#ryo satsuma
juniper-pines · 2 years
So... the truth is I miiiight be almost at Ultra rank in Pokemon Unite
I did not expect to even like this game at all, and here I am xux I could probably keep going to Masters if I found a team and such
It’s weird right? It feels weird
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fourorfivemovements · 4 months
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Films Watched in 2024: 38. ゴジラvsデストロイア/Gojira tai Desutoroia/Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995) - Dir. Takao Okawara
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juniper-pines-art · 2 years
A Plea...
Links up front:
My GoFundMe, pls consider donating, it means the world to me
Ryo/Juni/Etc: SFW Art Streaming on Twitch.tv
I'm still having a ton of financial trouble. It's making it so difficult to get anything done, including my comm backlog... My job doesn't have any work for me atm so I haven't been able to pay bills again, and I'm postponing doctor's appointments, and am almost at the point where I'll be going without medicine for a while if I can't pay for it :C
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Please consider my Gofundme. It's absolutely the most helpful, as it lets me continue doing other work. My absolute thanks for anything that goes here. Really, and truly, you're saving a life.
Sometime during the next few days I'll be doing a *lot* of art streaming. I haven't done it consistently in over a year, but I think it's about time to just start doing it again.
I'll be streaming on Twitch, completing my commission backlog while doing on-the-spot doodle commissions for $5 and up (donations and tips greatly appreciated).
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3. I'll be reopening commissions once I get about 80% of my current backlog finished. I'll try to have a nice form and all together for it by then.
Thank you all, again, for all the support. You're really helping save a life. I can't stress enough how much you've helped me out this past year. Thank you, as always ;u;
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liliththunder · 1 year
Making Sakamoto a character of sense
Hakuouki - a game about the Shinsengumi - but why is there a Sakamoto Ryoma?
Let me create a sequal idea to make him more sense: 
(character designs are based on Mahoroba Kanata and Jinbaku)
story idea: the story envolves around Tosa, Satsuma and Choshu characters and their lives (content with the ochimizu/ demons might be added which allows different endings)
game play: otome with several heroines:
O-Ryo going down Sakamotos route of course
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O-Masa & O-Uno going down Takasugi Shinsaku, the historic death of him is the tragic ending
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Ikumatsu following Katsura Kogoro as a former geisha to his wife
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Sumiko, the tragic story about Itō Chunsuke former wife (and maybe a secret happy ending?)
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The "datable" guys:
Sakamoto Ryoma: a man of great dreams, a pacifistic mind set, who hopes to change Japan, without it becoming property of foreign countries
Takasugi Shinsaku: a smart guy who is often bored and tries to expand his horizon as far as even traveling to Shanghai, who suffers Tuberculosis.
Katsura Kogoro: a patriot that cares too much about his han and it's well-being. He gets injured in the Hamaguri Jiken and starts to rethink his life.
Itō Chunsuke: a carefree man, that realises he loses the most precious thing, can he stop it from happening?
Maybe as secret routes:
Fumi and Yamagata Kousuke sad love story??
Nakaoka Shintaro and a secret lover?
Or Kimotsuki Kanetake's story told from Komatsu Chika or his concubine Mikikoto
I mean Hakuouki made a similar idea based game named Hakuouki Uragata, which was less popular. Maybe it would help if they would completely cut off from Hakuouki so it can stand and shine alone.
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tinyrubydoodle · 2 years
Doodle Commissions!!!!!
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HEY! I'm doing doodle commissions again!
For reasons, I'm in a situation now where I can really get a lot done, and I'm going to work through my entire backlog ASAP.
So, I'm only taking doodle commissions for right now.
$10 - $50 USD Doodles that I can fit in between doing other comms
If you're interested, check out this form: https://forms.gle/42Uh8RGvcRLf3qTCA
(I'm using the same form for here and my SFW stuff, so it's under the "Ryo Satsuma" name, but it's me I promise <3 )
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ryo-satsuma-art · 2 years
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Oh, hey there
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hi-i-am-ryo-satsuma · 3 years
I made a Pillowfort! What??
Gonna try using some of the new socials like Pillowfort and Itaku, b/c, I mean all the other ones are so... Not doing great?
