#russia must finally pay for it`s crimes
lady-nightmare · 2 years
The Russian commander had no mercy. The recording has been revealed
After the liberation of Izium from the Russian occupation, the Ukrainians found hundreds of graves, including mass graves in the suburban forest. The bodies of the killed soldiers and civilians bore traces of torture. The Russians had no mercy - they also killed seniors and children. Investigative journalists have obtained a recording which clearly shows that a high-ranking Russian military officer, the commander of the unit, stabbed an elderly Ukrainian woman with his own hands. There is to be an investigation into the matter.
Half a year of the Russian occupation of Izium meant mass executions and torture by the Russian army. Journalists from the "Schematy" investigative project, affiliated with Radio Free Europe, spoke to local volunteers who collected the bodies of the dead throughout the city and buried them in the forest. Among the buried there are both soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and civilians. Some of the bodies bear traces of torture.
"Schema" determined which brigades of the Russian army were stationed in Izium, which served as a kind of control center for the units of the Russian Federation. In addition, journalists received from one of the intelligence units exclusive recordings of intercepted conversations of the Russian military, in which soldiers discuss the murder of civilians in the Kharkiv region.
One of such conversations is the one of September 30, after the city was liberated from the occupiers. The Russian air defense soldier was talking to his friend at the time. "Schemes" identified a military man and determined the unit in which he served.
“The brigadier general didn't say that the whole retreat was intentional. He didn't say where we were going. It turned out that the next day he reported to the army that the anti-aircraft guns had failed, he did not mention the losses at all, although he knew them. The liaison officers burned all the equipment, there was no communication with the brigade - says the soldier, reporting the withdrawal of the Russians from Izium.
This soldier is Oleg Hasilin. He is a professional military man, a graduate of the Higher School of Air Defense Forces. He serves in the 27th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade - although it has the word "Sevastopol" in its name, it is stationed in the village of Mosrentgen in the Novomosk district.
In the same conversation, the soldier also talks about how his superiors, officers, massacred civilians.
(Officer - ed.) was drunk, it was the evening of the 25th, the battalion commander came for him with a group to evacuate (residents - ed.). An elderly man and woman came out. The man was shot by this battalion commander, and the officer, our boss, stabbed the woman to death," says Hasilin.
Sergei Safronov: The Russian colonel who stabbed a woman According to Schematy, the commander of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade is Colonel Sergei Safonov.
The audio recording shows that an investigation is probably underway in Russia into Safonov's alleged involvement in the murder of a civilian inhabitant of the Kharkiv region.
The Russian service of Radio Liberty turned to several friends and former associates of Safonov, with whom he appears together in joint photos on social media. Journalists asked them if they knew anything about the alleged murder. None of them expressed surprise or denied the fact that the investigation had been initiated.
Sergei Safonov's mother read the questions of journalists on the Odnoklassniki social network, but did not answer them, finally closing her profile.
The colonel's wife answered the phone, but when she heard that the question was about her husband, she said goodbye and hung up. The Main Military Investigation Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Main Military Prosecutor's Office did not respond to editorial requests to confirm or refuse to launch an investigation into the Safonov case.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
On The Shadow’s “new” backstory
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Poke around any discussion of The Shadow and the movie in particular and you’re gonna find a lot of contention regarding the movie’s biggest shift from the source material, that was inventing a whole new backstory for the character where, prior to being The Shadow, he used to be a murderous warlord on Tibet who was kidnapped by monks and forced to undergo redemption and put his skills to fight evil. 
It was not a popular decision at the time, to put it mildly. It didn’t do anything to improve the film (that text crawl really shoots the entire film in the foot), it soured a lot of fan opinions on the whole thing, and yet it’s become such a fixture of every story told with the character since then, that odds are most people think this is just what he always like, that this lip-service about redemption and being a former bastard turned hero was always what the character “was about”. 
I have some complicated thoughts on it and how it’s affecte Shadow stories since then, most of whom are negative, but the thing is, I get where it’s coming from. I get why they felt the need to change his origin like that, and why it’s stuck around. 
In the pulps, The Shadow’s backstory was, to sum it up, that he was a spy who went to war, learned a lot of skills and did a lot of things, and then pivoted to fighting crime in the late thirties. That was the backstory of most 30s American pulp heroes, actually, give or take a couple of differences. And for a pulp hero, it works. But modern audiences have been taught to expect more.
The movie, in trying to repackage the character for a modern audience, in turning The Shadow into a superhero so he could survive in a 90s blockbuster landscape, needed an appropriately punchy superhero backstory. Superhero backstories tend to be, in general, all about a dramatic hook that simplifies their motivations, powerset or life stories into a one-sentence pitch. Batman lost his parents in a brutal mugging as a child and swore to stop that from happening to others. Spider-Man’s uncle died because of his irresponsibility. Ben Grimm gained superpowers from space rays like his friends, except he got turned into a deformed rock monster who can never look normal again. Bruce Banner got caught in an atomic blast that made him into an unkillable rage monster. A dramatic transgression happened, they must correct it by becoming dramatic figures themselves.
They’ve made 3 John Wick movies with little more motivation to the central character other than “they killed his dog in the first movie”. That’s not a dismissal, it’s just effective storytelling. We don’t need more motivation for John Wick, we don’t need Batman flashbacks in every film, we get a one-sentence hook for a tangible, grounded motivation that lets the characters hit the ground running. “Used to be a savage murderous warlord, now applies said savagery to killing criminals” is a simple, easily understood pitch that’s considerably more dramatic than his former backstory. It works as a superhero backstory, and you can argue it’s even somewhat thematically fitting, since “a villain who turns evil against evil” has been part of The Shadow’s concept from day one. 
So what’s the problem with it?
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Well, for one, The Shadow is not a superhero. He doesn’t look like them, he doesn’t act like them, he doesn’t live in their world. They can try and turn him into one, and they have done that several times, but the character’s core traits, central appeal and identity are not only considerably older than the superhero, they run directly counter to what defines a superhero. The movie that tried turning him into a superhero was a box office and critical failure, and the Dynamite comics have largely just succeeded at keeping the character in the fringes of the public eye and nothing more. If turning The Shadow into a superhero was intended to revitalize his success to modern audiences, it clearly hasn’t worked in over two decades, despite superheroes being more popular than ever before. It’s kept him on little more than life support.
And two, one of the very problems of trying to turn The Shadow into a superhero, and give him an ultra-dramatic superhero backstory pitch, is because it runs counter to a cornerstone of The Shadow’s appeal: the mystery. Superheroes have to pull double duty in being both the impressive, great warriors and forces of change within a story, as well as being our relatable, POV protagonist whose struggles we relate to. The Shadow, in the pulps, split that balance, between himself, and the agents and protagonists of any given Shadow story. @oldschoolcrimefighters  has brilliant writings on The Shadow and his agents that inspired me to do this blog in the first place and you should all read, and I’m going to quote this one in particular: 
“..modern storytelling focuses more on characterization rather than plot. I think a lot of creators come at The Shadow with that in mind, and with a mindset built on other comics and properties: the titular character is the one to focus on. And the radio show, movie(s), and comics – the most readily available mediums for research – don’t do much to disabuse them of this idea.
So creators shine the spotlight on The Shadow. They try to humanize him, make him into someone we the readers will empathize with and relate to and root for and all that jazz. They give him motivations and backstories and banter, a token romantic interest (Margo) and sometimes sidekick (usually Moe) to bounce exposition off of and provide comic relief. 
The Shadow doesn’t take kindly to spotlights. And even if he did, let’s be real, he’s not the most relatable dude. He’s a power fantasy. (And there’s nothing wrong with that.)
Whether or not he should be humanized at all is a touchy subject – I personally think the pulps portray him as a far more empathetic, fallible, playful being than people give them credit for. The thing is, when the pulps humanize him, it’s in a particular context. It’s in his relationships with other characters – especially the supporting cast – that his humanity shines.”
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And that brings to the third problem: The Shadow doesn’t need a backstory that takes up so much screentime and focus. It has never factored into what made the character popular in his prime. In the pulps, we jumped right into his presence in the lives of others and his adventures, with only very sparse information about his past delivered every couple dozen books or so. It took over 131 novels for the name “Kent Allard” to even show up with a “proper” backstory, and even then, it consisted of little more than stuff we’d already been told prior about him (he was in the war, he used to be a spy, he traveled around the world with false names). And after a couple dozen stories, Kent Allard appeared less and less, about as often as the fake identity of Henry Arnaud, to the point the final Gibson stories omit him all together and even point to Lamont Cranston as the “true” identity of The Shadow. Kent Allard was just a name he went by a few times, and nothing more.
The most popular version of the character by far, the radio show, didn’t even have that. We knew nothing about the radio Shadow’s backstory other than some of his travels in the past he’d mention on certain episodes and what the opening narration told you. He was our POV protagonist in those episodes far more so in the pulps, and yet, clearly they must have been doing something right, if audiences never once missed the fact that they knew next to nothing about who he used to be before.
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The very reason The Shadow became a character in the first place was because of popularity. It was because listeners tuning in to Detective Story Hour found themselves faced with the sibilant, cruel, snake-like whispery taunts of a narrator who talked and acted like no one they had heard announce other radio shows, who was easily the most interesting part of the shows he announced, and whose voice and personality held them in such fascination, even when he was literally nothing but a voice and a personality, that they started demanding to hear more of him, asking for stories starring this dark prince of radio that lived so vividly in their brains, that they didn’t notice, or care, that such stories about him didn’t exist yet. 
And when he was turned into a crimefighting character, his backstory was built in a way that allowed Gibson and any future writers to play around with and insert events and adventures as they saw fit. His adventures with the Tsar in Russia, his travels to India, Africa, Tibet, his war experiences, unrecorded adventures with allies and agents and villains of any kind, his post-war travels as Kent Allard, whatever happened in the years between his crash in the Yucatan and his arrival in America. Hell, if you want to have a period where he really loses it and does immoral things he isn’t proud of, there’s any number of periods you can insert mistakes and bad decisions that would define his actions years down the lane. It was a sandbox of any possibilities, grounded to a strong character who we could follow into any adventure because we’d be interested in learning more about him. 
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A good backstory helps, and The Shadow’s motivation was grounded to it, but it was never a necessary component to his popularity. It was never something that needed much focus beyond the sparse information. When handled poorly, a backstory only really threatens to taint that appeal, and that’s what happened.
The “hook” that got audiences to pay attention to The Shadow was his sinister personality and charismatic cruelty. That was what they came for. What got them to stay, and read the stories and form lifelong devotions to the character and his adventures, was discovering that this personality belonged to a character who was, utterly, on the side of good, who used his skills and powers of great villainy to protect innocents, to help and uplift people just like the readers and listeners. That dual nature was a big part of why The Shadow was so enduring and popular in his prime, part of what set him apart from all of his contemporaries and imitators. 
It’s hardly much of a contrast, hardly much of a fascinating and layered character that we want to learn about or spend time with, if he was just always a horrible villain who is only marginally less horrible now, is it? A Shadow who used to be every bit the horrible villain he looks and acts like isn’t really that interesting, it’s just what you’d expect from him at first glance. What’s the point of caring about a man trying to regain his humanity, if we never get to see much of that humanity in the first place? What’s the point of even going into his past if we know all about it?
What’s the point of taking this backstory that was all about open possibilities for storytellers, all about covering the intricate life of a complex and strong character, to reduce it into a quick, punchy one-sentence summation that simply sets down a baseline for all future stories to repeat ad nauseum?
It’s not that I don’t think you can tell stories about The Shadow’s backstory, quite the opposite. It’s not that I don’t think the character having a strong “hook” for audiences is unneccessary (he already has). And it’s not that I don’t think he needs a motivation (he already has). But I have to ask:
What’s the point of shining a spotlight on a shadow, if not to eliminate it?
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Headcanons for Chisaki/Chrono/Setsuno/Mimic and Nemoto ? ♥ Like his S/O is from another state, let's say Russia and he is about meet his s/o 's family. When, he comes there, he realizes that his s/o's parents are well-known assassins for the yakuza and other mafias. And he tries to stay calm, but when they are having the family dinner, he says " well, tell me about your assasianations. ". And so, they explained situation, about them. But, even the S/O didn't know.
(Public Service Announcement: Not only am I baby, but I’m also a dumb bish! This ask was clearly explained to me but I still don’t fully get it. Out of fear of messing it up, I shifted it around. My apologies!)
~Russian Assassin S/O family~
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-Honestly he couldn’t even tell you were from Russia to begin with. He couldn’t base it off your (s/c) skin alone because sometimes there more to it than that. He can’t deny it once your parents call one day and you begin speaking full Russian, flawlessly. He begins to think ‘What the Hell?! Am I dreaming???’ until you explain to him that they’ve requested to meet him. For a little bit, he doesn’t want to go because it’s a new place and that meant new germs to possibly take on. However, he knew this day would come eventually so he went ahead and agreed to making the trip with you.
-You two made it safely, and that wasn’t the issue. The issue came when you entered the home and Kai saw your parents. He was luckily wearing a mask to hide the way his mouth popped open. However, he can’t really hide the surprise in his eyes. Your parents kept the same happy demeanor despite recognizing his face and association to the Hassaikai through files. “Please come! We’re having a lovely dinner complete with Borscht!” Your mom ushered for you two to follow her into the kitchen. Your dad closed the front door and trailed behind you two, keeping a close eye on Chisaki’s back.
-Halfway through dinner, Kai decided to make a bold move to show he had the upper hand on them. “I felt as though I recognized you two. I’m sure you know who I am and what I’m affiliated with.” You tilted your head in confusion as Kai spoke. Your parents happy demeanor never left there face. Suddenly your mom nodded and replied with a smile. “Of course we do...Kai Chisaki. Young ward of the Shie Hassaikai in Japan.” Your jaw dropped and you shot a look of worry to Kai. He simply lifted his gloved hand and gently rubbed your head. “Perhaps you won’t mind some dinner story time. Tell me about your assassinations.” 
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-Hari always felt like you were from somewhere else. It wasn’t the broken Japanese (unless you’re fluent..then just ignore that part), but it was your mannerisms that made you seem so foreign to him. He finally nailed it when he looked through some of your old photos. “Russia eh? Pretty damn cool if you ask me. Hey, what about you take me to meet your family? Please???” He convinced you to go...plus you missed home so of course you agreed!
-From the moment you made it to Russia, Kurono has been staring very intently on your parents as if there was a threat present. Meanwhile your mom showed you old baby stuff she had collected from your past, and your father chopped wood in the backyard until dinner was done. Kurono kept his serious and speculative demeanor as you traveled to the kitchen together and took you seats at the dinner table. 
- It hadn’t even been a full 5 minutes at the dinner table when he suddenly spoke up. “With all due respect, let’s cut the shit here. I know you guys and I know what you do. Let’s hear about that instead of the boring crap.” While your parents started spouting off mission experiences, you were the only one that felt left in the dark. You had no idea!!!
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-Toya was nervous from the moment he woke, to the moment he got out of the shower and got dressed, to the moment you boarded your flight. “Toya baby, please calm down.” You gently placed your hand on his shaking arm. “Calm down? What makes you think I’m not calm heh heh.” He tried to nervously laugh it off. “Oh I don’t know. Maybe the way you’re shaking right now, or maybe the way you downed 7 packs of peanuts since we’ve been on the flight.”
-Toya could feel his blood run cold for a second when he saw your parent’s. Part of this was because he was nervous about meeting them for the first time, and the other part was because they were well known professional assassins throughout the crime world. Why would you have kept this from him?! He looked at you expectantly and realization set in when he noticed the way you carelessly played cards with your dad. You must not have known this??? “Dinner's ready!” Your mother called out from the kitchen.
-”Uhm...Are you guys...I mean, you guys are definitely assassins. I apologize, but I would like to tell y/n about this too since they seemed to not know it.” Setsuno spoke up. You dropped your fork and did a double take. “I’m sorry...WHAT?!?!” You freaked out while your parents laughed carelessly. “I guess if we told you the Easter bunny wasn’t real, it was about time to tell you thr truth about us too!” You mom spoke cheerfully. 
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-”Irinaka what are you wearing?” You tried to hold back a laugh from him. Mimic was currently in his full form wearing a tacky orange and green suit while nervously combing his hair in the hotel mirror. “Irinaka, just be comfortable. That’s the 5th suit I saw you pull out and try on. My parents aren’t going to care how you look. They care about what type of person you are.” You reassured him. “Yeah babe, I know. I just tryin to make a good impression on em.” Irinaka shifted himself to look at you over his shoulder. He noticed you were wearing a plain T-Shirt from your favorite show/movie, a pair of comfy pants, and you favorite old shoes. You were simple and comfy, so maybe he could be too?
-Mimic tapped his feet nervously while you chatted with your parent about Japan life. They were assassins...they were famous assassins. They could probably kill him 40 different ways with one blade of grass. They were either against the yakuza or with them depending on whatever side payed the most for their services...and now he was literally face to face with them. Normally he was braver but there was something terribly chilling the way they pretended as if nothing was wrong.
-Mimic seemed to become more like his normal annoyed self while your dad prattled on at the table about the winter this year. Your mom smiled and worked on a crossword puzzle, dipping her spoon into her bowl to eat every once in the while. You joked along with them until Mimic slammed his fork onto the table and glared in annoyance. “Cut it out with all the small talk and let’s hear about those assassinations instead.” You stared at him in confusion. Had he gone crazy? “Oh alright! I suppose it was getting a little boring here.” Your mom giggled. You then looked at her in confusion instead. Had SHE gone crazy!?!? Seems like you learned a new thing today.
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~Shin Nemouto~
-Nemouto knew you were from Russia from the start. You two had really no secrets between each other. It was a comforting thing too! Therefore, he had plenty of time to prepare himself before the day came that you asked him to come meet your parents. Shin jumped on the offer and you two were off to Russia in a heartbeat (or as fast as the plane could carry).
-After being in the house with your parents for a while, your parents went into the kitchen to set the table and finish dinner preparations. Meanwhile, Nemouto excused himself to speak privately with you. He asked you multiple weird questions but you managed to answer them to best of your knowledge. Shin knew you were telling the truth but one last time he chose to use his quirk for a single question. “Y/N, have you been hiding your parents work from me?” He asked. Without hesitation you answered him. “No, I wouldn’t hide anything. My mom designs blankets and quilts downtown, and my father works at a local mine.” Perhaps, you didn’t know? “Time for dinner you two!” Your father called out. Nemouto kept his guard up as he entered the kitchen with you.
-Nemouto hadn’t hesitated to straight up use his quirk (as he usually did when he wasn’t sure about something). He really didn’t have to! Turns out your parents are open books when it comes to this stuff involving you and him now. Besides, they had dirt on him being a part of a criminal organization, and could get rid of him any time they pleased. Aside from that, they spent at least 30 minutes apologizing to you about never telling you this stuff. 
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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mr-plague-doctor · 4 years
A brief survival guide to the mania forest
Chapter one: the hanging tree
I'm a park ranger covering a large bit of woodland in rural Russia near a town where only populated by scientists on behalf of the organization I work for. They study strange things found in the world. You've probably never heard of the woodland nor the organization as both of them are put under wraps by the organization itself but that's a story for a different time. So I will make a large amount of these posts to give advice if you find your in the woods. 
Now you may be wondering what the hanging tree is. Well it isn't hard to miss as it is the largest tree in the forest, the wood is much darker than the rest of the rest of the trees, not to mention the gallow attached to the base of the tree. Now if you end up seeing this tree whatever you do never disturb it. Don't touch it, don't even pluck a leaf from a branch.
 If you do, hell has no worse than what you have in store for the next few hours of your life. For around an hour after nothing much should happen, for the next hour after that a boy should start appearing in the corner of your eye, you will know he is there but you won't be able to see him directly. The "fun" will start during the third hour. You will start to hear distant screams of pain but you will never be able to pinpoint the direction. Over the course of 3 more hours the screams will come closer and closer until they become nearly deafening.
Then an hour after that (7th hour for those not paying attention) the screams will stop and not even the birds in the trees will make a noise. Then the visions start. For 2 hour you will see people you've wronged in your life in your eyes. All of which will circle you and start laughing.
 The worse the crimes the louder and more demonic the laughter. Then after 2 hours the visions will part and drag you to the gallows. After your head is wrapped in the rope. Well you can make that assumption on your own to what happens after that. There is one more strange thing.
Only the people that touched the tree see and hear the trees demonic doings. Too others your going insane for no good reason. When the visions drag you to the gallows, the only thing that others will see is you walking toward the tree. Putting your head through the rope. And jumping off the platform. With how many people this tree has killed, it may be the powersource to all the strange animals, happenings and items found in the forest. How this happens. Well that isn't my job to determine. That job goes to the men, women and creatures at the organization.
Happy travels my friends. Sleep well.
Chapter two: the unknown
Among the terrible objects and creatures of the mania forest there is the unknown. No one quite knows what it is. I'm not even sure what it is. While wandering the forest there is a clearing. This clearing is different then most other parts of the forest. All the grass in this clearing is dead. As soon as you walk in the clearing you will have a strong feeling to walk toward the middle.
