adharastarlight · 1 year
Sirius: reggie? whatre you doing up?
Reg, who was leaving James' room: I needed water. Besides its not that late
Sirius: oh. what time is it?
Reg: i dont know, like 4-
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toomanybrainrots · 9 months
hello everything is fine? Can I request headcanons for Transformers Prime? for predaking, shockwave, optimus and megatron meeting an original predacon female reader who survived thousands of years during war and isn't that a shockwave experience? (if you can, just predaking sees the femme reader as a romantic partner)
Now this is an interesting request. I haven't actually written tfp Predaking not much, if at all, so this is gonna be new for me.
Warning(s): Femme Predacon Reader, Reader is referred to as 'my queen' by Predaking
Predaking, Shockwave, Optimus and Megatron with a Femme Reader that's an original Predacon
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Predaking had no idea any original predacons were still here
And he didn't expect them to be more...big.
You absolutely towered over him, easily dwarfing him. You barely even fit into the Nemesis with how big you are
It was the first time Predaking ever felt...small. You easily picked him up and carried him wherever you went, despite his protests
Overtime, he started to not mind it, in fact he kinda liked it? Well, he liked you more specifically
"My queen-!" His protests fell on deaf audials as you picked him up again, craddling him in your arms as you walked down the hallways of the Nemesis.
"My queen, please put me down..." He said, trying to convince you to no avail. He should've known better than to try that, you didn't take orders from anyone, not even Megatron.
He thought he was going to be the one to court you.
He thought wrong cause you ended up being the one courting him. Using old predacon courting methods: bringing him prey you caught yourself, never leaving his side, snarling at anyone that dared to look at him wrong even for a moment
Of course, he did the same to you. Most of the prey he brought were tiny for you, but you loved the gesture nonetheless.
Safe to say, you trated and spoiled him like a King. In turn, he spoiled you like the queen you were.
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Shockwave was fascinated to see you, an actual original predacon living and breathing, hidden away in your cave from the war
He wanted to examine you up close, asking all sorts of questions. How did you survive and escaped the fate that had befallen your bretheren? How long have you been here on Earth?
You ignored him. It was annoying and you definitely did not have the patience to answer
You let out a huff annoyance as you tuned out Shockwave, rambling about how 'fascinating' and how 'scientifically illogical' it was for you to be here.
"How did you survive this long with him, my King?" You asked Predaking, leaning down to whisper to him. "I just tune out half of what he says. It is very useful." Predaking answered, glancing back at Shockwave. "Just half?" You repeated, having slight respect for your soon to be mate for dealing with the scientist.
The only reason you let him examine you was because of Predaking and because you knew he wouldn't stop bothering you otherwise
It was very long and tedious for you. Atleast Shockwave didn't bother you much after that
Still, you respected the scientist. He was good at what he did, despite his...strange mannerisms.
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You slammed Optimus into a wall the first time you met
To be fair, you thought he was an intruder when he and his team had ventured into your cave
He had never, in his life, had expected to meet an actual, breathing and living original predacon. He's met a predacon in the form of Predaking but this was very different
He was relieved when you decided to join their side, though he wouldn't admit it
It puts a smile on his face when he sees you act very familial to the kids of the team(Smokescreen and Bumblebee) and makes a chuckle escape his vocalizer when you pick them by the neck guard
"Come on, put me down!" Smokescreen protested, squirming as you held him by his neck guard, his protests falling on deaf audials
The team looked at you two in amusement as Smokescreen eventually fell limp, giving up and succumbing to his fate. You let out a pleased hum at his defeat.
A chuckle escaped Optimus' voice box as he watched the scene unfold before him. Sometimes, he wished these peaceful moments would last longer. Where no war could touch them.
You often exchanged stories with him, talking about ye olden days™ and how it was like back then
He told you stories of the modern age, telling what has happened since then and telling you stories that had popped up
You both talked to each other for hours on hours, until Ratchet had to remind the two of you to recharge(not like he was any better)
You respected him as leader and friend, and he respected you as teammate and friend
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Megatron had thought you were going to be a new subordinate for him, a new pawn for him to use
That immediately shattered after he saw you in actual form, and he had to crane his head up to actually look at you
You made it very clear you didn't want to submit, and that you did not heed to anyone
(I couldn't make or think of a scenario but basically, you kicked the shit out of him(im so sorry my brain juice is out at this point))
So yeah, not very good first impressions
It didn't grow any better, as you kept being passive aggressive with each other
Just a lot of passive aggressiveness
He did have a begrudging respect for you, due to your immense power and skills. He thought you respected him too
You didn't. You just thought of him as a bucket head that looked high 24/7
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monpalace · 11 months
written with black reader in mind, but kept vague. no pronouns used (you/your). ooc mike/micheal. 700 words.
