#ryan x luke
starryeyesxx · 1 year
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nhlclover · 4 months
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summary: when your brothers surprise you at your dorm, they discover your boyfriend whom you'd kept a secret from them
warnings: hughes sister!reader, jack and luke being overprotective brothers, briefly nsfw in the beginning, couple uses of 'y/n', honestly mostly about jack & luke
word count: 1.80k
The morning sun beamed through the window, filling the room with a soft golden light. You had forgotten to close the blinds the night before and now the warm rays were gently waking you from your slumber. Slowly, your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the brightness. You glance down and see the boy you are entangled with, his body warmly pressed against yours. Your legs are intertwined and his head rests against your chest, the rise and fall of his breath synchronizing with your own. His face, softened by sleep, looks peaceful, almost angelic.
As if sensing that you were awake, Ryan begins to stir. He shifts slightly, his eyelashes fluttering as he struggles to wake up. His hand, which had been resting on your waist, moves gently, his eyes slowly opening to meet yours.
“Good morning.” You say softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead.
“Good morning,” he replies, his voice husky with sleep. “How long have you been watching me sleep?”
You chuckle quietly, pressing a soft kiss to his plump lips. “Only a minute or two.”
Ryan groans as he stretches his limbs, untangling his legs from yours. He sits up, rubbing his eyes, but you reach out to grab his hand pulling him back down.
"Not so fast," you whisper, your voice still heavy with sleep. You wrap your arms around his neck, drawing him closer until your lips meet. The kiss is warm and lingering, a perfect blend of tenderness and desire. Ryan responds eagerly, his hands finding their way to your waist.
You trace your hands into his hair, gently tugging on the roots, eliciting a groan from Ryan. You feel his body responding to your touch, the heat of his arousal pressing firmly against your thigh. You smile into the kiss, pushing Ryan to the side and flipping you both so that you are now straddling his hips.
However, as they say, all good things must come to an end.
The sound of sudden, insistent banging on your door shatters the morning peace. Your eyes snap open, heart racing in your chest. Ryan bolts upright, nearly pushing you off his lap if it weren’t for his strong grip on your hips, blinking in confusion.
"Y/n! Open up!" came a familiar voice from the other side of the door. "Come on, sleepyhead!"
"Oh no," you whispered, your eyes wide with panic. "It’s my brothers."
Ryan's face mirrored your alarm. "I thought they weren't supposed to be here until dinner!"
Jack and Luke were in Boston as the Devils were scheduled to play against the Bruins tomorrow. You had made plans to meet them for dinner tonight, eager to catch up since this had been the longest stretch of time you'd gone without seeing either of them. However, you were excited to see them tonight and not now at 8 in the morning with your boyfriend —someone they didn’t even know existed yet— buck-naked in your bed.
You swung your legs off his hips, racing around the room to find your clothing that had been ripped off the night before. “Exactly!” you say in a whispered panic, pulling a t-shirt over your head. “What are they doing here so early?”
Another round of knocks echoed through the small room. "Y/n, we know you're in there!" Luke called out, his tone a mix of amusement and impatience.
"Just a minute!" you called back, trying to keep your voice steady. You pull on a pair of sweat shorts, throwing Ryan his clothing you’d found along the way. “Just sit there for a second, I’ll get rid of them.”
You glance in the mirror quickly, flattening down your unruly hair caused by the events of last night. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door. You pasted on a sleepy smile, attempting to mask your surprise. "Jack, Luke! What are you doing here?"
Jack grinned broadly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "We wanted to surprise you! Mission accomplished."
Luke stood behind him, holding a tray of coffee cups, an extra one for you. Despite how sweet that action was, you couldn’t let yourself feel grateful for their presence at the moment.
“How did you get in my building?” you ask your brothers.
“It’s a college, y/n, they don’t exactly have Rikers level security.” Jack joked. “Now c’mon, let us in.”
"Uh, now's not really a good time," you stammered, blocking the doorway.
Luke raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Why? What are you hiding in there? Got a secret study buddy or something?"
Your brothers laugh, both not believing that you actually had a study buddy.
Your cheeks flush as you nervously glance back over your shoulder. "Ry, are you decent?" you call.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Ryan replies, standing up from your bed.
Jack and Luke shared confused glances as you stepped aside reluctantly, allowing your brothers to enter. As they walked in, their eyes fell on Ryan, standing awkwardly near your bed. Jack's and Luke's faces shifted from confusion to realization. "Ryan?" Jack asked, doubt creeping into his voice.
Ryan gave a small awkward wave. “Hey guys.”
Ryan knew your brothers from their joint time in the program. He’d never played with them but spent several practices playing alongside them.
Jack and Luke's eyes darted around the room, artifacts of your relationship scattered around. Photos of the two of you adorned the walls, his Boston College jersey draped over the back of your desk chair. Your heart sank as you noticed the shared look of hurt and confusion in your brothers' eyes.
"Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend?" Luke asked, his tone betraying his emotions.
"I… I didn't know how to," you admitted, wringing your hands nervously. "You guys always treat me like a baby. I wasn't sure how you'd react."
As the youngest of four siblings and the only girl among three older brothers, you had always been treated like the baby of the family. Even after you graduated from high school and moved away for college, the dynamic didn't change much. Your brothers had always looked out for you, often smothering you with their protectiveness. It was as if they couldn't see the independent, capable person you were becoming.
Growing up, their constant teasing and overbearing care had been both a source of comfort and frustration. They would ruffle your hair, call you endearing nicknames, and sometimes intervene in your decisions, thinking they knew what was best for you. This behaviour persisted into your young adulthood, making it difficult for you to assert your independence. It was the primary reason you’d kept Ryan a secret from your older brothers.
Jack shook his head, his expression softening a little. "Y/n, we just want to protect you."
"I know," she said, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. "But I'm not a kid anymore."
Ryan stepped up to your side, placing a delicate hand on the small of your back. “I’m going to give you guys space to talk,” Ryan said, stepping between you and your brothers. “I’ll call you later, yeah?” You nod, giving him an apologetic look for how your morning turned out. Ryan places a quick, reassuring kiss on your lips before heading to the door.
“It was nice to see you guys,” he says to Jack and Luke before slipping out the door. Once the door closed behind him, you turned to your brothers, who still wore expressions of shock mixed with mild betrayal. "I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure how you'd handle it. You can be a bit… overprotective."
“We’re not overprotective.” Jack scoffs.
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief, thinking of at least a dozen examples of their overbearing behaviour. “Are you serious? Do you remember Jacob? My prom date?” you ask them. Looks of recognition flash across their faces, bowing their heads as they remember your senior prom. “You guys kept asking him these invasive questions, like what his intentions with me were, about his previous girlfriends. You guys scared him so badly, that the day after prom he blocked me on everything and wouldn’t talk to me.”
Jack sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, y/n, we just care about you.”
“Care about me?” You shake your head, frustration bubbling up. “There’s a difference between caring and controlling. It’s not just Jacob. You guys almost convinced Mum and Dad to make me stay in Michigan and go to school there rather than let me go out of state.”
Luke’s eyes soften. “Y/n… you’re our baby sister. We just want what’s best for you.”
“I get that, but you have to let me live my life. I need to make my own decisions, even if it means making mistakes. That’s how I learn and grow.”
Your brothers nod in sync, their expressions betraying the guilt they felt around the way they treated you. Jack let out a deep breath of air. "You're right, y/n. We have been overprotective. We didn't mean to smother you, we’re sorry."
Luke nodded in agreement, his face reflecting regret. "We just want to see you happy and safe, but we need to trust you to make your own choices. Ryan seems like a good guy. We just wish you'd told us sooner."
You exhaled, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders. "I know, and I'm sorry I kept it a secret. I was scared of how you'd react. But Ryan is important to me, he makes me so happy.”
Your face instinctively lights up as you mention your boyfriend.
Luke pulls a sour face. “Ew look at her, she’s in love.” You reach out, giving Luke’s shoulder a playful shove.
Jack stepped forward, pulling you into a tight hug. "We'll work on it, okay? We’ll back off and give you space, but we're always here for you."
Luke joined the hug, sandwiching you between your brothers. "Yeah, and we'll make an effort to be less overbearing. We just want what's best for you."
You squeezed them both, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thanks, guys. That means a lot to me."
As you pulled away, you glanced at the coffee tray still in Luke's hand. "Now, assuming one of those is for me, how about we catch up properly? I've missed you guys."
Jack grinned, grabbing taking out one of the cups and handing it to you. "Sounds like a plan. And how about you invite Ryan to dinner tonight so we can get to know him? I want to see what kind of guy has stolen my sister's heart."
"Yeah," Luke said, nudging her playfully. "Just don't expect us to go easy on him."
You chuckled, feeling the tension finally lift. "Deal. But if you scare him off, I’m emancipating myself and changing my last name."
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augustisabitpreppy · 2 months
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
he said he'd love me for all time - connor bedard? ☆
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wc: 3.1k
tw: heartbreak. sadness. drinking. partying. lying. angst. etc?
ryan leonard x ex oc
connor bedard x oc
death by a thousand cuts au
to the average eye frankie hughes was having the time of her life.
the tabloids were calling the youngest hughes; the newest 'it girl' of nyc, who was seen partying every weekend with big names, modeling for huge brands, and being everyone's newest celebrity crush.
to all her friends and to her ex-boyfriend, it looked like she was totally fine from the breakup, even daring to say she was even benefiting from it a bit.
but that was far from the truth.
the girl had been moving through the world with a heartbroken ever since that windy night in dc, when her whole world turned upside down in what seemed to be in the blink of an eye. she had to learn to live with the fact she was just a chapter in ryan leonards life, while he was her whole book.
but the girl was a real tough kid, and she knew how to handle her shit and put on a facade. a facade for the world, her friends, her family, and even her ex-boyfriend. and she knew how to do it well. a little too well, which she knew was bound to bite her in the ass one day. she could show everyone lies, and she would continue to do that until she felt somewhat okay. she had been doing it since he left anyways.
the only sign of a broken heart she had shown was the fact she had gone slightly manic and dyed her hair blonde, but the brands and the public seemed to love it.
at least someone loved it.
right now was a moment where she had to look okay, more than ever.
she had flown to vegas to show support for her brothers for the NHL awards and was currently walking the red carpet alongside her family, with her head held high and a smile that looked like it was her birthday.
while on the inside she wanted to die. just before her family walked into the eyesight of the cameras, her father asked her a question that made her whole castle of lies want to crumble into mere pebbles.