 Oh yeah, I forgot to say. There is a small stone pillar with a button on it. While walking toward the pillar loud music will start to play. Of course like most things in this fucking forest, it messes with your mind first. Though most of the other stuff in the forest does it for torturous glee but in this, things seem to use people's emotions as food. Though I'm getting ahead of myself. While walking to the pillar, music, bla bla bla, but the music played is that which reminds the person of their worst memory. For instance we had a test subject say that they witnessed a woman being drugged at a rock concert and did nothing about it. Now he said the music that starter was the song that was playing at the time he witnessed the drugging. As you get to the halfway point you will start to smell the place your memory takes place in. The man who witnessed the drugging said he started to smell sweat and whiskey. The exact same smell the rock show had that night. And finally when you reach the pillar, well you go, catatonic. The subject spoke that he saw the image. Over and over again. And he "woke up" so to say when one of our staff found him. There is nothing visibly dangerous about the clearing. Just make sure you have someone to wake you up. There have been cases where people have died of dehydration, or have been eaten by animals while catatonic.
Happy travels my friends. Sleep well.
A brief survival guide to the mania forest- chapter 3, the fungi forest 
Well, There are a very large number of creatures in this forest, from fearsome predators, to meek prey praying that they can make it out of this hell hole. Well, this is not a creature, an item, nor a building, but instead a place. Me and the other rangers can this place the fungi forest. While it sounds like a subsection of the forest, yet no, it's a cave full of mushrooms. Well actually it's a little more than just that. Well there is nothing supernatural about the caves. We were told that an asteroid containing life hit earth and made a cave which millions of years later is now a massive cavern which is full of life. I may make a whole different survival guide only for the forest as it is gargantuan in size, so big that it has its own ocean, which also might need its own guide. I just wanted to mention it here so if i make a separate guide for it the guide will give it some context. Though I will give you one thing. Somewhere in what we call the shroom ocean. There is a thing we call the saw tooth. It is an unbelievably massive creature that feeds on the mushrooms in water. Now you may ask why, well the mushrooms are about 5 meters tall each. So just a few is enough to satisfy the massive creature. It also gets its name from the awful noise it makes. The beast sounds like a heavily distorted saw.. And if you hear a large saw rapidly approaching. Well, pray to every god you know. You’ll need it
Happy travels my friends. Sleep well.
A brief survival guide to the mania forest. Chapter 4, the man with the mask
After a while, you start to get used to the forest. I mean once you learn about everything and how not to die, the job gets pretty easy. well , except for a few of the “things”. A few of the creatures of the woods can be described as `unpredictable”. While most things on the land are quite territory oriented, as in the stay mostly in the same area until provoked. There are others who wander, some whose methods or objectives are unknown. One of these minorities is something which we rangers call the man in the mask. It appears to be a african american male wearing attire which would fit a american soldier in World War two. But he's a modern gas mask. As creatures go “he” (for lack of a better word) is fairly new. Being that his first recorded appearance was in the late 80’s which coinsided with the murder of a world war two vetern which while not taking place in the woods but his body was hidden there. Also his killer was found later and was killed by the hanging tree when the cop found him. But anyway, his abilities.
It was found when the man travels a cloud of toxic gas follows. The gas is invisible and is nearly impossible to detect. The gas was found to be a match for a gas the Germans tested on american prisoners in WW2 but never got used in war. One of the prisoners who was tested was, well you can most likely guess that. Anyway, the gas itself seems to be acidic in nature. Only a few minutes after being exposed to it, your flesh will start to burn and after that your skin will well, start to melt off, But not always. There have been many cases of the man pulling out a gun and shooting someone, cases of the man strangling people, or just him leaving them alone. All of which have no pattern and are impossible to predict.
There have been attempts to kill the man, but all are unable to leave a scratch on him. A soldier once took a 50 caliber rifle into the woods and shot the man in the face. It left a massive hole in the man's head. But the hole filled itself back in. It was that day that the rangers found out, That it was not a mask on the man's face. But the gas mask is his face.so if you wander the forest and you see a man wearing a gas mask, run, there is a small chance you might make it out alive, it's always good to try
Happy travels my friends.sleep well
A brief survival guide to the mania forest. Chapter 5, the scorched king
There are things in the forest known as kings in the forest. In fact they are vital to the sorting system of things in the forest. These kings are normally some sort of animal, and they have territory in the forest, what makes them kings is that one, they are apex predators, two they have only one section of forest, and three they are so powerful that they can’t be killed with anything short of a nuke. This territory split the forest up into sections. Today I will be talking about one of the more notable kings. The scorched king, actually the scorched king is a species in the part of the forest known as the scorch. The name of the creatures is actually lava wolves, as they are wolves that have flaming fur. There is one wolf in particular that gets the title.
This wolf is one that is about the size of a full grown buffalo. Differently than the other wolves the king has a white fire while the other wolves have red fire. The scorched king earned its title after the fire on its body was found to be so hot that anything that touched, either turned to ash or melted. Making it impossible to kill it with any weapon we have now.
End of message
A brief survival guide to the mania forest. Chapter “final”, the hive mind
Hello people of this great internet. How are we today? Now I must apologize if you were enjoying these chapters. That idiot was ruining everything. Now I must warn you very briefly (pun very intended) there are more than just the “mania forest” as you humans call it. These places are known as hell holes. And they are very abundant. Using my influence I will let you know of all of them. But not to much of their creatures. We can’t have all out chaos if you know everything now can we. okay fine i will give you a brief description of myself, so when the world ends YOU KNOW WHAT TO SCREAM AT. I am a disease. My victims have blood red eyes, and mostly are catatonic. I can switch between forms but only one at a time. And I transmit via bite, so don’t get bit. Disease in the body of Richard H. Cooper. Signing off
Travel poorly. Sweet nightmares my sheep
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katrandomtiger · 7 years
Paper Spoons & Glass Knives
This is a Hitman: 76 and Detective Reyes enemies to friends to lovers deal.
The prequel
Read it on AO3
Flashpoint, Wyoming is an unknown, underfunded, and unimportant town with a very important purpose; tracking and eliminating hitmen.
For Senior Detective Reyes, his job was his life but after much failure and loss he’s burning out. That is, until the hitman that nearly claimed his life resurfaces in town. Now with the help of two rogues, Reyes and his international team must crack the biggest case of their lives and take down an empire before their reign becomes supreme.
Please excuse the information dump. The first few chapters contain a lot of information but once the main arc starts it should even out. I want y'all to know I started this in May, so yeah. A while ago. I’m excited.
This has nothing to do with the Hitmen video games or any other media, except for Bones, maybe. I just really like crime dramas.
There are a butt ton of background pairings but r76 is the main focus so I don’t wanna really flood the tags.
October 2nd, 207X – 09:00 - Flashpoint, Wyoming
‘Why does this shit always happen in the morning.’
Detective Reyes grumbled to himself as he ducked under the ‘do not cross’ tape and into a narrow alley. Graffiti and filth cover the walls and dumpsters that crowd the passage. The forensics team was nearly done cataloguing and bagging the area.
They’d gotten very well acquainted with this particular alley the last few weeks. This would be the third time this month that they’d been dragged out of the lab to pull a body out of the gutter. There was a fresh tag that looked suspiciously like something he’d seen doodled in the margins of Fawkes’s last report.
Dr. Zeigler looked to be finishing up her field exam on the victim with McCree standing by. All that was visible of the body was a blue arm.
“Who do we have here?” Reyes grumbled.
McCree whipped around and gave his partner a blinding smile before handing him a paper coffee cup. Reyes could forgive the sunshine-y morning attitude if he was being offered caffeine.
“Hitman under the call sign ‘Widowmaker’ aka. Amelie Lacroix. Went missing about two years ago after her debut performance as a prima ballerina in Paris, France. First confirmed kill was her husband Gerard Lacroix four months later. Put a bullet clean through his head from the roof of a building two blocks away.”
Reyes gave a low whistle as he crouched down next to Zeigler. Lacroix’s entire body was an odd shade of blue. The cause of the discoloration was unknow but it was a previously documented trait. What wasn’t documented were the extensive bruises and laceration decorating her corpse.
“Any idea of what happened?”
“It appears she was beaten to death, just like the others. Though it seems a little more violent than the last two,” Dr. Zeigler said, not bothering to face him as she pointed to a hand-shaped bruising on her neck, “Her gun was found covered in blood behind the dumpster.”
“They beat her with her own weapon? Yikes. Do we at least have finger prints this time,” Reyes asked as he stood back up and made his way over to the tarp full of evidence that had been set up.
“Don’t need them,” McCree drawled as he followed him over and picked up a small evidence bag. He hesitated before handing it over to his partner, “Killer left a calling card this time.”
The detective was quick to grab the bag. Inside was a plain cream colored card with a light smear of blood across the edge. Reyes turned the bag over slowly to reveal the seal of the United States Embassy with the number ‘76’ written across it in blood. His heart skipped.
“Yup, seems your old friend, 76, is back in town.”
Reyes closed his eyes and rubbed his side as memories of a handsome blond officer came rushing to him.
Why Ana had insisted on dragging him along to the Fireman’s Charity ball when she had a perfectly good mystery novelist that would willingly schmooze with Commissioner Adawe was beyond Gabriel. The only good thing about the night was free booze and a cute secretary that he had turning red just by winking at them.
It wasn’t until the last guest arrived that Gabriel started paying attention to the crowd.
Gold was the first word that popped into his mind as the man entered the room, quickly followed by broad and handsome. Gabriel shifted ever so slightly to watch as the new arrival effortlessly danced his way through the crowd, winding through politicians and flirting with every lady he passed until he seemed to disappear.
Ana giggled as she had watched Gabriel push his way into the crowd. He could almost hear the teasing remarks he would receive later as he finally spotted the man again.
To Gabriel’s surprise, and the councilman’s wife’s dismay, the man immediately turned to him and introduced himself as James Hendricks. The two hit it off instantly.
As the night drew on, Gabriel realized that James seemed familiar. He felt as though he’d seen the face before but brushed it off as being paranoid. James had mentioned something about being a part of the Omnic Crisis so perhaps they had met briefly in the field. Gabriel couldn’t really bring himself to care.
At some point, they had shuffled into a vacant room to continue a rather heated discussion about the final strike on the Omnium in Russia without startling some of the more ‘refined’ guests. Gabriel had said something about how omnic joints would freeze up during the battle when James was suddenly much closer than he had been.
Hands slid along his waist and Gabriel soon found himself pinned to the wall. Cold blue eyes boring into his before their lips met.
The rest of scene went by in a blur as Gabe swept his arms up to hook around James’s neck to pull him closer, only to accidently swipe his sleeve across his face.
The smear of foundation never fully came out of that jacket but then again, neither did the blood.
Reyes shook his head as he remembered how all the life had drained out of James’s eyes when the façade was cracked. In just a few second ‘James’ was replaced by a snarling mongrel with an oversized handgun.
Before Gabriel had any time to react a silenced gun was planted firmly in his ribs.
“Esparza sends his regards,” the hound growled before pulling the trigger and sending Gabriel to the ground. His head met the granite floor with an echoing crack, the last thing he registered was a shaking hand slipping a card into his breast pocket and uneven steps leaving the room.
The sight of the scars and dark rings he had accidentally uncovered under 76’s eye still haunted Gabriel’s dreams. It wasn’t until after he woke up in the hospital that he realize why ‘James Hendricks’ looked so familiar.
“Gabe, you ok?” Jesse asked, putting a hand on his partner’s shoulder and giving him a gentle shake.
“No,” he replied simply before placing the card in a box and turning to look over the other bits of evidence. Broken chunks of reinforced plastic and glass were scattered in bags across the ground, “What are these from?”
McCree shuffled around to the other side of the tarp and bent over to pull out a large chunk of the plastic, “This, my friend, is the headpiece that our victim used to snipe with. It magnifies and displaces images while also giving readouts on wind speed and other factors. Oxton found this piece smashed up beside the gun and smaller chunks behind a dumpster.”
“So 76 took her out on her terms? How the hell did he get her down from the roof?”
“That’s a real good question.”
Reyes stalked over to where Zeigler was and nabbed a pair of gloves from her belt. She swiped at him halfheartedly even as she helped Oxton hoist the body onto a stretcher and into the coroner’s van.
“I don’t know if we should arrest this guy or give him an award,” McCree mused as Reyes started picking through a dead bush near where the headpiece had been found, “I think he’s taken out more troublesome hitmen over the last two months then we have in the last year.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think taking out the competition counts as turning over a new leaf nor is it a sign of good intentions. Besides we haven’t fully connected him to last month’s body count.”
“You got me there,” McCree chuckled lightly. He turned and sauntered off to where Zeigler was starting to curse the outdated equipment she was forced to use. She didn’t seem to be having a good day either.  
Gabriel gave a noise of annoyance before turning back to the bush. All he was finding were more small chunks of plastic and assorted garbage.
“Hold on a minute- Oxton! Grab me an evidence bag, would you?”
“On it boss man!” she yelled, nearly causeing Angela to drop the stretchrt as she sprinted to the tarp, jumped over it, rolled, grabbed a bag, and sprinted the rest of the way over to him. He had to hold up an arm to shield his face from the gravel the younger officer kicked up, “Here you go!”
“Thanks. Next time, less theatrics, yeah?”
“No promises, sir,” she chirped before bouncing back over to help one of the techs start loading the evidence.
Reyes shook his head fondly before turning back to the bush and gently pulling out a receipt for a nearby grocery store. The time stamp was from the night before around ten.
“Alright people,” he shouted, calling attention from the circus act behind him, “I’ve got a lead. Lena, stay here and help them finish packing this up. Make sure you have everything photographed for Jamie and Winston to work with. Jesse, I want you to come with me.”
“Where are we headed to, partner?” Jesse asks as he trotted over to the tiny hovercar before squeezing into the passenger seat. He liked to joke that putting the both of them in there made it look like a clown car, especially when Gabe was having a bout of road rage.
“Kat’s Grocery Mart.”
“Oh?” Jesse hummed thoughtfully as he reclined into the worn fabric of the seat, “Used to go there all the time went I lived over here. Not the cheapest but they do have the best fresh produce in Flashpoint.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes as he glanced over to his partner. Leave it to Jesse to know everything about the grocery stores in this town, though Gabe supposed he had a pretty good reason. Jesse’s mother probably made him memorize every store location and layout where they lived so he could run errands for her during the day without having to worry about getting cornered by a rival gang.
Back when Jesse was a young and scrawny teenager, he ran with the Deadlock gang down in New Mexico. He bragged that he was their number one look out because of how good his aim and eyesight were. Gabe didn’t doubt it, especially after seeing Jesse land a shot on a suspect from a half a block away at a dead run.
And Jesse couldn’t run straight if his life depended on it.
Luckily for young Jesse, the owner of the restaurant the gang had been planning to hit was a very forgiving woman. Rita McCree had a criminal record bigger and older than most the boys in the Deadlock gang. Even if she hadn’t caught Jesse it was doubtful the gang would have been successful with their raid.
Rita caught Jesse scouting out her place and pulled him into the kitchen by the ear. She took him in, fed him, set him straight, and even adopted him. Mama McCree was a force to be reckoned with. She made sure nobody could mess with her boy.
Gabriel shuddered at the memory of her face when Jesse lost his arm when a police raid on the gang went wrong. He had his cuffs out just in case she decided to run off and demolish the gang with nothing but a cast iron skillet.
Gabriel tuned back into what was happening in the car only to find that his partner had started discussing the finer points of making chili with himself. A dorky grin was plastered across his face as he started imitating his ma.
“-and that is why we have spice warnings on the menus for even our mildest chilies,” Jesse said as they pulled into the parking lot, “Ma said she once had an old white guy try to tell her the apple pie was too spicy.”
Reyes snorted before heaving himself out the car door and into the store with Jesse close behind. The place looked well-kept, one of the cashiers greeted Jesse with a broad smile as they walked up to the customer service office and asked for the manager. They were escorted up the stairs and into a small cluster of offices where they kept the surveillance tapes.
“We need to see the footage from around 10:15 last night, register three,” Reyes told the man helping them, “I would also like to speak to the girl who was working last night if she’s here, need to know if she saw anything strange.”
The man gave him a dead look before nodding and shuffling out of the room. Gabriel glanced over at Jesse who rolled his eyes and said something along the lines of ‘service jobs do that’. Gabe shook his head and turned to the screens in front of him before hitting the play button.
Sure enough, two minutes into the feed a tall man with impossibly wide shoulders and graying blond hair wanders up to the register with a golden retriever at his side. Gabe notes that the man doesn’t seem to have an even gait and the dog is almost herding him to the conveyer belt. He responds to the cashier’s questions with a light smile before handing her the cash and turning to the door. The camera there catches a perfect picture of the man’s face.
Jesse sits quietly behind him. A knock on the table next to the stairs startles both officers away from the screen and to a young cashier who looks ready to cry.
“Mr. Edwards said you wanted to speak to me about something?” she managed to squeak.
Reyes looked over to his partner. McCree was better with kids then him.
“We just needed to ask you about a gentleman that came through your line last night, darlin’,” Jesse started, pointing at the image on the screen, “Did you notice anything strange about this man last night?”
“Mr. Morrison?” she said incredulously, “Is he ok? Did something happen? He seemed antsy last night but he said he was just meeting an old friend.”
“Wait, you know this man?” Gabe raised his eyebrows incredulously.
“Ye-yeah, he’s become one of our regulars. He started coming in about two months ago. He’s super nice and sometimes he’ll swap recipes with one of our office ladies. His service dog, Lucy, is a real sweetheart too. He lets us pet her sometimes.”
“How often does he come in?” Jesse asked before the detective could say anything.
“Every other day,” the cashier, Nicole, says, “He usually doesn’t come in so late but he told Matt, one of the stockers, that he had an unexpected visitor. Mentioned something about making her a surprise… Is he ok?”
The two officers exchange a look. Seems that 76’s visitor got their special surprise alright, but why? It was unusual for hitmen to go after each other and why was 76 hanging around in a grocery store of all places? Also, what was with the dog?
“Mr. Morrison is fine, we’ll need your contact information though, just in case something else comes up.” Reyes motioned for McCree to get it while he downloaded the footage.
After they questioned all the employees in the store about ‘Mr. Morrison’ they hopped back into their car and headed for the station. It seemed that no one had a bad thing to say about the man. The only complaint was from a particularly whiny deli clerk who didn’t like that service dogs were allowed in the store.
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” Jesse groaned once they arrived at the station.
“What did you expect? That a hitman of 76’s age and caliber would just fall right into our lap?” Gabriel snorted as they made their way down the hall. Satya gave them a curt nod as they passed the reception desk.
“Well when you put it that way,” Jesse said sheepishly as they got into the elevator.
“Going up?” called a voice from down the hall. A short woman in uniform turned around the corner swiftly.
“Chief Amari,” Jesse greeted enthusiastically, “get in here before Gabe gets the doors closed!”
“He better not close those doors or he’ll be on desk duty for the rest of the week.”
Reyes’s hand hovered by the button as he weighed his options. Ana stepped on before he could make a move and promptly shoved him into the wall before hitting the button for the forensic labs. Jesse laughed as Gabe steadied himself on the handrail.
“So,” Ana started as Gabriel straightened and pretended to dust off his jacket, “how’s the investigation going?”
“Better than we expected. Not only did the killer leave a calling card but he also left evidence that we traced back to a grocery store,” he said. The three stepped into the lab, Jesse immediately took the footage over to where Fawkes was having a heavily one sided conversation with one of the giant clean-up guys.
“I heard about the calling card. How are you doing?” Ana asked sympathetically.
“I’m fine. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“Gabe, I am not above sending you to talk to the psychologist. If it is too much tell me.”
Gabriel fixed her with a glare as she swept by him and into the lab where Lacroix’s body was already laid out and being prepped for autopsy. Angela was breezing back and forth between the tables with Winston close by. Even from a distance he could see the dark marks marring her otherwise flawless blue skin. Gabriel could only imagine the kind of beating she took to receive such marks.
Ana had a few words with the analysts before walking back to Gabriel and taking him to her office. The room was softly lit and smelled of tea. Pictures of Ana’s daughter and late husband dotted the shelves. Gabriel sank down into one of the armchairs as Ana rounded her desk and plopped into her chair.
“So Fareeha is coming home for the weekend next week and I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner.”
Gabriel blinked in surprise at the sudden change in topic, “Of course I want to come over and see my god daughter, what kind of question is that?”
Fareeha had just left in August for college in Colorado. With her gone everything had been almost unbearably quiet. It was almost like he’d lost another daughter…
Gabriel shook his head violently to rid himself of that train of thought. He didn’t need to have another breakdown in Ana’s office. The sad look she was giving him wasn’t helping though.
“Well I’m glad to hear that. Jesse and Reinhardt are coming too. I think Fareeha said something about bring one of her new friends up with her too.”
“Well I’m glad to know she’s making friends.”
Ana hummed in agreement, “She said she was having some difficulty but she started working for the school and met some very nice people. She loves it out there.”
They lapsed into a comfortable silence before the door violently swung open an a very disheveled McCree burst into the room. He was breathing hard and had a slightly crumpled letter in his hand. Both senior officers held their breath when they noticed the tears rolling down his face.