It was three hours past the agreed time and half of your body had long since fallen asleep.
It was a tight fit, but you and Abby had managed to find some awkward yet comfortable position on your old pull-out couch.
You both lay on your sides facing each other, Abby tucking her face into the crook of your neck and shoulder while her head found cushion on your arm. The thick blanket and closeness did well to combat the chill Autumn air and your hunk-of-junk heating unit.
The lights from the TV flashed throughout the living room of your too-small apartment, only confirming your suspicions that Abby had begun drooling on your arm. Her nose had begun to whistle with snores, somehow matching the theme to whatever after-hours adult cartoon was airing.
If she would've let you, you'd fix her so that she laid on her back instead. Every time you tried to gently nudge her away, she'd just tighten her snake-like hug around your waist and tangle your legs further.
If it were any other kid, you would've pulled away regardless.
Pushing a piece of escaped hair behind her ear, you call her a lucky girl under your breath and press a kiss to her head.
Time is relative when it's the dead of night and there are no clocks around. You can't even hope to try and gauge what time it is when a soft knock hits your door without doubting yourself a thousand times.
You know it's Mike by the way he knocks out a gentle nursery rhyme— Garrett's favorite, "Baa, Baa Black Sheep,"— before he slips the key to your apartment into the lock.
His eyes are both wide and close to sealing shut. His feet barely lift when he steps inside, scuffed shoes trudging against the hard, wooden flooring.
He's rubbing at his eyes like they were a stain he just couldn't get off, the flashing light of the room revealing the skin around them turning pink like quartz.
"Hey, turtle."
Mike jumps, knocking his head on the door and dropping the keys when he jolts. It takes him a moment to lift his head and look to where you and Abby lay, but he visibly relaxes when he does.
He waits until he's done locking the door to address you, eyes flickering to the TV before thinning his lips when it shines too brightly. "You're still up?"
"I'm in pain," you answer, the hand resting on Abby's back escaping the confines of the covers to pat the small sliver of space available on the ratty mattress.
The frame creaks and bends under his weight, but Abby doesn't stir. Her body finally rolls away from you (not off your arm, though) and towards Mike.
"How long?"
"A while."
Mike huffs out a laugh while he brushes Abby's hair away from her face with a knuckle. He lowers his hand to find your own, clasping it around your clammy one.
It's fucking frigid.
Your lips pucker as though you had eaten a lemon, muscles forcing your arm to not snatch your hand away and accidentally hit Abby in the process.
"Mike!" Your voice is hoarse and barely below a whisper, but it's still enough to convey both shock and anger. "You dick!"
There's a fox-ish smile on his face that still drips with exhaustion. He awkwardly leans over Abby to reach you, the hand that previously held yours instead finding purchase on the back of your head.
Honestly, he should consider himself lucky your headscarf kept the chill of his fingers from reaching your head.
"You don't mind it," he rasps while pressing his lips to your forehead. It's a more welcomed change in temperature compared to anywhere else on his body, yet you lean and yawn into the affection. "Where're my clothes?"
"Where they always are," either mixed with your clean laundry somewhere in your hamper or just as equally meshed together with everything in your drawers. "'re you spending the night?"
"It's three," he answers, pulling away and doing an awkward stretch as he stands. "Don't wanna wake her up."
"Carry us to bed when you get out the shower?"
Mike hums and you know he'll do it regardless of his eye roll.
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witchinatree · 2 months
crazy how they're hiding this season 2 renewal from us right.. like we got the season 1 soundtrack today and they're just keeping season 2 a secret!!
i know it's locked up in the evil netflix vault and it's about time they share with the class
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billpottsismygf · 4 months
Oh wow, I have some complex feelings to work through with this one. Up front, really fun idea and very funny script and performances. There were quite a few moments that had me laughing out loud (the shed, the OK exchange) and I love the whole set up of these aliens who want to cosplay as humans in the regency era. It also connects nicely with Rogue's love of DND. I feel like I might have missed something when they seemed to know that the Duchess was a Chuldur, but I'll see if I catch that on rewatch or not.
