#ryo akiyama positivity
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure [2020 Reboot] (Episode 24 Preview) vs Digimon Wonderswan Games ~ COMPARISONS featuring Cloned!Taichi Yagami {Wonderswan} vs {Miasma}!Corrupted!Taichi Yagami {2020 Reboot}
+ CLONE!Taichi facing the Protagonist of Wonderswan games’ Universe; Ryo Akiyama (from Adventure {Games} & 02)
(Along with Clone!Daisuke and Clone!Takato)
gifs by @izzyizumi, {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION}
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khtrinityftw · 3 years
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A gradual downgrade I noticed in the KH Trinity that surprisingly ends up working to its advantage are the cutscenes. In KH, they are directed by Jun Akiyama and they are absolutely astounding. Akiyama is a very cinematically inclined man (as he further showed when he went on to direct the cutscenes for FFXII), and he makes each KH cutscene feel like it comes straight out of a Disney animated movie (without...you know, actually coming straight out of a Disney animated movie). The usage of the camera and how close or far a shot is, the movements of the characters and their expressions, the visual tricks that can say so much about a character without that character having to actually say anything, it’s all simply beautiful.
When Ryo Tsurumaki, who was event director on the original COM, got to do it over in 3D with Re:COM, he clearly aped Akiyama’s style to the best of his abilities. And he did a pretty good job, but there’s always something about it that isn’t quite the same as Akiyama’s style. It’s like with Steven Spielberg imitated Stanley Kubrick’s style in A.I: Artificial Intelligence - you can tell that it’s a quality impression, but an impression all the same. However, that works for COM because it feels like a high-quality DTV sequel to a theatrical movie (like Lion King 2 or Lion King 1 1/2). Not the same, but close enough.
Then for KH2 we got Masaru Oka, who is the event director on the series to this day and does the most bare-bones, bog-standard, the-least-that’s-to-be-expected job, ranging from adequate to mediocre. On occasion he might end up composing a visually stimulating shot, but for the most part his cutscenes are just the camera in a fixed position while characters go through the most minimal of motions needed. And that’s still how it is today, even if KH3′s graphics might momentarily fool you into thinking there’s been an improvement. However, this actually works for KH2 as well, because it’s composed like a shonen anime series in of itself, and let’s face it: most shonen anime series usually aren’t well known for high-quality animation outside of perhaps battle scenes (which in KH2 are usually gameplay sessions totally outside of Oka’s control), they’re done with just the barest minimum of effort required to make them engaging to watch.
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Game Journal: Anode/Cathode Tamer - Entry #01
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A couple weeks ago I posted about wanting to play Tag Tamers (the game that’s basically Ken Ichijouji’s backstory for Adventure 02) now that it had finally been translated to English, but there’s just a little problem: I never played Anode/Cathode Tamer, so how can I play the sequel?
So, to remedy that, I’ll be playing through Digimon Adventure: Anode/Cathode Tamer for the next few weeks. I’ll use this “journal” to give my thoughts on the game, its characters (particularly Ryo Akiyama, though also how it sheds light on other Adventure characters) and its story. Each of these entries is going to be detailing 2 hours of gameplay, but given how big the exposition is at the start of the game, this first one is just going to be the tutorial.
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The game starts with this little introduction. It seems about 5 months have passed since the end of Digimon Adventure, and it’s still 2 more months until the events of Our War Game.
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We get our introduction to our hero, Ryo Akiyama. Like so many other children, he’d rather spend New Year’s Eve chatting with his friends in the computer than interacting with his family. Through those conversations, we learn that strange phenomena (like earthquakes!) have been ocurring lately, and that a boy named Taichi has been saying in his school that this is due to the digimon. Doesn’t exactly fit with how he acted in 02, but we’ll assume there’s character development in-between.
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Of course, fate strikes and there’s a blackout, after which a mysterious message appears in Ryo’s computer. Agumon begs for help, claiming that Taichi and the other have been defeated. Ryo is extremely confused, but agrees to help the strange creature and is promptly faced with a digivice.
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Following Agumon’s instructions, Ryo grabs it and soon disappears, after which we hear one of his parents asking him to go check why the lights went off, getting a bit worried when there’s no answer.