I’ll update links and stuff eventually and I’m not abandoning this place or anything, though I still am heckin behind on setting up my tumblrs :T
Anyway hi follow me there if you wanna :>
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chaotic-charlie · 4 years
(Words: 1512)
(Pairing: Ryo x Satsuma)
(Warnings: None! This is fluffy.)
(For the user who requested it. The sing mentioned will be linked.)
Sunlight filtered through the music club room window, illuminating the room. More importantly, the rays of light made the room warm, and perfect for napping..
Which Ryo couldn’t seem to do. He was used to sitting in the room with his club members, and he’d often fallen asleep just like this. Something was off... Different. It was making the blond man tense, for some reason.
Ryo looked around, and still couldn’t figure out what was wrong. He was lounging on the sofa next to the window, as usual. Satsuma sat in silence, having mentioned something about studying.
That’s when it hit him; Satsuma was being quiet. Even when he swore silence, Satsuma had a habit of muttering to himself when he studied. Whether it was reading aloud, or taking verbal (perhaps mental?) notes, Satsuma always made noise.
Ryo considered that maybe Satsuma was angry, but it made no sense. If he was angry, surely he’d be yelling at Ryo.
With frustration and curiosity rolling about in his mind, Ryo could take the silence no longer. He stood and stretched, waiting to see if Satsuma reacted. He didn’t.
So, carefully, Ryo slinked over to Satsuma. He gently called, “Yo, Satsuma, you good?” No response.
Ryo leaned down to peek at Satsuma. When he finally realized what was happening, his heart nearly stopped.
‘No way.. Is Satsu really asleep?’ Ryo thought, peering closer at Satsuma. Indeed, it appeared the grey haired boy was sleeping, with his head rested on his non-dominant hand. Part of Ryo wanted to reach out and remove the hand from holding up Satsuma’s head. He knew better, because Satsuma would absolutely assault him if he did that.
Ryo grinned to himself. ‘So, even the great Satsuma Kadonooji can get burnt out..’
And Satsuma really did look burnt out, upon closer inspection. He had deep bags under his eyes, and his uniform was messy- Both things were very unusual on Satsuma.
Without thinking, Ryo slowly reached out. He grasped Satsuma’s glasses and pulled them off; If Satsuma needed sleep, he shouldn’t do so with his glasses on.
Despite Ryo’s attempts to be careful, Satsuma still startled awake.
“WHAT- What are you doing?” He demanded, looking confused and bleary-eyed.
“Took your glasses off, what are you doing?” Ryo smirked, and stood up straight. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Studying! Something you should do more of.” Satsuma bit back defensively, obviously caught off guard. His face was flushed with embarrassment, a look that Ryo rather enjoyed.
“Looks like you should do it less, Satsu. You’re exhausted.”
“I’m not studying too much, I just..” Satsuma sighed and rubbed his face, as if trying to wipe off the emotion on his face. Ryo cocked an eyebrow at him, waiting for Satsuma to continue.
“I can’t sleep.” Satsuma finally relented, staring between his fingers at the half-completed assignment before him. “I haven’t been able to sleep at all, lately.”
“Oh.” Ryo nodded. “Well, you slept just now, right? So maybe you should go back to the dorms and give it a try.”
“Maybe..” Satsuma glanced at Ryo, with the idea that Ryo’s presence made it easier. Despite their petty squabbles, Satsuma did take a lot of comfort in Ryo being around. He was woefully unaware that it was mutual, so he couldn’t dare ask that Ryo just sit with him for a while.
“How about this-“ Ryo gave Satsuma that sly smirk he always had when he got an idea. “I can go get you some sleepy tea, and some other sleep-help-whatevers. I’ll meet you at your dorm, and if you still can’t sleep we can figure something out.” Ryo looked so convinced that this little plan would work, that Satsuma couldn’t say no.
Satsuma sighed, and nodded. “Fine. I guess it could work..” He removed his hands from his face and gave Ryo a half-hearted, very exhausted smile. “I’ll see you later?”
“Hell yeah you will!”
Satsuma sat in his bed, fidgeting. He, of course, couldn’t sleep. Ryo still hadn’t visited, and that was just keeping Satsuma awake even more.