As always, I adore Ncuti here. He's so funny and charming as the Doctor, but I particularly loved that we got to see his darker side here. It was only a glimpse, but that line about 600 years being a long time to suffer was quite chilling and very reminiscent of the "he was being kind" speech from Family of Blood. Indeed, it is quite a ruthless end for the Chuldur! They're sent to a random "barren" different dimension! It reminds me quite a bit of the relocation gun from Rosa and how much it was shown to be one of the worst things you could do to someone (and Ryan uses it on the white supremacist guy). Brutal!
Ruby and the Doctor didn't get to spend much time together this episode, which is a shame because we haven't seen all that much of them together for three episodes in a row now. I can't help but think it's a sad consequence of the tiny episode run that we barely get to see this Doctor and companion interact, so although I loved the Doctor calling her his best friend, and I especially loved her giving him a hug at the end and making him deal with his emotions, I don't feel that connection as much as I'd like to. Equally, when he's devastated to think she's been killed, it would have hit so much harder if we'd seen them build up a real relationship. They have a lot of natural chemistry, so you still very much believe them as best friends, but it feels like we're missing a bit of the depth there.
Okay, now, the romance! I was quite apprehensive about this one because it looked like there might be something going on between the Doctor and Rogue, and that was further fueled by a comment Millie Gibson made in an interview about this episode showing a different side of the Doctor. The reason that made me apprehensive is entirely down to my personal preference, which is that I like it when the Doctor is more a-spec. As it turned out, this episode managed to be both better and worse than I worried. Better in that it was beautifully acted, had fantastic chemistry, and I loved the scandalous gay dancing (very reminiscent of the Torchwood episode Captain Jack Harkness). Worse in that it wasn't just something happening to the Doctor, that he's swept up in, but instead something he's actively pursuing.
Again, this is entirely down to my personal preference for the Doctor's characterisation, but the way that this pushes further than other instances of romance/kissing/etc. upsets me a little. It reminded me somewhat of The Girl in the Fireplace in places - inviting him to see the stars; the tragic ending - but the difference with that one is that she kisses him. I don't know, it's a relatively small distinction but one that matters to me. The Doctor has had romances before, and the more overt they are the more I dislike them (eg. all the River Song stuff), and nowhere has the Doctor more actively flirted with someone new, expressed attraction to them numerous times and deliberately kissed them than here.
On the other hand, it's very gay and I have to like it at least a little for that. It gives us a more obviously queer Doctor than Thirteen and Yaz and they had a whole arc! (Not to bash Thirteen and Yaz; I actually quite liked how that went down in the end, but again that's due to my preference for an a-spec Doctor, which jived very nicely with Thasmin.) Obviously, this doesn't invalidate any readings of the Doctor as aro and/or ace, especially as that can mean many different things, but it messes with my personal view of the Doctor's sexuality, and how I prefer them to be portrayed. For me, if the Doctor is going to participate in sex or romance, I'd rather it be understated and uncertain or unintended from the Doctor's end. Now I know what to expect from this one, I may become desensitized to it with time and enjoy it more for its merits. Still, I can't change the fact that it's just fundamentally not what I want from Doctor Who the character.
I love that the battle mode for the earrings came back. I wondered if it would when it was first mentioned, then promptly forgot about it entirely.
The comparisons between Rogue and Captain Jack Harkness are obviously numerous, and it's very funny to me that Jack would definitely be pissed off that he lost out on kissing the Doctor like that to someone who was basically a carbon copy of him.
More singing, since people are taking note of that. Love a bit of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!
I was cringing a bit while the Doctor was dancing to Kylie, but also glad he got to do that after the Master has had several camp pop dancing moments.
Speaking of Kylie, I wonder if the Doctor has ever noticed her uncanny resemblance to Astrid Peth.
We got a nice little flashback with Carla telling him to keep Ruby safe as well, which reminded me a lot of Jackie.
The faces of the Doctor's various incarnations looked a little strange. I couldn't actually tell who some of them were meant to be. Am I crazy or was one of them Richard E Grant, like from Scream of the Shalka (and the Great Intelligence)?
I said this already in another post, but it was dedicated to William Russell and I criiiiiied!
