drowned
Not mcyt drowning -> #not a drowned
And sadly... -> #failed drown
Also- This because apparently that happened -> #fish invasion
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wc-confessions · 1 year
Ngl I hate warrior cats with a burning firey passion but the bonefall rewrite and russetfoxfur's Cursed Flames on AO3 has sucked me into making a warrior cats fanfic and im quivering with rage.
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kingmystrie · 1 year
Warrior Cats Rewrites / AUs I Might Do.
Spottedleaf's Survival
Title change: The story reflects Spotted's recovery from Thistleclaw's grooming and how Spotted and Blue have to carve their way out of Thunderclan's toxic insular culture so that Spotted can be recognized as having survived a terrible thing
Thistle gets banished
Bluestar actively prevents Spottedpaw from getting taken advantage of
Bluestar is the one to get Thistleclaw banished
Mosskit lives
Spottedleaf and Bluestar becoming leader and medicine cat isn't just out of survival, but out of passion to try and lead Thunderclan into a better future.
Emphasis on Spottedleaf having trauma and how she copes with it
Story is also used to explain how Thunderclan goes from war-mongering to the 'noble' clan
Mapleshade's Era
Title change: In this au Mapleshade doesn't lose her kits, at least not so quickly/all of them and Mapleshade becomes a much, much more influential figure.
More emphasis on Maple's kits
I want for Patchkit to survive (might change my mind)
Mapleshade is an abusive parent/partner, neglectful to her kid's physical safety and emotionally neglectful to Appledusk while they were together and emotionally manipulative to her second mate.
Mapleshade gets a second mate after Appledusk
Appledusk gets more characterization other than the basic "chooses clan over mate"
Appledusk still isn't evil but he isn't as enthusiastic about Mapleshade having kits as he is in the actual story
Multiple POVs
Frecklewish is meaner towards Mapleshade (thank you russetfoxfur for putting evil but sympathetic Frecklewish in my head)
Perchpaw gets to be even more of a hero
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funky-fox-fics · 8 months
Hello! I’m Russet, I go by she/her. My AO3 is right here, russetfoxfur. I’ll reblog any writing-related posts, but check over here for any new fics I post; those’ll be announced here too!
My main tumblr is @russetfoxfur. Full permission for transformative works (such as podfics, inspired fics, and fic fanart). However, I strongly oppose feeding my works to AI. I’m in the Hermitcraft, Life Series, Sky: COTL, Honkai: Star Rail, and Warrior Cats fandoms, though I mostly write for Hermitcraft.
Tags masterpost:
#russet reblogs: any reblogs that I make.
#russet’s writing: anything I write.
#russet’s resources: writing tools, masterposts, or rules I want to revisit.
#stories i did not write: sometimes, I reblog fics that were made by someone else. Those go here.
#russet responds: any asks I answer.
Finally, while reblogs are much appreciated and encouraged, I’d rather you leave any long or detailed comments on my ao3, so that it’s easier for me to respond!
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
for the ask game, 🐝: The Space Between The Stars
ooooh a fancy one. a fancy one INDEED. what about...
In which Pearl lies back, looks at the sky, and traces each life she's lived in the constellations that are missing.
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
1, 6, 16, 24 for the ask game
oh gosh that's a lot at once!
1. Where do you write? (notes app, Google Drive, word, a notebook, directly onto ao3, another word processor, etc.)
it depends! for most of my tumblr ficlets, i wrote them directly into the tumblr text editor, stream-of-consciousness style. for longer fics, it depends on where i started writing them; if i started writing them away from home, there's a chance it was in google docs, but if i started writing it at home and ESPECIALLY if it's a longfic, i probably wrote it in scrivner.
6. Do you like using the mcyt multiverse as a concept? (all SMPS and MC content exists in the same universe)
this is also an "it depends"; sometimes it serves the story and sometimes it doesn't! i kind of pick and choose what smps are canon to a given character/story based on what is or isn't useful to use. this is probably most evident in my handling of the life series; you can probably find an about equal number of fics where hermitcraft and/or empires are fully canon to them, where i treat them as sort of a separate lives deal, or i treat the life series as its own thing on its own. it's just... what works best for me in the moment, really!
16.What do you think is the signature aspect of your work? What do you think readers see and go "Ah of course! [Writer] made this!"
two or more people have a Very Emotional Conversation about either grief, what it means to be human, or survival despite the odds, and also there is surrealist body horror. this is me being facetious but i think it's definitely a combination of "the very specific way i write dialogue and emotional climaxes" and "certain key themes i tend to write a lot" and "also a certain flavor of body horror tends to be a giveaway if it happens to be present".
24.What work would you like to talk more about?
GOOD QUESTION. right now honestly, in deference to saint george! however i acknowledge that one's my ow so it has a much narrower audience, lol. also maybe at this specific moment solving counting sheep? but that's also just recency bias.
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
best comment you’ve ever received. alternatively, strangest experience (good or bad) you’ve ever had
gosh, i don't know what to say for "best comment i've ever received"; i've gotten a lot of really good comments! my favorite comments tend to be ones that like, engage with the writing though? like, that pick out specific things that happened and talk about them. as for strangest experience... that one's also hard? if only because my current top-of-the-head answer isn't something i want to talk about publicly, since it involves other people and i don't want to potentially hurt their privacy.
i guess i'll split the difference and mention a weird bookmark i got at one point? i still laugh that someone has black box bookmarked with a comment along the lines of "this was me in lockdown". to this day i wonder if that guy is like, okay,
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zedif-y · 2 months
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zedif-y · 8 months
🐑: Psychological Horro, Body Horror, Ghosts, Almost Everyone Dies, Unhappy Ending, the tunnels
OOHHHH! i thought of a sort of GIGS phasmo-inspired situation gone wrong for this one :]
There's something wrong with the tunnels. Something about the way it twists, turns, loops back around. Something about the way Impulse is right where he began, right where the others aren't, right where he needs to be to hear them scream but nowhere close enough to actually help. Something about the way time feels suspended, here. They were only supposed to investigate. There was only supposed to be a ghost. He hasn't seen his team in... (weeks, months, years—) Something creeps out from the edge of his vision. Impulse whips around, his flashlight flickering, a strained buzzing in his ears. "Scar?" He asks, though he wishes he hadn't. The figure doesn't respond. This is not his friend. Honestly, Impulse thinks, half-delirious with fear. I should've just stayed home.
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zedif-y · 9 months
favorite decked out cubby room
OH i don't Think i've seen all of them... but. i really really like etho's . it's so!! nostalgic!! and i just love it so much . it takes me back and it looks amazing too
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zedif-y · 3 months
🎀 (we are moots :D)
🌠 (we are both obsessed w hermzits)
🌙 (raw impulse right)
💙 (best zed blogger ever)
🎼 (how do you write impulse so well i am so jealous it's like you took that man out of the screen and dropped him into ao3)
☀️ (i now ship rendaph and impdubs because of you)
🌈 (raw impulse right)
you keep my typo out of ur mouth . (/SILLY XJDNDNF)
but OMG??? OMG,,, i cant believe i got someone to ship rendaph , thats so !! i'm so happy!! JDBDBD
thank u so much for the impulse compliment btw 🥺 i take pride in my characterizations so it means a lot to me that you like how i write him!
ur awesome<33
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