"oh, frankie! I ran into a few of the usa boys yesterday; ryan's linemate was one of them; does that mean he's here, too? you should invite him to dinner later" her father asked, not knowing the alarms he had set off in his daughter's head.
it wasn't his fault; she knew they were bound to ask about ryan. they loved him, but how was she supposed to tell them she'd ruined one of the only good things about her life? she knew they already didn't have the best mindset about her new life, and this was only going to feed into the fire more.
"I wouldn't know, we broke up," she said awkwardly as they walked. they all halted and whipped their heads around to the youngest hughes.
"what? what happened?" her mother said in the most heartbroken tone she'd ever heard.
"we just, kind of... grew apart, i guess. it was mutual, so I'm fine" lie. if only they knew she begged him not to leave.
"are you okay?" luke said, studying her up and down. he knew that his sister was never one to lay her heart out like she had done for ryan, so she had to be hurting.
"no, yeah! totally! c'mon, let's keep going; tonight is not about me; it's about you guys!" she said with a smile as she reached up to pinch quinn and luke's cheeks. they looked at her, not knowing if she was trying to convince them or herself more. her family gave her a worried look before looking at each other as they followed behind her.
they walked through the carpet as frankie looked like she was having the time of her life, continuing to show lies. while on the inside, she was beyond miserable; she really had never felt such a hole in her heart like this.
the carpet soon ended, and they walked into the theater. she searched for the nearest bathroom, feeling a panic attack rising, needing to get away from the worried eyes of her family. She excused herself, searching for the nearest exit.
"did you know they broke up?" jack asked his mom as they took their seats.
"no, she hadn't said anything. she looks perfectly fine, even glowing," her mother said as they all nodded.
"she has to be hurting," luke said as they watched her talk to a girl with a glittering smile, showing lies.
she soon found the bathroom in a hallway, and she saw a guy standing outside of it. that guy being, no other than connor bedard. she would have to be living under a rock to not know who he was, he had been dominating the NHL this last season and wasn't in any way ugly either.
he was the perfect thing to get her mind off of ryan.
she hadn't been with anyone since they broke up, but she knew she had to get back out there if she ever wanted to get the hell out of the imaginary restaurant she was stuck in. she stayed there, and she had been there for weeks. she needed an out, and this was her chance.
"are you in line?" she asked a bit confused as the boy lifted his head up to look at her, eyes widening a bit not thinking to run into frankie hughes tonight.
"uhh, no. I- I'm waiting for my sister," he stuttered, a bit flustered as frankie smirked. she made him nervous, and that was a good sign.
"hey, connor bedard right? I'm frankie," she said, outstretching her hand. the boy didn't think she knew who he was.
"yeah, I know who you are," he said with a small smile, meeting her handshake.
"you nervous for tonight?" she asked with a smile that seemed to put the buy in a daze.
"a little, but it's not the end of the world if I don't win," he said nervously, knowing he was up against her brother.
"good, you won't cry when luke wins then," she said jokingly with a wink as he chuckled.
"that bathroom smells horrible- oh my gosh! frankie hughes!" a blonde girl said as she noticed the youngest hughes. frankie smiled at he girl.
"you must be connor sister; hi, and does it really smell because I'll just hold it," she said with a smile as the girl looked astounded.
"hello! and yeah, it does- but I didn't like, stink it up or anything. it was like that already, like way before I walked in," she rambled but stopped once she noticed frankie and connor holding in a laugh, looking at each other.
"no, I get it. thanks for the heads up. i should get back to my seat, ill see you around connor" she said with eyes that made connor want to stumble. she was hot, and if he didn't know any better, she was flirting?
she bid them goodbye as madisen scolded herself for being so awkward. a trait both of the bedard siblings held.
"she's so cool," madisen said, shaking her head in aww.
"yeah, she is," he said with a small smile, not believing how the girl was so obviously flirting with him.
frankie returned to her seat with a heavy feeling in her heart as she sat between jack and quinn.
"I feel like I should be sitting left to jack," she told her family as quinn shook his head.
"stop it, you know that's your seat," her brother told her with a look, talking about the assigned seating they had made a couple years back, back when she actually played hockey.
she let it go, due to the fact she had nothing to say as she looked around the theater. there were many faces, big names in hockey surrounding them and maybe if she was twelve she'd be screaming but right now she could care less. her eyes focused on no other than connor.
he was cute. he had an aura that seemed like he was sure of himself, and that was a trait that made frankie want to gravitate to him. She used to love that trait in ryan.
stop thinking about him!
she told herself. the rest of the night, she spent it playing eye tag with connor. she felt his eyes on her, and he felt her eyes on him. She was sure she had him secured. but did she want to dive into that hole? part of her felt like she would be cheating on ryan, but she hadn't spoken to him since that night. she was allowed to move on, right?
she bit back the feeling as the she tried to enjoy the night. Luke had lost, but connor had won. ss he was walking up to the stage, his eyes found hers, and she playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head as she clapped.
"what the hell was that?" jack asked her leaning over luke.
"what was what?" she played dumb as her brothers looked at her funny.
"you know what," luke said as she just shook her head and smiled.
"I am single," she said with a shrug as they looked at her like she had three heads. choosing to drop it, knowing their sister had her own ways of moving on. they weren't going to question her, just give her a disgusted look as they got on with the night.
quinn ended up winning his award, and she got up to give him the biggest hug, beyond proud of him; she had grown closer to quinn when she moved. he always made sure to visit her and check in on her, and she couldn't thank him enough.
always making sure she had money and she had eaten. the first week she had left, he had sent her money, knowing she couldn't have that much saved up. he was really the most thoughtful one out of the hughes brothers, and she was happy to be a part of this moment for him.
the night went on, and they soon ended up in a bar celebrating quinn's win as the siblings took shot after shot, getting plastered as the night went on.
it seemed like the universe had been on her side because connor had walked into the very same bar a little later into the night. she turned to luke, knowing she had to make sure he was okay with what she was about to do.
"go for it," her brother said, shaking his head as she looked at him guiltily.
"you didn't even know what i was going to say" she said slightly smiling
"you didn't have to; you've been giving him those eyes all night. go be young and free," he said lightly, pushing her shoulder as she giggled.
"thanks luke. and, can i ask you something?" she told him
"shoot," he said, as jack and quinn joined the conversation.
"would it be shady to ryan? if I got with connor?" she asked, knowing they were guys and they'd probably know ryan's point of view. she never wanted to hurt anyone.
he hurt you though
"well, I mean, if you guys broke up, no. but like if you're still seeing each other on the low, that's a different story-" jack said
"we're not. I haven't heard from him since that night," she clarified as they nodded.
"were they like, sworn enemies or best friends?" quinn asked
"not that I know of," she said, thinking back to whether they ever interacted. she was sure they hadn't.
"then go for it little sis," jack said with a wink
"yeah, but don't string bedard around either," quinn said with a scolding look.
he was right. she was more than sure connor didn't need someone to play with his feelings. but he was busy, maybe he was just looking for a hookup. he went first overall; he'd had to have his fair share of one-night stands. right?
"she's young; this is her time to make stupid decisions-" jack tried to reason as she zoned out.
"if she's not over leonard, then it's just going to blow up in her face-" quinn said, arguing over luke with jack. if only quinn knew she'd never get over him. the love of her life turned into the loss of her life, and she'd continue to long for him forever. She just had to learn to live alongside that grief.
"okay! thanks for the advice guys. I'll catch you guys later," she said, walking away from her brothers, who watched as she walked up to connor and immediately caught sight of his reddened cheeks.
"she's going to break the poor guy's heart," quinn said with a guilty look as jack and luke snickered a bit evily. maybe he was a bit salty about the loss.
frankie woke up to a pounding headache.
she felt like she had drank more than her body weight the night before, and was suffering the consequences of those tequila shots right about now.
she sat up, only to realize she was in nothing but a loose t-shirt that did not belong to her. only now, looking around to realize she was not in her hotel room.
oh god, what did you do frankie
"hey, you're up," connor said, opening the door in nothing but a towel. he had the body made of a god, and only now did frankie remember the events of the night before where she had done body shots, those very same abs she was obviously ogling at.
"what the hell," she asked, looking around for her phone to see about a million texts coming from her family and friends, wondering where the hell she went.
"here, I thought you might have a hangover," connor nervously said as he handed her some tylenols. she drank them before trying to remember if she slept with him last night.
"did we..."
"i think we did. i kind of blacked out, you kept feeding me shots and I was trying to impress you so I ended up the most plastered I had ever been" he told her honestly as she felt like a bitch. of course, she was a bad influence on this saint of a boy. of fucking course.
"oh my gosh. i'm so sorry-" she said shaking her head
"it's okay, frankie. my life is way too serious most of the time. nights like last night remind me that I'm only eighteen. I had a lot of fun last night from what I remember," he said with a light smile as she reciprocated.
he was cute. he was handsome. and he was nice. he was way too good for frankie to go and taint, and she knew that.
"I should get back to my family before they send out an amber alert or something," she said as she stood up and looked for her underwear and dress from last night.
she lifted the sheets and searched, only to turn around and see connor standing with them in his hand with a cheeky smile.
she embarrassingly grabbed them as she got her heels and walked to the door and turned back to the young hockey player, knowing she'd have to tell him this was a one-time thing.
as she turned and saw the hopeful look on his face and his light smile she couldn't bear to tell him. he was cute, and yes, maybe it was selfish to use him to get over ryan but she wasn't no saint, and maybe if she got to know connor a little bit better, it could blossom into something more.
