#ryuguji angst
dzvelinaskebiyars · 3 months
Emma died thinking Draken didn't love her back.
Izana wanted to shape Mikey into Shinichiro but he ended up shaping Mikey into himself.
Kakucho lost his beloved people twice-his parents and Izana-and both times, he was the only one who survived.
Izana doesn't have a grave because he has no family and relatives. Kakucho probably doesn't know where Izana REALLY is buried.
Mikey and Kazutora end up destroying something they loved the most.
Ryusei had to watch Kojiro getting physically and domestically abused and unable to do anything.
Baji stabbed himself because he didn't want Kazutora to blame himself and Mikey to kill Kazutora but forgive him.
In the manga, Izana's last words were "I'm beyond saving, huh?" but in the anime his last word was "Emma.."
Money in Japan is "Okane" but is heard as "Akane". Hence, everytime Koko mentions money, it feels like he's mentioning Akane. "I've always lived for MONEY" he said. But it sounded as "I've always lived for Akane."
Kazutora was having breakdowns in the juvie. He would be screaming, sweating and trembling while completely zoning out and disconnected from reality.
Even if Kazutora shifted blame to Mikey, he was still feeling horrible guilt.
Draken told Kazutora that he was one of his, still part of his crew, but then we see Draken saying that he wanted to kill Kazutora.
Kazutora's hair went white because of the stress and trauma in juvie, that's why he dyed his hair blonde.
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tojisbbg · 2 years
❈ 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 ❈
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❝one day i will stop falling in love with you, some day, someone will like me like i like you.❞
♡ manjiro sano ♡
pt.1, pt. 2
a/n: highly requested for pt. 2!! you ask and i shall deliver 😌
content: mikey x reader (y/n), very heavy angst, right person wrong time, you’re mikey’s childhood friend, he’s getting married (lolz), not grammatically checked/edited
it was currently seven in the evening, the newlyweds bid the last couple of guests goodbye. throughout the whole event, mikey tried his very best to plaster on the most convincing smile he possibly could to mask the chaos going on inside him. 
there was never a second where you’ve left his mind, ghosting through every lane in his brain as he couldn’t focus on anything but you. he felt guilty, knowing that perhaps his marriage wasn’t going to last as long as he had hoped for. 
“better invite us to the housewarming party, sano. your wife’s cookies are no joke.” pah nudged mikey, a small laugh leaving his chapped lips as he faintly nodded his head. mikey watched pah walking towards the door before suddenly stopping, watching as his friend bent down to fix the bottom of his wife’s dress. the hopeless boy couldn’t help but watch, observing the affection and love reciprocating between pah and his wife, before they both left together. 
in the back of his mind, the memory of you zipping up his jacket properly during the cold winter season, lending him your scarf and making sure that he was all warm and snuggled up was fresh in his mind. you always made sure that he never got sick and when he did, you would ditch everything in your agenda to make it your business to nurse him back to health. 
no one has ever cared for him like you have and mikey knew what he had to do. 
“honey?” the voice of his wife awakened him from his train of thoughts, turning his head to the side as he was met with a warm smile. god, he felt so guilty for what he has done and was about to do. 
“yeah?” he responded, waiting for her to ask.
“i was thinking that the two of us could have a small movie night when we get home.” she suggested, eyes twinkling with hope as mikey gulped harshly. 
they bought a house together and planned to live there forever until time was up. but, he always wished that it was you instead. mikey couldn’t bare to look her in the eye, clearing his throat as he tried to think of an excuse. 
“it’s been a long day, you must be tired. i’ll drop you home and go over to ken-chin’s place since he suddenly left and isn’t answering my calls. get some rest, okay?” he lied straight through his lips, and his poor wife was too naive and quickly sympathized with it. 
“of course, i hope him and y/n are okay. let me know what happens, hm?” suddenly, she wrapped her arms around him, making him freeze. 
it felt so wrong, like he was being suffocated. mikey didn’t like this one bit at all, it felt too new and unpleasant. he’s been with ___ for a couple years by now and these things were never an issue. yet, after your sudden confession, the regret of not coming clean to his feelings years back ate him alive. 
“hm, let’s go.” mikey gave her a smile, placing a hand on her back as he led her out of the church. 
the drive to his house was not very long, giving him enough time to quickly slip out of the annoying suit as he slipped on a pair of jeans and a flannel. he saw his wife sitting on the couch, a small bag of chips in her hands as she munched on the salty snack while watching a rom-com movie. she noticed him and gave him a wave, making mikey want to rip his hair out as he just wanted to tell her the truth. 
but, he wasn’t ready yet. 
he walked over to her and place a faint kiss on her forehead before looking down at her. 
“i’ll be back soon.” mikey assured, making her nod as she watched his figure walk out of the front door. 
the ride to the brothel was about thirty minutes, making mikey curse on why he bought a place that had to be so far. the urgency to see you grew stronger and stronger with every light and block he passed. mikey quickly parked his car after arriving in front of the brothel before rushing out to go up to the floor where you and draken lived on. 
the elevator dinged and he stepped off, now standing in front of your door. his breathing became irregular, anxiety swallowing him up whole. all the possibilities of you hating him and banishing him away from your life scared him to death. a shaky fist came up to the wooden door, knocking twice. 
the door opened, revealing his tall best friend, staring down at him with a death stare that made chills run down his spine. 
“what do you want?” draken brashly cut him off, making mikey’s lips agape as this sudden behavior from his right-hand man was completely unexpected. surely he knows that you might’ve ranted to draken about whatever happened between you two, but usually draken doesn’t like to get involved in neither your or mikey’s personal life. 
“i just came to see y/n and talk with her, five minutes is all i’m asking for.” mikey chewed on his lower lip, eyes sternly on his shoes as he couldn’t bare to see his friend look at him with such hate-filled eyes. draken bitterly laughed, making mikey wince in pain as he knew that this was going to be bad.
“oh, so now you wanna see her, huh? you disappeared for nine fucking years, sano. nine damn years! you didn’t care about my little sister at all, whether she was alive or dead. did she tell you that she fell sick from not eating because she was looking for you? how she couldn’t sleep a single night in peace ‘cause she thought you were dead? of course not, you were too busy being blind and fucking some other bitch.” draken yelled through gritted teeth, making mikey look up at him with anger. 
“mind your fucking words, don’t call ___ a bitch.” the shorter spat out, tension growing between the both. 
“how rude of me, i forgot that you were a gentleman. well then, goodnight.” draken scoffed, attempting to close the door before a foot lodged into the remaining space. 
“please, all i’m asking for is five minutes.” mikey begged, tears welling in his eyes. 
“you had nine years to talk to her, but you didn’t. there is no five minutes, mikey.” the taller spoke, voice know cracking as mikey’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“w-what do you mean? where’s y/n? don’t just stay quiet, answer me!” he grabbed onto draken’s arms, only to have it harshly ripped away from his grasp. 
“she’s dead! y/n is dead, my sister is gone.” the tears that draken has been holding on since mikey has arrived came flooding down, as he glared at his best friend with bitterness. 
the words kept on repeating inside of mikey’s mind, taunting him as it felt like time has stopped. for some reason, it felt as if his body turned into stone, he couldn’t move. suddenly, a wave of rage began to build up, making him grit his teeth before balling his fists. anger clouded his sight as all he saw was red, eyes darkening.
“you piece of shit!” mikey bellowed, lunging towards draken before landing a hard punch on his jaw. remi screamed in horror, panicking as she saw both men breaking out into a violent fight. 
“you knew about her tumor! you fucking knew and you didn’t tell me?! what kind of a fucking friend are you, traitorous jackass!” mikey continued to throw endless amounts of punches on draken’s face, receiving some back as well, but no matter how hard draken hit, he felt numb. 
“stop!” remi yelled, before throwing her shoe at mikey’s head, making him wince at the stinging pain the heel left. draken was on the ground, breathing heavily as he shoved the smaller figure on top of him to the side. 
“do you think that beating each other to death will bring y/n back? do you think she’ll be happy? huh?!” the girl sobbed, landing a hard slap on each of their cheeks as both draken and mikey looked down at the floor in shame. 
“her death was inevitable, that tumor was a ticking bomb. she’s finally free from those painful chemo sessions, headaches, vomiting and seizure episodes. she won’t suffer anymore.” remi sadly smiled, body trembling as draken pulled her into his chest. 
“i deserved to know, she was my other half.” mikey lowly spoke, tears pooling in his eyes, blurring his vision. 
“you didn’t deserve shit, sano. all y/n has ever done is love you with all her heart. you were her world, everything revolved around you. yet, you failed to notice that. what did you do instead? you fucking disappeared without a word. oh and even better, you found some chick too. you never cared about my baby sister, you didn’t! so stop acting like the victim here.” draken sneered, meeting mikey’s teary eyes as he grew quiet.
“i was trying to protect her, i was afraid that my presence in her life would do more harm than good. i was scared that one day something bad would’ve happened to her because it involved something to do with me. i couldn’t risk it, that why i even disbanded toman.” mikey explained, breaking out into a painful cry as his heart bled. 
“did you even love her?” draken questioned, watching the man in front of him choke on tears. 
“god, i loved her to the moon and back! she was all that i could think of every second that i breathed. if i knew sooner, then i would’ve never left. i would’ve never been a coward, i’d stay by her side to protect her. i could’ve had more time!” mikey yelled in agony, making draken grab a hold of him. 
“it would’ve never been enough! y/n didn’t tell you because she knew that it would’ve destroyed you.” draken hugged him, patting his back as remi joined them both as well. 
after a few minutes, draken decided to take remi outside for a small walk, feeling like they needed some fresh air. this gave mikey some time to go see you. he hesitated for a bit, not being able to face you even though you were long gone. but, he eventually mustered up the courage and opened your door. 
there, you laid on the bed like a pretty flower, your skin pale as snow due to the life in you being drained out. 
“i know you told me that you didn’t wanna see me again, but i missed you. i don’t wanna let you go, y/n. i can’t live without my other half, i love you so much.” he cried, stroking your cold face as his tears fell on your cheek. 
if only he knew, he would’ve cherished you longer. 
mikey walked inside his house, eyes swollen from crying in the car, nearly getting into an accident twice from his blurred vision. 
he saw his wife with a teary face, her friend my her side rubbing her back. the both of them noticed his appearence, and instead of a look of relief, the both of them looked angry. 
mikey stood in his place, watching his wife rise from her spot and walking towards him before landing a harsh slap on his face. 
“you fucking cheater! you don’t love me, i was your escape route. you love y/n, don’t you?” she asked, voice becoming shaky as she looked at mikey through glossy eyes. 
mikey remained quiet, and there she got her answer. 
“i knew it, i knew it! yet i still had some trust and hope within you that my guts were wrong. that maybe those little gestures you both gave each other was nothing but platonic. i was wrong, you and that two-faced bitch lied to me!” she screamed in agony. 
“watch you mouth! you don’t get to call her that, you heard me? everything that she has ever done for anyone was nothing but a selfless act. you don’t know her.” mikey said through gritted teeth, making his wife scoff. 
“yeah? well, you can now go back to her and continue to kiss her mighty ass ‘cause i want a divorce.” she sternly said, crossing her arms over her chest before walking to the door with her friend. 
“i’ll get you the papers by next week.” mikey bluntly said, not even trying to fight or defend himself. he was tired and he didn’t want to live in an unhappy marriage for the rest of his life knowing that his heart belonged to you and only you. 
“why? i wish to cut my ties with you as soon as possible.” she said with disgust laced in her tone. 
“because i have to attend y/n’s funeral.” mikey deadpanned, making his wife’s mouth gape open. 
“huh, guess karma is real. that’s what you get, sano.” his wife’s best friend taunted, making his now ex-wife giggle. 
“i’ll come tomorrow to get my stuff. i can’t stand to stay here for another minute. also, i hope that two-faced bitch burns in hell.” she cockily said before heading out the door, slamming it shut. 
it’s been about a month since you’ve died and mikey hasn’t visited your grave yet. he was there for your funeral, seeing how draken never requested the morgue people to not take off the promise ring you both have on your pinky finger. but, he didn’t stay for the burial. 
mikey sat on the bench by the river, sighing as he fished out the pack of cigarettes he bought earlier. he opened the lid, plucking one of them out before placing it on his lips. as he brought his lighter closer to the end of the cigarette, your voice echoed in his mind. 
“see, much better than cigarettes. but i was being serious, mikey, i don’t wanna see those near your lips or reach ever again. swear on my life?”
he took it out, placing it back in the package. mikey stood up, walking towards the garbage can before throwing out the pack of cigarettes. 
mikey decided that it was time to see you.
he reached your grave as you were buried in the nearest cemetary, easy for your sibling to visit you on the weekends. mikey sat in front of your tombstone, placing the cup of chocolate pudding on the ground. 
“felt like you wanted some.” he smiled, opening up his own as he took a scoop of the sweet treat in his mouth. 
“how did i do it, y/n? how did i live all those years without you? now that you’re gone, i feel suffocated. it feels like i’m falling in this bottomless pit with no one to save me.” mikey’s voice broke, tears stinging his vision as he bit his lips to conceal a choked out cry that itched to leave his throat. 
“you just have to find happiness again, mikey.” a soft voice spoke from behind him, the familiarity of the tone set chills all over his body. he turned around, eyes widening in shock as he couldn’t believe it. 
“y/n?” he called out, but it was barely a whisper. mikey knew that you were dead, and that perhaps he was going insane, but he didn’t care. 
you smiled at him, taking a seat in front of him as you grabbed the chocolate pudding he brought for you. 
“are you real?” mikey finally mustered up the courage to ask, making you chuckle as you grabbed his hand. your flesh was cold, making him intertwine his fingers with yours in an attempt to give you some of his warmth. 
“it’s time to let me go, mikey. you have to live, travel, start a family and just be happy; without me.” your eyes held so much sadness and depth, it no longer twinkled with hope like before, making his heart ache. 
“i can’t. i need you by my side, y/n. please, come back.” he begged, shaky hands coming up to cup your face. tears began to stream down his face as he softly cried, making you sigh as you pulled him in a hug. 
“do you remember our first meeting?” you asked, gently stroking his hair as he nodded. 
“i told you, there’s too much love in this world to be consumed by regret or grief. i’m not saying that you shouldn’t grieve, but you have to pick yourself up and continue with the rest of your life eventually. that’s what i want, mikey.” you spoke, making him look at you with glossy eyes. 
“if only i knew sooner, i would’ve done things so much more differently.” mikey sniffled, making you shake your head in disagreement. 
“that’s why i didn’t tell you. my condition would’ve consumed you and i didn’t want that. i didn’t die in vain, i died knowing that i had a loving family and person who loved me for who i am. i’m happy, mikey and it’s time that you find that happiness too.” you assured, kissing his forehead as small drops of rain began to fall. 
“i envisioned a happy life with you, with one or maybe two little kids running around our house. ken-chin and remi visiting us on christmas, road trips and so much more. i’ll wanted to marry you, y/n! you’re the only girl that i have ever loved, the one my heart belongs to.” mikey broke down, trembling as the rain drenched him. you couldn’t help but let a few of your own tears fall, watching the man that you love crumble to pieces. 
“then marry me, sano.” you looked at him with adoring eyes, making him shoot you a confused look. you took off the promise ring on your pinkie before handing it to him. he took off his as he placed it in your palms, eyes never leaving yours. 
he slid on the ring on your ring finger as you did the same to him. mikey gave you a soft smile before caressing your cheek.
“god, i love you so much.” mikey mumbled under his breath, leaning in for a kiss. you accepted it, and for some reason, your lips felt warm and soft. 
“i love you too, which is why i need you to live for me. i’ll always be here with you mikey, somewhere safe and sound.” you placed a hand over his heart, making him cry harder as he nodded. 
“okay. i’ll try, for you.” he offered you a broken smile, kissing your hands as you hummed. 
“goodbye, mikey.” you said, and it made his heart drop. 
“wait! don’t leave just yet! ple-”
but it was too late because now it was just him who sat alone by your grave. mikey saw that the pudding he got for you was gone, making him believe that the vision or ghost of you was in fact real. 
you came back to him, even if it was for a moment. 
mikey knew that he had to give his life a chance, a chance that you never got. which is why he promised to live to the fullest for you. 
big flashing lights nearly blinded the famous race car driver as he cleared his throat, waiting for the interviewer to bombard him with questions. 
“mr. sano! what a pleasure to have you here, thank you for joining us today.” the woman politely said, making mikey give her a small smile. 
“the pleasure’s all mine, thank you for having me.” mikey smoothly replied, making the crowd swoon. for a man that was pushing his mid-thirties, mikey looked amazing, without a doubt. his voice was crisp and honey-like, making it hard for people to resist him. 
not to mention the generous heart he has. 
the interview was pretty long, consisting of questions that made mikey talk about his childhood, goals and inspirations. until the burning question hit him like a truck. 
“mr. sano, you’ve got quite a fanbase.” the interviewer started off, being cut off by the loud squeals of mikey’s fangirls, making him chuckle. 
“we all want to know, are you single?” the question pondered in his head, but mikey knew the answer and didn’t hesitate. 
“i’m not, actually.” he revealed, making people gasp and scream from shock. 
“who’s the lucky girl if i may ask?” the interviewer continued to ask for further information. mikey smiled, thinking about the only woman that will ever own his heart. 
“my best friend, y/n. she’s my wife who unfortunately passed away a few years ago due to an inoperable brain tumor. she’s the love of my life and i miss her every day. i funded the research foundation for inoperable brain tumors in memory of her. she’s the biggest inspiration in my life and i hope she’s happy when she watches over me.” mikey spoke into the mic, making the crowd briefly go silent before a loud wave of claps echoed through the room. 
“you’re a great man, mr. sano, i’m sure your wife is very proud of you. she sounds like an amazing woman.” the interviewer offered a consoling smile. 
