#ruusaan kryze
crispyjenkins · 2 years
ooo well since you're asking for breathless!AU prompts! Could we get some insight on Jango and Obi's relationship before Jango left as a supercommando? When Obi was a teenager and full of anger and called Jango a laserbrain? Because I would LOVE to see how Jango felt in that situation.
Mando’a: buir/e — “parent/s”, gender neutral mando’ad/e — lit. “true child/ren of Mandalore”, True Mandalorian/s (slang shortened to Haat'ad/e) (pls accept this tiny offering. i miss this obi dearly.) first parts here and here | Ao3
  Ruusaan has Obi-Wan a year before Jango meets him, because the brat spends most of it half-dead in a hospital, and Jango doesn’t care that his buir sends him disappointed glances when he calls Obi-Wan the brat: Obi-Wan is a brat and Jango has the scorched remains of his favourite cape to prove it.
  Before becoming Haat’ad, before Jaster found him, Jango had been the youngest in his family, so he knows for a fact that the brat’s vicious streak isn’t because he’s got a “youngest brother complex” or whatever the fuck Myles keeps trying to excuse him with. Wherever Ruusaan found the brat, feral children must be the norm, because Jango can’t fathom how else he had turned out like... that.
  Jango swears he’s seen his eyes reflect light in the dark, so maybe he isn’t even fully human. That might explain a lot.
  And for some reason, Jaster keeps shoving the two of them together, like he hopes some of Jango’s maturity and common sense will rub off on him. That’s an utterly lost cause, Jango thinks, when the brat hates Jedi almost more than the Haat Mando’ade hate Death Watch, and isn’t afraid to show it.
  Which is maybe why Jango freezes in the doorway to the brat’s room instead of moving the fuck out of the way, when he walks in on the brat struggling into a binder and Obi-Wan launches his entire bed at him in panic. With his mind.
  Obi-Wan refuses to apologise afterwards, but does take Jango to the infirmary so a professional can fix his face before he bleeds out from his broken nose and the sizable gash on his forehead. Jango, of course, learns to knock.
  To Jango’s eternal consternation, the brat is actually quite adept at hand-to-hand and swordplay already, better than most his age, and certainly better than Jango had been at fourteen. Unfortunately, the brat knows this fact ticks him off, and is all too happy to shove it in his face at every opportunity, until most of their interactions devolve into scuffles that only pass for sparring for the first few blows before it becomes clear they are far more interested in beating the shit out of each other.
  He seethes that the brat can get under his skin so fucking easily. He’s nineteen already, he has better fucking things to do than wrestling with tweens in the dirt, and he should be better than wrestling tweens in the dirt, but for some reason, Obi-Wan knows just what to say or do to piss him off.
  Maybe it wouldn’t be so annoying if their buir’e weren’t so fucking amused by it.
  After Jango leaves and comes back, their spars are actually just that, even if some part of Jango is still ticked off that Obi-Wan has somehow improved at the same rate he had as a teen. Which is to say, despite the years of experience he has on Obi-Wan, Jango ends most of these spars on the flat of his back, scowling up at a flushed and grinning brat.
  He... supposes there are worse ways to lose.
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elisemscott1122 · 1 year
Different Mandalorian Houses (Canon and Legends):
modern day, only Canon clans:
* House Viszla
- Tarre Viszla - creator of the Dark Saber
- Pre Viszla (Death Watch Leader)
- Paz Viszla (Children of the Watch)
- Ragnar (Children of the Watch)
* House Kryze:
- Bo-Katan Kryze (Nite Owl)
- Satine Kryze (during clone wars, Duchess of Mandalore. New age)
- Korkie Kryze
- (Bo-Katan’s father, mentioned in The Mandalorian show season 3)
* House Kast
- Rook Kast
- Veraslayan Kast
* Clan Wren: (first loyal to the Empire)
- Sabine Wren (Ghost Crew, Rebels)
- Ursa Wren
- Tristan Wren
- Alrich Wren
* Clan Saxon: (loyal to the Empire)
- Gar Saxon (killed by Ursa Wren)
- Tiber Saxon
* Clan Eldar
* Clan Rook (vassal of House Kast)
- Rook Kast
- Tayari Rook
* Clan Awaud: (eventually rebel alliance ties)
- Nam Beroya (leader)
- Vera Beroya (leader)
- Aga Awaud
* Clan Mudhorn
- Din Djarin
- Din Grogu
Legends clans/dissolved clans:
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Bralor
- Neth Bralor (leader)
- Jogo
- Rav Bralor (hired by Jango Fett to train the clone armies)
* Clan Cadera
- Jicoln Cadera (leader)
- Torian Cadera (leader)
* Clan Beviin
- Dinua Jeban (adopted)
* Clan Beroya (tied to clan Awaud later on)
* Clan Carid
- Baltan Carid
* Clan Deshra
* Clan Detta
- Suvar Detta
- Cham Detta
* Clan Kaja
- Kaja Honn (leader&founder)
* Clan Chorn
* Esok’s Clan
- Esok
* Clan Farr
- Ceta Farr
- Yenko Farr
* Clan Fett (mainly legends)
- Jango Fett
- Boba Fett
- Cassus Fett
- Arla Fett
- Sintas Vel
- Ailyn Fett
- Makin Marec
- Mirta Gev
- Vorten Fett
- Khomo Fett
- Melvin Fett
*Clone Troopers were not considered a part of clan Fett although they shared Jango Fett’s DNA*
* Clan Gedyc
- Lorka Gedyc (once head of Death Watch)
* Clan Ha’arangir (named after Mandalorian war God Kad Ha’ariangir)
- Kur Ha’arangir (leader)
* Clan Itera
* Clan Jeban
- Dinua Jeban
- Briika Jeban
* Clan Jendri
* Clan Jennis
* Clan Kelborn
- Merrk Kelborn
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Lok
- Artus Lok
- Mirli Lok
* Clan Lone
- Zadik Lone
- Akaavi Spar (left her clan to be with Lone)
* Clan Ordo
- Canderous Ordo
- Chernan Ordo
- Jekiah Ordo
* Clan Priest
- Dred Priest
* Clan Rodarch
* Clan Shale
- Arla Shale
* Clan Sharrat
- Kassor Quade
* Clan Skirata
- Kal Skirata
- Munin Skirata
- Ruusaan Skirata
- Jaing Skirata
- Ilippi Skirata
- Tor Skirata
- Ijaat Skirata
- Kad Skirata
- Jedi Bardan Jusik
- Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan
- Omega Squad- Niner Skirata, Atin Skirata, Darman Skirata, Fi Skirat
- the Nulls
* Clan Sornell
- Koblus “Ko” Sornell
- Haarm
- Gheedor
- Two unnamed Sornell children, and expecting one
* Clan Spar
- Akavvi Spar
* Clan Tenau
* Clan Varad
- Mavrix Varad
- Tyrus Brokenblade
* Clan Vevut
- Novoc Vevut
- Ghes Orade
- Mirta Gev
* Clan Nerak
- Ballag (leader)
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stellevatum · 6 months
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Consider this timeline as a rough outline or default sort of thing. Especially in her later timeline where the directions can be split into divergent verses (Example: Guardian Verse is the “Main” for that timeline, Kingmaker II is an alternate timeline), so please check out the Verses page if you’re looking for a specific verse and details!