"I'll text you," she told him as she opened the door into the hallway.
"maybe i'll text you first," he said with a smile as he brushed the hair out of her face. she couldn't help herself and leaned into a passionate kiss. wrapping her arms around his neck as she brought him down with her. She soon pulled away and waved goodbye to him, leaving the boy standing in basically shambles as he felt something he'd never felt before. he was falling, and he was falling hard.
it seemed like the universe wanted her to suffer the embarrassment because as she looked up, she made eye contact with no other than wide eye will smith and zeev buim standing there with their mouths agape.
"hey guys," she said as she cringed. they were probably going to run and tell ryan. part of her felt like shit about that, but the other part of her hoped he knew.
they did nothing but look at each other before looking back at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"how could you do that to ryan?" will said, looking at her disgustingly.
"I didn't do anything to him," she said, crossing her arms at the two boys, wondering why the hell they were so mad. she was single.
"yeah? what the hell would you call that? you're cheating on him with bedard? really?" will said. only then did frankie realize he didn't tell them. he didn't even tell will that he had broken up with her. had he told anyone? everyone still thought they were together?
"i'm not cheating, will-" she said shaking her head
"bullshit," he said, cutting her off, that action making frankie want to literally rip his head off. he wasn't even letting her talk.
"he broke up with me about a month ago," she said as they looked at her confusingly.
"are you serious?" zeev asked as will seemed to go speechless. he couldn't believe it.
"yeah. so don't try to tell me shit, when you know nothing," she said teary-eyed as she walked past the two boys. not before bumping her shoulder straight into will. he was an asshole. he had no right to accuse her of cheating.
she wiped her tears before walking into her shared hotel room with her family, knowing she had to handle her shit and fake it till she made it. she couldn't let them see how destroyed her heart had become.
"ahh, the walk of shame," jack said, shaking his head with a teasing smirk as she flipped him off and flopped on the couch.
"not a good night, I'm guessing," quinn said with a grimace.
"it was fine," she said with a huff as she stared off into the ceiling. not being able to stop thinking about ryan. she felt guilty.
"you didn't do anything wrong if that's what you're thinking," Luke said, knowing his littlest sister.
"I know," she said, rising up and walking to her room. closing her door and finally letting her tears fall freely. she was miserable, but at least no one knew.
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im-tired-404 · 3 months
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Me jumping to any content that includes a celebrity I’m obsessed with in an unhealthy amount:
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peachhcs · 5 months
moments on the ring
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
going backwards in time from a year in the future to the summer before samy's senior year, the ring camera captures all of the special moments between samy and will.
2.6k words
i was inspired by the tiktoks of couples having cute moments on their ring cameras, so i wrote this. i thought it was so cutie and it's all just scattered moments of samy and will caught on the lakehouse ring camera
au masterlist
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ONE (the summer before will moves to california)
the faster july bled into august, the harder it became for samy to ever sleep. the poor girl's mind raced with a hundred thoughts about starting her next chapter: the last half of college. junior year rode in fast and so did her new captaincy for the women's soccer team.
a dream that the girl's had since she stepped onto campus was now becoming a reality in just short of a few weeks. she couldn't be more grateful, but at the same, she was now leading an entire group of girls in hopes of taking home another national title.
if they lost, it was all on her and that terrified the girl.
she curled up on the front porch steps, eyes on the sky trying to find her favorite constellations. whenever she couldn't sleep, the little hughes wandered outside and stared at the stars until someone came and found her.
usually, it'd be her mom. occasionally jack or luke. recently, though, the one person who's never left her side became the one finding the girl by herself in the late hours of the night. mostly because he'd sense her presence missing and sleepily ventured out to find her.
the front door quietly slid open giving samy the indication that someone found her. she waited for them to approach before acknowledging them. gentle hands slipped something across her shoulders making the goosebumps along her arms quickly disappear.
"found you," will's sleepy voice echoed through the stillness.
"hi, baby," samy smiled up at the blonde as he sat down beside her. the pet name earned a small flush across his cheeks while his hand immediately found a place on her knee.
"hi. can't sleep?" the boy wondered trying to wake himself up more despite everything in him wanting to crawl back under the warm covers.
"yeah. thinking too much i think," she curled herself into her boyfriend's side. his body was like a heater as his warmth spread into her, replacing the cool air swirling around her.
"wanna talk about it?"
a bit of hesitation stopped the girl from immediately opening her mouth. she knew will wouldn't ever judge her, but she almost felt..selfish for admitting being nervous for the upcoming season. he sensed her pause, so he ducked his head down to find her gaze.
"talk to me, hughesy," the blonde gave a loving squeeze so she knew he was all ears. her nickname painted a brief smile on her lips.
"i'm gonna be captain this season," samy mumbled like she didn't believe it herself and she almost didn't.
a smile grew across her boyfriend's lips, "i know. i'm so proud of you."
"what if i let everyone down?" the worries finally flew out of her mouth which almost knocked the breath out of her for admitting it aloud.
"what makes you think that?"
"i dunno. i'm scared i can't lead them to a national title again. then what? i let everyone down," samy explained what troubled her—her doubts and fears about everything going wrong under her guidance.
"even if you don't, no one's gonna hate you. this is gonna be a real good season, yeah? you're gonna take them to the finals again, i know it," will encouraged and his words surprisingly made the youngest hughes feel a lot better. he always knew how to do that somehow and samy never knew how he did it.
"it's just such a big deal. i'm scared i'm gonna fuck it all up," the girl laughed in hopes of keeping herself from crying.
"you won't. you're the best soccer player i know. not many people can rebuild the soccer program in their freshman year," will's sappy words made the brunette blush to the tips of her ears. she hid her face in his chest so he didn't see.
"you're so cheesy."
all will did was kiss her forehead in response. he ran soothing circles across her shoulder which definitely helped settle samy's anxiety. he always knew how to lift her spirits, even if it was just his presence alone.
"you leave for california in two weeks, right?" she changed the subject for now wanting to direct the attention off of her.
"yup. 13.5 days," will's voice almost sounded sad saying that. samy quickly picked up on the shift in his tone, so she shifted herself so she was looking at him.
"your official rookie year. god, i cant believe it's already here," those two years unknowingly flew by for everyone.
"is it weird i'm scared to start a new life all the way across the country from my best friends," the blonde softly wondered. samy cupped his cheek, running her thumb over his soft skin as he leaned into her touch.
"i think you're gonna do really well in san jose. they picked a good one," it was now samy's turn to be all sappy and cheesy. plus, it was only fair that she was because will did it moments ago.
"promise to come visit me?" the boy searched her gaze, one filled with love and lust. the grip on her knee tightened a bit like she'd disappear if he let go.
"i can't promise it will be during the season, but i'll really try after," they knew samy couldn't leave as freely as she did to boston. with her captaincy, she was needed and expected at every practice. not to mention, flying to california was a lot different than flying an hour to boston for a weekend.
"right. just expect a lot of facetime calls then."
their foreheads connected briefly. samy closed her eyes, letting will's sent fill her body and slowly calm her down to the point where she finally became tired. the blonde hooked his arm around her shoulders, a gentle kiss landing on her soft skin.
"wanna go back inside?" he wondered.
samy just nodded, letting will pull her up and lead them into the house. the hockey player smiled at the ring camera that he almost forgot was there knowing it just picked up every single second of that soft moment.
TWO (the summer after samy and will's first year of college)
jack sure knew how to throw a party. people packed themselves in and out of the house, wall to wall, room to room. the summer house probably hasn't ever been so full before, but jack was determined to celebrate luke making it through his rookie year and with nearly everyone in michigan, it was bound to be a good one.
samy stumbled out onto the front porch with will close behind her as they finally escaped the chaos for a few seconds. their hands were intertwined, fearing they'd lose one another in the crowd if they didn't hold onto each other. the brunette fell against the porch railing, some of her drink dripping onto the wood, a lazy smile on her lips.
"jack so would've made a great frat boy if he went to college," will chuckled, leaning himself against the railing as well.
"trust me, i know. we've told him," samy was extra giggly tonight, especially after having a few shots in her system.
the alcohol her brothers bought for the lakehouse didn't and wouldn't compare to the cheap vodka her and hannah found or begged ethan to get them (he refused most of the time anyway). whatever stuff her brother's liked buzzed through the girl's system like a race car and she became a lot more drunk a lot quicker.
the music was so loud, they could hear it from the porch. jack had old pop songs playing and time of our lives by pitbul started blaring through the speakers. samy gasped, forgetting her cup as she pulled will up to start dancing.
"i know my rent was gonna be late about a week ago," the brunette sang—or more like screamed—while swinging her boyfriend's hands around who just laughed.
"i worked my ass off, but i still can't pay it though," will joined in.
they didn't even care that they were the only ones drunk and dancing on the porch. the moment couldn't have been anymore perfect. the oldie songs brought them back to their childhood where they'd similarly scream along to the lyrics without really knowing what any of it meant.
"ooh, i want the time of my life. oh baby, oohhh," once the chorus hit, will spun samy around. she giggled nonstop while the blonde enjoyed seeing her so happy.
the best part of the song came on a few moments later. will wrapped samy up in his arms, snaking them around her waist.
"this is for everybody going through tough times. believe me, been there, done that. but everyday above ground is a great day, remember that," the two sang the verse together before the blonde pushed his lips to samy's when the chorus began again.
something about the moment was so perfect—just two teenagers enjoying themselves as they celebrated getting through their first year of college and long distance while the entire thing was captured on the oh so infamous ring camera right above the door handle.
THREE (the summer after samy and will's first year of college)
samy's heels clicked against the hardwood as she stepped onto the porch. will followed close behind, lazy and lustful smiles on each of their lips as the girl spun around to face her boyfriend. he immediately snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest. 
