#ryu go see a dentist
stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Keigo: How’re you doing? You feeling okay?
Senjirō: Tired and hungry and in need of a shower, but otherwise I'm okay. Don’t worry.
Keigo: I always worry about you.
Senjirō: I love that I’m important enough to worry about, but you don’t need to, you know. I’m not fragile. I’ve got enough stamina to keep up with the rest of you.
Keigo: I know, but I just have to be sure you’re all right.
Senjirō: Yes, I’m all right.
Keigo: That’s all I needed to know. Good practice tonight. You’ve almost got all the steps down perfectly now. Our instructor’s gonna be impressed with you when he comes tomorrow.
Haru: Hey, Keigo. You think he’ll be impressed with me, too?
Keigo: Not if you wear that shirt again. You know Mr. Moriuchi is a vegan, right?
Haru: What’s that got to do with my shirt?
Senjirō: *whispering* I don’t think he knows what it says.
Haru: I can hear you, Senjirō. And I actually don’t know what it says. I bought it online because I liked the fancy writing. It looked classy.
Keigo: Dumbass.
Senjirō: It says ‘eat chicken’.
Haru: *laughing hysterically* That’s actually awesome. It’s so random. I think I like it even more now.
Keigo: Of course you do.
Ryu: Excuse me. If the three of you are done messing about over there, can you pay attention for a second?
Haru: Sure. What’s up?
Ryu: First things first, this turned out to be a really good practice, once you guys calmed down, so thanks for that. Second, you all know you can’t carry on like that when the dance instructor’s here for our regular session, so try to get it all out of your system before tomorrow morning, okay?
Haru: You actually think we can?
Ryu: I’m expecting you to, Haru. And that goes for everyone. We have a busy day tomorrow. We've got dance in the morning, and then we've got to see the wardrobe people, to try on some of our new stage outfits in the afternoon. And Taiji, you've got your dentist appointment, don't forget.
Taiji: Are you going to come with me?
Ryu: I can, if you want. I think Ji-Soo is going to take you. Us.
Taiji: Okay.
Ryu: Oh, and we'll have the video crew following us around all day tomorrow, too. So what I said about getting all the nonsense out of your systems tonight? I absolutely meant that.
Haru: So, what I’m hearing is that we can party all night long tonight.
Ryu: Until your bedtime, yes.
Taiji: Why do me and Haru still have a bedtime, but Keigo and Senjirō don’t?
Senjirō: We have one as well. It’s midnight, the same as yours. It’s just that we don’t need anyone to remind us to go to our room and turn the lights off by midnight.
Haru: I guess it’s easier to get motivated to go to your room when you know somebody’s gonna cuddle you in bed. The only time Taiji ever gets in bed with me is so we can watch videos together on his laptop.
Taiji: Dude, I’m not gonna cuddle you in bed, if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s weird enough that we fall asleep in the same bed sometimes and I wake up with your hand on my chest or something.
Haru: But, you’re not against cuddling. You can’t say you are, ‘cause I’ve fallen asleep on you loads of times when we’re on the sofa, watching a movie, and I always wake up with your arms around me.
Taiji: ‘Cause you’d fall to the floor and hurt yourself if I didn’t.
Haru: A likely story. You just like being close to me, don’t you?
Taiji: No.
Haru: Come on. Would it kill you to hug me right now the way Keigo's hugging Senjirō?
Taiji: Yeah, probably it would.
Haru: What? Why?
Taiji: ‘Cause you smell really bad right now. I'm not even touching you until you take a shower. Like, you’ve practically got a cloud of stinky green mist around you.
Haru: I do not! You’re exaggerating.
Taiji: Wash the dance practice off yourself, and I might consider cuddling with you while we watch a movie later.
Haru: Fine, but you need to do the same. It's not as if you smell like a flower shop either.
Ryu: Guys, enough! I'm sure everyone could use a shower now. Haru, stop teasing Taiji, and Keigo... can you stop fussing over Senjirō, please? He's obviously fine.
Taiji: Probably just as stinky as Haru, though.
Haru: Hey!
Keigo: He’s not stinky. He’s just… hot and damp.
Senjirō: Oh, that’s charming, Keigo. Thank you so much. That’s definitely the context in which I want to be referred to as ‘hot’.
Keigo: Uh… sorry.
Senjirō: Shower with me and help me wash my hair, and I’ll forget about it.
Keigo: Your wish is my command.
Taiji: Could you guys possibly be any more gross?
Haru: What’s gross about showering with a hot man? We could—
Taiji: No.
Ryu: *sighing deeply* Why didn't I think it through more clearly before I agreed to babysit you lot?
Haru: Because we were so cute that you fell in love with us at first sight and just knew you wanted to take care of us forever?
Ryu: Right. It must've been something like that.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Hoping this doesn't get dicey; any thoughts on poly ships? Like poly IT or polythieves? (And/or any favs?)
It shouldn't. Unless people can't handle my NoTPs while reading this (that's on them, I can't control nor judge how people will react and that's fine).
Poly like as in an OT3/OT4? Or as in the WHOLE cast?
OT3/OT4? Yeah I'm cool. Gotta be in the mood sometimes but yeah (but sometimes it's just......not all 3/4 at the same time if you catch my drift? Sometimes it's just two/three combos within the 3/4 group I like)
I'm not down for the WHOLE cast. Mostly cause of my NoTPs. I greatly hate K*nNao with a passion and I view it as one of the worst ships (mostly cause it ignores Naoto's feelings and fanon wise can really screw up her character if I had to get straight to the point without really fluffing it out). But I like YuKan and SouNao, but I wouldn't be really into an OT3 with them (unless neither Kanji nor Naoto were like romantically involved with each other). I'm not....really of fan of SouYo (blame the SL and blame Yosuke's arc, I feel like the way his SL goes he'd be regressing in growth with making Souji a rebound/replacement goldfish on top of that and I just don't vibe with it). I don't like YukiChie ("Wow Silly, you hate all the big LGBT!P4 ships" Yeah. They left a bad taste in my mouth, except NaoRise.....tho y'all love to shove one unappealing ape in the middle of my decent yuri ship don't you? >_>), mostly cause it puts Chie in the "prince" role which kinda.....plays into her whole femininity issues and I think can harm her......which tbh you can break down my issues of those 3 big ships being "it hurts the development/writing of the character in some way" which ironically can only happen with those ships because of the events of how things have played out). I like NaoRise, I like KanRise but fuck if I like them all together. I don't like SouRise (I don't get why she latches onto him so much. Yukiko and Chie? Can't be attracted to a bear and they know Yosuke so I can see it, it's not that in your face tbh. Naoto? Social link gives the reasoning there. Marie? Same as Naoto. Lord knows why Rise latched onto Yu except he's the best looking guy? She seems to have more emotional attachment behind it but.....it just left a poor taste in my mouth), that being said I can OT3 SoujiNaotoRise. Not a fan of YuMarie, the friendship route is the best, and I do feel like a brother at times (also I didn't get to romance Grey haired Izanami u_u). I can ship Teddie with....pretty much anyone on the team tbh (maybe not Yuki and Chie tho never really thought about it), dunno why.....I like his dynamic with Souji/Naoto/Yosuke/Kanji a lot. Oh! SouSho/ShoYu or however you wanna call it, I'm not one for foeyay or antagonistxprotagonist ships but I like this one (probably cause how they execute it). I can OT3 SouNaoYo (I like SouNao and YoNao) same with SouNaoTed (cause I also like NaoTed). Uhhh Kanji I'll ship with....Yukiko, Rise (ironically Yukiko also ships it, and I like it cause Kanji and Rise literally see the other person truthfully which is.....what they want???? why don't they like each other??? they are literally fulfilling the needs of each other???), P4D!Nozomi, Yosuke (I like their bromance that's probably why), and Teddie (I might vibe with Chie cause he does show interest in her along with Yukiko but he and Yukiko have a history so I can see it more than with Chie). Chie is with MC (mostly Tracey!/Japanese!Chie, Erin!Chie.........orz), Yosuke (tho that's more of an old ship I hold a torch for I'm ehish on it now), and Aki atm (I can see her with a girl just......not what we have available). Yukiko it's Kanji.........yeah Kanji (I actually just really like these two together, I can see Yuki with a chick, maybe Labby but.....hmmmm OH I did like the YukiMitsu crack ship.....but other than that I just haven't really vibed with her romantically with other chars).
With SEES (might as well include them) I do not ship Yukari with anyone (except maybe crack ship her with Junpei for their own dismay..... or Hamu on certain days, then again Hamu is my shipping bicycle). And Junpei I only ship with Chidori or Fuuka (he at least showed interest with Fuuka prior to Chidori, but JunpeixMC/FeMC is similar to Yosuke above with it most likely hurting his growth). I absolutely detest Yukari with Mitsuru (I'll ship Mitsuru with MC/FeMC/Kikuno/Aki/literally anyone who is better than Yukari get yourself a gal/guy who WON'T slap you at your lowest girl you deserve soooo much better ;w;). I don't ship Ken with anyone besides Makoto N/Haru (same age purposes of course), for obvious reasons. Same with Koro....for obvious reasons. I don't ship Aki/Shinji together (their personas are literally brothers and I just.....don't see a romance with them.....maybe it's cause I'm not super used to Yaoi but...like...*glances at MC/Ryoji* I can see that tho....). I only ship Aki with Mitsuru, Chie, and training (I really dislike his romance with the FeMC, the sister thing felt icky and I hate how you have to convince him). I can easily OT4 Minato/Hamuko/Aigis/Ryoji. Fuuka I vibe with MC/FeMC/Junpei/Natsuki (probably the only char that has a "best friend" I ship them with, I don't like Y*kiChie, Y*kaMitsu, and I like pics of AnneShiho, I don't really ship them..... maybe due to lack of screen time? But regardless something hits different about Fuuka/Natsuki and it's probably because it's the better Y*kaMitsu sorry I don't make the rules, actual genuine friendship and apology here guys blame the writers for screwing over the other and making FuuNatsu the best, and blame the writers for not showing them more u_u).
Anne and Haru are more my shipping bicycles for this, tho I don't really ship Makoto with anyone besides Ken/Goro atm (I don't mind seeing MakoHaru tho, hate ShuMako and I'm not a big fan of MakoAnne......mostly cause I get similar YukaM*tsu vibes for toxic levels). Haru I ship with MC/Ryuji/Goro pretty hardcore (I can easily ship her with Anne too at times). I do like PegoRyu, and I like ShuAnne, and I like the PegoRyuAnne OT3 (I can probs OT3 MCAnneHaru or OT4 PegoRyuAnneHaru but that's for the PT, maybe add Sumi into one or all of the 3 combos but eh), I do not like RyuAnne tho (they feel too bro-ish and state pretty clearly they don't like each other that way, but I can see a vibe going if it was an OT3 tbh). MC it's mostly Ryuji/Anne/Haru/Sumi. I guess Futaba/Yusuke but I don't really care it's a pair the spares (maybe it's like Yukari and Junpei, I wanna see their dismay). I really don't like Sh*Taba, mostly cause, like Yosuke, it felt like it'd hurt her growth (mostly cause in her case her CoOp raised BIG red flags that made me squirm, something I didn't really see with Sumi) Goro is just with Sumi (if I'm not heavily BrOTPing them tbh), I highly dislike Sh*Ake (Like Yukari and Mitsuru, I cannot buy a friendship between them). Mona can eat a boot.
