#ryota opp
gladosluver · 4 months
throwback to that one time i went on tiktok and this comment was the first thing i saw and i got so scared i audibly squealed but it was just another ryotalover asking to see my ita bag
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(bag under cut for you hungry hungry hippos)
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yea i have unmade pins but someone ate the supplies package i ordered and it vanished
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lflip · 1 month
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burlveneer-music · 5 years
Ryota OPP - Esoterica - ambient, Balearic, and points between (Meda Fury)
Since the release of his debut works in 2011,RYOTA OPP has presented new creativity within the rise of a new worldwide generation of Disco/ House culture and the Japanese Club scene.This time round he offers a richer musical expression, and challenges notions of new balearic/electronic composition. Widening its value for contemporary listeners.
"Esoterica"s concept and theme combines historical movements of early club music and old primitive music. Inspired by Eastern European art,but also reaching within various roots music,Asian,African,and South American. The artist's personal nostalgia and travel memories are embedded throughout, expressing the emotional richness that everyday dance music is often devoid of. Psychedelic, private, an unnamed journey, old but new, a snapshot in time. To colour this mind-movement, the first song features Go Max Goda (aka Kaeko Kimura) known well in the Japanese underground scene, playing synthesizer in various bands. Astringency features Nicolas Jorio, guitarist of the French band La Chatte, creates sorrowful but beautiful distortions before the albums climax.
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thesunlounge · 6 years
Reviews 201: Il Guardiano del Faro
Several weeks ago I covered Choice Works 1982 - 1985, Time Capsule’s loving, informative, and visually gorgeous Yuji Toriyama retrospective. But Yuji wasn’t the first balearic hero of years past to get this special treatment, as Time Capsule had a few months prior released a deluxe reissue of Il Guardiano del Faro’s Oasis. This cinematic epic was crafted by Federico Monti Arduini and a few friends in 1978 from his seaside paradise of Porto Santo Stefano, and sees Poly and Mini-moogs, string synths, e-pianos, drum machines, echo boxes, and tape recorders uniting for a radiant waltz through mirage-shrouded desert dreamworlds. There are ambient disco burners, swooning Italian film orchestrations, proto-new age and post-classical expanses, exotic jazz fusion adventures, and moody Morricone/Alessandroni-style spaghetti western guitar meditations, all working together to achieve Federico’s goal of helping the listener understand that “inside, they are vulnerable and emotional but stubbornly alive.” Of course, the liner notes are detailed and captivating, tracing Federico’s development from a child piano prodigy through to his early flirtations with and subsequent abandonment of classical music and onto his later professional triumphs and successes as a solo artist. And his transformative meeting with Robert Moog is given special focus, with the essay contextualizing Federico’s pioneering use of Moog synthesizers in Italy and explaining how they allowed him to abandon restrictive and traditional forms of musical expression in favor of wide-eyed experimentation and intuitive solo exploration. 
Il Guardiano del Faro - Oasis (Time Capsule, 2018) “Sinfonia al sole che nasce” is an enchanting lullaby for the birth of the sun, with golden drops of Rhodes piano moving through vibrato waves alongside crystal healing tones. We then transition into aching solo synth-strings…angelic and gleaming, hymn-like and heavenly…until a sunrise piano arp enters and weaves feathery strands of light while futuristic harpsichords skip on sunbeams. All the while, contrabasses and cellos join in as the song works itself into gentle climax of aquatic new age bubbles and pastoral strings that float the soul. Tulio De Piscopo joins Federico for “Miss Springtime (…Mia),” which begins in a humid noir groove. Smoke shrouded Rhodes pianos hover above electro and acoustic cymbals that splash through twilight atmospheres and Tulio subverts his characteristic funk power with a sunset drum stroll along an idyllic stream. Smooth fusion basslines walk up and down the scale and swooning theremin-sounding synths trail the piano melodies, bringing vibes of (The) Ventures in Space as well as Haruomi Hosono’s “Tropical Trilogy” as we find ourselves in a surfy sci-fi waltz on an exo-planetary moon beach. There’s a passage of mediterranean mesmerism where seaside reed melodies evoke romantic gondola rides and classic Italian cinema…the swooning balearica presaging the work of Bonnie & Klein by decades. Elsewhere, tom fills and overlapping string dreamscapes break down into funk jam-outs that feature fragile pianos tearing it up alongside fried fusion leads that approximate interstellar saxophones…everything scatting on galactic currents as waves of synthesized solar light purify the mind.
