#ryna cooking companions
yourfavehasautism-og · 6 months
ryna/raspberry from cooking companions is autistic!!! :33
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Ryna/Raspberry from Cooking Companions has autism!
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oribu-the-loser · 1 year
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Some older digital art I made from may this year 👍
I still like how these look 🫶
Cooking companions deserves way more attention, if you like horror & visual novels please go check it out :)
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(Cooking companions)
(Dread weight)
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digitulart · 4 months
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*cooks your companions* ermmm did i just do that 🤣
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stupidlysunny · 1 month
quick little ryna mspaint doodle :3
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undeserved-halo · 1 year
cooking companions sexuality/gender hcs cause they’re all fruity (do you like the pun :3) -
protagonist: aroace cis guy (he/him) because i said so fight with the wall
karin: she gives off lesbian vibes but she was canonically into protagonist who im pretty sure is canonically a guy (although i might’ve just made that up idk) so i don’t really know. sapphic👍🏻 cis (she/her)
mariah: bisexual she’s literally the bisexual of all time also demigirl (they/she)
gregor: definitely gay. a homosexual. trans guy (he/him)
anatoly: the other bisexual of all time guy preference cis dude (he/him)
celina/cabbage: literally a lesbian she confirmed it herself (iykyk) cis (she/her)
ryna/raspberry: girlkisser transfem (they/she)
oleg/onion: he kisses boys pass it on (he/they) demiguy
bolek/bread: pansexual guy dude person man (he/him)
the butcher of zakopane/potato: straight cis guy lol (he/him)
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vesperione · 2 years
I’m so ashamed that the first tiktok yannick saw of mine was my top five crossovers of the year so hi tumblr. You also get to see my top five crossovers of the year:
Idolise Me In The Media, Won’t You, Darling?: a Ride The Cyclone x The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals fanfic where Noel’s Paul, Mischas Emma, ocean’s ted, Constance’s bill, Ricky’s Charlotte (AND has crutches AND is unable to speak) and Jane is Sam (someone had to be)
I’m Lost In A Crowd…:
A Cooking Companions Prequel x Hatchetfield fanfic in which Emma Perkins is Celina, Ted Spankoffski is Oleg, Paul Matthews is Bolek, Charlotte Sweetly is Ryna and some other dude is the butcher of Zakopane
…And I’m Hungry Like The Wolf:
The sequel to ILIAC in which Grace Chasity (as Mariah), Pete Spankoffski (as Anatoly), Ethan Green (as Gregor) and Zoey Chambers (as Karin) embark on an adventure to avenge a certain other Spankoffski sibling
Clockwork Level Eyes Deep In Neon Hell:
A Security Breach x Hatchetfield AU. Enough said
And finally,
The Beast About To Strike:
Written with the incredible @the-spaced-out-ace, see Pete Spankoffski as Seymour Krelborn, Steph Lauter as Audrey Fulquard and Henry Hidgens as Mr Mushnik in this Little Shop Of Horrors x Hatchetfield AU
Links here;
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amberthefantasy · 4 months
'Neath Moon and Star
Chapter 9: Strength
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Naris didn't mention the reason he had gone into the water for a while. He was trying his hardest to both decode the riddle Boethiah had given him and process the fact that another daedric prince had given him a quest. 
"I can't take this anymore!" Ryna almost yelled. "What happened?"
Naris gave her a side look. "I do not have to tell you about every single thing I do."
"No," Ryna agreed. "But when you jump into the ocean following a strange light right in front of me, I think I deserve an explanation."
He sighed. "You do." Naris paused in his walk, looking around to make sure that it was a safe place to stop. He glanced up at the sky. The sun was beginning to sink below the horizon. "Let's set up camp and then I'll tell you."
"So?" Ryna asked, taking a seat on a rock beside their growing fire.
Naris let out a sigh. "Do not over react," he pointed at her. Ryna nodded. "It was a shrine to Boethiah, an old ruined one." He glanced behind his companion. "Like that one." Ryna turned her head to look behind her. Over the hill against which they had set up their camp Naris could see the top spires of a dark daedric shrine peaking out. 
"Was anything interesting in it?" Ryna asked, turning back to Naris. Naris worried at his lip. "What?" she pressed.
"Boethiah spoke to me, he wants me to rebuild his shrine," Naris relented.
Ryna blinked at him. "Boethiah? Prince of Plots, asked you to rebuild his shrine?" Naris nodded once, bending over to take out some spare meat and begin to cook it over the now blazing fire.
Ryna leant back. "It is undeniable. Two of the Good Daedra asking you to do a task for them in a single month? That blatantly hints that you really might be the Nerevarine."
