#ryou's just too lazy
yugioh-why-not · 2 years
Flower-shop au where (Yami) Bakura just keeps stealing one flower from Malik’s stock every night, just to screw with him. Malik spends hours counting the flowers and theres always one missing, Bakura waits until after the delivery. After Malik counts them out to make sure he wasn’t short then Bakura takes one and Malik tries to count again and ones gone. Malik’s using all of his underworld knowledge trying to work it out.
Ryou knows but isn’t saying anything. 
And this is why Bakura never invites Malik over, he’s slowly gathering flowers constantly and doesn’t want to ruin his fun.
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ryoukio · 9 months
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Idea for Ryou Bakura……………..
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sarinatendouji · 1 year
i’m not gonna lie, i hate the editing in the new mew mew op so much. it looks so soulless and half-assed but maybe that’s just the problem with modern animation because everything nowadays boasts a complete lack of shading and spatial depth and most background art is so lazy and generic they could’ve stolen it from a stock website. to say nothing of the fact that most characters look like they’ve just been clicked and dragged on top of the underlying layer which makes the final product look too uncanny valley and only half-finished.
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unfriendlyamazon · 1 month
by any other name (pirate au)
y'all are getting all sorts of things out of my archives but talking to @alectoperdita reminded me of this pirates au i've had sitting in a folder for a long time and i wrote this silly little piece just to kind of play with crew dynamics i guess
no warnings just a silly little scene and this takes place after joey and seto have begun a relationship (and if you like pirates you can read my kaijou scene from my au project a few years back)
It’d been an industrious morning for the crew of the Summoned Skull. Ammunitions weighed and secured, cargo stacked, deck swabbed, and the ship drifted through the open Atlantic, winds carrying half-filled sails south along the coast. A lazy afternoon sun made the brass and wood too hot to work over. Even the terrifying skull faced visage protruding from the bow seemed to wilt beneath the sunlight. Seto lounged on the stairs of the quarterdeck and scraped his sword across the whetstone, enjoying the satisfying metal sound of his work. Beneath him, first mate Wheeler had dropped down onto the steps and swept his fingers through his sweat soaked mop of hair. It distracted Seto momentarily, but he kept his hand steady. Their quartermaster Miss Gardner had stopped her work as well to lean against one of the barrels that Tristan had been trying to move, forcing him to slump against the ocean stained wood. Their surgeon Bakura had taken to lounging on the floor as Duke braided his hair. If the captain minded such a lazy show, he didn’t say anything at all from where he stood at the wheel of the ship. Seto’s eyes drew up to Captain Atem, whose eyes were on the distant horizon. Even in the shining sun, without moonlight or the red of a burning ship reflecting in his eyes, he still managed to live up to the name the Shadow King.
And then, Seto’s cold and calculated tongue said without much thought, “Why does he get a nickname?”
The gathered paused in consideration. Tea shrugged her shoulders and said, “He’s a pirate captain. It comes with the territory.”
“Shadow King’s a little dramatic,” Seto said with a furrowed brow.
Joey huffed out a laugh and dropped his head back to smile up at him. “Like you don’t know anything about that.”
“I only mean,” he said, sliding the stone across the blade, “it seems a little silly for him to be the only one. You’re all pirates as well.”
“You are too,” Duke reminded him. They finished the first braid and twined a red ribbon to cap it with a bow. “I’ve already got everyone calling me Duke Devlin. Hard to come up with a better name than that.”
“It does roll off the tongue,” Ryou said. “I’ve heard several crew members refer to me as the Ghost.”
“I started that,” Joey admitted, raising a hand. “It’s only because you were so quiet when we first took you on.”
“That and you look like a ghost,” Tristan said.
“Fair,” murmured Ryou.
"Joey was Iron Hands on our last crew," Tristan said.
“Only because I beat a man to death with my bare hands one time,” he said. “I don’t make a habit of it.”
