vorchagirl · 4 months
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Saints and Liars - Epilogue
Months on from the death of the Benefactor's agents, Reyes decides on a path for himself now that he no longer has to hide his identity, and Cerys, Reyes and Harry make some big decisions about their future together.
Art by @beemot @savbakk and @thedandiestoflions ♡♡♡
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rydyl ref 4 artfighter
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starsandskies · 3 years
I finally finished rewritting this old one-shot from 2018. I’m still not able to write anything from scratch, but it’s something! Especially considering that it’s only the same plot /and setting) as the old one, everything else is completely new. 
I wasn’t going to share it again, to be honest, but yeah, no regrets. You all already know me, lol.
Little Black Dress
Pairing: Sara Ryder/Harry Carlyle. E-Rated.
Prompts: Caught masturbating, little black dress and maybe dirty talk. It’s so old that I’m not 100% sure, though.
 AO3 (Kudos, comments and love are always welcome! ♥)
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Harry entered his apartment, then shut the front door closed after him, trying to catch his breath, a very untimely erection straining against the front of his black jeans. He turned the ambient lights on, letting out a loud sigh as he fell down on the couch, mortified by his behavior. Not appropriate for a forty-five-year-old grown man by any means. He looked like a horny teenager unable to contain himself at the mere sight of his—what was he supposed to call her? Fuck buddy? His friend with benefits? Whatever. Ridiculous for someone who might as well be her dad.
That was, to his dismay, the unwanted effect Sara Ryder had on him. Well, Sara, that too-tight little black dress and her damn hot performance on the dancefloor. And while Harry had tried to keep it together, the moment he had laid eyes on her, his body—his dick, actually—had decided to play solo, reacting in the most embarrassing possible way.
At least no one—as far as he could tell—had noticed his hard-rock problem. He had managed to slip out the Vortex before he might end up making a fool of himself in front of her, the woman that had had him wrapped around her little finger since day one.
Continue reading on AO3.
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shakiitv · 7 years
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Gonna be performing a few different places in the next couple weeks :) Hope to see you all there!!!!! :) 36 Pine St. Binghamton, NY!!! 😎🎶🎵 #freerave #nocover #rosalinds #18toparty #21todrink #shakiithewolf #rydyl #barnzy #dj #highlight #dankasaurusrex #djmillze #
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vorchagirl · 5 months
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Saints and Liars: Chapter 13
The Charlatan and the Pathfinder finally get some time alone, and Reyes shows Cerys exactly how much he's missed her! 😉 (yes, there's smut!)
Art is by Beemot! Saucy excerpt is beneath the cut! ;)
Cerys woke to the sensation of lips moving over her body. She murmured and stretched languidly, still half asleep, as Reyes kissed his way across the flat planes of her stomach. His tongue dipped into her navel and she shivered with pleasure as he shifted his attention higher.
He cupped her breasts and rubbed his unshaven cheek against her sensitive flesh - the sweetest kind of torture she knew. Cerys bit her lip to keep from crying out, and heard Reyes chuckle at her response. He kissed the tip of each breast and then drew each of her nipples into his mouth in turn, lavishing them with attention before he resumed his journey up her body.
He licked along her collarbone, kissed the bruise on her neck from Harry’s bite, and let his mouth drift along her jaw, dusting her with tiny kisses until he claimed her mouth. The kiss was hot and hard, all tongue and teeth, and Cerys surrendered herself up to Reyes. She wrapped her arms around him, her hands moving across his back, tracing familiar muscles and scars as she sank into the kiss.
Slowly, she opened eyes that felt heavy with the weight of arousal flooding her body and focused on Reyes. He shifted his weight and hooked one of legs around his waist, bringing her into contact with the hard heat of his arousal, and Cerys arched her back, grinding against his erection, her body feeling deliciously heavy and relaxed. Reyes drew back, his mouth hovering over hers as he watched her with amusement.
“Hello sleeping beauty,” he teased softly, “Did you sleep well? I know I did.” As though to prove his point, he rocked his hips against hers. “I feel very rested.”
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vorchagirl · 5 months
Saints and Liars - Chapter 12
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Saints and Liars - Chapter 12
Cerys returns to Kadara with Kandros, who is hoping to track down Reyes and convince him to back down. Unfortunately for him, Reyes is one step ahead and has no intention of being found. He is, however, fully intending to get Cerys alone so he can show her just how much he's missed her.
Artwork is by the incredible @beemot and a snippet is behind the cut...