“Y-You didn’t,” he sniffled with a shaky smile.
Ana’s face broke into a broad grin as she hurried over to the sobbing cowboy and pulled him into a tight hug. Gabe grabbed the letter from his shaking hands and read it. He couldn’t help the pride that swelled in his chest as he threw an arm around Jesse’s shoulders.
“Good job, vaquero,” he said as he set the FBI acceptance letter down on the desk.
Who’s ready? I’m (not) ready!
Updates should be weekly but I’m in college so who really knows. The first 5 chapters have been pre-written so that should help.
If you ever need anything tagged, please tell me! Your feedback is very important to me!
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Mueller Report Exonerates President Trump [Weekly Update] Judicial Watch ^ | March 29, 2019 | Tom Fitton
Mueller Never Had a Good-Faith Basis to Pursue President Trump Did Deep State Cover Up Chinese Hack of Clinton Email System? Judicial Watch Sues to Find Out What Were Obama’s Spy Chiefs Telling the Media about Trump?
Mueller Never Had a Good-Faith Basis to Pursue President Trump
The fizzling out of the corrupt Mueller investigation is great victory for the rule of law and our constitutional republic. Here is the statement I issued in response Attorney General Barr’s initial summary of the special counsel’s report.
The long, national nightmare is over and President Trump has been vindicated. The corruptly-created and constitutionally abusive Mueller investigation failed to find any evidence to support the big lie that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.
We’re pleased that AG Barr rejected Mueller’s attempt to smear President Trump with obstruction of justice innuendo by concluding that no such charges could be credibly sustained. Frankly, Mueller never had a valid basis upon which to investigate President Trump for obstruction of justice.
Let’s be clear, neither Mueller, the Obama FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, nor the Deep State ever had a good-faith basis to pursue President Trump on Russia collusion. Russia collusion wasn’t just a hoax, it was criminal abuse, which is why Judicial Watch has fought and will continue to fight for Russiagate documents in federal court.
The targeting of President Trump served to protect Hillary Clinton and her enablers/co-conspirators in Obama administration from prosecution. Attorney General Barr can begin restoring the credibility of the Justice Department by finally initiating a thorough investigation of the Clinton emails and related pay-to-play scandals and the abuses behind the targeting of President Trump.
Judicial Watch has long called for the shutdown of the Mueller special counsel operation and has pursued dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits in connection with the illicit targeting and other abuses of President Trump. Judicial Watch FOIA litigation exposed, for example:
The dossier-based Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications targeting President Trump
FBI payments to Christopher Steele
FBI firing of Steele
Extensive DOJ (Ohr) collusion w/Steele, Simpson, Fusion GPS
No court hearings by defrauded FISA courts before warrants were issued
Anti-Trump bias by Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann
As you would expect, the Democrats are refusing to back down from their collusion lies. As I told the media this week, we must demand accountability for this attack on the Republic. Judicial Watch, not Congress nor the corrupt media, remains the best path forward for getting the full truth about the effort to overthrow President Trump, which is the worst corruption scandal in American history.
Did Deep State Cover Up Chinese Hack of Clinton Email System? Judicial Watch Sues to Find Out
Back in 2015, the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), an office under the Director of National Intelligence, discovered that Hillary Clinton’s emails werebeing sent to a state-owned Chinese company.
Bells went off, and the ICIG sent an emissary to the FBI to meet with Peter Strzok, who was later removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and fired from the FBI after his bias against President Trump was revealed. The FBI was being run at time by James Comey.
As you might imagine, nothing happened.
We want to know what was discussed at this meeting, and we are suing the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) for details.
We sued after the ODNI failed to respond adequately to a July 13, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request ( Judicial Watch Inc. vs Office of the Director of National Intelligence (No. 1:19-cv-00807)). We are seeking:
Any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to the meeting between Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) official Frank Rucker, ICIG attorney Jeanette Macmillian, former Federal Bureau of Investigation Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, and other[s] regarding security threats associated with the private e-mail server utilized by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
This request includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Any and all reports, notes, briefing materials, presentations, or similar records created in preparation for, during, and/or pursuant to the meeting.
Any and all related records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the ICIG and any other individual or entity.
For purposes of clarification, the meeting in question was referenced by Rep. Louis Gohmert during the testimony of Mr. Strzok at a House of Representatives hearing on July 12, 2018.
Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok that the ICIG reportedly found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list. It was a compartmentalized bit of information that was sending it to an unauthorized source.”
Gohmert said the ICIG presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information.
Gohmert: Let me refresh your memory. The Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough sent his investigator Frank Rucker along with an IGIC attorney Janette McMillan to brief you and Dean Chapelle and two other FBI personnel who I won’t name at this time, about an anomaly they had found on Hillary Clinton’s emails that were going to the private unauthorized server that you were supposed to be investigating?
Our lawsuit could further expose how anti-Trump activists like disgraced FBI official Peter Strzok bent over backwards to protect Hillary Clinton from having to answer for her national security crimes. The scandal of the illicit Trump spying is directly tied to the Deep State protection of Hillary Clinton.
We had a separate lawsuit against the ODNI that would have required it to conduct, as required by law, an assessment and prepare a report on how and whether Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email practices as U.S. Secretary of State damaged national security.
Hillary Clinton was given full cover by the Deep State. Don��t think the Deep State has has given up.
What Were Obama’s Spy Chiefs Telling the Media about Trump?
President Obama’s top spy chiefs appear to have been ringleaders in the illicit effort to overthrow President Trump. They enlisted the FBI, foreign spies, and the media in their efforts. I’m not at all surprised that they found a warm welcome at CNN.
Now we want to know the details of their connections to the network. We have filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seeking records of communications between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and CNN around the time the Clinton-Democrat National Committee anti-Trump dossier was being pitched to key media outlets.
A House report detailed that Clapper leaked information regarding the dossier to CNN in January 2017. The former ODNI chief signed on as an analyst for CNN in August 2017.
We are also seeking records of communications between Clapper and Obama CIA Director John Brennan regarding the dossier, which was authored by former British spy and FBI payee Christopher Steele.
We sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ( Judicial Watch v. Office of the Director of National Intelligence and Central Intelligence Agency (No. 1:19-cv-00776)) after the agencies failed to respond to our April 23, 2018, FOIA request seeking:
All records of communication, including emails (whether on .gov or non-.gov email accounts), text messages and instant chats, between officials in the office of the Director of National Intelligence, including but not limited to James Clapper, and employees, representatives and contractors of CNN.
The time frame for the records request is May 2016 through May 2017.
All records of communications between the office of the Director of Central Intelligence and representatives of CNN; DCI John Brennan and DNI James Clapper regarding the collection of memos known as the “Steele Dossier:” and between DCI John Brennan and DNI James Clapper regarding CNN.
All records of communication, including emails (whether on .gov or non-.gov email accounts), text messages and instant chats, between officials in the office of the Director of Central Intelligence, including but not limited to DCI John Brennan, and employees, representatives and contractors of CNN. The time frame for the requested records is May 2016 through May 2017.
All records of communication, including emails (whether on .gov or non-.gov email accounts), text messages and instant chats, between DCI John Brennan and DNI James Clapper regarding the collection of memos known as the “Steele Dossier”. The time frame for records requested in this bullet item is May 2016 through January 2017.
All records of communication, including emails (whether on .gov or non-.gov email accounts), text messages and instant chats, between DCI John Brennan and DNI James Clapper regarding the news network CNN. The time frame for records requested in this bullet item is May 2016 through January 2017.
In a March 2018, report , Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee exposed that:
“Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.” And, “when questioned by the Committee … Clapper admitted that he confirmed the existence of the dossier to the media.”
Clapper later admitted he had discussed the Steele dossier with CNN’s Jake Tapper and other journalists in early 2017, shortly before President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
In a January 10, 2017 report with bylines from Tapper, Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto and Carl Bernstein, CNN first revealed that then-FBI Director James Comey had briefed then-President-elect Trump on the dossier’s allegations.
The Intelligence Committee’s report detailed that “Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the ‘dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,’ and admitted that he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic. Clapper’s discussion with Tapper took place in ‘early January 2017,’ around the time [intelligence officials] briefed President Obama and President-elect Trump, on ‘the Christopher Steele information.’”
Shortly after CNN’s January 10, 2017, report, BuzzFeed News published the dossier in full.
The four CNN reporters were awarded the White House Correspondents’ Association’s Merriman Smith Award for their coverage of the dossier story.
Brennan, in an interview with NBC News on February 4, 2018, insisted that the Steele dossier “did not play any role whatsoever” in early intelligence assessments on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Several subsequent reports strongly contradict Brennan’s claim.
We are again in court trying to get the truth about the Obama gang’s illegal leaks and conspiracy targeting President Trump. Clapper and Brennan were key proponents of the big lie, exposed by the Mueller report. President Trump did not collude with the Russians. Once again, our FOIA litigation is the best hope for getting full accountability on this attack on our constitutional republic.
Until next week …
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections KEYWORDS: ag barr; brennan; cia; clapper; cnn; cover up; deep state; dni; email scandal; gohmert; hillary clinton; icig; judicial watch; jw; mueller report; president  trump; strzok; tom fitton; trump; weekly update
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businessliveme · 5 years
From Amazon Ring to NASA Moon Project: 15 Predictions for 2020
(Bloomberg Opinion) –It’s been my habit, as the year draws in the day, to offer my predictions for the coming year, but only after doing what every commentator should do — assessing my predictions for the year just ending. So before I get to my predictions for 2020, in the second half of this column, let’s see how I did in 2019.
Let’s put one of last year’s prediction right up top:
“The Washington Nationals will overcome the loss of superstar Bryce Harper in free agency and win the World Series over the Houston Astros.”
Nailed it precisely! If you need end-of-the-year help, Las Vegas or ESPN, give me a call.
The 2019 Scorecard
Now, as to the others, I predicted:
That Amazon would react to bad publicity during its 2018 HQ2 search by promising to put another headquarters in an economically distressed part of the country. Instead, the company is donating millions of dollars for “affordable housing” in Northern Virginia, where its new campus is planned. Mostly false, but I did get Amazon’s motive right.
That President Donald Trump would achieve neither his border wall nor a Fed hewing more closely to his views. True.
That the level of CO2 in the atmosphere would continue to rise. Although final figures for 2019 are not in, this one will almost certainly wind up in the “true” column.
That the melting Arctic ice cap would continue to pour thousands of gallons of water per second into the oceans. True, and true again.
That significant numbers of U.S. armed forces would remain in both Afghanistan and Syria. True, despite the president’s efforts in Syria.
That the New England Patriots would win Super Bowl LIII. True. Not a hard prediction but still true.
That allegations of fraud in the settlement fund established to pay former professional football players who have suffered neurocognitive damage would turn out to be a big story. Sadly, true. This month’s federal indictments were big news.
That despite investigations of Trump’s conduct, no resolution of impeachment would reach the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote in 2019. False, but so, so close. If they had but waited two more weeks!
That special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report would find no clear evidence that Trump committed a crime (true) and that NeverTrumpers would try to raise $1 billion to pay the president to resign. (I was mostly kidding but I wasn’t wrong.)
That homeschoolers would turn to virtual reality as a principal educational tool, and that over time others would embrace the idea. Still feels inevitable, but much too early to tell.
That during the summer of 2019, Marvel would finally announce a release date for the second “Black Panther” movie (true, right down to the time of year); that the highest-grossing film of the year would be “Avengers: Endgame,” if we count actual revenues during calendar 2019 (true, both worldwide and domestic); and that if we were instead to count all revenues for the movie’s run, the late-December-premiering “Star Wars: Episode IX” would win (I thought this was a slam dunk, but between tepid reviews and fissures in the fan base, I now believe this one may not work out.)
That despite the openly expressed skepticism of the federal judge overseeing the case, the $69 billion merger of CVS and Aetna would go forward. True.
That wealthy progressives who continue to sneer at the Republican tax cut as a giveaway to the rich would not offer the U.S. Treasury their gains from the rate reductions. True — and now members of Congress from high-tax blue states are demanding that their well-heeled supporters get an even bigger cut.
And that — sorry, but I can’t resist repeating — the Washington Nationals would win the World Series over the Houston Astros!
2020’s Predictions
Now we come to my predictions for 2020. As always, not all are seriously meant but some are meant more seriously meant than they might appear. I will leave it to the reader to figure out which are which.
1. Except for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidates will condemn the Secure Act’s new limits on the ability of non-spouses who inherit retirement accounts to stretch their disbursements over a long period of time. In particular, the candidates will agree that adult children who inherit should be able to leave the money invested for as long as they like. (Those who voted for the new rules will say they didn’t understand the implications.) Most of the candidates will stop short of promising repeal, however, and will instead promise unspecified adjustments.
2. Due less to government spying than to the growing popularity of Amazon’s Ring and similar devices, the number of surveillance cameras in the world will blow swiftly past recent estimates of one billion. By the end of 2020, all but a fraction of the outdoor spaces in most cities around the world will be recorded on video somewhere, and significant inroads will have been made in suburbs and towns. (Say goodbye to the “shadow map.”)
3. Speaking of technology, for the second year in a row, the final appropriation for NASA will be insufficient to allow any significant progress on its goal of returning to the Moon by 2024. Rather than surrender the dream, proponents will push the realization a couple of years further down the road.
4. Despite concerns by consumer activists, the merger between T-Mobile and Sprint will survive judicial scrutiny.
5. The New England Patriots will win Super Bowl LIV in February. No, I’m not a particular Patriots fan. But I pick them every year anyway, because … well, come on. Even if you’re a Patriot hater, you know I’m right.
6. Due to global warming, the rate at which the Arctic ice cap is melting will continue to increase. (This has become an even easier prediction than picking the Patriots.) Meanwhile, such innovative ideas for mitigation as pumping river water southward instead of letting it flow north will be rejected by climate change skeptics as too expensive and by climate change activists as a distraction from the urgent need to sign lots of treaties.
7. Swirling rumors that Russia might annex its longtime ally Belarus will drive dictator Alexander Lukashenko to seek rapprochement with the U.S. and the West. Already Belarus imports nearly half a billion dollars worth of goods from the U.S. annually, with fertilizer leading the way. Russian boss Vladimir Putin will view closer ties between Washington and Minsk as a strategic threat and begin to rattle his sabers. President Donald Trump will assure everyone that his “good friend” Putin will “allow Belarus to go its own way.” Pundits will jump not only on “good friend” but also on “allow.”
8. The highest grossing film of the year will be Warner Brothers’ “Wonder Woman 1984.” People will look around and say, “Wait, this intellectual property isn’t owned by Disney? Is that even allowed?” Disney, wondering the same thing, will take swift measures to fix the problem.
9. A congressional near-ban on vaping products will pass and be signed into law by President Trump, well in advance of serious clinical studies about potential health hazards.
10. Despite news reports to the contrary, Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, accused of rape by two black women, will announce unequivocally that he will not be seeking the governorship of the state, or even another term in office.
11. The U.S. stock market will continue to rise through the first half of the year, bringing several new highs. As the political conventions approach during the summer, the market will begin to stutter. When the election season reaches full swing, we will see a significant drop, which the left will call a collapse and the right will call a correction. After the election, the markets will rise sharply.
12. The Los Angeles Angels will be the surprise team of the baseball season, but will lose in the playoffs to the Houston Astros, who will go on to defeat the Atlanta Braves (the other surprise team) in the World Series. (Bonus prediction: If Braves star Josh Donaldson jumps to the Washington Nationals, then the Nationals will reach the World Series once again, where the Astros will get revenge for 2019.)
13. Speaking of sports, nobody in the news media will offer any but the most half-hearted apology for the cravenness and stupidity of running all those photos of the Army-Navy game and asking whether the cadets who circled thumbs and forefingers were flashing white power signs.
14. Despite concerns raised in other countries, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will adhere to its position that there is no scientific evidence of any health problem from the trace amounts of nitrosamines in some prescription medications.
15. In the presidential election, the Democrats will flip Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin but the Republicans will flip New Hampshire. The result will be a tie in the electoral college. Under Article II, section 1, of the Constitution, the choice must then be made by the House of Representatives. Democrats cheer the perspicacity of the Framers until they realize that when the House sits to break an electoral tie, each state gets one vote. At that point Democrats remember that the Framers were white supremacists trying to protect slavery, and that the opinions of such monsters should play no role in contemporary governance.
The 26 states that have a majority red House delegation will vote Republican; the 22 states that have a majority blue delegation vote Democratic. The other two states, where the delegations are divided, will cast no vote, resulting in another tie.
The issue will be thrown to the courts. A letter signed by several hundred law professors will argue that all judges and justices appointed by President Donald Trump should recuse themselves, as they are likely to be biased. Television commentators will take up the cry. Conservative bloggers will reply that the argument is “another” attempted coup d’état.
Before the courts can rule, the political parties will agree to hold a new presidential election in February of 2021. Under the agreement, Trump will remains in office until that time but can take no action without the concurrence of Congress. Lawsuits will immediately be filed to block the plan, including by Trump himself, who will claim that not having been defeated in the election, he should win by default.
Alas, we don’t know how the lawsuits will come out, because my crystal ball runs only through 2020.
Those are my predictions for 2020. For you, my loyal readers, I wish a new year full of awe, joy, rationality, civility, and love.
The post From Amazon Ring to NASA Moon Project: 15 Predictions for 2020 appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                                          OCTOBER    2019  
 Stephen King has released yet another: The Institute
Salmon Rushdie has given us Quichotte
October 1: Jimmy Carter is 95!! Go Jimmy
For some new discoveries and theories on the often told tale, check out Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the secret history of the 60,s by Tom O’Neill.
Metallica has cancelled their tour.
The Creamery Bridge in Vermont was closed for a time because of a Sasquatch scare.
Days alert: Woo Hoo!! Dr. Rolf is back!! ** Why do they keep using that ‘WET PAINT’ sign all over the town square? A joke?  Really painting the sets and they just leave them up for an inside laugh? ** The Shah/Jen story was good.. it showed what a good actor he really was. He was always so blah! It’s funny that as he left us , we finally get his back story. He even mentioned Norman Bates. ** Stefan is out.  Claire is in.  I loved Dr. Rolf’s “pro life” line. Will many of the young girls get pregnant, ( think Lani, Ciara, Gabi, Sarah, Haley and Kristen) and will all the babies get mixed up and will Days jump a year ahead? Well, that’s the rumor. ** What is up with Hope?
Senator Chuck Grassley is applying for his second bailout since October for the farm he owns. ** $30 billion in welfare has been given to farmers.
This whole vaping scare is not really a surprise. Why do companies have to be so greedy and fill these with nicotine anyway? Why do good flavors have to be taken off the market because parents can’t keep them away from the kids? Can’t we have fun flavored simple mist in a vaping apparatus that has no dangerous chemicals? So many people just need that occasional outlet and something to do when relaxing.
Spy devices were found near the White House. They believe Israelis are responsible.
Word is that around Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Jr. uses fear in dealing with staff and sends them pictures of his wife in sexual situations.
They need to make a biopic about Rickie Lee Jones and it should star Hillary Swank. JS
A CIA source has been pulled from Russia they say because Trump can’t be trusted not to tell Putin who he is. The operative is the agent who confirmed the interference in the 2016 election and has worked there for decades.
Rose McGowan and some of the Me too movers and shakers would like Lisa Bloom to be disbarred after her dealings with Harvey Weinstein.
Mark Sanford is running for President.
Sarah Palin’s husband has filed for divorce.
Stacey Dash was arrested for domestic battery in Florida.
Stranger Things has been renewed for season 4.
Hey.. Robert King.. Glad that U R back!
People from Alabama were calling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in a panic after scary clown 45 included them in the path of Hurricane Dorian. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross threatened to fire meteorologists who contradicted the idiot.
John Legend and Chrissy Teigen got into it with the Pres. She called him a pussy ass bitch.
In the 80’s, 80% of our clothing were made here in the U.S., now it is 3%.
The House Judiciary committee is holding hearings about hush money to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels.
Conversion therapy leader, McKrae Game has announced he is gay.
It is odd that we don’t hear more about women who are addicted to crime shows. It is such a thing.
Weight Watchers is not WW. OK.
North Carolina’s political maps have been deemed unconstitutional and must be redrawn.
In Nashville, Rev. Dan Reehil has banned Harry Potter books at the St. Edwards School
Why does Fallon imitate his guests all the time? He is always repeating what they do much like a child would.
Scary Clown’s personal assistant, Madeline Westerhout is out.** John Bolton is out.
$32.50 for a Trump key chain? What?
SNL started off the season with a bang. Woody Harrelson hosted and ended by showing support for Greta Thunberg. The next hosts will be Phoebe Waller- Bridge, David harbor, Kristen Stewart and Eddie Murphy.
A man was chopping down an old diseased tree when a cannonball fell out of it. This particular cannonball in a tree was near a home that was used as a hospital during the first battel of independence, Mo. in the Civil War.
In Kentucky, Mitch McConnell said yes to treasury funds for an aluminum plant backed by a Russian oligarch. He said no to treasury funds for coal miner’s health care and pensions.