I tried censoring some ships so they don't appear in the tags but eh (it's under a read more so it should be safe? Hopefully? I tried). As you can see I'm a multishipper (that's not even going into my crossover ships, tbh I feel like I probs forgot a couple), and I like straight, yaoi, and yuri (obvie I rep more of the rarepair LGBT P4 ships 8U). I just have a certain preferences when it comes to the ships I guess? Give me a ship and I can either tell why I like/love it, why I hate it, or why I'm either "meh I vibe" or "meh I don't really vibe" or "I feel nothing" (I guess that's an open invitation but eh).
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May I request some fluff RFA headcanons? 🥺🥺
I hope these are okay!! I added Saeran and V just for the sake of it!! <3 these will be a random mixture of with and without MC!
Random Fluffy RFA + Saeran and V Headcanons
Yoosung Kim Fluffy Headcanons
He asks you to marry him in LOLOL, since there’s an expansion pack where you can set up a little house for extra storage. He gets really nervous and a bit sweaty about asking you to do it, he takes it oddly seriously and Zen almost passed out when he thought that you were actually engaged.
He tries to make you coffee every morning, especially if he’s trying a new style out. He thinks it’s really fun and he loves to greet you with it for breakfast. After a while, you come to associate the faint smell of coffee with Yoosung. 
At the start he starts sneakily using little bits of your shower gel because they smell so much nicer than the one his gamer student budget allows him to buy. Eventually, he’ll just cave and buy a bottle of the one that you use because it means he gets to be reminded of you all day and it’s a lot better for his skin anyway.
If you play with his hair when his head is in your lap, he’ll absolutely fall asleep. Yoosung is a little bit like a puppy in that way, it just makes him feel so happy and loved.
Zen/Hyun Ryu Fluffy Headcanons
Zen’s a big person for morning kisses, especially sleepy ones. He’s an early riser and definitely feels extra needy in the morning. He’s also always the big spoon, he likes to feel as though he’s protecting you even when he’s asleep.
Whenever you’re crying and cover your face so he can’t see, Zen’s the kinda person who would gently pull your arms away so he can get a look at you and figure out what’s wrong. He’ll kiss at your eyes and cheeks until you either stop crying, or let him get close enough to pull you in so you can cry on his chest. 
He loves doing skincare on you. If he thinks you’ve had a hard week, he’ll do your moisturiser, clay mask, face mask, eye mask- you name it, Zen wants to pamper you with it. He knows the importance of skincare and he thinks it’s a great way to relax and pamper you. 
Zen’s ‘Happy Place’ that he thinks of when he gets stressed is the two of you, beers in hand, spending an evening in the kitchen trying to cook food. He can hear the laughter, smell the ever-so-slightly burning food, taste the traces of beer on your lower lip. It just makes him so happy to think about and he can feel the desperation in his limbs to sprint home at full speed and make the daydream real.
Jaehee Kang Fluffy Headcanons
Saturday mornings are Jaehee’s favourite out of the whole week. She’s just worked 5 hellish days and Saturday is the day where she gets to have a bit of a lie-in. Usually, Jumin doesn’t ask her to come into the office on weekends and it’s usually just a case of working from home. Jaehee tries not to oversleep too much because she doesn’t want to throw off her schedule but sometimes she can’t help but pass out for 10 hours straight and undisturbed. 
She really enjoys bubble baths with you. When you first start doing it together, she’s a little shy at being seen undressed so intimately, but she still really enjoys the time alone with you. It’s a great way to unwind and she likes being so close to you.
Jaehee isn’t much of a cuddler when she’s asleep, she tends to just sleep flat on her back out of exhaustion. However, if you wake up for any reason during the night, you’ll frequently find her hand holding yours, whether she did it consciously or not. 
She collects really nice and cute stationary. She doesn’t really take them to work because she doesn’t want to be seen as unprofessional, but once she runs the coffee shop, she gets to write in her little hot-drinks-themed stationary and decorates the little cups with tiny stickers for the frequent customers and especially for whenever Zen comes to visit.
Jumin Han Fluffy Headcanons
Sunday mornings are Jumin’s favourites. He usually wakes up really early by routine, but on Sundays he spends a little bit longer curled up in bed with you and Elizabeth the Third, watching you both sleep. Jumin’s also usually the big spoon if he’s sleeping on his side, but when he sleeps on his back he typically still has one arm around your waist so you’re pulled next to him with your head on his chest.
He personally donates to many different cat shelters all over the country. He takes the money straight out of his own bank account and gives generous monthly donations to make sure that there’s enough funding to both feed the cats already there, and take in extra cats of the streets along with getting them adopted. Jumin’s staff actually has a company policy that if they adopt a cat from one of the shelters that Jumin supports, the vet and adoption fees are covered by him, he counts it as philanthropy.
Jumin has a bottle of wine in his cellar from the date you met, the date you first kissed, the date you got engaged and the date you got married. He hasn’t quite decided when he’ll share those wines with you, he just knows at the moment that he wants to keep them for a very special occasion. 
When he’s bored at work but he can’t call you because you’re busy, he pictures taking you to one of his vineyards on the weekend. He’ll picture your smile, you adjusting your hat and lightly squinting against the sun, you smiling at him over your glass of wine. Then he’ll tell Jaehee to clear his schedule for the weekend.
Saeyoung Choi Fluffy Headcanons
Your arms around him, holding him against you, is pretty much the only thing that can bring Seven out of an anxiety attack. If you’re not physically with him, he crawls under the duvet on his bed in hopes of still smelling you. He’ll call you and look through selfies with you that he has on his phone until he calms down. 
Seven frequently tries to make you food. He’s never had to cook for anyone before and he doesn’t really cook for himself, so it’s a lot of trial, error and frustrated takeaways. You try to eat whatever he makes though because you can really tell that he’s put his heart into it and you want to show him that you appreciate the effort he’s making.
He loves you feeling his biceps and gushing over how strong he is. He’s not even particularly ripped but you can tell he has strength in his limbs and seeing you give him any kind of physical approval makes him m e l t instantly.
He’s both the big and little spoon, depending what mood he is in. Sometimes he wants to hold you close and never let go, but sometimes Seven needs a little bit of support too and want to feel like he’s needed by you.
His absolute favourite dates are the arcades, the cinema, bowling and carnivals. He has far too much fun on the bumpercars and he absolutely has it out for you, you spend most of the time trying to escape him.
GE Saeran Choi  Fluffy Headcanons
GE Saeran always makes very over the top hot chocolates for the both of you. He has an arsenal of whipped cream, syrups, chocolate shavings and sprinkles. His hot chocolate is better than any you could buy in a store. He’ll make one for you whenever you ask, and then sometimes just to surprise you if it looks like you’re having a bad day.
GE Saeran ends up getting two cavities in his first few years of living freely. He does look after his teeth, but he let his sweet-tooth go little bit wild with all the new foods he got to try, it was all so new and fun to him, he just wanted to try everything! He took much better care of his teeth after that, but the trip to the dentist was quite a weird one since he’d never been before. 
Slight Angst: Saeran always serves your food first and makes sure there’s always extra helpings if you want it. He usually puts a little bit more on your plate than what you would usually eat. He never quite gets over the guilt of taking your food away at Magenta, so he spends the rest of his time making sure you have more than enough to eat now.
He likes to constantly buy you little gifts that he sees when he’s out and about that remind him of you. A little notebook in your favourite colour? A little forget-me-not necklace? A candle that smells like your perfume? He’d added them all to his cart. 
After lip kisses, Saeran loves giving cheek and hand kisses to you. For him, he really loves getting head kisses and he thinks it’s extra cute when you plant a little kiss onto the tip of his nose.
V/Jihyun Kim Fluffy Headcanons 
V usually wakes up first, unless he was working late in his studio. He wakes you up with a kiss to the forehead, a cup of coffee and soft words. After he’s put your drink on the table, he’ll climb back into bed with you and cuddle until you’re properly awake.
He actually enjoys baking with you. Well, he likes to help you bake and then he gets to do the decorating. You usually bring a cake to any RFA hangouts and it’s always very obvious when V’s helped you bake because it feels like he goes out of his way to put a piece of gallery-worthy art onto a cake with food colourings and icings. He thinks it makes it tastes better, and you have to agree. 
In recent years, V’s been considering trying a more plant-based diet. He thinks he’d like to try vegetarianism, but he’s frequently spend periods of time as a pescatarian, especially after he’s come back from travelling. It also means that he gets to practice cooking more too.
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
If requests are open could you do a scenario with RFA + Minor Trio (V, Vanderwood, Saeran) with an MC who hates going to the hospital and will skip appointments and refuse to go unless she knows something is wrong?
RFA + Minor Trio with a MC who hates to go to the hospital and skips check-ups until she is sure something is wrong
LMAO this could be so me. I also hate medicals so I only go there when I’m actually in pain. But guys, that’s way too late so don’t do like me and take care of you! BTW! Could you guys please give me feedback? THX! 
Your husband was one of the people who went regularly to a check up. 
Of course he only went to the best hospitals or would have them come to him. 
But he really cared. 
And now that he was married, he wanted to make sure that the health of both of you would be the best. 
,,Mc, I took the freedom to make an appointment for the both of us. Driver Kim will pick you up next week.“ he told you. 
,,Thank you, Jumin!“ you thanked him. Well, apparently he didn’t imagine that you could run away that day. 
,,Where is my wife?“ he asked a guard.
,,She went out shopping, Mr Han…“ the guard told him sightly scared. 
Jumin waited for you the whole day. 
After all he found out that the last time you went to the hospital was almost ten years ago. 
,,Why did you leave, my love?’’ he asked you lovely. 
,,Well….there’s no need to go if there’s nothing wrong, right?’’ you asked him and smiled shyly. 
,,No…we need to check if there’s something wrong so that we can prevent illness…You don’t have to, if you hate hospitals, they will come to us but sometimes you will have to go.’’ 
And since then Jumin always brought the doctors. 
He even went that far to buy a little clinic so that you didn’t need to go to big hospitals. 
Everyone knew that he was a monster at healing. 
He although didn’t like to be told that. 
There was no need to go to an hospital, he also went only when he really needed it. 
But one day you felt really, really dizzy and stayed at home. 
Zen noticed. 
,,Come on, princess. I will call us a cab and then we will go to the hospital together.’’ he told you and was about to call a cab but you stopped him. 
,,Zenny. There’s nothing wrong wth me. I hate Hospitals so I will only go there when I know that something is wrong for sure.’’ you told him. 
,,What?’’ he asked you and looked at your body. You were just so weak and pale, of course there was something wrong with you. 
,,Mc, we will go now.’’ he told you firmly. 
,,Hyun Ryu! I said no!’’ you snapped. You always said Zenny…. 
,,Why?’’ he asked you now, slightly pissed. 
,,It always odors odd, disgusting. I don’t want to go there. My mom….she died there…I don’t want to go back…’’ you sobbed. 
Your boyfriend now understood why you didn’t want o go there and so he hugged you for a while. 
,,I will put you a mask on, keep your eyes closed and don’t worry. I will go with you. ’’
The two of you really did it like that, he always carried on the way there and you tried not to breath. 
You still hated to go to hospitals but thanks to Zen it got better. 
He was a doctor himself. 
Well, a vet but he still was a doctor. 
He knew how important health was. 
He only noticed five years after your marriage that you never were at a hospital. 
You never once had an appointment. 
,,Mc…’’ he called you when he came home.
,,Yes, hubby?’’ you giggled and looked at him. 
,,When was your last appointment? I mean, for the hospital?’’ he asked you. 
You immediately got pale. 
,,Well, long time ago. Nothing was wrong so far so I-‚‘’ 
,,Mc! How can you know if you don’t go to a check up?’’ he asked you pretty angry. 
,,Why?’’ he asked you now, a bit calmer. 
,,I hate it there. While people get to live other people die there, families lose their hopes and say their good byes. 
Mothers get horrible notices or friends have to hug sad relatives.’’ you mumbled. 
