scrapyardboyfriends · 3 years
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Robron Week Christmas Special - Day 1 - Gift Shopping
Robron and their future family going Christmas shopping.
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robronweek · 3 years
Hey everyone!
The Robron Week Christmas special is happening 19 - 25 December!
I’ve decided to go with the same prompts for fic writers and artists this time around.
Dec 19 - Day 1 - Gift shopping
Dec 20 - Day 2 - Christmas music/ carol singing
Dec 21 - Day 3 - Decorating the tree/ switching on the lights
Dec 22 - Day 4 - Mistletoe
Dec 23 - Day 5 - Secret Santa / (family) Christmas party
Dec 24 - Day 6 - Snowball fight/getting snowed in
Dec 25 - Day 7 - Christmas morning
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You don’t have to officially sign up or let me know you’re creating something. If you have an idea for any of the prompts, just go ahead and create!
To participate you just post your creation on your own blog on the day you created it for and tag it rwxmas in the first 5 tags.
Absolutely anything goes. Fic, art, video, gifset - if it’s robron related, it counts.
You don’t have to do all 7 days (but you can if you want to). You can pick one and focus on that, or create something for every day except day 2 (for example).
Fics can be any rating/length/genre (fluff, angst, AU, etc) and you can include any and all characters you like. Robron with other people is allowed as long as robron are endgame (and maybe put a warning on it, some people don’t like reading about Robert or Aaron with someone else). Smut is 100% allowed but keep the tumblr porn ban in mind and don’t put nsfw in the tags or it might get hidden - put it in the actual post instead.
I’ll reblog everything to this blog so everyone can enjoy it.
I'll like all posts with my personal account @sugdenlovesdingle​ (feel free to follow me, I promise I’m nice) If I haven’t liked your post and we’ve moved on to the next day - drop me an ask or message me in the chat with the link. Tumblr might have eaten your post or I might simply have missed it.
Also if you have me blocked, I’m afraid you’ll have to unblock me for the week because if I can’t see your post, I can’t reblog it.
If you have any questions, send me an ask and I’ll do my best to explain.
Happy creating everyone! I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
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bettaklainerobron · 3 years
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Robron week 2021 : Day 1 Gift shopping
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hawleywilby · 3 years
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bobbie-robron · 3 years
Underneath the tree 🌲
I found what I was looking for
A love that's meant for me
A heart that's mine completely
Knocked me right off my feet
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softlass27 · 3 years
may your days be merry and bright
Robron Week Christmas Special: Day 1 - Gift shopping
AO3 link here
“Robert.” Aaron tried to keep his voice stern even as the guilty look on his husband’s face made him want to snigger. He pulled off his coat and stepped further into the room. “This has got to stop.”
“It’s just a few bits.”
“I can see the size of the bags, you idiot, that’s more than a few bits!”
Robert sighed and released the door to the messy cupboard that he’d been desperately trying to force shut as soon as Aaron came home, letting the bags of presents spill out onto the floor.
“How many shopping trips is that now?”
“My meeting finished early, I just went for a wander afterwards.”
“I thought we said we’d got all Seb’s presents sorted.”
“We have but – ”
“We got everything on his letter to Santa, even that LEGO pirate ship I nearly had to fight that old lady for in Smyths.”
“I know but – ”
“And we’ve got him heaps more, he won’t be able to move for new toys on the big day.”
“I didn’t realise getting a few extra presents was a crime now,” Robert snapped.
Aaron blew out a frustrated breath. His husband had been tetchy for days now. Whether it was the stress of the festive season or something else, he wasn’t sure, but it was starting to get on his nerves.
“It’s not, but come on. If you carry on like this, he’ll end up spoiled.”
“Well if we can’t spoil him at Christmas, then when can we?”
“Okay fine, but how much is this even costing? If we go any more over budget on presents we’ll be havin’ nothing but sprouts for Christmas dinner.”
Robert’s eyes darkened. “I didn’t realise there was a spending limit on our son’s happiness.”
Aaron froze, taken aback by the sudden iciness in his tone. Up until this point, he’d thought the argument they’d been having had been a fairly mild one, more exasperated bickering than anything else. Now he wasn’t so sure.
“I – what? That’s not – what’re you even talking about?”
“Forget it.” Robert marched rapidly towards the door, grabbing his coat. “I’m going out.”
“Out where?”
“For a walk.
“Robert, hang on a – ”
He was cut off by the slam of the door. Aaron glanced between it and the pile of presents still on the floor, still not entirely sure what had just happened.
Robert came back an hour later. He edged in through the front door, head bowed and his tail between his legs. He stopped short at the sight of Aaron sitting on the rug, surrounded by wrapping paper.
“You didn’t have to do that,” he said quietly, gesturing to the pile of toys that Aaron had grabbed from the cupboard and was steadily working his way through wrapping. “I would’ve done it later.”
“It’s fine,” Aaron shrugged and stuck down another piece of sellotape. “Thought I’d get it out the way while Seb’s at nursery.”
“Fancy a brew?”
“Go on, then.”
He continued wrapping while Robert went to the kitchen, both of them silent until Robert came back and sat on the floor next to him with two mugs in hand.
“Here you go.”
Aaron dropped the scissors he’d been using to take one mug, arching an eyebrow at Robert as he did so.
“So, a ‘spending limit on our son’s happiness’?” Robert’s face turned sheepish. “Bit dramatic innit?”
“Sorry, I know I was being a knob.”
“I’ll let you off – ” Aaron took a sip of tea. “ – as long as you tell me what the hell that was all about.”
Robert grimaced, but nodded in resignation. When he didn’t reply immediately, Aaron resumed his wrapping, deciding he might as well keep busy while he waited for him to gather his thoughts. Past experience had taught him it might take Robert a minute or two to start talking.
“Y’know,” Robert eventually said, clearing his throat. “The last Christmas we had with Mum before she died… ”
Aaron’s hands stilled for a second, surprised. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but it hadn’t been that.
“We were hard up that year. I mean, we were always hard up, always short on something no matter what season it was, but that Christmas it was especially bad. You know Jack Sugden, the man didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘savings’.”
Robert shook his head, looking unimpressed.
“So that year, Dad told us that there wouldn’t be any proper gifts. They got a few toys for Vic; since she was only little and still believed in Santa, they had to come up with something for her. But me and Andy had to go without, they couldn’t afford anything else. All we got were a couple of scarves and jumpers that didn’t even fit.”
Even now, Robert’s nose wrinkled in derision and Aaron’s mouth twitched. He could picture Robert’s teenage self turning his nose up at a poorly-made Christmas jumper in the same way he did now at some of the cheap clothes Aaron occasionally bought from Primark.
“It wasn’t surprising, I knew the farm was struggling and I was old enough to get that they couldn’t be spending money on presents when we were barely managing the rent. But I hated it, hated other kids at school picking on me for being poorer than them, hated knowing when we went back in the new year I’d have to pretend I got something cool when everyone started talking about what they got. So I was in a right sulk; even on Christmas morning I was miserable, drove Dad mad with my whinging.”
The sour look on Robert’s face suddenly dimmed, replaced with a faint smile.