I don’t know BL’s indication of time, so I just have the BBY/ABY from SW and the CE from ME.
Prior to 43 BBY 2160 CE:
A child is born…somewhere…at some point to Celestials– one of the first born in a long time. (At least tens of thousands of years.) They are named Nari'ad – the Wanderer/Traveler. They are expected to be bridge from their now-isolationist race to the universe beyond.
Conflict among the Celestials break out on whether or not this should happen. They have had thousands of years of relative security cut off from the younger races, other think it should be prudent to have someone like Nari'ad.
Skira, the second eldest of Kad'Harangir’s children (the avatar of Vengeance) steals her sibling away and leaves out in wilds of her family’s former domains to die. Her older brother and twin Tor, makes sure the child is found.
43-42 BBY | 2160 CE:
Kar is found by Kaan Alor’ade – A True Mandalorian aligned with Jaster Mereel– in a ruined shrine to Kad Ha'rangir, an ancient Mandalorian god on Mandalore. 
Anakin Skywalker is born on Tatooine.
Ruusaan is born on Mandalore.
40 BBY | 2163 CE:
Death Watch sacks the Alor'ade stronghold on Mandalore, destroying it entirely. Juri Mirdalaan dies protecting her daughters. A grieving Kaan turns fanatical as he flees to his wife’s clan on Concord Dawn to entrust them Ruusaan, leaving the rearing of Kar to him.
39 BBY | 2164 CE:
Kar’s Force abilities manifest, leaving a Jedi envoy to Concord Dawn. They are chased off at gunpoint by a very protective Kaan, which takes the girl back to Mandalore with him to begin her training.
34 BBY | 2169 CE:
Death Watch massacre locals on Galidraan and incite Battle of Galidraan between the Jedi and True Mandalorians.
Kaan dies on Galidraan. It is debated if he was killed by a Jedi, or by his own daughter. The answer is never known.
Kaan’s brother Ven, who manipulated the skirmish now is clan leader and (grudgingly) guardian to his young ward. 
The New Mandalorians, led by Adonai Kryze end the civil war with the help of the Republic. Adonai is made Duke of Mandalore and offers amnesty to his Alor'ade Cousins– an offer that is refused by the Death Watch aligned Ven.
32 BBY | 2171 CE: (V: Cuy'val Dar )
The events of Phantom Menace occur.
Kar undergoes her verd'goten on Dxun. In reality it is an assassination attempt. She “passes” after fooling her would-be assassins and leading then in a week long chase.
Jango Fett becomes the clone template for the Clone Army and recruits some of the best of Mandalore to follow him to Kamino.
With that, Kar leaves for Kamino under the protection of her Uncle Jango and subsequently forgotten more or less.
Kar’s lifetime friendship with Mereel Skirata and the Nulls begins on Kamino.
Circa 21-22 BBY | 2180-81 CE:
Kar returns to Mandalore from Kamino. Talks between her and her cousin, the Duchess Satine, begin with hopes of avoiding another civil war. It is agreed upon Kar will not make any claims against her cousin in return she can so to the university of her choice with the blessings and support of her cousin.
Before the agreement is finalized, her uncle Ven has his Death Watch allies abduct and sell Kar to Zygerrian slavers before the cousins can come to agreement, neutralizing her as a threat and claiming she simply left on her own accord.
22 BBY | 2181 CE: (V: Clone Wars)
The events of Attack of the Clones occurs.
Kar is recruited into Republic Intelligence after being recovered from a gladiatorial ring in the Outer Rim. She becomes the Chancellor’s Hand– an agent only answerable to him. In reality she begins her tenure as his Sith Apprentice.
Kar begins to develop and building what eventually becomes QOSMA utilizing her resources her position gives her.
21-Late 20 BBY | 2181-82 CE:
After an experiment on Force Sensitive younglings goes wrong. Palpatine sends her to tie up the lose ends. Refusing to kill literal children, Kar attempts to smuggle them off world. The smugglers and children are killed by Republic Forces under Palpatine’s command.
After a confrontation with Palpatine, Kar defects from the Grand Army and leaves Coruscant with several other defectors, disappearing into Dark Space.
19 BBY | 2183:  (V: Defection)
The events of Revenge of the Sith occur.
The Jedi Purge Occurs.
While officially listed as KIA, the Emperor still has posted a bounty for information on her alive or dead
The events of Mass Effect occur.
The small Mandalorian tribe began selling their skills as mercenaries on Omega.
Kar finishes the first live iteration of QOSMA, her AI assistant in secret; rumors claim with help from Alec Ryder.
Cerberus turns their eye towards the expatriates; Project Pandora is the tenuous alliance between them, only accepted out of desperation. Cerberus allows them to afford to life; humanity gets a extra-galactic technical advantage.
18 BBY | 2184:
Kar defects from Cerberus, destroying Project Pandora and embezzling funds to assure her family’s survival
Kar’s Mandalorian band has become a bit of success, able to make ends meet. The charismatic woman soon even gathers non-Mandalorians into their fold, making as many allies as enemies.
One ally is the salarian doctor Mordin Solus. Helping both Ruusaan and Kar in there own ways; Ruusaan starting as a medical assistant, Kar finally starting her path in academia in an accelerated salarian university through connections of her “Mentor”.
18-17 BBY | 2184-85 CE: (V: Mandalore)
The formation of the first Mandalorian colony under her guidance. Soon the consequence of colonization brings them to the galactic attention. 
17-16 BBY - 2185-86:
The Citadel Council offers an embassy for the Mandalorians, expecting it to be a token gesture. They would be proven wrong, their ambassador would be a champion for the people and against useless bureaucracy.
With the new influx of wealth and influence, the seeds of the Void Collective– her intelligence network– are sown.
Kar is finishing her accelerated program, a thesis focusing on reapers and indoctrination. The research piques Cerberus’ interest.
The events of Mass Effect 2 occur.
Kar is recruited as a means of getting access of her research under the guise of helping Mordin retro-engineer Collector Technology
16-15 BBY | 2186-87 CE:
The events of Mass Effect 3 occur.
Kar’s people provide aid right off the bat, she advocates for galactic alliance in the face of the a bigger threat, leaving her frustrated at the powers that be.
As expected as in her position, Kar lead her forces in the large push on Earth, coming out alive but badly wounded and traumatized.
Kar finished her thesis on the reapers, and obtains her first PhD. In the following years, she will be known as one of the few experts on the reapers and other ancient machines.
15-14 BBY | 2187-88 CE: (ME V: Mandalore | SW V: Rebellion)
Kar starts to reconnect with her allies in her home galaxy; advising on the rebel cells and connecting to the Hidden Path
Through QOSMA, Kar has maintained a small presence in the Outer Rim.
