#ryo satsuma art
juniper-pines · 1 year
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it me
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juniper-pines-art · 2 years
A Plea...
Links up front:
My GoFundMe, pls consider donating, it means the world to me
Ryo/Juni/Etc: SFW Art Streaming on Twitch.tv
I'm still having a ton of financial trouble. It's making it so difficult to get anything done, including my comm backlog... My job doesn't have any work for me atm so I haven't been able to pay bills again, and I'm postponing doctor's appointments, and am almost at the point where I'll be going without medicine for a while if I can't pay for it :C
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Please consider my Gofundme. It's absolutely the most helpful, as it lets me continue doing other work. My absolute thanks for anything that goes here. Really, and truly, you're saving a life.
Sometime during the next few days I'll be doing a *lot* of art streaming. I haven't done it consistently in over a year, but I think it's about time to just start doing it again.
I'll be streaming on Twitch, completing my commission backlog while doing on-the-spot doodle commissions for $5 and up (donations and tips greatly appreciated).
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3. I'll be reopening commissions once I get about 80% of my current backlog finished. I'll try to have a nice form and all together for it by then.
Thank you all, again, for all the support. You're really helping save a life. I can't stress enough how much you've helped me out this past year. Thank you, as always ;u;
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ryo-satsuma-art · 2 years
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Oh, hey there
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tokosantosamakmur · 3 years
Categorizing digidestined kids based on their digimon partner "main" (with HUGE quotation) gimmick
No characters from "digimon ghost games". I just finished watching episode 2 so I don't have enough information on the characters yet.
I made this at 1 am becus of my hyperactive insomniac brain
1. Fire, orange
-taichi agumon
-daisuke cuma flamedramon
-takato guilmon
-takuya agnimon
-masaru agumon
2. Flying, air, bird
-Sora Biyomon
-Miyako Hawkmon
- Izumi Fairymon
- keenan/ Ikuto Falcomon
- adeknya masaru/ chika/kristy dan biyomon
- nene sparrowmon
3. Water, aquatic animal, ice
- joe gomamon
- iori only submarimon
- tomoki himi chakmon
- yushima hiroshi kamemon
-eri karan dokamon
4. Electric, bug, Mecha
-koushiro tentomon
-ken wormmon
-junpei blitzmon
-torajirou musimon
-haru shinkai gatchmon
5. Plants, earth, ground, pink(?)
- mimi palmon
- iori armadimon
- yoshino lalamon
- Airu opposumon
-Akari and cutemon and dorulumon
6. Martial arts, weapons, knight, ninja
-jerry leomon
-yu amane damemon
- zenjirou barristamon
- masaru dad bancholeomon
- miki kurosaki pawnchessmon black
- megumi shirakawa pawnchessmon white
7. The blue machine canon garurumon / dog machine syndrome
-yamato gabumon
- jenrya terriermon
- wanna put koji and wolfmon but their warior of light
- tohma dan gaomon
- aonuma kiriha zekegreymon
8. Dark, devil, black
-koichi lowemon
-ai mako impmon
-ryo akiyama cyberdramon
-yujin ozora, offmon
-Rei katsura hackmon
-ryoma and his digimons
- ren tobari and dracmon
9. Light, holy, angels
-takeru patamon
-hikari tailmon
-ruki renamon
-koji wolfmon
- satsuma rentaro kudamon
10. Dragonsss
- daisuke vmon
- tagiru gumdramon
- taiki shoutmon
Tell me watchu think
I dont really care
Good morning
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afishtrap · 7 years
Ambassadors from the Korean court visited Japan twelve times during the Edo period, their embassies to the shoguns serving as the linchpin of relations between the Korean and Japanese states. These embassies, along with those from Ryukyu, were an important element in the political legitimation of the Tokugawa shogunate in its early decades, and in later years helped to create a new Japanese conception of the organization of international space, and of Japan's role in the ordering of that space.' These diplomatic events were major state occasions in Japan, as ambassadors and their retinues of up to five hundred or more, and escorts of hundreds, even thousands, of samurai, made their way to Edo after first landfall on Japanese soil in Tsushima.
Ronald P. Toby, “Carnival of the Aliens. Korean Embassies in Edo-Period Art and Popular Culture”, Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter, 1986), pp. 415-456.