“Mad Eyes Wheeler is a better name for him,” Tea said, and she flexed her own biceps in a strong man pose. “I think Tristan would be the Hammer. You hit hard and strong and also you use hammers.”
“I like that,” he said. “Duke’s Duke, obviously, we’ve got Mad Eyes and the Ghost–”
“Hey,” Joey protested, and Tristan ignored him.
“And the lord would be something like Two Blades Kaiba,” he finished.
Seto’s stone slid off the blade. “Why is that the best you can come up with?”
“No, it makes sense,” Joey said. “You carry two swords.”
“Everyone here has a sword,” Seto said.
“And you’ve got two of them,” Tea said. “The logic stands.”
Seto ground his teeth together. “It’s not the most dynamic name.”
“Pirates don’t tend to be very creative,” Ryou lamented. “You’ll note the characters of Blackbeard and Calico Jack are best known for having a black beard, and wearing calico clothes.”
“Mai!” Tea called as the lady herself crossed the deck. “Do you have a pirate name?”
She peered up at them, purple lips pursed, and then she tossed her blond hair over her shoulder as she struck a pose. “They call me Lady Valentine.”
“See,” Duke said. “She gets it. Pick a name that everyone wants to say.”
“Shouldn’t you scags be working?” she called and started up the steps. “Is this the example you set for this crew?”
“We’ve done most of the work,” Joey said with a wave of his hand. “We’re coming up with a pirate name for the lord.”
“Oh, is that all.” Mai stood in front of them, pinching her chin with her thumb, and her eyes narrowed in on Seto. “Have you tried Two Blades?”
“Why does everyone say that?” Seto groaned. He sliced his sword forward, eying down the blade. “It should be something good. Like the Blue Devil.”
Joey snorted out a laugh. “Because you wear a lot of blue?”
“It’s a gentleman’s color,” Mai said. “What about Mad Eyes? He’s got a crazed look half the time.”
“Joey called it,” Tea said.
He cut her a glare. “I didn’t call it.”
“You could be Black Dragon,” Ryou piped up. “Because of the tattoo.”
“Why does he get to be a dragon?” Seto asked, letting his blade drop.
Joey laid back onto the stairs. “You said you didn’t want a tattoo.”
“I think these names have to come naturally,” Tristan said. “You can’t force everyone to start calling you the Blue Devil.”
“Depends how stabby you’re feeling,” Mai said. “But then you just get a name like Stabs.”
“That’s a good name for Duke,” Tea said with a finger snap.
“Then how does he,” Seto said, gesturing vaguely above him, “end up with a name like ‘the Shadow King’?”
Mai twirled her finger in a turn around motion, and when Seto turned his head he jolted back. The captain sat just behind him, crouched forward on the quarterdeck steps, kohl covered eyes staring straight at him. Strands of coiled hair were kept back out to show off his wild eyes and shark’s grin.
“Because I am sneaky,” he said, warm North African accent burning the edges of his words, “and I am quick, and I make people kneel.”
Seto didn’t flinch his gaze from his, and Atem stared him down a heartbeat longer before rocking back onto the seat and laughing loudly. Seto considered he’d spent too much time in this crew, getting to know them as people, that sometimes he forgot about the shadows that attacked his ship and the fire that lit behind them.
“Names come with time,” the captain promised and offered a hearty pat to Seto’s back. “We’ll all hear of the legend of the Blue Devil someday. Now, Miss Gardner.”
She stood straight as he snapped his fingers, and cleared her throat before bellowing out, “What are you doing lazing around here? Get to work, scags!”
They scrambled up to their feet as she thumped the barrel, and Mai made a hard turn back to her work. Joey grabbed Seto’s wrist and pulled him onto the deck, head back laughing as he dragged him off to their stations. Tea’s thumping sent a few more people scattering.
“Alright, Blue Devil,” Joey said. “Back to work it is.”