Joe Biden pledges to take no fossil fuel money but then attended a fundraiser hosted by Andrew Goldman, founder of Natural Gas Company, Western LNG.** It’s so sad, Biden leads which makes it seem that the people who pay the least attention decide who is going to run this place.** He really has to stop saying, “Look”,  all the time.
The Sept. 12 Dem debate was exciting, I loved the kudos that Biden and then others gave to Beto for his actions in Texas after the shootings.  Other than that Biden seemed to stumble a lot especially with his, “make sure the kids hear words” stuff. O’Rourke seems to have finally hit his stride with, “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15’s.”  I’m not even sure I agree but I loved so much that he had the guts to say it. I’m in! His only real problem was the color of his tie, it washed him out. Later, Briscoe Cain sent a tweet to Beto: My AR-15 is ready for you.** Yang, as usual was not given enough time but he did calm the others when they wanted to spar. He spoke so clearly and did not sidestep.  He had a great point with the U.S. not starting wars because we are not too good at rebuilding. Case in point: Puerto Rico. He also proposed $100 in democracy dollars so people can participate and give to the candidates they believe in. He seemed to tear up when talking about missing his son’s first day at school.  His salesmen pitch like giveaway was too much though. ** Buttigieg had a good idea with his ‘community rural visas’ to bring immigration everywhere.** Warren and Sanders were straight forward with no real surprises. Gotta thank Bernie for reminding us that he didn’t vote for Bush’s war or Trumps military spending bills and the crowd seemed to love him. Both at the debate and after (like Bari Weiss on Maher’s overtime), people keep calling Bernie ‘President’. Accidents? ** Harris was cool and calm but seemed a bit scripted.  She was the only one to really bring up Trump. ** Protestors had to be cleared as Biden started his final words. They were yelling, “We are DACA recipients. Our lives are at risk.” I’m sure it had to unnerve him as he began to talk of his sad life and his family. The late night comics said that he did a good job but I didn’t think so.** Klobachar told us a lot about herself. I think I learned the most about her. Castro, who I really liked a lot at the first debate, should just get out after this performance. ** Why was Rahm Emanuel there?** The Trump campaign sent a banner flying over Texas  Southern University. ** DeBlasio is out.
By the end of September, Warren is #1 in New Hampshire. She is 2 points behind in the nation and Yang is #4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“We will no longer sell the AR-15 to the public.”- Colt   Thanks Beto!!  A simple candidate has made more positive change than Scary Clown. Stop being so scared Dems, change can happen!
When Warren was on Colbert she said,” Why don’t we just quit now and do a selfie line?  The selfies are the most fun about this. Really? The night before, after her rally she selfied for 4 hours.
Young people will propel the changes in the views of this country. The young demographic thinks differently on guns and climate and the young usually rule eventually. VOTE!!
An intelligence official filed a formal whistle blower complaint against our ruthless Archie Bunker on steroids about his interaction with a foreign leader. It seems that it was a phone call with Ukraine’s Zelinski about the Biden’s but things are still unfolding.  Did he pressure people to work with Guilliani? The transcript is out and Pelosi has started a formal impeachment inquiry. When the WH sent talking points to their republican colleagues to try to calm the waters, they accidently sent them to the Dems too.  The WH also moved the info to a private server as we now know there is even more stuff there. Wouldn’t it be justice if the private server brought him down? ** Blame is flying everywhere. Trump has thrown Barr and Rudy and even Pence into the mess. Rudy tells us that he went to the Ukraine for the state department but they say no! He has been so rude and unhinged on the talk circuit. He has now been subpoened.** Joseph Maguire, acting director of National intelligence was only on the job a few days when he was informed of the whistleblower complaint. He was questioned all day in hearings and was very polite. Both sides could calm down on the snarky.** The Secretary of State is basically holding down 3 jobs.  The WH is quite under staffed  and there is talk that they may bring in outside people to handle the situation but Trump does not want that.  The campaign is where they will really fight, that is where all their money is. ** The ambassador to Ukraine has stepped down.**
Now word is that Trump and Barr tried to get Australian PM Scott Morrison to look into those who were behind the Russia investigation. Pompeo is now getting pulled in too. It is really like the tin foil hat conspiracy guy down the street is running this country.
Never compare your insides to someone else’s outside.  -Thank you Rob Lowe
Hillary and Chelsea are headed out to promote their new book, Gutsy Women. It is impeccable timing but I am sure she is so sick of talking about the big blowhard elephant in the room. It really is time to hear from her again.
Law and Order SVO started its 21st season with a little nod to Gunsmoke. What a great touch.
Has the military really spent $200,000 on Trump’s Scottish resort?
What’s up with the Cleveland Browns? They are winning.
4 feet of snow in September in Montana?
Seth Meyers went too far with his Rudy hate. I am a bit disturbed that Seth, Maher and Colbert get nearly as bold in the other direction as Fox News. Yes, these are evil people running the country and there is enough that they do without calling them out on things that are not your business.  About Rudy marrying a second cousin, Seth said “that’s awful.” Don’t pass your prejudice and judgement on these people like others do on color and religion et al. Cousins can marry, it’s not illegal and how might that make the children of cousins feel?  
Pennsylvania  Senator Michael Folmer was arrested for child porn that was on his computer and has since resigned.  I am sure that if he went on Fox and said nice things about the fearless leader that he could get a job in the White House. It seems to be the way it is done, Fox is the audition.
Robert C. O’Brien is the new National Security Advisor.
The family of John Dillinger do not believe that he is in the grave. A body id buried in Indianapolis but they have asked for an exhumation.
Millions came out on the 20th to ask for action on climate change. Go Greta Thunberg !! Some are spinning it that since she is autistic, she has been abused by her parents by being forced into her activism. I have seen no evidence this. She makes more sense than most leaders on the subject. Fox’s Michael Knowles even called her mentally ill and has since apologized. Thoughts? ** Central America is starving to death because of the impact of climate change. Reports from the Trump administration prove this and aid has been cut off which causes migration.
Trump us jumping into bed with Saudi Arabia who has the 5th largest defense budget in the world. Troops are being sent to Iran.
Doc Martin is here with its 9th season. The dog will fall in love. The Doc and Louisa’s relationship is doing well as their careers are shifting. It all just reminds me how much I want to live in Cornwall.
The biggest grossing tours of all time as of this year are. 1. Ed Sheeran: The Divide 2. U: 360 3. Stones: A Bigger Bang 4. Guns N Roses: Not in this lifetime 5. Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams 6. Roger Waters: The Wall 7. AC/DC: Black Ice 8. Stones: No Filter 9. Bruno Mars: 24K 10. Madonna: Sticky and Sweet
James Corden put Bill Maher in his place. Fat shaming is as wrong as any other. Bullying is never funny. The week after Maher’s rant, Michael Moore went on and had lost some weight. Hmmm.
Hiking with Kevin has the best guests, there is really a cross section of all kinds of people.  A hike seems to break down defenses and the stories are great!!
The North Dakota pipeline spill that was said to be 10 gallons worth was really millions of gallons.
Almost Family is a show about a sperm donor. It is good to see Tim Hutton again.
A woman gets a late night show.. check out A Little Late with Lilly Singh.
Prodigal Son stars Michael Sheen as a serial killer called The Surgeon.
Julian Fellowes will bring us The Gilded Age about 1885 New York.
Some are freaking about all the official stays at Trump properties. The whole thing is a ridiculous mess. Mitch and the boys would be screaming to the heavens if this was a different President. The really sad part is that the crews that are just there to help POTUS and the VP say the stays are so costly that their expenses won’t even cover food. ** Did a Glasgow refueling stop finally tip off the house oversight committee to the far reach of all these expenditures?** They claim there is never anything to hide. Why do they always hide everything?
Demi Moore has a new tell all titled Inside Out that seems full of revelations.
Check out the saga of the Donald J. Trump state park in NY which is really nothing more than a tax write off full of overgrown land and abandoned old buildings.
Check out the Art Bell vault.
Scary Clown was going to meet with the Taliban at Camp David as 9/11 was upon us.** The Taliban says their doors re open.**Word is that the congressional inquiry into 9/11 has 28 redacted pages which showed evidence of the Saudi’s involvement in the attacks.
Scottish courts ruled that Boris Johnson illegally suspended parliament.
From his reaction, Colbert behaves like Letterman in that a guest should dress a certain way. Personally, I like Conan’s casual ways. Now, I like Colbert but he also seems to push people to talk politics when they don’t really want to. Move on!
“We are in a very difficult situation at the moment, especially in the U.S., where all the environmental controls that were put in place, that were just about adequate have been rolled back by the current administration so much that they are being wiped out.” –Mick Jagger
“When you’re 85 years old and you have children and grandchildren, you will leave them nothing if we don’t vote these people out of office in Brazil, in London, in Washington. They are ruining the world.” –Donald Sutherland
Check out the new film, The Burnt Orange Heresy.
Finn Wittrock, Paul Giamatti and Amy Irving will appear in A Mouthful of Air.
“The lungs of the earth are in flames.” – Leo Dicaprio. The Amazon, the world’s most diverse eco system is getting no help from its own leaders and they won’t accept help from the G7. It’s all about building more crap to them. It is as if three fourths of the U.S. was on fire.** Wouldn’t it be a great idea if Jeff Bezos, who has taken flak for not paying taxes and for workers conditions would step up and pledge a huge sum to help save the rainforest that bears its name?? The world needs heroes.
Better Call Saul has wrapped season 5.
Hasbro has bought Death Row Records.
The San Francisco board of supervisors has declared the NRA a terrorist organization.
New SNL cast member Shane Gillis who was in hot water after racist remarks surfaced, has been let go before he ever hit the stage.
Mike Pence claims he was bit by American Pharoah but his trainer is not too sure about that.
Obama Netflix?
Kieran Culkin and Jazz Charton had a little girl that they named Kinsey Sioux.
Dollface on Hulu looks interesting.
In sexual harassment news: Brett Kavanaugh has been hit with other allegations. Not all accusations are coming from the victims.** Placido Domingo has been accused by 20 women of unwanted advances.
The71st Emmys have come and gone. There is a lot to celebrate in television right now with over 500 scripted original shows. Highlights include Norman Lear winning for Live in front of a studio audience: Norman Lears’s All in the Family and The Jeffersons to become the oldest winner ever at 97. Other winners were Leaving Neverland for best doc.  Glow won for stunt coordination. Succession won for their theme and for writing. RuPaul won for reality host and Drag Race won for show. Russian Doll took home cinematoghraphy. Carpool Karaoke : When Corden met McCartney:Live from Liverpool took home a statue. Peter Dinklage won for best supporting actor, Fleabag won big and Game of Thrones took home the top prize.  Other winners were Bill Hader, Patricia Arquette, Ben Whishaw, Billy Porter and Jodie Comer.  SNL with Adam Sandler and Last Week Tonight were winners.  I was so excited to see that Ozark won for Julia Garner and Bateman for directing. Succession won for directing.  I thought  the fashion went wrong with Amy Poehler, and Dascha Polanco. There was awesome fashion with Regina King, Viola Davis, Maya Rudolph, Bob Odenkirk, Billy Porter, Angela Bassett, Michelle Williams, Kerry Washington, Zendaya, Sarah Silverman, Catherine Zeta- Jones, Karamo Brown, Gwyneth Paltro, Catherine O’Hara, Emilia Clarke, Phoebe Waller Bridge and Niecy Nash.** The In memoriam was fucked up when they honored Andre Previn  but showed a very much alive Leonard Slacken. Let me run that part of the show, they are always messing that up. It may not matter much longer because the ratings were so low. It is already a shame that they don’t broadcast the daytime Emmy’s.
R.I.P. Jim Leavelle, Carol Lynley, T Boone Pickens, Daniel Johnston, Robert Frank, Ric Ocasek, Eddie Money, Sander Vanocur , Peter Lindbergh, Robert Haunter, Jacques Chirac , Jose Jose , Bob Esty, Wayne Fitzgerald, Jessye Norman and Cokie Roberts.
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newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/boris-johnson-brexit-deep-state/
Boris Johnson, Brexit and the Deep State
by Nick Griffin for Ooduarere viaThe Saker Blog
Nick Griffin, a life-long opponent of the European Union and former Member of the European Parliament, explains why – after three years of believing that the rulers of Britain would block Brexit, he now believes it is more likely than not to be delivered.
Are the British people really going to get Brexit? For years, the answer given by well-informed realists has had to be ‘No!’ The UK’s ruling elite was so thoroughly Europhile that they would do whatever it took to block the will of the British people, and Brussels would go along with this deceit, just as they did when the French, the Dutch and the Irish were sold out to the EU by their own masters.
But today I’m going to tell you that it is now more likely than not that Brexit WILL happen. Indeed, assuming the new Boris Johnson regime manages to cling on to power, or is forced into a general election in which Johnson reaches some sort of deal with Nigel Farage, it is now virtually guaranteed.
Of course, there is a faint possibility that the whole Johnson business is a giant game of three-dimensional chess, and that he’s running an elaborate scam with no intention of getting Britain out. But, realistically, if that was the plan, there would be absolutely no purpose in delaying such a betrayal, still less in raising so many expectations.
To encourage and then dash such hopes would be ludicrously self-defeating, so we have to assume that Johnson and Co are serious and that – barring a series of events outside of their control, they WILL deliver Brexit.
So what has changed? Has the Europhile British elite suddenly had a change of heart and decided to do the decent thing by the people who pay their inflated salaries?
Of course not. Leopards don’t change their spots. But, in the case of the UK elite, it was always divided into two leopards, with very different spots. One of them, for years now the stronger animal, was blue with yellow, spots – a thoroughly European beast.
The colours of the, until recently, smaller animal are harder to discern. At first glance, they could be seen to resemble the American flag although, of course, that’s just part of the camouflage. Look closer and the thing’s coat actually looks more like a mass of intertwined dollar signs and Israeli flags!
Even within the USA, opinion has been divided on Britain’s membership of the European Union. Obama, for example, more or less ordered the Brits to vote to Remain – a factor in the decision of quite a few of them to vote to Leave! The neo-cons, by contrast, have become much more hostile to Brussels – particularly since the EU started to display alarming degrees of sympathy for the Palestinians.
It wasn’t always like that. During the Cold War, the US elite was more or less unanimously in favour of British membership of the EU, which right from the start was consistently promoted by the CIA as a block to balance the Soviet Union.
When the Communist regime collapsed in 1989, the US power elite gradually shifted its position on the EU. It moved from fervent support to a sort of agnostic, nothing to do with us boredom. But then it gradually became clear that the European Union was steadily becoming the pawn of the German industrial complex.
Even worse, the Germans were beginning to cosy up to Russia. Within just a few years, the combination of German manufacturing, the European market and Russia’s raw materials were clearly presenting a future threat to the global hegemony of Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and the American military-industrial complex.
On top of this, the in-built liberal-socialist majority within the EU was making it an increasingly large stumbling block to the globalist privatisation free-for-all favoured by the ultra-capitalist ideology promoted by the extremely influential followers of Ayn Rand.
Franco-German moves to create a European Army were seen as a challenge to NATO and to its Stateside leadership, and only served to strengthen the arguments of the anti-EU faction within the US elite.
All this led a significant section of the US Deep state to move towards hostility to the European Union, and to put in place measures to undermine it. From about 2008, this included the relentless media promotion (and, no doubt, funding) of dissident, Euro-sceptic political movements, particularly UKIP in Britain and the Five Star Movement in Italy.
Extremely well-funded globalist and neo-con think tanks, particularly the Henry Jackson Society and the London-based Policy Exchange, began to organise. Their mission – to lay the theoretical groundwork for a globalist, economically liberal, Atlanticist faction within British politics to challenge the pro-EU majority.
To cut a long story short, that faction has just grabbed control of the British ship of state! The Europhile elite have not changed their minds, the highly honed survival instinct of the British Conservative party, which has made it the oldest political party in the world, has simply handed the reins of power to a different bunch of politicians, in hock to a different foreign power. The UK just lurched even further out of the orbit of the Brussels bureaucrats and even closer to the Anglo-Zionist Empire.
Johnson and his gang really do appear committed to delivering Brexit, but before those who voted for it in the first place get too excited, it has to be said that, in delivering the letter of what the people voted for, this bunch will go on to drive a coach and horses through the spirit of that vote.
Because the British people voted Brexit fundamentally in a collective cry of anger and pain over being turned into marginalised outsiders in their own country. Brussels rule was conflated not just with losing our traditional weights and measures, but with the destruction of the old industries – fishing, coal, steel, ship-building – and the devastation of the working class communities that relied on them.
And, of course, with mass immigration, including that from former British colonies in the Third World, an influx which if anything was slowed down by the more recent arrival of generally far more assimilable East Europeans, courtesy of the EU.
On top of that was all the unease of millions of normal people over the political elite’s Gaderene rush to embrace social ultra-liberalism, in particular dripping wet law and order policies and a mania for LGBTQ+ triumphalism. Relentless newspaper headlines about crackpot rulings by the European Court of Justice led to ‘Europe’ getting the blame for a breakdown in law and order and in traditional justice.
Finally, with the majority of the political class urging people to vote to Remain, voting to Leave became a way of punishing the political elite, not just in Brussels, but in Westminster as well.
And yet, looking at the new Boris Johnson cabinet, and listening to his first few speeches as new Prime Minister, it is already all too clear that, while we are going to get Brexit, it certainly will not be the Brexit that the majority of Brits thought they were voting for!
To illustrate this, let’s take a brief, non-exhaustive look at some of the key players in the Johnson regime.
Let’s start with the man himself, noting the speed with which he spoke out about his pride in his partial Turkish Muslim and east European Jewish ancestry and the way in which, if ‘Islamophobia’ or ‘anti-Semitism’ rear their heads, he automatically finds himself thinking in terms of those ancestral loyalties, rather than what is good for Britain – as the British people are surely entitled to insist on in their Prime Minister.
Then, in one of his final campaign speeches, Johnson told the LGBT+ Conservatives (the tautology neatly sums up the state of the party and, more generally, Britain’s ruling political and media classes) that he has their back:
“I will continue to champion LGBT+ equality, get tough on hate crime and ensure that we break down barriers to a fairer society,” Johnson said, according to the group.
“We must do more to ensure that trans rights are protected and those who identify as trans or intersex are able to live their lives with dignity,” he continued, noting that he was one of the first senior party leaders to support same-sex marriage.
Following his meeting with the queen to officially accept the premiership, Johnson specifically mentioned the LGBTQ+ community in his speech outside No. 10 Downing Street.
“[The U.K.’s] brand and political personality is admired and even loved around the world for our inventiveness, for our humour, for our universities, our scientists, our armed forces, our diplomacy for the equalities on which we insist — whether race or gender or LGBT …….. and for the values we stand for around the world,” he said
Once upon a time, British political leaders justified going to war by speaking of making the world safe for democracy. Boris Johnson started his premiership by committing Britain to a global struggle to make the world safe for buggery!
Nor is this fixation with LGBTQ+ new. Although the never-satisfied ‘gay’ lobby is whining about a couple of throwaway ‘homophobic comments’ he made decades ago, Johnson voted in 2003 to repeal Section 28 of the Local Government Act of 1988, by which Margaret Thatcher prohibited local authorities from “promoting homosexuality” or “pretended family relationships.”
This vote opened the door to the indoctrination of school-children with homosexual propaganda. Johnson also voted for civil partnerships for homosexuals and attacked the institution of marriage as ‘bourgeois convention’.
Johnson has also wasted no time reiterating his support for an amnesty for huge numbers of illegal immigrants and boasting of sharing the views of pro-immigration Labour party MPs. Ominously, he has also refused to pledge even to attempt to stick to the upper limits on immigration promised – but of course not delivered – by his predecessor Theresa May.
With Brexit making it harder for Poles and Hungarians to come to Britain, it is already clear from Johnson’s waffle about making the UK ‘open’ and ‘welcoming immigrants’, that, far from stopping immigration as millions of voters expected, Johnson’s Brexit will merely swap Polish immigrants for more Pakistanis, Bulgarians for Botswanans.
Johnson probably will set Britain free from Brussels, but he is also openly committed to speeding up the process by which the duly ‘liberated’ Brits are replaced in their own country by a further flood of immigrants. And the social liberals posing as Johnson’s fake conservatives will urge the stupid Brits to suck it up and celebrate their added diversity.
We’ve already seen the start of this process in Johnson creating what he refers to as a “cabinet for modern Britain” – wording that The Guardian’s Kehinde Andrews rightly described as a “euphemism for non-white”.
Leading Johnson’s Great Replacement charge will be Home Secretary Priti Patel, who has spoken gushingly of how the new government will “ continue to push for a dynamic, global Britain that is outward looking ……Our vision is for a truly global country – one where we welcome the brightest and best, where we are more outward facing, and where we decide who comes here based on what they have to offer.”
The Brits can’t say they weren’t warned. Because capitalism demands not just cheap labour, but also an endless supply of new consumers. Even the worse educated and least assimilable featherless biped on the planet thus has plenty to offer big business. The door is going to open wide to them all.
Patel was forced to resign two years ago after holding secret meetings with Israeli ministers. The meetings included a visit to an Israeli army field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights, where wounded Al Qaeda and ISIS fighters were patched up and sent back to continue fighting against the pro-Christian government in Syria. Patel asked officials within her department to look into whether British aid money could be funneled into this medical centre.
