#ryuku help him have an open mind!
spydcddya · 1 year
❝ looks like you could use a hand. ❞ - from ryukyu!
↳ @sparklymuses accepting !
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❛ more like a vacation, but i'll settle for apples instead of oranges. how handy are you? because i'm in need of another hand to wipe the crust from these students' eyes just so they'll pay attention. my class isn't the first of every morning but they should come prepared. ❜ as opposed to nodding off. the early bird always caught the worm.
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liquid-luck-00 · 7 months
Red Binding 6
Maribat March Day 6: Bad Luck
@maribat-calendar-events @maribatserver
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This isn’t right. Marinette complained for the millionth time. No matter what she did or what plan she concocted, there was no way to get Jason out of the League without inciting an incident.
I know and we hate it too.
The only option is for us to leave on our own.
It was still weird having him in her mind. Passing through the celestial realm opened a gate that let them speak to one another like they do their Kwamii, but it’s taking some time to get used to it. But when they do, the two of them could talk for hours about their lives after meeting Plagg and Tikki. But never the time before.
But can’t we do something? She started to run scenarios again.
We can’t, pixie, not without you being caught, or revealing that I am the Vicis. It’s just bad luck and our hands are tied.
But that shouldn’t mean you have to suffer, there, now.
Bluebell, it’s best if we don’t involve either of you in our escape.
She means well, Plagg.
I know Sugar Cube, but the facts stand. We can’t have you help us without war being incited by either side.
I have to agree with Plagg. Tikki resonated the sentiment. And it will always be a cold day in hell when that happens.
Hey! I’m smart, and can see reason.
When you aren’t hungry, you glutton.
The two started bickering. Meaning they left them alone for a moment.
You are leaving in the morning. The ritual is done, and no one is the wiser of what you learned. Jason tried to make her feel better, but the knot in her stomach was growing.
But it doesn’t feel right.
I know it doesn’t. But I’ve survived worse, unfortunately. His tone was bitter, and she figures his life was never easy. She just wants to be there for him, she wants to be his friend, and friends protect one another. Right?
Promise me you’ll try and find me when you get out. Her voice was soft, broken from her irritation. She was on the verge of tears in her room.
I promise. His voice was strong, resolute. And that seemed to give her a bit of courage too.
We are going to have to figure out a way to keep in touch, if we want to find each other after this. She started to joke. She felt him laugh on the other side of their connection.
Well, we’re gonna have to figure that one out.
There isn’t a question in that. I’ll be waiting Jay Jay.
So will I Pixie Pop.
They both dropped their conversation as they both drifted off to sleep.
It was a few hours later she felt someone about to knock on her door and she woke up, quickly getting dressed. An uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. She got up and opened it, seeing one of the commanders arrive to escort her. "Are you ready for your departure?"
"Just give me one second." She closed the door again. Went to grab her bag, then stepped back towards the door and removed the final wards, she still had in place.
She opened the door and nodded, following the ninja that was supposed to escort her. Out in the courtyard she was met with Guardian Shun’itsu and Ryuku, along with two other commanders and the woman, who she later found out was Talia Al Ghul.
"Now that we are all here we can begin our way down, to get all of you back to your temple." Thalia spoke, her tone even, but she knows better. She’s been around them plenty these past few weeks, that something is telling her, something is very wrong.
They made their way down, when they arrived at the village, and when she thought that at least two of them would leave, she was very wrong. Four ninja, assassins, joined them in the car. Two in front, two behind them, and she, the Guardian, and his student sat in the middle. When they arrived to an airfield, alarms began ringing in her mind. She doesn’t know if the other two thought the same, but she started to slowly weave a spell around them.
There wasn’t a signal, not even a sound. They attacked.
"Merdé" She used Tikki’s creation magic, and a bow staff fell into her hand.
The three of them never let them watch as they trained, while they were in the compound. So none of them knew exactly how proficient they were with any weapon. But that didn’t stop them from attacking. The spell she wove, only softened any impact, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t get hurt still. She redirected a blade that was aimed at her head, and it sliced right through her cheek. She didn’t have the time, or even luxury, to check in see how her two companions for doing. She was able to take down one of the assassins. Pinning him to the ground, before knocking him unconscious.
She jumped off of him as a second assailant launched towards her. He was just as well trained, and seem to have not joined in the fight until now. Which was bad luck for her, he was fresh, where she just took down someone who is three times her size, and more than likely a whole different weight class. But she kept fighting, she glanced to her side for a brief second, and saw Ryuko fighting the third commander, while Guardian Shun’itsu was holding off attacks from Thalia.
Her brief distraction allowed the assassin to land a hit on her, making her fly backwards, a good three meters, knocking her into some sort of metal structure. She’s trying to shake her head as she stood, to get rid of the dizziness, but her world only span faster.
She looked up and saw Lord Doreiku frozen still.
And then she saw her, Talia, step back, pulling a bloody knife out of his chest.
She heard Ryuko scream.
In a flash of red light, and there floating in the air was a Kwamii. They were bright red with black tipped horns, Longg.
They looked down in utter shock. As the air around them rippled. Lightning, rain, and wind whipped around them. And then she screamed, her emotions getting the best of her, and the emotions that Longg conjured the storm with, rammed at her very being.
Marinette calm down. She faintly heard Tikki, but she couldn’t stop it.
As the water touched her skin, it morphed.
She saw Ryuko, fall over Lord Doreiku's body, while Thalia walked towards Longg.
"No." She growled and the liquid flew towards the woman.
Acid covered her gloved hand eating away at the fabric, as she quickly removed it before it was able to damage her skin.
Marinette stalked forward. Putting herself between the woman and the kwamii floating above her companions.
"Think very carefully about your next move. I am the Ladybug. I am the personification of creation, and creation is not always kind." Thalia looked as if she was going to laugh, but something made her stop and actually look at her.
Marinette, is not an imposing, nor intimidating figure, of any kind. But the power she wields is not meant to be taken lightly. "If you mistake my words for bluff, I cannot guarantee that any of you will leave this area alive."
"So you are to make an enemy of the League of Assassins?" The woman rose a brow, challenging her.
"You were the ones who attacked us first, we were acting out of self-defense, and you were the one to take a life. Don’t forget, the reason you can use the pits of Lazarus again is not only because of the order, but because of me. Who knows, if you continue to use the wells of destruction as you do. Perhaps the League would destroy itself." She knows it is true, Ra’s keeps order, but it is out of fear not respect.
"You know nothing of this world, you’re a child."
"I might just be a child, but I can promise you this." That was when the winds and water stopped falling onto the ground, Ahe acid dissolved spots into the pavement in the middle around them. "I will never perform this ritual again, so long as you or Ra’s controls the league."
This time Thalia laughed.
"Let us see how long that promise can actually keep." She quickly jerked her head to the side, and the three shadows (two shadows and the third hung limply between the two) started to walk away.
Mari. Tikki whispered by their connection.
"We have to get him home." She looked behind her, Ryuko spoke with tears streaming down her face.
"Allow us." Longg and Tikki were both now physically present.
"Are you sure?'
"We were bound for a very long time." Longg descended. "It is the least I can do for him."
"Let’s get home." She extended her hand to the other girl, pulling her to her feet. "We have a long way to go."
"Okay." The girl’s voice was broken with that single word, and a little piece of her broke.
After all the good luck she had, of course the bad luck would have to be this bad to balance it out. She sighed as they made their way out of this airfield and towards the town a few miles over. Let’s just hope her bad luck ends here.
It didn’t.
In fact they got to the station three minutes after the train departed and were stranded until the next one would pass through, in five days. Or they could take a series of trains to reach the one they missed, but they would leave by the end of the day. Take a guess which one they chose.
It wasn’t easy, but eventually they made it home, but they had to recall the events that led them there to Su-Han and it still hurt.
Permanent Taglist: @jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop @starling218 @crystalqueertea
Taglist: @shizukiryuu
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atsumiyass · 4 years
Shouto Todoroki x reader
synopsis: in which Todorokis silent life changes once he meets you.
warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff :D
read the prequel here!!
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Before Todoroki met you, his world was silent. 
With his father pushing him to his limits all his life, this caused him to miss out on having a proper childhood. Now in high school, going to the prestigious hero school known as UA, he still didn’t have the first clue about making friends, or conversating in general.
That was until, you decided to introduce yourself.
It was just a simple greeting, exchanging names and such. But it was so much more to him. Your voice was beautiful, so sweet and melodic. And your eyes we’re the most extravagant color he’d ever seen, even with his heterochromatic ones. You were just, perfect.
He had no clue what he was feeling, the butterflies in his stomach, his heart rate picking up, his semi-sweaty palms.
What, is this?
He had to hear your voice again.
Months passed, you and Todoroki grew close over that time. With training, going out into town on days off, and studying together. You knew about his past, how his father treated him, what happened to his mother. You were there to comfort him. He also knew about your personal life, which in no means carried as much trauma as his did. But he still sat and listened. 
Thats what you loved most about him.
He listened.
He listened to you laugh about a funny meme you saw on reddit the other day.
He listened to you cry about how you recently failed a test, comforting you to the best of his abilities.
He listened to the way your voice changed when you were talking to someone you didn’t know, he thought the way you grew shy was adorable.
He listened to you argue with Bakugou about some random tv show, he thought the argument was quite stupid, but he still listened nonetheless.
What he loved most though, was listening to the sweet things you’d tell him while cuddling. The way you told him that his scar didn’t make him any less attractive, or that his different colored eyes were the prettiest you’d seen in your life, and that his hair no matter the color, made him look unique.
He felt blessed to be able to have someone as amazing as you in his life.
After graduation, things changed. Todoroki went to his fathers agency and you went on to work under Ryuku. Due to this, you rarely saw each other.
He missed your voice.
He made time to go and visit you in your apartment, as a surprise. As soon as he knocked you opened the door and were greeted with those same multi-colored eyes from all those years ago.
“Shouto? Whats with the sudden visit?” you asked. He hasn’t come around since he helped you moved in, which he regretted not doing. 
“I’ve missed you, and I...needed to hear your voice again.” he confessed, his eyes glued to yours.
“Come in then.” you said in a quiet voice, opening the door a bit more for him to enter. “I'm sorry for coming unannounced, but you've been on my mind lately.” he said, sitting on a chair near the kitchen island. “well if we’re being honest, same here” you laughed, to which he looked up and gave you a small smile.
He missed your laugh more then he thought.
