#s.o.:  hmm it's nice i guess
aethele · 5 years
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A Simple and Most Humble Anthology of Brief Post-War Headcanons:
•   after reformation,   ferdinand downsizes the aegir estate quite a bit.    he turns the extravagant private garden into a public garden,   renovates a section of the stables into an equestrian school,   opens up the ballrooms for public use,   etc.   it is still,   of course,   as luxurious as ever.
•   he ends up in politics no matter what.   default CF he becomes prime minister,    and every other route he goes on to help govern fódlan at large.   in non-CF routes,   his position is similar to lorenz’s solo ending:   he serves as the representative for the lords and people of old adrestia. 
•   he is a classic workaholic.   he is extremely diligent in all things and will very often pick up the slack of his colleagues,   and on top of his government work he is still tending to his own territories’ affairs as well as the family stables.   he can be surprisingly stubborn about this,   and will sneakily weasel his way out of anyone’s concerns.   i.e.,   “   i promise i will go to bed as soon as i finish this letter,   ”   he will say,   while neglecting to mention that he is on page 3 of 30. 
•   that being said,   he is above all else a family man.   he will try his absolute hardest to never let his work get in the way of spending time with his family,   be his family just his spouse or a spouse with many children.   he would ride through the night from enbarr / capital city back home to see his child’s ballet recital / sparring tournament / what-have-you in a heartbeat,    or if his spouse was having a hard time without him.
•   he retires duke’s pride xxxix from everything strenuous  and uses him purely for leisure rides,   allowing him to live out his remaining years happily frolicking through the fields à la black beauty.   duke’s pride xxxix does go on to sire at least one foal,   duke’s pride xl,   which ferdinand gifts to his eldest child as per aegir tradition.  
•   he is a huge patron of the arts,   personally funding a variety of artistic endeavors,   most commonly operas.   he attends absolutely every opera about the war that features him as a character,   and though his attendance draws high publicity,   he is also their loudest critic.   he has several quibbles particularly,  exclusively,   with how he is played;   in the same breath,   he will praise that hubert,   who is portrayed just as if not more hyperbolically,   is fantastically accurate. 
•   he picks up blacksmithing as a hobby.   though he usually makes ornate arms and armors   ( often for display and artistry rather than practicality ),    he also loves to make trinkets,   baubles,   and jewelry for his spouse and children.   
•   he grows a beard.   it is a full,   sharp,   squared verdi beard and it is meticulously maintained.   there is never a hair out of place,   nor a crumb to be found.   however,   this is extremely verse dependent because if his spouse does not like it,   or is even simply impassive towards it,   he will shave it immediately.
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jaekaicx · 2 years
Still severely out of practice but I don't wanna got to sleep just yet.
Everett n Anne cause I didn't write them as much
Everett twirled his house key around her finger as she waited for his partner to answer the door. The door swung open only to slam shut as the girl ran back into the house.
"Anne?" Everett knocked on the door again. It swung open and there stood Anne in her fancy gym shorts and a slightly wrinkled polo.
"Sorry, forgot my key." She locked the door then handed Everett a basketball and a fabric bag. He pockets his own keys and waits for Anne to put one of their boyfriend's hoodies on. Once she finished she took back the ball. "Ready?"
"Huh?" Ev blinked then nodded. "Yeah, let's go."
Anne stepped in front of her and started bouncing the ball down the driveway, shooting once before catching up with Everett on the street. They walked in silence listening to the bounce of the ball against asphalt.
After almost an hour of slow walking later, the street lights flicker alive.
"Hey, Anne?"
She'd stopped dribbling a few minutes ago.
"Did you ever notice the sky in Amphibia...?"
"I guess, I was a little more focused on watching my every step. A lot of things trying to hurt me and all that."
"Why do you ask?"
"When I couldn't sleep, I'd watch the sky. I'd stay up for hours only passing out after suddenly being hit by the safety of the sun. Because of those nights, I saw more sunrises than sunsets. Can I...?"
She gestured to the ball in Anne's hand and swapped it for the bag. He started to fidget with it, passing it between her hands before continuing.
"... The night before we... before the tower fell... I sat on the roof to watch the sun set for a change..."
She bounced the ball, keeping his eyes low.
"I wish you could have seen it. It was the prettiest thing I've ever seen."
"... It sounds nice."
"It was."
Anne reached into the bag and pulled out a Gatorade. She cracked the lid off and offered it to Ev.
"No thanks."
She drank her share and put it back in the bag. The sun hadn't set yet but they made their way back to Anne's. She unlocked the door and pulled her S.O. in and up to her room.
"C'mon." She pulled him through her window. "I know it's not Amphibia, but the nostalgia might be there."
Everett stared with starry eyes at the sky, watching as the sun disappeared behind the horizon.
"...It's nice."
His eyes slowly diverted to her own hands then Anne's. Anne offered him the Gatorade and he finished it off. She tilted her head back to stare at the night sky, placing his hand between them hoping she'll notice. She did. She placed her hand over his and watch the sky move in slow motion.
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icedthoma · 4 years
Pspsspspspss you wanna write me a scenario / headcanons for The Boys (Shinsou and Todoroki lol) where he finds his s.o’s phone lock screen / wallpaper is a picture of him that he didn’t even realize was taken ?? 💜🔥❄️🤩
Pspspspsp I’d loVE TO. Also first time writing for Shinsou ahH 
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How this dude manages to look like a perfect model in every picture taken of him you have no idea. 
