#rusty stafford
spyrkle4 · 1 year
Ark hcs I have about the survivors: Aberration (part 2)
Sequel to the last post on ab, this one is gonna talk about the grad students n’ stuff (and I am going to be self indulgent af and none of you can stop me)
-So fun fact the grad students have their own wiki page and it helps me think about what was going on in ab after everyone bounced (and when I mean everyone I mean everyone left, except their tames)
-Sadly I think Rockwell killed almost-everyone’s tames since he couldn’t get to the survivors, he could at least get the creatures they couldn’t bring with them...
-But not Xiao! Most of the light pets managed to avoid being spared bc they’re smol and it’s easier for them to hide, so yeah he mostly chilled in the ruins of the tek village for a long time until discovered by what’s left of the grad students
-Rockwell was the one who brought the grad students onto aberration, since he took over as overseer he could bring survivors onto the ark now, I think he mostly brought “students with bright minds” for his experiments
-Considering he was influencing some of the grad students, I think he was running experiments by poking through their heads and trying to get them to do what he wanted, basically his first test subjects in controlling other creatures 
-I like to think they all got along a little before Rockwell was messing with them, Trent and Rusty were the kind of people that did dumb dares and Emilia tagged along to feel included 
-Also they had a pet bulbdog with the group that was Emilia’s, they were together until the very end...
(more notes under the cut)
-Boris at first was leader of the group but Trent and Emilia voted Imamu bc he was too bossy and terrible at directions XD
-I actually think Boris is just a grump at first, he’s like “I just want to be a scientist I didn’t ask to be teleported into dinosaur land!” 
-Trent tried apologizing to Rusty multiple times after the incident of making of fun of his accent but at that point Rockwell was whispering words of doubt into his head he never accepted his friend’s apologies 
-Emilia and Rusty went on a date once (”It is not a date, stop it Trent” -Trent said it was bc he’s a troll) at fertile lake where they just talked and went fishing.
-Rusty I think helped Emilia feel confident, she was the anxious member of the group and he helped inspire her to feel brave, he was probably in her thoughts when she sacrificed herself so the others could escape 
-The fall Rusty had just broke his legs or something, he would’ve healed after a long rest, but Boris isn’t exactly a patient guy...
-Emilia and Rusty’s death hit Trent hard, he started taking their situation more seriously and stuck close to Imamu, worried about losing him too, 
-I think it was the combination of Element and Rockwell’s whispers that drove Boris off the deep end, he was still a bit of a grumpy jerk beforehand, but he wouldn’t have killed Rusty and drove Emilia to sacrifice herself if he hadn’t been corrupted at that point
-Trent and Imamu kept the journals of their fallen friends, Trent wanted to burn Boris’ journal after reading it, but Imamu talked him out of it as he thought that the voice that he and Rusty heard must’ve droven him insane, so Trent (reluctantly) put his arson plans on hold
-So when Trent and Imamu were in the ruins of the Tek village, they discovered a little shinehorn sitting by the ruins that was really friendly to them, Trent liked having the little guy around bc it reminded him of Emilia and her bulbdog.
-They found out the shinehorn was named Xiao bc they collected some of the explorer notes and dossiers, it’s also how they first discovered the name of Sir Edmund Rockwell
-Emilia was the one who started the trend of finding explorer notes, thinking they’d have a key to getting out of the Ark if they read the stories of past survivors, but she wasn’t there anymore to find the notes, so the two did their best to try and continue her work 
-Trent and Imamu, when they were the last of the group, became very close since they were in this situation together (Trent 100% called it a bromance, Imamu was very confused bc he did not know what Trent was referencing) 
-Before his defeat at the hands of Rockwell, Imamu first felt sorrow on ab when he discovered the dossier on reapers, and what to do if one... stabs you with their tail, he basically started tearing up and kept repeating “I could’ve saved him... I could’ve saved him” over and over because if he had known about the reapers... Trent would be alive
-Xiao gave Imamu some shinehorn hugs afterwords : (, why am I mean to these kids omg
-I’ve heard some people speculate that Imamu died shortly of his wounds after losing the fight from Rockwell, I think he did survive but his spirit didn’t :’( so he just spent his days by the tek village, with Xiao for company
-If Trent had survived his encounter with the reaper queen, I think he and Imamu would’ve been able to defeat Rockwell and escape aberration 
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rygoespop · 4 months
List of characters that appear in my Thomas and Friends AU
and Rebecca
Donald and Douglas
Bill and Ben
Brent the Ballast Spreader
Arry and Bert
Diesel 10
Bash and Dash
Sir Handel
Peter Sam
Mighty Mac
Harry (Formerly known as Lord Harry and later as Patrick)
Flying Scotsman
Splodge (Splatter and Dodge)
Jinty and Pug
Patriot the Big City Engine
Green Arrow
Yong Bao
Annie and Clarabel
Old Slow Coach
Judy and Jerome
Fred Pelham
The Slip Coaches
The Horrid Lorries
Max and Monty
Big Mickey
And Beresford
Coming Soon:
Duchess of Hamilton
Flying Thistle
Kenji (Maybe)
Ivo Hugh
Ada, Mabel, Jane, and Cora
City of Turo
2007 Prince of Wales
Old King Coal
Hannah (Henrietta’s Sister)
Helena and Victoria
So, there you have it
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hlcynsouls · 2 years
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&  DARCY  /  TASK 001  →  living situation :  cottage by the wander woods .