Naris looked back up at her. "It may be a coincidence."
"It may," she allowed. "But you cannot deny that it is more likely that it is not."
"Why are you so intent on convincing me that I am the Nerevarine? I thought you believed it was a superstition." Naris threw her a piece of meat.
"I did." Ryna agreed. "I did..." she sighed. "But everything we've found out... the dreams you've been having. It all tells me that, perhaps the Nerevarine is real and perhaps you are him."
Naris let out a loud sigh. Ryna smiled softly at him, slipping off her rock and walking over to his side. "But, maybe I'm just being superstitious," she attempted to reassure him. Naris smiled back at her, but her persistence and belief in the truth of the Emperor's opinion stayed on the forefront of Naris' mind.
"We should sleep," Naris said after a moment of silence. "I'll take first watch."
Ryna hummed in agreement and laid out the bedroll she had brought. "Wake me at midnight." Naris mumbled his agreement as he watched her close her eyes and slip off to sleep.
Ryna woke Naris as the sun was rising over the horizon. "We should get moving," she said softly. Naris nodded. Thankfully he had gotten a goodnight sleep last night with no dreams to disrupt it.
"The camp cannot be too far into the ashlands right?" Ryna asked as they shouldered their packs. 
"It should not be, I believe it should be just past this ruin," Naris pointed to the dark daedric ruin rising up before them.
"Great," Ryna said sarcastically.
"We could try and go around," Naris suggested, grimacing at the thought of having to fight their way through the ruin. 
"Let's do that," she nodded. 
The two dunmer walked down along the edge of the rise, watching for any stray daedra. As they reached the sea, Naris looked towards where the ruins were, they hugged the ocean but it would be easier to sneak along the edge than through the middle. "We'll cross here," Naris said to Ryna who nodded, drawing her daggers. Naris drew his own sword and walked forward slowly, watching.
They managed to make it halfway through the ruins before a screeching sound made Naris spin. A daedra was rushing towards them, claws extended and mouth open. Naris prepared himself to strike at the creature, but before he could a dagger appeared through its eye. He turned to Ryna, who was pulling back into a standing position, holding only one dagger in her hands. "Good shot," Naris praised.
Ryna smiled at him as she walked over to retrieve the dagger from the carcass. "Thanks."
They managed to avoid any other daedra encounters for the rest of the trek through the ruins. Coming out into the ashlands on the other side. Thankfully the sky was clear today and Naris was able to spot the top of what looked like an ashlander yurt. "The camp!" Ryna said excitedly, speeding up in her walking to get there faster. Naris rushed to keep up with her.
Now they were so close Naris' anxiety and doubts were coming back full force. Maybe it was just a coincidence that he had happened upon two daedric princes. They were probably just waiting for anyone to come upon them... but the way they had spoken. It seemed that both Mephala and Boethiah knew him... knew who he was. Naris took a breath when he entered the camp.
Naris looked around the camp, trying to spot someone to approach and ask about the ashkhan. "Umm... hello?" Ryna's voice came from somewhere behind him. Naris turned to look at her. She was smiling at an ashlander, eyes soft. "We were wondering if this is the Urshilaku camp."
"It is." The ashlander nodded. "Who is asking?"
Naris stepped forward. "I am Naris Indarys. I was wondering if I could speak to the ashkhan?" He almost winced at how forward he was.
The ashlander raised a brow. "And why would I allow an outlander to speak to our ashkhan?"
Naris cleared his throat. "I wish to speak of the Nerevarine. I have heard stories about him and wish to ask some questions."
The other narrowed his eyes, looking Naris up and down. "Ask some questions?" He asked, voice filled with incredulity. 
"Yes," Naris winced slightly when his voice shook. 
The ashlander cocked his head to the side, contemplating him. "One may go." He said finally. Naris let out a breath, struggling to stop his eyes from widening in shock at the quick acquiescence. "I will show you the way."
"Go," Ryna said immediately, pushing Naris forward with her hand. "I'll wait here."
Naris looked back at her. He knew she was right. He should go. The Emperor had sent him on this mission. He needed to speak to the ashkhan. "Take me to him." Naris said firmly to the ashlander before him.
"Ashkhan?'' The ashlander stopped in front of a yurt at the edge of the camp. 
"Yes, Zabamund?" A voice called back.
"An outlander has come to speak of the Nerevarine," the ashlander, Zabamund, said. 
"An outlander? The Nerevarine?" Sul-Matuul's voice was shocked and confused. "Send them in," the ashkhan said after a moment. Zabamund waved Naris forward. He hesitated a moment before pushing aside the skin-door and walking into the yurt.