Teach me your secrets please I beg you
In an attempt to catch him off guard while the two of you were on a date, you pretended to take a selfie while really switching the camera on him from where he was seated in front of you. 
And that was how you ended up with the prettiest picture of Todoroki Shouto to ever bless your eyes. 
He was smiling warmly at you, his hair and skin graciously highlighted by the bright sunlight. One of his hands was rested on the side of his cheek  as he leaned his elbow on the table, head slightly tilted. In his other hand he held his cup of boba tea, which he was lazily sipping out of as he watched you take what he thought was a picture of yourself. 
You were in shock. 
How??? Does someone?? Look that gorgeous without even trying?????
You instantly made that your new lockscreen. 
Throughout the rest of your date, you couldn’t help but sneak peeks at your phone every so often, staring at the beautiful moment you had captured Todoroki in the middle of without him even knowing. 
“Do you have somewhere else you need to be?”
You snapped your head up from where you were mooning over your phone wallpaper and stared guiltily at were Shouto was sitting, sliding your phone under the table. “Huh?”
Judging from the way his eyes narrowed at your small gesture, your phone hiding had not gone unnoticed. “You just seem to be looking at your phone a lot. Something wrong?” 
Now, to the outside spectator, that would have just sounded like a normal question devoid of any other emotions. But you knew Shouto well enough to recognize that clipped tone at the end of his sentences that indicated he was starting to get frustrated with your lack of attention onto him--well-- the him right in front of you. Not on your phone. 
...oh. You were such an idiot. 
You hastily made to explain, rushing over yourself to quell his doubts. 
“Can I see?” he said once you had finished talking. 
Nodding, you handed your phone over and he examined your lock screen with a small grin. He turned your phone off and made to give it to you, but once you reached for it he put it on the table and held your hand with both of his instead. 
Without breaking eye contact, he brushed his lips along the skin of your knuckles, his kisses as light as a feather. “I appreciate the picture,” Shouto said, letting go of your hand and handing you your phone for real this time, a growing smirk spreading across his face. “But I’d rather you look at the real version, hmm?” 
Nap dates.
That’s it, that’s the fic
You know he’s a night owl, and these are just a nice way to spend time together while recharging!
It’s always nice cuddling up against each other, his breathing gradually beginning to deepen and lulling you to sleep
One lazy afternoon you woke up first, and while you were kind of disappointed your dream has been interrupted, it only paled in comparison to what was right in front of you.
Light was filtering in through your window, falling over a portion of Shinsou’s face just right, giving his face the illusion that it was glowing from within.
His mouth was curved up into a small smile as he continued to sleep on, oblivious to your staring. 
Honestly he reminded you of a cat napping under a spot of sunlight. 
Not wanting to let this moment go to waste, you felt around behind you for your phone that had been hastily discarded hours earlier as carefully as you could to avoid waking him up. 
Finally finding it, you quickly snapped a picture of his peaceful face that seemed ethereal in the soft lighting. 
You were definitely making that your wallpaper. 
Days later, you were grabbing some snacks from the kitchen, Shinsou stretched out along the couch in the common room when you heard your phone go off from where it was charging by the dorm’s TV. 
“Hey, can you check my phone for me? I think I just got a text.”
“Yeah, sure.” 
You came back, arms full with food, to see Shinsou staring at your phone. 
“Something wrong?” you asked, though you had a sneaking suspicion as to what he had to be looking at. 
“What is this?” He turned your phone around to reveal--you guessed it--your lockscreen of him asleep. 
“My new lockscreen. Isn’t it adorable?” 
“When was this even taken?” 
“On our nap date a couple days ago,” you said, pulling him down to sit beside you on the couch. “You looked so pretty, I just had to capture the moment.”
That was not the reaction you were expecting. After some prodding, he revealed his own lockscreen to be a picture of you asleep as well. 
“I woke up before you that day, but fell asleep again. Look at you. So cute.”
“My hair is a tangled mess and I think I’m drooling--deleTE THIS PLEASE--”
“If you change your lockscreen I’ll change mine.”
Sacrifices must be made for the greater good (aka your precious lockscreen pic of Shinsou), and you’re not about to change your wallpaper anytime soon. 
“...I guess you can keep it, then.”
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konstantya · 5 years
Year In Writing Review 2019
Oh, hey, I actually wrote enough this past year to warrant filling one of these out again!  😂  (Some of them were already answered in the recent End of the Year Asks, so please pardon any redundancy.)
Note:  This can also be found on my DW.
List of fics:
’Cause You’re a Criminal (As Long As You’re Mine)  (Star Trek: TNG; 3,947 words) Satisfaction Brought Him Back  (Star Trek: TNG; 510 words) To Sleep, Perchance  (Star Trek: TNG; 851 words) Anything You Can Do...  (Star Trek: TNG; 1,375 words) Consider This the Slip  (Star Trek: TNG; 2,205 words) Ligaments  (Star Trek: TNG; 1,540 words) The Devil Is a Gentleman  (Hetalia; 1,530 words) Don’t You Mess Around With Me  (The Tick (2017); 1,486 words)
Total fic wordcount for 2019:  Somewhere around 16,000?  And amazingly, most of that actually ended up getting published, and not stuck in WIPs.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? Way more than I expected, considering my track record for 2017 and 2018.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2019? The Tick, for sure.  I was aware of it, but only ever caught bits and pieces of the cartoon back in the day (and I can’t say it ever did much for me at the time).  I wouldn’t have even gotten into the new series if it wasn’t for my S.O. wanting to check it out, and I sure as hell didn’t expect it to grab me enough to want to write fic about it.  But in this era of superhero (over?)saturation (and especially the darker, more serious takes on them), it was just the kind of optimistic absurdity I needed.