The first successful galactic jump of the trabatra drive is made in secret, kept from Council’s purview and to avoid Imperial notice.
The events of Jedi: Fallen Order occur. 
14-12 BBY | 2188-90 CE:
Kar crosses path with Cal and Cere in a operation recovering artifact from the Empire, starting a alliance between her and the Mantis Crew.
Kar reconnects with Vector during a visit to Alderaan; the two rekindle their relationship.
Between 12-10 BBY | 2190-2192 CE:
Kar connects with Merrin from her departure from the Mantis, introducing her to the Hidden Path.
Through Merrin, Kar and the Hidden Path make contact with Cere and the Narkis Anchorites on Jedha, establishing the Archives and Hidden Path Safehouse.
Kar finally obtains her kyber crystal in a Jedha mine while scouting for the Archive.
Kar is conferred the title of Master by Master Cordova on Jedha.
10-9 BBY | 2192-93 CE:
Kar and Vector marry on Alderaan.
Orad is born on Alderaan.
The events of Jedi Survivor Occur
The Tanalorr Temple is founded by Cal Kestis
Kar shares her time between the temple and her Milky Way duties. She serves as a teacher and advisor, providing different perspectives from non-Jedi Force tradition and experience training with biotics.
5 BBY | 2197 CE: (V: Rebellion)
The events of Star Wars: Rebels begin.
2-1 BBY | 2200-01 CE:
Now General Alor'ade of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Kar oversees the intelligence and underworld contacts for the Rebels, becoming the organization’s effective, if eccentric, spymistress. 
Ijaan breaks free from Grissom Academy; she is found on Koboh several days later attempting join the Rebellion.
0 BBY | 2202 CE:
The events of Rogue One occur.
Vector is killed in the destruction of Alderaan.
The events of A New Hope occur.
3 ABY | 2205 CE:
The events of The Empire Strikes Back occur.
4 ABY | 2206 CE:
The events of Return of the Jedi occur.
9 ABY | 2211 CE:
The events of The Mandalorian occur.
Between 5-34 ABY | 2207-2236 CE: (ME V: Mandalore | SW V: Queenpin)
Kar’s attention bounces between the two galaxies, her family, her research, and more. 
Kar once again picks up the thread of the mystery of her existence. Her patience comes to bear fruit, comes to Mortis. A planet long since calling to the Celestial for decades. At last, the truth is revealed: she is being of the Force– neither dark, nor light, but a catalyst and bringer of change in all its forms…
34 - 35 ABY | 2236 - 2237 CE: (V: Resistance)
Once again, Kar’s self-reflection is halted and is dragged into war. Equally defiant against Mon Mothma’s decision to effectively defang the Republic, Kar pulls her support with Leia and resistance.
The events of The Force Awakens occur.
The events of The Last Jedi occur.
The events of Rise of Skywalker occur.
After 35 ABY | 2237 CE: (ME V: Cosmic Castaway | SW V: Legend)
She is once again confronted with what she is, now works to accept and come to terms with this state of being. She once again returns to Mortis, making the place her secret base of operations. If she is to be the bringer of change, an immortal among mortals, she will do this on her terms.
Circa 57 ABY | 2260 CE:
On her 100th Birthday, Kar steps down as Mandalore, after concerns of her longevity may bring stagnation to her people. This is possibly the first time the title is passed bloodlessly. She is sent off with great celebration, as befitting one called Mandalore the Eloquent. (Mand’alor te Paklalat)
Circa 168 ABY | 2371 CE:
Formal contact is made between Kar and her biological parents. It is not a total reconciliation, and the relationship tenuous at times, it would be some time before any rifts start closing.
Circa 355 ABY | 2558 CE:
Multi-galactic expansion begins to spread out to the known galaxies. Colonies spread across six galaxies– the Bendu, Milky Way, Andromeda, and then later named Eridian and two others.
Circa 541 ABY | 2744 CE:
Led by the Archon, the kett invade the Heleus Cluster in Andromeda; causing the conflict with the Anagara.
Circa 568 ABY | 2771 CE:
The central government of the Eridian Galaxy begins breaks down, leading to corpocratic government lead by megacorporations years later.
Circa 604 ABY | 2807 CE:
Megacorps overthrow the central government, divvying up the sectors like Feudal lords. A temporary accord is reached.
Between Circa 607 ABY | 2810 CE:
The Corporate Wars begin in the Eridian Galaxy, full out galactic civil war between the Megacorporations.
Circa 614 ABY | 2817 CE: (V: Brave New World)
 As a galactic expatriate many times over, Kar finds herself again in new frontiers, arriving on the Nexus under cleverly forged information claiming her to be their first contact expert.
The Nexus arrive on Andromeda. In the attempts to settle, a revolt breaks out. Suppressed by the krogan, they are exiled,
Sloane Kelly overthrows the kett and takes over Kadara Port
The krogan depart the Nexus after being reused a voice in Nexus policies. settling New Tuckanka on Elaaden.
616 ABY | 2819 CE: (V: Brave New World)
The events of Mass Effect Andromeda occur.
Kar temporarily settles on Aya as a student and assistant to Moshae Sjefa, continuing to help the Initiative and Angara study Meridian.
Circa 617 ABY | 2820 CE:
The Corporate Wars end and the largest megacorp/conglomerates that we know today are the victors, controlling their respective parts of the Eridian galaxy
Circa 638 ABY | 2841 CE:
Typhon DeLeon finds the first Vault on Promethea; Atlas uses this technology to get an edge on the competition.
With every corporation eager to find their own Vault, the craze for hunting Vaults begins.
Between 661-664 ABY | 2864-67 CE: (V: Kingmaker I)
The events of Borderlands occur.
Kar is assigned to oversee the research/excavation of the Vault of the Destroyer at the request of Tassiter. After postulating it thought experiment, Jack pushes her to created the Eye of Helios using the Destroyer’s eye.
Kar and Jack have a falling out during the development of the Eye of Helios, leading to the enmity the two share for each other to this day.
Helios is constructed, Kar is now part of the D-Division, continuing her own research.
The events of Borderlands: The Pre-sequel occur.
Despite their enmity, Jack knows how desirable an asset she could be to the other Megacorps, and after some tough negotiations, convinces her remain as lead of R&D.
After many disappointments and at constant loggerheads with colleagues and leadership alike, a very disenfranchised Kar makes her departure after faking a collapse in one of her dig sites.
Between 664-666 ABY | 2867 - 2869 CE: (V: Guardian)
Kar’s departure leads her planet side and an eventual alliance with the local resistance. 
Originally staying the Frostburn with Lilith, she moves create her own living space in the Highlands.
The events of Borderlands 2 occur.
Roland Convinces Kar to join Sanctuary both for her protection and for her abilities.
After 666-667 ABY | 2869-2870 CE:
In the chaos following Jack’s downfall, the city of Opportunity falls into Kar’s clutches. It becomes her official foothold in this galaxy. 