“I shouldn’t have brought it up,” Seto groaned. “All those names are so stupid.”
“I think it might be how you sell it,” he said. He reached up to pinch his cheek, and Seto caught his hand before he could. He brought his hand up, kissing the bruised knuckle, before releasing him.
“Keep the bloodshed to a minimum,” he said and with a smirk added, “Mad Eye.”
Joey yanked his hand away with an eye roll despite the red warming his cheeks. It was satisfying, at least, that he had no response as he stalked off to his own duties. Perhaps those silly names did serve a purpose after all. He’d have to see what else he could come up with, in his own time.
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Silly Game Time: Do you have games on your phone? If so, which ones?
Uh yeah we got:
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This one that we've played every day since early August 2023. You just choose a plant and water it twice a day (7am and 7pm), when it's grown you start again. Ryou downloaded it.
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This one is more recent, last month I believe. Vash was looking for something casual and it's a cute Bee idle game where they collect honey to make snacks. It needs an update because he maxed out the level really fast (31).
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This one is old (2018 or older, can't remember) and we just don't want to uninstall it but don't play it anymore. I recommend everyone play it even if they don't know Pokémon, takes a while to get to the "end" but fun in the meantime.
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Ryou downloaded this uhhh end of October 2022 and we've played it every day since. Nsfw gacha game that lures people in with nsfw scenes but honestly the characters and world have depth and we're attached....also suprised we enjoy the combat.
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Had since 2016, don't play it anymore since it requires so much real money for Pokémon storage and it takes up a lot of GB on the phone but also can't bare to uninstall it because we've had it so long.
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Been playing since the release, some days we forget to feed the snorlax several times a day but it's no big deal if there's no new event going.
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Needs updating but requires too much space, luckily we play on Switch and Ps4 so no need, just used the mobile version for being lazy and sign in for quick dailies before bed (usually at 2am).
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Livio downloaded this one and we haven't kept up with it but it's like.....emotions, if they were Pokémon and the game is meant to help with emotions and stuff. The battles are alright but you don't get enough storage unless you pay monthly..ugh...might uninstall.
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Pharaoh Atem Headcannons
This was originally supposed to be an attempt at yandere so if such things seem that way or if yandere is said you know why. I’m just too lazy to revise it.
* You were one of his many attendees raised to be his servant
* You’ve been there from since he can remember
* You were born two years after him though
* He liked you best due to you being the closest in age to him and he felt like he had to take care of you since you’re younger than him and the youngest of all the attendants
* Starts out as a platonic yandere
* Like you being the only one to hang out with him
* You wouldn’t do any heavy work
* Actually you technically never worked
* All you did was keep him company and entertained
* Literally attached out the hip with how much he keeps you by him
* Guy is obsessed so bad
* You guys sleep in the same bed and everything
* Baths together and the attendees have to bathe you too under his order
* Not even a concubine or lover but you get treated as one
* No one was allowed to bad talk you in his presence
* And if they tried to harm you may Ra bless their souls
* As he grows older he realizes that he loves you
* And despite being a romantic yandere now there’s no major difference in how you are treated
* When his father dies you’re no longer one of his attendees
* Since it’s frowned upon for slaves and high ranking people to be together can’t you become a concubine
* But you’re a concubine only in title, you’re treated like a queen and basically are one
* And no, not as a gendered thing like you have to be female
* He has your as his queen as a king needs one as he’s told
* He was considering getting a stand in queen to protect you
* But I’m the canon story he doesn’t have a lover so we’ll just say he either didn’t go with the idea or died before it happened
* You’re great friends with everyone in the palace