Did you take any writing risks this year?  (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.)  What did you learn from them? I wrote more sex than I usually do, and I guess learned that smut maybe isn’t as daunting as I once thought?  I mean, as with just about anything, the more you do it, the better and more comfortable you get with it, and that’s not to say my writing is going to shift and suddenly become all about sex from here on out…but I could see it working its way into my fics a bit more in the future.  It would have to suit the characters, obviously, but for those characters who are highly sexual, or whose relationships heavily revolve around sex (*cough*Lore/Ishara*cough*), it…idk, can be a legitimately interesting and unique way to explore certain characters/dynamics, I guess.
Do you have any fanfic or pro-fic goals for the New Year? My writing goals have progressively decreased as I’ve gotten older (I just don’t have much time to write anymore), but I would like to finish up at least one of the two Tick WIPs I have, along with a Lore/Ishara WIP (which is kind of a sequel of sorts to this fic).  In addition to those, I’d love to get back to my old, historical AusHun WIP, Forward and Reverse, along with my YA historical romance rewrite, Catherine and the Pirate (The Reformed Criminal Remix).
From my past year of writing, what was…
My Favorite Story:  Hmm, in truth, I like them all for different reasons.  But if pressed, I might make it a three-way tie between ’Cause You’re a Criminal (As Long As You’re Mine) (because even though I’m not usually one for smut, I’m still pretty proud of the smut there? particularly how the character psychology and dynamics play into it shit is dark, yo), The Devil Is a Gentleman (because it was wonderful to get back to my fave Hetalia pairing, a nice change of pace to write in present tense again, plus I’m an absolute sucker for Greek mythology, and especially Hades/Persephone parallels, pfft), and Don’t You Mess Around With Me (because the whole thing was a hilarious joy to write, and Overkill is my new tragic, trash prince superhero).
My Best Story:  Maybe The Devil Is a Gentleman?  I really like the way it came together, what with the mythology parallels and the characterizations.  But ’Cause You’re a Criminal... would be a close second (if not actually a tie).
Most Popular Story:  If we’re talking fics written in 2019, then probably ’Cause You’re a Criminal... (the dark, dubious smut brings all the readers to the yard, pfft), but I feel it’s worth noting that Silver and Exact, my old Hans/Elsa Frozen fic from 2015, probably saw the most attention overall, due to Frozen 2 kicking up interest in the fandom.
Story Most Underappreciated by the Universe:  Considering I write for tiny fandoms and/or rarepairs, idk, all of them?  XP  Probably Don’t You Mess Around With Me, though.  The fandom was small to begin with (and not likely to grow, since the show got axed after only two seasons...), plus I published it at the end of December, so it didn’t have much of a chance to be appreciated before doing this survey.
Most Fun:  Any of the Star Trek prompt fics I wrote (so Satisfaction Brought Him Back, To Sleep, Perchance, and Anything You Can Do...), or else Don’t You Mess Around...  (I’m tempted to lean toward Don’t You Mess Around..., but that might just be because it still has that new fic smell to it, heh.  In truth, all the above were a blast to write.)
Most Surprising:  A few, to be honest.  Consider This the Slip was surprising, because I’d never written Lore/Ishara from Lore’s perspective (with the exception of the then-very-recent prompt fics, which were distinctly on the humorous side).  But it kind of just came out of nowhere and demanded to be written.  A similar thing happened with The Devil Is a Gentleman--I’d made the Hades/Persephone connection with AusHun before (mostly due to character types), but it wasn’t until I saw a gifset drawing parallels between Austria and Hades that it really crystallized.  And then all of a sudden it was like, “MUST.  WRITE.  NOW.”  And lastly, Don’t You Mess Around With Me was surprising, because, well, series/fandom I wasn’t even aware of for most of the year, but also I was not expecting to fall for Overkill/Dot as hard as I did.  But then episode 1x10 hit where he grabbed her wrist, and suddenly the UST was apparently too much for me to handle, pfft.
Most Disappointing:  None of the ones I actually published, but a couple of my WIPs for sure.  I had hoped to finish a couple more chapters of my Catherine and the Pirate rewrite, and would have liked to at least make some significant progress on Forward and Reverse, if not actually get around to posting the first part.
Sexiest:  Probably ’Cause You’re a Criminal..., but if you don’t like dubious consent with your smut, then Consider This the Slip or Anything You Can Do...  All three of them are pretty sexy!
Sexiest Single Moment:  I’m gonna say the bit from ’Cause You’re a Criminal... where Lore’s like, “Yo, were you friends-with-benefits with my brother?”  (It’s sexier in context, I promise.)
Hardest to Write:  Probably ’Cause You’re a Criminal...  I’d had the idea since, like, idk, 2015?  But it was extremely slow-going, in part because the tone and the focus kept shifting as I wrote it.  It started off as just a smut fic, maybe with a hint of uniform fetish?--which was bad enough, because smut is not exactly my forte.  But then as I wrote more of it, it became more about character and relationship drama, which had a side-effect of turning the smut really dark, and then I had to figure out an actual premise for the fic, and ughhh.  For a long time, I didn’t even know if I’d ever finish it, and it’s honestly something of a miracle that it came together as well as it did in the end.