You simply hated the atmosphere.
,,You’re right. It’s not easy there. Bad and sad things happen. But the people there fought, they gave their best. The medicals and the people as well as the relatives, they give strength. New friendships are formed…I will stay by your side but please, get an appointment. I couldn’t bear to lose you…..’’ he mumbled and kissed you. 
,,Mc?’’ Jaehee called you after she cut the call with your doctor. 
,,Yes, my lovely girlfriend?’’ you responded sweetly, not knowing what was expecting you. 
,,The hospital called.’’ she said. 
,,Oh gosh! Is one of the boys hurt? Did Zenny get hurt? Did Jumin drive a car again? Ohh! Someone beat Yoosung?! Or did Seven mock anyone?’’ you asked her scared for your friends. 
,,No.’’ she responded a bit angry. 
,,They called because you keep skipping your appointments. Why do you skip them? They are important!’’ she told you. 
,,Oh…’’ you mumbled. 
,,Well….I don’t like medicals, hospitals….whatever. I don’t need them I’m perfe-‚‘’ 
,,Mc? Are you kidding me? Of course you need them! You didn’t get your period for over two months, you lose a lot of hair, you always cry because your feet hurts, you need to go there!’’ she told you. 
,,Well, it isn’t that bad….nothing is wrong.’’ you told her and wanted to leave but she didn’t let you. 
,,Mc. I love you. It’s my task as girlfriend to look after you. I don’t like it either. But health is all we need to live. Let’s go together, yes?’’ 
He always checks if everything is fine. 
But he noticed that you stopped to go to the hospital since a long time ago. 
He looked through your data and couldn’t see anything odd. 
,,Why…’’ he asked himself and noticed that when Saeran was in hospital, you didn’t go there either. 
,,Mc! I think my finger is broken. I need to go to the hospital!’’ he yelled to test you. 
,,What? Saeran! Hurry up, I will drive you guys and wait in the car, you go and-‚‘’ 
,,Why won’t you come with me?’’ he asked you and played with his fingers. 
And then you realized, he tricked you. 
,,There’s nothing wrong for me, so I don’t need to go there, right?’’ you asked him. 
He stayed serious. 
,,Mc. Health is all we have got.’’ he told you. 
,,I won’t go unless I’m on the floor, crying because I’m in pain.’’ you told him. 
He later found out that you were working part time in a hospital and saw a lot of things which weren’t legal… 
,,You’re scared? That they will fake something?’’ he asked you and you gave him a nod. 
,,Don’t worry. I’m here for that. I will always check it, they can’t fake anything without me noticing it.’’ he told you and gave you strength. 
To be honest he hated hospitals too. 
Since he’s so weak he always needs help and so he couldn’t change the fact that he needed to go there. 
After all, the elixir also made a damage. 
But he noticed, that you never went with him, instead you always send Zen with him to make sure that Saeran did get everything. 
,,Mc, if you’re so worried, why don’t you come with me?’’ he asked you one day when you picked them up. 
,,I hate hospitals, Saeran. I don’t even go to check ups!’’ you laughed and meant to joke but of course it wasn’t funny for them. 
,,Mc?! You need to go to check-ups regularly! Even headaches are serious!’’ Zen told you. 
Saeran was disappointed in himself. 
You cared so much for him but he didn’t notice that at all. 
When the two of you were alone, he asked you privately why you didn’t pay a visit to the hospital. 
,,My kid sister died in hospital, since then I can’t get rid of the odor whenever I enter a hospital. I just hate the coldness.’’ you explained. 
,,I can’t change your feelings, Mc. I will support you but can’t we try to go there twice a year? Maybe in the evening when the most people aren’t there.’’ he gave you an alternative. 
Fo you he wanted to try everything he could. 
,,Mc! Mc please pick up…’’ he groaned as he looked at the clock. 
Once again you skipped your appointment. 
You always did so. Either skipping or not planning a new date. 
,,Why?’’ he asked you when you came back with your daughter from the park. 
,,I know that nothing is wrong with me, why should I go?’’ you asked him. 
He loved everything about you. Really. 
But sometimes you were really stubborn. 
,,What if you’re ill? What if you have anything which could affect your daughter?’’ he asked you and looked at the little girl. 
So did you. 
,,Baby, go to play. I will come soon too.’’ you told her. 
,,Jihyun, why do I have to go there if nothing is wrong?’’ you asked him. 
,,Do you remember when our daughter didn’t want to go to the dentist?’’ he asked you. 
You gave him a nod. 
,,Do you remember that you forced her and found out that she needed an operation because her mouth was too tiny?’’ he asked you and once again you gave him a nod. 
,,What if we find out something about you too? If we don’t go now, we won’t.’’ he told you and made you think about your actions. 
Of course nothing was wrong but he just wanted to make sure. 
,,Okay. Don’t go if you don’t want.’’ he told you. 
You were in pain but didn’t want to go to the hospital even through he said that he will bring you. 
He was a bit angry because he was really concerned about you but you seemed to ignore it. 
Of course it didn’t get better and at some point he wanted to drag you there. 
,,WHY NOT?!’’ he asked you pretty angrily. 
,,Nothing is wrong with me…I hate to go there…Vanderwood…please…’’ you cried. 
Of course he ignored your begs and still brought you there. 
Luckily nothing was wrong but they wanted to let you stay for a few days. 
,,See? I said nothing is wrong…and now you will leave me here….!’’ you cried. 
It pained him to see you like that. 
,,Why? Why are you crying so much?’’ none ever saw him that worried. 
,,My parents left me while I was in hospital…I don’t want to stay here!’’ you cried. 
And so he decided that he will just sleep with you together in the hospital. 
18.03.’19// 21:46 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry 
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 @r-f-a-journalists
178 notes · View notes
chibivesicle · 5 years
Golden Kamuy 209: Cikapasi and Ryu come home.
Hello all, my summary for 209 will be a bit less than normal, I’ve had a fair bit of work and personal travel (which resulted in me trapped in Houston at 1am earlier this week in an attempt to get back to El Paso to then drive another hour to my current location) and I came back to work getting really busy while being travel sleep deprived. Oh and I had a painful dentist appointment as well . . .  It will take me about a week or two, to get my new schedule sorted out.
When chapter 209 came out many readers responded very emotionally to the events of the chapter; crying, really feeling for what happened in this chapter. 
I will immediately come clean and state that I did not cry nor feel very emotional about this chapter.  I breathed a sigh of relief that what I had anticipated and hoped would happen actually happened.  That sigh of relief came from as soon as I saw the title page here; Cikapasi and Enonoka walking through the snow holding hands together.
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The additional text stating that their encounter was “fated/miracle” made it even better for me personally - that they were going to be connected in some way and likely in a stable and permanent fashion.
As Sugimoto is driving the dogsled, it shows that Ryu has been promoted to being a lead dog.  This refers back to the whiteout in chapter 166 and 167.  Ryu tried to pull out of the line to follow Tsukishima and Koito’s sled with Enonoka and her grandfather but the lead dog got lost with Sugimoto, Tanigaki and Cikapasi.  Recall that when dog sleds were first introduced that headgear indicated a lead dog’s status in the group and Ryu is sparkling.  Asirpa pets Ryu as he lays on his belly and Shiraishi comments that Ryu can really fit in with the sled dogs and that he’s found his home as the panel ends on Cikapasi looking on.
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The group then bids their farewells to Ryu at the top of the following page.  This is a very heartfelt panel as many hands reach out to pet Ryu as they thank him for all of his help on the journey.  Sugimoto is behind him with both hands on his head, Cikapasi and Asirpa reach out with their right hands as well as Shiraishi.  There is a last hand, wearing a white coat.  It could be Tsukishima or Koito but, since the hand is the same skin tone was the rest of the hands, it must be Tsukishima.  Koito’s skin tone is more tan and in a few pages it is obvious when he shakes Enonoka’s hand.  Interestingly, Tanigaki doesn’t pet Ryu and his winter coat and uniform are both dark blue and he’s currently wearing the brown vest only over his chest and his regular military jacket.
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Tsukishima then talks to a man with a horse drawn sled heading back to Odomari and got them a ride back.  I’m guessing since Tsukishima talked to him, the man may be one of the resident Russians.  He tells them that they will need to say good back to Enonoka and her grandfather here.
Tsukishima looks so down here.  He really doesn’t seem to want to head back, he’s downcast and his face is shaded a bit.  We still don’t know how the conversation between Sugimoto and Asirpa ended but this is clearly the next day or something close to that.  I can’t help but feel like he’s dreading their reunion with Tsurumi.
Enonoka cries as she receives the payment from Koito for all of their services.  She counts the bills as Koito hands them over.  Sugimoto remarks that she is a mature kid but it comes off as a bit rhetorical since she is weeping and trying to hold back those tears, but perhaps he’s been spending too much time with Asirpa . . .  Once they are done they shake hands with the most serious faces that both can manage.  Can I mention how I love how serious Koito takes this business transaction - I still have some harsh words occasionally for our bon-bon but I do really love how when Koito wants to be professional he really delivers.  I really think his straight face is in part keeping it professional to not upset Enonoka more.
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Cikapasi follows her to talk to her and Sugimoto tells him that they will wait for him to say a proper good bye.  Tanigaki looks on as he has nothing to say but looks distressed.  I find it interesting that Sugimoto is the one who gives Cikapasi “permission” to say good-bye to Enonoka, not his adopted big brother Tanigaki.
Enonoka tells him that she won’t say good-bye as she hides behind a tree and that he can’t lose the hohchiri (bead triangle of Karafuto Ainu tradition) and to lastly not forget about her.
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Cikapasi holds back tears as he promises that he won’t forget her.  Koito then yells out for everyone to get going as they are getting on the sled, Cikapasi sweats nervously while Enonoka continues to cry.
As the sled moves away, Sugimoto says good-bye and waves while everyone else looks on.  Cikapasi looks back and sees only Enonoka’s hand on her grandfather’s waist, she’s unable to watch him leave but then she pops out and cries his name out.  He quickly turns around and tells her that he’ll wait for her - and promptly rolls off of the moving sled.
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After he falls off Tanigaki yells at the man to stop the sled.  I guess the driver is Japanese or knows Japanese at least enough to stop? The driver is wearing an ushanka . . .
Cikapasi gets up and brushes himself off as Tanigaki asks if he’s okay.  The framing on the next panel is interesting, Tanigaki’s eyes are too high and Shiraishi looks annoyed as he tells him to hurry up.  I think Shiraishi has a right to be a bit annoyed - I think he feels the further he gets away from Russia and the border and where Kiro died, he’ll feel better.  Everyone keeps forgetting that Shiraishi and Asirpa went though some very tough times and since they really don’t get time to psychologically face them, the next best thing is to heal by sheer distance.
 I very much like the design of the next few panels - Cikapasi’s face in the foreground shaded a bit grey, the others on the sled way behind and Enonoka and her grandfather before him.  He thinks of the film they made with Asirpa and having a family with them.
The next page has him standing in place, literally stuck.  It is only then that Shiraishi notices that something is wrong, going from mildly irritated to concerned, because at heart, Shiraishi is a pretty decent guy and he really does worry about others.  It is then that Tanigaki stares in absolute realization of what is happening.  Tanigaki tells everyone to wait as he gets up and approaches Cikapasi, who finds it hard to face him. The entire time, the viewer cannot see Tanigaki’s face for good reason, it is building up to the next panel.
  When he finally looks up to say “Tanigaki-nispa” Tanigaki’s tears fall onto his face, which are brought about by Tanigaki thinking of his travels and memories with Cikapasi and Inkarmat.  Only when faced with losing someone of his own free will and decision does Tanigaki realize what he was a part of.