“Would you like anything to drink?” you asked, getting up and walking into the kitchen. “no thank you.” he replied. So you grabbed yourself a glass from the cabinet and broke the silence. “How's the agency going? I heard your fathers retiring soon, meaning you’ll be taking over?” you questioned, pouring yourself some water. “yes, its quite nerve wracking if I must say.” he sighed, as you sat down next to him.
“Listen Shouto, I know you’ll do great. You have the passion and leadership skills to do so...” you said, placing your hand on top of his. “I have full faith in you, and I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn’t the truth.” you told him, a soft smile on your face which he replicated.
he wanted to kiss you so bad, but he didn’t know how.
so he let his heart lead.
you were about to change the topic until you felt his lips on yours. Your eyes widened at the contact. His lips feverishly moved against yours, years of feelings being poured into one moment. You gave into the kiss, reciprocating the action, keeping your hand on top of his while his other unoccupied hand made its way to your cheek, cupping it ever so lovingly.
After a couple minutes, Todoroki pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours, eyes closed, panting a bit from the kiss. 
“I love you...” he whispered, intertwining his hand with yours on the counter.
“I love you too, Shouto.” you whispered back.
Now his world would be filled with the sound of your voice, and thats all he could ever ask for.
you can find our bnha masterlist: here
or our general masterlist: here
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writers-blogck · 5 years
BNHA Imagines - MISC 01
                          Meeting for the First Time
Hitoshi Shinso: 
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   He was pissed that he was put in the General Studies, he should be in one of the hero courses! Those tests weren't made for a quirk like his so there was no way for him to show off how powerful it could be. Plus, just to top it all off and piss him off further, he could hear a couple of students whispering about him. He could tell they were all support heroes, huddled up and gossiping. He thought that this would go away when he got into U.A. but guess jerks would always find a way. He was used to it by now.    "He looks super creepy, it's like he wants to be known as a villain." The one girl spoke, obviously frightened by the purple-haired boy.    "I know. Mind control is always bad, how could a hero have that quirk?"    "I bet he'll drop out and join the League of Villains. He already fits the part."    The words filled him with both anger and sadness. He had lived his entire life with those words and worked every day to prove them wrong. He had thought that since U.A. would be different since he had expected the students to be smarter but it was obvious that he was wrong. The three years here would be filled with voices and hidden stares just like the rest of his life. Why should he expect anyone to think differently?    "You do realize that the number three pro-hero is a man-made up of fire, right?" A new voice spoke up, bringing Shinso out of his thoughts and made him pay attention again, "That seems pretty villainy to me. What about thirteen? I'm sure people thought that her quirk could only be used for villainy. Plus it has been scientifically proven that a majority of villains were students who either failed or kept being told they could only be a villain instead of a hero. So please, be my guest if you want to keep berating him but don't be upset when he treats you like a villain. Even the best person will be a villain if they are diminished enough. All it takes is one bad day."    Your eyes glowed a medium blue as you stared at the girls. You were part of the support class as well but still had a powerful quirk. It was called Memory Card, allowing your brain to reach super-genius levels for up to fifteen minutes. You would remember anything you had ever been told and could use this power to access all of that knowledge. It helped that you were just super smart, to begin with, knowing your brain was made to support such knowledge. As your eyes slowly changed back to (e/c), the group of students scurried away.    Before Shinso had the chance to talk to you, you were gone. At that moment, he made it his duty to go find you and at least learn your name.
Mirio Togata:
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Panic began to fill your chest as you crumbled against an alley wall. The dim street lights were the only thing lighting up the world around you. Everything seemed so dark and like there could be anything just around the corner. Whispers swirled around you and you could feel she was on her way. Why did it have to be like this? You would prefer not having a quirk to having to go through this. It made your entire body want to shut down.
Most of the time you were able to control her. As long as you were able to keep yourself calm and collected, she couldn't take control. You were able to use your quirk as it should be used. It was able to make people see their biggest fears, something which kept you from training with it as much as you should. How could you train with someone when you would have to make them feel that way? You had vowed from a young age to only ever use it in emergencies and against bad guys. Yet, due to your lack of training, she was able to take over every now and again.
Nightmare felt like a demon at times. You had no clue how these types of quirks worked. The only other person who you knew who had something like this was Tokoyami and he didn't understand himself. Dark Shadow got stronger when he was in the darkness, Nightmare got stronger the more you lost control of your thoughts. Breathing hurt as you gasped, fingers scratching at your neck as if something was choking you. You had medication to keep these episodes from coming on but you had run out. The doctor said he could see you in a few weeks and that you shouldn't have any attacks. Well, obviously he was wrong.
Hot tears streamed down your cheeks, one of the only things you were able to feel at that point. The rest of your body felt like it was numb and wasn't in your control anymore. No matter how many times you reminded yourself it wasn't real, it didn't help. Her sharp talons had attached themselves deep in your back and were planning on staying there. She had never gotten control of your body but you were terrified one day she would be strong enough. "Hey!" An echo reverberated around your skull, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was a male voice and while Nightmare could mimic someone, this sounded different. It felt hot, unlike everything around you that was freezing you to the bone. It seemed to only strengthen due to the voice but a patch of warm spread on your shoulder, shaking you. Loud thunder rumbled from above - she was angry. The talons tightened but you forced yourself to focus on the soft warmth until you felt your eyes open again.
The alleyway faded away as the light returned, bringing you out of your attack. The sun was shining down at your crumbled form against a tree on school grounds, your skin suddenly becoming quite warm. How long had you been here with the hot sun shining down on you? As you sat up properly, you could feel the sweat under your blazer and made a mental note to get some water as soon as you were inside. "Are you okay?" Your attention shifted to the boy standing above you, his voice exactly like the one you heard before. He was larger than you overall, suggesting him being an upperclassman. He wasn't part of 1-B, the class you had been assigned to. They told you that if you had more control over your powers, you could have made it into 1-A. You wanted to but you had no idea how to train without using someone else. What class was this boy in? General Studies? Support? Your mind was in a daze, slowly shifting your attention to the blue worried eyes looking down at you. Blonde hair was pushed back, though it was beginning to get messy with the heat. The first thought in your head as you saw his face for the first time was: Can the sun be a person?
Tamaki Amajiki:
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Japan was so different than America. You knew you were lucky to be one of the transfer students to U.A. but it was intimidating with the entirely new country. The manners were so different here, they had so many ideas of what was polite and what was disrespectful. How would you learn it all? Would someone get mad at you because you were a foreigner? These thoughts filled your head until a shout rang out and you felt a large amount of force push against you. It was easy to regain your balance after stumbling back an inch or so. The sound of metal crunching up filled your ears as you began to focus back in on the present. What had happened? "Oh my god, are you okay?" A purple-haired boy that was much taller than you asked, running over in your direction before slowing as he got closer. His eyes moved from your figure to the crumbled car in front of you. A mixture of confusion and panic washed over his face as you casually looked down at the ruined vehicle. Luckily, no one was inside. What had happened? You glanced toward the direction it came from before you felt pale hands ghosting over your skin in search of some type of wounds. "I'm fine!" You smiled up at him, causing him to stumble back to put some space in between the two of you again. "That's a full car that just hit you. Maybe you have a concussion...Hm, you need a medic but the villain is still attacking...What should I do?" He mumbled the last part to himself, body rocking back and forth on his heels. This reaction was normal for you when someone saw your quirk for the first time. You were small, just reaching 5 feet (a symptom of your quirk), which often caused people to see you as fragile. It was rather ironic when they finally saw what you could take.
"I can take it. I am like super dense, you definitely can't pick me up. I'm 300 pounds if you can believe that!" "What...?" "My friends from home call me Buggie because of my quirk. I'm like an ant, do you know about them? I'm sure you do but some people don't think about how strong they are. They can carry up to 1,000 times their weight! I can do that too, isn't that really cool? I mean, lifting 1,000 times my body weight is straining but you know what I mean. " "Yeah, alright. If you're not hurt..." There was doubt in his eyes but he needed to get back to the battle. He would have to trust you if he could get back to Fatgum and help him. What if he was being hurt right now? His stomach twisted and he felt like he was ready to throw up. "No, I'm fine! I can move this car if you need, I could easily pick it up and-" "Ah- I don't have time. I'm sorry, I need to get back to that villain." A simple nod was all that you got as a parting before he was running off, white cape fluttering behind him. You wondered if he was a student of U.A. as you walked away, looking down at the address of the school that you were trying to find. 
Nejire Hado:
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When Ryuku decided to take you, along with Tsu and Uraraka for your internships, you were shocked. You were a quiet and shy individual, feeling a lot smaller than the two other girls. Both of them weren't afraid to speak out about what they think or how people are going to react. To you, this was your everyday life. Your quirk allowed you to see the future, multiple versions of the future. Sometimes it was good but you often saw so many terrible and dangerous things. Such simple things could hurt so many people. It had left you filled with anxiety, wishing you could turn off your visions. What was even more shocking was the member of the big three that also was part of your group. The three of them had spoken to your class, though you had a hard time paying attention, you still were able to remember her. Nejire, that was her name. She was so much nicer than you thought. She was so patient with you, it had to be due to Tamaki. She was used to dealing with someone with a fast-acting mind.
"Senpai..." You spoke softly, catching the attention of the blue-haired girl. The first time you had called her that was an accident but she seemed to like it. You couldn't help but wonder if she paid more attention to you than the other two girls. Was that fair? Were you just overthinking it and seeing things that weren't really there? "Yes?" She smiled and your heart couldn't help but skip a beat. Nejire was just so pretty and sweet, it was hard to keep yourself from getting flustered around her. She was what you dreamed to be but you doubted you would ever be as good as her. You didn't even have a chance, why did you keep trying? Shaking your head ever so slightly, you pushed those thoughts away to focus on the task at hand. "Are you sure you want to take me on patrol with you instead of Tsu or Uraraka? I'm certain they would be more suited for it...I don't want to mess up and make something-" "You are perfect for patrol, my little kohai. Plus, I want to get to know you better and you seem to be less nervous when there are not many people. Don't worry about it, I'm certain about my choices. I like to think I make pretty good ones, you know?" Her arm flung over your shoulders, leading you forward as you were left in silence. How could your face feel this hot? Was the air thinner? "O-Okay..."
How were you going to survive this girl?