"thanks for driving me back. you didn't have to, you know," the brunette hummed, reaching her hand up to fix some of his misplaced curls. 
"i know, but it wasn't any problem," the blonde shrugged. 
"it is like 30 minutes out of your way. you have to be up in exactly.." her eyes gazed down at her watch, "five hours." 
will didn't even seem bothered by the fact, "i'll just sleep on the plane. whatever." 
his nonchalantness never failed to amaze the girl. will was due in san jose for a two week summer development camp with a plane to catch in seven hours, yet he was standing on samy's porch past midnight after spending a long night out with her family and then insisted to drive her back to the house before he went to his hotel closer to the airport. 
"you're crazy, you know that?" samy shook her head in amusement. 
"i am for you," will grinned, his cheesy words earning a playful eye roll. 
"god, you're so insufferable sometimes," she cupped the boy's cheeks to pull his face closer to hers, an indication that she wanted a kiss. 
"gonna miss you, pretty girl. two weeks is so long," the blonde hummed. 
"it will fly by. we did four months." 
"the worst four months of my life," being so caught up in hockey and soccer, time to see one another was pretty limited during the school year. 
summer would always be will and samy's favorite months. 
"promise to call you every night," samy beamed making the hockey player smile too. 
"you better. you're sure you can't come with me?" will always did this when one of them were leaving for long periods of time. he was desperate to get samy to follow him everywhere. 
"i wish, but you need to have your moment. one more year before you join the sharks," the girl squeezed his chin. 
"don't remind me." 
with that, samy placed her lips to her boyfriend's. his hands gripped her waist, deepening the kiss as his tongue slipped into her mouth. she tasted like strawberries—a taste the boy would never get tired of. it just made him want her even more. 
"you looked so beautiful tonight by the way," will mumbled when they broke apart for some air. 
samy's cheeks reddened, "thanks pretty boy." 
that was will's favorite pet name. he ducked his head back down to reconnect their lips. samy's hands started wandering towards will's curls, pulling gently near the nape of his neck which emitted a small sound from the back of his throat. 
"wanna kiss you forever," his hands started wandering lower until his one hand slipped over her ass in a tight squeeze. 
samy tugged harder at his curls looking for more. their need poured into each other's lips with will tugging the girl closer despite there not being anymore space left between them. 
"you two better get a room," jack's voice instantly broke them apart. 
samy spun around, her gaze zeroing in on the ring where jack just talked from. 
"oh fuck off, jack," the younger girl rolled her eyes. 
"you better be glad i was the one who looked and not dad or some shit. wrap it up before they do see anything. y'all are so gross," jack was most definitely rolling his eyes. 
"fucking idiot," samy mumbled. she turned back to will, her smile quickly returning. 
"see you in two weeks?" 
"i'll see you so soon," will planted one more kiss to her lips before heading back down the porch. he waved to the camera incase jack was still secretly watching. 
once he was back in his car, samy spun on her heel. bending down so she was eye level with the camera, "you're so annoying. i can't wait until i can annoy you and your girlfriend." 
FOUR (samy gets her acceptance to umich)
the adrenaline buzzed through the young girl as she impatiently waited for her brothers and will to come back from their fishing excursion. their last eta update was 10 minutes ago being 15 minutes away meaning they were close to home.
samy texted them saying she had big news. the piece of paper was gripped firmly in her hands, the anticipation nearly killing the poor girl. she paced diligently across the porch with almost a hundred thoughts running through her brain.
distant voices started filling her ears, head whipping towards the dock down the yard. the four of them tumbled out of the boat. "mom! they're here!" samy yelled into the screen door.
she began waving her arms above her head, wanting to catch their attention. ellen was on the porch a moment later, phone in hand to record everyone's reactions.
"guys! guys! hurry!" the brunette yelled to will and her brothers.
"what's up little hughesy?" jack wondered as he picked his pace up and samy rolled her eyes at the nickname.
she'd never escape being little hughesy since her brothers would always be hughes or hughesy. she glanced back at her mom who beamed, nodding some encouragement.
"now what's up?" luke snickered while quinn and will looked at the girl expectantly while also confused when they saw ellen recording.
samy revealed the paper from behind her back, a large smile creeping onto her lips.
"i got into the university of michigan!!" samy exclaimed, immediately jumping up and down.
the shock hit all of their faces at the same time with luke being the first one to scoop his little sister into his arms.
"holy shit!! that's awesome! is it full ride for soccer??" the middle hughes exclaimed as well.
"full ride!" the girl echoed.
jack and quinn took their turns embracing their sister as well, leaving will as the last one. he scooped his best friend into his arms, a large smile plastered across his entire face.
"jesus, you're so awesome. so proud of you, hughesy," will gushed earning a small flush across the girl's cheeks.
she giggled as he spun her around a little.
"now you gotta come to michigan with me," samy poked his chest.
"or you can come to boston," the boy proposed with his little shit eating grin.
her eyes found everyone else's before landing on the tiny camera taking in the entire moment. she ran to it, showing off her acceptance letter with the word congratulations written in big letters across the top. someone wrapped their arms around her waist and samy immediately knew it was will just based on his hold. 
the quick kiss on her cheek most definitely went unknown by everyone except the camera. samy sported a small blush before turning back to her brothers where they all continued celebrating their little sister's acceptance. 
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ken-dom · 7 months
I've Got You On My Lips
Luke Glanton x gn!reader
1.5k words
∘₊✧ Summary: Luke gifts you lipstick. It is for you, but it's also very much for him.
∘₊✧ Authors notes: Entirely inspired by this! Thank you as always to my darling K for beta reading, once when I first wrote it and again when I kinda re-wrote it... The title is taken from My First Kiss by 3OH!3 & Kesha, also thanks to K 🩷! Incase you're wondering, lipstick does wash out of denim so... might have to do it all again later. Oh, and, happy Valentines, Geese 💕
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: NSFW, reader wearing lipstick, smoking, dry blow job (?), cumming in pants, lipstick kink?, mild bit of exhibitionism (semi-public, and... well, the pants situation)
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Luke smirked. His voice was quiet and low, and you wouldn’t have heard him through the noise of the carnival if not for the way he was pressed almost flush against you with his lips hot at your ear when he drawled, ���That colour looks good on you.’
He drew back to consider you again, thumb pressing firmly to the centre of your bottom lip while his fingers cradled your jaw and his eyes sparkled over the lipstick he’d asked you to put on for him.
Your cheeks glowed under the intensity of his gaze and you knew he could feel you trembling. Your eyes slipped shut.
Biting his lip, he dragged his thumb, smearing the deep red over your skin, leaving a pretty stain across your cheek.
He leaned in, finally closing the inch between you that had been thick with desire for what felt like eternity.
Luke’s tongue was needy, seeking yours out with a gentle exploration as he kissed you with unparalleled hunger, moaning into your mouth and winding his fingers into your hair.
With a single shove of his knee he parted your legs easily, pressing his thigh to your heat and smirking as he felt you writhe against him.
He knew what he was doing to you, and that knowledge was making his blood boil.
‘Fuck,’ he panted when he eventually paused for breath, his swollen lips now also coloured red.
He’d asked you to apply it thick after gifting it to you, so you’d guessed he wanted to make a mess of one another. He did tend to like it messy. Your lips curled at the thought.
You could feel his cock throbbing in his jeans where it was pressed to your hip, and he rutted against you just a little as he watched your pupils dilate some more, whimpering at the friction.
You itched to push your hand into his trousers and bring him off, but your logical mind briefly pushed through the haze of arousal.
Pressed against the outside of his trailer, you were just out of sight of any passers by – and definitely out of earshot with all the sounds of the carnival downing you out, but it was almost midnight, and he had his last show of the evening then. You knew if you started touching him when he was this worked up it would escalate; Luke was never satisfied unless your legs were wrapped around his waist and you were screaming his name while the trailer rocked with the force of your passion.
You needed to be quick, make this just about him and only him. And you knew he would make sure you got yours later, when he was fresh from the cage, adrenaline pumping through his veins, smelling faintly of gasoline and sweat.
‘Wait- wait, Luke, I’ve got a better idea,’ you breathed, pushing at his shoulders until he stepped back (as much as it pained you to lose that delicious friction).  
You grabbed him and spun around, pushing him firmly into position with a thud against the side of the trailer where you had been pressed, dizzy with lust, only moments ago.
‘Light a cigarette would you?’ you asked, low and seductive. 
Luke’s eyebrows raised, inquisitive, already liking wherever you were taking this. As he pulled a pack of smokes from his pocket and lit the cigarette he’d sucked from the pack, his eyes fell immediately back to your lips.
So pretty, all stained for him.
‘Need a refresh,’ he mumbled, never looking away, his own stained lips busy holding his cigarette in place before he took a long, satisfying drag.
You obliged, pulling the tube of lipstick from your pocket and reapplying a layer to your lips. Luke watched just as carefully as you watched him smoke; each like a work of art that had captivated the other.
‘Since when do you wear all white, anyway?’ you asked as you eyed him, twisting the red stick back into its sleek black holder.
‘Thought you’d like it on me,’ he shrugged, voice husky. ‘Do you?’
‘Definitely,’ you cooed, dragging your palms down the loose fitting cream shirt he had tucked into his pale jeans, ‘but I think we could… jazz things up a little. What do you say? Do you trust me?’
‘Unconditionally,’ he grinned, smug, but mostly excited.
You dropped to the ground in an instant, dry dirt coating your knees with a layer of dust, and reached up to pull at his wrist, guiding his cigarette down to your freshly coated lips, leaving a shiny red ring around the tip before releasing him. You watched his eyelids flutter as he lifted his arm and studied what you’d done to the paper around the filter and his mind swam with the possibilities.
His focus was pulled directly back to you, though, when he felt the soft warmth of your mouth pressing to his thigh.
He stared down at you, watching you admire the lipstick stain you’d left, stark against the fabric, in the shape of your perfect lips.
Luke immediately lost his breath. You were marking him up, letting everyone see where your lips had been. And he liked it.