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It is quite clear that the large bird of prey on the title page and now here in the upper left of Tanigaki’s head is in reference to the Ainu folk tale where Tanigaki played the bird kamuy that helped Cikapasi to find the man and his daughters.
Tanigaki cries, more than that, Tanigaki weeps at the fact that he tells him that he must stay in Karafuto.  Tanigaki is weeping likely for so many other things.
On the next page, Cikapasi with just a little tear, says ok and tells him that he must go form a family with Inkarmat.  Tanigaki then begins to blush more as he removes his Murata rifle from his back.  He states that he will finally give it to him and that he is to use the rifle to give back to Enonoka and her grandfather.  But that he should not use it until he is ready to and that Tanigaki will not be there to help him use it like when they shot the wolverine together.  Tanigaki is blushing heavily the entire time, he gives Cikapasi he knowledge that the person who gave him this gun saved his life and that it is important to him.
And with this exchange Cikapasi looks the most mature he’s been to date, and this is totally in line with his character development.  He respects this gift and he will use it with care.  Tanigaki appears soft in response to it first with his eyes closed and a soft smile.  He nods in response and there is a sparkle of sunlight reflected in Cikapasi’s rifle.
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Yes, Tanigaki is very soft here, but there is a sense of sadness and heaviness to this scene.  His next response is to look as adult and commanding as possible as he confirms what Cikapasi had just said.
Maybe it is just me, but I really feel that in this conversation, Cikapasi comes off as more mature than Tanigaki.  He seems so self assured while Tanigaki seems to have to dig deep to tell him that, yes, it is a boner.  I really feel that Cikapasi knew what he needed to do and he was just looking for Tanigaki’s confirmation which I personally don’t think he necessarily needed - most of Cikapasi’s personal growth has been driven by his interactions with Enonoka on Karafuto, not Tanigaki. Yes, Tanigaki helped him fire the rifle but Tanigaki really saw him as being useful while traveling but not someone he cared about quite the same way that Enonoka cared about him.
Cikapasi tells Tanigaki to take care of Asirpa and Huci as well and we can see that Tanigaki has handed Cikapasi’s bag over to him. 
A very soft looking Tanigaki says that he will take care of them as he has almost a sparkly eye and he looks positive and friendly.
The rest of the group on the sled then bid him farewell.  Shiraishi tells him good-bye and Asirpa tells him to stay healthy and take care of himself.
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Sugimoto seems happy and Tanigaki is smiling almost beaming.  In the background Koito has a very sweet look on his face as he smiles.  We as readers now know that Koito despite being a bon-bon, was for some time a very lonely child and longed to fit in.  He likely saw a part of himself in Cikapasi even if he’d never actually admit it, so I think Koito feels pleased that he found a place to belong. 
The only character who seems unhappy is Tsukishima who looks at Tanigaki very sternly or concerned.  I don’t see that as a soft smile from Tsukishima, I see a man torn and he looks like he’s looking more at Tanigaki than at Cikapasi.
I wonder if Tsukishima is concerned since Tanigaki just gave up his rifle and broke his ties to Cikapasi?  Tanigaki is unarmed now and the only thing he has left is Inkarmat - does Tsukishima know more about her status than the rest?
What do I think that? Just by looking at the end of 209 here:
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The fact that Cikapasi literally fades away in the background as Tanigaki sternly looks forward with a slight glimmer of tears in his eyes . . .  The final panel shows the large bird in the sky flying away from Cikapasi and Enonoka and Ryu running towards him. 
Tanigaki’s facial expression is somewhat similar to this one during his sniper battle with Ogata.  This seems to be his very serious expression when he’s focusing on something.  Yes, the situation is completely different, he’s no longer fighting for his life, but he’s setting himself up to mental prepare himself for battle.
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I see these two as similar as he has a pretty consistent furrowed brow look.  He’s angry at Ogata  . . .
I think here in 209, he’s angry at himself.  Tanigaki frequently shows his emotions and his eyebrows and eyes are a great indicator.  He’s clearly shifting his thoughts away from Cikapasi as he fades and he thinks about what is ahead - likely Inkarmat.
Okay, crazy hypothesis time and some summaries:
1.)  Cikapasi found the home he was looking for.
Yay!  I’m so happy he decided to stay in Karafuto and live with Enonoka and her grandfather.  She was great for his character development and I find it interesting that she was a parallel to Wilk but in a nice way.  Enonoka put the bead triangle on his hair just like Wilk (a Karafuto Ainu) did for Asirpa (a Hokkaido Ainu).  I think in both cases they are to symbolize both Asirpa and Cikapasi coming into their own - going from being children to being more responsible young adults. 
2.) Did Tanigaki just wave a death flag?  Or is he realizing he’s doomed to be miserable for the rest of his life?
So we all know that Tanigaki has inherited the curse of killing the tiger, no one will argue that.  My first instinct is that Tanigaki has waved his death flag.  He was saved by having Nihei’s rifle during his sniper battle with Ogata; without that he was as good as dead - Ogata would have gotten him.  That Murata rifle has been the item that has kept him going even though he was been very irresponsible with it; getting stolen, being used by Kiro as a trigger for explosives etc.  By giving it away, Tanigaki has lost any protective qualities that it may have afforded him.  In some ways I feel like he is “passing the buck along” to Cikapasi.  I think deep down, he knows Cikapasi will be a better inheritor of the rifle than he was - Cikapasi will use it to help Enonoka and her grandfather but what has he used it for?  He’s protected himself and Inkarmat (back in Yubari) but for the most part but he hasn’t used it for hunting which is what Nihei intended him to do with it.  By leaving the rifle with Cikapasi, it also keeps Ryu with him since he is still tied to it.  In a way, the Murata and Ryu are a pair and I’m not sure if they were a pair that Tanigaki deserved since he never went home like how Nihei wanted him to.
So now, Tanigaki has no weapon and he’s heading back with the rest of the group.  He got his revenge for Inkarmat but there is no way that Tsurumi won’t continue to use him.  I wonder with Tsukishima’s potential glance at Tanigaki it means that if Inkarmat is not going to make it, what is holding Tanigaki to this world?  I can see him using this as an excuse to be reckless and throw everything away b/c what else can he lose?
He was not in Yubari for the “last supper” scene so his fate is much more unclear in the series.  He always seemed to be someone who was running away from heading home - now that he’s lost Cikapasi he realizes in hindsight how much he meant to him but he really never gave Cikapasi the love and attention he really wanted.  Does he weep because he feels guilty for not doing more for Cikapasi?  Does he weep since he hurt his own family and now he’s hurting others?  He may have tolerated Cikapasi and came to care for him but he was very bad at expressing any of this.  The fact that Cikapasi needs to be nudged to say good-bye to Enonoka by Sugimoto and not Tanigaki speaks volumes.  He clearly started to see the relationship between them growing while watching the film, yet when it came to addressing it, he didn’t until he absolutely had to.
If this isn’t a death flag for his part, it is a likely as sign of things to come - Tanigaki being unable to appreciate what he has when he has it and then mourns the loss of things as he loses it time and time again.
Is this a cold and harsh read on his future?  Hell yes.  Do I think this is a strong possibility?  Totally. 
Unlike many of the other veteran characters, he has shown less change and character development.  Nihei told him to go home.  Ogata told him to go home.  He didn’t need to go to Karafuto, he used the lame excuse that Asirpa would trust him but really he’s never engaged or connected with her, he just used bringing her back to Huci as an excuse to not head home to Ani.
What I find even more striking is that he has returned to wearing the same clothing that he had at the start of the manga.  Not only that, in this chapter even though we see both of his hands we never see him wearing the tenkupe that Osoma made for him.
Recall she gave it to him in chapter 76 - Kane Mochi here:
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This was how Tanigaki was tied to Huci and Osoma.
We see him still wearing it when they first head to Karafuto here, in chapter 140.
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He’s got his vest on over his uniform, in part indicating that his cold tolerance is much better than the rest of the group as the rest are all wearing long coats.
But by time they reach the drift ice, it is no longer on his right hand here in 184.  Yes, this is based on a Japanese meme but still, Noda could have drawn the tenkupe on his right hand but he’s missing it.
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This can mean several things, he’s lost it, he no longer wishes to return to Huci and Osoma to get the matching set, or he has realized that he wants a set associated with Inkarmat etc.  I just went back through the manga quickly and I can’t pin down when he stopped wearing it, but it is clear that by 184, and before he kills Kiro that he was not wearing it anymore.
Is he no longer wearing it b/c he killed Kiro a person who is tied to the Ainu?  Is he no longer wearing it b/c he has figured out his relationship with Inkarmat?  Is he no longer wearing it b/c he has no reason to return to Huci and Osoma?
Whatever it is - I think it is a bad sign that he’s not wearing it anymore.
3.) Koito and Shiraishi show their soft sides this chapter.  Sugimoto and Asirpa seem a bit more contemplative.
Let’s take a minute to appreciate that Koito and Shiraishi both show their soft sides.  Both start off a bit whiny about Cikapasi holding them up but in the end they both seem the most revealed and happy that he found a home.  I like this part. 
Sugimoto and Asirpa are a bit harder to read, both of them are less connected to Cikapasi and it shows - I wonder if they see that their own relationship may split again?  Tanigaki and CIkapasi were a Japanese-Ainu pair - that certainly seems to mean something to the Asirpa-Sugimoto unequal partnership.
My gut keeps telling me that Sugimoto and Asirpa are going to be torn apart by a real force and that Ogata and Asirpa will have to rescue Sugimoto.  We are still missing so much backstory from Sugimoto and I don’t think we will get than until he’s in dire straits.
But that is enough for now.
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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i. / basics.
Name. Lynn Darcy. Nicknames. Troublemaker, sweetie, Candy Birthday. Age. 17-23 years old. Nationality. French. Languages. French, English &&. Spanish. Gender. Cis female. Sexuality. Bisexual. Status. Single. Occupation. Student &&. part-time worker in Cosy Bear Café. Speciality. Finding solutions to problems that aren’t hers and, instead, causing them in her own. Hobbies. Jogging, boxing, taking care of plants, ocasionally playing basketball.
ii. / physical.
Height. 160cm / 5′ 3″ Weight. 50kg / 110 lb Hair color. Brown. Eye color. Green. Blood type. O + Appearance. A petite female with a slightly built body  ( at the moment due her newfound interesting in boxing ).  Long hair naturally straight with chocolate brown pigment alongside green eyes.
Main verse. TAG.  「 MAIN / Lynn 」
Highschool student, 17 years old.  As a transfer student, she is a bit clueless and lost at the beggining. However, she quickly got used to the institute and learnt every little secret of it. Still, this does not apply to actual people. Lynn does have a lot of friends, though, and is quite close to Kim due having her as lab partner in Chemistry. But she doesn’t get along with Amber, Capuccine, Li or Charlotte. Peggy is on thin ice. Ah but, ever so caring Lynn — she can’t help but always want to help everyone.
MCLUL verse. TAG.  「 SECOND MAIN   / Lynn 」
College student, 23 years old. Canon divergent.  Mostly based on what’s taking place in the canon of My Candy Love University Life — except that Lynn never cut ties with all friends and kept in touch with Kentin alone, she still has a hopeless crush on Nathaniel but hasn’t gotten herself involved with anyone, keeping everysingle friend at arm length. So, no route Lynn?
Third main verse. / A different outcome TAG. 「 THIRD MAIN / Lynn 」
College student, part-time worker in Kentin’s bakery, 23 year old.  She didn’t want to be bossed around by her parents, neither leaving the city she grew to love. In fact, she wanted her freedom but Lynn wasn’t having it so easy.   From a side, her parents had stood their ground but so she did, fully determinated to stay. They all bickered and argued, raising their tone than trying to find a solution — that was, until Aunt Agatha got in the middle and decided to take care of the situation.   After much talking and convincing, she persuaded Lucia and Philip. Thus, leading Lynn to win only one obstacle from the many that would appear in her road.   Happily that she got to stay rather than losing all connections, she first started to help Kentin before deciding what she wanted to do with her future.