* So like Mahad, Mana, even Ancient dick Seto
* You’re given a special Millenium item so that you will stay with Atem forever and also has healing properties
* Low and behold your reincarnation is besties with yugi since birth and has the millennium item also
* And because Atem is not in the afterlife but instead in the puzzle you’re stuck in your millennium item also
* Ancient Egyptian Bakura is your cousin
* Calls you Pharoh’s whore to your face
* But he’s a tsundere platonic yandere and will do almost anything to make you happy
* Only partners up with the pharaoh to protect you and make you happy
* Honestly just harasses the pharaoh instead of trying to kill him due to not wanting to make you sad cause you love the pharaoh
* Ryou is also your reincarnation’s cousin
* Despite not remembering working with the pharaoh to make you happy Y!Bakura lowkey does the same but denies it
* Remembers ancient you though so is heavily protective of new you along with Ryou despite Yugi being a nice bean
* You’re just a precious bean tbh so everyone loves you
* You died trying to defend the Pharaoh
* Also another reason for Bakura to have a grudge against the pharaoh
* You get along well with your reincarnation
* You help them calm down, think rationally, be strong and be a good supporter
* You and Tea get along well, and so does your reincarnation
* She ships your reincarnation and yugi so much before the puzzle even came around
* Everyone did from since elementary
* Jonouchi actually had a crush on you while he bullied Yugi
* Since Atem and you are linked you remember just as much as he does with the exception of people and how close your guys are
* Like you remember who Y!Bakura is/should be to you
* Heavily oblivious also
* When Atem went to the afterlife you went with him too
* You just live a happy and peaceful life being the mediator with Tea and having fun with the gang
* Oh, I forgot
* Seto Kaiba thinks you’re adorable and treats your reincarnation as a sister along with Mokuba
* No one thinks it’s fair but at the same time does think it’s fair
* Seto helps your reincarnation a lot
* Like you too
* Listens to you lol
* In DSOD he came to the afterlife dimension and shit to hang with you first then duel Atem
* Speaking of the afterlife
* I’m happy that I get to write another happy ever after cause that’s what happened to the two of y’all
* You and Atem are in the afterlife “living” it out and being happy
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sjsnowyowl · 2 years
Tokyo Mew Mew New Thoughts/Recap Part 2
After Retasu leaves, the girls go to check out her school since they suspect Lettuce is a Mew and there is a Chimera. Just like Ichigo and Mint, Lettuce is also a high schooler. Around this time, we have the transformations, which still look pretty good in my opinion. Mint got her own solo transformation, which was shorter than Ichigo’s but still done pretty well. She still have ballet hints in there and has many references to her RDA.
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When Lettuce is shown on screen, she has an aura of energy that is uncontrolled by her emotions about her past of being lonely and without friends, which I can relate to a lot.
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She’s so tired of the loneliness and she just wanted friends :( At the end, Ichigo gives her a word of encouragement that honestly touched my own heart as well.
“You are kind Lettuce, and you care about others, but you know who you should care about the most, yourself!
Friendship is more than just spending time together It’s WANTING to spend time together! I wanna spend time with you, but how about you? What do YOU want to do Lettuce?!”
As someone who has been used a lot and has had plenty of “friends” who would even take me out of their tables for their actual friends or even asked me their own favors, these lines really spoke to me about taking care of myself and that there are times where I have to say “no” to others. I’m pretty sure this scene has touched others as well :)
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Lettuce takes Ichigo’s hand and her powers calm down. After this, she starts her job as a cafe waitress along with Ichigo and Mint. This scene plays out almost like the manga (except that part when she dropped the pitcher on Ryou).
And of course, the part that mostly simps were waiting for…Quiche! He appears again on the next episode banner! So far, he looks really good and I can’t wait for next week when he and Purin both appear!
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All in all, I really loved this episode and can’t wait for the next ones to arrive! Though the animation was very choppy and weird at some points, I really loved the story and the message it brought across. Can’t wait for the rest!