DARCY OCCUPIES  one of the cottages closest to the woods ;  secluded enough to feel  safe ,  but still accessible to potential customers .  she put a lot of effort  ( and magic )  into making it her  home  —  the walls ,  windows ,  and doorways are lined with carved sigils ;  the quaintly patterned tapestry painted with specially mixed potions .  all meant to hide ,  to  obscure ,  to make the space seem uninteresting and ordinary and boring  ( when it was anything but ) .  the entryway leads to the  kitchen ,  where most of her business takes place ;  her desk is littered with papers and notebooks ,  and the majority of her tools are kept here .  the  living room  is reserved for friends and special cases ;  shelves full of conjured and collected books ,  objects ,  and useful nick-nacks line the walls of that place .  a variety of indoor plants take up whatever space is left ,  even in the bathroom .  the  bedroom  takes up the small attic space , and is the least cluttered place in the entire house ,  besides a few clothes and blankets strewn around .  a door in the living room leads to the back porch ,  which overlooks the  garden .  besides the lavish ,  blooming plant and vegetable patches ,  there’s an old ,  rusty bathtub with spices growing in it ,  and a small flowerbed lines the way to the greenhouse .  the property isn’t fenced in ,  but if trespassers aren’t put off by her wards ,  her only  roommate  manages to keep them away just fine :  there’s what appears to be a black boxer-stafford mix that’s been lurking around the property since before she moved in ,  and they happily coexist without bothering each other too much .  the dog doesn’t need to be fed or walked ,  though sometimes it’ll follow her around when it’s bored ,  and she occasionally brings it treats when it shows up to lay in the sun on the porch .  darcy has named it  cat ,  though it doesn’t react to the name or to any other command .
( address patch template )
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lastonthebrakes · 2 years
ok i watched a replay of the second half so: both teams looked a bit rusty at first, made a fair few mistakes; rams are frauds who stole the lombardi in broad daylight with help from the refs; matthew stafford is MIDDD; von miller is a beast; bestie josh allen is amazing but doesn't have to run that much (i literally think he enjoys getting tackled atp)
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project1939 · 2 months
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100+ Films of 1952
Film number 113: Models, Inc. 
Release date: May 19th, 1952. 
Studio: Mutual, distributed by Universal 
Genre: noir 
Director: Reginald Le Borg 
Producer: Bernard W. Burton, Hal E. Chester 
Actors: Howard Duff, Colleen Gray, John Howard 
Plot Summary: A beautiful young con-artist enrolls in a modeling school to seduce its wealthy owner, but when her old boyfriend gets out of prison, he has a scheme of his own. Can she really keep her criminal past away from her new rich husband? 
My Rating (out of 5 stars): ***½  
OK, this one was fun! For a lower budget noir, this is about as good as it can get. The acting was above par, the story was interesting, and we were blessed with amazing cheesy dialogue and a thrilling ending. It’s far from a towering achievement in film, but it’s hella entertaining. I’m definitely watching it again. (Some minor spoilers) 
The Good: 
Rusty, the con-woman at the center of everything. Both her character and the actress who played her were perfect for this kind of film. First of all, Rusty is a great name for a shady woman in a noir! She’s basically morally bankrupt, but it sure is fun to watch her. 
Howard Duff as Lennie the ex who has been part of Rusty’s crimes. He recently impressed me in Steel Town, where he left me wishing he had gotten the girl in the end. Here he plays a bad guy with strength and aplomb. You love to hate him. 