“I know very well who you are and what you want,” Keema drawled and glanced behind him at Cerys. “What I don’t understand is why you brought the Pathfinder with you? If you’re looking for Reyes Vidal, you’re not going to catch him by dangling her as bait.”  She smirked and raised her glass at Cerys in a mock salute. “Everyone knows she’s old news.” 
Cerys had expected something like this - a show to prove that Reyes was no longer attached to her - and she smiled icily at Keema.
That seemed to catch Kandros by surprise, and he floundered for a moment before he recovered. “She’s familiar with the port and knows places that Vidal frequents-”
The angaran laughed. “Do you really think Reyes Vidal allowed her to see anything of importance? She was a dalliance. A diversion.” Keema’s luminescent eyes focused on Cerys again, and seemed to gleam. “She knows … what? The bar he preferred? The safehouse he used to bed her in when he wanted some fun?”
Cerys shifted uncomfortably, feeling as though every eye in the room was on her. Keema's little speech was an act, but it was a good one and she squirmed as some of the Collective soldiers audibly chuckled. 
“I can tell you with some certainty that the only regret that Reyes Vidal has about the Pathfinder is that she survived her wound on Port Meridian. In fact, he asked me to give her this if she ever showed up here.” Keema set her drink down and reached into a pocket. She produced something small, gold and shiny, and she tossed it at Cerys. “For you, my dear.”
It was a bullet.
Cerys didn’t say anything, but her heart beat a little faster, and she very deliberately bent down and picked it up. She tossed it up in the air and then caught it, holding it firmly in her fist as she grinned back at Keema, aware that she probably looked half-crazed.
“Tell Vidal I have a few of these with his name on them too.” She spat on the floor and grinned as hands seized her from behind and began dragging her to the door. “Tell him I have a whole bunch waiting for him.” 
Read the full chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/139852816
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vorchagirl · 8 months
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The incredible @beemot did this awesome sketch of Reyes Vidal, Cerys Ryder, and Harry Carlyle for my fic Saints and Liars! I'm in love with it! Thank you! 🤩🥰😍
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vorchagirl · 6 months
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@thedandiestoflions painted my babies from Saints and Liars.
I'm in love with this picture - especially the glare Harry is giving Reyes behind Cerys' back.
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vorchagirl · 5 months
Saints and Liars - Chapter 15
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Chapter 15: Gonna Raise Hell
The second Benefactor Agent is finally revealed, and Cerys puts herself in a dangerous situation - forcing Harry and Reyes to put aside their differences to team up and get her back.
Art is by the wonderful @beemot and you can find a snippet behind the cut:
The sense of anxiety that plagued Cerys as she left the Nexus, followed her for the entire trip back to Meridian Port and only grew stronger when she received a message from Reyes via Amy that the attack on the Nexus was imminent. A million what ifs pounded through her head in time to her heartbeat. 
What if Tann had heard her? 
What if she had fucked things up for Reyes? 
What if Tann was going to come after her? 
What if? What if? What if?
At her behest, SAM attempted to make contact with Amy so she could warn Reyes to be on his guard in case the worst happened. He fired the message off on a highly encrypted tight band, but couldn't confirm it was received, nor did he receive a reply - which only increased her anxiety. Reyes could take care of himself, she knew that, but they didn’t know who was in league with Tann, and it was this other person that worried her.
Her team knew something was up, and when they reached Meridian all of them opted to stay on the Tempest in case an emergency arose that needed them - which Cerys appreciated. She had been as honest with them as she could about Tann’s threats to the team if she didn’t follow his orders to explore Meridian, and about Reyes investigating Tann. She hadn’t been quite so honest about who Reyes really was; that was his secret, and it wasn’t hers to tell.
“Cerys?” Vetra caught her on the docks, a troubled expression on her face. “I know you have strong feelings for Reyes, but are you certain that he’s correct and Tann is behind this? Because after what he did to you when he and his people stole the AI-”
“I’ve seen the evidence,” Cerys interrupted. “Tann is definitely behind this. I don’t know if he killed Jien Garson himself, but he was part of it.”
The turian drew in a slow breath. “Then he’s dangerous . Far more dangerous and clever than we thought. You need to be extra careful, especially if Reyes fails and Tann gets away. We know better than anyone how dangerous Remnant Technology can be; if it fell into the wrong hands-”
“I know.” Cerys appreciated Vetra’s concern. “Right now all we can do is hope that Reyes’ plan works.”