Among these crowds of spectators, both in the metropolises of Edo and Osaka, and along the route from Kyushu to Edo and back, dozens of artists also stood taking in the sights, then returned to their studios to record them in paintings and woodblock prints. Over one hundred such paintings, prints, and illustrated pamphlets depicting the progress of Korean embassies through Japan are known to survive. Ryukyuan embassies, similarly, are the subject of nearly one hundred other works. Some of them are by the leading artists of the day, commissioned by high-ranking members of the social and political elite, as was the portrayal of the 1636 Korean embassy at Edo Castle, which forms the centerpiece of the anonymous Edo-zu byobu  or the same embassy's approach to the newly refurbished Toshogui Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu at Nikko, featured in Toshosha engi emaki , by Kano Tan'yu.8
Artists and printmakers recorded virtually every stage of a Korean embassy's progress through Japan, from first landfall in Tsushima, to passage by ship through the Inland Sea and riverboat up the Yodo River, and overland through Kyoto, and along the highways to Edo, and occasionally beyond. Many of the paintings, especially the numerous emaki , or handscrolls," of emabassy processes, either at sea or overland, were done on orders of daimyo or the bakufu, as a form of recordkeeping in an age before the invention of the camera. Commercial artists, too, chose these embassies as their subject when the occasion arose, either because the depiction of the event offered interesting and challenging aesthetic possibilities, or because the processions held such popular appeal that the artist could be assured of a profitable sale.
It is impossible to say precisely how profitable such sales were, but there are indications that publishers expected a vast market for such prints and pamphlets, numbering in the tens of thousands of copies. The publisher who paid Satsuma more than a hundred ryo in 1832 for the privilege of publishing a set of woodblock handscrolls of the upcoming Ryukyuan embassy, for example, would have had to sell over fifteen thousand copies simply to recover the cost of the bribe-to say nothing of the expense of paying the artists, woodblock carvers, printers, and pedlars, as well as the costs of ink and paper.12 'Even before [the Ryukyuans] arrived in the capital [Edo] street [pedlars] were selling what they said were [pictures ofl the Ryukyuan procession, and there were woodblock prints on sale in the picture stores.'13
Still others, who were neither professional court painters, nor freelancers in the great towns, but simply peasants or townsmen along the route, also found the embassies an irresistable subject for their brushes. In consequence, there are numerous amateur paintings as well, both secular and religious, of Korean embassies, while the townspeople or villagers at several sites along the traditional route of Korean embassies14 absorbed the experience into the ritual calendar of their existence, incorporating masquerades as Korean embassies into their festivals and folklore.
The social and architectural detail of Hanegawa's painting is remarkable. The crowd is portrayed as well behaved and orderly, seated neatly in the festooned shops or temporary galleries fronting the street, or standing along the near edge of the street in the foreground. In this they are not only being respectful of the foreigners, but obedient to the bakufu's edicts (fure #k) governing the behavior of spectators to Korean embassy processions: 'There must be no finger-pointing and laughing along the route where the Koreans pass.'19 Earlier experience showed that such restraint on crowd behavior was essential to prevent national embarrassment or international incident, for when John Saris, bearing a letter from James I of England, passed through the town of Hakata in 1613 he found,
"The place exceedingly peopled, very Civill and curteous, onely that at our landing, and being here in Hakata, and so through the whole Countrey, whithersoever we came, the boyes, children, and worser sort of idle people, would gather about and follow along after us, crying Core, Core, Cocore, Ware, that is to say, You Coreans with false hearts: wondering, hooping, hallowing, and making such a noise about us, that we could scarcely heare one another speake, sometime throwing stones at us (but that was not in many Townes) yet the clamour and crying after us was every where alike, none reprooving them for it.20 "
That the burghers of Hakata could not distinguish-even in 1613, when both European and East Asian foreigners were a relatively common sight in the ports of Kyushu-between an English delegation and a parade of Koreans is in itself quite telling, as is the vitriol evidenced here against Koreans. Bakufu edicts such as the one quoted above were designed to prevent such outrageous behavior as that described by Saris, behavior captured by an anonymous seventeenth-century artist whose gilded byobu-e, or screen painting, portrays chonin spectators 'finger-pointing and laughing' at a Korean embassy procession as it passes through Kyoto.21 Indeed, if there is any serious misbehavior in Hanegawa's crowd, it is not among the chonin spectators, but among the samurai who are there, ostensibly to police the crowd. Prohibited from laughing at the Koreans, Hanegawa could not restrain himself from poking fun on behalf of the townsmen who usually supported his art, by showing one of the samurai policemen asleep at his post (by the wooden gate at the right side of the roadway).
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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A quick sketch of a D&D 5e style kobold
I’m not 100% on what the background is, and the foot shadows face the wrong direction x-x I did not spend much time on this
But heckin I haven’t done like full image sketches with bgs and all in forever. I’m gonna start doing that more
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juniper-pines · 1 year
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Miskrani has some heckin chompers
Sometimes people are startled by this considering how fluffy she is
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juniper-pines · 1 year
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Amber's house In the middle of the street Amber's house Walks on teeny tiny feet (it's this @amber-okaythen btw)
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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Gibi opened the pickle jar (she attack it)
@mewnlightrose is enjoying some pickles (and very much gets cuts and shards from broken pickle jar)
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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HEY! I’m doing doodle commissions again!