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In a scene reminiscent of the first episode of Adventure, Agumon greets Ryo and introduces him to the Digital World, though this time with a much more concrete answer as to what it is and why Ryo has been brought here (go character development!). Agumon explains that his adventures are supposed to be over, but a new enemy emerged and somehow “broke” time, also kidnapping the Chosen Children. After the brief appearence of a giant killer wave out of nowhere (go Adventure references!), Agumon explains that this kind of phenomena have been going on in the Digital World and that they have to stop their new enemy to save it. Ryo, obviously, questions whether this is a dream or a game, but he doesn’t seem to be freaking out too badly.
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Not freaking out is obviously a mistake in the Digital World,, I guess, because a Shellmon suddenly appears to attack them. We get to the tutorial battle of the game (which is automated and confusing and I learned nothing from it), after which Agumon tells Ryo they’ll go to a nearby village to better explain this.
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We meet our favorite vaguely useful mentor figure. Ryo asks him if he has also been brought to this world against his will (good to see Ryo’s aware of how messed up this is), but Gennai simply tells him he’s digital lifeform too. He proceeds to introduce out new villain:
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Meet Milleniummon, the fusion of a Mugendramon and a Chimeramon Taichi had defeated (so NOT the Chimeramon Ken created later). With its fearsome powers, it broke time and created a new world where the previous Adventure has been reset and the old villains brought back to life. Gennai “asks” him to help them save the Chosen Children and defeat Milleniummon. Agumon and some other child-level digimon question what they will be able to do against such a powerful foe. The answer is simple: they’ll defeat them together, along with whatever allies they’ll gain along the way. Gennai instructs Ryo to go defeat a nearby nest of enemies, and the game officially starts:
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This is the view outside of Gennai’s house, by the way. Good to see he has finally moven outside of the lake. Moving west, we immediately find a Digimon Village, full of houses where the most popular topic is Variable Moves, a couple shops, a place run by Datamon which seems to be akin to a Pokemon Daycare, and (most interestingly) a tree whose leaves give gameplay advice. I’ll call it the Wisdom Tree from now on. Anyway, we make our way to the cave at the north of the village, starting a battle immediately after entering it.
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To fight in this game, you’re given a grid of movement. You can only attack your opponent when you’re directly next to them, and can move away at any point. I assume that once I have 3 digimon, every fight against multiple oponents is going to depend on my skill to position my digimon, corner my opponents and move away when I’m in danger. As of now, though, I have only one digimon, so the strategy is ATTACKATTACKATTACK.
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Oh, and my opponents are babies. Three babies, to be precise.
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Following our heroic slaughter of infants, Gennai congratulates us as if we had just saved the village. As a reward for our service, he grants us a gift:
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Taichi’s digivice! And yes, it’s specifically Taichi’s. He says that, since it’s not Ryo’s, we will not be able to use its full powers, but since Ryo is still a Chosen Child, he’ll be able to use one of the abilities of the digivice. Namely, he’ll be able to recruit the enemies he defeats for his team. And here I am thinking about how much such an ability would have helped the Chosen Children in Digimon Adventure. Or why Gennai insists on telling a kid who volunteered to help that he’s not the one they actually want.
Afterwards, he brings us to the edge of the village and says that Taichi had already cleared every obstacle in our path, but then Milleniummon did what it does best and reset it back to the start. Gennai promptly leaves telling us that he’ll be in his home if we want his help.
Oh, and when he was describing the events of Adventure before, he made sure to only ever mention Taichi and say that it was Agumon, Gabumon and Patamon who saved the world. Way to minimize most of your saviors, Gennai.
This is it for the tutorial. Next entry is going to be about what I hope is the first level. See you!
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dragonandtiger · 5 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Nine - 22
“M-my name is Monodramon, Lord Ryo,” Monodramon said before he gave a slight bow. At seeing the young boy’s vacant expression, he cringed a little. “Y-you are home, Lord Ryo. You’ve been unconscious for s-several hours.”
Ryo frowned. While that was not exactly pleasant news, it only made him feel more convinced that he was forgetting something important. He did a slow pan of the room, struggling to figure out what he was missing, before his gaze fell on a small bowl of water with another washcloth floating in it, along with a small stool by his nightstand. He stared at both for several moments before he shifted his gaze back to Monodramon, feeling a bit sheepish and awkward. “You took care of me, right? Thanks…”
“Y-y-y-ou’re w-welcome, Lord Ryo!” Monodramon stammered, his cheeks tinting slightly as he steepled his claw tips together anxiously. “I… I’ve been watching over you. I-I know it’s not a lot, but I could at least do this much...” A sudden thought sent him jerking upright, his eyes flying open wide. “A-ah! That reminds me! P-p-please excuse me a moment!”