Fourth main verse. / What if? TAG. 「 FOURTH MAIN / Lynn 」
Highschool student, 17 years old.  So what if she could see the relationship stats that she had with other people? Like, a visual novel game? Well, that was about it! It was strange but she could not see options at all, she had free speech ( thankfully ) which allowed her faster to either improve or fuck up further her relationships.
Persona 5 verse. TAG. 「P5 / Lynn」
Highschool transfer student, Star, 17 years old.   ‘ You have truly made me wait, I am known for being impatient, ma fille, but I will allow it this time ’ , the brunette fell to knees, holding her head while she screamed in utter pain, tears rolling down her cheeks while her eyes were shut, trying to somehow make the pain bereable. All background noise was blocked, overpowered by a female voice inside her mind. ’ You have always clenched your fists and withdrawn for the fight, doing little to nothing. Finally, you have grown tired; let us form a pact, shall we? ’.     The voice was right, Lynn had enough. Taking blow after blow, being ridiculized, embarrassed and tossed aside — being the stepping stone others needed to feel superior while she put on a show, the happy pierrot that everyone relied onto but whom never spoke a single struggle. It was time for her to realize her own worth and speak her mind, yell to the four winds her heart’s desires; to defend and attack instead of being a mere broken shield.   ’ I am thou, thou art I we cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire! They can bind our body and tie our hands but nothing can be done nor can shatter our will! ’, the hands that once had been holding her head were now on the floor underneath her, helping her to push herself up slowly — green hues had turned yellow and filled with such aggresive determination that she had never felt before. Straightening her back, her right hand placed itself before the mask that had manifested to existence, gripping it hard, she pulled away at once — blood running down her eyes.   “ We shall show them what we are made of, come to me Amantine! ”
Eldarya verse TAG. 「Eldarya / Lynn 」
College student, 23 years old. Absynthe Garde / Alchemist.  As a descendant of a human, her father Philip, and a fairy, her mother Lucia, Lynn is a faerie. However, she was never told about the truth and because of her clueless nature, she never suspected anything weird  ( not even when her aunt would show up in particular clothes which she lied that it was part of her job as a dentist not to scare children, including wings on her back as part of the costume ).  Which is precisely how she stepped in the thin line of human world and magic world, the blindfold had been finally removed. Currently stuck in Eldarya and unable to return nor communicate with her parents, Lynn spends her days working to win the meal of the day alongside an elf named Ezarel as an assistant for the potions he needs to create, but mostly errand girl: running here and there to provide everything on time.
Mystic Messenger. / MC1. TAG. 「MysMe / Lynn 」
College student, 23 years old.   Actually, Lynn isn’t sure how she found herself in Korea. Mostly, trying to be a good friend for Hyun and be his emotional support friend when he needed one given his grandfather had gotten terribly ill and chances were… No, no. She shouldn’t focus there. In fact, she should focus on finding the place her friend had indicated that both were staying at — yet, things rarely go as planned. Sometimes, the female felt that she was a magnet to problems. A message, an adress and a distressed person were the formula to lure her towards an unknown appartment in which she ended up locked. Stuck in a position of party hoster of sorts, Lynn Darcy chose not to fight her fate and assume her role. Kim Yoosung, Kang Jaehee, Hyun Ryu, Han Jumin and Choi Luciel needed her, after all. And God knows how big her heart is to leave without providing the needed help.
Shall we date? Destiny Ninja 2 + TAG. 「Destiny Ninja 2 +/ Lynn 」
Living in the Spring Village has been a wonderful experience since she can recall, to wake up everyday and see how flowers would blossom — new ones that would arrive because of the ocasional windy days and carry along new seeds for the view to change, take different shape and colors. Yet that lovely experience started to come to an end when the Yamato Island began to get corrupted. Was the story they told her as kids to make her fear true? All Lynn can do is pray and keep up with her training; she might not be an expert, but basic defense moves could safe her. Besides, her father had always taught her how to use a gun since possessing a sword was more of an honor, a lifestyle.
Shall we date? Blood in roses + TAG. 「Blood in roses / Lynn 」
It was a poor idea for a human to wander into a castle, but after having lost her family, the brunette found no better choice than try to find a temporal refugee. Much to her horror, it turned out to be the rumored Hotel Libra Sincera — unable to return nor escape because she had nowhere to go, she decided to step inside that place.   Truthfully, Lynn never thought she would use a Humphrey’s bottle of False Mist that her mother had bought to her at age nine in case something bad would happen to them. It was easy to forget about it but Lucia has insisted for Lynn to carry it at all times; and now, she could finally use it.
Wizardess heart + TAG. 「Wizardess heart + / Lynn 」
Student &&. buddyless, 17 years old, spellsinger. TBA.
Ephemeral: Residents in the dark. TAG. 「Ephemeral / 010」
Student, 120 years old, half-breed.   A lovechild from a vampire and a human, a horrible sin for all creatures that should have been killed hasn’t been that she was born with the strongest gen as expected, which is the single reason she had managed to survive thus far in the world were ranks meant everything.   However, her mother had been murdered by other humans as soon as it was discovered that there were vampires within their world — Philippe had returned with shame and head hung low back to his family. Forced into a marriage with another woman, a mermaid that grew to terribly hate Lynn going as far as to dig her nails into Lynn’s wrists due being young and beautiful.   To say Lynn was grateful to being accepted into that prestigious institution wasn’t enough, she decided to stay and live there. Refusing to return to a place where her stepmother wanted her head in a spike — yet, her secret keeps her awake at night, what would happen if she was discovered?
Main verse.
23 years old. WIP. 
Aggrestuko verse./ Publishing department. TAG. 
Office lady, 24 years old. Lynn Darcy had studied art history, however, she did not find many jobs suitable for that and ended up undergoing trainment to become a ‘desk person'—work in an office and fall into a comfortable routine for another year and a half.
「 Lynn Darcy   /   𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓭𝔂 ┊ swcctlcve 」
「 Lynn Darcy / INQUIRY」
「 Lynn Darcy / MUSINGS 」
「 Lynn Darcy / VISAGE 」
「 Lynn Darcy / MANNERISMS 」
「 Lynn Darcy / ROMANCE 」
「 Lynn Darcy / CRACK 」
DISCLAIMER.  I will not ship with the same character more than once unless my partner tells me they will no longer write said character and, therefore, the ship spot is free again. Please, do not force the issue.   001. Will you have exclusives?   If my partner and I discuss it before hand, then yes.   002. Will you have mains?   This will be more popular but yes, I will have limit of three mains.
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KENTIN BRONSWORTH. ROMANTIC TAG.  ✘ · Kentin Bronsworth ♡( ᵒᵘʳ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗˢ ᵇᵉᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵃˢ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵃᵗ ˡᵃˢᵗ ⁻ ⁱ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃⁱᵗ ) FRIENDSHIP TAG.  kcntin ; ʜᴏᴘᴇ( φιλíα ) ABOUT.
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RAVEN KENDALL. ROMANTIC TAG.  ✘ · Raven Kendall ♡「 ᴵᶠ ᴵ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʰᵉʳ ʰᵒʷ ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵇᵘᵗ ʷᵉ'ʳᵉ ᵃ ᵐⁱˡˡⁱᵒⁿ ʷᵒʳˡᵈˢ ᵃᵖᵃʳᵗ」 FRIENDSHIP TAG. ABOUT.
HAIDA HYENA. ROMANTIC TAG.  ✘ · Haida Hyena ♡「 ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᶠᵃˡˡ ᴵ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᵗᵒ ᶜᵃᵗᶜʰ ʸᵒᵘ / starryburglar 」 FRIENDSHIP TAG. ABOUT.
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osakaso5 · 5 years
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Ryunosuke Tsunashi 12 SONGS GIFT Rabbit Chat Part 4: Tell Us, All Stars! 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Has everyone returned?
Riku: We're all here! We decided to gather in the living room after all that happened!
Tsumugi: I see!
Tamaki: Nagicchi didn't get anything good
Nagi: :-(
Tenn: We're more or less together, too.
Gaku: We've only got one gas burner, after all. Whenever we get in the mood for coffee, we just end up in the same room.
Momo: And I'm at Yuki's place right now!
Tsumugi: What a coincidence! I'm also at the office with Banri-san!
Rinto: Huh..? Everyone seems to be having fun. Perhaps we should meet up too, Anesagi-san.
Kaoru: No. I've already taken my makeup off.
Riku: We were talking about Tsunashi-san's question, and how we probably wouldn't have met if we weren't idols.
Iori: We have surprisingly little in common, after all. Yotsuba-san and I would probably have gone to different schools.
Tamaki: And I don't think So-chan or Nagicchi would go to the kinda places I do.
Nagi: I wonder. We might have met at a comics shop.
Riku: I might've met Mitsuki or Sogo-san at a TRIGGER live!
Ryunosuke: These really have all been once-in-a- lifetime meetings. I'm glad I got to know you like this!
Tsumugi: Right... Well then, now that everyone has returned, let's continue!
Tsumugi: We'll start with Yamato-san!
Yamato: Gotcha.
Yamato: I've thought about this a few times now, but Tsunashi-san's the type that I'd probably keep at a polite distance.
Ryunosuke: Huh!? Really!?
Yamato: Not because I don't like you or anything! You're just so dazzling (lol) Mitsu and Momo-san are that type, too.
Mitsuki: Don't say things that'll make me feel lonely, Yamato-san!
Momo: Be friendly!!
Yamato: I am being friendly!! But I still think there'd be some boundaries. That's why I think Tsunashi-san would probably be a popular senpai from university, who I'd be watching from the sidelines (lol)
Ryunosuke: I'm sure you'd be plenty popular yourself, Yamato-kun. I'd probably try to make friends with you!
Yamato: Thank you. Maybe you're someone I could open up to (lol)
Yuki: You're so tough to crack that I wouldn't want you to open up so easily, though.
Yamato: I'm not tough to crack! Besides, aren't you a lot more antisocial than me!? Banri-san told me all about it!
Yuki: Did he, now? Tell me more.
Banri: It's just that it was such an embarrassing story. I couldn't help telling him.
Rinto: You were quite difficult yourself, Ogami-san. Especially for two busy celebrities to find. I'll be more than happy to give you the full details of it later.
Banri: Please don't (lol)
Tsumugi: Thank you, Yamato-san! Yaotome-san, you're next!
Gaku: If me and Ryu hadn't met through idol work, huh. It might as well be some kind of fated meeting, then.
Ryunosuke: Like what?
Gaku: Either I save your life, or you save mine.
Tenn: You always did have a flair for the dramatic, Gaku.
Ryunosuke: Saving Gaku's life, huh. That would be a really serious responsibility!
Gaku: Actually, it's probably better if I save you. I could be a detective, and you my client. Or maybe you could even be the culprit I've been trying to catch the whole time.
Tenn: So you're enemies now?
Tsumugi: Both of them would make great first meetings! I'd love to be a fly on the wall during either one!
Gaku: In any case, I want our meeting to be like something you'd see in a drama. I don't want us to just be acquaintances, I want us to change each other's lives. 
Ryunosuke: Gaku... I'm so touched... I want to change your life too, no matter how we meet.
Gaku: Thought so.
Kaoru: Then meet in a more peaceful way, so your lives aren't in danger. Though I suppose this is typical, coming from you boys.