When a small knock sounded at his door, Satsuma nearly leapt out of his skin. He had been drowsing, or maybe he was lost in thought. “Coming!” He called, as he scrambled to open the door. When he finally managed to swing the door open, he was shocked to see Ryo standing there with multiple bags.
“Sorry it took so long, I got distracted..”
“Of course you did.”
“Hey! Either way, I got sleepy time tea, a mask- It has cats on it!- some lavender incense, and a weighted blanket.” Ryo grinned, and Satsuma almost stumbled.
“How much money did you spend, Ryo? I’ll pay you back for everything-“
“Nope! You won’t, because I won’t tell you how much it cost. Just relax, you need sleep.”
Satsuma decided not to argue for now, because Ryo was being stubborn and he was so tired.
“Alright.. Well.. What now?” Satsuma asked, awkwardly sitting down on his bed.
“You take the blanket, and the mask. I’ll make the tea and burn the incense!” Ryo didn’t wait for a response, he just shoved the items into Satsuma’s arms and shuffled off, leaving Satsuma alone again. With a sigh, Satsuma removed the blanket from its package and slipped on the mask.
No matter how much he adjusted and relaxed, Satsuma still couldn’t sleep. He quietly cursed himself, because if he could just sleep Ryo wouldn’t be going through all this trouble for him.
After ten minutes, Ryo very ungracefully returned. Satsuma had half a mind to curse at him for being so loud, but he found he just didn’t have the energy.
“Still awake?” Ryo stage whispered, peeking over Satsuma. Satsuma groaned and rolled over to face Ryo.
“No, I’m asleep.”
“You’re awake.”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“I knew that!” Ryo tutted and stuck his nose up. “I’m trying to help! Stop being rude.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Ryo seemed shocked that Satsuma had actually apologized, but he didn’t comment.
“If the incense and tea don’t help, then we’re going to the hospital.” Ryo said casually, while lighting the incense.
“What? Absolutely not!” Satsuma protested.
Ryo fixed another stubborn stare on Satsuma. “Satsuma, something is up. Obviously. We might have to get you some sleeping meds, and if that’s the case why wait ’til you collapse?”
Despite the fact he thought Ryo was an idiot sometimes, Satsuma knew Ryo was right in his matter. “Fine.”
Another grin nearly knocked Satsuma out. “Thank you! Now lay down.”
“I can’t lay down and drink tea.”
“Good point. Well, move over. We can listen to calming music while you drink.” Ryo motioned first Satsuma to scoot over, so Satsuma complied. The close quarters makes Satsuma nervous, and he could only pray that Ryo didn’t see how much he was blushing.
Ryo pulled out his phone, and Satsuma nearly choked when he saw the background. An old picture from a night of karaoke, with Ryo hanging off Satsuma with that familiar grin; Satsuma looked flushed and wild. If he hadn’t known the context, Satsuma would have thought he had a fever in the picture. In reality, he had just finished singing a very heartfelt rendition of ‘Cat’ by Relient K. The song always reminded him of Ryo, so he had sung it as a way to relieve himself of his pent up emotions.
“Why is that your lock screen?” Satsuma squeaked.
“Because, it’s a good photo. Besides, you deserve a spot on my lock screen.” Ryo nodded as he spoke, as if it wasn’t worth arguing.
Not that Satsuma could argue.
“Just play the music, please.” Satsuma leaned back against the wall next to Ryo and took a sip of the tea. It was rather relaxing, if he was honest with himself.
Ryo noticed how Satsuma seemed to finally settle a little. He smiled to himself, because the small victory was worth the bickering. Satsuma may actually sleep, and that was enough.
Without another word, Ryo put on a playlist of calming music and offered Satsuma an earbud. Satsuma took it with an appreciative nod. They sat in comfortable silence until Satsuma finished his tea. When he tried to get up to put the cup away, Ryo gave him a stern glare and took it. He casually chucked it somewhere, which caused Satsuma to smack him.
After they settled back down, Ryo was utterly delighted to hear Satsuma snoring gently. He glanced over just in time to catch Satsuma as he fell sideways.
Directly onto Ryo.
Ryo felt his face light up with blush, but there was no way he was about to move Satsuma. He did, however, pull off Satsuma’s glasses again. This time, Satsuma didn’t stir.