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vorchagirl · 6 months
Saints and Liars - chapter 10
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Saints and Liars - chapter 10
Cerys learns the truth about who Reyes Vidal really is and why he joined the Andromeda Initiative, and discovers his past is darker than she ever imagined.
You'll find a snippet under the cut!
Reyes' grinned at this and sat back in the chair, his eyes narrowed. Slowly, his gaze drifted to the family picture on Alec's desk. His mouth curved into a smirk and he reached out and took the framed photo in his hand, his body language relaxed as he examined it. 
"You know,” he said conversationally, “your kids look nothing like you - they’re both quite attractive. Especially Cerys.” He looked thoughtful as his eyes traced her image in the photo. “Maybe I’ll have the opportunity to meet her once we reach Andromeda.”
He drawled the words casually, but the implied threat was clear: If Alec didn’t give him what he wanted, he’d make sure that Cerys ran into him and he’d use her to get to him.
Her father’s expression hardened, and he reached out and took the photo. “Stay the hell away from Cerys here or in Andromeda. She’d had a rough time with her mother’s passing, and with the Alliance stalling her career as punishment for what I did. I don't want her getting mixed up with you. It's that understood?"
Reyes chuckled and he put his hands up in mock surrender. "Clear as day, Alec. I'll keep my distance from your daughter, though I can't promises she'll stay away from me-”
Find the full chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/138913372
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vorchagirl · 7 months
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Saints and Liars - chapter 6
The person behind the Andromeda Alliance finally reveals themselves, and Cerys is badly injured defending Harry during an attack on Port Meridian.
A little snippet below:
“For Christsake, be smart!” Harry turned her on the spot so she was facing him. “I appreciate your concern, but they’re going to kill you! If you’re right, then I’m useful to them alive, but you,” he gave her a small shake. “You’re a trophy for them to do god knows what with before they decide to kill you!”
Cerys shook her head. “I’m not leaving you here.”
He glared at her and his fingers tightened on her shoulders. “Why do you have to be so stubborn?”
“Because you’re too important for me to lose,” she admitted, her heart pounding as the sound of fighting grew louder outside the door. “I won’t leave you.”
Harry looked down at her with frustrated eyes, and then swore softly as he lowered his mouth and kissed her.
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vorchagirl · 6 months
Saints and Liars - chapter 8
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Saints and Liars - chapter 8
While Harry works to keep Cerys alive while she's cut off from SAM, Reyes finally comes clean about who he is and what's going - and it becomes clear just how far he'll go to protect Cerys, and how much he truly loves her. (Art by Rawliverandcigerettes.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/138071512
Snippet beneath the cut:
Cerys screamed as the pain radiated through her head, burning as though red-hot needles were being shoved into her brain. The neural disruption was akin to a migraine, but worse, so much worse. Sharper. Crueller. Pain danced along every nerve in her body, stars burst in front of her eyes, and her pulse thundered in her ears as her heart pounded, desperately trying to keep her alive.
She could hear Reyes trying to talk to her as she gasped for breath, but it was like listening to someone speak while underwater. Distant. Unimportant. She clawed at her head, the pain overwhelming her ability to think or listen.
“Cerys!” Harry was beside her suddenly, though she heard him as though he were far away. He gave her a shot of something and it seemed to help, to push the pain of SAM’s absence to the side so that she could hear and think. 
Then Reyes was back, and he pulled her up and into his arms, his movements gentle but urgent. He took her hand and pushed something small and plastic into the palm of her hand, and his voice, when he spoke, was pitched for Cerys and Harry alone, so the others in the room couldn’t hear. “Can you hear me?”
Cerys nodded.
“I don’t have much time; SAM’s connection was being monitored and this was the only way I could talk to you without them knowing. I'm so sorry, Cerys. I know this hurts but there was no other way. I don’t know who they are exactly, but I know that whoever hacked SAM is probably one of the individuals that murdered Jien Garson. My people are installing a subprogram in SAM that should prevent them from listening in on you anymore. Just hang on for a while longer, mi amor .” 
Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/138071512
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vorchagirl · 7 months
The race is on to see if I can get this smutty Harry x fRyder oneshot finished before Valentine's Day.
I'm 1600 words deep with a way to go!
Wish me luck!
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vorchagirl · 7 months
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Saints and Liars - Chapter 7
Cerys and Harry find themselves in a dangerous situation that threatens to spiral out of control when Reyes works out who Harry is. Meanwhile, Cerys discovers what Reyes is really after, and his far he'll go to get it.