John Howard was effective as John Stafford, the millionaire in the modeling industry who succumbs to Rusty’s charms. 
This was a classic sleazy crime-ridden noir in all the best ways, 
A terrifically cheesy romance montage- as Rusty and John begin dating we see them go to a horse race, then an art museum, then a classical music concert, and finally a shopping scene where John lets her pick out lots of expensive clothes. 
One of my favorite things about noirs is their tendency to have odd everyday characters randomly appear for comic relief or suspenseful delays. This one had a great scene near the end with a man in a bank and a slow customer ahead of Rusty as she's trying to flee. 
The details about the modeling school classes were a treat to watch. (Go to the bottom of this post for the details!)
The ending was Perfect! 
During a climactic shootout in an alley, we get glimpses of ads papered to the walls. As a character dodges bullets, a sign right next to him has a pouring teapot and reads, “Time for Tea,” which killed me. 
There was so much great hilariously “noir” tough-talkin' dialogue. Like- “You can’t blow into town, promise me a job modeling your crummy lingerie, and after a fast pitch slough it off as a sweet dream.” Also, “That’s right, Lennie, neither of us has changed very much. Oh, a better suit or a dress maybe, but in here where it really counts, we’re still the same kids, looking for shortcuts to the rainbow.” 
The Bad: 
There was maybe a bit too much vagueness of what actually went on with the photo taking racket Lennie starts. I know censors at the time couldn’t outright say prostitution was involved, but... 
How could John Stafford, a man who made a fortune creating models, be so stupid as to fall in love with Rusty? Her intentions seemed fairly transparent. I know love can blind a person, but you’d think he'd been around the block enough to figure it out. 
During a police car chase scene, you could clearly see that no one in either car was wearing a seatbelt. Afterall, seatbelts wouldn’t be mandatory for fourteen years! (The resources I could find said it was 1966.) It sent me into a mini-panic just watching it! 
------As a silly bonus, here’s the schedule on the chalkboard at the Stafford Modeling School: 
9:30-10:30 Poise and Personality 
10:30-10:45 Exercise 
10:45-11:30 Hairstyling 
11:30-12:45 Posture 
12:45-2:00 Makeup 
2:00-2:45 Modeling Stance 
So there’s 15 minutes of exercise, but 75 minutes for posture? 
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blue-opossum · 5 months
Nifty Fifties Error
        Nifty Fifties Error
        Saturday morning, 13 January 2024
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        As with another recent dreaming event ("Hooray for Hazel"), Jim Stafford's "Nifty Fifties Blues" vividly comes to mind, except that one of the lyrics is incorrect. He says, "No teeth and a RUSTY spleen" instead of RUPTURED. (As with the other song, I likely have not heard it since leaving America.)
        The confused association is likely with Echo and The Bunnymen's "Rust."
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kallij · 2 years
Bidding farewell to an unsung legend
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R.I.P. James A. McDivitt, test pilot and astronaut. He passed away on October 13 and somehow it flew utterly beneath my radar. 
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Jim McDivitt was a Korean War combat pilot, and earned a Bachelors in Aeronautical Engineering from University of Michigan, a spot in the USAF Experimental Flight Test Pilot School, and was a member of the inaugural class at the Aerospace Research Pilot School. He had over 2,000 hours in jets (here he is striking a heroic pose with a decidedly not-heroic T-28).
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Later Jim was selected as a member of NASA Group 2, known as “the New (or Next) Nine.” They were chosen to augment the Original Seven for the Gemini program and beyond. From lower left, they are Jim Lovell*, Elliot See, Ed White, Neil Armstrong**, Frank Borman*, John Young**, Tom Stafford*, Pete Conrad**, and that's Jim McDivitt front and center. 
(*) Six of this group went to the Moon and three (**) of them walked on it; two more died in tragic accidents before getting their chance to go. None of them were Jim McDivitt, so his career is often overlooked.
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Thanks to a thing called “the pecking order,” the Mercury Seven were automatically first in line when it came to getting the mission assignments, but with the two-man Gemini program starting up, that meant Chief Astronaut Deke Slayton could assign some of these new guys to fill the right seat while the Mercury veterans commanded the mission. John Young was the first guy from Group 2 to fly, paired with America's second man in space Gus Grissom, for the first crewed Gemini mission: a simple (well, as simple as anything related to spaceflight can be, that is) shakedown flight called Gemini 3. 
But Gemini 4 (June 1965) was much more ambitious, and McDivitt was given command, making him the first rookie to command a crew.