Opportunity flourishes as a multicultural hub for the galaxy, mostly by mercantile groups, mercenaries, and those from other 5 galaxies willing to test their mettle against Pandora.
The events of Tales From the Borderlands occurs.
668 ABY | 2871 CE
The events of Tales From the Borderlands occur.
Atlas is revived by Rhys.
The Vault of the Traveler is opened.
The Watcher warns of an upcoming War
Hector unleashes the Infected upon Pandora, leaving the Crimson Raiders to lose both Sanctuary and the Vault Key.
Opportunity becomes a haven to locals affected by the Infected and has effectively become a power to rival the Crimson Raiders.
673-674 ABY | 2876-2877 CE:
The Calypso Twins leave Nekrotafeyo, and the Children of the Vault soon quickly grow like cancer upon the borderlands.
The events of Borderlands 3 occur.
Opportunity continues to be a bastion for Pandoran civilians, effectively warding off raids by the Children of the Vault due to superior technologies and organization.  
Kar returns to the Raider’s aid on Lilith’s request, providing the Raiders a capable general and tactician to bolster their seemingly dwindling chance against the COV…
674-675 ABY | 2877/2878 CE:
The Heist of the Handsome Jackpot occurs.
The events of New Tales From the Borderlands occur.
After 675 ABY | 2878 CE:
Kar returns to the temple of Tanalorr before making a tour to visit her usual haunts, the future filled with more adventure...
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galacticnewsnetwork · 6 years
Mandalorians are more than just a rag-tag group of warriors and mercenaries, and The Clone Wars series opened the door to an even deeper history of this complex society.  Let’s take a look at the Mandalorian factions that have been presented in both Legends and canon stories.
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The “Mandalorian Excision” of 738bby decimated Mandalore, and shattered the warrior culture.
Origin of the factions.
The origin of the Mandalorian factions can be traced back to the Jedi-led “Mandalorian Excision” (known by Mandalorians as the “Dral’Han”, or the Annihilation) of 738bby.  The Mandalorians’ military and technological prowess had been on a sharp rise since Mandalore the Uniter had brought the society back from the brink of collapse in 1051bby.  Following the Ruusaan Reformations in 1000bby, the Republic began to draw itself back together and re-institutionalized the Outer Rim Territories and once again opening up conflict with Mandalorian space.  At the start, the Mandalorians were welcomed as a much needed source of stability.  Taxing commerce along the Hydian Way and forcing both economic and defensive pacts on bordering sectors proved the Mandalorians were a threat to the Republic.  A task force of Jedi-led judicial and sector patrol forces bombarded key planets in Mandalorian space including the capitol of Mandalore, turning parts of these planets into white-sand deserts.
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Areas of Mandalore were turned to white-sand desert by Republic bombardment in 728bby.
After the Mandalorian Excision, a new Mandalorian government was formed from Mandalorians who had advocated for peace before the war.  Labeled the “New Mandalorians”, this pacifist-led government would fundamentally change Mandalorian society for centuries.   Most of the remaining warriors were exiled to the moon of Concordia or settled in different parts of the galaxy, continuing their warrior and clan traditions.
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The symbol of the True Mandalorian faction, loyal to the “True Mandalore” and an honorable warrior society.
True Mandalorians
After the Mandalorian Excision, the exiled warrior clans began calling themselves “The Faithful” as a description for following the true warrior traditions.  In opposition they labeled the New Mandalorian followers “The Faithless”, to describe that faction’s shunning of the warrior traditions.  As the centuries progressed an underlying movement began within “The Faithful” that exploded into open conflict when Jaster Mereel became the “True Mandalore” around 60bby.  True Mandalorians rose to power within the warrior clans, believing that Mandalorians should adhere to a code of honor and do battle as honorable mercenaries.  This code of honor became known as the “SuperCommando Codex”, and was put in place by Mereel to define and guide the actions of Mandalorian warriors.  Mereel realized that to protect the ancient Mandalorian traditions, attempting to conquer the galaxy was not realistic or healthy for the future of his people.
This did not sit well with a portion of The Faithful, and several clans banded together under the leadership of Tor Vizsla to oppose Mereel and his SuperCommando Codex.  The ideals and actions of Tor Vizsla would ignite the bloodiest known splintering of the Mandalorian culture, known as the “Mandalorian Civil War”.  All three factions would be involved in the civil war, and Death Watch would gain a major victory with the decimation of the True Mandalorians by a Jedi-led task force  at the battle of Galidraan in 44bby.
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The symbol of Clan Vizsla and Death Watch, those loyal to ancient traditions of Mandalorian conquest.
Death Watch
Opposed to Jaster Mereel’s “SuperCommando Codex”, Tor Vizsla took up the mantle of “Secret Mandalore” to lead Death Watch in his quest to destroy both the True and New Mandalorians.  The goal of Death Watch was to return Mandalore to its Old Republic warrior roots of galactic conquest.  While the True Mandalorians did not recognize the New Mandalorian government, Death Watch was the only faction violently opposed to both True Mandalorian and New Mandalorian factions.
Death Watch would decimate the True Mandalorian faction (with the aid of Jedi) in 44bby, however the bulk of its core leadership and warriors would be eliminated at the hands of Jango Fett in 42bby.  After the defeat of Death Watch and its leader Tor Vizsla, the remaining members went underground.  During this time, another member of Clan Vizsla would rise to claim leadership; his name was Pre Vizsla.  With Pre at the helm, Death Watch went back to its roots of remaining in the shadows and slowing building up influence among the New Mandalorian population.  Pre himself had risen to the role of Governor over the Mandalorian moon Concordia.  It was there that he would create secret mining and industrial facilities to rearm Death Watch for its day against the New Mandalorians and their leader Dutchess Satine.
Pre Vizsla would see his dream of a “liberated Mandalore” realized for a very short time however, and would ultimately fall to Darth Maul.  This created a schism with Death Watch: Those loyal to Darth Maul’s leadership, and those loyal to the traditional thinking of no outsiders ruling Mandalore.
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The New Mandalorians stood for pacifism and neutrality under the leadership of Dutchess Satine.
New Mandalorians
The origins of the New Mandalorian movement can be traced back as far as 1000bby, and the rise of Mandalorian civilization’s strength as a galactic power.  While only a small minority at that time, several influential clan leaders saw this rise to power as a prelude to destruction, and urged for a peaceful union with the Republic.  Such a union would have made the Mandalorians one of the most influential members of the Republic.  The more traditional stance of pro-independence leaders won out, securing the civilization’s downfall.
After the events of 738bby, the Republic turned to these pro-peace Clans to form a new Mandalorian government.  These Mandalorians had no love for the Republic, especially after the recent ravaging of the Mandalore sector, but they also knew they had nothing to gain by further opposition to the Republic.  Forsaking almost every warrior tradition Mandalorians had followed for generations, the New Mandalorians focused primarily on their advanced technology and becoming part of the Republic.  Taking to white-sand deserts left in wake of the Repubic bombardment of 738bby, the New Mandalorians built bio-dome cities of geometrical structures.