Easiest to Write:  The prompt fics (Satisfaction..., To Sleep..., and Anything You Can Do...) were pretty easy, but The Devil Is a Gentleman also came together surprisingly quickly.  Like, it literally took me only 2-3 days from basic idea to polished fic, which is insanely fast for me.
“Holy crap, that’s wrong even for you” Fic:  ’Cause You’re a Criminal..., without a doubt, pfft.  Not only way more explicit than I usually get when it comes to sex, but also sooo dubious on the consent front.
Fic That Shifted My Own Perceptions of the Characters:  Consider This the Slip and Ligaments, for sure.  Up until then, I wasn’t even sure the Lore/Ishara relationship could develop beyond sex, but then Consider... comes along, and there Lore is wondering if he maybe loves her, and then Ligaments after that, where they’re being all weirdly domestic, and he actively goes out of his way to help her (even if he’s kind of a dick about it and still doing it for semi-selfish reasons), and...idk.  It got me thinking that maybe they have a real chance at something actually resembling a functional romance down (way down) the line.
Most Unintentionally Telling:  Hmm, in a weird way, maybe Ligaments? 
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maousami · 5 years
73 Questions Challenge Inspired by Vogue
So I just finished reading Vogue’s 73 Questions with Kim K and my delusional ass wants to do this shit too.
I got this from   Nataliia Totka ’s blog and said sure why tf not lols
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here we go
1. What are you most excited about these days?
I guess spending time together with my favorite human in the world 
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2. What’s your favorite holiday?
3. Favorite season?
The Philippines doesn’t really have that many seasons (rainy and summer only lols) so maybe the Rainy Season?
4. Where does one go on a perfect road trip?
ANYWHERE WITH A BEACH <3 I fucking love beaches
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5. What is the best activity when home on a rainy day?
Sleeping or Cuddling <3 sharing a movie with my S.O. <3
6. If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
maybe my teacher Sir Steve. finally get him the girl he’s been crushing on since he was still studying architecture.
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 7. What is the best thing that happened this year?
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8. What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Finish my thesis. lols <3 I am fucking done ahahhaha
9. What’s your favorite exercise?
10. Best way to decompress?
Painting and just spending the day with my big doofus of a boyfriend.
11. What’s your favorite country to visit?
KOREA. 10/10. might change when I finally get to visit Japan though!
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12. Last country you visited?
Korea hahahaha
13. Country you wish to visit?
JAPAN OFC. Also Israel ^^
14. What’s your favorite ice-cream?
15. What makes you smile the most?
Being praised for something I don’t notice in myself
16. What’s the coolest thing in the world?
hmm... Vivid cosmic dreams.
 17. What is the cutest thing in the world?
FOXES def foxes.
18. How do you know if you’re in love?
I guess it differs by person to person. Me personally, I know when I constantly have this need to spoil that person and help them in anyway I can through heart to heart talks or maybe a school project. I don’t usually go out of my way for happy crushes but you know shit’s serious when I’ve tried to replace them with another one, only to fail and drag my ass back to them. I am such a hoe hahahha
19. If you could go to any concert past or present, what would it be?
I have been dreaming of attending a Hatsune Miku concert ever since I was a first year in highschool. I need to go to one before I die.
20. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
I’m not the kind of person who’s the type to recieve. I’m more of a gift-giver so maybe the gift of people I guess?
21. Favorite fashion trend of all time?
The lazy Japanese unisex type. or maybe the tumblr girl who wears yellow dresses trend?
22. What’s your favorite movie of all time?
This is fucking hard. Clueless
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23. What was the movie that made you cry?
24. If you could make a documentary, what would it be about?
The mysterious life of Mao Usami
25. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
Being able to manipulate people under my will
26. What is the skill still unmastered?
Architectural manual drawing
27. What is the best thing that happened to you today?
Being able to wake up to this
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28. Do you like surprises?
Yes uwu it makes me feel special hehe
29. If you could do a flash mob where would it be?
At SM department store hahahahhah might be funny
30. Do you like cupcakes?
sometimes ^^ muffins tho? mmmmm
31. Do you usually bake cupcakes?
I used to bake ALOT back in highschool. I was the kween of baked goods.
32. What’s your favorite desert?
Any Icecream cake. <3 would kill for a slice rn
33. Is there a desert you don’t like?
Anything with Peanut butter and Caramel. ew
34. What’s your favorite bakery?
Sofia’s atm
35. What’s your favorite food?
Anything pasta and OFC CHORIZO AAAAA <3
36. It’s brunch, what do you eat?
Pancakes, maybe a banana or maybe Tapa with warm white rice. mmmmm~
37. You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
CHOfuckingRIZO cant stress this enough
38. Favorite color?
YELLOW and baby pink<3
39. Favorite superhero?
not really a superhero but, Deadpool hahahhaha
40. What do you usually order in Starbucks? (or in your favorite café)
A Venti Iced Mocha without the whipped cream. also an Expresso Frappuchino is nice on a fucking hot day too. Iced Hazelnut Vanilla from Little Farmers is my go-to everyday coffee shot
41. Who is the last person you texted?
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42. What’s your favorite activity to do in your hometown?