Suddenly it dawned on Ryo how tired he was. The incense and music was doing a number on him, plus being with Satsuma under a weighted blanket.. It was like he had died and heaven had been constructed around him.
It wasn’t long before Ryo drifted off, falling asleep under Satsuma.
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brightersoul2 · 5 years
ACTORS -Songs Connection- episode 4 [cat-themed funny videoCUT]
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twilightronin · 6 years
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Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla 1994
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It’s a help blog
I made it b/c i couldn’t sleep, and now I’m adding to it b/c I can’t sleep
Gonna curate it or something too, we’ll see how it goes.
Also hi I’m Ryo Satsuma
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juniper-pines · 2 years
Helloooo Tumblr
I’m so heckin pumped to have this be my main place to do things again
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fourorfivemovements · 4 months
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Films Watched in 2024: 37. ゴジラvsスペースゴジラ/ Gojira tai SupēsuGojira/Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla (1994) - Dir. Kensho Yamashita
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justfilms · 7 years
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#192 Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla - Kensho Yamashita 1994
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craftydragonperson · 2 years
Narasaki Ryō wife of Sakamoto Ryōma
I’ve talked about the man behind Gintoki’s main plot. One of the most beloved Japanese historical figures, Ryōma Sakamoto, the man who paved the way towards the establishment of the modern Meiji government. I’ve talked about how Sorachi had Sakamoto Tatsuma’s role more offscreen most likely because he models Ryōma’s trading business ventures, while Gintoki carries Ryōma’s more personal history. Although Sakata Gintoki references the Japanese legend of Kintaro; after certain events he became a samurai under the name Sakata Kintoki; in question corners, Sorachi explains this & doesn't intend on making Gintoki a descendent of Kintaro. Like GinTama’s Sakamoto, Oryo (Otae’s friend and coworker), has mentioned, and rejected numerous advances from ronin man Sakamoto Tatsuma. It’s a spoof on the historical figures Sakamoto & Narasaki.
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Both characters don’t appear as much as we would like but their story together have been shared and passed onto Gintoki and Otae. I wanted to talk about the woman beside the man. The woman who captured Sakamoto’s heart. I want to talk about Narasaki Ryo, a woman who pushed back against sexual exploitation and violence, and Sakamoto Ryōma, the man who fell in love with her for her strength.
This is a story so well-known in Japan it's become a just-so-story to explain the origin of honeymoons in Japan. One day in 1866, historical superstar ronin Sakamoto Ryoma is hanging out in his room at the Teradaya in Fushimi, a town just outside Kyoto. Some local guards show up hunting Sakamoto, but are overheard by a maid in the inn's bath. The maid runs upstairs to warn Sakamoto. Some versions are happy to emphasise she does this naked. He draws his Smith and Wesson pistol, and has a shoot-out with his attackers, then escapes into the night, wounded but alive. The next day he marries the woman who saved his life. They then leave the city, and sail off to Satsuma in Southern Japan, where they relax at hot springs, hike up mountains, and enjoy the first honeymoon in Japanese history.
And basically, that’s all true. Minus the honeymoon bit, which is a romantic 20th century rationalization of their escape and respite. It’s a great story, but it usually starts at the wrong place, the bit where a woman saves a man, and seems to be rewarded with marriage.
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Narasaki Ryō and Sakamoto Ryōma
We know the details of Oryo’s early life from her husband’s letters to his older sister. She was the daughter of a Kyoto Imperial court physician. Oryo was the oldest of five surviving children, three girls and two boys. She had a privileged, comfortable childhood. She had the education of a cultured young lady: “trained in flower arrangement, perfume, the tea ceremony, and so on” as her somewhat less refined husband later described it. She played the koto (a stringed harp-like instrument) , wrote and read , and learned fine needlework. As the oldest sister, she took care of her younger siblings from a very young age. She would have expected her family to arrange a marriage to a young man of similar status, and to live an ordinary, refined life.