You left another mark, higher, and then another, lower this time, by his knee, and kept going until his left leg was covered in an attractive pattern of kisses. Your kisses.
Luke watched in awe. He wasn’t sure if lipstick washed out of denim. He hoped it didn’t.
His thoughts were abruptly cut off when he saw you move up to press your mouth against the space just beside where his cock was straining in the confines of the fabric you were busy decorating.
Just when he thought this would be it, that he would finally feel some semblance of relief, you dropped back to your ankles, applied another coating of thick red, and kissed his other knee instead, starting the process all over again to make the design almost symmetrical.
It didn’t actually take long to finish your artwork, mere seconds in reality, but to Luke it was a lifetime of torture.
He needed more.
He was so worked up he might just explode without you even touching him. Imagine that… he smirked, sure you’d think it hot if he did. You seemed to like him flustered and lacking control now and again. He didn’t mind it so much, either.
With one final kiss to the tip of his leaking, twitching cock, Luke drew in a deep breath of anticipation, and you dropped back again.
Tease! he thought, (Keep doing it).
But this time, the brief absence of your lips against him was only to reapply the lipstick once again.
Once your lips were sufficiently coated, you glanced up at Luke, eyes dark and glittering, and ran your tongue slowly from one corner of your mouth and back again, all the way around your parted lips.
Luke whined. He felt weak. His head was spinning. He needed those lips on him again, somewhere — anywhere
‘Hold on tight, Handsome,’ you smirked up at him, and dove forward, finally pressing your lips to the underside of his cock and mouthing hungrily at the fabric.
All the breath was knocked out of him, cheeks blazing and fingers grasping behind him for something to hold onto. Something to ground him.
The denim over his cock wasn’t as soft as you would feel against his sensitive flesh, but it created a delicious friction. He rolled his hips into it, chasing whatever pleasure he could get, vaguely aware he would be needed on his motorcycle in less than five minutes, and knowing that he wouldn’t be able to ride it like this, all worked up and painfully hard. Not without you finishing what you’d started. Or had he started it? He wasn’t sure any more. He didn’t care.
You were lapping at him as though the denim wasn’t there, sloppily sucking and kissing, and staining the crotch of his jeans with your efforts.
His fingers found your hair and wound tight into it, feeling every movement, anchoring himself in the moment with you, rocking his hips in time with your affections, moaning loud and unashamed.
He could feel his release approaching fast and his head thudded back against the trailer, eyes squeezing shut as his seed spilled, hot and thick, inside his underwear.
You didn’t stop mouthing until he was whimpering and weak with sensitivity, and only then did you stand, kissing him softly on the mouth with your swollen lips, most of the rouge left behind on his jeans.
‘Fuck-’ he repeated, breathless, as you broke apart to hold him through his recovery. ‘That was so fucking hot- Jesus-’
‘You’ve gotta go,’ you interrupted with a whisper.
‘No,’ he groaned.
‘You do, it’s your last show of the night. You’ve got two minutes!’
You stepped back and Luke straightened himself up, glancing down at the glorious mess you’ve made of him.
He could smooth his hair down and wipe the evidence from his mouth easily enough. But there was no time to change, so he would simply have to throw on his jacket and do this show with the print of your lips smeared all over his cock, complete with a sticky wet patch just above where the red stains ended. 
‘Shit,’ he smirked.
You handed him his jacket from where he’d left it on the lawn chair beside the trailer door. ‘Go on. I’ll be waiting for you.’
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toasttt11 · 10 days
broken family
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June 4, 2018
Ellen rubbed her face hearing her phone going off in the middle of the night and she looked at the clock seeing it barely two am and grabbed her phone, “Hello?” Ellen cleared her throat.
“Hi is this Ellen Hughes?” A woman’s voice spoke through the phone.
“It is.” Ellen confirmed.
“I’m calling from San Diego Hospital.” The woman told her.
Ellen sat up quickly as she heard what hospital was calling her as she knew it was the hospital the Blake’s go too.
Jim squinted his eyes seeing his wife on the phone and sitting up in bed at two in the morning, he sat up with her and rested his hand on her back making her look over at him and put the call on speaker.
“A few hours ago Harrison and Maddison Blake were hit by a drunk driver and were immediately taken to the hospital for emergency surgery. Unfortunately they have both passed away and Hayden Blake said that we could call you.”
Ellen gasped dropping her phone onto the bed as Jim froze hearing the words their best friends are dead.
Ellen coveted her mouth in shock her eyes watering.
“Thank you.” Jim mumbled to the phone and hung up the call, he knew they needed to get to Hayden immediately.
Ellen looked at her husband with a heartbroken face and watery eyes, his ways were filled with tears. The two clung to each other and let themselves cry for a few minutes before they pulled away and took a deep breath.
“I’ll pack for us and get the flights, will you get the boys and tell them to pack and we will tell them before we leave.” Ellen asked her husband wiping her face of tears.
Jim nodded and pressed a gentle kiss to his wife’s forehead before getting out of bed and walking to Quinn’s room first.
He opened the door seeing his eldest and youngest son laying next to each other and he walked over gently shaking Quinn awake, who always wakes up extremely quickly.
“Quinn i need you to wake Luke up and both of you pack for a few days we need to go to San Diego soon. We’ll explain everything to you three before we leave but please.” Jim quickly explained to a very confused Quinn.
Quinn nodded and started waking up Luke as their father walked out of the room and to Jack’s room.
Jim shook his head not at all suprised seeing Jack sprawled out like a starfish on his bed and he walked over waking him up and telling him to pack before heading back to his room seeing Ellen finishing up packing.
“The boys all up?” Ellen spoke softly her face in sad frown, Jim nodded and helped her put the last few things into their suitcase and zipped it up.
They headed down to the living room with their bags and a few minutes later Quinn came down with his bag and then Luke and eventually Jack.
Ellen and Jim had the boys sit on the living room couch and shared a sad look.
“We’re going to San Diego for Hayden.” Ellen started telling her three boys.
“Is Haydes okay?” Jack immediately sat up in worry, Quinn and Luke both looked extremely worried.
“She’s okay.” Ellen reassured her children, she knew Hayden was fine physically but emotionally she knew Hayden was definitely broken.
“Uncle Harry and Aunty Maddie were in car accident a few hours ago.” Ellen told her boys gripping onto her husband’s hand.
Quinn swallowed having a feeling he knew what was wrong, Jack titled his head and Luke looked confused but still worried.
“They both passed away.” Jim voice cracked as he told his boys.
Jack’s jaw dropped and his eyes watered, Quinn clenched his jaw and fists, squeezing his eyes shut. Luke frowned confused on what he was supposed to feel, he was only fourteen and he never had anyone close to him pass away.
“Like we won’t see them again?” Luke hesitantly asked, Ellen nodded shutting her eyes at how innocent her youngest son sounded.
The boys all stayed silent in their own worlds as they left their house and got in the car to drive to the airport.
The Hughes got onto the plane and it was short four hour flight to San Diego from Michigan making them land by seven in the morning.
Ellen and Jim got a car and loaded it up and quickly drove them all to the Blake’s house.
Ellen took a deep breath as they pulled into the driveway realizing her best friend wouldn’t be in the house when she goes in.
Jim squeezed her hand reassuringly and they shared a look getting out the car with the boys all following her.
Jim unlocked the front door and Archie walked around the counter of the front entrance barking but calmed down once he saw the Hughes.
Luke patted Archie’s head as they walked through the entryway and turned the corner seeing Hayden sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest and her back against the wall.
Hayden looked up hearing people walk in and she knew it was the Hughes, “They’re dead.” Hayden said monotonously her face blank, her eyes dim, her cheeks covered in trails of tears and her nose red from crying.
Ellen squeezed her eyes feeling her heartbreaking at how broken Hayden is right now and she kneeled down in front of her goddaughter.
Hayden eyes searched Ellen’s face before she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Ellen tightly feeling her shoulders shake with silent sobs.
Ellen let out tears as she held Hayden feeling she sobbing.
Jim guided the boys back outside to grab their bags giving Hayden and Ellen a few moments alone.
Ellen let Hayden cry for a while until her knees were aching from kneeling on the tile and Hayden’s sobs died down.
“Why don’t we get you to bed Hay.” Ellen spoke softly and looked at her watch knowing Hayden has been up for to long but froze seeing the date on her watch, with everything that happen the last few hours it slipped her mind that today is Hayden’s birthday.
Ellen realized Hayden has just lost her parents on her birthday, “Oh Hay i’m so sorry. Happy birthday.” Ellen mumbled against Hayden’s hair feeling her sob once more.
Ellen helped Hayden sit up and slowly walk to her room seeing the boys in her room already, Hayden was similar to a zombie as she walked and got into her bed not saying a word.
Jack quickly got into bed next to her and cuddled to his best friend. Luke got into the bed on the other side and grabbed onto her hand holding it tightly and Quinn laid on the bed next to Jack and his arm rested across the pillow and his hand rested on her head.
Ellen and Jim shared a extremely heartbroken look as they starred at the four, Ellen and Jim both knew Hayden’s custody goes to them and they don’t have a single problem with becoming Hayden’s legal guardian and her living with them, she’s their goddaughter.
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elusivewildflower · 4 months
Test Ride | Luke Glanton x F! Reader
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Pairing: Luke Glanton (Roommate/Best Friend AU!) x F! Reader
Summary: Luke brings home a motorcycle and convinces you to go for a ride with him. It's your first time on a bike and you're not used to all of the vibrations....
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: This was only supposed to be a short smutty thought about Luke to post in the Goose Groupies discord, but once I started writing the muse took over....Thanks to @hederasgarden and @elevenshour for reading this first and convincing me to post! .....Also, I may or may not have a part two in mind already.
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You were happy for your roommate and best friend when he came home with a new motorcycle. Luke had been missing the adrenaline one could only get from an engine roaring between their thighs and wind blowing through their hair. The dirt bike he now kept in your rented garage could only be brought out on occasion when he took it out to ride in the woods, but he missed riding it daily. So, when he excitedly begged to let him take you on a test ride, you didn’t have the heart to say no. 