Led by Dutchess Satine Kryze, the New Mandalorians rose to prominence within the Council of Neutral Systems who chose to not take sides during the Clone Wars.  This left Mandalore open to the depredations of Death Watch, who regularly used terrorist activity to undermine Satine’s government.  Death Watch would ultimately gain the upper hand with the help of Darth Maul’s “Shadow Collective”, killing Dutchess Satine and destroying the New Mandalorian government.
Personal thoughts
With Mandalorian Clans spread throughout the galaxy, one can assume that not every Mandalorian was part of the internal conflicts within the civilization.  Source material from Legends can be somewhat contradictory in the terms of how much of the Mandalorian sector, and Mandalorians themselves were embroiled in these conflicts.
It’s safe to say that most Mandalorian fans were not happy about the introduction of the “New Mandalorian” pacifists.  Many emails and messages were sent my way asking how I felt about it, and I reserved my opinion to see how things played out for Mandalorians in TCW.  While the New Mandalorians were a big departure from how fans had come to learn about Mandalorians, it did add a new and fresh dynamic to the story of Mandalorian culture.  If anything, in my opinion it only enriched the story.
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Legends material describes Mandalorian Protectors as being recruited from Mandalorian Police units.
Looking back at older Legends material, I’ve always wondered about certain stories; For instance, the 200 Mandalorian Protectors were said to have been recruited from police units…but we had never seen Mandalorian Police prior to TCW.  Those fans who may become interested in Mandalorian Protectors now have a good idea who those police units were.  That’s just a small part of the over-all Mandalorian story, but TCW helped answer old questions and raised new ones.  When thinking about all facets of Mandalorian history in Legends and Canon material, it very much mimics the rise and fall of civilizations in our own history.
Sources (Legends):
“The History of the Mandalorians”—Star Wars Insider 80
The New Essential Chronology
The Essential Atlas
The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett
Jango Fett: Open Seasons 1-4
Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel
Imperial Commando: 501st
Sources (Canon):
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “The Mandalore Plot”
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “Eminence”
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “Shades of Reason”
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “The Lawless”
Tom Hutchens is the founder of the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club. You can follow his antics as “Mandalore the Uniter” on Facebook. Source: StarWars.com By: Tom Hutchens
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Somehow!adopted by a true mandalorian before Galidraan/korda six Obiwan.. so like raised mandalorian Obiwan with Jango/Jaster leading Mandalore
(mmmmf okay I love this sort of au and i tried my best to make it as different as possible from stories that already exist (specifically @atelier-dayz's WiP Ben'bajur) and I've thrown in some good women Mandos because they deserve to be written more. some stuff in timeline has been moved around and you get trans Obi just for funsies *kissu* i make several references to this post’s discussion of mental and physical illness in Mando culture. i um. spent a lot of time thinking about what colour Obi’s beskar’gam would be. i have a lot of feelings about it. **Ruusaan Kryze’s name and fancast/design belong to @amillionstarsandyouchoosethisone from this, thank you so much for letting me use them!)
  Jango had not mentally prepared himself to see Obi-Wan again, though to be fair, he hadn’t known he needed to.
  The last time he’d seen Ruusaan’s foundling, Obi-Wan had been sixteen and wiry and spitfire in all the wrong ways, with half-complete beskar’gam and a chip on his shoulder a planet-wide. If he remembers correctly, Obi-Wan had called him an arrogant laserbrain with a junk blaster, and Jango had almost challenged him to an honor duel. But when Jango finally makes his way back to Mandalore after seven— Wait, no, eight years?— abroad as a supercommando, both Ruusaan and Obi-Wan are at Jaster's war table, bent over a holomap of the system and talking calmly as you please. 
  And Obi-Wan is in full beskar'gam, plating painted entirely silver except the yellow clan crest on his left pectoral, and the yellow Mando'a 'ures haal', breathless, lettered on his ghet'bur above his collarbone. He looks up as Jango enters and blinks in surprise, straightening to reveal his helmet under his arm, also silver except the rises of the cheeks.
  Ruusaan breaks into a smile, and for all the trouble Obi-Wan had caused when younger, Jango can’t imagine his childhood without the former Kryze and all she had done for the Haat Mando’ade at the Battle of Galidraan. She’s been following Jaster since she was old enough to denounce her clan, an honorary Mereel even if she thinks herself unworthy of such a connection to her Mand’alor; Jango wonders if she had finally decided on a clan name, if both her and Obi-Wan are painted with a new crest.
  For all the loving buir Jaster is, he doesn’t drag things out, and after a quick hug, he pulls Jango into their discussion of relief aid to Concordia after the latest Death Watch insurgence as if Jango had never left. Ruusaan quickly picks up their easy friendship, closer to siblings than superior and subordinate, but Jango absolutely does not know what to do with Obi-Wan’s new calm cadence, the confidence and knowledge that he’s picked up in Jango’s absence. 
  He’s surprisingly been running relief missions for Jaster for the last five years, when he isn’t busy taking commando missions with Ruusaan. Obi-Wan gets flustered when his buir mentions this, and Jango wonders what in Sith Hells had happened while he was gone to make Obi-Wan settle down so much from his youth.
  His newly-flat chest probably has something to do with it.
  Perhaps it isn’t surprising, then, that Obi-Wan somehow wrangles Jango onto the squad of commandos headed for Concordia, Ruusaan smirking in delight as Jango resigns himself to suffering for the next tenday at least. Obi-Wan just claps him on the shoulder before disappearing into the halls of Jaster’s estate, and something in Jango aches at just how much of his armour is silver, at the sort of intention that went into an almost monochrome set of beskar’gam. Perhaps not much had actually changed, then.
  He should have known any mission to Concordia would go to kriffing hell, especially with Duke Kryze ramping up his antagonism of Death Watch like it won’t be the Haat Mando’ade that pay the price. 
  What should have been a simple drop-off of medical supplies to a few refugee groups turns into a firefight with Kyr’tsad, Ruusaan missing her thigh guards and Jango down a blaster, and all three of them ducking into the first empty ship in the guest hangar in hopes of losing their tail. 
  Ruusaan slams the button for the door, Jango aiming his remaining blaster at the catwalk until they’re safely ensconced in the dark of some other Mando’s ship, straining their ears for the sound of anyone still following them. Pulling off her helmet, Ruusaan checks the lifesign reader she keeps in her gauntlet, and then grumbles something about interference that doesn’t fill Jango with confidence. He pulls up his comm to try and contact the nearest Haat Mando’ad, but doesn’t get the chance before a wet wheeze rattles the silence of the cargo bay and Ruusaan whips around with a horrified,
  She rushes to Obi-Wan’s side, where he leans one hand onto the nearest wall in an effort to keep upright, and oh, Jango had forgotten just how harrowing this was. 