Having a great run around the neighborhood. Funruns are fun
43. What’s the next book you plan on reading?
I don’t have a new book in mind. maybe another YA novel?
44. What do you love in your pizza?
45. Favorite drink?
Iced Hazelnut Vanilla by Little Farmers Coffee Brim
46. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Milk Chocolate ^^
47. What’s your favorite band?
kind of Mainstream but IV of Spades <3
48. Favorite solo artist?
49. Favorite lyrics?
Talk to me - Cavetown
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50. If your life was a song what would the title be?
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51. If you could master one instrument what would it be?
The Piano. real basic but I get really emotional with a few piano pieces. I’d like to play one of them someday
52. If you had a tattoo where would it be?
On my left forearm ^^
53. To be or not to be?
To be. hahahaahah
54. Dolphins or koalas?
Dolphins. definitely
55. How do you like your coffee?
White and Creamy  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
56. What’s your favorite curse word?
57. What color of dress did you wear to prom?
My school didn’t have a prom, but I did get to attend one with my cousin’s friend. It was pink ^^
58. Diamonds or pearls?
Pearls. they look classy and very Filipino
59. Cheap shampoo or expensive?
Expensive. I have frizzy thick hair. I don’t get too cheap with shampoo.
60. Blow dry or air dry?
Blow dry. hahahha blow
61. Heels or flats?
Heels. I look sexier ;)
62. Pilates or yoga?
Pilates every time baby
63. Jogging or swimming?
64. One thing you can’t live without?
My sunglasses. 
65. What’s one cause that’s dear to your heart?
helping street animals
66. Who would you want to shoot a love scene with?
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67. What’s your favorite sport?
I don’t do any sports but I usually love watching Figure Skating competitions and will def force my child into the sport. im sorry future kid!
68. Do you have a morning beauty ritual?
69. What’s your favorite thing to wear?
I have this short mini dress I love to wear in bed <3 so comfyyy
70. What’s the priciest thing you’ve ever splurged on?
71. Do you play any musical instruments?
lol nope
72. What is your favorite book of all time?
Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah. Reread it a million times.
73. What is something you always travel with?
My Year Planner. ^^
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amortentiaparker · 3 years
just finished reading chapter 7 of red and blue. and. bestie. you. have. set. an. unrealistic. standard. of. a. relationship.
and i already have astronomically high standards of them because of my hopeless romantic ass and all the fics and books i've read.
when i say you have made my day a billion times better, i ain't exaggerating.
idk if its weird, but also the vibe of this chapter. i always love fics when authors describe like the weather and stuff. that really sets up the image in my head, and especially if its raining or if its fall or if its snowing, the scene becomes ten times better. and you did such an amazing job of describing the whole fall and halloween vibe which i absolutely adore, making it my favorite chapter.
har*y can go fuck himself pls. like who tf do he think he is?? bitch?? wtf?? if i could, i would like to unalive har*y with a sharp object. but alas if it werent for him peter and yn would have never met :( so ig thank you for that. but you seriously deserve to rot in hell.
the movie night with ned, what i thought would be awkward because most dates with friends are awkward, but you somehow managed to make this wonderful :,)
plus i love how yn actually cares about her academics, most fics choose to ignore the academic aspect of hs and just focus on making the love interests kiss. but this really gave a whole depth to yn and where her priorities lie, she ain't missing decathlon for the world, it made her more relatable, also its nice to see a popular yn whos pretty fucking smart for once in fanfics.
thank you so so so so so so much!! for making my day so much better, i could not have gone through it without reading your miraculous piece of work. thank you <3333333333333
NO BECAUSE SAME?? BOOKS AND FICS ARE THE REASON WHY IM A HOPELESS ROMANTIC (and why i end up writing about it lmao 😭) and guess what, YOU have made my day a million times better!!
+ thank you and i hope i did describing autumn/fall justice because i keep saying it's my fave season even though i literally live in a tropical country HAHAHA
as for mr osborn, hmm get ready because we're going to see more of him (past or present tense who knows..)
plus decathlon is mentioned way too many times that it's practically a character now we should stan AND THAT SCARF IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE ABOUT 🧣
again, thank you so much for reading my love 🥺🥺
read red (and blue) here
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zens-ponytail · 7 years
Ri - loves stuffed animals - always keeps a writing utensil around - the type to jump around excitedly - is the SHORT hyper lil blob of ??? running around you - hates sudden touch - goes from fun to deep convos - insomniac - loves being spoiled - will argue to prove you wrong - likes making S.O jealous - nEEDS ICED CAPPS FROM TIM HORTON'S TO LIVE - likes hugs and piggyback rides - will suddenly break into a sprint to take a picture of the sky - brown hair/eyes - confident - ♡ ty for ur time c;
Nice to meet you Ri!!!!! today you’re match-up is *drum roll*
Yes, I matched you with both of them. NOT TOGETHER THOUGH, i just couldn’t decide between the two. I say Seven because I KNOW the two of you would just stay up all night making jokes and talking about life. Plus he can be just as hyper as you and will 100% spoil you. Saeran… well…. YOU GUYS ARE THE EXACT OPPOSITE AND I think the two of you together would be sooo cute & funny. You’re the little spark in his life that he needs && he keeps you grounded.
Seven watched as you sprinted up the hill with your phone in hand
He stopped and put his hands on his knees
Damn, I’m out of shape.