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Mitsuki: You've gotta start saying this kind of stuff too, Leader.
Yamato: It took a lot of courage just to give my own, honest answer, y'know.
Yamato: What about our manager here? If you didn't work this job, what do you think you'd be doing?
Tsumugi: Me?
Ryunosuke: I'm curious, too. Tell us, Tsumugi-chan!
Tsumugi: Let's see. If I wasn't in this line of work...
1. I might be in higher education?
Ryunosuke: I'm sure you'd have made a cute university student. But you're just as cute now, obviously!
2. Maybe I'd be working an office job?
Ryunosuke: You're really efficient, so it'd probably suit you. Maybe we'd meet while you're on a company retreat to Okinawa?
3. Perhaps I'd be working in customer service?
Ryunosuke: I think you'd be good at it, since you're so friendly! Maybe I'd end up being one of your customers!
Tsumugi: Or something like that..? As Tsunashi-san   said, I'd want to meet all of  you even if I was working a different job!
Ryunosuke: Right! I'd want to meet everyone, even in a totally different  kind of world!
Tsumugi: I'm glad you feel that way! Mitsuki-san, you're next!
Mitsuki: Yeah!
Mitsuki: I thought about this pretty hard, and I think we'd make fast friends no matter how we met.
Ryunosuke: That makes me really happy! I think so, too!
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Mitsuki: So, I think we'd hit it off at the gym, meet through a friend, or maybe get to know each other while I'm on a trip in Okinawa. Either way, as soon as we meet, I'm sure we'd end up in the kind of relationship we have now!
Mitsuki: At least, I hope so!
Ryunosuke: I think I'd always want to be  your friend, no matter  how many times I'm reborn!
Iori: Suddenly, this discussion is about reincarnation.
Tsumugi: Thank you, Mitsuki-san! Sogo-san, go ahead!
Sogo: This might be a bit too similar to Mitsuki-san's, but Tsunashi-san is such a wonderful person that I think he'd leave a lasting impression no matter where we'd meet.
Sogo: So, I think maybe I'd see him having tea at a café, and approach him to ask for his number.
Tamaki: That's flirting...
Tenn: That's flirting, isn't it.
Yamato: Spoken like a true rich kid.
Yuki: That's what you do when you want someone to end up at your place later that night.
Sogo: Huh!? I didn't mean to...
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Ryunosuke: So you'd approach me! I'd be really happy to have someone as polite as you come talk to me.
Sogo: Yes. You're very kind, so I feel like I could gather the courage to approach you.
Ryunosuke: That would be a nice way for us to meet.
Tsumugi: Sogo-san, thank you! Nagi-san, you're next!
Nagi: Indeed. In order for myself and Tsunashi-shi to meet while we are not idols, we would have to raise Tsunashi-shi's specs.
Ryunosuke: Ah, you mean by having me graduate a top university, or work for a top-notch corporation..?
Nagi: Basically, you would have to expand your knowledge of anime.
Ryunosuke: Oh, you meant those kind of specs?
Nagi: There would be an anime event in Okinawa that you would have a ticket for, we would get in contact over the internet, and while waiting in line for the event, we would have a passionate discussion about anime, and become ocean-crossed soulmates.
Ryunosuke: O-okay. I'll try my best to get that ticket for you!
Tsumugi: Thank you, Nagi-san! Riku-san, go ahead!
Riku: I wonder what I would've done if I wasn't an idol? Maybe I'd just have gone to university, like everyone else?
Riku: If I graduated universtiy, got a job, and started earning money, I could reopen my parents' club. In that case, I'd hire Tsunashi-san as one of our dancers!
Ryunosuke: You'd be the manager? And you'd scout me?
Riku: Yes! I'm sure the club would be a huge success if you worked there!
Ryunosuke: Thank you! I'm glad to hear that!
Tsumugi: Riku-san, thank you! Kujo-san, you're next!
Tenn: I have a hard time picturing myself as anything other than an idol, too.
Ryunosuke: It's pretty hard to imagine you doing something else. I think that applies more  to you than anyone else here.
Tenn: I consider that a compliment.
Tenn: Going off the top of my head, we might meet in a hospital waiting room. We'd get to know each other while talking about our families.
Gaku: Why a hospital? Are you sick or something?
Riku: Is it because you used to come see me in the hospital a lot? Is that what you meant?
Tenn: That's right.
Riku: I like that I'd be the reason you meet.
Ryunosuke: That's kind of a tender first meeting. It's totally different from Gaku's dramatic scenario, but they both really suit you two.
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, thank you! Iori-san, you're next!
Iori: Understood. Unfortunately, my scenario is also a bit silly.
Ryunosuke: It's rare for you to act silly, Iori-kun!
Iori: I said my scenario was silly, not me.
Ryunosuke: S-sorry.
Mitsuki: Iori, don't get mad, lol
Iori: Please excuse me... Tsunashi-san seems like he'd love animals, so I might meet him on my way home from school, while he's walking a dog. And sometimes he'll let me pet the dog.
Ryunosuke: Walking a dog, huh! I'd like to do that, it sounds nice. Do you like dogs, Iori-kun?
Iori: No. At most, I can acknowledge their existence.
Riku: Oh, reeeally?
Iori: But, seeing how close you are to your dog would be so wonderful that it would give me the slightest urge to get my down dog. That's about it.
Ryunosuke: Thank you! I'm glad your scenario was so heartwarming!
Tsumugi: Iori-san, thank you! Tamaki-san, you're the last one left!
Tamaki: This is something I could imagine, or more like wish for.
Tamaki: Ryu-aniki would be a dentist.
Tamaki: And I'd be a patient.
Ryunosuke: You wish I was a dentist?
Tamaki: I don't wanna go to the dentist!!!
Tamaki: Is what I'd think, but then I'd be all relieved when you turn out to be my dentist. Like, "this guy seems nice", or whatever.
Ryunosuke: I see! I'd do my best to help you relax.
Gaku: As long as we're talking about dentists, who wouldn't you want as yours?
Tamaki: So-chan. He'd be scary with a drill.
Sogo: I'm confident that I could do my job properly and give you the right treatment, though.
Tamaki: Even if you could give me the right treatment, you'd still make it seem like it'd hurt and be scary. Ryu-aniki and So-chan, you should both try saying something you'd say to a patient.
Tamaki: Go.
Ryunosuke: It'll be okay. This will be over soon, so just hang in there.
Sogo: This may  hurt a bit, but it's a necessary procedure, so try to bear with it.
Momo: lololololol
Mitsuki: You really showed your true natures here, lol
Tamaki: I'd sooo go to Ryu-aniki for the dentist
Tenn: I'd prefer a dentist like Sogo Osaka, though.
Riku: I'm sure you wouldn't hurt me, Sogo-san!
Sogo: Thank you. If I ever become a dentist, I'll work hard to meet both your expectations.
Tsumugi: I'm glad this turned into such a fun chat! lol Thank you, everyone!
Mitsuki: Happy birthday, Tsunashi-san!
Momo: Ryu-chan, congrats~!!
Ryunosuke: Thank you, everyone! I'm happy that you took the time to get together like this!
Ryunosuke: I look forward to working with you for another year!
Sogo: As do we.
Riku: Congratulations, Tsunashi-san!
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, do your best at your 12  SONGS GIFT event!
Ryunosuke: Yeah, I will!
Ryunosuke: I can't wait to spend my birthday with my fans!
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 saturday diary
cosplayed/breakfast: same as the other 2 diaries. snack: a twin kitkat.
my eyes only, buckaroo. for future me.
can i b real w u i waited until 3 am to type this n a lot (esp from panels/early in the day) is HELLA fuzzy!!! sry! ;w; also it’s like. 4 am as im typing this n im not in the mood to write a diary! recalling everything is tiring, yknow? n i need to go to bed ghh... anyway!!
we left late bc i couldnt decide who to cosplay n i arrived late :(( anyway, it hadnt been 5 minutes there when i dropped my plastic purple heart ring i had from the dentist n i was so sad :( but i went to the bn-ha panel n i dont remember a lot of it sry. i remember iida wore a giant floppy sunhat that said Sunny Vibes on it tho n momo wore a black n white striped dress w sunflowers!
After this was cafe-stuck and it was fun! everyone kept calling jade a furry n i asked nepeta if she’d ever seen Nyan Neko Sugar G!rls to which she said no n someone asked her if she’d heard of/seen nek0para n she said she’d heard of it but it was “a bit.. too Extreme/Much for me.....” and someone asked the group (vriska, jade, john, dave, nepeta, tavros, aradia) why they were doing this and they said it was equius’ and john’s (i think?) prank that got way too out of hanf bc kanaya made the outfits for reals. someone asked vriska if she was a furyr cuz she had a spidersona and throughout the panel vriska and tavros kept talking abt how vriska took away his legs/him not having any. i asked the aradia n vriska if they’d work good together to make a good hall0ween themed cafe if this cafe were real n they were like “what’s hall0ween?” n the others told them it was a holiday that had candy n dead bodies n stuff! n someone asked abt who has the least human rights or just rights in general n john was like “jade u dont rights, ur an animal” n jade was like “trans rights”.
i decided to skip the d-dlc panel bc i didnt rly wanna write poetry cuz i do that at home n i dont rly care abt theories n discussing stuff like that so! i went walking around the dealers room n stuff. my crown actually came off at this time n i remember feeling like my crown had fallen off bc i thought i heard the mini whoosh it makes when it falls down but when i looked behind me, it wasnt there so i checked the aisles nearby n it wasnt there so i assumed someone had snatched it off my head but after a lot of walking, i found it half-underneath a con table w black tablecloth?? so i picked it up n went to the cosplay help desk and the guy safety-pinned it to my wig so i was all good to go!!
after that, i tried to look around to see if i could find any ens-tars cosplayers bc the meerup but i didnt see any so i was like oh well whatever im going to the LL panel anyway. so i went to the aki hana panel n i have videos of it! so im not rly gonna talk abt it. they played kings game there tho and “who’s most likely”! they said “who’d like an!mal crossing the best” n my immediate thought was rin so i raised my hand but the answer they had thought of was kotori, which actually makes much more sense haha. they said my answer was valid tho. i still got candy for answering! anyway the punk set ruby next to me ended up being the hifumi from yesterday that gave me the flower tin n they said it was nice to see me again n i said i wasnt able to go to the ES meetup bc i was only told when it was, not where it was, n they said that Eri/Eli (?) 9im guessing that was the host of the meetup) had to cancel it n i went oh. at the end of the panel i received a kotori pic! also a girl dressed up as a witch complimented my tsukasa outfit n i knelt down n said “thank you, princess” or smth i was like “i had a ring that i was gonna use to like. pretend to give to pretty girls but.. i lost it” n they seemed flattered but we parted ways!
after this was the aqours panel n the hanamaru did a dance n the you also did one but then they started playing the p0cky game n Headphones n i got kind of bored so i left n i heard “tsukasa!” n it was the jakurai from yesterday (that told me abt the meetup) dressed as mao in a yukata w their friend as oni ritsu n they looked so good! the jakumao apologized saying the meetup was cancelled. i think we talked for a sec then i went to go check out the rw-by q n a n it was a whole lot of roasting from the audience haha bc they did questions one at a time (ex: questions for yang, now questions for blake...) n i asked yang how she gets her hair so nice n she went “...nice?” w an unbelieving laugh/tone then they moved on n i was confused but oh well! they asked summer how she felt abt sloppy seconds bc taiyang n how taiyang’d feel abt a 3rd wife n nora got asked how many pancakes she could eat at a time n she was like “how much time do ya have?” n after the qna they started playing a weird game n it was rly boring so i left but the panel was almost over anyway. 