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Tulio appears again for “Non una corda al cuore,” which recalls the melodic sunbirth themes from the opening track on wavering Moog fluids that dance and harmonize in the air. Skittering electro-cymbals move beneath vaporous string orchestrations and paradise bass walks until Tulio crashes in with a pounding and regal beat…the soft echoes and reverbs in the mix giving his massive fills a three-dimension quality. Ethereal brass sections play solar spells overhead as the multi-tracked melodies begin ascending ever higher through realms of rainbow luminescence and Federico continues overloading the mix with aching layers of Moog and lustrous piano squiggles while sometimes allowing searing solos to break free from the euphoric haze, their jaw-dropping leads of slow motion majesty wrapping around the towering beats in a way that looks ahead to the earth-shaking power of early 2000s post-rock. Waves of harmonic wonder and sun-soaked melody unite to carry the spirit to impossible heights…the heavenly power bringing tears and stealing breath from the lungs. And Federico is not content to just blow you away with white light power, rather, he insists on completely obliterating the mind and body, leaving nothing behind but pure alchemical essence, which then floats freely upon the plodding drum smashes as everything else is wrapped around by starshine symphonies and hyperreal colorclouds.
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“Lady Moon” is one of my favorite discoveries of recent memory…a gorgeous and heart-breaking meditation for the dust-caked western guitar of Johnny Farina. Federico joins in with subdued e-piano mysticisms and ghost organs swell in the background while cold winds blow over expansive desert vistas. A blood red sun descends below the horizon as immersive washes of synthesized light ascend, at times recalling Pink Floyd’s “Welcome to the Machine,” only as if transmuted to faraway lands where cacti reign and lizard and snakes crawl across sun-baked expanses of cracked sand. Johnny’s moody guitar continues holding down a ghost town shuffle while also being nearly overwhelmed by sweltering waves of arid synthesis and overhead, buzzards circle as they await the demise of some tormented soul wandering in desolation. A glowing web of synthesized string beauty initiates “La ragazza che amava il mare e il vento” while soft psychedelic slides and etheric light trails diffuse through swirling phaser clouds. It’s a blissed out ambient utopia of cosmic drama and sea-worn beauty…the title roughly translating to “the girl who loved the wind and sea”…and as the song progresses into a new age fantasia, you can almost feel her deep longing for the salty gales and crashing waves of an ocean of dreams.
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Tulio appears one last time in “Disco Divina,” his stoned and spaced out disco groove supported by deep bubbling basslines while hypnotizing washes of cymbal swelling radiance overtake the mix. Outer-dimensional harpsichords bang away and dance through the night with sprightly space leads, while wailing vocal synths evoke a sort of angel opera. Massive tom smashes fly through the air as synths pan and move like intelligent liquids and all the while, the string orchestrations grow increasingly massive and eventually consume the mix with Arabic incantations. As it all comes together, we find ourselves in a faraway mystical land…some sort of camelback adventure on an alien planet where vibed out e-piano fusion solos glide on soul sweeping strings that emanate from the rocks of a mysterious desert palace. We then head further into an Arabic fever dream with “Oasis.” Swinging electro-drums and mystical string melodies waft over wobbling tuba synths that dance through exotic patterns. Splashing toms work around hissing cymbal cascades while the pianos and synths lock together for dueling snake charmer leads…everything eventually giving way to insectoid noises swarming around synth leads that fry the brain. During a jaw-dropping climax, paradise strings grow to epic levels of cosmic wonder…their dreamy exotica and immersive psychedelia evoking Omar Khorshid, only swapping his surf guitars for majestic synthesized symphonies. It’s the sonic equivalent of a sandstorm building in a blood red sky, its gusting winds washing over extra-terrestrial temples while alien druids cast spells against the violent torrents of nature.