When he finally reached the top, his heart skipped a beat actually more like 1000 beats
As you were taking a picture of the sky, the light from the now very orange sun reflected off your hair
you looked like an angel
Seven whipped out his phone and took a picture he made the picture his lock screen AND printed it out and framed it 
You turned around and smiled at him
“Okay, I have a good picture, we can go now!”
He nodded and turned around
“You wanna piggy back ride down the hill?”
Instead of answers, you just ran and jumped on his back
Saeran leaned up against the wall and watched you laughed at another one of Seven’s jokes
The twin scoffed, he’s not even that funny
You glanced over at him and smirked
plan “make saeran jealous” was now in action
“You’re so great, Seven!”
You placed a hand on his arm and smiled sweetly at him
Seven blushed and chuckled
“Thanks, I guess I am prettyyyyy cool.”
A very loud sigh escaped your boyfriend’s mouth
You bit your lip to keep from smiling
“Anyways, keep telling me some more jokes!!”
Seven smiled 
“Okay, let me go get my joke book!!”
He dashed out of the room
Of course he has a joke book.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Saeran pushed himself off the wall and walked toward you
“Hmm? I have no idea what you’re talking about??”
Saeran rolled his eyes and continued to walk toward you
He leaned down, his face inches from yours
“Don’t forget which twin you belong to.”
Within seconds his lips came crashing down on yours
“Okay, I found my-”
Seven stopped when he saw the two of you making out
“-Nevermindddd, I’ll just go tell them to Yoosung.”
plan make saeran jealous: success 
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badass-sunshine · 5 years
alright lads
It’s the lowkey yearning part of the night
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victoriasugden1 · 8 years
Wow, you've just trivialized decades that gay people have been fighting to have the same rights as straight people. It's not like gay people have been denied from visiting their s.o. in hospitals or have custody of their children if something were to happen to one of them since omg they're not legally husbands/wives, but yea, it's definitely about the tax break. Some people are so dense.
Okay, first of all, hello there anon, there really is no need to use that tone with me, can’t we all agree to respect each other’s opinions, because I certainly respect yours. 
Let’s get into your ask, bit by bit, shall we? Since I’m dense I’ll take it nice and slow, for the other dense people like me. hmm.
“Wow, you’ve just trivialised decades that gay people have been fighting to have the same rights as straight people.” 
As part of the LGBTQ+ community, which I am by the way as a proud bisexual, I don’t feel my opinion ‘trivializsed’ the situation at all, but fair enough. You are right, people have fought for decades for the right to have the same rights as straight people, I’m not going to deny that. But Emmerdale not having the wedding be legal is not the end of the world and I don’t see why people can’t enjoy it for what it is. Robert making the commitment to Aaron, before the latter goes off to prison for 12 months (he won’t serve the full amount but still.) It not being legal doesn’t make it any less important and quite frankly, doesn’t make the promise Robert and Aaron are making to each other any less real.
“It’s not like gay people have been denied from visiting their s.o. in hospitals or have custody of their children if something were to happen to one of them since omg they’re not legally husbands/wives” 
Let’s talk about visitation rights in the United Kingdom because that is where Aaron and Robert are, so that’s the law I’m going to talk about. It may be different in America nonnie, but frankly, Emmerdale is written from a British perspective, based (most of the time) on British law. So anyway, while their marriage may not be legal, if Aaron names Robert his Next Of Kin there isn’t a problem. An individual’s Next of Kin doesn’t have to be related to the person by blood, or legally, all you have to do is fill out a from here and bam Robert is Aaron’s, and vice verse, get’s rid of this whole issue. And yes, that involves a little bit of planning ahead, but in reality, a lot of couples do think of these things ahead of time. 
Okay so at this point Aaron and Robert have no children, so I’m sure your thinking of Liv. And I’m sorry if people are getting upset that they’re not legally married because that means Robert wouldn’t automatically be Liv’s guardian. I’m honestly not that bothered. When/if Robert and Aaron, do have kids, whether they adopted, use a surrogate I don’t flipping know, both of their names will either be on the birth certificate, or both of them will be the child’s guardians. The only way custody would be a problem, is if the kid was only one of there, like for example, a kid of Roberts magically appeared and then Robert died, and Aaron had no legal right to the kid that being if Robert didn’t put in his Will he wanted Aaron to look after the kid. Hey, there are things called Wills. 
“it’s definitely about the tax break. Some people are so dense.”
I know people who aren’t married, who’ve lived their whole lives together, have kids and are madly in love, so fuck marriage. It never did anything for my parents accept make them miserable and cost a fortune when it was over. So who the fuck cares? You’ve found the person you love, your happy, if you want a legal marriage, great, if you don’t, then that’s great too!
All I was saying was that a paper doesn’t define how much you love someone, and yeah you do get a tax break btw. I just want everyone to enjoy the wedding without picking it apart and finding flaws in everything. It’s a fucking soap for god’s sake. And you know what, I may be coming at it from a European perspective, it may be different in the states, hell I know it is. And I know for a fact over in the states same-sex couples have been denied visitation rights, but guess what I’m not in America and neither is Emmerdale. 
I’ve gone through NexisLexis, to access New’s Paper archives to see if it’s happened UK, and I found nothing and yes, maybe I should have spent longer than an hour going through the archives, but it’s fucking lunch time people and I’m hungry. And it’s telling that I found over 100 articles in the US and pretty much nothing in the UK.