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The two of you were much younger when the two of you met for the first time. It was hazy to remember how it all went. It was strange to think there was a time you didn't know him or Aizawa or the others. They felt so permanent in your life now that thinking before them felt wrong. All-Might was one of the top heroes and the others were rising in the ranks just as much! Why would you want to focus on the past when the present was so good? It wasn't as magical as the press tried to guess. They said he rescued you from falling off a bridge or you had been a hostage but it was nothing that fancy. The two of you had met your first day of U.A. because the two of you were in 1-A. Toshinori attracted the attention of most of the other students and you would be lying if you said you didn't check him out like the others. He was handsome- a strong body with a dazzling smile. The full package. When lunch rolled around, you would be surprised when he approached you first, asking if he could sit with you. It wasn't that you approached him first and fell in love like the media believed. It was the exact opposite. If anyone asked him to this day, he would be willing to gush about you for hours if they let him. At first, it was a simple adoration as a friend who was proud but it began to change. It would all be out in the open when he ended up kissing you while a camera was pointing at the two of you. That was when all shit went loose. But it was much simpler back when the two of you were in school. It was no different than any puppy dog crush between two people. The two of you had no clue of the chaos and pain that waited for the two of you in the future. Who would expect their happiness to be on a timer?
Aizawa Shouta:
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It wasn't rare to find Aizawa drinking at a bar in his free time. He was stressed and it was only getting worse as the year progressed. His students were being put in more and more danger and there was nothing he could do about it. These villains were getting ahead of the pro heroes and it was increasingly becoming hazier on if they could win. One would like to believe the good guys always will win but Aizawa knew better. He had lost that innocence long ago.
"Are you alright?" A soft voice brought him out of his thoughts, making him look up to see the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. They held no grief or guilt in them and instead sparkled in the dim bar light. They were holding a small glass of wine, their lips dyed with a faint hue of red. "I'm fine." He grumbled, eyes drifting to the whiskey in his cup. Was this his second glass? He didn't keep track, he just drank until those thoughts left. It was one of the only ways he was able to get some sleep recently. It wasn't healthy but he didn't know of another way. So much was happening and he was in charge of making sure his students were safe. Bakugo had gotten kidnapped, who knew what else was coming? They were children...
Without any warning, they sat down in the stool next to him silently. Nothing was said between the two of them at that moment or the rest of the night. Aizawa didn't have to do anything and yet, the person stayed. He had expected to get annoyed but the presence of another person helped. His mind was able to relax if only for the few hours they were able to spend together. The minutes passed as they sat together, drinking their respective drinks. The sun soon set and the darkness began to cover the city. The time of the villains. He needed to go, he had work in the morning. He may not get a lot of sleep but he was going to take advantage of the warm liqueur in his stomach and the calmness this person provided. As he stood to put his jacket back on, his eyes glanced over at the dark streets again and couldn't help but think about how dangerous it was outside. He was a hero, after all, he was trained to go out when it was like this but when he looked at the other person, they looked just like a citizen. Before they parted, he took a chance and offered to walk them home. He was considering taking it back but once they agreed, he was too far gone.
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For your first two years of attending U.A., you were an intern under Aizawa. He would never admit it but he had a soft spot in his heart for you. When you first entered the school, you had no family and had self-esteem about as good as Tamaki's, one of your juniors. You could remember seeing him get into 1-A as you were finishing up your last year. That had been a hectic time for you but you were part of the top three of your own year and had to give a speech. You were proud when you heard the shy boy was in his own big three. You knew he had talent when you met him.
Most of your time was spent in your internships as you had two to do, something extremely rare. Your official internship was under Aizawa and you were training to become a teacher at U.A. but you wanted some more fieldwork under your belt. When you first started, Aizawa did have you go on missions and such but it had declined the older you got and the more concrete your goal of working at U.A. became. It was true but you wanted more. That was when you met him for the first time. He was amazing to watch! When hearing that he was only twenty, you decided that you would internship under him.
Aizawa tried to talk you out of it but he knew once you had something on your mind, you wouldn't stop until you got it. It took a lot to finally get the boy to agree to take you under his wing. He gave a long list of reasons why the two of you would be a terrible pairing but you kept coming back with reasons that destroyed his complaints. In the end, it was your determination that made him agree to let you tag along. What would your life be if he rejected you? Once you finished your final year in U.A., you were given a position as a teacher's assistant, to Aizawa as was expected. When you got a few years under your belt with him, Nezu would then allow you to teach first years. It was a dream come true! Training future heroes was amazing but you did have that tug every now and again where you wanted to help with more hero work.  Hawks decided to let you come with him on patrols whenever you got that way, the two of you going through many sleepless nights together. The press even dubbed you as Hawk's 'semi-sidekick'. You weren't in the front lines a lot but you really appreciated what Hawks did.
Hawks had no clue what to expect when he took you in. He had never been a mentor to someone and it was strange when they were only three years his junior. The mentorship morphed into a strange friendship that only strengthened once you graduated. What he didn't expect was to begin feeling differently about you, no longer seeing you just a kid. Aizawa had accepted his soft spot for you during your second year but Hawks was still in denial about how he really felt. The two felt different types of love for you but without you even knowing, you had them wrapped around your finger.
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officalkittycat1619 · 4 years
I'll always be your hero
《Mirio Togata x Chubby Reader》 Chapter 6
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"Where.......where am I?"
The young girl gets up from where she laid. From where she was, she was on a hospital bed. She had multiple bandages on her arm, legs, and her back. It looked like she was in a terrible fight or something. She wasn't the only one in the room, a man was sitting on a chair sleeping. By the way how his face was, it seemed he was crying for hours.
The man, who seems to be her father, gets up from his slumber. He opens his eyes, with one glance he instantly walks over and hugs her. "(Reader).....thank god....." He sighs with relief.
"Dad...What happened? Where's-" She was cut off with her Dad crying. "I'm sorry (Reader).....she didn't make it....." Her eyes widen with shock, slowly tears coming out. "No! She can't be!" She panicked as tears started to come out. "Daddy...she can't.....She just can't!"
(Reader) cried for hours, she couldn't accept it, the perfect she dearly cares for is gone.
The doctors came in soon right after she woke up and checking on her injuries. They weren't too serious or anything, but a huge scar was left in her back. (Reader) just laid there on her bed with an emotionless yet depressing look. She wanted to be left alone, not talk to anyone for hours or even days.
Her attention was caught by a young man with dark blonde hair, golden eyes, and red wings. With one gaze at him, (Reader) looked away, and stares at the window. "I heard what happen Kid.....I'm sorry for what happen...."
Flashbacks of what occurred that night came to her, it was so much for her to even handle. The sounds of screaming, maniacal laughter and her yelling in pain made her wanted to end her life. "Hey Kid, it's okay I'm here..." The male was already comforting her. It seemed like (Reader) was having a panic attack.
"I know it's hard to accept this, but keep this in mind....you can't save everyone kid..."
"Is this where Dad wants us to be?" I looked over the building Dad wanted us to go. "Hey, Guritchi!" Nejire pulls me into a tight hug. "Hey, Hadou." I noticed Tamaki was here too. "Hey, Tama!" This was becoming far too of a coincidence that Nejire and Tamaki were here. Things got even weirder was Midoriya is here too. He wasn't the only one here though. Two girls and a guy were here too. From what I can remember, they're in Fatgum and Ryuku's agency.
We all entered the building together. Multiple heroes from numerous agencies were here too. Well not all of them are here though. I saw Dad and Bubble from a far, which I walked up to them. "Hey, Dad.." He looks down at him. "Was it is (Reader)?"
"Why are all of these heroes from different agencies here?" I asked with confusion. "You'll find out soon (Reader)." He responded briefly.
When the meeting started, Dad raised his voice, getting everyone's attention. He started to discuss the on-going case of the Shie Hassaikai, a criminal organization. Bubble and Centipeder explained about the current investigation and how another gang called, the League of Villains, so happened to be involved with the Shie Hassaikai
"I get it they're from U.A. but what are a bunch of kids doing here?" Rock Lock asked in an irritated tone. "We'll never get anywhere with them here."
I glared at him with a slight annoyance. Does he honestly think we don't have the right to be here. Since Mirio was sitting next to me, he holds my hand from under the table and gives it a gentle squeeze in order to try calming me down.
"Don't say that!" Fatgum cuts in, getting up from his seat and point at Tamaki and Kirishima. "These two have super important information!" He did his introduction to those who didn't know him. The conversation continued with Dad; Something about unauthorized drugs being used. Fatgum explains about the night Kirishima was with him and Tamaki.
"The night when Red Riot debuted his fight...." The thought of it made him crush the candy that was in his hands. "A type I'd never seen before was shot into Tamaki...A drug that destroys Quirks." Mirio & I jumped from our seats in panic. "Are you kidding me?!" "What?! Tamaki, you're okay right?" Mirio asked with worry. Luckily the effect of the bullet wasn't permanent, Tamaki even showed up proof he got his quirk back.
The discussion continued on to a point where the results of the analysis of the bullet, had actually had human blood cells. That made my heart and soul stopped for a moment. Even Mirio and Midoriya were in pure shock too. Fat gum continues to talk, pointing that drugs were indeed in fact from the Hassaikai. Dad cuts in the discussion, something Ryuku's fight the other day, how one of the villains used a drug to turn themselves huge.
The image of a Chisaki appeared, which Mirio, Midoriya, and I looked surprised. Dad explains about how his quirk is Overhaul, he basically has the ability to disassemble and restore things, to a point where he can break and fix anything he desires. This ties with the bullet, that's able to disassemble quirks. I just stared at the screen in pure shock along with fear in my eyes. The image of Eri......
Her plead for help....
That made my heart stop. I then looked down, not looking at anything at all. I can Mirio and Midoriya are feeling the amount of pain I'm feeling right now. Dad brings up Eri to the rest of the heroes. God, I just want to leave this place already. My hands were trembling with fear. I tried maintaining my breathing, but the image of Eri.... She's suffering as we speak...
The rest of the first years didn't understand what this meant, but the rest of the pros knew well what Chisaki is doing to poor Eri. Rocklock had enough of this. "Are you sure we need kids? I'm only going to say this once. We're wondering if this Chisaki bastard, is turning his daughter's body into bullets and selling them on the black market."
"Please....Please don't go...."
Her cries for help made my heartache. "Wouldn't this have been resolved already if those three had just taken the child?" Oh god, how I wanted to scream at this guy right in the face. "I take full responsibility for what happened. Please do not blame them." Dad tells him. "Even though they didn't know the full story they acted to save the girl. Midoriya and (Reader) were willing to risk of taking her then, but Mirio thought ahead and acted to try again when the odds were better."
