vaaniu · 6 years
Poem: Into Your Waters
There is something about the ocean
Something about its deep blue
Something about the way it dances
And how it reminds me of you
The rising of the tides
The billowing of the waves
A wounded masterpiece
That I crave
Tell me why do you hide
The world that is flourishing
Beneath you
Your raging surface is so beautiful
I can only imagine to imagine
With every inch
Of my mind
What glorious wonders
You have buried in yourself
What glorious wonders
There are underneath
Tell me please
If I must be cautious
Tell me please
If I will not be able to handle
The shortness of breath
In my lungs
If I ever choose to
Plunge myself in
Into your waters
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vaaniu · 6 years
Journal: Painted Smiles
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