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Flying right seat (left, in this photo) was his fellow Group 2 buddy and former University of Michigan schoolmate Ed White. The mission plan was packed; it was going to be four days long— longer than all of America's previous spaceflights put together. They were going to practice celestial navigation with a sextant and attempt a rendezvous with a spent rocket stage. And thanks to cosmonaut Alexei Leonov having become the first man to leave his spacecraft while in orbit earlier that year, a spacewalk was hurriedly added to Gemini 4, too. 
This task fell to White, as of course McDivitt would be responsible for flying the spacecraft.
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McDivitt's pictures of White during his extravehicular activity (EVA) are among some of the most spectacular in all of NASA's history. 
BTW the so-called controversy of Ed White becoming too enamored of the void of space to come back into the spacecraft is bullshit. The comms setup was that the guy outside could only hear the guy inside, not the ground, and they kept stepping on each others’ transmissions.
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Next up for Jim would be command of Apollo 8, the first crewed test of the Apollo  Lunar Module (LM) in Earth orbit. Along for the ride were Group 3 astronauts Dave Scott, a veteran of Gemini 8, as command module pilot (CMP),  and rookie Rusty Schweickart, as LMP. 
Apollo 7 (Wally Schirra, Walt Cunningham, Donn Eisele) had successfully tested the CM in Earth orbit in October of 1968. But just as the Soviets had changed the Gemini 4 mission with Leonov's spacewalk, they changed the remaining Apollo schedule with their Zond spacecraft, which was capable of flying around the moon and back. They had one ready to launch, and if successful, they could say “We got there first; that means we won the space race. Ешьте дерьмо, неудачники!” And Apollo 8’s LM was nowhere near ready to fly. 
So Deke and the higher-ups at NASA decided to send Apollo 8 to the moon first, by itself, without the LM. Deke didn't want to lose Jim’s crew’s experience with their lander, so he swapped them with the crew of Apollo 9: Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and Bill Anders, who went on to spend Christmas 1968 in lunar orbit (famously reading from Genesis on Christmas Day).
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In March of 1969 the CM Gumdrop (Dave Scott thought it looked like a piece of candy when it arrived at the Cape wrapped in cellophane) and LM Spider (well, just look at it!) were launched and tested thoroughly in Earth orbit. When Jim and Rusty flew off in Spider they became the first men to fly a spacecraft which could not land if things went wrong (weight was such an issue that the cabin walls were made of layers so thin that if you dropped a screwdriver it would puncture them, and of course it had no heat shield to get through Earth's atmosphere). 
The crew put Spider through its paces; firing the descent engine several times, testing its ability to maneuver with the thrusters, and firing the ascent engine to get back to Dave in Gumdrop. Rusty also did a modified spacewalk to test the lunar EVA suit (sadly, he was spacesick at the beginning of the mission and as a result, never got to fly again). 
After retiring from active flight status, Jim served as NASA’s Spacecraft Program Manager for a few years and retired from the Air Force in 1972 with the rank of Brigadier General; he also earned a buttload of Flying Medals, Distinguished Service Medals, and other honors throughout the course of his life.
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Jim, Dave, and Rusty reunited in 2019 for the flight's 50th anniversary. With Jim’s passing, the Apollo 8 crew is the last Apollo crew still intact.
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Ad Astra, Jim: June 10 1929 - October 14, 2022
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Troubleshooting a slow draining vessel sink
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A vessel sink can add beauty to a kitchen or bathroom, but like other plumbing fixtures, vessel sinks experience the same problems, such as a slow drain. There are many causes of a slow draining vessel sink, but you can usually fix the problem yourself. Do not attempt a repair if you are not confident in your abilities.
When in doubt, soldering pipes, replacing valves, and replacing faucet seats should be left to professionals with proper tools. If the drain is just clogged by something, you can try unclogging it with commercial drain cleaners, but always read the instructions carefully to avoid contaminating your drinking water with chemicals. If rusty pipes are the cause, don't put too much force on them as this can make your problem worse.
Recognize common drainage problems
One of the most common drainage problems that can occur with a slow draining sink is low water pressure. If opening the faucet causes a drop in pressure throughout your plumbing system, there must be a faulty plumbing part somewhere or your vessel sink was installed incorrectly.
You may also notice that the water is not only draining slowly, but also backing up in the sink. You may also notice wet spots on the walls and floors of the rooms that border the walls where your drains are located. There are instances when slow drainage is accompanied by a bubbling or gurgling sound in the pipes.