“Then out of nowhere, Mum surprised me and Andy with a present. It was this new video game we’d both been dying to play – ”
“You wanted a video game?” Aaron interrupted him, holding his hands up when Robert shot him an exasperated look. “Sorry, carry on.”
“As I was saying. Andy thought Dad must’ve only been joking when he said we weren’t getting anything. That he was in on the surprise, y’know? But I knew better, I could tell by the look on his face that he'd known nothing about it. He was furious.”
“Because she’d spent money on you?”
“More like wasted money on us, in his eyes. I could hear them arguing about it in the kitchen; even when she told him she’d got it cheap, he still wasn’t having it. Whether he was more annoyed about her spending money or that she’d gone behind his back, I don’t know. Either way, she’d been so pleased with herself for managing to get ahold of that one present for us, but there he was ready to hit the roof. He had to ruin it, it was like he couldn’t help himself.”
Robert sighed and set his mug aside, leaning back against the sofa. Aaron abandoned the wrapping and joined him, their shoulders pressed together.
“He did calm down in the end, cheered up a bit and we had a decent day. It actually ended up being one of the best Christmases I’d have for a long time – not that I knew it then. But I didn’t forget how angry he’d been about something so small… and I knew I never wanted to be like him. I’d already decided I didn’t want to be a farmer, I wanted a normal job that paid well and massive flat in the city… and a flash car, of course.”
He shot Aaron a small grin, which he returned with a roll of his eyes. Some things never changed.
“I just wanted to be like everyone else. I didn’t want to have to worry about affording stuff like Christmas anymore, y’know?”
Aaron knew. For all he teased Robert about his expensive taste and love of shopping, his husband never failed to make sure they always put something in their savings account every month, and he was meticulous when it came to investments and budgeting. He always made their finances work even during the rainiest of days.
Aaron had once thought it was a lingering obsession with holding onto the wealth (and the power that came with it) he’d had with the Whites, but he knew better now. Robert liked the feeling of control and security that came with having money in the bank. He liked being able to provide, not just for himself but for Aaron and Seb, too. And for Victoria, Harry an Diane, if they needed it.
“Anyway, I almost forgot about that day, didn’t think about it for years. Maybe because it was the last one with Mum, I don’t know. Then Seb was born. And then a few weeks later it was Christmas and Rebecca wasn't letting me see him, they wouldn’t even let me give him the presents I’d got him and then I was hit by their flippin' car and – you know the rest.”
Aaron fought back a shudder. He didn’t want to think about that Christmas, that terrible Christmas when he almost lost Robert any more than he had to.
“I dunno why but when I was in hospital, I thought about Christmas on the farm again, remembered Mum giving me a video game and Dad being so damn resentful about it. I thought about a lot of things… ”
His gaze drifted away, eyes almost glazed over like he was seeing something Aaron couldn’t. He’d never quite known what Robert went through when he spent that Christmas in a hospital bed, but he did know that he’d never been quite the same after. Something in him changed forever.
“I promised myself that by next Christmas, I’d have Seb in my life. And that every year from then on I was always gonna find a way to to spend it with him – Whites be damned – and I’d always have presents to give him, make a fuss of him. No matter what was going on in my life, he’d never feel like I didn’t care or that I couldn’t be bothered or that – that he was an inconvenience. I wanted to make sure that when he got older and remembered Christmas, all his memories would be good ones.
“And then… when next Christmas came Rebecca had just taken him away to Liverpool. Yeah, we got to see him and give him presents the week after but it wasn’t the same, he wasn’t with us on the day and for the buildup, not like we’d hoped he’d be. And then the next year was the same and the year after that, and now this year… ”
This year, Rebecca was gone. She’d died in April and they’d suddenly become Seb’s sole carers once again – for good this time. Seb had been understandably quiet and withdrawn when he’d first come to live at the Mill full-time, and it had taken weeks – months – of showering with as much love and attention as they could to bring him back out of his shell. By the end of summer he’d almost returned to his normal happy self, so Aaron supposed they must’ve done something right.
“Now Seb’s here and he’s not going anywhere and it’s Christmas and I can finally keep the promise I made and – ”
Robert frowned and fell silent, biting his lip.
“And now the pressure’s getting to you a bit?”
“A bit.” His head lolled against the sofa so he was looking Aaron in the eye. “I’m overthinking, aren’t I?”
Aaron sighed fondly and kissed the space between Robert’s eyebrows until the deep lines there disappeared.
“You tend to do that.”
“I just need to get this right, I want it to be perfect for him.”
“It will be perfect. And not because he’ll be drowning in new toys – though I bet he won’t say no to any of them – but because he’ll be here with us, and Vic and Harry and Diane. Spending Christmas with the people who love you, that’s what really matters this time of year.”
“You been going to Charles’s sermons when I’ve not been looking?”
“Shut up. I’m just saying, you’re already going above and beyond to make sure he’s happy this Christmas, just like you’ve been doing all year. He’ll have those all good memories you want for him – we all will – so stop bein’ so hard on yourself, yeah?” He nudged Robert playfully. “For our bank account’s sake if nothing else.”
Robert smiled and nodded, slumping down so his head was resting on Aaron’s shoulder.
They sat like that for a few minutes, before Aaron kissed Robert’s hair and gently pushed him away.
“Speaking of his lordship, it’s nearly pickup time.”
“Alright.” Robert got to his feet. “Why don’t I go? Give you time to finish wrapping and get all this stuff hidden before we get home.”
“Er, if you think you’re not finishing all this off yourself – ” Aaron gestured to the mess of half-wrapped gifts scattered on the rug. “You’ve got another think coming.”
“But – ”
“You bought ‘em, you’re wrapping them.” Aaron grabbed his coat and quickly kissed him goodbye. “See you in a bit!”
He could hear Robert’s grumbling all the way out the door.
Christmas morning in the Mill was a noisy one that year. Seb tore through his presents like a tiny whirlwind, shouting with delight at each one. The living room looked like a bomb site within the first 10 minutes but Aaron couldn’t bring himself to care, his son’s excitement too infectious. Robert was obviously feeling the same, if the dopey smile on his face while he watched Seb open his gifts was anything to go by.
“A kitchen!” Seb yelled at the kitchen play set he’d just unwrapped with Robert’s help. He leaned back against Robert’s chest and grinned up at him. “Daddy look, it’s a kitchen!”
He loved watching Robert cook and helping him bake in the kitchen, so they’d gotten him his own child-sized version, complete with a light-up oven and hob.
“Wow, you can do all your cooking with this, eh?” Robert pushed the box in Aaron’s direction with a smirk. “Another one for Daddy Aaron to put together.”
Aaron sighed at the Assembly Required sticker on the box and added it to the pile of toys he’d have to construct before Seb could actually start playing with them, before reaching under the tree to pull another present out.
“One for you,” he said, passing it to Robert.
They’d planned to exchange their own gifts once Seb had finished working his way through his, but he couldn’t wait any longer to give Robert this one.
Robert looked at him curiously, before taking the present from him and tearing away the wrapping paper. Once he caught a glimpse of what was inside, his mouth fell open slightly.
“Wait, are these – ?”
Seb abandoned the new fire engine he’d been poking at in favour of wandering over to Robert, looking down at the present in his lap with interest.
“What is it?”
“They’re… video games, mate.”