Ryo turned to watch in confusion as the purple dragon got up and scurried to his bedroom door as fast as his little stubby legs could carry him, leaving him staring blankly after.
There was little time for Ryo to do more than furrow his brow and give his room another look-over before an outburst of raised voices drew his attention back to his door. The sound of footsteps rang noisily in the dark hallway seconds before his door burst open, revealing his parents, Ryuichi and Heather Akiyama.
Even in the dark, his mother’s vibrant red hair and bright blue eyes stood out strikingly. The shape of his face and the brown of his hair came from his father, though the man’s hair was far darker, matching his eyes.
The lights flicked on and Ryo had to turn away, squinting as his eyes were forced to adjust to the sudden brightness. Even still, he saw the way his parents stared at him for a moment in silent shock before both flew to his side
“Wha… what?” Ryo stammered, dazed. “Is Millenniumon attacki-?”
Heather cut Ryo off as she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her son close, a sob shuddering from her chest as tears spilled down her freckled cheeks. “Ryo…! Ryo!”
Ryuchi stopped just short of Heather and placed a hand on the back of her head while the other ruffled Ryo’s hair. The position was too awkward for him to join in on the hug properly, so he leaned in as close as possible, tears prickling at his eyes. “Ryo… you’re awake.”
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (16/21)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
ACT 4: SCENE 5: THE BROKEN SWORD under the cut
The bedroom was slightly better than the cell.
Mimmi hold her new baby as her older child cuddle them over the bed. They were warm, had clean water and a meal. Joe kept looking at them with shine on his eyes and a smile on his face.
“Joe” the Queen said fondly..  
“My beautiful siren” the King answered kissing her hand sweetly. “you could rest here”
“And you?”
“The Light is going to attack tonight, they ships burned over the ocean, but I know that they are not going to stop, they still had a good number of soldiers”
“And the Wolf Knight” Mimmi said
“You could win this war darling. I know we can protect the Islands and I know you love your people. But Yamato is your friend, Taichi is your friend. You think that you could...?”
“I am the King of the Honest Island” Joe said holding her wife and son's hands “I must to respond to my people, I owned them my loyalty. I can’t denied my people´s will just because is my friend who is standing on the way”
The Queen looked her husband put on the armor and hold his bow and arrows over his back.
“Give me a couples of days to heal and a pair of knives and I will kill all your enemies” She said.
Joe laughed and agree with a moved of his head. The hands of Mimmi itch at the thoughts of taking the arms again. All this time everytime that Mimmi talked about going herself at the battlefield Joe persuaded her to don’t do it.
“We could start with Ryo Akiyama” She joked, but the laughs last short “So it is really a war” She said holding her two children tighty.
“I’m sorry” He said
“I had seen worst”
“I’m sorry” He repeated.
The Sea King kissed her wife and allow himself to lose a little on that big eyes.
“I’m proud of you” He said at his son and kiss his front “I will return at dawn” the King said and he left.
There was fire on the coast. The float of The Light was lighting the sunset, the soldiers were saving what could be saving. Kouji found his master standing on the beach, looking at his army running and burning.
“Master” the young knight called “Do we know what happen?”
Yamato stand in silence, his eyes fixed on the flames.
“Master?” Kouji hurry to get close to him “How are we going to win this war without our float?”
The horse of the King arrived. The proud Knight of Light was mad.
A sudden movement of Yamato interrupted him.
“Flaming arrows were shooting from that cliff, directly to our powders” the knight said without aparting his eyes from the boats.
“Who?” the King started a question.
“Who you think?!” Yamato said turning aggressively at the King.
He take the big walrus figure, ripped it from his neck and threw it at the sand.
“Save it!” the blonde interrupted the King again,  he hold tightly the sword at his hip and turned to his apprentice “You don’t win a war Kouji, you survive at it”.
They take the fastest ship that survived and sail with just the fundamental to the rebel’s base. Other very small portion of the army was closer on the slower least damaged ship. They wouldn’t be able to attack with all their strength, an infiltration was their best chance.