For reasons, I’m in a situation now where I can really get a lot done, and I’m going to work through my entire backlog ASAP.
So, I’m only taking doodle commissions for right now.
$10 - $50 USD Doodles that I can fit in between doing other comms
If you’re interested, check out this form: https://forms.gle/42Uh8RGvcRLf3qTCA
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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A couple of goofy doodles from yesterday based on prompts given in some weird discord server :V
Left: I'm cutting vegetables but the cutting board and knife are swapped
Right: A box reading the newspaper
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juniper-pines · 1 year
Help Please! Commissions! Art for Doodles! Drive to Immediately Stabilize!
So I have a little under 80 days as of this writing to make about $8,000.00 - $10,000 USD
I have been struggling without work. Unpayed bills from the past few months have piled up. I've lost so much already, and I'm at risk of losing even more. On top of that, I need to move halfway across the country by the end of October, since the family I'm staying with is moving out of the country. I can't really follow them with my financial situation.
This escalation happened about a week after I had finally reached a point where I'm able to complete commissions and take in new ones. So now I have additional plans and schedules and stuff that need to be done... Additional money needs to be made, and fast, before I can settle into a more sensible work flow.
So... I'm doing everything. EVERYTHING! Whatever I can do! It's crunch time x1000!
The Quick Summary:
I have a Carrd now! There, you can find links to all my socials, Patreon, Ko-fi, GoFundMe, the form for requesting Commissions or Doodles-For-Donations and Monthly Patreon Doodles, and more! Check it out: https://juni-p.carrd.co/
My Patreon has been updated and makes sense finally! Monthly Doodles can be requested from the form at the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for each monthly Patreon contribution!
You can request Doodles-For-Donations on that same form if you're donated anywhere! Ko-fi, Patreon, wherever! Check out the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for info and a link to the form!
Commissions are open for requests right now! I'll start taking new ones very soon, so get your requests in! Look for the form link on the bottom of my Carrd's Commissions page!
My GoFundMe is still available, and has been updated with info about the move and such. You can read that for more info about it all and donate if you're feeling generous <3 (Also, this still counts for Doodles-for-Donations, too, if you want!)
Soon I'll have a store! With stickers and stuff! Maybe even shirts! I'll send out notifications when there's merch and stuff up, and the links will be up on my Carrd too!
Lots more specifics below, so keep reading! And thank you in advance for any help!
I have an income tracker on the Carrd, under News. When I hit a milestone, I'll be doing something special! ...though I haven't figured out what the special thing is just yet! Pls let me know if you have ideas. I wanna make it nice b/c TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYthankyou~
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All Patreon backers now get a Doodle per month! Details and request form are on the Carrd! It's the same form as Commissions, so just make sure you pick the "Patreon" option, okay? I'm still thinking of what other incentives I can put on there. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I really appreciate y'all so much~
KOFI and Donation Doodles!
Like the Patreon doodles, but for one-time donations and things like that I'll be doing these whenever I'm on stream, too, so come say hi! Same request form! It's all on the Carrd!
Commission Requests are open!
I'll be taking new ones soon, once I get more of my backlog done, so if you want a commission, get your requests in! Pricing and details all on the Carrd! I'm working hard <3 <3
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Also I'm doing Animations now, too! And YCH stuff soon! I'm excited about it!!! :D :D :D Pic related to both <3 (Thank you X!!!)
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My GoFundMe's been updated to explain my situation some, and to help give me some relief from the amount of work I now have to do in such a short time. Shares, reblogs, etc, are just as appreciated as the donations. Thank you <3
I'm also opening a RedBubble with stickers and prints and stuff!
I don't know what to put there yet, but I already have the storefront and such. More to come soon, of course <3 It's empty at the time of posting, but there'll be stuff there soon!
Finishing commissions comes first, of course~
If you read all of that, TY
I am going through the climax of this whole ordeal I've been in for the past few years and/or most of my life Honestly, the uncertainty hitting such a high is scary, but I'm gonna do my best ( TuT)9 My DMs on Discord are always open if you have any thoughts or questions, okay? TY, everyone, for sticking with me through it all <3
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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Randomly bumped into @lastoneout a few days ago and was instantly compelled to draw this
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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Idk I feel like I messed up somewhere but I dunno where it could be
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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ms grumpy no-headpats over here
also a bonus no-giant-heart-shaped-eyebrows version??
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juniper-pines · 2 years
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some rendering tests on a doodle of Juniper I did earlier using some brushes I made and some that came preinstalled on CSP; trying to find a good personal toolset to work with and I’m getting close!
In order: “the one i like a lot”, “the original”, “the one i thought would’ve imrpoved it but idk about that”, “the original before i did an overpaint layer and redid a lot of it directly”
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