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“Immenso mare, immenso amore” provides a welcome come down from the ecstatic adventurism of “Oasis” as it allows us to float gently on a swinging Roland TR-77 shuffle. Tropical hand drums and hissing cymbals glide on aquamarine currents while humid tropical nightscapes are evoked by the gorgeous string synth weavings. Sometimes heatwave blasts of wavering magic flow over the body while at other times aching violins and violas sway together in the moonlight alongside golden piano chords that seem to swim through pools of polychromatic light. The vibrant euphoria continues building as brain-piercing feedback synths solo alongside the sad songs of an interstellar seabird flying alone through a world of dreams. And the melodies are so suffused with warmth and blinding spiritual light as everything moves together for a paradisiacal slow dance upon sea-foam clouds, climaxing with an absolutely maddening synth solo that contrasts the pastoral ambiance and gliding beauty beneath it with atonal liquid fire and mind melting runs up and down the scale, all wild skronking clusters of electronic chaos and fusion explosiveness raining down upon a heart-melting submarine drift.
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In “Zenith,” Federico’s amorphous string movements float upon skittering electro-drum propulsion. Imagine fast motion beat hypnotics comprised of tribal toms, wood blocks, and static metal blasts that all fly together on comet tails, resulting in the kind of tripped out machine drum magic associated with 70s krautrock or lofi 90s space rock. Everything in the mix is smothered in echoes and hazy reverb and those scorching harpsichords appear once more to solo over it all…moving through thick puddles of phaser liquids that cling to the futurist tones as they climb towards the heavens. There are haunted space whistles that flow like strands of interstellar gas…as if Alessandro Alessandroni was blasted through a galactic vortex and then allowed to let loose his cinematic western melodies from deep within a dense cloud of pink and blue. And through it all, primordial string orchestrations evoke Kubrick’s “The Dawn of Man” while being intercut with mysterious detective film atmospherics. The “Finale” of Oasis  sees a return to the melodies and dream spells of opener “Sinfonia al sole che nasce,” this time with nacreous strands of Rhodes piano floating alone while creating gaseous bass bubbles and meditative vibration waves that shimmer and swirl…giving life and movement to Federico’s daydream melodies for an ethereal coda.
(images from my personal copy)
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swordsxandxshadows · 3 years
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“It is only after the act is done that I remember WHY I do not shave my beard off completely.”