“she was. y/n was brilliant, she was smart and talented in almost every aspect. she’s my other half, which is why it made it hard for me to learn how to live without her after she passed away. but, she always told me how there was too much love in this world and i shouldn’t be consumed by grief. so, i picked myself back up and started something to give other people hope for a better tomorrow.” mikey explained, seeing how the audience was in tears from his heart-touching words. 
for a breif moment, mikey saw you amongst the crowd. his eyes widened, seeing you in a beautiful cherry sundress, similar to the one you wear every summer in high school. you were clapping and you blew him a kiss, to which he caught as his eyes teared. 
mikey knew that he would never stop falling in love with you and that he would let you break his heart over and over again. 
because his heart belong to you and only you. 
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missyandthemisfits · 7 months
Tokyo Rev X Apathetic!GNReader
Part I of Who The Fuck Really Knows
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Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano 
He’s a weird one so he is absolutely overjoyed to find you’re generally lacking in enthusiasm, even in the face of what appears to be great danger. 
See, it was raining and Mikey was speeding on his bike and cut a corner insanely fast without slowing down at all, eyes widening as his headlights spotted you suddenly in the darkness. He maneuvers past you in the nick of time but manages to flip his bike – luckily there wasn’t any serious damage, just some scratches here and there, to him and the bike. 
“You alright?” suddenly you were kneeling over his blinking form but he’s still deciphering in his mind what happened. He sits up with ease and glances over your form to make sure you were okay. To his surprise, you blinked back at him, face devoid of any trace of panic or worry. He leaned in a bit.
“I’m alright…you weren’t scared?” You glance at the ground for a bit, humming to yourself. 
“…Yea, kind of.”
“Kind of?” He parrots before bursting out in laughter, doubling over. You wait patiently for him to finish and he smiles at you. 
“What’s funny?” 
“You! I like you, what’s your name?” 
He’s hooked on you like a drug from then on, incredibly entertained by your presence. No one quite understands the connection, not even Draken, but they accept it nonetheless. 
He develops significant feelings pretty early on but he doesn’t really realize those feelings until his entire mood sours at the sight of some rando from Division 2 flirting with you. His brow furrows, his eyes narrow, and his jaw tightens. 
He saunters over, hands in his pockets with a dangerous smile playing on his lips, calling out the squad member’s entire name to get their attention. They glance over before standing in attention for Mikey, who grants the boy a close-eyed smile this time. 
“Beat it.”
You had never seen anyone take off so fast and you and Mikey watch until he’s out of sight. He turns to you with one of his genuine smiles, excited again but you raise a brow. 
“Is something wrong, Mikey? You feeling okay?”
“I am now.” He grabs you hand and tugs gently, grin widening at your blushing face, “C’mon, let’s go get ice cream!” 
“Isn’t it still Winter?”
“I don’t see your point, (Name).” 
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Ken ‘Draken’ Ryuguji 
Does he think it’s weird? Maybe a little.
Does it stop him from being a gentleman? Absolutely not. 
He met you in Primary School. You were drawing food in the sand with a stick and what he assumed was a bored expression. He had nothing better to do honestly, so he approached you, hand on his hip. 
“Hey.” You looked up, blinking with a nod.
“Hey.” You kept eye contact for moment longer then returned your gaze to the ground. His sweat-dropped.
“Uh…what are you doing?” he tried again.
“Drawing eggs to go with the bacon.”
“Uh-huh…” Another moment went by. “Are you lonely or something?” You shook your head immediately.
“No. I don’t really get lonely a lot. I actually prefer it like this...” You paused, “You’re okay though.” 
“Um-,” he found himself blushing a bit, “Thanks, I guess?” 
And you were friends from then on. 
You had many girls try and fail to bully you throughout the years he noticed, but you never really responded how they expected, ultimately scaring them off. It was kind of impressive honestly, he’d never seen someone get scared off by well…complete disregard. Well, that some stupid rumor that you were some kind of witch. 
He’d gotten to know you pretty well though, noticing the subtle changes in your nearly absent mood gradually over the years. He inserted the quarter into the machine, grabbing a Strawberry milk for himself and your signature coffee. Making his way over to the bench, he handed you the beverage before flopping back into his seat beside you, arms slung over the back of it as he peered at you fidgeting fingers.
“Tell me what’s bugging you, (Name). Doesn’t do you any good to hide it, you know that.” 
You gripped your drink tighter, eyes burning and threatening to spill fresh tears. 
How did he always know?
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Takashi Mitsuya 
Knows you have a hard time not only expressing your emotions but feeling them in what society feels is a “normal capacity” – and couldn’t give a shit about what everyone else had to say about it. You were his dear friend, more than that honestly, but he hadn’t exactly gotten around to confessing-
He’d be lying if he said his nerves didn’t play a part, but he wasn’t scared really. More like…he didn’t want to ruin the dynamic if you didn’t feel the same way. He’d be there for you regardless but the last thing he wanted to do was scare you off or make things awkward. 
It didn’t exactly help that you were in the same class as him, just a few seats away.
You had gotten acquainted through cleaning duty of all things, him being placed on it for being tardy, you being placed on duty because you’d forgotten you homework assignment at home. It was a weeklong punishment but honestly, he wished it had been longer. 
“Kinda sucks we got this gig, huh?” he started with a smile, you blinked over with a shrug.
“Not really. I kind of like cleaning.” He glances back a forth from the desk to your face. You almost sounded sarcastic but he had a feeling you meant what you said, that the tone he registered was just your normal speaking voice.
“Oh yeah? There a reason for that?” He attempted to gauge your reaction to him making conversation and as far as he could tell, you didn’t seem to mind. You nodded.
“My family… isn’t home very often. Doesn’t take that long to do homework, so…I cook and clean a lot. Reading is fun too. Like an escape...” He stopped his movements completely and gave you a sincere look.
“I’m sorry.” You shook your head this time.
“No, it’s alright. I know you didn’t mean to offend. It’s just life, ya know?” You granted him a rare, soft smile - the first one he’d seen from you all semester. Honestly it made his heart skip a beat just to see it, determined from then on to try and make you smile more often. And he’d done a pretty decent job of that he thought.
Sighing, gathering his courage and his keys, he made his way out the front door. He gripped his phone in his pocket before slipping it out and dialing.
“Hey (Name), you busy? I know it’s getting late but would you mind meeting me outside your apartment building? There’s…something I feel you should know.”
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r3linx · 9 months
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⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁰⁰'²⁵ ━━●━━───── ⁰²'⁰⁸
╰┈➤ characters...•`S. MANJIRO [MIKEY], R. KEN [DRAKEN], M. TAKASHI, M CHIFUYU´•.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ. 1; ᴘᴀʀᴛ. 2
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... no one's perfect, neither them, so here's their issues in your loving relationship. ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,9k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... tw! disturbing content, gender neutral reader, obsession, manipulation, emotional dependence, overprotection, toxic relationship ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER... reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​🇲​​🇦​​🇳​​🇯​​🇮​​🇷​​🇴​. [​🇲​​🇮​​🇰​​🇪​​🇾​] 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'loneliness induction '
‘they induce mental trauma into their love interest’s head in order to push them away from others. they make themselves out to be their love interest’s best option, making the love interest believe that all the others will betray them and that the yandere is the only one who can be trusted, but they actually just want to isolate their love interest. they destroy relationships and ruin families to get their love interest as isolated and vulnerable as possible.’
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“trust in me… you trust in me, y/n… right?” mikey’s dark orb fixated on your face, seeking out your reply. little nod. he smiled. “that’s my girl.. i just want what’s best for you..” you push your face in his firm chest, the cloth of his shirt sticking to your face thanks to your fresh tears, smudged across your face.
“the word’s cruel, darlin’… and i’m the only one, who wants your well-being..” mikey cooed, his palm glided across your -compared to his- small back over and over again.
in his point of view, he had to cut you away from everything that isn’t him and everything that could make you leave him. to accomplish this nothing was too much, no money and no time mattered. only you. he would rather die, than paint his hands with the crimson fluid and you knew about this. we all know how much power and influence he held at his service, and so it was piece of cake to get done easily anything, without him getting involved. minions were perfect to do the work for him. take someone’s life and then have your dear father take the case? crashing down your family into pieces? they did it for mikey within a whistle. you’ve drifted away from one friend after another. they were bad people, the news and rumors about them was unstoppable. it left you shocked, they would never do this.. right?
it felt like he was all you had, no family, no friend.. you changed they changed for the bad. and mikey was the one who brought spotlight to it. his being was better than anything, the way he cared about you… made you forget about his manipulation.
but mikey never failed you, he was the one. always. just stay still and look as pretty and vulnerable as you can so he can save you from those filthy people you call your ‘relatives’, it would be such a damn shame you getting involved with them.
‘he’s bad’ they say. ‘he’s manipulating you’. liars. mikey wouldn’t do that. you are so grateful for him in your life. he’s like a guiding light, day after day, he’s the only person in your life you trust to the end and back.
as you hug your one, face buried in the crook of his neck seeking out safety, his lips slightly curve into smile. he holds your body against his. “i’ll always be here.. pretty girl...”
⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🇰​​🇪​​🇳​. [​🇩​​🇷​​🇦​​🇰​​🇪​​🇳​] 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'training '
‘they will punish and torture their love interest if they think they did something they shouldn’t or when they don’t act like wanted to give them a lesson. these yanderes use methods that are usually pretty morbid and painful, some could even leave permanent damage to the love interest. they will then “reward” the love interest when they finally do something wanted of them.’
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he takes ahold of your chin, pressing a quick smooch on your skin.
“i’m so, so, so proud of you, love..” he leaves those soothing words hanging in the air. draken took special care to praise you for every little gesture that brought him joy in your behavior. it filled his heart with pure loving, knowing you were so obedient and faithful. it took him so damned long time and so much effort to form you this way. dealing with you was hard at first, the way you would make the typical teenager and draken would be the worrying mom.
he wasn't afraid to punish. punishment meant new lesson for you and like that, slowly and steadily you grew into what you are now. a dog. a respectful and respected human being. they looked at you, they thought you are weird. they thought he's weird. oh how much they were wrong, he did everything for your sake. it was painful, but it served your progression. bruises covered your neck, down to your ankles. others weren't allowed to see it. those bruises were only for his eyes, it was like trophies. he knew he had forged you into what you are now, and it made him proud.
even so, he wasn't cruel. rewards was also something he loved giving to you and did with so much happiness. you meant the literal word for him, he would do everything that he's capable of, now listen to him and everything will be so happy around you and not a single problem in your life will be left. the fantasy of leaving him got pushed out of your mind at the very beginning. it's a topic you don't want to bring up again, for your sake. blaming others for laying a hand on you? the best solution would be to train you to avoid contact with everyone but him. this way, he doesn't have to hurt them and the 'losing you' thought would be solved too. everyone's happy!
draken kisses your lips softly. you loved this side, when all he did was praising you for your good work. you learned with time that obeying is so much effective, than resisting. resting in his strong embrace, forgetting everything and everyone that isn't him was the best decision.
​⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🇹​​🇦​​🇰​​🇦​​🇸​​🇭​​🇮​. 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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'protective '
‘they see everything and everyone as a threat for the love interest. they will use extreme methods to get rid of other “dangerous” people permanently, and even punish and torture them for the harm they did to the love interest, even if they didn’t really do all that much. feeling that the love interest is fragile, pure or vulnerable, and that everyone else can taint or hurt them, the yanderes finally decide to take care of it themselves and protect the love interest, getting rid of all “bad people” near them for the sake of their love interest and at any cost.’
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the doors clicking sound could be heard only in the night’s darkness. it was 2:05am, -you glanced at the clock- blankets were all over your body, that was the only thing keeping you warm by the lack of his body next to yours. small steps echoed in the house, it was him. he finally arrived home. you exhaled a long breath of relief.
while you tried to find peace in your mind to get at least a blink of sleep, takashi furiously and hastily dragged out the contents of the black bag, dropped over his shoulder. drenched white shirt landed on the bathroom floor along with a few metal stool. how he had to take matters into his own hand, made him go nuts, what a nuisance to take care of, instead of being next to you on the soft sheets, having heartfelt conversations and talking all night long, his body perfectly fitting with yours in his arms. his lavender locks tangling into yours, his chest softly rising up and down under you head.
you just waited patiently for takashi all day and night, to return back from his work and finally be with you. and so you did now too, eyes now got used to the dark, staring at the door, counting the seconds and minutes till he steps inside.
hand stinging through the gloves from the bleach, slowly burning holes in the fabric and scratching the very skin. eyebrows furrowed at first in concentration, now from pain. he squeezed the remaining water out of the cloth. hopeless. better get rid of it all tomorrow morning, before you get any hint of what could have happened. the lilac tip of his hair now red, rosy cheeks now bloodstained. dragging his tired legs over to a quick shower. the dried fluid now snaking its way down the drain, a grunt falls from his chapped lips. a few minutes after, stopping the tap, he steps out of the shower. he feels new and fresh, the metallic smell now completely gone.
by 2:54am he happily climbs beside you in gray sweatpants, the hem of it sitting lowly at his waist, shoving his v-line. you immediately rolled over to face him, steam still covering his whole, without a thought of where had he been, with a delighted smile, you place your head to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. strong fingers curling the strands of your hair, drifting off to sleep. he humms deeply. this was what he wanted to protect at all cost.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ ​🇨​​🇭​​🇮​​🇫​​🇺​​🇾​​🇺​.​ 𓆩❤︎𓆪
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' dependence'
‘wishing for their love interest to be able to know that they make a difference in the lives of their dependence yandere partner/spouse, they seek to be vulnerable around their love interest by depending on them. this can range from stupidly simple things, like constantly dropping or forgetting something, behaving like an idiot — often times subconsciously so, to claiming that they’d die without their love interest (although that’s obviously false)..’
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‘she won’t leave me… she won’t leave me.. she won’t leave me.. she won’t-’ the words echoed in chifuyu’s head, like a broken record. his orbs staring into the void,- sitting on the edge of the bed, knuckles white from the way he gripped the sheets next to him.
“chifuyu!” you exclaimed, entering the room. as if all the life came back to his soul, he shot up his head to turn his attention towards you.
"my sunshine..” the boy muttered. he didn’t realize the moment he felt your presence next to his body. warm fingers grazed the line of his face. somehow he seemed ever so sad, just like on other days, when you weren’t in his company. those moments were suffocating for chifuyu. without your loving and caring soul, heart and body, his life felt empty and pointless. it was a hassle to get you in his possession, now he has to make sure to keep you. he can’t lose you. he has to keep you beside him. the constant fear of losing you would never leave his mind free, the uncontrollable clinging to you has turned into madness and so the self-pitying had started.
his voice dropped to a raspy tone. “i…” breathing out, chifuyu intentionally turns his head away from your gaze. with your palm, you made him facing you. “i.. don’t want to lose you..” green eyes filled with forged sorrow, you wrap your gentle arms around his neck, pulling him closer to your chest in a comforting manner. in his sitting position and how you stand in front of him, between his legs, he closes them, trapping you in. you ignore it, placing your chin on top of his head. now his lips has curled into a grin from ear to ear. he runs his arms around your waist, you don’t struggle in his clasp. it seems so welcoming to you, as if he’s manipulating your mind and body, you feel attached to him-but not as much as he is to you.- you have to take care of him, not in a child-like way. he craved your love, he was so sweet, you just couldn't deny it from him.
you never saw harm in him, he wouldn’t be able to hurt anybody, and especially not you. he makes the perfect boyfriend and significant other in your eyes. -and that’s exactly he want you to think.- chifuyu is fragile without you, do NOT even think about leaving or breaking up. and if you do, to your regret the anguish, bitterness and agony will swallow you up whole. he will make sure it does.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!
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sh1nch1r0 · 3 months
can you please do "makeout session with bf!draken"
Would love too OMG🎀🩷
The Meeting was over and u and ur Boyfriend were still in the Parking lot u were trapped between his Bike and him.
His lips were on yours and his hand keept ur head locked in place.The kiss u both shared was needy and deep.
„Fuck,i missed u so much baby“he says in between kisses.And u feel him pushing u against his bike.
U pulled him a bit closer to you at the hem of his uniform.
It happend often that both of u made out but that was usually in his or ur Room and not a public drak parking lot.And u loved it he always waited for ur permission to go further than just kissing and he took his time with u.But his lips they were so soft and warm against urs and it just felt so right,with him and only him.
“U look so good in that uniform Ken”u say and kiss him again.
U feel him smiling into ur kiss.
“Baby lets take this home”he says with a smirk on his face.
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paroslineage · 4 months
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TW : Gore, Description of Torture, Killing, and Reader death, female reader, Mafia themes, gun violence, shooting, blood.
All boys are aged up don't come at me.
All characters except reader belong to Ken Wakui i do not own them.
Don't steal my idea or I'll hunt you down :D.
Y/N L/N the wife of the most dangerous Mafioso in the of Tokyo having an undettering face of cold ruthlessness and having a uninterested facade is only sweet for his lovely darling YOU.
What happens if the mafia organizations having grudge on your husband go after the unsuspecting sweet little bunny of the dangerous mob boss.
"My sweet darling! I'm home and I brought your favorite choco chip pastry from the bakery!"
"Why is it dark honey?" He chuckles
He turns on the light and what he sees makes his blood run horribly cold.
The entire mansion was ransacked.
The table broken, cabinets upturned and His darling's favourite flower vase shattered.
He drops the box and runs frantically up the stairs pulling out his gun for the the holster to the both of your shared grand bedroom.
He breaks down the door and what he sees makes him turn unhinged.
His darling... Laying on the center of the bed fully bled out.
Five holes on the chest, three in the temple and four in the stomach and two in your abdomen.
But your eyes were stuck open, the life in them drained a long time ago.
He walks over to you, eerily silent kneels on the bed his eyes trembling and hands fiercely cradling you to his chest and he buried your cold little face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm so sorry for being late my dove, forgive this asshole."
"I'll take revenge for you my dove just you see."
"I'll murder those son of bitches and feed their bones to the wolves I swear on your life darling."
He kisses your forehead looking into the empty void of your eyes and closes them by his hand his tears running down his anguished face.
His eyes frantically and disturbingly wide not even once blinking looking into your dead ones...
As he caressed your hair on tenderly kissing you on the forehead right where the bullet mark was present...
God did his heart hurt.