“Classic ones, from way back when your dad was a kid,” Aaron said, leaning over to ruffle Seb’s hair before smiling at Robert. “They’re all ones that’ve been updated, remastered, whatever. I didn’t know which one your mum got you so I just went for a bunch of them and hoped for the best.”
As Seb lost interest and went back to his own presents, Robert turned each game over slowly. “God, I remember all of these.” He stopped when he got to the third box. “I think… yeah, this was the one.”
Aaron blew out a relieved breath. “Thank god for that.”
“And the rest are all ones I wanted but never got. I can’t believe you actually… ” Robert looked up and grinned widely at him, the dimples on his face almost childlike. “These are amazing, thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Aaron grinned back and kissed him. “And you don’t even have to share them with Andy this time.”
“Best part about it. I’ll let you have a go, though."
Aaron laughed and gave his arm a light punch. “You’d better.”
“Dads!’ Seb shouted impatiently as he rummaged under the tree, apparently fed up of waiting for them to finish being soppy. “More presents!”
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He's checking it twice
Robron Week Christmas Special - Day 1 - Gift shopping
A fic a day in december - Day 19
(AO3 link)
"It's ridiculous. I can't find anything." Aaron complained to his Mum as she pulled him a pint.
"There must be something. Have you asked him?" He rolls his eyes.
"Of course. He just says he has everything he needs if he has me."
"Aw...That's sweet:"
"Soppy more like, and no help whatsoever. I've got to get him something special. It's our first Christmas since..." Since prison. since the divorce, since he came back.
"Well what about a photobook you know, of all the things you did that he missed?"
"Done it...for his birthday."
"You could always make something, that's always special." Pearl commented from along the bar.
"Don't think wants some weird crafty thing I throw together thanks Pearl."
"She could be onto something:" His mum says when Pearl has gone.
"I'm not good at 'owt."
"Thats what the internet is for love. How about a hat or something. You could knit something. Or maybe make something out of all your scrap...God knows it'd fit in with all that weird stuff in your flat."
"I don't know, maybe." He gets up. "I'll see you later."
He doesn't think anything of it until a week later when he's in Hotten on a pick up. He gets stuck in traffic and he notices a shop with a display of wool in the window. He scoffs to himself. as if he could ever do anything like that.
He remembers once when his Mum was pregnant, Robert teasing him about being stressed and saying knitting was therapeutic. Impulsively he parks the van and heads inside He feels like a fish out of water and he has no idea where to start. He wanders round. picking up various balls of wool, peering at an array of needles and hooks as if he knows what he's doing.
"Can I help you love?
"Oh um..." He looks at the woman beside him, expecting her to be laughing at him but she's not.
"First time?"
"Yeah. I...well my Mum suggested...I want to make my husband something for Christmas."
"Ooh lovely. It's about time more young men like you started knitting. Although, I reckon crochet might be a better fit, it’s quicker for a start and you've not got long."
"That Tom Daley crochets you know, it’s very fashionable.” He nods, can remember Robert showing him all the articles and commenting when he spent three weeks in front of the telly watching the Olympics.
"I wouldn't know where to start."
"You can find tutorials online. My granddaughter showed me how to find them. Now let's get you sorted. What's his favourite colour."
"And what's he like?” He looks at her a minute before pulling his phone from his pocket showing her a picture. It's from Seb's fourth birthday not long ago, the pair of them with cheesy grins and party hats. "He's a handsome devil isn’t he?”
"Mmm. knows it too. So you think I can do this?"
"Of course. Now you want a nice soft yarn and a hook and a darning needle Come on."
By the time he leaves he's a good few quid lighter and carrying a large bag which, Helen, as she'd insisted he call her, had everything he needed. What he didn’t have was a single idea where to start.
He stops off at the scrapyard bunging the bag in the back of a cupboard, resolving to google crochet when Robert was in the shower that night . It couldn't be that difficult after all.
He launches the hook at the door after the tenth attempt, a tangle of wool in front of him.
"There's no point." He sighs scrambling to hide everything in case its Robert, relaxing when it’s just his Mum. "You frightened the life out of me."
"Sorry love. Robert said you'd forgotten your lunch so I brought you some. What's this?" She picks up the crochet hook. "What are you doing with this?"
"Are you crocheting?” She's got that look where she's going to cry or something.
"You suggested it. Anyway I’m not...it’s pointless, I can't do it. I spent nigh on fifty quid for nothing."
"Now come on, you can't give in that easy."
"I’ve tried. I've watched orders and all sorts but it doesn't work."
"Well I do have one suggestion but I doubt you'll like it."
"Go on. Can't be as bad as my idea to try this."
"You could ask the one person in the village who will know everything there is to know about it. Pearl."
"What? No chance."
"Well from the looks of it, it’s that or finding anther present for Robert."
He looks round one more time checking no one is looking before he knocks on Pearl's door. He'd waited until Harriet had gone out before taking his chance.
"Hello. Oh Aaron, what can I do for you love?"
"It's um...well what you said about Robert's Christmas present." He holds up the bag. the shops logo on the side and she smiles at him.
"Come on in."
"I'm off to Gabby's. She promised me a cuddle with baby Thomas. Leave you two alone so I don't need my headphones." Aaron glared at her as she went.
Seb was in bed. tired out after having them up at six that morning. Robert was yawning when he sat down.
"Wanna head up? I'd hate to disappoint her."
“In a minute. I, er...I’ve got one more present for you.”
“I don’t need anything else, you already got me loads.”
“Yeah stupid stuff...I spent ages trying to find something perfect, that was just right, and I couldn’t...then Pearl suggested...well just open it.” He hands over the present, wrapped as haphazardly as the rest, and bites his nails waiting as Robert painstakingly pulled the tape from the paper, knowing it annoyed him. “It’s just a...well if you hate it it’s alright. I know it’s rubbish.”
“Aaron.” He breathed. “You made this?” He holds up the scarf, letting it run through his fingers, just staring at him.
“Yeah. It’s daft I know but...”
“It’s not. I love it. No one’s ever...I mean you had to spend time on this.”
“Every Tuesday and Thursday the last three weeks.”
“Wait...you weren’t at the gym with Ellis?”
“No. I was at Pearl’s. Don’t laugh.” He stares at the floor. “The woman in the shop said it was simple but I couldn’t do it, so I asked Pearl.”
“I’m not laughing Aaron.” He looks up, all he can see is love, and pride. “It’s the best present I’ve ever got.”
“No it’s not. You’ve had cars and watches and all sorts.”
“Yeah and they were alright but...it takes five minutes to pick something out of a catalogue. You’ve spent hours, with Pearl I might add, making this for me, you asked someone for help, when I know you, you’d rather poke your eyes out, but you did it to make this for me.”
“Yeah well...”
“It’s amazing.” He wraps it around his neck. “I’m never taking it off.”
“Not even when I get you upstairs?”
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 years
Robron week Christmas special day 2: Christmas music
Christmas number 1 (AO3)
Robert and Aaron are forced to work together for a Christmas single. Celebrity/musician AU
A/N: remember when i said I was a horrible procrastinator? This is proof of that. it’s 4AM on the 21st now so this is slightly late. I’d say tomorrow’s will be on time... but I don’t know if it wil... I’ll try my best though!