The same dangerous obsequiousness to Israel has also been shown by Johnson’s new Chancellor, Sajid Javid. Two years after becoming MP, Javid told the Conservative Friends of Israel annual lunch that as a British born Muslim if he had to go and live in the Middle East, he would not go to a Muslim majority country: “There is only one place I could possibly go. Israel. The only nation in the Middle East that shares the same democratic values as Britain”.
He is talking, let us remind ourselves, about the last openly racist state on the planet, whose supporters around the world insist on the right of Jews to have their own exclusive homeland, at the very same time as denouncing any attempt by any white nation to restrict immigration or preserve traditional ethnic identities as ‘neo-Nazi’. And the state which has done more than any other –except Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Barak Obama’s White House – to fund, arm and aid the Islamist head-cutters at war in Syria.
In her resignation letter Patel admitted she “fell below the high standards that are expected of a Secretary of State.” Not for the first time! In the past she has been criticised for taking trips to Bahrain funded by that country’s repression Salafist regime, and attending a conference in Washington paid for by the Henry Jackson society.
As already noted, the Henry Jackson operation is one of the best-funded and most dangerous of all the trans-Atlantic neo-con think tanks. It constantly agitates for hostility to Russia, Iraq-war style meddling in the Middle East on behalf of Eretz Israel and Big Oil, and for a poisonous mixture of ultra-right-wing economics and social liberalism – including the privatisation of national assets and the promotion of LGBTQ+ agendas at the expense of traditional values.
The same sort of poison is promoted in Britain by the closely connected Policy Exchange think-tank. This was founded by Michael Gove, who Johnson just appointed as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in many ways his political Chief of Staff in parliament.
Gove’s counterpart within the government itself is Munira Mirza, who Johnson just appointed Director of the Number 10 Policy Unit. She was previously Development Director at Policy Exchange and also worked on a range of its publications, including Living Apart Together: British Muslims and the paradox of multiculturalism.
As with all the other material coming out of the Johnson camp about multi-culturalism, this argued that the chief problem with Islam is that it hinders ‘integration’ – i.e. the process by which traditional British cultural and ethnic identity is replaced by the ultimate corporate dream of an atomised mass of rootless, identical consumers. And by which the traditional values once upheld by Christians and now defended mainly by Muslims are to be replaced by the anti-morality of the LGBTQ+ brigade and corporations greedy for pink pounds and rainbow dollars.
As with so many neo-cons on both sides of the Pond, Mirza started off as a Trotskyite. She was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party. When it was dissolved in 1987 she followed other key comrades into the Living Marxism operation and then Spiked magazine, which has very successfully operated a policy of entryism into what passes for politica thought in Britain. Her Wiki entry quotes an article in the London Review of Books which noted that “Many of Munira’s ex party members have become influential in Conservative or Eurosceptic circles since the dissolution of their party, whilst remaining closely associated with each other’s endeavours.”
This includes the former party leader Frank Furedi, whose wife Ann is one of Britain’s most powerful abortionists. Strange ‘conservatives’ indeed! But, there again, one reading of these ‘ex’-Trotskyites’ new-found fondness for ultra-right-wing economics and privatisation is that the resulting exploitation and public anger will lead to the revolutionary crisis that eluded them when they were all wearing Che T-shirts in the late sixties! Or perhaps, it just pays better!
Coming back closer to Johnson, his campaign chief was Gavin Williamson. When Defence Secretary, Williamson was a notorious hawk against Russia and China, and for greater UK involvement in the Middle East. He also spoke out vigorously against Britain’s continued participation in Galileo, the global navigation satellite system created by the European Union. He is one of those pushing for a new UK system, compatible with the American GPS, and fully integrated with Five Eyes, the intelligence alliance between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States and the UK. As with all such manoeuvres, it is hard to see where money gives way to ideology and power-politics and, of course, they are hopelessly entangled.
It is Williamson who has given one of the clearest glimpses into the Atlanticist obsession of the new regime: “Tthe cornerstone of European security is not the European Union, it is Nato. Let’s be absolutely clear. Our involvement in Nato is going to be there, long, enduring and for many, many defence secretaries after me.”
Another part of the Anglo-American elite can also be seen when you turn over another stone in the Johnson camp.
.Andrew Griffith, the new chief business adviser to Number 10 is a former Rothschild investment banker who joined Rupert Murdoch’s Sky in 1999, and became finance chief for the group in 2008.
Johnson has been spending up to 13 hours a day at Griffith’s lavish £9.5m townhouse,
A Johnson campaign source said Griffith had kindly opened up his home to let members of the transition team meet there. If paying the piper leads to the donor calling the tune, how much more power accrues to the Rothschild/Murdoch man providing the dancers with a 9.5 million pound house?
Finally, we just have time to consider Johnson’s new Chief Whip, Mark Spencer. Taking the new regime’s enthusiasm for LGBTQ+ issues towards its logical liberal intolerant end, he has said that Christian teachers who dare to voice opposition to same-sex marriage should be subject to ‘Extremism Disruption Orders’. In other words, legislation brought in supposedly to stop Islamist hate-preachers recruiting terrorists is to be used against Christians who stand by the teachings of the Bible!
So, yes, we can now expect Brexit from Johnson. But Britain is also going to get more mass immigration. And ruthless demonization of anyone who dares oppose it. More LGBTQ+ propaganda for children – and ruthless repression of anyone who dares oppose it.
More pressure for British participation in neo-con, Zionist and Salafist wars in Syria, Iran and Yemen. More insane and dangerous sabre-rattling against traditionalist and Christian Russia.
And more looting of what remains of Britain’s common wealth by the privatisation vultures. Finishing off the monetisation of the NHS is sure to surface as a great ambition for this corporate puppet regime sooner rather than later. Almost certainly a couple of months before Johnson delivers Brexit and obliterates Jeremy Corbyn in a snap general election.
It remains to be seen whether the globalist kleptomaniacs behind the new regime will also find a way to turn the removal of EU subsidies into an opportunity to arrange a massive transfer of farmland in Britain from farmers, workers’ pension funds and the old landed aristocracy and into the hands of global corporations. If that’s on the agenda too, remember where you heard it first!
All the above presupposes, of course, that the juvenile and utterly irresponsible anti-Russian, anti-Iranian and anti-Chinese sabre-rattling – of which the Johnson regime is as guilty as its predecessors – doesn’t actually start World War Three. Because, if it does, there’ll be nothing left to privatise and loot except the last tin of beans in the irradiated rubble.
Don’t get me wrong: This is not to condemn Brexit. The British people voted for it, and its delivery will be a Good Thing (not least because it has added, and will continue to add, to the instability in the EU which has disrupted the efforts of its bureaucratic rulers to maintain a firmly anti-Russian line, and because, however imperfect, Brexit is a blow for national sovereignty against a particularly nasty little imperial project.
All of us who, one way or another, helped set in motion or advance the process which defeated the pro-EU whores who had sold Britain to Brussels can be rightly proud of having done their bit to break the claws of the largest leopard in the London-based elite.
But you can also be sure that the British majority are going to be mightily disappointed with the new Johnson regime leopard and how Brexit turns out. They voted to restore the old Britain, particularly the Old England. What they will get instead is an even faster dissolution than we saw under EU rule.
They voted against ‘political correctness gone mad’ and in a bid to cling on to traditional values. What they will get is a quasi-Trotskyite cultural Marxist regime – all the more destructive for having the label ‘conservative’ – which grinds their faces – and especially the faces of their children and grandchildren – in LGBTQ+ filth.
They voted Brexit hoping to stop immigration. Instead, the next ten years will see an absolutely swamping change in Britain’s demographics, as the dying early Baby Boomers are replaced with Johnson’s ‘New Britons’ from all corners of the world.
They voted to kick out a Brussels Occupation Government. What they will get instead is a New York Occupation Government. Which is a polite way of putting it, for there is in fact really nothing American about America’s neocons.
“Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss”, is how the Who put it. But it was all summed up even better by the great English visionary William Morris, in A Dream of John Ball, his revolutionary classic about the very first English Peasants’ Revolt against an alien elite:
“I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name.”
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thewebofslime · 5 years
Long before the special counsel probe ended in confirming there was no collusion between President Trump and Russia, the U.S. government knew there was no evidence of a vast conspiracy between Trump and a foreign power. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate “ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials” on May 17, 2017. President Obama’s director of national intelligence James Clapper had access and was privy to all the “evidence” the U.S. government collected since the Russia investigation began in July 2016. From July 2016 until Clapper’s appearance on “Meet the Press” in March 2017, not one shred of evidence linked anyone in Trump’s campaign to allegations listed in the Christopher Steele dossier or Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos’s meeting with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer. Clapper stated to Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on March 5, 2017 that the National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Central Intelligence Agency had collected “no evidence” regarding “improper contacts” between Trump and Russia: CHUCK TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point. Let me ask you this. Does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials? JAMES CLAPPER: We did not include any evidence in our report, and I say, ‘our,’ that’s N.S.A., F.B.I. and C.I.A., with my office, the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report. CHUCK TODD: I understand that. But does it exist? JAMES CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge. CHUCK TODD: If it existed, it would have been in this report? JAMES CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. CHUCK TODD: At some– JAMES CLAPPER: But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion. So, President Obama’s top intelligence official and a man with access to FBI, CIA, and NSA surveillance on President Trump’s campaign stated categorically that no evidence existed of “any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.” This was two months before Rosenstein appointed Mueller special counsel, and Clapper’s knowledge dated into 2017. So why did Rosenstein appoint Mueller? Furthermore, the intelligence gathered for the reports Clapper referenced was compiled in 2016 and resulted in assessments of confidence, not any guarantees or certainty of the Russians even hacking the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Clapper’s referenced joint Department of Homeland Security and FBI report begins with an actual warranty disclaimer: DISCLAIMER: This report is provided ‘as is’ for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within. DHS does not endorse any commercial product or service referenced in this advisory or otherwise. This report makes serious allegations of election interference, alongside a disclaimer that states DHS “does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information” of Russia interfering in the election. The description of Russia’s cyber campaign against the United States is not backed by the United States in terms of a legal guarantee, as stated in the disclaimer. There is no certainty or guarantees regarding Democratic Party suspicion that Trump obtained Facebook ads or helped Russians hack the DNC in this report. The DHS report, like Clapper’s admission on “Meet the Press,” is simply a guess based on suspicion, not a statement on evidence. Like Obama CIA director John Brennan said during congressional hearings (0:15 on the link), “I don’t do evidence, I do intelligence.” As for the ODNI report Clapper compiled from the DHS report and intelligence derived from the NSA and possibly other agencies, there’s an even more amusing warranty disclaimer within Annex B, the last page of the document: Judgments are not intended to imply we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary… High confidence generally indicates that judgments are based on high quality information from multiple sources. High confidence in a judgement; such judgments might be wrong. Therefore, if the FBI and CIA are highly confident that Russia hacked the DNC in order to embarrass Clinton, or that Facebook ads were part of a sophisticated Russian campaign, the ODNI report categorically states “such judgments might be wrong” and “judgments are not intended to imply we have proof that shows something to be a fact.” Americans still don’t know which Russian Facebook ads influenced a specific number of voters in certain swing states to vote Trump, nor did the U.S. government ever confirm the DNC-hired Crowdstrike’s analysis of DNC servers. Finally, the infamous Steele dossier is linked directly to Hillary Clinton, as explained in a Washington Post article titled “Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier” by Adam Entous, Devlin Barrett, and Rosalind S. Helderman: The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said. Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research. After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community… The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day. Since both the DHS and ODNI reports have warranty disclaimers stating nothing written in them should be taken as fact, and the Steele dossier used by fired FBI officials James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe is linked to Clinton’s funding, why was President Trump investigated by Mueller? The narrative of Russian meddling is only bolstered by “high” to “moderate” confidence assessments of the NSA, FBI, and CIA, not certainty. Mueller’s appointment, and the behavior of FBI and intelligence officials that preceded this two-year investigation, point to violations of U.S. Code 371 and a conspiracy to defraud the United States. If mere allegation, suspicion, and dossiers were enough to form investigations then Attorney General William Barr should simply pick up Peter Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash,” a book documenting alleged pay to play schemes of the Clinton Foundation, to generate evidence to open a special counsel into the Obama-era uranium deal. Democrats, however, would never allow what they did to President Trump to be leveled at them, and nothing about Clinton warrants suspicion in their minds. Ultimately, Barr and Republicans must uncover why Clapper and others investigated Clinton’s political rival with “no evidence” of a crime. H. A. Goodman is an author, columnist, and journalist published in The Hill, The Huffington Post, The Daily Caller, The Jerusalem Post, and other publications.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
EU ′can no longer rely on US,′ says France′s Macron | News | DW
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday said his government would unveil proposals “in the coming months” to boost security across the EU, in a bid to diminish the bloc’s reliance on the US for its defense needs.
“Europe can no longer rely on the United States for its security,” Macron said during a speech to French diplomats and lawmakers. “It is up to us to guarantee European security.”
Macron said the EU needed to “take new initiatives, build new alliances” to ensure its preservation. “I want us to launch an exhaustive review of our security with all Europe’s partners, which includes Russia,” he added.
Differences on defense
Macron’s remarks come as the White House continues to question US relations with Europe. US President Donald Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on Washington’s commitment to the NATO military alliance, saying the US pays far more for defense than other member states.
In 2014, NATO nations agreed to stop cuts to defense spending and pursue a target of 2 percent of GDP by 2024. But Trump has called for alliance members to reach the goal sooner or see the US “moderate” its commitment.
Although their relationship has been dubbed a “bromance,” French President Emmanuel Macron has criticized US President Donald Trump’s decisions to pull out of the Iran deal and impose tariffs against EU steel and aluminum
‘Counterweight to the US’
But defense spending isn’t the only problem straining EU-US relations. Brussels has criticized the US for pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal and reimposing sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker last month managed to avert a trade war by negotiating a deal with Trump after Washington imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum exports against its economic ally, the EU.
Read more: When does a trade spat become an actual trade war?
Last week, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas made similar remarks to Macron’s in a guest article for German business newspaper Handelsblatt, saying Europe must “take an equal share of the responsibility” and “form a counterweight to the US.” 
“If we go it alone, we will fail in this task,” Maas said. “The outstanding aim of our foreign policy is to build a sovereign, strong Europe. Only by joining forces with France and other European nations can a balance with the US be achieved.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
The new statesman
This cover from the end of 2016 most likely pleased the newly elected US president. Time magazine picked Donald Trump as Person of the Year, a title that was also once given to Konrad Adenauer, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King — as well as Hitler and Stalin. The annual end-of-year feature picks someone who, “for better or for worse … has done the most to influence the events of the year.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
With a Hitler mustache
Even before Trump’s election, the Mexican magazine Letras Libres made its opinion on Trump absolutely clear, using the words “American fascist” to form a Hitler mustache on his portrait. Building a wall on the US-Mexico border and clamping down on Mexican immigrants were some of Trump’s electoral promises.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Walling in
Two weeks after Donald Trump’s election, the New Yorker creatively commented on the president’s border wall project. From subtle to explicitly insensitive depictions, international magazine covers featured a broad range of styles while commenting on Trump’s policies throughout the year.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
A rhetorical question
Renowned for its confrontational style, Charlie Hebdo also took on the newly elected US president. In a depiction referring to Trump’s infamous “grab women by the pussy” comments, the November 16, 2016, issue asked: “Did we have to entrust him with the nuclear button?”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
The prescience of the Simpsons
Donald Trump as US president: What was supposed to be a joke in The Simpsons turned out to be true 16 years later. British tabloid The Sun referred to the sitcom’s prophecy on its cover, showing Homer shocked by the turn of events, reacting with his catchphrase, “D’oh!”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
American psycho
The center-left French newspaper Libération reacted to the election with biting sarcasm. The headline was borrowed from a Bret Easton Ellis novel, “American Psycho.” Its narrator and main character, Patrick Bateman, is rich, superficial and narcissistic. There are numerous parallels to be drawn with the US president — but the fictional character is also a serial killer.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Nothing to see here
Some commentators hoped Trump would soften the tone he used during his campaign once he took office. On this Time magazine cover, illustrator Tim O’Brien used fine paintbrush strokes to depict Trump’s chaotic first weeks in the White House.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
At the wheel
After Trump’s inauguration, the New Yorker commented on the childish behavior of the man who would from then on be steering the country. “Every so often, you hear stories on the news about a toddler who somehow manages to start the family car and drive the vehicle across town, where the law finally apprehends him,” said the artist behind the cover, Barry Blitt.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
An insurgent in the White House
The British weekly The Economist was inspired by Banksy’s famous artwork of a rioter throwing flowers for last February’s issue. It reacted to Trump’s first weeks in office, when he “lobbed the first Molotov cocktail of policies and executive orders against the capital’s brilliant-white porticos,” wrote the magazine’s editor, adding, “With Trump, chaos seems to be part of the plan.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Beheading freedom
A cartoon figure of Trump holding a bloodied knife and the Statue of Liberty’s head: The cover of German weekly Der Spiegel made headlines worldwide. It reacted to Trump’s “America First” policy and his threats to democracy, including his executive order to bar people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the country. The cover divided opinions within the country and abroad.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Take your kids to work every day
It’s both a challenge and a goldmine for satirists: Trump’s politics and habits are often more bizarre than satire itself. On this cover, Mad magazine commented on the White House role given to the president’s daughter Ivanka and to his son-in-law and presidential adviser, Jared Kushner, who was morphed into the traits of the magazine’s iconic mascot, Alfred E. Neuman.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
The mouthpiece of white supremacists
After a far-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a participant drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing a woman and injuring 19 people. Trump then declared that there were “very fine people” marching with the white supremacists that day, a comment which drew praise from former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke. The Economist reacted with this cover.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Tailwind from the president
Following the Charlottesville rally events, The New Yorker also took aim at Trump’s remarks equating neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to the counter-protesters. “President Trump’s weak pushback to hate groups — as if he was trying not to alienate them as voters — compelled me to take up my pen,” said artist David Plunkert of his cover, entitled “Blowhard.”
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Breaking a taboo: a Hitler comparison
The German weekly Stern went one step further by unsubtly portraying Trump draped in the American flag and giving a Nazi salute. The cover story was headlined “Sein Kampf,” (His Struggle), a play on Adolf Hitler’s infamous “Mein Kampf” book. It drew sharp criticism from the Central Council of Jews for belittling Hitler’s crimes. Misappropriating Nazi symbols is taboo in Germany.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Lazy boy
In early August, Newsweek magazine depicted Trump as a fast food-eating, bored TV junkie — descriptions also found in the book “Fire and Fury.” Headlined “LAZY BOY: Donald Trump is bored and tired. Imagine how bad he’d feel if he did any work,” the issue also pointed out that during his six months in office, he had spent 40 days at golf clubs, but had seen zero pieces of major legislation passed.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
A prominent phony
Trump likes to describe any media criticizing him as ” fake news,” but he’s also renowned for his own twisting of the truth. This fake Time magazine cover praising Trump’s TV show “The Apprentice” in 2009 was framed and on prominent display in at least five of his golf clubs. When the story came out last June, it felt like the perfect embodiment of Trump’s narcissism and lies.
President Trump’s first year on magazine covers
Russian bride of the year
Twitter went wild after the fake Time magazine cover story came out. Thousands of memes poking fun at Trump were created using the magazine’s iconic template. This one photoshopped the Person of the Year issue to turn Donald Trump into the “Russian bride of the Year,” commenting on Trump’s questionable Russian ties.
Author: Torsten Landsberg (eg)
ls/es (AFP, dpa)
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
The Obama Hit Men in the Russiagate Coup-Attempt Can No Longer Hide the British Controlling Hand
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/the-obama-hit-men-in-the-russiagate-coup-attempt-can-no-longer-hide-the-british-controlling-hand/
The Obama Hit Men in the Russiagate Coup-Attempt Can No Longer Hide the British Controlling Hand
As LaRouchePAC documented in the September 2017 investigative report „Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin,“ the entire Mueller witchhunt was set up and executed by British intelligence, willing to induce their assets in the Obama intelligence community to commit treason, to work with a foreign intelligence agency to impose regime-change on their former colony. According to the operative British intelligence officials — Christopher Steele and Sir Richard Dearlove of MI6, and former GCHQ director Robert Hannigan, among others — the crime of Donald Trump was to pursue friendly relations with Russia and China, and to threaten to restore the American System economic policies, to save the U.S. from British „free market“ speculative destruction.
None of Trump’s intentions have been realized as yet, in large part due to the Russiagate operation. On Sunday, Trump announced his intention to demand that the DOJ open an investigation into „whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for political purposes,“ and whether or not the Obama Administration was part of it. Within hours, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein tasked the DOJ Inspector General to do precisely that, stating that if it is shown to be true, they would „take appropriate action.“
At the center of this is the desperate effort by the DOJ and the FBI to hide the identity of one Stefan Halper as the source whose exposure would somehow cause a disaster to Western Civilization. In fact, however, his name was not hard to discover and has been widely reported in the press. Halper is an American who has longstanding ties to the Bush family and the Pentagon’s China-bashing Office of Net Assessment, who is now teaching at Cambridge University, where he is close to former MI6 chief Richard Dearlove. It is Halper, a longstanding CIA and FBI informant, who initiated contact with minor players in the Trump Campaign, planting lies about Russian hacking of the DNC emails, aiming to facilitate the dodgy Christopher Steele dossier lies about Trump collusion with Russia in order to steal the election.