They arrived at the swarm, an irregular group of infertil islands were the insect abunded. Seven soldiers surrounded the base of the rebels looking for entries. Yamato found an easily to broke padlock on a barn and he, Kouji and Taichi entered with caution. A couple of steps, the lights went on and the door locked again: an ambush.
Davis, Ken and Iory were surrounded them. All the swords get unleashed.
The Forgotten Prince took a step farther.
“I want to talk to the Sea King” Taichi said stopping him.
“Say your peace” The Sea King spoke..
The knights and the King turned their attention at the second level of the barn, were Joe was pointing at them with an arrow. Ryo Akiyama was in the balcony in front of him with a similar weapon.
“Turned yourself at the greatest justice, accepted the punishment for your betrayed and order your rebels liders to do the same” The King said with no hesitation.
“In exchange of what?” Joe said without loosing his objective.
“Of avoiding an unnecessary slaughter”
“Recognize the independence of the Honest Islands and take your hypocritical Light’s doctrine out of my home” The Sea King commanded.
“No.” Taichi said, allowing himself to taste the sweet anticipation of the battle.
Yamato wants to look at Joe Kido, looks into his eyes and found a doubt. But Iory Hida was in front of him, and the wolf Knight knew that the slightest mistake will end with the Forgotten Prince avenging his father.
An arrow was fired.
The shine armor of the King get a scratch and the arrow bounce at the floor. Yamato recognized the powerful scent of the poison. They had to get away of that arrows.
Ken Ichijouji attacked at Kouji with force, Yamato would like to help him, but Iory was against him, every time that Yamato found an open on his movements an arrow make him step back. Joe choose his children and Yamato knew they are going to lose because of it.
Taichi attacked Davis first, he received him with a weak defense and a clumsy come back. The King felt the doubt on the young boy.
“You could do it” The King said “You are brave enough to do what they can’t”
Davis recomposed his battle position. Two feet over the ground, the head on the right place and his heart broken.
Ken Ichijouji fight with their blades. Kouji was a skilled swordsman, but the short distance of the battle style of his opponent taking him by surprise. Ken doesn’t look like he care when he lose a knife, he kept taking small weapons out of his pocket as they were candies. Finally, a whip trapped Kouji´s right hand, an unavoidable streak was coming. Kouji look the smile that he knew a lot of men had seen before died.
Ken felt the low kick on his left leg, he fall on his back, dropped his whip and felt the sword of Davis wounded him on a not vital spot.
He scream. Loud and bitter, breaking the battle.
Ryo Akiyama watched the treason that he was waiting for. He point his first arrow against Iory, that would allow the Wolf Knight to finished him. When he was releasing the shoot, he felt the pain on his right eye. The Sea King had shooted him a poison arrow. His own didn’t arrive at the Forgotten Prince.
Iory watch the arrow of his master miss his heart and heard the scream when Joe Kido shoot at him. Nobody survived at the poison of the Kido´s, but he didn't get time to think about it, he has just witnessed Davis betray.
Ryo moved himself away of the Sea King watch, removed the arrow of his eye. He can felt the poison getting inside him, he found inside his pocket for the old cursed beverage, recited the old spell and summon all the shadows that he could into his eye. How painful was the old magic.
Cody was surrounded for the Wolf and Light Knights on no time and not even the arrows of Joe could save him. Soon, he was tied next to Ichijouji, next to his brother, he was full of yells and reclaims, but he has no words for Davis, he was death for his eyes.
Yamato climbed the stairs quickly. He found Joe. A knee on the floor, an arrow ready to fly, his eyes looking directly at him. A solid position. He wasn’t running or crying or lost as that first time when Yamato found him in an ally on the market of the Honest Island.
Joe looked at Yamato. He was trembling, there was something bitter on his eyes, blood on his hands. And they are going to be more. It occurred to him, that Yamato didn’t really leave the old war, he kept leaving battle after battle.
He shoot the arrow, Yamato deflected it with a shield with The Light insight. Before he can prepare other, the Wolf Knight punch him on the face.  
They should had to talk about it. But when Yamato dragged him down the stairs only the filthy treats of Ken Ichijouji were audible. Kouji muzzled him.
“Joe Kido, The Honest Island Pacifier, The Sea King” Taichi said once Joe was tied and kneeling in front of him. “You are accused to betrayed the crown and …”
“I burned your ships, but I never betrayed my people” Joe interrupted.