Warning: a little bit of Robert with Mike the chef at the start. Nothing major - he’s there for a second but what happens between him and Robert is mostly implied.Robron is 100% endgame.
“I have HAD IT with your little feud with Aaron Dingle.” Nicola, Robert’s agent said, poking him in the chest for emphasis before going back to pacing up and down his hotel room.
Robert rubbed his chest.
“That hurt.”
“And it’s not a feud. He wishes it was a feud.”
“Your poured a drink over him last night, Robert!”
“That was an accident!”
“Sure. An accident. Just like you accidentally knocking the wing mirrors off his car back in June?”
“The sun was in my eyes. And the insurance paid for the damages didn’t it?”
“Not the point!”
“And he called me Robert Suckden at that awards show a few weeks ago.”
“He didn’t and you know it.”
“He did.”
Nicola groaned.
“So what if he did, Robert? You’ve been called worse. And even though you may not act like it, you are over 5 years old.”
“Robert? Are you coming back to bed?” a sleepy guy wearing nothing but a sheet stumbled out of the bedroom.
“Who is he?” Nicola demanded.
“Uhm… wasn’t your name Mike?” Robert asked the guy who mumbled a “Yeah” in reply.
“We got talking last night.” He turned back to Nicola and gave her a smile. “He’s a drummer but he’s a good cook apparently too. He’s training to be a chef.”
Nicola narrowed her eyes and looked back and forth between the two men, trying to figure out where she’d seen the other guy before.
“Oh my god, you’re the drummer in Aaron Dingle’s band aren’t you?! Christ, Robert, first you pour a beer over him and now you sleep with his drummer?!” She yelled. “The tabloids are going to have a field day when they find out about this.”
“They’re not going to find out.” Robert insisted. “Please stop yelling, I have a headache.”
“I think I should go.” Mike said, realising their time together had come to an end.
“Don’t leave because of her. Nicola was just leaving.” Robert told him. “I’ll be back in a minute and we can continue what we started last night.” He grinned.
“Oh no you’re not. You’re going to get dressed, both of you, while I make sure there aren’t any photographers around, and then you” Nicola pointed at Mike “are leaving,” She turned to Robert. “And you are coming with me, we have a meeting.”
“I don’t have a meeting.”
“Oh yes you do. You are going to play nice with Aaron Dingle from now on.”
“I’m always nice.” Robert grinned. “Just ask him.” He nodded at Mike.
“No, Robert, you’re going to play nice with Aaron Dingle, from now until Christmas. And you’re going to get a Christmas number 1. And make people like you again.”
“What does Aaron Dingle have to do with me getting a Christmas number 1? Do you want me to go up against him? I mean I’ll do it, but I don’t want to crush his little heart when I beat him.”
“You’re not going to beat him.”
Robert snorted.
“I’ve been in the business longer than he has, I’ll outsell him easily.”
“You won’t outsell him. Because you’re going to be working with him.” Nicola looked at him with the look of a lioness ready to maul the impala she had in her sight. “You’re going to record a Christmas duet and pretend you’re best friends.”
“What? No. You can’t do that!” Robert protested when the news had sunk in. “Not with him. Anyone but him.”
“Aaron is a nice guy…” Mike said, making both Robert and Nicola turn to him and realise he was still there. “I’ve been playing with him for a few years now…”
“See? Even your boyfriend likes him.”
“Oh no, it’s not like that…” Mike started and then looked at Robert. “Right?”
“No. I like you… and I had fun last night… but no.”  Robert replied and turned back to Nicola. “You can’t make me work with Aaron bloody Dingle.”
“I can. And I am.”
“Why him? Why not… I don’t know… Ross Barton?”
“Because Ross Barton is a homophobe who is too busy snorting coke off the boobs of whatever blonde he’s hooking up with these days.”
“Sounds like the perfect duet partner.” Robert mumbled.
“Robert. I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell my kids when they want sweets right before tea is ready… NO.”
Robert rolled his eyes but wisely decided not to argue with her any more.
A little over an hour later, he was sat in an office at the recording studio where he recorded his last album.
He usually loved spending time in the studio, playing around with new sounds and ideas, but today he’d rather be anywhere else.
Which mainly was because of the man sitting on the other side of the table.
“So, Cain and I have decided to put an end to this once and for all.” Nicola started, pacing back and forth in front of the two men. “You two are going to record a duet. We’ve already sorted it with the record companies, it’s a done deal.”
“Do we get a say in this?” Aaron asked, annoyed.
“Course.” Cain told him. “You get to say yes and do as you’re told.”
“You’re both grown men, it’s time to start acting like it.” Nicola continued. “No more accidents, no more name calling, no more hooking up with band members.” she directed the last part at Robert.
Aaron turned to look at him.
“None of your business.”
“He slept with your drummer.” Nicola said, temporarily distracted by her phone.
“Really? Mike?”
“Why not? Are you jealous?”
Aaron snorted.
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s ok. I can show you what’s under these clothes if you like.” Robert teased, unzipping his jacket. “We’re both single… I’m game if you are.”
Aaron rolled his eyes.
“I’m not. And definitely not with you.”
“That’s what you say now.”
“And what I’ll keep saying.” Aaron insisted. “And I’m not single.”
“That’s ok, I don’t mind a threesome.”
“Do you ever just… stop? Is there an off switch somewhere?”
“Why don’t you come over here and find out.”
Aaron groaned.
“Do you have to make everything about sex?”
“No, not everything.” Robert shrugged. “I just like to enjoy life. I didn’t know you were such a prude.”
“I’m not a prude. You don’t know anything about me.”
“And you don’t know anything about me. It’s taken me a long time to be comfortable in my own skin, I’ll be damned if I’m not going to enjoy myself while I can.”
“Right, now we’ve got that settled, let’s talk music.” Nicola clapped in her hands as if she was a teacher trying to get the class’s attention.
“I’m not working with this clown.” Aaron announced.
“Yeah. Right back at you.” Robert added.
“See? You already agree on one thing!” Nicola said, in a fake happy voice. “Too bad you’re both wrong.” She continued, the smile dropping from her face. “You two are going to either pick a Christmas classic to cover, or write a new one yourselves. And then, once you’ve done that, you’re going to record it. And after that? What happens after that Nicola, you ask? Well, then you’re going to promote it. Everywhere.”
“What do you mean everywhere?”
“Every radio station, every talk show, every kids program where they make you do silly games. You two are going to do it all.” Cain told them.
“And you’re going to look like you’re enjoying it.” Nicola added.
“This is stupid. I’m going home.” Aaron said and got up.
“No, you’re not. This is going to be your home for now. There’s a flat upstairs, just for the two of you. You get to be roomies.”
“What? You can’t be serious?! You can’t keep me here against my will!”
“We’re not. If you want to leave, be my guest. But you get to explain to Al Chapman why you left and screwed up the deal of a lifetime.”
Aaron scowled but sat back down.
A few hours, lots of eyerolling, swearing, and throwing insults back and forth later, Robert and Aaron were alone in their new flat.
They’d been given lunch and two acoustic guitars and told to figure it out.
“I’m not singing Silent Night with you.” Robert insisted.
“Nobody is going to believe anything coming out of your mouth involving the word holy anyway.”
