ohsalome · 6 months
Most Russians would not support ending the invasion of Ukraine if it meant the withdrawal from Ukrainian territories currently occupied by Russia, a recent poll conducted by the Moscow-based Levada Center has shown.
According to the survey, only 34% of Russians would support President Vladimir Putin if he decided to end the invasion and return occupied territories to Ukraine.
However, 70% of respondents said they would support Putin’s decision to end the invasion of Ukraine, without the caveat about returning territories.
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odinsblog · 9 months
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ketrindoll · 11 months
RuZZian's like to throw word "russophobia" around a lot like the shit they do is not legitimately phobia-inducing. The whole country is now adopting terrorist policy against citizens of Ukraine (of all nationalities, including russian), threaten European countries with nukes every other day, commit genocide AND threaten to commit it (using language like "exterminate" when talking about Poland, the Baltic States, and Ukraine) use nerve agent to kill people in foreign countries, etc etc, but yeah, all those fears are totally baseless.
Russophobia is Russorealism
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milanson · 7 months
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yeah...okay, this happens ALL THE TIME. Being in an art post has never been so unbearable!! It's always a shame when you see an artist who draws really well and then you see DHI "Russians" or something like that. God, how annoying this is!!
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snovyda · 1 year
Professor Timothy Snyder's briefing of The United Nations Security Council this morning, 14 March 2023, for a session called by the Russian Federation to discuss "russophobia." 
I wanted to choose a quote to put in this post as an example, but couldn't. Please read the whole thing. Please note how the russian representatives tried to deny the obvious and attack Snyder, thus only proving his point.
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I love how when Russia bans a bunch of USAmericans who are actively hostile towards the country and hold significant political and/or cultural power from entering their country it’s proof they’re irrational, xenophobic, Orwellian Eastern barbarians but when Russian citizens who have absolutely fuck all to do with the war or their country’s actions get banned from chess competitions, film and music festivals, or fucking cat picture contests it’s just normal rational decent Western civil society being normal
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drthrvn · 2 years
not gonna lie, it kinda freightens me how much i hate russia now. i've never been a one to hate entire nations or who to believe in stereotypes. being Polish, i've obviously known about how many sick things russians have done throuought their entire history and i've known that many, many russians are basically brainwashed. and yet, i believed them to be harmless, i was thinking "okay they're a sick nation, they have some weird imperial ambitions, but what's the worst they could do???". honestly, how wrong i was. one part of me is ashamed of feeling so much hate towards an entire nations but the other, louder part simply wants to see russia burn. i have no sympathy for russians left in me.
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ohsalome · 6 months
russians when they are being called out for the war crimes commited for their taxes in their name with their passive or active cooperation: wtf??? i don't support putin??? he is personally single-handedly responsible for everything bad??? what do you want from me, I am just one person??? this is russophobia
russians when they are NOT being called out for the war crimes commited for their taxes in their name with their passive or active cooperation:
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odinsblog · 3 months
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Go run dat back 🇺🇦
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 month
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⚡️ « Cela n'a rien à voir avec l'Etat islamique. Ce sont les Ukrainiens. »—
La rédactrice en chef de Rossiya Segodnya, Margareta Simonyan a souligné que les noms et les visages des auteurs étaient déjà connus des autorités...
...et que les terroristes avaient tout révélé lors des interrogatoires.
« On a immédiatement compris pourquoi les médias américains affirmaient à l'unisson qu'il s'agissait de l'EI. »
Elle a ajouté que l'enthousiasme affiché par les médias occidentaux pour persuader le monde que l'EI était responsable avant même que des arrestations aient eu lieu les avait complètement trahis.
«Il ne s'agit pas de l'EI. Il s'agit d'une équipe bien coordonnée de plusieurs autres abréviations, elles aussi largement connues.»
De fait, le renseignement américain a immédiatement fait le tour des médias pour imposer le narratif selon lequel l'Etat islamique serait responsable, se basant sur un post Telegram où le groupe revendiquait l'attentat.
Et Washington a par ailleurs tenté de dédouaner le régime de Kiev quelques minutes seulement après l'attaque, affirmant que «rien n'indiquait que l'Ukraine ou des Ukrainiens soient impliqués dans cette fusillade».
@kompromatmedia a été censuré en France. Suivez @kompromatmedia_2 et partagez pour nous aider à défendre la liberté d'expression!
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milanson · 3 months
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I don’t know why, but I decided to draw the humanization of the ruling party in Russia. "United Russia"
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imsosocold · 11 months
Is what Russia is doing to Ukraine horrible and evil? Yes. Does Russia as a county have a history of oppression, imperialism, and corruption? Yes. Is there still a lot of harmful, terrible ideologies remaining in the country? Yes. Does that give you an excuse to be discriminatory to people just because they are of Russian background and descent? No. Get mad at the corrupt government and the tyrants that control it, not average day civilians and certainly not those who are actively protesting against the regime despite the danger it causes. You’re not being a revolutionary or an ally, you’re just fucking racist.
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Top ten dumbest things empire propagandists ask us to believe:
1. That the US war machine has been surrounding its top two rivals China and Russia with war machinery as an act of defense, rather than an extremely provocative act of aggression.