after i left i ran into a ramuda n they recognized me as tsukasa n they’re into ES n they said they hadnt watched the anime yet n they were surprised to see valkyrie in it bc they thought they werent gonna b but they said they hope the anime doesnt butcher shhu bc they like shu n know a lot of ppl hate shu n stuff. we talked abt the ES cosplayers at the con for a bit n i told them abt the ritsu+mao cosplayers n we had anice time talking n they said they rly liked rabits n i was like oh dude me too!! “i havent met anyone who hates ryu-seitai. like, Good.” n they were like “how could you hate ryu-seitai, they all wanna b nice n make friends” n i was like “yea mayb except midori” there was more but yea! i also ran into the witch girl n her friend from earlier bc they went “tsukasa!!!” n her friend (cosplayin smth from hn-k) showed me they had/got a leo plush n i was like “OH MY GOD. HE’S FINALLY BEEN FOUND!! HOLD ON CAN WE HAV A PIC W IT” so we took a pic of the leo plush beside my “where is leo??” sign like!! hell yea! n i was like “leo needs to pay child support. he’s evading his taxes. tax fraud” or smth around this point i think. at some point, on the escalators, i noticed a juto n a samatoki but when they got off the scalator they were heading for the exit so i couldnt rly ask for their pic so i decided to try n find em later.
then i went to the bn-ha panel but it was full to the BRIM but i made the mistake of sliding into the middle of an empty row for a good seat but the prson sat in front of me had big poofy hair so i couldnt see like half of the characters n ppl filld all the seats to my left n right so i couldnt leave. i was rly bored n trapped so i went on my ipad for almost all of thepanel n read part of a chiana/zu fic n stuff until the girl w the big hair left then i focused a Little more on the panel but i was still bored so wehn i noticed the ppl to my right all leave except the one guy next to me, i left the panel. i was sad bc at the time of that panel, there was a DR murder mystery panel that i couldve tried to attend instead but i was trapped so i couldnt :((
after that i decided to wander around for a bit before idolfest but when i went in at 5 pm, i 4got just how small that room was n how few chairs it had, n there were ppl standing against the walls so i leaned my sign against the right of the double doors BUT I LOOKED AHEAD N THERE WAS!! A HYPM!C PERFORMANCE STARTING TO HAPPEN!! DIVISION RAP ANTHEM WAS STARTING UP N MTR WAS ON THE STAGE!! but there were tall ppl standing in front of me n i was crowded against the back so i raised my ipad way above my head n started recording n watched them thru my ipad util someone opened the right door n i had to scramble tog rab my sign n lean it against me somehow n it made my fildiming falter but!! god i was just so exciting bc i wasnt expecting A HYPM!C PERFOAMNCE!! they did so good too ;w; after that, it was a solo hanayo perfoamnce then 3 songs from a non-anime-specific idol group that did 3 voca songs (one of which was LUVVVORATORY!!) n another non-anime dol group that did kpop songs (they were rly pretty n good) n then a you solo then a you/hane duet! ALSO during the hypm!cperformance, te juto n sama n a gentaro were dancing in front of me n right after the perfoamcne, a BB group opened the door but realized they missed the hypm!c performance n left n i decided to try n find em later too. 
after the last performance, there was still time, so a samus came over to me n asked to take a pic of my sign n they said they like ens-tars too n they said they cosplay tsukasa too n they ran a panel as him back in georgia n we talked abt best boys n i showed them all the keychains on my bag n when i pointed at mika n said 2nd best boy they went “:o me too!” n there was a lot more said but we went on talking for a while abt ens-tars n they showed me pics of the tori n arashi cosplayers that day they saw. 
after that i just walked around for like 45 minutes until the samus saw me again n waved me over so i was talking w them n they were apparently drinking alcohol despite being 18 n their friend was 23 n we were just talking abt stuff n i noticed a trigger group on the escalator n we called out to them n i took their picture n samus was like “dude it’s so cool that ur into id0lish7 too” n then we kept talking n at one point the samus was like “tsukasa i luv u” n made a lil finger heart n i tried 2 make one but my hands were kinda full but i managed to make one! they also said earlier today, they saw a sasuke cosplayer getting arrested n they took a pic of it for their snapchat lmao n it was them in front of a cop car n they said the person said “dont touch me!!” to the cop. the friend w samus said the only idols he knows were the combie one n that saki was def best girl hands down like, its a fact n i was like “ur right. it not even a hot take, its the Facts.” anyway then i wnted to walka round a bit more so i did n at like. 7:10 i decided “why not go near the photosoot area n registration to see more cosplayers that r there bc ive just been walking repetitive loops around the dealers room entrance n the con floor so! there could b some new cosplayers there! n lo n behold i found a tenn n ryuu that i had seen briefly earlier! n took their pic! then less than a few ftaway, i tried to walk past some ppl but there was a bag in the way so i stepped over it (like, not on it, i mean. like, Over, to avoid it) but i noticed it was an MTC itabag n the person next to it had bunny ears n it!! was the juto n sama i was looking for! so i took their pic n was talking abt how cool it is to see more hypm!c cosplayers here this yr until some guy came up n started telling the samatoki they looked like kaworu n they mistook them for kaworu n they said they didnt kno who i was supposed to b but i looked nice (iirc?) so i left n near the prop check table, I SAW THE BB BOYS! so i ran up to them n asked for a picture n then i started talking abt the hypm!c thing n there being so many this yr when there were none last yr n the jiro was like “aa ur tsukasa” n we started talking abt ES a lil bit n the anime then i complimented their ritsu+mao plushies on their bag n left!
after that i just roamed the halls until 8 pm. then the v0ltron panel! keith n lance hd like, a roasting rivalry going on n keith was like “i keep getting bullied! i dont deserve this!” n i kept askiing questions. me, a green ranger, a dave, n the dave’s friend were mainly the ones asking questions lmao. anyway keithd b like “lance dont touch me oh ew” and i asked keith what his fav anime was since he said he was a weeb n he said blue ex0rcist n i asked keith if hed seen LL (bc LL cosplayers were dancing to the music outside the panel room n i heard it) n lance was like “oh yea, he knows all the dances. he does them in his room” n keith denied it n at one point, i was like “since keith n lance share one braincell, who has it the most” n they said keith. the bonding moment was also mentioned a lot and alluras death n how lance can get much more “game” than keith (like, ladies. sorry im tired they might hav used another term) and an amami in the audience told lance to fortnite dance with him aftr thelance fortnite danced n!! just. a lot happened. it was a very casual-ish panel imo. haha.
after that i 4got that the bn-ha panel was at 10 not 9 so i just decided to wander then hit up the dance floor for most of the duration n i spotted the juto n sama n a nurse ramuda that i remember the samus talking abt n also someone who looked like the arashi the samus showed me but in an ali!ce madeness returns dress  o i asked the ramuda for a pic and then started dancing and the juto got into one of the dance circles n just started going hard as HELL n i was just dancing in the area they were near n out of the corner of my eye i’d see juto just absolutely KILLING IT w their dance moves bc they were dancing in front of their friends (occasionally w samatoki or posing w them) n i was just jamming out n during a slow song i pulled up a pic of chiaki on my ipad n started slowdancing w my ipad n the girl near me was like “that’s a Mood” n i think i heard the possibly-arashi n the others laugh a bit bc i was slow-dancing w “chiaki’ haha but god the dance floor was WILD! there was a guy w a saxophone at some point playing along w the music then a guy w a guitar! n we yelled lyrice to dont stop believing n stuff.
the the bn-ha panel! ...i was bored. most of the time i put tape on my leo sign and looked up wigs on ebay n stuff n sometimes i couldnt hear v well bc i sat near the back. they started up like, truth or dare but w a beach ball to decide who got to ask the dare or w/e? but i noticed a gentaro in the back of the room so i was like “ill just wait until the end of the panel then ask for their picture” then trivia started n they eventually asked what episode dabi appeared in n i was thinking “ep 7 of the most recent season” n some guy guessed that (he was the only one who fuessed) but the izuku n katsuki looked at their paper n i heard them mutter “episode 31″ so after somebody guessed ep 42 n the panelists said ‘”guess between 30-42--” i said ep 31 n went up n got a pack of aiw stickers but i shoulve taken the superhero shirt tbh. aftr that i decided to leave n asked the gentaro for a pic n they were one of the ryuus earlier they said n also a jakuarai from yesterday! they were like “oh! ur the tsukasa i keep seeing/running into!” n i was like “oh! hi!”
idk what convo this was in but someone was like “do u like how they did anzu?” n i was like “oh she’s so cute they rly said Fuck Anzu Haters” n they agreed.
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officialotakudome · 7 years
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Section23 Has Announced It's October Slate
Section23 has revealed the licensor’s anime releases for October 2017:
HOUSTON, June 21, 2017 – Home video distributor Section23 Films today announced its October slate of releases; including Sentai Filmworks’ Limited Edition Premium Box Set for the supernatural coming-of-age tale, Flying Witch!
      Product details follow, in order of release
  Coming October 2017
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         600 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Banri Tada has seen his share of trouble, but now he’s leaving that behind him and entering law school.  Or that was the plan, but on the first day of class, he finds himself lost and wandering.  Fortunately, while trying to resolve his predicament, he meets Mitsuo, a fellow law student, and together they head to class.  Only to be suddenly confronted with a beautiful woman who, much to Banri’s surprise, slaps Mitsuo in the face with a bouquet of roses.  She’s Koko Kaga, Mitsuo’s self-appointed future bride.  He may have new friends, but if Banri thought his problems were over, he’ll have to cross-examine his conclusion.  Together they’ll juggle life, love and more than a little drama in Golden Time the Complete Collection.
      Title:                 HINAKO COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Maiden Japan
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         105 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $29.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Hinako used to be a normal human. Then she was magically changed into an anime character! Now, she mostly does things like play the heroine’s best friend, but, in between anime, she’s got a lot of time on her hands. One of the strange things about Hinako is that, unlike most anime characters, she’s completely aware that she’s being watched! That doesn’t bother her, though. She likes the fact that the viewers are out there, and she considers them her friends. If she’s doing something and thinks of something to say, she’ll just say it to the people she can’t see. Or CAN she see them? The fourth wall is shattered as the most self-aware anime character ever invites you to peek behind the screen and experience the intimate interactive life of Training, Bathing, and even Sleeping with HINAKO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         975 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It’s rare to get a second chance at love, but Junichi Tachibana is about to get a half dozen of them! Junichi gave up hope of finding his special someone when a date stood him up on Christmas Eve, but fate is about to give him the romantic equivalent of a multiple choice quiz! It seems that there are a lot of girls Junichi knows who are “interested”, and if he picks the right one, and does the right things, he may just find his soul mate. And better yet, if he messes up on the first six or seven tries, he even gets do-overs! It’s the classic story of boy meets girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, and girl again as one guy’s luck with the ladies goes from bad to multi-verse in this complete collection: AMAGAMI SS and AMAGAMI SS+!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         670 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $89.98
  SYNOPSIS:  When Yu Narukami moves to Inaba to stay with his police detective uncle, he’s hoping that his new life in this small town will be more peaceful than the city. Instead, strange events begin occurring that somehow link Yu to a series of murders that have been happening across town! As a mysterious TV show world attempts to get Yu and his new friends to enter a dark virtual world, they find themselves plunged into a bizarre alternate reality where they gain incredible powers and abilities. Will the skills bestowed on them solve the mysteries behind the killer? Or will their powers lead them to their ultimate doom? Discover the shocking secrets of the Velvet Room and beyond in PERSONA 4: The Complete Collection.