Determine the extent of the slow drain problem
If the slow drain is limited to the vessel sink only, the problem must be with the pipe that connects it to the main. However, if the slow drain problem also occurs with other fixtures in the home, such as other sinks, the bathtub, or the toilet, the problem could be in the main line that carries all of the wastewater from all of the fixtures in your home.
If the problem is limited to your vessel sink, you can try to trace the path of the wastewater to the main pipe. This can be difficult if your sink pipe is connected to other pipes that run through cavities in the wall before being installed below the floor line.
Flush drain pipes
If you've determined that clogs are the cause of a slow-draining sink, you can try to clear them by first clogging the drain and then filling the sink with hot water. Once the water is completely filled, unplug the sink and allow the hot water to drain into the clog. If the clog is grease, the hot water will melt the material enough to restore normal drain function. You can also use chemical drain cleaners to dissolve clogs.
Call the Emergency Plumber in Stafford. We are around the clock available. Never hesitate to call us, 01785387919.
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aclslibrarian · 2 years
Sparring Partners
UnCovered review by Collette Jones, Manager, ACLS Egg Harbor City Branch
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Sparring Partners is another in a long list of John Grisham classics. It’s an easy read on your summer vacation.
Fans and newcomers alike will not be disappointed by John Grisham’s first collection of novellas. In the title story, "Sparring Partners", Bolton Malloy, disbarred from the firm he created, is in prison for killing his wife. That the main sentiment of the murder is that Bolton wasn’t careful enough in covering up the crime indicates how disagreeable the victim was, and from this partnership came Rusty and Kirk, two lawyer sons who detest each other. Because their father forced them to sign an agreement that would result in acute penalties were they to leave Malloy & Malloy, their bond is indissoluble and toxic. The only thing that could make their situation more poisonous would be for Bolton to rejoin the firm, and when their father comes up with a scheme to get out of prison, the boys devise a plan to keep him in place. Add a seemingly sympathetic office manager who turns out to be as thoroughly disagreeable and manipulative as the rest of the cast, and by the end of the tale you just want everyone to be destroyed. Both lawyers and non-lawyers will appreciate the layers found in the title story. Kirk and Rusty Malloy took over a thriving law firm run by their father, who is serving a prison term for murdering their mother. The antagonism between the brothers is destroying the firm, and as it crumbles before them, we wonder how they will survive.
“Homecoming,” the first of three stories that comprise the book, features one of the few characters who has appeared in multiple Grisham novels: Jake Brigance, a small-town practitioner with an office in Ford County, Mississippi. This time, Jake is asked to help an old friend, Mack Stafford, an attorney who found his life falling apart and elected to solve his dilemma by disappearing from town. This is a story of forgiveness, revenge, and friendship. Mack, living well in paradise, has buyer’s remorse and wants to reestablish a relationship with his two teenage daughters.
“Strawberry Moon” is the book’s most poignant novella. Cody Wallace is a young man on death row who is only three hours away from being executed.
Enjoy it, and admire the skill of a truly great writer while pondering where his next book will take us.
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daikenkki · 4 years
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My TAF Ships List 3 by BlueSonicMania
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batsfromwesteros · 3 years
hello, I have been reading your stafford legacy and was wondering where you get all the maxis match hairs (specifically the ones Princess Mariah) wore! Thanks
Hi! For Princess Mariah I usually go for Rusty-cc or Curbs hairs! :)
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rygoespop · 5 months
List of Characters in my Thomas and Friends AU (Finalized)
And Rebecca
Donald and Douglas
Bill and Ben
Brent the Ballast Spreader
Arry and Bert
Diesel 10
Bash and Dash
Sir Handel
Peter Sam
Mighty Mac
Harry (Formerly known as Lord Harry/Patrick)
Flying Scotsman
Splodge (Splatter and Dodge)
Jinty and Pug
Patriot the Big City Engine
Yong Bao
Annie and Clarabel
Old Slow Coach
The Slip Coaches
Fred Pelham
Judy and Jerome
The Horrid Lorries
Max and Monty
Big Mickey
And Beresford
So that’s all for this finalized list, as for the ones planned such as Logan, Duchess of Hamilton, Ulli, Frank, Hannah, and The Spiteful Brakevan, they are unfortunately dropped due to the recent news regarding to Christopher Awdry
So that’s all
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artisticallyspades · 3 years
Hey T&F Fans !! I made a Wheel Decide that is T&F related !! Spin the wheel and tell me who you got !!