The criminals in the Obama intelligence team are squirming. Obama’s CIA chief John Brennan sent a message to Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan demanding that they act to stop Trump’s „self-serving actions“ or „bear major responsibility for the harm done to our democracy.“ Trump re-tweeted a message from a former Secret Service officer that „John Brennan is panicking. He has disgraced himself, disgraced the country, he has disgraced the intelligence community. He is the one man who is largely responsible for the destruction of Americans‘ faith in the intelligence community…, he’s worried about staying out of jail.“
But the British role can no longer be concealed. The same is true for the pending financial crash, which also is too hard to hide these days. Bloomberg’s headline: „Corporate Bonds Sink Fast in One of Worst Tumbles Since 2000.“ At the same time, the currency crisis, brought on in part by the U.S. finally raising interest rates, is rapidly turning into a debt crisis in developing sector nations around the world. Capital flight is driving down currencies in many of these developing countries, while their debts, contracted in dollars, are coming due, even while interest rates for those debts are rising. In a classic case of what EIR has long called „bankers‘ arithmetic,“ entire nations are suddenly watching their debts skyrocket, not from borrowing more, but because they have to buy dollars with devalued currencies to pay them back. Bloomberg writes that Brazil and Turkey are „the two leaders“ in this danger, but wishfully stating that it „still isn’t as extreme as it was in Thailand and Indonesia“ before the 1998 Asian debt explosion. Indonesia’s debt tripled overnight when Soros and others broke their banks by speculating against their currency.
The British model of a deregulated speculative „Casino Mondial,“ which has replaced American System credit policies, has destroyed the financial system as a whole. As Lyndon LaRouche has demonstrated since the 1980s, the system can not be fixed — it must be replaced, with a Hamiltonian credit system and a restoration of science drivers, pushing ahead at the frontiers of human knowledge. This is the necessary means to both raise the productivity of the workforce, and inspire young minds with optimism, that they can create a better future for themselves and for posterity. This is the purpose of LaRouche’s Four Laws, which can and must replace the bankrupt British financial structure which is falling apart at the seams.
The new paradigm represented by the New Silk Road has, over the past two weeks, brought nearly the entire Asian continent — including China, Japan and Russia — into a level of cooperation not witnessed in modern history. At the same time, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited France, Spain and Portugal, where agreements were reached to work together in joint infrastructure development projects in countries along the New Silk Road.
The world is changing rapidly, but the Empire will not go quietly. The war party is desperate to provoke a war between Israel and Iran, Jew and Arab, Sunni and Shi’a, and any other form of divisiveness between human beings which they can use to their advantage.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche responded to an uplifting report from LaRouchePAC organizers Monday on the intense response from Americans across the country, young and old, to the message from LaRouche: to stop the coup, implement the Four Laws, and join the New Silk Road. „This war can be won,“ she said. „We have come a long way, and there are more battles to be fought, but history will be shaped by the ideas of Lyndon H. LaRouche.“
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flauntpage · 6 years
Four PR Nightmares Waiting to Happen in UFC
The UFC has had a pretty hard 18 months. The loss of Ronda Rousey and Conor McGregor’s absence have left it with few pay-per-views that can even break the 250,000-buy mark. Clearly, the new owners of the UFC have some work to do to get the promotion back in a position anywhere near where it was in 2015 when WME-IMG purchased it for $4 billion.
Many have noticed a drop in card quality as the UFC searches for its next Rousey or McGregor, but more pressing to the UFC’s immediate future are a number of stories that sit as dry kindling, waiting for the mainstream media to realize they could have a good moral outrage on their hands. Let us consider some of the potential public relations disasters the UFC will have to avoid bumbling its way through in the immediate future.
Akhmat MMA
During last weekend’s Fight Night card in London, Akhmat MMA was ever present. Fabricio Werdum could be seen wearing Akhmat MMA gear during segments of the broadcast and in his social media posts around the fight. Why is this a problem? Akhmat is the promotion owned by Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen Republic leader accused of numerous human rights violations, including killing and torturing gay men. When beloved MMA legend and head of the Russian MMA federation Fedor Emelianenko was asked about Kadyrov allowing children to fight in the cage, Emelianenko responded that he did not like it. Almost immediately after the story broke, Emelianenko’s daughter was reportedly assaulted while walking to school.
Werdum catches most of the ire for this, which perhaps isn't fair. Chris Weidman, Frankie Edgar, Frank Mir, Khabib Nurmagomedov, and others have all been out to see Kadyrov. In fact, Alexander Gustafsson should probably be in the hottest water of the lot for posing with Kadyrov in an Akhmat T-shirt masquerading as an open hoodie with T-shirt underneath, serving as an accomplice in crimes against good taste.
Ali Abdelaziz, one of MMA’s most notorious managers and a figure you should definitely Google, apparently makes many of these meetings possible, and the truth of them seems to be that Kadyrov is simply one of those rich, powerful people who likes to pose next to manly men and is willing to pay for the chance.
Unsavory people are just a part of fight promotion. Remember that when UFC president Dana White replaced Don King at the Republican National Convention, one of his main selling points was that he was the promoter who hadn’t stomped a man to death in the street. The UFC might well be quiet on the Kadyrov issue because they hope to get into Russia in the near future should Khabib Nurmagomedov win the UFC lightweight title, and a pro-UFC friend of Putin would be a great advocate for them. Hell, we all fondly remember the once-in-a-lifetime spectacle of the "Rumble in the Jungle," but it was all bankrolled by the terrifying president of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko. It's pretty basic: Some sketchy people have money and like fights.
But this Kadyrov story is already getting uncomfortably big for the UFC. The US placed sanctions on Kadyrov back in December 2017 as part of the Magnitsky Act (sanctions that Russia declared were illegal), and investigative MMA journalist Mike Russell recently reported that the US government is looking into the financial arrangements between US-based MMA fighters like Werdum and the warlord. Whether or not that report is true, it seems likely that Werdum is being incentivized to represent Akhmat, and that seems like an invitation to be audited.
Nick Newell
Having discussed the seediest elements of the sport, it might be nice to discuss a more positive problem. Nick Newell is a good lightweight. He fights in the sport’s strongest and deepest division, and he has accumulated a record of 14-1. Newell also has one hand. After a retirement that lasted two and a half years, Newell returned to the cage a couple of weeks ago and submitted Sonny Luque in the first round at Legacy Fighting Alliance 35. Now Newell wants a run in the UFC and fans are supportive of his cause.
As we pointed out when Newell retired in 2015, the great thing about Newell was that you never felt like anyone was carrying him or feeling sorry for him or, in fact, treating him differently from any other fighter. Newell struggled to find opponents early on—a win over a one-handed man could be seen as almost worse than a loss to a one-handed man when looking down a record—but by the peak of his career Newell was just another fighter with some unique quirks to his style. He mitigated attacks on his left side through footwork rather than being able to rely on his left forearm to block or parry. Newell’s sole loss came to Justin Gaethje—then the best lightweight outside the UFC, now a top ten ranked contender within it—and Gaethje gave him no quarter. Gaethje, a human highlight reel and knockout machine, went after Newell just as he would anyone else, and Newell did exactly as well as anyone else. The truth is that two hands or one, Newell is a good fighter.
Gaethje in fact came out this week to say that Newell deserves his shot in the UFC. Newell even hooked up with the aforementioned Ali Abdelaziz, a manager with a great many other clients in the UFC.
The problem is entirely the image. Nick Newell is a good lightweight, but not a great lightweight. He relies on his takedowns and footwork, and the moment those stop working he has trouble. In extended striking exchanges, his lack of a left hand and forearm do make life considerably harder for him. If he gets to the UFC and has a handful of fights, he will lose at some point. When he loses, the edited video of a one-armed man being beaten up in the world’s premier MMA organization is all that will matter.
On the other side of that conundrum are the fans and media calling for Newell to fight C.M. Punk or Floyd Mayweather in the UFC—reducing him to a sideshow and using his handicap to humiliate fighters who just flat out aren’t good enough to be in the cage with him.
In a just world, we could have Nick Newell take on another debuting lightweight in the UFC and it wouldn’t matter who won or lost—he would be just another fighter. Unfortunately it seems unlikely that the UFC will take the risk of that image of a one-armed man being pounded on. If the UFC do take the gamble on Newell, we can only hope that they handle it gracefully, provide the context of Newell’s other 15 fights immediately before the contest, and don’t reduce him to the circus act that fans seem to be begging for.
Someone Is Going to Die at Some Point
At some point there is going to be a televised death in mixed martial arts. Or rather, there will be a televised bout that leads to a fatality, likely some time later in a hospital. If you have followed combat sports or even contact sports for any length of time you already know this. The UFC has done remarkably well to avoid it in its 20 years of hosting events. So far, the closest we have had to a televised death in a major promotion was the 300-pound non-athlete Dada 5000’s heart stopping in the cage during his fight with full-time fighter of over a decade (and juiced to the gills) Kimbo Slice. Bellator promoter Scott Coker has still not apologized for this. But as the years go on and the number of reliable stars on the UFC roster seems to dwindle, MMA’s number one promotion has been playing fast and loose with good sense.
The most egregious examples are Andrei Arlovski and Alistair Overeem. Both are known as chinny fighters and have been for a long time, but they have suffered the most knockout losses in the history of the UFC. The studies are always being updated—recently a study declared that it is cumulative head trauma that most affects CTE and not concussions—but concussions are generally recognized as bad news, and more concussions are generally seen as worse.
The lowlights of Andrei Arlovski’s long, brutal career. It is easy to forget these when insisting that because he’s still competitive he is healthy.
When Tim Hague died two days after being knocked out in a boxing match in Canada in June 2017, he had suffered a total of eight knockouts between his MMA and boxing careers. From 2015 to 2016, he went 1-4, being stopped in each of the losses, three knockout losses coming back to back. Just this week, boxer David Whittom died after ten months in a coma—he had suffered 11 stoppage losses in his career, again many of them back to back. When you’re getting towards double digits in stoppage losses, it’s getting ridiculous—but neither of their careers were as ridiculous as Arlovski or Overeem’s. Overeem has been knocked out or TKO’d 11 times in MMA and three times in kickboxing. Arlovski has been knocked out ten times in MMA.
Even in his one impressive victory of recent years—against Travis Browne—Arlovski was repeatedly sent stumbling by blows to the head. After being stopped four times in a row, he survived three rounds against Marcin Tybura. Then Arlovski finally got a victory over Junior Albini and the UFC could take him back to Vegas and risk him getting a license under a real commission.
And it seems that commissions operate with the same mindset that many apologists do—he’s still competitive, therefore he must be fine. The truth is you can still be competitive and a liability. You can still be a great fighter and be seriously ill or even dying. Muhammad Ali fought his last bouts while exhibiting symptoms of Parkinson’s, Andy Hug put together the best streak of his career—including a handy decision over Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic—while unknowingly suffering from leukemia, which would soon kill him. The fact that Arlovski and Overeem are still being allowed to fight by the UFC, and even being licensed by real commissions, is extremely concerning for anyone with a vested interested in the future of this sport.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t wheel Arlovski and Overeem out each time they want to build up a big hitter’s chances at the title. The only elite fighters that Francis Ngannou met in his run at Stipe Miocic’s belt happened to be the two most knocked-out fighters in the UFC. And just this week, the UFC announced that it's throwing Arlovski to its next knockout puncher of the moment, Tai Tuivasa.
Add to those glaring issues the minor acts of taking the piss that the UFC is currently playing with. For instance, Michael Bisping fighting in Shanghai—where there is no commission—just a couple of weeks removed from being violently dropped and submitted by Georges St.-Pierre. Bisping’s official medical suspension from the first contest was 30 days, but somehow mysteriously dropped to seven when the second fight was booked. Interestingly, Tim Hague’s death also drew attention to inattentiveness regarding medical suspensions, as Steven Marrocco from MMA Junkie reported:
On two occasions prior to Hague’s fatal bout, commission doctors gave the fighter a shorter medical suspension than was required by the rules. It also failed to account for an unsanctioned MMA bout held in July 2016, when Hague suffered a knockout loss, which should have triggered an immediate 90-day suspension.
Had that term been enforced, Hague wouldn’t have been licensed two months later, in September, for a nine-round boxing match in Edmonton, which he lost via unanimous decision.
Or consider when Rashad Evans was denied a license in New York due to irregularities on his MRI ahead of UFC 205, rebooked to UFC 206, and denied a license by the Ontario athletic commission as well, until finally—four years removed from his last victory—he was allowed back into the cage in Las Vegas to lose a dull decision to Dan Kelly. This highlights the main problem with commissions and fighting generally: You can always go somewhere else and give your money to another group of people. If fighters don’t care about commission-hopping to get a license, fair enough, but the biggest company in the fight game probably shouldn’t be partaking in this small-time nonsense.
Of course the counter argument is always that fighters are warriors and should be “allowed to go out on their shields,” but this isn’t an argument over individual rights. A death in the UFC would be disastrous and undoubtedly begin a witch hunt in the media. What would be the correct defense if the victim was someone whose knockout losses were into double digits and who had likely suffered multiple concussions over his career? Or someone who had been denied a license in two states already? Or someone flagrantly ignoring the bare minimum that the athletic commissions do to make this sport safer by fighting within his medical suspension?
The GOATs Are the Only Ones Failing Drug Tests
The final major issue facing the UFC in terms of public perception is the work that USADA has done to find and punish drug cheats in the sport of mixed martial arts. The UFC announced its partnership with USADA back in 2015 and it was an attempt to counter the perception that everyone in MMA was juiced to the gills. Joe Rogan’s famous line about performance-enhancing drugs in MMA becoming an epidemic was the perception that many casual and hardcore fans shared.
Perhaps it is an unfortunate coincidence that after USADA’s increased testing was brought in, injury rates and dropouts noticeably increased. Between UFC 180 and UFC 209, there were 15 changes to pay-per-view headliners. To many it seemed like the UFC was destroying its own product and paying USADA for the privilege, but few on the roster were ever caught using performance-enhancing drugs or banned substances. The real story of the USADA era is that seemingly the only fighters repeatedly being flagged for banned substances are Jon Jones and Anderson Silva—two fighters the UFC markets as the greatest of all time.
Some fans and even pundits will bend over backwards to excuse Silva and Jones’s positive tests. You need only listen to the theory that Jones’s cocaine was cut with creatine, which in turn was cut with a 1960s East German steroid, to begin to suspect that this might just be willful naiveté in hopes of getting a great fighter back in the cage. But the entire point of bringing in USADA was always perception. Silva and Jones can tell their stories and be judged by those who make the decisions to have simply ingested an illegal substance by accident. The public doesn’t buy it, though. Look down USADA’s list of sanctions on their website and you will notice that amid their 50 offenders in MMA, only George Sullivan and Ricardo Abreu can boast a punishment for a second violation. Perhaps Jones and Silva are just especially unlucky in their supplement and dong pill choices, but most fans are a bit more skeptical than that.
Many fans are now feeling USADA fatigue more than they are disappointment in their old heroes. USADA seems to have turned up and ruined the show in many respects. They are catching and suspending fighters for things that don’t seem to matter, like marijuana, while others are getting away with lesser sentences for being caught with traces of far more suspicious estrogen blockers and actual steroids. There are still plenty who would like to see the UFC quietly drift away from its commitment to extensive drug testing and return to the easier days of commission testing.
Jones and Silva are still stars, but both are pending hearings for failing drug tests yet again. If they end up out of action for a year or more, the UFC loses two reliable draws in an era where those are in short supply. If they get off with a slap on the wrist, the entire process seems undermined yet again and fans continue to ponder whether a fighter who would willingly cheat under the scrutiny of random testing might also have cheated during the earlier part of his career. Either way, it is hard to see the UFC coming out of this one as a winner, either morally or financially.
Four PR Nightmares Waiting to Happen in UFC published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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the-record-columns · 7 years
Nov. 1, 2017: Columns
Confessions of a casual baseball fan...
Record Publisher
Back in August I wrote a column about getting hooked on the Cleveland Indians baseball team through a random pickup of a late night game on a AM radio station, 1100 AM, the home of Cleveland Clinic sponsored Indians Radio Network.
It kind of caught my ear because I had heard of the Cleveland Clinic from North Wilkesboro's own Mule Ferguson; who had some work done on his heart there by those fine folks, and he couldn't say enough great things about them. An aside, I did get a chance to visit briefly with Mule last week on the day of the Great Tornado Blackout, and he continues to be doing well.
But, back to baseball.
As a little boy in the 50's I used to listen to the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers on my mother, Cary's, old Arvin radio, which, I might add, I proudly display at The Record to this day. I was always a bit conflicted as to which team I liked best, especially when the Yankees and the Dodgers had so often ended up against each other in the World Series.
Well, that problem was eliminated when the Brooklyn Dodgers summarily abandoned us all after the 1957 season and moved to Los Angeles, along with, I might add, the New York Giants, leaving me with no problem pulling againstboth of them for all time. As the saying goes, “...you shouldn't forget who brought you to the dance.”
All of this brings us back to Kenny, the casual fan. Through the playoffs I paid hardly any attention to baseball, except for noting that my new favorite team, the Indians, were knocked out by my old favorite team, the Yankees. When it became clear the the 2017 World series was going to be between the Houston Astros, not the Yankees, and the Los Angeles Dodgers, I had no problem about who to pull for. I was going to become a latter-day Astros fan, even knowing that my friend Ray Lowe of Millers Creek travels the world to to watch those two-timing Dodgers.
The World Series began in Los Angeles, and I tuned in for the first game. The Dodgers won, leaving me to commiserate to anyone who would listen, that the Yankees should be playing the Devil Dodgers, because I knew the Yankees had a storied history of beating them when it counted the most. In Game 2, also in L. A., the Astros evened up the series at one game each in a game that featured 8 home runs and went on for 11 innings.
The Series then moved to Houston; they beat the Dodgers in Game 3, and I began to relax—knowing that the Dodgers couldn't beat the Astros at home, because, in the Minute Maid Park, the Astros management turns on all the air conditioning fans toward center field while the Astros are batting, therefore aiding and abetting the Home Run Derby that this series has become. By the way, that last tidbit of conspiracy theory came from a reliable, yea even impeccable source; Ray Lowe the Dodger fan.
In Game 4, the Dodgers woke us all back up with a five-run ninth inning to even the Series at two games each.
Then came game 5, a record setting slug-fest that ran over five hours. Twice during that game, Kenny the casual fan went to bed knowing that the Astros were done for the evening, Twice I could not
go to sleep, and twice I went back out front to the television and ended up staying to the end of a 13-12 Astros win that ran 10 innings, and probably set a gazillion records. Between the Astros and the Dodgers, 14 pitchers appeared in Game 5, seven for each team.
As I write this piece on Tuesday, Oct. 31, Halloween Day, I can only imagine what kind of Trick or Treat ball game(s) we are in for, when the World Series returns to Los Angeles for the last game(s) of this years Fall Classic. Be assured, however, that, at least for this years series, Kenny the casual fan must confess to having become something of a die-hard Astros fan, and will be watching and rooting for them all the way. It has been close to 30 years since the Dodgers have made it to the World Series, and, the 9 year-old Kenny from 1958 just cannot let go of the betrayal of the Dodgers moving to the Left Coast, and hopes it will be 30 more years before they are in the World Series again.
I can only hope that Ray Lowe will forgive me.
  Help, Thanks, WOW!
Help, Thanks, WOW! These are the words from Anne LaMont's book that reminds us to be constantly mindful of the situations we are in. I think we all went through all three this past Monday with the tornado.
When I heard the winds rushing through as I was up on the third story of our downtown apartment I was in the HELP mode. When I walked out to my third story deck and saw that the whole roof of our sunroof had blown off I was struck with a terrible sense of loss. Our sunroof came from the old post office and it was my favorite part of the apartment and irreplaceable. I have been reminded over and over (rightly so) to be thankful we were unharmed, but it was hard to give thanks when I was in such a grief mode. As I looked over the deck in search of my roof- I saw the most brilliant rainbow I had ever seen and thought WOW! The phrase "What is God up to right now?" seemed appropriate. How can nature be so destructive and yet so amazing?
So how shall we live? How do we tune into what God is up to? Where is God active in our world? And most important- how can we be a part of it? Do we begin by being in touch with God, with our universe and what is happening there? Monday was like the perfect storm and it took me completely by surprise. I just was not paying attention and when I heard Larry South (the voice of North Wilkesboro) issue a phone warning about the tornado, I have to admit I just didn't respond. To my credit Ken lay on the bed in front of the windows and refused to take cover as I went to the middle of the apartment with my dog when the wind came through. I was warned, but still did not take it seriously- maybe I was just too comfortable in my own world to think anything bad could happen to us in our safe 110-year-old building.