Unfortunately for you, it's your first time on an actual motorcycle and you made the mistake of keeping your jean shorts on. The combination of the engine vibrating between your legs and the seam of your pants pressing against your clit has you nearing an orgasm before Luke has even gotten a chance to truly press down on the throttle. 
You're trying your best not to shift and squirm to get away from the feeling, slowly coming to the realization that you have no way of stopping what's going to happen. Even if you gained the courage to tell Luke what was going on, you'd still be stuck on the bike for the ride back to your shared apartment. Besides, that would only help if Luke took pity on you and actually turned around. Knowing him, he'd probably keep going just to tease you. 
As soon as you reach the first deserted backroad, Luke lays down on the throttle and the bike shoots off. Instinctively, your arms wrap tighter around his midsection and you bury your head into his back. Within seconds, the stronger rumbling of the engine has you coming hard. Unintentionally, your fingers dig into his sides and you bite down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from moaning. Luke lets out a grunt in response to the twinge of pain you've inflicted upon him, but keeps on riding. 
You had been too busy fighting off your first orgasm to even think about what would happen if you lost that battle. At first, the continued vibrations between your legs rode you through the waves of pleasure, but now you were becoming overstimulated. Your arms were still wound tight around Luke, but now you eased your head away from him to take a look at your surroundings. God, you were so fucked. You couldn't even see a stop sign in the distance. 
Luke eased off the throttle every so often, but that honestly made your situation worse. Just when you thought you were getting a bit of reprieve and could calm down, he would pick the speed right back up. You closed your eyes and tried focusing on your breathing, but soon enough, you felt the muscles in your lower stomach tightening once again. Each and every rumble was being sent straight to your core and your second orgasm tore through you stronger than the first. You bit down on your lip so hard that you tasted copper. One of Luke's hands rested on top of yours, rubbing gently, and that's when you realized you must've squeezed him a bit too hard. 
Forcing yourself to take in a deep breath, you ease off of your best friend. You were growing tired and more overstimulated by the minute, but the thought of confessing to Luke about what was happening was too embarrassing and had heat creeping up your neck. You decided that settling in to the pain of your newfound torture was less shameful. 
Soon enough, the bike came to a slow and then to a stop. Luke let the motorcycle idle as he planted both feet on the ground and turned to look at you over his shoulder. "You're squeezing the hell out of me, sweetheart. What's going on?" 
You were so unfocused on the ride you hadn't realized that you weren't at a stop sign, but that Luke had pulled over on the shoulder of the road. You fail to meet his eyes and shake your head. "Nothing, I'm fine." The lie rolls off of your tongue.
However, Luke doesn't buy it. "It can't be nothing. I feel like I'm gonna have bruises from your fingernails digging into me." His eyes search your face for a few seconds before you feel his finger hook beneath your chin and his thumb drags your lower lip from between your teeth. "Jesus, you're fucking bleeding. Sweetheart, what's wrong?" 
You shake your head, heat crawling back up your neck as you try to continue avoiding his eyes. 
“I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s going on.” He uses his hold on your chin to direct your attention upwards, finally meeting his baby blues. “Am I going too fast, are you scared?” 
You let out a shaky breath of air. “No, I’m not scared. I–” Your words catch in your throat and a whine escapes. “The vibrations….” 
Realization dawns upon Luke and his brows shoot straight up. “Oh.” His adam’s apple bobs as he swallows and nods before letting out a chuckle. 
“It’s not funny, Luke!” You scold him, shooting him a glare before letting out another whine. “It hurts.”
He shakes his head and clears his throat. “No, it’s not. I’m sorry.” He sucks in a deep breath and tucks his lower lip in between his teeth. “Guess we should head back home, then.” He pulls his hand away from your face and cocks a brow as he looks you over slowly. “You gonna make it?” 
“Not like I have a choice.” You groan out, mentally preparing yourself for the ride back home. 
Satisfied with your answer, Luke faces forwards once again. A moment later, he speaks. “So, every time you dug your fingernails into me, were you…?” He trailed off, as if unable to speak the words aloud. 
Embarrassment flooded through you once more. “...Yes.” You reluctantly answer. 
Luke only responds with a hum before guiding the bike through a U-Turn to head back home. As he picks up speed, your arms wrap around him tighter. Maybe you should’ve asked him to go slower, but it was too late now. Your body had been grateful for the short relief on the side of the road, but your lower half still ached. 
You were halfway home when you felt your third orgasm approaching. Now that Luke knew your predicament, you weren’t nearly as subtle with your actions. You moved your hands frequently so that you didn’t keep digging into the same spots of his torso over and over again. You didn’t realize that this was making matters worse for Luke. When your right hand wandered to his thigh, you hadn’t expected to brush against his rock-hard cock. A moan of surprise fell from both of your lips and the knowledge that he was aroused pushed you over the edge. You buried your face into his back as you came, somehow even harder than before. 
You felt more than heard Luke’s groan as you finished, the sound rumbling in his chest that your left arm was still wrapped tightly around. You removed your hand from his thigh after giving his erection a teasing rub encircled that arm back around his waist. A few moments later the pleasure began to blend into pain once more and the cycle began again. You hoped that you actually would survive the ride home.
Finally, you could see your apartment complex in the distance. When Luke parked his bike in the designated spot, you hopped off quickly. Too quickly, it seemed, as you underestimated how weak your knees were. Luke hadn’t even dismounted from the bike himself before he had to catch you. It was certainly a feat to see him straddling the four-hundred pound motorcycle to keep it upright and at the same time have his arms wrapped around your waist to steady you. 
Letting out a sheepish giggle, you apologized and managed to find your footing. You yanked on your shorts to pull them down from where they had ridden up and grimaced at the wet feeling between your legs. “God, I need to change. My panties are completely–” You were cut off by Luke groaning. 
“Please don’t finish that sentence. You’re killing me.” He begged, jangling the keys to the apartment in his hand as he stepped away from the bike. 
You couldn’t help but glance towards his crotch as he spoke. The sun had gone down since you first left, but the street lights illuminated him enough that you could see the bulge in his jeans. It seems you hadn’t been the only one aroused the entire ride home. You had, however, been the only one to orgasm multiple times. 
Luke didn’t bother to hide his erection, or the fact that he knew you were looking. In fact, he only stepped closer towards you and let a small smirk spread across his face. “Not all of us can get off on the vibrations alone, sweetheart.” He then paused, raising a brow. “How many times was that, by the way? Four? Five?” He asked curiously. 
Heat rushed up your neck as you looked away from him. “Five….” You quietly confirmed. The last orgasm had hit you right before he pulled into the complex. It didn’t go unnoticed that you managed to have more orgasms on the way home than you did on the ride out, and you had a sneaking suspicion that Luke revved the engine more on purpose.
He gave a wink in response before turning to head off towards your apartment. Before he wandered off, he wrapped an arm loosely around your waist to drag you along. “C’mon jelly legs, let’s go get your panties changed.” 
“Luuuuukeeeee….” You whined out his name and swatted at his chest, but were happily tugged along beside him. 
The smirk on his face only grew wider as the two of you climbed the stairs that led to your third-floor apartment. “Actually, would you mind if I borrowed them for a bit?” 
You let out a gasp and your eyes widened in shock. If it hadn’t been for his arm around your waist, you surely would’ve tripped as you nearly missed the next step.
“Luke!” You squealed out his name in surprise. 
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venusbyline · 6 months
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Hey guys, I'm Vênus (she/her). This is my new ff blog and requests are already open!
I really like writing dark, smut and/or angst contents for s/o x female readers.
Almost all the characters and artists I'll write for are tagged. Feel free to send me your writing requests on my ask. (ps¹: practically i'll write for all Jacob Elordi and Ryan Gosling's characters, there just wasn't enough space in the tags).
So don't be shy... I'm a member of the "toxic characters stan" too <3
ps²: some characters besides the other characters of Ryan Gosling and Jacob Elordi that I didn't put in the tags but that I can also write for:
Scream: Ethan Landry, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher.
Euphoria: Rue Bennet, Jules Vaughn, Ethan Lewis, Lexi Howard, Chris McKay, Fezco.
Hunger Games: Lucy Gray Baird, Katniss Everdeen, Sejanus Plinth, Johanna Mason, Treech, Clemensia Dovecote, Tigris Snow, Haymitch Abernathy.
MCU: Tom Holland!Peter Parker & Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff.
Daisy Jones & The Six: Eddie Roundtree, Daisy Jones, Camila Dunne.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Silas, Rebekah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce.
Margot Robbie: Barbie, Harley Quinn.
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, Carter Baizen, Blair Waldorf.
YOU: Love Quinn, Joe Goldberg.
Harry Potter: Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black.
Grey's Anatomy: Jackson Avery, Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan, Alex Karev.
Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank.
Anyway, more characters can be added here over time!
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
one — two — three — four — five — 5.5 — six
notes: first photo was taken and sent to me by @/bellaxward on twitter, so creds to her! also, i’m sorry, i feel like this update isn’t the best but i’m running on like 3 hours of sleep and i was writing this bit by bit while super busy!
