#rusty lake mr.crow
bluektw · 5 months
So, I'm making a detective board to explain the story of Rusty Lake to a friend, with most of the games (Mainly since I couldn't play/watch walkthroughs of Underground Blossom and Past Within I'll not put them on the board) but I have some doubts, if anyone knows any of the answers I'll be forever thankful to you
When does Hotel take place? I imagined it would be 1966 cause of Birthday's snow globe, but I'm not so sure
Is Mr. Crow Dale's REAL grampa or was he just posing as him?
Jakob fused with his mom's corrupted soul? Or some other soul?
Why did her soul become corrupted? Was cause she was making the elixir? Or the death that shouldn't be hers?
The animals in hotel are Jakob's family transformed right? Meaning they took the elixir and didn't die on the 50/50 rule
William is the corrupted soul that kills Laura in Seasons? Or Laura also has a corrupted soul?
Is the frog/cook from Hotel also someone who takes the elixir?
We play as Harvey in Hotel, so is he also someone who takes the elixir? If yes, how did he end up as Laura's parrot?
Who is the body we find in the Lake? Someone from the Eilander family? I heard theories it could also be Harvey
Who is altering the past in 1981 in Seasons? Laura? Willam's soul? Dale (pre or post cave)?
The deer's soul in the cabin in the end of Case 23, is it Nicholas (the father)? Or just a random soul?
They fused Dale's soul with Willam's during The Cave?
Harvey's box. As a whole.
What is the golden cube and what is its special thing? (Has it been revealed yet???)
Paradox takes place after The Cave? Meaning after William's corrupted soul ""goes"" to Dale?
In paradox, it's said that Dale has a corrupted soul, that he has to use it, does this mean that Dale has one? Or we're talking about William again?
Mr. Owl wants Dale as his successor? Or is just using him to get someone else? Also, if he wants a successor why not Aldous/ Mr. Crow and Dale gets Aldous current task?
Is Mr. Owl dying? Considering the future mind he says he doesn't have time and it's turning into a fish? Why is he dying? The elixir stopped working?
If the Bunny that attacked Dale in birthday is David Eilander, his soul was corrupted or unstable, and Dale, when revisiting and changing the past, is saving the corrupted souls? Or killing them?
In the end of paradox Dale's corrupted soul kills Laura, but it had been said her corrupted soul killed her, so the corrupted soul causing trouble to EVERYONE is William's?
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magicmindless · 1 year
This is kinda a vent but also kinda dumb because it shouldn’t matter but I kinda feel I’m painfully vanilla with shipping
When it comes to shipping in general I normally just like any canonically implied ships because I just like sticking to canon most of the time, unless there were very few ships or none to begin with then either I wouldn’t ship anyone at all (like with Rusty Lake, besides like a few married couples like James and Mary but that’s all the other couples were your parents that died and like your dead mom and asshole dad and then Mr.crow and his wife but eh, still, no shipping) or I just have a bunch of made up ships (*cough* Identity V phase *cough* *cough* Jesus Christ)
But even then I think I mostly liked ships that other people I liked… liked, and even for ships I didn’t like other people didn’t like either.
And nothing really changed. I think I only kinda realized it now because like Papa Louie has a bunch of canon ships and those are the ones I mostly like and think about more often. Non-canon ones too but then again, they were all just from other people that I liked
And the worst part: The ship that is my current favorite of course HAD to be the ship with literally the fewest detail known to man, they are not even mentioned in each other’s flipdecks and if you knew me or context you’d know what the fuck it is. It is so bad, that when I want to draw them together to make myself feel better, I have NO IDEAS (well excluding a Valentine’s Day art I’m making but I still gotta be somewhat creative) because their ship is so FUCKING plain
TL;DR: I have as much flavor as a piece of fucking white bread and so are all my shipping tastes and the only way I can be somewhat interesting is if I like other people’s ships which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but I’m having an identity crisis
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pepper315 · 5 years
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The ruler of the lake
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cuicuisausage · 2 years
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Some funny pics. At least I think😂
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mrsheo · 3 years
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Rusty Lake
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Hey besties, is it a sin to drink some potion and then turn into a immortal bird? Asking for a friend
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Ah yes the infamous Vanderboom brother's yeah we heard of them although i personally don't support their ways of achiving enternal life...
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monotone-inkwell · 5 years
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Party Hard With My Pal WetSockMan.
He Cosplayed Mr.Crow From VideoGame “Rusty Lake”.
And I Cosplayed Dr.Flug From Cartoon “Villainous”.
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youchalice · 4 years
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yuyugawain · 6 years
Join me for mystery, MURDER and...anthropomorphic animals? Let’s Play: Rusty Lake Hotel
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kuzmich-isterich · 6 years
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Child of the Flower & Child of the Tube
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mr-crow-speaks · 7 years
I hope cube escape 10 has a happy ending even if it will possibly give us all feels.
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pepper315 · 5 years
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Mr. Crow, my evil love
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studying-guess-blog · 7 years
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“The past it’s never dead, the past it’s not even the past”
-Mr Crow
Rusty Lake Games
PD: El Dibujo no es mío, sólo edité la foto
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mrsheo · 5 years
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Inktober 2019
Day 2: Mindless
This Inktober will be more like fandomtober x)
I highly recommend you to play Rusty Lake or at least watch their short film)
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