His lips trembled as he spoke but not the words..
They were spoken loudly and fully finalized...
♡ Would be the one to hunt down your murderer
And brutally and ferally slaughter that bastard
That includes.
Gouging their eyeballs, Their brains from their noses, waterboarding them till their last seconds of consciousness, Skinning them alive, flaying them, dipping them in acid.
And lastly shooting them exactly the number of times and the precise location that monster shot you.
Which totals to 14 times.
And then fed them to the wolves of and burning the bones.
"Revenge taken my little dove... Just as I promised."
He whispered quietly to no one as he smoked a cigarette and looked up at the night sky full of stars shining brightly than usual.
With tears dripping endlessly down his emotionless visage.
"I see you looking after and smiling at me darling keep doing that."
He exhaled his smoke through his nose smiling painfully.
"Because soon I'll be joining you up there my love..."
Characters : HANMA , KISAKI , Izana, Kakucho, Ran, KAZUTORA, Rindou, Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, SANZU SANZU SANZU.
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drak3n · 8 months
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ꨄ. SYNOPSIS: perhaps you shouldn’t have waited so long.
ꨄ. CONTENT WARNINGS: unrequited love, mostly angst, hurt & some sort of comfort? best friends trope, one mention of murder at the beginning, a little bit of baji x reader
bold italic quotes = letter excerpts
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“it’s impossible for anyone not to love you. has anyone ever told you that?”
there were times in which even a district like shibuya — always vibrant and full of life — was eerily quiet and void of people.
people you’d want to be around with, at least. people who made you feel safe roaming the streets at this hour. right now, you didn’t feel all too comfortable walking past streets with alleyways looking awfully sketchy.
every tiny sound made you walk faster than before, it be a cat scratching at a trashcan, a breeze howling against buildings, or leaves crunching under your shoes. you just wanted to get this over with and head back home into your trusted four walls.
you grunted as your ran face-first into someone you hadn’t seen, which you wanted to blame your terrible night vision for.
the figure didn’t move and you tried to stay calm. you uttered an apology and tried to rush past them, careful not to draw too much attention.
maybe they were just minding their own business. they didn’t have to be a murderer or anything.
“you shouldn’t be out here by yourself at this time,” the person suddenly called out. you halted. “someone got murdered right over there two days ago.”
the shiver that ran down your spine at the husky words was inevitable, your eyes darting over to where he pointed to show you the place was just a couple feet away from where you were standing. it didn’t help that the boy said it with so little emotion.
“thanks for telling me… i just really need to drop by at the nearest local duty pharmacy,” you responded. under the halfway functioning street light, you recognized a very tall boy, perhaps around your age, so 15 or 16 years of age.
the dragon tattoo on the side of his head drew your attention. it didn’t necessarily elicit bad thoughts, it just looked very unique.
“i’ll accompany you.” his offer took you by surprise; it wasn’t like you had been used to others being nice to you before. when he continued walking towards your destination, you quickly joined him, barely able to catch up with his long strides.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“how could a person be a best friend, mentor, older brother and father all at the same time? you made the impossible possible.”
hanging out with the boys was exhausting, to say the least. there wasn’t anyone you particularly disliked, but they could be a lot. you didn’t really mind that they were all part of a gang, all that mattered to you was that none of them had ever made a move to hurt you or others.
“i’m saying, that’s not how you solve that question!”
rolling your eyes at the first division commander discussing with you, you threw your arms in the air. you were currently all lounging off in the warehouse, with you having joined them after they had finished a meeting.
draken always insisted on you never, ever joining a meeting of the tokyo manji gang. he would never want you to get involved with their business.
“baji, are you seriously telling me i’m in the wrong?” you shoved your purple flip phone out of the pocket of your school uniform skirt, unlocking it to click onto the calculator function. “you must be stupid if you think that three times 24 is 72–”
the whole warehouse went quiet after that. blood rushed to your face, your entire head and ears feeling steaming hot as the brunette started laughing at you. the others were too immersed in their own thoughts to listen.
“who’s the stupid one now?” bending down to your height, baji flashed you his cocky smirk, revealing sharp canines. your eyes stung with tears of humiliation.
before he could tease you a little more, because you were so easy to tease, a hand shoved the boy with long hair back to create a distance between you and him. it was him.
“baji, that’s enough.” draken’s firm voice made said boy shrug and back off. “it’s just a dumb mathematical equation.”
when you sniffled and crossed your arms in front of your chest, turning away deliberately to hide your embarrassed self from the others, a palm settled on the top of your head.
looking up, you saw draken grinning down at you ever so gently.
“don’t worry about it, everyone makes mistakes.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i failed to tell you. i thought my actions would be enough to prove what i felt. perhaps you knew all along, but decided not to talk about it. you were always thoughtful and considerate. but i wasn’t special.”
it was a gloomy day for you today. you were excited to see draken, putting in a lot of effort while getting ready and wearing one of your best outfits, just to see that he hadn’t joined the otherd at the usual group hangout today.
“wasn’t it emma’s birthday today?” mitsuya recalled. mikey wasn’t there either. unbeknownst to you, baji’s eyes wandered to look at how you’d react.
as someone who wore her heart on her sleeve, you were terrible at masking how you felt. he didn’t miss the way your face fell.
draken and emma were always close to each other. of course they were, as her brother and draken have been inseparable since middle school. you couldn’t compare to her. you’d just met him not even two years ago.
you were slowly realizing that despite him doing a lot for you and always being there for you, you perhaps didn’t mean as much to him as emma did.
after all, draken was nice to everyone.
“someone’s grumpy,” baji commented slyly, and this time, you didn’t have it in you to bicker with him. this time, there was no draken to tell him to stop either.
the two missing blondes joined you hours later, with mikey nudging his taller vice’s side teasingly while talking about how sly kenny was for having found that plushie emma had wanted for the longest time.
it made your mood even more sour than it already was, and you pondered about an excuse to leave, wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed and forget about it.
forget about your stupid feelings for someone whose heart was already taken, and who saw you as nothing more than a friend.
“hey (f/n), that’s a pretty outfit,” mikey commented, “you going somewhere?” draken glanced down at you curiously while you forced a tight-lipped smile on your face. you inwardly thanked the leader of toman for saving you like this.
“yeah. i’ll see you guys.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“would things have been different if i’d just confessed to you while i still had the time? it would have been selfish. she was the first to know and love you, after all.”
ken and mikey had dropped out of high school at 17. they had big plans of opening a workshop for cars and motorcycles. by the time you graduated high school, they already had their small, cozy shop. toman was no more, and everything was well.
objectively speaking, it was. but subjectively? you weren’t too sure about that.
by the time you entered the italian restaurant, the table that caught your eyes was already pretty crowded. it wasn’t a surprise anymore, you were always late, after all.
too late. those two words echoed in your head as you looked at emma and draken sitting next to each other, her blushing feverishly when he removed something from her hair.
that could have been you.
“let’s go.” hearing baji’s voice behind you surprised you, and even more did it to feel his hand on your back, guiding you towards the table. as much as he was a jerk, you didn’t believe he did it out of ill intent to humiliate you.
the hours went by, and you had all eaten to your hearts’ content, now exchanging light jokes and future aspirations to one another. emma mentioned wanting to be a housewife, and the ken getting married to her made you want to throw up everything you’d eaten today.
“how about you?” mitsuya asked you, who had talked the least tonight. “any plans for college?” you smiled awkwardly when you felt draken’s eyes on you.
he had always wanted you to go all the way with your education, having supported you whenever he could. you were more than thankful for that.
“i actually got an admission for law in osaka.” the blonde sitting right across from you smiled so brightly, and you were sure it would have made you melt if emma didn’t have her head on his shoulder.
it was almost childish how you had tried to interpret every single of draken’s actions as a possible chance for something to develop between you two. your chances were long gone.
you had never stood one to begin with.
“i knew you could do it! you were always a smart girl.”
his compliment made you feel worse than it should have.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“you told me to go and pursue my dreams. i knew that if you had told me to stay, i would have. how idiotic of me, right? i ended up leaving and letting you slip from my grasp without you ever having been in it.”
after moving away for college, you hardly visited tokyo anymore. and to be quite honest, you preferred that. it was good to stay away from the source of what had drained you for so long.
draken hadn’t taken advantage of your feelings for him, no. he was the last person on earth who’d be willing to do that. but that didn’t mean it hurt any less to be trapped in a web of unrequited love.
you were in your fourth year of law school when an invitation laid in your mailbox. you just knew from the second you looked at the envelope without even opening it. it was exactly what you’d anticipated it to be.
a marriage invitation, for you to join ken ryuguji and emma sano for the most important day of their lives. you stood in front of the mailbox, staring at the piece of pretty paper for at least twenty minutes, as if it was ever going to change.
he was going to get married. not to you.
all of your dreams of walking down the aisle in a pretty, white dress, approaching him with his sweet smile, crushed to bits and pieces.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i have never wished you anything else but happiness, and i still do. she makes you happy, and that’s all i could have ever asked for. i saw it in your eyes that day. you never looked at me like that.”
the wedding reception was nothing short of beautiful. catered to everyone’s tastes, it left nothing to the imagination.
the wedding of your dreams had always looked like this.
it was bittersweet how another woman was going to live that dream to the fullest, with the man of your dreams, at that.
thankfully, you weren’t left alone with your thoughts while you waited for the couple to come to the rented hall after they would get lawfully wedded. mitsuya and his sisters kept you company, making sure to recommend you everything they had tried at the enormous buffet.
“pretty sure they’re coming now,” mitsuya informed you as he stared at his wristwatch. you gulped and looked into your glass of soda.
oh what you wouldn’t have given to be in her shoes, taking on his last name… waking up next to him every single day, having his children.
you felt absolutely and utterly horrible. like all those years you’d spent away from this had caught up to you, leaving you to drown in your unrequited feelings.
before you could excuse yourself to the bathroom and ruin your perfectly done makeup by indulging in a five-minute breakdown, you were stopped by a hand finding your shoulder. it felt as if life was sucker-punching you in the gut once again.
“hey, baji.” your voice was low, and you didn’t notice mitsuya leading his sisters away from the table. his formerly wild, brown hair was much shorter now, tied up in a ponytail, and he wore a dark gray tuxedo.
when he opened his mouth, you shook your head. “i can’t take any teasing today. i mean it.”
your words weren’t even harsh, you just sounded exhausted. his grin disappeared, soon replaced by a frown. “i’m aware,” baji stated, “i couldn’t have attended if i was you.”
with a raised brow, you stared at him to explain what he meant. “i’ve known since back then.” you looked down, pursing your lips to stop them from trembling and giving it all away. you were asking to change the topic until the two would enter through the door and make your mood plummet entirely.
baji knew you better than you could have guessed. so this time, instead of poking fun at you, he actually tried to make you feel better
“by the way, i’m moving to osaka for med school for the next semester. i finally got in.”
it still stung when you saw draken and emma entering the hall hand-in-hand. you couldn’t compare that sting to any other kind of physical pain you’d endured in your life, it felt worse than broken limbs or a cut that needed to be stitched.
but he was happy, the way you never saw him be. he had never smiled as purely as he did when he danced with his wife, kissing the back of her hand that now adorned a ring to bind them to each other forever.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i’m sending this letter even after it all. even though i know i’m too late. don’t get me wrong, i have deliberately not added your new address. you will never get this letter. this is just for myself, to liberate what i’d held onto for multiple years.”
you picked up the call after one shrill ring, holding your phone against your ear while your eyes were plastered on the tv. it was your episode today, dealing with your letter.
the show was muted so you could hear exactly what you’d hear on the phone. with a deep breath, you spoke first. “hello?”
“good evening, miss! we are very excited to be hosting you on today’s show for TO ALL THE MEN YOU’VE LOVED BEFORE!” on the screen, you saw the main host move her mouth with a smile plastered on her perfect face.
you sat down on your couch, taking another deep breath. “thank you for having me,” you responded, “i can already guess what you are going to ask me.”
you heard sweet laughter from the two hosts while you were busy picking at a dried scab on your thumb. this was making you more nervous than you’d wished it to.
“if that’s the case, then we would love to hear your thoughts,” spoke the co-host, “our audience is very excited to learn about your motives and what exactly has made you not put an address for the letter to be shipped to!”
the camera angle was switched to show multiple rows of people of all ages sitting and awaiting your response. it made your throat go dry.
“i have made this decision because,” you looked away from the screen, “they have found someone else. and they are very happy.”
the hosts showed faces of surprise. for a second, you wondered why you’d even done this to begin with. but it felt too relieving to speak about this for a bunch of strangers to listen. it felt too relieving to hang up now when you were so close to just letting things go.
“which was why i just wanted to send this letter to… get rid of it. to be able to live on and stop holding onto those feelings that are never going to be reciprocated.” you had no idea if the words you were saying made any sense to them, but to you, they did. they made perfect sense to you, and they described exactly how you felt.
“that is very mature, and we admire you for having collected the courage to take this step.” the host clapped her hands, obviously looking moved. “love isn’t all about having happy endings together, right? sometimes, it means to let go. for their, and for our own happiness.”
hanging up not long after, you sank back in your couch and chuckled to yourself. this wasn’t so bad. in fact, you haven’t felt as good as you did right now in a while.
when the door to your apartment unlocked, you watched a mop of brown hair appear in your peripheral. the smile on your face only went brighter.
“i’m home. did i miss it?”
“just did. let’s rewatch it together, kei.”
“i wouldn’t have it any other way, because it was thanks to you that i found my own happiness, too.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
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rurikooz · 11 months
you never thought that there’d come a time where your heart was really broken. especially not by someone you’ve known for 12 years.
“ah, so you and emma…date?” you stood still, looking down at the ground. draken nodded, and you stopped yourself from crying. “yeah, why?” he raised an eyebrow. “it’s n-nothing, I’ll see you tomorrow at the meeting okay?” you turned around to walk away, but he grabbed your hand and turned you around. “what’s wrong. you can tell me anything.” you looked away from him, forcing him to let go of your hand. “please, d-don’t do this…” tears streamed down your face.
he’d never seen you cry before, and his eyes widened slowly. “are you crying..?” he asked softly. you walked away from him, speeding up from jogging to running. you couldn’t face him anymore. the next day, when you went to the meeting, he was sitting with emma and hugging on her. “mikey, can I head on home, I-I’m not feeling well..”
draken could tell you lied, he was your best friend after all. “hey, can we talk?” he followed you out the door, but you kept walking and trying to avoid him at all costs. “I said let’s talk.” he grabbed your shoulder, and pinned you to the wall. “is it because me and emma are dating?” he asked softly. you couldn’t even cry anymore. you just nodded, looking at him with a soft expression. “y’know ken, I was ready to give my everything to you, like I have been for 12 years but…you’d rather choose emma so there’s nothing I can say to you.”
he was speechless, eyes shaking while thinking of what to say. “I…i don’t, I didn’t…”
“what didn’t you? I gave my fucking heart to you, and you do this to me?”
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part 2 soon whores 😻.
edit: pt 2 is out!
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eggtartz · 2 years
Hello Alin! I hope you're fine! Can I request TR boys (Mikey, Draken, Izana, Haitani brothers and Shuji) as s/o ends up hurt and pass out and boys think s/o's dead and go into despair and s/o only wake up in the hospital but the boys are not there because they are taking their anger/sadness out on something (or someone pfff) and they left someone with s/o to call them if something happened and... Happened? Angst to fluff pls
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a/n : okay let's *cracks fingers* do this
izana kukorawa
he couldn't blame you couldn't he? as he held your hand in the ambulance, he thought could've he avoided this? as you were admitted into the emergency unit, he stood there alone with his thoughts again and he grew frustrated. he also needed medical help as he fought with mikey prior the accident but he was a fool for not noticing kisaki's plans. the bullet was meant for him, not you and now you were the one paying the price. izana couldn't be more sorrow. he left the hospital to calm down his emotions that were growing. plus he doesn't want to face anyone when they're gonna announce you.. dead. however, the next morning you finally woke up with a sore shoulder but you survived. your eyes were wild, searching for izana and instantly asked the nurse assistance to reach the public phone. back at tenjiku's hideout, izana kept thrashing the place and tearing everything down. he throws everything he could reach and it has been hours since he started it. kakucho and the others couldn't stop him, fearing the tenjiku's strongest would grow angrier. the phone rang and izana picked it up with a huff. "what?!" "izana? are you okay? where are you?" the moment he recognized your voice, strained but that voice he missed so much he dropped everything and ran to the hospital. arriving at the hospital he hugged you when he saw you at the vending machine. he nuzzled his face on the crook of your neck and held your face. he aggressively kissed you all while crying again. "you made it! you made it love!" "im sorry i made you worried" "it's alright love, most important you're here with me. i don't care about anything else. gosh i love you so much" he said while hugging you tightly again, not letting go.
manjiro sano
he struggled to keep his tears at bay, the night at the festival was hectic as they were ambushed by valhalla. kenchin got stabbed with other division members got injured as well. his loved ones were at the verge of death and he couldn't do anything about it, which made him feel helpless. when nurse and doctors announced kenchin was going to make it but yours hasn't, he grew restless. you had lost significant blood due to being beaten up by valhalla members. just because the invincible mikey's your boyfriend. mikey leaned towards a wall, sliding down as the tears he kept at bay now were streaming down nonstop. he grew sad but soon sad became anger. he stood up and punched the wall, his knuckles now bloody. he wasn't satisfied so he went outside and punched the road light pole while crying again. he kicked everything which was on his sight, frustrated that you might not survive this accident. meanwhile back at the hospital, your doctor that was examining you finally came out and told the members there that you need tons of rest however you demanded to see manjiro. the others were frantically looking for mikey, confused as where he went. as takemichi went outside, he saw mikey punching the wall at the parking lot and screamed his name "mikey kun! y/n chan wants to see you!" mikey thinks that was the fastest he ran in a long time and when he barged into your room, you were extending your arms to hug him. he hugs you while silently hiccuping. "were.. you crying.. manjiro?" you asked slowly as your energy was drained. mikey nodded and looked at you with puffy eyes, him feeling guilty as ever. "would you make it y/n?" you smiled a bit "of course i would manjiro, anything for you" mikey hugged you again, this time his tears were heard by his members outside the room.
ken ryuguji
draken was on rampage. one of his victims of the rampage was probably takeomi and takemichi the two accepted the blows he gave. "draken stop! this was my fault" senju tried stopping his punches. draken shrugged her, keeping the punches now even harder. he was angry, no, he was furious. it was honestly his fault, he saw the shooter who tried to shoot takemichi and senju however that very moment you accidently took the bullet without you knowing. you collapsed, in front of draken, takemichi and senju. draken felt worthless, he should've at least pulled you to dodge the bullet but no. he was too slow and was too late. he has left the hospital long ago, leaving some brahman members to guard the doors so when the nurse gestured one of them that you survived the lethal bullet they were frantic to find draken. they found him though, him putting takeomi in a chokehold while his feet was on takemichi's face. "y/n's awake!" draken pushed everyone, including the nurse to see your condition and hugged you so tight, you wincing as he accidentally pressed on the wound. "gosh ken, what's with the frown hm?" he looked at you lovingly, when you smiled weakly at him. he couldn't uttered a word, maybe he would say sorry to the two but for now all that matters is you made it, safe and sound.
rindou haitani
rindou should've seen this coming. he was already worried when he sees you not at home but when you didn't answered any of his calls or his messages his anxiety went through the roof. he was panicking looking for any sight of your very presence until he saw you. in front of him. bloody. unconscious. alone in a cold, dark alley. he lifted your limp body after checking your pulse, he didn't sense any. he lifted you either way and walked to the hospital. his eyes were red from crying and sobbing, his mouth kept muttering words of comfort as if you could hear him. "we're almost there baby, stay with me okay?" "please stay with me.. please" a nurse rushed to take your body to the emergency ward and rindou fell to the ground, having no strength in his legs left. he already called his brother to retrieve some footage at the area so he could beat up the person real good that harmed you. he has left the hospital when ran said he found them so he spent a decent time teaching them a lesson, all the memories of you all bloody left to die in the alley made his punches more harder. his ears went deaf as his punches never stopped. until one of his members touched his shoulder that he snapped out from it. the gang was on the floor, drowning in their own blood. "ran said y/n's awake, you go. we'll dump these guys somewhere" rindou washed his hands that had blood on them and went to hospital. there he walked pass ran and went to hug you after the nurse allowed him to. he kept his composure, not wanting to scare you anymore. "don't worry, you're safe here with me. i'll make sure no one touches you again" and he did.