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righteous-ing · 2 years
"Stellar Funk " by YABE TADASHI
Hermeto Pascoal  -Ferragens
Bill Laswell  -Guerillero Heroico(El Che Viva!) 2:09
Alfonso Lovo  -La Bomba de Neutron  5:27
Ryota OPP -Haze   12:35
Slave  -Stellar Fungk  13:54
Chocolate Milk  -Timemachine   22:00
マッカサーアコンチ -感受性ドン  26:10
Daniel Villarreal  -Activo   30:21
Daniel Villarreal  -In/On  33:54
Santos  -Fragment 008 Pure 
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asa-jbr · 4 years
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2020 Cafein FINAL DAYS
Makoto Okumura
Takuma Kaga
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wataru-w-cooljapan · 5 years
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さて、今週末は久方ぶりのy.gionにて。 7年ぶりとなるCheeさんとの一夜。 荒木師匠によるAlameda press企画にて三茶のorbitでご一緒させて頂いた以来となります。 京都移住前の東京での最後のイベントであり、嗚呼、何故か珍入していたDrunk Nagai氏と初めて会ったもこの時。 Willieさんや二見さん、Terryもいて何故かBobby Womackをかけてしまった記憶があります。 先日、Willie氏監修の和レアリック本(Cheeさんも執筆)が、めでたくリリースされたなかでの、この邂逅は何とも言えない感慨があります。 現在の自身の到達点を一手、一手、じっくり進めさせて頂きますので、お付き合い頂ける方は是非ともです。 当日は、山本精一さんのLiveもあり、Bombさんのマジックアワーありと盛り沢山でございます。 そして、再来週19日には、Coconutsにて同じ釜の飯を食ったRyota OPPがwest herlemに、DNAではアッキーことpAradiceちゃんが来京。 虫の知らせのような大挙感に騒つく胸を抑えつつ。 存分に楽しみたいと思います。 【眼のうしろ、耳のあいだ。】 @y.gion 2019/10/5〜10/19 ◉ 10/5(sat) Opening event ◉ <ACT> 山本 精一 Chee Simizu (Organic Music) Wataru(W) Bomb birds ya! <アーティストトークショウ> 金島隆弘+八木良太+田中秀和 *八木君の音の出る作品の実演あり。 <FOOD> 平和的ごはん パドマ Cacao∞Magic ▶︎18:00~24:00 charge 1800yen *中学生以下のお子様は無料。 *Ygionは禁煙です。おタバコは屋上の喫煙コナーで。 ▶︎Time Table(予定) 18:00~19:30 Wataru(W) 19:30~20:30 アーティストークショウ 20:30~21:30 Bomb birds ya! 21:30~22:10  山本精一 22:10~24:00 Chee Simizu ▼ y.gion 京都府京都市東山区弁財天町19大和ビル https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KBF3ojhUM/?igshid=1bxdkdxnrqb7v
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cluboftigerghost · 6 years
New age visionary and one of the first Italian producers to use the Moog synthesizer, Il Guardiano del Faro gets lovingly remastered by Ryota OPP and Kay Suzuki. It marks the launch of Time Capsule, a reissue label born out of the community of record collectors from brilliant corners and Beauty & The Beat.
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loopdrive · 8 years
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AlbinoSoundこと梅さんのDJ、芯が太くて不思議なグルーヴの選曲でよかった〜。RYOTA OPPさんは激渋ディスコで。自分が触れた氏のトラック群のルーツを垣間見ることができた感じ。楽しかった〜。 (Timeout Cafe and Diner)
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loopdrivemicro · 8 years
20170310: ・ARTEMIS @ VENT. 「音良いよ!」っていろんな人から話を聴いていたけど、まさかここまでいいとは。「デジタル音源の方がメリハリ出るかも」というのもあるけど、それにしたってよかった。0時過ぎに着いてから朝7時まで、一時寝落ちたときもあったけど(あまりの落ちっぷりにスタッフさんに心配されてしまった)、とにかく踊った。 ・ゲストのMike Shannon のプレイも、Seven Davis Jr. "Friends" をかけてたあたりだけでも、人の引き寄せ方とその後のタイトなリズム隊の曲で組み立てていくような、グルーヴの締め方緩め方が絶妙。その前後のNEHANさん、SHAKE-Mさんのレジデント陣のプレイも見事。ラウンジのYASUさんも含めてマジで素晴らしかった。パーティ自体も盛況で、ピーク時の男女比率もほぼ半々って感じで華やかだったし(でもフロアはそこそこの暗さ)、距離感を見失うような人がまるで居なかったのも好印象。難点はトイレの数が少ないくらいでは。また行きたい。