      Title:                 SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA BLU-RAY
Published by:    SoftCel Pictures
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         50 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $19.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Using black magic and armies of monsters, the Dark Elf Empire of Keltula conquered and enslaved all the other nations of Midgard, then set its designs on the lands of Mithras. Only the Kingdom of Lindengard stood in their way, but taking courage from the heroics of their warrior princess Oliva, the soldiers of Supreme Ruler Ashbel managed to halt the Keltulan advance. Then, Keltula sent its most ruthless warrior, Cecil, to take command and, using treachery and deceit, he captured 5000 Lindengard troops. To save them, Lindengard’s ruler was forced to accept a horrific bargain: give Oliva to Cecil in exchange for the lives of captured men! Now, stripped of her armor, rank, and freedom, Lindengard’s greatest heroine has become Cecil’s slave and sexual toy, and the nightmare is only beginning for SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA!
        Title:                 GARO TV COLLECTION 1 BLU-RAY
Published by:    Kraken Releasing
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  For thousands of years, mankind has been under attack by an ancient race of demons: nightmarish creatures that feed off the darkness in men’s souls and enter our world seeking bodies to possess. Against these Horrors, the human race has just one hope: the enchanted weapons and armor of the Makai Knights, a secret legion of warriors, priests, and magic users who stand as humanity’s last line of defense. Get ready for an epic experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen before as famed designer/director Keita Amemiya (Zeram, Kamen Rider Black) and a pantheon of Japan’s top action and horror directors, including Makoto Yokoyama (Power Rangers), Kengo Kaji (Tokyo Gore Police), and Ryu Kaneda (Video Girl Ai), unleash the amazing battle sequences and stunning special effects that revolutionized the world of Japanese horror in GARO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         96 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It’s just so not fair! Sure, Rikka may be a “chunibyo” afflicted with a state where she’s convinced that she has hidden powers. Maybe she DOES think she has an evil eye that always has to be covered with a patch. But that doesn’t mean that what she believes isn’t real to her, and Rikka knows in her twisted little heart that Yuta Togashi is much more than just another boy. So why is he always pulling away? At long last, here’s the chance to see the world through Rikka’s eyes (or eye, technically, since the evil one is usually covered). Armed with your trusted parasol, you’ll deal with evil high priestess sisters, enchanted animals, and the scariest thing of all, going literally boy crazy in LOVE, CHUNIBYO AND OTHER DELUSIONS!: RIKKA VERSION!
      Title:                 FLYING WITCH COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD, DVD, COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $69.98, $59.98, $159.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Traditionally, when a witch turns 15, she’s supposed to go out into the world alone to study magic. Makoto’s parents, however, believe that their directionally-challenged daughter should get a high school degree. Instead of being sent out on her own, Makoto and her cat Chito find themselves traveling from the bustling city of Yokohama to Aomori Prefecture, where they’ll stay with relatives until Makoto finishes school. It’s going to be a big adjustment, and it only gets more complicated since “normal” people aren’t supposed to know that witches exist… something that she tends to forget. In the meantime, Makoto, her cousins, and her new friends will have to work just a little harder to adapt to a whole new way of life when the new girl in town is a FLYING WITCH!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The online fantasy game Elder Tales is a worldwide phenomenon, immersing millions of players in its intricately conceived virtual world. However, the release of the game’s twelfth expansion pack makes that immersion all too literal, as players from around the world are suddenly pulled into the game’s no-longer-fictional universe! Now, eight-year ET veteran Shiroe, his friend Naotsugu, the beautiful assassin Akatsuki, and 30,000 other players are faced with the daunting task of learning how to deal with an entirely new reality, one where the Non-Player Characters are actually alive, and the tips and tricks learned while playing with a keyboard no longer apply. Flesh and blood replace avatars and stat lists, and an entire world stands on the brink of Apocalypse in the ultimate LOG HORIZON SEASON 1 & SEASON 2 complete collection!
      Title:                 THE DRAGON DENTIST
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         90 min.
Street Date:      10/31/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Going into war against a dragon takes incredible courage, but even that danger pales in comparison to the hazards of young Nonoko’s job. As a Dragon Dentist, she’s charged with venturing into the jaws of the country’s dragon protector to keep its pearly canines free of plaque, decay, and other debris. One day, Nonoko discovers an unconscious soldier between her dragon’s teeth instead of a cavity, and she finds herself caught up in a series of events that have been foretold to bring disaster to her people! Get ready for an incredible brush with destiny that leads two young people through the mouth of hell and towards certain doom as the creators of the new EVANGELION feature films unleash an epic unlike anything you’ve seen before in THE DRAGON DENTIST!
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Section23 Announces October Release Slate
Home video distributor Section23 Films today announced its October slate of releases, including Sentai Filmworks’ Limited Edition Premium Box Set Flying Witch as well as mature tokusatsu series Garo.
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         600 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Banri Tada has seen his share of trouble, but now he's leaving that behind him and entering law school.  Or that was the plan, but on the first day of class, he finds himself lost and wandering.  Fortunately, while trying to resolve his predicament, he meets Mitsuo, a fellow law student, and together they head to class.  Only to be suddenly confronted with a beautiful woman who, much to Banri's surprise, slaps Mitsuo in the face with a bouquet of roses.  She's Koko Kaga, Mitsuo's self-appointed future bride.  He may have new friends, but if Banri thought his problems were over, he'll have to cross-examine his conclusion.  Together they'll juggle life, love and more than a little drama in Golden Time the Complete Collection.
      Title:                 HINAKO COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Maiden Japan
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         105 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $29.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Hinako used to be a normal human. Then she was magically changed into an anime character! Now, she mostly does things like play the heroine's best friend, but, in between anime, she's got a lot of time on her hands. One of the strange things about Hinako is that, unlike most anime characters, she's completely aware that she's being watched! That doesn't bother her, though. She likes the fact that the viewers are out there, and she considers them her friends. If she's doing something and thinks of something to say, she'll just say it to the people she can't see. Or CAN she see them? The fourth wall is shattered as the most self-aware anime character ever invites you to peek behind the screen and experience the intimate interactive life of Training, Bathing, and even Sleeping with HINAKO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         975 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It's rare to get a second chance at love, but Junichi Tachibana is about to get a half dozen of them! Junichi gave up hope of finding his special someone when a date stood him up on Christmas Eve, but fate is about to give him the romantic equivalent of a multiple choice quiz! It seems that there are a lot of girls Junichi knows who are "interested", and if he picks the right one, and does the right things, he may just find his soul mate. And better yet, if he messes up on the first six or seven tries, he even gets do-overs! It's the classic story of boy meets girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, and girl again as one guy's luck with the ladies goes from bad to multi-verse in this complete collection: AMAGAMI SS and AMAGAMI SS+!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         670 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $89.98
  SYNOPSIS:  When Yu Narukami moves to Inaba to stay with his police detective uncle, he's hoping that his new life in this small town will be more peaceful than the city. Instead, strange events begin occurring that somehow link Yu to a series of murders that have been happening across town! As a mysterious TV show world attempts to get Yu and his new friends to enter a dark virtual world, they find themselves plunged into a bizarre alternate reality where they gain incredible powers and abilities. Will the skills bestowed on them solve the mysteries behind the killer? Or will their powers lead them to their ultimate doom? Discover the shocking secrets of the Velvet Room and beyond in PERSONA 4: The Complete Collection.
      Title:                 SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA BLU-RAY
Published by:    SoftCel Pictures
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         50 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $19.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Using black magic and armies of monsters, the Dark Elf Empire of Keltula conquered and enslaved all the other nations of Midgard, then set its designs on the lands of Mithras. Only the Kingdom of Lindengard stood in their way, but taking courage from the heroics of their warrior princess Oliva, the soldiers of Supreme Ruler Ashbel managed to halt the Keltulan advance. Then, Keltula sent its most ruthless warrior, Cecil, to take command and, using treachery and deceit, he captured 5000 Lindengard troops. To save them, Lindengard's ruler was forced to accept a horrific bargain: give Oliva to Cecil in exchange for the lives of captured men! Now, stripped of her armor, rank, and freedom, Lindengard's greatest heroine has become Cecil's slave and sexual toy, and the nightmare is only beginning for SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA!
        Title:                 GARO TV COLLECTION 1 BLU-RAY
Published by:    Kraken Releasing
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  For thousands of years, mankind has been under attack by an ancient race of demons: nightmarish creatures that feed off the darkness in men’s souls and enter our world seeking bodies to possess. Against these Horrors, the human race has just one hope: the enchanted weapons and armor of the Makai Knights, a secret legion of warriors, priests, and magic users who stand as humanity’s last line of defense. Get ready for an epic experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen before as famed designer/director Keita Amemiya (Zeram, Kamen Rider Black) and a pantheon of Japan’s top action and horror directors, including Makoto Yokoyama (Power Rangers), Kengo Kaji (Tokyo Gore Police), and Ryu Kaneda (Video Girl Ai), unleash the amazing battle sequences and stunning special effects that revolutionized the world of Japanese horror in GARO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         96 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It's just so not fair! Sure, Rikka may be a "chunibyo" afflicted with a state where she's convinced that she has hidden powers. Maybe she DOES think she has an evil eye that always has to be covered with a patch. But that doesn't mean that what she believes isn't real to her, and Rikka knows in her twisted little heart that Yuta Togashi is much more than just another boy. So why is he always pulling away? At long last, here's the chance to see the world through Rikka's eyes (or eye, technically, since the evil one is usually covered). Armed with your trusted parasol, you'll deal with evil high priestess sisters, enchanted animals, and the scariest thing of all, going literally boy crazy in LOVE, CHUNIBYO AND OTHER DELUSIONS!: RIKKA VERSION!
      Title:                 FLYING WITCH COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD, DVD, COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $69.98, $59.98, $159.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Traditionally, when a witch turns 15, she's supposed to go out into the world alone to study magic. Makoto's parents, however, believe that their directionally-challenged daughter should get a high school degree. Instead of being sent out on her own, Makoto and her cat Chito find themselves traveling from the bustling city of Yokohama to Aomori Prefecture, where they'll stay with relatives until Makoto finishes school. It's going to be a big adjustment, and it only gets more complicated since "normal" people aren't supposed to know that witches exist… something that she tends to forget. In the meantime, Makoto, her cousins, and her new friends will have to work just a little harder to adapt to a whole new way of life when the new girl in town is a FLYING WITCH!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The online fantasy game Elder Tales is a worldwide phenomenon, immersing millions of players in its intricately conceived virtual world. However, the release of the game's twelfth expansion pack makes that immersion all too literal, as players from around the world are suddenly pulled into the game's no-longer-fictional universe! Now, eight-year ET veteran Shiroe, his friend Naotsugu, the beautiful assassin Akatsuki, and 30,000 other players are faced with the daunting task of learning how to deal with an entirely new reality, one where the Non-Player Characters are actually alive, and the tips and tricks learned while playing with a keyboard no longer apply. Flesh and blood replace avatars and stat lists, and an entire world stands on the brink of Apocalypse in the ultimate LOG HORIZON SEASON 1 & SEASON 2 complete collection!
      Title:                 THE DRAGON DENTIST
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         90 min.
Street Date:      10/31/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Going into war against a dragon takes incredible courage, but even that danger pales in comparison to the hazards of young Nonoko's job. As a Dragon Dentist, she's charged with venturing into the jaws of the country's dragon protector to keep its pearly canines free of plaque, decay, and other debris. One day, Nonoko discovers an unconscious soldier between her dragon's teeth instead of a cavity, and she finds herself caught up in a series of events that have been foretold to bring disaster to her people! Get ready for an incredible brush with destiny that leads two young people through the mouth of hell and towards certain doom as the creators of the new EVANGELION feature films unleash an epic unlike anything you've seen before in THE DRAGON DENTIST!
       ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime. 
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