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evourein · 2 months
ken 'draken' ryuguji x fem!reader
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previous ; masterlist ; next
summary ever since your break up with your now ex-boyfriend, draken, you've been finding yourself more driven and competitive in figure skating than ever before to ease your mind. consequently being dubbed as "ms. triple axel" and deemed as one of the best in the new generation. but what if you reunite with draken during the japanese figure skating nationals, competing for the olympic spot?
taglist @leyariya @carcat-02 @uhnanix @q-the-rockaholic @slvdsjjk @sugacor3 @kodzukein @icarusthefoolish @iluv-ace @fallencrescentmoon @sixxze @megmercury @pluhhbabyy @rinnylvr
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usagikookiejams · 9 months
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Haitani Ran, Ryuguji Ken (Draken), Hanemiya Kazutora, Haruchiyo Sanzu
Warning: angst no comfort, cheating, NOT PROOFREAD, cursing, mentioned about abusive relationship, drug usage, harsh words
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Haitani Ran
It has been 3 months since your relationship with Ran ended in a bad term. Deciding to move from Roppongi to Okinawa to avoid meeting up with him again.
Unbeknownst to you, a guy was following behind while you're doing grocery shopping. After failed attempts to reach the product in the higher rack, suddenly a guy was helping you out.
"Thank you so much-," you were left silent after seeing that the guy was actually your ex; Ran. He looks handsome as always. But, you could see the obvious eyebag.
"How you doing?," he smiled, trying to start a conversation with you but, you just ignored him and pushed your cart forward.
He didn't stop pestering you, until you has had enough and slapped his face. "Don't you feel ashamed? Showing your face after you cheated on me with that 'work-wife' of yours?!," you glared at him.
He explained that he was drunk at that time. However, he paused his words after seeing the disgusted look in your face.
"I couldn't bear looking at you. It reminds me how stupid I am to trust you. Hah, my friends were right about you; you indeed couldn't keep your dick in your pants," you smirked and walked away.
Ran felt like his world started to collapse. Witnessing your hostile behaviour towards him has proven how you don't wanna get back with him no matter what.
Ryuguji Ken (Draken)
You and Draken started dating after 3 years of Emma's death. Motivating him daily has led to him starting to open his heart to you.
But things weren't always nice and easy. It indeed was very hard for someone to move on from his past lover.
That's why, after only about 2 years of dating, you decided to broke things off with Draken after you has had enough of him comparing you with Emma.
Emma this, Emma that; you were tired of hearing his complaints.
Though he looked like he didn't care back then, but why is he always reaching out to you now?
He looks so desperate trying to win you back. Showing his effort by buying you flowers every week, which ended up disposed in the dustbin at your office.
Today remains the same routine of his. But you decided to give him your piece of mind once you saw him walking towards the receptionist counter.
You dragged him outside the building where your co-workers couldn't see you. "Can you stop all this nonsense?," you sighed.
"But baby-," he couldn't finish his words when you suddenly took the flowers and placed it on his motorbike.
"I am not your baby, and I don't need your flowers. Why not giving them to Emma, considering she may need them more to decorate her grave?," you couldn't help but saying deep and harsh words.
There, Draken was left heartbroken. He realized how all of his action of comparing you and Emma has led to you hating both of them.
Oh lord, how he wish you would care for him one more time.
Hanemiya Kazutora
Being in a relationship with Kazutora was challenging, he always scold you for things that are even miniscule; blaming you for it. Thus, you decided it was best to separate with him, as he tend to get physical with you.
Visiting the hospital for how many times now, that you don't even remember; getting psychology treatment to treat your mental health from past abusive relationship.
You were busy listening to music that you didn't notice that you has bumped into someone. The person sighed in annoyance, that is, when you heard your name being called in shocked tone, "Y/N?."
You frozed in place, looking up at the person. Oh, it's Kazutora. You got up and said sorry as quickly as possible before getting away.
You felt your hand being pulled, and you couldn't help but flinch. "Hey, hey sweetheart, it's okay. I won't hurt you." You still your position, didn't dare to look at the man who had inflicted pain upon you before.
Kazutora felt a pang of hurt in his heart, looking at how you're terrified of him. He felt tears running down his cheeks, profusely saying sorry while saying he missed you so much and how his mental health is declining.
You looked at him dead in the eyes. Though feeling scared but you tried to stood your ground. "Yeah? And what about me? What about all the things that you said, and pain that you inflicted on me before huh? Answer me Hanemiya," you said in heavy tone.
Kazutora didn't like how you're saying his first name. It was always Kazu or baby; anything but Hanemiya. Nevertheless, he tried to reason with you how he never intended to do those things, saying that he wasn't in the right state of mind.
You scoffed and warned him how if he still loves you, he should just leave you alone. Kazutora was about to say something but you dismissed him, and just walk forward leaving your past behind.
After that encounter, Kazutora still trying to reach out to you by visiting you at home or workplace. That is until one day, he was forced to stop his action once knowing that you has moved to another country with no one knowing your whereabouts.
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Dating Sanzu was never a boring experience. He's wild and loves to party, which at last causing you to not being able to keep up with his behavior.
Lucky for you, the break up was easy as Sanzu too thinks that you're too boring, and always acting like a 'nagging bitch'. Thus, deciding to also let you go.
Despite the break up only took place less than a month ago, you're suprisingly doing great as you are now start to prioritize yourself. Spending time to learn new hobby; that is photography.
Currently you're in the park, capturing panoramas and birds that flew over the horizon. Click! You went to check the picture but noticed a familiar pink hair in the photo.
The pink-haired-person looked over his shoulder as he heard the clicking sound. He couldn't believe his eyes when seeing you, thus started to run towards you, "Y/N!."
"Oh shoot..," you whispered to yourself and started walking faster. Albeit he was fast enough to grab your shoulder. "Baby, how you been? I wasn't able to contact you for a month. Did you change your contact number?," the person said.
"So what if I did, Sanzu?," you put on confident look. "It's not like we're going to contact each other anymore, is it?," you continued.
"But-," Sanzu was about to speak but you just shook your head. "I wish to never meet you again. Now that I look back, I realized how dumb I am to love some maniac like you. You didn't even consider my feelings, always gaslighting me and even calling me names. So don't be suprised when I decided to move on from you," you scoffed and walked away without looking back.
At that moment, Sanzu knew he fucked up real bad by messing up the relationship you guys had before.
Later on, he started to indulge himself in more drugs, as it's the only way he could be free from the hurting feelings.
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ihrthoney · 3 months
racing heart
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pairings: single!dad draken x f!reader
warnings: angst if you squint, fluff! slightly suggestive towards the end?
word count: 1.8k
an: the awaited part two to heartbeat! might make this into a mini series!
1. i tried to choose a baby name that wasn’t used in the series yet… then i just now remembered.. sanzu haruchiyo 😭 2. haru means (this is from google please don’t bully me LMAO) light, sun, joy, spring. i thought drakens baby would be his light & joy :)
(tagging those who wanted a part 2: @aetheriis @lonelyheart-clubband @honeipie @peachymmk98 )
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Quickly touching up your look, you were accessorizing when you froze hearing three knocks on your door. Looking at the time, Ken was 15 minutes early.
Ken had, ever so sweetly, asked to take you on another date, tonight being your third. He was supposed to pick you up at 7:30 and take you to see the fireworks but you start to question the night’s plans when you open the door.
“Hey, beautiful, I’m so sorry, I know it’s extremely last minute but I’m going to have to raincheck our date.” Taking in the fact that he was carrying his son, you could put two and two together, albeit a little bummed, seeing his son made any sadness disappear.
“Emma got called into work, something about an emergency, and we don’t hire babysitters, the only ones who watch Haru are our friends and they’re all unfortu-” Understandingly, you reassuringly caressed his arm, “You don’t have to explain yourself, I understand. Life happens, you’re a parent. Haru always comes first, no question.”
Ken’s rambling ceases and he can’t help but stare at you, the need to kiss you so strong but he doesn't want to confuse his son. ”If it’s okay with you, can we hang here for a while?” There’s no doubt in your mind, he was always welcome in your home. Moving aside as a sign for his entrance, you tell him to make himself at home while you change your clothes.
“I am so sorry again, you look absolutely gorgeous, I promise to take you out soon pretty.” Waving him off to hide your blushing, you quickly make your way to your room.
Draken can’t help but feel guilty, he wanted to spend some alone time with you (to kiss you breathless of course). After your first date, he had realized, stupidly, that he never got your number. A squealing Hina excitedly gave him your number, hoping to hear about your next date.
On your second date, Ken took you to the aquarium. Truthfully, he enjoyed your reactions to the animals more than the animals themself. The awe on your face as you point out all the animals, making a game of saying every animal that was close together was “us in another life”. It was silly but he wouldn’t dare to ruin your fun, instead joining you in pointing out animals.
After the date, he treated you to a lovely lunch, after a horrifying(ly safe) drive on his bike. To say you were terrified was an understatement, but to be fair you had never been on a motorcycle. However, the pleading look on his face and the constant reassurances made you hop on. Ken had the nerve to laugh at your anxious state, saying you could hold onto him as tight as you wanted. Had you not been genuinely afraid, you would’ve scoffed at his smug grin but hold on for dear life you did.
As you were changing into comfier clothes, it suddenly dawned on you that you were meeting Ken’s baby for the first time. The realization that his baby could, possibly, not like you scared you more than riding on his bike.
Babies tend to sense the intentions of people, whether it was true or not, the thought scared you. Never would you ever want to cause any discomfort for Haru, so if being around you made him uncomfortable you wouldn’t hesitate to keep your distance.
The thought made you sad as you really liked Ken, but he was a parent before anything else. There’s not a chance you would choose your own feelings over his baby’s.
A knock on your door brings you back, a worried Draken on the other side of the door, “Are you okay in there? It’s been a little while.” Hurriedly, you opened the door and somehow the raven looked even more worried than he sounded.
“I’m good! Sorry, just got lost in thought.” Adorably, his brows wrinkled in confusion but you shake your head in dismissal. Before you could pass him, Ken gently grabs your arm to pause your movements, “Talk to me, pretty.”
Draken had such an understanding aura that it was hard to keep anything from him, despite trying to avoid his stare you look towards your living room, “What about Haru?”
Like the man he is, Ken turns your face back to his, moving his hand from your arm to your waist, pulling you close to him, “I put him down for a nap, what’s bothering you?”
Sighing in defeat, you give in (not that you tried all that hard to fight him), “I’m afraid Haru isn’t going to like me. I know it’s silly but I’m genuinely worried I’m going to frighten him.” Draken can’t help but kiss your frown away, it warms his heart that you care about his baby’s opinion despite him being merely 2 years old.
“Sweetheart, sometimes, Haru doesn’t even like me. Don’t laugh! I’m serious, he will scream if I touch a certain cup, apparently only his mama can touch it. Even if he doesn’t warm up to you right away, he will eventually.” At this point, Ken is tightly embracing you, hoping you can hear how fast his heart beats for you. Just as tightly, you hug him back, laying your head right above his racing heart.
You both stay in each other’s hold for a little while, until Ken offers, “How about we watch a movie and I make us some dinner, okay?”
Looking up, you jokingly ask “Like a date?”
“If you’ll have us, of course.”
How could you ever say no to him?
Making your way to the living room, he asks you to watch over Haru, and if he wakes up or starts to fuss to just call for him. The way your apartment is formatted, you can see the living room from the kitchen so calling Ken wouldn’t be difficult.
Before getting started on dinner, you insisted you could cook something but Ken stubbornly said he owed you a dinner; He even let you choose the movie for the night.
Settling on your couch, you watch as Haru lays on his thick blanket on the floor, neatly wrapped in his blanket. The sight was adorable, a little mop of blonde hair splayed out. Somehow, watching the little bundle of love dissipates any fear you previously had.
Like Ken had said, if he didn’t like you at first, you would do everything in your power to make him love you.
You don’t realize how long you’ve been staring at Haru until Ken comes into the living room to tell you the food is ready. Yet again. he breaks you out of a daze. It’s extremely insane to think, given the fact that Ken’s son is only two and this would’ve been your third date, but your mind wanders to the possibility of a future with Ken.
Blinking the thought from your head, you help Ken bring the food to the dining table, kiss him on the cheek as a thank you, and eat the delicious food. Just as you were putting the dishes away, haru started to stir awake. Thankfully, in a seemingly good mood.
The baby blinked awake, slowly taking in his surroundings and smiling at the sight of his dad. However, when Haru’s eyes moved to your figure, they widened, “It’s okay Haru, this is y/n, she’s nice I promise. Way nicer than Uncle Mikey.” At the name of his uncle, Haru smiles again and slowly wobbles his way to his dad.
Ken crouches down to carry his baby and walks towards you, “Say hi Haru.” The boy shyly smiles, turning his face to hide in his dad’s neck, you laugh at the baby’s actions.
“Hello, Haru!” You coo, voice soft but not quiet so he can’t hear you, you keep some space between you and Ken, turning your attention to the held baby. Very slowly, Haru moves his face to look at you, you smile when your eyes meet. Giggling, Haru yet again hides his face in his dad’s neck.
The silly banter goes back and forth, you and Ken move to sit on the couch while he sets Haru down to play. “Had I known you were bringing Haru, I would’ve baby-proofed the house.” There weren’t many sharp things in your home but the edges of tables were enough to do damage to babies, “I’ll buy corner guards for next time, you can never be too-”
You were very surprised at the interruption, given what Ken asked or more so demanded, “Will you marry me?” To be honest, you cannot tell if the man is joking, while committing to him is not something that intimidates you, you have only gone on two official dates.
Quickly, he apologizes for such an impulsive statement, while he is joking, Draken confesses (to himself) that he wants you in his life for a long time. To ease the obvious tension in his shoulders, you joke back, “At least buy me a ring first.”
“Will the diamond ring in my pocket suffice?” Faking a disappointed look, you reply, “Bummer, I don’t like diamonds. Do you by any chance have a ring pop?”
While the mood is light, Ken says in all seriousness, “I’ll give you anything you want.” Caught off guard at the sincerity, you can’t help the blush that rises to your face. Before you can reply, Haru starts to cry, which reminds Ken to look at the time.
The clock reads 11:15 pm, which shocks you both. It seems like he just got here, you’re saddened to have to call it a night. The look on Ken’s face shows he feels the same, but to not let the mood damper,
“I’ll give you anything you want tomorrow night, same time?”
“Woah, that’s sounding a little naughty Kenny.” He immediately groans at the nickname, his friends are going to be thrilled to call him yet another version of his name, “Never mind, date canceled indefinitely.”
The both of you continue to banter as you help him gather Haru’s things and double checking Ken has all of his belongings.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow sweetheart, maybe wear that dress you had on?” He gets a smack on the arm (and a long kiss, well, long enough to be appropriate in front of his two year old son).
Teasingly, you walk him to the door and whisper, “I’ve got an even shorter one.” He blinks in surprise, but you don’t elaborate. Instead, you give him one last sweet kiss on the cheek, and bid Ken and Haru goodnight, telling him to text you when they’ve gotten home.
from ken: i’m home baby, i’ll see you tomorrow pretty girl. i hope you sleep well.
to ken: baby?? someone’s bold.
from ken: says the one who said she has an even shorter dress.
to ken: it’s tighter too :P
from ken: you’re awful, go to bed.
from ken: sweet dreams pretty girl.
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© ihrthoney. reblogs & feedback are greatly appreciated𑁤
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butim4you · 4 months
This is only my second time writing. English is not my first language, so there might be some wrongs here and there. It is not proff read :,) There might stand my real name instead of Y/n sometimes, sorry!