  Ruusaan removes Obi-Wan’s helmet with practiced ease, setting it aside to pull a rag from one of his belt pouches, holding it to his bleeding nose as she tilts his head forward. Kriff, but Jango hasn’t seen Ruusaan need to use the Force on her foundling since Obi-Wan was a kid, though he knows it must have happened more often behind closed doors. The years since he’s had to stand by and watch Ruusaan restart Obi-Wan’s lungs has only made it that much harder to stomach. 
  Only Jaster knows the whole story of how Obi-Wan had ended up with Ruusaan, just what infection had festered in his lungs before she found him that had ruined him for the rest of his life. Jango has heard rumours that he had been on Melida/Daan during the civil war, that Ruusaan had taken a job from the Young and left with a sick foundling, that his system had been so damaged that he can’t handle a transplant. And Jango’s seen it before, Obi-Wan’s lungs suddenly failing and scaring the osik out of every Mando present, even if they had made note of the marker on his collar. 
  By some sort of Force miracle, Obi-Wan had been found by one of the only Force-sensitive Mando’ade that Jango has ever heard of, with just enough power to force her ad’s respiratory system back to rights, almost as if she had been meant to find him.
  Obi-Wan coughs as Ruusaan presses one hand to the front of his chest, the other between his shoulder blades; Jango feels almost dizzy with something that feels too close to worry, the hair on his neck standing up at the swell of the Force in the tiny cargo bay. 
  “K’atini,” Ruusaan whispers, pressing her forehead to Obi-Wan’s temple with a touch of desperation. “K’atini, ad’ika, breathe.” A beat of tense quiet, but then— 
  “K’atini,” Obi-Wan wheezes back, and Jango lets out the breath he’d been holding. Ruusan laughs wetly, pulling back just enough to finish wiping under his nose, and brushes his hair back with her free hand; Jango feels a ping of jealousy, but forces it to the background, at least until they can get back to Mandalore.
  “We need to get back to the ship,” Ruusaan says to Jango, all while Obi-Wan won’t meet his eye. “He’ll be fine for a while, but I can’t give him what oxygen he’s lost.”
  Now this, this Jango can do. He can step up and lead, protect those that are his aliit in everything but name, because this is action, and not just standing there watching someone’s body give up on them. “You good to run?” Jango asks on external comm, Obi-Wan looking to his buir before giving a short nod. Ruusaan purses her lips, but nods as well and stoops to pick up her helmet. 
  “Not for long,” she warns, giving Obi-Wan his own before setting her hand back between his shoulderblades. “But the Force is telling me there’s no one outside; we move now.”
  Jango trusts Obi-Wan to Ruusaan and swiftly leads the way back into the hangar, taking them through two halls and across a catwalk to get to their own ship’s berth; Obi-Wan punches in the key for the door, and lets Jango pull him up into the ship without complaint. Ruusaan is the best pilot out of the three of them, but Jango climbs into the cockpit to start the pre-flight sequence so she can get Obi-Wan set up in the single-bed medbay, because kriff if Jango would know where to start. 
  Ruusaan joins him in the cockpit just before take off, some of Duke Kryze leaking through in her stony expression as she drops into the open seat. “Jango,” she says, surprisingly calm for the situation, “please go make sure my utreekov of an ad doesn’t leave the medbay.”
 Technically Ruusaan has been Haat Mando’ade longer than Jango, but she isn’t that much older than him, and he’s the son of the Mand’alor, so she shouldn’t be able to order him around like one of her foundlings. But Jango is also a warrior, and he knows when to pick his battles, so he simply nods and lets her get them out of the hangar.
  The medbay is little bigger than a closet, and like most, there's just enough equipment for emergencies, but Ruusaan and Obi-Wan had retrofitted theirs to include a proper ventilator and oxygen tank, as well as a bacta vaporizer Jango has never seen outside of high end Kaledevan hospitals. Luckily Obi-Wan seems resigned to his fate, propped up in the little alcove bed and holding an oxygen mask over his face. He glances up, but only gives Jango a nod and an apologetic smile. 
  “How often does that happen?” Jango musters the courage to ask, leaning on the doorjamb. Obi-Wan laughs tiredly, his mask fogging as he thumps his head back against the wall and closes his eyes. 
  “Not as much as before,” he says vaguely, his voice still a rasp. “The surgery helped.”
  If he’s still dealing with kriffing dying on a monthly basis, Jango is thoroughly impressed he’s been able to serve so close to Jaster for so long, and kriff knows Jaster isn’t soft, so Jango knows whatever space Obi-Wan occupies with the Mand'alor is earned, no matter who his buir is. It seems Jango’s missed quite a lot, off exploring the stars.
  Obi-Wan gets a little smile, then, dropping his hand but not opening his eyes. “If I recall... the last time we spoke alone like this—”
  “You called me a laserbrain and told me my blaster was sub-par.”
  He barks out a laugh that’s more like a cough, trying to work off his chest- and backplate; Jango watches him struggle for all of a moment before sighing and pushing the rest of the way into the room to help. Obi-Wan smiles all young and stupid up at him, and from this close, it lodges something in Jango’s throat.
  Breathless, indeed. 
Mando’a: beskar’gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy ures haal — breathless, lit. "without breath" ghet'bur — the collar piece of the chest plate on some beskar'gam, sitting over the shoulders and below the throat. a form of gorget. Haat Mando’ade — lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians buir — “parent”, gender neutral Kyr’tsad — Death Watch osik — impolite form of “dung”, shit ad — “child”, gender neutral  ’ika — diminutive suffix, similar to the suffix “ita/o” in Spanish. generally used only by close family and friends utreekov — idiot, fool, lit. "empty head" K'atini — “it is only pain”, used in the context of “get up. Keep going. You can and you will survive this.” aliit — family, clan
(beskar’gam colour meanings here; Obi’s silver means seeking redemption, and yellow is for remembrance)
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Can you do more of that mandalorian obiwan jangobi fic? It was so good!
(i’m very feckin attached to this obi and i’m so happy y’all want more. blood and injury warning for this one! jangobi is very soft but obi is very bad at keeping himself alive, and ruusaan is the only one with a braincell. part 1 here!
umm. this got really long. it just... kept getting longer. fills will not be this long consistently i just. i really love this obi.
**ruusaan’s name and design from this! thank you to @amillionstarsandyouchoosethisone for letting me write her, i love her dearly)
 Ruusaan remembers a time before the Supercommando Codex, even if her sisters do not, and as soon as she’s old enough to follow Mereel, she crashes the Duke’s council meeting discussing the cutting of the budget for the poorer levels of Sundari. In front of every one of her father’s supporters, she recites the shuk’la buirok and leaves every Kalevalan piece of herself behind.
  The Haat Mando’ade welcome her with open arms in spite of her origins, Mereel trains her to fight and helps her build her beskar’gam, and she hopes someday her sisters will grow to make their own decisions as she had. 
  Ruusaan walks her path alone unless Mereel calls on her, traveling the stars as Haat'ad, nameless still, but infinitely free. She has no right to Mandalore as her dar'buir believes, but she can live the Truth, and if that's good enough for her Mand'alor, then it’s good enough for her. 