“You know the punish for treason” The King said.
“Did you?” The King answered.
“Do you think this is going to end something?” Taichi scream “The Light would send more floats. Even if you get to kill me, my family will kept the power.”
“The living Land choose you as a King, and you choose to ruled by The Light´s rules. We choose the war because we know that what you was offering wasn’t peace.” The Honest Island Pacifier responded.
Davis watched his master going down the stairs and he hurried to help him.
Ryo Akiyama heard the King sentenced Joe Kido to die. The Wolf Knight stepped closed  to the accuser, Ryo felt a bit of envy, his eye was still burning, his magic had stopped the poison to enter at the bloodstream, but it's going to leave a mark. Hundreds of years murdering and he had kept his face beauty until this unjury.
Yamato Ishida unsheathed his sword, a sword that Ryo recognized for the days when he was an executioner at the order of the Cold King. Yamato had stolen that sword the day that he was going to kill Joe Kido and his trusted warrior. Funny thing that now the trusted warrior is going to kill Joe Kido. Ryo missed that sword, Izzy Izumi himself had prayed over it, maybe that's why he had never tried to steal it back.
The Wolf Knight rise the sword.
“Please don’t!” the Forgotten Prince begged “Please forgive him, this was my fault, I started this, he is innocent, please, let me take the punish”
But he was ignored. Soon his tears and sobbing stopped his own begging.
“Last words?” the King asked.
“Don’t kill the children” The Sea King pleaded.
Yamato down his sword. It cut the neck of Joe Kido and then breaks itself when it hit the ground. Yamato looked in horror the broken pieces get covered with blood. An uncertain and cold feeling through him.
A bad augury, Ryo knew.
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tsumiscribe · 7 years
“Okay but, Daiken” OH YES. THEY TOO. I'M CRYING. Although 'Suke isn't that broken, but he's slightly, somehow, after meeting Ken's insecurities.
Ok, so here’s the thing about Daisuke.  A lot of people don’t really see it, but like, I think he’s actually got self-confidence/insecurity issues himself.  Like.. you kinda get the impression he doesn’t really have a lot of FRIENDS initially, except Hikari… and Hikari is, well, Hikari.  His family comes off as sort of unsupportive (”Please tutor my stupid son!”) and disfunctional, and he doesn’t get along with his sister in the way any of the other chosen seem to get along with THEIR Siblings… He practically WORSHIPS Taichi initially, but it seems definitely more like a Senpai-Kouhai relationship.  There’s also semi-canon support for this idea – In “the door to summer” Audio Drama, he’s quite insecure.  In the WonderSwan game “Brave Tamer” he makes a cameo, and discovers V-Mon initially was partnered with Ryo Akiyama… and he’s a little bit jealous, because his beloved partner had someone else, first.Daisuke kinda puts himself in this leadership position amoung the chosen, but like, before Ken, I don’t know that he’s ever had a real, legit, honest-to-goodness Best Friend.  Just look at the episode where he sees Taichi and Yamato and their friendship, and how he initially kinda struggles to understand how THAT is FRIENDS.  He inherits the digimental of Friendship, but it seems like it’s something he doesn’t completely understand.  He is even reluctant to try lifting the Digimental when it’s discovered. I could go on for hours about my boys, but that is the jist of it.  :)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
ME: Good morning to Ryo Akiyama and Ryo Akiyama oNLY
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Me, a Ryo Akiyama fan: Good morning to Ryo Akiyama and Ryo Akiyama oNLY
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{DigiAdv 02 Ep. 43} (J.P.N Version) [Sub] ~ KEN & RYO Akiyama + Adventure~02 Timeline + Ken directly referring to Ryo & Wonderswan Games lore
“ABUNAI!!!” “Ken-chan!!”
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“TWO Years Ago” “Back then, did I injure my neck?” “YEAH, you DID.”
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“All of my memories are hazy, BUT...”
“I feel like SOMETHING HAPPENED to me at the time...”
{Clipped by Me} {IMGs by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use) [Disclaimer: I Do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdv ( C ) T0ei @nimation]
(Note: This is mainly intended as Canon reference + Ryo-informative/Positive + 02-informative. Please respect that if interacting, Thank You!) {DO NOT Discourse on my Posts or I WILL Block}
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