In my search for my roof, we did finally find a mangled mess of metal and broken glass on top of the Ebenezer building's roof next door. But looking out of the front we saw what was left of the roof that had blown off of the Priester building on McElwee's and Michaels Jewelry store front and thought maybe that’s where our roof was. On Wednesday I saw the new owner of the Priester building (it will always be the Priester building in my mind).
  As we offered our condolences to the new owner, Kristie Fon she simply said "it is just a hiccup". She was upbeat and showed me through the apartment where there was the sun shining through the beautiful bead board on the ceiling (which was ruined). She proudly showed me around and remarked on how little damage was done to the renovations. THANKS They were already working on the roof to get it to a place so that more rain would not hurt it. WOW Kristie and her husband plan to make North Wilkesboro their home, as they live in Miami now, and she was impressed with how the community had already come in to HELP.
When I look up from the traffic light in the back of my building and saw how sad my deck looks without its roof, I have to remember Mark Goodman who came up to help take down the remnants said... "but it lets in so much more light now" to quote Ken's mother when Ken and Mark burned down the woods off Hinshaw street in North Wilkesboro. I am trying to be thankful, and I am, but the sadness of knowing the part of history our roof held is gone forever stays with me. I will try and remember that amazing rainbow and look for ways to be a part of where God is active.
Laura Welborn, Mediator and Counselor at DonLIn Counseling. [email protected]
   INTERPOL: Political Meddling 
Threatens a Vital Crime-Fighting Institution
Mahmoud Abbas’ maneuvers to join multiple international organizations is a ploy for legacy, leverage and legitimacy—to boost his bid for statehood, and shore up his tattered political image. When Interpol accepted “Palestine” as a member “state” recently, Abbas crowed he would weaponize it to hamstring longtime political opponent, Mohammad Dahlan.
In more carefully chosen words, PA foreign minister Riyad al-Maliki described the decision as a vote of confidence in Palestinian law enforcement abilities and commitment to Interpol principles, including rejection of “political manipulation.” The disconnect between the two men’s announcements is obvious. Abbas is doubtless familiar with Interpol’s abuse by Iran, Russia, China, Turkey and other states, where lines between policing and politics are blurred.
The abuses center on Interpol red notices—requests for arrests and extraditions that prompt police cooperation among member states. Interpol’s constitution forbids “political, military, religious or racial” action. But in reality, its red notices cross red lines when abusive despots use them to falsely incriminate political opponents. Interpol plays a vital role by coordinating the tracking and apprehension of criminals and terrorists across borders; but the red notices are “notoriously easy to abuse,” said Foreign Policy assistant editor Bethany Allen Ebrahimian. Turkey, China and Russia have issued red notices against dissidents, opposition politicians, human rights activists, journalists and businessmen, she said.
Though most notices are legitimate, they’ve disrupted innocent people’s lives, reputations, jobs, finances and freedoms. Until procedural reforms were introduced last year after input from the nonprofit Fair Trials, it was difficult and time-consuming to get politically motivated red notices removed from Interpol’s hulking secret database of over 10,000 notices. “The rules have been strengthened to prevent abuse,” said Rebecca Shaeffer, a Fair Trials senior legal advisor. They “must now be… enforced to stop countries from misusing this global crime-fighting tool.”
Two critical factors are eroding Interpol’s effectiveness. First, its system is built on trust, Ebrahimian said. Unscrupulous governments probe its system to exploit the trust and take advantage of administrative gaps. For example, a country requesting a politically motivated warrant for a dissident in a second country may pressure that country to get its way. This happened when the Saudis requested an Interpol red notice against a newspaper columnist who had fled to Malaysia. Muslim-majority Malaysia deported the columnist to Saudi Arabia, where he was jailed for two years without trial for violating Islamic blasphemy laws—a religious “crime” that Interpol is restricted from handling. “If Interpol is now being used … to enforce Sharia blasphemy laws, it’s not somebody else's problem. It’s ours,” said Gaffney who is the president of the D.C. based Center for Security Policy.
The notices are not legally binding, and Interpol lacks arrest powers, so countries do not have to cooperate. Nor is it Interpol’s job to verify innocence or guilt when processing red-notice requests, lawyer Michelle Estlund told Foreign Policy. “It’s almost impossible for them to know that,” she said.
A second destabilizing factor is the Arab voting bloc. “The 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation plus ‘Palestine’” exert disproportionate influence over the UN,” Gaffney said. It also impacts Interpol—where it swelled the vote for Palestinian membership. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is addressing this issue by targeting the anti-Israel voting bloc at the UN. By strengthening Israel’s global relationships across continents, he is chipping away at the “automatic majority.”
Israel had warned before the membership vote that the terror-supporting Palestinians could undermine Interpol. As Abbas tries to reconcile with terrorist group Hamas, there’s more cause for concern—as is the potential for Palestinians to disseminate sensitive information to Interpol members like Iran, Iraq, Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon, Qatar or Turkey. And if Israelis are targeted by spurious Palestinian requests, it could mire officials with red tape.
It’s troubling that an international policing organization whose mission is to arrest and prosecute terrorists and criminals has welcomed a non-state entity that applauds, finances and incites violent terrorism against another member—Israel. And that’s not to mention Iran and other rogue states.
If Interpol is to fulfill its mandate, reforms must address these issues. Interpol must decide if it will uphold the rule of law by evenhandedly advancing the prosecution of terrorists and their advocates, and excluding members who support terrorism. More safeguards are needed to ensure that Interpol remains a tool for advancing, not undermining, international justice.
  World War II – Sergeant Eugene C Deibler – Part One
Life in the Carolinas
I have visited with many veterans over the years, and the diversity of stories and reflections remain exciting and thought-provoking. There are often common threads of brotherhood, patriotism, love of country and the American flag. Based on my interviews and understandably so, some are easy to talk about, and some are not.  
As of late, I have been visiting with World War II veterans who bring their unique perspective. They have served their country, grew up during the great depression and are also now in their 90’s which provides a conversation that has is seasoned with time. They have lived through many historically significant times and developments in American and World history.
While producing a Veterans special, I had the opportunity to visit with Sgt. Eugene C. Deibler a native of Bradford, Penn., who after World War II, made North Carolina home, and yes it was for the love of a woman. He had met Mary Smith before deployment. They fell in love and before leaving he asked Mary to be his wife. She told him she would marry him when he returned from the war.
It all started in August of 1942 when Eugene’s school friend called him and suggested they join the Air Corp and become fighter pilots. Eugene was 17 and had to wait till his birthday in November. After Eugene’s birthday they both enlisted and passed their physicals; however, they both failed their eye test which disqualified them as fighter pilots. They were sent back to the barracks after being told that they would be assigned as radio operators on B-17 bombers. This did not appeal to either of them, and on the way to the barracks they saw the sign “Join the U.S. Paratroopers.”
Neither of them knew anything about paratroopers, so they went in to talk to the recruiter. They liked what they learned, and the fact that they had failed their eye test was not a problem. They were sent back to the barracks and told that as soon as they had 12 committed, they would be sent together to Toccoa, Ga. A few weeks later on Nov. 17, 1942, the 12 were on their way. They were in the newly activated 501 PIR. Basic training was usually 10 weeks; however, they were in 17 weeks. It was strict; you run everywhere. There was a mountain called Currahee, and it was three miles to the top and a run-up and down the mountain was part of the daily activity.
For those who made it through the rigorous basic training, they were sent to Fort Benning for jump training. Eugene was part of the 43 class. Training was started by jumping off towers and then everyone was required to make five qualification jumps to become a paratrooper. The tower jumps went fine for Eugene; however, he broke his ankle on his first qualification jump. It would be six weeks of recovery before he was able to finish and move on to Camp Mackall. Everyone in his group had already moved on, and if cleared by the doctor his remaining four qualification jumps would be with guys he did not know.
Eugene came close to not being allowed to qualify because the doctor thought he would not be able to make the jumps with a weak ankle. However, Eugene demonstrated by performing demanding exercises that his ankle was indeed fully recovered.
Eugene was medically cleared and would move on to have four more qualification jumps.
Next week we will learn about the notable Battles and Campaigns that Sgt. Eugene C. Deibler was involved with.
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newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                                  MARCH    2018
 *****The Stones win best trad blues album at the Grammy’s : Blue and Lonesome.  Keith says, “It’s about fucking time.”**The Stones are doing 11 more dates on the No Filter European tour. ** Keith Richards made news with his comments in the WSJ. “It’s time to snip. You can’t be a Father at that age. Those poor kids.”  He said about Mick Jagger. He could say the same about Ron Wood. He has since apologized.
*****UK parliament is debating the legalization of weed.
***** West Virginia teachers marched across the state and finally got a raise.
*****Kevin Smith, 47, had a heart attack on Feb. 26. Colin Quinn also had a heart attack on Valentines day. Get well soon.
*****Black Panther has 2 record setting weekends.
***** Three billboards were hijacked by street artist Sabo. They say: And the Oscar for biggest pedophile goes to…/ We all knew and still no arrests / name names on stage or shut the hell up. The artist previously altered a movie sign to make it seem like Al Franken was grabbing Zendaya.
***** The anti- defemation league reports that anit-semetic incidents are up in the US by 57%.
*****It looks like ABC is giving Alec Baldwin a talk show.
***** Celebs are jumping on board to stand with the kids in the March for our lives. Fallon and Goldberg will be there.
*****Michelle Obama’s memoir, BECOMING, will be here in November.
*****Studies show that so many animals found or turned in to find new homes are not given the 7 days that most people think. So many animals are simply euthanized immediately. Adopt if U can!
***** Daryl Hannah’s first full length directorial effort, Paradox is coming in March. The western stars Neil Young, , Willie, Micah and Lucas Nelson.
***** LA to Vegas on Fox is really so fun!!
***** Brad Pitt is joining the Tarantino/ DiCaprio movie that is in the works.
*****It is surprising that the department store Bergner’s has lasted as long as it has. It is the end of an era though that the Sheridan Village branch in Peoria, Il. will close its doors.  Bergner’s was founded in Peoria 130 years ago. The Sheridan Village branch opened more than 60 years ago. The parent company Bonton has had financial issues and is closing 7 stores.
*****Lebron James was speaking out as is his right and Laura Ingram told him on the air to “shut up and dribble.” The NBA star replied, “Laura who?” She wants him to go on her show. Why would he want to help her ratings? Why does Fox news believe in free speech for themselves but nobody else?
***** Jake Shears ,formerly of the Fab Scissor Sisters has gone solo and has also released a book, Boys keep swinging. Woo Hoo!! He is also playing Charlie Prince in Kinky Boots.
*****Indonesia is looking at outlawing sex before marriage.
*****Recent articles tell us that George Washington’s teeth were pulled from the heads of slaves.
*****Russia was behind the hacking in Korea during the Olympics.
*****The US was 4th at the Olympics with 23 gold medals.
***** The latest accused: Ryan Seacrest. ABC and E! are standing by him. Bellamy Young, for one wonders why he does not step down from his Oscar red carpet hosting duties. Seacrest has not mentioned any of this on his Live with Kelly show. I think the red carpet and Live would be better without him.
*****Do people get just how hard it is for sexual abuse victims to come forward?  Do we see the pattern of victims who are not believed or shut up by powerful agendas already in place? C’mon Congress, priests, teachers, police and everyone please speak up. The Nassar Olympic doctor had an unbelievable 265 victims. Open your hearts and your ears and show compassion. **Scary Clown tweets that lives are being destroyed and what happened to due process?  WTF?  You can’t have it both ways. What about the women who claimed you assaulted them? What about Al Franken and how he was pushed out?  ** And Sara H. Sanders and Kelly Ann Conway should be ashamed of themselves and the way they support these abusers. What about the grace of Sorenson and Porters alleged victims? These women had to be interviewed, disrupting their lives when these men wanted these WH positions. They told their truth but added that the men were good at their jobs. They tried to do right by men who they say abused them. It is unbelievable that our President discards them and sticks up for his buddies. As a woman we are used to this sort of behavior but it does seem time for this to end. ** Now even Trump’s celebrity spokespersons are having sex issues like Scott Baio. Why are these good old boys just allowed to go their merry way? **Brendon Fraser claims the former President of the Hollywood foreign press, Philip Berk, groped him in 2003. The’ me too’ movement gave him confidence to come forward.
*****The DOJ is cracking down on phone scammers who target the elderly. Now that is a worthy cause. I hope they get somewhere with this because this is a huge problem.
***** Olya Borisova and Sasha Sofeev of Pussy Riot have disappeared in Crimea.
*****Michelle Wolf will host the White House correspondent’s dinner.
***** Thanks for this reminder Mia : Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. ….. Shakespeare
*****James Comey tweeted: American history shows that in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy.
*****Have Senators from Michigan and Wisconsin raised a red flag about abuse with voting machines? As Streisand reminds us, Gore ‘lost’ by 537 votes .  Paper ballots please!!!
*****Atlanta will be back on March 1.. Woo Hoo!!** Donald Glover got a standing ovation on Colbert. He so absolutely deserves it!! He also bought a lot of girl scout cookies.
***** Ellen DeGeneres surprised Jimmy Kimmel by dedicating a children’s hospital room to his son.
*****Poland has passed a bill that will give citizens up to 3 years in prison for accusing the Polish state or people of involvement in the Holocaust.
*****Netflix will bring us Amber Tamblyn in Paint it Black.**Ryan Murphy is moving to Netflix . FX and Fox will still bring us AHS, Feud, American Crime story and the new Pose about the transgender community in the 80’s.  Word is that Murphy was unsure about the Disney/20th Century Fox/ Comcast talks. ** Netflix cancelled Disjointed.
***** What I love about politics is the balance of power and how people who are completely different can use this beautiful government as it was set up by fairly coming to a compromise. It is not the first time but it has gone off the rails. This President pays no attention to rules. I am not always a big lover of rules but damn if we don’t need them for the running of this country. I mean he really, truly does not seem to give a fuck about this great country. ** VOTE!! The most important thing we can do is vote!  Funny or Die is giving a big push to sign up voters by going to the most important races and educating citizens.** Again, Paper Ballots please.. everyone should insist on paper ballots!
*****Mandy Patinkin got his star on the Hollywood walk of fame.
*****Zach Braff is in a new series called Alex Inc.
*****Aniston and Theroux have split.
*****Wes Anderson is back with Isle of Dogs.
*****Amy Schumer married chef Chris Fischer.
*****Another shooting and we must vote these fuckers out. Go Go Sen. Chris Murphy from Connecticut who called himself and his colleagues out. Some NRA lovin’ are trying not to trot out the same old tired line but with a twist, ”I won’t say it’s not time to talk about it but”  and then talks on about the emotion involved and the gun issue should be set aside. Some blame video games.  Others talk of metal detectors and arming teachers.  Apparently our kids should walk into fortresses. Teachers don’t have enough worries with teaching our children and figuring out how they can afford supplies.  Now they want educators to have firearm training.  This is better than a little gun regulation? The Parkland shooting took place about 40 miles from Mar A Lago. The shooter bought an AR 15 in the last year after Trump signed a bill revoking an Obama era gun check for people with mental illness.  The FBI did not look long and hard enough at complaints about the shooter. They get about a thousand tips a day. Police were called to his home at least 20 times. Scott Peterson, a deputy with a gun who was there to help prevent this did nothing. There is a lot of blame to go around.** This isn’t the first time that authority has dropped the ball. What is with all the incompetence? Patty Hearst’s name was on a list of people the SLA wanted to kidnap and nobody told her. Priests are simply moved around after they are found to be child molesters. Police who have been given warnings about racism and excessive force are left on the job. Domestic violence gets a slap on the wrist until they kill the family. Enough!!!**Big Kudos to the savvy kids who know what the fuck is going on. The young folk are not brainwashed, they want change.  They haven’t had as many years to get as angry as we are, but they are just scared.** The shooter has pictures of himself online with a MAGA hat on. Gee.. did not see that one coming.** One cannot help but think of the young people getting killed in Vietnam and the mistreatment of so many that caused students to mobilize against the war and organize for civil rights. I think the women’s march, Black lives matter, me too , impeachment rally’s and march for science have set good examples for these kids. They were paying attention but we did not do enough, we must stand with them.
*****March 24, 2018: The March for our lives! These savvy kids are taking action. They blitzed the Sunday morning circuit on the 18th with their message. They have had it with the same old shit. They want to march and with Generation Z, minorities, women and millennials we could change this country. They want comprehensive gun control and are using the words of politicians past to get their point across. ‘You are with us or against us ‘and ‘they have blood on their hands’ are just some of the lines they are using. These students do not care about republican or democrat, they care about results. Neither party has been doing them any favors lately. They plan to give out badges of shame to those who accept money from the NRA. Go Go GO!!** Another idea floated has been to stop sending kids to school until reasonable laws are put in place.** And I always wondered about this ratings system they have.  These politicians are proud to have an A+ rating? I mean who the fuck are they?
*****The NRA gave the kids a couple of days and then they came out swinging.  The NRA used a Parks and Rec GIF of Leslie Knope as they thanked Dana Loesch for being the voice of the NRA at the CNN town hall. Creator Mike Shur responded, “I would prefer you not use a GIF from the show I worked on to promote your pro slaughter agenda.” He added, Amy Poehler isn’t on twitter but she texted me a message, ‘Can you tweet the NRA for me and tell them I said fuck off.’** Many companies have severed ties with the NRA.** Scary Clown won’t talk gun legislation. ** Hey Hey NRA: You can’t be the PTA!** Over a dozen different victims of the Florida shooting have received death threats. WTF?** An armed social studies teacher in Georgia fired off a shot after not allowing students into his classroom. He later surrendered.
***** Dick’s sporting goods are pulling assault weapons from their stores permanently. The owner says the law isn’t doing enough so he is taking the steps. Wal mart stopped selling them 3 years ago. Both have now decided to raise the age in the stores to 21. Wal Mart is taking out toys that resemble assault rifles.** On the last day of February Trump said: “Take the firearms first and then go to court- take the guns first, go through due process second.” Hmm!? So now Trump is calling out the NRA a bit. Lawmakers make it so obvious that they just did not want Obama to get any credit for helping with this problem. They claim the slippery slope but they knew he and other dems did not want to take anybody’s guns away. We all want common sense and either  they never listen to other view points or they just want all the credit. Take a look at yourselves. Will Trumps hard core base like this new no due process take and how long will that point of view last? It does seem that this time businesses and states are just going ahead with their own agenda.
*****The new face on Face the Nation is moderator Margaret Brennan.** Thanks for your spotlight on the mass homicide in Syria in your first broadcast as host.
*****The Polk award winners are Jodi Kantor, Megaze and Ronan Farrow.
*****While the world was talking about the shooting and the bravery of the children for speaking up and the new revelations of Russia, Fox news spends the day in remembering of Billy Graham. RIP
*****Wendy Williams is taking time off due to a diagnosis of Graves disease.
*****A recent billboard: When will they love their kids more than their guns?
*****This whole ‘memo’ bullshit is bogus yet so dangerous. After the Dem memo, Trump tweeted a denial of phone calls.
*****Let us thank the conservatives for first funding this Russian dossier. ** Now we are hearing about a Playboy playmate that Scary Clown allegedly had a 9 month affair with. ** And hey.. Didn’t the signature red tie thing belong to Dangerfield? Stop it Trump!!
*****The Paramount network has brought us the great mini series: WACO with Michael Shannon and Rory Culkin. The biggest revelation: J. Edgar Hoover was on the Mickey Mouse Club.
*****Jedediah Bila married Jeremy Scher.
*****The 4 hour HBO doc, The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling will grace us on March 26.
*****The 5th season of Arrested Development is completed for Netflix. David Cross said in an interview that the cast stands behind Jeffrey Tambor after his firing from Amazon. Arrested will be out later in the year.
****Missouri Governor Eric Greitens was indicted for felony invasion of privacy.
*****Heather Locklear was arrested for domestic violence and battery on a police officer on Feb. 25.
*****Trevor Noah’s ‘ Born A Crime will be adapted to film and will star Lupita Nyong’o.
*****The BAFTA’s were handed out. Much love was given to Three billboards outside Ebbing, Mo. For film and also to Frances McDormand , Martin McDonagh for original screenplay and Sam Rockwell. Adapted screenplay went to James Ivory, it was so good to see him honored again. Gary Oldman and Guillermo del Toro also won.
*****Snoop Dogg has a new gospel album.
*****The talk show of Harry Connick Jr. is winding down.
*****Check out This is not happening with Roy Wood Jr. I am in when he is involved. It is a sort of tell all with stand ups. The amount of liquor bottles behind them in the bar is straight out of Bob and Ringo’s (refer to Grandview USA).