Also, you might want to look up LGBT rights in the European Union, which are very different to the US. And the UK is still covered by EU Law, up to 2 years after Article 50 is triggered which it hasn’t been yet.
Plus all this drama is mute because I bet is they make it legal on Thursday.
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mounteenbase · 8 years
Vernon - Bowling night with a touch of love
Request: can i request a scenario where vernon x s.o have a love-hate relationship and one day their group of friends (17) has to do something idk so they left them alone and that leads to them confessing and making out? Note: I guess you don’t mean S.O. then because they’re not together yet lmao my smartass again ENJOY BECAUSE I REALLY ENJOYED MAKING IT ((I didn’t proofread it yet sorry))
You hated his confidence and how he was so loved by everyone. You were friends with Seventeen and you were very close with some of them but you and Vernon always seemed to get into arguments over the most stupid stuff. When you wanted to see a movie, he would rather eat his shoe than go to that movie.
You just didn’t seem to understand him, you hated the side when he talked to you and also the side of him on stage. He could just act so cocky like he was the best rapper on stage. But then again you knew he also had an adorable side. As a close friend of Seventeen you of course watched all their interviews and you had to admit he did have a nice side. Or stories  the others told about him.
It just seemed he really disliked you, with the occasional exception. Like when you’d forgotten your wallet and he payed for your ice cream. Or when he was in a good mood he joked with you about the others. He even got you a birthday present. You cherished those moments because it was nice to know he didn’t totally hate you.
You were chilling in a sofa in their practice room because they’d promised to go to a bowling alley with you. The song ended but you knew they’d do it just one more time because Vernon jumped too early. So of course to annoy him you said “Yah Hansol-ah looks like you really don’t wanna go!” 
“Don’t call me Hansol-ah Y/n, let’s just do it again.” he snarled. it seemed he was definitely not in a good mood. But I mean it was worth a try. You saw them do the song again but this time he made a mistake at another time. You decided to be quiet now because you saw that the rest was getting a little annoyed as well. “I’m sorry I’ll get it this time.” S.Coups as leader answered him. “Also the next times I hope, just relax. You know this. You’ve done it a thousand times before. Again.” And the all too familiar song started playing again.
You started to feel sorry for him, what could be on his mind? Did he really hate going bowling with you that much? Nah that can’t be it. This time he finally got it right, thank god. It’s not like you could ever get tired of watching them dance but you really wanted to go bowl. And maybe you were glad Vernon finally got it right so he wouldn’t feel bad about himself. Maybe.
So finally after this you could go bowling. While you were all walking to the place, because I mean how else would you get there with a group of 14 people? So while you were walking it happened you were walking next to Vernon at the end of the ‘herd’ of Seventeen members. You noticed he still seemed annoyed. You knew the feeling so teasing him would make it even worse. “You’re not still annoyed about your mistake right? I mean everyone has those days. You’ll do just fine when you have a stage.”
He looked almost surprised by your kindness. “I don’t need your pity Y/n… but thanks. I guess there’s just been a lot on my mind lately.” You sensed the tension between you two, but for some reason it excited you. “Sorry I just don’t like the annoyed Hansol.” He laughed a little. “Didn’t I tell you to stop calling me Hansol? It’s weird when you do it.” He said, the last sentence a little quieter. “I’m sorry MC Vernon it is then.” you joked. “Damn right. I like that one… MC Vernon.” 
“Can I ask you though, what’s been bothering you?” You asked trying to keep the conversation going. “Ah well… let’s say I’m not good with words and stress so I fuck up with certain people pretty often.” “Hmm.” You were wondering if this was about you or maybe someone else but decided not to question it because the subject seemed to make it awkward. It certainly didn’t help that you accidentally bumped your hand against his like 2 times. “You want my mittens? your hands are kinda cold.” 
WELL THIS IS AWKWARD was what went through your mind “Yeah actually it’s hella cold.” he laughed at how easily you accepted them. “Normal people first say like ‘Nonooo it’s not that cold and don’t you need them?’,” he said in a ridiculous voice. “And then the other has to insist on it for you to accept them.” You looked at him while taking his mittens “Well yeah my hands are really cold, do you expect me to suffer? I’m sorry it didn’t go as in your planned conversation” you teased. “Always ruining my fantasies Y/n”
You looked at him with raised eyebrows. “You fantasise about me, Vernon?” “He sure does especially at night huhehe” Jun interrupted. He slowed down so he got in the middle of you two and put his arms around you two. “My two illegitimate kids finally getting along!” He said while squeezing you closer. 
“I do NOT.” he persisted, getting out of his death grip in the process. “Hmmmm sure I’ll leave the lovebirds alone.” he winked to Vernon after leaving. “Jun… He really does live to embarrass others doesn’t he?” Luckily the awkwardness quickly stopped as you arrived at the bowling alley.
You’d reserved a few lanes because being all in one lane would take way too long. The rest had been there for a while because apparently you, Vernon, Jun and Joshua had been stepping very slowly. So everyone already had their shoes. Joshua and Jun quickly got theirs while you went ask to get the lanes activated. For some reason Vernon had followed you so you suggested to get your shoes changed. 
It was a small room filled with those shiny bowling shoes which you entered. You quickly recognised everyone’s shoes. “Urg I guess coming with a big group on a busy night  has its disadvantages… I can’t find my size.” Vernon complained. You sat down on the small sofa in the room. “Then just get a bigger size, bigger is always better.” 