(Also sorry if the gifs have subs, I was too lazy to search for TV rips XD)
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peachmuses · 9 months
@sociieties asked: now that they’re actually back from vacation and og can sleep in without wondering about the plans of the day, he does. only he doesn’t, as he crashed at ryou’s place upon making it back and when he wakes…. there’s some vague memory of being told that momoi-chan had come over, not that he fully remembers hearing this through the door, much less actually processing it. still tired, but in the need of something to drink, og sluggishly leaves the room, yawning to himself as he pulls his hair up and into an extremely lazy bun, more focused on getting it out of his eyes and off his neck than actually looking decent. when he hits the bottom of the stairs, he only spares the living room a short lived glance, walking through and finding his way to the kitchen. it’s only after he gets his monster does he come back, now standing there staring at momoi, who’s staring at him for some reason, lost on why she’s here to start with.
momoi had to see her guys after they returned, she absolutely had too. make sure that yo-chan was fine on his impromptu trip, and yama-chan was also alright. yo-chan is in the middle of telling her a story about how yama-chan's hair had nearly gotten ripped from his piercings -- ( but last she checked, yama-chan didn't have any piercings. ) she's going to say so as well, but yama-chan's feet echos and her mouth closes as he passes through to get to the kitchen. oh - oh, he's gotten tan. what the hell did they do there on vacation ? how much time did they spend outside ? she thought she was fine with yama-chan as yama-chan is but -- wow. he's so pretty too. she imagines him with a bowl cut for a quick second -- and no, still pretty. he re-enters into the room, shirtless, with monster at mouth -- and her brain fizzles out. gaze roams across him from lazy bun to ears -- well shit, yo-chan was right and she wonders just when the other got those done - why she wasn't alerted to him getting them done. ( not that yama-chan owes her anything, but yo-chan, come on, that's bestie code 101. she's suppose to alert you to anything that ya-chan does and you're suppose to alert her to what yama-chan does. ) - down tanned, toned, chest ( and okay. she knows he works -- and plays ball but seriously ? ) and jump back up to look at earrings. one - two - three -- four -- five -- shit. cheeks slowly warm up as she all but squeaks out a, " yama-chan ?! " ( okay, sure, she might've had a teensie little crush on the other; but what the fuck. this isn't fair. ) ryou's watching the two of them and finally he deigns to speak after momoi's silent, " did you sleep well ? " " nevermind that -- come here, yama-chan, let me see your ears. when did you get these done ? " she pouts, " how come you didn't tell me ? "
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shoot-of-corruption · 9 months
I think I remember seeing a meme a while back that you had that was something like having two of your muses (So, like, your Ryou and your Marik) interract with each other. I can't find it now, but I wanted to send a symbol in for that meme
((I know what you mean and I am actually too lazy to search right now, but LETS DO THIS, I waited until my third blog was out, just to do this!!)) featuring: Mariku - Ryou Bakura - Thief King Bakhura
"I say we really should have more decorations around here... you can't go wrong with more autumnal decor in your home anyway!" Ryou felt bubbly enough, it was the middle of September and this year he had actual company for decoration around...
Well at least one of the two others were helping, even though Mariku asked, if he should put the pumpkins even higher up the shelf and actually made him laugh a couple of times with the odd positioning.
It still flipped his stomach a little to see the other one just floating around and putting things on his cupboards, finding out that he wouldn't be scared by fake insects and or snakes and looked just a bit heartbroken. "I feel like it was still worth a try." The tan, blond man almost a head taller than him smirked viciously, as if he would never back down from the challenge. "It's the season of creeping and slasher movies... I'll be able to scare you at some point!"
The snort from the back threw them both off in their little banter and they looked similarly disrupted and in case of Mariku very much grumpy at the other male in the house, whose back had met the wall in a lazy tip backwards, while he was tinkering away on a mobile phone. "You couldn't scare this one in another couple millennia." The dusty white locks covered most of Bakhura's face, as he still looked at the screen and didn't even spare them a glance. "You are too pathetic... and he is too weird." He pointed at both of them with a micro gesture and seemed to get consumed by the content on the screen again.