(My requests are open, please feel free to ask:) <3)
Kazutora x reader but also Baji x reader. (Angst)
As you take your first steps out of the airport you hear people calling your name.
You had been living with your mother and just got back to japan.
a short male with long blonde hair leads the group off boys you known since you were a kid your way.
You smile when you see them….its been so long since you saw them…your friends.
The small blonde greets you with a smile he had ran before the others when his eyes had landed on you.
“Hi, Mikey..”
Your smile grows, your finally back..
The other males of the group approach and You look at them one after another.
A tall blonde with both sides of his head shaved and a dragon tattoo on his temple.
His hair is tied back into a braid, last time you saw him it was a tiny ponytail.
Hes draken.
The man beside him has long black silky hair, That cant be the same black short hair he had once could it?
His iconic smirk is on display and his fangs are showing.
He leans against the wall that we are standing by and he stares at you with his beautiful eyes.
He has lots of necklaces and even one you gave him back in the day.
His shirt is from a band you two used to love together, you even went to one of their concerts when they came to tokyo.
It's baji.
Then a male that is on drakens other side has lilac hair and eyes.
His hair is very short and almost a tiny bit buzzed.
The sun shines on his erring that he only has on one ear.
The guy who helped you when you accidentally fuck up your clothes, he fixes them for you.
Poor mitsuya, He spent so much time on those clothes.
Then of course your close friends, The hairballs Nahoya and souya.
Who's this guy with yellow flabby hair?
She raises her glasses to set them on top of her head.
The guy looks nervous and Confused.
beside him is another short dude who also has dirty blonde hair but with a darker color under his hair.
Baji takes her glasses, putting them on himself, surprising her in the process.
“Why are you only greeting Mikey, Eh? How rude of you.”
She chuckles and puts her hand on her waist.
“I'm not going to greet you when you steal my glasses, dude.”
Draken sighs at how they are behaving.
"Ah, come on Y/N/N. We all know you have three pairs more in your bag.”
The way Mikey says it makes it sound like he knows everything about you.
Mitsuya laughs a little with a kind smile.
Baji Snickers at that and Puts his arm around your shoulder to steady himself on you.
The guy with yellow hair accidentally speaks
Everyone looks at him.
She Smiles as he panics because everyone is looking at him.
"That's just a stupid nickname Mikey gave me, My name is Y/N. Who are you?”
“Ah! That's takemitchy! My new friend!”
The Takemitchy or whatever his name was smiles nervously.
She Leans back a little into the arm that baji still has around her neck.
Looking over at the other guy beside ´Takemitchy´ Who looks unbothered.
“You must be Chifuyu, am I right? Baji sent a picture of you when we were discussing friends.”
Chifuyu Gets a little surprised and holds back a smile to look cool.
He gave a quick nod and crossed his arms.
“Well, I'm exhausted. You guys came here on your bikes or did you walk?”
Baji pushes off her shoulder to stand straight.
He grabs one of her bags and carries it behind his back over his shoulder.
he grabs another, throwing it over to Draken who catches it.
“Hey careful there's important stu-”
“We came on the bikes stupid, so we gotta split your bags.”
He walks over to the bikes.
“Smiley, take the bag I'm carrying. She's riding with me.”
Y/N throws her hands up.
“Hell yeah!”
The boy called takemitchy turns to chifuyu with a confused face
Chifuyu runs up to baji by the bikes.
“But, Then who am I riding with? I dont have one yet and I came here with you?”
Baji looks at him and shrugs then hands Nahoya the bag he's carrying.
He doesn't really look like he cares like he usually looks like.
In the end he ended up on the back of souyas bike with an annoyed face.
Takemitchi is very confused by this situation.
Naoto said nothing about a girl named Y/N.
This Woman was a mystery…
He didn't want to be weird and ask questions though…
He was even more confused when he noticed that they were at Mikey's house..?
“Uhm…Mikey? Why are we at your house?”
Takemitchi said with a confused stare.
He looks over at baji who's helping Y/N off his bike.
“Oh, well Y/N is gonna stay at my house until Her dad gets back from work.”
Mikey smiles as he parks his bike.
The twins wave their goodbyes and leave, leaving The seven alone.
The place Y/N’s things inside mikey's room and then Takemichi makes up the courage to finally ask.
“who uhm..? Who are you now again?”
Y/N looks over at him with her small smile.
She gives a simple answer and he feels embarrassed for making the question seem like that amd when he hears Mitsuyas and bajis small laughs.
Mitsuya pats Takemichis shoulder and sits down beside him.
“Y/N is an old friend, she moved to Another country with her mom some years ago. That's why we met her at the airport.”
Takemichi nods slowly, finally understanding the situation.
That explains why Mikey got so happy when they met her earlier.
Though..? if it was years ago they met her, why did they act so chill like that?
Well Mikey did act chill the first time they met too so maybe it's not that weird.
Baji grabs his phone and scrolls through his camera roll.
He grins and shows Takemichi and Chifuyu an old picture of Y/N.
“That's Y/N the last time we saw her.”
He chuckles with his classic grin.
She had A very ruined and messy braid instead of let out hair.
She had red scars and Looked beat up, But still made a funny face for the picture.
Baji scrolls again and shows a video of her dancing in what Takemichi and chifuyu guesses is her room.
Its a very Fast song and it sounds like Rock.
Baji was the one filming but then Mitsuya goes over with a soda and baji gives him the camera and joins her.
Their headbanging and laughing lots.
“Don't show that! It's embarrassing!”
Y/N Says and tries to grab bajis phone but he laughs and holds it out of her reach.
His other hand holds on her shoulder to hold her off.
“No way! its hilarious!”
He laughs.
Draken shakes his head in disappointment and chifuyu gets ahold of his phone.
“But wait? that looks nothing like her though..? and why is she so beat up in the first picture?”
Y/N who is still tackling with baji looks up.
“I mean how would you know that you picked up the right girl?”
Chifuyu continuous but Y/N Cuts him off as she sits up straight.
“Which girl would willingly go with some random guy who looks like they're in a gang?”
Now Chifuyu got embarrassed slightly.
“but..? What about the scars on your face?”
Baji whos now laying on the ground, leaning his face against his hand and his elbow on the ground speaks up.
“Shes one of tomans founders with us. Actually The reason Draken hates Fighting with women is cause He accidently pushed Y/N too hard once and She fell over onto the road in tokyo. I was there too.”
Chifuyu and Takemichi were surprised at that.
“Wait? i thought that it was because he respect them a lot and cause he promised emm-”
“Promised what?”
Emma cuts him off as she walks into Mikey's room with tea.
“Oh! I thought I heard your voice Y/N. I missed you!”
She puts down the tea drag Y/N with her to the real house.
Mitsuya Holds his tea and looks at baji.
“Baji, you seemed to act like you see her every day when you met her earlier? What's it been? 3 years? Do you still-”
Baji cuts him off and his grin falls.
“No. No i don't."
Mitsuya nods and Draken stands up.
“Im going to go check on those two, ill be back.”
He then walks out of the garage that is called mikey's room towards the main building.
Mikey then says.
“Y/N doesn't know about kazutora right? Should we tell her? I Mean since Y’know..?”
Mitsuya Sighs a bit, A takes a deep breath and smiles.
“Let's let her be happy for a little while longer, yeah?”
Takemichi leans forward, steadying his elbows on his knees. Who's kazutora now again?
“Kazutora is coming out soon anyways.”
Baji announced still not smiling.
“Still, Y/Ns gonna freak out if she knows hes been locked in without her knowing.”
Mitsuya nods slowly and sips the tea. Mikey did have a point.
"I still suggest we let her be happy. Atleast for a small bit. And if Kazutora is comming out soon then its all Okay right? Plus If she asks why we never told her we could just say she never asked."
Takemitchi tilts his head, and chifuyu copies his movements. Chifuyu had heard from baji about Kazutora before but both males wondered what Y/N had to do with him?
"Who is Kazutora and what does Y/N have to do with him?"
Takemitchi finally asked as his chin rested in his hands. He was so confused about this situation.
"Kazutora is an old founder of toman and a dear friend of ours. Y/N and him was a couple before she moved and they never broke up. Kazutora did something horrible after she left though..and now he's in juvie. He gets out this year though.."
Mitsuya explains setting the tea down softly. Takemichi looks at Mitsuya as he talks and nods.
"What did Kazutora do?"
Mitusya looks at Mikey as if asking if he can tell or not...Mikey looks up at Takemichi.
"He killed someone. Someone very dear to me."
Takemichi's eyes widen and so does Chifuyus. Did Y/N know about this? Probably not..?
"Of course he was very affected by Marias move and really missed her. What he did cannot be blamed on sadness but I believe it was a part of it."
Mitsuya smiles a little as he talks to make the tension lift. Takemichi nods again. Y/N used to be a member off Toman...Tomans only girl too. If Y/N now is back that means she will be a part again right?
"Hey..? Now that Y/N is back does that mean she will join toman again..?"
They all look at him. Baji nods and Mikey shrugs.
"It's her choice, of course."
Y/N's Dad got off work pretty quickly And Baji Drove her over. Miley and takemichi followed along for fun and Takemichi's jaw almost dropped.
Y/N had a mansion..!? Her house was huge...Was she rich? Damn.
"Thanks for dropping me off guys, I'll see you tommorow?"
Baji grins and Mikey nods.
"Yeah! Baji can pick you up tommorow and we can Hang out."
She smiles brightly at that.
"Okay! It's been a while since I saw the shrine too."
Baji ruffles her hair and chuckles.
"You can come along to the next toman meeting if you Want."
She looks at him surprised But really happy.
Baji nods and She squeals and jumps a little.
"Thanks! Gotta go now, I'll see you guys tommorow yeah?"
The three guys nodded and waves her goodbye. Takemichi then taps Mikeys shoulder.
"Is she like...Rich?"
Mikey laughs and baji snickers. Mikey looks back at him from his shoulder.
"Yeah? She is, so?"
Takemitchi quickly became defensive.
"N-nothing! I was just surprised.."
Kazutoras pov:
I got realized a week ago. I've set my plan to end mikey into game. I'm now a part of valhalla...
I'm walking down the alley to see Draken in the big tunnel. What could he possible need to tell me? Probably not to go against Mikey. But that's to late.
I say and my earring jingles with my every step. Draken looks at me with the same face as always.
Draken takes a breath before continuing.
"Kazutora, If your planing to go against Mikey then-"
I cut him off with a slight chuckles and I smile.
"Im not planing anything. I'm doing it."
Drakens game darkens and he looks to the side. His braid sways with the wind.
"Y/N is back."
That's all he said, and my smile drops as I hear those words. Is she back? Y/N... He must be lying. I dont believe him and now my mood is ruined. Draken then continues.
"Would you really try to kill him when the woman you love is in town..? How would she see you?"
I bit the inside of my cheek and I feel my anger boiling.
"Shut up..."
A turn to leave and draken calls after me.
"Mikey would give you another chance if you would take it."
I ignore him and continue walking. Was Y/N actually back? No way. Don't fall for his tricks Kazutora. I say to myself.
I walk back to the place I hang out, I dont really own the place. It's abandoned enough for me to stay in.
Back to normal:
You had been hanging out with The guys for about a week now.
You knew Kazutora was missing, but you didn't ask...You didn't want to pry or anything.
Then baji started distancing himself from mikey and the others.
He still hung out with you but not the others..?
You were hanging out with baji in your room, simply listening to music and just vibing.
Talking about everything and anything.
"Hey baji?"
You say and look at him, he's sitting on the end of your bed with a soft smile. You smile back and bajis heart flutters.
"Mhm yeah?"
He answers and pets your dog who's also laying on your bed.
"Whats happening between you and the guys?"
You tits your head and he looks down at the dog.
"Its complicated. I'm switching gang to valhalla. But its all good. Kazutora is on that side so why can't I?"
Your eyes widen slightly and Your head is straight again. Did he just say Kazutora? Finally someone talks about him...but wait what? Hes in another gang..? Since when?
"Wait kazu is in another gang..? Since when?"
Baji sighs, he doesnt want to be the one who tell you all this. You can feel your heart beating faster.
What had happend to Kazutora..? Sure he never tried to contact you like the others but you didnt think anything had happend.
Baji started to explain everything for you, Word after word gave you another shock. Kazutora had been in juvie? No matter how much you asked baji didnt tell you why. Your heart pounded so loud...This was a really big shock...
"He just got our and now he's in a gang called valhalla."
Baji said calmly as he pets your dog, not meeting your gaze, it was desperate...Of course you still love Kazutora...Why wouldnt you be? Its not like You ever lost those feelings.
"Wait so...Your leaving toman to be in a gang with Kazutora cause he did something and just got out of juvie? Why cant he just join toman again?"
You were confused. This made no sense.
"Thats somewhat on the right track. Kazutora chose not to join toman again...Some stuff happend, alright? Stop asking so much. The less you know the better it is."
You feel the bed shift as Baji gets of the bed. He didnt want to tell you too much, he didn't want this to affect you in anyway possible...He looks back at you.
"Im going, see you."
You scramble to get off the bed too. Your dog reacting with a jolt and looks around confused since it was so cuddled up.
"What? Why?"
Grabs his bag and carrying it over his shoulder.
"Gotta get home, before my mom gets mad. You know ill never hear the end of it otherwise."
You nod slowly and understand his point. Then you remember something and hurries over to your desk. You open a drawer and dig around in it. You got what you searched for and held it up.
"Whats that?"
Baji says, He didnt mean for it to come out like he was annoyed. He was never annoyed with you.
"A necklace, duh."
You walk up to him and hands it to him. He feels the cold metal of the necklace against his warm palm.
"Give this to kazu will you?"
He frowns but nods, how annoying. It's a necklace with a symbol on it for good luck... He puts it in his pocket and gives you a small wave then leaves.
You really hope Kazutora gets your gift...Does he even know your back? Probably not.
Baji,s pov:
I held the necklace in my hand as I sit on my bed in my room.
Im annoyed. Im irritated. Why does she still love him...And not me..? Of course im happy for their love but im not.. I wanna burn the necklace...what if I just...dont give it to him?
He probably wont believe that its from her. Goddammit...Why is it so complicated to give him something from her?
I let out a long sigh and close my hand around the necklace. I lay down and and stare up at my ceiling.
What's wrong with me?
The next day I meet up with Kazutora again. I have to do this...Kazutora smiles as he sees me.
I grin to hide my emotions and A small nod as a 'wassup'
"Yo, Kazutora."
Kazutora chuckles and we lean on the railing. Then I remember the necklace....Shit..I take a breath and reach down in my pocket. I hold it out and push it against his chest.
Kazutora's eyes widen and he tilts his head.
"You got me a necklace?"
He asks confused, He didnt look very fond of it.
"What? No, Its from Y/n. Not me."
I freeze when I see Kazutora Grabs it and throws it as far as he can. The necklace is gone..just like that? I'm shocked as fuck but I hide it behind a bored face.
"Hm, guess you didn't like it."
I try to act calm and like I dont care when I actually do. Kazutora turns his head to me and I can see in his eyes that he's annoyed.
"Y/n isn't back. Stop trying to make it seem that way. It's annoying."
Now it's my turn to tilts my head and raise my eyebrow.
Kazutora looks in the direction he threw the Necklace. How he wanted to believe that you were back, he truly did. But not once in three years did he receive a letter or anything. She just moved...and that was betrayal to him.
"She's not here. she's not coming back either."
I have to hold back a laugh at that. What is this nonsense he's talking about.
"Whatever you say, man."
Your pov again:
Your walking down the street when you see the two boys you seen with your friends when they picked you up from the airport.
You walk over to them, The boy you remember as chifuyu has bruises and lots of bandages. The other guy who you remember as 'takemitchy' looked shaken up and he has bruised knuckles.
Well by this you got the wrong idea...
"Hey! Takemitchy was it? The hell did you do to him?"
Takemitchy turns to see you with An umbrella, it's raining a bit. He got Confused and looks around.
Chifuyu asks also confused.
"Why do you both look confused? Did you hit chifuyu Eh?"
Now your getting irritated, who beats up their own friends? Chifuyu then understands and starts laughing.
"You thought Takemitchy beat me up?"
Takemitchys eyes widen and he starts to understand.
"Nah this guy can't beat up anyone, well except this tire that's supposed to be a swing not a punching bag."
Chifuyu clears, He leans back a bit and Takemitchy looks offended then embarrassed.
"Wait so...? Who beat you up?"
Chifuyu looks off to the side, Clearly unsure about telling you.
"Baji-kun did."
Takemitchy says with ease. Chifuyu refuses to look at them. You don't really believe that. From your view they seemed kinda close.
"No way. I thought baji and you were close..? Why would he-"
Chifuyu cut you off, He looks at you and smiles.
"Dont worry, baji San only did it cause he needed to get in to Valhalla. He didnt mean it, plus I believe he has a plan."
You tilt your head to the side, What the actual fuck are they talking about? Baji had a plan? Plan for what? What's going on?
"A plan for what? What plan? Did I miss something?"
This was all so confusing. What was chifuyu talking about? And why did baji even go into the rival gang? Its not like him...
Takemitchi looks just as awkward and confused as you. He didnt really know what Chifuyu was talking about but he knew mikey said he would kill him if he didnt get baji back (He obviously wouldnt)
Chifuyu and takemitchi shared a stare. If Chifuyu was gonna explain this he would have to explain it in a way that didnt give Takemitchi off as a timeleeper.
What if he just said that kisaki gave him bad vibes? Would that pass? This was giving him a headache, and not only from getting beat up earlier.
"I think baji did it to go against kisaki. Kisaki is giving off a bad vibe and-"
He tried to make it sound like a good enough reason while still not giving away to much info. You werent supposed to be in this mess. Now that the two think about it, they shouldnt have told you at all. But you cut off their train of thoughts.
"Are you sure? Because baji told me it was cause Kazutora was back in town. Baji and kazu were very close back then. So its not a surprise."
You shrug, not finding the situation that bad. Sure, it's a little weird, but not that bad. Baji was acting protective of the information about why and other things. But he had the right to have his secrets. Chifuyu nods, feeling confident.