20170311: ・パートナーとご飯。天一のそぼろご飯、量増えたのかな。カールステン・ニコライ展に行く計画を練る。 ・ダイトカイ@ timeout cafe. ・Albino Soundこと梅さんが大阪に引っ越しされるということでとりあえず東京でのラストのDJを聴きに。芯は太くも不思議な感じの曲たくさん聴けた。シングルで何曲か触れていたRYOTA OPPさんのDJは激渋ディスコって感じであのルーツそこなのかっていうのが見れて興味深く聴けた。 ・少し歩いてCIRCUS。しばらく東京でのプレイが無さそうなアオキさんのDJを聴きに。店に入るや否やドラッグ・クイーンのパフォーマンス(ケーキに顔突っ込んでた)にド肝を抜かれる。あとで話を聴いたら主催してる大学生たちと同じ大学の卒業生だとか。 ・真鍋さんのDJはNFで聴いたときよりも削ぎ落とされた感じのかけ方がかなりツボ。 ・アオキさん。前半1/4くらい使ってリズム隊を引き締めていって、まとまったあとの途切れなさと揺らし方が掛け値なしによかった。終わったあといろいろおもろい話(ex: NEW OSAKA HOTEL心斎橋が前行ったときよりすごくなってる話とかあとは書けない)も聞けてよかったというか爆笑。大阪また行きたい。流れで意外な方とご挨拶。 ・流石に前夜の疲れが溜まっていたので3時前に中座。タクシーで帰ろうとするも、録りためたラジオとかを聴きながら歩いてたら帰宅してた。
20170312: ・ぐったり。ほぼ読まないというか1年以上触れなかった本を処分することに少し手を付ける。近場へのレコードとか本の定点観測も散漫な感じに。 ・スケッチは超早かった作業のその先が全く手付かずというか寝てしまう。
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suzakumuto · 6 years
It has to be fake
Ryota comes running into the house carrying a golden lamp he found in the market. The lamp is old and rusty but Ryota sensed something magical about it. The guy who sold him the lamp said it was a rare antique that Grant’s three wishes once rubbed clean.
He knew what he would wish for if what the guy said is true.
His father Suzaku looks at the lamp and shakes his head.
Suzaku: ”where did you get that old junk from?”
Ryota: “it's not junk, the man who sold me it said it Grant’s three wishes and a genie lives inside"
Ruby over hears and walks up to him and laughs.
Ruby: “you’ve been ripped off, everyone knows Genies don’t exist”
Suzaku: “how much did you pay for that"
Ryota: “£500 , he said he found it in a cave"
Ruby: “you were ripped off Ryota"
He bites his lip, was he really ripped off? He looks at the lamp an rubs it.
Ruby: “are you stupid it’s not real Ryota, just give up"
Suzaku: “he can’t blame us if nothing happens, we did warn him"
Like Ruby and Suzaku said nothing happened, Ryota throws the lamp on the floor as he throws a tantrum, seeing he wasted his birthday money on a piece of junk.
Ruby: “told you it was fake, but you didn’t listen”
Suzaku taps the red haired girl on the shoulder and points at the lamp as black smoke comes from it.
Suzaku: “the house is on fire, or that lamp is a smoke bomb”
Ruby: “no it looks like it taking on a human form or something"
the smoke transforms into a green genie, he has his arms crossed and looks at the three teenagers who all had the look of shock and fear on there faces.
Genie: “who threw my lamp?”
Both vampires Ruby and Suzaku point at Ryota. At this point he was in a state of shock his body shook in fear, was this genie going to punish him for throwing the lamp?
Genie: “so it was you young sir, thank you for freeing me?”
Ryota: “wait..... what..... your not going to punish me?”
The genie laughs.
Genie: “now why would I do that, no one has ever freed me before, you don’t rub my lamp to summon me, you have to throw it, like you did, for freeing me you have three wishes young man"
Ryota: “woah for real! Then I wish to own every games console, my second wish to own every game made and my third wish to free you from the lamp"
Genie: “ your wish is granted young man”
Video game consoles appears from the new ones like the ps4 and old consoles like the saga and Nintendo. A load of games appear too for each console, Ruby and Suzaku look at Ryota disgusted and disappointed, they hoped he'd at least wish to turn them human again, but he didn't .