"Are you sure that you don't want to put up some deco?" Ryou asked him, again offering an olive branch for their afternoon activity. The question seemed to be what finally drew the other ones gaze up and the slightly illuminated scar clad eyebrow lifted as if to ask if he had finally gone insane. Ryou shrugged and went on putting out tiny pumpkins on the table. "Maybe he's just not good enough at it." Mariku reassured Ryou, not ignoring the sound of a lock screen behind them being drawn up. "Vandalizing and stealing it, sure... but thoughtful dec-" His foot was yanked out behind him and he had enough of a brain to just role around floating in midair and staring upwards into the challenging gaze of two pale eyes, while Ryou made a slightly scandalized noise that included something like 'my pumpkins!!'.
"I have no time for you, I'm helping a friend." He said in a sing-song tone, watching with some delight as Bakhura rolled his eyes. "Coward." He hissed and went towards the door. "I'll call if I need you. I won't. Don't call me back here. I don't want to see any of you."
"On it." Ryou huffed at Bakhura with some incredulity, while picking up the scattered pieces of decoration. "Just don't throw my stuff around!" Ryou was hit on the butt with a pencil that had been lying beside the phone and gave of a little squeak, causing a triumphant snort to spring forth from Bakhura as he opened the door. "THAT is how you scare him." The door was already slammed shut as Mariku finally sent a shadow after him, just enraged enough to show him not to mess around too much.
He'd take him in a fight. But not in front of Ryou.
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swingbakuraryou · 11 months
(If your memes don't expire, saw these and was curious)
Rhino: Is your muse wanted for something? What item do they value most? What is the bounty on your muse's head? (If they have one.)
Hornet: How patient is your muse? Are they easily perturbed? What sets them off the easiest?
Antler: Does your muse hunt? What do they hunt if they do? How often do they go hunting? Are they for or against it? Where do they go hunting?
I'm also kinda curious if he hunts for meat, sport, pelts, money, tradition, etc - IF he hunts. Kinda surprised that wasn't on there.
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"You're only wanted if they're confident that you've committed a crime. The Chief sure ain't helping me, and I sure ain't helping him. After all these years, he's made it clear that he doesn't know how to do his job well. But there's a little promise for him, the second he starts doing his job, I'll give him a little treat. But he won't get the whole prize until he's done. Compared to the other heads in town, I'm worthless, but to him it'll feel like winning the grand prize at the races." HORNET Showgirl: Ryou? He's as patient as a saint! He'll wait for days even months for the right moment! I think for one run he waited almost 4 months before grabbing the goods, and it was so worth it! All of us girls were so thrilled when he brought us those silks! Also! Also! He's always sticking up for us! He's always trying to be a gent even with the worst customers. Band member: I don't know if its patience or silently fuming. All I can say is stay the hell away from him when he has a hammer or a knife in his hand. Aka if he's making props on one side of the stage, you're working on the other side. He won't flip on ya, but its the energy that radiates off of him. Server: Swing's our cute little song bird, but his patience or more so tolerance, is poison. That smile might as well be a bite that slowly burns through your veins and by the time you start feeling it, you're already a dead man walking.
Jake the barman: That pisser has the worst temper in the whole god damn facility! Just a few months ago he trashed the entirety of the props store room! What set him off? Who the fuck knows. And if the wrong person so much walks through that door, forget the show and the music, the whole restaurant will turn into a battle ground. It only take one special person to mess with one of our staff and the idiot goes from lazy ass lap cat, to a spitting viper. And to answer your question, his old man sets him off the fastest. That man ain't allowed within 4 blocks of his place. He'll even letters from him is enough to send Swing into a mood that makes him look like he's ready to burn the entirety of downtown to the ground. He also doesn't fucking sleep, and he doesn't, he's worse.