"Im sure! Me and takemitchi can talk to him before the war"
He didn't even think that he just gave you free info. The war between valhalla and toman...? Why would he change teams just a while before the war?
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Part two???
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tojisbbg · 2 years
❈ 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 ❈
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❝one day i will stop falling in love with you, some day, someone will like me like i like you.❞
♡ manjiro sano ♡
a/n: current mood - wanting to breaking people’s hearts 😈 (sorry mikey stans)
content: mikey x reader (y/n), very heavy angst, right person wrong time, you’re mikey’s childhood friend, he’s getting married (lolz), not grammatically checked/edited
you finished adding the final touches to your makeup, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as you checked in the mirror if your concealer hid your puffy eyes well. some would say that whatever you were going through was tragic, a scenario that you would read about in romance novels where the main character is destined to a miserable fate.
and perhaps that was right.
you’ve been feeling miserable, sad and pathetic for the last month and a half since you’ve received the invitation. a piece of paper that felt like a sharp knife slicing your heart in half.
what was worse was that you couldn’t even find it in your heart to throw away the card. it was beautifully decorated with happy pastel colors and confetti, printed on expensive card stock, pop-up designs and a photo of him with the girl that was supposed to be you.
it was your childhood friend’s wedding, except for the catch that you’ve been holding in a burdening crush on him for the last twenty years. he was your person and you were his, being there for each other through thick and thin.
you both created a world where it was just the two of you while everyone else became a blur, a bunch of white noise. he was the invincible mikey and you were his key.
you couldn’t help but wonder, when did things change so fast? how did the perfect world you both created become nothing but dust?
(17 years ago)
“how is she, doc?” the young boy with a dragon tatted on his skull asked curiously as he stared at his friend, well practically family, in concern. 
“it was just an upset stomach, little man. we gave your sister some antibiotics to fight off those nasty little germs that’s been bothering her. she’ll be good in a few days. you sure you don’t have a parent or older family member we can contact?” the doctor asked, cocking an eyebrow as he held the pen in his hand eagerly, hoping the blonde boy would say something to him. 
“we’re orphans and she’s not my real sister. we have someone that’s been taking care of us for all these years and he’ll come by shortly.” he murmured, shame painting his face as his gaze went down to the floor. 
the doctor looked at him with sorrow, patting his head. 
“hang tight, buddy. keep her company, but don’t make her laugh too much or else it might make her cry.” he tried to create humor and it successfully made the frowning by crack a crooked smile. 
“yes, sir!” the little boy playfully saluted as he watched the man in the white coat walk away with a chuckle. 
“ken?” his ears rang up when hearing your faint call of his name, a small whimper following after. 
“y/n! are you hurting anywhere? should i call the doctor back? uncle’s gonna be here soon with remi. i told them to bring your favorite chocolate pudding.” draken gave you a cheeky grin, his hand now holding yours tightly. 
“you know me so well, sometimes i forget that i’m an orphan.” you laughed quietly, trying to not put strain on your stomach. 
“you’re not an orphan, y/n. you got me, uncle, remi and the other girls too. we’re one big happy family.” he persisted, eyebrows furrowing as he tried his best to convince you to believe his point. 
“you told the doctor that i’m not your sister, ken.” you whispered, your throat becoming dry as the words left your mouth. draken fell silent for a few seconds before sighing, laying his head besides your hand. 
“i told him that you’re not my real sister, y/n. there’s a difference. i don’t care what the law says because my heart says otherwise. you’ll always be the sister that i’ve always dreamed of having.” his eyes twinkled, a hand coming up to ruffle your hair. 
“so i heard one of my little girls was sick? maybe some chocolate pudding will make those little bad guys in your stomach go away.” your uncle’s voice boomed in your ward, a small smile plastered on his face as he shook the white plastic bag.
your eyes glimmered in content before you were pulled into a bear hug by remi. the girl sobbed on your shoulder, wetting it with tears and snot as she roared by your ears. 
“y/nnnn!!!! i thought you were gonna die when kenny told uncle! i love you, y/n, don’t leave ever me. ever.” she hiccuped between every word as your uncle and draken tried to console her and calm her down. 
“it was a stomach bug, remi. i’ll be better in a few days.” you tried to cheer her up. she raised her head, looking at you in doubt. 
“promise?” remi sniffled. 
“promise, you know i’d never lie to you.” you wiped away her tears before hugging her once more. 
your uncle handed the three of you the small containers of chocolate pudding. 
“why don’t you three take a walk outside, i’ll have this really nice nurse walk you guys. it’s good to get some fresh air.” the doctor said, patting your back and you all agreed, soon leaving the room. 
you happily skipped through the hallway, one pudding container in your pocket, while the other one was tightly secured in your hand as you ate it. 
“let’s play hide and seek, you’re the seeker ken!” you quickly blurted out, not giving either of them a choice before running off to the other direction. you faintly heard draken groan in annoyance, being tired of always being the seeker but he’d always do it for you. 
you saw a pretty quiet hallway and decided to turn to that corner, only to find a small quiet room. you figured that it wouldn’t be too much of a trouble to hide in here for a few minutes
you opened the door, nearly having a heart attack from the sudden appearance of another person. it was a boy with short blonde hair, he was huddled up into a ball, quietly whimpering and crying. 
“hey, kid.” you called out to him, only to not receive a response. a heavy sigh left your lips as you walked over to him, sitting on the floor besides him. the boy looked up at you, eyes all puffy and his nose red. 
he’s pretty cute.
“look, i’m really bad at comforting people. but, when i’m super sad, i eat chocolate pudding to make me happy again.” you said with a grin, digging in your pocket to get your other container out. 
you grabbed his hand and opened his palm before placing the treat in it. he stared at it in momentary silence. 
“who are you?” he finally spoke, looking at you with slight confusion. 
“just a stranger who’s hiding from her siblings in an intense game of hide and seek. what about you?” you chuckled, scooping another bite into your mouth. 
“i’m.. i don’t know.” he said with a shaky breath, shaking his head. 
“that’s fine, we don’t always know the answer to everything. ken is really mean sometimes, he’s a year older than me and asked me what 345 times 82 is. i could bet you my whole stash of chocolate pudding that he doesn’t know himself. tch, smart my ass.” you scoffed, earning a small giggle from your side. you side eyed him, seeing him detach the small spoon from the plastic lid before opening it. 
“what’s your name?” he asked you, eyes anticipating for an answer. 
“y/n. you?” you continued to inhale your treat as you waited for him to respond. 
“mikey.” the blonde boy scooped in a hefty amount into his mouth as he consumed the sweet dessert. 
“why were you crying, mikey?” you asked, not realizing how insensitive you were being. 
“it’s personal.” mikey shortly dismissed, but you were a little slow to understand and continued to persist until he caved in. 
“it’s just me and you in here. think of it as a bubble with just us, nothing comes in or goes out of this bubble.” you assured him, patting his back. 
for some strange reason, mikey felt like he could tell you anything from how comfortable you made him feel. considering the fact that he didn’t want to show any kind of reaction or emotion towards his family, he decided to seek that comfort and release in you. 
“my mother just died, about an hour ago.” he bluntly dropped the bomb, placing a very awkward and tense atmosphere between you both. 
“you’ll get over it, mikey.” you calmly answered, making his brows furrow with annoyance and slight anger. 
“how could you say that to me? my mother just died.” mikey said in disbelief, his tone heightening a little. 
“i’m telling you the truth. i’m sorry that this happened to you, especially at such a young age, but it’ll all pass and soon, today will just be one of your many bad memories. you’ll find peace and love one day and heal, mikey. that’s life.” you defended your previous statement, looking into his eyes with a gentle look. 
“and how do you know that? you’re just some ten-year-old weirdo that walked in on me.” he mumbled under his breath, making you giggle. 
“i’m an orphan, mikey. i don’t even know what my parents look like or if i even have any to begin with. not even any knowledge on if i have sibling or not. ken and remi aren’t my real siblings, just people i grew up with.” you shrugged, making the blonde boy thin his lips. 
“i’m sorry.” he apologized, his gaze lowering to meet his shoes. 
“it’s not your fault. there’s too much love in this world to be consumed by regret or grief. i’m not saying that you shouldn’t grieve, but you have to pick yourself up and continue with the rest of your life eventually. it’s what your mom would’ve wanted, mikey.” you ruffled his hair as his eyes shimmered with hope. 
“thanks, i’ll try. also, promise me that you won’t tell anyone about me crying.” mikey gave you a embarrassed look, holding up his pinky. 
“i promise.” you intertwined yours with his.
suddenly, the door flew open, which startled the both of you. 
“found you!”
“i’m really sorry, sir.” the doctor heavily sighed, trying to pat your uncle’s back as the man sobbed in his palms. 
“how bad is it? please, tell me she has time! she’s only ten, i want to be able to walk her down the aisle one day.” your uncle begged, choking between every word and cry. 
“the tumor in right in the middle of her brain, wrapping around each and every blood vessel. it’s to aggressive for us to remove it, i’m sorry once again, but it’s inoperable. she’ll bleed out before we can even remove a centimeter of it. with proper treatment and medications, we’re looking at maybe ten more years.” the doctor replied, making your uncle rub his temples in worry. 
“uncle!! meet my new friend, mikey! they live on the next block from our house.” you vibrant voice broke the depressing atmosphere. your uncle quickly wiped away his tears, giving you all a smile. 
“hey, i remember you! you were in s.s motors with shinichiro.” your uncle patted mikey’s head. 
“he’s my big brother.” mikey answered. 
“i see, why don’t you come and have lunch with us. we’re going out for burgers, i’ll text your brother that you’re with us.” your uncle suggested, making the small blonde boy nod his head.
and just like that, the both of you became inseparable. 
high school came around and you were the only thing that was piecing manjiro sano, or rather the invincible mikey, together. he formed a gang and that included your brother in it as well. you all were a pretty tight group to say the least, yet no one could truly understand him better than you could.
not even his right-hand men such as draken or sanzu. 
“i think i’m gonna disband toman and move away for some time, you now escape life for a little.” he sighed, opening the lid of the chocolate pudding before handing it to you.
“where’s yours?” you asked, confused as to why he only got one. 
“didn’t want one.” he shrugged, digging in his pocket before pulling out a box of cigarettes. he plucked one of the cancer sticks out, planting it in between his lips before lighting it. 
you watched him in disappointment, as he inhaled the smoke before coughing it out, eyes becoming watery as you scoffed. 
“dumbass, give me that.” you grabbed the stick before throwing it on the ground, stepping on it. 
“and that.” you grabbed the pack out of his hands before tossing it into the trash. 
“y/n.” mikey called out. 
“no, i’m really mad at you. i can’t believe you, mikey. pull that type of shit again and i’ll bury you, i swear. no girl would ever want to kiss you with a mouth like that.” you scoffed, flicking his forehead as he winced in pain. 
“not even you?” he teased. 
“i’d rather kiss a roach.” you playfully punched his bicep, earning a small laugh from him. 
“they only had one pudding left, so i didn’t get one for myself.” he explained himself. 
“we could always share, idiot. say ah.” you ordered, scooping a hefty amount of pudding before placing the spoon near his lips. he opened his mouth, eating it with content. 
“see, much better than cigarettes. but i was being serious, mikey, i don’t wanna see those near your lips or reach ever again. swear on my life?” you glared at him, making him choke. 
“hey! why are you giving me such a harsh swear??” he cleared his throat. 
“so you’re saying you’ll lie and do it behind my back?!” you yelled, making him quickly shake his head. 
“no, no, no! that’s not what i meant. i’m just saying that isn’t it such a big swear for something so stupid?” mikey tried to reason. 
“your health is not stupid, mikey. don’t push my buttons and swear already.” you rolled your eyes, making him sigh. 
“fine, i swear.” he said in defeat, stealing the reamining of your pudding to eat. 
“hm, good. oh, going back to what you were saying earlier, why so suddenly?” you questioned, backtracking to the previous conversation before you both got out of topic. 
“i don’t know, i feel like i’m bringing in my toxic energy in and engulfing everyone. maybe i should just let it all go and step back, you know? even you need a break from me to be honest.” he bitterly laughed. you kissed your teeth before grabbing a hold of his face, turning it to face you as you stared sternly at him. 
“mikey, i’m not going anywhere. what i promised you seven years will never break, even after we die. our souls are one, and i can’t leave my other half. so, let me run away with you. wherever you want, i’ll follow right behind you.” you gave him a soft smile, caressing his cheeks lovingly. his expression grew softer, tears welling in his eyes as he buried his face in your chest. you wrapped your arms around him, kissing the top of his head. 
it’s been rough on him, especially after losing shinichiro too in an accident. mikey’s been in a really dark place for a few months, shit, even scary if you were honest. he was snappy, rude, all dark and twisty. yet, you never gave up on him. 
because you knew that at the end of the day, he was still the same small boy you found in that closet crying to himself. 
“y/n, promise me something.” mikey sniffled, pulling away as he looked up at you, eyes holding so much vulnerability. 
“i promised my entire life to you, what more should i promise?”you joked, wiping away his tears with the pads of your thumb. 
“if we don’t find someone by the age of thirty, let’s get married. i’d rather spend the rest of my life with you than all alone.” he offered, a boyish smile dancing on his lips as your heart fluttered. 
you could’ve sworn that it skipped a few beats, making it suddenly harder to breathe as your cheeks grew warm. 
“stop fucking around with me, sano. it’s not funny.” you warned him, but his expression remained the same. 
“you’re being deadass?” your eyes grew wide and he hummed in response. 
“so, are you in or not?” the blonde boy cocked an eyebrow as he held out his pinkie, making you chuckle. 
“jeez, it seems like you’re making a life or death contract with me. yes, i’m in.” you answered, intertwining your pinkie with his. 
and to think that what you’ve been dreaming of for years were to come true would become only a nightmare. 
it’s not until emma’s death where mikey completely disappeared, not answering anyones calls or even yours. you spent days trying to look for him all over the city and even begging koko to somehow track his number or something. 
but every effort went in vain. 
you cried for months, refusing to eat and giving up on the sweet treat that only reminded you of him. you had nightmares every night, and the only thought that circled your mind was that he was dead. 
he was really gone. 
until after nearly nine years, he came back. not alone, but accompanied with another person. 
a girl, his girl, to be precise. 
mikey went to the philippines for those years, returning with a completely new get up that would make it hard for anyone to guess that it was him. his beautiful blonde locks were now cut short with an undercut, dyed black. 
you remembered the first day where he showed up at your doorsteps, your knees turned into jelly as you almost collapsed to the group if he didn’t catch you in time. you cried in his arms for so long, cursing and punching him from pain and anger as he whispered thousands of apologies to you. 
you were happy, so fucking happy to see that he was alive. it put your mind and heart to peace, until you saw her walk out of the car.  
“this is my girlfriend, y/n. we met a few years back and she’s just amazing, you know. i wanted you to meet the most important person of my life first since you’re my best friend.” he mischievously giggled, snaking an arm around her waist. 
your throat became dry, heart shattering into a billion pieces as each word leaving his lips was like knives jabbing at your heart. it bled, threatening to leak out of your eyes. yet, you held back, trying your hardest to fake a realistic smile to keep your cool. 
“nice to meet you.” you shook her hand. 
“the pleasure’s all mine, mikey’s told me a lot about you.” she said, making you awkwardly laugh.
“oh, i see.” you dryly replied, clearing your throat. 
“these are for you by the way, it’s a recipe that’s really sacred to my family. i hope you enjoy.” she smiled, handing you a box of what seemed like cookies. 
fuck, i can’t even bring myself to hate her. 
“thank you, that’s really sweet of you. uh, you both should stay over for lunch.” you offered, secretly praying that they refuse. 
“sorry, y/n, i gotta get my bike inspected by ken-chin. next time, yeah?” he ruffled your hair, as you managed to let out a small hum. you waved them goodbye before entering your house, locking the door behind you. 
you fell on your knees, letting out all the tears that you’ve been holding in. your cry was ugly, gut-wrenching and painful as it stole all the oxygen from your lungs and made you gag and choke. 
it felt like someone died, well, it was sort of like that. 
mikey was no longer yours, he was somebody’s else’s. you were all alone now. 
you’re the other woman. 
you probably shed a gallon of tears by now, trying your best to turn off the water tap glued on your eyes. but, the image of him snaking his arm around her waist never left your mind. 
you glanced at the box of cookies on the floor, opening the lid to grab one and take a bite. 
“fuck, they taste delicious too.” you cried, throwing it back in the box as you decided that it’ll be best to call out of work sick for tomorrow. 
the day has finally come, where you have to let him go. he was no longer yours, those days will never come back, now only a happy memory that you can confide to for comfort. 
“y/n, you don’t have to do this.” draken sighed, placing a hand on your shoulder but you shook your head, determined to attend that damn wedding. 
“i have to, ken. he’s my best friend, i can do at least this much for him.” you answered, fixing up the green dress that you wore before putting on your earrings. 
“be selfish for once, y/n! i know that you love him, alright? i’ve been living with you since diapers, i know you like the back of my hand. you can lie to anyone but me, i know that you’re not okay. which is why i’m telling you that you don’t have to do this. i’ll tell him that you’re sick or something.” draken’s eyes softened, his expresison growing sad as he looked at your pained expression. you were smiling at him, yet he knew the thousands of thoughts and words that littered your mind. 
“ken, i know. the only way i could give myself closure is by seeing it happen, in front of my eyes. i want my last memory of him to be happy and clear, so that when i think of him, i don’t feel pain or misery. if he’s happy then i’m happy because we are each others halves and no one can take that spot. besides, his fiance is so nice, i can’t even bring myself to hate her. he’ll be fine, i know he will.” you explained, grabbing drakens hands as you gave it a tight squeeze, looking up at the tall man that stood before you. 
he bit his lips to contain himself from arguing back, caressing your cheeks before letting out a sigh. he nodded his head, deciding to butt-out of your business. 
“okay, whatever makes you happy.” he said and you hummed in response before getting up to slip on your heels. 
“let’s go, we have a wedding to go to.” you smiled at him, slipped your arm in his as you guys walked out of your house. 
the drive to the church was short as it was the same one where hina and takemichi got married. you entered the ladies room where all the bridesmaids were getting dressed up as they all waited for you since you were the maid of honor. 