“Funny. You got a better idea then, maestro?”
“I don’t know…” Aaron shrugged and started strumming on the guitar. “How do you feel about Mariah Carey?”
“Oh sure.” Robert got up and knelt down in front of Aaron. “Baby all I want for Christmas is youuuu.” He sang into a pretend microphone and dramatically clutched his chest drawing out the last notes.
“Piss off.” Aaron pushed him away with his foot and bit back a laugh. “Come on, the sooner we sort this, the sooner we’re free.”
“Right, yeah… I suppose you want to get back to your boyfriend.”
“Yeah… yeah exactly. That’s it.” Aaron said, a little too quickly.
Robert frowned and got up off the floor.
“Did you make a boyfriend up?”
“What? No!” Aaron sighed. “His name is Alex. He’s… all real. But… I don’t know. I don’t think we’re a very good match.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know… we don’t really have anything in common. And he’s married to his job.”
“And you’re not?”
“Fair point.”
“What about you? Is there anyone special in your life? Other than my drummer.” Aaron said with a grin.
“He wasn’t that special.” Robert deadpanned and they both laughed.
They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and arguing over the song they were going to do. Aaron wanted to do a cover while Robert wanted to write something new.
“Look if you can’t do it, I’ll write something and we can just use that. Not everyone is a songwriter after all.”
“And just like that you’re back to being the asshole you always are. I should have known the niceness wouldn’t last.” Aaron snapped.
“Oh come on, I was just trying to help!”
Over the next few days, Nicola had arranged for them to do some radio and tv appearances where they announced their new project and pretended to be best friends, but by the time they got back to the flat they were usually too exhausted to even think about writing anything.
“Yes Nic, I know.” Robert sighed, walking up the stairs to the flat. He’d gone to the local farmers market and bought some supplies for the curry he’d been craving for days.
“It’s a little over six weeks until Christmas, everyone and their grandmother already has their shit together and you two don’t even have a song yet!” Nicola yelled through the phone.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have shoved us together and told the world we were releasing a song.”
“I just need you two to play nice for a change! I’m sick of having to clean up your mess every time one of you does something stupid. You’re giving me an ulcer!”
“You don’t have an ulcer.”
“You don’t know that. Just get me a song, Robert.”
“I’ll do my best. But Aaron isn’t exactly the most open and friendly roommate. It’s hard to get creative when you’re talking to a brick wall.” Robert complained.
“Figure something out.” Nicola said and hung up, only to call back right away.
“Just don’t sleep with him!”
Robert rolled his eyes and ended the call without saying goodbye.
Aaron was attractive, sure, but he had a boyfriend and was obviously not interested in him like that. Which was fine. Really.
Robert himself wasn’t looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend anyway.
He dug his key out of his pocket but before he could put it in the lock, the door opened and a guy of about his age walked out, clutching his jacket and pushing past him with a mumbled “Excuse me.”.
Robert frowned as he watched the guy leave and went inside.
“Who was that?” he asked as he walked into the flat and found Aaron mindlessly playing some chords on his guitar.
“Nobody.” Aaron replied and disappeared into his room.
Robert decided not to push it and called Vic while he went through the motions of making his curry.
A few hours later, he was all caught up on the latest gossip from back home and full of food, when he heard music and singing coming from Aaron’s room.
He got up and listened at the door. It definitely wasn’t a Christmas song and for a moment he was annoyed Aaron was wasting their time writing other songs, until he listened to the lyrics and realised it was about an unrequited love.
He felt for the guy. He’d had his fair share of unrequited crushes over the years. Those things were never easy.
He figured it was best to leave Aaron to it and go back to his own room to work on an idea he’d gotten while cooking.
A couple of days later, they were on their way back to the flat after an appearance on a late night talk show where they’d played a cover of Wham – Last Christmas, when Aaron suddenly started talking.
“That guy the other day was my boyfriend.” He told Robert. “Emphasis on was.”
“Oh… I’m sorry…”
Aaron shook his head.
“It’s fine. I ended it.”
“Yeah? Why?” Robert asked, putting the pieces together in his head. “Is there someone else?”
“Kind of. But I didn’t cheat if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I wasn’t… but ok.”
The car stopped and they got out and went up to their flat. Aaron looked through the cupboards and held up a bottle of whiskey.
“Let’s get drunk.”
“I have a better idea. Let’s go out and get drunk.” Robert suggested, and within half an hour they were in a club, going absolutely crazy on the dance floor, and accepting shots and other drinks from everyone willing to buy.
Within an hour they were both well on their way to blind drunk.
Some bland looking guy in a bright orange shirt was all over Aaron and even started running his hands over his body.
It wasn’t that Robert was jealous, he just didn’t want some random bloke feeling Aaron up in a club.
“Let’s do more shots!” Robert yelled and dragged Aaron away from mister bland and to the bar, where he flirted with the barman to get free drinks.
They knocked back a few drinks until Aaron had had enough and went back to the dancefloor.
And naturally Robert had to follow him to keep handsy guys like orange shirt guy away from him.
They danced together and somewhere in the back of his drunk mind Robert remembered Aaron saying something about hating dancing. Though he was too far gone to really do anything with that thought.
“You’re alright you!” Aaron yelled in his ear, arms draped around his neck, while Robert’s hands were on his hips.
“So are you. You’re cute when you smile! You’re fit!”
Drunk Robert had no filter.
Aaron gave him a drunken smile.
“Yeah! I’m fit! And you too! We’re both fit!”
“Yeah!” Robert agreed, and before he had the chance to say anything more, Aaron was kissing him.
It turned out that even after way too many shots, Aaron was still a really good kisser.
“You’re good at that!” Robert yelled when they broke the kiss and instead of replying Aaron just kissed him again.
By the time the club closed they were all over each other, and way too drunk to care or even think of photographers.
They stumbled into the flat and crashed onto the sofa together, giggling and kissing, and some clumsy heavy petting that neither of them would remember in the morning.
At one point they must have passed out because suddenly Robert’s ringtone is blaring through the flat and the daylight coming through the open blinds way too bright.
He blindly felt around for his jacket with his phone in it, too comfortable to move, and answered the call without checking the caller ID.
“Hello?” he croaked.
“I told you not to sleep with him, Robert!” Nicola yelled.
“Have you seen the tabloids? You two are all over the place!”
“I uh… what?”
“He has a boyfriend, Robert! A doctor!”
Robert groaned and held the phone away from his ear as Nicola geared up to have a big rant at him about not causing a scandal for a change.
Next to him Aaron was waking up too and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“What’s going on?” he asked, trying to sit up without pushing Robert off the sofa.
“Nicola isn’t happy with me.” Robert replied, sitting up too and holding his head to try make the room stop spinning. “Or you I think.”
Aaron groaned as he checked his own phone and saw the pictures from the night before.
“I guess that’s why.”
Robert took his phone from him to take a better look at the pictures. They’d really given the photographers a show; Snogging in the middle of the street like a pair of teenagers.
“I… don’t really remember what happened…” Aaron started and Robert’s face fell, thinking Aaron was going to say it was all a mistake. “But… I… I’ve been wanting to do that for a while…”
“You have?”