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liked by tmeier96, ehaula, and 37,519 others
y/ndevils00 heyo! welcome back to my postgame boyfriend show! tonight the njdevils played against the spawns of satan (not trevor)! or.. i mean.. the new york rangers.
we start tonight’s recap off with a very cute picture i got of my boyfriend and his best friend (again; not trevor) talking about how much they love me during warmups!
we also have da sun showing me that the tooth fairy came to visit him awhile ago! i bet he got lots of money for his toofer, however i wouldn’t know because he’s stopped letting me steal his wallet.
our first goal of the night was a tip in by mr. haula at ya! followed up in the same period by a goal from timo time! notice how he made the post this time? that’s because unlike most of these idiots (i’m looking at you, marino 👀), timo takes me seriously!
however, immediately after timo’s goal, haulaback girl was placed in the sin bin for tripping. i was very disappointed and he got a very strict talking to during first intermission and assured me he wouldn’t get another penalty. he lied.
he got a penalty in second period for the exact same reason that he did in the first. i cannot promise i was as nice to him in the second intermission.
we got a few scrums in this game, but my personal favorite one was in third period and ended much too quickly for my liking. BOO, REFS!
and finally, we have some pictures of my gorgeous, talented, sometimes annoying babygirl… my boyfriend!
tagged jackhughes, dawson1417, ehaula, tmeier96, ryangraves27 and vitacz15
dawson1417 y/n, i never LET you steal my wallet. you would take it from my pocket and count my money and then give it back, like a thief that’s really bad at their job
y/ndevils00 i’m just a very curious person! i like to know everyone’s business, all the time. and you never told me to stop 🤷‍♀️
jackhughes if i remember correctly, dawson and i were actually discussing our plans for the off-season
y/ndevils00 you remember incorrectly
jackhughes did you just call me babygirl
y/ndevils00 you’re so babygirl
jackhughes thank you?
john.marino97 why does everyone else get normal penalty reactions but me?
user52 wait, did y/n ACTUALLY just talk to Haula?!
john.marino97 @/user52 yes!
y/ndevils00 because you’re my bff and i only want the best for you
john.marino97 every day i rethink why i decided to become one of your best friends
y/ndevils00 you love me
trevorzegras did you seriously just specify that you weren’t talking about me when you said spawn of satan?
y/ndevils00 i didn’t want anyone to get confused!
trevorzegras i don’t like you
y/ndevils00 wait really???
trevorzegras wait no y/n i’m sorry. i was just joking
y/ndevils00 📸 caught in 4k
trevorzegras i hope both sides of your pillow are hot tonight
tmeier96 i made the post!!
y/ndevils00 you did a good job with my demands 🫡 i love my blankie
ehaula second intermission… you’re scary
y/ndevils00 remember that.
ryangraves27 why did you have to do me like this?
y/ndevils00 idk what you mean 🤭
user6 y/n is a menace and i’m here for it
lhughes_06 do i get to be in these posts when i join?
y/ndevils00 moosey, you’ll replace jack as the star of the show
jackhughes now hold on! let’s not get ahead of ourselves here!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes i said what i said.
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes can we keep her?
jackhughes i intend to
nicohischier no feature for me tonight? i feel betrayed
y/ndevils00 i only have 9 picture slots bud, idk what to tell ya 🤷‍♀️
y/ndevils00 make a goal next time or something
nicohischier i’m gonna steal your cat
y/ndevils00 you wouldn’t!
nicohischier i probably wouldn’t even need to steal her. i bet jack would just give her to me.
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes TELL HIM HE’S WRONG!
jackhughes …. no comment
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes you’re sleeping on the couch
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 that only hurts you babe. every time you say that, you end up dragging me in to the bed at like 2am because you can’t fall asleep without me
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes you can’t cook broccoli.
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 yes i can! i can now!
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sasha-haruka · 5 months
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Yah! My girl. My boy. #Winning
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grrrfrogs · 6 months
pairings: luke glanton x fem!reader
WC: 670
warnings: public sex, hair pulling, choking, back scratching, unprotected, cream pie, prince albert piercing, degrading/praising, spit, slapping, nipple play, anal, squirting.
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You were at a carnival in New York, extremely excited to see your favorite rider, Luke Glanton. Walking around eating cotton candy, you see his tent. Giggling to yourself as you head over there, sneaking in through the back side. you looked at everything in his tent, holding his chain's in between your finger as you bite your lips. The room smells like cigarettes and cheap cologne.
"what are you doing in here."
You turn around, scared as you see Luke Glanton, shirtless. His tattoos all along his body. His jeans with a very loose belt where you could see a bulge, even though it's not hard, it's extremely big. A cigarette in his mouth as he plays with a pocket knife.
"I.. I just... I was..-"
You couldn't stop stuttering as he walked closer towards you.
"you just... thought you could sneak in my tent?"
He put the knife back in his pocket, he toward over you easily. He blows the smoke in your face as you cough.
"please! i'll do anything! just don't hurt me!"
You quiver under him as he clicks his tongue. smirking at you then licking his lips.
He leans in closer as he says that. You nod frantically. You don't even remember how it started, all you know is you're getting pounded into his desk, you bent over as he grips on your hips, pushing you deeper and deeper down on him. His 9 inches slamming into your cervix. He began pulling your hair, making your back be right against his chest.
"god you're so pathetic, letting me fuck you on my desk like you're nothing huh?"
Your mind was so filled with fog that all you could do was nod, your tongue sticking out as you begin panting. His piercing pushing against your cervix as he slaps your ass."
"fu..fuck Luke..!"
You scream out, he begins to pull out, flipping you over while you guys are chest to chest and then push himself in your ass. You both moan at the same time as he grips your ass. You scratch at his back, trying to grip at something as you fell more and more on it.
"gon let me cum inside you huh? fill up your ass?"
You nod frantically, placing your head on his shoulder, moaning loudly. You hear Luke spit on his fingers as he began circling your clit.
You scream out, feeling the pit inside your stomach, he smirks at you seeing your eyes roll in the back of your head.
"come on baby cum for me. i know you're close."
You knew you were too. He began slamming harder and working his fingers on your clit even more. He placed you down on his desk pulling your tank top up and began sucking on your nipple.
"fuck Luke!! i'm close! i'm gonna cum!"
This felt more different, different from cumming.
"fuck i'm gonna squirt..! shit!"
You felt his fingers work even faster from hearing that. Pounding into your ass even harder than before. You look down and see you squirting all over his chest, it glistening and shining. He smiled at you as he pulled out, cum dripping out of your ass. He grabbed a napkin and cleaned it up even though it wouldn't stop pouring.
"did such a good job for me."
He kissed you on the forehead as he handed you your jean shorts, tucking your lacy pink thong in his pocket.
"i'll see you out there."
He winked at you and left the tent. You put on your white converse and pull your tank top down. Feeling more cum drip and drip down.
i hope you guys liked it!' i made this late at night so im sorry if its not the best. if you want more like this lmk!' xx
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coolprettyleo · 7 months
maybe i will finally learn my lesson? - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.2k
tw: sad, angst, rejection, talks about sex. no actual smut tho. borderline alcoholic tbh
ryan leonard x hughes sister au!
frankie fell back onto her bed with a soft thud as she tried to catch her breath. she looked at the boy beside her with a hopeful look hoping to gosh he would stay the night and cuddle her. she just needed some form of reassurance.
he never ever wanted to stay over though.
“i gotta go, the guys are going out tonight” he says as he gets out the bed acting like he was talking to some stranger. what frankie didn't realize was that they basically were.
“do you have to leave?” she says in a sad voice kneeling on the bed. she hated how he never wanted to stay and talk. was that so much for a girl to ask for these days?
“frankie, im all spent for right now, but i mean if im feeling it later on, i'll stop by”
is he fucking serious.
it had honestly been a while since frankie had felt that much rage. he really did only think of her as a fuck buddy.
she knew what she was getting herself into, when she agreed on their little agreement, but in the movies it always ends with the guys falling in love with you. right?
“oh my gosh. just leave. like actually” she said getting back in bed and turning her back to him. which left him dumbfounded. why would she be mad he had to leave?
“did i do something?” he asked confused as he finished putting his cloths on.
no answer.
that pissed drew off. she had no reason to be all pissy with him.
“are you mad because im going out with the boys? why would that bother you? were not anything, frankie. im allowed to go out” he said. still starring at her back.
“oh don’t worry. you’ve made that very clear to me drew” she says, her voice wavering due to the fact she just felt so foolish.
“whatever, you’re annoying me. talk to me when ur done being crazy” he said walking out and slamming her door in a fit of rage.
to say frankie took it totally fine would be dishonest. she sobbed in a fetal position all night. while blasting foolish one by taylor swift.
that woman really does have a song for every situation.
she had honestly never felt so alone.
of course she’s not actually alone; she just refuses to go to anyone and burden them with her problems. it’s not like she can call her parents and her brothers due to the fact she can’t lie to them. she knew they were going to ask something like 'how'd practice go?' and whatnot so she's been forwarding their calls since Wednesday when she quit the team.
she could also call her friends. or her ex teammates. did she even have friends?
she was alone.
she sits in her room finishing up and assignment when she felt like doing something. usually she would get drunk and go from there, but no. if the last week has taught her anything; it's that she's becoming a new person. and the new person wouldn't black out after every minor convenience.
so in the spur of the moment, she decided she was going to rearrange her room! which is what lead her to where she was right now; outside the freshman hockey house.
while moving her bed from one side to another, she found drews hoodie. so being the mature, new, amazing person she claimed to be... she decided to give him back his hoodie, as a form of ceasing the deal. this is a supposed to be a step forward is it three steps back?
frankie walked up the front steps and as she lifted her fist to knock she halts, when she hears multiple voices coming from inside. not wanting to end her and drews situationship in front of his teammates; to save them both the embarrassment. she quickly trashes her plan and decided to just head home.
but when she heard her name is when she decided against that.
"frankie?" she hears drew ask.
"yes dude. its actually so obvious she wants you after what your saying she did yesterday"
he told them about the argument?
well she couldn't really get mad, if frankie had best friends she would of probably told them too.
"well i dont want her like that and she knows that"
frankie felt her heart crack.
i mean she told herself he didn't like her back, but hearing him say it, is a whole different level of pain for someone who just oh so hoped to joke about their situationship one day over coffee as he watched the morning news while their kids got ready for school.
foolish one, frankie hughes.
"no way your gonna reject her, she's so hot. what the hell is there not to like" one of his stupid teammates said.
"I mean she's the nicest and one of the hottest girls I've ever got with dont get me wrong, but some of the shit she says makes me question if she's being for real or not" drew said not knowing the match he was lighting.