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salandbobshow · 3 years
Minimum Wage, Maximum Fun
Sal and Bob sit down to talk about what professions are a little rusty since being out of work during the pandemic. They also tackle the minimum wage debate and they cover the Detroit Lions trading Matthew Stafford to the LA Rams and look forward to seeing Jared Goff playing in Detroit. The show wraps up with Sal and Bob talking about why there hasn't been a good movie made about stand-up comedy, except for one. Find out which one on this edition of the Sal and Bob Show.
Check out this episode!
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
The death of Lucille Ball’s father at an early age had a great impact. Throughout the four situation comedies built around her, the “Lucy” characters had mothers, but references to their fathers was rare. Here’s a tribute to the precious few dads found in the Lucyverse! 
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Henry “Had” Durrell Ball (1887-1915) ~ Father of Lucille Ball and Fred Ball.
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Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y Alberni II (1894-1973) ~ Father of Desi Arnaz and grandfather of Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz IV. Desi Jr. is now the father of two. 
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Ricky Ricardo (aka Ricardo Alberto Fernando Ricardo y de Acha aka Enrique Alberto Fernando Ricardo y de Acha III) ~ Father of Ricky Ricardo Jr. (Keith Thibodeaux). Actually, Ricky’s son was played by 8 actors over the course of the series.
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In “Return Home From Europe” (ILL S5;E26), Ricky insists that he is not the father of baby Cheddar Chester!
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Below are all the fathers on “I Love Lucy”!  
But first, a (Father’s Day) word from our sponsor!
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Will Potter ~ Father of Ethel Mertz. Besides Ricky himself, Will Potter (Irving Bacon) is the only father of the main characters on “I Love Lucy.”  Although all four have living mothers (two of whom are characters on the show), only Ethel’s father is alive and well and appears on screen in “Ethel’s Hometown” (ILL S4;E16). 
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Charlie Appleby ~ Father of Stevie. Charlie makes two appearances on the series, although each time he is played by a different actor: Hy Averback played him in “Baby Pictures” (ILL S3;E5) and George O'Hanlon (inset photo) in “Lucy and Superman” (ILL S6;E13).
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Harry Munson ~ Father of Billy. Harry and Grace live about a mile from the Ricardos in Connecticut. Harry is played by Tristram Coffin in two episodes: “Lucy Misses the Mertzes” (ILL S6;E17) and in “The Country Club Dance” (S6;E25). 
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Ralph Ramsey ~ Father of Bruce Ramsey. The Ramseys live across from the Ricardos in Westport. Ralph (Frank Nelson) was only seen in two Connecticut-based episodes: “Lucy Gets Chummy With The Neighbors” (ILL S6;E18) and “The Country Club Dance” (ILL S6;E25), although Nelson appeared in many more episodes as different characters. 
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Danny Williams ~ Father of Rusty, Linda and Terry, although Terry does not appear in “Lucy Makes Room For Danny”, the cross-over episode that brought “The Danny Thomas Show” to CBS. In fact, for its first three years, the show was known as “Make Room for Daddy.”  Subsequently, Thomas did a sequel called “Make Room for Granddaddy” and Lucille Ball guest-starred on it in 1971.
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The Sheriff of Bent Fork, Tennessee ~ Father of twin girls Teensy and Weensy. Will Wright played the character in “Tennessee Bound” (ILL S4;E15). 
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Mr. Stanley ~ Father to nine girls! When “Lucy Goes To The Hospital” (ILL S2;E16), Ricky meets a man in the fathers’ waiting room (played by Charles Lane) anxiously awaiting the birth of his latest (and he says last) child, whom he hopes will be a boy. His hopes are dashed - times three over!   
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The Italian Farmer ~ in “Lucy’s Bicycle Trip” (ILL S5;E24), claims to have nine  children: Teresa, Sofia, Luigi, Pietro, Dino, Gino, Rosa, Mario, and Antonio!  The Farmer is played by Mario Siletti, but his "multi bambini” remain off screen!
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Ernie Kovacs ~ Father of Kippie and Bette, unseen but mentioned characters in “Lucy Meets the Mustache” (LDCH S3;E3) in 1960. The girls are said to be making friends with Little Ricky, while their father entertains at Lucy and Ricky’s (last) party. 
Moving on to the Fathers of “The Lucy Show”...
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Theodore J. Mooney ~ Father of Bob, Ted, Arnold, and Rosemary, who was never seen, but is said to live in Trenton and to have had a baby, making Mr. Mooney a grandfather as well! Gale Gordon played Mr. Mooney from 1963 to 1968. If the character was ever given a spin-off, it might have been called “My Three Sons”!  