“Yeah… but I know you don’t want a boyfriend or a relationship so… we can just forget anything ever happened. I’ll get over it.”
“What if I don’t want to forget it?”
“You don’t?” Aaron tried to wrap his hungover mind around what Robert was saying. “But… you don’t want relationships.”
“Maybe you’re the exception to my rule.” Robert said and leaned in to kiss Aaron. “What if I want this? With you?”
Somewhere on the floor Nicola was screaming Robert’s name through the phone, but both men had forgotten she existed.
 Five and a half weeks later
“And tonight on the show we have Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle, everyone’s new favourite duo, who make magic together on and off stage.”
They were on a popular radio show to promote their single, hoping to convince enough people to buy it to get them a Christmas number 1.
“They will be performing their single Christmas Magic in just a bit, but first we’ll have a chat about their unusual collaboration and everything else that’s happened the past few weeks.” The host, a woman of around their age, continued as they got settled in in the studio. “So, lads, tell me, how did this happen?”
“Well…” Aaron started, looking at Robert. “Our managers just sort of… shoved us together. And then we realised we actually got on really well. We just clicked.”
“And not just on stage.” Robert added with a wink. “But you know that, everyone’s seen the pictures.”
“That was not part of the plan.” Aaron insisted. “And not our classiest moment. My mum yelled at me over those pictures.” He joked.
“What about your family, Robert? How did they react?”
“My sister just wanted to know why I didn’t tell her I was working with Aaron.” He said and laughed. “She’s a big fan of his music. And so am I.”
Aaron smiled.
“Clearly good taste runs in the family.” he teased.
“Obviously you’re a couple too and your relationship has been quite… public from the start. Is that difficult for you?”
“A little.” Robert admitted. “We haven’t been together long… but things are good between us… and as long as the photographers aren’t camping out outside our flat, and let us figure things out on our own… I think we’ll be alright.” He said and reached out to squeeze Aaron’s hand.
“So, at midnight the race for the Christmas number 1 comes to a head, what do you think your chances are with just a few more hours to go?”
“I don’t know. We’re just hoping for the best.” Aaron replied.
“Well it’s been nice talking to you guys, if you’d like to join the rest of your band over on the stage now - .”
“Can I just say one thing?” Robert interrupted. “Today is Audrey, our drummer’s birthday. So everyone wish her a happy birthday. Her girlfriend’s flight is delayed so she can use the birthday love right now.”
“Aww happy birthday Audrey! From the entire team here at Radio 8!”
The two of them made their way over to the rest of the band and played their single, putting their heart and soul into it, hoping it would be enough for the number 1 spot in the charts.
After their performance and recording some stuff for the station’s social media channels, they left the studios and decided to wait for the charting info in a pub down the road.
They were both well known, especially after their first kiss had been plastered all over the tabloids, but mostly people left them to it.
Around midnight they were both nervous and when first Aaron’s and then Robert’s phone beeped with a message, neither of them dared to look.
“You check mine, I’ll check yours.” Robert suggested and they swapped phones. “On three.” He said and Aaron nodded.
Robert opened the message on Aaron’s phone and read it.
“And?” Aaron pushed, not having the nerve to open Robert’s own message. “What does it say?”
“Just three words…” he turned the screen to Aaron. “We did it!!”
And now, this year’s Christmas number 1, Robert and Aaron, with Christmas Magic!
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raelee514 · 3 years
I Think It's You (I want For Christmas)
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irisnsc · 3 years
Jimin (BTS)  :  Christmas Love Robron Week Christmas Special
Day 7  :  Christmas Morning
Note:  I did a sort of collab with the lovely @amandaj718  for this year’s Robron week.  This amazing ficlet was done with only 1 day notice!  She did all the hard work and all I did was provide the song, so all credit goes to her.  Thank you Amanda, for doing this with me 🤗
My Christmas Love
Aaron knew he was alone. He had nothing. He wasn’t with family. He wasn’t in his village. He didn’t even have Christmas. With hands in his pockets, one holding onto his phone like a lifeline, he found himself taking a walk. Away from the hotel. Away from the crowds. Always from the overly cheerful Christmas song that was playing over the loudspeaker reminding him it was Christmas. He didn’t have anything, and he was alone.
He didn’t plan to be here. However, nothing ever went to plan in his life. Something he learned many times the hard way.
He started to walk away from all the noise, slowing as he looked upwards towards the gray sky remembering why he was alone. He left him. Left the village. Left a hole in everything around him. When he cut him off. Told him to move on. Something he couldn’t do, regardless of what he did on the outside. Who he let in. That hole was always there. The hole he left behind. It burned like their wedding rings did in his wallet or the marriage license he kept in a box in his room. Burned. Like a fire that wouldn’t go out. Like a reminder that he wasn’t there to make it better. Take that pain away.
Aaron took a deep breath of the crisp air that seemed to surround him and closed his eyes. Trying to ignore the burning he felt every day since Robert left. He let the air clear his mind. Slow him down. Help him remember. Remember why he kept those rings. The marriage license. The memories after all this time.
Those quiet moments in bed where their fingers intertwined. Before the world got between them. The laughter as they sat in their home. The hope they had for the future. The whispers of forever in the dark and then in the light for everyone to hear. The way they looked at each other when no one was paying attention to them. The cold crisp air helped him remember. Keep that burning away. The pain away. He wanted the cold to surround him some more. Some snow to fall to keep him company through the good times. Something to make those good feelings last.
Instead, he got vibrations from his phone.
A simple call on a quiet December night. A bright beacon of hope on the telephone. Something he never expected.
He blinked as his phone vibrated again. A phone call he never expected coming through on this cold December night. He took a deep breath as a small snowflake landed on the screen.
He accepted the call.
“Robert?” Aaron whispered. The snow falling faster now. Like the flood gates have opened, just for him. Something that was cooling the fire that hurt so badly in him for so long.
“Aaron?” Roberts whispered back.
Aaron gripped the phone tight, listening to Robert breathe.
“Hi. I’ve been waiting for you to call.” Aaron said the fire slowly going out as the skies opened up around him.
“Am I too late?” Robert asked.
Aaron looked up at the sky as snow fell around him. A snow he hoped would last forever. Something that would keep the fire at bay and keep him with who he loved. Love. Always.
“Never. I’m on my way.”
Aaron turned and walked back towards the hotel as Robert spoke. Aaron hoped Robert would stay there with him. As he got closer to the hotel, he could hear that same cheery Christmas song once more. However now, he knew. He wasn’t alone. He was never alone. He still had Robert, the snow and Christmas.
Christmas I love you You're the one Oh I been waitin' for this Christmas Day My heart is already on this white street It snowed in my dream last night You've been waiting all day under the covers [Chorus] Christmas I love you Like the white snow Fallen snow, you come down on my day Christmas I love you Oh, you're the one I hope today lasts forever Christmas love (x2) Stay in my heart For a long time Christmas love (x2) I've been waiting for Today it's Christmas Day I run over there like a child does It feels like I'm flying over the clouds If anyone is listening to me Will you let the time stop now? To be honest, I'm afraid you'll leave Because today is short I've been waiting for you all this time Can you stay with me a little bit longer?
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karlakattz · 3 years
A fic for the Robronweek Christmas Special 2021 and a Winter prompt:
“I think,” Robert wheezes. “We need a shower.”