*****Hulu is giving us Castle Rock with …hell yea.. Sissy Spacek.
***** Somehow you never forget what poverty and hatred can do when you see its scars on the hopeful face of a young child.. Lyndon Johnson
*****After the Rob Porter mess Priebus and other flunkies were on the Sunday shows. The kiss ass idiots said a lot of’ I don’t knows’ and ‘from my point of views’.  Why were they even on when they have no info?  We heard a lot of, ‘I’d never heard of that’ and ‘I didn’t know who he was.’  These selfish, stupid men tripping over their words who seem so afraid of Trump. White men at the top of the food chain and they are not happy with that. They are bitter and mean. Men put in prominent positions who know nothing.. well done WH. I ask again, what does he have on these people?** But why was Porter and at least a hundred others still working with sensitive material without clearance? ** David Axelrod made a good point saying, “Everyone thought John Kelly would rub off on Trump but Trump has rubbed off on Kelly.”  Or perhaps he mused, that we are finding out who these people really are. ** It seems they all think they are so smart and they are the first to ever be in the WH. There are others who know how this all works and it is good they call them on it, even though it isn’t nearly often enough.** Chris Wray contradicts the WH on the timeline of the Rob Porter investigation. The FBI tells us that their work was completed in July and new info was sent in January which closed things down. The President can clear anyone he wants so he can disregard that info. The WH keeps telling us this is all normal but other administrations disagree. The Obama team did top assistance clearance 6 months in advance. ** Jared Kushner was stripped of his high level security clearance. About 3 dozen others are in jeopardy as well.
*****Hope Hicks is out!** Josh Raffel is out!
*****Melania’s parents have just become US citizens, part of the migration plan that Trump wants to kill.** Melania made a nice speech in the East room of the WH on the 26th. Why is there nothing in the news feed about that? OK it is funny that she wants to stop the negative social media with what we see from the hubby on a daily basis. But she did address the opiod crisis and encouraged the kids from the school shooting to speak up. Well done!
*****Jessica Ford has made yet another attempt to gain access to the White House. She was charged with possession of a gun which I guess they don’t like? She sure wants to make herself known in Washington.
*****The children who were rescued from the notoriously evil parents recently were each given a guitar from Fender.
*****A judge has sided with John Oliver and HBO after they were sued by Robert Murray. Murray, a coal exec was told by the West Virginia state court that the humorous jabs were satire and the other statements were based on judicial opinion and government reports.
*****Red Fawn Farris took a plea deal from charges related to Standing Rock. She pled guilty to civil disorder and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Sentencing will sometime after April.
*****I wonder if any journalists are trying to get interviews with the first lady? I would like to hear what she has to say.
***** Steve Martin and Martin Short: An evening you will forget for the rest of your life is coming to Netflix. Their tour continues and this night was taped in South Carolina.
***** The WH revolving door continues: Rob Porter out.. Rachel Brand out.. David Sorenson out..
***** Word is spreading that law enforcement is identifying some citizens as ‘black identity extremists’ which gives police license to monitor protestors. Just when the public calls out harsh treatment, they find another way in.
*****Can we all promise to never use the phrase ‘nothing burger’ ever again?
*****Putin is reportedly so happy with all the mess he has caused in this country.  With no sanctions being imposed, Turkey and China are now getting in the ‘fuck with the US elections’ game.** 13 Russians have been indicted and no Americans , so far, were involved. The operatives were supposed to do anything they could to hurt Hillary. It shows you how scared Russia was of her. So far, it looks like Trump campaigners helped unwittingly. ** Russia is now putting pro gun messages out there to add chaos to the Florida shooting.** Dozens of Russians were at the National prayer breakfast. Really? We need a unified Russian strategy. The elections are closer every day.  Trump just keeps acting like a cult leader and making it all about him. Children are dead and he just keeps tweeting his ‘innocence’ in the Russian investigation. ** The History channel is taking on Putin with a new special, America’s biggest threat: Vladimir Putin**Alex Van Der Zwann, a lawyer who was part of a Ukranian ministry has been indicted for false statements to the FBI.**Top Trump aide Rick Gates has pled guilty to secret foreign lobbying, lying to the FBI and helping Manafort cheat on his taxes. It seems he  committed another crime as he was making the deal!** Admiral Mike Rogers says they are not doing enough to stop the sustained aggression of Russia and he does not know why. Scary Clown says he is weighing several options.
*****No wonder so many put up with the way the WH tries to ‘handle’ us.  Fox , the NRA and much of the conservative movement has been grooming us for generations. They aren’t all as honorable as John McCain. Many churches spoon feed their congregations what they want them to believe, how they want them to vote. The term’ fake news’ fits right in with all this.  Stand up and investigate on your own, don’t just BELIEVE anyone!
*****Just when I start to get used to Meghan McCain, she is on camera rolling her eyes at the raw emotion of the kids and parents in the town hall meeting. ** The rumor is that Joy and Meghan fight a lot behind the scenes. I am not there but I think they probably get it out onstage. What is it about some conservatives that they seem to have such a problem with peace, love and compromise?
***** A complaint from whistleblower Helen Foster says that Cindy Carson, Ben’s wife pressured officials for big money to redecorate. $31,000 of taxpayer money was spent on a dining room set for Ben’s office. Federal law requires congressional approval to furnish or redecorate if costs exceed 5 thousand bucks. When Foster refused to comply she was demoted and transferred. The Department of housing and urban development has cut money for the homeless, the elderly and the poor.
*****Thank goodness for the Carl Reiners and the Ian Stewarts of the world who brought us wonderful art. They put their egos in check and approached things different than they had originally intended. The world needs more of this.
*****Wal Mart is really such a terrible place. I am much happier since I no longer give them money. I should have listened to my friends and done it a long time ago. Sometimes it has to hit me right in the face for me to see it.
***** One has to wonder if Rosenstein et al like it when Trumps doings shines a spotlight on them.
*****Andy Richter came thru his knee surgery ok.
*****So happy for The Philadelphia Eagles but what the fuck is the matter with those fans?  With celebrations like that and all the injuries, it might be good to see the end of football that has been  predicted.** It did seem a strange choice to me to have Justin Timberlake sing. Why not some diversity? Some other kinds of music genres? I mean.. boring!!
*****The Dow had its biggest 1 day drop ever. People have started to worry about inflation.
*****Jim Carrey is urging others to do dump Facebook stock and delete accounts. He called the Trump presidency a botched Russian black op.
*****Check out the committee to investigate Russia online.  Rob Reiner is on the advisory board talking to John Brennan and James Clapper.
***** Bastille day? Really? Our dictator wants a North Korean military style parade? Is he fucking kidding? How many homeless vets could be helped with the millions it would take to give him this parade?
*****A new HBO doc, Elvis Presley: The Searcher is coming. Director Thorn Zimmy had complete access to Graceland archives.  The score is from Pearl Jam’s Mike McCready and includes some deep cuts and alternate mixes.
*****Tribeca’s opening night will premiere a Gilda Radner doc: Love, Gilda.
*****Lenny Dykstra, a former buddy of Charlie sheen claims that Sheen is about to be brought down by the Feds. A Former inmate and Mets and Phillies team member, Dykstra is looking to make a documentary so some see an ulterior motive in talking. The charges he leveled were Sheens involvement in a murder, beating his pregnant x-wife, tax and wire fraud and knowingly spreading HIV. Lenny himself has been accused of being a racist and homophobe as well as indecent exposure, sexual assault and grand theft auto.
*****CNN’s The Radical story of patty Hearst is great. This is a story which will never go away and this is full of all the flashpoints. I am a bit sickened to listen to Bill Harris tell his story. He acts like he telling some cool story from a high school party or something as he tells of his role in the kidnapping and brainwashing of a woman. He looks so comfy and satisfied with himself.
*****Sam Waterston was back on law and Order SVU as Jack McCoy!!
*****Gerber chose Lucas Warren, the first down syndrome child ever picked as their spokesbaby.
*****Why was a tiny little company hired by FEMA to deliver meals? The 50 million needed  in Peurto Rico were suddenly reduced to 50 thousand. They claimed nobody missed a meal.
*****It may have started in Florida with the Marlins but in baseball spring training all the teams will wear Stoneman Douglas caps. Some of the major leaguers graduated from there. They will sign them and sell them to aid the victims.
*****So Jeff Sessions has taken back Obama’s memo that allows Native American nations all the same rights as legal Marijuana states to go into the weed biz. They are shutting them down one by one. The state of California is no help by locking tribes out of the market. How many times do you think this country has to kick our native brothers and sisters in the head? How much longer will we torture these people?
*****Kathy Griffin has done the pixie cut in support of her sister who died of cancer in September. Kathy says: “When you’re a woman, you get one fuck up and Its all over.”
*****The Berlin International film fest gave the top prize, the golden bear to Touch Me Not. Best director went to Wes Anderson for Isle of Dogs, best actor went to Anthony Bajon and best actress to Ana Brun.
*****Days alert: Ok.. Days, I do wish all soaps could be a bit more original than one night stands that produce babies and then the origin of said baby is hidden. I wish people did not always come back from the dead or good characters didn’t suddenly act evil when they could have told family and friends they were being blackmailed and got their help. OK that said and suspending disbelief we watch Days anyway cuz it is great. Anna is back and I hope they keep her around. I am so glad Eric and Jen found each other again. Please someone kill Stefan. MORE LUCAS! Let’s get the Raif/Hope/ Sami thing resolved so they can move on. When did Kerry get so hateful? And Eli should apologize to his Mother since he is going to lie to his child and for much lamer reasons than she did.** Where the fuck is Adrienne?** Nice call back as Stefan was reading the Kimberly Brady Donovan book about split personalities.
*****R.I.P. Dennis Edwards, Louis Zorich, Christopher Cattrall, John Mahoney, victims of the Taiwan quake, victims of the Florida shooting,  Reg E. Cathey, Johann Johannsson,  Asma Jahangir, Sue Barton, Levone Bennett Jr., Jim Downing, Nanette Fabray, the victims in Syria, Sridevi, Emma Chambers and Benjamin Melniker.
0 notes
arlingtonpark · 7 years
The Story of L’Affaire Russe Part 5
Part V. The Veselnitskaya Revelations to the Confession of George Papadopoulos/ “No, Mom, I’m not being stupid, I’m being postmodern!” 
On July 8th, 2017, the biggest bomb shell yet was dropped.
On that day, the New York Times reported that on June 6th, 2016, Trump’s son, Trump Jr., along with Manafort and Kushner, had met in Trump Tower with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer with connections to the Russian government.
This was highly suspect and shady looking and Trump Jr. released a statement maintaining that the meeting pertained to the adoption of Russian children, that the meeting was brokered by a friend, and that he asked Manafort and Kushner to “stop by.”
However, the next day the Times issued a follow up report showing that the meeting was pitched to Trump Jr. specifically as a way to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton, this taking place in the Summer of 2016.
Trump Jr. issued a new statement denying that Manafort and Kushner attended the meeting and knew nothing about what it was about, and in regards to the meeting itself, that nothing meaningful ever came of it. He further maintains that he agreed to have the meeting to obtain information that would be useful to his father’s campaign and that Trump knew nothing of it.
That same day, the WaPo reported that the friend of Trump Jr. who brokered the meeting was Rob Goldstone, the doofus manager of Russian pop star Emin Agalarov. E. Agalarov is the son of Aras Agalarov, a billionaire Russian realtor and Trump business associate who co-sponsored the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant, which was held in Moscow.
Note that Agalarov the Elder is mentioned in the Steele Dossier as knowing the details of Trump’s alleged Pee Tape related escapades.
The Times gained this information through an email chain that was leaked to them by an anonymous source. However, there are at least four suspects: Trump Jr. himself (as unlikely as it is), Manafort, Kushner, and Goldstone. These are the four people who are confirmed to have had access to the email chain and would have had a copy of it.
On July 11th, the Times published the email chain in full. But Trump Jr., having been informed of the impending publication ahead of time as a courtesy, posted the entire god damn thing online himself.
To be clear: the email chain in question CONFIRMS that the Trump campaign at least attempted to collude with the Russian government in order to gain an advantage in the 2016 election and Donald Trump Jr., that dumbass, post it TO HIS TWITTER ACCOUNT.
The email chain not only confirms that the NYT’s report was accurate, but that they actually left some important details out.
Goldstone did indeed broker the meeting, but it also shows that this was only the tip of the iceberg.
Goldstone was actually acting as a secondhand intermediary: what happened was that the Crown Prosecutor of Russia (presumably he is referring to the Yury Chaika, whose actual title is Prosecutor General of Russia), who is Russia’s chief law enforcement officer, met with Aras Agalarov and told him that he had damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Agalarov sent word of this to his son, Emin, who in turn forwarded this information to Goldstone, who emailed Trump Jr. about it.
Chaika is an officer of the Russian government and Trump Jr. was told that the information about Hillary Clinton would come courtesy of him. He said yes.
And to top it off, as if it weren’t clear enough that Trump Jr. was soliciting information from a foreign government, Goldstone flat out told him in the email that “this is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
The email chain also confirms that Veselnitskaya was a Russian government attorney.
And oh yeah, that thing Trump Jr. said about Manafort and Kushner not knowing about what the meeting was about? The email shows that the whole chain was forwarded to them, meaning they were in on it the whole time too.
Trump Jr.’s reputation was basically destroyed.
And it would only further be destroyed in the subsequent days.
Up to this point it was known that four people were attending the meeting. Trump Jr. maintained that those were the only people there.
And then it came out that there were at least four additional people there.
Those four were: Goldstone, who publicly noted his presence at Trump Tower on the day of the meeting on his f#%@ing Facebook page; Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-American lobbyist; Ike Kaveladze, a representative of the Agalarovs; and a translator.
Trump’s lawyer asserted that Trump had nothing to do with Trump Jr.’s misleading statements.
He did.
At this point it’s obvious that the fuzz was closing in on Trump. As if the revelations regarding the Veselnitskaya meeting weren’t bad enough, it was soon learned that Mueller was looking in to Trump financial dealings unrelated to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Remember, Mueller’s mandate is to investigate Russia’s interference in the election and any crimes uncovered in the course of that investigation.
Rosenstein backed up Mueller, saying his actions were within his mandate.
But that didn’t stop people from fearing that Trump would take the ultimate plunge: removing Mueller as special counsel.
Mueller is an officer of the executive branch and Trump is the head of the executive branch and because of that, Trump does have the authority to fire Mueller if he truly wants to.
There are safeguards in place, but they’re rather flimsy. Only Rod Rosenstein can fire Mueller and even then, only for good cause. Trump however, is Rosenstein’s boss and could order Rosenstein to remove Mueller. Rosenstein could resign rather than fulfill Trump’s order, or simply refuse to comply, in which case Trump can fire Rosenstein. In that case, Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand would take over. She would face the same set of choices as Rosenstein: fire Mueller, resign, or be fired. If she chooses the latter two options, then the next person in the DOJ’s chain of command would take over and they would face the same set of options. This would continue until Trump finally came to someone who would fire Mueller.
Or, because this rule only exists as an internal DOJ guideline, Trump could simply issue an executive order rescinding that guideline and then fire Mueller himself.
Doing so, however, would be political suicide. Even Republicans are adamant that if Trump fires Mueller then “there will be hell to pay” in the words of Republican South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
But Trump, it would seem, had discovered an alternate way to interfere in the investigation.
For all his faults and to his credit, Jeff Sessions has largely abided by his recusal from matters relating to the Russia probe.
Trump doesn’t like this.
He believes that Sessions’ job is to serve him and cover for him. Seemingly because of this, Trump began attacking and deriding his own Attorney General.
It is known that Trump, in spite of the meme involving him firing people, doesn’t actually like to fire people. He just can’t seem to bring himself to do so, at least to their face. Note that Jim Comey was fired in a non-face-to-face way. Because of this, the general consensus is that Trump is trying to run Sessions out of town; to make his job as AG so miserable that he quits.
The President’s appointee to be Attorney General must receive approval by the Senate. But they’re allowed by the Constitution to make unilateral appointments if the position falls vacant while the Senate is adjourned. This so-called recess appointment would last until the Senate’s next meeting.
The idea is that by getting the recused Sessions to resign his office, Trump can then recess appoint some stooge to replace him. That person could then interfere in the Russia investigation on his behalf.
Whether or not this really was Trump’s plan, the Senate quickly put the kibosh on it. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is charged with vetting Presidential appointees to law enforcement related positions, said that if the AG position became vacant, then Trump could expect to see a replacement in as soon as six months. In other words, stop trying to push Sessions out.
The Senate also agreed to hold pro forma sessions to derail any attempt by Trump to recess appoint a Sessions replacement. Pro forma sessions occur when the Senate (or the House of Representatives) is in session only as a formality. Thus, the President cannot make recess appointments. (Republicans used this same tactic to obstruct attempts by Obama to make recess appointments; now they were doing it to their own President!)
I’d like to take a moment to spotlight an aspect of the Sessions imbroglio that is representative of a wider theme in the L’Affaire Russe scandal. That is, how many unlikely twists and turns there are to it. There have been many unforeseen happenings with regard to this saga. The firing of Comey. The Veselnitskaya meeting revelations. The Devin Nunes subplot. All of it completely out of nowhere. Jeff Sessions is hated by Democrats for his fervent racism and the damage he’s doing as Attorney General. Yet because he has stood by his recusal, as far as the Russia probe is concerned he is an ally! The sight of Democrats demanding that Sessions not resign and remain at his post was so bizarre.
In August of 2017 word got out that Mueller had impaneled a grand jury to aid in his investigation. This signaled an escalation of the investigation since grand juries are used by prosecutors to obtain warrants and issue subpoenas.
Subpoenas, say, for documents relating to the Veselnitskaya meeting that Trump Jr. took. We learned that Mueller had obtained those as well.
We also learned that US intelligence had intercepted conversations between suspected Russian operatives discussing talks they had with Paul Manafort about information that could be used against Hillary Clinton.
The above three tidbits of information was reported to the public in rapid succession all over the course of an hour.
The White House’s official response to the grand jury news was also very bizarre. It was just the article initially reporting on it copy and pasted on to the official White House letterhead.
Things continued to escalate when Mueller raided Paul Manafort’s home for documents even though Manafort had supposedly already turned over relevant documents to Mueller.
The general consensus is that Mueller is playing hardball. His strategy, apparently, is to engage in a shock and awe campaign to scare other Trump associates in to “flipping” on Trump and cooperating with the investigation. Another key aspect of Mueller’s apparent strategy: trying to flip Manafort himself by nailing him on other charges so he’ll turn on Trump in exchange for amnesty. It’s been reported that Mueller is looking in to criminal conduct by Manafort and possibly Flynn too.
It was later reported that Mueller, in a way that is clearly pursuant to the above, is working with New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. This is very shrewd on Mueller’s part. There’s always the possibility that Trump may shield his accomplices by pardoning them, but the President can only issue pardons for federal crimes. Working with Schneiderman signals that Mueller is trying to nail them on state level crimes which Trump can’t pardon them for.
Rather tellingly, the National Enquirer, yes the supermarket dishrag, has started publishing noted anti-Manafort articles. The National Enquirer is owned by a personal friend of Trump’s.
It is also known that Rinat Akhmenshin, who participated in the Veselnitskaya meeting with Trump Jr. has testified before Mueller’s grand jury.
Around this point the story of GOP operative Peter Smith was uncovered. Smith was a GOP operative with years of work for the party. Indeed, he was in his eighties by the time the 2016 election came around, yet he was still doing work for the GOP.
Around mid-summer 2016, Matt Tait, a cybersecurity expert who had gained notoriety for offering public analysis of the DNC email hacks on his Twitter account, was contacted by Smith. Smith claimed that he was contacted by someone on the dark web who was in possession of emails stolen from Hillary Clinton’s email server. Smith was intent on obtaining Clinton’s hacked emails and exposing them for the world to see, but wanted Tait to authenticate the emails held by his unknown dark web contact as genuinely being from Clinton’s email server. Tait did not go through on Smith’s proposition and did not speak to him again.
Smith, it is apparent, had connections to the upper echelons of the Trump campaign. For example, according to Tait, Smith knew that Michael Flynn was to become the National Security Advisor in the event that Trump won the election.
It is, however, unknown if Smith was acting independently or on behalf of the Trump campaign. Smith did imply, though, that Flynn was involved in his attempts to find Clinton’s hacked emails and we now know that Mueller is investigating that possibility.
Ultimately, there are two possibilities here: that Smith’s dark web contact was just a scam artist looking to defraud Smith of his money for fake emails, or, more sinisterly, an agent of the Russian government looking to pass on the hacked Clinton emails to people who would use them to Russia’s benefit.
I believe that we now know why Trump had such a servile and bootlicking attitude towards Putin during the campaign. It has been reported that Trump associates, and childhood friends, Michael Cohen and Felix Sater were trying to negotiate the construction of a Trump Tower Moscow during the election campaign. This, it would seem, explains why Trump spoke so approvingly of Putin during the campaign.
It’s been reported that Manafort had a warrant for his surveillance at various points during the campaign. What happened is that the Feds had Manafort under surveillance for reasons to do with his work for foreign agents known to be allied with Russia. To be clear, the fact that we even know about this is actually very bad. 
We know about this because a FISA warrant leaked to the press. This is a grave violation of Manafort’s rights as a US citizen and should not be applauded. 
After some time outside the public light due to a number of natural disasters (and one botched response to a natural disaster) the scandal roared back to prominence. 
A bombshell was leaked on Friday night on October 27th: Mueller had secured the first indictment of the Trump-Russia Scandal. This leak could only have come from the Rod Rosenstein’s office, making this a very troublesome leak.
Who exactly was under indictment was to be announced on Monday...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6
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