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ragnarssons · 11 months
real question tho, @ the people who keep saying "hamas is forcing the palestinian people to stay, hamas is using them as shields, they're holding them hostages!" what do you even mean? israel built a whole ass wall with cameras and barbed wire to imprison the people of gaza. israel bombed rafah. israel bombed convoys of people, ambulances fleeing to the south as "ordered" by the idf. israel still bombs the south right now, refugee camps and UNWRA schools in the south. israel is ordering the hospitals up north to pack up and leave, doctors to leave their sick on their deathbeds, abandoned to die! and that's without mentioning that the distance north to south in the gaza strip is no more than 40km... not even an hour long car ride. tell me again, how that's hamas' doing?
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goosefries · 1 year
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blossomsadness · 1 year
(S1EP10 Angry Birds Summer Madness Spoilers!)
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The ending for episode 10 was just wholesome...
This show usually ends their episode on a good-funny-ending note. But this one is different, It shows the aftermath of the cabin that was still broken down, with Red and Chuck sleeping in it while Bomb is out having fun with his alone time in the sky. And I personally think that this one scene truly explain the meaning behind this episode as well.
Red ended this episode by telling Bomb to never be afraid to tell his friends whenever he needed some alone time, and then Chuck goes on to say that they will be fine with that. The reason why them, sleeping in that broken down cabin was so important, is because it shows how content they are with their friend's decision. Keep note that on multiple times in this episode, they always try to find Bomb and making sure that all of them are always hanging out. It make sense that despite saying to Bomb that it's okay to want to be alone, deep down, they still want to hang out with him.
But that doesn't matter, because what they would've wanted more, is for their friend to be happy. Despite wanting to hang out with their friend, despite wanting to sleep more comfortably in a fixed cabin, they are happy that their friend is happy.
It tells you, that if your friend needs some alone time, give them some alone time. Good friends also need sometimes apart, they don't have to hang out all the time. Sure, yes, it can makes you feel bad, sometimes it can make you feel like you're sleeping in a cabin that's been destroyed, uncomfortable and sad. But a good friend always respects their friend's boundaries and decisions. And you should respect your friend's boundaries and decisions.
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watching moral orel and... man. shit got *real*. i mean, i can’t relate to religious trauma or being physically abused, but i know what it’s like to be a kid with parents who are really unhappy, and god, it’s just the worst. you want to help them so badly because you love them so much, you love them *so, so much,* but you’re just a kid and there isn’t a single thing, not a single thing you can do for them. so you just sit there and watch them cry. it’s torturous. now i’m tearing up over the clay people... except. it’s not really about the clay people, is it?
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haveihitanerve · 10 months
Manny: so what’s it like being married to Curt? Roland: once when he was pissed at me I asked him for a glass of water Ian: and? Roland: he brought me a glass of ice and said wait Manny: *snorts out water*
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goldenpinof · 2 years
Did you have tickets for Reykjavik? I'm sorry :(
no i didn't, but i wanted to get it. but most importantly i wanted Dan to go to Iceland 😭😭😭 and Phil, and Pj and Sophie 😭😭😭 i was so so happy for his Iceland trip, Reykjavik specifically 💔
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hellishqueer · 5 months
we ask that the defense not say "me when i lie" while the witness testifies
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sunbentshadows · 7 months
Hey all, you know how internet searches suck now? When the results are awful, full-of-AI, death-of-the-internet levels of bad?
Start appending date constraints to your searches - "before:2023".
My results have gone from 90% AI bullshit to ~60% usable - which frankly at this point is a huge improvement.
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sidhewrites · 4 months
Being kink positive makes it really hard to be a hater of media rip. I used to love watching “the WORST book I’ve read this year” booktube videos but now its like I hear them ask, “Who is this werewolf smut even for?” Omegaverse fans, next question. “Why would you write this?” Because they find it sexy, can we stop focusing on the ewie yucky kink part and focus on the fact that the author used the word knot five times in a single scene? It’s bad werewolf erotica, but it’s not bad because it’s werewolf erotica like come on
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catwouthats · 1 month
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Proof below:
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Also, I’m fucking crying, I think his arm is like that bc he fell asleep holding the photo.
EDIT: more proof:
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loathsome-sickness · 9 months
"people show their true colours in life threatening situations" no, they show you what they act like when they're mortally terrified, an emotion notorious for literally turning your entire brain off to the point where people who go into those situations as a profession need to be literally trained on how to not have that happen
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