Currently they are standing in their tiny guest bathroom and Aaron stares down at where they made quite a mess between them.
“You definitely need to shower,” he agrees. “Your dick is sparkling.”
“What?” Robert’s head whips down, eyes widening in shock. “Ohmygod, I’ve got a dick like Edward Cullen!”
The whole fic is here:
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scrapyardboyfriends · 3 years
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Robron Week Christmas Special - Day 7 - Christmas Morning
Merry Christmas everyone!
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robronweek · 3 years
Hey everyone, just a little last minute reminder of the rules before we get started tomorrow.
If you’ve created something for day 1, feel free to post it at midnight your time. You don’t have to wait for midnight UK time if you’re not in the UK (unless you want to) and the same goes for every day after that.
Post your thing on your own blog and tag it rwxmas in the first five tags.
Beware of tumblr’s porn ban for nsfw stuff, and fic authors please put a warning on your fic if it contains any Robert or Aaron with other people.
I’ll like everything with my personal account @sugdenlovesdingle​ (a like means I’ve seen it and will reblog it sooner or later) and now is the time to check your block list and unblock me if I’m on it and you want to participate. If I can’t see your post, I can’t reblog it to this blog.
Are you a procrastinator (like me) and your thing for day 1 isn’t finished when we’re at day 2 already? No worries! Just post it when you’re done and tag it and I'll reblog it anyway.
And that’s it!
I hope a lot of people will participate and I can’t wait to see and read all of your creations!
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bettaklainerobron · 3 years
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Robron week 2021 : Day 2 Christmas music/ carol singing
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softlass27 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Emmerdale Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aaron Dingle/Robert Sugden Characters: Aaron Dingle, Robert Sugden, Eve Dingle Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Fluff and Angst, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Party, Single Parents Series: Part 2 of robron week christmas special 2021 Summary:
Dec 23 - Day 5 - Secret Santa / (family) Christmas party
During a Christmas season when Aaron's life has been already turned upside down, a chance encounter with a stranger in the Disney store turns out to bring even some bigger changes his way.
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I'm dreaming of a white christmas
Merry Christmas everyone!
Oh, just because I haven't written enough for it already, this is from the Ana'verse.
Robron Week Christmas Special - Day 7 - Christmas morning
A fic a day in December - Day 25
(AO3 link)
"Hi Mum.” Robert kissed her cheek as the kids headed straight for the tree in the corner of the room, the pile of presents catching their eye and he tells them they’re off limits in his best Dad voice. "Aaron's just popped to see his Gran he won't be long, but these monsters wouldn't wait.”
“I can see. We’ll wait for him. Kids there's some cookies in the kitchen for you while we wait for Papa." When they've gone she turns to him "So, did you ask him?"
"Ssh. They've got ears like bats! And no, I didn't.”
"Why not?" She sounded so put out he couldn't help smiling. He was sure she was more invested than he was.
"Because...we were watching a film last night and the guy proposed at Christmas and Aaron went on and on about how daft it was. No way was I going to do it then. Besides we are actually married."
"I know! I said that if you remember when you first mentioned the idea but you insisted you wanted a vow renewal after Sara was born."
“Yeah, yeah."
"She's two and a half! I would like to attend one of your weddings you know."
"Not my fault you haven't!”
"Because twenty four hours notice is totally normal for a wedding. And then you picked the week of my dream holiday for the second.” It was an old argument, he and Aaron had talked about postponing their second wedding so that she could make it but after the year they’d had neither of them wanted to wait a minute longer when the date came up.
"Because it was the only date they had. Any way I did mention it to him once and he just said what's the point of it when we're married so maybe I should just leave...”
"Right, can you go next door and get my son please because he has never backed out of a soppy romantic moment." the rolled his eyes at her.
"So what do you suggest then Cilla?"
"If it was me..."
"If what was you?" Aaron asks walking in. Robert can only hope he didn't hear anything.
“Oh we were just discussing the Yorkshires!”
"Oh don't, he's been perfecting them for weeks! Driving me mad he is.”
Robert shakes his head at him, staring, still after all this time unable to believe he got to call him his husband. That's where the idea for the vow renewal had come from, when they knew their surrogate was pregnant with Sara he'd been scared, worried he'd fail her, or Seb and Ana, or he'd not be good enough. Aaron had been there, reassuring him all the time. and he'd wanted to show him just how much he loved him. He'd wanted it to be perfect, then life started getting in the way, and now it was two years later and he still hadn't managed it.
He avoids the conversation for the rest of lunch, but he can’t stop thinking about it. He wants to renew their vows, he just didn’t know how to ask. After all they've been through when he went to prison and all the trouble it had caused with Aaron's family, he wants nothing more to stand up in front of everyone and tell Aaron how amazing he is.
The idea comes to him in the middle of that afternoon while Aaron’s upstairs trying to wrap the last lot of his presents without the kids seeing.
“I thought of something.” Is all he says when his Mum answers.
“Thank goodness. And?”
"I want to involve the kids. I…could you maybe distract Aaron this afternoon, until tea time…” He asks and explains his idea. "Do you...do you think he'll like it?"
"You could ask him on top of a compost heap love and he'd say yes. You know that."
"Thanks for that image! Now, can you come up with something to keep him away from the house.”
“Of course. In fact I think I’ve run out of brandy butter.” She says brightly and he can picture the look on her face. “You tell him I’ve called you in an emergency and he can run me to the shops. I’m sure I can find a couple more places to stop off until you text me.”
“And you’re sure this is a good idea?”
"It’ll be perfect love."
“Who was on the phone?” Aaron looks up when he walks into the bedroom a few minutes later. He stifles his laughter at the state of the room, wrapping paper everywhere, bits of sellotape stuck to Aaron’s jumper.
“Mum. She’s in a flap, she’s run out of a couple of things and she wondered if you’d run her into Hotten?”
“On Christmas Eve? What’s she forgotten?”
“She didn’t say but she’s getting herself in a right state. I tried telling her it didn’t matter but I think after last year she just wants everything to be right.”
“And you can’t take her why?”
“Because I haven’t finished all my wrapping yet. Please, it won’t take long.” Aaron looks at him like he’s crazy but he sighs and starts clearing the bed of presents.
“You owe me Sugden.”
“I think you’ll find that’s Sugden-Dingle.”
“Hmm.” The second he’s gone Robert runs back down the stairs where he’d left the kids watching TV.
"Kids, can you come here a sec?"
"But Dad...I'm watching this!" Ana whined.
"Sorry sweetheart, just pause it a sec, I've got something important to talk to you about." finally they all turn and listen "l've been thinking and you know how me and Papa are married...well I was thinking that I'd like to show him how much I love him. "
"Are you having another wedding?" Seb asks "Ganma said you had two already."
"Yeah, we did but...well me and Papa have been through a lot and I thought this would be nice "
“Oh." Seb shrugged and Robert bit back a smile. His son was so easy going, usually just accepted any explanation to something he wanted to know. It was a godsend most days.
"Thing is I wasn't really sure how to ask him..."
"With roses like in the films." Ana told him and he wondered just what films she'd seen because he didn’t remember that in any of the Disney films she watched over and over.