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However, when Oryo was still a teenager, her father was caught up in the turbulent politics and plots surrounding the Imperial Court. He was a “Loyalist”, who wanted the Emperor to be “restored” to power in Japan. In a shogunate crackdown on these loyalists, Oryo’s father lost his position as court physician. Furthermore, many of his friends and colleagues were executed, imprisoned or also lost their jobs. The Narasaki family not only lost its income, but its network of reliable friends. A few years later, in 1862, Oryo’s father died, leaving his wife and children destitute.
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Ryoma wrote to his sister of the family's state when he first met Oryo:
They have nothing to eat and no one to look to. Sometimes they have been so hard up that they had to borrow household implements and return them after using them. They sold first their house, then their belongings, and then the oldest girl began selling her clothes so that her mother and younger sisters wouldn't have to do the same thing.
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Oryo was then 22. She had one teenage brother, sisters who were 15 and 12, and a four year old brother. An impoverished family with two young girls, and no adult male protector was an easy mark for a predator.
Ryoma writes her story: But then the youngest girl, who is unusually beautiful, was duped by some scoundrel and sold into the Shimabara as a maiko; the same villain, without saying anything to the mother, took the girl who is 16 and sold her to an Osaka brothel. The five-year old boy entered a Shibataguchi temple as an acolyte.
Note: these ages are by the Japanese reckoning, by which children are born aged one, and add a year at New Year's Day. By our count, they would be at least a year younger.
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(This segment reminds me of another lesson where Otae offers her help to her young-like coworker Hanako who was duped by a swindler).
Several things have been changed & roles of Gin Shinpachi & Tae were moved around for the story.
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When the eldest sister realized this, she sold her last good kimono, headed for Osaka, and confronted the villains there. She didn't care if they killed her, and she carried a dagger. When they saw how determined she was, the scoundrel showed her the tattoo on his arm and shouted threats at her. But she had come prepared to die, and so she flew at him, grabbing his clothing, striking him in the face, and exclaimed that if he didn't return the younger sister he had brought to Osaka with him she would stab him. The wretch shouted, "Look out, woman, or I'll kill you!" They went at each other with shouts of "Kill!" and "Do you worst!" After all, through, he couldn't very well murder the woman who had come to Osaka, and so she was able to get her younger sister back and take her to Kyoto with her again. Isn't that a story? The youngest daughter in the Shimabara is in no danger immediately, so she has left her there for now.
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It was this story which won Ryoma's love and admiration. “I must say, she has more strength than I do," he closed this letter to his sister Otome. He explains in this letter that he's helping to get her siblings places, and he's entrusted Oryo to the care of the landlady of the Teredaya, Otose. You see, he was already planning to marry Oryo, simply because he was in love with this strong awesome woman. Ryoma had been brought up by strong women. He was an immensely talented swordsman who had been first taught to fight by his older sister Otome. He would later joke that people who knew them believed Otome would win in a fight.
The story of how Narasaki Ryo fought for her family, and then was loved for her fighting spirit, is a much greater and truer story than the first one.
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(Saigo, Otose & Otae)
There's a sad ending. Sakamoto Ryoma was assassinated in 1867, and Oryo faded into obscurity. Most of the men in Ryoma's life, including his own family, didn't care about supporting her. The exception, Satsuma leader Saigo Takamori was killed leading the Satsuma Rebellion. Oryo managed an ordinary life in Tokyo, marrying a merchant, adopting a child, divorcing, and living in modest circumstances till 1905. At times in her later life she received some attention from the press for saving her husband's life back in the Meiji Restoration. People said she was an alcoholic in her later years, lost in dreams of her romantic early life. Perhaps, and who could blame her? But I also know that the Meiji era became more and more judgmental of women's drinking. Many late Edo Period women could put away a lot of sake, and that didn't sit well with Meiji arbiters of proper womanly behaviour. Meanwhile, in my opinion, many of male heroes of the Restoration were functional alcoholics, who slowly were slipping into dysfunction. Let Oryo have her sake, without making that the emphasis of her life. She lived a long life, survived, and won a better life for her family.
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All the quotes from Sakamoto Ryoma's letter can be found in Marius Jansen’s ‘Ryoma Sakamoto’s and Meiji Restoration’ p. 225-226.
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ryo-satsuma-art · 2 years
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One of my art setups right now
I have a desk, too, but sometimes it’s good to be on a sofa in case of problems
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