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"You wanna come, darlin'? We can go fishin'. I like trapping small game too. Mostly squirrels, rabbits, stoats, groundhogs, a few birds. What do I use them for? Meat's pretty good. Sometimes the fur and feathers can get a good price. The bones make good projects. Antlers are nice too, especially right after they fall off. Why? Getting out in the forest feels nice. Ain't no one around to yell at you or frame you, the only thing you're fighting is against nature and the animals around you. If I die out here....It's probably because of my own damn fault and I'm at peace with that possibility."
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scattered updates about me lately include :
took the first step towards learning to drive and getting my license. I took a photo for it and its maybe the worst picture i’ve ever seen of myself. I already don’t like looking at myself by default, but the combo of being barely sleeping last night because of my rashes and not having much time to prepare myself in the morning really made for a horrific image that i’m too lazy to redo because it costs money.. But who cares! Maybe the time where i’ll be driving around and knocking over street signs is coming close! 🚙💨
since i already mentioned the rash above, i was all itchy last night and woke up covered in rashes. I was soooo red like my skin was made of patches of beetroot. This is the second time this has happened to me in my life and just like before,I have no idea what causes it 🤕❓👽
i almost never watch shows or pick up whatever is trending but i am watching bocchi the rock. I like it n_n I think my fav at this moment might be ryou which feels a little embarrasisng because all she usually does is say a funny line every now and then in a deadpan voice, but it works on me every time.
i recently finished and published more touhou fanfic. Used to have so many swirling thoughts about Tenshi in my head but now they’re out there in the form of mediocre short stories, so my brain is now free [to obsess over other touhous nonstop instead]. [[Even though i'm already thinking about fifty different characters on any given day ]] [[[I say that as if I won’t still overwhelm myself with Tenshi thoughts every few weeks regardless]]]
Finally, I impulse ordered a drawing tablet online? why?? I guess after I drew that spoink on paint with my mouse, i was like “if i have any more impulsive needs to doodle something rumbling in my mind, i’d have a nicer time if i could use a tablet pen!”, which i guess is probably true but was that really necessary??? Well it’s already on its way so maybe it’ll be fun to play with.
i can’t find a new job!!! The last response i recently got to my resume... I’m 90% sure it was a scam 😑;
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melchinafan · 1 year
I'm looking around for posts to read up more on alt text/image IDs/etc., trying to figure out what is preferred and how best to handle them. I've recently seen some posts using alt text instead of descriptions in the body of the post, and I remember something about alt text being fiddly for some folks though maybe not for others? But that was a bit ago so maybe there's been a tumblr update that made it better? Still not totally sure on that. (This article is pretty good so far, with clarification and examples of what each type of description is and what they're for. This one is also excellent, with a ton of thorough examples, though it's specifically art-focused. Tumblr-based link hubs I've found include this which has stuff about the why and how for various situations, and this which has even more, for both users and businesses.)
And part of my brain is going "my spoons, there's So Much involved here and AAAA..." (Both because I do try to make my descriptions Accurate and Interesting which takes brainpower to write...and also because I'm reading so much right now that my brain is currently full, so the mere concept of Having Spoons feels absurd at the moment.) But also I think...I think the basic flat starter sentences I keep doing are...what could/should go in the alt text section? (Like, "screenshot from [game]" and "stylized illustration, fanart for [thing].") I'm still reading, but if that's the case, you can chill, brain! We already do the alt text bit, we just gotta put it in a different spot.
It still does cost me spoons to also describe something after I've spent too much time drawing it. But I'm prone to sitting on things for a day before posting them, so I use that sitting time to at least start a description! Which I can then refine before posting, going back and forth between both image and description to double-check each for missed errors/potential improvements. AND sometimes I'm too lazy to pull out my tablet, so I'll start an image as a mouse-based doodle "note" to have the file ready to work on later...so sometimes I'll start the description then, if I've got a good idea of what I plan to have it look like! (Then it's doubly-important that I edit the description before posting, to make sure it matches whatever the actual end result was. But my perfectionism requires double- and triple-checking anyway, so it works out fine.)