"With cake. And pizza. Papa loves them." Seb tells him.
"Yeah? I think you love them too don’t you? Well I do have an idea but we can use your ideas too. I do need you all to help me though, and we have to be really fast!”
Twenty minutes later he’s raided their art supplies and set them up at the kitchen table, hoping his Mum can keep him out long enough for them to finish and how much mess he’d be left clearing up. “Right, here’s all your pens, and I’ve printed all the letters out so if you three colour them in then we’ll decorate them with all these bits and pieces, yeah?”
“Daddy!” He takes a deep breath. They’ve been colouring for an hour or more while he’s been attempting to get everything together for the breakfast he’s planning the next morning. “Sara’s doing it wrong!”
He turned round to see Seb glaring at his youngest sister. He was very serious about his colouring, and anything really. It had to be done just so.
“Hey! There’s no right or wrong mate. Papa’s going to love it whatever, and remember Sara’s only little, she’s not able to keep in the lines like you. How many have you got left to do?”
“I’ve finished. Can we start making them pretty now Daddy?” Ana piped up, lifting her brightly coloured pictures in the air. “I want glitter.”
“In a minute. How about the two of you help Sara finish before we start making mess.”
“I’ve just sent him into the shop for sweets.”
“Mum he’s not going to buy that, you have enough sweets in your flat to sink a battleship!”
“Oh don’t be silly. He doesn’t suspect a thing. Now are you all done?”
“Yes. We’ll be finding glitter for years but it’s all ready. I just need to sneak out of bed early to get it all ready.” He pauses. “Do you think it’s too much? Too soppy?”
“And what’s the problem with that? Sweetheart, the two of you got engaged shouting at each other, did it again in hospital and then you both organised proposals in the same place. I’d say if anything this is quite tame.”
“Yeah but…”
“Aaron will love it. The kids will love being involved and then I’ll take them to mine for the night so the two of you can be alone. Now stop worrying. Oh he’s on his way back and he looks a little fed up, best go.” He hung up. She was enjoying this way too much.
He’s on edge all night and Aaron keeps giving him weird looks. He blames it on one too many cups of coffee. By the time they get the kids to bed, he’s exhausted. He needs to remind them of the plan though before they sleep.
“Why don’t you go and put the presents out, I’ll read their story.” He whispers outside Sara’s room and Aaron nods, not thinking anything of it, they often split the night time jobs to save time.
“Right.” He tells them, having gathered them all in Seb’s room. “Do you remember the plan? Don’t come bursting into Papa and my room in the morning. I’ll wake you and then we’ll get our banner up and everything set up yeah?” Ana claps, thoroughly excited by the whole thing while Seb looks worried.
“What about the presents Daddy?”
“Oh mate, don’t worry, we’ll open them as soon as Papa’s up and we’ve eaten the special breakfast I’m going to cook.”
“Good boy. Right, let’s get you into bed so Santa can come yeah?”
He’s disoriented when his phone wakes him up from under his pillow. He’d set it the night before hoping Aaron wouldn’t wake with it. It usually took an earthquake to wake him so he was pretty sure he could manage. Checking he’s still sleeping he gets up and creeps out of the room, grabbing his dressing gown as he went.
He manages to get the kids up without too much noise, hesitating at the top of the stairs for any noise from Aaron, but there’s nothing. When he gets downstairs the three of them are just staring at the tree, the presents piled high around them.
He felt a little mean making them wait to open them, they’d never had to before, but they’d been so excited about the proposal he hoped they wouldn’t really mind.
“Right, let’s get this up eh? Then we can get Papa up and get to the presents.”
It doesn’t take them long to hang the banner between the kitchen and the living room and he’s set the table ready for their breakfast.
“Ok that’s done. Now, you remember what you’ve got to do?” He was holding Sara and Seb was meant to go and wake Aaron while Ana would stop him at the bottom.
“Yeah!” Seb’s off up the stairs before he even answers.
It’s a nervous wait and he laughs at himself. They’re married, it’s not like Aaron’s going to say no, but he’s pacing until he hears Seb cajoling him to come downstairs, running down before him to stand with Robert.
“Hey sweetheart, are you waiting for me? I thought you’d be into your presents by now.” Aaron says and Robert knows he’s smiling.
“No. You have to close your eyes Papa.” Ana tells him.
“I do, why?”
“Daddy said.”
“He did, did he? What’s going on?”
“It’s a secret. Close your eyes.” Robert snorts a little from his place out of sight in the kitchen, making Seb look at him funny.
Finally he hears his footsteps, and then he’s there, Ana holding onto his hand, leading him to stand behind the sofa.
“You can open your eyes now.” He tells him softly as Ana joins her siblings at the table. He sets Sara down beside them, smiling as Ana immediately takes her hand.
“What’s all this?” Aaron asks, looking at him, seemingly not noticing the banner above his head.
“I…er…well…” He moves to one side so Aaron can see the table that’s set for dinner for the two of them and gestures at the banner above him.
“Daddy wants to marry you again!” Seb and Ana chorus, while Sara cheers. Aaron just looks at him and if it wasn’t for the twinkle in his eye and the slight smile he’d be worried.
“Does he now? Did you all make these letters?” He crouches down as they run to him, pulling them all into a hug. “They’re really cool.”
“Mine are the glittery ones.” Ana tells him, doing a twirl in her princess pyjamas that she’d insisted on wearing.
“Daddy’s mad cos they’re making a mess on the floor.” Seb leans in and whispers, making Aaron laugh out loud and Robert didn’t think he’d ever been happier.
“Thanks mate.” He ruffles his hair, making him scowl. “Why don’t you three stick your cartoons on a minute. Then we’ll do presents.” He promises, seeing the look on Seb’s face.
“Are you going to say yes Papa?” Ana asks doing another twirl before jumping onto the sofa with her brother. Aaron gently sits Sara between them, ruffling her hair.
“We’ll have to see won’t we?” He smiles. “So when did you do all this?”
“Um, got up early this morning, but the kids made the banner yesterday afternoon.”
“When your Mum desperately need oh what was it, brandy butter? Which I know she doesn’t like.”
“Yeah well, I needed you out of the way.”
“So I see…and you planned all this.” He shrugged. “She was giving me weird looks all the time we were out. I thought I was going mad.”
“No you’re not. You’re always so…”
“You. Only you could do this when we’re already married…when we’ve got married twice.”
“It’s too much?” He tries not to let his disappointment show.
“I didn’t say that. Night before Christmas Eve, you went all weird when I complained about that film.”
“I was going to ask you then…thought you’d just laugh. Been trying for ages, could never make it perfect.”
“It would’ve been. And I wouldn’t have laughed.”
“So…you’re mad. Absolutely mad, but yes, I’ll marry you. Again.” Robert smiled and pulled him into a hug, kissing him, not wanting to let go, until he hears the kids giggling at him.
“Oi you lot.”
"Papa it's snowing! Look!" Seb's jumping up and down, tugging on Aaron's hand. "Can we go outside?"
"Before you open your presents?" He asks, knowing the answer already.
"Yeah! Can we?"
"Coats and hats on, help your sister, we'll be there in a minute." He turns back to Robert, sneaking one more kiss. "Merry Christmas then."
"Merry Christmas Aaron."
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