"I think I know what your talking about, is it when she said she thought denver was in texas?" one of his other teammates chimed in.
"bro yes. that actually left me speechless" he says. frankie felt like burning the house down at this point.
"she's lucky she's got hockey" another voice said.
the hoodie she had in her hands slipped through her fingers. just like the heart drew held. the heart he never wanted to hold.
she backed away from the door, never wanting to slash anyones tires more. she wanted to commit arson. the way they were talking about her, made her want to throw up.
she can take the fact he didn't like her back. thats okay. if he didn't feel the butterflies she felt it wasn't no one fault. but mine.
but the fact he stood their and called her stupid? who the fuck even knows geography like that? she felt so many emotions run through her veins and the one overcoming the rest was the one that held the power over her tears.
"frankie?" oh my god. no. why the hell did I not run home?
she turned her head to see ryan leonard standing there. one of drews friends. someone she had considered to be her friend. but if the rest talk about her like that, him, will, and gabe probably do too.
"you didn't see me here, ryan" she said as she covered her face trying to push past him.
"wha- hey! what's wrong? who did this?" he said grabbing her wrist and seeing her crying eyes. he knew who did it. he just needed to hear a confirmation before he went inside and beat his ass.
"nothing. let me go" she said wiping her tears.
"im not letting you leave here alone hughes, i know how you get when your this sad. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and hear that you got hit by a damn bus for gosh sake"
one thing ryan hated was when she would drink her feelings away because that meant she was going to be reckless. she honestly is reckless.
"well then do you want to come?"
I got tired so im done writing but I wanted to post this! also ! I have no hate towards drew, its all going to add up in the future when I start the other aus I have planned but for now drew is like anyone else and he's learning and growing. so bear with me!
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peachhcs · 3 months
summer days
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
a small glimpse into spending the summer on the lake with the hughes siblings + company
1.7k words
as requested, here’s samy & the guys enjoying a fun day on the lake. this takes place a few weeks before samy + will talk during their vacation. i also didn’t know how to really end this so if it’s bad i’m sorry lol btw i'm sorry for my lack of posts, i've been super busy so i got a little behind!
au masterlist
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"come on, moose, you don't ever back down from a challenge," ethan hollered from across the boat where mark, rutger, gavin, dylan and seamus all sat watching their friend bicker back and forth with jack.
samy snickered along with kayleigh, hannah, ryan, gabe, drew, and aram from the other side of the boat. it started with jack bragging about how he had the record for being able to stay up on the board longer than any of his siblings. luke's always been the most competitive out of the four of them, so he took jack's words to heart, arguing he stayed on way longer. of course, the middle hughes challenged his younger brother to a friendly competition.
"alright, fine. fine. you're on," luke shook jack's hand like they were making a deal. the older brother smirked, looking to quinn who was amused by the entire thing.
"okay, i'm up first then," jack dropped the board into the water before zipping up into his life jacket.
"jesus, you guys are competitive," hannah rolled her eyes slightly making samy giggle.
"just be glad i didn't decide to join in. we all know i can stay on way longer than them," the youngest hughes hummed, eyes landing on luke who heard all of it.
"don't you start with me, too," the boy warned her making samy shrug.
"what? you're just scared all of us are better than you," she stuck her tongue out making the guys laugh.
"keep talking and i'll throw you off the boat," luke's tone went flat, but samy knew he was just messing with her. he was trying to act tough as always in front of his friends because his little sister could not be better at him at wakeboarding.
"maybe we should add the rest of the siblings into this friendly fire," jack grinned, overhearing the conversation.
"hey, i'm in. you guys know i'm way better than all of you combined," the younger brunette stood, throwing her own life jacket on.
"is that so? why don't you go first then. show us how it's done if you're so much better than us," jack held his hand out to where the board was, the rope in his other hand.
"you're on," samy said before she jumped into the lake.
she came back up and climbed her way onto the board while jack handed her the tug rope. hannah and kayleigh shot their friend two thumbs up while samy gave quinn her own thumbs up indicating she was good to go.
the oldest hughes revved up the engine again and started pulling samy along. she glided across the water before quinn went fast enough to create waves. the guys cheered the girl on while jack kept the time on his phone.
she hit some of the waves in impressive jumps, letting the board take her across the water. "shit, she may be better than you guys after all," mark laughed.
"shut up," luke rolled his eyes in annoyance, but he secretly was impressed that samy hadn't fallen off yet. she never stayed on for more than minute when they were younger and now they were significantly past a minute.
the boat began rounding a corner, so samy leaned back, dipping her finger tips into the wave while the other held the rope tightly. jack checked the time again and saw that his sister was inching closer to five minutes which was a near record for her because she never lasted until then.
"looks like we got some real competition, huh?" jack nudged luke's arm, a smile spreading across his lips.
as much as luke wanted to be mad, he couldn't. he enjoyed seeing samy take on the waves that were once so hard for he. plus, seeing her as happy as them put a smile on his face because it meant she wasn't thinking about will.
after another couple of minutes, samy fell off. everyone on the clapped for the younger girl while quinn slowed the boat back down and circled back around for her. jack and luke helped her back on and held their hands out for high-fives.
"awesome run little hughesy," jack side hugged his sister.
"i guess you have been practicing," luke hummed making the girl giggle.
"i mean i have to do something while you guys aren't here," she threw her life jacket off before going to accept her high-fives from everyone else.
with jack and luke being a bit rusty, they didn't stay on as long as they did normally. jack would complain and say it was his shoulder still healing, while luke mumbled something about being away making him "lose his talent." despite it, the others enjoyed seeing the siblings bickering with one another about stupid things. it always felt like summer whenever the hughes kids got into it with one another for some friendly fire.
samy even convinced hannah to finally give it a go after her refusing to try it. she only stayed on for a minute, but the others cheered for her bravery. gabe and ryan started getting good at it after spending the last three years trying to perfect their form while the other two were too afraid to do it still.
things died down a bit after an hour. everyone spread themselves out while quinn drove them back towards the house. samy sat on the bench with her legs curled to her chest and nose in a book when gabe plopped himself down beside her. she turned to him, smiling a bit.
"hey," the brunette hummed.
"hey. reading anything good?" gabe asked, trying to catch a glance of her book.
"just this memoir. it's actually really good," she showed the boy the cover that read everything i know about love. it was something samy heard about online and wanted to give it a try considering she'd just gotten out of a relationship.
"looks good. this was a fun day," the dark-haired boy said, gaze falling across everyone on their phones or close to sleep from the long day in the sun.
"yeah, it was. i always like entertaining my brother's teasing. although, it still has felt..different. i hate that we're missing.." samy trailed off, but she didn't need to say their names for gabe to know who she was talking about.
"yeah, i get it," the hockey player frowned.
"i just hate that everything is like ruined between all of us. i mean..of course will didn't want to come. grace probably felt weird coming too," the lake house wasn't the same without the smith siblings there and everyone knew it.
"you know they would've been here if they could've. will's got his many things to do before joining the sharks and grace is searching for places and a job. you'll still see them for the family vacation," gabe found samy's gaze again.
"the family vacation is more of a forced thing. just being here..i know will's trying to busy himself as an excuse for not coming. it's probably better like this anyway because i didn't want to really see him anyway," the girl sighed a little. even if he did break her heart, she still thought he'd come to the lake house this summer.
"but you wished he was here, right?"
samy didn't respond. instead, she refocused her attention on her book leaving gabe to sit beside her in silence. the two didn't speak until they reached the dock again where samy scrambled up to help tie the boat in with her brothers. once they secured everything, she beelined to the house.
her bedroom door shut tightly, locking herself in for a moment. she dug her phone out from her pocket where she clicked around until bauer hockey's instagram page lit up her screen. for a moment, samy stared at the pictures of will on her screen and his huge smile like nothing was wrong. he looked so happy in all of them like he was having a blast and here she was with him stuck in her mind.
she probably hadn't even crossed his mind once.
samy threw her phone on her bed, a frustrated sigh leaving her lips. she shouldn't do this to herself. it was summer. she wasn't going to waste these months sulking about him when nothing mattered but being outside and getting really bad sunburns.
"samy? you in here?" ryan's voice startled the girl when he knocked. she quickly popped the door back open a crack where the taller brunette stood on the other side with a raised eyebrow.
"hey, sorry. just looking for something," she mustered her best smile.
"okay, just checking in. you kind of took off once we docked," ryan laughed a bit while samy forced her own little chuckle.
"yeah, my bad. i'll be down in a second," with that, ryan left and samy released the breath she was holding in.
she quickly changed out of her suit back into some more comfortable clothes before racing back downstairs. the others piled into the kitchen searching for something that wasn't the snacks they ate all day.
"shit, i'm starving," gavin mumbled as he stuffed leftovers into his mouth.
"you guys are disgusting," hannah rolled her eyes, tugging her brother out of the way in search of her own food.
"nice shirt," someone nudged samy's arm. gabe stood at her side again, eyeing the clothes on her body. the girl's gaze flicked down, widening a bit when her shirt read boston college hockey across the front because everyone knew who that belonged to.
"m-must've been mixed into my clothes still," she managed weakly. gabe just shrugged.
"you know it's not too late to..reach out?" his voices lowered a few tones so no one else heard.
almost immediately, samy's expression crinkled up, "no way. he's busy with the bauer combine. plus, i'm sure he's met a bunch of other girls there anyway."
gabe didn't say anything, but all he could think about as samy said that was the call him and ryan got from the blonde a few days ago while he had a panic attack in a bathroom. now if only samy knew that..
"guys, wait! you know what i just realized we haven't done yet this summer?" ethan quickly spoke up, catching everyone's attention.
his gaze turned to samy's, flashing with some sort of mischief as he began inching closer to the younger girl. "i think it's time for throwing samy into the pool!" the older boy exclaimed before running at her.
samy shrieked, pushing gabe out of the way as she attempted to run away from her brother's friends despite them rounding every corner in means of capturing her.
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