A male dunmer stood on the other side of the yurt. He was dressed in dark green robes with his dark hair braided and a golden crown placed on his head. "So you are the outlander curious about our prophecy?" He spoke.
Naris bowed. "I am, ashkhan."
"Talk. I am very curious." The ashkhan crossed his arms.
"I believe that I may fulfil the Nerevarine prophecies and have been told that you may be able to confirm that," Naris paused, trying to think about how to continue. But he didn't need to.
"You think you fulfil the Nerevarine prophecies?" Sul-Matuul's voice was filled with incredulity as he looked Naris up and down.  No outlander may join the Nerevarine cult. If you were a Clanfriend, an adopted member of the Ashlander tribes, then perhaps. I have an initiation rite in mind. If you pass this rite, I will adopt you as a Clanfriend of the Ashlanders. And then I will submit you to Nibani Maesa, our wise woman, who is skilled in oracles and mysteries, and who will test you against the prophecies."
"What do I need to do?" Naris straightened.
"To be adopted into the tribe, you must undergo a harrowing. In a harrowing, you will be judged by the spirits and ancestors to see if you are worthy. Go to the Urshilaku Burial Caverns and fetch me Sul-Senipul's Bonebiter Bow. Sul-Senipul was my father, and his spirit guards his bonemold longbow deep in the burial caverns. Return to me with this bow, and I will adopt you into the Ashlander tribes as a Clanfriend."
Naris took a breath. "Where are the caverns?"
"The burial caverns lie to the south-southeast of the camp, a north-facing door in a little hill halfway between us and the slopes of Red Mountain. Go north from the camp to the water, then turn east. At a rock cairn on the beach, turn and head straight south until you find the door." Sul-Matuul waved with his hand. 
"I will return with that bow!" Naris declared, he bowed goodbye to the ashkhan, who nodded, and then turned and left the tent. 
"So what happened?" Ryna asked the moment Naris exited the yurt. 
"The ashkhan has given me a task to complete, to prove my worth, before I may hear the prophecies," Naris fixed a strap on his bracer, tightening it around his forearm.
"Good, what are we doing?" Ryna shifted her sack on her back.
Naris stared at her for a moment, thinking. "Actually, there is one thing I want to do first."
" Rough hands to smooth stone, Carving rock instead of bone, In Caldera an artist waits, His masterpiece to create..." Naris said softly. He bit his lip and looked up. "I doubt it is a good idea to keep Boethiah waiting."
"Probably not," Ryna agreed, her words were filled with unasked questions. She stepped closer to Naris.
He took a breath, making a decision in that split second. "Go to Caldera, find this sculptor and pay him," Naris handed her a sack of gold. "I'm going on alone."
"You can't, it's dangerous," Ryna protested. "I thought you trusted me after all these quests together."
"I do..." Naris winced, "more than I used to at least. This quest though, I have to do alone."
"It's dangerous!" Ryna repeated. "You cannot do this alone!"
"I must," Naris almost whispered. "I need to do this alone."
He locked eyes with Ryna again, trying to put all his emotion into his eyes, trying his hardest to say without words how badly he needed to do this alone. He needed to prove to himself he could. Almost every step of the way here someone had been by his side. But Naris needed to prove to himself, as much as to Sul-Matuul, that he could do this quest alone, that he was strong enough.
Ryna was staring at him, her eyes as filled with emotions as his. "Alright," she glanced up at the sky. "If you are not in Caldera by the second sunrise I will come looking for you."
Naris nodded. "Then I shall see you before the second sunrise."
Naris looked over the ledge, staring down at the water below him. The door behind him was the only one that he had yet to enter, leading Naris to believe that it must be the room where the bow was stored. He took a breath. Then entered the room.
For a moment, he thought he had been wrong. But then a barely visible wraith appeared before him. The creature hesitated not a moment before launching itself at Naris. He managed to raise his sword and block the blow before it landed. Naris spun out of the way, slashing his sword in his wake. The enchanted blade cut across the wraith, it faltered but did not stop its next attack. Naris clicked his tongue and cut the sword sideways again, red sparks flying in its wake. This time when the blade struck true, the wraith halted, let out a scream, and vanished.
Naris let out a breath. There glittering on the ground where the wraith has evaporated was a black bow. Naris sheathed his sword then leant down and slowly picked up the smooth wooden weapon. Sul-Senipul's Bonebiter Bow. Naris smiled, twisting the bow in his hand. He supposed it was time to return to the Camp and prove to Sul-Matuul that he was worthy.