“y/n, you’re here! god, you look gorgeous, maybe i should ditch mikey and marry you instead.” she joked, pulling you into a hug as you chuckled, patting her back. 
“you look even prettier. damn, mikey caught a good one i gotta say.” you answered looking at her with eyes full of nothing but adoration. 
she was sweet and understanding, a perfect wife for mikey. he deserved this, after being through hell and back, he deserved happiness and peace. 
and you were willing to do anything to give him that, even if it meant to go to the ends of the earth and come back. 
“it’s almost time! come on ladies, get in position.” one of the bridesmaids announced.
“i’ll see you at the aisle.” you rubbed her shoulder as she hummed, then taking your leave as you entered the wedding hall. you walked up where the priest stood, mikey standing right across you. 
his eyes widened when he saw you, walking up to you without hesitation. he pulled you into a tight hug before pulling away with a smile. 
“you look absolutely beautiful, y/n, as always. i’m so happy that you’re here, i was honestly so nervous, but after seeing you, i got my courage back.” he honestly said, making it hard for you to form words to respond to him. 
“better not chicken out sano, i raised you better than that.” you playfully scolded him. 
“yes ma’am!” he jokingly saluted, making you both laugh. 
“mr. sano, please stand in position, the bride will enter in a few minutes.” the priest interrupted. 
“sorry. i’ll talk to you after the ceremony, okay?” he held your hands, giving it a tight squeeze and you swore that if he was just a hair more closer, you would’ve broken down into tears. 
“yeah, yeah, of course. go get married, sano.” you teased, making him blush as he walked back to his original position. you stood with one ring while draken stood with the other, the taller glancing at you frequently to check if you’re okay and you’d discreetly try to nod and give him the signal that you’re fine.
the music began to play and the doors opened, revealing mikey’s soon to be wife, now walking in with her father. a huge smile or her face as you looked over at mikey, only to catch him staring at you before averting his gaze to his wife. 
she walked up the steps, now standing besides you as she turned to look at her soon to be husband. the priest began to read the wedding vows and it was soon time to exchange rings. the beautiful diamond ring glimmered under your eyes and you couldn’t help but wished it was for you. 
it fit perfectly, like it was made for you and you knew that because you accompanied mikey when he went ring shopping. it was unfortunate to know that his fiance’s ring size was the same as you, so you helped him pick and size it. you remember not being able to take your eyes off of it as soon as he slipped it onto your finger. you felt chills as his skin touched yours, but now, it was reality; only not yours but hers. 
“do you, _____, take manjiro sano as your wedded husband, to cherish in love and in friendship, in sickness and in health, in success and in disappointment, to love him faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?” the priest asked, and without hesitation⸻
“i do.” she said with the brightest smile, giving him the most lovesick eyes known to mankind. 
“do you, manjiro sano, take _____ as your wedded wife, to cherish in love and in friendship, in sickness and in health, in success and in disappointment, to love him faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?” he now asked the groom, and to your surpise, mikey’s eyes were only focused on you. 
please, say no, mikey. say no! you’re mine and i’m yours, it always been like that. please, say no.
your mind screamed and your heart bled, hoping for some miracle to change the events to bring it in your favors. but to your disappointment, none of that happened. he gave you a small smile before glancing at his bride. 
“i do.” mikey said and the priest suddenly glanced at everyone in the room. 
“any objections?” he loudly asked, as a moment of silence fell in the whole room. 
me! i object. this wedding shouldn’t be happening, not even in a million years. that should be me in that dress and ring, not her. i don’t want to be the other woman.
“that’s a no then. i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride.” and with that being said, you averted your gaze to the bouquet of flowers as the crowd roared with cheers while they both kissed. 
a few tears slipped from your eyes but you managed to quickly wipe them away, praying that nobody saw them. to which nobody did, except for draken as the man look at you with nothing but an aching heart to see you this heartbroken. 
the after party was great, from the table of stories and lunch too. the cake was amazing as well, coming from the bakery that you and mikey often went to for study dates during your teen years. 
“y/n! there you are, i’ve been looking for you everywhere. i just wanted to come here and thank you again for helping out with everything. you’re amazing and i’m so happy to know someone like you.” mikey’s wife came to you and pulled you into a hug, as you pat her back. 
“of course, i wish you both the best of luck and a lot of happiness. treat him good, okay? he’s been through so much and he really deserves this. he’s a little childish and stubborn at times but he’s so sweet. he’s great and it breaks my heart to give him away but he’ll be okay. i know he will, he’s mikey after all.” you laughed, making her break into one as well. 
“mhm, you got it!” she smiled at you once more before being whisked away by another relative for pictures. 
“looks like you’re busy.” you heard a familiar voice behind you, turning around to see mikey grinning at you. 
“yup, busy practicing how to spend the rest of my life alone without my other half.” you teased, making him chuckle. 
“i suppose if you’re not too busy then you can spare some time to have a dance with me?” mikey wiggled his eyebrows, making your lips curl as you took his hand, being pulled away to the dance floor. 
you wrap your arms around his neck as his arms snake around your waist. you both sway to the song and it felt like once again everyone else was just a blur and you both were now back in your own world, just the two of you. 
“thank you, y/n. for everything, from beginning to end. i’ll never be able to repay you for everything that you’ve done for me. without you, i don’t think i’d even be standing here. you’re my one and only, forever and always; my other half.” he genuinely spoke, eyes glimmering with love and adoration, turning your brain into a bunch of mush and heart becoming all fuzzy. 
“you just got married, mikey, don’t make your wife turn against me by saying those kind of things.” you chuckled, making him crack a smile. 
“i mean it, you’re very special to me, y/n.” mikey said, tucking in a piece of hair behind your ear. you felt suffocated, feeling your airways and chest tightening. you couldn’t tell if it was from all that food you stress-ate or the feelings that threatened to pour out right this moment.
“can we go somewhere private, i gotta tell you something.” you urgently ushered him, as he quickly nodded his head before being dragged away to the groom’s room. 
you quickly closed the door behind you, locking it before turning to face him. mikey grew concerned at your behavior and silence as he constantly asked if you were okay.
“if someone were to ask me what would be the best and worst day of my life, i would tell them that it was the day that i met you.” you breathed out, making mikey tilt his head to the side in confusion. 
“huh?” he managed to say. 
“it was the day where i found someone that understood me as a person deep from within, knew my every thought and feeling before i even had to say it or act on it. i found my other half, the person that made me, well, me. the person whom i’ve grown to not be able to live without as well. which also brings it to why it’s my worst day as well.” you grew silent, words feeling too heavy to spew out as tears gathered in your eyes. 
“the person that i can’t live without, mikey.” you choked out, tears now streaming down your face as mikey’s eyes widened. 
“y/n, i don’t under-”
“i love you, okay! not as a friend, but as someone more. i wanted to be the person that you spend the rest of your life with.” you cried, making him gulp harshly. 
“i wanted to be your bride.” you sadly laughed, looking up at him with a tear-stained face as your mascara and eyeliner was now smudged. 
“oh my god, y/n.” he whispered, trying to pull you into a hug but you quickly stopped him. 
“don’t! if you hug me right now, i’ll break and won’t be able to stop myself. please, just hear me out. when we went ring shopping, i never wanted to take it off of my finger and it felt so nice when you put it on me. that night, i went home and couldn’t stop envisioning a future where it was us instead. i’ve loved you ever since we were kids, mikey.” you confessed, making him break into tears as he pulled you into a hug, unable to contain himself. 
“then why the hell didn’t you say anything before? you even had the chance to object when the priest said the vows. why didn’t you say anything!” he sobbed, his embrace tightening as if he never wanted to let you go. 
“because she’s good, mikey. you need a wife who’s sweet, tender, gentle and understanding. she’s perfect for you, mikey. you’ll be okay, i know you will.” you gave him a sad smile, holding his face as you looked deep into his eyes. 
“but you’re also-”
“no, mikey. you need someone who can cherish you and spend many more happy years to come. i can’t give you that.” you sniffled, making him furrow his eyebrows. 
“i don’t understand, what’s going on?” mikey panicked.
“i’m dying, mikey. that day that i met you, i was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and it seems that i barely have a full month left to live. i was supposed to be long gone by last month but i guess i was lucky enough to see you get married.” you cried with a smile. 
“no, no, you’re lying to me. this can’t be! y/n, this isn’t time for jokes, please, i can’t lose you too. i’ll marry you, i’ll manage something, i promise. please, just don’t leave me.” he begged, holding onto you like you would disappear from his reach if he were to let go. 
“mikey, don’t make all of this go into vain. i worked so hard to come to terms with my feelings and get closure. which is why i waited until after the wedding to tell you because even if i do leave you, you’ll have her to be there with you. you need to live for me, and enjoy your life in happiness. okay?” you sobbed, trying to convince him but he kept shaking his head in denial. 
“no! please, y/n! i-i-”
“here, make sure to share with her, alright? don’t get too greedy.” you tried to joke to lighten the mood, as you opened his palm to give him the container of chocolate pudding. 
“y/n, please.” he cried, but you were stern with your decision. you felt yourself becoming light-headed and the familiar feeling of nausea. it almost felt like you were dying, ironically. 
“bye, mikey.” you gave him a soft kiss on his cheek before running out of the room. mikey yelled your name behind like a madman as he ran after you, but you were too ahead. the fresh air hit your skin, sending goosebumps everywhere and it felt like you could breathe again. 
you walked over to draken’s car and opened the door, sitting down as you were about to close the door. 
“i love you too, y/n! i always have and always will.” was the last thing you heard before slamming the door shut, breaking into tears. 
“start the car, ken.” you said in between your sobs, driving away from the church. 
“so, you gonna hide from him forever or what? you know, y/n, i never told you how much i love you. well, not like that. but, i’m grateful for having someone like you in my life. i’d do anything to make you smile, you’re the most selfless and kind person i’ve ever met. an angel is what you are.” draken rambled, making you softly chuckle.
“thanks ken, i love you too.” you tiredly slurred your words, draken glancing at you as he stopped at a light, a smile etching on his face.
“seems like you’re tired, let’s get takeout tonight and go to the movies with remi. you know, just like the old days. what do you say?” draken asked, only to be met with silence. he chuckled to himself as he decided to not bother you and let you sleep till you both got home. 
draken finished parking the car, calling your name a few times to try and wake you up, but you wouldn’t budge. 
“jeez, gonna make me carry your ass up those damn stairs.” he groaned while getting out of the car and opening the door to yours. 
“y/n-” he grew quiet, seeing your pale face made his blood run could. draken quickly bent down and put his ear on your heart, two fingers on your wrist. 
no beat, no pulse. 
“no, no⸻y/n, wake up! please, i need you to wake up!” draken cried, wrapping his arms around your cold and lifeless body to give you some of his warmth. 
but it was no use, you were already gone. 
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nikki-152006 · 2 months
sano manjirou X reader
(from Ameliorate EXTRAS!)
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"It's a little troublesome, yeah." Emma nods, holding the bump of her stomach as you give her a hand down the few stairs outside the hospital, "Thanks, doctor." she smiles at you.
You return the smile, checking the time once more before ringing up to tell the head manager of your hospital to switch to the night shift doctors' team already and request them to reach within an hour.
The hospital you own always has a lot of work- you're the top neurologist and second top gynecologist in all of Japan, all your top brass doctor friends also work at your hospital.
Emma has been coming to you since the beginning of her pregnancy. Her husband Ryuguji is always with her, today is the only day she's come to you alone- Ryuguji is away in another city for work she tells you.
A radiantly shiny black car stops right in front of the two of you. Emma bows to take leave, but before she can open the door and sit in, the window of the passengers' seat at the back rolls down.
There's a man sitting inside in what you assume to be a black overcoat decorated with designs and embroidery made of pure gold. He wears sunglasses, his head is turned not towards Emma but you.
"This is my brother." Emma introduces him, "Sano Manjirou."
You don't need the introduction- you remember who he is well enough. His appearance is just the same too, only, he seems to have matured. The face, the lips, the jawline- they're all the same, just more defined.
There's an itch inside you to see his eyes- the pretty black eyes that always looked at you so tenderly and warmly back at school.
It's been long since you've felt such a buzz in your heart. Every single strand of hair on your body is standing straight as a shower of goosebumps travel all across. 
You'd tried hard to look for him after returning to Japan after your time building a career abroad, but no matter how hard you tried, you never found him. You'd thought you'd never see him again, but here we was- the Mikey you've been aching to meet for a decade now.
He takes his sunglasses off- the pretty black eyes are just the same. They stare at you with the same tenderness, but there's too much more going on in them to let any warmth through. 
"Emma, sit inside."
His voice is matured, it would obviously have changed. You'd expected that, but still, the tone of his words is just as tender and soft as ever.
"How have you been, Mikey-" there's too much longing in your heart to let the words hold in anymore, but the moment you let them out, Mikey's window rolls back up.
Within a second, the car takes off.
You feel like you've been slapped to the face. This bothers you only momentarily, however, there's much more you have in your head to care of.
Sano Manjirou came into your life for a second time, yet the moment he sees you, he drives away like he doesn't even know you. You still don't forget that little moment of his eyes meeting yours- of course he remembers you.
... Is he...  still mad or hurt from back then... ?
Your body droops unwillingly, expressions shattering alongside. 
All these years, you've hoped to clear some things with him. The last interaction you had with him was nothing but pain, and sadly, he probably thinks it was a pain to only him. You're the one who knows it was a pain to the both of you.
There's no one you can blame for how things turned out in the past- everyone was right in their own place, no one could be declared wrong completely.
It's just as they say it is- life has plans of it's own. Nothing happens earlier than it is meant to happen.
Back then, it seemed that not even nature in itself could help the turnout of events. You didn't want to leave Japan, but there was nothing you could do, your parents were posted outside and they couldn't leave you behind.
It was the last day of the second year of high school. You, Mikey and Baji had studied together ever since middle school then. 
You remember the moment all too well. He was sitting beside you on the terrace of school, it was a fresh and windy day. There was a low chatter all around because of the students downstairs during lunch.
Mikey let his head fall on your shoulder. He began to pour the sweet words he'd always have for you, you smiled and played along with them. Replying to all with just as cheeky comment and statements.
He was just beginning, and you were already at the limit of how open you could be with a guy- your parents wanted you to focus on studies and become someone successful, and that meant no distractions in the form of boys.
Mikey cupped your cheeks that day, you still remember the sparks throughout your body that messed your brain up. The words he said after that still ring in your head often- "I love you, (Name)," followed shortly by a "you'll be my girlfriend, right?".
For a moment, you'd been in heaven back then, but reality has it's ways of dragging one all the way down to hell. 
You'd forgotten to tell him something important earlier, and then he'd proposed you out of nowhere, so telling him the thing was becoming too hard.
"I'm sorry..." is all that escaped your lips, but Mikey said he knows you're scared and he assured he'd never ever let your parents find out about the two of you.
Memories often record emotions more than the actual events. You remember being torn but managing to tell him in a tone as broken as hope itself that you were supposed to leave three days from then- that your parents were leaving for another country, and you had no other option other than going with them.
There was nothing but shock in his eyes for the rest of the break. It was at the school's entrance that he'd come to you again later, just minutes after school had ended.
Mikey begged you to stay. You begged him to not make it harder. 
He left, eventually, with nothing but "okay, I hope you're happy" being the last words. Even the words you wished to convey to him couldn't leave your lips.
You wished you'd let those words be the first to greet him if you ever met him again, but it just happened the way it always did- whenever you'd be with him, you'd forget the important things and just enjoy the nonsense of life with him.
You'd forgotten now too, to let those words out of your mouth And you know they'd suffocate you if you don't let them out.
But he's appeared in your life again. He's a brother to one of your patients, so there is the slightest bit of hope in your heart for you to meet him again. And maybe, one day, you'd be able to smile with him just like you used to.
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Emma has been staring at Mikey all throughout dinner, Mitsuya and his wife cannot concentrate on anything other than this.
Luckily, Baji is coddling their daughter, there's no one to disturb their hawk-like gaze on Emma. Draken has been looking between them and his pregnant wife every few minutes now. He's itching to know what's going on too.
Mikey is concentrated on the two Kawata kids in his lap- the twins had married twins and now each had a son with the same genetic composition; biological twins. Smiley's two year old is trying to nibble on Mikey's hand while Angry's just rubs his soft hair against Mikey's stomach.
"Mikey..." Emma can't take the suspense anymore. Everyone at the table pauses to listen to her, she's the pregnant lady of the bunch after all, "What happened earlier, in front of the hospital?"
Draken's eyebrows crinkle and he turns over to Mikey with a confused gaze. Baji is staring at him too, one hand holding Mitsuya's three year old daughter in place and the other putting a spoon of mashed potatoes in her mouth.
"What happened?" Mikey barely flinches at the question, he's still busy playing with the twin babies as his food gets cold in front of him.
"I mean, how come my doctor knew you? She even knew you're called Mikey which is weird considering it's been hardly an year since she returned to Japan and she doesn't yet know about Toman. And how come you didn't reply?"
"A lot of women know Mikey-kun." Chifuyu stuffs his mouth, "That wouldn't be very surprising. He's become so much more popular here in Tokyo now that Toman's all over Japan."
"She said asked him how he had been," Emma tells him, "that obviously means Mikey knew her before. And also, he looked at her weird."
"Stalker?" Mitsuya asks, then pauses, "Wait, is she a threat?"
Draken's eyes narrow, "Is she a threat, Mikey? Would Emma be hurt because of her or anything?"
"We could always send Yuzuha to handle her." Baji stuff his mouth, "Nothing too worrisome about it. Don't bother too much about it, Draken, there's nothing a random doctor chick can do to Emma."
"(L/N)-chan is not a threat." Emma frowns, but her expressions change to surprise as Baji chokes.
Everyone stares at him punching his chest, coughing while his eyes focus on Mikey, "(L/N) (Name)? Her?"
"Yeah." Mikey just looks away, "Her."