The genie takes on a human foam next as the lamp disappears freeing him, he was no longer green, he has human skin now.
Genie: “thank you young man for freeing me from that lamp, now I can explore the word and live a normal life"
Suzaku: “Ryota..... why didn’t you wish to turn me human again"
Ruby: “yeah me too, I’ve been a vampire for 100 years"
Ryota: “opps I forgot about you guys besides..... you guys said the lamp was fake and made fun of me, I have to get going now and play on my new games"
He picks up one of his new consoles and begins to set it up. Suzaku and Ruby look at each other and dash out the house to look for another lamp.
The end.
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swordsxandxshadows · 4 years
Also, cause it’s funny to me...Ryota 100% knows Aku has beans on his hands and feet in his true form. It just slipped his mind to tell his brothers and they discovered it by sheer dumb chance at some point.
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twistedsoulmusic · 6 years
Brilliant Corners regular and Meda Fury signing Ryota OPP curates the reissue of Il Guardiano Del Faro’s 1978 album Oasis.
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soutaraw-blog · 7 years
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青山蜂22周年おめでとう! 11月18日は青山蜂22周年のパーティでDJさせていただきます♪ 蜂でしか出来ない素敵な方々とお祝い出来ることに感謝です♪♪ 17日、18日の2日間に渡って開催される素敵な時間をみんなで共有しましょう~♪♪♪ 宜しくお願いします。 【AOYAMA HACHI 22nd Anniversary】 11/17 (FRI) 22:00- -DAY-1- ■SOUND LIVE colorful house band Turntable&Effect: DJ KENSEI Visual: DJ Sagaraxx Mic: HIDENKA Synth: ケンゴコバヤシ Ba: NO RIO Gt: YASUHIRO MORI ■LIVE RIGHTEOUS (矢部 直×DJ QUIETSTORM) OMSB & Hi-spec Mariana Kaikou (Liberate,BDR,珠洲/WURAFU) TONBO shOh×MES ■DJ DJ YAS KOCO a.k.a. SHIMOKITA BLACKMOOD THA ZORO JUCO MIYA FLOAT DJ TOKI DJ MASARU NK-SUNSHINE KUMIKO ビートまさと SHOKI MICHEAD YO.AN TATTI Daisuke Iwanaga Raw The Backwell YELLOWUHURU DEEP MELLOW CREW (GAKI, Satan, JAMES KIM) ■VJ de-sheevo ■FOOD KUSUDAMA DOOR ¥2000 --------------------------------- 【AOYAMA HACHI 22nd Anniversary feat.VIDEOGRAM】 11/18 (SAT) 22:00- -DAY-2- ■LIVE sauce81 Dorian CAT BOYS ■DJ FORCE OF NATURE CMT クボタタケシ KACCHI NASTY RYOTA OPP Mr.マジックバジャール a.k.a. カレー屋まーくん Tucca IWAKI KOJIRO aka MELT TATTI Souta Raw 川西卓 ilsoo SUZU & SICK ShawDee YUTA SUZUKI NAO TOYODA & MAAF Kuni Lopez RECOO ■VJ VIDEOGRAM VIDEOROCK ■FOOD ネグラ DOOR ¥2000
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franticbrownbeat · 7 years
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Good Neighbors All Genre 5/7(日)@江古田Bar ニコラシカ 17:00-24:00 NO CHARGE GUEST DJ: RYOTA OPP (Meda Fury / R&S) MICCYAN (FRANTIC BROWN BEAT!) LIVE: 岡本拓朗 DJ: Momose Babymar (膀胱破裂/GIVE A MAN A BREAK) Kensi (EOM/U8) H.I.G.O 大山のぶ夫 (knot/Peanuts Cafe) FOOD: たけみごはん
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