Snippet below the cut:
Of all the ways Reyes had envisioned this mission going, of all the possibilities of how things might play out once the Tempest arrived, this was the scenario he had dreaded and worked to avoid: Cerys being injured.
And by his own men, no less. 
Reyes clenched a fist, a surge of anger and fear washing over him as he risked a covert glance at Cerys - at the blood covering her body, the table, and even the doctor working over her. He’d had enough experience with gunshot wounds to know this was bad - she was losing too much blood.
But she would be fine. She had to be fine.  
He repeated inside his head like a mantra while he watched the doctor work to slow the bleeding. 
This was everything he hadn't wanted. Cerys wasn't supposed to get hurt. She wasn't supposed to see him execute anyone. She certainly shouldn't have been staring at him as though he were a monster who she never wanted to see again. 
His heart twisted painfully. It hurt to see that look in her eyes directed at him. The look of betrayal. Of fear and disbelief. He'd done a lot of terrible things in his time and had hurt a lot of people without feeling in the least bit guilty, but seeing that look on Cerys’ face made him feel sick to his stomach.
Worse still, Reyes knew there was no way she would cooperate with him now. Not when she thought him to be a lying murderer who was working to overthrow the Nexus Leadership. Which he was, but not for the reasons she thought. 
Read the full chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/137640151
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vorchagirl · 7 months
Saints and Liars - chapter 5
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Saints and Liars - chapter 5
Cerys finally tells Reyes about her night with Harry and faces the consequences of her actions. Reyes, however, has no intention of letting Cerys slip away, especially not into the arms of another man.
Art by @beemot and a snippet of chapter 5 is behind the cut!
Cerys had always liked Reyes’ apartment; it was simple but spacious, very masculine and very him . A mix of recycled Initiative furniture and Angara pieces he’d salvaged from the port, but no clutter or mess. The soft glow of sunshine from the large windows gave the space a welcoming and warm feel, and she relaxed almost as soon as he let her in. 
She could do this. 
Reyes poured them drinks, the amber liquid catching the light and throwing patterns across the ceiling. "To not letting the bastards get us down," he proposed, raising his glass. “Whoever the bastards might be.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Cerys agreed, the weight of her thoughts momentarily lifted by the promise of distraction. 
She clinked her glass with his and took a sip, then allowed him to take it from her grasp and set both drinks down. Reyes drew her into a dance, their bodies swaying slowly as he held her against him. He felt reassuringly strong and solid; the strength of his arms around her, the slight rasp of his unshaved cheek against hers, and the smell of his aftershave were reassuringly familiar. Cerys relaxed against him, letting the tension drain out of her body.
Reyes was safe, and he made no demands on her and never had. She lifted her face to his as they danced and kissed him, tasting whiskey and peppermint gum on his lips. His hands swept down her frame in familiar intimate touches as he deepened the kiss, his tongue swirling against hers.
He pulled back and pressed his forehead to hers. “You drive me wild,” Reyes confessed, his voice sounding almost pained. “I forget everything when I'm with you. It's dangerous.”
Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/136775362
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vorchagirl · 7 months
Saints and Liars - chapter 4
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Saints and Liars - chapter 4
Cerys and Reyes venture into the badlands to chase up a lead on the Andromeda Initiative, and Reyes learns just how intertwined Cerys is with SAM. Meanwhile, Cerys tries to work up the courage to tell Reyes what happened with Harry, and talk about their future.
Art is by the wonderful @beemot
Snippet below the cut:
Reyes caught sight of Cerys waiting for him on the docks and almost sagged with relief: she was safe . He looked her over from a distance, scanning for injuries, or any sign that she had been hurt when security opened fire during the ball, but she not only looked unhurt, Cerys looked radiant standing in the Kadara sunshine. 
A siren unknowingly luring him to his doom.
He swallowed and came to a stop, taking half a moment to reset himself as he closed his eyes and counted to three. The sight of Cerys always hit him like a ton of bricks, it had been this way from the very first moment he'd seen her in the flesh, as though some invisible person punched him in the gut every time she walked in the room.
He'd been sure the intensity would fade over time, that he'd stop feeling like he'd been struck by lightning every time she smiled at him. But it hadn't. He'd grown used to the effect, yes, but the strength of his attraction hadn't dimmed and, worse still, it had become a problem. 
He couldn't afford to be distracted. 
He needed to stay focused. 
Read the full chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/136301416
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