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Father Time ~ Played by Sherman Bagley (Ralph Hart) in “Chris’s New Year’s Eve Party” (TLS S1;E14). He is accompanied by Baby New Year played by Jerry Carmichael (Jimmy Garrett). In the series, Sherman’s father Ralph is mentioned, but never seen. Jerry’s dad is deceased and never given a name.  
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Kenneth Westcott ~ Father of Debbie, who is a friend of Lucy Carmichael’s daughter Chris and Principal of their high school in 1963′s “Lucy is a Chaperone” (TLS S1;E27). He is played by Hanley Stafford. 
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Mr. Sanford ~ Father of Timmy, who is having a birthday where Lucy and Viv are hired as party planners and the entertainment in “Kiddie Parties, Inc.” (TLS S2;E2). Mr. Sanford is played by Lyle Talbot. If he was ever given a sequel, it might be called “Sanford and Son”!  
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Jonathan Winslow ~ Father of Charlie, Danny and Bobbie (aka Roberta) in “Lucy the Babysitter” (TLS S5;E16). What Lucy doesn’t realize is that the Winslow children are actually baby chimps!  Mr. Winslow was played by Jonathan Hole. 
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In “Lucy and Harry’s Tonsils” (TLS S2;E5), Mr. Phillips (Jack Collins) plays an father expecting his first child who believes Mr. Mooney is there for the same reason, while Mr. Mooney thinks Mr. Phillips is there for a tonsillectomy! Phillips (having his third child) is similar to the character of Mr. Stanley (who is having his ninth – all girls!) in “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16).
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“Lucy Becomes a Father” (TLS S3;E9) finds single mom and widow Lucy Carmichael trying to be both mother and father to her son, Jerry. She joins five other cub scout dads on a weekend away, trying desperately to do what the other dads do. The fathers include (left to right): Hal Smith as Mr. Wilson, George ‘Red’ Fox as George (hidden), Gale Gordon as Mr. Mooney, George Niese as Mr. Carter, and Buster West as Tom. Coincidentally, Gale Gordon had the surnames Carter in “Here’s Lucy” and Wilson in “Dennis the Menace” but neither were dads! 
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In the play “The Founding of Danfield” staged in “Lucy and Arthur Godfrey” (TLS S3;E23) in 1965, Godfrey plays “Daddy” of Lucybelle (Lucy Carmichael), and [spoiler alert] Conrad P. Field (Mr. Mooney) turns out to be the daddy of the Honest-But-Poor Piano Player Dan (Vinnie, played by Max Showalter). In real life, Godfrey was the father of three.  
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The Father of Our Country ~ George Washington, as embodied by Lucy Carmichael when “Lucy and Viv Open a Restaurant” (TLS S2;E20). Viv (Vivian Vance) dresses a George’s wife, Martha, to promote their new Colonial-themed restaurant. 
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In “Lucy the Gun Moll” (TLS S4;E25), Lucille Ball plays both Lucy Carmichael and a look-alike gun moll named Rusty, who performs the Cole Porter song “My Heart Belongs to Daddy”!
And now the Dads of “Here’s Lucy”....
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Mr. Caldwell ~ Father of Laurie in “Mod, Mod Lucy” (HL S1;E1), the very first episode of “Here’s Lucy.” Lew Parker played the over-protective dad of teenage Laurie (Nancy Roth). His wife is played by Nancy Howard. Parker was best known for playing the father of another TV character, Ann Marie (Marlo Thomas) on “That Girl.” In real-life, Marlo’s father was Lucy’s friend and co-star - one of the most famous daddies on TV - Danny Thomas!  
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On “Lucy and Johnny Carson” (HL S2;E11), while appearing on “The Tonight Show” and playing Stump the Band, Lucy Carter chooses a song titled “Snoops the Lawyer” that she says her father sang to her when she was a child.  This is the only mention of her father on the series. Coincidentally, Ball’s real mother is one of the audience members (Carson is sitting on the arm of her chair). Since the song was not written until 1920, and Lucille Ball’s real father Henry died in 1915, this cannot be a real-life recollection from Lucy. 
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Lee Wong ~ Father of Linda Chang and Sue Chin in “Lucy the Laundress” (HL S2;E17). The single father and business owner was played by James Hong. 
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Moose Manley ~ Father of milquetoast Wally in “Lucy and Wally Cox” (HL S2;E21). Moose was played by Alan Hale Jr. and his timid son by Wally Cox (insert). 