The thought of me, becoming a hero...How am I suppose to be a hero if I can save a little girl? Heck! I can't even save two people from harm's way! That was Mirio, Midoriya, and I got up from our seat at the same time. "We will definitely take Eri away from him!" Midoriya assured. "We'll kick Chisaki's butt!" I add in. "And we'll protect her!" We said in unison.
By the end of the meeting, it came to a conclusion Dad and the rest of the agencies will be searching where Eri is located. For now, the students for the internships will have to wait before anything is confirmed. I was about to meet up with the others, but Dad stopped me. "May I have a word with you, (Reader)?" I nod my head. After the rest of the heroes, and my friends along with Mirio were gone, that was when Dad says, "(Reader) are you feeling alright? You seemed off today?"
I sigh tiredly. "Dad I'm fine alright. See nothing is wrong." I couldn't really say the same, my hands trembled out of fear. "I'm serious (Reader)! Look at your hands! I know you well enough you're not alright!"
I stood there quiet, looking down in pure disappointment in myself. "(Reader) I saw how you were in the meeting.....Are you sure there isn't anything you need to tell me?"
-Third Person-
(Reader) looks down, avoid making eye contact to her Dad. She clenches her fist tightly out of anger and fear. "Dad.....when has there ever been a time you were there for me?" Sir Nighteyes stares at (Reader) in confusion. She let's out a small laugh. "Yea...that's right...Never! You were never there for me since Mom died!" She snapped.
The doors opened with Mirio, Midoriya, and the others coming in. "What's going on?" Mirio asked. "Nothing, just a dispute with my old man." She glares at her father. "As you can see, Dad was never there for me since my Mom died. After that, he never once even care to keep an eye out till I started doing work studies!" She never left her gaze from her Dad. She had to vent out what she's been hold for three years.
"Yea sure, he says he cared for me, but all he does is stupid hero work! He gives me gifts, presents, money, and for what?! Just to keep me entertained! I never wanted the gifts! I never wanted money not your stupid presents!" Tears start to gush out of (Reader), which made her friends worry. "All I wanted.....I all wanted was the support and love from you Dad! Since the death of mom, I've had this burden, these thoughts saying it's my fault, that I'm too blame for her death!"
Sir nighteye just stares in pure shock, these words her daughter was saying, it was something he never seen. "(Reader)....."  She clutches onto her arms, feeling utter pain and suffering she had to endure. "Yet, with this whole bullshit case and with Eri, I feel even more worse! Just seeing her....I feel as if I don't deserve to even be a fucking hero!"
She burst into tears, letting out all of her emotions she was hiding all this time. Her friends were shocked to even hear this from her. Sir Nighteye feels at fault for not even checking up on her. "(Reader)...." Sir extends his hand out to her, but she slaps it away. "It's too late Dad, there's nothing you can do about it either way....I've suffered enough....I don't need your pity..."
(Reader) gets her things, storming out of the room upset. Mirio ran right behind her, grabbing her by the wrist, he stops her. "What the heck was that about?!" She yanks her wrist, but Mirio wouldn't let go. "(Reader)....Babe....you know you can tell me what's up."
She slowly shakes her head. "Mirio...there are somethings I can't even tell you...." A few tears came out once more. (Reader) instantly glitches out of the building and made a break for it. Mirio was shocked when hearing this from her. He ran outside, trying to catch up to her, but it was too late. (Reader) had already ran far away from the building.
(Reader) stops at a near by shop. She catches her breath since she ran for about an hour or so. "I can't go back to the dorms now or for sure my old man and Mirio will find me there." She thinks to herself. That was when she remembers something....
"If you need me or any drama with your old man....call me and I'll be there kid."
She pulls out her phone and dials the number she was about to call. It rings for a few second until someone picked it up.
"Hey....Keigo....can you help me with something?"
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qveensbury · 5 years
Try Not to Hurt Yourself
gift fic for @babyfairybaekhyun​/ @xheavenisnear​
Dadko/Momtara fic based on this post
The move to Caldera City was less than ideal.
It was the last possible thing Zuko wanted to do after graduating high school and finding life outside the Fire Nation.
But Iroh had been like a father to him. And when Iroh asked Zuko to be interim CEO and oversee business until a new one was selected following Iroh’s retirement, the least Zuko could do was honor his wishes.
The kids said they were fine. Kya and Iroh II (affectionately called Ni) were fighters, from genes they inherited from both sides of their family tree. Like water they adapted and like fire they charted their own path.
It didn’t mean Katara and Zuko weren’t prepared for the tipping point.
Moving from Ba Sing Se to Caldera City was an adjustment. They went from a mosaic of browns and beiges to a homogenous pot. Having supportive parents and an excited-to-see-their-grandkids grandma and great-uncle helped.
But life happens.
When Kya’s school called in the middle of the day asking both parents to come pick Kya up, everything was put on hold. 
The nice thing about running your uncle’s company was knowing the “family first” values weren’t only for display.
Zuko pulled the key out of his car’s ignition and responded to Katara’s text.
[[zuko: just parked. see you soon.]]
In all fairness, Zuko and Katara had their reservations about the school.
Fire Sages Academy: Equipping Tomorrow’s Leaders.
An elite school serving the city’s most prominent families.
Katara wanted the kids to keep attending public school. She wanted them to have a relatable experience and to stay as grounded as possible.
As the daughter of Uqsuaqtuq Bay’s mayor, she knew how important it was to know and stay connected to a diversity of backgrounds.
And Zuko, the alum of Fire Sages Academy, agreed.
But his family had so much weight in Caldera City and FSA knew how to handle high profile families. Administrators knew how to deal with parents and shepherd children and protect them from paparazzi and other predators.
“In addition to shielding the kids from any enemies my father or sister may have created, we don’t have to play with kid gloves on at Fire Sages. They know when a parent is throwing a tantrum versus starting a battle. We would have to walk on eggshells at the public schools here Tara. At least at Fire Sages, we don’t have to pull punches.”
For a while, it seemed like they’d made the right choice.
Zuko navigated his way to the principal’s office.
Kya sat in the lobby of the administrative wing. Through the glass above her head, he could see other desks and offices.
Sitting up straight, she looked at him. Nearly Katara’s twin when she was fourteen, her dark eyes were the only striking difference.
“Are you okay?” Zuko asked in Inuktitut. They wanted their biracial children to know both of their ancestors’ tongues. And in a city where everyone was fluent in Japanese, Inuktitut was their secret code.
Kya snorted. “Mom asked the same thing. I’m fine.”
“What happen—“
“Mr. Ryuku!” An older woman startled as she walked into the small lobby. “We didn’t expect to see you. Let me tell Principal Nakahara.” She hurried back inside.
“It’s true! Mom told them you were coming. They think I can’t hear them but they’ve been trying to speed things up so they wouldn’t have to deal with you.”
A divot formed on Zuko’s forehead. “Me?”
“Something about how you were as a student or how you press teachers in parent-teacher conferences that makes them nervous. Like you’re unpredictable or…like…”
“Volatile,” he crossed his arms. A word he’d heard enough times at Fire Sages.
“Yea, I couldn’t think of the word in Inuktitut.”
“And you’re sure—“
“Mr. Ryuku, right this way.”
Before following the older woman, he nodded at Kya. She nodded back.
The fidgeting of the receptionist was one thing. The number of staff watching him walk by was another.
The walls were made of eyes.
When do you think the Ryuku kid is going to burst?
Letting go of a breath he’d been holding, Zuko reminded himself, Whatever. You’re here for your daughter. Let’s stay present, Zuko. Let’s provide support to our daughter and reduce the trauma she experiences here.
The receptionist opened the door for him.
“Mr. Ryuku, Principal Nakahara.”
“It’s Ryuku-Kuruk. I didn’t get a chance to corr— say so earlier.”
“I’m terribly sorry,” she mumbled before closing the door behind him.
“Mr. Ryuku, have a s—“
“Ryuku-Kuruk,” he leaned over kissing Katara’s forehead.
She didn’t move.
“R-right. Have a seat, please. I’ve already told your wife about the incident and the school has a pretty clear policy about being disruptive in the classroom.”
“Kya disrupted class?” Zuku’s eyes grew before his earlier expression of confusion returned. “That doesn’t sound like her at all.”
‘Well, there were several eyewitnesses and she doesn’t dispute the account. So—“
‘Why don’t you tell my husband what happened, Principal Nakahara.” Katara stood up, “Excuse me while you do. I’ll be right back.”
The shift in Katara’s career was the most notable visible change since moving to Caldera City. In Ba Sing Se, she served as a Councilwoman’s Chief of Staff. Katara was always in a pantsuit or sheath dress and sensible pumps.
Now, as a stay at home mom-slash-charity board of directors member, her wardrobe was far more relaxed. Sweaters and slacks, sundresses. It fooled people who assumed she was weaker than she looked.
If Katara’s taking a lap, this is bad.
After signaling for the principal to begin, Zuko folded his hands.
The principal cleared his throat. “L-like I said, Kya disrupted class. The history class was talking about the Hundred Years War.”
Tension wound up Zuko’s jaw.
The Hundred Years’ War that the Fire Nation slowly waged on the other nations around it. It ended when he and Katara were teenagers but reconciliation efforts were still needed between the four countries.
Katara and Zuko had had conversations with Kya and Ni about the war, especially because the children’s forefathers fought on opposite sides.
Zuko realized and understood the sins of his people. But not everyone had.
“The teacher says Kya raised her hand and accused him of burying facts.” The principal chuckled.
A scowl took root on Zuko’s face.
“When he asked her to mind her manners, she refused to stop talking. It made other students uncomfortable and Kya stood up on her chair at one point. Clearly, you can see how a teacher might have difficulty keeping the class in line after a stunt like that.”
Zuko’s phone vibrated. “Excuse me,” he mumbled.
[[katara: stall]]
“As I said before,” Nakahara continued, “we have a no tolerance policy on—“
“Was he burying the facts?”
“Excuse me?”
“Was the teacher’s lecture on the Hundred Years’ War one-sided?”
Chuckling, Principal Nakahara shifted, “I don’t see why that matters.”
“Is this the account Kya gave?”
“She admitted she disrupted the class and that’s all w—“
“Did you ask her why?"
“Honestly, Mr. Ryuku—“
Zuko crossed his arms leaning back.
“—we hope this won’t be a big fuss. Like I told your wife, this is Kya’s first offense. So we won’t need to take any action that would appear on her permanent record. We’re simply asking for her to apologize to the class and to write a formal apology to Mr. Katsura.”