  When she accepts the call to Melida/Daan seven years after joining Mereel, she does so with caution —she will not pull the Haat'ade into their war— but when she lands just outside the capital of Zehava, she’s greeted by a small party of children. A girl that can’t be much older than Satine approaches Ruusaan immediately, red hair greasy and in disarray, but exuding determination.
  “You’re the commando?” she demands without preamble, hiding her shaking hands by forcing them into fists. 
  Ruusaan removes her helmet and tucks it under her arm so the kid can see her raise her eyebrow. “I am. You put out the contract?”
  The girl clenches her jaw and nods. “I’m Cerasi. I need you to get someone to Coruscant.”
  Immediately wary, Ruusaan looks around the girl to the other children, who stand around someone that positively hums in the Force. “Your contract said transport of goods.”
  “He belongs to the Jedi,” she says, spitting the word like it’s poison. “But they aren’t answering his communications, and we— Force, we don’t know what’s wrong with him.” Her confidence falters, darting a quick look behind herself before gripping her arm. “Listen, I don’t have much, we only just won and Nield isn’t— He helped us, he’s the reason we won, no matter what the rest of the Young say. He doesn’t deserve to die here.”
  “Kid, I’m not taking your money,” Ruusaan cuts in, Cerasi’s face falling before she continues, “Mandos have creeds about children, I’ll take him for free. Where is he?”
  It takes Cerasi a moment to realise what all that means, but then blinks and dashes back to the little group of children. With a growing sense of foreboding, Ruusaan follows, watching the kids part to show a tiny padawan in dirty tunics laying in a makeshift litter, and Ruusaan has to close her eyes for a moment to calm herself. The Force around him wavers like a heat haze, and Ruusaan isn’t trained enough to know what that means; nothing good, if the flickering of the boy’s Force signature is anything to go by.
  There’s dried blood on his lips and chin, and she can hear his breathing from here, ragged like it hurts, and it probably does. Cerasi bites her lip and moves to pick the kid up, but Ruusaan quickly steps in and kneels to check the kid’s ribs first. Nothing seems broken, he barely even seems bruised, which certainly doesn’t fill her with confidence, but at least it’s safe enough to lift him.
  She puts her helmet back on before carefully scooping the kid into her arms, and he actually feels an alright weight for how thin the other children look. Ruusaan turns back towards her ship and jerks her head for Carasi to follow her.
  “What’s his name?”
  Cerasi quickly moves to catch up, chewing at her lip again. “Obi-Wan, but that isn’t what the Jedi he was with called him.”
  Hm. “How long has he been sick?”
  “He came to us like that. He would just— cough, all the time, and the Jedi didn’t know what was wrong with him.” She follows Ruusaan up the ramp into her little ship, heading for the medbay. “He— After he promised to help us, the Jedi left him here.”
  Rage nearly smothers her, and Ruusaan locks it into her chest for later, after she leaves atmo; Obi-Wan twitches in her arms in response to her sudden spike of emotion, and she can’t have that. “They left him?”
  “Look, I don’t— I don’t know how it all works. But Obi-Wan gave up being a padawan to help us, I think, and I think that’s why the Jedi aren’t responding.” Cerasi watches her set Obi-Wan on the far-too large bed, her lip starting to bleed under her teeth.
  Ruusaan hands her a tissue, but sets aside her helmet to quickly cut the boy out of his tabards and tunics. Just as she had thought, Obi-Wan is wearing a compression shirt under it all; Cerasi looks terrified when she cuts him out of this too, and Ruusaan sends her a reassuring smile.
  “Peace, kid, Mandalorians accept all. Has he been wearing this often?”
  “All the time,” she says uncertainly, ducking forward when beckoned to help Ruusaan get Obi-Wan’s dirty clothes out from under him. “Is that what caused this?”
  “It certainly didn’t help.” They fall into silence as Ruusaan gets a ventilator hooked up, Cerasi jumping in to help as instructed, but there isn’t much Ruusaan can do with her sparse medical equipment. She doesn’t even have bacta. 
  “Are you... Are you going to take him to the Jedi?”
  Ruusaan snorts, making sure Obi-Wan’s vitals are being logged before turning to Cerasi. “Absolutely not. I would never return a child to those that abandoned them.”
 Obi-Wan makes a small sound, eyelids flickering for a moment, but he doesn’t wake, and Ruusaan realises her heart is in her throat. Well, that settles that, then. “I’ll take him back to my people, decide where he best belongs,” she adds, as if the gai bal manda isn’t already burning her lips. 
  It seems to satisfy Cerasi enough to return to the Young, and she leaves Obi-Wan with a kiss on the forehead and a whispered apology. She races out of the ship before Ruusaan can ask her anything else, and she does not follow. Ruusaan’s contract is on the bed behind her, and you cannot save someone who does not want to be saved.
  Jango doesn’t know if it’s Ruusaan or Jaster’s machinations that has him covering contracts with Obi-Wan more than any other commando, but he’d appreciate it if they stopped before Jango has an actual heart attack.
  Because Obi-Wan, for all his new calm and easy demeanor, is even more reckless than when he was a child, and Jango hadn’t thought that was possible. He jumps into fights without checking escape routes, and uses his rifle in close combat as well as his fists, he doesn’t travel with a jetpack, and he removes his helmet any time they’re not in an active right.
  “It’s easier to breathe without it,” Obi-Wan tells him on another mercy mission to Concordia. “Buir tried to hook an oxygen tank up to it, but they were all too heavy.” And he shrugs like it's fine, and Jango decides he has a death wish.
  Ruusaan either joins them on missions, or takes contracts nearby, never too far if... anything went wrong. Luckily, things rarely do, and Jango only has to see Ruusaan restart Obi-Wan’s lungs once after that first mission back, and even then Obi-Wan had been fine within the day.
  They make it a year and a half of missions together before things go wrong, stranded in a rusty hut on Yutha during a dust storm, with Ruusaan somewhere on the other side of the canyon to the North taking a different job. 
  Theirs had been a simple contract to retrieve some Neimoidian’s data disk that he’d left with a lover, and Jango is only there because Obi-Wan had asked him to be, and if it weren’t for the dust storm, it might have been as easy as it sounded.
  Obi-Wan is at the one window, the barrel of his rifle propped on the sill as he watches the red dirt road outside for anyone trying to take advantage of the storm, though they’re pretty sure their hiding spot has been abandoned for a while. Jango had taken up leaning on the wall on the other side of the window frame, watching Obi-Wan more than he’s watching the outside, and even after almost two years back working with other Haat’ade, he has trouble contending this Obi-Wan with the fourteen year-old that had once tried to set his cape on fire.
  Obi-Wan flicks his eyes to Jango with a tiny, barely-there smirk and readjusts his rifle on his shoulder before returning to his vigil. Shaking his head, Jango is almost thankful Obi-Wan had removed his helmet as soon as they’d secured the hut; how else would he have seen the Yutha sunset painted on his face? 