2. That the war in Ukraine simultaneously (A) was completely unprovoked, and (B) just coincidentally happens to massively advance US strategic interests and therefore should be funded as much as possible.
3. That, okay, all those other wars were based on lies and resulted in disaster, but that couldn’t possibly be the case for this current war.
4. That your country’s foreign policy is determined by your official elected government, even though the foreign policy remains the same regardless of who is in office.
5. That it is only by pure coincidence that your nation’s population remains in a perpetual 50–50 deadlock which prevents anyone’s votes from changing the status quo, and the status quo just happens to be perpetually frozen along lines that hugely advantage the rich and powerful.
6. That the only reason anyone could possibly be critical of the most dangerous impulses of the world’s most powerful and destructive government is if they are a secret agent working for the enemies of that government.
7. That the western empire which spent the last two decades murdering Muslims in the Middle East suddenly cares very deeply about the Muslims in China.
8. That Putin invaded Ukraine solely because he is evil and hates freedom, and that the empire is pouring weapons into Ukraine because it loves Ukrainians and wants to protect their freedom and democracy.
9. That foreign propaganda and influence operations are significantly manipulating the way westerners think and vote, but the plutocrats who fully control all the most influential platforms in the western world are not.
10. That we need to be worrying about tyrannical enemies in Beijing and Moscow, instead of tyrannical enemies a lot closer to home.
11. That the free press only exists in the United States and allied countries.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Oh my gd, THANK YOU so much for relogging my post and your tags <3 seeing your post in a sea of jokes and memes was such a relief and it made me feel like I wasn't alone anymore. Please take care, and I hope life is kind to you
You aren't alone, and I'm so so very sorry for what you've had to deal with on your post! It was really important! I'm exactly as tired of everyone focusing on shouting down infighting and valorizing individuals and memeing. This list exposes how Islamphobia isnt over, how big a problem Russophobia is becoming (to be clear the list revealed "Russian-sounding" names which can mean anything; Tankies taking this as an opening will be shot on sight), and the fact that they're criminalizing anyone who has ever acted against USAmerican and British imperial interests. People have been so dead convinced about the utility and necessity of the No Fly List that the Obama administration tried to ban guns to people on it as a "bare minimum" measure. BAN GUNS FOR WHOM? TODDLERS? MUSLIMS AND NON-WHITES, THOSE PEOPLE FAMOUS FOR MASS SHOOTINGS? PEOPLE WHO WENT TO A PEACE MARCH?? It was just more security theater, just more reinforcing the criminalizing of minority citizens and the power of the surveillance state, absolutely nothing with any teeth to prevent domestic terrorism.
Delegitimizing the No Fly, hammering it into everyone's heads that Bad People Lists exist primarily to victimize innocent people, is one of the most important gains we can make against the surveillance state. And ALL these white fools can do is decide they're the Moste Oppressed and all they can do is joke to ''''cope''"". Cope with what? Are they the ones risking being deported?
It's not about Twitter or Tumblr or Gen Z kids, it's that Western leftism is entrenched in the discourses of white young upper middle class fools who can't confront their own privilege any better than the right-wing can.
@ white queers – for the love of God, learn when to shut up and reblog.
Link to OP's post.
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ataehone · 9 months
you have zero audience on here but you still write all this idiotic bullshit. for who? it's a performance you do for yourself. you're a fucking idiot and a tool and a hopeless loser. you're as interesting as a piece of frozen dog shit. you cant handle that truth so you come on here and post your bootlicking dogmatic propaganda bullshit in order to create a narrative about yourself. have fun continuing to be a pathetic coward and achieving nothing in your life.
Hey, you read it, didntcha? It shows up in the tags, some of these posts get notes, means it works.
Everything is propaganda, dude, but whenever the West reports anything related to Ukraine it's always a David vs Goliath hero worship story. Not a "country we sponsored a coup in twice and are now turning into an arms depot like we did Afghanistan before and egged on to go fight its own people in a meaningless civil-war-turned-ethnic-cleansing vs the country whose ethnicity they are trying to cleanse".
I mean, we're already past the point where NYT admits there's open Nazis in the Ukrainian armed forces and maybe America should stop just dumping guns and Geneva Convention-banned munitions there and do something else maybe.
It's easy to paint a narrative of Russia being the terrible big bad aggressor because Western peoples were being indoctrinated into hating us since before the Bolsheviks came into power. It's harder to admit that maybe the imperialism that tore Ukraine up is American.
But you know, triple standards, yeah? Nobody went to jail over what either Bush did to Iraq, after all, despite even Bush Jr admitting it was wrong. Afghanistan is turning into a worse version of what it was before the War on Terror murdered hundreds of thousands of its civilians as a side effect, one even the UN acknowledges (still did nothing about it though, not even a teeny tiny sanction).
Not that I should mislead myself into thinking you will go do at least the bare minimum of research about the Maidan, the Azov batallion, the Minsk Agreements, the frankly ridiculous number of ties Hunter Biden seems to have to the Ukrainian economy or any of the other times the current conflict could have been stopped or outright prevented if the West wasn't pouring lies into the minds of Ukraine.
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