“An apology?”
“M-Mr. Ryuku, we wouldn’t want to anger you.”
Zuko raised an eyebrow. “Come again.”
The principal cleared his throat. “N-now, see here. This is a pretty lax punishment considering we would want other students to respect their teachers. Principal Nakahara tapped a student handbook as if to make his point.
Zuko took the book and flipped through it. “What page is that policy on?”
Nakahara stammered. “I don’t recall.”
The occasional turn of the page filled the silence.
“So, there’s no policy?”
“I never sa—“
“Well, I don’t see it here.” Zuko closed the book.
“Let’s be rational. No need to let emotions cloud your judgment. Everyone thinks their child is perfect. No need for any t-temper.”
“You’re concerned about me? I think a teacher trying to silence my daughter’s concerns about a war that claimed the life of her grandmother is plenty reason to be angry. The fact that you won’t say what the teacher said or Kya said is pretty suspect. You don’t know where this policy is.” Zuko crossed his arms. “But you shouldn’t be worried about me, and quite frankly I’m livid. You should be worried about my wife.”
The door opened behind him.
“Did you fill Mr. Ryuku-Kuruk in?“
“He did.” Zuko pulled the chair out for Katara.
“Splendid,” she sat down, squeezing his hand to thank him. Opening the textbook in her hand, Katara flipped to the page where she had a bookmark. “Principal Nakahara,” she looked at him, “how would you describe the Fire Nation’s relationship with the Earth Kingdom during the Hundred Years’ War?”
“Well, the Earth Kingdom was colonized.”
“Huh,” she looked at the textbook, “here, the textbook for high school sophomores said they were ‘business arrangements between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom.’ That’s strange.” She turned to another page. “What about the Massacre at the Southern Air Temple? Were those war crimes or a rare epidemic?”
“War crimes.”
“Hmm,” Katara read. “‘Unfortunately, an unknown illness spread affecting the entire monastery. There were no survivors.’” She pinned the principal  with a stare. “When I was in school, they taught us the Fire Nation had the monks face firing squads.”
“I think,” Katara closed the textbook, “you have a bigger problem on your hands than a student bruising a teacher’s ego. While I can’t say I’ve made up my mind because I haven’t discussed this with my husband, I’m strongly considering pulling our children out of Fire Sages Academy. I want to raise my children to be responsible global citizens and that requires them to know an accurate historical account. Zuko, do you have anything to add?”
“No. I think we have a lot to discuss.”
Nodding, Katara turned back to Principal Nakahara. “In that case.”
“N-no, now. Let’s not be hasty—“
“Hasty?” Katara frowned. “You called us in for a conference about a disrupted class.”
“You can’t tell us what our daughter said, which suggests this was done without gathering the appropriate evidence,” Zuko said.
“We discussed all we could at this moment.” Katara stood up.
“Why are we paying these teachers to teach if they can’t control their students?”
“I think we’ve heard enough,” Zuko stood. “Let’s go, dear.”
“I’ve already sent for Iroh. Let’s pick up the kids. Mr. Nakahara, good day.”
Principal Nakahara continued to call for them but they didn’t stop.
Ni sat next to his sister. His tawny skin was a couple shades lighter than his sister. He had his father’s chin and his mother’s blue eyes.
“Time to roll,” Katara handed the textbook back to Kya.
“What’s happening?”
“Mrs. Ryuku-Kuruk.”
“Mr. Nakahara, we’ll be in touch. Don’t worry.”
“C’mon kids.” Zuko beckoned his head.
Kya frowned but stood anyway. Crossing her arms, she led the way.
Ni took his mother’s hand, excited to get out of school early.
“Want to grab lunch?” Zuko asked in the elevator to the ground floor.
“Can we go to Bandit’s Keep?” Ni bounced on his toes.
“Hmm. How about we see if your cousins are free to go next weekend, sweetie?”
“What’s going on?” Kya asked again.
“You’re not in trouble,” Katara said.
“Not with us anyway.”
“Your dad and I have to talk about what we’re gonna do.”
“But, you did the right thing,” Zuko looped his arm around her shoulders.
“We’re so proud of you.”
“I mean I only did it because I know you guys have my back.” She wrapped an arm around her dad as they walked out.
“Always love,” Katara said immediately. She hummed, “How about that place that does Earth style street food?”
“Yes, I’ve been craving cabbage rolls!” Kya said.
“Ok, it’s settled.”
“Don’t you have work, Dad?”
“I’ll go back this afternoon. You know I always have time for family.”
Kya nodded against her dad. “Can I ride with you?”
“Sure,” he handed her the car keys.
“Ni, why don’t you go buckle yourself in?” Katara unlocked the door for him.
They watched their kids get in their cars.
Katara sighed.
“Long time, Madam Prosecutor.”
She scoffed, “We almost made it a year with no issues.”
“There were issues.”
Groaning, she nodded her head. “Let’s talk about it later. I was serious about considering pulling them out.”
“If you want to, let’s do it. It’s gonna cause a splash but we gave enough lip service. It might be the bad publicity they need.” Zuko crossed his arms.
Katara snorted. “As if you care about prestigious Fire Sages Academy’s reputation. I wouldn’t bat an eye if they closed.”
“Kid gloves completely off, huh?”
“Completely,” she laughed.
“We raised some pretty impressive kids, huh, Mrs. Ryuku-Kuruk.”
“We sure did, Mr. Ryuku-Kuruk.”
A/N: Uqsuaqtuq means calm seas in the South Qikiqtaaluk dialect of Inuktitut; Ni means two in Japanese; title from Beyonce’s “Don’t Hurt Yourself”
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qveensbury · 5 years
operation: day of black sun
ch. one | ch. two | ch. three | ch. four |  ch. five | AO3 | ko-fi
A/N: Based on this story. 
Katara felt her breath catch. Zuko looked down at her with such warmth, his eyes like golden amber. She took his hand. “When can I see you again?”
“Kuruk,” Zuko pulled his hand away, slowly.
She tightened her grip. “I’m serious. It’s time I told you everything.”
“I have the day off on Thursday. How about then?”
“Okay,” Zuko repeated, looking over her.
Katara remembered the first time they met and how he appraised her then, too. 
“I’ll let you leave. Lest they call a SWAT team.” She let go of his hand.
Zuko snorted, “Night Kuruk.”
“Good night detective. See you Thursday.”
“Isn’t this that a little overkill?”
Katara glared at Zuko, slamming the box shut. “Can’t expect privacy when I’m committing crimes, right Detective? So I gotta make my own. The box blocks any audio recording and the VPN my brother designed will make sure it never looked like I was here.”
“You really think of everything.”
“I had to,” Katara said, softly, slowly. “For this to work, I had to think of everything.”
“What is this?”
Katara took a deep breath. “Have you heard of converging interests?”
“The state department of justice has an interest in a multitude of things, including reducing the amount of organized crime. And, I have the same interest.”
Zuko frowned, “I can kind of see how but don’t understand completely.”
“The state wants to ensure there are less ––“
“No I get that. What do you mean when you say you want less families?”
“I told you I have no interests in this, the mafia life. We don’t need to expand. I took control and diverted a lot of operations. The Kuruk isn’t clean but ‘snot filthy either. I can live with myself.
“The other families don’t have that code of conduct. The terror they’ve put civilians through I can’t stand it anymore. Anything to get them out of making it impossible for these people to live. The state cares more about the control, there can’t be two big dogs in the arena. But, it’ll get the job done. That’s all that matters.”
Zuko nodded slowly, a small frown on his face.
Katara released a slow breath. Ok. Progress.
“So, the same way I helped RCPD with that sex trafficking ring, I give tips to the state.”
“But, you were so offended when I suggested that deal.
“I’ll never snitch, Zuko.” The snap returned to Katara’s voice. “When I can’t help, I’ll point for law enforcement. But I never snitch. Going on the stand, helping the DA, I never, I would never. It’s different.”
Zuko crossed his arms. “Ok.”
Ok. Cleared another hurdle.
“Can I ask you a question?”
Katara folded her hands. “Sure.”
“Okay. Several questions.  So the Dao tip, why did you come to us?”
“It was in part to test you out. To test the department out. Next question.”
“Who is Suki?”
“Suki is my state liaison. That’s how she got me out of Boiling Rock. She also got Haru off RCPD’s radar.”
“Haru still baffles me.” Zuko scratched his head. “He doesn’t work for you.”
Katara shook her head.
“He’s affiliated with the crime families you’re trying to take down.”
Katara nodded.
“And you helped him.”
She nodded again.
“Because Haru is an undercover state agent. He’s part of the organized crime division. He wasn’t targeted by accident. We couldn’t let his cover be blown.”
“I don’t follow.”
“We have a formula. I help the state. They help me when I need it. The organized crime goes down. Or, at least it should in theory. But, for as many brakes we put on activity, the families keep going full throttle.
“We think something fishy is going on between the families and RCPD.”
Zuko sat back, eyes narrowed. “Do you have proof?”
Katara reached into her bag and pulled out a folder. She handed it to him.
Zuko flipped through the pictures. Mendoza. Tengku. With the godfathers of the Red Lotus, Dai Li, and the Rough Rhinos.
Katara could imagine what was going through his head: These weren’t small fries. They were the decision makers. Mendoza and Tengku weren’t undercover. There wasn’t a Precinct push. I would know. I’m on the Organized Crime team.
Zuko frowned and looked up.
“It’s a lot. I know. I’m sorry.”
“My uncle took down the Sozin family, his cousins. It established his career at the expense of destroying his family. He knew the consequences but wanted people to be safe in Republic City. He tried so hard to keep the cops investigating the mafia clean. How did this happen?”
“I don’t know how it happened, but, I know we can stop it.”
Zuko held eye contact. “How?”
Katara opened a bottle of rum and filled four shot glasses. She set them in front of Zuko, Suki and Jin, another state agent.
“Okay kiddos, listen up. We’re taking everyone down and it’s going to be big. Here’s the plan. If we can get the families and the RCPD moles in one room, for one deal, it’ll be enough to tumble the whole scheme. Suki?”
“Which is where I come in. I’ll be posing as Enko Tanaka, eldest daughter of the Tanaka outfit, Haru’s supplier of bikes for the couriers. My father will be so pleased with business he’ll invite everyone to my wedding. Haru will ensure everyone who’s anyone will be there.”
“Including state agents ready to arrest them,” Katara finished.
Zuko took his shot. “Is Haru a strong influence? These families never see each other.”