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Harrison Otis Carter the First ~ Great Grandfather of Harry Carter IV (aka Harry). Gale Gordon’s image was used to create Harry’s great grandfather.  Harry claims he was one of the founders of Sinclairville, New York, and was father of 17 children!
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Konstantin Kasos ~ Grandfather of the Bride in “Lucy’s Wedding Party” (HL S3;E8). The role was played by Bruce Gordon (”The Untouchables”) who was really just 55 years old playing a 77 Greek granddaddy. 
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Vincent Price - Father of Victoria aka “Little Vicky”, the name of Price’s real-life daughter, who is mentioned by Lucy, but does not appear in the episode “Lucy Cuts Vincent’s Price” (HL S3;E9). 
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Alfredo Colucci ~ Father of Ricardo, Anna Maria, Louisa, Luigi, Vincenzo, Dino, Lucrezia, Alfredo Jr., Margarito, Bruno, Rosa, and Frederico - all of whom appear in the final moments of “Lucy and Harry’s Italian Bombshell” (HL S4;E3) starring Kaye Ballard. Emile Autuori plays Alfredo, but the twelve children appear uncredited. 
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Claude Wolff ~ Husband of Petula Clark, who was noticeably pregnant when they played themselves on a “Here’s Lucy” in 1972. In real-life, Wolff became a dad for the third time with the birth of his first son, Patrick. 
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Harry Carter (Gale Gordon) finally got to play a working class dad to two unambitious teens when he appeared in a TV commercial during “Lucy and Cousin Ernie’s Fun Farm” (HL S1;E23) in 1969. 
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Harry Carter (Gale Gordon) pretends to be a husband and father (to be) when he convinces Lucy to play his pregnant wife to scare of a domineering suitor (Jean Willes) in “Lucy, The Part-Time Wife” (HL S3;E14).  
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The Lucyverse has plenty of room for fathers of all kinds. Father Lambros (Paul Picerni) showed up for a Greek wedding in “Lucy’s Wedding Party” (HL S3;E8).
And Finally, “Life With Lucy 
All Lucy Fathers come back to Gale Gordon - a man who never had children in real life!  
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Curtis McGibbon ~ Father of Ted McGibbon and Grandfather of Ted’s children Rebecca and Kevin. Gale Gordon played Curtis, the patriarch on “Life With Lucy,” with Larry Anderson as Ted, Jenny Lewis as Becky, and Philip Amelio as Kevin.  
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In “Mother of the Bride” (LWL S1;E8) in 1986, Lucy Barker and her sister Audrey (Audrey Meadows) mention their father during a private conversation in the kitchen.
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the-telescope-times · 5 years
Rusty Schweickart remembers Apollo 9
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The three Apollo 9 astronauts — left to right, Rusty Schweickart, David Scott, and Jim McDivitt — stand in front of the Apollo 9 Saturn V rocket at the historic launchpad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in February 1969. NASA
The lunar module pilot relives the challenges and triumphs when humans tested their spacecraft in Earth orbit.
Before Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, becoming the first human to step on another world, we had to be ready. A big part of the readiness came earlier that year, when three astronauts flew in Earth orbit during NASA’s Apollo 9 mission. This 10-day adventure commenced March 3, 1969, less than five months ahead of the Moon landing, and it was a critical milestone. Apollo 9 marked the first complete test of the Apollo system. Commander Jim McDivitt, along with Command Module Pilot David Scott and Lunar Module Pilot Russell “Rusty” Schweickart, put all the systems through their paces.
The mission was a turning point for several reasons. It was the first live orbital test of the lunar module (LM), the lander that would carry two astronauts to the Moon’s surface. The rendezvous and docking procedures between the LM and the command/service module were also tested. And it offered practice runs for astronauts to walk in space in order to conduct maintenance and fix problems that could arise far from home.
Apollo 10 would perform a full test run, circling the Moon, detaching the LM, doing practically everything except for the landing itself. That occurred in May 1969, with a crew of Tom Stafford, John Young, and Gene Cernan. But without the milepost of Apollo 9, the venture would have stopped and rebooted.
I interviewed Schweickart, now 83 and as razor sharp as ever, about his legendary Apollo 9 experience.
Note: A great accounting of a mission that helped pave the way for what was to come later that year 50 years ago.
Read it here at http://astronomy.com/magazine/news/2019/03/rusty-schweickart-remembers-apollo-9
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