“Ah here are your mittens back by the way, thanks.” you shyly said. “No problem… You know Y/n when I was talking about ‘certain people’ that I fuck up with a lot. I mostly meant you.” 
“No shit.” “Ah sorry about all the times I got so annoyed or annoyed you on purpose. It’s just I kind of get nervous around you.” Now he definitely got your attention. 
“You know I always liked the days were you were nice to me, like today walking here.” he looked you in the eyes and put his hand on yours. “I… I’ve… arg this is so hard!” Y/n I like you and if I fuck up whatever we had as friendship- I’m sorry can we just act like this never happened?” He was visibly frustrated. “Vernon listen to me. I like you, especially if you keep acting as nice as before or like, at the ice cream shop. Remember?”
“Heh I actually took your wallet and put it on the counter so I could pay for you.” You laughed and hit his shoulder. “You did not! Omg you’re so cheesy! But that’s so cute to be honest.” 
“So… it’s mutual? Our feeling I mean, would you mind if I… kiss you?” you took his question as an invitation and made the first move. The kissing quickly changed into making out. He pulled you on his lap which surprised you, he noticed and smirked.
“If you’re gonna let us keep waiting we’ll start withou- NEVERMIND” Dino walked in but quickly got out again. You immediately got off his lap and your heart was beating even harder than before. You’d been caught… In the distance you heard “We asked you to get them Chan where are they?” “Uhm… busy…?” Dino murmered. “What? With what where they busy?” “Well… each other.” “WHAT?” “TOLD YOU GUYS” The last one had to be Jun.
You guys had quickly put on some shoes and rushed out of there to stop Dino from spilling the beans but both of you were too late. Both with noticeable blush on your cheeks 
The teasing that night was at a maximum but at least you could sit on his lap while waiting for your turn…
 “Call me Hansol again from now on, it’s even weirder when you say Vernon.” he said while leaning his head on your shoulder.
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nanalikessurveys · 5 years
What do you believe happens to us after death? I’d rather not think about it, it’s scary
Have you ever cheated on someone? No
What are your plans for this weekend? Nothing yet atleast
Does the thought of growing old frighten you? YES.
What is the best movie you’ve ever seen? I’ve seen alot of good movies, Misery, Truman Show, Carrie etc.
Have you ever hurt someone for your own entertainment? I wouldn't do that to anyone
What is your favorite song of all time? I like Smart Aleck Kill, it’s catchy
Has anyone you’ve known died on a holiday? No
If you could write a book, what would it be about? I can’t imagine myself writing a book
Do you think most people understand you? I really don’t know
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Not so shy
What are some lyrics that speak to your soul? Hmm i don’t know
Are you in love with anyone at the moment? No
Have you ever been in love with more than one person at the same time? No
What is your favorite time of year? Winter time
What is your ideal first date? Just something simple like going to a coffee shop or movies
What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you? That i’m sweet and caring
Do you have any taboo fetishes or preferences? Nope
What is the thing you are most ashamed of? Just me in general, i don’t know lol
What is the emotion you seem to feel most strongly? Happy but tired
Do you think of yourself as a unique person? Everyone is unique so yes 
What is a movie from childhood that you loved? The Bee Movie
Are you afraid of death? Yes
What are your top three biggest fears, actually? Dying, outer space and failing in life lol
Do you have an accent of any kind? When i speak in english i have a stupid accent but i’m glad i don’t have to speak english that often because of that lol
What do you want to be remembered for? Being nice and caring to people
What is your favorite number? I don’t have one
Do you have a favorite television show? If so, what is it? CSI Miami and Law and Order:svu
Are you currently sad about anything? Not really
What was your first job? I’ve never had a job
And what job do you have now? -
Have you ever changed your spiritual beliefs? No
What is your favorite alcoholic drink? I hate alcoholic drinks tbh they all taste like shit
Do you ever talk to yourself? Yeah especially now that i live alone
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep in your adult life? Yeah kinda
What do you think is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? I’ve told my mom that i hate her even tho that’s far from the truth
How do you celebrate your favorite holiday? With my family
Do you have a favorite book? If so, how many times have you read it? Lolita or Matilda, i’ve read them couple times
Do you have any teachers from the past who inspired you? Not really
Do you prefer sad or happy music? Usually happy
Speaking of which, what is your favorite genre? Pop
What is your best talent? Dancing and gymnastics
Have you ever wished you were from another country? Nah, not seriously
What are you thinking about currently? This
What is the closest red thing to your body? Cat toy
What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable to speak about? Sex
What is your favorite clothing store to shop at? I guess Zara
Do you have anything you are extremely particular about? Nothing comes to my mind
Have you ever seen the ocean? Yes plenty of times
What is your most fond memory of your current S.O, if applicable? -
Do you find yourself confused often? Not often
What is your dream career? Something in criminology but it’s not that realistic tbh
What was the best time of your life? I don’t remember
Have you ever been on a cruise? Yeah couple times
Do you miss any of your exes? Yes
Who would you like to say something to? I don’t know
Are you religious? I am not
Do you think you are attractive? I can be cute but usually i don’t think i’m that attractive
How many people have you slept with? Just one
Do you consider yourself a catch? No
Do you enjoy naps? Not really, i feel weird after them
What kind of sauce do you eat your chicken nuggets with? Garlic mayo
Are you happy? Yeah
What do you think you could do to improve your life?
Work for it i guess?
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