“The underground story is that I tried to take out Haru. The families are scared I’m planning something. They’re willing to form alliances. And, what better place than a wedding?
“The other families have been icing me out for years. When the Kuruk didn’t crumble under me, they started to panic. Haru won’t be forcing them into anything. We’re just giving them a venue.”
“Once the deal, we’ve been investigating for months, goes through, DOJ agents will swarm the place.” Jin took her shot. She grimaced. “Geez, Katara what died in this? A rat?”
Suki downed her shot. “Hey, no whining at my bachelorette.” She placed her shot glass on the table. “Any questions?” She looked around. “Let’s demolish some mafia families.”
“This is kind of anti-climatic,” Katara said to Zuko.
He glanced at her before returning to the monitor. “This?”
“I mean you’re not ta the wedding taking anyone down. You’re here in the war room with me.” The state had set up an operations center in the top floor of a building across from the reception hall.
“Most of our relationship has been on the sidelines, Kuruk.”
Katara’s heart skipped. He didn’t mean it that way. He meant crime fighting, not a romantic relationship. “Still,” she whispered, mindful of the other agents.
“And would you rather I chase you around? My investigation never got to that point.”
She snorted. “You’d never catch me.”
“You said we were evenly matched.”
She smiled, “Okay once. You’d get close once.”’
“Besides, how would that go if I ran into Mendoza or Tengku.” He changed his pitch, “Ryuku? What are you doing here?” He raised the pitched to his regular voice, “Oh, Enko and I go way back.”
“Hmm, you’ve got a point.”
“And no matter how good your next wig is, it won’t fool everyone there.”
“You’ve thought this through.”
Zuko shrugged. “Took a page out of your playbook.”
“I’m flattered.”
Zuko smirked. “What’s next after this?”
“What do you mean?”
Zuko sat back, crossing his arms. “What’s the next case? The next coup?”
“You don’t want to find something new to do, Detective? This is going to have pretty big aftershocks.”
“Yea, I know.” He shrugged. “But, y’know after I deal with Internal Affairs, what’s our next adventure? Fighting injustice never stops.”
Katara looked at him with her mouth wide open. He couldn’t be serious. She studied the monitor. “Suki, that’s Tengku, a city mole Detective Ryuku was telling you about. You’ll want to avoid him.”
“Is Jin talking to..?” Zuko cursed. “That’s the Captain.”
“Of your precinct?” Katara stood to look his monitor.
“This runs so deep.” He covered his face.
“Like I said, you’ll want to lay low.”
“Well, what will you be doing?”
“What I’ve always done.” “They’re going to sign the deal.” Suki said over the radio.
“Everyone in position.” Zuko said emphasizing Suki’s note and slipping into his detective mode.
Katara let out a sigh of relief. I don’t want to think about goodbyes. She brushed hair behind her ears, eyes flitting across the screen. Every piece in place to be captured.
Red Lotus.
Dai Li.
Rough Rhinos.
Republic City officers.
A state agent for each piece on the board.
“Cue the music,” Jin instructed. Not every agent in the room could get an ear piece, so Suki suggested playing a song to signal the operation was entering the final phase.
Seeing people shift gears always fascinated Katara. Bato went from teddy bear to machine the second an operation started. Sokka’s rabbit holes pulled out a laser focus like none other. Watching the ripple of the “game time” mood across the room was a thing of beauty.
Suki tapped her glass, a clear note ringing. The patriarchs looked up at her, away from the document they’d just sign.
“I’d like to thank everyone for joining me on our special day. I’ll never forget it. I have a small request.” She smirked. “If you’re a DOJ agent, can you stand up.”
Katara knew it was far more palatable in the room.
They were surrounded and she watched the crime families realize any resistance would be futile. The head of the Dai Li, Long Feng, put his hands up first. Soon the rest followed suit.
Katara held her breath waiting for someone to signal their counterstrike or for an explosion. Anything that would mean the plan failed.
As Suki and her team began putting the guests in handcuffs, she let out a laugh.
They did it.
Zuko grabbed her shoulder, twirling her towards him. “Another successful blow! Hopefully, the giant stays down this time.”
Katara smiled. “Finally.”
The other agents started celebrating, whooping and laughing.
Zuko leaned towards Katara.
She turned her ear to him to better hear.
“You never told me what’s next.”
“Next for whom?” She shouted before turning her ear to him.
“For us.”
Surely, he meant it in a crime fighting way. What was their next coup or hijink. Katara knew that was the conclusion to draw.
How her heart wished he meant something else.
“We just barely finished this case, Detective. Let’s get these thugs on the books first.”
Zuko frowned, he opened his mouth but one of the state agents jostled him.
“They need help loading people into wagons,” he announced.
“We shouldn’t be seen here, we’re confidential informants.”
“The agent nodded clearing everyone else out. The door clicked shut.
“I wasn’t talking about another operation, Katara.”
“What did you mean?”
“Are you just gonna keep popping up when you feel like it? Or can we see each other more often?”
Katara couldn’t look at him so she watched the venue clear out. She gathered the fabric of her shirt into her hand. “I wasn’t really planning on popping in anymore.”
“So…that’s it.”
She shrugged. “I’ve terrorized you enough and I don’t think your life has room for me.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Katara heard him shift and glanced at him. He was much closer.
“Katara,” he took her chin in his fingers. “You’ve made yourself home in my heart.”
Katara’s eyes grew. “There are cameras in here,” she blurted.
“Ok then let’s go.” Zuko stood up, grabbing his things. He spoke to someone over the radio.
Katara felt like she was free falling. She liked being in charge and calling the shot. She liked being in the driver seat.
“Jin said it’s clear for us to go. They’re debriefing in an hour. Let’s get some coffee.”
Zuko led them to a hole in the wall coffee spot two blocks away. He flashed his badge and the barista took them to a separate room.
“Two decafs is okay right?” Zuko asked.
Katara nodded.
“I’ll be right back,” the barista bobbed.
Katara crossed her arms. “Be careful, Detective. You don’t want to give the wrong impression.”
Zuko’s eyes were like amber again. “What do you mean?”
She tucked hair behind her ear. “That you’re insinuating that you want to be with me.”
“And you don’t want to hear that?”
“It’s impossible.” She crossed her arms. “A cop and a mafia boss can’t be together, not in the way I want.”
“Not impossible.” He took her elbow, pulling her to him. Not if I make some changes.”
“Like what?”
He shrugged, “Switching departments, leaving the force. These things will work out.”
“You’d do that for me?” Katara’s eyes were round. She searched his face.
“Oh!” He raised an eyebrow, smirking. “This wasn’t your master plan?”
The barista put their coffees on the counter by the door.” Enjoy!”
“Thank you!”
“No, the feelings,” Katara let herself say it, “were unexpected.”
“They made the actual plan more difficult but I could never imagine not loving you.”
“Geez, Kuruk. I’m supposed to be wooing you! you can’t drop lines like that.”
Katara laughed, “Go on then.”
“Thank you.” Zuko lifted her chin towards him and leaned forward. “I don’t care what it takes. We’re going to make this work.” His voice grew deeper, huskier. “I would do anything for you and that terrifies me. Katara, it terrifies me but I still would do it.”
“You don’t have to. I’m not asking.”
“I know that, but I want to. You still deserve it.”
Katara hummed in response. “So, what’s next Detective. You have me here at your mercy. The briefing is in an hour and our coffees are getting cold.”
Zuko’s eyes travelled over her lips. He let his thumb trace her lower lip. “I think I have something in mind.”
3 notes · View notes
qveensbury · 5 years
big bad news
ch. one | ch. two | ch. three | ch. four |  AO3 | ko-fi
“Once I saw a bee drown in honey, and I understood.” - Nikos Kazatzakis
** a longer update **
|| When leadership turned over to the 27-year-old Kuruk, the city watched. The Kuruk family were particularly misogynistic and the other crime families hoped the first female leader would lead to their demise. But, Katara “Honey” Kuruk shaped the family up, making it more efficient. They haven’t let anyone new in during her 8-year reign. It’s unclear what exactly they’re doing. The Kuruk keep everything solidly underwrap. She’s like the queen bee commanding the hive. If you don’t know the dance, you’re in the dark.||
Zuko put the informant’s statement down. How did Kuruk do it? If he could just—
“You’ve done enough for the night. Head home, Detective.” Sergeant June slapped his shoulder.
“I think I’m gonna throw in the towel on this Kuruk cold case.” Zuko ran his hands over his face. “I need to sink my teeth into something fresh.”
“I thought the Wantabe case would seal the deal too. Get some sleep, Ryuku, it’d do you some good. ”
“Got it.” Zuko pushed away from his desk. After he got his things from his locker, he put his headphones in. He looked for a song to play as he walked towards the subway.
“Why hello detective.”
He froze.
Before he kept walking.
“Excuse me, Detective.” Katara pulled him into the alley.
Zuko pulled his headphones out. “What Kuruk? Haven’t I given you enough?”
“I’ve thought of a way you can make it up to me.”
“I was unaware we were fighting.” Zuko crossed his arms.
“Don’t be silly, Detective” Katara looped her arm with his, tugging him away from the precinct. “You couldn’t take me in a fight.”
“What do you want?”
“Ok, I’m sorry. I exaggerated. We’d be an even match.”
Zuko sighed. “Katara.” He felt her squeeze his arm. “Are you okay?” He turned to look at her.
“I’m fine.” She lied. Zuko could tell. “I just need your help.”
“You need a cop again? I think I’ve hit my monthly illegal activity quota.”
“No, I need you, Zuko. You’re the only person I trust to do this.”
His traitorous heart lurched. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“You’re the only person I can trust with my back. You had the opportunity to pay me back for Haru and you didn’t.”
Zuko studied Katara for a moment. She looked as immaculate as when he first met her. Her jaw was set but her eyes were wide. Her grip on his sleeve hadn’t loosened. “What’s wrong, Katara?” He shook his head.
“We can’t talk about it here.” Katara tugged him.
And, he followed.
“They used me to destroy a union and it’s time I pay them back.”
“Is this your villain origin story?” Zuko chuckled.
Katara drew her lips into a sharp line. “Depends on who you ask.”
Zuko took in her facial expression. “Who’s ‘them’? Another crime family?”
“The feds.”
He cursed. “Katara, you’re not seriously on planning on retaliating against federal agents.”
“Why not!” She glared at him. “You snuck someone into a black site the feds were running to free me. Why does this suddenly become different?”
“Because— I—,” he threw his hands up. “That was different!”