  Hm. He should probably look into that affection that’s becoming harder to ignore. 
  “Jango,” Obi-Wan rasps, yanking his attention away from the rising dust storm as Obi-Wan’s hand darts up to his bleeding nose. 
  His entire body jerks, his blaster rifle clattering to the floor, and Jango has to dive forward to catch him before he hits his head on the windowsill. He starts coughing before Jango can even get him laid out, struggling against Jango’s arms and splattering blood across his chestplate.
  And these coughs are worse than the last time, shorter, harsher, and Jango has been in enough battles to recognise someone going into shock.
  This is all wrong, though, it never goes this fast, where Obi-Wan is already choking on his own lungs, eyes wild as his body attempts to shake apart, and Jango’s never had to deal with this alone, and oh Force, Ruusaan “the Jedi Killer” Tra’Galar is going to lose her foundling on Jango’s watch.
  The dilapidated furniture starts to rattle as if shook from below, anything left on shelves or counters levitating for a moment before crashing to the ground. Jango yanks off his helmet and has to grab Obi-Wan’s wrists to stop him from clawing at his own armour, Jango feeling him pulling the Force in around them until it’s an almost unbearable weight. 
  And Jango can’t get him into shock position, not with him thrashing around with far more strength than he should possess with at least one lung collapsing, if his wheezing is anything to go by. His skin is cold and clammy when Jango manages to get a free hand onto his forehead, and despite years of having to patch up vode on the battlefield, Jango can’t tear his eyes from the blood that bubbles from his nose and drips down his face, staining his hair and making something dislodge in Jango’s chest. 
  “Hey, hey— Kid, hey, you with me?”
  Obi-Wan blinks and his face scrunches, but he can’t seem to focus on Jango as he tries to jerk himself free from Jango’s hand. Holding him down is going against everything Jaster had taught him about shock, but every commando he’s had to treat for it has been unconscious by now, and even when Obi-Wan’s strength gives out, going limp against the floor, he doesn’t pass out, instead staying aware of his own rattling wheezes. 
  His fingers twitch in Jango’s hand, blinking again and jerking under the palm on his forehead; somewhere behind them, a piece of furniture crashes. Jango can’t honestly remember the last time he’d seen Obi-Wan use the Force, for anything: they keep it on the downlow even around the Haat’ade, even with Ruusaan broadcasting her own sensitivity as a point of pride. And Jango has never asked, why Obi-Wan will paint his beskar’gam silver but then refuse to acknowledge his past with the Jedi.
  Something else crashes and Jango winces, moving to try and loosen Obi-Wan’s chestplate one-handed. It’s halfway through the process, with Obi-Wan’s jerking chest even more obvious, that Jango realises he isn’t going to survive it, if Obi-Wan dies like this. Force, he can’t take it if he dies like this.
  The faint hum of a jetpack is the only warning Jango gets before the door to the hut explodes under blasterfire, Ruusaan shouldering through the remains and looking like a vengeful goddess with charred armour and a slice on her cheek. 
  She drops on Obi-Wan’s other side, tossing her rifle away to put one palm over Obi-Wan’s heart, and the other on his right side over his ribs. Jango makes to pull away and let her take over, but as soon as he does, Obi-Wan starts to thrash again, and Ruusaan’s hand flies out to stop Jango.
  “Keep him calm,” she orders, brooking no argument, and Jango listens, grabbing Obi-Wan’s wrists again to settle in for seven of the worst minutes of his life — where Obi-Wan stops breathing entirely on them twice, and Ruusaan growls like a rancor before she manages to inflate both of his lungs properly. 
  Obi-Wan gasps on the sudden ability to inhale, eyes regaining some of their clarity, but he still can’t focus on either of them.
  Ruusaan is unsurprised, grabbing up her rifle to swing the strap back over his shoulder. “How far is the ship?” she demands, and Jango’s been a soldier since he was fourteen, he can fall in and defer to Ruusaan’s command, even accept her lead with relief. 
  “Just over the ridge,” he says, slamming his helmet back on and shouldering Obi-Wan’s blaster as Ruusaan picks him up like he weighs nothing, even in full beskar’gam. Bewildered and a little intimidated, Jango helps put both her and Obi-Wan’s helmets on as well — the dust storm clearly isn’t stopping, and they can’t stay here.
  He grabs Obi-Wan’s chestplate and follows Ruusaan back to their ship, and even though Obi-Wan is unconscious by the time they reach it, Jango is all too thankful to be able to close the hatch behind them. 
  In the medbay, he helps strip Obi-Wan of his armour, and then works on getting the blood off his face enough for a ventilator while Ruusaan rolls Obi-Wan’s flight suit down to his waist so she can get at his ribs.
  Jango can hardly look at him, at the patchwork of darkening lavender bruises and the way his chest scars stand out against his heated skin. Carefully lifting Obi-Wan’s head to slip on the ventilator mask, he wishes he could wash Obi-Wan’s face properly, there’s still so much dried and drying blood under his nose and down his cheeks, and he just wishes he understood what the kark is wrong with him.
  Instead of asking, Jango moves to get the bacta vaporiser set up while Ruusaan goes about checking Obi-Wan’s ribs for breaks. 
  Obi-Wan stirs when Jango is hooking up the second set of tubing to his mask, blinking blearily up at Jango as he freezes above him. They just sort of stare at each other for a moment, until Obi-Wan seems to get his bearings and relaxes under Ruusaan slowly dancing Force healing across his torso.
  Panic lodges in Jango’s throat as Obi-Wan makes several attempts to lift his hand, grunting in frustration. Ruusaan glares, but allows it when he can finally raise a loose fist to Jango’s chest, tapping over his beskar’ta in proxy of his own, thanking Jango like he had actually done anything, and Jango has to lean on the head of the bunk with both hands. 
  “K’atini,” Obi-Wan whispers, voice sounding like it’d gone through a woodchipper, and Jango thinks kriff that, this is worse than pain, and they shouldn’t have to watch this kriffing kid die because of it.
Mando’a:  shuk’la buirok — lit. “broken parent bond”, made up term for the real ability for a child to “divorce” their parent, legally labeling them as dar’buir or “no longer a parent”, which i’ve based on the term for spousal divorce shuk’la riduurok. Haat Mando’ade — lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians (slang shortened to Haat'ad/e)  beskar’gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy gai bal manda — Mando’a adoption ceremony, lit. “name and soul” buir — “parent”, gender neutral  vode — “brothers, comrades, siblings”, sing. vod, technically gender neutral but used most often in fandom as “brothers” beskar’ta — “iron heart”, the elongated hex-shape common in Mandalorian armour designs (great post here comparing them to katana tsuba). also called kar’ta beskar or “heart of the iron”. K'atini — “it is only pain”, used in the context of “get up. Keep going. You can and you will survive this.”
would gffa’s advanced medicine be able to perform mastectomies without scarring? yes. obi chose to keep his.
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