Bonus benefit to image descriptions, besides increased accessibility (which is the point, and should be incentive enough to do them): I can indicate little details or intent in my drawings that might not be immediately obvious to everyone. Like, that Disco Elysium fanart I did had the swirling musical lines as a hugely key element that I pondered over and reiterated SO MUCH, trying to visually capture the audio differences I was imagining in every subtle way I could, even though the end result looks very simple. (Respective colors, different line thicknesses, and steady wave vs swooping swirls were obvious to me, but might not be to folks looking at it, yanno? Or they'd get the vibe, but not be able to explain why, so that could help make it "click.") Plus, I used the fuzzy edges and color fadeout as a nod to the Pale, which I also had the chance to add bonus hints about in the description (without having to go "HEY IT'S A REFERENCE" in the post itself). Or like this fanart of Ryou, I got to point out that the lineart placement and lighter areas of color not only served to indicate lighting, but also his slow movement and the fact that he's kind of dissolving. So yeah. Describing my stuff is also a nice little bonus to help everyone get in on what's going through my brain.
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It's Such a Lovely Day, We Should Pocket the Sunshine
It's Such A Lovely Day, We Should Pocket The Sunshine by TicciTommyAizu
intermediate (?) between part 1 and 2 of the series "Break The Air To Feel The Fall (Or Just For Feel Anything At All)"
Izuku meets Rody, Roro and Lala and decides to bring them back to Japan ! Nedzu greatly approves of this.
(This was supposed to come out after finishing the first episode [?] of the series, but I was too lazy to wait.)
Words: 968, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Break The Air To Feel The Fall (Or Just For Feel Anything At All)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Rody Soul, Pino | Rody Soul's Bird, Roro Soul, Lala Soul, Nedzu
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Rody Soul, Lala Soul & Rody Soul & Roro Soul, Midoriya Izuku & Roro Soul, Midoriya Izuku & Lala Soul, Midoriya Izuku & Nedzu
Additional Tags: Mentioned Inui Ryou | Hound Dog
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44207347
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indioragod · 8 months
A very hungry vampire comes into the room. Like a moth to a light Ryou comes over in a quiet trance of the other's beauty. "Diva." His arms wrap around the man, giving him a warm hug from the back. He's eyeing the man's neck for substance.
In actually Ryou wasn't at all a vampire. He merely dressed up like one for a party he had come back from the museum. He was simply too lazy to remove it. He was also a little buzzed, hence his more affection tone and mannerism this evening. "Let's cuddle." He murmurs against the man's neck.
@curseofnecrofear |
Diva had been in the middle of making pumpkin bread for the season. While Halloween wasn't something he grew up celebrating he could certainly appreciate all the pumpkin-flavored things from the season. The toothpick he'd tested the loaf with came out clean, thankfully.
"Heh, I can't believe you're still in your costume. I hope you had a good time."
He also didn't know much about vampires really, but Ryou made a convincing outfit But he was happy to see Ryou being involved with his coworkers at the museum.
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"Sure, we can as soon as I clean up after my baking mess. Just so long as you don't drink my blood!"
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infinitexmuses-m · 1 year
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@worldly-diversity​ asked: "My, you'd think you've never seen an extra-terrestrial before with that expression on your face~" || Dren to Ichigo A meme (Too lazy to tag rn)    
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“This is a completely different situation and you know it!” The girl whined, gaze latched onto the other. Everything was supposed to be done and over with, Ryou confirmed that! Why was there more creatures from who knows where doing who knows what?!
“You can’t tell me this isn’t weird, it is! It’s nothing like what you were doing!” She was almost fearful at the idea of even going against something like that, cause Masha wasn’t even considering it a Chimera. Just ‘Unknown Creature’. Totally not concerning at all-
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ploppymeep · 2 years
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watchin tv w the homies
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