“For one, I have some pull at a black site. I can be nameless and faceless. In a federal building, there’s no such thing.”
“We wouldn’t exactly be walking through the front door. Besides you didn’t even let me finish.”
“What could you possibly say that changes my mind?”
“The feds are abusing their power and I’m going to bring the Qiujin office down.”
“Abusing their power how?”
“They build sham cases. They make up stories piecing things their informants and surveillance teams gather. If you’re on the list, you don’t get any privacy.”
“You can’t expect privacy or for law enforcement to back off when you’re committing crimes, Kuruk.”
Katara blinked. She snorted, shaking her head. “Y’wanna know something I used to think that, too. Our dad kept Kuruk things separate from my family. At school, I used my mom’s maiden name. Things felt normal. After my mom died, I just felt like cops were our only hope. If they had just,” Katara shrugged, “kept a closer eye, little girls wouldn’t lose their moms.
“And I stayed clear of the Kuruk taint for years. After my mom, we stopped interacting with my dad’s side of the family. My brother and I lived with my grandmother. For a moment, I thought maybe I could escape it all.”
“What happened?”
“A cobalt mining union was organizing a strike. I was friends with one of the union leader’s sons. We were both a part of a labor student organization at college. He recommended I speak to the cobalt miner’s wives and the leaders invited me to speak to some of their younger members. I got more involved and got arrested during a protest. That’s when it went downhill.
“The strike got the attention of the feds. I’m sure management helped with that. They must have been looking for a way to discredit the union and looking at the arrests from the protest discovered my true name.
“You probably recall the Attorney General’s promise to root out the ‘corrupt union puppet masters who were agitating the workers to disrupt industry.’ Well photos of me speaking at rallies was the very connection the feds needed to start their campaign.”
“I don’t get it.”
“I’m a Kuruk by blood. I practically gave them their wildest dream. A child from one of the most infamous mafia families, in Quijin, connected to the most visible labor strikes of our lifetime? I still remember the headlines: ‘Mob-Infested Union This to Squeeze Industry for All Its Worth’; ‘Honey Heiress Seeks to Expand the Kuruk Empire’; ‘Employer and Kuruk Payrolls. How Much Does Greedy Union Want’; ‘Kuruk Bait and Switch? What’s the Family Using Union Strike to Cover Up?’
“And that poor union.” Katara swiped the corner of her eye.   “The news story capsized the strike. Union membership shriveled and conditions,” she shook her head. “The big mine collapse was that same year. And, the union warned management. The bargaining after the strike would have,” Katara exhaled, “it would have been better.
“They milked those pictures for every possible angle. I hadn’t contacted the Kuruk side of the family in years. It ruined my ability to be an organizer. All I wanted to do was help people. I don’t blame the journalists. I’m sure the feds had a huge hand in all of this. And we’re getting every shred of evidence to hang those rats to dry. Tomorrow night there’s a huge game and there won’t be as many agents in the office. We have to do this tomorrow or we may never get another chance. If they did that then, then imagine what other stories we can expose.
“That’s what you’re all about, right Detective? Justice?”
“What about this is honorable? If everyone gets justice their way it becomes chaos.”
“I don’t know, Zuko and frankly I couldn’t give an iota about honor. What good is honor without justice? Did honor make you help my dad and lead you to the Boiling Rock?”
Zuko opened his mouth and shut it. “You still haven’t convinced me why I shouldn’t help you.”
“Whatever made you infiltrate the Boiling Rock should be enough to convince you. The feds in this state are corrupt. They’re all in Big Cobalt’s pocket. We have to stop them.”
“How do I know this won’t lead to Kuruk Cobalt or something like that?”
Katara looked at Zuko and he felt her searching for something as if she had a pulse on his soul. “The Wantabe tip worked and there’s no Kuruk liquor stores or bars. There’s no Kuruk sex trafficking, either. As if I’d turn to the cops for muscle. All this time and you don’t know me.”
Zuko crossed his arms. “I thought I knew you then you ruined our operation.”
Katara clucked her tongue. “You don’t have the full picture.”
“You keep saying that! Then tell me!”
“Why would I tell you when you won’t believe me?”
This is who you fell for. Like some rookie uniform. “Fine! You have something to prove? I’ll go with you. But, the moment you screw up I’m arresting you and throwing the book at you.”
She paused and Zuko’s heart raced. “Fine. You help me and I’ll tell you what I can. And, don’t worry.” She started to walk away. “There will be no screw-ups.”
“No map?” Zuko walked beside Katara into the Quijin Regional Office.
“No. If I trusted someone to do recon, why would I bring you?”
Zuko put up hands in surrender.
Katara pushed the cart of cleaning supplies to the elevator.
“Do you plan on actually cleaning?” He tugged on his janitor jumpsuit.
“The company I hired is going to clean. Don’t worry so much, Detective.”
Zuko crossed his arms. “So, you thought of everything.”
“For this to work, I had to.”
The elevator dinged, doors opening. An agent on the other side jumped when he saw them. “Sorry! Didn’t realize cleaning staff was here.”
Katara nodded, smiling apologetically. The hat and wig would have been enough on their own but the agent hadn’t spared them a serious glance. He got off a couple floors down.
“Practically invisible,” Katara mumbled. She lead them a room, tucked away in the basement. “Now we clean up.” She locked the door behind her. She opened a filing cabinet close to the door and pulled out the first folder. “This is from ’49. We need 2004. Let’s check the first folder of each top drawer to narrow it down.”
“Then what?” Zuko picked a cabinet drawer and opened it.
“Then, I give it to some investigative journalists who pull this thing apart. And the,” she shrugged, “hopefully some good comes from this.”
“To what clear your name?” Zuko asked softly.
Katara glanced at him, searching again. He watched her sigh. “The journalists don’t know who their source is. It’s all been framed as a story about the union and the mine. My name won’t come up once. The local chapter of the Cobalt Mining Union might have died but other unions deserve a shot.”
Zuko looked down at the folder he pulled out. “2001.”
Katara closed the drawer she was looking in to joined Zuko at his cabinet.
“The chances the surveillance started the same year as the pressure in 2004 is unlikely though,” Zuko pointed out.
“Hmm,” Katara crossed her arms. “The chapter was founded in ’98 and got a lot of press for a successful strike in ’00.”
“How about you look at the early 00s and I’ll through this cabinet?”
“Ok.” Katara turned to the next cabinet and began pulling out dossiers.
Growing up with uncle meant Zuko heard a torturous amount amount of puns. His mother inoculated him with classic poetry. Zuko wondered what use he’d have half-discovered-half-baked world pay and poetic devices.
But, watching Katara methodically execute her plan reminded Zuko of a worker bee following instructions passed to her like lives depended on it.
“I found it!” Katara pulled out a large dossier. “Operation: Southern Raiders.” She swore. She flipped through the pages, clenching and unclenching her jaw. “Well this is what we needed.” She put it in the false bottom of a bucket. She pulled out a radio. “Supervisor Phan here, anyone on hallway 0C?”
“No one on level 0.”
“Ok,” Katara nodded for Zuko to follow her. “Someone get on that in 20 minutes. The last agent is packing up to go.”
Katara returned her walkie talkie to her belt. “Let’s go.”
Katara opened the car door and sat inside. She fastened her seatbelt.
“That’s it?” Zuko watched two women walk to their car.
“They ned to do their own research and write the story. We might hear something in two months.”
“So what will you do during then?”
Katara shrugged, pulling out of the alley and into the street. “Wait.”
So they did.
Zuko kept secret tabs on the Quijin office in case Kuruk did have other plans.
It is a good thing I closed the case before this. My judgement on her is so screwed up.
Zuko’s phone vibrated. New message - unsaved number.
<it’s queen bee. check the news>
Mendoza mumbled something in another language low under his breath. He pushed away from his desk and turned on the television, raising the volume.
“Folks, if you’re just tuning in: the investigative story of perhaps our generation. It began with leaked documents to local journalists. Cristina Aldo and Pearlista Banaag took these documents and unraveled a web of surveillance, informants, and bribes, with the federal Quijin field office a the center of it all. At the beginning was Operation: Southern Raiders in the late ‘90s. Overzealous federal agents zeroed in on the burgeoning cobalt mining union in the mountains three hours outside of Republic City.
“Now to our correspondent with more on how the operation unraveled this union and may have, as the journalists suggest, led to the mine collapse of ’04.”
“Thank you Don, we all remember where we were when we heard of the largest mine catastrophe of the last hundred years—“
Detective Tengku turned off the TV. “This is gonna be a cluster show.”
“The internal investigations are going to be insane, if it’s true.” Detective Erakat shook her head. “Do you know how long that union’s been crying foul? God spare us.”
Captain opened her office door. “Tengku, Mendoza, my office. Now.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Zuko looked at Seargeant June, who shrugged and waved him off.
His phone vibrated again. <are you free tonight?>
<meet me at the west lung bar. my brother sokka’s friend runs it. say you’re there to see me. if you’re free.>
West Lung was an older building tucked in between boutiques in a slowly developing neighborhood.
Zuko opened the door and nodded to the man behind the bar.
“How can I help you?”
“I’m looking for Sokka’s friend.”
A man about Zuko’s age climbed up the stairs. If Zuko had to imagine a younger, slimmer version of Hakoda, he just walked into the room. Although, Zuko would never have imagined the undercut.
The man put his hand out for him. “Sokka, Katara’s brother. Nice to meet you.”
“We’re downstairs.” Sokka put an arm around Zuko’s shoulders to lead him to the others.
“Zuko!” Katara stood up smiling. “Glad you could make it.”
“You know Toph. You’ve met my brother. And the infamous Haru Prakoso.” Katara put a finger in Zuko’s face. “There’s no warrant for his arrest and no further inquiry about him so don’t make it weird.”
“I won’t.” Zuko sat down next to her.
“We did it.” She poured Zuko a beer before taking a gulp of her own. “We should celebrate.”
“I didn’t think you could pull it off.” Haru shook his head.
“Oh little one.” Katara tsk’d.
“Off the record—“ Zuko began.
“None of this is on the record.” Katara looked at him over her beer.
“— does Haru work for you?”
Haru snorted. “Katara would get me killed.”
“Untrue!” She laughed. “Besides if you worked for me, you would have never been on RCPD’s radar to begin with.”
“Touché.” Haru turned his wrist to look at his watch. “I gotta go. But, congrats again, Kuruk. This is huge.” He turned to Zuko. “My uncle was in the mine collapse and this could be the start of justice.”