'NMaS masterlist / post masterlist
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the-chaos-katzlein · 2 years
So this is the first request I've made, and fair warning this will contain spoilers for the Chompettes DLC and the lore that recently came out. So don't read this till you've played/watched the DLC. May I request a scenario/story (Can be fluff or have a darker twist like the main game) where the MC/Reader is childhood friends with the Chompettes (Including Cornbread/Razael if you wish) during their childhood when they were still alive.
I went with both a dark part and a bit of fluff, if you can consider a sentence that.
But here you go: Reader & Chompettes
Totally didn’t go overboard
Story under the cut
It was a cloudy day in the little village you called home, roosters constantly crowing as if they were trying to one up each other tended to awaken the entire town, no matter how much distance was between them.
You awaken to the morning sun in your eyes, so you turn into your pillow before pushing yourself off of your mattress.
Your family owned the most popular (and only) general store in town, usually selling the leftover products from various small farmers throughout the region.
Many people thought that your family was inspiring, others looked upon you with scorn, and yet, recently, the friends you had made never thought of even being jealous about how much more your family makes than theirs, or that they can afford separate beds for all of you.
And it was these friends that usually found themselves peering into your ground level bedroom window, typically with Bolek somewhere in your family’s tomato garden.
“Wake up sleepy head! We’re going to that old cabin that we found!” Celina says as she leans partly over your window frame.
“You forget-“ A yawn and a stretch interrupt your sentence “-I still have to help my folks and sweep the store.”
“Oh boooo!” Oleg says before giggling to himself.
Ryna spoke in her usual down to earth monotone voice: “We’ll just meet you up there if you want.”
“Actually yeah…you guys go do that.” You say before standing out of your bed and making your way to the kitchen.
“Crew, let’s rooooolllll out!” Celina says before they all leave for the cabin in the woods.
Your morning goes by mostly the same as normal, you have something to eat, clean the store for your parents and say goodbye before leaving.
Unknown to you however, a stranger had been trailing your friends up to the cabin they intended to investigate, they thought they had lost him…
You began your ascent to the location your friends had discovered the day prior, you all had been wandering through the woods but now there was a path of exposed dirt to follow.
You passed by many things on the way up however, random chicken, and what you assumed to be a pigs femur all strewn in the grass alongside the path.
The sky seemed to darken as you walked, a storm seemed to be approaching, or perhaps you were walking into it, you weren’t sure.
You passed by a rotting fence, and a metal object caught your eye, it was rusted and well worn, but it piqued your curiosity to the point where you stepped off the path to pick it up.
It sat in the grass that came no higher than your ankle, the handle was covered in dirt and looked like it could splinter you if you weren’t careful.
You lifted it to eye level to get a better look at the object, it was a mattock, a digging tool.
“I guess they were digging holes for the fence posts…but gave up?” You say to yourself, and upon hearing your own voice upon the hillside you notice, it’s gotten eerily quiet.
The birds that once sung their songs have all gone quiet, the wind that once rustled trees and blew against your ears has been standing still for the better half of a few minutes.
You began walking towards the cabin once more, quickening your pace for some reason, you didn’t know why.
Upon approaching the cabin you saw a raven with a pebble in its mouth tapping upon the window, another croaked upon the half destroyed wooden door that seemingly lead to an underground storage area, and lastly a raven landed upon your shoulder and began preening itself as the thunder rolled overhead.
Your curiosity had once more gotten the better of you, and you descended into the underground area, the stairs creaked as you walked, the air seemed almost stale…and metallic.
You descended deeper and deeper into the underground area and when you finally reached the bottom you saw three doors, the left and middle ones were closed, the right was open and there stood an older man, a lantern in one hand, knife in the other.
You saw Celina standing in front of her friends, trying to defend them…you don’t know what controls your body at this point, but you lunge forward with a “No!” And drive the pick end of the mattock into the man’s neck, before pulling him to the ground.
The older man looked up at you without fear, in fact he seemed rather impressed judging by his gaze.
“Well?” He asked, laying on the floor, blood spilling from his neck, and a crooked smile on his face.
Without a seconds more of hesitation you slammed the axe end down into his skull, once, twice, thrice, four times, before Ryna the usually quiet one grabs onto your arms to stop you.
“He’s dead.” She’s says, and you drop the weapon, collapse onto your knees and sigh, exhausted.
Bolek and Oleg tackle you to the ground in tear filled happiness, Celina and Ryna join soon after.
All of you embrace in the dark, dirty, musty, blood smelling basement as the old man finally dies, after all these years.
You’re glad that your friends are safe once again and you all rush back to your village to tell the adults what happened.
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stupidlysunny · 6 months
She literally has autism im the cockroach in deer dreams studios house and i overheard he said ryna has autism yep
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