#rwby x mlb is good
foxwitchaine · 3 months
For the fic ask game: 3, 6, and 10 ✒️
Oooooh, good ones. Let's see what I've got ^^
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Ohohoho, good one. Good one. I can't really say I have any favorites. But if I were to name one, it would have to be the old fics that paved the way for my partner Rafe and I to succeed. My old Ib fic Please Remember Me is one catalyst that started me on the path to writing online fanfiction and got me out of my shell. Later, Rafe and I tried to do a Noblesse x RWBY crossover... that ultimately ended up flopping. We started to hit our stride with our current ongoing fic The Wolves in the Woods, which is an OC-centric MLB salt fic. I'm hesitant to say it's fully salt since we're just applying the reality hammer to the world of Miraculous Ladybug.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
All the goshdang time.
I mean, I read just about everything I can get my hands on if it catches my interest. OC x Canon and reader insert romances are among my favorites when they can nail the personality of the canon character. One such fic I utterly adore is LocalPlagueNurse's As Gold as the Ginkgo Trees, which does Zhongli's character justice in a reader insert. Another one I absolutely love is the ongoing (as of this writing) fic The Winding Path of Fate, a Neuvillette-centric reader insert that actually portrays Neuvillette as he is. And he's a challenging one to nail down, I won't lie.
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
😅 ...
Somehow, this felt unavoidable.
But to answer that, there are two fics that got a different response than I was expecting.
Recently, my partner Rafe (he doesn't have a Tumblr) and I tried to dip our toes into Genshin fanfiction while our Miraculous fic is on hiatus due to real life. I'm gonna say it outright that it's entirely on us that it got the tumbleweed response. I suppose I was expecting an onslaught of "wow!" and such after chapter one, but that ended up not happening. In short, we attempted to do another longfic with an OC-centric cast in Fontaine titled Rains Come and Go, but My Love Holds Strong. We were so excited to publish this story that we forgot to do our usual quality checks and that's why it flopped harder than a fish on land.
We've since taken it down after discussing the lackluster reception.
Another fic was a solo project I did when I first got into Twisted Wonderland in mid 2021. It was yet another "OC in Night Raven" fic that ended up getting a lot of traction after Chapter 2.
The very same chapter where my OC Suravi beat the stuffing out of Grim with a broom. It also had the twist of "Yuu" being a pair of siblings who got isekai'd to the world of Twisted Wonderland. I'll stop there to avoid spoiling the whole thing.
I did have to stop that one after real life decided to be a witch. It's currently undergoing a rewrite now that I see all the flaws and plot holes in Round 1. I haven't forgotten about it, I've just had a lot to deal with in real life. But I'm very much looking forward to finishing it after the Diasomnia arc concludes.
Thanks a bunch for the ask. It was hecka fun ^^
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kinschi · 3 years
Hi it's me the MLB Bees anon again. I come bearing evidence this time.
Yang's a better match to Chat than Ladybug because Yang 1) is blonde (keeps up the Aesthetic of Adrien's chat), 2) is a pun fiend with minimal filter, 3) is usually more easygoing than Blake, 4) is a total dork despite a reputation for being smooth, 5) definitely would make a perfect model, 6) is self-sacrificing to the point of personal injury to save her partner especially as well as those who cannot protect themselves, 7) and to top it off has the dead mum angst going on.
Blake's a better match to Ladybug than Chat because she 1) has got the dark hair (again for the Aesthetic), 2) pretends to dislike her partner's puns that she secretly loves, 3) is more down-to-earth and sensible about when's the right time to goof off (but willing to reply to her partner's jokes when appropriate), 4) is also a dork but steps up and is calm under pressure, 5) fashion designer Blake is an idea that slaps actually 6) is prone to overworking herself to the point of damaging her mental/physical well-being 7) has the loving and supportive parents (feat. Big Beef Dad) just like Mari
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk I have connected the four dots like that IASIP meme and I now open the mic to questions
Those are some good headcanons
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MLB x RWBY Adrien Character sheet
Name: émeraude Marbre
Semblance: Face in a crowd (I do not have a good name yet) This semblance makes it more difficult to spot him, or more precisely to distinguish him from the surroundings. There are some limitations to it like it has little effect if he is alone or nearly alone in the open, it is less effective if someone I actively looking for him (or on the lookout for people)
Weapons: Saber, bo staff and batons He has been trained in the saber for most his life and is highly skilled. He fights with precision and speed. After getting into a huntsman academy away from his father he takes to using a bo staff that can split into batons it’s also a gun. He is a complete amateur with them and when stressed he tries to use it as a saber, this usually fails miserably. He has no talent for incorporating dust into combat.
Race: Human
Character History: He was born into a wealthy Atlesian family. Though he was some what sheltered he lived a good life with loving parents. Unfortunately, that changed when his mother never returned from one of her travels. After that his father became distant and more restricting. It was around this time he met Farine Hóng Sè. Through her he learned a lot about the world and they quickly became friends. When she said she was aiming for a huntsmen school he immediately decided he would join her. He eventually convinced his father saying he wanted to learn from the saber master teaching there (being trained as a huntsmen is family tradition).
My thoughts: Name: I wanted to have a green colour in his name because it is one of the main colours of chat noir and emerald green is a trait he shares with his mother. The marble comes from his father and his home. The name serves as a restraint binding him to an unwanted way of life, therefore I choose the name for the house that has served as his prison in the show. It is French for obvious reasons. Semblance: There are two reason I choose this. First Adrien is someone that would love to just be able to disappear in a crowd. Second Adrien seems just unremarkable to me.
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