“Couldn’t have done it without Zuko.” She replied almost immediately. “He helped piece together an important detail.”
“Well, I told Katara thanks earlier. Thank you to you, too. No hard feelings.”
Zuko nodded but glanced at Katara waiting for a cop joke or some other jab.
“So, is this the boyfriend Dad won’t stop talking about?” Sokka leaned forward.
“Wha-what? Sokka!” Katara snapped.
“What?” Sokka shrugged before his chair started to fall over. He grabbed the table to right himself. He turned to Toph, “Quit it.”
“You can’t go five minutes without putting your foot in your mouth, huh?” Toph said.
Zuko knit his brow, glancing at Katara for a cue.
Katara turned her face away from him covering her mouth with a hand. Her other arm was wrapped around her torso.
“You ok?” He whispered as Toph an Sokka got into an apartment.
“Peachy. Wondering when brothers stop being so embarrassing.” Katara turned to face Zuko.
Embarrassing? Zuko noticed the flush on her face. I’ve never seen her like this.
“Ok ok,” Sokka shrugged. “I’m sorry for being ‘intrusive’.”
“What a fake apology!” Katara scoffed.
“Shut up!” Sokka laughed and she smiled at her brother.
The tension in Zuko’s chest eased. You just imagined that Ryuku. Keep your head on straight.
Katara placed her elbows on the table and took another sip on her beer.
“So, are you a part of the Kuruk, too?” Zuko looked at Sokka.
“What are you? A cop?” Sokka smirked. He leaned back folding his arms behind his head. “No, I’m the black sheep. I actually use my college degree. I’m in engineering.”
“Not everyone in my circle is a degenerate, Detective.” Katara put her glass down.
“I didn’t really think you guys would start without me.”
Zuko glanced over his shoulder as a bald man walked down the steps.
“Speak of the devil,” Toph muttered.
Katara stood up. “Did you at least bring a pitcher for all of us, Aang?” She gestured to the glass in his hand.
“No, why?”
Zuko caught Katara roll her eyes.
“Does everyone want another round?” Katara stood, scanning the table, raising two fingers for Toph and Sokka who nodded.
Zuko shook his head when Katara raised an eyebrow at him. “I should head out.”
Her smile shrank. “Okay. I’ll walk you up. This is Aang by the way. He owns the bar. This is Zuko.” She scooped up the pitcher.
“Nice to meet you.” Aang extended a hand once he reached the table.
“Likewise,” Zuko shook the hand offered as he stood up.
Katara tipped her head to the side, beckoning Zuko to follow her. “Thanks for coming.”
Zuko hummed in response.
Katara stood in the doorway. He looked her over. He missed her short hair and the way it drew attention to her eyes. “I really couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you.”
Zuko shrugged.
“You really don’t believe me,” Katara placed a hand on his arm.
He focused on the blue of her eyes. Is this how Katara got the Kuruk to follow her? Celebrate even minuscule contributions? Make everyone feel integral? She lived up to the name Honey? She doesn’t enjoy the harvest. She facilitates it. She’s why the Kuruk operate.
“You didn’t really need me. You had that place on lockdown. No one was going to touch you.”
“Maybe, I wanted your trust back.”
Now I see why…I’d follow Katara anywhere, too. He leaned into her.
“It’s yours, Kuruk.”
A/N: based in part by a true story. title from Batman: The Animated Series “It’s Never Too Late”. 
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qveensbury · 6 years
the honey heiress
t/w: mention of domestic violence & death, no actual description.
the episode of B99 with Sterling got me a-thinking
“She’s in Interrogation Room B.” Captain laid a folder on Zuko’s desk as she walked past.
The Honey Heiress case was a trail the 74th Precinct stopped chasing. The Kuruk syndicate grew out of anti-war and anti-oppression sentiment, educating and equipping citizens to undermine the local politics. A decade under a Northern cousin led it from gray political action to organized crime. The family went underground when Katara Kuruk staged a coup and took control.
If Katara was a comet falling to earth, Zuko was an oak tree taking root. His grandfather and father had a heavy hand in the local corruption. His Uncle Iroh ensured Zuko chose his own path apart from family expectations. Zuko was one of the youngest detectives in the city with an impressive number of collars.
Reading over the case files from the Kuruk family investigation, Zuko started to notice a pattern and the Captain let him take a crack at it.
“Ms. Kuruk,” he greeted her, closing the door behind him.
“Detective. Am I being charged with anything?”
“We just have a few questions.”
Zuko looked up from his folder. He’d seen Katara in old photos, long braids and hair loops, chubby cheeks and wide smiles.
Now, she was pixie cuts and burgundy lipstick, almost the color of blood.
Katara smiled. “Is being attractive a crime now, Detective?”
Zuko shook himself out of it. “We’d--”
“We? Do we have an audience?”
“Sergeant June is watching,” he answered quickly. “No if you could--”
“Hi Sergeant!”
Zuko pursed his lips together and began to count backwards from five. This would be career defining Ryuku. Just take a step back. If you can corner her on this incident, you could turn this case around.
“We have some pictures. We’d like you to identify.” He placed them for her to see.
Katara glanced at them and returned her focus to Zuko.
“Can you tell me what these are?” Zuko prompted.
“It looks like some jewelry. A ring and some bracelets.”
“Do you recognize anything more?”
“These were a popular design, Detective. This happens a lot in women’s fashion. One designer puts out a product and everyone copies it.” She picked up the picture, “I couldn’t identify which designer from pictures.”
“They were found on a Hayato Watanabe when the paramedics responded to a 911 call. They found him dead.”
Katara laid the photo down and leaned forward to rest her chin in her hand. “And, how do you think I fit in?”
“Your fingerprints were found on the bracelets. Care to explain how that could have happened?”
She frowned before realization dawned on her face. She snorted. “Fingerprints from a college protest still in the system, huh? Do you have a picture of Mr. Watanabe?”
Zuko pulled the one from the autopsy.
“Oh this particular speck of dust,” Katara spat. She grinned, pushing hair behind her ear and sitting back. “What can I tell you? I know his wife, probably where the little weasel got the jewelry. I gave his wife a Joo Dee set for her birthday. She was planning on moving soon.”
“When was the last time you saw Mr. Watanabe?”
She rolled her eyes. “Right after I convinced his wife to leave him. He told me to get out of his house and to never come back. Three months ago.”
Two months before the accident. “Did you listen?”
“When did you last see Mrs. Watanabe?”
“Last week. I helped arrange for her move and checked in on her and her kids at the new place.”
“And where were you on the night of April 4th?”
“At the Yangchen scholarship reception.”
Zuko narrowed his eyes.
“How did he die?” Katara examined her nails.
“Car accident. He hit a pole.”
“How do I fit in?”
She’s mocking me. He counted backwards from five. “We haven’t ruled out foul play.”
“Was there alcohol in his system?”
Zuko sat back crossing his arms. “Why? Is there information you have about Mr. Watanabe was doing that night?”
“And why would I know that?” Katara cocked her head to the side.
Zuko didn’t answer letting his face become neutral. He looked at his files for his next angle. Something had to be there.
Mr. Watanabe was the fifth middle aged man to go missing in the past year with some ties to the Kuruk family, specifically Katara. The first four hadn’t turned up. He was the first. And hopefully, the first thread to taking down the Kuruk syndicate.
“Can I ask another question?” She waited a beat. “What are your thoughts on domestic violence?”
Zuko froze. His entire body coiled. He lifted his head slowly reigning in every impulse.
100, 99,
Katara spoke again when he hit 75. “A cop against DV. That’s rare.”
“Are you making fun of me, Ms. Kuruk?”
“I don’t joke about domestic violence, Detective. Especially when it kills so many women who look like me.” Rage filled her eyes. The kind of look Zuko expected when they discussed Watanabe.
She’s the same age as Azula.
And how old Mom was when she married Dad.
“I don’t joke about what I’ve survived.”
Katara looked at his scarred eye.
“The police do a horrible job of protecting women from domestic violence. Don’t get me wrong. Men are victims, too.”
“We--,” Zuko tried to interrupt.
“The courts are even worse. They don’t give any protection after she’s been abandoned and isolated, battered. She sees the chance to escape and she takes it.” Katara scoffed. “The few that muster the courage to kill their abusers largely end up in jail. And, they’re not safe from the same abuse they tried to escape there either. The abuse in prisons are inescapable. The courts seem to say ‘You have evidence that your partner was abusive and police record demonstrates you feared for your life. But we’d rather you die than your abuser. So 5 years for manslaughter.’ It’s a broken system.”
Zuko didn’t get it. What’s she getting at?
Katara leaned forward, “There needs to be a better way.” She seemed to answer.
The door to the interrogation room swung open.
“Katara! What did I tell you about talking to the police before I get to the precinct?”
“Counsel for Ms. Kuruk is here, Detective Ryuku.”
A short women with alabaster skin and a loose top bun entered the room. Her baton swung in an arc as she crossed her arms. “Well? What do you have to say for yourself, Sugar Queen?” She stared at Zuko.
“Toph, I’m over here.” Katara responded, smiling.
“This isn’t a joke,” she spun around. “Why do you pay me if you don’t take my legal advice?”
“Got it, got it counselor. I promise I said nothing self-incriminating. And I even made a friend.”
“Keep joking and I’ll raise my fee.”
Katara snorted.
“Are you pressing any charges against my client, Detective?”
“No,” Zuko sat back.
“Is she free to go?”
“Be my guest,” he replied.
“Thank you. Let’s go, Sugar Queen.”
Katara stood up and flashed a grin at Zuko. “Good day, Detective. Good luck on finding leads in the case. I do hope they’re giving you more interesting work than a car accident.”
“Thank you for your concern,” he grumbled.
She stopped in the door threshold and turned to Zuko. She glanced back at where her lawyer was taking brisk steps toward him.
His heart stopped when she came closer, leaning in. Her eyes were overwhelmingly blue.
“The bar he went to,” she began low. “Look into the family that owns it. I’ve got enemies, just like you.”
“Katara! Let’s go.”
“Don’t make me regret helping you.” Her eyes scanned his face before walking out.
“Why did you help his wife? He was abusing her, wasn’t he.”
“I don’t turn my back on people who need me.” She answered over her shoulder.
AN: Call it a reverse role AU/mob AU/modern painted lady AU. Did you spot my anger at the American justice system’s failure to protect female victims of domestic violence and the shortcomings of the battered women’s defense?????
this is what i had in mind for Katara’s look
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