A silence rings across the table. Everyone looks between the both of them, waiting for some or the other kind of explanation. 
"Want me to tell them?" Baji actually asks Mikey, it makes the others itch to know now, "It would be best if you tell on your own, it's not my story to tell after all."
Mikey just gets up, "I don't care, she's nobody." but he knows Baji gets the idea to tell, and he knows once everyone knows, they'll do something or the other about it.
The thing Mikey doesn't know is whether he wants to see you ever again or not. You've grown, you've matured. 
He knew a funny, foul-minded girl years ago, she was the one he'd liked. The woman he saw today was not her- he's still sure you're just as foul-minded and humorous when it comes down to it, but it's different.
Your eyes hadn't been as bright back then, your jaw hadn't been as defined. The flame burning behind you was just a spark back then- you've grown. You've become a woman. A proper woman.
He can hear Baji begin in the background. Mikey wants to get out before the others grab him down.
"So, (L/N) (Name) was this girl in our class in high school." Baji tells everyone, "She was the goody-two-shoes on face- her parents wanted her to be that sorta kid, but she had the wildest mind underneath."
Everyone is hooked instantly.
"Basically, Mikey was friends with her, he liked her, confessed to her, got rejected by her, never met her again after the rejection, but for some reason, he never got over her."
There's a long silence before Draken and Mitsuya stand aggressively in their chairs, "Still not over her?"
Baji grins, "Never will be. He was totally knocked into her back then, tunnel-vision sorta thing you know. He'd keep on smiling at nothing when she wasn't around."
"And I didn't even know?" Draken can't believe it.
"You'd do the same for Emma back then." Baji points out, "It was the both of you sitting together like that- like idiots. Chifuyu remembers it, don't you?" Chifuyu nods and confirms the same, saying he never realized it would have been over a girl though.
"So," Mitsuya's wife stares at the door from which Mikey has just exited, "potential wife?"
Baji shrugs, "Totally depends on how he takes it. You have her phone number, Emma?"
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"I want them delivered by the weekend." Mikey speaks into the phone, his eyes lazily scanning the empty road. It's one in the morning, there's hardly a soul walking outside.
A car suddenly stops in front of a gate, Mikey identifies it as that of Baji's house. Baji hurries out, all prettied up and as he opens the car door, the lights inside turn on to reveal another prettied up person- you.
A deep frown etches over Mikey's face, he becomes oblivious to whatever the person over the phone is saying.
Baji and you half hug inside the car before you smile and start driving away. Mikey unknowingly starts his bike- he'd told Baji about you being back in the city only a week ago and the guy had already hit on you?
Mikey doubts Baji would do something of the sort considering the history he's had with you but Baji is Baji, there's no telling what goes through his head.
He rides after them all the way to one of Toman's fancy restaurant. By the look of it, Baji must have chosen the venue. He takes you inside while talking nonstop about something.
"Aren't they chatty now." Mikey knows he shouldn't be bothered, it's been over a decade since high school already. There's no point chasing behind the ghosts from his memories. 
He knows he's no one to stop you from going out with Baji, or do the opposite- he shouldn't feel for you anymore. He's no one to control your or Baji's actions.
In any other scenario, he'd have let Baji take the lead in this- he'd have given up on the inside like he used to back during school, but things are different in this scenario.
The only thing Mikey feels towards Baji at the moment is pure annoyance, that, mixed with betrayal. Even if he couldn't end up with you, Mikey had still liked you in the past. As a friend, Baji shouldn't have made a move on you.
Mikey feels himself walking up to a rooftop, he knows Baji would have taken you there to dine and see the scenery. A hand runs through his hair to fix it after the bike ride, Mikey adjusts his clothes the slightest bit, then walks out into the floor.
Baiji is sitting with you at a corner table, it's the one with the best view. On him entering and all the people around bowing down to their feet, you both look up at him.
"You actually came.." you stand up, eyes wide and twinkling.
Mikey pauses, then turns to Baji, who winks at him with a grin.
"What do you mean "actually came"? I did tell you he's gonna come." Baji turns over to you, "Come on, Mikey, you're already late to our mini reunion."
"You're on house arrest." Mikey's eyes narrow dangerously at Baji as he realizes what the man is up to, "No even stepping out."
"Oh my," Baji turns towards you with wide eyes, "doesn't that mean I should be at home at the moment? See you some other time, (Name)-chan, I wouldn't be able to join you and Mikey today."
Mikey's jaw almost drops. Baji says his goodbyes to you and walks over to him.
"You bastard." Mikey whispers, "The hell are you even doing?"
"Setting up a date for my friend?" Baji smiles, "You'd never have the spine to ask her out again, right? She did you pretty dirty the last time, and you still have a picture of her in your room so-"
"What?" embarrassment rises up Mikey's cheeks, "I don't."
"Go lie to someone else." Baji makes a face at him, "Mikey, you know why she rejected you years ago, it wasn't exactly that she didn't like you. You're already lucky to have someone you loved back in your life. Back when I told the others, Kokonoi wouldn't stop saying he wanted to be in your place."
Mikey's lips twitch.
"You're lucky as hell she hasn't died, or isn't in a relationship, or in fact, married." Baji says, "And she suddenly appears out of nowhere to be your own sister's doctor, what do you make out of this."
Mikey makes a face and looks away, his hands folded at his chest.
"And don't tell me you're not eager," a grin makes it's way to Baji's face, "Toman coat on, a white shirt with the top three buttons loose, designer watches, you're totally here to make an impression."
"I was already like this when I was coming." Mikey argues, but then Baji asks him to close the buttons and Mikey doesn't comply. Baji says that proves his point.
"Alright then," Baji turns around towards you and waves, "see ya."
There's silence following his departure. For some time, Mikey just stand on his place with a frown. When he does exhale deeply and walk over to your table, he doesn't even bother looking up at you.
"Are... you still mad at me?" you don't understand why that's the first question you ask him, it's almost as if you intentionally want to make the conversation awkward.
"No." there's nothing but sarcasm in his voice as Mikey seats himself lazily on the chair, one arm dangling over the frame, "Why would I be mad? There's nothing to be mad at."
You frown and sit down too, eyes assessing the expressions he's making. There's a mountain of nostalgia washing you out.
"You're still the same, Mikey." the words just fall out of your mouth. Mikey doesn't looked fazed at all.
He eyes you from head to toe, the frown still etched over his face and hands still folded at his chest in the bossiest manner, "You've changed quite a lot, haven't you, (L/N)," you flinch at him using your last name, "from being all mean to being all nice on the face."
"I was always nice to you." you point out, "It's... I couldn't do anything about it, Mikey. I know you know I liked you too."
"Sure." he rolls his eyes and looks away, his brain focused on calming the pace his heart has picked up. There's an unusual spark running down his body. 
It's obvious- you're the only girl he's ever liked, of course he's excited and nervous to talk to you after a decade. He tries to deny himself of both emotions but they start to overpower him the moment you've started talking.
"Mikey." you frown, "If I was in your place I'd be sad too, I won't deny that. I know I don't have the right to ask you of this, but please, forgive me."
"I'll have to either way, no?" his gaze turns towards you, "Once you and Baji start dating, and then get married, I'll have to see your face around all the time anyways."
You blink.
"I didn't even remember him."
Mikey pauses, "What?"
"Yeah, he called. He was like- heyy, what's up, how have you been, I'm Baji, and I didn't even know what Baji I'd ever known. Then he mentioned he was the other friend I had besides you and then I remembered."
Mikey doesn't like at all that he feels relieved in some ways. He stares at you, lips curved into a small pout and eyes narrowed into yours, "You're a bitch, (Name)."
He notices your shoulder slump in relief, making the low cut of your dress fall the slightest down to reveal much more than he has ever expected. For a moment, he's in awe.
"Thanks." you look up at him, "Just... thank you so much for forgiving me. I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything back then, the only thing I wanted to say was that I love you too but it just... didn't end that way."
"Mhm?" Mikey can't help the tingling rising up his cheeks now, "What's happened happened. But yeah, just know that I don't like you that way anymore. It's been over a decade and I've definitely met hotter women than you."
A smile rises to your face.
"Hotter with an "e-r", so I am at least hot?"
"But you just said it-"
"No." he cuts you off and averts his gaze to the Tokyo scenery outside. There's a red hue over his face matching yours.
"You're still just the same, Mikey." something melts like butter in your heart. You'd feared he'd have become a different person, but he's still the sweet boy you'd known back at school.
"You've changed." he doesn't look at you, "You used to be pretty flat back then."
You blink, "What?"
"Nice boobs."
"Mikey." all blood rushes to your face, arms covering your chest, "What the hell? That's what you're gonna say after meeting me after a decade?"
"You're the one who said I'm just the same, (Name)," he quickly turns towards you, pleased at your reactions but red on the words he's let out, "why, can you not handle my honesty anymore?"
Your mouth hangs.
"Honesty my foot, Mikey. When have you ever been honest?"
"Always." takes off his coat and throws it over the frame of the chair, "And stop acting like it's a big deal, you've been staring at my chest ever since I got here."
"You're not covering it on purpose." your hands make way to your face now, it's burning red and your heart is already racing against Mikey's. It feels exactly like it did back when you both had been younger.
"You're eyeing it on purpose." Mikey points out, "If you don't want to see, close your eyes."
"If I close my eyes, you're just gonna stare at my chest." 
"Of course I am. And not your chest, I'll stare at your boobs."
You let your head fall onto the table as you handle your embarrassment, and calm the fire ignited all over your body. Mikey only looks away towards the view of the city.
"You're just the same too, (Name)." there's a smile on his face, you look up at him as his mouth opens again, "Other than the boobs, but okay."
"Oh come on, Mikey!" your hands rush to cover your mouth, "Say another word and I'm gonna start talking about your body too."
Mikey stares at you with a blushing smirk on his face, then breaks open the remaining of the buttons of his shirt. He takes the shirt off and throws it to the side, "Go on, I'm all ears."
Your mouth hangs, eyes now shamelessly roaming around the view in front. You can't blame yourself- anyone would've drooled what lies in front. Mikey's torso seems to be sculptured by the Gods themselves.
"Actually, lets sit here." he gets up and walks to another table much closer to the roof boundary and fitted with the softest cushions to form a small cubical. Mikey pushes the table outside, it hardly takes him any effort.
He then sits on the cushions, legs slightly parted, torso in complete view, eyes focused into yours and runs a hand through his hair, "Go on, go on, (Name), or do you wish me to strike a pose or two?"
The one thing Mikey has probably undermined about you is whether you're just as straightforward as you'd been back during your teenage years or not. 
The both of you'd be shameless when with each other back in the day- he probably assumes you'd be nervous and more reserved now that you're an adult.
Oh, poor poor him.
Are you shy? Yes. Embarrassed? Yes. Blushing like an idiot? Yes. But above them all, you're shameless- it's like he's just said, you're just the same too. 
If he wants the fire burning, you're putting in the fuel and not the water.
"Take off your pants too."
Mikey freezes in his place for the fraction of a second. He realizes he's not going to win the little game he's playing- you'd keep on demanding more and he wouldn't get the reaction he's looking for.
"Why should I?" he raises his eyebrow, "I don't see you taking off your dress."
"Then why did you take off your shirt to begin with?" you pat your cheeks to get the red down, nosebleed begging to happen because of all unholy thoughts running in your head, "You meet me after a decade and what you want to do is strip?"
"You meet me after a decade and what you want to see me do is strip?" he fires back at you.
"Yes, why not." you get up and drag a chair all the way in front of him, "Put up a show for me."
"I'm the one who's supposed to be mad." Mikey reminds you, "Dare you get cheeky with me now. You'll be the one putting the show up."
"Things kinda look heated there, Baji-san." Chifuyu stares from behind the plants, "They're arguing."
"Let them be." Baji is examining papers with one leg over the other, "They're opening up after a decade and neither is the type to keep it inside, they're gonna go all out. From what I remember of what they were like back in the day, things should be more than just heated."
"Ah," Chifuyu makes a face, "they're making out now."
"Ohhh, Mikey-kun's touching her chest now. She's slapping his hand away and... pulling his hair?"
Baji blinks, "Too much detail, Chifuyu. Stop now."
"Baji-san." Chifuyu gets up, "Please order all workers here to leave."
Baji stares back at him, a greedy grin rising to his face, "You're not telling me... "
"N-No.." a blush rises up Chifuyu's face, "I mean, there's a chance... Neither looks like they're backing down and things are getting kinda... really hot."
"Oh, oooh. Of course." Baji coughs, "You mean them." he calls a waiter over and tells them to empty the floor, that not a single person should be visible.
The waiter nods and hurries to get the order fulfilled. Once everyone's gone, Chifuyu peeks back at the scene, "He's just got her on his lap now, and he's feeding her."
"Mhm?" Baji is busy eyeing his prey for the night. Chifuyu doesn't realize at all.
"Now Mikey-kun is... he looks like he's gonna feed her.... something else... if you understand... I mean, she's sitting on the ground now."
"Is this something else tasty?" Baji runs a hand through his hair, Chifuyu turns around and blushes as Baji licks his lips, "Come, let me feed you too."
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"I still haven't thought of a name yet." Emma stares at her four month old baby, "Ken can't think of anything cool either. What do you suggest, Mikey?"
Mikey shrugs, his eyes focused at the document he's reading, "Ask your doctor. She's the one who pulled the baby out after all."
"Jeez, it's almost been a year since you both have started talking again, at least don't go calling her doctor in front everyone. She has a name." Emma makes a face at him. 
Mikey only glances at her for the fraction of a second before looking away.
"Good point though." Ken says, "Ask the doctor, she's the one who pulled him out after all."
"She's been off work recently. The last time I talked to her she said her body was changing. She was feeling nauseous and vomiting and all." Emma puts a spoon of soup in her mouth.
"Sounds like pregnancy to me." Baji is coddling Mitsuya's daughter again, "You wouldn't have a hand in that Mikey, would you?"
Mikey puts the document down and gets up to leave while everyone is left in a state of pure shock at the realization.
"How far long is she?" Chifuyu is the only person who knew other than Baji.
"Three months now." Mikey has already reached the exit of the hall.
"When are you gonna get married?"
Mikey turn around, "Next week. You're all invited."
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sh1nch1r0 · 3 months
𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕶𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖆 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖞 𝕭𝖔𝖞𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉
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Draken x Reader
Emma Sano she was ur Bully Back in Middle School,everything u did she criticised it.U were never enough for anything.She hated u and u hated her but the hate u two had reached its peak when u and her Crush started dating…
Request from: @luluprincess230lp 🩷🎀
„Thank you for the Plushie“u say and smile up at the Blonde.
„Oh..no problem“he says with a blush on his face.
„Are u free tomorrow Draken?“u ask him as u get off of his bike.
„Yes…but later in the evening i have a Gang meeting…we could meet at the Shire i showed u….oh but only if u want to“he was nervous and shy when speaking to you.
„I would love“u answere and u give Draken a Goodbye Kiss on the Cheek.
„Drive Save yes?“ u whisper as his Face was still in ur Hands.
„But only cause its u“he says quietly.
U could feel his gaze on your back as u walk into the House.
„Hey Kenny….where were you“ Mikey asks as Draken enters trough the Door of his room.
„Had a Date“he mumbels and sits on the couch.
„A Date with who??“a female voice asks and he turns around to see Emma.
„Shes from ur school“he says and looks away from her.
„Which class?“ Emma asks again.
„I think shes in the same class as you are“ he replies a bit annoyed.
„Ohh is it Yuki,the black haired girl…“she says
„No the girl has blonde hair“ her Question were annoying him slowly.
„Omg…don’t tell me its [Name]….“her Voice was filled with disgust all of a sudden.
„Why…do you fucking care Emma and if its her what is so wrong with me dating her“he did not understand Emma and he never will.
„Cause shes a Bitch,back in Highschool she bullied me…“Emma starts.
Later that evening u get a text from Draken saying that he wants to talk.
Draken:Hey we need to talk
You:Why is something wrong?
Draken:Just…let me inside and i will explain
You:Okay text me when ur there
And after a couple of Minutes u heard his Bile in ur Driveway.What the fuck was going on that he needed to talk to you so urgently.
U open the Door and he steps inside.
„Well so we meet again..“u say and look at him.
„Is it true that u bullied Emma…Emma Sano?“he asks his voice was shaking.
„What…No…i would…“u started but he cut u off.
„Cause she told me some things..and if u really“he stops for a second.
Emma Sano u wanted this Bitch dead,she was a lying,manipulative and evil Cunt.She bullied u in High School and even now everytime u make a mistake she calls u out and points out how stupid u are.
„Draken…she bullied me…i don’t know what she told you but she was my Bully i told u about when we both talked over our past…“u say and look into his eyes.
„So she was that…but why would she lie…?“ Draken says quietly and looks down at his feet.
„I mean we only know us a short time and i understand that u are on her side“Draken interruptes u.
„No i am on your side the things u told me and the tears u cried that night…no…i..i never expected Emma to be like that“he says in disbelief.
The evening was warm and u were at the Shrine where the gang always met.U saw Draken standing there and as he saw you the tall Blonde walked to you to hug you.As u both walked to Mikey,Mitsuya,Baji and Takemichi he rested his hand against ur back.
„Hey Y/N“Mikey greets u.
U all talk for a while and u snuggle a bit against Draken cause it was gettting a bit cold.
„Draken????…..“ a voice was heard from behind.
And as u turned around u saw Emma stamp there in disbelief.
„I…why….I told u what she did to ME“she yells.
„Emma…stop lying u bullied her she did not bully you“Draken says in a calm tone.
„No…thats not…true…Draken shes a Monster….“but her insults were of no use.
„Come on Emma cut it out“Mikey says from behind both of u.
„Emma…wtf do you want from us why are u lying to me and why are u trying to get me to hate her?“Draken says now with a louder tone.
„Answere ME EMMA“he then yells as she just stands there.
„Its not ur choice who i love,or who i should love…and i dont wanna date someone who bullies people cause idk of no reason“his words made Emmas heart shatter.
And as Draken looked at you and gave u a peck to ur forehead she just wanted to die at that moment.
It should be her at your place
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